Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa - edu.xunta.gal · El verbo can se usa con el infinitivo de...

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Transcript of Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa - edu.xunta.gal · El verbo can se usa con el infinitivo de...

Dirección Xeral de Educación, Formación Profesional e Innovación Educativa

Educación secundaria para personas adultas

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Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa

Educación a distancia semipresencial

Módulo 3

Anexo gramatical 10

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1. Introducción....................................... ........................................................................3

1.1 Descripción del anexo gramatical ................................................................................. 3

2. Secuencia de contenidos y actividades.............. ....................................................4

2.1 Verbo can (poder)......................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Presente continuo......................................................................................................... 6 2.3 El genitivo sajón (posesión) ........................................................................................ 10 2.4 Pronombres (de sujeto, objeto, posesivos) y adjetivos posesivos............................... 12 2.5 Nombres contables e incontables ............................................................................... 14 2.6 Preposiciones de lugar ............................................................................................... 17

3. Vocabulario básico de la unidade................... .......................................................19

4. Comprensión escrita................................ ...............................................................22

5. Autoevaluación..................................... ...................................................................23

6. Soluciones de las actividades...................... ..........................................................25

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1. Introducción

1.1 Descripción del anexo gramatical

Este anexo gramatical consiste en una revisión de los contenidos abordados más detenidamente en los anexos del módulo 2 (anexos gramaticales 5 a 8).

En este segundo anexo del módulo 3 vamos a abordar los siguientes contenidos:

� El verbo can (poder).

� El presente continuo.

� El genitivo sajón.

� Los pronombres de sujeto, objeto y posesivos. Adjetivos posesivos.

� Nombres contables e incontables.

� Preposiciones de lugar.

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2. Secuencia de contenidos y activida-des

2.1 Verbo can (poder)

El verbo can se usa con el infinitivo de otro verbo con el significado de saber hacer algo o tener la capacidad de hacerlo.

Al ser un verbo modal, no lleva s en la tercera persona del singular (he/she/it) y tampo-co lleva to en el infinitivo ni va seguido de un verbo en infinitivo con to.

I can swim (yo sé/ puedo nadar).

Sujeto + can + infinitivo

My mother can swim (mi madre sabe/puede nadar).

Forma afirmativa

I / you / we / they he / she / it

can Play / swim / speak...

� I can speak four languages. � Yo sé hablar cuatro idiomas / yo hablo cuatro idiomas.

� You can play the guitar. � Tú sabes tocar la guitarra.

� He can speak Galician. � Él sabe hablar gallego / él habla gallego.

� They can swim very well. � Ellos/as saben nadar muy bien.

Forma negativa

I / you / we / they he / she / it

can't (cannot) Play/swim/speak...

� I can’t speak four languages. � Yo no sé hablar cuatro idiomas / yo no hablo cuatro idiomas.

� You can’t play the guitar. � Tú no sabes tocar la guitarra.

� He can’t speak Galician. � El no sabe hablar gallego / el no habla gallego.

� They can’t swim very well. � Ellos/as no saben nadar muy bien.

Forma interrogativa

Can I / you / we / they he / she / it

Play / swim / speak...?

� Can I speak four languages? – ¿Sé yo hablar cuatro idiomas? / ¿Hablo cuatro idiomas?

� Can you play the guitar? – ¿Sabes tú tocar la guitarra?

� Can he speak Galcian? – ¿Sabe hablar gallego? / ¿Habla él gallego?

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� Can they swim very well? – ¿Saben ellos/as nadar muy bien?

Actividad propuesta

S1. ¿Sabe usted hacer estas cosas? Haga las preguntas y las respuestas siguiendo el ejemplo.

Verbos Drive / climb / ride a bike / ride a horse / play chess / ski / swim

Preguntas Respuestas

Can you swim? Yes, I can / No, I can’t.

���� 1.................................................? ���� .................................................

���� 2................................................? ���� .................................................

���� 3..............................................? ���� .................................................

