Boletín No. 58 - Agosto de 2019 Festival San Fermín¬N_AGOSTO.pdf · Colegiofontancapital...

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Transcript of Boletín No. 58 - Agosto de 2019 Festival San Fermín¬N_AGOSTO.pdf · Colegiofontancapital...


Boletín No. 58 - Agosto de 2019


Actividades julio - agosto






Entérate de los eventos más importantesde nuestro colegio.

Conoce las actividades más importantes y aquellas que tendrán lugar durante este mes.


Aquí reconocemos el desarrollo académico y personal de nuestros estudiantes.

Colegio Fontán Capital @Col_Fontan

Colegio Fontán Capital


Notas de interés

Aquí encontrarás información de interéspara la toda la comunidad.






Donde el Chef

Nuestro Taller de Cocina ha sido un éxito.¡Entérate de lo que hemos preparado!


FestivalSan Fermín





El pasado viernes 26 de julio, los estudiantes y analistas de Taller Innovador celebraron en compañía de la comu-nidad del Colegio Fontán Capital el acostumbrado festival, alusivo a la reconocida fiesta española: La Feria de San Fermín.

El estudiante Juan Camilo Mendez Ciro de grado noveno fue el encargado de dar inicio a la procesión con el acostumbrado Chupinazo. Durante el recorrido por las calles simuladas de Pamplona dentro de Taller Innova-dor se disfrutó de una muestra histórica, musical y gastronómica.

Al concluir la procesión, los estudiantes del taller obsequiaron a la comunidad un souvenir de San Fermín.

Se desarrolló una actividad de integración con los estudiantes y analistas de los diferentes talleres partici-pando en una sana competencia tipo Carrera de obstácu-los, quedando como ganadores:

· 1er. Lugar: Taller Investigador B· 2do. Lugar: Taller Explorador e Investigador A· 3er. Lugar: Taller Abierto

FestivalSan Fermín


Nuestro colegio


3 #YoSoyFontánCapital

Día del Colaborador Fontán

Cada año tomamos un día para celebrar y reconocer a cada uno de los miembros que hacen posible este proyecto educativo, pues cada parte de nuestra comuni-dad merece un reconocimiento especial por su labor y la oportunidad de acercarnos aún más como familia.

Así, el pasado viernes 19 de julio, todos los miembros de la comunidad: servicios generales, cocina, área académi-ca y administrativa, tuvimos la oportunidad de integrar-nos en equipos, divertirnos y realizar varias pruebas y actividades que retaban la mente y el cuerpo. Además, dedicamos un espacio del día para recordar a nuestro compañero Bernardo Rey Torres.

Este tipo de actividades permiten a la comunidad acoger a sus nuevos integrantes, generar compañerismo y trabajo en equipo sin importar el área a la que pertenez-camos, como la gran familia que somos.

Nuestro colegio


4 #YoSoyFontánCapital

¡Rompimos la rutina!Estas actividades rompe rutinas tienen la finalidad de generar espacios de integración y relajación en medio de las actividades académicas. Bajo este propósito, nues-tros estudiantes prepararon un baile con el que anima-ron a toda la comunidad e intervinieron todos los espacios del colegio. También, cada taller fue endulzado por los estudiantes que realizaron el baile, regalándonos así un momento muy agradable.

Nuestro colegio


5 #YoSoyFontánCapital

It was a calm morning on Friday, but the school canteen had an unusual bustle: the English literature Fair. Many students and some of the school staff participated. Depending on the level, the participants had to present a writing sample showing their literary skills. The purpose was to encourage the members of the school to apprecia-te both The English language and literature and, of course, people’s gifts and interests.

It was divided by levels, according to each of the partici-pant’s mastery of the language. Each level had a different topic to work on. According to this, the first level participants had to create a dreamy fairy tale; second level participants had to invent a futuristic tale; third level participants were entrusted with romance stories and, finally; the fourth level participants had to deliver mystery stories.

People who did not partake on this activity had, nonethe-less, the possibility of enjoying the work done by the skillful writers and hear from their own mouths the detai-ls of the creation process.

