Englis Gramar

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Englis Gramar

  • 7/28/2019 Englis Gramar


    Palabras que suenan igual pero se deletrean diferente

    weather = tiempo (clima)

    whether = conjuncin para presentar opciones: whether, orsea que o

    To = preposicin que significa a o hacia

    Too = tambinTwo = el nmero dos

    Theyre = contraccin de they are, que significa ellos/ellas son/estn

    Their = pronombre posesivo que significa su (de ellos/ellas)

    There = all

    Ate = tiempo pasado del verbo comer

    Eight = el nmero ocho

    Buy = el verbo comprar

    By = preposicin que significa por en oraciones pasivas

    Bye = una forma de adios

    Cent = centavo

    Scent = olor

    Sent = pasado del verbo sender to send

    For = preposicin que significa por o para

    Four = el nmero cuatro

    Fore = hacia la primera plana to the fore

    Principal = principal, mayor

    Principle = principio

    Stationary = estacionario

    Stationery = artculos de oficina, papeles

    Cite = el verbo citar

    Sight = vista

    Site = sitio

    Would = verbo modal para formar el tiempo condicional

    Wood = madera

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    Palabras que suenan igual pero se deletrean diferente

    Whos = contraccin de who isquin es?

    whose = pronombre que significa de quin (posesin)

    Youre = contraccin de you are t eres/est (tambin usted/ustedes)

    Your = pronombre posesivo que significa su (de t/usted/ustedes)

    Its = contraccin de it is ello es/est

    its = pronombre posesivo que significa su (de ello, objetos no animados)

    Ceiling = ceilo raso

    Sealing = selladura

    Allowed = permitido

    Aloud = en voz altaBall = pelota, bola

    Bawl = el verbo berrear

    Bear = oso, tambin el verbo soportar

    Bare = desnudo, el verbo desnudar, tambin la frase dejar al descubierto

    Base = base, fundamento

    Bass = bajo (elctrico), tambin el pez rbalo, pero suena diferente

    Break = un descando o pausa, tambin los verbos romper, quebrantar

    Brake = freno, aplicar los frenos

    Dew = roco

    Do = el verbo hacer

    Due = debido, merecido

    Facts = hechos, datos

    Fax = documento transmitido por telfono

    Find = los verbos hallar, encontrar

    Fined = el tiempo pasado de multar

    Hay = heno

    Hey = interjeccin que significa oye!

    Hear = el verbo or

  • 7/28/2019 Englis Gramar


    Palabras que suenan igual pero se deletrean diferente

    Here = aqu

    Hole = hueco

    Whole = entero, ntegro

    Know = saber, conocer

    No = no

    Mail = correo

    Male = varn

    Meat = carne

    Meet = conocer por primera vez

    Morning = la maana

    Mourning = luto, duelo

    One = el nmero uno

    Won = el tiempo pasado de ganar to win

    Pear = pera

    Pair = par, pareja

    Pare = el verbo mondar

    Pacience = paciencia

    Patients = pacientes

    Piece = pieza

    Peace = paz

    Plain = simple, comn y corriente

    Plane = avin

    Read = tiempo pasado del verbo leer

    Red = rojo

    Right = correcto, derecho (legal), (a la) derecha

    Write = el verbo escribir

    Rite = rito, ritual

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    Palabras que suenan igual pero se deletrean diferente

    Sail = vela del bote

    Sale = venta, liquidacin

    Scene = escena

    Seen = participio pasado del verbo ver

    Son = hijo

    Sun = sol

    Steal = el verbo hurtar

    Steel = acero

    Wait = el verbo esperar

    Weight = peso, tambin pesaWeak = dbil

    Week = semana

    Verbos iregulares


    Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, Levantarse

    Awake Awoke Awoken DespertarseBe/ am, are, is Was / Were Been Ser / Estar

    Bear Bore Borne / Born Soportar, dar a luz

    Beat Beat Beaten Golpear

    Become Became Become Llegar a Ser

    Begin Began Begun Empezar

    Bend Bent Bent Doblar

    Bet Bet Bet Apostar




    Atar, encuadernar

    Bid Bid Bid Pujar

    Bite Bit Bitten Morder

    Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar

    Blow Blew Blown Soplar

    Break Broke Broken Romper

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    Breed Bred Bred Criar

    Bring Brought Brought Traer Llevar

    Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar

    Build Built Built Edificar

    Burn Burnt /Burned Burnt / Burned Quemar

    Burst Burst Burst Reventar

    Buy Bought Bought Comprar

    Cast Cast Cast Arrojar

    Catch Caught Caught Coger

    Come Came Come Venir

    Cost Cost Cost Costar

    Cut Cut Cut Cortar

    Choose Chose Chosen Elegir

    Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse

    Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse

    Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar

    Dig Dug Dug Cavar

    Do (Does) Did Done Hacer

    Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar

    Dream Dreamt / Dreamed Dreamt / Dreamed Soar

    Drink Drank Drunk BeberDrive Drove Driven Conducir

    Eat Ate Eaten Comer

    Fall Fell Fallen Caer

    Feed Fed Fed Alimentar

    Feel Felt Felt Sentir

    Fight Fought Fought Luchar

    Find Found Found Encontrar

    Flee Fled Fled HuirFly Flew Flown Volar

    Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir

    Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar

    Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar

    Freeze Froze Frozen Helar

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    Get Got Got / Gotten Obtener

    Give Gave Given Dar

    Go (Goes) Went Gone Ir

    Grow Grew Grown Crecer

    Grind Ground Ground Moler

    Hang Hung Hung Colgar

    Have Had Had Haber o Tener

    Hear Heard Heard Oir

    Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar

    Hit Hit Hit Golpear

    Hold Held Held Agarrar Celebrar

    Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir

    Keep Kept Kept Conservar

    Know Knew Known Saber Conocer

    Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse

    Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto

    Lay Laid Laid Poner

    Lead Led Led Conducir

    Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse

    Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar

    Learn Learnt / Learned Learnt / Learned AprenderLeave Left Left Dejar

    Lend Lent Lent Prestar

    Let Let Let Permitir

    Lie Lay Lain Echarse

    Light Lit Lit Encender

    Lose Lost Lost Perder

    Make Made Made Hacer

    Mean Meant Meant SignificarMeet Met Met Encontrar

    Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar

    Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer

    Pay Paid Paid Pagar

    Put Put Put Poner

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    Read Read Read Leer

    Ride Rode Ridden Montar

    Ring Rang Rung Llamar

    Rise Rose Risen Levantarse

    Run Ran Run Correr

    Say Said Said Decir

    See Saw Seen Ver

    Seek Sought Sought Buscar

    Sell Sold Sold Vender

    Send Sent Sent Enviar

    Set Set Set Poner(se)

    Sew Sewed Sewed / Sewn Coser

    Shake Shook Shaken Sacudir

    Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar

    Shine Shone Shone Brillar

    Shoot Shot Shot Disparar

    Show Showed Shown Mostrar

    Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse

    Shut Shut Shut Cerrar

    Sing Sang Sung Cantar

    Sink Sank Sunk HundirSit Sat Sat Sentarse

    Sleep Slept Slept Dormir

    Slide Slid Slid Resbalar

    Smell Smelt Smelt Oler

    Sow Sowed Sowed / Sown Sembrar

    Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar

    Speed Sped Sped Acelerar

    Spell Spelt Spelt DeletrearSpend Spent Spent Gastar

    Spill Spilt / Spilled Spilt / Spilled Derramar

    Spin Spun Spun Hilar

    Spit Spat Spat Escupir

    Split Split Split Hender / partir / rajar

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    Spoil Spoilt / Spoiled Spoilt / Spoiled Estropear

