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Transcript of ACCESO A CICLO SUPERIOR.docx

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TO BE (SER Y ESTAR)Afrmativa Negativa InterrogativaI AM I AM NOT AM I?





 YOU’RE YOU AREN’T THEY’RE THEY AREN’T Ya hemos conjga!o e" ver#o TO $E% es im&ortante 'e se&as 'e e" ver#oen s(% es) AM% ARE% IS% "o 'e a&arece a"a i*'ier!a son "os &ronom#res &ersona"es% o &ronom#res sjeto+I ,YO- ./ &ersona sing"ar+ Yo ,T0- 1/ &ersona sing"ar+He ,23- 4/ &ersona masc"ino sing"ar+She ,E33A- 4/ &ersona 5emenino sing"ar+It ,E33O- 4/ &ersona sing"ar+ Se ti"i*a &ara cosas 6 anima"es+We ,NOSOTROS7AS- ./ &ersona &"ra"+

 Yo ,8OSOTROS7AS- 1/ &ersona &"ra"+ The6 ,E33OS7AS- 4/ &ersona &"ra"+9omo 6a te ha#r:s !a!o centa% "a 1/ &ersona !e" sing"ar 6 !e" &"ra" soniga"es% ;c<mo "as !istingir:s? M6 5:ci"%&or e" conte=to% can!o se trate !e" &"ra" ir: acom&a>a!o !e sstantivosen &"ra"+Ej)Yo are a nrse) T eres en5ermera7Yo are nrses) 8osotras soisen5ermerasNo e=isten en ing"@s 5<rm"as !e cortes(a 6 res&eto como e" Uste! 6 Uste!es!e" es&a>o"+ Siem&re ti"i*aremos Yo%como antes te he in!ica!o% &ara sing"ar 6 &"ra"+ESTRU9TURAS

ORA9IONES AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C 8ER$O TO $E C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) I am S&anish+ Yo so6 es&a>o"aEs m6 im&ortante 'e recer!es 'e en ing"@s to!as "as oraciones!e#en ""evar sjeto% na oraci<n sin sjetoes na oraci<n ma" constri!a% "a ra*<n es 'e "os ver#os no se conjgan 6to!as "as &ersonas tienen"a misma 5orma% !e esta manera% a menos 'e co"o'es n sjeto% no sesa#r(a 'ien rea"i*a "a acci<n!e" ver#o+ E" sjeto &e!e ser no !e "os &ronom#res &ersona"es o nnom#re &ro&io+Anna is Eng"ish+ Anna es ing"esa+

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En ing"es no e=isten g@neros% as( se ti"i*a "a misma 5orma &ara e"masc"ino 6 e" 5emenino+ 9om&ara "assigientes 5rases)Deter is rench+ Deter es 5ranc@s 7 Ssan is rench+ Ssan es 5rancesaORA9IONES NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C 8ER$O TO $E C NOT C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) The6 are not teachers+ E""os no son &ro5esores+Michae" is not 9hinese+ Michae" no es chinoORA9IONES INTERROFATI8AS)8ER$O TO $E C SUBETO C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Are 6o Ba&anese? ;Eres ja&on@s?Is Margaret Ferman? ;Margaret es a"emana?Recer!a 'e "os a>os en ing"@s siem&re se &regntan con e" ver#o TO$E% es m6 im&ortante 'e recer!esc<mo &regntar "a e!a!+HOW O3G ARE YOU? I AM . ,;9:ntos a>os tienes? Tengo . a>os-9omo ha#r:s com&ro#a!o% en ing"es e" signo !e interrogaci<n va s<"o a"

fna" !e "a oraci<n% nnca a" &rinci&iocomo sce!e en es&a>o"+ Ya hemos a&ren!i!o a &regntar en ing"@s% "o m:s norma" en este ti&o !e&regntas es hacer na res&esta corta%veamos c<mo hacer"o+Res&esta corta afrmativa)

 Yes% Sjeto,en 5orma !e &ronom#re-C 8er#oEj) Is she Ita"ian? Yes% she is ,;E""a es ita"iana? S(% si "o es-Are Deter an! Dhi"i& Dortgese? Yes% the6 areRes&esta corta negativa)No% Sjeto,&ronom#re- C 8er#o C Not ,5orma contracta-Ej) Are 6o !octors? No% e aren’t

Is Bohn $ritish? No% he isn’tJ


HOW? ;9MO?WHO? ;KUI2N?HOW MU9H ? ;9ULNTO? ,O$BETOS IN9ONTA$3ES-HOW MANY? ;9ULNTO? ,O$BETOS 9ONTA$3ES-WHAT TIME? ;A KU2 HORA?WHOSE? ;GE KUI2N?EJERCICIOSFive 'estions 5or these ansers)No% I am marrie!+She is ten 6ears o"!+Ha"5 &ast seven+

rom Ferman6+It is near the s&ermaret+. PQ4 1J

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We""% than 6o% an! 6o?3o&e*+ TeresaNo% the6 are !entists+Q


 THERE IS7 ARE C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) There is a ne #o6 in m6 c"assroom+ORACIONES NEGATIVAS:


Ej) Is there an em&t6 chair here?

ARTÍCULOSEn ing"es% iga" 'e en es&a>o"% ha6 !os ti&os !e art(c"os)A / AN: Ar"#$ul% in&'"'rina&%: Un/Una /Un%Se ti"i*a can!o es "a &rimera ve* 'e nom#ramos n o#jeto% nicamentese ti"i*a con o#jetos conta#"es en sing"ar%se ti"i*a tanto &ara masc"ino como &ara 5emenino+Ej) I am a gir" ) So6 na ni>a 7 Deter is a #o6) Deter es n ni>oUti"i*amos AN en "gar !e A can!o "a sigiente &a"a#ra em&ie*a &or voca"+Ej) It is an e"e&hant) Es n e"e5anteEs o#"igatorio e" so !e" art(c"o in!etermina!o !e"ante !e "as &ro5esionesen sing"ar+Ej) Bane is a teacher) Bane es &ro5esoraTHE: Ar"#$ul% &'"'rina&%: El /La/ L% /LaSe ti"i*a con o#jetos conta#"es e inconta#"es% can!o 6a hemos ha#"a!oantes !e ese o#jeto o &ersona 6 "osha#"antes 6a sa#emos a 'e no estamos refrien!o+ Se ti"i*a tanto ensing"ar como en &"ra"% masc"ino 6 5emenino+Ej) It is a car+ The car is re!) Es n coche+ E" coche es rojo+

 The #o6s are Scottish) 3os ni>os son escocesesNo ti"i*aremos e" art(c"o can!o nos re5erimos a a"go en &"ra" como

gr&o+Oranges are 5rits+ 3as naranjas son 5rtas+9an!o s<"o e=iste n ejem&"ar !e" o#jeto a" 'e nos re5erimos ti"i*amos e"art(c"o THE+Ej) The sn ,e" so"-% the moon ,"a "na- the earth ,"a tierra- the or"! ,e"mn!o-EJERCICIOSDt A7AN or THE in these sentences here necessar6)Wo"! 6o "ie a&&"e?9an 6o c"ose !oor% &"ease?E=cse me% here is #s station% &"ease?I’ve got &ro#"em+ 9an 6o he"& me?M6 sister has got jo# in #an in ManchesterWe "ive in sma"" at near cit6 centre

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 There is sma"" s&ermaret at en! o5 street I "ive in+Sn is star+P

A*JETIVOS3os a!jetivos en ing"@s% iga" 'e "os art(c"os 6 "os sstantivos no

tienen g@nero+Nnca ""evan &"ra"% e" &"ra" "o ""eva e" sstantivo a" 'e acom&a>an+Deter an! He"en are ha&&6) Deter 6 He"en son 5e"ices+Deter is ha&&6) Deter es 5e"i*+E" a!jetivo siem&re va !e"ante !e" sstantivo+

 The Eng"ish gir" is thin) 3a ni>a ing"esa es !e"ga!a The re! car is ne) E" coche rojo es nevoEJERCICIOSAhora 'e 6a conoces e" ver#o TO $E% "os art(c"os 6 "os a!jetivos% vamos a&racticar "o 'e hemosa&ren!i!o+ Tra!ce "as sigientes 5rases en ing"@s% en afrmativa% negativa e

interrogativa segn e"ejem&"o+ Uti"i*a e" !iccionario &ara "as &a"a#ras 'e no cono*cas+E" chico 5ranc@s es a"to+Afrmativa) The rench #o6 is ta""Negativa) The rench #o6 is not ta""Interrogativa) Is the rench #o6 ta""?3os "i#ros a*"es son viejos+Wi""iam es m@!ico+3as mjeres es&a>o"as son ga&as+3a &ro5esora es !e"ga!a+3a camiseta amari""a es cara+3a mesa gran!e es neva+3a casa est: scia+9om&"eta "os es&acios !e "as sigientes 5rases con "a 5orma correcta !e"ver#o TO $EHe""o gir"s) We"come to the schoo" 3ets intro!ce or teachers)

 This is Bames+ He ++++++++++++the Eng"ish teacher an! he +++++++++++5rom Eng"an!+ This is Rose+ She ++++++++++++ the coo an! she+++++++++++++5rom 3on!on+ This is Bohn an! this is Anne+ The6 ++++++++++st!ents+

 The6 ++++++++++++5rom Scot"an!+ Yo +++++++++goo!st!ents+Fir"s% e+++++++++++rea!6 an! I thin the teachers ++++++++++++rea!6+ 3ets #egin the"essons+

CONJUGACI+N *EL VERBO TO HAVE Y ESTRUCTURASE" segn!o ver#o 'e vamos a a&ren!er es e" ver#o TO HA8E ,TENER-% es% a"iga" 'e TO $E% n ver#oirreg"ar+ 3as estrctras &ara "as oraciones afrmativas% negativas einterrogativas son "as mismas 'e &ara e"ver#o TO $E+ 9onjgar@ en &rimer "gar e" ver#o)TO HAVE (TENER)Afrmativa Negativa Interrogativa


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 YOU HA8E FOT YOU HA8E NOT FOT HA8E YOU FOT? THEY HA8E FOT THEY HA8E NOT FOT HA8E THEY FOT?3a &a"a#ra FOT no a&orta ningn signifca!o a" &ro&io ver#o% se &e!eomitir en "as oraciones afrmativas+Iga" 'e e" ver#o TO $E tam#i@n e" ver#o TO HA8E tiene sscorres&on!ientes 5ormas contractas)Afrmativa NegativaI’8E I HA8EN’T FOT



 THEY’8E THEY HA8EN’T FOT.ESTRU9TURASORA9IONES AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C 8ER$O TO HA8E C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) I have got a #ig hose+ Tengo na casa gran!eORA9IONES NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C HA8E7HAS NOT FOT C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) Yo have not got a !og) T no tienes n &erroORA9IONES INTERROFATI8AS)HA8E7HAS C SUBETO C FOT C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Have 6o got an American 5rien!? ;Tienes n amigo Americano?..EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete the sentences ith TO $E or TO HA8E).+ Where VVVVVVVVVVVVV 6o 5rom?1+ Ro#ert VVVVVVVVVVVVV an a&&"e+4+ Anna VVVVVVVVVVVV tent6 nine 6ears o"!++ The6 VVVVVVVVVVV co"!+J+ He VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a choco"ate ice cream+Q+ There VVVVVVVVVVVVV a #oo on the ta#"e++ A or! VVVVVVVVV a sma"" car #t it VVVVVVVVV 5or !oors+P+ VVVVVVVVVVV there an6 &eo&"e 5rom Ferman6 in the c"ass?

+ Si"via VVVVVVVVVVVV ver6 6ong+.+ ThereVVVVVVVVVVVV some #eer in the 5ri!ge+$- in! the right ansers 5or these 'estions).- Where is the camera? A- 3on!on+1- Is 6or car #"e? $- No% I am not+4- Is 3in!a 5rom 3on!on? 9- Yes% 6o are+- Am I "ate? G- M6 sister+J- Where is Ann 5rom? E- $"acQ- What co"or is 6or #ag? - In 6or #ag+- Are 6o hngr6? F- No% it’s #"ac+P- Ho is Feorge? H- No% she is American+- Who is that oman? I- 8er6 e""+9- Write the 'estions) ,Rea! the ansers frst-,name- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Da"+

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 THIS) ESTE7 ESTA7ESTO) ,Dara re5erirse a o#jetos cercanos a" ha#"ante- THAT) ESE7 ESA7 ESO 7 AKUE37AKUE33A7AKUE33O ,O#jetos 'e est:n "ejos!e "a &ersona 'e ha#"a-PLURAL:

 THESE) ESTOS 7 ESTAS ,O#jetos cercanos- THOSE) ESOS7 ESAS7 AKUE33OS7AKUE33AS ,O#jetos "ejanos-AGBETI8OS Y DRONOM$RESD+ Dersona"es A+ Dosesivos D+ Dosesivos D+ O#jetoI MY MINE ME



 THEY THEIR THEIRS THEMDronom#res &ersona"es) 3os saremos nicamente como sjeto !e "aoraci<n+Ej) I am American #t he is Ita"ian+A!jetivos &osesivos) Se ti"i*an &ara e=&resar &osesi<n% 'i@n es e"&ro&ietario !e "os o#jetos siem&re !e"ante !e nsstantivo7nom#re+Ej) M6 hose is ver6 #ig #t or room is ver6 sma""+Dronom#res &osesivos) Se ti"i*an &ara in!icar 'i@n es e" !e>o !e a"go%sstit6en a" sstantivo7nom#re+ De!en5ncionar como sjeto+Ej) Whose is this car? It’s mine+

Dronom#res o#jeto) ncionan como com&"emento !irecto o in!irecto !e"ver#o !e "a oraci<n+ 9a!a ve* 'e a&are*can &ronom#re en na oraci<n 'e no sea sjeto !e "a 5rase+ Getr:s !e na&re&osici<n siem&re ti"i*amos este ti&o !e&ronom#res+Ej) Gi! 6o see Deter? Yes% I sa him "ast ee #t I !i!n’t ta" to him+.4EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete the sentences ith HIS7 HER7THEIR.+ I sa 3i* ith VVVVVVVVVV hs#an!% Dhi"i&+1+ I sa Ann an! Te! ith VVVVVVVVV chi"!ren+

4+ I sa Te! ith VVVVVVVVV i5e% Ann++ I sa Feorge ith VVVVVVVVVVV #rother% $i""+

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J+ I sa Ann ith VVVVVVVVVVVVV#rother% $i""+Q+ I sa 3i* an! Dhi"i& ith VVVVVVVV son% $i""++ I sa Ann ith VVVVVVVVVVV &arents+P+ I sa Giana an! Ro#ert ith VVVVVVVVV &arents+$- i"" in the #"ans ith the 5o""oing s#ject &ronons an! &ossessivea!jectives) I7YOU7HE7SHE7IT7MY7YOUR7HIS7HER7THEIR7YOUR).+ Are 6o Mar6 3eis? Yes% VVVVVVVVVV am+1+ She is 5rom S&ain+ VVVVVVVV name is 9armen+4+ He is 5rom Ba&an% VVVVVVVVV name is Da" Watana#e++ Are 6o Ita"ian? No% VVVVVVVVV am Free+J+ Is 6or name Bohn? No% VVVVVVVV isn’t+Q+ VVVVVVVV name is A"ice% VVVVVVVVVV am a !entist++ Monica an! VVVVVVVVVV mother are !octors+P+ Dhi"i& is rench #t VVVVVVVVVV i5e is Ferman++ Feorge an! aren are $ritish% VVVVVVVVV !aghter is marrie! to an American+.+ Ann is a &hotogra&her an! VVVVVVVVVV #rother is a teacher+

..+ M6 sister an! VVVVVVVVV are American #t VVVVVVVVV &arents are Free+.1+ Henr6’s mother is a sho& assistant% VVVVVVVVVV name is 3c6+

.4+ A"ice an! $i"" are !octors an! VVVVVVVVVV son is a st!ent+

.+ This is VVVVVVVVVV #rother Bohn an! this is VVVVVVVVVVV room+9- i"" in the ga&s+ Use the &ersona" &ronons an! &ossessive a!jectives+Me"in!a is an Eng"ish gir"+ VVVVVVVVVVVV "ives in a #eati5" hose on the otsirtso5 Rea!ing+ VVVVVVVV a #it 5ar 5rom theschoo"+ VVVVVVVV mother taes her there #6 car ever6 morning #ecase VVVVVVVVors in a hos&ita" near#6+ In thea5ternoon% a5ter schoo"% Me"in!a goes #ac home #6 #s+VVVVVVV c"assmates BeXre6 an! Gavi! go #ac ith her+ VVVVVVV are VVVVVVVVneigh#ors+

.G- 9hoose the right or!).+ It’s their7theirs &ro#"em% not or7 ors+1+ This is a nice camera+ Is it 6or76ors?4+ That’s not m67mine m#re""a+ M67Mine is #"ac++ Whose #oos are these? Yor 7Yors or m67mine?J+ 9atherine is going ot ith her7 hers 5rien!s this evening+Q+ M67mine room is #igger than her7hers+ The6 have got to chi"!ren #t I !on’t no their7theirs namesP+ 9an e se 6or ashing machine? Or7Ors is #roen.J

GENITIVO SAJONOtra 5orma !e e=&resar &osesi<n en ing"@s es e" genitivo saj<n% con @"in!icaremos 'i@n es e" &osee!or o !e>o !ea"gn o#jeto% siem&re 'e este &osee!or sea na &ersona o n anima"+3a casa !e "a ni>a The gir"’s hoseDosesi<n Dosee!orormamos e" genitivo saj<n)E" &osee!or a&arece en &rimer "gar% a" nom#re &ro&io "e a>a!imos na&<stro5e 6 na s S+A continaci<n% a>a!imos "a &osesi<n% entre e" &osee!or 6 "a &osesi<nno &e!e a&arecer ningn art(c"o

&osesivo o &re&osici<n+ Si e" &osee!or es n nom#re &ro&io% no ti"i*amosart(c"o% si es n nom#re

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comn &o!emos ti"i*ar art(c"os a a!jetivos &osesivos+M6 #rother’s room+ , 3a ha#itaci<n !e mi hermano-

 The cat’s e6es+ ,3os ojos !e" gato-Siem&re ti"i*amos e" genitivo saj<n &ara e=&resar re"aciones !e &arentescoo v(nc"os 5ami"iares+ En este caso%"a &ersona ir: en &rimer "gar% como &osee!or% 6 a continaci<n e"&arentesco 'e "es ne+ , O#serva 'e Ban esn nom#re &ro&io 6 &or tanto no ha6 art(c"o !e"ante !e" nom#re% entre Ban6 sister no ha6 ningn art(c"o ni&re&osici<n-

 Ban’s sister ,3a hermana !e Ban-Deter’s &arents+ ,3os &a!res !e Deter-9an!o no ha6 &osesi<n% re"aci<n 5ami"iar% o e" &osee!or no es ni &ersona nianima"% ti"i*amos "a e=&resi<n O ,GE-,e" &osee!or ser(a na cosa o n "gar-

 The !oor O the room ,3a &erta !e "a ha#itaci<n-.Q

A!ILY: RELATIVESFRANGDARENTS) Fran!5ather Z Fran!mother ,a#e"os) a#e"o7a-DARENTS) ather Z Mother ,Da!res) &a!re7ma!re-9HI3GREN) Son Z Gaghter ,Hijos) hijo7a-$rother7Sister , Hermano7a-Unc"e 7Ant 7 9osin , Tio7a 7&rimo7a-Ne&he 7Niece ,So#rino7a-Hs#an! 7 Wi5e ,Mari!o 7 mjer-FRANG9HI3GREN) Fran!son Z Fran!!aghter ,Nietos) Nieto7a-A!ILY TREE


$- Rerite the 5o""oing sentences #6 sing the Sa=on genitive+Ej) The gir" has a &rett6 !ress+ The gir"’s !ress is &rett6+

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.+ The man has hite hair+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV is hite+1+ Mar6 has re! shoes+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVare re!+4+ The ing has a #eati5" &a"ace+VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVis #eati5"++ A"ice has a ne #ic6c"e+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVis ne+J+ The cat has green e6es+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVare green+Q+ M6 !og has a "ong tai"+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVis "ong++ The men have "ong hair+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV is "ong+9- Trans"ate the 5o""oing sentences).+ ;Est: e" hermano !e De!ro en "a cocina? No% no est:+1+ 3a casa !e Da" es m6 #onita+4+ Este es e" coche !e $i""6 6 a'e" es e" !e Mar6++ ;G<n!e est: "a cerve*a !e t a#e"o? Est: en "a cocina+J+ E" mari!o !e Ssan es e" &a!re !e Ro#ert+Q+ Ho6 es e" cm&"ea>os !e mi ma!re+.P


PRESENTEPRESENTE CONTINUO:Se 5orma con e" 8ER$O TO $E C 8ER$O DRIN9IDA3 C INFSe ti"i*a &ara e=&resar acciones 'e se est:n rea"i*an!o en estemomento% en e" momento en 'e estamosha#"an!o% o &erio!os !e tiem&o 'e an no han termina!o ,TOGAY% THISWEE-8a acom&a>a!o !e e=&resiones !e tiem&o como NOW% AT THE MOMENT% ATDRESENT+ESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C TO $EC 8$CINF C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) I am "earning Eng"ish at the moment+O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C TO $ECNOTC 8$CINFC9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) We are not "earning 9hinese this 6ear+O+ INTERROFATI8AS),WHV WORG- C8$ TO $EC SUBETO C 8$ C INF C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) Are 6o "earning Ita"ian no? What are 6o !oing?,O#serva 'e he co"oca!o entre &ar@ntesis "a hV Wor!% &esto 'e nosiem&re "a necesitaremos &ara hacer&regntas -ING SPELLING:

8er#os 'e aca#an en ZE) Dier!e "a E 6 a>a!imos Zing) Mae Z Maing8er#os 'e aca#an en Z IE) IE se trans5orma en Y% a>a!imos ing) Gie [G6ing8er#os !e na s("a#a 5orma!a &or consonante Z voca" Zconsonante)Go#"an "a "tima consonante 6 a>a!en Zing) Dt Z Dtting8er#os 'e aca#an en ZY 6 ZW) Mantienen Y 6 W 6 a>a!en Zing) Enjo6Venjo6ing % sno Z snoing+.EJERCICIOSA- What’s ha&&ening at the moment? Write TRUE sentences)

I 7 ash 7 m6 hair+ I am not ashing m6 hair+It7 sno+I7 sit 7 on a chair

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I 7 eatIt7 rainI7 "earn7 Eng"ishI 7 "isten7 to msic The sn7 shineI 7 ear 7 shoesI 7 rea!7 a nes&a&er$- Write 'estions 5rom these or!s+ Use is or are an! &t the or!s inor!er+.+ oring 7 Da" 7 to!a6? Is Da" oring to!a6?1+ What 7!oing 7 the chi"!ren?4+ Yo 7 "istening 7 to me?+ Where 7 going 7 6or 5rien!s?J+ Yor &arents7 te"evision 7 atching?Q+ What 7 cooing 7 Ann?+ Wh6 7 6o 7 "ooing at me ?P+ 9oming 7 the #s?

