Autora: Soledad Jacobe Martínez, Jefa de Servicio de la ...

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PAISAJES EN ABIERTO: Bibliografía en acceso abierto indizada en Granatensis

Autora: Soledad Jacobe Martínez, Jefa de Servicio de la Biblioteca de la Escuela Técnica Superior de

Arquitectura de la Universidad de Granada

Los días 20, 21 y 22 de octubre se celebra en la sede de la Escuela Tecnica

Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Granada el “I Congreso

Internacional de Paisajistas AEP- Paisaje Aquí y Ahora”. En este marco y ante un

tema tan relevante, ya no solo con la docencia en la ETSA, si no también con los

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) definidos por la ONU y con la

iniciativa Nueva Bauhaus Europea promovida por la Unión Europea, la

Biblioteca de la ETSA ha querido colaborar con la elaboración de una pequeña y

selectiva bibliografía sobre el paisajismo y temas afines.

La documentación sobre “Paisajismo” es muy amplia y numerosa. La literatura,

tanto científica como divulgativa escrita al respecto, alcanza miles de

documentos, tanto en el catálogo de la UGR como en catálogos de todo el

mundo y había que acotar la selección para que la labor no se hiciera ardua y se

alargara en el tiempo. Después de varias alternativas, la bibliografía que se

presenta en este trabajo, es una selección de documentos en Acceso Abierto

(Open Access-OA) indizados y con acceso desde el catálogo de la Biblioteca de

la Universidad de Granada, el catálogo Grantensis. La tipología documental se

ha limitado también a monografías y títulos de publicaciones periódicas, pues la

cifra que la búsqueda vuelca de artículos es muy cuantiosa.

Los términos utilizos para la búsqueda de documentos, dentro del campo

materia, han sido: “Landscape Design”, “Landscape architecture”, “Landscape

ecology”, “city planning”, “urban planning”, garden*, jardín*, paisaj*


Los documentos seleccionados para nuestra bibliografía son los que se han

recuperado haciendo la búsqueda en el perfil “catálogo BUG” y en Acceso

Abierto–Open Access. Si la misma búsqueda la hubiéramos hecho en el perfil

“Catálogo BUG+Artículos” , el número de documentos recuperados

[11/10/2021] es de 34.120, un número mucho mayor como se puede apreciar.

Hay que tener en cuenta que la mayoría de los artículos pertenecen a los títulos

de revista de nuestra bilbiografía.

Otros resultados para visualizar y consultar, son los que se obtienen desde

Digibug, el repositorio institucional de la UGR. Aquí todos los documentos están

en acceso abierto y son de gran interés . Sirva de ejemplo una búsqueda

únicamente con los términos “jardín OR paisajismo” donde hemos obtenido

4540 resultados

El estilo bibliográfico utilizado para las referencias de las monografías ha sido

APA (American Psychological Association) en su última versión, la 7ªedición. La

revista “Informes de la construcción” editada por el CSISC, una de las recogidas

en el JCR, recomienda las normas APA a sus autores. Como cambio a resaltar

con respecto a la 6ª edición, es la omisión del lugar de publicación. Para el título

de revistas se ha creido más conveniente utilizar las normas ISO, ya que en este

tipo de referencias bibliográficas carecen de autor propiamente dicho y el año

se indica únicamente la fecha de inicio de la revista.

La cita viene acompañada con el enfoque y alcance del título al que se hace

referencia en la página principal de la publicación.

Todas las refencias están enlazadas al documento origina desde el DOI (Digital

Object Identifier- Identificador de objeto digital) en el caso de las monografías,

o desde la url en el caso de las revistas.




1- Berger, E. (2002). Historische garten osterreichs. band 1, niederosterreich

burgenland : Garten- und parkanlagen von der renaissance bis um 1930.

Bohlau Verlag.

2- Berger, E. (2003). Historische garten osterreichs. band 2, oberosterreich,

salzburg, vorarlberg, karnten, steiermark, tirol : Garten- und parkanlagen

von der renaissance bis um 1930. Bohlau Verlag.

3- Berger, E. (2004). Historische garten osterreichs. band 3, wien : Garten- und

parkanlagen von der renaissance bis um 1930. Bohlau Verlag.

In the year 1999 the project of the inventory of the historic gardens in

Austria, financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF was finished with the

manuscript “Historic Gardens in Austria. Gardens and Parks from the

Renaissance to 1930 ”. Since 1984 this project was in charge of the

author with some other co-workers at the Technical University of Vienna,

Department of Landscape Planning and Garden History. This first Austrian

inventory tended to consider public and private gardens, parks and

artistically formed landscapes of all nine Austrian states from the

Renaissance to about 1930 in a systematic manner. In the years of the

inventarization over 1750 historic gardens and parks were discovered,

photographed and described. For the publication this numerous and

mostly unknown quantity of gardens and parks was arranged in

typological groups: town woods, parks of a spa, memorial parks,


promenades, green outside staircases. With the elaboration of the results

of the inventarization, with the consideration of the trade literature,

historic maps, plans, views, pictures and other source materials it was

possible to present the first documentation of the existing historic

gardens and parks in Austria in three volumes , published 2002-2004

(Böhlau Verlag, Vienna-Cologne-Weimar). This first survey makes known

the rich existence of historic garden substance, is available to further

scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture and affords

first information to protect and preserve this important cultural heritage.

with the consideration of the trade literature, historic maps, plans, views,

pictures and other source materials it was possible to present the first

documentation of the existing historic gardens and parks in Austria in

three volumes, published 2002-2004 (Böhlau Verlag, Vienna -Cologne-

Weimar). This first survey makes known the rich existence of historic

garden substance, is available to further scientific research on Austrian

garden art and garden culture and affords first information to protect and

preserve this important cultural heritage. with the consideration of the

trade literature, historic maps, plans, views, pictures and other source

materials it was possible to present the first documentation of the

existing historic gardens and parks in Austria in three volumes, published

2002-2004 (Böhlau Verlag, Vienna -Cologne-Weimar). This first survey

makes known the rich existence of historic garden substance, is available

to further scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture

and affords first information to protect and preserve this important

cultural heritage.

4- Blokland-Potters, T. (2009). Oog voor elkaar : Veiligheidsbeleving en sociale

controle in de grote stad. Amsterdam University Press.


People like to live in a safe neighborhood. Areas with a variety of facilities

like houses, offices and shops seem to be an important strategy to

improve the safety of a neighborhood. More people on the streets means

better social control, is the thought behind this strategy. But do people

on the streets have consideration for each other? This book is a theory on

urban environment, public familiarity and trust on the one hand. On the

other it is a very practical plea for a careful planning and nuanced

governance of the public space… Iedereen woont graag in een veilige

buurt. Gevarieerdere buurten waar wonen, werken en winkelen elkaar

afwisselen zijn een belangrijke strategie geworden om veiligheid te

bereiken. Van ogen op straat gaat sociale controle uit, zo is dan de


5- Campbell, C. E. (2011). A century of parks canada, 1911-2011. University of

Calgary Press.

"... a diverse and fascinating array of perspectives on the history of

Canada's national parks, illuminating many less well-understood aspects

of the evolving place of people in and near these parks." - Stephen

Bocking, Professor and Chair, Environmental and Resource Studies

Program, Trent University When Canada created a Dominion Parks Branch

in 1911, it became the first country in the world to establish an agency

devoted to managing its national parks. Over the past century this

agency, now Parks Canada, has been at the centre of important debates

about the place of nature in Canadian nationhood and relationships

between Canada's diverse ecosystems and its communities. Today, Parks

Canada manages over forty parks and reserves totalling over 200,000


square kilometres and featuring a dazzling variety of landscapes, and is

recognized as a global leader in the environmental challenges of

protected places. Its history is a rich repository of experience, of lessons

learned - critical for making informed decisions about how to sustain the

environmental and social health of our national parks. A Century of Parks

Canada is published in partnership with NiCHE (Network in Canadian

History and Environment;

6- Cassatella, C., Dall'Ara, E., & Storti, M. (2007). L'opportunita dell'innovazione.

Firenze University Press.

Over the last few years the landscape debate has taken a new turn,

shifting from concerns of conservation and protection towards the search

for methods of intervention and regulations that consent a development

of the territory compatible with the mutation of collective requirements.

This is based on a recognition of the intrinsically dynamic nature of the

landscape, conceived both in its matter and in its essence as a social

construct. This shift has been sanctioned by the European Landscape

Convention, which includes among the objectives of landscape policy the

creation of new landscapes "to satisfy the aspirations of the population

involved". This book focuses on the investigation of the conditions of the

context that make innovation more or less appropriate. This is assessed

as a design approach (and hence no distinction will be made between

design action and planning action) that addresses the "rules" dictated by

what already exists. The social recognition of their value defines the

"degree of freedom" of the invention. The articles contained in the book

were composed specifically for the International Convention on

"Innovation and Rules in Landscape Design" held in Florence on 22 and


23 November 2002, organised by the Research Doctorate in Landscape

Design of the University of Florence

7- Clément, G. (2012). Jardins, paysage et génie naturel. Collège de France.

Throughout its architectural and stylistic evolution, the garden has

constantly reflected a vision of the world by approaching an ideal of life.

Originally enclosed space, the garden changes scale to xx th century,

driven by the awareness of ecological finitude: it becomes global.To

preserve this space subject to the laws of the market and growth at all

costs, the gardener must listen to natural genius: imagine, build and

maintain the garden in its dynamic aspect, respecting the development of

species and their migrations.

8- Dall'Ara, E. (2004). Costruire per temi i paesaggi? : Esiti spaziali della

semantica nei parchi tematici europei. Firenze University Press.

La diffusione contemporanea dell'atteggiamento progettuale che procede

per assegnazione di temi, nel disegno dei luoghi e delle singole

architetture, rende utile ragionare sull'oggetto parco tematico che ne

rappresenta l'esempio più puro. Questo significa specificatamente

interrogarsi sul rapporto fra elemento naturale, architettura e simbolo:

appare carico di conseguenze affrontare l'argomento con lo sguardo del

paesaggista, domandarsi di quale paesaggio si tratti e cosa comporti

progettarlo. È una questione di architettura del paesaggio nel suo senso

più proprio e nelle sue forme più estreme.

9- Düring, B. S., & Glatz, C. (2015). Kinetic landscapes : The cide archaeological

project: Surveying the turkish western black sea region. De Gruyter Open



Turkey's northern edge is a region of contrasts and diversity. From the

rugged peaks of the Pontic mountains and hidden inland valleys to the

plains and rocky alcoves of the Black Sea coast, this landscape shaped

and was shaped by its inhabitants' ways of life, their local cultural

traditions, and the ebbs and flows of land-based and maritime networks

of interaction. Between 2009 and 2011, an international team of

specialists and students of the Cide Archaeological Project (CAP)

investigated the challenging landscapes of the Cide and Şenpazar

districts of Kastamonu province. CAP presents the first systematic

archaeological survey of the western Turkish Black Sea region. The

information gathered by the project extends its known human history by

10,000 years and offers an unprecedented insight into the region's

shifting cultural, social and political ties with Anatolia and the

Circumpontic. This volume presents the project's approach and

methodologies, its results and their interpretation within period-specific

contexts and through a long-term landscape perspective.

10- Eckardt, F., & Sánchez, J. R. (2015). City of crisis : The multiple contestation

of southern european cities (1st ed.). transcript-


The ongoing crisis in Europe has dramatic impact on the life in many

Southern European cities: Unemployment, social deprivation, poverty,

political instability, severe cuts in the welfare state budgets and a wide

spread feeling of despair have eroded much of the social foundation of

the cities.In this book, contributors from Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy

provide an insight into the complex interference between the different

aspects of the crisis. They show that the recent urban crisis is not purely


a result of the budgetary problems of the nation state (»austerity

urbanism«) but needs to be seen as multiple contestations. The Crisis of

the City is therefore understood as a result of a changing nation state,

cultural diversity, challenged urban planning and politics and a globalized


11- Elmqvist, T., Fragkias, M., Goodness, J., Güneralp, B., Marcotullio, P. J.,

McDonald, R. I., Parnell, S., Schewenius, M., Sendstad, M., Seto, K. C., &

Wilkinson, C. (2013). Urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services :

Challenges and opportunities : A global assessment (2013th ed.).

