ACTIVITAT 1: MATEMÀTIQUES...notícia sobre algun fet que últimament t’hagi cridat l’atenció...

Post on 08-Aug-2020

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Transcript of ACTIVITAT 1: MATEMÀTIQUES...notícia sobre algun fet que últimament t’hagi cridat l’atenció...


A continuació teniu dues fitxes de matemàtiques. A la primera farem un

repàs de les unitats de longitud que vam treballar al segon trimestre i a la

segona teniu diferents operacions bàsiques i a més, heu de fer memòria

perquè també treballem geometria!


A més, com cada setmana deixem un l’enllaç per accedir al KAHOOT. Així

podreu jugar i a la vegada resoldre diferents problemes matemàtics. A

continuació teniu el ranking de la setmana del 04-05-2020:

RAYAN 12577 MARYAM 10744


NADIA 8721

1r. Prepareu llapis, goma i full per poder fer operacions si cal.

2n. Feu click a l’enllaç:


3r. Escriviu el vostre nom i feu click a “OK, GO!” (per poder entrar al

ranking setmanal ha de ser el vostre nom real).

4rt. A JUGAR!!!


Pel que fa a la matèria de català, aquesta setmana treballarem

l’accentuació de les paraules i la notícia. Abans de fer les activitats deixem

un quadre en forma de resum de quan les paraules eren esdrúixoles,

planes i esdrúixoles.



Un cop hagis llegit la notícia, et proposem que facis el mateix. Escriu una notícia sobre algun fet que últimament t’hagi cridat l’atenció com per exemple, la sortida de la gent al carrer, la pujada de les temperatures, l’obertura d’algunes botigues, com han canviat les plantes de casa teva... i omple la plantilla que tens a sota.

Has de posar un títol que indiqui clarament el contingut de la notícia i a sota de la foto/dibuix has de posar el peu de foto (explicació del que surt a la foto o dibuix). Ànims segur que t’anirà bé!









Reading comprehension

Read the four small texts about people and fill in the chart.

My name is Jane. I'm twelve years old.I'm from Italy, but I live in London with my family.I'm a student. I've got two brothers. My favourite subject is maths. I'm at home at the moment. I like dancing and cooking.

My name is Diego. I'm twenty-eight years old. I'm Portuguese. Ilive in Manchester. I work in a hospital.I'm a doctor. I haven't got brothers or sisters. I don't have much free time, butI like climbing and horse riding.

My name is Jack. I'm Thirteen years old. I come from France, but I live in Liverpool With my family. I've got two sisters.I'm a student. I love science. In my free time, I like painting and cycling.

My name is Nick. I'm twenty-five years old. I come from Germany,but I live in Bolton. I am a mechanical engineer. I work hard. In my free time,I like playing golf and going to the gym.

People Age Nationality Job Likes

Jane 12 years old Italian student dancing cooking




Tell me who

1. Nick is from Germany. 10. _____ lives in London.

2. _____ loves science. 11. _____is from Italy.

3. _____likes painting and cycling. 12. _____doesn't have much time.

4. _____ 28 years old. 13. _____likes maths.

5. _____has got two brothers. 14._____likes climbing.

6. _____ works hard. 15. _____ is a doctor.

7. _____is thirteen years old. 16._____hasn't got any siblings

siblings: brothers and sisters.


My name is Ann, I'm nine years old and this is my family. My mum is 42 years old and her name is Sarah and my dad is 45 and his name is Joe. I've got two brothers. The baby is only eleven months old and his name is James and my other brother is Lucas and he is ten. My granddad is 75 and his name is John and my grandma is 75 too and her name is Lucy. They are my dad's parents. My dad is a doctor and my mum is a teacher. My grandparents don't work because they are very

old. My brother is in the 5th level at school and I'm in the 4th. The baby doesn't go to school.

Answer the questions about Ann's family:

What is her mum's name?

How old is Ann?

How many brothers has she got?

What's her granddad's name?

What's her dad's profession?

Is her mum a doctor?

Does the baby go to school?

What is her level at school?

Who is in the 5th level?

Who is Lucas?

How old is her grandma?

Does her grandparents work? Why?