PRESENTE SI!PLE:Se ti"i*a &ara e=&resar acciones 'e se rea"i*an ha#ita"mente% acciones'e rea"i*amos to!os "os !(as+ Rtinas%h:#itos+Uti"i*aremos e" ver#o a=i"iar TO GO% &ara "as oraciones negativas einterrogativas+ ,GOES DARA 3A 4/ DERSONA-3as oraciones afrmativas no necesitan a=i"iar% sin em#argo a>a!iremosna S a" ver#o en "a tercera &ersona !e"sing"ar+Se"e ir acom&a>a!o !e e=&resiones !e tiem&o como E8ERYGAY 6 a!ver#ios!e 5recencia como A3WAYS%USUA33Y% OTEN% SOMETIMES% NE8ER+ESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C 8ER$O C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) I &"a6 5oot#a"" ever6!a6+\ Recer!a a>a!ir "a S a" ver#o en "a 4/ &ersona !e" sing"ar% nicamente en"as oraciones afrmativas+Ej) He a"a6s !rins coXee 5or #rea5ast+1O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C GON’T 7 GOESN’T C 8ER$O C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) Yo !on’t s&ea S&anish

He !oesn’t &"a6 the &iano+\ 9omo ver:s no hemos a>a!i!o S en "a 4/ &ersona% 6a 'e tenemos e"a=i"iar GOES 'e 6a nos esa 4/ &ersona+O+ INTERROFATI8AS)GO7GOES C SUBETO C 8ER$O C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Go 6o "ie choco"ate?Goes she rea! rench #oos?\ 3a res&esta corta &ara estas &regntas se 5orma con e" sjeto% en 5orma!e &ronom#re C e" ver#o a=i"iar GO 7GOESEj) Go 6o "ive in Ma!ri!? Yes% I !oGoes it rain here? No% it !oesn’t+


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 Tienen na &osici<n fja !entro !e "as oraciones) Siem&re se co"ocan !e"ante!e" ver#o &rinci&a"% e=ce&to con e" ver#o

 TO $E% con e" 'e van !etr:s+Ej) I never get & "ateHe is a"a6s ha&&6+1.EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"eta e" sigiente art(c"o &erio!(stico so#re 3or! Stone#r6+ Uti"i*aDRESENTE SIMD3E+ To!os "osver#os han !e ser afrmativos+ Recer!a "a 4/ &ersona !e" sing"ar+ Ge#esti"i*ar to!os "os ver#os 'e te !o6 acontinaci<n+ En a"gnos casos han !e sarse m:s !e na ve* ,ta" 6 como tein!ico entre &ar@ntesis-+ $sca

ene" !iccionario a'e""os ver#os 'e no cono*cas+Fo ,- 7 have ,4- 7 "ive ,1- 7 get 7 meet 7 on 7 &"a6 7 rea! 7 s&en! 7 ta"3or! Stone#r6 is 1P 6ears o"!+ He VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV in $e"gravia% in 3on!on’s WestEn!+ He is ver6 rich an! he VVVVVVVVVV thecom&an6 O]ce $"ocs Internationa"+ Ever6 morning the 6ong 3or!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV #rea5ast in #e! an! VVVVVVVVVVVVV thenes&a&ers+ He VVVVVVVVVVVV & at . o’c"oc an! sa""6 VVVVVVVVVV 5or a a" inH6!e Dar+ He VVVVVVVVVVVVV "nch at his c"#+He sometimes VVVVVVVVVVVVVVthe Girectors O$I% an! the6 VVVVVVVVVV a#ot thecom&an6’s &"ans+ In the a5ternoon 3or!

Stone#r6 an! his 5rien!s sometimes VVVVVVVVVVVVV go"5+ Then the6 VVVVVVVVV 5or a5e !rins+ Or sometimes he an! agir"5rien! VVVVVVVVVVV 5or a !rive in his s&orts car+ A5ter !inner 3or! Stone#r6VVVVVVVVVV to a night c"# or a casino ith oneo5 his gir"5rien!s+ The6 VVVVVVVVVVVV home at a#ot 1 o’c"oc+In the inter the 6ong 3or! VVVVVVVVVVVVV in Monte 9ar"o+ An! he VVVVVVVVVVV hissmmer ho"i!a6s in the West In!ies+$- Write sentences 5rom these or!s) Dt the ver#s in the right 5orm ,arriveor arrives?-+ $e care5" ith5re'enc6 a!ver#s+.+ a"a6s 7 ear"6 7 Se 7 arrive

1+ #aset#a"" 7 I 7 &"a6 7 o5ten4+ or 7 Margaret 7 har! 7 sa""6+ Benn6 7 a"a6s 7 nice 7ear 7 c"othesJ+ !inner 7 e 7 have 7 a"a6s 7 at +4Q+ "ie 7 choco"ate 7 chi"!ren 7 sa""6+ B"ia 7 &arties 7 enjo6 7 a"a6s9- Write 'estions) Use the or!s in #racets C GO 7GOES+ Dt the or!s inthe right or!er+.+ here 7 "ive 7 6or &arents ?1+ 6o 7 ear"6 7 a"a6s 7 get &?4+ ho o5ten 7 T8 7 6o 7 atch ?+ 6o 7 ant 7 hat 7 5or !inner?J+ "ie 7 6o 7 5oot#a""?Q+ 6or #rother 7 "ie 7 5oot#a""?

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+ hat 7 6o 7 !o 7 in the evening?P+ 6or sister 7 or 7 here ?+ to the cinema 7 o5ten 7 6o 7 go?.+ go 7 sa""6 7 to #e! 7 hat time 7 6o ?11

G- 9hoose the right anser) Sim&"e &resent or &resent continos?.- 3isten Someone VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV the vio"in+ 9an 6o hear it?a- &"a6s #- is &"a6ing1- He"en is a msician+ She VVVVVVVVVVVVV the vio"in in an orchestra+a- &"a6s #- is &"a6ing4- He VVVVVVVVVVVVV ver6 har! no+ His e=ams are ver6 ne=t+a- ors #- is oring- 9an I &hone 6o #ac? VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV !inner at the moment+a- have #- am havingJ- imVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVin a #an+ She has ore! there 5or 1 6ears+a- ors #- is oringQ- Where is Bohn? VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV the !inner?

a- !oes he coo #- is he cooing- 3oo We can’t &"a6 tennis+ It VVVVVVVVVVVVVa- rains #- is rainingP- $o# VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV meat+ He is a vegetarian+a- !oesn’t eat #- isn’t eat+E- Sim&"e &resent or &resent continos? Yo can’t see Tom no+ He ,have-VVVVVVVVVVVVVV a #ath+He sa""6 ,s&ea-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV so 'ic"6 that I ,not n!erstan!-VVVVVVVVVVhim+Ho , 6o sa""6 !o- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV to or+He ,or- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV at &reset in an o]ce+ The #a#6 ,cr6- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Five him some 5oo!+What ,he !o-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV+ He ,re&air-VVVVVVVVVVVVV his #ic6c"e+What , he !o- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV+ He is a &i"ot+Ste""a ,sa""6 sta6-VVVVVVVVVVVVV in a hote" hen she ,come-VVVVVVVVVVVVVto3on!on% #t this ee she ,sta6-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ith s+What ,6or i5e !o- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV? She is a nrse #t she ,notor-VVVVVVVVVVVVVV at the moment+3oo The train ,come-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- 9hoose the correct ver# 5orms)Stan have7has #rea5ast at ha"5 &ast seven+aren !oes not have7 has #rea5ast+

Ho !oes aren go7goes to or?Stan go7goes to or #6 #s+M6 5ather or 7 ors in 9ar!iX He !oes not "ie 7 "ies trave""ingHe get & 7 gets & at si= o’c"oc ever6!a6+M6 &arents "ive 7"ives in a #ig hose+What !oes 6or 5ather !o7!oes?14Stan an! aren "ive 7"ives in O=5or!+PASA*OPASA*O *EL VERBO TO BE


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Ej) Were 6o in Ba&an "ast month?1EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete the 5o""oing sentences ith AM 7 IS7 ARE7 WAS 7 WERE.+ 3ast 6ear she VVVVVVVVV 11% so she VVVVVVVVV no+1+ To!a6 the eather VVVVVVVVV nice% #t 6ester!a6 it VVVVVVVVV ver6 co"!+4+ I VVVVVVVVVVV hngr6+ 9an I have a san!ich?+ I 5ee" fne this morning #t I VVVVVVVVVVVV ver6 tire! "ast night+J+ Where VVVVVVVVV 6o at ..o’c"oc "ast ri!a6 morning?Q+ Gon’t #6 those shoes+ The6 VVVVVVVV ver6 e=&ensive++ This time "ast 6ear I VVVVVVVVVV in Daris+

P+ Where VVVVVVVVV the chi"!ren? I !on’t no+ The6 VVVVVVVVVV in the gar!en tenmintes ago+$- Write 'estions) Use the or!s in #racets in the correct or!er C as an!ere+.+ "ate 7 6o 7 this morning7 h6? The tra]c as #a!+1+ !i]c"t 7 6or e=am? No% it as eas6+4+ "ast ee 7 here 7 Ann an! 9hris? The6 ere on ho"i!a6++ 6or ne camera 7 ho mch? Q^J+ angr6 7 6o 7 6ester!a6 7 h6? $ecase 6o ere "ate+Q+ nice 7 the eather 7 "ast ee? Yes% it as #eati5"+PASA*O SI!PLE:Se ti"i*a &ara e=&resar acciones &nta"es en e" &asa!o+

A&arece con e=&resiones como YESTERGAY% 3AST WEE+++Necesitamos e" ver#o a=i"iar GIG &ara "as oraciones negativas einterrogativas+E=isten !os ti&os !e ver#os en ing"@s) 8er#os reg"ares 6 ver#os irreg"ares+3os ver#os reg"ares 5orman e" &asa!oa>a!ien!o EG a" infnitivo+ 3os ver#os irreg"ares tienen na 5orma es&ecia"&ara e" &asa!o ,1/ co"mna !e "osver#os irreg"ares-+ESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C 8ER$O DASAGO C 9OMD3EMENTOS+Ej) I &"a6e! tennis "ast Satr!a6+I ent to the cinema "ast Sn!a6+

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\ 3as oraciones afrmativas son "as nicas 'e ""evan e" ver#o en &asa!o% 6a'e no ti"i*amos ver#o a=i"iar+O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C GIG NOT , GIGN’T- C 8$ ININITI8O C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) I !i!n’t &"a6 tennis "ast Satr!a6+I !i!n’t go to the cinema "ast Sn!a6+O+ INTERROFATI8AS)GIG C SUBETO C 8$ ININITI8O C 9OMD3EMENTOS?1JEj) Gi! 6o &"a6 tennis "ast Satr!a6?Gi! 6o go to the cinema "ast Sn!a6?EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete the sentences) Use one o5 these ver#s in the &ast sim&"e)9"ean !ie enjo6 fnish ha&&en o&en rain start sta6 ant. - I VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV m6 teeth three times 6ester!a6+1- It as hot in the room% so I VVVVVVVVVVVVV the in!o+4- The concert VVVVVVVVVVVV at +4 an! VVVVVVVVVVVVVV at . o’c"oc+

- When I as a chi"! I VVVVVVVVVVVVVV to #e a !octor+J- The acci!ent VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "ast Sn!a6 a5ternoon+Q- It’s a nice !a6 to!a6 #t 6ester!a6 it VVVVVVVVVVVVV a"" !a6+- We VVVVVVVVVVVV or ho"i!a6 "ast 6ear+ We VVVVVVVVVVV at a ver6 nice &"ace+P- Ann’s gran!5ather VVVVVVVVVVVV hen he as 6ears o"!+$- Write $’s 'estions) Use one o5 these ver#s in the &ast sim&"e)Arrive cost go go to #e! "ate have a nice time sta6 in.- A- We ent to Ne Yor "ast month+$- Where VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- With some 5rien!s+1- A- I as "ate this morning+

$- What time VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- Ha"5 &ast nine+4- A- I &"a6e! tennis this a5ternoon+$- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- No% I "ost+- A- I ha! a nice ho"i!a6+$- Foo!+ WhereVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- To the montains+J A- We came home #6 ta=i+$- Ho mch VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- .^Q- A- I’m tire! this morning+

$- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- No% #t I !i!n’t s"ee& e""+- A- We ent to the #each 6ester!a6+$- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- Yes% it as great+1QPASA*O CONTINUO:Se 5orma con e" &asa!o !e" ver#o TO $E C 8er#o &rinci&a" con ing+Se ti"i*a &ara e=&resar acciones 'e se han !esarro""a!o !rante n&erio!o "argo !e tiem&o en e" &asa!o+Se"e com#inarse con e" &asa!o sim&"e !entro !e "a misma oraci<n% "a

acci<n !e" ver#o 'e va en &asa!ocontino es "a 'e esta#a tenien!o "gar can!o se ve interrm&i!a &or nasegn!a acci<n en

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&asa!o sim&"e+Ej) I as atching T8 hen the te"e&hone rang+Dast continos Dast sim&"eESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C WAS7WERE C 8$ INF C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) I as having a #ath hen m6 5ather came in+,Esta#a #a>:n!ome can!o mi &a!re entr<-O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C WASN’T 7 WEREN’T C 8$ INF C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) I asn’t !riving ver6 5ast hen the acci!ent ha&&ene!+,No esta#a con!cien!o m6 r:&i!o can!o ocrri< e" acci!ente-O+ INTERROFATI8AS)WAS 7 WERE C SUBETO C 8$ INF C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Were 6o st!6ing hen I noce! on the !oor?,;Esta#as est!ian!o can!o ""am@ a "a &erta?-EJERCICIOSA- Dt the ver# into the &ast continos or &ast sim&"e).- A- What ,6o !o- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV hen the &hone ,ring-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?$- I ,atch- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV T8+1- A- Was Bane #s6 hen 6o ent to see her?$- Yes% she ,st!6- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV4- A- What time ,the &ost arrive-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV this morning?$- It ,come-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVhi"e I ,have-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV#rea5ast+- A- Ho 5ast , 6o !rive-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVhen the &o"ice ,sto&-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 6o?$- I !on’t no e=act"6 #t I , not !rive -VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ver6 5ast+J- A- ,6o see- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Benn6 "ast night?$-Yes% she ,ear- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a ver6 nice jacet+1$- Write com&"ete sentences% one o5 the ver# in &ast sim&"e% the other onein &ast continos+.+ I 7 a" 7home 7 hen 7 it 7 start 7 to rain1+ 9ora 7 rea! 7 a "etter7 hen 7 Bimm6 7 &hone 7 her4+ An!6 7 come ot 7 o5 the restarant 7 hen 7 he 7 see 7 Benn6+ 9ath6 7 &hone 7 the &ost o]ce 7 hen the &arce" 7 arriveJ+ When Gon 7 arrive 7 e 7 have 7 coXeeQ+ Whi"e he 7 a" 7 in the montains 7 Henr6 7 see 7 a #ear+ The st!ents 7 &"a6 7 a game 7 hen 7 the &ro5essor 7 arriveP+ I 7 a" 7 to the &ar 7 hen it 7 start 7 to sno


 TAN _____________+ 9OMOAS C AGBETI8O C ASEj) Deter is as ta"" as Da"+ ,Deter es tan a"to como Da"-\ Siem&re 'e "a segn!a &arte !e "a com&araci<n sea n &ronom#re% este!e#e a&arecer en "a 5orma !e &ronom#reo#jeto+Ej) Sarah is as thin as him+CO!PARATIVO *E SUPERIORI*A*:MLS __________+KUEV A!jetivos !e !os s("a#as o menos+

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AGBETI8O C ER C THANEj) Bohn is ta""er than Da" ,Bohn es m:s a"to 'e Da"-V A!jetivos !e m:s !e !os s("a#as+MORE C AGBETI8O C THANEj) Ssan is more inte""igent than Mar6+ ,Ssan es m:s inte"igente 'e Mar6-

SUPERLATIVO:E3 MLS 7 3A MLS_________+V A!jetivos !e !os s("a#as o menos+

 THE AGBETI8O C ESTEj) He is the ta""est #o6 ,E" ni>o m:s a"to-\ Si 'eremos in!icar en 'e "gar es e" 'e !estaca ese a!jetivo a" 'eestamos refri@n!onos en gra!o s&er"ativoti"i*aremos "a &re&osici<n IN THE% si es na e=&resi<n !e tiem&oti"i*aremos O THE+Ej+ Ssan is the thinnest gir" in the schoo"+

 This is the ha&&iest !a6 o5 m6 "i5e+V A!jetivos !e m:s !e !os s("a#as)

THE !OST , A*JETIVOEj) Deter is the most inte""igent st!ent in the c"assroom+ To!a6 is the most im&ortant !a6 o5 the 6ear+AGBETI8OS IRREFU3ARESFoo! $etter The $est$a! Worse The Worst1ar arther7 rther The arthest7 the 5rthestEJERCICIOSA- Dt the 5o""oing a!jectives in the com&arative or s&er"ative 5orm).+ The eather to!a6 is ,arm - VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than 6ester!a6+

1+ Bohn’s car as , e=&ensive- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than m6 car+4+ Sarah is the ,&rett6- VVVVVVVVVVVVVV gir" I have ever met++ These e=ercises are ,!i]c"t-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than some o5 the others+J+ This #oo is ,goo!- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than the "ast one e se!+Q+ ate is the ,care5"- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV st!ent in the c"ass++ $i"" is ,inte""igent- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than Boe+P+ M6 hose is ,#a!- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than his++ Bohn’s car is ,com5orta#"e-VVVVVVVVVVVV in ton+.+ BeX is ,n&"easant- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than m6 #rother+$- inish the secon! sentence in sch a a6 that it means e=act"6 the sameas the sentence &rinte! #e5ore it+o""o the e=am&"e+

.- A&&"es are more e=&ensive than &ears+Dears are chea&er than a&&"es+1- His car isn’t as goo! as mine+M6 car is4- atie sings #etter than Bane+

 Bane sings- Bi"" is 1J 6ears o"!+ Far6 is 14+

 Bi"" isJ- M6 camera cost .^+ Yor camera cost Q^+M6 camera isQ- To!a6 the tem&eratre is .1 !egrees+ Yester!a6 it as .+

It’s- The f"m is 4 hors #t the vi!eo ta&e is on"6 1 hors+ The f"m is

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P- The ater co"or is PJ^ an! the oi" &ainting is .^+ The oi" &ainting is-The chrch as #i"t in .PP an! the "i#rar6 is .1J+

 The chrch is.- Tim is .+Q metres ta"" #t Wen!6 is .+ metres+Wen!6 is4

PREPOSITIONSPREPOSICIONES *E TIE!PO:IN)ON)AT)9on &artes !e" !(a) In the morning% in the a5ternoon% in the evening9on meses) In Banar6% in e#rar6__9on "as estaciones !e" a>o) In inter% in s&ring_+9on a>os) In .P

9on sig"os) In the .Pth centr69on "os !(as !e "a semana) On Mon!a6% on Tes!a6_++9on 5echas) On 1n! o5 Ma69on !(as 6 &artes !e" !(a) On We!nes!a6 a5ternoon+On ho"i!a6s+9on "as horas) At o’c"ocAt 9hristmas% at EasterAt nightAt the eeen!At the #eginning% at the en!+EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete the 5o""oing sentences ith IN` ON` AT.+ We atch T8 VVVVVVVVVthe evening+1+ I on"6 see m6 &arents VVVVVVVV 9hristmas+4+ I get & VVVVVVVV P o’c"oc an! go to #e! VVVVVVVVV mi!night++ I fnish or ear"6 VVVVVVVVV ri!a6+J+ We go to Daris VVVVVVVVV atmn+Q+ VVVVVVV the morning she goes to or #6 #s++ VVVVVVVV Sn!a6s there are to ights 5rom 3on!on to Ma!ri!+ The6 areVVVVVVV +J VVVVVVV the morning an! VVVVVVVV1+4 VVVVVV the evening+P+ What !o 6o !o VVVVVVVV the eeen!s?4.