���� 4...............................................? ���� .................................................

���� 5...............................................? ���� .................................................

���� 6...............................................? ���� .................................................

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2.2 Presente continuo

He is drinking (El está bebiendo). He isn´t eating (El no está comiendo).

It is raining. (Está lloviendo). They are running. (Ellos están corriendo). They aren’t walking. (Ellos no están an-


El presente continuo se forma con el tiempo correspondiente del verbo to be más el gerun-dio del verbo que se quiere conjugar (terminación –ing).

El presente continuo se emplea para describir acciones que están sucediendo en el mo-mento en que se habla.

Reglas ortográficas para formar el gerundio

� Cuando el verbo acaba en -e, esta vocal se elimina y añadimos la terminación –ing, del siguiente modo:

– Drive � Driving.

– Come � Coming.

– Make � Making.

� Los verbos acabados en -ie añaden una y antes del –ing, del siguiente modo:

– Die � Diying.

– Lie � Liying.

– Tie � Tiying.

� A veces hay verbos que acaban en una vocal+consonante (V+C) (stop, get, run). En es-tos casos, antes de añadir –ing la última consonante se dobla:

– Stop � Stopping.

– Get � Getting.

– Run � Running.

� Esto no ocurre en los siguientes casos: Si el verbo acaba en dos consonantes (V+C+C).

– Help � Helping.

– Work � Working.

Si el verbo acaba en dos vocales + una consonante (V+V+C).

– Need � Needing.

– Wait � Waiting.

Si el verbo tiene más de dos sílabas y la última parte de la palabra no está acentuada. Si esta última parte de la palabra sí está acentuada, se dobla la consonante.

– Happen. � Happening.

– Forget � Forgetting.

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– Begin. � Beginning.

– Visit. � Visiting.

Forma afirmativa del presente continuo

I am playing Yo estoy jugando

You are playing Tú estás jugando

He is playing Él está jugando

She is playing Ella está jugando

It is playing Está jugando

We are playing Nosotros estamos jugando

You are playing Vosotros estáis jugando

They are playing Ellos/as están jugando

Forma negativa del presente continuo

I’m not playing Yo no estoy jugando

You aren’t playing Tú no estás jugando

He isn’t playing Él no está jugando

She isn’t playing Ella no está jugando

It isn’t playing No está jugando

We aren’t playing Nosotros no estamos jugando

You aren’t playing Vosotros no estáis jugando

They aren’t playing Ellos/as no están jugando

Forma interrogativa del presente continuo

Am I playing? ¿Estoy yo jugando?

Are you playing? ¿Estás tú jugando?

Is he playing? ¿Está él jugando?

Is she playing? ¿Está ella jugando?

Is it playing? ¿Está jugando?

Are we playing? ¿Estamos nosotros jugando?

Are you playing? ¿Estáis vosotros jugando?

Are they playing? ¿Están ellos/as jugando?

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Actividades propuestas

S2. Observe los dibujos y complete las frases correspondientes empleando los si-guientes verbos.

Cook – Wait – Play – Watch – Read – Use – Drink

���� She is waiting for the bus.

���� They [_____________________] beer in the bar.

���� He [_____________________] the newspaper.

���� She [_____________________] cooking.

���� She [_____________________] football.

���� He [_____________________] the laptop.

���� The children [_____________________] television.

S3. Complete las frases empleando los siguientes verbos.

Cook – Build –Work – Swim – Stay – Have – Go

� They [_____________] a new building in my street at the moment.

� Look! Those children [_____________] in the river!

� Where [_____________]? In the Grand Hotel.

� My parents are not at home, they [_____________] dinner in a restaurant.

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� Where [_____________] she [_____________]? To the school.

� I can’t go out at the moment, I [_____________].

� What [_____________] your brother [_____________]? Fish and chips.

S4. Haga frases usando estas palabras y diciendo lo que está sucediendo en este momento.