    Spread Spread Spread Extender

    Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar

    Stand Stood Stood Estar en pie

    Steal Stole Stolen Robar

    Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Engomar

    Sting Stung Stung Picar

    Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar

    Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas

    Strike Struck Struck Golpear

    Swear Swore Sworn Jurar

    Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar

    Sweep Swept Swept Barrer

    Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar

    Swim Swam Swum Nadar

    Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse

    Take Took Taken Coger

    Teach Taught Taught Ensear

    Tear Tore Torn Rasgar

    Tell Told Told Decir

    Think Thought Thought PensarThrow Threw Thrown Arrojar Tirar

    Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir

    Tread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar

    Understand Understood Understood Entender

    Undergo Underwent Undergone Sufrir

    Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender

    Wake Woke Woken Despertarse

    Wear Wore Worn Llevar puestoWeave Wove Woven Tejer

    Weep Wept Wept Llorar

    Wet Wet Wet Mojar

    Win Won Won Ganar

    Wind Wound Wound Enrollar

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    Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirarse

    Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer

    Write Wrote Written Escribir

    Forman el pasado y participio pasado de manera irregular. Para el presente secomportan como los verbos regulares, aadiendo '-s' a la tercera persona singular(excepto 'to be' y 'to have').

    Para escuchar la pronunciacin de las palabras haz 'click' sobre el icono del altavoz(speaker). Para practicar, tras or la expresin en espaol haz una pausa en tureproductor para que puedas pronunciar el correspondiente trmino en ingls antes deor la respuesta.

    Verbos regulares

    Abandon Abandonar Abolish Abolir

    Absolve Absolver Absorb Absorber

    Abuse Injuriar Accede Acceder

    Accelerate Acelerar Accent Acentuar

    Accept Aceptar Accuse Acusar

    Accustom Acostumbrar Achieve Llevar a cabo

    Acquire Adquirir Act Actuar

    Add Sumar Address Dirigir

    Admire Admirar Admit Admitir

    Adore Adorar Adorn Adornar

    Advance Avanzar Advertise Anunciar

    Advise Aconsejar Affirm Afirmar

    Agree Acceder Allow Permitir

    Amount Ascender/cantidad Amuse Divertir

    Announce Anunciar Annoy Molestar

    Answer Contestar Apologize Excusarse

    Appear Aparecer Appoint Nombrar

    Approach Acercarse Approve Aprobar

    Arrange Arreglar Arrive Llegar

    Ask Preguntar Assure Asegurar

    Astonish Asombrar Attack Atacar

    Attempt Intentar Attend Asistir

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    Attract Atraer Avoid Evitar

    Bathe Baarse Beg Rogar, pedir

    Believe Creer Belong Pertenecer

    Blame Culpar Book Reservar

    Call Llamar Carry Llevar

    Cash Cobrar Cease Cesar

    Change Cambiar Check Comprobar

    Claim Reclamar Clean Limpiar

    Clear Aclarar, limpiar Climb Trepar

    Close Cerrar Collect Recoger

    Comb Peinar Combine Combinar

    Command Mandar Commit Cometer

    Compare Comparar Complain Quejarse

    Compose Componer Conceal Ocultar

    Consider Considerar Consist Consistir

    Contain Contener Continue Continuar

    Copy Copiar Correct Corregir

    Cough Toser Count Contar

    Cover Cubrir Cross Cruzar

    Crown Coronar Cry Gritar, llorar

    Damage Daar Dance BailarDawn Amanecer Deceive Engaar

    Decide Decidir Declare Declarar

    Defend Defender Deliver Entregar

    Desire Desear Despise Despreciar

    Destroy Destruir Detach Separar

    Develop Desarrollar Devote Dedicar

    Devour Devorar Discover Descubrir

    Dislike Desaprobar Disturb PerturbarDivide Dividir Drag Arrastrar

    Drop Dejar caer Dry Secar

    Earn Ganar Elect Elegir

    Employ Emplear Enclose Incluir

    Encourage Animar End Terminar

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    Enjoy Disfrutar Enter Entrar

    Establish Establecer Esteem Estimar

    Evoke Evocar Exchange Cambiar

    Expect Esperar Explain Explicar

    Explode Estallar Expose Exponer

    Express Expresar Extract Extraer

    Fail Fallar Fear Temer

    Fetch Ir por Fill Llenar

    Finish Acabar Fish Pescar

    Fit Ajustar Fix Fijar

    Float Flotar Fold Doblar

    Follow Seguir Found Fundar

    Gain Ganar Gamble Jugar

    Gather Recoger Govern Gobernar

    Grant Conceder Greet Saludar

    Guard Guardar Guess Adivinar

    Handle Manejar Hang Ahorcar

    Happen Suceder Hate Odiar

    Heat Calentar Help Ayudar

    Hire Alquilar Hope Esperar

    Hunt Cazar Hurry ApresurarseImagine Imaginar Imply Implicar

    Import Importar Impress Impresionar

    Improve Mejorar Include Incluir

    Increase Aumentar Inquire Averiguar

    Intend Proponerse Invent Inventar

    Invite Invitar Iron Planchar

    Join Unir Joke Bromear

    Jump Saltar Justify JustificarKick Cocear Kill Matar

    Kiss Besar Knock Golpear

    Land Aterrizar Last Durar

    Laugh Rer Lie Mentir

    Like Gustar Listen Escuchar

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    Live Vivir Look Mirar

    Love Amar Lower Bajar

    Maintain Mantener Marry Casarse

    Measure Medir Mend Componer

    Mention Mencionar Move Mover

    Name Nombrar Note Notar

    Notice Notar, darse cuenta Number Numerar

    Obey Obedecer Oblige Obligar

    Oblige Obligar Occupy Ocupar

    Offer Ofrecer Open Abrir

    Order Ordenar Organize Organizar

    Pack Empaquetar Paint Pintar

    Pass Pasar Permit Permitir

    Place Colocar Play Jugar

    Please Agradar Possess Poseer

    Practise Practicar Prefer Preferir

    Prepare Preparar Present Presentar

    Produce Producir Promise Prometer

    Propose Proponer Pull Tirar de

    Punish Castigar Push Empujar

    Rain Llover Reach AlcanzarReceive Recibir Refer Referir

    Refuse Rehusar Relieve Aliviar

    Remain Permanecer Remember Recordar

    Remind Recordar Remove Quitar

    Rent Arrendar Repair Reparar

    Repeat Repetir Reply Replicar

    Report Informar Request Suplicar, requerir

    Require Requerir Rest DescansarReturn Volver Rush Precipitarse

    Sail Navegar Save Ahorrar

    Seem Parecer Sharpen Afilar

    Shout Gritar Sign Firmar

    Smile Sonrer Smoke Fumar

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    Sound Sonar Start Empezar

    Stop Parar Study Estudiar

    Suffer Sufrir Suggest Sugerir

    Suppose Suponer Surprise Sorprender

    Talk Hablar Tame Domesticar

    Taste Probar Tire Cansar

    Touch Tocar Test Probar

    Thank Agradecer Tie Atar

    Translate Traducir Travel Viajar

    Trouble Molestar Trust Confiar

    Try Probar Turn Girar

    Unite Unir Use Usar

    Vary Variar Visit Visitar

    Wait Esperar Walk Andar

    Want Querer Wash Lavar

    Watch Vigilar Weigh Pesar

    Wish Desear Work Trabajar

    Worry Preocuparse Wound Herir

    Son los que forman el pasado y el participio pasado aadiendo la terminacin '-ed'

