Capacitacion Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA

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Capacitacion Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA

Transcript of Capacitacion Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA

Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA

Duracion: 102 Horas

Dirigido a: - El Curso de Gestión de Bases de Datos Oracle con SQL, está pensado para cualquier persona que con algunos conocimientos básicos

de informática, desee formarse profesionalmente en el lenguaje estándar de acceso a bases de datos relacionales más moderno y

potente, con el que podrá manipular y configurar la información de una base de datos Oracle

- Quienes deseen obtener la certificación internacional Oficial de Oracle OCA (Oracle Certified Associate).

Prerrequisitos: - Familiaridad con los conceptos y técnicas de procesamiento de datos

- Concéptos Básicos de Informática y Bases de Datos

Objetivos: - Display data from multiple tables using the ANSI SQL 99 JOIN syntax.

- Employ SQL functions to generate customized data.

- Create reports of aggregated data.

- Use the SET operators to create subsets of data.

- Run data manipulation statements (DML) in Oracle Database 11g.

- Run data definition language (DDL) statements to create schema objects.

- Identify the major structural components of Oracle Database 11g.

- Retrieve data from tables.

- Create reports of sorted and restricted data. - Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 1

- Install and configure Oracle Database 11g

- Configure Oracle Net services

- Monitor and administer undo data

- Manage the database storage structures

- Create and administer user accounts

- Perform basic backup and recovery of a database

- Manage data concurrency

- Monitor performance

- Describe Oracle Database Architecture

Metodologia: Nuestros ambientes de aprendizaje son una emulación de las actividades que el profesional desempeñará en una empresa. Se

desarrolla un proyecto y/o laboratorios que permitan dotar al estudiante de las competencias requeridas para alcanzar el éxito en el

mercado laboral. El instructor (Ingeniero con amplia experiencia), es el director del proyecto, quien lo guiará paso a paso en el desarrollo

de los los talleres requeridos.

Perfil Profesional Del Instructor :Profesional en ingenieria de sistemas, administrador de bases de datos, con especialización y amplia experiencia en el diseño de

plataformas y arquitectura oracle bajo versiones 10, 11g y 12c, especialista en seguridad Bases de datos Oracle. Experiencia en

administración bajo multiples plataformas y conocimientos en desarrollo de software.

Aula Matriz ofrece:

Cursos Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA Duracion (Horas)

Oracle Database 12c: Introduction To Sql English 40

Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Release 2 40

Sesiones de estudio Online 10

Temas de Refuerzo E-learning 6

Preparación Examen de certificación (Simulador) 6

Descuento para presentar examen de certificación( 1Z0-051-ENU Oracle Database 12c: Introduction To Sql ) 25%

Descuento para presentar examen de certificación( 1Z0-052-ENU Oracle Database 11g: Administration I ) 25%

Válido como requisito para presentar examen para Certificación Si

Acceso a la Red de profesionales de ORACLE Si

Laboratorios Orientados a la práctica y desarrollo de un proyecto Si

Evaluación del desempeño Si

Certificación de asistencia a las prácticas y desarrollo del proyecto Aula Matriz

Certificación de asistencia por curso Oracle University

Total Horas 102

Material del curso: - Oracle Database 11g: Introduction To Sql Student Kit

- Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Student Kit

- Agenda

- Esfero

Temas del curso:

Nivel I:

Oracle Database 11g: Introduction To Sql (1Z0-051) PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 2


- Overview of Oracle Database 11g and related products

- Overview of relational database management concepts and terminologies

- Introduction to SQL and its development environments

- The HR schema and the tables used in this course

- Oracle Database documentation and additional resources

Retrieve Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement

- List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements

- Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement

- Usage of arithmetic expressions and NULL values

- Implement Column aliases

- Describe the concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keyword

- Display the table structure using the DESCRIBE command

Restrict and Sort Data

- Write queries with a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved

- Use the comparison operators and logical operators

- Identify the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators

- Usage of character string literals in the WHERE clause

- Write queries with an ORDER BY clause

- Sort output in descending and ascending order

- Substitution Variables

Use Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

- Differentiate between single row and multiple row functions

- Manipulate strings using character functions

- Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions

- Perform arithmetic with date data

- Manipulate dates with the DATE functions

Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

- Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion

- Describe TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions

- Nesting multiple functions

- Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data

- Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic

Aggregated Data Using Group Functions

- How aggregation functions help to produce meaningful reports?