� (wash / my hands) I’m not washing my hands

� (it / rain) [____________________________________]

� ( I / sit / on the sofa) [____________________________________]

� (it / snow) [____________________________________]

� (I / study / Galician) [____________________________________]

� (I / listen / music) [____________________________________]

� ( I / wear / a suit) [____________________________________]

� (I / read / a magazine) [____________________________________]

S5. ¿Qué están haciendo estas personas? Escriba las frases correspondientes.

���� She [____________________________].

���� He [____________________________].

���� She [___________________________].

���� He [____________________________].

���� He [____________________________].

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2.3 El genitivo sajón (posesión)

� Normalmente usamos ‘s (apóstrofo más) para decir que una persona tiene algo:

– Ann’s house. � La casa de Ann.

– Peter’s office. � La oficina de Peter.

– The manager’s car. � El coche del jefe.

– My mother’s bedroom. � El dormitorio de mi madre.

� Se puede usar ‘s sin tener que llevar un nombre después:

– John’s car is bigger than Peter’s. � El coche de John es más grande que el de Peter.

– Where was your sister yesterday? She was at Mary’s. � ... estuvo en la (casa) de Mary.

– Whose book is this? It’s Helen’s. � ¿De quién es este libro? Es de Helen.

� Cuando el poseedor acaba en s, solo ponemos ‘. Compare las siguientes frases:

– This is my friend’s house. � Esta es la casa de mi amigo.

– This is my friends’ house. � Esta es la casa de mis amigos.

Actividades propuestas

S6. Observe el árbol genealógico y escriba frases sobre esta familia.

� John is Susan’s husband.

� Susan is [_________________] wife.

� John is [_________________] father.

� Michael is [_________________] brother.

� Julia is [_________________] sister.

John Susan

Michael Julia James


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� James is [_________________] husband.

� Brian is [_________________] son.

� Susan is [_________________] grandmother.

� Julia is [_________________] mother.

� Michael is [_________________] uncle.

� James is [_________________] father.

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2.4 Pronombres (de sujeto, objeto, posesivos) y adje-tivos posesivos

Sujeto Objeto Adjetivo posesivo Pronombre posesivo

I know Tom

Yo conozco a Tom Tom knows me

Tom me conoce That is my car

Ese es mi coche That car is mine

Ese coche es mío

You know Tom Tú conoces a Tom

Tom knows you Tom te conoce

That is your car Ese es tu coche

That car is yours Ese coche es tuyo

She knows Tom

Ella conoce a Tom Tom knows her

Tom la conoce (a ella) That is her car

Ese es su coche (de ella) That car is hers

Ese coche es suyo (de ella)

He knows Tom

Él conoce a Tom Tom knows him

Tom lo conoce (a él) That is his car

Ese es su coche (de él) That car is his

Ese coche es suyo (de él)

It has four legs

Tiene cuatro patas (cosa/animal) I know it

Yo lo sé That is its door

Esa es su puerta (de la casa) That door is its

Esa puerta es suya (de la casa)

We know Tom

Nosotros conocemos a Tom Tom knows us

Tom nos conoce That is our car

Ese es nuestro coche That car is ours

Ese coche es nuestro

You know Tom

Vosotros conocéis a Tom Tom knows you

Tom os conoce That is your car

Ese es vuestro coche That car is yours

Ese coche es vuestro

They know Tom

Ellos /as conocen a Tom Tom knows them

Tom los/las conoce (a ellos/ellas)

That is their car

Ese es su coche (de ellos/de ellas)

That car is theirs

Ese coche es suyo (de ellos/de ellas)

� Do you know that woman? Yes, but I can’t remember her name.

¿Conoces (tú) a esa mujer? Sí, pero no me acuerdo de su nombre.

� He is very happy because we invited him to our wedding.

El está muy contento porque lo hemos invitado a nuestra boda.

Actividades propuestas

S7. Complete las frases siguiendo el ejemplo y por el mismo procedimiento.

� You invited him to stay with you at your house.

