
Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Código para generar un sencillo juego de ahorcado.

Transcript of Ahorcado

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=755QvP2Rtuw&feature=related El juego del ahorcado Crear un nuevo proyecto, agregar form2 y form3.

Form1 base del juego

Agregar un fondo en la propiedad picture= archivo.jpg Agregar commad para ayuda (llamar al form2), con la instrucción: Form2.Show

Agregar un frame con 2 OptionButton para 1 y 2 jugadores Agregar 2 command deben estar invisibles al arrancar el juego y se activan con cada opción. 1.- iniciar el juego 2.- escribir palabra

Form2 Ayuda

Agregar datos con herramientas LABEL, agregar el botón ACEPTAR para salir de la ayuda programar la instrucción en el botón aceptar: Unload Me

Form3 escribir palabra Para todos los form la propiedad Borderstyle=5 sizable toolwindow Para cambiar el color de los botones modificar las propiedades:

Style = 1-Graphical BackColor = elegir el color deseado

Para cambiar a mayúsculas lo que escriban codificar en lo siguiente Private Sub L1_Change() L1.Text = UCase(L1.Text) End Sub Para que el cursor pase sólo a la siguiente casilla una vez que el usuario a puesto una letra codifica: Private Sub L1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) L2.SetFocus End Sub Cuando llega a la ultima castilla debe pasar al boton Private Sub L10_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Command1.SetFocus End Sub

Cuando se da click al boton de listo: Private Sub Command1_Click() If L1 = "" Then MsgBox "Escriba la palabra, desde la primera casilla" Else Form1.L1.Caption = L1.Text Form1.L2.Caption = L2.Text

<< y así con todas las letras >> Form1.L10.Caption = L10.Text If Form1.L1.Caption <> "" Then Form1.R1.Caption = "_": Form1.R1.Visible = True << y así con todas las letras del Form1>>

If Form1.L10.Caption <> "" Then Form1.R10.Caption = "_": Form1.R10.Visible = True

Else Form1.R10.Caption = ""

End if Form1.Label1.Visible = True Form1.Label2.Visible = True Form1.Label2.Caption = 0 Form1.Text1.Visible = True Form1.Text1.Text = "" Form1.Text1.SetFocus Form1.errores = 0 Unload Me End If End Sub

CODIGO DE FORM 1 Public errores As Integer PARA LIMPIAR LAS CASILLAS Private Sub limpiar() Label2.Caption = 0: Label2.Visible = False Label1.Visible = False: Text1.Visible = False L1.Caption = "*": R1.Caption = "": x1.Caption = "" L2.Caption = "": R2.Caption = "": x2.Caption = "" L3.Caption = "": R3.Caption = "": x3.Caption = "" L4.Caption = "": R4.Caption = "": x4.Caption = "" L5.Caption = "": R5.Caption = "": x5.Caption = "" L6.Caption = "": R6.Caption = "": x6.Caption = "" L7.Caption = "": R7.Caption = "" L8.Caption = "": R8.Caption = "" L9.Caption = "": R9.Caption = "" L10.Caption = "": R10.Caption = "" L1.Visible = False: R1.Visible = False: x1.Visible = False L2.Visible = False: R2.Visible = False: x2.Visible = False L3.Visible = False: R3.Visible = False: x3.Visible = False L4.Visible = False: R4.Visible = False: x4.Visible = False L5.Visible = False: R5.Visible = False: x5.Visible = False L6.Visible = False: R6.Visible = False: x6.Visible = False L7.Visible = False: R7.Visible = False L8.Visible = False: R8.Visible = False L9.Visible = False: R9.Visible = False

L10.Visible = False: R10.Visible = False Image1.Visible = False: Image2.Visible = False: Image3.Visible = False: Image4.Visible = False: Image5.Visible = False:

Image6.Visible = False End Sub CUANDO EL JUGADOR PIERDE Private Sub perdiste() MsgBox "perdiste" limpiar End Sub VERIFICAR SI YA GANO Private Sub verifica() If L1 = R1 And L2 = R2 And L3 = R3 And L4 = R4 And L5 = R5 And L6 = R6 And L7 = R7 And L8 = R8 And L9 = R9 And L10 =