Springer Netherlands.

To understand how the world’s ecosystems are changing we need to

understand cities, and to create better cities we need to understand the

ecosystems they depend on. The failure of most markets, government

policies and even urban studies to take these relations into account has

put cities, and increasingly the whole world, in a difficult position. Studies

like Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services can help us to

extricate ourselves, provided we act on the knowledge they provide.

Gordon McGranahan International Institute for Environment and

Development The challenges of urbanization are profound, but so too are

the opportunities. Cities can reconcile human society and biodiversity by

creating environments that are ecologically sustainable, economically

productive, socially just, politically participatory and culturally vibrant. I

commend this study to all who have a stake in creating ecologically

sustainable urbanization for the benefit of humanity and the planet. Ban

Ki-moon Secretary-General, United Nations.


12- Estes, H. (2017). Anglo-saxon literary landscapes : Ecotheory and the

anglo-saxon environmental imagination. Amsterdam University Press

Literary scholars have traditionally understood landscapes, whether

natural or manmade, as metaphors for humanity instead of concrete

settings for people's actions. This book accepts the natural world as such

by investigating how Anglo-Saxons interacted with and conceived of their

lived environments. Examining Old English poems, such as Beowulf and

Judith, as well as descriptions of natural events from the Anglo-Saxon

Chronicle and other documentary texts, Heide Estes shows that Anglo-

Saxon ideologies which view nature as diametrically opposed to humans,

and the natural world as designed for human use, have become deeply

embedded in our cultural heritage, language, and more.

13- Foran, M. (2009). Expansive discourses : Urban sprawl in calgary, 1945-

1978. AU Press.

A groundbreaking study of urban sprawl in Calgary after the Second

World War. The interactions of land developers and the local government

influenced how the pattern grew: developers met market demands and

optimized profits by building houses as efficiently as possible, while the

City had to consider wider planning constraints and infrastructure costs.

Foran examines the complexity of their interactions from a historical

perspective, why each party acted as it did, and where each can be


14- Gabriele, P. (2003). La frammentazione del paesaggio periurbano : Criteri

progettuali per la riqualificazione della piana di firenze. Firenze University



This book presents the results of a study on the fragmentation of the

suburban territory in the Florentine plain, developed in the framework of

the Florence University PhD course in Landscape Design. Thus the

landscape on the western edge of the urban centre becomes a case study

for evolving from the applications to the quest for theoretical and

methodological elements. What emerges clearly from this is the

importance of the design mentality as an essential cultural value for the

drafting of policies of active conservation, retrieval and modification of

the landscape.

15- Guzmán, E., Bogdanovic, J., & Christie, J. J. (2016). Political landscapes of

capital cities. University Press of Colorado.

"Investigates the transformation of landscapes into culturally constructed

and ideologically defined political environments of capital cities. In this

spatially inclusive, socially dynamic interpretation, an interdisciplinary

group uses a methodology to expose the associations between human-

made environments and the natural landscape that accommodate socio-

political needs of governmental authority"-- Provided by publisher.

16- Hennig, C., Neppl, M., Ringler, H., Stippich, M., & Stoll, B. (2015). Auf dem

weg zum räumlichen leitbild karlsruhe. KIT Scientific Publishing.

For several years, European cities increasingly focus on long-term

planning perspectives due to their spatial development, separated and

independent of classic urban land-use planning. As a logical

consequence, the city of Karlsruhe define the challenge to develop a

spatial mission statement called „Raumliches Leitbild". For the city

anniversary in 2015, most of the development process of the spatial


mission statement is documented through an exhibition and the present

publication. Deutsche Großstädte beschäftigen sich seit einigen Jahren

wieder verstärkt mit langfristigen planerischen Ausblicken auf ihre

räumliche Entwicklung, unabhängig von der Bauleitplanung. So hat sich

auch die Stadt Karlsruhe die Aufgabe gestellt, ein "Räumliches Leitbild" zu

erarbeiten. Zum Stadtjubiläum 2015 kann nun der größte Teil des

Entstehungsprozesses des Räumlichen Leitbildes durch eine Ausstellung

und mit der vorliegenden Publikation dokumentiert werden.

17- Herscher, A. (2012). The unreal estate guide to detroit. University of

Michigan Press.

Intense attention has been paid to Detroit as a site of urban crisis. This

crisis, however, has not only yielded the massive devaluation of real

estate that has so often been noted; it has also yielded an explosive

production of seemingly valueless urban property that has facilitated the

imagination and practice of alternative urbanisms. The first sustained

study of Detroit’s alternative urban cultures, The Unreal Estate Guide to

Detroit initiates a new focus on Detroit as a site not only of urban crisis

but also of urban possibility. The Guide documents art and curatorial

practices, community and guerilla gardens, urban farming and forestry,

cultural platforms, living archives, evangelical missions, temporary public

spaces, intentional communities, furtive monuments, outsider

architecture, and other work made possible by the ready availability of

urban space in Detroit. The Guide poses these spaces as “unreal estate”:

urban territory that has slipped through the free- market economy and

entered other regimes of value, other contexts of meaning, and other

systems of use. The appropriation of this territory in Detroit, the Guide


suggests, offers new perspectives on what a city is and can be, especially

in a time of urban crisis.

18- Hoil Gutierrez, J., & Armstrong-Fumero, F. (2017). Legacies of space and

intangible heritage: Archaeology, ethnohistory, and the politics of cultural

continuity in the americas. University Press of Colorado.

"An interdisciplinary exploration of the intersections between the study

and management of physical sites and reproduction of intangible cultural

legacies. Nine case studies that explore different ways place is mediated

by social, political, and ecological processes with historical roots that

effect the politics of heritage management"--Provided by publisher.

19- Hunt, W. F., Lord, B., Loh, B., & Sia, A. (2015). Plant selection for

bioretention systems and stormwater treatment practices (1st ed.).

Springer Singapore.

As cities develop, more land is converted into impervious surfaces, which

do not allow water to infiltrate. Careful urban planning is needed to

ensure that the hydrologic cycle and water quality of the catchment areas

are not affected. There are techniques that can attenuate peak flow

during rain events and reduce the amount of metals, nutrients, and

bacteria that enter the urban water cycle. This brief gives a short

introduction on bioretention systems and documents the effectiveness of

some 36 plant species in removing water pollutants. A summary on the

maintenance requirements is also presented. .

20- Jelidi, C. (2012). Fès, la fabrication d'une ville nouvelle (1912-1956). ENS


At the crossroads of history and art history, this work analyzes, through

the case of Fez, all the manufacturing mechanisms of a new city and


those of its corollary - the transformation of an ancient city -, under the

French Protectorate in Morocco (1912-1956). It thus highlights the

distortions between the urban ideal, theorized a posteriori by the general

resident Louis-Hubert Lyautey and his multitude of collaborators, and the

reality finally out of the ground.

21- Koomen, E., & Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (2011). Land-use modelling in

planning practice (1st ed.). Springer


This book provides an overview of recent developments and applications

of the Land Use Scanner model, which has been used in spatial planning

for well over a decade. Internationally recognized as among the best of its

kind, this versatile model can be applied at a national level for trend

extrapolation, scenario studies and optimization, yet can also be

employed in a smaller-scale regional context, as demonstrated by the

assortment of regional case studies included in the book. Alongside these

practical examples from the Netherlands, readers will find discussion of

more theoretical aspects of land-use models as well as an assessment of

various studies that aim to develop the Land-Use Scanner model further.

Spanning the divide between the abstractions of land-use modelling and

the imperatives of policy making, this is a cutting-edge account of the

way in which the Land-Use Scanner approach is able to interrogate a

spectrum of issues that range from climate change to transportation

efficiency. Aimed at planners, researchers and policy makers who need to

stay abreast of the latest advances in land-use modelling techniques in

the context of planning practice, the book guides the reader through the

applications supported by current instrumentation. It affords the

opportunity for a wide readership to benefit from the extensive and


acknowledged expertise of Dutch planners, who have originated a host of

much-used models.

22- Kruse, J., & Ellsworth, E. A. (2020). Making the geologic now : Responses to

material conditions of contemporary life. punctum books.

Making the Geologic Now announces shifts in cultural sensibilities and

practices. It offers early sightings of an increasingly widespread turn

toward the geologic as source of explanation, motivation, and inspiration

for creative responses to conditions of the present moment. In the spirit

of a broadside, this edited collection circulates images and short essays

from over 40 artists, designers, architects, scholars, and journalists who

are actively exploring and creatively responding to the geologic depth of

"now." Contributors' ideas and works are drawn from architecture, design,

contemporary philosophy and art. They are offered as test sites for what

might become thinkable or possible if humans were to collectively take

up the geologic as our instructive co-designer--as a partner in designing

thoughts, objects, systems, and experiences. Recent natural and human-

made events triggered by or triggering the geologic have made volatile

earth forces sense-able and relevant with new levels of intensity. As a

condition of contemporary life in 2012, the geologic "now" is lived as a

cascade of events. Humans and what we build participate in their

unfolding. Today, and unlike the environmental movements of the 1970s,

the geologic counts as "the environment" and invites us to extend our

active awareness of inhabitation out to the cosmos and down to the

Earth's iron core. A new cultural sensibility is emerging. As we struggle to

understand and meet new material realities of earth and life on earth, it

becomes increasingly obvious that the geologic is not just about rocks.


We now cohabit with the geologic in unprecedented ways, in teeming

assemblages of exchange and interaction among geologic materials and

forces and the bio, cosmo, socio, political, legal, economic, strategic, and

imaginary. As a reading and viewing experience, Making the Geologic

Now is designed to move through culture, sounding an alert from the

unfolding edge of the "geologic turn" that is now propagating through

contemporary ideas and practices.

23- Langergraber, G. (., Dotro, G., Nivala, J., Rizzo, A., & Stein, O. R.

(2020). Wetland technology : Practical information on the design and

application of treatment wetlands. IWA Publishing.

Water quality standards across the world are being re-written to promote

healthier ecosystems, ensure safe potable water sources, increased

biodiversity, and enhanced ecological functions. Treatment wetlands are

used for treating a variety of pollutant waters, including municipal

wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, industrial effluents, and

combined sewer overflows, among others. Treatment wetlands are

particularly well-suited for sustainable water management because they

can cope with variable influent loads, can be constructed of local

materials, have low operations and maintenance requirements compared

to other treatment technologies, and they can provide additional

ecosystem services. The technology has been successfully implemented

in both developed and developing countries. The first IWA Scientific and

Technical Report (STR) on Wetland Technology was published in 2000.

With the exponential development of the technology since then, the

generation of a new STR was facilitated by the IWA Task Group on

Mainstreaming Wetland Technology. This STR was conceptualized and


written by leading experts in the field. The new report presents the latest

technology applications within an innovative planning framework of

multi-purpose wetland design. It also includes practical design

information collected from over twenty years of experience from

practitioners and academics, covering experiments at laboratory and

pilot-scale up to full-scale applications.

24- Lemos, Elaine Melo de Brito Costa, Dantas, E. R., & Chao, C. H. N. (2009). De

portas abertas para o lazer : A cultura lúdica nas comunidades de bairro.