    I work / Yo trabajoI worked / Yo trabaj o trabajaba


    1. good: bueno

    2. bad: malo

    3. large: grande4. small: pequeo

    5. long: largo

    6. short: corto

    7. thick: grueso

    8. narrow: estrecho

    9. deep: profundo/hondo

    10.shallow: llano

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    11.whole: entero

    12. low: bajo

    13.high: alto

    14.near: cerca

    15. far: lejos

    16.quick: rpido

    17.slow: lento

    18.early: temprano

    19. late: tarde

    20.bright: vivo, brillante

    21.dark: oscuro

    22.cloudy: nublado

    23.sunny: soleado

    24.clear: despejado, claro

    25.warm: caliente, templado

    26.cool: fresco

    27.hot: caliente

    28.cold: fro29.dry: seco

    30.wet: mojado

    31.hard: duro

    32.soft: suave

    33.heavy: pesado

    34. light: liviano

    35.strong: fuerte

    36.weak: dbil

    37.clean: limpio

    38.dirty: sucio

    39.empty: vaco40. full: lleno

    41. thirsty: sediento

    42.hungry: hambriento

    43. fat: gordo

    44.skinny: flaco

    45.old: viejo


    47.sweet: dulce

    48.sour: agrio, cido

    49.bitter: amargo

    50.salty: salado

    51.expensive: caro

    52.cheap: barato

    53. free: gratis

    54.difficult: difcil

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    Aspecto fisico- Physical Appearence.

    Tall (tol) - alto, altaThin (thin)- delgado, delgadaSlim (slim)- esbelto, esbelta

    Fat (fat)- gordo, gordaPlump (plump)- gordito, gorditaStrong (estrong)- fuerteWeak (wik)- dbilBold (bold)- calvo, calvaHandsome (handsome) Good-looking (god lookin), attractive (atractive)- guapo,guapa, atractivo, atractivaLovely (lovly)-guapaUgly (ugly)- feo, fea

    Personalidad - Personality

    cheerful (chirful) -alegre, jovial;kind (kaind)-amableambitious (ambicious)- ambiciosofriendly (friendli)- amigable, simptico, agradablecantankerous (kantakerious)- cascarrabiascowardly (kowardlie)-cobardesympathetic (understanding)-comprensivoconservative (konservatife)-conservadorconventional (konventional)- convencional

    talkative (tolkative)- conversador, habladorflirtatious (fliratious)- coquetapolite (polite)-corts, educadobig-headed (big headead)-credo, engredocruel (krul)- cruelopen-minded (open mindead): narrow-minded (narrouw mindead):de actitudabierta, sin prejuiciosde mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;moody (moodie)- de humor cambiantebitchy (bitchie)- de mala leche, venenoso;careless (kareleass)- descuidado, poco cuidadosocarefree (kare frie)- despreocupado

    trustworthy (trust wortie)- digno de confianzaargumentative (argumentative), quarrelsome (kuarelsome)- discutidorselfish (selfish)- egostacharming (charming)- encantadorstrict (estrict)- estricto, severo, rigurosotwo-faced (too faced)- falsoreliable(reliabel) fiable(fiable), confiable:(konfiable) -es una persona en la que sepuede confiar

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    loyal (loyial)-fielgenerous (generous)- generosohonest (onest)- honestonaive (naife)- ingenuo, inocentncrazy (krazy), nuts (nuts) -loco, chiflado

    bad-tempered (bad tempeared)- malhumoradonaughty (children) (naugty)- malo, travieso (nios)modest (modest)- modestoproud (proud)- orgullosolazy- (lazy)- perezoso, vagoannoying (anoying)- pesadoconceited (konceited), full of oneself (full of oneself)- presumidocautious (kaitious)- prudente, cauteloso, cauto;weird (wird)- raro, extraoself-confident (self confident): to be self-confidentseguro de s mismo: tener confianza en s mismosensible (sensival)- sensato, prudente;sensitive (sensitife)- sensibledull (dull), boring (boring)- soso, aburridomean (mean)- tacaostubborn (stuborn)- terco, testarudo, tozudohard-working (hard working) -trabajadorlaid-back (laid bak)- tranquilo, relajadoshy( shie) ,introverted (introvertead)- tmido, vergonzoso - introvertidobrave (braive)- valiente

    Colores -Colors

    black (blak)-negrogray (gri)-grisviolet (violit)-violetawhite (juit)-blancogreen (grin)-verdeorange (rendch)-naranjared (red)-rojobrown (brun)-marrn

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    sky blue (ski blu)-celesteblue (blu)- azulyellow (ilou)-amarillopink (pink)- rosapurple (prpl)- prpura

    beige (bidch) - beigeturquoise (trkuis) - turquesa

    Tamao/Medida- Size/Measure

    big (big) - grandelarge (lardch) - grandehuge (jidch) - enormesmall (smol) - pequeotiny (tini) - diminutoheavy (jvi) - pesadolight (lit) - livianothick (zik) - gruesothin (zin) - delgadowide (uid) - anchohigh (ji) - elevado,altolow (lu) - bajotall (tol) - altoshort (short) - corto, bajolong (long) - largomedium (mdium) - medionarrow (nrrou) - angostodeep (dip) - profundoshallow (shlou) - superficial,poco profundobroad (brod) - ancho

    Forma- Shape

    square (skur) - cuadradoround (rund) - redondorectangular (rektnguiular) - rectangulartriangular (trainguiular) - triangularoval (uval) - oval

    conical (knical) - cnicospherical (sfrical) - esfricocubical (kibical) - cbicocylindrical (cilndrical) - cilndricostraight (strit)- rectocurved (kervd) - curvocrooked (krkid) - torcidobroad (brod) - ancho

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    narrow (nrrou) -angostoflat (flat) - planosteep (stip) - empinadohollow (jlou) - huecosolid (slid) - slido

    Edad/Tiempo - Age/Time

    old (uld) - viejoyoung (ing) - jovennew (ni) - nuevomodern (mdern) - modernoancient (inshent) - antiguoold fashioned - anticuadoupdated (pditid) - actualizadooutdated (utditid) desactualizado

    fast (fast) - rpidoquick (kuk) - rpidoslow (slu) - lentosenior (snior) - mayor

    junior (dchnior) - muy joven,principiantecurrent (krrent) - actualpast (past) - pasadofuture (fiutur) - futuro

    Tiempo (clima)- Weather

    rainy (rini) - lluviosostormy (strmi) - tormentososunny (sni) - soleadowindy (undi) - ventososnowy (snui) - con nievedamp (damp) - hmedodry (dri) - secoicy (ici) - con hielofoggy (fgui) - con nieblaovercast (uvercst) - nubladocloudy (cludi) - nuboso

    clear (clar) - despejadomild (mild) - templado

    Temperatura- Temperature

    freezing (frissing) - helado

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    chilly (chli) - frocold (culd) - frocool (kul) - frescolukewarm (lk-urm) - tibioboiling (biling) - hirviendo

    muggy (mgui) - calurosohot (jot) - calurosowarm (urm) - clidopleasant (plsant) - agradable

    Textura/Tacto- Texture/Touch

    hard (jrd) - durosoft (soft) - blandorough (raf) - spero, rugososmooth (smud) - suavesolid (slid) - slidoliquid (lkuid) - lquidowet (wt) - mojadodry (dri) - secoslippery (slperi) - resbaladizosticky (stki) - pegagosoeven (ven) - llano, lisouneven (anven) - desigualsharp (sharp) - afiladoblunt (blant) - desafiladoclean (klin) - limpio

    dirty (drti) - suciotight (tit) - apretadoloose (lus) - holgado

    Materiales- Materials

    iron (iron) - de hierrosteel (stil) - de acerorubber (rber) - de gomapaper (piper) - de papel

    woolen (wulen) - de lanaplastic (plstic) - de plsticostone (stun) - de piedrawooden (wudn) - de maderaglass(gls) - de vidrioleather (lder) - de cuerosilver (slver) - de platagold (guld) - de oro

