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培养层次:专升本 学习形式:函授



目 录高级写作高级英语-I















【课程名称】《高级写作》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本






四、教学内容、要点和课时安排绪论(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)一、内容:



第一章 作家对写作的评价(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)一、内容:


二、重点:本章选文有三篇,课堂教师使用“ How I Learn to Write”(pp.1-4) 及“Why I Write”(pp. 7-10) 两篇文章,通过讨论、文本分析等方法,阐明写作的意义,演绎写作的过程,培养学生独立分析能力,提高文本分析的鉴赏力。“On Familiar Style”(4-7) 可供学生课后自学。

三、难点1. The importance of writing

Writing can hand down the historical knowledge more precisely and


Writing can better convey the worldwide information

Writing can cultivate our accuracy of using language

Writing can exceed the range of spoken language

Writing can be also efficient in improving listening, reading, and speaking

Writing can train our thinking ability

Writing has many practical uses

2. Definition of the term “writing”

1). Compare English writing and Chinese writing

2). Introduce respectively the history of writing in both languages(origin,

purpose, methodology and its changes)

3). Tell the counterpart as well as distinct difference of English writing

4). Direct a clarified route to formal writing (academic; professional) and

informal writing (daily communication)


(3) Give personal comprehension to what writing refers to

1). Writing is an expression of thoughts or feelings

2). Writing is clarity of worldwide complexity

第二章 用词(面授 5 学时,自学 10 学时)一、内容:

1. Synonyms

2. Levels of Words

3. General and Specific Words

4. Figures of Speech



第三章 句子与段落(面授 5 学时,自学 10 学时)一、内容:

1. Basic Sentence Structures

2. Common Sentence Errors

3. Effective Paragraphs

二、重点:1. Understand the basic sentence structures: simple, compound, complex,

and compound-complex sentences

2. Learn to correct the sentence errors

3. Build an effective paragraph by using different methods

三、难点:1. Basic sentence structures

2. Common sentence errors

T explains the common sentence errors with sentences provided

T introduces the types of errors


T has Ss apply the knowledge into practice with the aid of mistaken


3. Effective paragraphs

第四章 描写文及叙述文(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)一、内容:


二、重点:本章选文较多,自学过程可重点学习 “The Luncheon” (pp.40-45),

“The Story of an Hour” (pp.45-48)2 篇。三、难点

1. Differences between Narration and Description

2. “The Luncheon”

第五章 议论文(面授 6 学时,自学 12 学时)一、内容: 学习议论文的写作方法,注意写作前通过讨论、阅读等方法收集与主题


二、重点:本章选文较多,自学过程可重点学习 “How to Avoid Silly Error” (pp.

77-79), “What I Have Lived For” (p. 80), “Why I Want A Wife” (pp.88-

90 ) , “Man Made Language” (pp.91-94), “More Schooling, Less

Education” (pp.104-106) 5 篇 以 及 “ Famous Quotations on Education”



1. How to use materials in this unit

2. “How to Avoid Silly Error”

五、课程使用教材和主要参考书教材名称:梅晓娟主编:《高级英语写作》. 合肥: 中国科学技术大学出版社,2009.

主要参考书: 陈倩. 大学英文写作[M]. 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2001.

丁言仁. 大学英文写作(第三册)[M]. 南京:南京大学出版社,1997.

林奈尔. 大学英文写作(第四册)[M]. 南京:南京大学出版社,1997.Casty, Alan & Donald J.Tighe. Staircase to Writing and Reading [M]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.,1999.Spack, Ruth. Guideline: a Cross-Cultural Reading/Writing Text [M]. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1990.




【课程名称】《高级英语(I)》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 72 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本


语》后,培养更高层次的英语基本能力的重要课程。与《综合英语》课程相比,《高级英语》课程更注重训练英语专业函授学生下列综合英语技能:阅读理解、修辞,写作,文学欣赏及简单翻译的能以。课程通过阅读,分析和欣赏内容广泛的材料,包括涉。及政治、社会、经济、环境、语言、文学、教育、哲学等各方面的名家作品,这些作品的语篇形式多样化,有叙事,描写,说明和议论的形式。课程旨在提高学生阅读原著的能力,培养学生的自学能力, 扩大学生知识面,培养学生对名篇的分析和欣赏能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生英语语言技能;通过对不同语篇类型的学习,体会英语写作方式和习惯,依此培



通过《高级英语》课程的学习,学生能读懂相当于美国的 Time 或 New York

Times社论和政论文章;能读懂相当于 The Great Gatsby 的文学原著;能够读懂一定程度的英语原文杂志;能够读懂相当于产品说明书和使用要求的说明性文字。要求在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构和文体风格。认知词汇达 5000-7000个;能正确熟练使用其中的 2000-4000个及常见的搭配。能就熟悉的话题进行交流;能比较系统、深入、连贯地发表自己的见解。能写故事梗概、读书评论、课程论文及 9正式书信,写作速度为 30 分钟 150-250单词。能熟练地使用各种英英词典如韦氏词典,朗文英英词典,牛津英英词典等以及大型百科全书(如 Encyclopedia Britannica 以及 Encyclopedia Americana)。能进行一定篇幅英汉段落的翻译,并有能及进行简单的口译。能够熟练使用英语来表达自己的观点和想法;能够熟练使用英语与持不同观点的人进行辩论。

二、教学原则和教学方法《高级英语》课程教学依据社会建构主义的基本观点, 强调有效的教育是建

立在学习者主动理解的基础上, 教师作为中介者应为学习者提供富有个人意义的学习经验和学习机会, 由学习者自己从中建构知识, 并由此学会学习, 学会独立思考和独立解决问题, 为终生教育打下基础。

课堂教学以学生为主体、教师为主导,在加强基础训练的同时,采用启发式合作式、讨论式和研究式的教学方法。在教学中将事实性阅读 (factual reading)、评析性阅读 (critical reading) 和鉴赏性阅读(aesthetic reading)有机结合,扩大学



三、成绩考核方法成绩评定由平时成绩和考试成绩两部分组成。平时成绩占 30%,主要通过学

生出勤率和课堂回答问题表现进行评分, 考试成绩占 70%,主要是是学期测试的卷面成绩。学期考试实行各教学点统一命题,分 A 和 B卷,随机抽取,实行闭卷考试,集体阅卷。考试内容中涉及教材和课堂教学内容的部分约占 60%,其余内容均来自课外内容,主要针对学生的英语基础能力测试。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排教学内容与课时数序号 教学内容 课时数1 Unit 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar 82 Unit 2 Hiroshima—The “Liveliest” City In Japan 83 Unit 5 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of USSR 8

教学要点Unit One Middle Eastern Bazaar

1.教学目标 The students are expected to

1) be able to tell the features of descriptive essay through stylistic analysis of the text

2) learn the skills of using specific words, descriptive words, onomatopoeias, etc.

3) be acquainted with Arab culture through learning the text4) apply to practice their theoretical knowledge of descriptive essay through

writing a description


5) learn RENNS model for descriptive writing6) grasp some figurative speeches such as parallelism, simile and contrast7) be acquainted with knowledge and culture in the Middle East

2.教学内容1) Background of the text A. The location of the Middle East: the area of southwest Asia and northwest Asia, i.e. from Afghanistan to Egypt, stretching from Turkey through Iran, Iraq and Arabia to Sudan and the countries bordering the East Mediterranean, including the Arabian Peninsular, Cyprus and Asiatic Turkey. It is strategically important for its geographic position, connecting Asia, Africa and Europe and also important for its oil resources. Countries include Egypt, Asiatic Turkey, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Oman.