Acompanhando a tendência de atenuação das condições de injustiça e

exclusão social, a partir do esporte recreativo e do lazer, o Grupo de

Pesquisa Corpo, Educação e Movimento - GCEM, do Departamento de

Educação Física da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB, propôs o

desenvolvimento de uma investigação sobre a situação do lazer na cidade

de Campina Grande – PB, considerando a Pesquisa de Informações Básicas

Municipais (MUNIC, 2003), a partir do universo das comunidades de

bairro. (trecho retirado do texto "Abrindo as portas da pesquisa:

Pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos" do livro)

25- Llewellyn-Smith, M. (2012). Behind the scenes : The politics of planning

adelaide. University of Adelaide Press.

Behind the Scenes examines planning in the City of Adelaide from 1972

until 1993 within the historical framework of City/State relations from

1836 when the Province of South Australia was founded. During this 21-

year period, the City had its own planning and development control

legislation separate from the rest of the State. Dr Llewellyn-Smith

examines why this situation came about, why it continued for this


particular period and why it ceased in 1993 when the separate legislation

was repealed and the City became part of the State system under the new

Development Act 1993. Behind the Scenes includes original interviews

with many of the key individuals in the City and State who played

influential roles during this period. Dr Llewellyn-Smith himself was the

City Planner from 1974 until 1981 and then the Town Clerk/Chief

Executive Officer of the Adelaide City Council from 1982 until 1993: this

book, then, is both a work of scholarship and an insider’s account.

26- Lucchesi, F. (2005). Il territorio, il codice, la rappresentazione il disegno

dello statuto dei luoghi. Firenze University Press.

What are the cognitive and expressive choices involved in the concrete

practices of creation of graphical representations of the territory? And

what is the effectiveness of graphics in the government of the territory

and its changes? These questions are the basis of the preparation of this

work. The essay proposes and tests a hypothesis of representation of the

"statute of places", that is, of an instrument regulating the

transformations of the city and of the territory based on the recognition

of common values, a little binding, but indicative for the determination of

plans and projects.

27- Maarseveen, M. v., Martinez, J., & Flacke, J. (2019). GIS in sustainable urban

planning and management. CRC Press.

GIS is used today to better understand and solve urban problems. This

book explores and illustrates the use of geo-information in the planning

and management of urban regions. The first part of the book addresses

the concept of sustainable urban development, its different frameworks,


the many ways of measuring sustainability, and its value in the urban

policy arena. The second part discusses how urban planning can shape

our cities, examines various spatial configurations of cities, the spread of

activities, and the demands placed on different functions to achieve

strategic objective. It further focuses on the recognition that urban

dwellers are increasingly under threat from natural hazards and climate


28- Maneval, S. (2019). New islamic urbanism : The architecture of public and

private space in jeddah, saudi arabia. UCL Press.

Since the dawn of the oil era, cities in Saudi Arabia have witnessed rapid

growth and profound societal changes. As a response to foreign

architectural solutions and the increasing popularity of Western lifestyles,

a distinct style of architecture and urban planning has emerged.

Characterised by an emphasis on privacy, expressed through high

enclosures, gates, blinds, and tinted windows, ‘New Islamic Urbanism’

constitutes for some an important element of piety. For others, it enables

alternative ways of life, indulgence in banned social practices, and the

formation of both publics and counterpublics.

29- Morisi, M. (2016). 'Guardare' il paesaggio : Breve vademecum per gli

osservatori del paesaggio in toscana. Firenze University Press.

This volume was born from a recognition of the experiences and warnings

which were needed for the creation of a landscape observatory in

Tuscany, and for the definition of the network and interactive methods

which the observatory itself can use while aiming at its own operational

effectiveness. The analysis was carried out during the formation stage of


the Landscape Plan of Tuscany and during the collaboration which the

Regional Authority has promoted with the Inter-University Centre of

Territory Sciences. Starting from the examination of the organizational

and functional models characterizing the main European and Italian

experiences, in the plurality of regulatory contexts, forms of landscape

planning and regulation and practices of cultural and association

mobilization of the reference populations, some working hypotheses are

formulated and calibrated on the Tuscan situation.

30- Munafo, S. (2016). La ville compacte remise en cause? formes urbaines et

mobilités de loisirs. Editions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses.

Finally the weekend! The time to escape the dense city to enjoy quieter

environments? While leisure occupies a central place in our lifestyles,

what is the relationship between urban styles and mobility? Are the

inhabitants of city centers more mobile, seeking a greener environment in

which to spend their free time? This would be the "barbecue effect," which

invites stopping advocating for density and upgrading to suburban styles.

This book explores this controversy by examining the cases of Geneva

and Zurich, to answer some questions: Does the barbecue effect really


31- Murawski, M., & Bach, J. (2020). Re-centring the city global mutations of

socialist modernity. UCL


What is the role of monumentality, verticality and centrality in the twenty-

first century? Are palaces, skyscrapers and grand urban ensembles

obsolete relics of twentieth-century modernity, inexorably giving way to a

more humble and sustainable de-centred urban age? Or do the aesthetics


and politics of pomp and grandiosity rather linger and even prosper in

the cities of today and tomorrow? Re-Centring the City zooms in on these

questions, taking as its point of departure the experience of Eurasian

socialist cities, where twentieth-century high modernity arguably saw its

most radical and furthest-reaching realisation. It frames the experience

of global high modernity (and its unravelling) through the eyes of the

socialist city, rather than the other way around: instead of explaining

Warsaw or Moscow through the prism of Paris or New York, it refracts

London, Mexico City and Chennai through the lens of Kyiv, Simferopol

and the former Polish shtetls. This transdisciplinary volume re-centres

the experiences of the 'Global East', and thereby our understanding of

world urbanism, by shedding light on some of the still-extant (and often

disavowed) forms of 'zombie' centrality, hierarchy and violence that

pervade and shape our contemporary urban experience.

32- Nawratek, K. (2017). Urban re-industrialization. punctum


Urban re-industrialisation could be seen as a method of increasing

business effectiveness in the context of a politically stimulated ‘green

economy’; it could also be seen as a nostalgic mutation of a creative-

class concept, focused on 3D printing, ‘boutique manufacturing’ and

crafts. These two notions place urban re-industrialisation within the

context of the current neoliberal economic regime and urban

development based on property and land speculation. Could urban re-

industrialisation be a more radical idea? Could urban re-industrialization

be imagined as a progressive socio-political and economic project, aimed

at creating an inclusive and democratic society based on cooperation and

a symbiosis that goes way beyond the current model of a neoliberal city?


33- Paskins, J., & Bell, S. (. J. (2013). Imagining the future city : London 2062.

Ubiquity Press Limited.

London is one of the world’s leading cities. It is home to an extraordinary

concentration and diversity of people, industries, politics, religions and

ideas, and plays an important role in our highly globalised and tightly

networked modern world. What does the future hold for London?

Investigating any aspect of the city’s future reveals a complex picture of

interrelations and dependencies. The London 2062 Programme from

University College London brings a new, cross-disciplinary and highly

collaborative approach to investigating this complexity. The programme

crosses departmental boundaries within the university, and promotes

active collaboration between leading academics and those who shape

London through policy and practice. This book approaches the question

of London’s future by considering the city in terms of Connections,

Things, Power and Dreams.

34- Pousin, F. (2005). Figures de la ville et construction des savoirs :

Architecture, urbanisme, géographie. CNRS Editions.

Faced with the inflation of images of the city, it is important to implement

scientific questioning, capable of shedding light on their role in the

development of knowledge and practices of spatial intervention. Three

disciplines are mainly questioned here to deal with the constriction of

urban figurations, their effects, their modes of circulation: architecture,

town planning and geography. Case studies, organized according to four

main themes - the historical imprint of the figures, the role of

cartography in the development of projects for the city, visual culture and


disciplinary strategies carrying figurative production - were entrusted to

international specialists. The whole of the iconography gathered, rich and

original, shows that an image needs to be studied within series, whether

these refer to a whole (manual, project, review) or that they are

commentary , interpretation. By the field of reflection it opens, this work

is aimed at specialists in all disciplines, who make the city an object of

study. It interests both those who study the current uses of urban

imagery and those who reflect on the founding moments of this imagery.

Because it does not seek to draw up an exhaustive table of the question

which it treats, but because it proceeds by analysis of symptomatic cases,

this book concerns the epistemologist or the historian of knowledge who

will find analyzes located and able relate to a broader questioning.

Finally, it offers a community of professionals committed to the practice,

both the elements of a common culture, which remains in many respects

still to be built, as well as sources of reflection making it possible to

support and influence the evolution of contemporary practices.

35- Rademacher, A. (2018). Building green : Environmental architects and the

struggle for sustainability in mumbai. University of California


Building Green explores the experience of environmental architects in

Mumbai, one of the world’s most populous and population-dense urban

areas and a city iconic for its massive informal settlements, extreme

wealth asymmetries, and ecological stresses. Under these conditions,

what does it mean to learn, and try to practice, so-called green design?

By tracing the training and professional experiences of environmental

architects in India’s first graduate degree program in Environmental

Architecture,Rademacher shows how environmental architects forged


sustainability concepts and practices and sought to make them

meaningful through engaged architectural practice. The book’s focus on

practitioners offers insights into the many roles that converge to produce

this emergent, critically important form of urban expertise. At once

activists, scientists, and designers, the environmental architects profiled

in Building Green act as key agents of urban change whose efforts in

practice are shaped by a complex urban development economy, layered

political power relations, and a calculus of when, and how, their expert

skills might be operationalized in service of a global urban future.

36- Rizzo, G. G., & Valentini, A. (2004). Luoghi e paesaggi in italia. Firenze

University Press.

The first volume of a series connected with the Florence University PhD

course in Landscape Design – a disciplinary sector that is innovative in

terms of its political and social engagement – it illustrates the potential of

this field of study through the results of a wide-ranging educational and

creative workshop. The various design experiences are grouped into six

thematic sections: Parks and landscape; City parks; Urban spaces;

Fortified systems; Art sites; Historic landscapes; Concepts and projects

(the latter addressing issues that are central to Italian research, such as

agricultural and river landscapes).

37- Rogari, S. (2006). Universita e territorio il decentramento dell'ateneo nella

provincia di firenze : Atti del convegno di studi, firenze, 23 gennaio 2004.

Firenze University Press.

38- Salet, W., Musterd, S., & Salet, W. G. M. (2003). Amsterdam human capital.

Amsterdam University Press.

The changing spatial organization of the city of Amsterdam reflects a


larger-scale process: the familiar shape of Western cities is changing

across the globe. For centuries, the urban core was taken for granted as

the focal point for international contacts and day-to-day activities. The

essays collected here consider how urban spaces have been transformed-

not only spatially but socially, economically, and culturally-into multi-

centered metropolitan arrays, with contributors examining the new urban

identities that may emerge from such changing conditions.

39- Simon, D. (2016). Rethinking sustainable cities : Accessible, green and fair.

Policy Press.

Sustainable urbanisation has moved to the forefront of global debate,

research and policy agendas over recent years. Rapid urbanisation

throughout China, India and many other low and middle income countries

poses new challenges both locally and internationally at a time when

urban areas worldwide are threatened by climate/environmental change.

This compact book is designed to make a signal contribution to the

sustainable urbanisation agenda through authoritative interventions

contextualising, assessing and explaining clearly the relevance and

importance of three central characteristics of sustainable towns and cities

everywhere, namely that they should be accessible, green and fair.

40- Sokolicek, A. (2009). Diateichismata : Zu dem phänomen innerer

befestigungsmauern im griechischen städtebau. Österreichisches

Archäologisches Institut.

A Diateichisma is part of a city s fortification system. Unlike a city wall it

was built within the urban area dividing a city in two parts. This study

focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, the phenomenon of

diateichismata is considered as part of fortification architecture, on the


other hand the influence of diateichism on the organisation of the urban

space is pointed out.