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    tin (tin) - de latacotton (kton) - de algodn

    Religin- Religion

    Catholic (czolic) - catlicoProtestant (prtestant) - protestanteAnglican (nglican) - anglicanoBaptist (bptist) - bautistaChristian (crstchan) - cristianoHindu (jndu) - hindBuddhist (bdist) - budistaMuslin (mslim) - musulmnJewish (dchish) - judoLutheran (lzeran) - luterano

    absent 'bsnt b'sent

    abstract 'bstrkt b'strkt

    abstracts 'bstrkts b'strkts

    accent 'ksnt k'sentaccents 'ksnts k'sents

    addict 'dkt 'dkt

    addicts 'dkts 'dkts

    advert 'dvt d'vt

    adverts 'dvts d'vts

    affect 'fekt 'fekt

    affects 'fekts 'fekts

    affix 'fks 'fks

    affixes fksz 'fksz

    allies 'laz 'laz

    alloy 'lo 'lo

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    alloys 'loz 'loz

    ally 'la 'la

    annex 'neks 'neks

    annexes 'neksz 'neksz

    attribute 'trbjut 'trbjut

    attributes 'trbjuts 'trbjuts

    collect 'klekt k'lekt

    collects 'klekts k'lekts

    combat 'kmbt km'bt

    combats 'kmbts km'bts

    combine 'kmban km'ban

    combines 'kmbanz km'banz

    commune 'kmjun k'mjun

    communes 'kmjunz k'mjunz

    compact 'kmpkt km'pkt

    compacts 'kmpkts km'pkts

    complex 'kmpleks km'plekscompound 'kmpand km'pand

    compounds 'kmpandz km'pandz

    compress 'kmpres km'pres

    compresses 'kmpresz km'presz

    concert 'knst kn'st

    concerts 'knsts kn'sts

    conduct 'kndkt kn'dkt

    confines 'knfanz kn'fanz

    conflict 'knflkt kn'flkt

    conflicts 'knflkts kn'flkts

    conscript 'knskrpt kn'skrpt

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    conscripts 'knskrpts kn'skrpts

    console 'knsl kn'sl

    consoles 'knslz kn'slz

    consort 'knst kn'st

    consorts 'knsts kn'sts

    content 'kntent kn'tent

    contents 'kntents kn'tents

    contest 'kntest kn'test

    contests 'kntests kn'tests

    contract 'kntrkt kn'trkt

    contracts 'kntrkts kn'trkts

    contrast 'kntrst kn'trst

    contrasts 'kntrsts kn'trsts

    converse 'knvs kn'vs

    convert 'knvt kn'vt

    converts 'knvts kn'vts

    convict 'knvkt kn'vktconvicts 'knvkts kn'vkts

    counterbalance 'kantblns ,kant'blns

    counterbalances 'kantblnsz ,kant'blnsz

    decoy 'diko d'ko

    decoys 'dikoz d'koz

    decrease 'dikris d'kris

    decreases 'dikrisz d'krisz

    defect 'difekt d'fekt

    defects 'difekts d'fekts

    defile 'difal d'fal

    defiles 'difalz d'falz

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    descant 'desknt d'sknt

    descants 'desknts d'sknts

    desert 'dezt d'zt

    deserts 'dezts d'zts

    dictate 'dktet dk'tet

    dictates 'dktets dk'tets

    digest 'daest d'est

    digests 'daests d'ests

    discard 'dskd d'skd

    discards 'dskdz d'skdz

    discharge 'ds d's

    discharges 'dsz d'sz

    discount 'dskant ds'kant

    discounts 'dskants ds'kants

    discourse 'dsks d'sks

    discourses 'dsksz d'sksz

    entrance 'entrns n'trnsentrances 'entrnsz n'trnsz

    envelope 'nvlp n'velp

    envelopes 'nvlps n'velps

    escort 'eskt 'skt

    escorts 'eskts 'skts

    essay 'ese e'se

    essays 'esez e'sez

    excess 'ekses k'ses

    excise 'eksaz k'saz

    exploit 'eksplot k'splot

    exploits 'eksplots k'splots

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    export 'ekspt k'spt

    exports 'ekspts k'spts

    extract 'ekstrkt k'strkt

    extracts 'ekstrkts k'strkts

    ferment 'fment f'ment

    ferments 'fments f'ments

    filtrate 'fltret fl'tret

    filtrates 'fltrets fl'trets

    fragment 'frgmnt frg'ment

    fragments 'frgmnts frg'ments

    frequent 'frikwnt fr'kwent

    impact 'mpkt m'pkt

    impacts 'mpkts m'pkts

    implant 'mplnt m'plnt

    implants 'mplnts m'plnts

    import 'mpt m'pt

    imports 'mpts m'ptsimpress 'mpres m'pres

    impresses 'mpresz m'presz

    imprint 'mprnt m'prnt

    imprints 'mprnts m'prnts

    incense 'nsens n'sens

    incline 'nklan n'klan

    inclines 'nklanz n'klanz/td>

    increase 'kris n'kris

    increases 'krisz n'krisz

    indent 'ndent n'dent

    indents 'ndents n'dents

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    inlay 'nle ,n'le

    inlays 'nlez ,n'lez

    insert 'nst n'st

    inserts 'nsts n'sts

    inset 'nset ,n'set

    insets 'nsets ,n'sets

    instinct 'nstkt ,n'stkt

    insult 'nslt n'slt

    insults 'nslts n'slts

    interchange 'nten ,nt'en

    interchanges 'ntenz ,nt'enz

    interdict 'ntdkt ,nt'dkt

    interdicts 'ntdkts ,nt'dkts

    intern 'ntn n'tn

    interns 'ntnz n'tnz

    introvert 'ntrvt ,ntr'vt

    introverts 'ntrvts ,ntr'vtsinverse 'nvs n'vs

    invite 'nvat n'vat

    invites 'nvats n'vats

    mandate 'mndet ,mn'det

    misconduct ,ms'kndkt ,mskn'dkt

    misprint 'msprnt ,ms'prnt

    misprints 'msprnts ,ms'prnts

    object 'bkt b'ekt

    objects 'bkts b'ekts

    overbid 'vbd ,v'bd

    overbids 'vbdz ,v'bdz

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    overcharge 'v ,v'

    overcharges 'vz ,v'z

    overflow 'vfl ,v'fl

    overflows 'vflz ,v'flz

    overhang 'vh ,v'h

    overhangs 'vhz ,v'hz

    overhaul 'vhl ,v'hl

    overhauls 'vhlz ,v'hlz

    overlap 'vlp v'lp

    overlaps 'vlps ,v'lps

    overlay 'vle ,v'le

    overlays 'vlez ,v'lez

    overprint 'vprnt ,v'prnt/td>

    overprints 'vprnts ,v'prnts

    overstrain 'vstren ,v'stren

    overthrow 'vr ,v'r

    overthrows 'vrz ,v'rzoverwork 'vwk ,v'wk

    perfect 'pfkt p'fekt

    perfume 'pfjum p'fjum

    perfumes 'pfjumz p'fjumz

    permit 'pmt p'mt

    permits 'pmts p'mts

    pervert 'pvt p'vt

    perverts 'pvts p'vts

    prefix 'prifks ,pri'fks

    prefixes 'prifksz ,pri'fksz

    presage 'pres pr'se

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    presages 'presz pr'sez

    present 'preznt pr'zent

    presents 'preznts pr'zents

    proceeds 'prsidz pr'sidz

    process 'prses pr'ses

    processed 'prsest pr'sest

    processes 'prsesz pr'sesz

    processing 'prses pr'ses

    produce 'prdjus pr'djus

    progress 'prgres pr'gres

    progresses 'prgresz pr'gresz

    project 'prekt pr'ekt

    projects 'prekts pr'ekts

    prolapse 'prlps pr'lps

    prolapses 'prlpsz pr'lpsz

    prospect 'prspekt pr'spekt

    prospects 'prspekts pr'spektsprostrate 'prstret pr'stret

    protest 'prtest pr'test

    protests 'prtests pr'tests

    purport 'ppt p'pt

    quadruple 'kwdrupl kw'drupl

    quadruples 'kwdruplz kw'druplz

    rampage 'rmpe ,rm'pe

    rampages 'rmpez ,rm'pez

    rebel 'rebl r'bel

    rebels 'reblz r'belz

    rebound 'riband ,ri'band

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    rebounds 'ribandz r'bandz