B.Some interesting traditions and customs about the Arab worlda. Dirty right hands, clean left hands. Right hands are regarded as dirty, whereas left hands clean. Consequently, left hands are only used for eating, receiving gifts from others, and in some important occasions. It

is unsurprising to see the Arabian women in robes, only leaving her right hands out. Right hands are used in working.

b. White robes for males, black robes for females: according to Arabian tradition, males are required to dress in white, while females in black, only with two eyes out. c. Monogamy and polygamy (polyandry): monogamy and polygamy are two forms of marriage in the Arab world. In this culture, women can't receive the respect and only are regarded as men's possessions. There

is a proverb saying 'A father with many daughters is wealthy.'C. Islam

2) Main idea of the text: A westerner depicts his travel experience in a special, ancient and oriental MEB, to readers, which includes a variety of markets and an impressive linseed oil workshop.

3) Outline of the textPart One (Para 1): Entry into the MEBPart Two (Para 2-7): Variety of markets in MEB

(Para 2-4): cloth-market, and the order of the day: bargaining(Para 5-6): copper-smith market

(Para 7): other kinds of markets (carpet market, spice market, food-market, dye-market, pottery-market, carpenters’ market

Part Three (Para 8-9): Description of workshop where linseed oil is made4) Detailed study of the text5) Rhetoric: stylistic features of description and figures of speech including

metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole 6) Language Points: new words, formal / literary words vs. common, everyday

words, descriptive words


7) Analysis of the text8) Exercises

3.教学难点1)The skills by which the author organizes the essay and arranges the details


2)Features of descriptive essay

3)Language work: formal / literary words vs. common, everyday words,


Unit 2 Hiroshima—the “Liveliest” City in Japan

1.教学目标The students are expected to gain some knowledge of 1) Hiroshima and Atomic bombing 2) Japanese people’s attitude towards the war and that disaster 3) the national character of Japanese4) some aspects of Japanese culture5) the stylistic features of journalistic writing6) some figurative speeches such as parallelism, simile and contrast

2.教学内容1) Background information

A. the bombardment of Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945 destruction rebuilding

2) Main idea of the text: It is a feature story written by Jacuqes Danvior on his arrival on his interview in Hiroshima.

3) The outline of the text4) Language points: new words and specific words5) Writing style and skills6) Rhetorical devices: rhetorical question, climax & anti-climax7) Analysis of the text8) Exercises

3.教学难点1) Inferential interpretation of the text2) The stylistic features of journalistic writing and the writing skills employed in

the text3) Language work: the writer’s careful choice of words


Unit 5 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of USSR

1.教学目标The students are expected to1) be acquainted with the knowledge of Winston Churchill, WWII, Hitler’s

Invasion of USSR2) master the features of public speech and skills of its composition through

macro processing and micro processing of the text.3) recognize the functions of formal words, words with affective meaning, and

sentence varieties through the stylistic analysis of the text4) master some figures of speech including alliteration, metaphor, simile,

parallelism, antithesis, repetition, etc.5) recognize the functions of formal words, words with affective meaning,

sentence varieties, and figures of speech through the stylistic analysis of the text.

6) appreciate Churchill’s oratorical power though writing a comment on the speech

2.教学内容1) Background information

A. Winston S. ChurchillB. Soviet-German War (The Great Patriotic War)

2) Main idea of the text: This article is quoted from Winston Churchill's book The Second World War, re-exhibiting the situation on which he took immediate response toward Hitler's invasion on the Soviet Union, and especially containing the famous speech - declaration of war.

3) Features of public speech4) Outline of the text5) Detailed study of the text6) Figures of speech: alliteration, antithesis, parallelism,7) Language work8) Analysis of the text9) Exercises

3.教学难点1) How Churchill appeals to the audience2) The striking rhetorical devices employed in the speech3) Formal words and words with affective meaning








【课程名称】《高级英语(Ⅱ)》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 72 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本


课程的延续,。《高级英语》课程是一门训练学生综合英语技能尤其是阅读理解、修辞与写作能力的课程。课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,包括涉及政治、社会、经济、环境、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面的名家作品,旨在提高学生阅读原著的能力,培养学生的自学能力, 扩大学生知识面,培养学生对名篇的分析和欣赏能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生英语语言技能。

通过《高级英语》课程的学习,学生能读懂相当于美国的 Time 或 New York

Times社论和政论文章;能读懂相当于 The Great Gatsby 的文学原著。要求在理14

解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构和文体风格。认知词汇达 7000-9000

个;能正确熟练使用其中的 4000-5000个及常见的搭配。能就熟悉的话题进行交流;能比较系统、深入、连贯地发表自己的见解。能写故事梗概、读书评论、课程论文及正式书信,写作速度为 30 分钟 250-300单词。能熟练地使用各种英英词典以及大型百科全书(如 Encyclopedia Britannica 以及 Encyclopedia Americana)。

二、教学原则和教学方法《高级英语》课程教学依据社会建构主义的基本观点, 强调有效的教育是建

立在学习者主动理解的基础上, 教师作为中介者应为学习者提供富有个人意义的学习经验和学习机会, 由学习者自己从中建构知识, 并由此学会学习, 学会独立思考和独立解决问题, 为终生教育打下基础。课堂教学以学生为主体、教师为主导,在加强基础训练的同时,采用启发式、合作式、讨论式和研究式的教学方法。在教学中将事实性阅读 (factual reading)、评析性阅读 (critical reading) 和鉴赏性阅读(aesthetic reading)有机结合,扩大学生的知识面,培养学生的理解能力,提高学生的分析能力、判断能力和名篇欣赏能力。

三、成绩考核方法成绩评定由平时成绩和考试成绩两部分组成。平时成绩占 30%, 考试成绩占

70%。考试实行统一命题,分 AB卷,实行闭卷考试。考试内容:教材约占 60%,其余来自课外内容。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排教学内容与课时数序号 教学内容 课时数1 Unit 9 Mark Twain—Mirror Of America 8


序号 教学内容 课时数2 Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked The World 83 Unit 12 The Loons 8

教学要点Unit 9 Mark Twain — Mirror of America

1.教学目标The students are expected to 1) get acquainted with Mark Twain’s life journey, his major works, and his

literary achievements2) understand figurative language of the text and its values 3) master the features of biography through stylistic analysis of the text

2.教学内容1) Background: Mark Twain’s life, major works, contradiction in his character

and literary achievementsA. Mark Twain’s boyhoodB. His early lifeC. His experiences on the Mississippi RiverD. Journey West and the birth of “Mark Twain”E. His career as a journalistF. His most productive yearsG. His financial difficulties and personal misfortunesH. His last yearsI. Mark Twain’s major literary achievements2) Global Study: Main Ideas and structure of the textA. Part 1 (para 1-2): macro-introduction to Mark TwainB. Part 2 (para 3-7): his experiences as river pilot, Confederate guerrilla and

prospectC. Part 3 (para 8-19): his career as a writerD. Part 4 (para 20-22): his life tragedies and pessimism

3) Detailed study of the textA. Some important words/phrases with cultural/historical/literary backgroundB. Some important phrases/sentences for analysis C. Translation