R10 Then MsgBox "Ganaste, felicidades" limpiar End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() limpiar Text1.Visible = True If Label3.Caption = 1 Then L1.Caption = "H": L2.Caption = "O": L3.Caption = "L": L4.Caption = "A": L5.Caption = "":

L6.Caption = "": L7.Caption = "": L8.Caption = "": L9.Caption = "": L10.Caption = "" If Label3.Caption = 2 Then L1.Caption = "A": L2.Caption = "L": L3.Caption = "E": L4.Caption = "J": L5.Caption = "A":

L6.Caption = "N": L7.Caption = "D": L8.Caption = "R": L9.Caption = "O": L10.Caption = "" If Label3.Caption = 3 Then L1.Caption = "A": L2.Caption = "R": L3.Caption = "A": L4.Caption = "C": L5.Caption = "E":

L6.Caption = "L": L7.Caption = "I": L8.Caption = "": L9.Caption = "": L10.Caption = "" If Label3.Caption = 4 Then L1.Caption = "M": L2.Caption = "A": L3.Caption = "R": L4.Caption = "I": L5.Caption = "S":

L6.Caption = "A": L7.Caption = "": L8.Caption = "": L9.Caption = "": L10.Caption = "" If L1.Caption <> "" Then R1.Caption = "_": R1.Visible = True If L2.Caption <> "" Then R2.Caption = "_": R2.Visible = True Else R2.Caption = "" If L3.Caption <> "" Then R3.Caption = "_": R3.Visible = True Else R3.Caption = "" If L4.Caption <> "" Then R4.Caption = "_": R4.Visible = True Else R4.Caption = "" If L5.Caption <> "" Then R5.Caption = "_": R5.Visible = True Else R5.Caption = "" If L6.Caption <> "" Then R6.Caption = "_": R6.Visible = True Else R6.Caption = "" If L7.Caption <> "" Then R7.Caption = "_": R7.Visible = True Else R7.Caption = "" If L8.Caption <> "" Then R8.Caption = "_": R8.Visible = True Else R8.Caption = "" If L9.Caption <> "" Then R9.Caption = "_": R9.Visible = True Else R9.Caption = "" If L10.Caption <> "" Then R10.Caption = "_": R10.Visible = True Else R10.Caption = "" Label1.Visible = True Label2.Visible = True Text1.Visible = True Text1.SetFocus errores = 0 Label3.Caption = Label3.Caption + 1 If Label3.Caption = 5 Then Label3.Caption = 1 End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() errores = 0

Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub Option1_Click() Command2.Visible = True Command2.Enabled = True Command3.Visible = False Command3.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() Command2.Visible = False Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Visible = True Command3.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Option3_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() Dim band As Boolean Dim letra As Variant If Text1.Text <> "" Then letra = UCase(Text1.Text) band = False If letra = L1.Caption Then R1.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L2.Caption Then R2.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L3.Caption Then R3.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L4.Caption Then R4.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L5.Caption Then R5.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L6.Caption Then R6.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L7.Caption Then R7.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L8.Caption Then R8.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L9.Caption Then R9.Caption = letra: band = True If letra = L10.Caption Then R10.Caption = letra: band = True If band = False Then errores = errores + 1 Label2.Caption = errores If errores = 1 Then x1.Caption = letra: x1.Visible = True: Image1.Visible = True If errores = 2 Then x2.Caption = letra: x2.Visible = True: Image2.Visible = True If errores = 3 Then x3.Caption = letra: x3.Visible = True: Image3.Visible = True If errores = 4 Then x4.Caption = letra: x4.Visible = True: Image4.Visible = True If errores = 5 Then x5.Caption = letra: x5.Visible = True: Image5.Visible = True If errores = 6 Then x6.Caption = letra: x6.Visible = True: Image6.Visible = True: perdiste Else verifica End If Text1.Text = "" Text1.Refresh End If End Sub

El form1, debe tener los siguientes objetos:

Labels para errores

Una X para cada error

Aquí se guarda la palabra oculta, estas Label siempre estarán ocultas.

Un label por cada letra, que adivinará

Textbox para el usuario

La pantalla del form1, finalmente queda de la siguiente forma, y todos los objetos tienen la propiedad VISIBLE=FALSE, con excepción del botón de ayuda y el frame de Opciones.

Revisen el código que anteriormente les envíe y deduzcan el nombre de las variables.

Label invisible para controlar el núm de palabra a visualizar cuando es un jugador.