    recall 'rikl r'kl

    recalls 'riklz r'klz

    recap 'rikp ,ri'kp

    recapped 'rikpt ,ri'kpt

    recapping 'rikp ,ri'kp

    recaps 'rikps ,ri'kps

    record 'rekd r'kd

    records 'rekdz r'kdz

    re-count 'rikant ,ri'kant

    re-counts 'rikants ,ri'kants

    refill 'rifl ,ri'fl

    refills 'riflz ,ri'flz

    refit 'rift ,ri'ft

    refits 'rifts ,ri'fts

    refund 'rifnd r'fnd

    refunds 'rifndz r'fndzrefuse 'refjus r'fjuz

    rehash 'rih ,ri'h

    rehashes 'rihz ,ri'hz

    reject 'riekt r'ekt

    rejects 'riekts r'ekts

    relay 'rile ,ri'le

    relaying ,ri'le r'le

    relays 'rilez ,ri'lez

    remake 'rimek ,ri'mek

    remakes 'rimeks ,ri'meks

    remount 'rimant ,ri'mant

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    remounts 'rimants ,ri'mants

    replay 'riple ,ri'ple

    replays 'riplez ,ri'plez

    reprint 'riprnt ,ri'prnt

    reprints 'riprnts ,ri'prnts

    rerun 'rirn ,ri'rn

    reruns 'rirnz ,ri'rnz

    retake 'ritek ,ri'tek

    retakes 'riteks ,ri'teks

    rethink 'rik ,ri'k

    rethinks 'riks ,ri'ks

    retread 'ritred ,ri'tred

    retreads 'ritredz ,ri'tredz

    rewrite 'rirat ,ri'rat

    rewrites 'rirats ,ri'rats

    second 'seknd s'knd

    seconded 'sekndd s'knddseconding 'seknd s'knd

    seconds 'sekndz s'kndz

    segment 'segmnt seg'ment

    segments 'segmnts seg'ments

    subcontract ,sb'kntrkt ,sbkn'trkt

    subcontracts ,sb'kntrkts ,sbkn'trkts

    subject 'sbkt sb'ekt

    subjects 'sbkts sb'ekts

    surmise 'smaz s'maz

    surmises 'smazz s'mazz

    survey 'sve s've

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    surveys 'svez s'vez

    suspect 'sspekt s'spekt

    suspects 'sspekts s'spekts

    torment 'tment t'ment

    torments 'tments t'ments

    transfer 'trnsfR trns'fR

    transfers 'trnsfz trns'fz

    transplant 'trnsplnt trns'plnt

    transplants 'trnsplnts trns'plnts

    transport 'trnspt trn'spt

    transports 'trnspts trn'spts

    undercharge 'nd ,nd'

    undercharges 'ndz ,nd'z

    undercut 'ndkt ,nd'kt

    underlay 'ndle ,nd'le

    underline 'ndlan ,nd'lan

    underlines 'ndlanz ,nd'lanzundertaking 'ndtek ,nd'tek

    undertakings 'ndtekz ,nd'tekz

    upgrade 'pgred ,p'gred

    upgrades 'pgredz ,p'gredz

    uplift 'plft ,p'lft

    upset 'pset ,p'set

    upsets 'psets ,p'sets

    There were two interesting words which reversed the trend

    of this set, words where the front-stressed form was the (3rd

    person singular) verb and a form with stress later in the word

    was the (plural) noun:

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    analyses 'nlazz 'nlsiz

    diagnoses 'dagnzz ,dag'nsiz

    Return to contents

    -ATE words

    Another large group was the set of words ending with -atewhere the noun/adjective sense uses a schwa while the verb

    sense uses a full /e/ diphthong. There were 44 of these (or72 counting the inflectional variants). All of them retain the

    same stress pattern whether noun/adjective or verb except for

    alternateand consummatewhich, like analysesanddiagnosesand unlike the other stress homographs, puts thestress at the front for the verb and later for the

    noun/adjective. I have omitted discriminate, which is verycommon as a verb but extremely rare as an adjective,

    although the negative of the adjective, indiscriminate, iscommon. (See Higgins 1984 for a discussion of the


    advocate 'dvkt 'dvket

    advocates 'dvkts 'dvkets

    agglomerate 'glmrt 'glmret

    aggregate 'grgt 'grget

    aggregates 'grgts 'grgets

    alternate l'tnt 'ltnet

    animate 'nmt 'nmet

    appropriate 'prprt 'prpret

    approximate 'prksmt 'prksmet

    articulate 'tkjlt 'tkjlet

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    aspirate 'sprt 'spret

    aspirates 'sprts 'sprets

    associate 'st 'set

    associates 'sts 'sets

    certificate s'tfkt s'tfket

    certificates s'tfkts s'tfkets

    confederate kn'fedrt kn'fedret

    confederates kn'fedrts kn'fedrets

    conglomerate kn'glmrt kn'glmret

    conglomerates kn'glmrts kn'glmrets

    consummate 'knsmet kn'smt

    coordinate ,k'dnt ,k'dnet

    coordinates ,k'dnts ,k'dnets

    degenerate d'enrt d'enret

    degenerates d'enrts d'enrets

    delegate 'delgt 'delget

    delegates 'delgts 'delgetsdeliberate d'lbrt d'lbret

    desolate 'deslt 'deslet

    duplicate 'djuplkt 'djuplket

    duplicates 'djuplkts 'djuplkets

    ejaculate 'kjult 'kjulet

    ejaculates 'kjults 'kjulets

    elaborate 'lbrt 'lbret

    estimate 'estmt 'estmet

    estimates 'estmts 'estmets

    expatriate eks'ptrt eks'ptret

    expatriates eks'ptrts eks'ptrets

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    graduate 'grt 'gret

    graduates 'grts 'grets

    incarnate n'knt n'knet

    incorporate n'kprt n'kpret

    inebriate 'nibrt 'nibret

    inebriates 'nibrts 'nibrets

    initiate 'nt 'net

    initiates 'nts 'nets

    intimate 'ntmt 'ntmet

    intimates 'ntmts 'ntmets

    legitimate l'tmt l'tmts

    moderate 'mdrt 'mdret

    moderates 'mdrts 'mdrets

    pontificate pn'tfkt pn'tfket

    pontificates pn'tfkts pn'tfkets

    precipitate pr'sptt pr'sptet

    predicate 'predkt 'predketpredicates 'predkts 'predkets

    quadruplicate kw'druplkt kw'druplket

    quadruplicates kw'druplkts kw'druplkets

    regenerate r'enrt r'enret

    reincarnate ,rin'knt ,rin'knet

    reticulate r'tkjlt r'tkjlet

    separate 'seprt 'sepret

    separates 'seprts 'seprets

    subordinate s'bdnt s'bdnet

    subordinates s'bdnts s'bdnets

    syndicate 'sndkt 'sndket

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    syndicates 'sndkts 'sndkets

    triplicate 'trplkt 'trplket

    triplicates 'trplkts 'trplkets

    underestimate ,nd'restmt ,nd'restmet

    underestimates ,nd'restmts ,nd'restmets

    Return to contents

    -MENT words

    A similar but smaller group was the set of words ending with

    -mentwhere the noun sense uses a schwa while the verbsense uses a full vowel. There were five of these (ten

    including the inflectional variants).