4) Stylistic analysis: How to enliven language through figures of speech5) Language work


3.教学难点1) Understand Mark Twain’s life journey, major works and contradiction in his

character 2) Stylistic analysis of the text3) Why Mark Twain is regarded as “mirror of America”4) The making of Mark Twain5) Twain’s most loved novels: plot and theme of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World

1.教学目标The students are expected to 1) acquaint themselves with Western legal system, basic legal terms, the Bible,

Darwinism vs. Fundamentalism2) master skills of narration and choice of specific words3) be able to identify figures of speech: oxymoron, irony, sarcasm, ridicule and


2.教学内容1) Structure of the text

A. Part 1 (para 1-9): pre-trialB. Part 2 (para 10-44): during the trialC. Part 3 (para 45-48): post-trial

2) Detailed study of the text A. Some important words/phrases with cultural/historical/literary backgroundB. Some important phrases/sentences for analysisC. Translation3) Narrative skills: flashback4) Rhetorical devices

A. PunB. Oxymoron C. Paradox D. Sarcasm5) Language work

3.教学难点1) Background information: clashes between Fundamentalism and Modernism2) Effective way of narration3) Concrete and specific words. 4) Concept of some confusing figures of speech: oxymoron, irony, sarcasm,

ridicule and satire


Unit 12 The Loons

1.教学目标The students are expected to 1) understand the major components of fiction: character, plot, setting, theme,

point of view, symbolism, style, tone etc.2) gain some knowledge of contemporary Canadian literature and Margaret

Laurence’s position in it.3) work out a framework of the story, characterize the protagonist, interpret

the theme, and appreciate the author’s style.4) express their views on “cultural clashes” through presentation activity. 5) practice literary review through discussing the story

2.教学内容1) The major components of fiction2) Margaret Laurence and her literary achievementsA. Margaret Laurence B. her literary achievements

3) Background information on Indians: their history and present situation in North America

4) Structure of the story5) Detailed study of the textA. Some important phrases/sentences for analysisB. Translation6) Language work

3.教学难点1) Margaret Laurence and her major works2) Short story analysis: theme, plot, character, point of view, symbolism, style







【课程编号】0811206【课程名称】《口语》【总学时数】面授 20 学时,自学 40 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本






动性,以切实培养英语学习者的实际交流能力为目的。(二)教学方法1. 在实践过程中教师要给学生充分的练习时间(包括 teacher----

students, students----students 等练习方法)帮助学生摆脱“开口难”的障碍。

2. 把口语教学放到一种真实、宽松、主动和持久的语言环境中去,使学生在心理上做到与交际环境融合在一起。


3. 教师还应提供生动有趣的学习素材,激发学生的学习兴趣,敢于张口,勇于迎接挑战。



学内容为基本依据。总评成绩中,平时成绩占 30%,期末成绩占 70%。四、教学内容、要点和课时安排


听获得知识信息和语言,经过思维在原来知识及语言基础上对所获得的内容、对语言进行加工和重组,赋予新的内容,然后输出信息,从而完成交际的全过程。(二)课程内容Unit 1 Getting to Know Each Other

Communicative Functions: Greeting People; Starting a Conversation;

Introducing Yourself and Introducing Others

介绍的风俗:1. 他人介绍的规范:

2. 自我介绍的规范:英汉语姓名:1)姓和名的区别:2)父辈姓名的沿袭:3)英汉语姓名的英文拼写:


4)姓名的指代含义英语国家的称谓习惯:1) Sir(先生、阁下)和 Madam(夫人、女士、太太、小姐)


3)Mr.(先生)和 Mrs.

4)Ms. (女士)女性敬称词5)Miss(小姐)6)Dr. Professor Dr. 职务称谓7)汉英称谓习俗的差异

Unit 2 Appointments & Invitations Communicative Functions: Making Appointments; Making Invitations

Unit 3 Asking for Information Communicative Functions: Asking for General Information; Asking for Personal Information

安全话题(safe topics)1. 工作:2. 住所:3. 个人爱好(hobbies):4. 旅游或度假:5. 电影、电视、戏剧、音乐以及许多其他形式的大众娱乐活动也是人们乐意谈论

的谈话题目。6. 天气:


7. 有关国家或地方的大事情(local or national event):如选举、罢工、自然灾害、政治丑闻、大型的犯罪活动、影响人民生活的政治和经济政策等等。

Unit 4 Moods & Feeling(1) Communicative Functions: Congratulation; Compliments



Unit 5 Moods & Feeling(2) Communicative Functions:

Apologizing; Complaining


Unit 6 Talking about Personal Interests Communicative Functions: Asking about Interests; Expressing Likes and dislikes; Preferences and FavoritesUnit 7 Helping People & Asking for Help Communicative Functions: Asking for Help; Offering HelpUnit 8 Asking for Advice Communicative Functions: Asking for Advice; Making Suggestions


(三)课时安排教学内容(章) 讲课学时 实训/自学时数

Unit 1、2 4 8

Unit 3、4 4 8

Unit 5、6 4 8

Unit 7、8 4 8

复习 4 8

合计 20 40

五、课程使用教材和主要参考书课程使用教材:《英语口语教程》,李丹红等,南开大学出版社,2001年 12月。主要参考书:

参考书名 主编(著)姓名 出版社名称 出版日期

《英语口语教程》 吴福桢、王一虹等


2002年 6

《新编英语口译教程》 厦门大学外语系


2000年 9

《实用英语口语》 上外—朗文 上海外语教育出版社

1998年 8


《新编英语口语教程》 王守仁 上海外语教育出版社

1998年 9


《当代美国口语》 戚云芳 上海外语教育出版社

1990年 10



【课程名称】《日语(I)》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本 



1、教学目的:《日语(I)》是英语类函授本科各专业的公共基础课。本课程的任务是引导学生扎实学习,掌握日语基础知识;训练听、说、读、写、译的基本技能;培养实际运用语言的能力;在掌握语言知识的同时也对日本的经济、文化等方面有一定的了解,培养理解能力,为今后进一步学习打下坚实的基础。 通过本阶段的学习和训练,要求学生准确掌握日语语音、文字、基本词汇、基础语法以及基础句型,掌握听、说、读、写的基本技能,具有一定的翻译能力。2、基本要求:课程总的要求是通过 24 学时的学习,掌握大约 500个单词、基本的语法知识,能读写简单的句子及文章,听懂简单的日常用语和翻译较为简单的文章。 各部分的具体要求有了解日本语言的基本情况、语言的形成及发展过程、汉语对日语的影响等;掌握日语语音的清音、浊音、长音、促音、拗音、拨音的发音;掌握日语句子的基本句型;日语的助词用法和动词、一类形容词、二类形容词词尾的接续变化规律;日语副词、连词和日语惯用型的用法。

总而言之,通过本课程的学习,学生应基本达到:(1)语音:语音、语调基本正确;(2)词汇:掌握单词约 500个;(3)语法:掌握基础语法知识,理解常见语法现象;(4)听力:能够听懂课文录音、教师课上的授课、完成课后的听力练习。(5)会话:掌握基本的日语会话能力,在课堂上能够与教师进行比较简单的日语问答,能够独立进行基本的日常会话。(6)阅读:能够熟练地朗读课文及应用文,养成正确读出新单词新文章的能力。(7)写作:在熟练掌握日语语法的基础上,能够自己独立完成造句及简单的作文。(8)翻译:在教学范围内,能够借助工具书比较顺利地进行日汉单词、句子及简短文章的互译。





