Ep school ambassadors

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Ep school ambassadors



the Evening High School of Aigaleo was there

The two-days educational conference of the pilot program

"European Parliament School Ambassadors”

was held at the Titania hotelon 16th and 17th of January 2016

The educational activities were organized by the European Commission Representation in Greece

and the European Parliament Office in Greece..

with the support of the Edu TV of the Ministry of Education

and the Department of International

and European Studies, Faculty of Economics, Business

and International Studies of the

University of Piraeus

Our school is among the 23 participating high schools

from all over Greece

The program aims to promote the values of European parliamentary democracy

and the information and visibility of the institutional role of the European Parliament.

The project addresses to teachers (Senior Ambassadors) and students (Junior Ambassadors)

of the two highest grades of the Lyceum.

In the event attended as guest speakers Mr. Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President European

Parliament and MEP SYRIZA and Mr. Notis Marias, Independent MEP with the Political

Group of European Conservatives and Reformists-ECR.

The educational activity attended 100 secondary school teachers

who actively participated in interactive workshops, group discussions and lectures.