    compliment 'kmplmnt 'kmplment

    compliments 'kmplmnts 'kmplments

    document 'dkjmnt 'dkjment

    documents 'dkjmnts 'dkjments

    implement 'implmnt 'mplment

    implements 'mplmnts 'mplments

    ornament 'nmnt 'nment

    ornaments 'nmnts 'nments

    supplement 'splmnt 'splment

    supplements 'splmnts 'splmentsReturn to contents


    A fifth set was that in which the noun/verb or adjective/verb

    distinction was made by voicing a final consonant. There

    were eighteen of these. One of them, the word close, exists

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    as a verb with /z/, as an adjective with /s/, and as two

    different nouns, with /z/ meaning 'conclusion' and with /s/

    meaning 'street with no exit'. In the form closer it may be a

    comparative adjective with /s/ or an agent noun with /z/. It isalso worth noting the way usedoccurs with /s/ in thecolligation 'used to' to make a past tense while the

    pronunciation with /z/ has the meaning 'employed'.

    abuse 'bjus 'bjuz

    abuses 'bjusz 'bjuzz

    baths bz bs

    close kls klzcloses 'klsz 'klzz

    closer 'kls 'klz

    diffuse d'fjus d'fjuz

    excuse k'skjus k'skjuz

    excuses k'skjusz k'skjuzz

    house has haz

    misuse ,ms'jus ,ms'juz

    misuses ,ms'jusz ,ms'juzz

    mouth ma ma

    mouths mas maz

    unused n'just n'juzd

    use jus juz

    used just juzd

    uses 'jusz 'juzzReturn to contents

    Words beginning re-

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    Apart from the words beginning with re- which occur asfront-stressed nouns or end-stressed verbs such as rebel,record, refill and reprint, listed understress homographs above,

    there are a number of others which are not distinguished bymain stress but by the presence of secondary stress on the

    prefix and a consequent change of pronunciation from /r/

    to /ri/. The first pronunciation tends to be associated withthe meaning 'back' and the second with 'again'. The prefix re-with the second pronunciation often has the potential to enter

    homographs as one returns to earlier meanings of the base

    form. Thus we talk of reform /r'fm/ in the church or the

    legal system, but a sculptor might reform /,ri'fm/ a clay

    model; you can make a remark/r'mk/ in speech, while a

    teacher may remark/,ri'mk/ a contested exam paper. You

    may resent /r'zent/ unfair criticism, while a garbled

    message may be resent/,ri'sent/. This distinction issometimes signalled by including a hyphen in the spelling

    for the second meanings, re-form, re-mark and re-sent.Notice that the main stress does not move, and that where the

    base begins with the pronuciation shifts between /z/

    and /s/ as in resent, reserve, resign and resort. More ofthese forms may be added to the language, though those

    listed below are the only ones I know of so far that are wellattested. There are two other special cases, the verb

    representand the noun recreation in which the stress is onthe prefix and the distinction is between the pronunciations

    /re/ and /ri/.

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    recover r'kv ,ri'kv

    recovers r'kvz ,ri'kvz

    recovered r'kvd ,ri'kvd

    recovering r'kv ,ri'kv

    (get better after illness/put new covers on soft furniture)

    recreation 'rekr,en 'rikr,en

    (amusement/copying an effect or mood)

    reform r'fm ,ri'fm

    reforms r'fmz ,ri'fmz

    reformed r'fmd ,ri'fmd

    reforming r'fm ,ri'fm

    (change a corrupt system/re-make a clay statue)

    rejoin r'on ,ri'on

    rejoined r'ond ,ri'ond

    rejoining r'on ,ri'on

    rejoins r'onz ,ri'onz

    (answer/join again)remark r'mk ,ri'mk

    remarks r'mks ,ri'mks

    remarked r'mkt ,ri'mkt

    remarking r'mk ,ri'mk

    (comment/mark a contested exam paper again)

    represent 'reprzent 'riprzent

    represents 'reprzents 'riprzents

    represented 'reprzentd 'riprzentd

    representing 'reprzent 'riprzent

    (stand for/present again)

    reproof r'pruf ,ri'pruf

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    reproofs r'prufs ,ri'prufs

    (criticism/proofread again)

    resent r'zent ,ri'sent

    (feel bitter/transmitted again)

    reserve r'z3v ,ri's3v

    reserves r'z3vz ,ri's3vz

    reserved r'z3vd ,ri's3vd

    reserving r'z3v ,ri's3v

    (make a booking/serve again)

    resign r'zan ,ri'sn

    resigns r'zanz ,ri'snz

    resigned r'zand ,ri'snd

    resigning r'zan ,ri'sn

    (step down from a job/sign again)

    resolve r'zlv ,ri'slv

    resolves r'zlvz ,ri'slvz

    resolved r'zlvd ,ri'slvdresolving r'zlv ,ri'slv

    (determine/solve again)

    resort r'zt ,ri'st

    resorts r'zts ,ri'sts

    resorted r'ztd ,ri'std

    resorting r'zt ,ri'st

    (make use of OR holiday town/sort again)Return to contents

    Two more small groups could also be identified and

    separated. The first was the nine -edadjectives withmatching verb past tenses:

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    aged 'ed ed

    blessed 'blesd blest

    crabbed 'krbd krbd

    crooked 'krkd krkt

    cursed 'ksd kst

    dogged 'dgd dgd

    jagged 'gd gd

    learned 'lnd lnd

    ragged 'rgd rgd

    Not in the dictionary with both pronunciations but behavingsimilarly is the word beloved, which has three syllables as anoun or attributive adjective, but only two as a passive

    participle. ("I loved and was beloved again": Byron.) The

    adjective supposedhas a rare archaic three-syllablepronunciation which is preserved in the derived adverb,

    supposedly. Wingedwas listed only as a one-syllable verb,but is also heard often as a two-syllable adjective in the

    phrase "Winged Victory". This dictionary listed wickedonlyas a two-syllable adjective, but the full OED also lists a one-

    syllable pronunciation, meaning "having a wick". Similarly

    this dictionary has ruggedonly as a two-syllable adjective,but the full OED has rugas a verb, which you might use in

    "We don't need another rug; the room is well rugged


    The other group was the set of French loan words whose

    Anglicised plural is not represented in the spelling. Only five

    were recorded in the lists, but there are also many proper

    names, especially those associated with products, books or

    works of art, that behave in the same way, such as

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    Beaujolais, Chablis, Charollais, Rabelais, Beaumarchais orMillais. There are also phrases such as faux pasand pince-nezwhich can be given a /z/ plural. A special case would be

    Grand Prix. Several such races might be given a /z/ plural,but a careful editor would write Grands Prix for the plural,making this not a homograph.

    bourgeois 'bw 'bwz

    chamois 'mw 'mwz

    corps k kz

    patois 'ptw 'ptwz

    rendezvous 'rndvu 'rndvuzReturn to contents

    "True" homographs

    That left the following set of 112 homographs (173 if all the

    inflectional variants are counted) arising from a variety of

    causes. This section of the list includes those words like

    mopedand woundwhich are most typical of what we havein mind when we think of homographs. These include a

    number which were not in the original dictionary list.

