
Post on 19-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Can

Nombre:Grado: Fecha: ACTVIDAD DEL VERBO CAN1) Responde las siguientes oraciones con can o cannot segn corresponda:No, I . danceyou work with Excel?I to Europe he swim?he can(not) drink a cokeshe.. cook a pizza we understand the lesson?No, we .. do the homework they speak french?They ..(not) go to USAYou ..(not) stay at his home.. I take your order?No, he .. eat an hamburguer2) Unir las preguntas de la izquierda, con las respuestas de la derecha.

- Where can I go in Texas? -You can buy jewelry and clothes - What can I do there? - You can hang out with your friends. - What else can I do there? - You can go there every day- When can I go there? - You can meet interesting people. What things can I buy there? - You can go to the Plaza Mall

3) Complete las siguientes preguntas segn corresponda, luego, responda de forma positiva y de forma negativa:Can.he run 100 metres in 11 seconds? come to the party next Sunday?Can you wait me?.Can Pablo eat anything?