Angular presentation

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Angular presentation

Real Angular App ArchitectureHow To Keep It Simple But Powerful

Angular Is “Only” A Framework• The way you organise your app is crucial

Module 1

Service AService B

Controller A

Controller B

Template A

Directive A

Directive B

Module 2

Service AService B

Controller A

Controller B

Template A

Directive A

Directive B

Module 3

Service AService B

Controller A

Controller B

Template A

Directive A

Directive B

Your App

Main Angular Building Parts - Modules

• What it is: Definition of application part or feature bundle, it has module name and dependencies array - angular.module(‘myModule’, [‘yourModule’,’theirModule’]);

• Do: Bundle controllers, directives, services, configs, etc… to one module, e.g. markdown editor module - mdService, mdController, mdDirective

• Do: Usually one application can have more than 50 modules - included module can be depended on another module, etc…

• Do: Use .config(…) to setup module on initialising or .run(…) on app starting

• Do: Lazy load whole modules include 3rd-party libs, implement something like ( to load .js files on demand when route match

• Be Aware: Naming conflicts - AngularJS app has a single injector that holds names for all objects without respect to module names, when two or more modules has service, controller or directive with the same name, it will override it

Main Angular Building Parts - Services

• What it is: Business logic holders, services are constructors or singletons, there are 3 “almost same” types of services in angular (service, factory, provider)

• Do: Let services hold complexity - make slim controllers and directives

• Do: Reuse services by other services, controllers, directives, configs, etc…

• Do: Wrap 3-rd party libraries into services, never reference globals in angular, always use angular built-in dependency injection

• Don’t: Manipulate DOM elements inside services, only directives should do it

Main Angular Building Parts - Controllers

• What it is: Their purpose is to publish objects to $scope that is used by templates to view and modify data

• Do: Make slim controllers, let services hold complexity

• Do: Use $scope events wisely, or don’t use it at all, services can handle communication between controllers very well

• Do: For better performance, use $digest instead of $apply ($digest will do same as $apply but in current scope, not in $rootScope)

• Don’t: Manipulate DOM elements inside controllers, only directives should do it

Main Angular Building Parts - Directives

• What it is: Repeated UI functionality wrappers, e.g. ng-repeat, ng-model, dropdown, datepicker, or more complex like tree views, etc…

• Do: Combine simple directives to build complex one, e.g. dropdown+multi datepickers+multi timepickers

• Do: Manipulate DOM inside directive

• Do: Use $scope.$on(‘$destroy’, function(){ … }) to unbind all listeners registered by directive to prevent memory leaks

• Don’t: Write large directives - split it to several small directives by reusable behaviours

Main Angular Building Parts - Templates

• What it is: HTML templates used by angular to generate DOM elements

• Do: Use one-time binding {{::mymodel}} in static data, such as localised labels, for better performance

• Do: Sometimes is good idea to include template HTML in page, like <script type=“text/ng-template” id=“mytemplate.html”> to avoid too many requests

• Do: Sometimes is good idea to define template in module .js file, like angular bootstrap ui does (

• Do: Keep templates readable - if they grow, try to wrap some parts into directives

• Don’t: Write long expressions in attributes or brackets, try to wrap it into $scope method instead

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- Simple Loading Service used by Loading Controller

- The only purpose is to view loading icon and message to user if waiting for server response

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- Simple Notification Service used by Notifications Controller

- The Only purpose is to view small notification messages (info, warning, danger, error, success)

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- Data Buffer, if client is offline, it will simulate $http service, but storing and loading data in local DB

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- Angular core service for handling AJAX

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- An instance of RestResource, it provides a unified interface, other services or controllers can easily get info like pagination, list of items, etc…

- by default, there are methods like .find, .one, .update, .create, .remove, but can be configured to to handle any other command

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- It can store components state, e.g. Grid instance filter query, sorting, current page

- It can store and restore all states from URL

- It can undo, redo states, so can be used to undo whole page state

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- UI component instances, communicating via callbacks inside controller - it is better than using events

- In case there will be too many UI component instances, you should split controller and use service to communicate between - but be aware of too many components in one page, it is not user friendly and will be slow

App Architecture ExampleAngular $http



Users Controller - publishing instances to template $scope


Grid Instance (e.g. usersGrid)

Modal Instance

QueryFilter Instance

Tree Instance

Main App Service

RestResource Instance (e.g. users)

Template - $scope methods DOM binding

ng-repeat=“user in usersGrid.items”

ng-click= “usersGrid. updateItem(user)”

{{}} or ng-model=“”

Notifications service StateService Instance (e.g. appState)


Loading Indicator service

- Just simple pseudo example of usage published $scope methods

Common Modules List Example

• Rest Module - RestResource service, some request and response transformations

• Object Module - helper methods to manipulate object, such as deepGet, deepSet, objectToArray, etc…

• State Module - StateService and set of helpers

• Loading Module - loading indicator, and $http interceptors

• Notifications Module - simple messages

• Modals Module - modals management

• DragDrop Module - set of drag & drop directives and services

• ContentEditors Module - markdown, wysiwyg directives, parsing and generator services

• Localisation Module - simple localisation service, directives and filters

• Grid Module - grid behaviour service and directives

• Tree Module - tree view behaviour service and directives

• Query Module - advanced filter service and directives

• ocLazyLoad Module -

• UIBootstrap Module -