    I have included several which contrast an ordinary word with

    a place or personal name: the words nice, angers, lensandtoursall contrasting with French cities, liegewith a Belgiancity, trier with a German city, huewith a Vietnamese city,readingwith an English town, sconewith a Scottish villageand palace, wear with an English river, tangier with aMoroccan port, mobilewith a city in Alabama, natal with aSouth African province, rainier with a prince of Monaco,munch with a Norwegian artist, pearswith an English

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    singer, dieter with a German first-name, ravel with a Frenchcomposer, andjobwith an Old-Testament prophet. Likeaugust/August, and polish/Polish they are distinguished by

    capitalisation and would only be homographs in sentence-initial position or in all-upper-case writing. The word

    romanceas a verb meaning to pay court to would mostlikely have the schwa in the first syllable, while romancemeaning a piece of fiction could have either schwa or a full

    diphthong, and Romanceas a description of languagesderived from Latin would almost certainly have the full

    diphthong. The surname Brazil is usually front-stressed (as

    in Angela Brazil the author) while the name of the country isend-stressed. The girl's name Nancy is another homograph incontrast with a French city.

    The word doveis a homograph for speakers of AmercianEnglish but not for the British for whom the past tense of

    diveis dived. The verb sundry(dry in the sun) is not wellattested, though the participle sundried is common on foodlabels, sometimes with a hyphen, sun-dried. I am alsounsure how well the verb predate is attested in the meaning"devour prey", though it is common in its other meaning of

    "come before". In six cases of recent loan words, expose,charge, pate, rose, resumeand attaches, the homograph isdisambiguated by retaining the French accents in the English

    spelling. The contrast between the two-syllable and three-

    syllable pronunciations ofeveningmay not be consistentlymade by all RP speakers, though all would recognise it, I


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    Many of these words are particularly popular with crossword

    setters since they allow for the creation of misleading cryptic

    clues.(See below for examples.)

    agape 'gp 'gep

    (Christian love/open-mouthed)

    angers/Angers 'gz 'e

    (makes angry, city in France)

    arithmetic 'rmtk ,r'metk

    (noun, adjective as in 'arithmetic mean')

    attachs/attaches 'taeez 'taetz(diplomats/fastens together; not a homograph if one retains

    the accent)

    august/August 'gst 'gst

    (solemn/eighth month)

    axes 'ksz 'ksiz

    (plural of axe/plural of axis)

    aye a e(Yes/ever)

    baas bs bz

    (South African boss/makes a sheep-like noise)

    bases 'besz 'besiz

    (plural of base/plural of basis)

    bass bs bes

    (kind of fish/low voice)

    batman/Batman 'btmn 'bt,mn

    (army officer's servant/comic book hero)

    bow b ba

    bowed bd bad

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    bowing 'b 'ba

    bows bz baz

    (play violin/bend from the waist)

    bower 'b 'ba

    bowers 'bz 'baz

    (violinist/tree-shaded place)

    bowman 'bmn 'bamn

    bowmen 'bmn 'bamn

    (archer/rower at bow of boat)

    Brazil 'brzl br'zl

    (English surname/South American country)

    buffet 'bfe 'bft

    buffets 'bfez 'bfts

    (help-yourself table/blow)

    bustier 'bste 'bst

    (a garment/with a larger bosom)

    cave kev ke'vi(rock dwelling/schoolboys' warning of an approaching


    charge/charg 'e

    charges/chargs 'z 'ez

    (attack/short for charg d'affaires, temporary ambassador)

    cleanly 'klenl 'klinl

    (adjective/adverb)denier 'den d'na

    (stocking measure, one who denies)

    dieter/Dieter 'dat 'dit

    (one who eats little to lose weight, German first name)

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    do d du

    (musical note/auxiliary verb)

    does dz dz

    (female deer/auxiliary verb)

    dove dv dv

    (past ofdive(US)/bird of peace)

    drawer dr dr

    drawers drz drz

    (sliding container in a desk/one who draws a chequeas in

    "refer to drawer")

    entrance 'entrns n'trns

    entrances 'entrnsz n'trnsz

    (way in/give delight)

    evening 'ivn 'ivn

    (period after sunset/making smooth or equal, as in "evening

    the score")

    expose/expos ks'pz eks'pze

    exposes/exposs ks'pzz eks'pzez

    (remove a cover/scandalous revelation; not homographs if

    one retains the accent)

    finish 'fn 'fan

    (complete/somewhat fine)

    flower 'fla 'fl

    flowers 'flaz 'flz(plant/something that flows)

    forbear 'fbe f'be

    forbears 'fbez f'bez

    (ancestor/not do)

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    forearm 'frm ,f'rm

    forearms 'frmz ,f'rmz

    (part of the arm/prepare for danger)

    furrier 'fr 'fr

    (more furry/fur dealer)

    gallant 'glnt g'lnt


    gill l gl

    gills lz glz

    (liquid measure/part of fish)

    glower 'gla 'gl

    glowers 'glaz 'glz

    (frown/something that glows)

    grave grv grev

    graves grvz grevz

    (French accent/burial place)

    housewife 'haswaf 'hzfhousewives 'haswavz 'hzfs

    (married woman who looks after the household/sewing kit

    issued to soldiers)

    hue/Hue hju hwe

    (colour/city in Vietnam)

    imagines 'mnz 'megniz

    (forms a mental picture/plural of 'imago', adult stage of aninsect)

    inter 'nt n't3

    (between/bury a body)

    invalid 'nvld n'vld

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    (sick person/out of date)

    job/Job b b

    (work/character in the Old Testament)

    layer 'le 'le

    layers 'lez 'lez


    lead led lid

    leading 'led 'lid

    leads ledz lidz

    (metal/go first)

    lens/Lens lenz ls

    (shaped glass for focussing light/French city)

    lied lad lit

    (told lies/German song)

    liege/Lige li li'e

    (loyal subject of a king/city in Belgium)

    live lv lav(verb/adjective)

    lives lvz lavz


    lower 'l 'la

    lowered 'ld 'lad

    lowering 'lr 'lar

    lowers 'lz 'laz

    (make more low/frown)

    manes 'mnez menz

    (customs/fur round animal's neck)

    minute 'mnt ma'njut

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    (unit of time/very small)

    mobile/Mobile 'mbal m'bil

    (easy to move/city in Alabama)

    moped 'mped mpt

    (motor-cycle/was gloomy)

    mow m ma

    mowed md mad

    mowing 'm 'ma

    mows mz maz

    (cut grass/grimace)

    multiply 'mltpla 'mltpl


    munch/Munch mn mn

    (chew/Norwegian artist)