(占 30%)和期末考试成绩(占 70%)两部分构成,平时成绩中主要考察学生的出勤、作业、课堂表现等。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排教学内容 学时

入门单元 (3 学时) 第 1課 李さんは中国人です (1 学时) 第 2課 これは本です (1 学时) 第 3課 ここはデパートです (1 学时) 第 4課 部屋に机といすがあります (2 学时) 第 5課 森さんは 7時に起きます (2 学时) 第 6課 吉田さんは来月中国へ行きます (2 学时)


第 7課 李さんは毎日コーヒーを飲みます (2 学时) 第 8課 李さんは日本語で手紙を書きます (2 学时) 第 9課 四川料理は辛いです (2 学时) 第 10課 京都の紅葉は有名です (2 学时) 第 11課 小野さんは歌が好きです (2 学时) 第 12課 李さんは森さんより若いです (2 学时)

(一)入门单元(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)










(二)第 1单元 小李赴日第 1課 李さんは中国人です

(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)



















第 2課 これは本です

(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)





3、表达及词语讲解(1)100 以下的数字(2)表示人的礼貌用语「方」(3)「どうぞ」不同场合下的意思









3、この/その/あの~は~です。4、100 以下的数字三、本课难点「この/その/あの」的用法四、建议教学方法1、讲解单词,着重讲解名词、事物指示代词「これ/それ/あれ」、指示连体词「この/その/あの」及相对应的疑问词、100以下的数字和亲属的称谓。


第 3課 ここはデパートです

(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)






3、表达及词语讲解(1)100 以上的数字(2)谓语的省略(3)礼貌用语「こちら/そちら/あちら/どちら」(4)缩略词「パソコン」







4、100 以上的数字三、本课难点



第 4課 部屋に机といすがあります

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)





~は~にあります/います。~は~にありません/いません。 ~は~にありますか/いますか。~はどこにありますか/いますか。












(三)第 2单元 小李的公司生活一

第 5課 森さんは 7時に起きます

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)
















第 6課 吉田さんは来月中国へ行きます

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)

















第 7課 李さんは毎日コーヒーを飲みます

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)




















第 8課 李さんは日本語で手紙を書きます

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)

























第 9課 四川料理は辛いです

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)






















第 10課 京都の紅葉は有名です

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)40
















第 11課 小野さんは歌が好きです

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)
























第 12課 李さんは森さんより若いです

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)




























版社编,北京:人民教育出版社,2005年 4月。主要参考书:《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下,人民教育出版社、日本光村图




【课程名称】《日语(II)》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本

一、教学目的和基本要求(1)教学目的:通过本课程的学习,学生应基本达到:1. 语音:语音、语调基本正确;2. 词汇:掌握单词约 500个;3. 语法:掌握基础语法知识,理解常见语法现象;4. 听力:能听懂简单的日语语句;5. 会话:能说简单的语句,能就教材内容进行问答和复述;6. 阅读:能阅读句子结构不太复杂的简短文章;7. 写作:能写出句子结构简单的短文,内容连贯,表意基本清楚;8. 翻译:能借助工具书比较顺利地翻译句子结构不太复杂的一般性文章(与







教学内容 学时  第十三課 机の上に本が三冊あります。 (2 学时)  第十四課 昨日デパートへ行って、買い物しました。 (2 学时)  第十五課 小野さんは今新聞を読んでいます。 (2 学时)  第十六課 ホテルの部屋は広くて明るいです。 (2 学时)


 第十七課 わたしは新しい洋服がほしいです。 (2 学时)  第十八課 携帯電話はとても小さくなりました。 (2 学时)  第十九課 部屋のカギを忘れないでください。 (2 学时)  第二十課 スミスさんはピアノを弾くことができます。 (2 学时)  第二十一課 私はすき焼きを食べたことがあります。 (2 学时)  第二十二課 森さんは毎晩テレビを見る。 (2 学时)  第二十三課 休みの日、散歩したり買い物に行ったりします。 (2 学时)  第二十四課 李さんはもうすぐ来ると思います。 (2 学时)

第十三課 机の上に本が三冊あります

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)【教学目的】




1. 名詞(数量)+動詞例句:卵を一個食べました。




2. 名詞(時間)+動詞




3. 名詞(時間)に名詞(回数)+動詞



4. 動詞のます形


一段动词的连用形:去掉最后的词尾假名[る]。カ行变格活用动词的连用形くる ---> き

サ行变格活用动词的连用形する ---> し

5. 名詞(数量)+で



第十四課 昨日デパートへ行って、買い物しました

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

1. 動詞のて形




音便形种类 动词词尾原形 词尾音便形 后续成分______________________________________________________________________________

促音便 つ,う,る っ た、てイ音便 く い た、て

ぐ い だ、で拨音便 ぬ,ぶ,む ん だ、で



2. 動詞のて形+動詞(相続発生①)



3. 動詞のてから+動詞(相続発生②)



4. 動詞のて+ください


5. 名詞(場所)を動詞(経過を表す)





 第十五課 小野さんは今新聞を読んでいます

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:














 第十六課 ホテルの部屋は広くて明るいです

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

















    第十七課 わたしは新しい洋服がほしいです

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

1. 名詞が欲しいです。


2. 名詞を動詞+たいです。



3. 動詞ます形+ませんか


4. 動詞ます形+ましょう


5. 疑問詞+でも


6. ね②(感嘆を表す)






  第十八課 携帯電話はとても小さくなりました

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:


1. 形容詞+なります(自動詞変化を表す)


2. 形容詞+します(他動詞変化を表す)


3. 形容動詞・名詞+なります(自動詞変化を表す)


4. 形容動詞・名詞+します(他動詞変化を表す)


5. 形容詞・形容動詞+ほうがいいです


6. 自動詞と他動詞



第十九課 部屋のカギを忘れないでください

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

1. 動詞のない形(未然形)

2. 動詞+ないでください


3. 動詞+なければなりません


4. 動詞+なくてもいいです


5. 名詞1が名詞2です



 第二十課 スミスさんはピアノを弾くことができます


(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

1. 動詞の基本形

2. 名詞(人)は動詞(基本形)ことができます


3. 名詞は動詞(基本形)ことです


4. 動詞(基本形)前に、~~


5. 疑問詞+か


6. ~~よね




第二十一課 私はすき焼きを食べたことがあります

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

1. 動詞のた形

2. 動詞のた形+ことがあります


3. 動詞のた形後で、~~


4. 動詞のた形ほうがいいです


5. 動詞ます形+ましょうか





第二十二課 森さんは毎晩テレビを見る

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

1. 动词的敬体形和简体形2. 动词的简体形3. 形容词谓语形式的简体形4. 形容动词谓语形式的简体形5. 名词谓语形式的简体形

6. 小句子が+小句子(转折铺垫)






 第二十三課 休みの日、散歩したり買い物に行ったりします

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:

















  第二十四課 李さんはもうすぐ来ると思います

  (面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)(1)主要教学内容:











五、课程使用教材和主要参考书(1)教材名称:《新版标准日本语》初级上册 中国人民教育出版社(日本)光村图书出版株式会社合编;人民教育出版社,2005年版;(2)参考书目:




【课程编号】0811202【课程名称】《听力(I)》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本



程》 “Listen This Way”(I)作为主要教材,并补充 VOA、BBC、英语电视剧,及经典英文电影等真实性、典型性和实用性的辅助听力材料,对学生的听力技能和技巧展开全方位的训练,并指导学生上网泛听英语节目。通过系统的听力专门技能的单项训练及综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等能力。(二)课程基本要求






三、成绩考核方法本课程考试采取“闭卷”考试(占 70%),主要考查学生的听力基本技能

和技巧,测评学生的理解、判断、分析、综合等能力。平时成绩占 30% (出勤、课堂讨论及小测验等)。


Unit One Can I Take a Message? (I)



通过本单元教学,使学生明确接、打电话的方法和要领,训练学生在听录音时抓关键词,指导学生在做笔记时使用缩写形式,鼓励学生课外多做数字辨认练习,提倡学生之间电话联系时使用英语。【重点难点】用英语接打电话和快速记录电话内容和信息。 Part I Getting ready Part II Giving and receiving phone calls Part III I’d like to speak to … Part IV More about the topic: A Birthday Present Part V Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the Phone【Learning Focus】The focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addresses, times,

dates, making and receiving phone calls. Pay special attention to words like "double", "nought", "zero" and

"oh" when listening to telephone numbers. When the same digit appears several times in a telephone number, it is very easy to cause confusion, for example, "474" and "747".

Unit 2 Can I Take a Message? (II)


时抓关键词,指导学生在做笔记时使用缩写形式,鼓励学生课外多做数字辨认练习,提倡学生之间电话联系时使用英语。【重点难点】用英语接打电话和快速记录电话内容和信息。 Part I Getting ready Part II Giving and receiving phone calls Part III Oh, there’s a phone Part IV More about the topic: Videophones Get the Call

Part V Memory test: How to Make an International Direct Dialing (IDD) Call

【Learning Focus】


The focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phonecalls. Pay special attention to words like 'double', 'nought', 'zero' and 'oh' when listening to telephone numbers. When the same digit appears several times in a telephone number, it is very easy to cause confusion, for example, '474' and '747'.

Unit 3 Clear or Cloudy?


音时抓大意,辅导学生在做笔记时使用常用符号来加快记录速度,鼓励学生课外听广播或看CCTV 9套的天气预报,掌握天气方面的英语词汇。【重点难点】天气方面的英语词汇和快速捕捉天气信息并记录下来。Part I Getting readyPart II A weather reportPart III At a bus stopPart IV More about the topic: Effects of Climate ChangePart V Memory test: Weather Forecast

【Learning Focus】The focus of this unit is weather conditions, temperatures, times, percentages, and years. Try to get familiar with English weather forecasts. Before listening to an English weather forecast, pay attention to the following points:1. English speakers often use Fahrenheit instead of Centigrade to measure temperature. Notice that zero and decimal numbers are regarded as plural, for example, zero degrees; 0.5 degrees. 2. In an English weather forecast, the weatherman always uses some broad and gerneral terms rather than exact words to predict weather in the future. 3. Besides weather conditions, the temperature, wind direction, wind speed, an English weather forecast also gives the relative humidity and the barometric pressure. 4. Word collocation is something we can't neglect. For example, while we can use the word 'light' to modify both 'rain' and 'wind', we can only say 'heavy rain' but 'strong wind'.

Unit 4 Can Time Move Backward?



知识解释时区、时差和 GMT标准时间等概念,介绍听通知的技巧,进一步强化训练学生数字辨认和记录电话信息的能力。【重点难点】四种不同的时间表达方式、听懂各种口头通知和通知内容的记录。Part I Getting readyPart II Local timePart III Ladies and gentlemenPart IV More about the topic: Day-light-saving TimePart V Memory test: Radio Announcement

【Learning Focus】The focus of this unit is time, day of the week, taking message, and note taking. Time is a common topic in our daily life. The technique of dealing with time will be trained throughout the whole books.

Unit 5 Flying In and Out


班次、登机时间、登机地点、是否延机、延机的原因等重要信息,训练学生听写英语段落的技巧,如如何巧用缩略词、各种符号等来加快记录速度,并注意单词的拼写和标点符号等。【重点难点】机场通告、航班信息记录和如何用英语预定机票。Part I Getting ready Part II Airport announcementsPart III A trip to the StatesPart IV More about the topic: In-flight Telephone SystemPart V Memory test: Airline information

【Learning Focus】


The focus of this unit is numbers, times, dates, and prices. The most important activity is listening to airline information.

Unit 6 By Bus or by Train?


途站名等重要信息, 介绍一些简单的速记技巧来帮助学生做短文听写, 鼓励学生在听写训练中创造性地使用一些符号或图标,如+, –, ═, ≈, ‹, ›, :)等。【重点难点】一些英国城市的名称、长途汽车站和火车站广播通告和段落听写技能训练。Part I Getting ready Part II At the railway stationPart III Why are we waiting here?Part IV More about the topic: Grand Central TerminalPart V Memory test: Bus Information

【Learning Focus】The focus of this unit is numbers, times, prices and common verbs used when taking a bus, taxi or a train. The most important activity is listening to bus/train information. The numbers in this volume are mainly three kinds: whole numbers, fractional numbers and decimal numbers. Remember that we have different ways of reading fractional numbers and decimal numbers.

Unit 7 This Way or That Way?



【重点难点】问路、引路和判断、理清空间关系。Part I Getting readyPart II Giving directions


Part III RoutePart IV More about the topic: Automobiles in the USAPart V Memory test: Reading Maps

【Learning Focus】 The focus of this unit is the understanding of spatial relations and directional instruction.

Unit 8 Cash or Cheque?



Part I Getting readyPart II Using a bank accountPart III Making phone calls to chase late paymentsPart IV More about the topic: Origin of MoneyPart V Memory test: Judy’s Weekly Spending

【Learning Focus】 The learning focus of this unit is bank details, currency codes, and prices. Banks are a part of our daily life. The teacher can ask the students to say something about their own experiences with the bank. Remind the students of the usage of the word "ONLY" in filling out deposit and withdrawal forms. The currency codes may be somewhat boring for the students, but they are very important in international business. To know a thing or two may help the students in their future career. Some of the information here may sound a little bit out of date since in Europe especially among member countries of the European Economic Community a kind of new currency - Euro Money has come into being. However, to know something about the history of currency codes is definitely useful.

Unit 9 Toward Better Health



和急救措施,指导学生抓关键词、做笔记和做段落听写练习。【重点难点】心脏病的急救措施Part I Getting readyPart II Heart attackPart III Smoking killsPart IV More about the topic: Walking Toward Better HealthPart V Memory test: Sleeping Problem

【Learning Focus】The focus of this unit is the understanding of instructions and advice on safety.

Unit 10 Are You Fit and Healthy?


种措施,并掌握科学锻炼身体的原则和方法。了解实验报告的特定格式,继续加强数字识别能力的训练。【重点难点】实验报告的格式Part I Getting readyPart II Stress and catching coldsPart III “So you wanna keep fit, huh?”Part IV More about the topic: Are You Fit and Healthy?Part V Memory test: How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise?