+ M6 gran!5ather as #orn VVVVVVVV the .th centr6+OTRAS PREPOSICIONES *E TIE!PO:$EORE) ANTESATER) GESDUESUNTI3) HASTAGURINF) GURANTE , GURINF C SUSTANTI8OS) Se ti"i*a con e=&resiones'e res&on!an a "a &regnta WHEN?+Ej) Gring the smmer% !ring Novem#erOR) GURANTE , GURINF C N0MEROS C DERIOGOS GE TIEMDO) Se ti"i*acon e=&resiones 'e res&on!an a "a&regnta HOW 3ONF?+

Ej) or si= months% 5or fve mintes+SIN9E) GESGE

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ROM _____++ TO) GESGE _____+ HASTA) Se ti"i*a tanto como&re&osici<n !e tiem&o como !e "gar+Ej) I "ive! in 3on!on 5rom .P to .P+

 There is one train 5rom Ma!ri! to 8a"encia at o’c"oc+PREPOSICIONES *E LUGAR:

IN) EN 7 GENTRO GE) 9on "gares cerra!osEj) M6 coat is in the ar!ro#eAT) EN ) Se ti"i*a &ara es&acios a#iertos% como re5erencia geogr:fcaEj) There are ne tra]c "ights at the crossroa!s+ON) EN 7 EN9IMA ,Tocan!o "a s&erfcie-Ej) There are &ictres on the a""+EJERCICIOSA- No f"" in the ga&s ith IN` ON` AT.+ Have 6o got an e"ectric #"anet VVVVVVVVVVV 6or #e!? I’ve on"6 got a hotVater #ott"e VVVVVVVVV mine+1+ In smmer% there are a"a6s ies VVVVVVVV the itchen cei"ing+4+ She s&ent the !a6 sn#athing VVVVVVVV the simming &oo"++ Scott 5on! s Noregian ag VVVVVVVVVVV the Soth Do"e+J+ There are thosan!s o5 fsh VVVVVVVVV the "ae+Q+ There’s a &o"iceman stan!ing VVVVVVVV the corner++ Yo have to get oX VVVVVVVVVV the ne=t sto&+41P+ The coXee&ot is VVVVVVVVV the ta#"e++ There aren’t enogh chairs VVVVVVVV the !ining room+.+ There are &"easre steamers VVVVVVVVVV the "ae+OTRAS PREPOSICIONES *E LUGAR:NET TO) A3 3AGO GE93OSE TO) BUNTO A


IN $EG) EN 3A 9AMAFO HOME% FET HOME% 9OME HOME% REA9H HOME%ARRI8E HOME ,O#serva'e no ti"i*amos &re&osiciones con"a &a"a#ra HOME acom&a>a!a !e ver#os !e movimiento-+ARRI8E)ARRI8E IN ) 3"egar a &aises% ci!a!es++++Ej) I arrive! in 3on!on+ARRI8E AT) 33egar a es&acios cerra!os) estaciones% mseos% Aero&ertos++++Ej) I arrive! at the air&ortE-PRESI+N *E CANTI*A*:SOME) A"gn% a"gna% a"gnos% a"gnas+Se ti"i*a en oraciones afrmativas+Acom&a>a a nom#res inconta#"es ,sing"ar- 6 nom#res conta#"es en &"ra"+

Ej) There is some ater in the 5ri!ge There are some ne st!ents in the schoo"+

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ANY) A"gn7a7os7as% ningn 7a7os7as+44Se ti"i*a en oraciones negativas e interrogativas+Acom&a>a a nom#res inconta#"es ,sing"ar- 6 nom#res conta#"es ,&"ra"-Ej) There isn’t an6 a&&"e jice in the c&#oar!+

Have 6o got an6 5rien!s?SOME en oraciones interrogativas)An'e he in!ica!o anteriormente 'e ti"i*amos ANY en oracionesinterrogativas% e=isten a"gnas e=ce&ciones en "as'e ti"i*amos SOME &ara hacer &regntas)9an!o estamos o5recien!o a"go)Ej) Wo"! 6o "ie some coXee?9an!o &e!imos a"go)Ej) 9an I have some ater% &"ease?EJERCICIOS:A- Dt in SOME or ANY).+ I #oght VVVVVVVVVV cheese #t I !i!n’t #6 VVVVVVVVV #rea!+

1+ I’m going to the &ost o]ce+ I nee! VVVVVVVVVVV stam&s+4+ There aren’t VVVVVVVVVVV sho&s in this &art o5 ton++ Feorge an! A"ice haven’t got VVVVVVVVVVVV chi"!ren+J+ Have 6o got VVVVVVVVVV #rothers o5 sisters?Q+ There are VVVVVVVVVVVV #eati5" oers in the gar!en++ Wo"! 6o "ie VVVVVVVVVVVtea? Yes% &"ease+P+ Gon’t #6VVVVVVVVVVVVV rice+ We !on’t nee! VVVVVVVVV+ I ent ot to #6 VVVVVVVV mi" #t the6 !i!n’t have VVVVVVVVV in the sho&+.+ I’m thirst6+ 9an I have VVVVVVVVVVVVV ater% &"ease?!UCH: MU9HO) NOM$RES IN9ONTA$3ES, No se ti"i*a ha#ita"mente en oraciones afrmativas-

Ej) I haven’t got mch mone6+!ANY: MU9HO) NOM$RES 9ONTA$3ES+,Se ti"i*a en to!o ti&o !e oraciones-Ej) I have got man6 #oos+TOO !UCH / TOO !ANY ) GEMASIAGOHO. !UCH / HO. !ANY ;9ULNTOS?A LOT O: MU9HO) 9ONTA$3ES E IN9ONTA$3ES), Se ti"i*a en to!o ti&o !e oraciones-LITTLE) DO9O) NOM$RES IN9ONTA$3ES+A LITTLE) A3FO% DO9O DERO SUI9IENTE+4

E.) DO9O) NOM$RES 9ONTA$3ES+A E.: A3FO% DO9O DERO SUI9IENTE+EJERCICIOSA- Dt MU9H or MANY in the s&aces).+ There is some 5oo!% #t not VVVVVVVVV !rin+1+ There asn’t VVVVVVVVVVVVV rain "ast month+4+ Goes the teacher s&ea VVVVVVVVVV "angages?+ I !on’t &t VVVVVVVVVVV sgar in m6 tea+J+ A &oor oman can’t #6 VVVVVVVVVV !resses+Q+ That o"! man hasn’t got VVVVVVVVVVVV hair++ I can’t see VVVVVVVVVVVVV #ir!s on the trees+

P+ M6 mother !i!n’t #6 VVVVVVVVV eggs++ There isn’t VVVVVVVVV mi" in this #ott"e+.+ Gi! 6o "earn VVVVVVVVV Eng"ish or!s "ast 6ear?

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$- Dt A 3ITT3E or A EW in the s&aces).+ 9o"! 6o &ossi#"e "en! me VVVVVVVVVVV &otatoes nti" tomorro?1+ Have 6o got VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV mintes? I’! "ie to ta" to 6o+4+ I nee! VVVVVVVVVVV mone6+ 9an 6o he"& me?+ I’m going to rance 5or VVVVVVVVVVV !a6s ne=t ee+J+ VVVVVVVVVVV &eo&"e arrive! #e5ore the &art6 starte!% #t not man6+Q+ We on"6 have VVVVVVVVVVVVV &etro" "e5t++ 9an I as 6o VVVVVVVVVVVV 'estions?P+ The #an on"6 "ent me VVVVVVVVVVVVVV mone6++ On"6 VVVVVVVVVVV st!ents are going to 5ai" the e=am+.+ I a"a6s &t VVVVVVVVVVVVV mi" in m6 tea+4J

VERB TENSES:PRESENT PERECT:Se 5orma con e" ver#o TO HA8E ,'e 5nciona como ver#o a=i"iar- C e"&artici&io !e &asa!o !e" ver#o &rinci&a"+

, Recer!a 'e ha6 !os ti&os !e ver#os en ing"@s) ver#os reg"ares% 'e5orman e" &artici&io a>a!ien!o Ze! a"infnitivo% 6 ver#os irreg"ares% en este caso e" &artici&io !e &asa!o es "atercera co"mna !e "a "ista !e ver#os+Se ti"i*a &ara e=&resar acciones 'e em&e*aron en e" &asa!o 6continan en e" &resente% o si #ien "a acci<n 6aha aca#a!o% e" res"ta!o !e "a misma "o vemos en e" &resente+ESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C HA8E7HAS C DARTI9IDIO DASAGO 8$ C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) I or in a #an+ I have ore! there 5or . 6ears+,Tra#ajo en n #anco+ He tra#aja!o a""( !rante . a>os-

O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C HA8EN’T 7 HASN’T C DART+ DASAGO 8$ C 9OMD3EMENTOSEj) She is rea!ing a #oo+ She hasn’t fnishe! it 6et+,E""a est: "e6en!o n "i#ro+ No "o ha termina!o to!av(a-O+ INTERROFATI8AS)HA8E 7 HAS C SUBETO C DART+ DASAGO 8$ C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Have 6o ever #een to 3on!on?,;Has esta!o a"gna ve* en 3on!res?-Se"e a&arecer con e=&resiones !e tiem&o como SIN9E% OR , En res&estaa &regntas con HOW 3ONF?-Ej) I have ore! here since .QHo "ong have 6o met him? I have met him 5or severa" 6ears+Otras e=&resiones !e tiem&o 'e a&arecen con e" DRESENT DERE9T)

 JUST: ACABO *ESe ti"i*a en oraciones afrmativas 6 va co"oca!o !e"ante !e" ver#o &rinci&a"+Ej) Have 6o seen Da"? He has jst arrive! ,;Has visto a Da"? Aca#a !e""egar+ALREA*Y: YASe ti"i*a en oraciones afrmativas 6 va co"oca!o !e"ante !e" ver#o &rinci&a")Ej) Wo"! 6o "ie to see Titanic? I’m sorr6% I’ve a"rea!6 seen it+,;Te gstar(a ver Titanic? 3o siento% 6a "a he visto-

 YET: TO*AVIA NOSe ti"i*a en oraciones negativas% 6 va co"oca!o a" fna" !e "a oraci<n)

Ej) Have 6o rea! the #oo? No% I’m sorr6% I haven’t starte! it 6et+4Q

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,;Has "e(!o e" "i#ro? No% "o siento% no "o he em&e*a!o to!av(a+EVER: 0ALGUNA VE1Se ti"i*a en oraciones interrogativas% va co"oca!o !e"ante !e" ver#o&rinci&a")Ej) Have 6o ever trie! Ba&anese 5oo!? No% not 6et+

,; Has &ro#a!o a"gna ve* "a comi!a ja&onesa? No% to!av(a no+SO!EBO*Y/ SO!EONE ( ALGUIEN) 2 SO!ETHING (ALGUNACOSA) son 4/ &ersona !e"sing"ar% tienen 'e ir &or tanto segi!os !e HAS+EJERCICIOS:A- 9om&"ete the sentences ith a ver# 5rom the "ist+ Use the &resent &er5ect, have 7 has C the &ast &artici&"e o5 the ver#-$rea #6 fnish !o go go "ose &aint rea! tae.+ Are the6 sti"" having !inner? No% the6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1+ I VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV some ne shoes+ Go 6o ant to see them?4+ Is Tom here? No% he VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV to or++ VVVVVVVVVV 6o VVVVVVVVVVVVV the sho&&ing? No% I’m going to !o it "ater+J+ Where is 6or e6? I !on’t no+ I VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it+Q+ 3oo Some#o!6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV the in!o++ Yor hose "oos !iXerent+ VVVVVVVVVVVV 6o VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it?P+ I can’t fn! m6 m#re""a+ Some#o!6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it++ I’m "ooing 5or Sarah+ Where VVVVVVVVVVVV she VVVVVVVVVVVVV?.+ Go 6o ant the nes&a&er? No% thans% I VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it+$- 9om&"ete the e=ercise ith OR or SIN9E).+ She has #een in 3on!on VVVVVVVVVVVV Mon!a6+1+ She has #een in 3on!on VVVVVVVVVVVV !a6s+4+ Mie has #een i"" VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a "ong time+ He has #een in hos&ita" VVVVVVVVVVVV

Octo#er++ M6 ant has "ive! in Astra"ia VVVVVVVVVVVV .J 6ears+J+ No#o!6 "ives in that hose+ It has #een em&t6 VVVVVVVVVVV 6ears+Q+ Mrs Harris is in her o]ce+ She has #een there VVVVVVVVVVV o’c"oc++ In!ia has #een an in!e&en!ent contr6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV .+P+ The #s is "ate+ We have #een aiting VVVVVVVVVVVVV 1 mintes+49- Dresent &er5ect or sim&"e &ast? Da6 s&ecia" attention to e=&ressions o5time% sch as 6ester!a6% ever_ the6i"" give 6o the c"e to no the tense 6o have to se+.- M6 5rien! is a riter+ He ,rite-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV man6 #oos+1- We ,not have- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a ho"i!a6 "ast 6ear+4- I ,&"a6-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV tennis 6ester!a6 a5ternoon+- What time , 6o go-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV to #e! "ast night?J- ,6o ever meet- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVa 5amos &erson?Q- The eather , not #e-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVver6 goo! 6ester!a6+- M6 hair is et+ I , jst ash- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it+P- I ,ash-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV m6 hair #e5ore #rea5ast his morning+- ath6 trave"s a "ot+ She ,visit- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV man6 contries+.- Is Sonia here? No% she , not come -VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 6et+..- ,6o ever #e- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV to "ori!a? Yes% e , go-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

 There on ho"i!a6 to 6ears ago+.1- Where is A"an? ,6o see him- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?Yes% he , go-VVVVVVVVVVVV ot

a 5e mintes ago+PAST PERECT:

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Se 5orma con HAG ,&ara to!as "as &ersonas- C e" &artici&io !e &asa!o!e" ver#o &rinci&a" ,recer!a "os ver#os reg"ares e irreg"ares-Se ti"i*a &ara e=&resar acciones &asa!as 'e terminaron antes !e 'eotra acci<n &asa!a em&e*ara+ Se"e com#inarse &or tanto con e" &asa!osim&"e% encontraremos entonces !os acciones)./) Acci<n termina!a) Dast Der5ect1/) Acci<n 'e em&e*< can!o 6a ha#(a aca#a!o "a anterior) S+ DastEj) The concert ha! starte! hen e arrive! at the theatre+Dast Der5ect Sim&"e DastESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C HAG C DARTI9IDIO DASAGO 8$ C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) I arrive! at the air&ort hen the &"ane ha! taen oX+,3"eg@ a" aero&erto can!o e" avi<n ha#(a !es&ega!o-O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C HAGN’T C DARTI9IDIO DASAGO 8$ C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) The sho& ha!n’t c"ose! hen I arrive!+

, 3a tien!a no ha#(a cerra!o can!o ""eg@-+O+ INTERROFATI8AS)HAG C SUBETO C DARTI9IDIO DASAGO 8$ C 9OMD3EMENTOS?4PEj) Ha! 6o fnishe! the #oo hen 6o gave it #ac?,;Ha#(as aca#a!o e" "i#ro can!o "o !evo"viste?-EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete these sentences &tting one ver# into the &ast &er5ect an! theother one into the sim&"e &ast).+ When the &o"ice ,arrive-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVthe car ,go-VVVVVVVVVVVVV1+ When I ,get-VVVVVVVVVVVVto the sho& it ,c"ose-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

4+ The6 ,eat- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVever6thing hen I ,arrive-VVVVVVVVat the &art6++ I ,tr6-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV te"e&honing her severa" times #t she ,"eave-VVVVVVVVVVVthecontr6+J+ When I ,fn!-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV m6 &rse someone ,tae-VVVVVVVVVVVVV the mone6ot o5 it+Q+ The car ,go-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV hen I ,"oo-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVinto the street+$- Dresent &er5ect or &ast &er5ect?It isn’t raining no+ It ,sto&-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWe ha! no car at that time+ We ,se""- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVor o"! one+

 The s'are "ooe! a5"+ Deo&"e ,"eave-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV"itter ever6here+ Yo can have that nes&a&er+ I ,fnish-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVith it+ There’s no more cheese+ We ,eat-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it a""+

 There as no sign o5 a ta=i a"thogh I ,or!er-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVone ha"5 an hor#e5ore+ This #i"" isn’t right+ The6 ,mae-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVa mistae+I s&oe to Me"anie at "nch time+ Someone ,te""-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVher the nesear"ier+I as rea""6 tire! "ast night+ I ,have-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVa har! !a6+It’"" get armer in here+ I ,trn-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVthe heating on+UTUREHa6 !os ti&os !e 5tro en ing"@s).- tro con WI33 ,'e 5nciona como a=i"iar% 6 se ti"i*a en o+afrmativas% negativas e interrogativas-

V Se ti"i*a can!o e" sjeto no tiene contro" so#re e" 5tro+V Dara e=&resar !ecisiones toma!as en e" momento+V A trav@s !e este 5tro e=&resamos im&revistos% &re!icciones% "o 'e e"

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sjeto cree 'e ocrrir:+V A&arece con e=&resiones !e tiem&o como TOMORROW% NET WEE%NET MONTH% NET YEAR+ESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS)SUBETO C WI33 C 8$ ,ININITI8O- C 9OMD3EMENTOS)4Ej) It i"" rain tomorro + , 3"over: ma>ana-O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C WI33 NOT ,WON’T- C 8$ ,ININIT-C9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) It i"" not rain tomorro+ , No ""over: ma>ana-O+ INTERROFATI8AS)WI33 C SUBETO C 8$,ININITI8O- C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Wi"" it rain tomorro? , ;3"over: ma>ana?-u"ur% $%n TO BE GOING TO,e" ver#o To #e es e" 'e 5nciona como a=i"iar% 6 es &or tanto e" 'e vamosa conjgar% se ti"i*a en o+ afrmativas%

negativas e interrogativas-Uti"i*amos este ti&o !e 5tro can!o e" sjeto tiene contro" a#so"to so#re"a acci<n+Es n 5tro &"anea!o !e antemano% 6 &ara 'e esa acci<n se ""eve o no aca#o% e" sjeto ha toma!o "as me!i!aso&ortnas+E=&resamos con este 5tro intenciones 6 !ecisiones+Dre!icciones #asa!as en hechos &resentes+ESTRU9TURAS)O+ AIRMATI8AS+SUBETO C TO $E C FOINF TO C 8$ ,ININITI8O- C 9OMD3EMENTOS)

Ej) ,I have this #"e ve"vet- I am going to mae a ne !ress+,Tengo este tercio&e"o a*"- 8o6 a hacerme n vesti!o Nevo+O+ NEFATI8AS)SUBETO C TO $E NOT C FOINF TO C 8$ ,ININIT- C 9OMD3EMENTOS)Ej) I am not going to mae a ne !ress+O+ INTERROFATI8AS)

 TO $E C SUBETO C FOINF TO C 8$ ,ININIT- C 9OMD3EMENTOS?Ej) Are 6o going to mae a ne !ress?9om&are these sitations an! rea! hat I o"! sa6 in each case) Use i"" 7going to)bYo mae 6or 5rien! a c& o5 seet coXee% then she te""s 6o she !oesn’ttae sgar+ OXer to mae her another one+

I’"" mae 6o another c& o5 coXee , Gecisi<n toma!a en e" momento% es &oreso 'e ti"i*amos 5tro con WI33-b A co""eage ass 6o h6 6o have #roght 6or s&orts it to theo]ce+ b E=&"ain that 6o have arrange! to &"a6 tennis a5ter or+I am going to &"a6 tennis a5ter or , Gecisi<n toma!a !e antemano% &oreso traes e" e'i&o a "a ofcina% 5tro con TO $E FOINF TO-EJERCICIOSA- i"" in the #"ans ith Wi"" tre or To #e going to).- I haven’t got an6 mone6+We""% !on’t orr6 ,I 7"en!-VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV6o some+

1- Wh6 are 6o f""ing that #cet ith ater?,I 7 ash- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV the car+

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4- The cei"ing in this room !oesn’t "oo ver6 sa5e+No% it "oos as i5 , it 7 5a"" - VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV !on+- I have a hea!ache+Wait there an! ,I 7 get- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV an as&irin+J- Yo have a ticet 5or the &"a6+

 Yes% , I 7 see- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it on ri!a6+Q- The &hone is ringing+O% , I 7 anser- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it+- Gi! 6o #6 this #oo?No% Nanc6 !i! it+ ,She 7 rea!- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVit on ho"i!a6+P- Tea o5 coXee?,I 7have- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV coXee% &"ease+- I have !eci!e! to re&aint this room+What co"or ,6o 7 &aint- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVit ?.- I !on’t no ho to se this camera+It’s 'ite eas6+ , I 7sho- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV6o+$- Dt the ver#s in #racets into the correct tense) Yo have to se a""

tenses "earne! nti" no ,sim&"e&resent% &resent continos% sim&"e &ast% &ast continos% &resent &er5ect%&ast &er5ect an! 5tre-.-Ste""a sa""6 ,sta6- in a hote" hen she ,come- to 3on!on% #t to!a6 she,sta6- ith s+1-M6 gran!5ather ,!ie- man6 6ears ,5or7ago7since- hen I ,#e- a "itt"e gir"+4- Yester!a6 hen I ,a"- !on Regent Street I ,#m&- into a strange"ooing man+-I sa""6 ,!o- m6 homeor on Satr!a6% #t I ,!o- m6 homeor to!a6#ecase ne=t Satr!a6 e ,go- ot+J-Wh6 is he &tting the camera on a tri&o!? He ,tae- a gro& &hoto+Q- I ,"ive- there ,5or7since- severa" months an! then I ent a#roa!+

- 3oo The train ,come- + Hrr6 & I ,not ant- to miss it+P- When Da" fnishe! his e=am% he ,rea"i*e- he ,mae- im&ortant mistaes+-What ,6or i5e !o-? She is a teacher% #t she ,not or- at the moment+.-The chi"!ren ,fnish- their !inner an hor ago an! their mother ,ash &-no+..- As I ,a"- home 6ester!a6 I ,meet- a 5oreigner ho ,as- me the a6 tothe station+.1- He ,or- at &resent in an o]ce+..4-He ,start- or "ast 9hristmas+.- I ,not see- the athor o5 that #oo ,5or7since7ago- e ,meet- in Ne Yor

to 6ears ago+.J- When he arrive!% the concert,a"rea!67jst76et- ,#egin- an! he ,not a""o-to go in+ He ,#e- ver6 !isa&&ointe! to "earnhe ,miss- his 5avorite &iece+.Q-When he as a !i&"omat he ,visit- man6 contries+.-Mr $6rne ,go- to S&ain "ast 6ear an! I ,not see- him ,5or7since7ago- then+.P-When I as at schoo" I ,s&ea- 5or "angages+.- When e ,get- to the air&ort% Bac ,!iscover- to his horror that he ,"eave-his &ass&ort #ehin!+1-Bane ,not !rin- tea ver6 o5ten+1.- I ,or- here ,5or7since- seven 6ears% #t it’s time to "eave no+11-3oo ot We ,crash-+

14-,Yo go ot- 6ester!a6?1- What time , the #ans c"ose- in Eng"an!?