- Use the AVG, SUM, MIN, and MAX function

- How to handle Null Values in a group function?

- Divide the data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause

- Exclude groups of date by using the HAVING clause

Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins

- Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table

- Join Tables Using SQL:1999 Syntax

- View data that does not meet a join condition by using outer joins PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 3

- Join a table to itself by using a self join

- Create Cross Joins

Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries

- Use a Subquery to Solve a Problem

- Execute Single-Row Sub-queries

- Deploy Group Functions in a Sub-query

- Multiple-Row Subqueries

- Use ANY and ALL Operator in Multiple-Row Sub-queries

- Use EXISTS Operator

SET Operators

- What are SET operators?

- Use a SET operator to combine multiple queries into a single query


- Use ORDER BY Clause in Set Operations

Data Manipulation

- Add New Rows to a Table

- Change the Data in a Table

- Use DELETE and TRUNCATE Statements

- Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements

- Implement Read Consistency

- Describe the FOR UPDATE Clause

Use DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

- Categorize Database Objects

- Create Tables using the CREATE TABLE Statement

- Identify the data types

- Describe Constraints

- Create a table using a subquery

- How to alter a table?

- Drop a table

Other Schema Objects

- Create, modify, and retrieve data from a view

- Perform Data manipulation language (DML) operations on a view

- Drop a view

- Create, use, and modify a sequence

- Create and maintain indexes

- Create and drop synonyms

Control User Access

- Differentiate system privileges from object privileges

- Create Users

- Grant System Privileges

- Create and Grant Privileges to a Role

- Change Your Password

- Grant Object Privileges PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 4

- How to pass on privileges?

- Revoke Object Privileges

Management of Schema Objects

- Add, Modify, and Drop a Column

- Add, Drop, and Defer a Constraint

- How to enable and Disable a Constraint?

- Create and Remove Indexes

- Create a Function-Based Index

- Perform Flashback Operations

- Create an External Table by Using ORACLE_LOADER and by Using ORACLE_DATAPUMP

- Query External Tables

Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views

- Explain the data dictionary

- Use the Dictionary Views


- Table and Column Information

- Query the dictionary views for constraint information

- Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index and synonym information

- Add a comment to a table

- Query the dictionary views for comment information

Manipulate Large Data Sets

- Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data

- Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source

- Insert Using a Subquery as a Target

- Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements

- List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements

- Use Multitable INSERT Statements

- Merge rows in a table

- Track Changes in Data over a period of time

Data Management in different Time Zones

- Time Zones


- Compare Date and Time in a Session’s Time Zone


- Difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP

- INTERVAL Data Types



Retrieve Data Using Sub-queries

- Multiple-Column Subqueries

- Pairwise and Nonpairwise Comparison

- Scalar Subquery Expressions

- Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries

- Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 5

- The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators

- Invoke the WITH clause

- The Recursive WITH clause

Regular Expression Support

- Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL

- Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions

- Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function

- Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function

- Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function

- Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function

- Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support

- Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function

Nivel II:

Oracle Database 11g Administration Workshop I Release 2 (1Z0-052)

Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture

- Oracle Database Architecture Overview

- Oracle ASM Architecture Overview

- Process Architecture

- Memory structrues

- Logical and physical storage structures

- ASM storage components

Installing your Oracle Software

- Tasks of an Oracle Database Administrator

- Tools Used to Administer an Oracle Database

- Installation: System Requirements

- Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

- Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure

- Installing Oracle Database Software

- Silent Install

Creating an Oracle Database

- Planning the Database

- Using the DBCA to Create a Database

- Password Management

- Creating a Database Design Template

- Using the DBCA to Delete a Database

Managing the Oracle Database Instance

- Start and stop the Oracle database and components

- Use Oracle Enterprise Manager

- Access a database with SQLPlus

- Modify database installation parameters

- Describe the stages of database startup

- Describe database shutdown options

- View the alert log PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 6

- Access dynamic performance views

Manage the ASM Instance

- Set up initialization parameter files for ASM instance

- Start up and shut down ASM instances

- Administer ASM disk groups

Configuring the Oracle Network Environment

- Use Enterprise Manager to create and configure the Listener

- Enable Oracle Restart to monitor the listener

- Use tnsping to test Oracle Net connectivity

- Identify when to use shared servers and when to use dedicated servers

Managing Database Storage Structures

- Storage Structures

- How Table Data Is Stored

- Anatomy of a Database Block

- Space Management in Tablespaces

- Tablespaces in the Preconfigured Database

- Actions with Tablespaces

- Oracle Managed Files (OMF)

Administering User Security

- Database User Accounts

- Predefined Administrative Accounts

- Benefits of Roles

- Predefined Roles

- Implementing Profiles

Managing Data Concurrency

- Data Concurrency

- Enqueue Mechanism

- Resolving Lock Conflicts

- Deadlocks

Managing Undo Data

- Data Manipulation

- Transactions and Undo Data

- Undo Data Versus Redo Data

- Configuring Undo Retention

Implementing Oracle Database Auditing

- Describe DBA responsibilities for security

- Enable standard database auditing

- Specify audit options

- Review audit information

- Maintain the audit trail

Database Maintenance PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 7

- Manage optimizer statistics

- Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)

- Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)

- Describe and use the advisory framework

- Set alert thresholds

- Use server-generated alerts

- Use automated tasks

Performance Management

- Performance Monitoring

- Managing Memory Components

- Enabling Automatic Memory Management (AMM)

- Automatic Shared Memory Advisor

- Using Memory Advisors

- Dynamic Performance Statistics

- Troubleshooting and Tuning Views

- Invalid and Unusable Objects

Backup and Recovery Concepts

- Part of Your Job

- Statement Failure

- User Error

- Understanding Instance Recovery

- Phases of Instance Recovery

- Using the MTTR Advisor

- Media Failure

-Archive Log Files

Performing Database Backups

- Backup Solutions: Overview

- Oracle Secure Backup

- User-Managed Backup

- Terminology

- Recovery Manager (RMAN)

- Configuring Backup Settings

- Backing Up the Control File to a Trace File

- Monitoring the Flash Recovery Area

Performing Database Recovery

- Opening a Database

- Data Recovery Advisor

- Loss of a Control File

- Loss of a Redo Log File

- Data Recovery Advisor

- Data Failures

- Listing Data Failures

- Data Recovery Advisor Views

Moving Data PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 8

- Describe ways to move data

- Create and use directory objects

- Use SQL*Loader to move data

- Use external tables to move data

- General architecture of Oracle Data Pump

- Use Data Pump export and import to move data

Working with Support

- Use the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench

- Work with Oracle Support

- Log service requests (SR)

- Manage patches

Horarios y Fechas de inicio

Capacitacion Horario Fecha Inicio

Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA Sabados7:00 AM 1:30 PMPresencial 2015-03-28

Diplomado Oracle DBA OCA Lunes a Viernes.6:00 PM. 9:00 PM.Presencial 2015-03-30

Precios en pesos colombianos (COP)

Tipo A plazos Contado Anticipado

Particulares, Profesionales,Independientes y/o Estudiantes 2,420,000 2,250,000

Formas De Pago a Plazos

- En dos contados 50% iniciando la capacitación y el otro 50% promediando la misma.

- Tarjetas de Crédito

- 2 Cheques sin financiación así: Al dia y a 30 dias.

Servicios de Educación excluidos de IVA, numeral 6 articulo 476 ET.

Para reservar cupo o informacion adicional, por favor comuniquese al PBX: 606-5333, directamente en nuestra sede : Calle 63 N 15-18

Piso 3 Bogota D.C. Colombia. o a nuestro email o en PBX: (571) 6065333 email: Calle 63 N 15-18 Piso 3 Bogota Colombia

Pagina 9