41- Suttner, A. (2017). Das schwarze wien : Bautätigkeit im ständestaat 1934-

1938. Böhlau Verlag.

This book deals with the housing- and settlement-policy of the

authoritarian Austrian Corporate State (Staendestaat) in Vienna between

1934 and 1938. National and international dialogues led to building

strategies for a car-friendly city. Different types of flats, settlements and

administration buildings will be shown, as well as planned monumental

buildings of the unity party Fatherland Front (Vaterlaendische Front).

42- Tilley, C. Y., & Cameron-Daum, K. (2017). An anthropology of landscape :

The extraordinary in the ordinary. UCL Press.

'An anthropology of landscape' tells the fascinating story of a heathland

landscape in south-west England and the way different individuals and

groups engage with it. Based on a long-term anthropological study, the

book emphasizes four individual themes: embodied identities, the

landscape as a sensuous material form that is acted upon and in turn acts

on people, the landscape as contested, and its relation to emotion...The

book makes an innovative contribution to landscape studies and will

appeal to all those interested in nature conservation, historic

preservation, the politics of nature, the politics of identity and an

anthropology of Great Britain.

43- Villani, L. (2012). Le borgate del fascismo : Storia urbana, politica e sociale

della periferia romana. Ledizioni.

Le borgate nate in epoca fascista rappresentano una pagina fondamentale


della storia di Roma contemporanea. Additate come i luoghi più

malfamati della città, specchio dei suoi contrasti socio-economici e

urbanistici, in esse può riassumersi il modo disordinato in cui la capitale

è cresciuta e si è sviluppata. Avamposti dell’espansione edilizia del

secondo dopoguerra, le borgate hanno costituito il luogo d’approdo per

migliaia di famiglie dalle molteplici provenienze. Argomento fino a oggi

poco dissodato, il processo di popolamento della periferia romana è

affrontato in questo libro per mezzo di nuove fonti archivistiche, con cui

è stato possibile verificare ipotesi di studio di recente acquisizione. Sullo

sfondo, la storia del più importante Istituto di case popolari italiano

svoltasi durante il ventennio, un periodo nel quale l’ente, fiancheggiatore

delle politiche urbanistiche e abitative del fascismo per la capitale e,

seppur a fasi alterne, organo edilizio del Governatorato, fu impegnato

nella costruzione di intere parti di città e in quella di un vasto

esperimento pedagogico di educazione fascista nei suoi caseggiati,

contribuendo anch’esso all’instaurazione di un sistema dalle

caratteristiche totalitarie.


Publicaciones periódicas

1- ABE journal : architecture beyond Europe. Paris, France : InVisu CNRS/INHA,

Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2012- /e- ISSN:2275-6639

La revue ABE Journal est dédiée a l'histoire de l’architecture et de

l'urbanisme hors d’Europe. Elle s’intéresse aux aspects coloniaux et

postcoloniaux du monde bâti depuis le XIXe siècle, ainsi qu’aux réseaux

professionnels, aux médias, aux doctrines et aux modèles circulant à

partir de l’Europe et vers celle-ci. Éditée par le laboratoire InVisu

(CNRS/INHA), cette revue encourage la diversité des points de vue et des

méthodes, en particulier les perspectives interculturelles et


2- Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Madrid: Jardín Botánico, 1979- ( En

electrónico completo desde 1997-) / ISSN: 0211-1322 e-ISSN: 1988-


Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid is a scientific journal published by

CSIC and edited by the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid that features

original and unpublished articles in fields such as taxonomy and

systematics of all plant groups and fungi, including related fields like

biogeography, bioinformatics, conservation, ecophysiology, phylogeny,

phylogeography, functional morphology, nomenclature and plant-animal

relations, as well as reviews and summary works.

3- Architecture and Engineering. Saint Petersburg, Russia : Saint Petersburg

State, University of Architecture and Civil Engineering SPSUACE, 2016- /

e-ISSN: 2500-0055


The first issue of the Journal was published in March 2016. The periodical

has 4 regular issues a year, at the end of each quarter. Architecture and

Engineering Journal publishes academic papers on topical issues of

architecture, urban planning, geotechnical engineering and engineering

geology, and land transportation equipment and technology in

construction. All papers submitted are subject to double blind peer

review. The Journal is indexed in the Scopus, Russian Science Citation

Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Index

Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, Bielefeld Academic

Search Engine (BASE), library of University of Cambridge and

CyberLeninka. In future, we plan to register to the Journal in the largest

bibliographic database, such as Web of Science. Publications of the

Journal present results of original scientific research in English.

4- Architecture, city and environment : Arquitectura, ciudad y entorno : ACE.

Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. Centre de Política de Sòl i

Valoracions., Red Temática Arquitectura, Ciudad y Medio Ambiente,

2006- / e-ISSN: 1886-480

“Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno” es el nombre, cuyas tres palabras

persiguen reflejar el espíritu abierto de esta revista dedicada al estudio

del hábitat humano, desde sus más amplias perspectivas, tanto macro

como micro y en sus acepciones tecnológica y social. ACE es una ventana

para la difusión de las diferentes disciplinas que se encargan de las

investigaciones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y territoriales. Está abierta a

nuevos enfoques de estudio y pensada para difundir los resultados en las

lenguas que nos resultan familiares y que, sin olvidar el inglés, debemos

potenciar. Se publica cuatrimestralmente en Open Access Journal, de


acceso y consulta gratuita. Su existencia y continuidad se debe al trabajo

del Centro de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones (CPSV) de la Universidad

Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) y de las personas que colaboran en su

difusión, en la evaluación externa de artículos o como corresponsales. Es

coeditada por la Universidad de Guadalajara a través de su Doctorado en

Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad, su maestría en Procesos y Expresión

Gráfica en la Proyectación Arquitectónica Urbana y el Centro de

Investigación de Medio Ambiente y Ordenamiento Territorial.

5- ARChive. Alexandria, Egypt : IEREK Press, 2017- . ISSN: 2537-0162

ARChive is an open access journal that publishes conference proceedings

in a wide range of topics and across all scientific disciplines, from

Sciences, Engineering and Technology to Environment, Energy and Earth

Sciences. Consequently, it accepts original research papers in a wide

spectrum of subjects. ARChive is a journal published on behalf of

researchers that perpetually make an effort to contribute to the-Ir fields

and provides them with a high visibility of research submitted. The series

publishes, both, theoretical and experimental high quality papers of

current and perpetual interest. It serves to cultivate, propagate, and

essentially archive academic research that has been authored and

submitted for academic conferences.

6- ArchNet-IJAR : international journal of architectural research. Bingley, United

Kingdom : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2007- / e-ISSN: 2631-6862

Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research is an

interdisciplinary scholarly journal of architecture, urban design and


planning, and built environment studies. The journal aims at establishing

a bridge between theory and practice in these fields. The journal acts as a

platform that reports on the latest research findings for examining

buildings and urban environments and debates innovative approaches for

creating responsive environments. Archnet-IJAR is truly international and

aims at strengthening ties between scholars, academics, and practitioners

from the global north and the global south with contributors and readers

reaching across the boundaries of cultures and geographies.

7- AREA. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Arquitectura,

Diseño y Urbanismo, Secretaría de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Técnica,

1992- / e-ISSN: 0328-1337

AREA es una publicación arbitrada e indexada de la Secretaría de

Investigaciones de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo

(FADU) de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Se publica desde el año

1992 y tiene periodicidad anual en su versión impresa y semestral en su

versión digital. Ofrece un espacio para la difusión y el debate de las

producciones de investigación del urbanismo, la arquitectura, la

planificación del paisaje, el diseño industrial, gráfico, de comunicación

visual, de producto, de indumentaria, textil, multimedial, entre otros,

dirigido a la comunidad académica y profesional de las diferentes

disciplinas vinculadas con el diseño. Su ámbito de producción y difusión

abarca Argentina e Iberoamérica.

8- Arhitektura i urbanizam. Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije,

1994, (en electrónico desde 2002-) / e-ISSN: 0354-6055


The journal Arhitektura i urbanizam has been covering a large number of

specific themes and issues, from broader fields of urban and spatial

planning, architecture, housing, building and environment.

9- De arquitectura: Dearq. Bogotá, Colombia : Departamento de Arquitectura,

Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad de los Andes, 2008- /

e-ISSN: 2011-3188

Dearq es una revista cuatrimestral* (enero-abril, mayo-agosto y

septiembre-diciembre) que publica al inicio de cada período, creada en el

2007 por el Departamento de Arquitectura de la Universidad de los Andes

(Colombia). Su objetivo es contribuir a la difusión de análisis,

investigaciones, reflexiones y opiniones críticas que la comunidad

científica nacional e internacional elaboren sobre la arquitectura, la

ciudad y sus áreas afines. La revista recibe contenidos inéditos y

originales, sin postulación simultánea, en español y en inglés.

10- Arquitecturas del sur. Concepción, Chile : Universidad del Bío-Bío, Facultad

de Arquitectura, Construcción y Diseño, Departamento de Arquitectura,

1983- / ISSN: 0716-2677 e-ISSN: 0719-6466

Arquitecturas del Sur es una de las revistas del Departamento de Diseño y

Teoría de la Arquitectura, de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción y

Diseño de la Universidad del Bío-Bío, es editada semestralmente en los

meses de enero y julio de cada año. Su publicación es seriada, de acceso

abierto, arbitrada mediante revisión por pares (doble ciego) y, desde su

primer número aparecido en 1983, su contenido atiende resultados de

investigación originales e inéditos que amplían y fortalecen el

conocimiento de la arquitectura latinoamericana y sus disciplinas afines.


11- Artvin çoruh üniversitesi orman fakültesi dergisi. Artvin, Turkey : Artvin

Çoruh üniversitesi orman fakültesi dergisi, 2000- / ISSN: 2146-1880

e-ISSN: 2146-698X

Artvin Coruh University Journal of Forestry Faculty (ACU J For Fac) is a

peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original research

articles and reviews on all aspects of forestry, plant science, wood

science, landscape architecture and other related subjects. All

manuscripts are initially screened on the-Ir topic suitability and linguistic

quality. Articles should make a significant contribution to the

advancement of knowledge or toward a better understanding of existing


12- Bitácora urbano-territorial. Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia : Instituto de

Investigaciones Hábitat, Ciudad y Territorio, Universidad Nacional de

Colombia, 1997- / ISSN: 0124-7913 e-ISSN: 2027-145X

Publicación científica cuatrimestral que publica mayoritariamente

productos de investigación. Trata temas relacionados con las escalas que

van desde el hábitat al territorio, incluyendo el ordenamiento urbano

regional, la ciudad, los componentes relacionados como los proyectos y

procesos urbanos, políticas públicas, el urbanismo, la arquitectura y la

vivienda. Publica artículos nacionales e internacionales

13- Boletim do observatório ambiental Alberto Ribe-Iro Lamego. Campos dos

Goytacazes, RJ : Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia

Fluminense., Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnológica de Campos.,

Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribe-Iro Lamego, 2007- /


ISSN: 1981-6197 e-ISSN: 2177-4560

A Essentia Editora, coordenação subordinada à Pró-Re-Itoria de Pesquisa

e Inovação do Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF), foi criada em 2006 pelo

então CEFET Campos, tem por objetivo principal estimular a produção e

divulgação de obras de valor científico e cultural que expressem o

trabalho de ensino, pesquisa e extensão do próprio Instituto, bem como

obras de autores nacionais e estrange-Iros que se articulem com a

produção acadêmica da Instituição, em todas as suas áreas, no país, por

me-Io da publicação de obras individuais e coletivas, que discutam temas

ligados às principais questões nacionais, com enfoque especial naquelas

presentes nas regiões na qual está inserida: as do Norte, Noroeste e

Baixada litorânea do estado do Rio de Jane-Iro

14- Botanica serbica. Belgrade : Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden

"Jevremovac", University of Belgrade, 2009- / ISSN: 1821-2158

e-ISSN: 1821-2638

Botanica Serbica is an international peer reviewed journal published as the

official journal of the Institute of Botany and 'Jevremovac' Botanical

Garden of the University of Belgrade; it is the renamed continuation of the

Bulletin of the Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Belgrade . The

journal is edited by an internationally recognized Editorial Board and is

published both online and in print, twice per year. Botanica Serbica

publishes original research papers on all aspects of plant, fungal and

microbial biology research including the disciplines of microbiology,

mycology, lichenology, bryology, flora, vegetation, biogeography,

systematics, taxonomy, plant biotechnology, plant cell biology, plant

ecology, environmental plant biology, forestry, genomics, horticulture,


limnology, metabolomics, molecular biology, proteomics, virology, plant

conservation and protection, and wildlife and ecosystem management.