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1J-I have some #"e ve"vet an! I ,mae- some crtains 5or this room+I have a car #t I ,not se- it ver6 o5ten+1


CLAUSES)PRONO!BRES RELATIVOS:WHO) Antece!ente !e &ersonasWHI9H) Antece!ente !e cosas o anima"esWHERE) Antece!ente !e "garWHOSE) 96o\ E" antece!ente 6 e" &ronom#re re"ativo !e#en ir ni!os+E=isten !os ti&os !e oraciones !e re"ativo en ing"@s)4) *EINING RELATIVE CLAUSES:3a in5ormaci<n a&orta!a en "a oraci<n !e re"ativo es im&rescin!i#"e &ara 'e"a oraci<n tenga senti!o+

3a oraci<n bShe is the oman no tiene senti!o com&"eto si no "e a>a!imosm:s in5ormaci<n+She is the oman ho "ives ne=t !oor+Una ve* 'e hemos a>a!i!o in5ormaci<n a" antece!ente ,oman- "a oraci<ntiene senti!o com&"eto+V En "as !efninig re"ative c"ases &o!emos sstitir e" &ronom#re re"ativo&or THAT% in!e&en!ientemente !e 'e e"antece!ente sea !e &ersona o !e cosa+5)NON *EINING RELATIVE CLAUSES:3a in5ormaci<n a&orta!a en "a oraci<n !e re"ativo no es im&rescin!i#"e &ara"a oraci<n+ Es in5ormaci<n e=tra+En "a oraci<n bM6 #rother st!ies in 3on!on tiene senti!o com&"eto% no

ser(a necesario a>a!ir ningna in5ormaci<n&ara &o!er com&ren!er "a oraci<n+M6 #rother% ho is ver6 ta""% st!ies in 3on!on+Nnca &o!emos sstitir e" &ronom#re re"ativo &or THAT+3as non !efning re"ative c"ases siem&re van entre comas+4EJERCICIOSA- 9om&"ete the 5o""oing sentences ith a re"ative &ronon).+ Here is the me!icine VVVVVVVVVVVVVV maes 6o goo!+1+ The o"! man in a hee" chair%VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV is ta"ing to the hos&ita"matron% as once a great srgeon+

4+ The gate VVVVVVVVVVVV 6o came throgh mst #e e&t sht++ The American am#assa!or% VVVVVVVVVVVV 6o ere s&eaing to a moment ago%i"" #e retrning home soon+J+ What is the name o5 the man VVVVVVVVVVVVVV car 6o #orroe!?Q+ A cemeter6 is a &"ace VVVVVVVVVVVV &eo&"e is #rie!++ A &acifst is a &erson VVVVVVVVVVVVVV #e"ieves that a"" ars are rong+P+ This schoo" is on"6 5or chi"!ren VVVVVVVVVVVV frst "angage is not Eng"ish++ She is the gir" VVVVVVVVVVVVVV rang 6ester!a6+.+ Bohn is the #o6 VVVVVVVVVV 5ather is a teacher+..+ Yes% that is the man VVVVVVVVV too m6 #ag+.1+ I ant to ta" to the st!entsVVVVVVVVVVV names I ca"" ot+.4+ That man is the one VVVVVVVVV #oght the hose+

.+ Yo a"a6s as 'estionsVVVVVVVVVVV are ver6 !i]c"t to anser+

.J+ Wh6 !oes he a"a6s ear c"othes VVVVVVVVVVVV are too sma"" 5or him?

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$- Five some a!!itiona" in5ormation ith a re"ative &ronon in the 5o""oingsentences)Wim#"e!on% VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV% is in Soth 3on!on+He is ho&ing to #e chosen 5or the ne=t O"6m&ic Fames%VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

 The &rime minister% VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV% i"" 5ace an e"ectionsoon+Ever6 schoo"chi"! has hear! o5 9o"m#s%VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVMont Everest% VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV% is the highest montain in theor"!+

PASSIVE VOICE3 (VO1 PASIVA)En na oraci<n activa en es&a>o" encontramos "os sigientes e"ementos)M6 5ather #i"!s hosesSjeto 8er#o 9+ GirectoEn "a oraci<n &asiva)E" 9om&"emento !irecto !e "a oraci<n activa &asa a ser sjeto &aciente+

E" sjeto !e "a o+ activa &asa a ser com&"emento agente ,intro!ci!o &or$Y-+E" ver#o &asivo "o 5ormamos con)E" ver#o To #e en e" mismo tiem&o 'e e" ver#o &rinci&a" !e "a oraci<nactiva C e" &artici&io !e &asa!o !e" ver#o&rinci&a"+Hoses are #i"t #6 m6 5ather+Sjeto Daciente 8# &asivo 9+ AgenteA continaci<n te &resento c<mo cam#iar "os tiem&os ver#a"es !e activa a&asiva)

 TENSES A9TI8E 8OI9E DASSI8E 8OI9ESim&"e &resent eat 7eats is 7are eaten

Dresent 9ontinos is 7are eating is 7 are #eing eatenSim&"e &ast ate as 7 ere eatenDast continos as 7 ere eating as 7 ere #eing eatenDresent &er5ect has 7 have eaten has 7 have #een eatenDast &er5ect ha! eaten ha! #een eatentre i"" eat i"" #e eaten9on!itiona" o"! eat o"! #e eatenEJERCICIOSA- 9hange the 5o""oing sentences into the &assive voice) The6 have arreste! the thie5+An nem&"o6e! "a#orer as re&airing m6 roo5+

 The &rime minister is maing a s&eech+A greengrocer se""s &otatoes+M6 "an!"a!6 !oes m6 ashing &+ The6 c"ose! the sho& at one o’c"oc+JA &o"iceman is sing the te"e&hone+A 5orteen 6ear o"! as !riving the car+ The6 ha! !ecorate! the hose+ Teenagers #6 a "ot o5 &o& recor!s+Architects !esign #i"!ings+A hat sha!es his e6es+ The6 have ma!e mistaes+ The6 recor!e! the #roa!cast s&eech+Some o5 the orers have organi*e! an no]cia" strie+

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Some athors i"" j!ge the "iterar6 com&etition+We are &re&aring the room+A jorna"ist is rea!ing the "etter+Horses &"" carts+ The6 ere !rining coXee+$- 9om&"ete the sentences sing or!s 5rom each "ine) Use &assive voice$i"! Daint Gesign Write Name Invent GiscoverEric the Re! Marconi The Ancient Eg6&tians Dicasso EiXe" Feorge Ore""Eric d Watson.+ Freen"an!1+ Anima" arm4+ The D6rami!s+ The ire"essJ+ FernicaQ+ The State o5 3i#ert6+ The strctre o5 GNAQ

REPORTE* SPEECH3 (ESTILO IN*IRECTO)E" esti"o in!irecto consiste en !ecir "as &a"a#ras 'e otra &ersona ha !ichoantes% &ara e""o ten!remos 'e em&e*arto!as "as oraciones en esti"o in!irecto con "as 5rases bHE SAIG TO ME o HE

 TO3G ME ,2" me !ijo o @" me cont<-+ Ten!remos 'e cam#iar "os sjetos 'e a&are*can en "as oraciones% !e ./&ersona !e sing"ar a 4/ &ersona !esing"ar 6 !e ./ &ersona !e &"ra" a 4/ !e &"ra"% as( mismo ha6 'e cam#iartam#i@n to!os "os a!jetivos 6 &ronom#res&osesivos 'e a&are*can en "as oraciones+Dor "timo to!os "os tiem&os ver#a"es ,conjga!os% no se cam#ian "os

ver#os 'e est@n en infnitivo o gern!io- 'ea&arecen en "a oraci<n !e#en retrasarse n tiem&o+A continaci<n te &resento na "ista con "os cam#ios !e tiem&o)

 TENSES V GIRE9T SDEE9H REDORTEG SDEE9HSim&"e &resent ) I or Sim&"e &ast) He sai! he ore!Dresent 9ontinos) I am oring Dast continos) He sai! he as oringSim&"e &ast) I ore! Dast Der5ect) He sai! he ha! ore!Dresent &er5ect) I have ore! Dast Der5ect) He sai! he ha! ore!tre) I i"" or 9on!itiona") He sai! he o"! orMo!a" ver#s) I can or 9on!itiona") He sai! he co"! or9omo ha#r:s com&ro#a!o hemos retrasa!o "os tiem&os% !e esta maneratenemos tam#i@n 'e cam#iar to!as "ase=&resiones !e tiem&o 6 !e "gar 'e a&arecen en "a oraci<n+TI!E AN* PLACE CHANGES:Here There

 This That These ThoseNo Then

 Yester!a6 The !a6 #e5ore% the &revios !a6 To!a6 That !a6 Tomorro The 5o""oing !a6% the !a6 a5ter3ast ee% month_ The ee #e5ore% the month #e5ore_+Ne=t ee% month_ The 5o""oing ee% the ee a5ter_

1 !a6s ago 1 !a6s #e5ore

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EJERCICIOSA- 9hange the 5o""oing sentences into re&orte! s&eech).+ I nee! he"& !es&erate"6% he sai!+1+ I !on’t nee! 6or he"& to!a6 #t I i"" #e #s6 tomorro% sai! Deter+4+ M6 car has #een sto"en% he sai!% I i"" have to as 6o a 5e 'estions+

+ I can’t "ive on m6 #asic sa"ar6% sai! Deter% I i"" have to oXer to !oovertime+J+ M6 6ong #rother ants to #e a ta= ins&ector% sai! Mar6% I can’t thinh6% none o5 m6 5ami"6 has ever #een ata= ins&ector+$- 3ast ee 6o ha! "nch ith Rache"% a 5rien! 6o ha!n’t seen 5or a "ongtime+ 3oo at the things she sai! to6o% then te"" another 5rien! hat she sai!+ Use re&orte! s&eech+.+ I’m going to or in S&ain ne=t 6ear+1+ I or 5or a sma"" &#"ishing com&an6+4+ I’m their mareting manager++ The com&an6 has o&ene! an o]ce in $arce"ona+

J+ It’s #een ver6 sccess5"+Q+ I’ve #een chosen to rn a ne o]ce in Ma!ri!++ I’m st!6ing S&anish in the evenings+P+ I !on’t have mch time to enjo6 m6se"5++ I haven’t ha! "nch ith 5rien!s 5or ages+.+ I ho&e m6 5rien!s i"" come an! visit me in Ma!ri!+..+ I ent there "ast ee ith m6 secretar6+.1+ We !i!n’t have mch time 5or sightseeing+.4+ I have to get #ac to or no+Rache" sai!__6UESTIONS IN REPORTE* SPEECH:

 Ya sa#es 'e ha6 !os maneras !e hacer &regntas en ing"@s)Dregntas con ver#o a=i"iar) Go 6o "ive in Ma!ri!?Dregntas con &art(c"a interrogativa) Where !o 6o "ive?Ge#es recor!ar 'e na &regnta en esti"o !irecto se convierte en naoraci<n afrmativa na ve* 'e "a &asamosa esti"o in!irecto% &or tanto segir: "a estrctra !e "as oracionesafrmativas 'e 6a conocemos ,SUB C 8$C 9OMD3EMENTOS-P3os ver#os intro!ctorios con "os 'e ahora vamos a em&e*ar "as &regntasen esti"o in!irecto son b HE ASEG ME oHE WANTEG TO NOW+Ga!o 'e ha6 !os ti&os !e &regntas en ing"@s% ha6 !os maneras !e&asar"as a esti"o in!irecto+437 Pr'gun"a $%n au8iliar:He ase! me I I "ive! in Ma!ri!+En "as &regntas con a=i"iar% !es&@s !e" ver#o a=i"iar ti"i*amos "ae=&resi<n con!iciona" I% como te he !ichoanteriormente &asa a ser na oraci<n afrmativa% as( a>a!imos e" SUBETO C8ER$O ,com&re#a 'e hemos retrasa!o"os tiem&os segn "a "ista 'e te &resent@ anteriormente- C9OMD3EMENTOS+537 Pr'gun"a $%n 9ar"#$ula in"'rr%ga"ia:

He ase! me WHERE I "ive!+

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En "as &regntas con &art(c"a interrogativa% !es&@s !e" ver#o intro!ctoriaa>a!imos "a &art(c"a interrogativacorres&on!iente &ara !es&@s a>a!ir e" sjeto 6 e" ver#o en e" tiem&ocorres&on!iente+EJERCICIOS

A- Dt the 5o""oing 'estions into the re&orte! s&eech).+ Who has #een sing m6 t6&eriter? M6 mother ase!1+ Go 6o ant to see the cathe!ra"? The gi!e ase!4+ Gi! 6o s"ee& e""? M6 hostess ase!+ Have 6o #een here "ong? The other st!ents ase! himJ+ Ho "ong have 6o #een "earning Eng"ish? Da" ase!+Q+ Where are 6o going 5or 6or smmer ho"i!a6s? I ase!+ Go 6o gro 6or on vegeta#"es? M6 5rien! ase!+P+ Ho man6 s"ee&ing &i""s have 6o taen? The night sister ase!+OR*ERS IN REPORTE* SPEECH:Dara !ar <r!enes en ing"es ti"i*amos e" im&erativo+ E" im&erativo es e"nico tiem&o en ing"@s en e" 'e nonecesitamos sjeto en "as oraciones+r!enes afrmativas)8ER$O C 9OMD3EMENTOSO&en the !oorr!enes negativas)GON’T C 8ER$O C 9OMD3EMENTOGon’t c"ose the in!o3os ver#os intro!ctorios en este caso son) bHE ORGEREG ME o HE TO3GME+r!enes afrmativas) He or!ere! me TO o&en the !oor+

r!enes negativas) He or!ere! me NOT TO c"ose the in!o+EJERCICIOSA- Dt the 5o""oing sentences into the re&orte! s&eech).+ Gon’t &t stic6 things in 6or &ocets His mother or!ere! him1+ Gon’t !o an6thing !angeros His i5e to"! him4+ Fet into the right "ane The !riving instrctor or!ere! her+ Ho"! the "a!!er He to"! himJ+ Gon’t tae more than to o5 these The !octor or!ere! meQ+ asten 6or seat #e"ts The hostess to"! s+ Gon’t !rive throgh 5og ith on"6 a 5og "ight on She or!ere! himJ

CON*ITIONAL SENTENCES3 (ORACIONESCON*ICIONALES)Recer!a 'e en na oraci<n con!iciona" siem&re ha6 !os &artes+En ing"@s ha6 tres ti&os !e oraciones con!iciona"es)CON*ICIONALES *E TIPO 4 : PROBABLESHa6 n . !e &osi#i"i!a!es !e 'e "a con!ici<n se cm&"a si se cm&"ena !e "as &artes !e "a con!ici<n)I C DRESENTE 7 UTUROI5 6o &hone me I i"" go to the cinema+

,3a &arte !e" I &e!e ir a" &rinci&io o a" fna"% &ero siem&re segi!o !e&resente si se trata !e na con!iciona" !e ti&o.-

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CON*ICIONALES *E TIPO 5: I!PROBABLES3as &osi#i"i!a!es !e 'e se cm&"a "a con!ici<n se re!cen a n J+I C DASAGO SIMD3E 7 WOU3G C ININITI8O9OU3G C ININITI8OI5 I no 6or a!!ress I o"! visit 6o

I ha! mone6 I co"! trave" a"" over the or"!+CON*ICIONALES TIPO ;: I!POSIBLESNo e=iste ningna &osi#i"i!a! !e 'e se cm&"a "a con!ici<n% "a sitaci<n hateni!o "gar en e" &asa!o 6 no ha6&osi#i"i!a! !e cam#iar e" &asa!o+I C DAST DERE9T 7 WOU3G HA8E C DAST DARTI9ID3EI5 6o ha! st!ie! more 6o o"! have &asse! the e=amJ.EJERCICIOSA- Dt the ver#s in #racets into the correct tenses).+ I5 6o &ass 6or e=amination e ,have-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVa ce"e#ration+

1+ Yo o"! &"a6 #etter #ri!ge i5 6o ,not ta"-VVVVVVVVVVVVV so mch+4+ What ,ha&&en-VVVVVVVVVVVVVV i5 I &ress this #tton?+ I5 6o ,ear-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a 5a"se #ear! no#o!6 o"! have recogni*e!6o+J+ I5 6o go to Daris here ,6o 7 sta6-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?Q+ I5 the mi"man ,come- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV te"" him to "eave to &ints++ Someone ,sit- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVon 6or g"asses i5 6o "eave them there+P+ I5 6o ,rea!-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV the instrctions care5""6 6o o"!n’t haveansere! the rong 'estion++ I5 6o shae that #ott"e o5 &ort it , not #e-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVft to !rin+.+ I5 I ha! non that 6o co"!n’t eat octo&s I ,not #6-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVit+

..+ What ,I 7 !o-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVi5 I hear the #rg"ar a"arm?

.1+ I ,#ring-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV6o some #eer i5 I ha! non that 6o erethirst6+.4+ I5 an6one attace! me m6 !og ,jm&- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVat his throat+.+ I5 6o ha! toche! that e"ectric ca#"e 6o ,#e-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVe"ectrocte!+.J+ Yo ,not #e-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVan6 se to me i5 6o !on’t "earn to t6&e+$- inish these sentences taing care to se the correct tenses% a"" o5 themare con!itiona" sentences).+ I5 the vo"cano starts er&tingVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1+ He o"! "en! it to 6o i5VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV4+ I5 6o ha! ase! him his &ermissionVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

+ I5 6o trie! to c"im# ithot a gi!eVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVJ+ I5 the fre ha! #een notice! ear"ierVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVQ+ I5 6o "eave the gate o&enVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV+ I5 6o ha! an6 senseVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVP+ I5 I ha! ha! a carVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV+ Yo i"" have to go to the !entistVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.+ I5 Tom rings hi"e I am otVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..+ Yo o"!n’t have #een angr6VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.1+ I5 6o !i!n’t shae the camera so mch the &hotogra&hsVVVVVVVVVVVVV.4+ Her "i5e o"! have #een save! i5 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.+ I5 6o !on’t &t enogh stam&s on a "etterVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.J+ I5 this hote" !oesn’t get another cooVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV


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Recer!a 'e e" e=amen siem&re se #asa en n te=to so#re e" 'e tienes'e contestar na serie !e &regntas% acontinaci<n tienes varios te=tos con "os 'e &e!es ir &ractican!o+ Drocrano co&iar "as res&estas !irectamente !e"te=to% intenta% siem&re 'e sea &osi#"e% contestar con ts &ro&ias &a"a#ras+A" fna" !e ca!a te=to te ir@ in!ican!o 'e &arte !e "a gram:tica !e#esre&asar+A- The Bacson 5ami"6 are on ho"i!a6 in Tre6+ The6 are sta6ing at a #ighote" in Istam#"+ Mar ,.4-% his sister a6,.1- an! their &arents "ie Tre6+ It is #eati5"% the eather is hot an! the5oo! is goo!+ To!a6 the6 are visiting the cit6o5 Tro6+ The6 are getting on a #s in 5ront o5 their hote"+ There are &eo&"eon the #s+ The6 come 5rom $ritain%America% rance% Ita"6 an! Ho""an!+Anser the 5o""oing 'estions on the te=t sing 6or on or!s) Gon’tre&eat the te=t+.+ Ho man6 &eo&"e are there in the Bacson 5ami"6?

1+ In hich Trish cit6 are the6 sta6ing?4+ Ho o"! are the chi"!ren?+ Ho man6 &eo&"e are there in the #s?J+ Where !o the &eo&"e on the #s come 5rom?Fram:tica 'e !e#es re&asar con este te=to)Dresente contino+A!jetivos &osesivos

 There is 7 There areHo mch 7 Ho man6$- Gear Norma an! Eric%We are in Ita"6+ We are ver6 ha&&6 here+ The eather is on!er5"% so e areat the #each a"" the time+ The hote" is ver6

#ig #t it is not ne+ Deo&"e are ver6 nice% #o6s are ver6 ta"" an! han!somean! gir"s are ver6 &rett6 an! thin++See 6o soon+ 3ove+ Deter an! Sarah.- Where are Deter an! Sarah?1- Are the6 sa!?4- Whats the eather "ie in Ita"6?- Gescri#e the hote"+ Is it sma""% is it o"!?9- $ath is a ver6 o"! cit6 in Eng"an!+ It has a #eati5" A##e6+ A "ot o5 &eo&"evisit the cit6% an! in the smmer there area"a6s cro!s so torists in the streets+ Dete an! 9ar"a are st!ents at $athniversit6+ 9ar"a "ies to a" in the "itt"e

#ac streets+ It is 'iet here #t Dete an! 9ar"a can hear msic+ b3oo sa6sDete+ That man is &"a6ing the te+3et’sgo an! "isten Dete an! 9ar"a "isten to the te &"a6er+ The tne isFreens"eves an! 9ar"a sings it ith him+Anser the 'estions accor!ing to the te=t).- Are Dete an! 9ar"a)J4a- sho&ee&ers #- st!ents c- torists?1- Is $ath A##6)a- a chrch #- the name o5 a street c- the name o5 a ca5@?4- What is Freens"eves?