� We invited her [____________________________________]

� He invited us [____________________________________]

� They invited me [____________________________________]

� I invited you [____________________________________]

� You invited them [____________________________________]

� She invited him [____________________________________]

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S8. Complete las siguientes frases siguiendo el ejemplo y por el mismo procedimien-to.

� They gave you their phone number and you gave them yours.

� You gave him [____________________________________]

� She gave me [____________________________________]

� I gave you [____________________________________]

� He gave her [____________________________________]

� We gave him [____________________________________]

� He gave us [____________________________________]

� She gave them [____________________________________]

S9. Escriba el pronombre o adjetivo posesivo correspondiente en los siguientes ca-sos:

Her - it - them - his - us

� Where are my keys? Have you seen [_______]?

� I know that boy but I don´t remember [_______] name.

� Take the umbrella, it´s raining. Ok, where is [_______]?

� We are going to a very nice restaurant, why don’t you come with [_______]

� This document is for Jane, can you give it to [_______]

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2.5 Nombres contables e incontables

Hay dos tipos de nombres en inglés: los contables (C) y los incontables (U).

� Contables: cosas que se pueden contar, nombres que pueden ser singular o plural: one

house, two houses, three houses (una casa, dos casas, tres casas).

� Incontables: cosas que no se pueden contar; no tienen plural: soup, meat (sopa, carne).

Algunas cosas pueden ser contables o incontables aunque con significados diferentes.

A/an, some/any

Contable Incontable

���� [+] We need – An apple

– Some apples

Una manzana Unas manzanas

– Some soup

– Some milk

Algo de sopa Algo de leche

���� [-] We don’t need – A banana

– Any bananas

Un plátano Ningún plátano

– Any rice

– Any sugar

Nada de arroz Nada de azúcar

���� [?] Do we need – A tomato?

– Any tomato?

¿Un tomate? ¿Algún tomate?

– Any rice?

– Any sugar?

¿Algo de arroz? ¿Algo de azúcar?

� Usamos a/an con nombres singulares contables (un, una).

� Usamos some con nombres contables plurales (unos, unas) y con nombres incontables en afirmativo (algo de).

� Usamos any con nombres contables en plural en frases negativas (ningún /ninguna) e inte-rrogativas (algún/alguna).

� Usamos any con nombres incontables en frases negativas (nada de) e interrogativas (al-go de).

How much / how many

Respuestas completas Respuestas cortas






���� How much milk do you drink?

– I drink a lot of milk / Bebo mucha leche. – I drink quite a lot of milk / Bebo bastante leche. – I don’t drink much milk / No bebo mucha leche. – I don’t drink any milk / No bebo nada de leche.

– A lot / mucho. – Quite a lot / bastante. – Not much / no mucho. – None / nada.



e (p


���� How many

apples did you eat?

– I ate a lot of apples / Comí muchas manzanas. – I ate quite a lot of apples / Comí bastantes man-

zanas. – I didn’t eat many apples / No comí muchas man-

zanas. – I didn’t eat any apples / No comí ninguna manzana.

– A lot / muchos, muchas. – Quite a lot / bastantes. – Not many / no muchas. – None / ningún, ninguna.

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Actividades propuestas

S10. Complete el diálogo con a, an, some o any.

� Let’s make lunch!

� OK. Is there (1) [_______] rice in the cupboard?

� There isn’t (2) [_______] rice, but there is (3) [_______] pasta.

� We can cook (4) [_______] pasta with (5) [_______] vegetables.

� OK, we have (6) [_______] tomatoes, (7) [_______] carrots and (8) [_______] pepper.

S11. Subraye la palabra o la frase correcta.

� She doesn’t have much/many money.

� How much/many fruit do you eat?

� I buy a lot of/much DVD.

� How much/many wine do you drink?

� There are a lot of/much people on the beach

� He doesn’t have many/much friends at work.

S12. Escriba how much o how many.

� [____________] sugar?

� [____________] people?

� [____________] money?

� [____________] milk?

� [____________] fruit?