15- Cities and the environment. Chestnut Hill, MA : Boston College Libraries,

Urban Ecology Collaborative & Urban Natural Resource Institute, 2008- /

e-ISSN: 1932-7048

Cities and the Environment (CATE), a web-based journal, aims to provide

an international forum for urban researchers and practitioners to explore

ecological theory, share relevant data and exchange best practices.

Industry sectors that this journal targets include the biophysical, social

and educational aspects of urban management, landscape transformation

and educational interventions. The ability of web-based publishing to

reach the widest readership possible and the publisher’s goal to keep this

journal free of charge will produce a scholarly environment where the

audience can exchange ideas and findings that contribute to continued

positive urban transformations.

16- City, territory and architecture. He-Idelberg, Germany : Springer-Verlag,

GmbH, 2014- / e-ISSN: 2195-2701

Focusing on the pluralism of positions and project perspectives, City,

Territory and Architecture (CTA) opens an interdisciplinary debate on the

relational nature of projects for spaces where people settle and

interrelate.The journal shares theoretical and applied scientific knowledge

and positions with primary goal of exploring conceptual and physical

relations between city, territory and architecture.The central theme of the

journal is the adaptation to new urban situations: new forms of inhabiting

space are arising in the contemporary city; both human settlement and


project development and implementation are characterized by a stronger

awareness of and care for the entire territory, as well as an awareness of

environmental values. One scope of this journal is to propose new tools

to tackle these challenges. CTA emphasizes the importance of ethical

concern in projects and calls for society’s legitimization of interventions

proposed and managed by architects and planners.

17- Ciudades. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid. Instituto Universitario de

Urbanística, 1993- / e-ISSN: 2445-3943

Revista científica de periodicidad anual, fundada en 1993 y editada por el

Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid

(España), que se dedica a temas de urbanismo en sentido amplio y se

dirige al mundo académico así como a la ciudadanía interesada por las

cuestiones urbanas y territoriales desde disciplinas diversas. La revista

está indexada en el Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core

Collection) y en Scopus, y ha obtenido el sello de calidad FECyT.

18- Collectanea botánica. Barcelona, Instituto Botánico, 1946- (En electrónico

desde 1988-) / ISSN: 0010-0730 e-ISSN: 1989-1067


19- Contexto: Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad

Autónoma de Nuevo León. San Nicolás de los Garza, México : Universidad

Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Arquitectura, 2007 (en electrónico

desde 2011-) / e-SSN: 2007-1639


CONTEXTO. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad

Autónoma de Nuevo León es una revista científica internacional arbitrada

e indexada, que se edita desde el año 2007 bajo los derechos, el

patrocinio y la administración de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. CONTEXTO es una publicación

semestral especializada en arquitectura y estudios urbanos y regionales,

privilegiando las investigaciones de carácter interdisciplinario desde las

Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Geografía,

Sociología, Economía, Antropología, Psicología, Historia, Educación y

otras a fines) en cualquier parte del mundo, aunque primando las

temáticas centradas en América Latina y el Caribe. Contexto al ser una

revista semestral se edita dos veces al año, en los meses de marzo y


20- Cuestión urbana. Buenos Aires : Centro de Estudios de Ciudad, Facultad de

Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2017- /

e-ISSN: 2545-6881

Cuestión Urbana es una publicación científica de periodicidad semestral,

creada por el Centro de Estudios de Ciudad de la Facultad de Ciencias

Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Tiene por objetivo contribuir

al necesario debate sobre la ciudad en sus múltiples dimensiones. Se

propicia el intercambio y la comunicación de reflexiones teóricas y

empíricas, así como la publicación de avances de investigación; incluye el

diálogo con iniciativas de vinculación y transferencia, y los discursos

producidos por actores sociales de relevancia para cada temática

propuesta. Se espera de esta manera contribuir al diálogo entre

disciplinas y perspectivas que abordan el campo.


21- DU & P: revista de diseño urbano y paisaje. Santiago de Chile : Universidad

Central de Chile, Centro de Estudios Arquitectónicos, Urbanísticos y del

Paisaje, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje, 2005- /

e-SSN: 0717-9758

DU & P busca desplegar una visión histórica y cultural, transdisciplinaria y

contextualizadora del quehacer que surge, tanto desde el pensamiento

como de las acciones que se organizan como intervenciones en el espacio

de la habitabilidad humana. Se propone reconocer en especial las

prácticas teóricas y técnicas referidas a la producción del espacio urbano,

el ordenamiento territorial y la conformación del paisaje. En este contexto

interesa particularmente la labor de la disciplina arquitectónica y

urbanística, en su tarea generadoras del sentido y condición de la

habitabilidad de las ciudades. DU & P ha considerado en especial el

Diseño Urbano y la Arquitectura del Paisaje como aquellas prácticas

disciplinarias de más amplia responsabilidad en la formación de los

espacios de habitabilidad de la vida urbana y de mayor incidencia en la

formación del capital simbólico de la ciudad. La praxis del Diseño Urbano,

si bien suele proclamar su propio estatuto teórico, se enraíza en el

cuerpo disciplinar de la Arquitectura al cual pertenece, y reconoce las

dimensiones políticas, económicas y sociales del Ordenamiento Territorial

en el que se genera. Por su parte, la Arquitectura del Paisaje se constituye

multiformemente con la propia praxis del Diseño Urbano y emerge con él

como imagen de la ciudad, como multiplicidad de lugares, como

construcciones culturales de identidad, como entorno fisiográfico, como

ambiente, como sustentabilidad, como estructura sígnica y simbólica del

espacio habitable. Si bien se busca perfilar una reflexión crítica y

transdisciplinaria sobre los discursos teóricos y técnico de estas


prácticas, esta no se circunscribe a la formalidad de sus “logos”

disciplinarios, ni a los discursos detentadores de sentido de la

racionalidad objetivista. Se abre también a posibilidades epistemológicas

alternativas y emergentes que permitan alcanzar los entretejimientos

inesperados que los estatutos de estas prácticas tienen con la vida

cotidiana y sus manifestaciones, aun aquellos vínculos recónditos que

habitan en los imaginarios individuales y sociales.

22- Espacio y desarrollo. Lima : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú,

Departamento de Humanidades, Centro de Investigación en Geografía

Aplicada, 1989- / ISSN: 1016-9148 e-ISSN: 2311-5734

Espacio y Desarrollo es una publicación de periodicidad semestral, abierta

a todas las corrientes de investigación básica y aplicada en el campo de la

geografía. Se reciben contribuciones en forma de artículos científicos

sobre experiencias de investigaciones aplicadas, aportes teórico-

metodológicos, resúmenes de tesis en forma de artículos científicos,

ensayos geográficos originales, reseñas bibliográficas y semblanzas en

español o inglés. Está diseñada para la divulgación de investigaciones

geográficas del Perú y América Latina, para contribuir al conocimiento de

nuestros territorios y lograr que se amplíe y enriquezca la discusión

sobre el desarrollo sostenible. Asimismo, busca ser una fuente de

consulta tanto para investigadores como para estudiantes de geografía y

áreas afines, interesados en temas ambientales, de organización y

desarrollo territorial.

23- Estoa : Revista de la facultad de arquitectura y urbanismo de la universidad

de Cuenca. Cuenca, Ecuador : Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de

Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, 2012- /


ISSN: 1390-7263 e-ISSN: 1390-9274

Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la

Universidad de Cuenca, es una publicación científica editada por la

Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, con

periodicidad semestral y de acceso abierto, arbitrada mediante revisión

por pares (doble ciego), garantizando un proceso de revisión objetivo,

imparcial y transparente, lo que permite a la publicación su inclusión en

bases de datos, repositorios e indexaciones internacionales de referencia.

La revista tiene como objetivo principal difundir el conocimiento

generado en el ámbito de la enseñanza de la arquitectura, el proyecto

arquitectónico, la construcción y eficiencia energética, el urbanismo y la

planificación territorial, y la conservación del patrimonio edificado. Es

decir, todos los campos desde lo arquitectónico hasta lo

urbano. Estoa acepta artículos que son producto de investigaciones

originales e inéditas, en los idiomas español e inglés. Está dirigida a

investigadores, académicos y profesionales del área de especialización de

la revista.

24- Estudo prévio. Lisboa : Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura, Cidade e

Território da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2012- /

e-ISSN: 2182-4339

A revista ESTUDO PRÉVIO é uma publicação semestral do Centro de

Estudos de Arquitetura, Cidade e Território da Universidade Autónoma de

Lisboa (CEACT/UAL). Com esta publicação queremos projetar um lugar

novo onde a partilha do conhecimento pode ser feita com a naturalidade

de uma conversa, com o rigor de um artigo técnico, com a apresentação

de um livro ou ainda através o debate aberto na comunidade digital. A


proposta de criar mais uma revista de arquitetura foi, desde o início, um

desafio para escolhermos um caminho um pouco diferente e por isso

criámos uma linha editorial centrada nas condições reais que determinam

a produção arquitetónica ainda antes de qualquer esquiço ou maqueta,

ou mesmo ainda antes de sermos arquitetos.

25- EURE: revista latinoamericana de estudios urbano regionales. Santiago de

Chile Universidad Católica de Chile, Centro de Desarrollo Urbano y

Regional, 1970- / e-ISSN: 0717-6236

Revista EURE es una revista especializada en estudios urbanos y

regionales, que publica trabajos originales y de investigación de punta

desde 1971, referidos al territorio en todas sus dimensiones,

privilegiando las investigaciones interdisciplinarias de interés y con alto

impacto. EURE recibe trabajos que consideran temas relevantes para los

países iberoamericanos y adoptan explícitamente una dimensión

territorial, ofreciendo aportes novedosos a la discusión teórica a través de

trabajos empíricos y de la discusión de sus resultados. EURE no acepta

ensayos que propongan exclusivamente una discusión teórica o que

expongan resultados sin analizarlos, ni acepta trabajos de alcance

exclusivamente local. Cada manuscrito es objeto de una revisión

preliminar y será rechazado en caso de no cumplir con algunos de los

factores indicados en la sección Proceso de revisión por pares. Antes de

enviar un manuscrito a la revista, se sugiere revisar las indicaciones

acerca de la revisión preliminar. En su calidad de publicación

cuatrimestral, EURE publica trabajos sobre la organización y gestión

territorial en sus expresiones urbanas, regionales y locales, considerando

sus dimensiones ambientales. Además, ha logrado una efectiva difusión


internacional, llegando a la mayor parte de los centros académicos que se

dedican al estudio de los temas del desarrollo urbano-regional; esto le ha

permitido contar en forma regular con la colaboración de muchos de los

especialistas más destacados en este campo de especialización.

26- European journal of taxonomy. Paris, France : Muséum national d'histoire

naturelle, 2011- / e-ISSN: 2118-9773

EJT is a fully refereed, international, fully electronic Open Access journal

in descriptive taxonomy, covering subjects in zoology, entomology,

botany (in its broadest sense), and palaeontology.