 This stor6 taes &"ace in $ath+ Here are anagrams o5 5or other $ritish cities+ The6 a"" #egin ith "etter $+ What

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 Yo are one o5 the torists in $ath+ Write a &ostcar! to someone at home+Fram:tica 'e !e#es re&asar con este te=to)Dresente sim&"e vs Dresente 9ontino+G- I have a 5rien! in Eng"an!+ His name is en Ro#erts+ I no him ver6 e""+We o5ten rite to each other+ M6 "ettersare ver6 short+ It is sti"" ver6 har! to rite in Eng"ish+ I receive! a "etter 5romen 6ester!a6+ It ma!e me ver6 ha&&6+ Heis coming to m6 contr6 5or a ho"i!a6 ne=t 6ear+ We are going to see eachother 5or the frst time+Anser these 'estions+ Yor ansers mst not #e more than J1 or!s+.+ Where !oes 6or 5rien!% en Ro#erts% "ive?1+ What !o 6o #oth o5ten !o?4+ Are 6or "etters short or "ong?+ Is it har! 5or 6o to rite in Eng"ish% or is it eas6?

J+ What i"" en !o ne=t 6ear?Q+ Wi"" 6o see each other 5or the frst time or not?E- Or smmer ho"i!a6s "ast 4 months+ Gring the "ast ee o5 the ho"i!a6se get rea!6 5or schoo"+ We #6 &enci"s%&ens% &a&er an! ne #oos+ On the frst !a6 o5 schoo" e see a"" or 5rien!sagain an! e te"" them a#ot theho"i!a6s+ A5ter that e get into c"ass+ It is so har! to ee& 'iet an! &a6attention to or teacher+ He a"a6s sa6sith a "agh+bYo 5orget more in three months than 6o "earn in a 6ear+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than JJ or!s).+ Ho "ong !o or smmer ho"i!a6 "ast?

1+ When !o e &re&are 5or schoo"?4+ Whom !o e see on the frst !a6?+ What !o e te"" them?J+ Where !o e go then?Q+ What !oes or teacher a"a6s sa6?JFram:tica 'e !e#es re&asar con este te=to)Re&asa e" &resente sim&"e+- It is ver6 hot in the smmer an! in the evenings no#o!6 "ies sta6ing athome+ Deo&"e a" in the streets or sit in theo&en+ We have a s&ecia" smmer cinema an! m6 5rien!s an! I o5ten go

there+ There are ta"" trees a"" ron! an! it isver6 coo"+ Sometimes the f"ms are not ver6 goo!% #t e !o not min!+ Thestars shine in a c"ear s6 an! there iso5ten a "arge #right moon+ We can 5orget the f"m an! enjo6 a &"easantevening+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than or!s).- Is it hot in the smmer% or is it co"!?1- Go &eo&"e "ie to go ot in the evening% or !o the6 "ie to sta6 athome?4- Where !o 6or 5rien!s an! 6o o5ten go?- Is it arm there% or is it coo"?J- Go 6o sometimes see #a! f"ms or !o 6o a"a6s see goo! f"ms?

Q- Go 6o min! a#ot this or not?- Go 6o a"a6s enjo6 a &"easant evening or not?

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Fram:tica 'e !e#es re&asar con este te=to)Re&asa e" &resente sim&"e 6 "os a!ver#ios !e 5recencia 'e a men!oacom&a>an a este ti&o !e &resente+F- It’s Banar6 .th+ To!a6 Bane is seventeen 6ears o5 age+ She’s earing a&rett6 ne !ress+ It’s #"e an! hite+ Baneis having a &art6 to!a6 an! she’s e=&ecting a"" her 5rien!s to come+ The6 aregoing to arrive in a short time+ The6 aregoing to #ring man6 #eati5" &resents ith them+ Bane’s mother has&re&are! a "ot o5 nice things to eat an! !rin+

 The 6ong &eo&"e are going to &"a6 games% sing% !ance an! "isten to msic+ The6 i"" have a on!er5" time together+Anser the 5o""oing 'estions+ Yor ansers mst not #e more than J.or!s).+ What is the !ate to!a6?1+ Whose #irth!a6 is it?4+ Ho o"! is she?+ Is Bane earing a ne !ress% or is it earing an o"! one?

J+ Is she having a &art6 or not?Q+ When i"" her 5rien!s arrive?+ What are the 6ong &eo&"e going to !o at the &art6?Re&asa "a sigiente gram:tica)Dresente contino+tro) Hi"" 7 To #e going toH- Mr an! Mrs Simms go to the maret on Satr!a6 mornings+ Mr Simmsnever enjo6s these visits+ Mrs Simms goessho&&ing an! he sits on a #o= an! aits 5or her+ This morning there asmore noise than sa" an! ever6one as in ahrr6+ Mrs Simms #oght some meat% fsh% 5rit an! vegeta#"es+ An hor&asse! an! then a man came & to Mr

Simms+JJE=cse me% he sai!% is 6or name Simms? Yor i5e has fnishe! sho&&ingno% #t the #ags are ver6 heav6+ Sheants 6o to carr6 them home 5or her+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more then J or!s).+ Where !o Mr an! Mrs Simms go ever6 Satr!a6 morning?1+ Goes Mr Simms enjo6 it or not?4+ Gi! his i5e #6 man6 !iXerent things this morning% or !i! she #6 on"6 a5e things?+ Ho "ong !i! her hs#an! ait?

J+ What !i! Mrs Simms ant her hs#an! to !o in the en!?Re&asa "a sigiente gram:tica)Dresent sim&"e , Tercera &ersona-Dasa!o sim&"e+I- I ore! as a &ostman 5or a short time+ $t I am a5rai! o5 !ogs an! I havea "ot o5 tro#"e+ One !a6 I trie! to !e"iver a&ostcar! to a #ig hose+ I got oX m6 #ic6c"e an! at once a "arge !og rantoar!s the gate+ It ma!e a "ot o5 noise an! inthe en! I !ro&&e! the car! in the gar!en+ The !og &ice! it & imme!iate"6an! carrie! it into the hose+ The !og as a#etter &ostman than I as+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than JP or!s)

Gi! I or as a &ostman 5or a "ong time or 5or a short time?Gi! I fn! the or eas6 or !i! I fn! it !i]c"t?

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Go I "ie !ogs% or am I a5rai! o5 them?Where !i! I have to !e"iver a &ostcar! one !a6?Wo"! the !og at the hose "et me go throgh the gate or not?Where !i! I thro the car!?Where !i! the !og tae it?Re&asa "a sigiente gram:tica)Re&asa e" &asa!o sim&"e !e "os ver#os reg"ares e irreg"ares+

 B- The chi"!ren ne=t !oor o5ten &"a6 5oot#a"" in the gar!en an! sometimes#rea m6 in!os+ 3ast Satr!a6 a5ternoonI sta6e! at home an! rea! a #oo+ A5ter a hi"e I c"ose! m6 e6es an! entto s"ee&+ A son! at the !oor ma!e me get& 'ic"6+ Soon a "itt"e #o6 a&&eare!+bNot one o5 m6 in!os again? I ase!Oh no Ansere! the #o6+ bYor in!o as o&en this time an! or #a"" is in6or #e!room+ Ma6 e get in% &"ease?

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than J or!s).+ Where !o the chi"!ren ne=t !oor o5ten &"a6 5oot#a""?

1+ What !o the6 sometimes #rea?4+ Where !i! I s&en! the a5ternoon "ast Satr!a6?+ Who came to the !oor?J+ What !i! he ant to !o?Q+ Where as it?JQ+ Gi! he #rea m6 in!o or not?P+ Was it o&en% or as it sht?- 3acoc % near 9hi&&enham in the cont6 o5 Wi"tshire% is a #eati5" "itt"evi""age ith a &o&"ation o5 1+ Wi""iamHenr6 o=VTa"#ot% the &hotogra&hic &ioneer% ma!e the frst &a&er negative% a&hotogra&h o5 a in!o in 3acoc A##e6%in .P4J+$eteen JJ an! Q &eo&"e visit the A##e6 ever6 6ear+ Gavi! an!ath"een A""an on a 5oo! store an! the&ost o]ce in 3acoc+ Mr A""an sa6s he has no &ro#"ems ith torists% #tsome o5 the inha#itants are tire! o5 torists___++ Anser these 'estions).+ What is the vi""age 5amos 5or?1+ Wh6 !o torists ant to visit it?4+ Who as Wi""iam Henr6 o=VTa"#ot?+ Ho man6 &eo&"e visit the A##e6 ever6 6ear?J+ Who are the oners o5 the &ost o]ce in 3acoc?

Q+ Go &eo&"e in 3acoc "ie torists?3- HOW? The6 ere a"" there+ The sons% the !aghters% the ives% the chi"!ren% even"itt"e 5or 6ear o"! An!re+ The6 #ecame'iet hen o"! "a!6 $oon stoo! & at the en! o5 the great room+ bThan 6oa"" 5or coming she sai!+ bEver6 6ear% thereare more o5 6o Z ives% chi"!ren+ Ever6 6ear on this !a6% e remem#er m6&oor !ear Sir Feorge+ Deo&"e o5ten as% bHo !i! Sir Feorge #ecome 9omman!erV in 9hie5 o5 a"" or fghting men?An! ever6 6earV 5or the ne onesV I te""6o this stor6+ bWhen Sir Feorge came #ac 5rom the ar% the ing himse"5sent 5or him+ bSir Feorge sai! the ing+ b

 Yo have "ost an arm% than goo! arm as shot aa6 in the ar+ Yo gavethat arm 5or 6or contr6+ I no give 6o m6

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on hite horse+ rom this !a6% it is 6ors+ The &eo&"e ho hear! 3a!6$oon ere ha&&6 at the thoght+ or6ear o"! An!re &""e! at the coat o5 a man near him+ bHas she fnishe!?Ssssssssshhhhhhh% sai! the man+ b$t thatis not a"" 3a!6 $oon #egan again+ Sir Feorge sai! to the ing+ bThe ing’son horse 5or one arm An! 5or toarms? The ing sai!+ bor to "ost arms I mst mae 6o 9omman!er in9hie5 o5 a"" m6 fghting men+ An! at onceSir Feorge shot oX his other arm A "itt"e cr6 ent & 5rom the &eo&"e in the room+ The ingremem#ere! his or!s+ At once% Sir Feorge#ecame 9omman!er in 9hie5 o5 a"" or fghting men+ A great man+ 3et’s s!rin as e remem#er Sir Feorge $oon+ The&eo&"e in the room !ran 5rom their "arge g"asses an! "aghe! an! ta"e!again+3itt"e An!re ent & to 3a!6 $oon an! ase!+ Is it tre? Gi! Sir Feorgeshoot oX his other arm in 5ront o5 the ing?

bYes she sai!+ An! 3itt"e An!re sai!) Ho?Anser the 5o""oing 'estions).+ Who as Sir Feorge’s i5e?1+ Who as Sir Feorge?4+ Who gave him a hite horse+ Who as in the great room?J+ Who !i!n’t #e"ieve the stor6 a#ot Sir Feorge?M- THE MISTERY O THE 3O9H NESS MONSTER+J

 The 3och Ness Monster A 5amos monster A 5amos m6ster6 Yes% the 3ochNess Monster is a m6ster6+ What is amonster? It’s a #ig anima"% or a #ig fsh It’s #ig an! it’s strange+What is a "och? It’s a strange or!+ It is a Scottish or!+ Eng"ish &eo&"e sa6"ae+ A "och is a in! o5 "ae in Scot"an!% a"ae #eteen to hi""s+ 3och Ness is not the on"6 "och in Scot"an!% #t it is a5amos "och+3och Ness is an o"! "ae+ O"!? Yes% 1J 6ears+ It’s a"so a "ong "ae+ It’s 4P+Qms "ong% #t on"6 .+Q ms i!e+ 3ochNess is a"so a !ee& "ae% 1Q metres !ee&+NESSIE) The 3och Ness Monster has a name+ The name i5 the monster isNessie+ Nessie is a rea" Scottish name+Nessie comes 5rom the name Agnes+ It is common in Scot"an!+ The name o53och Ness comes 5rom the River Ness+

It rns 5rom 3och Ness to the ton o5 Inverness+ Inverness is bmoth o5 theRiver Ness+ The 3och Ness Monster Ki*.+ What is a monster?1+ What is a "och?4+ Is 3och Ness the on"6 "och in Scot"an!?+ What is the name o5 the 3och Ness Monster?J+ Is 3och Ness 1 ms% 4P+Q ms or ms "ong?Q+ Is 3och Ness . m% .+Q m or .+ ms i!e?+ Is 3och Ness 1Q metres% J metres o5 J metres !ee&?N- THE 3ETTER)It as e""6’s frst jo# as a seaman% an! the shi& as a #ig one+ It sta6e! at

sea 5or months at a time+ At "ast% "etters

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came 5rom home+ There as a "etter 5or e""6% an! he &t it insi!e his shirt+His 5rien! A"#ert sai!)VbAren’t 6o going to rea! 6or "etter? V bNo% I have or to !o+3ate that night A"#ert sa e""6 again+ He sai!)VbGi! 6o rea! 6or "etter?V Who is it 5rom? VbNo+V Ho !o I no? Vb We""% 6o mst no the riting? V bNoV bWe""% o&en it V bNoVbGon’t 6o ant to rea! it? V b Yes% I ant to rea! it+V bSo% h6 !on’t 6o rea! it? V b$ecase I can’t rea!+V bOh Wh6 !i!n’t 6o sa6 so? Here% give it to me+V bWhat are 6o !oing? V bO&ening it+V b That’s m6 "etter+V bWho 5rom?V brom Z er Z $ett6+ Who is that? [ bM6 gir"5rien!+V bO% are 6o rea!6? V bRea!6 5or hat?V bI i"" rea! it+ Right+ This is it+ bM6 !earest++++++

V bWait What are 6o !oing no? V b I am &tting the "ight oX+V bWh6?JPV bThat "etter is 5rom $ett6 to me+ I can’t "et 6o see it+ bV b Ho can I rea! it no? I can’t see an6thing+V bWait% here is a torch+V b Thans+V b9an 6o see no?V b This torch is no goo!+ It !oesn’t "ight+V b I i"" &t the "ight on again+V b 9an I rea! it no?V b Wait+V b What are 6o !oing% e""6?V bI’m &tting m6 han!s over 6or ears+ No 6o can’t hear hat 6o aresa6ing+ O% rea! me the "etter+Anser these 'estions).+ Wh6 !i!n’t e""6 o&en his "etter?1+ Wh6 !i! he &t the "ight oX?4+ Wh6 !i! he get a torch?+ Wh6 !i! the shi& sta6 at sea 5or a "ong time?J+ Wh6 !i! e""6 &t his han!s over A"#ert’s ears?M- Rea!i#g)$EIBINF

$eijing is the ca&ita" o5 the Deo&"e’s Re&#"ic o5 9hina+ Its o"! name isDeing+ It is in the northVeast o5 9hina #eteento rivers% the YngVTing an! the 9haiVDa+ $eijing is the centre o5 the9hinese government an! the c"tra" centre o5 9hina+

 The cit6 o5 $eijing is ver6 #ig% J s'are mi"es o5 1 s'arei"ometres+ It is the si*e o5 a sma"" contr6 or a state+

 Yo can com&are it to Haiti an! Ne Ham&shire in the Unite! States+ Tienanmen S'are is a "arge o&en area in $eijing% 5amos in a"" the or"!since the st!ent massacre in .P+ TheFreat Ha"" o5 the Deo&"e is on the est si!e o5 the s'are+Anser these 'estions)

.+ Where is this ton?1+ What’s the name o5 the 5amos s'are in $eijing?

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4+ Wh6 is it 5amos?+ Name to rivers in the te=t)9hoose the correct anser)Deing is)a- an o"! name 5or $eijing#- the &rovincia" ca&ita" o5 the Deo&"e’s Re&#"ic o5 9hinac- the agric"tra" centre o5 9hina

 Tre or 5a"se?J.- $eijing is the ca&ita" o5 the Deo&"e’s Re&#"ic o5 9hina1- $eijing is in the centre o5 9hina4- $eijing covers a ver6 "arge area- The Freat Ha"" o5 the &eo&"e is on the east si!e o5 the Tiananmen S'areWrite a#ot a ton 6o "ie+ o""o this &"an)V SitationV Wh6 is it im&ortant) main activit6V Si*e% &o&"ation% etc

V Some im&ortant #i"!ings% monments% etcUse the &assage a#ot $eijing to he"& 6o+Q

SOLUCIONES A LOS EJERCICIOSTO BE.+ Five 'estions 5or these ansers)No% I am marrie!+Are 6o marrie!?She is ten 6ears o"!+Ho o"! is she?Ha"5 &ast seven+What time is it?rom Ferman6+Where are 6o 5rom?It is near the s&ermaret+Where is the schoo"?. PQ4 1JWhat is 6or te"e&hone nm#er?We""% than 6o% an! 6o?Ho are 6o?3o&e*+What is 6or srname?

 TeresaWhat is 6or name?No% the6 are !entists+Are the6 &i"ots?Q.ARTÍCULOS.+ Dt A7AN or THE in these sentences here necessar6)Wo"! 6o "ie AN a&&"e?9an 6o c"ose THE !oor% &"ease?E=cse me% here is THE #s station% &"ease?I’ve got A &ro#"em+ 9an 6o he"& me?M6 sister has got A jo# in A #an in ManchesterWe "ive in A sma"" at near THE cit6 centre

 There is A sma"" s&ermaret at THE en! o5 THE street I "ive in+

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 THE Sn is star+TRANSLATION ( TRA*UCCI+N) (TO BE).+ Tra!ce "as sigientes oraciones !e manera afrmativa% negativa einterrogativa+E" chico 5ranc@s es a"to+

Afrmativa) The rench #o6 is ta""Negativa) The rench #o6 is not ta""Interrogativa) Is the rench #o6 ta""?3os "i#ros a*"es son viejos+A5) The #"e #oos are o"!Ng)The #"e #oos are not o"!Int) Are the #"e #oos o"!?Wi""iam es m@!ico+A5) Wi""iam is a !octorNg) Wi""iam is not a !octor+Int) Is Wi""iam a !octor?3as mjeres es&a>o"as son ga&as+

A5) S&anish omen are &rett6+Ng) S&anish omen are not &rett6+Int) Are S&anish omen &rett6?Q13a &ro5esora es !e"ga!a+A5) The teacher is thin+Ng) The teacher is not thin+Int) Is the teacher thin?3a camiseta amari""a es cara+A5) The 6e""o tVshirt is e=&ensive+Ng) The 6e""o tVshirt is not e=&ensive+

Int) Is the 6e""o tVshirt e=&ensive?3a mesa gran!e es neva+A5) The #ig ta#"e is ne+Ng) The #ig ta#"e is not ne+Int) Is the #ig ta#"e ne?1+ 9om&"eta "os es&acios !e "as sigientes 5rases con "a 5orma correcta !e"ver#o TO $EHe""o gir"s) We"come to the schoo" 3ets intro!ce or teachers)

 This is Bames+ He +++IS+++++++++the Eng"ish teacher an! he +++++++IS++++5romEng"an!+ This is Rose+ She ++++++IS++++++the coo an! she ++++++IS+++++++5rom 3on!on+ This is Bohn an! this is Anne+

 The6 ++++ARE++++++st!ents+ The6

++++++ARE++++++5rom Scot"an!+ Yo +++++ARE++++goo! st!ents+Fir"s% e++++ARE+++++++rea!6 an! I thin the teachers ++++++ARE++++++rea!6+ 3ets#egin the "essons+TO BE < TO HAVEA- 9om&"ete the sentences ith TO $E or TO HA8E)Where VVVVVVVAREVVVVVV 6o 5rom?Ro#ert VVVVVVVVHASVVVVV an a&&"e+Anna VVVVVVISVVVVVV tent6 nine 6ears o"!+

 The6 VVVVVVVAREVVVV co"!+He VVVVVVVVHASVVVVVVV a choco"ate ice cream+

 There VVVVVVVVISVVVVV a #oo on the ta#"e+

A or! VVVVVVVISVV a sma"" car #t it VVVVVHASVVVV 5or !oors+VVVVVVVAREVVVV there an6 &eo&"e 5rom Ferman6 in the c"ass?Si"via VVVVVVVISVVVVV ver6 6ong+

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 ThereVVVVVISVVVVVVV some #eer in the 5ri!ge+Q4TO BE (6UESTIONS)$- in! the right ansers 5or these 'estions).- Where is the camera? A- 3on!on+ .