At the end, the winner for the fairy tale story was Nicolás Mejía; Juan Pablo Hernández for his riveting futuristic narration; Juana Castaño for her touching romance and, finally, Marah Escobar and Sarah Jiménez for their mystery thriller.

In addition to this, on the staff side, a story was written for the first level in which everyone participated creating

it and, for the level two story, the winner was Mónica Valdés; her story being read by Nidia Naranjo. Finally, María Eugenia Duque won the prize for the third level story.

Congratulations to every writer for their effortand artistry!

Creative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing Fair

Nuestro colegio




1 place: Fairy Tales

Chapter 1Once upon a time, a boy called Charly he lived only with his father because his mother died. In the school Charly was very smart and dedicated. His father was a scientific, he had a laboratory in the basement of their house.One day, Charly arrived to his house and he did not find his father in the whole house, and Charly thought that his father was not there. Meanwhile, in the laboratory there were many machines they were incredible, Charly liked one which was big and it had five potions and Charly did not know anything related to the machines.

Chapter 2Then, Charly listened to the door, it was the Charly’s father. Charly wanted to play “hide – and – seek” with his father, Charly insisted very much and after a time his father accepted, Charly hid on the basement in the big machine. Instantly, a rat showed up in the machine and it turned on then many rays were powered on.

The rays attacked the Charly’s heart and the machine exploded. The scientific, his father rescued. So they went to the hospital.

Chapter 3The boy woke up in the hospital, then Charly noticed that he had force, also he was a little bit taller than before. Now, his father, the scientific started to find his boy and he could not find him. The boy escaped the hospital alone, he used the powers given by the machine, he did not know how to manage the powers and he exploded the hospital.

The scientific noticed the terrible scene and he used darts which were in his dressing gown and he controlled now the Super-Boy. His father carried Super Boy to their house to hide the new Super-Boy, his son. The army ran behind the scientific and Super-Boy. Super-Boy was unconscious and the army killed the scientific. Super-Boy woke up and he reacted to the situation, he escaped from with his father flying and new power.

This story continue soon!


Autor: Nicolás Simón MejíaWorkshop: Investigador B

Analyst: Jhon Bayona


Nuestro colegio




The morning begins just when the light of the computer is turned off immediately, although in the year 3040, in which they were vanished little by little until disappea-ring completely, the hard work that made that early summer morning, It kept him exhausted. It had been years since it emerged, but the theory of Technology Brain had come true, giving way to new human knowled-ge, knowing a person's brain, their thoughts and feelings and then place them in a Machine was one of the best discoveries so far, in addition to the printer 3D and the luxurious flying car, which only the powerful have. The streets were overwhelming, full of cars now environmen-tal and motorcycles that served thanks to the light of sun.

1 place: Futuristic Tales

Bogotá 3040

Autor: Juan Pablo HernándezWorkshop: Innovador

Analyst: Iván Marín


Having achieved a perfect balance between nature and society, carrying a cape the well-known blue economy, saving our natural resources. Now everything had artificial intelligence is so normal, that seeing prototypes in the market at low price does not cause any emotion. It was published in a society completely developed, focused on education. Nobody spoke with, nobody on the street. But without paying attention to the minimal atten-tion of those who surround, then, human ignorance never I would change, for more educated than this socie-ty. The young scientist, known as the ocean Franklin, he takes his things, watching people go through a few seconds before following your path to your needed rest. Bogotá was big, so his arrival was too slow I scan his tracks and go in letting out a long sigh. He saw his dog in the distance, playing with an old silk cloth. He climbed the stairs to his face and he thinks; How will the future be?

8 #YoSoyFontánCapital

Nuestro colegio


After all love is not perfect love have pain, anxiety and more, but in the end no happiness starts without a long way, like millions of girls I meet a boy that make me feel a lot of inexplicable fallings like first look love, but it was weird because I am not a complete human, why? Let me explain when I have born my father gift me a mask and say to me "this mask has to go with you anywhere "obviously I didn't understand very much but I continue with the mask next to me.