27- Frontiers in built environment. Lausanne, Switzerland : Frontiers Media S.A.,

2015- / ISSN: 2297-3362

Frontiers in Built Environment publishes rigorously peer-reviewed

research across the area of civil engineering, within and beyond urban

spaces. The main focus is on the development of smart and sustainable

methodologies for the design, construction and management of resilient

buildings and infrastructure. This includes Damage-tolerant resilient

infrastructure and buildings, Sustainable design and construction, Green

building, Structural health monitoring and disaster prevention, Smart

cities, Computer simulation and data science for innovative design and

construction, and more. This multidisciplinary open-access journal

provides a platform for collaboration across disciplines that aids

discovery, and is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating

scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, engineers,

and the public worldwide.


28- Gaceta técnica. Barquisimeto, Venezuela : Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2000, (En electrónico

2005-2006, 2008, 2014-) / ISSN:1856-9560 e-ISSN:2477-9539

GACETA TÉCNICA es una publicación científica semestral de acceso

abierto, arbitrada e indexada, del Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Dirigida a profesionales,

investigadores y académicos del área de la ingeniería civil en todas sus

ramas, arquitectura, urbanismo, y educadores que laboran en los

programas mencionados. Constituye un espacio académico para la

divulgación de trabajos científicos originales, de carácter

interdisciplinario y multidisciplinario relacionados con el campo de la

Ingeniería Civil, Urbanismo y Arquitectura.

29- Geology, ecology, and landscapes. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK : Taylor &

Francis, 2017- / ISSN: 2474-9508

Geology, Ecology and Landscapes publishes research on the ecological

change, development and conservation within the tropical regions.

30- HBRC journal. Philadelphia : Taylor & Francis, 2004- (En electrónico desde

20212- ) / ISSN: 2090-9934

Publishes international research on building materials, including

architecture, housing and urban development, environmental engineering

and nanotechnology.


31- Horticultura brasileira. Brasilia, D.F. : Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil,

1983- (En electrónico desde 1998-) / ISSN: 0102-0536

e-ISSN: 1806-9991

O periódico Horticultura Brasileira é a revista oficial da Associação

Brasileira de Horticultura. Horticultura Brasileira destina-se à publicação

de artigos técnico-científicos que envolvam hortaliças, plantas

medicinais, condimentares e ornamentais e que contribuam

significativamente para o desenvolvimento destes setores.

32- HortScience. Alexandria, Va. : American Society for Horticultural Science,

1966- (En electrónico desde 1990-) / ISSN: 0018-5345

e-ISSN: 2327-9834


HortScience publishes horticultural information of interest to a broad

array of horticulturists. Its goals are to apprise horticultural scientists and

others interested in horticulture of scientific and industry developments

and of significant research, education, or extension findings or methods.

33- Hortus botanicus. Petrozavodsk: A.A. Prokhorov, 2001- /


Los jardines botánicos son instituciones que almacenan colecciones

documentadas de plantas vivas con fines de investigación, conservación,

demostración y educación ( BGCI) .La revista internacional de jardines

botánicos 'Hortus Botanicus' fue creada en 2001 con el objetivo de

desarrollar relaciones entre los jardines botánicos, centros únicos para la

conservación y el estudio de los recursos fitogenéticos en el planeta



34- i2: Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio. San Vicente del

Raspeig, Alicante : Universidad de Alicante, Departamento de Expresión

Gráfica, Composición y Proyectos, 2013- / e-ISSN: 2341-0515

[i2] Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio es una revista

digital de carácter científico. Nuestro cometido es la publicación de

trabajos que arranquen de la dimensión cultural y crítica de la

arquitectura y el territorio. La revista quiere concentrarse de manera

particular en aquellos asuntos de interés que atraviesan las agendas

contemporáneas. De esta manera, aspiramos a participar activamente en

los debates que están sucediendo en nuestro presente radical,

compartido, transversal y que imaginamos cada vez más inclusivo.

35- ICONARP: international journal architecture and planning. Konya : Selçuk

Üniversitesi, 2013- / ISSN: 2147-9380

Architecture, Planning and Design are strongly affected by other

disciplines such as ine arts, philosophy, engineering, geography,

economics, politics, sociology, history, psychology, geology, information

technology, ecology, law, security and management. However, there are

not enough academic journals which specifically focus on the connections

of architecture, planning and design with other fields of science. ICONARP

aims to fill that gap. Our scope is to provide a suitable space for

theoretical, methodological and empirical papers in architectural, urban

and real estate studies. ICONARP aims to be a reputable platform for the

studies of Architecture, Planning and Design.


36- IET smart cities. Stevenage : John Wiley & Sons Ltd. on behalf of The

Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019- / e-ISSN: 2631-7680

IET Smart Cities is a Gold Open Access journal that publishes original

research on t he latest advances in ICT for Smart Cities, addresses

standards, technologies, systems, research, implementation, deployment,

applications, benchmarking and policy. The journal draws together work

from academia, industry and government.

37- Igra ustvarjalnosti: teorija in praksa urejanja prostora = Creativity game:

theory and practice of spatial planning. Ljubljana : University of Ljubljana,

Faculty of Architecture and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and

Geodetic Engineering, 2013- / e- ISSN: 2350-3637

The journal shall publish peer-reviewed scientific articles, book reviews,

presentations of research and professional projects, workshop

presentations, presentations of scientific and professional meetings,

presentations of professional visits, scientific conferences and similar.

The review procedure shall be applied to submissions in the Slovenian

and English languages, which shall be based on theoretical and practical

experience from the areas of architecture, civil engineering, urban design

and planning, spatial planning, landscape architecture, sociology and

from other areas of social and technical sciences relevant to these subject

matters. It shall present the results of professional work, teaching and

scientific research that, through the use of creativity and abstract

thinking, form a continuous flow of experiential learning about spatial

values and the processes within. ). In the selection of the manuscripts for


publications, the editors shall place emphasis on originality and currency

related to the trends in the research community.

38- In_bo : Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura. Bologna,

Italy: Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di architettura e pianificazione

territorial, 2008- / e-ISSN: 2036-1602

In_bo è una rivista digitale e open-access, fondata nel 2008 e con sede a

Bologna. Pubblica annualmente numeri tematici di ricerca su argomenti

quali il progetto architettonico, la storia dell'architettura e gli studi

urbani, con un'attenzione particolare per la didattica dell'architettura e le

intersezioni tra architettura, cultura e società. I saggi pubblicati da in_bo

possono essere in italiano o in inglese, selezionati secondo un processo

di double blind peer-review. La rivista pubblica inoltre progetti grafici e

recensioni di libri o di seminari/conferenze.

39- InSitu: Revista Científica do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Projeto,

Produção e Gestão do Espaço Urbano. São Paulo, Brazil : FIAM-FAAM

Centro Universitário, 2015- / e-ISSN: 2446-9696

Trata de temas diretamente relacionados às transformações do espaço

em suas diversas escalas, em uma aproximação integradora entre o

conhecimento técnico-científico, a atividade profissional e o setor


40- International journal of human capital in urban management. Tehran, Iran :

Municipality of Tehran, Planning and Education Office, 2016- /

e-ISSN: 2476-4698

International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management (IJHCUM) is

an open access, quarterly FREE CHARGE Publication affiliated with Tehran


Urban Planning and Research Center. The title publishes original research

papers, reviews, case studies and short communication covering all

aspects of urban management.

41- Italian journal of planning practice. Roma, Italy : Italian journal of planning

practice, 2011- / e-ISSN: 2239-267X

The journal is concerned with encouraging reflections and disseminating

knowledge and research on the peculiar characteristics of Italian planning

practice and policy all across the world to the widest possible readership.

IJPP also considers comparative case studies of fundamental importance

for the understanding of planning practices.

42- Journal of architecture and urbanism. Vilnius : Vilnius Gediminas Technical

University, 2012- / ISSN: 2029-7955 e-ISSN: 2029-7947

The Journal of Architecture and Urbanism publishes original research on

all aspects of urban architecture.

43- Journal of construction in developing countries. Pulau Pinang, Malaysia :

Universiti Sains Malaysia Press : Working Commission 107 W107 of the

International Council for Research and Innovation in Building

Construction CIB, 2006- / ISSN: 1823-6499 e-ISSN: 2180-4222

The Journal of Construction in Developing Countries seeks to provide a

central ehicle for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge on issues

relevant to the built environment of developing countries. The journal

provides a wide range of original research an application papers on

current developments and advances in the built environment as well as


the economic, social, cultural and technological contexts of developing

countries. It also publishes detailed case studies, as well as short

communications and discussions. Topics covered include, but are not

restricted to planning, urban economics, rural and regional development,

housing, management and resource issues, sustiainability, knowledge

and technology transfer, construction procurement, facilities

management, information an communication technologies, strategies and

policy issues, design issues, conservation and environmental issues.

44- Journal of design and the built environment. Kuala Lumpur : Faculty of Built

Environment, University of Malaya, 2005- / ISSN : 1823-4208

e-ISSN: 2232-1500

The Journal of Design and Built Environment (JDBE) is a SCOPUS-indexed

and free open access publication by the Faculty of Built Environment,

University of Malaya. Published biannually, JDBE usually contains four

academic papers of wide-ranging topics reporting on issues in the built

environment, i.e. architecture and design including landscape

architecture, urban and regional planning and studies, building and

quantity surveys and real estate studies and management.

45- Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management. Vilnius:

Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, 2003- / ISSN: 1648-6897

e-ISSN: 1822-4199

The Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management

publishes original research about the environment with emphasis on



46- Journal of landscape ecology. International Association of Landscape

Ecology. Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter Poland, 2008- / SSN: 1803-2427

e-ISSN: 1805-4196

The Journal of Landscape Ecology supports integration of knowledge from

geo-, bio- and socio-sciences at the ecosystem and landscape level.

Great emphasis is given to relationships between nature and culture

including knowledge of ancient landscapes. The Journal publishes papers

on spatial and temporal heterogeneity especially in the context of climate

change and its impacts on terestrial environment across adequate scale

hierarchy. Expertise from the spheres of land-use planning and design,

habitat and landscape typology, ecosystem management, biodiversity

protection and ecological restoration, and rules of ecological processes

are promoted. The scope of the journal includes different landscapes and

ecosystems of the world.

47- Journal of urban and regional analysis. Bucharest, Romania: Universitatea

din Bucuresti. Centrul Interdisciplinar de Cercetări Avansate asupra

Dinamicii Teritoriale, 2009- / ISSN: 2067–4082 e-ISSN: 2068–9969

Urban and regional questions are crucial in understanding the present

territorial conditions. From the World Bank’s ‘rediscovery’ in its 2009

Report of the potential of cities in encouraging economic growth, to the

multiple ways in which cities are being drawn into the processes of

neoliberalism, to the dynamic growth of cities in the developing countries

in Asia far out stripping the scale of cities in the older urbanized nations

– everywhere there are signs of a rapidly changing urban condition. The

same is true for the regions where ‘old questions’ of regional economic

disparity and uneven development are being given a new twist as


economic globalization impacts the national and local arenas. JURA, the

Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, working as an Open-access

journal (with two issues/year, in February and in August - starting with

2020; previously annually publishing in June and in December, for the

period 2009-2019), was launched as a response to the exciting world of

urban and regional research emerging in reaction to these changes

happening in the real world.

48- Jurnal pembangunan wilayah dan kota. Semarang, Indonesia : Department

of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University, 2005- /

ISSN: 1858-3903 e-ISSN: 2597-9272

Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kota (e-ISSN: 2597-9272) provides a

forum for publishing the original research articles, review articles, and

short communication articles related to urban studies and development.

Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayan dan Kota is published quarterly every March,

June, September, and December. Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kota is

an open access journal focusing on the scientific works devoted to the

study of urban and regional development planning also. This journal

publishes both empirical and theoretical research to advance and

disseminate knowledge related to urban and regional development and

planning. The journal emphasizes on the sustainability issues in the

economic, social, planning, and institutional dimensions about regional

and urban development in Indonesia and worldwide.