1- Is 6or car #"e?$- No% I am not+ 1F4- Is 3in!a 5rom 3on!on? 9- Yes% 6o are+ 4H- Am I "ate?G- M6 sister+ 9J- Where is Ann 5rom? E- $"ac JAQ- What co"or is 6or #ag? - In 6or #ag+ QE- Are 6o hngr6?F- No% it’s #"ac+ $P- Ho is Feorge? H- No% she is American+PI- Who is that oman? I- 8er6 e""+ G9- Write the 'estions) ,Rea! the ansers frst-,name-VVVVVVVV What is 6or name?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Da"+,marrie! or sing"e- VVVVVVAre 6o marrie! or sing"e?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV I am marrie!+,American- VVVVVVVVAre 6o American?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV No% I’m Astra"ian+

,ho o"!- VVVVVVVVVHo o"! are 6o?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV I’m 4+,a teacher- VVVVVVVAre 6o a teacher?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVNo% I’m a "a6er+,i5e a "a6er- VVVVVVVVIs 6or i5e a "a6er? VVVVVVVVVNo% she is a !esigner+,5rom-VVVVVVVVVVWhere is she 5rom?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVShe is Ita"ian+,her name-VVVVVVVVVVWhat is her name?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Anna+,ho o"!-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVHo o"! is she?VVVVVVVShe is 1+A*JETIVOS POSESIVOSA- 9om&"ete the sentences ith HIS7 HER7THEIRI sa 3i* ith VVVVVHERVVVVV hs#an!% Dhi"i&+I sa Ann an! Te! ith VVVVTHEIRVVVVV chi"!ren+I sa Te! ith VVVVVHISVVVV i5e% Ann+

I sa Feorge ith VVVVVVHISVVVVV #rother% $i""+I sa Ann ith VVVVVVVHERVVVVVV#rother% $i""+I sa 3i* an! Dhi"i& ith VVVVTHEIRVVVV son% $i""+I sa Ann ith VVVVVVHERVVVVV &arents+QI sa Giana an! Ro#ert ith VVVVTHEIRVVVVV &arents+$- i"" in the #"ans ith the 5o""oing s#ject &ronons an! &ossessivea!jectives) I7YOU7HE7SHE7IT7MY7YOUR7HIS7HER7THEIR7YOUR)Are 6o Mar6 3eis? Yes% VVVVIVVVVVV am+She is 5rom S&ain+ VVVMYVVVVV name is 9armen+He is 5rom Ba&an% VVVVVHISVVVV name is Da" Watana#e+Are 6o Ita"ian? No% VVIVVVVVVV am Free+Is 6or name Bohn? No% VVVITVVVVV isn’t+VVVVVVMYVV name is A"ice% VVVVVIVVVVV am a !entist+Monica an! VVVVVVVHERVVV mother are !octors+Dhi"i& is rench #t VVVVHISVVVVVV i5e is Ferman+Feorge an! aren are $ritish% VVVTHEIRVVVVVV !aghter is marrie! to anAmerican+Ann is a &hotogra&her an! VVVVHERVVVVVV #rother is a teacher+M6 sister an! VVVVIVVVVV are American #t VVVOURVVVVVV &arents are Free+Henr6’s mother is a sho& assistant% VVVVHERVVVVVV name is 3c6+A"ice an! $i"" are !octors an! VVVVVTHEIRVVVVV son is a st!ent+

 This is VVVVVMYVVVVV #rother Bohn an! this is VVVVVVHISVVVVV room+9- i"" in the ga&s+ Use the &ersona" &ronons an! &ossessive a!jectives+

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Me"in!a is an Eng"ish gir"+ VVVVVVSHEVVVVVV "ives in a #eati5" hose on theotsirts o5 Rea!ing+ VVVITVVVVV a #it 5ar5rom the schoo"+ VVHERVVVVVV mother taes her there #6 car ever6 morning#ecase VVVVSHEVVV ors in ahos&ita" near#6+ In the a5ternoon% a5ter schoo"% Me"in!a goes #ac home #6#s+VVVVHERVVV c"assmates BeXre6 an! Gavi! go #ac ith her+ VVVTHEYVVVV areVVVVVVHERVV neigh#ors+G- 9hoose the right or!)It’s their7theirs &ro#"em% not or7 ors+

 This is a nice camera+ Is it 6or76ors? That’s not m67mine m#re""a+ M67Mine is #"ac+Whose #oos are these? Yor 7Yors or m67mine?9atherine is going ot ith her7 hers 5rien!s this evening+M67mine room is #igger than her7hers

 The6 have got to chi"!ren #t I !on’t no their7theirs names9an e se 6or ashing machine? Or7Ors is #roen


 Bohn Mar6Ssan Richar!,3os nom#res 'e est:n s#ra6a!os son "os hijos !e Wi""iam 6 Bane-A- 9om&"ete the 5o""oing e=ercise #6 sing the Sa=on genitive)Ej) Wi""iam is BANE’S HUS$ANG+ ,BANE-Wi""iam an! Bane are VVVVVVVVVV3isa’s &arentsVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ,3ISA-Da" is VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV3isa’s #rotherVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ,3ISA-3isa is VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVHenr6’s i5eVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV, HENRY-



$- Rerite the 5o""oing sentences #6 sing the Sa=on genitive+Ej) The gir" has a &rett6 !ress+ The gir"’s !ress is &rett6+ The man has hite hair+ VVVVVVVVVVThe man’s hairVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV is hite+Mar6 has re! shoes+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVMar6’s shoesVVVVVVare re!+

 The ing has a #eati5" &a"ace+VVVVVVVThe ing’s &a"aceVVVVVVVVis #eati5"+A"ice has a ne #ic6c"e+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVA"ice’s #ic6c"eVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVis ne+

 The cat has green e6es+ VVVVVVVVThe cat’s e6esVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVare green+M6 !og has a "ong tai"+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVM6 !og’s tai"VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVis "ong+

 The men have "ong hair+ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVThe men’s hairVVVVVVVVVVVVV is "ong+QQ9- Trans"ate the 5o""oing sentences);Est: e" hermano !e De!ro en "a cocina? No% no est:+Is Deter’s #rother in the itchen? No% he isn’t+3a casa !e Da" es m6 #onita+

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5rien!s sometimes VVVVVV&"a6VVVVVVV go"5+ Then the6 VVVhaveVVVVVV a 5e !rins+ Orsometimes he an! a gir"5rien!VVVVgoVVVVVVV 5or a !rive in his s&orts car+ A5ter !inner 3or! Stone#r6VVVVVgoesVVVVV to a night c"# or a casinoith one o5 his gir"5rien!s+ The6 VVVVVVVgoVVVVV home at a#ot 1 o’c"oc+In the inter the 6ong 3or! VVVVVV"ivesVVVVVVV in Monte 9ar"o+ An! heVVVVVs&en!sVVVVV his smmer ho"i!a6s inthe West In!ies+$- Write sentences 5rom these or!s) Dt the ver#s in the right 5orm ,arriveor arrives?-+ $e care5" ith5re'enc6 a!ver#s+a"a6s 7 ear"6 7 Se 7 arriveSe a"a6s arrives ear"6+#aset#a"" 7 I 7 &"a6 7 o5tenI o5ten &"a6 #aset#a""+or 7 Margaret 7 har! 7 sa""6Margaret sa""6 ors har!+

 Benn6 7 a"a6s 7 nice 7ear 7 c"othes Benn6 a"a6s ears nice c"othes+!inner 7 e 7 have 7 a"a6s 7 at +4We a"a6s have !inner at +4"ie 7 choco"ate 7 chi"!ren 7 sa""69hi"!ren sa""6 "ie choco"ate+

 B"ia 7 &arties 7 enjo6 7 a"a6s B"ia a"a6s enjo6s &arties+QP9- Write 'estions) Use the or!s in #racets C GO 7GOES+ Dt the or!s inthe right or!er+here 7 "ive 7 6or &arents ?Where !o 6or &arents "ive?6o 7 ear"6 7 a"a6s 7 get &?Go 6o a"a6s get & ear"6?ho o5ten 7 T8 7 6o 7 atch ?Ho o5ten !o 6o atch T8?6o 7 ant 7 hat 7 5or !inner?What !o 6o ant 5or !inner?"ie 7 6o 7 5oot#a""?Go 6o "ie 5oot#a""?6or #rother 7 "ie 7 5oot#a""?Goes 6or #rother "ie 5oot#a""?

hat 7 6o 7 !o 7 in the evening?What !o 6o !o in the evening?6or sister 7 or 7 here ?Where !oes 6or sister or?to the cinema 7 o5ten 7 6o 7 go?Go 6o o5ten go to the cinema?go 7 sa""6 7 to #e! 7 hat time 7 6o ?What time !o 6o sa""6 go to #e!?0PRESENTE SI!PLE O PRESENTE CONTINUOG- 9hoose the right anser) Sim&"e &resent or &resent continos?.-3isten Someone VVVVVVVVVV$VVVVVVVVV the vio"in+ 9an 6o hear it?a- &"a6s#- is &"a6ing

1- He"en is a msician+ She VVVVVVVVAVVVVV the vio"in in an orchestra+a- &"a6s#- is &"a6ing

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4- He VVVVVVV$VVVVVV ver6 har! no+ His e=ams are ver6 ne=t+a- ors #- is oring- 9an I &hone 6o #ac? VVVVVVV$VVVVVVVVV !inner at the moment+a- have #- am havingJ- imVVVVVVVAVVVVVVVVin a #an+ She has ore! there 5or 1 6ears+a- ors #- is oringQ- Where is Bohn? VVVVVVV$VVVVVVVV the !inner?a- !oes he coo #- is he cooing- 3oo We can’t &"a6 tennis+ It VVVV$VVVVVVVVVa- rains #- is rainingP- $o# VVVVVVAVVVVVVVVVVV meat+ He is a vegetarian+Qa- !oesn’t eat #- isn’t eat+E- Sim&"e &resent or &resent continos?

 Yo can’t see Tom no+ He ,have-VVVVVVis havingVVVVVVVV a #ath+He sa""6 ,s&ea-VVVVVVVVs&easVVVVVVVV so 'ic"6 that I ,not n!erstan!-VVVVVV!on’t n!erstan! VVVVhim+

Ho , 6o sa""6 go- VVVVVVVV!o 6o sa""6 goVVVVVV to or?+He ,or- VVVVVVVVis oringVVVVVVVVVVV at &reset in an o]ce+ The #a#6 ,cr6- VVVVVVVVis cr6ingVVVVVVVVVVV Five him some 5oo!+What ,he !o-VVVVVVVVVis he !oingVVVVVVVVVVVV?+ He ,re&air-VVVVVis re&airingVVVVVVVV his#ic6c"e+What , he !o- VVVVVVVV!oes he !oVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?+ He is a &i"ot+Ste""a ,sa""6 sta6-VVVVVVVsa""6 sta6sVVVVVVVVV in a hote" hen she,come-VVVVVVVcomesVVVVVVto 3on!on% #t thisee she ,sta6- VVVis sta6ingVVVVVVVV ith s+What ,6or i5e !o- VVVVVV!oes 6or i5e !oVVVVVVVVVVVV? She is a nrse #t she,not or-VVVVVVis notoringVVVVVVVV at the moment+3oo The train ,come-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVis comingVVVVVVVVV- 9hoose the correct ver# 5orms)Stan have7has #rea5ast at ha"5 &ast seven+aren !oes not have7 has #rea5ast+Ho !oes aren go7goes to or?Stan go7goes to or #6 #s+M6 5ather or 7 ors in 9ar!iX He !oes not "ie 7 "ies trave""ingHe get & 7 gets & at si= o’c"oc ever6!a6+M6 &arents "ive 7"ives in a #ig hose+What !oes 6or 5ather !o7!oes?

Stan an! aren "ive 7"ives in O=5or!+VERB TENSESSI!PLE PAST (TO BE)A- 9om&"ete the 5o""oing sentences ith AM 7 IS7 ARE7 WAS 7 WERE3ast 6ear she VVVVasVVVVV 11% so she VVVVVisVVVV no+

 To!a6 the eather VVVVVisVVVV nice% #t 6ester!a6 it VVVVVasVVVV ver6 co"!+I VVVVVVamVVVVV hngr6+ 9an I have a san!ich?I 5ee" fne this morning #t I VVVVVasVVVVVVV ver6 tire! "ast night+Where VVVVereVVVVV 6o at ..o’c"oc "ast ri!a6 morning?Gon’t #6 those shoes+ The6 VVVVareVVVV ver6 e=&ensive+

 This time "ast 6ear I VVVasVVVVVVV in Daris+Where VVareVVVVVVV the chi"!ren? I !on’t no+ The6 VVVereVVVVVVV in the gar!enten mintes ago+

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.$- Write 'estions) Use the or!s in #racets in the correct or!er C as an!ere+"ate 7 6o 7 this morning7 h6? The tra]c as #a!+Wh6 ere 6o "ate this morning?

!i]c"t 7 6or e=am? No% it as eas6+Was 6or e=am !i]c"t?"ast ee 7 here 7 Ann an! 9hris? The6 ere on ho"i!a6+Where ere Ann an! 9hris "ast ee?6or ne camera 7 ho mch? Q^Ho mch as 6or ne camera?angr6 7 6o 7 6ester!a6 7 h6? $ecase 6o ere "ate+Wh6 ere 6o angr6 6ester!a6?nice 7 the eather 7 "ast ee? Yes% it as #eati5"+Was the eather nice "ast ee?SI!PLE PASTA- 9om&"ete the sentences) Use one o5 these ver#s in the &ast sim&"e)

9"ean !ie enjo6 fnish ha&&en o&en rain start sta6 ant. - I VVVVVVVVVc"eane!VVVVVVVV m6 teeth three times 6ester!a6+1- It as hot in the room% so I VVVVVVo&ene!VVVVVVV the in!o+4- The concert VVVVVstarte!VVVVVVV at +4 an! VVVVVVVVfnishe!VVVVVV at . o’c"oc+- When I as a chi"! I VVVVVante!VVVVVVVVV to #e a !octor+J- The acci!ent VVVVVVVVha&&ene!VVVVVVVV "ast Sn!a6 a5ternoon+Q- It’s a nice !a6 to!a6 #t 6ester!a6 it VVVVVraine!VVVVVVVV a"" !a6+- We VVVenjo6e!VVVV or ho"i!a6 "ast 6ear+ We VVVsta6e!VVVV at a ver6 nice&"ace+P- Ann’s gran!5ather VVVVV!ie!VVVVVVV hen he as 6ears o"!+$- Write $’s 'estions) Use one o5 these ver#s in the &ast sim&"e)Arrive cost go go to #e! "atehave a nice time sta6in.- A- We ent to Ne Yor "ast month+Where VVVVVVVV!i! 6o sta6VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?With some 5rien!s+1- A- I as "ate this morning+$- What time VVVVVVV!i! 6o arrive VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- Ha"5 &ast nine+4- A- I &"a6e! tennis this a5ternoon+$- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVGi! 6o inVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- No% I "ost+- A- I ha! a nice ho"i!a6+$- Foo!+ WhereVVVVVVVVVVVV!i! 6o goVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?

1A- To the montains+J- A- We came home #6 ta=i+$- Ho mch VVVVVVVVVVVVV!i! it costVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- .^Q- A- I’m tire! this morning+$- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVGi! 6o go to #e! "ateVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- No% #t I !i!n’t s"ee& e""+- A- We ent to the #each 6ester!a6+$- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVGi! 6o have a nice timeVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV?A- Yes% it as great+4


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PAST CONTINUOUSA- Dt the ver# into the &ast continos or &ast sim&"e)A- What ,6o !o- VVVere 6o !oing VVVV hen the &hone ,ring-VVVrangVVV?$- I ,atch- VVVVas atchingVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV T8+A- Was Bane #s6 hen 6o ent to see her?

$- Yes% she ,st!6- VVVVVas st!6ingVVVVVVVVVVVVVVA- What time ,the &ost arrive-VVVVVVV!i! the &ost arriveVVVVVV this morning?$- It ,come-VVVVVcameVVVVVVhi"e I ,have-VVVVas havingVVVVVVVVVVV#rea5ast+A- Ho 5ast , 6o !rive-VVVere 6o !rivingVVVVhen the &o"ice ,sto&-VVVVsto&&e! VVVVVVVVV6o+$- I !on’t no e=act"6 #t I , not !rive -VVVVasn’t !rivingVVVVV ver6 5ast+A- ,6o see- VVVVGi! 6o seeVVVVVVVVVVVVV Benn6 "ast night?$-Yes% she ,ear- VVVVVVVas earingVVVVVVVVV a ver6 nice jacet+$- Write com&"ete sentences% one o5 the ver# in &ast sim&"e% the other onein &ast continos+I 7 a" 7home 7 hen 7 it 7 start 7 to rainI as a"ing home hen it starte! to rain+

9ora 7 rea! 7 a "etter7 hen 7 Bimm6 7 &hone 7 her9ora as rea!ing a "etter hen Bimm6 &hone! her+An!6 7 come ot 7 o5 the restarant 7 hen 7 he 7 see 7 Benn6An!6 as coming ot o5 the restarant hen he sa Benn6+9ath6 7 &hone 7 the &ost o]ce 7 hen the &arce" 7 arrive9ath6 as &honing the &ost o]ce hen the &arce" arrive!+When Gon 7 arrive 7 e 7 have 7 coXeeWhen Gon arrive! e ere having coXee+Whi"e he 7 a" 7 in the montains 7 Henr6 7 see 7 a #earWhi"e he as a"ing in the montains Henr6 sa a #ear

 The st!ents 7 &"a6 7 a game 7 hen 7 the &ro5essor 7 arrive The st!ents ere &"a6ing a game hen the &ro5essor arrive!+I 7 a" 7 to the &ar 7 hen it 7 start 7 to snoI as a"ing to the &ar hen it starte! to sno+CO!PARATIVOS Y SUPERLATIVOSA- Dt the 5o""oing a!jectives in the com&arative or s&er"ative 5orm)

 The eather to!a6 is ,arm - VVVVVVVarmerVVVVVVVVV than 6ester!a6+ Bohn’s car as , e=&ensive- VVVmore e=&ensiveVVVVVVVVVVVVVV than m6 car+Sarah is the ,&rett6- VVVVVV&rettiestVVVVVVVV gir" I have ever met+

 These e=ercises are ,!i]c"t-VVVVmore !i]c"tVVV than some o5 the others+ This #oo is ,goo!- VVVVVVVVV#etterVVVVVVVVV than the "ast one e se!+ate is the ,care5"- VVVVmost care5"VVVVVVVVVVVV st!ent in the c"ass+

$i"" is ,inte""igent- VVVVVVVmore inte""igentVVVVVVVVVVV than Boe+M6 hose is ,#a!- VVVVVorseVVVVVVVVVVVV than his+

 Bohn’s car is ,com5orta#"e-VVVthe most com5orta#"eVVVVVVVVV in ton+ BeX is ,n&"easant- VVVVVVVmore n&"easantVVVVVVVVVVVV than m6 #rother+$- inish the secon! sentence in sch a a6 that it means e=act"6 the sameas the sentence &rinte! #e5ore it+o""o the e=am&"e+A&&"es are more e=&ensive than &ears+Dears are chea&er than a&&"es+His car isn’t as goo! as mine+M6 car is #etter than his car+atie sings #etter than Bane+

 Bane sings #etter than Bane+ Bi"" is 1J 6ears o"!+ Far6 is 14+

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I’m thirst6+ 9an I have VVVVVsomeVVVVVVVV ater% &"ease?$- Dt MU9H or MANY in the s&aces)

 There is some 5oo!% #t not VVVVmchVVVVV !rin+ There asn’t VVVVVmchVVVVVVVV rain "ast month+Goes the teacher s&ea VVVman6VVVVVVV "angages?I !on’t &t VVVVVVmchVVVVV sgar in m6 tea+A &oor oman can’t #6 VVVVVman6VVVVV !resses+

 That o"! man hasn’t got VVVVVmchVVVVVVV hair+I can’t see VVVVVVVman6VVVVVV #ir!s on the trees+M6 mother !i!n’t #6 VVVVVman6VVVV eggs+

 There isn’t VVVVVmchVVVV mi" in this #ott"e+Gi! 6o "earn VVVVVman6VVVV Eng"ish or!s "ast 6ear?9- Dt A 3ITT3E or A EW in the s&aces)9o"! 6o &ossi#"e "en! me VVVVa 5eVVVVVVV &otatoes nti" tomorro?Have 6o got VVVVVVVVa 5eVVVVVVV mintes? I’! "ie to ta" to 6o+I nee! VVVVVa "itt"eVVVVVV mone6+ 9an 6o he"& me?I’m going to rance 5or VVVVVa 5eVVVVVV !a6s ne=t ee+

VVVVVA 5eVVVVVV &eo&"e arrive! #e5ore the &art6 starte!% #t not man6+We on"6 have VVVVVVa "itt"eVVVVVVV &etro" "e5t+9an I as 6o VVVVVVa 5eVVVVVV 'estions?