One day I forgot my mask, in the start I do not notice anything weird , but in the sunset , I start feeling like my soul go away , when I react I was in the park next to my home with punches and cuts , I go fast to my father room to search an answer , he saw me enter the room with all those scars and say "it happens right...ok":" he makes me sit down then start talking he says "that mask it’s an item for hiding the demon that is inside of you but form break and abstract all the demon it's searching the other person with the same mask I have so confused but I keep going with life.

One day at school I see a guy tall with an incredible smile … I don't understand that strong feeling that makes me don't stop thinking about him, the time pass and I have to go for a deports exam then he has there I start feeling anxious when he walked to me, he started talking and I start to ,then I notice what was that feeling , I fell in love , I was scared because I have to be with the guy that has the other part of the mask, the test end , I was so scared, anxious then I hit someone when the other part of the mask fall I look up and see him the guy with the incredi-ble smile I was so surprised he has a cold and I didn't know why.

The time pass and 2 mounds later we became the other le of the other but something was wrong, one normal day at 3:00 pm I was feeling so weak then Nicolas say to me that he feels weak to, I call my father ...he was so sad then he whispered "its time" followed with "you and Nicolas have to die or the word it's going to be m" I say why so loud he just say" if you too die are going to protect the earth ...all was clear I see Nicolas and he whispered ok we are together ...then in the night at the same time we broke the mask and start to slowly despair y hug Nicolas ...yea I know there is no weird thing in this but I show how a person can do anything if is somebody there to wake up us...

1 place: Romance Tales

For ever

Autor: Juana CastañoWorkshop: Innovador

Analyst: Inkuy Lee


9 #YoSoyFontánCapital

Nuestro colegio


I was having a nightmare, feeling trapped in a dark room, and I couldn’t move at all, but a sudden light came in and the next thing I saw was my bedroom with my crazy alarm ringing loudly. I looked at the clock and realized I was late to work, again. I ran to the bathroom. I knew I didn’t have time to take a shower, so I washed only my face and put on as fast as I could my usual clothes: A black shirt with gray jeans, a white blazer and my favorite shoes, mint Converse. I grabbed some crackers that where on my dinning roomer table, I left my apartment and ran into the first taxi I saw. I gave him the address and tried to make myself presentable while eating the cracker. When I got to the Police Department of Washington D.C. I opened the door and went downstairs to the Detectives’ Department. I ran through the hallway seeing my boss, Violet Jackson, stressed. I yelled:“Miss Jackson, I’m here!”,

And the next thing I saw was my face against the floor. When I realize that I hadn’t tied my shoes, it was already too late. I was embarrassing myself, again. I didn’t have to look up to know Miss Jackson’s face, it was “THE LOOK”.You are probably wondering what “THE LOOK” is. Well, let me explain.

It was my first day in the Department and I was trying to make a good impression, so I went to the coffee machine and tried to make coffee for everyone, but, like always, it went terribly wrong. In the first one I was making, the machine didn’t stop making coffee, everything was messed up and I took my jacket off and put it in the place

where the cups are supposed to go and stop it, but it clearly didn’t work. Then, Miss Jackson came in the kitchen and just disconnected the machine, like it was the easiest thing in the world, and, that was the first time I saw “THE LOOK”. It was a cold look, like a mix of disappointment and pity, and I hate it.

Going back to the moment, I was still on the floor, and Miss Jackson just told me: “You’re late, again…”, She said looking at the floor as if I was some kind of bug. “I’m sorry, my alarm didn’t work.”,

“Then get a new one”, - She said coldly.

She turned around and walked to her office while I was trying to put all my stuff in my bag. I got back on my feet and walked into her office. She looked stressed, more than usual.

This story continue soon!

1 place: Mystery Tales

The unsolvable case

Autors: Sarah Jiménez and Marah EscobarWorkshop: Investigador B

Analyst: Jhon Romero


10 #YoSoyFontánCapital

Nuestro colegio


Creative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing Fair

Creative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing Fair

11 #YoSoyFontánCapital

Capacitación TICS

Nuestro colegio


El pasado 2 de agosto la Escuela de Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda, llevó a cabo el Taller Teórico-Práctico “Nuevas Tecnologías para la Docencia y la Investigación de las Ciencias Sociales”, en dónde participaron los docentes y educadores del área de filosofía, sociales y ética de diferentes entidades educativas de Bogotá.