� [____________] apples?

� [____________] animals?

� [____________] friends?

� [____________] sand?

� [____________] rice?

S13. Complete las frases con much o many.

� John wasn’t able to give me very [____________] advice.

� Not [____________] people came to the party.

� How [____________] spaghetti shall I cook?

� I didn’t think there would be so [____________] traffic on this road.

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� How [____________] legs have a centipede got?

� We don’t have [____________] information about this product.

� John didn’t have [____________] luck in the competition.

� Mrs Brown doesn’t have [____________] of her own teeth left.

� This passenger doesn’t seem to have [____________] luggage.

� We haven’t got [____________] money left, so don’t be extravagant.

S14. Complete las frases con las palabras que aparecen a continuación.

How much - How many - Too much - Too many - Not much - Not many

� We’ve got [_________] apples this year. We don’t know where to put them all.

� [_________] people were there at seven o’clock, but at ten o’clock the restau-

rant was full.

� We can have dinner or just have a drink - [_________] time have you got?

� There is [_________] snow in the mountains this year – not enough for good


� I’d like to go on holiday, but I’ve got [_________] work.

� [_________] people were at the meeting on Thursday?

� There’s [_________] bread – could you buy some?

� It was difficult to see the Queen; there were [_________] people.

� [_________] lessons do you have at school every day?

� There were [_________] buses from my village to the city when I was a child.

S15. Escriba much o many en las siguientes preguntas.

� How [_________] people?

� Too [_________] water.

� Not [_________] bread.

� How [_________] money?

� Too [_________] children.

� Not [_________] time.

� How [_________] rooms?

� Too [_________] houses.

� Not [_________] sweaters.

� How [_________] milk?

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2.6 Preposiciones de lugar

���� Into / in

Dentro / en – We jumped into the river.

Saltamos al río. ���� On

En / sobre – The pencil is on the table.

El lápiz está en la mesa.

���� At

En (en un punto concreto)

– There is someone at the door.

Hay alguien en la puerta. ���� To

A / cara a – Mary is going to the market.

Mary está yendo al súper.

���� From

De / desde – She is from France.

Ella es de Francia. ���� Under

Baixo / debaixo – The cat is under the bed.

El gato está debajo de la cama.

���� Up

Arriba – I went up the mountain.

Subí a la montaña. ���� Down

Debaixo – I went down the mountain.

Bajé de la montaña.

���� Over

Sobre – The plane flew over the city.

El avión voló sobre la ciudad. ���� Behind

Detrás – There is a man behind the house.

Hay un hombre detrás de la casa.

���� Across

A través – I walked across the street.

Crucé la calle. ���� In front of

Diante de – There is a man in front of the house.

Hay un hombre delante de la casa.

���� Next to

Al pie de, junto a – The plant is next to the window.

– La planta está junto a la ventana. ���� Between


– There is a shop between the cinema and the theatre.

Hay una tienda entre el cine y el tea-tro.

���� Opposite

En frente de – There is a car opposite the house.

– Hay un coche en frente de la casa.

���� Through

A través – They walked through the forest.

Caminaron a través del bosque.

Actividades propuestas

S16. Escriba la preposición de lugar correcta.

� She is looking [_________] the window the cars parked [_________] the street

� I went on a trip [_________] the mountain, we were [_________] the top at

one o’clock.

� The dog is sleeping [_________] the fire.

� There is a phone box [_________] my house, on the other side of the street.

� There are a lot of fish [_________] the aquarium

� They are building a new road [_________] the city

� In winter a lot of birds fly [_________] our village.

� The underground goes [_________] the city centre.

� You must stop your car [_________] the traffic lights.

� There are many people [_________] the swimming-pool.

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S17. Escriba la preposición de lugar correspondiente a cada dibujo.

The post office is [__________] the library and the bank. The bridge is [__________] the river.

The book is [__________] the table. The cat is [__________] the bed.

There is a man [__________] the tree. They walked [__________] the park.