49- Jurnal RUAS. Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia : Department of Architecture,

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, 2011- / ISSN: 1693-3702

e-ISSN: 2477-6033


RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) is a scientific

publication for widespread research and criticism topics related to

urbanism and architecture studies. RUAS is published twice a year since

2011 by the Department of Architecture of Universitas Brawijaya.

50- Landscape online. Germany : IALE-D, International Association of Landscape

Ecology. Region Deutschland, 2007- / ISSN: 1865-1542

Landscape Online focuses on studies dealing with research in landscape

ecology. The subject matter deals with any scientific, educational or

applied aspect of processes, dynamics, indicators, controllers and visions

related to landscapes. Furthermore, Landscape Online emphasizes the

coupling of societal and natural systems, not only the involvement of

human impact on landscape systems but also human perception of the

landscape, its values and the evaluation of landscapes. Moreover, articles

are appropriate that deal with landscape theory, system approaches and

conceptual models of landscape, both their improvement and their

discussion. Papers may be undisciplinary or multidisciplinary but have

interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary appeal.

51- Langkau Betang : jurnal arsitektur. Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia :

Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, 2014-

ISSN:2355-2484 e-ISSN:2550-1194

Angkau Betang: Jurnal Arsitektur, is a nationally accredited (Sinta 3) peer-

reviewed journal, publishing scholarly writings about Architecture and its

related discussion periodically. The aims of this journal are to

disseminate research findings, ideas, and review in architectural studies


such as architecture theory, design and planning, building technology,

urban and settlement. It published two times a year (semesterly; April and

October). We accept manuscript with Indonesian or English language.

52- Lankesteriana : international journal on orchidology. Cartago, Costa Rica :

Jardín Botánico Lankester, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2001- / ISSN

1409-3871 ISSN-e: 2215-2067

LANKESTERIANA, la revista científica del Jardín Botánico Lankester,

Universidad de Costa Rica, se dedica a la publicación de contribuciones

originales relativas a la orquideología, incluyendo la sistemática,

filogenia, evolución, ecología, biología reproductiva, anatomía, fisiología,

conservación e historia de las orquídeas, así como a revisiones de libros y

conferencias en estos temas.

53- Legado de arquitectura y diseño. Toluca, México : Universidad Autónoma

del Estado de México, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, 2004-

e-ISSN: 2448-749X

Legado de Arquitectura y Diseño es una publicación periódica semestral

arbitrada e indexada de investigación científica sobre el campo de la

arquitectura y el diseño del espacio habitable. La revista está dirigida a

investigadores, catedráticos y estudiantes, con el objetivo de difundir

estudios, trabajos teóricos y empíricos e investigaciones y promover el

intercambio de información científica. Los artículos publicados por

Legado de Arquitectura y Diseño son sometidos en forma anónima a un

estricto arbitraje de pares académicos, en la modalidad de doble ciego.

54- Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal. Malang, Indonesia :

Pusat Studi Kearifan Lokal, Department Of Architecture, Universitas


Merdeka Malang, 2009- / ISSN: 2086-3764 e-ISSN: 2615-4951

LOCAL WISDOM is a scientific journal in the field of Architecture and the

City as a "bridge" between the disciplines of architecture and urban

planning and design studies.This scientific journal focusing on research

relating to the study of local wisdom. Local knowledge is a potential local

characteristic based on a local culture that has been a tradition in public

life. A form of local wisdom studies varied widely, ranging from a cultural

value system, social system to the physical manifestation of culture in the

form of local knowledge, local technologies, as well as the physical form

of the built environment. Studies of local wisdom is an effort in order to

realize the harmony of the city environment, and sustainable through the

use and development of local knowledge, contextual and a participatory

approach. The scope of the study will be published in an article relating

to the study of architecture (space, shape, and arrangement), a special

area of study, and the study of urban planning and design. Local Wisdom

of Journal published by the Center for Local Wisdom Studies, Department

of Architecture, University of Merdeka Malang.

55- Majallah-i ʻulūm-i bāghbānī = Journal of horticultural science. Mashhad :

Intishārāt-i Dānishgāh-i Firdawsī-i Mashhad, 2008- / ISSN: 2008-4730

e-ISSN: 2423-3986

The Journal of Horticultural Science is published quarterly (4 Issues/year)

since 2007. The aims of Journal: Scientific ability of graduate members,

Researchers, students and those interested in Agriculture Issues

quantitatively and qualitatively stand points. Original scientific and

research works results in the field of growing vegetables, medicinal


plants, ornamental plants, pomology and breeding and biotechnology of

plants are published after peer review.

56- On the w@terfront (Barcelona, Spain). Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona,

1998- / e-ISSN: 1139-7365

On the W@terfront és publicada pel Public Art Observatory, que és la

plataforma d'Internet per a la investigació sobre l'art públic del centre de

recerca CR POLIS de la Universitat de Barcelona. Creat el juliol de 1999, el

CR POLIS és un centre d'investigació interdisciplinari del qual formen part

docents dels departaments d'escultura, dibuix i psicologia social, entre

altres. Les línies de recerca principals del centre són la sostenibilitat

urbana, el disseny urbà i l'art públic. La revista és editada per Antoni


57- Ornamental horticulture. Campinas, SP, Brasil : Sociedade Brasileira de

Floricultura e Plantas Ornamentais, 2015- / e- ISSN: 2447-536X

This Journal aim to publish technical and scientific researches in

floriculture, ornamental plants, landscaping and landscapes from

members of this Society and others.

58- Paisagem ambiente. São Paulo, SP, Brasil : Faculdade de Arquitetura e

Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, 1986 (En electrónico desde

1996-) / ISSN: 0104-6098 e-ISSN: 2359-5361

Revista dedicada à divulgação de pesquisas, projetos e estudos sobre o

paisagismo, nos seus diversos campos de atuação: do projeto de

paisagismo aos planos de áreas livres, dos estudos históricos às

experiências de ensino, das pesquisas acadêmicas – dos mais diversos


portes – aos resultados de eventos científicos, trabalhos teóricos e

resenhas de livros. Possui, como focos especiais, os espaços livres

urbanos, a questão ambiental, o ensino e o projeto de paisagismo, o

desenho da paisagem e o da forma urbana, os fundamentos teóricos e a

pesquisa em paisagismo.

59- Paranoá : cadernos de arquitetura e urbanismo. Brasília, DF : Universidade

de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2003- /

ISSN: 1677-7395 e-ISSN:1679-0944

A Paranoá é um periódico científico mantido pelo Programa de Pós-

Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de Brasília que

publica trabalhos de pesquisa originais dentro de um escopo

multidisciplinar das diferentes áreas acadêmicas da Arquitetura e

Urbanismo, incluindo: Projeto e Planejamento; Teoria, História e Crítica;

Tecnologia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade. A Paranoá publica artigos em

fluxo contínuo, nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês, e não cobra

taxas sobre submissão, processamento e disponibilização dos artigos.

60- Pixo : revista de arquitetura, cidade, e contemporaneidade. Pelotas, Rio

Grande do Sul, Brazil : Universidade Federal de Pelotas :

Cidade+Contemporaneidade, 2017- / e-ISSN: 2526-7310

A revista digital trimestral (primavera, verão, outono e inverno – ágil e

contínua) reúne artigos, ensaios, entrevistas e resenhas (redigidos em

português, inglês ou espanhol) em números temáticos e; em torno da

abordagem multidisciplinar de questões relacionadas à sociedade

contemporânea, em especial na relação entre a arquitetura e cidade,


habitando para isso as fronteiras da filosofia da desconstrução, das artes

e da educação, a fim de criar ações projetuais e afectos para uma ética e

estética urbana atual.

61- Pós: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da

FAUUSP. São Paulo, SP : Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura

Urbanismo da FAUUSP, 1990- / ISSN: 1518-9554 e-ISSN: 2317-2762

A revista Pós. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e

Urbanismo da FAUUSP publica artigos inéditos, tendo como critério de

seleção a consistência teórica e a adequação à linha e às normas

editoriais da revista, outorgando, aos autores inteira responsabilidade

pelas idéias por eles apresentadas. Todo o material recebido é submetido

à Comissão Editorial, que indica especialistas ad hoc internos e externos

para a emissão de pareceres, pelo sistema double blind peer review.

62- Revista brasileira de estudos regionais e urbanos. Curitiba, PR, Brasil :

Associação Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos ABER, 2007- /

e-ISSN: 2447-7990

A Revista Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos (RBERU) é uma

publicação oficial da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e

Urbanos (ABER). A revista tem por objetivo publicar trabalhos de alta

qualidade e que representam contribuição científica no campo da ciência

regional, com ênfase para estudos sobre a realidade brasileira. Também

são bem-vindos trabalhos sobre a realidade de outros países. A revista

recepciona artigos que apresentem rigorosa fundamentação teórica e

aplicação de métodos e modelos empíricos, nos quais as dimensões


regional ou urbana são incorporadas como elemento relevante do

desenvolvimento econômico.

63- Revista Chapingo - Serie Horticultura. Chapingo, Mexico : Universidad

Autónoma Chapingo, 1994- / ISSN: 1027-152X e-ISSN: 2007-4034

The Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura (RCHSH) publishes scientific and

echnological research results in the horticultural field and its related

areas. Its objective is to generate an international space for dissemination

and discussion of scientific and technological knowledge in the

horticultural field, through the publication of unpublished research

results. It is aimed at researchers and professionals dedicated to or

associated with the horticultural area.

64- Revista de morfologia urbana. Porto, Portugal : Rede Lusófona de

Morfologia Urbana, 2013- / e-ISSN: 2182-7214

A Revista de Morfologia Urbana (RMU) é uma publicação científica bianual

da Portuguese-Language Network of Urban Morphology (PNUM), de

acesso aberto, voltada para pesquisadores que buscam avançar o estado

da arte sobre a forma urbana como materialização de processos sociais e

históricos, em ativa relação com agências e experiências urbanas.

65- Revista de urbanismo. Santiago de Chile : Universidad de Chile, Facultad de

Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Departamento de Urbanismo, 1999- /

ISSN: 0717-5051

Revista de urbanismo es una producción académica con más de dos

décadas de existencia perteneciente al prestigioso Departamento de

Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile, reconocido como el centro


educacional más antiguo del país. Fundada en 1999, nuestra revista tiene

como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo del conocimiento en materia de

urbanismo, diseño urbano y ordenamiento territorial, tanto desde una

perspectiva científica, teórica y conceptual, como técnica y práctica.

66- Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional. La Habana: Universidad de La Habana.

1980- (En electrónico desde 2001-) / e-ISSN: 2410-5546

La Revista tiene como objetivo difundir los resultados de trabajos

científicos nacionales y extranjeros en el campo de la Botánica y la

Micología, así como dar a conocer las actividades realizadas por los

miembros de la Sociedad Cubana de Botánica y de la Red Nacional de

Jardines Botánicos de Cuba.

67- Revista Pensum. Córdoba, Argentina : Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo

y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2015- / ISSN: 2469-0724

Revista PENSUM es una publicación periódica, editada por la Escuela de

Graduados y el Instituto de Investigación de Vivienda y Hábitat de la

Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fue

creada en Mayo de 2015, como una publicación de cobertura regional

que difunde los avances en el conocimiento sobre: las teorías, la crítica y

la gestión de la arquitectura, la ciudad y el territorio; los procesos

proyectuales de planificación y de gestión; el patrimonio y el paisaje y las

metodologías de proyecto y de la construcción sustentable, desde una

perspectiva científica / académica.

68- Revista políticas públicas & ciudades. Belo Horizonte: Estudos Urbanos,

2015- / e-ISSN: 2359-1552


Fundada como ‘blog’ para a publicacao de assuntos academicos na área

de urbanismo e planejamento urbano, tornou-se por interesse de

estudantes de pós-graduação um periódico científico não institucional.