 The #an on"6 "ent me VVVVVVVa "itt"eVVVVVVV mone6+On"6 VVVVa 5eVVVVVV st!ents are going to 5ai" the e=am+I a"a6s &t VVVVVa "itt"eVVVVVVVV mi" in m6 tea+VERB TENSESPRESENT PERECTA- 9om&"ete the sentences ith a ver# 5rom the "ist+ Use the &resent &er5ect, have 7 has C the &ast &artici&"e o5 

the ver#-$rea #6 fnish !o go go "ose &aint rea! taeAre the6 sti"" having !inner? No% the6 VVVhave fnishe!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVI VVVhave #oghtVVVVVVVV some ne shoes+ Go 6o ant to see them?Is Tom here? No% he VVVVVVhas goneVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV to or+VVVHaveVV 6o VVV!oneVVV the sho&&ing? No% I’m going to !o it "ater+Where is 6or e6? I !on’t no+ I VVVVhave "ostVVVVVVV it+3oo Some#o!6 VVVVVhas #roenVVVVVVVVVVVVV the in!o+

 Yor hose "oos !iXerent+ VVVVVVHaveVVVVVV 6o VVVV&ainte!VVVVVVV it?I can’t fn! m6 m#re""a+ Some#o!6 VVVVVVVhas taenVVVVVVVVVV it+I’m "ooing 5or Sarah+ Where VVVhasVVVVVVVVV she VVVVVgoneVVVVVVVV?Go 6o ant the nes&a&er? No% thans% I VVVVVVVhave rea!VVVVVV it+

$- 9om&"ete the e=ercise ith OR or SIN9E)She has #een in 3on!on VVVVVSIN9EVVVVVVV Mon!a6+She has #een in 3on!on VVVVVORVVVVVVV !a6s+Mie has #een i"" VVVVVVORVVVVVVVVV a "ong time+ He has #een in hos&ita"VVVVVSIN9EVVVVVVV Octo#er+M6 ant has "ive! in Astra"ia VVVVVORVVVVVVV .J 6ears+No#o!6 "ives in that hose+ It has #een em&t6 VVVVVORVVVVVV 6ears+Mrs Harris is in her o]ce+ She has #een there VVVVVSIN9EVVVV o’c"oc+In!ia has #een an in!e&en!ent contr6 VVVVVVSIN9EVVVVVVVV .+

 The #s is "ate+ We have #een aiting VVVVVVORVVVVVVV 1 mintes+P

PRESENT PERECT OR SI!PLE PASTA- Dresent &er5ect or sim&"e &ast? Da6 s&ecia" attention to e=&ressions o5 time% sch as 6ester!a6% ever_ the6 i"" give 6o the c"e to no the

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tense 6o have to se+.- M6 5rien! is a riter+ He ,rite-VVVVVVVVVhas rittenVVVVVVVV man6 #oos+1- We ,not have- VVVVVVVVV!i!n’t haveVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a ho"i!a6 "ast 6ear+4- I ,&"a6-VVVVVVVVVVVV&"a6e!VVVVVVVVVVVVV tennis 6ester!a6 a5ternoon+- What time , 6o go-VVVV!i! 6o goVVVVVVVVVVVVV to #e! "ast night?J- ,6o ever meet- VVVVVVVVVVVHave 6o ever metVVVVVVVVVVVa 5amos &erson?Q- The eather , not #e-VVVVVVasn’tVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVver6 goo! 6ester!a6+- M6 hair is et+ I , jst ash- VVVVVhave jst ashe!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV it+P- I ,ash-VVVVVashe!VVVVVVVVVV m6 hair #e5ore #rea5ast his morning+- ath6 trave"s a "ot+ She ,visit- VVVhas visite!VVVVVVVV man6 contries+.- Is Sonia here? No% she , not come -VVVVVVVVhas not comeVVVVVVV6et+..- ,6o ever #e- VVVVHave 6o ever #een VVVV to "ori!a? Yes% e , go-entVVVVV there on ho"i!a6 to 6ears ago.1- Where is A"an? ,6o see him- VVVVHave 6o seen himVVV?Yes% he , go-VVentVVVV ot a 5e mintes ago+$- 9om&"ete these sentences &tting one ver# into the &ast &er5ect an! theother one into the sim&"e &ast)

When the &o"ice ,arrive-VVVVVarrive!VVVVVVVVVVthe car ,go-VVVVVha! goneVVVVVVWhen I ,get-VVVVgotVVVVVVVVto the sho& it ,c"ose-VVVVha! c"ose!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV The6 ,eat- VVVVVVha! eatenVVVVVVVever6thing hen I ,arrive-VVVarrive!VVVVVat the&art6+I ,tr6-VVVVtrie!VVVVVVVVVVV te"e&honing her severa" times #t she ,"eave-VVVVVVVVVha! "e5tVVthe contr6+When I ,fn!-VVVV5on!VVVVVVVVVVVV m6 &rse someone ,tae-VVVVVhas taenVVVVVVVVthe mone6 ot o5 it+

 The car ,go-VVVVVVVha! goneVVVVVVVVV hen I ,"oo-VVVVV"ooe!VVVVVVVVVVinto thestreet+9- Dresent &er5ect or &ast &er5ect?It isn’t raining no+ It ,sto&-VVVVVhas sto&&e!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

We ha! no car at that time+ We ,se""- VVVVVha! so"!VVVVVVVVVVVVVor o"! one+ The s'are "ooe! a5"+ Deo&"e ,"eave-VVVVVha! "e5tVVVV"itter ever6here+ Yo can have that nes&a&er+ I ,fnish-VVVVhave fnishe!VVVVVVVVVVVith it+ There’s no more cheese+ We ,eat-VVVVVVVVhave eatenVVVVVVVVVV it a""+ There as no sign o5 a ta=i a"thogh I ,or!er-VVVha! or!ere!VVVVVVVVVone ha"5an hor #e5ore+

 This #i"" isn’t right+ The6 ,mae-VVVVVVVhave ma!eVVVVVVVVVa mistae+I s&oe to Me"anie at "nch time+ Someone ,te""-VVVVVVha! to"!VVVVVVVVVVher thenes ear"ier+I as rea""6 tire! "ast night+ I ,have-VVVVVVha! ha!VVVVVVVVVVVVa har! !a6+It’"" get armer in here+ I ,trn-VVVVVVhave trne!VVVVVVVVVVVthe heating on+

PVERB TENSESUTUREA- i"" in the #"ans ith Wi"" tre or To #e going to).- I haven’t got an6 mone6+We""% !on’t orr6 ,I 7"en!-VVVVI i"" "en!VVVVVVVV6o some+1- Wh6 are 6o f""ing that #cet ith ater?,I 7 ash- VVVVVVVVVVI am going to ashVVVVVVVVVVV the car+4- The cei"ing in this room !oesn’t "oo ver6 sa5e+No% it "oos as i5 , it 7 5a"" - VVVVVit is going to 5a""VVVVVVVV !on+

- I have a hea!ache+Wait there an! ,I 7 get- VVVVVVI i"" get VVVVVVV an as&irin+J- Yo have a ticet 5or the &"a6+

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 Yes% , I 7 see- VVVVVI am going to seeVVVVVV it on ri!a6+Q- The &hone is ringing+O% , I 7 anser- VVVVVVVI i"" anserVVVVVVVV it+- Gi! 6o #6 this #oo?No% Nanc6 !i! it+ ,She 7 rea!- VVVVVVShe is going to rea! VVVVVVit on ho"i!a6+P- Tea o5 coXee?,I 7have- VVVVVVVI i"" haveVVVVVVVV coXee% &"ease+- I have !eci!e! to re&aint this room+What co"or ,6o 7 &aint- VVVVVare 6o going to &aintVVVVVVVVit ?.- I !on’t no ho to se this camera+It’s 'ite eas6+ , I 7sho- VVVVVVVI i"" shoVVVVVVVV6o+$- Dt the ver#s in #racets into the correct tense) Yo have to se a""tenses "earne! nti" no ,sim&"e&resent% &resent continos% sim&"e &ast% &ast continos% &resent &er5ect%&ast &er5ect an! 5tre-.-Ste""a sa""6 ,sta6- sta6s in a hote" hen she ,come- comes to 3on!on%#t to!a6 ,sta6- she is sta6ing

ith s+1-M6 gran!5ather ,!ie- !ie! man6 6ears ,5or7ago7since- ago hen I ,#e- asa "itt"e gir"+4- Yester!a6 hen I ,a"- as a"ing !on Regent Street I ,#m&-#m&e! into a strange "ooing man+-I sa""6 ,!o- !o m6 homeor on Satr!a6% #t I ,!o- am !oing m6homeor to!a6 #ecase ne=tSatr!a6 e ,go- are going ot+J-Wh6 is he &tting the camera on a tri&o!? He ,tae- is going to tae agro& &hoto+Q- I ,"ive- "ive! there ,5or7since- 5or severa" months an! then I ent a#roa!+- 3oo The train ,come- is coming + Hrr6 & I ,not ant- !on’t antto

miss it+P.P- When Da" fnishe! his e=am% he ,rea"i*e- rea"i*e! he ,mae- ha! ma!eim&ortant mistaes+-What ,6or i5e !o-!oes 6or i5e !o? She is a teacher% #t she ,not or-is not oring at the moment+.-The chi"!ren ,fnish- fnishe! their !inner an hor ago an! their mother,ash &- is ashing & no+..- As I ,a"- as a"ing home 6ester!a6 I ,meet- met a 5oreigner ho,as- ase! me the a6 to thestation+

.1- He ,or- is oring at &resent in an o]ce+.4-He ,start- starte! or "ast 9hristmas+

.- I ,not see- have not seen the athor o5 that #oo ,5or7since7ago- sincee ,meet- met in Ne Yor to6ears ago+.J- When he arrive!% the concert,a"rea!67jst76et- ,#egin- ha! a"rea!6#egn an! he ,not a""o- asn’ta""oe! to go in+ He ,#e- as ver6 !isa&&ointe! to "earn he ,miss- ha!misse! his 5avorite &iece+.Q-When he as a !i&"omat he ,visit- visite!man6 contries+.-Mr $6rne ,go- ent to S&ain "ast 6ear an! I ,not see- have not seen him,5or7since7ago- since then+

.P-When I as at schoo" I ,s&ea- s&oe 5or "angages+

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.- When e ,get- got to the air&ort% Bac ,!iscover- !iscovere! to his horrorthat he ,"eave- ha! "e5t his&ass&ort #ehin!+1-Bane ,not !rin- !oesn’t !rin tea ver6 o5ten+1.- I ,or- have ore! here ,5or7since- 5or seven 6ears% #t it’s time to"eave no+11-3oo ot We ,crash- are going to crash+14-,Yo go ot- Gi! 6o go ot 6ester!a6?1- What time , the #ans c"ose- !o the #ans c"ose in Eng"an!?1J-I have some #"e ve"vet an! I ,mae- am going to mae some crtains5or this room+1Q- I have a car #t I ,not se- !on’t se it ver6 o5ten+P1RELATIVE CLAUSESA- 9om&"ete the 5o""oing sentences ith a re"ative &ronon)Here is the me!icine VVVVVhichVVVVVVVV maes 6o goo!+

 The o"! man in a hee" chair%VVVVVVVVVhoVVVVVVVVV is ta"ing to the hos&ita"

matron% as once a great srgeon+ The gate VVVVVhich VVVVVVV 6o came throgh mst #e e&t sht+ The American am#assa!or% VVVVhoVVVVVVVV 6o ere s&eaing to a momentago% i"" #e retrning home soon+What is the name o5 the man VVVVVVhoseVVVVVVVV car 6o #orroe!?A cemeter6 is a &"ace VVVVVVhereVVVVVV &eo&"e is #rie!+A &acifst is a &erson VVVVVhoVVVVVVVVV #e"ieves that a"" ars are rong+

 This schoo" is on"6 5or chi"!ren VVVVVhoseVVV frst "angage is not Eng"ish+She is the gir" VVVVVVVhoVVVVVVV rang 6ester!a6+

 Bohn is the #o6 VVVVVVhoseVVVV 5ather is a teacher+ Yes% that is the man VVVVVhoVVVV too m6 #ag+

I ant to ta" to the st!entsVVVVhoseVVVVVVV names I ca"" ot+ That man is the one VVVVVhoVVVV #oght the hose+ Yo a"a6s as 'estionsVVVhichVVVVVVVV are ver6 !i]c"t to anser+Wh6 !oes he a"a6s ear c"othes VVVVVVVhichVVVVV are too sma"" 5or him?$- Five some a!!itiona" in5ormation ith a re"ative &ronon in the 5o""oingsentences)Wim#"e!on% VVVVVhich is a #eati5" tonVVVVVVVVVVVV% is in Soth 3on!on+He is ho&ing to #e chosen 5or the ne=t O"6m&ic Fames%VVVVhich i"" tae&"ace in Ba&anVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

 The &rime minister% VVVVVVVVVho is a ver6 attractive manVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV% i"" 5acean e"ection soon+Ever6 schoo"chi"! has hear! o5 9o"m#s%VVVVho !iscovere! AmericaVVV

Mont Everest% VVVVVVVVVVVVVVhich is in Ne&a"VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV% is the highestmontain in the or"!+P4PASSIVE VOICEA- 9hange the 5o""oing sentences into the &assive voice)

 The6 have arreste! the thie5+ The thie5 has #een arreste!+An nem&"o6e! "a#orer as re&airing m6 roo5+M6 roo5 as #eing re&aire! #6 an nem&"o6e! "a#orer+

 The &rime minister is maing a s&eech+A s&eech is #eing ma!e #6 the &rime minister+

A greengrocer se""s &otatoes+Dotatoes are so"! #6 a greengrocer+

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M6 "an!"a!6 !oes m6 ashing &+M6 ashing & is !one #6 m6 "an!"a!6+

 The6 c"ose! the sho& at one o’c"oc+ The sho& as c"ose! at one o’c"oc+A &o"iceman is sing the te"e&hone+

 The te"e&hone is #eing se! #6 a &o"iceman+A 5orteen 6ears o"! #o6 as !riving the car+

 The car as #eing !riven #6 a 5orteen 6ears o"! #o6 The6 ha! !ecorate! the hose+ The hose ha! #een !ecorate!+ Teenagers #6 a "ot o5 &o& recor!s+A "ot o5 &o& recor!s are #oght #6 teenagers+Architects !esign #i"!ings+$i"!ings are !esigne! #6 architects+A hat sha!es his e6es+His e6es are sha!e! #6 a hat+

 The6 have ma!e mistaes+

Mistaes have #een ma!e+ The6 recor!e! the #roa!cast s&eech+ The #roa!cast s&eech as recor!e!+Some o5 the orers have organi*e! an no]cia" strie+An no]cia" strie has #een organi*e! #6 some o5 the orers+Some athors i"" j!ge the "iterar6 com&etition+

 The "iterar6 com&etition i"" #e j!ge! #6 some athors+PWe are &re&aring the room+

 The room is #eing &re&are!+A jorna"ist is rea!ing the "etter+

 The "etter is #eing rea!+Horses &"" carts+9arts are &""e! #6 horses+

 The6 ere !rining coXee+9oXee as #eing !rn+$- 9om&"ete the sentences sing or!s 5rom each #o=) Use &assive voice$i"! Daint Gesign Write Name Invent GiscoverEric the Re!Marconi The Ancient Eg6&tians Dicasso EiXe"Feorge Ore"" 9ric d WatsonFreen"an! as name! #6 Eric the Re!+Anima" arm as ritten #6 Feorge Ore""+

 The D6rami!s ere #i"t #6 The Ancient Eg6&tians+

 The ire"ess as invente! #6 Marconi+Fernica as &ainte! #6 Dicasso+ The State o5 3i#ert6 as !esigne! #6 EiXe"+ The strctre o5 GNA as !iscovere! #6 9ric an! Watson+REPORTE* SPEECHA- 9hange the 5o""oing sentences into re&orte! s&eech)I nee! he"& !es&erate"6% he sai!+He sai! he nee!e! he"& !es&erate"6+I !on’t nee! 6or he"& to!a6 #t I i"" #e #s6 tomorro% sai! Deter+Deter sai! he !i!n’t nee! m6 he"& that !a6 #t he o"! #e #s6 the5o""oing !a6+M6 car has #een sto"en% he sai!% I i"" have to as 6o a 5e 'estions+He sai! his car ha! #een sto"en% so he o"! have to as me a 5e'estions+

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I can’t "ive on m6 #asic sa"ar6% sai! Deter% I i"" have to oXer to !o overtime+Deter sai! he co"!n’t "ive on his #asic sa"ar6% he o"! have to oXer to !oovertime+M6 6ong #rother ants to #e a ta= ins&ector% sai! Mar6% I can’t thin h6%none o5 m6 5ami"6 has ever #een ata= ins&ector+Mar6 sai! her 6ong #rother ante! to #e a ta= ins&ector% she co"!n’tthing h6 #ecase none o5 her5ami"6 ha! ever #een a ta= ins&ector+PJ$- 3ast ee 6o ha! "nch ith Rache"% a 5rien! 6o ha!n’t seen 5or a "ongtime+ 3oo at the things she sai! to6o% then te"" another 5rien! hat she sai!+ Use re&orte! s&eech+I’m going to or in S&ain ne=t 6ear+I or 5or a sma"" &#"ishing com&an6+I’m their mareting manager+

 The com&an6 has o&ene! an o]ce in $arce"ona+

It’s #een ver6 sccess5"+I’ve #een chosen to rn a ne o]ce in Ma!ri!+I’m st!6ing S&anish in the evenings+I !on’t have mch time to enjo6 m6se"5+I haven’t ha! "nch ith 5rien!s 5or ages+I ho&e m6 5rien!s i"" come an! visit me in Ma!ri!+I ent there "ast ee ith m6 secretar6+We !i!n’t have mch time 5or sightseeing+I have to get #ac to or no+Rache" sai!__She as going to or in S&ain the 5o""oing 6ear+She ore! 5or a sma"" &#"ishing com&an6+She as their mareting manager+

 The com&an6 ha! o&ene! an o]ce in $arce"ona+It ha! #een ver6 sccess5"+She ha! #een chosen to rn a ne o]ce in Ma!ri!+She as st!6ing S&anish in the evenings+She !i!n’t have mch time to enjo6 herse"5+She ha! not ha! "nch ith 5rien!s 5or ages+She ho&e! her 5rien!s o"! come an! visit her in Ma!ri!+She ha! #een there the ee #e5ore ith her secretar6+

 The ha! not ha! mch time 5or sightseeing+She ha! to get #ac to or then+

PQ9- Dt the 5o""oing 'estions into the re&orte! s&eech)Who has #een sing m6 t6&eriter? M6 mother ase!M6 mother ase! ho ha! #een sing her t6&eriter+Go 6o ant to see the cathe!ra"? The gi!e ase!

 The gi!e ase! i5 I ante! to see the cathe!ra"+Gi! 6o s"ee& e""? M6 hostess ase!M6 hostess ase! me I ha! s"e&t e""+Have 6o #een here "ong? The other st!ents ase! him

 The other st!ents ase! him i5 he ha! #een there "ong+Ho "ong have 6o #een "earning Eng"ish? Da" ase!+Da" ase! him ho "ong he ha! #een "earning Eng"ish+

Where are 6o going 5or 6or smmer ho"i!a6s? I ase!I ase! him here he as going 5or his smmer ho"i!a6s+

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Go 6o gro 6or on vegeta#"es? M6 5rien! ase!+M6 5rien! ase! me i5 I gre m6 on vegeta#"es+Ho man6 s"ee&ing &i""s have 6o taen? The night sister ase!+

 The night sister ase! me ho man6 s"ee&ing &i""s I ha! taen+G- Dt the 5o""oing sentences ,or!ers- into the re&orte! s&eech)Gon’t &t stic6 things in 6or &ocets His mother or!ere! himHis mother or!ere! him not to &t stic6 things in his &ocets+Gon’t !o an6thing !angeros His i5e to"! himHis i5e to"! him not to !o an6thing !angeros+Fet into the right "ane The !riving instrctor or!ere! her

 The !riving instrctor or!ere! her to get into the right "ane+Ho"! the "a!!er He to"! himHe to"! him to ho"! the "a!!er+Gon’t tae more than to o5 these The !octor or!ere! me

 The !octor or!ere! me not to tae more than to o5 those+asten 6or seat #e"ts The hostess to"! s

 The hostess to"! s to 5asten or seat #e"ts+

Gon’t !rive throgh 5og ith on"6 a 5og "ight on She or!ere! himShe or!ere! him not to !rive trogh 5og ith on"6 a 5og "ight on+PCON*ITIONAL SENTENCESA- Dt the ver#s in #racets into the correct tenses)I5 6o &ass 6or e=amination e ,have-VVVi"" haveVVVa ce"e#ration+

 Yo o"! &"a6 #etter #ri!ge i5 6o ,not ta"-VV!i!n’t ta"VVVV so mch+What ,ha&&en-VVVVVi"" ha&&enVVVVVVVVV i5 I &ress this #tton?I5 6o ,ear-VVVVVVha! ornVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a 5a"se #ear! no#o!6 o"! haverecogni*e! 6o+I5 6o go to Daris here ,6o 7 sta6-VVVVVVVVVi"" 6o sta6VVVVVVVVVVV?

I5 the mi"man ,come- VVVVVVVcomesVVVVVV te"" him to "eave to &ints+Someone ,sit- VVVVi"" sitVVVon 6or g"asses i5 6o "eave them there+I5 6o ,rea!-VVVVVVVha! rea!VVVVVVVVVVVVVV the instrctions care5""6 6o o"!n’thave ansere! the rong'estion+I5 6o shae that #ott"e o5 &ort it , not #e-VVVon’tV#eVVVft to !rin+I5 I ha! non that 6o co"!n’t eat octo&s I ,not #6-VVVo"!n’t have#oghtVVVVVVVVVVVVVit+What ,I 7 !o-VVVVVVVVVi"" I !oVVVVVVVVVVi5 I hear the #rg"ar a"arm?I ,#ring-VVVVVVVVVo"! have #roghtVVVVVVVVVVVVV6o some #eer i5 I ha! nonthat 6o ere thirst6+I5 an6one attace! me m6 !og ,jm&- VVVVo"! jm&VVVVVVVVVVVat his throat+

I5 6o ha! toche! that e"ectric ca#"e 6o ,#e-VVVVo"! have #eenVVVVVVe"ectrocte!+ Yo ,not #e-VVVVVVVVVon’t #eVVVVVVVVVVVan6 se to me i5 6o !on’t "earn to t6&e+$- inish these sentences taing care to se the correct tenses% a"" o5 themare con!itiona" sentences)I5 the vo"cano starts er&tingVVVVVman6 &eo&"e i"" !ie+He o"! "en! it to 6o i5VVVVVVVVV6o nee!e! it+I5 6o ha! ase! him his &ermissionVV6o o"! have gone to the &art6+I5 6o trie! to c"im# ithot a gi!eVVVVVVV6o o"!n’t fn! the a6+I5 the fre ha! #een notice! ear"ierVVVVVVVVthe fremen o"! have arrive!+I5 6o "eave the gate o&enVVVVVthe cat i"" rn aa6+I5 6o ha! an6 senseVVVVVVV6o o"! st!6 more+I5 I ha! ha! a carVVVVVVVI o"! have visite! 6o+

 Yo i"" have to go to the !entistVVVVVVi5 6o eat so man6 seets+

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I5 Tom rings hi"e I am otVVVVVVVVVVte"" him to &hone me "ater+ Yo o"!n’t have #een angr6VVVVVVVVVi5 6o ha! ta"e! to him+I5 6o !i!n’t shae the camera the &hotogra&hsVVVVVo"! #e #etter+I5 6o !on’t &t enogh stam&s on a "etterVVV6or 5rien! on’t receive it+I5 this hote" !oesn’t get another cooVVVVVI i"" never eat there again+Her "i5e o"! have #een save! i5 VVVVthe am#"ance ha! arrive! ear"ier+PPPTE-TOSA- The Bacson 5ami"6 are on ho"i!a6 in Tre6+ The6 are sta6ing at a #ighote" in Istam#"+ Mar ,.4-% his sister a6,.1- an! their &arents "ie Tre6+ It is #eati5"% the eather is hot an! the5oo! is goo!+ To!a6 the6 are visiting the cit6o5 Tro6+ The6 are getting on a #s in 5ront o5 their hote"+ There are &eo&"eon the #s+ The6 come 5rom $ritain%America% rance% Ita"6 an! Ho""an!+Anser the 5o""oing 'estions on the te=t sing 6or on or!s) Gon’tre&eat the te=t+Ho man6 &eo&"e are there in the Bacson 5ami"6?

 There are 5or &eo&"e in the Bacson 5ami"6+In hich Trish cit6 are the6 sta6ing?