【Learning Focus】The training focus of this unit is the identification of key words and the summary of major points. This unit contains a variety of exercises that might seem new to the students. The format of the exercises adopted in Part II B is worth your careful study. Although the specific contents of the scientific experiments vary from item to item, most experiment reports often share the same subheadings which include the Project Name, the Researchers, the Subjects, the Procedures and most importantly,


the Findings. Focus on the above-mentioned points while listening. In this way, you may find it easier to summarize and memorize the main ideas.(二)课时安排

单元 教 学 内 容 教 学

时 数教学方式或 手 段

课 后 作 业复习、预习 泛听练习

1Can I Take a Message? (I) 函授 6 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

2Can I Take a

Message? (II) 函授 6 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

3 Clear or Cloudy? 函授 6 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

4Can Time Move

Backward? 函授 6 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

5 Flying In and Out 自学 8 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

6 By Bus or by Train? 自学 8 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

7This Way or That

Way? 自学 8 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

8 Cash or Cheque? 自学 8 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

9Toward Better

Health 自学 8 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

10Are You Fit and

Healthy? 自学 8 讲、练、讨论结合 √ √

五、课程使用教材和主要参考书教材名称:张民伦.《英语听力教程(II)(第 2版)》,高等教育出版社,2006年 3月.

主要参考书:何其莘等.《英语初级听力》,外语教学与研究出版社,1992年.广播电视资源:VOA、BBC、CCTV 9 和 China International 等英语电视节目英文经典影片.


网络资源:http://www.cflo.com.cn 高等教育出版社(集团)旗下网站,教师数字化备课的好助手,学生自主学习的好伙伴 http://www.englishlover.net 网际导航、听力训练、歌曲检索、笑话仓库、语法词典、免费翻译、商务通信、留学移民 http://www.shisu.edu.cn 有英语学习论坛、英语聊天室,还有各种英语考试的信息等。 http://www.bfsu.edu.cn http://english-plaza.com 英语广场--口语初级、中级、四六级教程、商务英语 BEC班,雅思英语教程、托福英语教程等。 http://www.hongen.com 洪恩在线 http://www.britishcouncil.org.cn The British Council China



【课程编号】0811205【课程名称】《听力(II)》【总学时数】面授 22 学时,自学 44 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本



(II)》 “Listen This Way”作为主要教材,并补充 VOA、BBC、英语电视剧,以及经典英文电影等真实性、典型性和实用性的辅助听力材料,对学生的听力技能和技巧展开全方位的训练,并指导学生上网泛听英语节目。通过系统的听力专门技能的单项训练及综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等能力。


和技巧的训练,如能听懂英语日常生活交谈,能听懂英文电台的日常谈话节目,能听懂 VOA 或 BBC 的特别英语节目,掌握预测和基础的边听边记的听力技能。能抓住关键词、领略短文大意和区分主次信息,能听辨数字,并能对所听材料进行简单的整理和记录等,将作为教学的重点内容,要求学生牢固掌握并熟练运用。同时在教学过程中还注重跨文化知识的介绍和传输,如英语国家的风俗、习惯、生活方式、价值观等。


(2)课堂讲授实行启发式,力求做到精讲多练,突出重点,一方面注意将培养和提高学生的边听边记的能力放在重要位置, 另一方面注重学生英语表达能力的训练和培养。(3)该课程侧重实践,通过课内和课外大量的练习来达到培养学生单项


三、成绩考核方法本课程考试采取“闭卷”考试(占 70%),主要考查学生的听力基本技能和

技巧,测评学生的理解、判断、分析、综合等能力。平时成绩占 30% (出勤、课堂讨论及小测验等)。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排Unit 1: Under the Same Roof(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II Changing rolesPart III Family life then and nowPart IV More about the topic: Father’s DayPart V Memory test: Brothers and SistersGeneral introduction1.Family and types of family 2. Family members 3. Father’s Day and Mother’s Day4. Learning focus of the unit

Unit 2: Smacking or Reasoning? (面授 4 学时,自学 6 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II Radio phone-inPart III Family disciplinePart IV More about the topic: AdoptionPart V Memory test: Freedom or Discipline


General introduction

1. Analysis of the title 打骂还是说服(Smack or reason)2. Introduction to the family education in your textbook3. Questions for thought about family education4. Learning focus of the unit

Unit 3: A Sweet, Sweet Home(面授 4 学时,自学 6 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II The dream housePart III Flat huntingPart IV More about the topic: Changes in the American FamilyPart V Memory test: Looking for an Apartment

General introduction1. Home


2)Psychological impact

3)Other usages

2. Learning focus of the unit The learning focus of this unit is the understanding of spatial relationships and the understanding of some descriptions of houses and furniture. Prepositions and adverbs are of special value in this unit because they are the key to the identification of positions and directions. Meanwhile, the importance of knowledge and vocabulary about the related topic should be emphasized. If possible, try to memorize the names of the furniture items mentioned. Understanding the meaning of words is also a part of grasping the idea.

Unit 4: Going to School (I) (面授 5 学时,自学 8 课时)Part I Getting readyPart II The teacher I remember bestPart III Teachers and pupilsPart IV More about the topic: Computers and University LifePart V Memory test: Children of a Decade


General introduction1. School education2. Learning focuses of the unitThe learning focus of this unit is the understanding of utterances describing people's appearance, behaviour, and their thoughts and feelings.School life is a topic most familiar to you. Therefore, you can have a brief pre-listening discussion on the relationships and possible problems between and among students, teachers and parents.

Unit 5: Going to School (II) (面授 5 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II School reportPart III Visiting BritainPart IV More about the topic: Personal Aims and ValuesPart V Memory test: Study Habits

General introduction1. The details of school life 2. Questions about school life for expectation 3. Learning focus of the unitThe learning focus of this unit is the understanding of utterances describing people's appearance, behaviour, and their thoughts and feelings.School life is a topic most familiar to you. Therefore, you can have a brief pre-listening discussion on the relationships and possible problems between and among students, teachers and parents.

Unit 6:Earning and Spending Money Wisely (自学 8 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II Mail orderPart III A claim for expensesPart IV More about the topic: How Do Children Spend Their Money?Part V Memory test: Radio Advertisements

General introduction1. The wisdom of life 2. Questions about wisdom of life 3. Money system 4. Learning focus of the unit


The learning focus of this unit is the quick recognition of information concerning some wise ways of earning and spending money. Therefore the understanding of and a quick response to bargain prices offered in advertisements also become important.

Unit 7: Choice Versus Chance(自学 9 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II Summer jobsPart III Jobs: my idea of hell, my idea of heavenPart IV More about the topic: Occupational OutlookPart V Memory test: Who’ll Get the Job?

General introduction1. Words about vocation Vocation (job, profession, career, occupation, work, trade, employment, post, craft)job: the regular paid work that you do for an employer Career: a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life2. Questions about vocation 3. Learning focus of the unitThe learning focus of this unit is the understanding of some facts and ideas on jobs and careers. Exercise in Parts I and II are concerned mainly with identifying the speakers' personal history and work experience; whereas exercises in Parts III through V demand you either to pay special attention to the speakers' likes and dislikes or to predict occupational choices and changes in the future.