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3. Vocabulario básico de la unidad


���� Camisa Shirt ���� Camiseta T-shirt

���� Pantalón Trpousers ���� Falda Skirt

���� Chaqueta Cardigan ���� Chaqueta americana Jacket

���� Jersey Sweater ���� Jersey Jumper

���� Zapatos Shoes ���� Calcetines Socks

���� Botas Boots ���� Sandalias Sandals

���� Abrigo Coat ���� Gabardina Raincoat

���� Traje de baño Swimsuit ���� Chándal Tracksuit

���� Vestido Dress ���� Vestido de noche Evening dress

���� Traje Suit ���� Corbata Tie

���� Chaleco Waistcoat (Br) / vest (Am) ���� Vaqueros Jeans

���� Sombrero Hat

���� Gorra Cap


���� Fruta Fruit ���� Carne Meat

���� Manzana Apple ���� Pera Pear

���� Naranja Orange ���� Plátano Banana

���� Pollo Chicken ���� Verdura Vegetables

���� Arroz Rice ���� Patata Potato

���� Tomate Tomato ���� Leche Milk

���� Zumo Juice ���� Sopa Soup

���� Huevos Eggs ���� Pastel Cake

���� Pan Bread ���� Café Coffee

���� Pescado Fish ���� Cebolla Onion

���� Lechuga Lettuce

���� Ajo Garlic


���� Andar Walk ���� Conducir Drive

���� Comer Eat ���� Esperar Wait

���� Leer Read

���� Esquiar Ski

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���� Ver la TV Watch TV ���� Escuchar Listen

���� Nadar Swim ���� Saltar Jump

���� Usar Use ���� Beber Drink

���� Escalar Climb ���� Jugar Play

���� Nevar Snow ���� Estudiar Study

���� Correr Run ���� Comprar Buy

���� Cocinar Cook ���� Llover Rain

���� Escribir Write ���� Lavar Wash

���� Andar en bici Ride a bike

���� Llevar puesto Wear

Actividades propuestas

S18. Escriba la palabra adecuada para cada dibujo.

1 [__________] 2 [__________] 3 [__________] 4 [__________]

5 [__________] 6 [__________] 7 [__________] 8 [__________]

9 [__________] 10 [__________] 11 [__________] 12 [__________]

13 [__________] 14 [__________] 15 [__________] 16 [__________]

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17 [__________] 18 [__________] 19 [__________] 20 [__________]

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4. Comprensión escrita Roberto is a Galician student who is staying in Britain at the house of the Smiths to learn English.

– Roberto: Mrs. Smith, I’m doing my English homework and there is a difficult exer-cise, can you help me?

– Mrs. Smith: Oh dear... yes, it is very difficult. I can’t help you now, I’m reading some-thing.

– Roberto: What are you reading?

– Mrs. Smith: I’m reading a romantic novel and it is very interesting.

– Roberto: Can Mr. Smith help me?

– Mrs. Smith: No, darling, I don’t think so, he’s cooking dinner.

– Roberto: What is he cooking for dinner?

– Mrs. Smith: He’s making some pasta.

– Roberto: Do you think that Laura can help me with my exercise?

– Mrs. Smith: You can ask her, but I think she’s speaking on the phone.

– Roberto: O.K., I only want to practice my English...

Actividades propuestas

S19. Conteste a las preguntas sobre el texto.

� What is Mrs. Smith doing? [_____________________________]

� Can Mr. Smith help Roberto? [_____________________________]

� What is Mr. Smith doing? [_____________________________]

� What is Mr. Smith cooking for dinner? [_____________________________]

� What is Laura doing? [_____________________________]

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5. Autoevaluación

1. Are you doing your homework? No, I.......................

� am not � don’t � am

2. Is she.........................?

� begin � beginning � begining

3. .................. Mary studying?

� does � are � is

4. My uncle’s...................... is my cousin.

� son � brother � father

5. Look at my new sandals, do you like..................?

� it � they � them

6. I found these keys; please, ask John if they are................. .

� him � his � theirs

7. How................... water do you drink in a day?

� many � much � any

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8. My best friend is................... France.