Isto é, não pertencia a instituições de ensino pública ou privada. Assim, a

revista foi fundada em 2014 por estudantes da Pontifícia Universidade

Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). Sua fundação foi apenas no ambiente

acadêmico da Universidade sem relações com a mesma sob qualquer

condição. Desde 2014 o periódico tornou-se um importante veículo

interdisciplinar de urbanismo e planejamento urbano. A partir de 2019 as

bases de indexação passaram a exigir uma editora considerando que a

revista não pertencia a alguma instituição de ensino. Deste modo, em

abril de 2020 foi criada a Editora Estudos Urbanos incorporando a revista

em seu escopo editorial.

69- RiPTEK. Semarang, Indonesia: Bappeda Kota Semarang, 2007 (En electrónico

desde el 2017-) / ISSN: 1978-8320 e-ISSN: 2716-3482

RiPTEK covers a topic related to spatial planning & development,

community empowerment and participation, tourism planning and

management, economic development, environmental planning and

management, and disaster management.

70- Ri-vista, ricerche per la progettazione del paesaggio. Firenze : Firenze

University Press, Dottorato di ricerca in progettazione paesistica, 2003-


Ri-Vista is an open access and and peer reviewed six-monthly scientific

journal in electronic format. Founded in 2003, the second series was

launched in 2015, when Ri-Vista became part of the scientific journals of


the University of Florence. The journal does not ask any charges neither

from authors nor readers and operates through international calls for

papers and double-blind peer review. Ri-Vista deals with the multiple

dimensions of landscape planning and design, seen from a rich variety of

disciplines, in a scientific and open perspective which is distinctive of

landscape architecture. Each issue aims at gathering knowledge and

visions around specific topics, promoting innovative and responsible

actions for creation, protection, restoration and management of


71- Rural landscapes: society, environment, history. Stockholm, Sweden :

Stockholm University Press, 2014- / e-ISSN: 2002-0104

Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History is a peer-reviewed, open

access journal dedicated to landscape research and interdisciplinary

communication. Rural Landscapes aims to be a leading academic forum

for the blending, contrasting and bridging of contemporary and historical

landscape studies that engage with environmental and societal

perspectives on rural landscapes in all parts of the world. The journal

accepts contributions from a broad range of research fields, such as

historical ecology, political ecology, rural development, landscape

ecology, palaeo-ecology, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, history,

agriculture, forestry and geography.

72- Soil and water research. Praha, Czech Republic : Czech Academy of

Agricultural Sciences, 2006- / ISSN:1801-5395 e-ISSN:1805-9384


Original papers, short communications and critical reviews from all fields

of science and engineering related to soil and water and their interactions

in natural and man-modified landscapes, with a particular focus on

agricultural land use. The fields encompassed include, but are not limited

to, the basic and applied soil science, soil hydrology, soil erosion

research and control, drought and flood control, soil contamination, land

use, wetland restoration and protection, surface and ground water

protection in terms of their quantity and quality, good agricultural

practices, land consolidation and other measures for improving and

protecting soils and all other elements of the environment in small

agricultural and forested catchments. Socio-economic issues are not

excluded. The journal is open to authors from all parts of the world

irrespective of their professional background and affiliation. Papers are

published in English.

73- Space ontology international journal. Qazvin, Iran : Qazvin Islamic Azad

University, 2015- / ISSN: 2423-7299 e-ISSN: 2345-6450

Space Ontology International Journal (SOIJ) published by Qazvin Islamic

Azad University (located in Iran) is scholarly open access, peer-reviewed,

quarterly, and fully refereed journal with a primary objective to provide

the academic community for the submission of new ideas, the state of the

art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of

Architecture, Urban Design, and Planning.

74- Spatium. Belgrade : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 1997 (En

electrónico desde 2002-) / ISSN: 1450-569X e-ISSN: 2217-8066


The review is concerned with a multi-disciplinary approach to spatial,

regional and urban planning and architecture, as well as with various

aspects of land use, including housing, environment and related themes

and topics. It attempts to contribute to better theoretical understanding

of a new spatial development processes and to improve the practice in

the field.

75- SPOOL. Delft : TU Delft, Faculteit Bouwkunde, 2014- / ISSN: 2215-0897

e- ISSN: 2215-0900

SPOOL is a journal initiative in the field of ‘architecture and the built

environment’. It puts a strong emphasis on four key topics: Science of

Architecture; Landscape Metropolis; Energy Innovation and Cyber-

physical Architecture. These four topics refer to existing and upcoming

research programs/interests in Europe and beyond, and ensure a steady

stream of potential copy. Treating these topics as threads within one

journal allows SPOOL to focus on the interrelationship between the fields,

something that is often lost in specialized journals. SPOOL welcomes

within this framework original papers and associated open data on

research that deal with interventions in architecture and the built

environment by means of design, engineering and/or planning.

76- Studies of architecture, urbanism and environmental science. Sabzevar

Khorasan Razavi, Iran : Hakim Sabzevari University, 2018- /

e-ISSN: 2588-3658

Studies of Architecture, Urbanism and Environmental Sciences Journal

(abbreviation: SAUES) is a bi-annual, international, academic publication

by Hakim Sabzevari University focusing on the theoretical, practical and


research aspects of the fields of architecture, urbanism, and

environmental sciences.

77- Tafter journal : esperienze e strumenti per cultura e territorio. Roma :

Monti&Taft, 2007- / e-ISSN:1974-563X

Tafter Journal è una rivista on-line che declina i temi inerenti la cultura e il

territorio secondo una prospettiva scientifica. Attraverso i contributi

provenienti dalla comunità scientifica che ha fatto di questi ambiti di

ricerca campo d’azione privilegiato, e dagli operatori che concretamente

sperimentano e utilizzano quegli stessi apparati teorici e si cimentano in

progetti innovativi, la rivista ospita spunti di discussione e riflessione

sulla gestione culturale e del paesaggio, sulle problematiche legate alle

città, alle aree rurali e ai centri storici minori, senza trascurare i preziosi

ausili derivanti dalle nuove tecnologie.

78- Tata loka. Semarang : Universitas Diponegoro, 1999 (En electrónico desde

2011-) / ISSN: 0852-7458 e-ISSN: 2356-0266

Tata loka is a peer reviewed journal publishing scientific articles, focusing

mainly on research and studies in the field of urban and regional


79- Tema: Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment. Napoli: Dipartimento

di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio, Universita degli studi di Napoli

"Federico II", 2007- / ISSN: 1970-9889 e-ISSN: 1970-9870


Tema Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment offers researches,

applications and contributions with a unified approach to spatial planning

and mobility.

80- Territorios (Bogotá, Colombia). Bogotá, Colombia : Universidad de los

Andes, Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Regionales. Asociación

Colombiana de Investigadores Urbanos Regionales, 1999- /

ISSN: 0123-8418 e-ISSN: 2215-7484

Publicación científica semestral de acceso abierto. El objetivo principal es

difundir el conocimiento especializado sobre temas regionales y urbanos

y, de esta manera, enfrentar y abordar los problemas del desarrollo

territorial. Mediante la difusión de análisis críticos y de propuestas

alternativas, busca redefinir los territorios, bajo los cambios estructurales

económicos, sociales, culturales, políticos y ambientales que viven

Latinoamérica y el mundo.

81- Territorios en formación. Madrid : Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de

Madrid UPM, 2011- / e-ISSN: 2174-8659

Territorios en formación constituye una plataforma de divulgación de la

producción académica relacionada con los programas de postgrado del

Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio de la ETSAM–

UPM proporcionando una vía para la publicación de los artículos

científicos y los trabajos de investigación del alumnado y garantizando su

excelencia gracias a la constatación de que los mismos han tenido que

superar un tribunal fin de máster o de los programas de doctorado del



82- Town and Regional Planning. Bloemfontein, South Africa: University of the

Free State, South African Institute of Town and Regional Planners,1974-

ISSN:1012-280X e-ISSN:2415-0495

Town and Regional Planning is a South African accredited journal for

independently adjudicated research articles on applicable topics in town,

urban and regional planning. Each peer refereed article is indicated as

such in the journal. The editorial staff considers articles in English and

Afrikaans, written from any responsible point of view on subjects in any

applicable field of scholarship, i.e. town, urban and regional planning.

83- TRIA: Territorio della ricerca su insediamenti e ambiente : International

journal of urban planning. Napoli: Università di Napoli. Centro

interdipartimentale di ricerca L.U.P.T., 2008- / ISSN: 1974-6849

e-ISSN: 2281-4574

TRIA è una rivista internazionale a prevalente circuito europeo, incentrata

sulle tematiche della pianificazione e della progettazione urbanistica

spazianti nel più ampio contesto delle scienze della terra e di quelle

sociali interessanti la processualità insediativa.

84- Urban Planning. Lisbon, Portugal : Cogitatio Press, 2016- /

e-ISSN: 2183-7635

Urban Planning (ISSN: 2183-7635) is an international peer-reviewed open

access journal of urban studies aimed at advancing understandings and

ideas of humankind’s habitats.


85- Urban, planning and transport research: an open access journal. Abingon,

Oxfordshire, UK : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013- /

e-ISSN: 2165-0020

An international open access journal publishing urban, planning, and

transport research including urban design, community development and

human geography.

86- Urbani izziv. Ljubljana : Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, 1989 ( En

electrónico desde 1991-) / ISSN: 0353-6483 e-ISSN: 1855-8399

Revija je namenjena razširjanju znanstvenih in strokovnih dognanj ter

obravnavi problemov urejanja prostora v Sloveniji in tujini. V reviji so

objavljeni prispevki z različnimi »prostorskimi« temami, iz različnih

znanstvenih ved in disciplin (npr. urbanizem, arhitektura, krajinska

arhitektura, geografija, geodezija, sociologija, ekonomija ipd.), ki sledijo

znanstvenemu in profesionalnemu zanimanju avtorjev.

87- Urbanism, Arhitecturǎ, Constructions. Bucuresti, România : NR&DI URBAN-

INCERC Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare în Constructii,

Urbanism si Dezvoltare Teritorială Durabilă (Romania), 2010- /

ISSN: 2069-0509 e-ISSN: 2069-6469

The journal aims to bridge up the disciplines studying the human habitat

(from civil engineering to architecture and urban and territorial planning)

and its sustainable development (including the relationship between

man-dominated and natural systems), integrated analysis and territorial

management from a joint theoretical and practical (focused on planning)

perspective. The journal strives to embed high-quality artwork, especially


for the two disciplines focused on graphical content - architecture, urban

and territorial planning.

88- Urbe: revista brasileira de gestão urbana. Curitiba, Brazil: Pontifícia

Universidade Católica do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão

Urbana, 2009- / e-ISSN: 2175-3369

Para abarcar a complexidade do fenômeno urbano e sua materialidade no

território, a urbe publica artigos teóricos e empíricos resultantes de

pesquisas originadas nas diversas áreas que formam os estudos urbanos,

como planejamento urbano e regional, arquitetura e urbanismo, gestão e

administração pública, políticas públicas, geografia, infraestruturas e

tecnologias urbanas e meio ambiente.

89- VLC arquitectura. València : Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura,

Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2014- / ISSN: 2341-3050

e-ISSN: 2341-2747

VLC Arquitectura Research Journal is an international research journal,

born as an initiative of the School of Architecture of the Universitat

Politècnica de València. The publication covers the architecture as an

interdisciplinary understanding and it is the place for discussions on the

architectural and urban project from its technical, energetic and material

side, to its theoretical, historical and graphics perspective. Education

research on architecture is also welcome.

90- ZARCH : journal of interdisciplinary studies in architecture and urbanism.

Zaragoza: Departamento de Arquitectura, Escuela de Ingeniería y

Arquitectura, 2014- / ISSN: 2341-0531 e-ISSN: 2387-0346


ZARCH está especializada en el estudio crítico, teórico e histórico de la

arquitectura y el urbanismo desde disciplinas diversas. Trata todos los

temas relacionados con la teoría y la práctica del proyecto arquitectónico

y urbanístico.