En pro de la constante actualización de nuestro equipo de analistas y tutores, varios de ellos tuvieron la oportu-nidad de aprender y ejercitarse en el uso de herramien-tas tecnológicas que son el plus a nivel nacional e internacional y que favorecen notablemente nuestro Sistema FRE en cuanto al desarrollo de la autonomía y las habilidades académicas indispensables en la forma-ción de los estudiantes.

De ésta manera, se evidencia el empeño que el Colegio Fontán Capital pone sobre la formación continua en cada uno de los ámbitos que propone la Educación Relacional Fontán. Así, se proyecta que en próximas fechas, las TIC sean implementadas y orientadas tanto a nuestros estudiantes como analistas por parte de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda.

Bien dice el escritor y poeta Jorge González Moore: "La innovación constante es la única forma de mantenerse competitivo, porque ninguna ventaja es sostenible en el largo plazo".

Creative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing FairCreative Writing Fair

COMUNIDADReconocimientos del mes

Juanita de Zubiria GutiérrezTaller ExploradorDedicación, interés y motivación.

Danna Beatriz Rincón QuirogaTaller InnovadorCalidad en su trabajo académico

Juan David PereiraTaller Investigador BCompromiso y rendimiento

María Paula PereiraTaller Investigador AEsfuerzo personal

12 #YoSoyFontánCapital


Juana Ortiz SilvaTaller Autonomía AvanzadaEsfuerzo personal y ritmo de trabajo

Juan José Ardila RomeroTaller InnovadorParticipación y colaboración en las actividades

Reconocimientos del mes

13 #YoSoyFontánCapital

Julián Esteban Blanco GarzónTaller Autonomía SuperiorTrabajo colaborativo

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John Alexander Cadavid MesaAnalista de Comunicación - Taller Investigador B

Paola Andrea Bustos OsorioAnalista de comunicación - Taller Innovador

Jair Eduardo Cabrera RoceroAnalista de Deportes

Sandra Ximena Ahumada GuerreroAdmisiones


15 #YoSoyFontánCapital

NOTAS DE INTERÉSPersonalizador

Esta nueva herramienta permitirá a los estudiantes desarrollar la habilidad de toma de decisiones dentro de su proceso de aprendizaje, empoderándose y alcanzando mayores niveles de autonomía. El equipo de investigación ha logrado hacer grandes avances en el desarrollo de los prototipos de la herramienta, así como en el documento de sustento que permitirá el empoderamiento de la estrategia en la Comunidad Fontán.

Conceptos fundamentales de FREEn esta sección presentaremos y explicaremos un concepto esencial dentro de FRE.

Entrega de valor:Capacidad de actuar para la mejora propia, de la comunidad y la naturaleza. Esencial para el progreso y la consolidación social, en tanto manifiesta los aportes de las personas y contribuye al bienestar general. Explícitamente, se hace evidente cuando una persona toma la riqueza que tiene (talentos, habilidades, herramientas, conocimientos) y desarrolla estrategias que permitan generar un impacto positivo en su entorno, ya sea en otros o en el medio ambiente.


Analistas Colegio Fontán Capital

16 #YoSoyFontánCapital


Así vemos hoy nuestro edificio en construcción.

Donde el ChefDonde el Chef

Nuestro restaurantey cafetería


Taller de CocinaDurante este mes nuestras sesiones fueron abiertas a estudiantes y colaboradores que desearan participar y aprender sobre la preparación de diferentes recetas, siempre guiadas por nuestro Chef Esteban Espitia y su equipo de trabajo.

Diferentes tipos de panes, cinnabon, bombones de chocolate, pan de chocolate y galletas, han sido algunas de las recetas que hemos preparado durante este mes.


Durante este mes haremos sesiones independientesen el mismo horario y abierto para estudiantes y colaboradores.

Si estás interesado, escríbenos a o inscríbete en Cafetería.





ColegiofontancapitalColegio Fontán Capital @Col_Fontan Colegio Fontán Capital