Unit 8: Eating the Right Things(自学 9 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II Health foodPart III Fast food surveyPart IV More about the topic: Organic FoodsPart V Memory test: Dental Health

General introduction1. Basic information about food2. Health food3. Questions about food 4. Learning focus of the unit


The learning focus of this unit is the quick concept recognition of some important words and the understanding of some news about health food. The appearance of a long list of unfamiliar words and technical terms in this unit may look demanding. But this should not cause too much problem. On the one hand, you are not required to memorize all the words and terms that appear in the listening materials; and on the other hand, with the fast development of science and technology, it is absolutely necessary for you to constantly expand and update your knowledge about food and life.

Unit 9:About Yourself(自学 9 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II The digestive system and diarrheaPart III ImmunityPart IV More about the topic: The Circulatory SystemPart V Memory test: Hair

General introduction1. Human body2. Learning focuses of the unitThe learning focus of this unit is the understanding of descriptions about our body, the immune system and the causes and results of some infectious diseases. Most of the listening materials and exercises in this unit take the form of questions and answers. Focus your attention on the key words in the answers. You may check your understanding by retelling what you have learned from the dialogues and conversations in this unit.

Unit 10: Safety First(自学 9 学时)Part I Getting readyPart II Kiss of lifePart III ClimbingPart IV More about the topic: Street Food SafetyPart V Memory test: Safety Near School

General introduction1. Safety first2. Learning focuses of the unit


The focus of this unit is the understanding of instructions and advice on safety. Since instructions and advice of this kind are of special importance to people's health, try to establish a serious attitude towards whatever the speaker says in his lecture or demonstration. Focus on the action words and words like "first, second", "then" and "finally", and strictly follow the steps as instructed. Any misunderstanding or a careless mistake can lead to serious problems or even loss of life. The materials in this unit are highly practical and useful. Try to memorize some of the do's and don'ts presented in this unit and more importantly, to increase your skills and ability in coping with an emergency.

五、课程使用教材和主要参考书教材名称:张民伦.《英语听力教程(II)(第 2版)》,高等教育出版社,2006年 3月.

主要参考书:何其莘等.《英语初级听力》,外语教学与研究出版社,1992年.广播电视资源:VOA、BBC、CCTV 9 和 China International 等英语电视节目英文经典影片.网络资源:http://www.cflo.com.cn 高等教育出版社(集团)旗下网站,教师数字化备课的好助手,学生自主学习的好伙伴 http://www.englishlover.net 网际导航、听力训练、歌曲检索、笑话仓库、语法词典、免费翻译、商务通信、留学移民 http://www.shisu.edu.cn 有英语学习论坛、英语聊天室,还有各种英语考试的信息等。 http://www.bfsu.edu.cn http://english-plaza.com 英语广场--口语初级、中级、四六级教程、商务英语 BEC班,雅思英语教程、托福英语教程等。


http://www.hongen.com 洪恩在线 http://www.britishcouncil.org.cn The British Council China


【课程编号】0811211【课程名称】《英汉翻译(I)》【总学时数】面授 20 学时,自学 40 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本









70%,平时成绩包括考勤以及课堂表现,占总成绩的 30%(考勤 20%,课堂参与 10%)。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排Introduction to Translation Course:

1. Consider the following questions:

What’s your understanding of translation?

How to study it in your opinion?

What are the qualifications of translators?

Would you list some principles of translation?

2. Differences between Translation Exercise and Translation


Translation Exercise Translation Coursea. an ability of language, or a

teaching device (listening, speaking, reading, writing

An independent course to study translation closely related to linguistics, semantics, stylistics,



and translating)b. a means to learn a FL

contrastive linguistics, etc.


An old method originating from the Grammar Translation Method (Aristotle’s view of language: the clothing of thought)

A new course appearing with the development of FL teaching and research, cultural studies, comparative literature


To help students to acquire/enrich the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, patterns and expressions of the TL

a. to introduce some basic theories and concepts, methods;

b. to explore some internal rules through practice;

c. to help students to learn how do translation work

Chapter One Nature of Translation

(面授 5 学时,自学 10 学时)1.1 Translatability

1.1.1 Translatability

1.1.2 Untranslatability

1.2 Nature

1.2.1 Reproducing the message

1.2.2 Equivalence rather than identity

1.2.3 A natural equivalent

1.2.4 The closest equivalent

1.2.5 The priority of meaning

1.2.6 The significance of style

2.1 Language proficiency

2.2 Cultural knowledge

2.3 Professional knowledge

2.4 Sense of responsibility


Chapter Three Criteria of Translation (Socio-semiotic principle)

(面授 5 学时,自学 10 学时)在译语句法和惯用法规范以及具体接受者能够接受的限度内①,采取适当


3.1 在译语句法和惯用法规范及具体接受者能够接受的限度内3.2 采取适当的变通和补偿手段3.3保证特定上下文中最重要的意义优先传译为前提

3.3.1 指称意义3.3.2 言内意义3.3.3 语用意义3.3.4 最重要意义的优先传达


Chapter Four Understanding Process of Translation

(面授 5 学时,自学 10 学时)4.1 Intra-lingual Factors Influencing Understanding

4.1.1 Understanding of Intra-lingual Meaning and Predicate Surface Structure and Deep Structure Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree Condition and Subjunctive Mood Negation

4.1.2 Understanding of Referential Meaning Polysemy General and Specific Meaning

76 Idioms

4.1.3 Understanding of Pragmatic Meaning Emotion Register

4.2 Inter-lingual Factors Influencing Understanding

4.2.1 Non-cultural Elements

4.2.2 Cultural Elements


五、课程使用教材和主要参考书教材名称:柯 平,《英汉汉英翻译教程》,北京大学出版社,1991

主要参考书: 1、包惠南,《文化语境与语言翻译》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2001












【课程名称】《英汉翻译(Ⅱ)》【总学时数】面授 20 学时,自学 40 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本





70%,平时成绩包括考勤以及课堂表现,占总成绩的 30%(考勤 20%,课堂参与 10%)。


四、教学内容、要点和课时安排5.翻译单位(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)

5.1 翻译单位简介什么叫翻译单位?翻译应以什么为单位?这也是国内外翻译界众说纷纭的一

个问题。20世纪 70年代,前苏联翻译理论家巴尔胡达罗夫给翻译单位下的定







以语篇为单位。对于翻译单位的定义,纽马克的提法比较科学:翻竖单位是 the minimal

stretch of language that has to be translated together,as one unit.












5.2 不同的翻译单位音位是最小的语言单位,具有语音上的区别性特征,但本身不承载语义。在


































discourse 和 text 有何区别呢?对于大部分的语言学家来说,它们是一回事。不

过也有人将它们分开,认为 text 是一个人说的或写的,而 discourse 是两个以

上的人之间的交流;也有人认为,text 是书面的,而 discourse 是口头的;甚

至有人认为 text比 discourse更大。之所以造成这样的局面是因为语言学家对

discourse 或 text 的界定非常宽大,似乎可以包括句子以上任何的语言内容。

一般的定义是:A text,or discourse,is a stretch of language that

may be longer than one sentence。也就是说,任何比句子大的一段言语都

可以是一个 discourse 或 text。也有人认为应纯粹从语义出发来界定,如

Halliday就说:A text is the product of ongoing semantic


长短,只要是在语义上是一个整体,就是一个 discourse 或 text。所以,根据























排和英文不一样。比如典型的英文段落总是先有一个 topic sentence,然后再













6.翻译中的词法问题(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)