� for � of � from

9. I saw a plane flying..................... the city.

� over � on � next to

10. Can you ride a horse? No, I...................

� can’t � don’t � am not

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6. Soluciones de las actividades


� Can you play chess? Yes I can / no I can’t

� Can you drive?

� Can you ride a horse?

� Can you ski?

� Can you ride a bike?

� Can you climb?


� She is waiting for the bus.

� They are drinking beer in the bar.

� He is reading the newspaper.

� She is cooking.

� She is playing football.

� He is using the laptop.

� The children are watching tv.


� Are building

� Are swimming

� Are you staying

� Are having

� Is she going

� Am working

� Is your brother cooking


� It is raining / it isn’t raining.

� I’m sitting on the sofa /I’m not sitting on the sofa.

� It’s snowing / it isn’t snowing.

� I’m studying Galician / I’m not studying Galician.

� I’m listening to music / I’m not listening to music.

� I’m wearing a suit / I’m not wearing a suit.

� I’m reading a magazine / I’m not reading a magazine.

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� She is swimming.

� He is riding a horse.

� She is skiing.

� He is driving a car.

� He is riding a bike.


� Susan is John’s wife.

� John is Michael’s / Julia’s father.

� Michael is Julia’s brother.

� Julia is Michael’s sister.

� James is Julia’s husband.

� Brian is Julia’s / James’ son.

� Susan is Brian’s grandmother.

� Julia is Brian’s mother.

� Michael is Brian’s uncle.

� James is Brian’s father.


� We invited her to stay with us at our house.

� He invited us to stay with him at his house.

� They invited me to stay with them at their house.

� I invited you to stay with me at my house.

� You invited them to stay with you at your house.

� She invited him to stay with her at her house.


� You gave him your telephone number and he gave you his.

� She gave me her telephone number and I gave her mine.

� I gave you my telephone number and you gave me yours.

� He gave her her telephone number and she gave him his.

� We gave him our telephone number and he gave us his.

� He gave us his telephone number and we gave him ours.

� She gave them her telephone number and they gave her theirs.

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� Them.

� His.

� It.

� Us.

� Her.


� Any.

� Any.

� Some.

� Some.

� Some.

� Some.

� Some.

� One / A.


� Much.

� Much.

� A lot of.

� Much.

� A lot of.

� Many.


� How much.

� How many.

� How much.

� How much.

� How much.

� How many.

� How many.

� How many.

� How much.

� How much.

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� Much.

� Many.

� Much.

� Much.

� Many.

� Much.

� Much.

� Many.

� Much.

� Much.


� Too many.

� Not many.

� How much.

� Not much.

� Too much.

� How many.

� Not much.

� Too many.

� How many.

� Not many.


� Many.

� Much.

� Much.

� Much.

� Many.

� Much.

� Many.

� Many.

� Many.

� Much.

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� Through / In.

� To / On.

� In front of.

� Opposite.

� In.

� In or around.

� Over.

� Under.

� At.

� In.


� The post office is between the library and the bank.

� The bridge is over the river.

� The book is under the table.

� The cat is on the bed.

� There is a man behind a tree.

� They walked through the park.


� Jeans. 2. T-Shirt. 3. Sandals. 4. Dress.

� Hat. 6. Tie. 7. Swimsuit. 8. Socks.

� Tomato. 10. Meat. 11. Fish. 12. Juice.

� Chicken. 14. Eggs. 15. Bread. 16. Milk.

� Cake. 18. Onion. 19. Garlic. 20. Soup.

S19. (Reading comprehension)

� She’s reading a romantic novel.

� No, he can’t.

� He’s cooking dinner.

� He’s making some pasta.

� She’s speaking on the phone.

Soluciones del test de autoevaluación

1a. 2b. 3c. 4a. 5c. 6b. 7b. 8c. 9a. 10a.