    Nancy 'nns 'ns

    (English girl's name/French city)

    natal/Natal 'netl n'tl(concerning birth/province of South Africa)

    nice/Nice nas nis

    (pleasant/city in France)

    number 'nmb 'nm

    numbers 'nmbz 'nmz

    (numerical value/thing which makes (more) numb)

    pace pes 'p

    (step or speed/with respect (I disagree) from Latin 'in


    palled pld pld

    palling 'pl 'pl

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    (made friends/became boring)

    pasty 'pst 'pest


    pt/pate 'pte pet

    (meat spread/bald head; not a homograph if one retains the


    Pears/pears pz 'pez

    (English singer/fruit)

    peer p 'pi

    peers pz 'piz

    (look closely/one who pees)

    pension 'pnsn 'penn

    pensions 'pnsnz 'pennz

    (boarding-house/salary in retirement)

    periodic pr'dk 'p'radk

    (occurring at intervals/in 'periodic acid' containing more

    oxygen than iodic acid)

    polish/Polish 'pl 'pl

    (make shiny/from Poland)

    poll pl pl

    polls plz plz

    (parrots/opinion surveys)

    prayer 'pre 'pre

    prayers 'prez 'prez(what is said to God/person who prays)

    predate pri'det 'pre,dt

    predates pri'dets 'pre,dts

    predated pri'detd 'pre,dtd

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    (come before/consume prey)

    preposition 'prepzn 'pripzn

    prepositions 'prepznz 'pripznz

    (part of speech/put in place in advance)

    pussy 'ps 'ps

    (beloved cat/oozing pus)

    put pt pt

    puts pts pts

    putting 'pt 'pt

    (place/hit a golf ball on the green, often spelled PUTT)

    rainier/Rainier 'reni 'renie

    (wetter weather/Prince of Monaco)

    ravel/Ravel 'rvl rvel/

    (entangle/French composer)

    read rid red

    lip-read 'lp-rid 'lp-red

    misread ,ms'rid ,ms'redproofread 'prufrid 'prufred

    reread ri'rid ri'red

    (present tense/past tense)

    reading/Reading 'rid 'red

    (looking at words/town in Berkshire or Massachusetts)

    real/Real rl 'rel

    (not imaginary/old Spanish silver coin or Madrid footballteam)

    resume/rsum r'zjum 'rezj,me

    (start again/CV; not a homograph if one retains the accent)

    romance/Romance r'mns r'mns

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    (pay court to or piece of fiction/language derived fromLatin)

    rose/ros rz 'rze

    (kind of flower/pink wine; not a homograph if one retainsthe accent)

    routed 'ratd 'rutd

    routing 'rat 'rut

    (comprehensively beating in battle/sending on a particular

    way, sometimes spelled ROUTEING)

    row r ra

    rowed rd rad

    rowing 'r 'ra

    rows rz raz

    (propel a boat/argue)

    sake sek 'sk

    (behalf/Japanese drink)

    scone/Scone skn skun

    (small cake/village and palace near Perth in Scotland)

    sewer 's 'sju

    sewers 'sz 'sjuz

    (person who sews/drain)

    shower 'a '

    showers 'az 'z

    (short rainfall/one who shows)sin 'sn 'san

    (wickedness/trigonometric funtion)

    skier 'ski 'ska

    skiers 'skiz 'skaz

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    (one who skis/ball hit high into the air)

    slaver 'slv 'slev

    slavers 'slvz 'slevz

    (foam at the mouth/ship carrying slaves)

    slough slfsla (also in USA)


    sloughs slfs slaz

    (discard skin/marsh)

    sow s sa

    sows sz saz

    (spread seed/female pig)

    sundry 'sndr 'sn,dra

    sundries 'sndrz 'sn,draz

    (various/dry in the sun)

    supply 'spl s'pla

    (in a supple way/provide)

    swinging 'sw 'swn

    (from swing/from swinge, often spelled SWINGEING)

    tangier/Tangier 't tn'

    (more strong-tasting/port in Morocco)

    tarry 'tr 'tr

    (wait/covered with tar)

    tear t te

    tears tz tez(liquid from the eyes/rip in cloth)

    tier 'ta t

    tiers 'taz tz

    (one who ties/row of seats)

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    tinged td tnd

    tinging 't 'tn

    (made a bell sound/added colour, more often spelled

    TINGEING)tours/Tours tz t

    (travels around/city in France)

    tower 'ta 't

    towers 'taz 'tz

    (tall building/one who tows)

    trier/Trier tra tri

    (one who tries/German city)

    unionised/unionized 'junnazd n'anazd

    (with an organised work force/not ionised as in "unionised


    valence 'vlns 'velns

    valences 'vlnsz 'velnsz

    (hanging border--also spelled 'valance'/chemical bond--

    also spelled 'valency')

    wear/Wear we w

    (put on clothes/river in the north of England)

    wind wnd wand

    winding 'wnd 'wand

    winds wndz wandz

    (moving air/twist a knob)worsted 'wstd 'wstd


    wound wand wund

    (past of WIND/hurt in battle)Return to contents

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    Quite: a tonemic homograph

    One other word worth drawing attention to is quite. This hastwo distinct meanings, completely as in "You're quite right"

    and to some extentas in "He's quite clever". Although bothsenses are pronounced the same at the segmental level, i.e.

    the same sequence of vowels and consonants, they are

    consistently differentiated by intonation, the first sense

    occurring in phrases with a falling tone and the second in

    phrases with a fall-rise. This makes it apparently the only

    example of a toneme distinction in English, i.e. a case where

    a distinction in the meaning of a word is indicated by a tonedifference. I would argue that this meets the definition of a

    homograph, namely two meanings, two pronunciations, but

    only one spelling.


    There is one homograph I know of (there may be more)

    which arises from abbreviating two different words. Reg ispronounced /re/ when it is short forReginaldor

    registration, as in "a T-reg car". It is pronounced /reg/when it is short forregulation as in "Queen's Regs" (theBritish Army's rule book). Luckily the second form is almost

    always plural and the first almost always singular, so there is

    little chance of confusion. There are at least four cases where

    a homograph arises between a full word and an abbreviation.

    One is the homograph ofpath, which is pronounced /p/by RP speakers in its ordinary meaning as a place to walk,

    and /p/ when it is an abbreviation forpathology, as in"we are waiting for the path reports"; another is the

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    abbreviation Staffs/stfs/ forStaffordshireagainst the

    word staffs/stfs/, which would be homographs in upper-case writing; a third is the word coopmeaning enclosure as

    opposed to Coop, sometimes written Co-oporCop, theabbreviation for the Coperative Stores, and a fourth is the

    word coax pronounced /kks/ meaning 'persuade' versusthe abbreviation for coaxial cable coax pronounced


    Place names

    Another special case is place names. In England there are

    three towns called Gillingham. The one in Kent is

    pronounced /'lm/ while the ones in Dorset and

    Norfolk are pronounced /'glm/. Unfortunately onlypeople who live locally to one of these towns (as I do) would

    be likely to know this and maintain the distinction

    consistently. There are four communities called Plaistow,

    pronounced /'plest/ in Derby, /'plst/ in Kent or

    Essex, and /'plst/ in Sussex. Alford is pronounced

    /'fd if you are referring to the Scottish one or/'lfd ifyou mean the English one. Lagosin Nigeria is pronounced

    /'legs/ while Lagosin Portugal is usually /'lgs/. A

    similar case is Berkeley in California, pronounced /'bkl/

    (by RP speakers) or/'brkl/, contrasted with Berkeley in

    the west of England, pronounced /'bkl/. There is also the

    case of the Kentucky Derby, pronounced /'drb/, and the

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    British horse race, the Derbyat Epsom, pronounced

    /'db/. I suspect that one could find more cases of pairs ofplaces in different countries with the same spelling and

    different pronunciations.

    Aint origen.

    "ain't" es una contraccion de "isn't", "aren't","am not", "haven't" y "hasn't" por lo que se

    puede usar para sustituir cualquiera de estos verbos...es una palabra slang usada por

    personas con poca educacion o por quienes hablan ciertos dialectos por lo que no es

    aceptable en un contexto formal...se cree que fue usada por primera vez en el siglo XVIII

    mas o menos cuando las demas contracciones del ingles estaban apareciendo (don't,

    won't, etc)...por alguna razon las demas contracciones fueron aceptadas como uso formal

    del idioma pero con ain't no fue asi y se le dio caracter de "vulgarismo" o sea una palabra

    usada por las clases bajas y hasta el dia de hoy el usarlo se considera un signo de



    Never Mind se usa cuando te das porvencido y ya no quieres saver nada de eso. O cuando quieres

    que se "OLVIDEN" de eso.

    Traducida quiere decir "Ninguna Mente"... o "Nunca Mente"... pero el significado es "Olvidalo".