 The6 are in Istam#"+Ho o"! are the chi"!ren?Mar is thirteen 6ears o"! an! a6 is te"ve+Ho man6 &eo&"e are there in the #s?

 There are 5ort6 &eo&"e in the #s+Where !o the &eo&"e on the #s come 5rom?

 The6 come 5rom !iXerent contries% $ritain% America% rance% Ita"6 an!

Ho""an!+$- Gear Norma an! Eric%We are in Ita"6+ We are ver6 ha&&6 here+ The eather is on!er5"% so e areat the #each a"" the time+ The hote" isver6 #ig #t it is not ne+ Deo&"e are ver6 nice% #o6s are ver6 ta"" an!han!some an! gir"s are ver6 &rett6 an! thin++See 6o soon+ 3ove+ Deter an! Sarah.- Where are Deter an! Sarah?Deter an! Sarah are on ho"i!a6s in Ita"6+1- Are the6 sa!?No% the6 aren’t+ The6 are ver6 ha&&6% the6 are having a goo! time there+4- Whats the eather "ie in Ita"6?

Ita"ian eather is great+- Gescri#e the hote"+ Is it sma""% is it o"!?It is an o"! hote"% #t it isn’t a sma"" hote"+9- $ath is a ver6 o"! cit6 in Eng"an!+ It has a #eati5" A##e6+ A "ot o5 &eo&"evisit the cit6% an! in the smmer there area"a6s cro!s so torists in the streets+ Dete an! 9ar"a are st!ents at $athniversit6+ 9ar"a "ies to a" in the "itt"e#ac streets+ It is 'iet here #t Dete an! 9ar"a can hear msic+ b3oo sa6sDete+ That man is &"a6ing the te+3et’s

go an! "isten Dete an! 9ar"a "isten to the te &"a6er+ The tne isFreens"eves an! 9ar"a sings it ith him+Anser the 'estions accor!ing to the te=t)

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Are Dete an! 9ar"a)a- sho&ee&ers#- st!ents c- torists?Is $ath A##6)a- a chrch #- the name o5 a streetc- the name o5 a ca5@?What is Freens"eves?It is a tne+

 This stor6 taes &"ace in $ath+ Here are anagrams o5 5or other $ritish cities+ The6 a"" #egin ith "etter$+ What are the6?RTI$FHNO INAIHRMF$M RTI$S3O UTM$ROHONEN$RIFHTON $IRMINFHAM $RISTO3 $OURNEMOUTHG- I have a 5rien! in Eng"an!+ His name is en Ro#erts+ I no him ver6 e""+We o5ten rite to each other+ M6 "ettersare ver6 short+ It is sti"" ver6 har! to rite in Eng"ish+ I receive! a "etter 5romen 6ester!a6+ It ma!e me ver6 ha&&6+ Heis coming to m6 contr6 5or a ho"i!a6 ne=t 6ear+ We are going to see eachother 5or the frst time+

Anser these 'estions+ Yor ansers mst not #e more than J1 or!s+Where !oes 6or 5rien!% en Ro#erts% "ive?en Ro#erts "ives in Eng"an!+What !o 6o #oth o5ten !o?We rite each other+Are 6or "etters short or "ong?M6 "etter are not too "ong+Is it har! 5or 6o to rite in Eng"ish% or is it eas6?It is not eas6 5or me to rite in Eng"ish+What i"" en !o ne=t 6ear?He i"" come to visit me in S&ain 5or his ho"i!a6s+Wi"" 6o see each other 5or the frst time or not?

 Yes% e i"" see each other 5or the frst time% I have not seen him #e5ore+.E- Or smmer ho"i!a6s "ast 4 months+ Gring the "ast ee o5 the ho"i!a6se get rea!6 5or schoo"+ We #6 &enci"s%&ens% &a&er an! ne #oos+ On the frst !a6 o5 schoo" e see a"" or 5rien!sagain an! e te"" them a#ot theho"i!a6s+ A5ter that e get into c"ass+ It is so har! to ee& 'iet an! &a6attention to or teacher+ He a"a6s sa6sith a "agh+bYo 5orget more in three months than 6o "earn in a 6ear+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than JJ or!s)

Ho "ong !o or smmer ho"i!a6s "ast?Or smmer ho"i!a6s "ast three months+When !o e &re&are 5or schoo"?We &re&are 5or schoo" one ee #e5ore starting schoo"+Whom !o e see on the frst !a6?We meet a"" the st!ents on the frst !a6+What !o e te"" them?We te"" them a#ot or ho"i!a6s+Where !o e go then?We go into c"ass+What !oes or teacher a"a6s sa6?He a"a6s sa6s that e 5orget ever6thing !ring or ho"i!a6s+

- It is ver6 hot in the smmer an! in the evenings no#o!6 "ies sta6ing athome+ Deo&"e a" in the streets or sit in the

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o&en+ We have a s&ecia" smmer cinema an! m6 5rien!s an! I o5ten gothere+ There are ta"" trees a"" ron! an! it isver6 coo"+ Sometimes the f"ms are not ver6 goo!% #t e !o not min!+ Thestars shine in a c"ear s6 an! there iso5ten a "arge #right moon+ We can 5orget the f"m an! enjo6 a &"easantevening+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than or!s).- Is it hot in the smmer% or is it co"!?It is ver6 hot in the smmer+1- Go &eo&"e "ie to go ot in the evening% or !o the6 "ie to sta6 athome?Deo&"e sa""6 "ie going ot in the evenings+4- Where !o 6or 5rien!s an! 6o o5ten go?We o5ten go to the smmer cinema+- Is it arm there% or is it coo"?It is ver6 coo" there #ecase there are trees a"" aron! it+J- Go 6o sometimes see #a! f"ms or !o 6o a"a6s see goo! f"ms?

Sometimes f"ms are not ver6 goo!+Q-Go 6o min! a#ot this or not?We !on’t min! a#ot seeing #a! f"ms+-Go 6o a"a6s enjo6 a &"easant evening or not?

 Yes% e enjo6 &"easant evenings ever6 time e go+1F- It’s Banar6 .th+ To!a6 Bane is seventeen 6ears o5 age+ She’s earing a&rett6 ne !ress+ It’s #"e an! hite+ Baneis having a &art6 to!a6 an! she’s e=&ecting a"" her 5rien!s to come+ The6 aregoing to arrive in a short time+ The6 aregoing to #ring man6 #eati5" &resents ith them+ Bane’s mother has&re&are! a "ot o5 nice things to eat an! !rin+

 The 6ong &eo&"e are going to &"a6 games% sing% !ance an! "isten to msic+ The6 i"" have a on!er5" time together+Anser the 5o""oing 'estions+ Yor ansers mst not #e more than J.or!s)What is the !ate to!a6?It is Banar6 .th+Whose #irth!a6 is it?It is Bane’s #irth!a6+Ho o"! is she?

 Bane is seventeen to!a6+Is Bane earing a ne !ress% or is it earing an o"! one?

 Bane is earing a ne &rett6 !ress+Is she having a &art6 or not?She is having a #irth!a6 &art6+When i"" her 5rien!s arrive?

 Bane’s 5rien!s i"" arrive ver6 soon+What are the 6ong &eo&"e going to !o at the &art6?Ever6#o!6 is going to &"a6% !ance% sing an! "isten to msic% the6 are goingto have a goo! time+H- Mr an! Mrs Simms go to the maret on Satr!a6 mornings+ Mr Simmsnever enjo6s these visits+ Mrs Simms goessho&&ing an! he sits on a #o= an! aits 5or her+ This morning there asmore noise than sa" an! ever6one as in a

hrr6+ Mrs Simms #oght some meat% fsh% 5rit an! vegeta#"es+ An hor&asse! an! then a man came & to Mr

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Simms+ E=cse me% he sai!% is 6or name Simms? Yor i5e has fnishe!sho&&ing no% #t the #ags are ver6heav6+ She ants 6o to carr6 them home 5or her+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more then J or!s)Where !o Mr an! Mrs Simms go ever6 Satr!a6 morning?Mr an! Mrs Simms go to the maret ever6 Satr!a6 morning+Goes Mr Simms enjo6 it or not?Mr Simms !oesn’t "ie going to the maret at a""+Gi! his i5e #6 man6 !iXerent things this morning% or !i! she #6 on"6 a5e things?Mrs Simms #oght man6 things this morning% meat% fsh% 5rit an!vegeta#"es+Ho "ong !i! her hs#an! ait?Mr Simms aite! 5or one hor+What !i! Mrs Simms ant her hs#an! to !o in the en!?Mrs Simms ante! her hs#an! to he"& her ith the #ags+4

I- I ore! as a &ostman 5or a short time+ $t I am a5rai! o5 !ogs an! Ihave a "ot o5 tro#"e+ One !a6 I trie! to !e"iver a &ostcar! to a #ig hose+I got oX m6 #ic6c"e an! at once a "arge !og ran toar!s the gate+ It ma!ea "ot o5 noise an! in the en! I !ro&&e! the car! in the gar!en+ The !og&ice! it & imme!iate"6 an! carrie! it into the hose+ The !og as a#etter &ostman than I as+

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than JP or!s)Gi! I or as a &ostman 5or a "ong time or 5or a short time?I as a &ostman 5or a ver6 short time+Gi! I fn! the or eas6 or !i! I fn! it !i]c"t?Woring as a &ostman as sometimes a #it !i]c"t+Go I "ie !ogs% or am I a5rai! o5 them?I !on’t "ie !ogs #ecase I am a5rai! o5 them+Where !i! I have to !e"iver a &ostcar! one !a6?I ha! to !e"iver a &ostcar! to a ver6 #ig hose+Wo"! the !og at the hose "et me go throgh the gate or not?

 There as a #ig !og hich !i!n’t "et me go into the hose+Where !i! I thro the car!?I thre the car! into the gar!en+Where !i! the !og tae it?

 The !og too the car! into the hose+ It as a ver6 goo! &ostman+ B- The chi"!ren ne=t !oor o5ten &"a6 5oot#a"" in the gar!en an! sometimes#rea m6 in!os+ 3ast Satr!a6 a5ternoon

I sta6e! at home an! rea! a #oo+ A5ter a hi"e I c"ose! m6 e6es an! entto s"ee&+ A son! at the !oor ma!e me get& 'ic"6+ Soon a "itt"e #o6 a&&eare!+bNot one o5 m6 in!os again? I ase!Oh no Ansere! the #o6+ bYor in!o as o&en this time an! or #a"" is in6or #e!room+ Ma6 e get in% &"ease?

 Yor ansers mst not #e more than J or!s)Where !o the chi"!ren ne=t !oor o5ten &"a6 5oot#a""?

 The chi"!ren ne=t !oor o5ten &"a6 in the gar!en+What !o the6 sometimes #rea?

 The6 sometimes #rea m6 in!os ith their #a""+Where !i! I s&en! the a5ternoon "ast Satr!a6?

I as at home rea!ing a #oo+Who came to the !oor?

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One o5 the #o6s ne=t !oor noce! on m6 !oor+What !i! he ant to !o?He ante! to recover his #a""+Where as it?

His #a"" as his #a""+Gi! he #rea m6 in!o or not?No% he !i!n’t #rea m6 in!o #ecase it as o&en+Was it o&en% or as it sht?ortnate"6 the in!o as o&en this time+- 3acoc % near 9hi&&enham in the cont6 o5 Wi"tshire% is a #eati5" "itt"evi""age ith a &o&"ation o5 1+ Wi""iamHenr6 o=VTa"#ot% the &hotogra&hic &ioneer% ma!e the frst &a&er negative% a&hotogra&h o5 a in!o in 3acoc A##e6%in .P4J+$eteen JJ an! Q &eo&"e visit the A##e6 ever6 6ear+ Gavi! an!ath"een A""an on a 5oo! store an! the

&ost o]ce in 3acoc+ Mr A""an sa6s he has no &ro#"ems ith torists% #tsome o5 the inha#itants are tire! o5 torists___++ Anser these 'estions)What is the vi""age 5amos 5or?3acoc is 5amos #ecase Wi""iam Henr6 o=VTa"#ot ma!e the frst &a&ernegative there+Wh6 !o torists ant to visit it?

 Torists visit the A##e6 an! the 5amos in!o+Who as Wi""iam Henr6 o=VTa"#ot?He as a &hotogra&h% a &hotogra&hic &ioneer+Ho man6 &eo&"e visit the A##e6 ever6 6ear?$eteen JJ an! Q visit the A##e6 ever6 6ear+Who are the oners o5 the &ost o]ce in 3acoc?Gavi! an! ath"een A""an are the oners o5 the &ost o]ce+Go &eo&"e in 3acoc "ie torists?Some o5 the &eo&"e in 3acoc are a #it 5e! & o5 so man6 torists+3- HOW?

 The6 ere a"" there+ The sons% the !aghters% the ives% the chi"!ren% even"itt"e 5or 6ear o"! An!re+ The6 #ecame'iet hen o"! "a!6 $oon stoo! & at the en! o5 the great room+ bThan 6oa"" 5or coming she sai!+ bEver6 6ear% thereare more o5 6o Z ives% chi"!ren+ Ever6 6ear on this !a6% e remem#er m6&oor !ear Sir Feorge+ Deo&"e o5ten as% b

Ho !i! Sir Feorge #ecome 9omman!erV in 9hie5 o5 a"" or fghting men?An! ever6 6earV 5or the ne onesV I te""6o this stor6+ bWhen Sir Feorge came #ac 5rom the ar% the ing himse"5sent 5or him+ bSir Feorge sai! the ing+ b

 Yo have "ost an arm% than goo! arm as shot aa6 in the ar+ Yo gavethat arm 5or 6or contr6+ I no give 6o m6on hite horse+ rom this !a6% it is 6ors+ The &eo&"e ho hear! 3a!6$oon ere ha&&6 at the thoght+ or6ear o"! An!re &""e! at the coat o5 a man near him+ bHas she fnishe!?Ssssssssshhhhhhh% sai! the man+ b$t thatis not a"" 3a!6 $oon #egan again+ Sir Feorge sai! to the ing+ bThe ing’son horse 5or one arm An! 5or to

arms? The ing sai!+ bor to "ost arms I mst mae 6o 9omman!er in9hie5 o5 a"" m6 fghting men+ An! at once

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Sir Feorge shot oX his other arm A "itt"e cr6 ent & 5rom the &eo&"e in the room+ The ingremem#ere! his or!s+ At once% Sir FeorgeJ#ecame 9omman!er in 9hie5 o5 a"" or fghting men+ A great man+ 3et’s s

!rin as e remem#er Sir Feorge $oon+ The&eo&"e in the room !ran 5rom their "arge g"asses an! "aghe! an! ta"e!again+3itt"e An!re ent & to 3a!6 $oon an! ase!+ Is it tre? Gi! Sir Feorgeshoot oX his other arm in 5ront o5 the ing?bYes she sai!+ An! 3itt"e An!re sai!) Ho?Anser the 5o""oing 'estions)Who as Sir Feorge’s i5e?3a!6 $oon as Sir Feorge’s i5e+Who as Sir Feorge?Sir Feorge as 9omman!er in 9hie5 o5 a"" the ing’s fghting men+Who gave him a hite horse?

 The ing gave Sir Feorge a hite horse hen he "ost one o5 his arms+Who as in the great room?Ever6#o!6 as there% ives% sons an! !aghters+Who !i!n’t #e"ieve the stor6 a#ot Sir Feorge?3itt"e An!re !i!n’t #e"ieve Sir Feorge’s stor6+M- THE MISTERY O THE 3O9H NESS MONSTER+

 The 3och Ness Monster A 5amos monster A 5amos m6ster6 Yes% the 3ochNess Monster is a m6ster6+ What is amonster? It’s a #ig anima"% or a #ig fsh It’s #ig an! it’s strange+What is a "och? It’s a strange or!+ It is a Scottish or!+ Eng"ish &eo&"e sa6"ae+ A "och is a in! o5 "ae in Scot"an!% a"ae #eteen "o hi""s+ 3och Ness is not the on"6 "och in Scot"an!% #t it is a5amos "och+3och Ness is an o"! "ae+ O"!? Yes% 1J 6ears+ It’s a"so a "ong "ae+ It’s 4P+Qms "ong% #t on"6 .+Q ms i!e+ 3ochNess is a"so a !ee& "ae% 1Q metres !ee&+NESSIE) The 3och Ness Monster has a name+ The name i5 the monster isNessie+ Nessie is a rea" Scottish name+Nessie comes 5rom the name Agnes+ It is common in Scot"an!+ The name o53och Ness comes 5rom the River Ness+It rns 5rom 3och Ness to the ton o5 Inverness+ Inverness is bmoth o5 theRiver Ness+

 The 3och Ness Monster Ki*

What is a monster?A monster is something #ig an! strange+ It can #e an anima" or a fsh+What is a "och?It is the Scottish or! 5or "ae+Is 3och Ness the on"6 "och in Scot"an!?3och Ness is not the on"6 "och in Scot"an!% there are more "ochs there+What is the name o5 the 3och Ness Monster?

 The name o5 the 5amos monster is Nessie+Is 3och Ness 1 ms% 4P+Q ms or ms "ong?Q3och Ness is 4P+Q i"ometres "ong+Is 3och Ness . m% .+Q m or .+ ms i!e?

3och Ness is .+Q i"ometres i!e+Is 3och Ness 1Q metres% J metres o5 J metres !ee&?

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3och Ness is 1Q metres !ee&+N- THE 3ETTER)It as e""6’s frst jo# as a seaman% an! the shi& as a #ig one+ It sta6e! atsea 5or months at a time+ At "ast% "etterscame 5rom home+ There as a "etter 5or e""6% an! he &t it insi!e his shirt+His 5rien! A"#ert sai!)VbAren’t 6o going to rea! 6or "etter? V bNo% I have or to !o+3ate that night A"#ert sa e""6 again+ He sai!VbGi! 6o rea! 6or "etter? V Who is it 5rom? VbNo+V Ho !o I no? Vb We""% 6o mst no the riting? V bNoV bWe""% o&en it V bNoVbGon’t 6o ant to rea! it? V b Yes% I ant to rea! it+V bSo% h6 !on’t 6o rea! it? V b$ecase I can’t rea!+V bOh Wh6 !i!n’t 6o sa6 so? Here% give it to me+V bWhat are 6o !oing? V bO&ening it+ V b That’s m6 "etter+V bWho 5rom?V brom Z er Z $ett6+ Who is that? [ bM6 gir"5rien!+

V bO% are 6o rea!6? V bRea!6 5or hat?V bI i"" rea! it+ Right+ This is it+ bM6 !earest++++++V bWait What are 6o !oing no? V b I am &tting the "ight oX+V bWh6?V bThat "etter is 5rom $ett6 to me+ I can’t "et 6o see it+ bV b Ho can I rea! it no? I can’t see an6thing+V bWait% here is a torch+ V b Thans+ V b9an 6o see no?V b This torch is no goo!+ It !oesn’t "ight+V b I i"" &t the "ight on again+ V b 9an I rea! it no? V b WaitV b What are 6o !oing% e""6?V bI’m &tting m6 han!s over 6or ears+ No 6o can’t hear hat 6o aresa6ing+ O% rea! me the "etter+

Anser these 'estions)Wh6 !i!n’t e""6 o&en his "etter?e""6 !i!n’t o&en his "etter #ecase he !i!n’t no ho to rea!+Wh6 !i! he &t the "ight oX?He !i!n’t ant A"#ert to see $ett6’s "etter+Wh6 !i! he get a torch?He got a torch #ecase A"#ert co"!n’t rea! $ett6’s "etter ith the "ight oX+Wh6 !i! the shi& sta6 at sea 5or a "ong time?

 The shi& sta6e! at sea 5or months #ecase it as a #ig one+Wh6 !i! e""6 &t his han!s over A"#ert’s ears?

He &t his han!s over A"#ert’s ears #ecase he !i!n’t ant him to hear hathe as sa6ing+M- $EIBINF$eijing is the ca&ita" o5 the Deo&"e’s Re&#"ic o5 9hina+ Its o"! name isDeing+ It is in the northVeast o5 9hina#eteen to rivers% the YngVTing an! the 9haiVDa+ $eijing is the centre o5the 9hinese government an! the c"tra"centre o5 9hina+

 The cit6 o5 $eijing is ver6 #ig% J s'are mi"es o5 1 s'arei"ometres+ It is the si*e o5 a sma"" contr6 or a state+

 Yo can com&are it to Haiti an! Ne Ham&shire in the Unite! States+ Tienanmen S'are is a "arge o&en area in $eijing% 5amos in a"" the or"!

since the st!ent massacre in .P+ TheFreat Ha"" o5 the Deo&"e is on the est si!e o5 the s'are+

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ANSWER THESE KUESTIONS)Where is this ton?$eijing is in the Re&#"ic o5 9hina% in the north east o5 it+What’s the name o5 the 5amos s'are in $eijing?

 The 5amos s'are in $eijing is Tienanmen S'are+Wh6 is it 5amos?It is 5amos #ecase there as a st!ent massacre in .P there+Name to rivers in the te=t)

 The to rivers are the YngVTin an! the 9hai Da9HOOSE THE 9ORRE9T ANSWER)Deing is) a- an o"! name 5or $eijing#- the &rovincia" ca&ita" o5 the Deo&"e’s Re&#"ic o5 9hinac- the agric"tra" centre o5 9hina

 TRUE OR A3SE?.- $eijing is the ca&ita" o5 the Deo&"e’s Re&#"ic o5 9hina+ TRUE1- $eijing is in the centre o5 9hina+ A3SE4- $eijing covers a ver6 "arge area+ TRUE

 The Freat Ha"" o5 the &eo&"e is on the east si!e o5 the Tiananmen S'are+A3SEWRITE A$OUT A TOWN YOU 3IE+ O33OW THIS D3AN)SitationWh6 is it im&ortant) main activit6Si*e% &o&"ation% etcSome im&ortant #i"!ings% monments% etcUse the &assage a#ot $eijing to he"& 6o+P




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