6.1 人称人称可分为第一人称和第二人称。英汉语在人称的使用上极为相似,但仍然


6.2 数英汉语在数的概念表达上存在很大差异。如何在翻译中取得对等是个值得慎


6.3 时和体“时”和事件发生的时间有关。主要分为过去,现在和将来时态。“体”和事


6.3.1 比较6.3.2 时态和体的翻译


6.4 语态6.4.1 汉英被动语态的比较6.4.2 被动语态的翻译6.4.2.1 英汉翻译6.4.2.2 汉英翻译6.4.3 专业英语文章当中一些典型的被动结构

7.翻译中的句法问题(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)

7.1 句式结构句子是人们表达和交际的最高语法单位。尽管句子在意义上可以差别很大,


7.1.1 基本结构英语主要有以下七种句式结构: SV, SVC, SVO, SVOO, SVOC, SVOA, and SVA; 而

汉语主要有四种句式结构: 动词谓语句,形容词谓语句,名词谓语句 and 主谓谓



7.1.2 典型结构7.1.2.1 比较结构7.1.2.2 肯定和否定句

7.2 句子组成英汉语中,句子由主语,谓语,宾语,补语,状语和定语构成。意义重大的


7.2.1 主语和话题7.2.1.1 主语和话题的比较汉语为语义型语言,着力考究“字”与语义及其相关关系,注重内容的意












prominent language),英语句子构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)


的关键。 汉英翻译中主语的选择汉语句子的主语比英语句子的主语要复杂。在汉英翻译中,对主语的确定

可以采取三种处理方法。1.增添主语 2.将非名词性的主语转换成名词性的主语 3.选择一


7.2.2 谓语

89 谓语的比较英语句子和汉语句子中谓语的使用有所不同。汉语可用连动句。 汉语连动句的翻译有两种方法,使用连接词 “and”, 选择一个主要动词作为谓语,其他的动词


7.2.3 主语显著和话题显著7.2.3.1 衔接与连贯7.2.3.2 形合与意合

8.长句的翻译(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)



8.1 拆句拆句是把原语的一个句子拆成译语的几个分句或句子。改变顺序指的是按



















比一根竹子,一盘珠子,一江波涛。第二, 英语句子中,名词与介词占优势。英语句子中,主要采用主谓机制













句子的后尾,形成后中心。第五,英语句子中,There+be结构与虚词 it 的结构用得比较广泛。 在英



它相当于汉语的“有”。这种结构中的谓语有进不用动词 be,而用其它的形式

8.2 重组英汉语在句型与排列上各有特点。英语中常用连词、介词、分词短语和由关

















9.变通和补偿手段(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)由于原语文化和译语文化之间的差异,原语符号和译语符号几乎不可能在








9.1 加注一般来说,加注有两种类型:音译附加注释或说明性译文、直译加注。比较








9.2 增益增益的理论根据是句子的深层结构转换成表层结构时某些成分的省略。当代










9.2.1 为了再现原作者的意图出于对原文作者的尊重,译文应尽量再现原文作者的写作意图和主要内容。





9.2.2 为了语法上的需要英汉两种语言在语法上具有较大的差异,如英语可数名词有复数形式,汉




9.2.3 为了沟通不同的文化






9.3 视点转换视点转换指的是重组原语信息的表层形式,从与原语不同甚至相反的角度



9.4 具体化具体化是指缩小上下文中某一词语指称对象的外延。一般来说,英语词义内









9.5 概略化概略化指的是用省略概括的方式明晰地传达原文的意义,不过首先应该指







9.6 释义释义是不逐字逐句移译原文,而直接向译语读者解释原语词句在上下文中





9.7 归化归化是用与原语词语有相同使用频度,但一般都带有某些译语文化色彩的










9.8 回译










五、课程使用教材和主要参考书教材名称:柯 平,《英汉汉英翻译教程》,北京大学出版社,1991

主要参考书: 1、包惠南,《文化语境与语言翻译》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2001









【课程名称】《英美概况》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本















本课程考试采取“平时考核”(占 30%)与“闭卷考试”(占 70%)相结合的方式进行。其中,“平时考核”主要包括学生出勤率、作业和课堂表现;“闭卷考试”主要考查学生对英语国家社会与文化的基本概念和基本知识,测评学生的理解、判断、分析、综合等能力。考试时间按照继教院的统一安排进行。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排绪论(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)

一、Introduction to the Culture course and teaching arrangements

1)The necessity and importance of culture learning for English language



2) Teaching Arrangements: 24hours for both British and American culture;

Some important Chapters will be selected for detailed study, others will

be neglected in class and left for extensive reading.

二、A brief introduction to the United Kingdom and the USA

1) Ask Ss to discuss how much do they know about these two countries

2) General introduction to the history and development of the two countries

3) Tell Ss some basic information about the culture and custom in these two


第一部分 英国概况 (Survey of Britain)

Part I Geography(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)Chapter I A brief introduction to physical geography

1 A complicated country with a complicated name

1) Formation of this country and its location

2) Brief introduction to each part of the country

2 Topography

1) Four major regions of the country

2) Specific features of each part in geography

3) Some famous or extraordinary spots or places:

a. Ben Nevis

b. The Pennines ( backbone of England)

3 Typical features of climate

1) much milder than that of many places in the same latitude

2) rainy

3) moderate temperatures

4) variable in different region

4 Important rivers

1) River Severn

2) River Thames

Part II History(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)


Chapter I. II. III. IV ( Learned by Ss themselves)

Chapter V The Bourgeois Revolution

1. The Economic and Political Background

1)Growth of capitalism in England

2) The primitive accumulation of England

3) Class struggle in early 17th century of England

2. The absolutist rule of the Stuarts

1) “Divine Right of Kings”: 2) “Long Parliament and Short Parliament”

3. The Civil Wars

1) The outburst of civil wars

2) The two opposite powers in Civil Wars

3) The progress of the war and its final result

4. The Commonwealth and Protectorate

1) The formation of Commonwealth

2) Cromwell and the Protectorate

5. The Restoration and the Coup D’état

1) The Restoration of Charles II

2) The Glorious Revolution

Part III Culture(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)Chapter I Education

1. General Introduction to Teaching System in the U.K.

1) What is the typical feature of British educational system?

2) Public School and State School

2. Elementary Education

1) What are the different systems in operation?

2) The features of state primary schools in many aspects

3) Prep schools in Britain

3. Secondary Education


1) The difference between the state schools and the independents schools

2) various schools of Secondary Education and the corresponding


4. Higher Education

1) Different types of higher education

2) Admissions and Requirements of each university and college

Chapter V Literature

1. Brief introduction to the history and position of British literature in the

world literature

2. Fiction

1) Novelist in 16th century :Thomas More and his Utopia

2) 17th century: John Bunyan and his Pilgrim’s Progress

3) 18th century: Daniel Defoe and his Robinson Crusoe

Jonathan Swift and his Gulliver’s Travels

Oliver Goldsmith and his The Vicar of Wakefield

4) 19th century: Charles Dickens and the critical realism

Walter Scott and his Ivanhoe

Thackeray and his Vanity Fair

Women novelist and their representatives

5) 20th century: Joseph Rudyard Kipling

—the 1st Nobel Prize winner

D. H. Lawrence and psychological fictions

James Joyce and Woolf – “stream of consciousness” novelists

3. Poetry

1) Beowulf

2) Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales

3) Poetry in Elizabethan period:

Shakespeare and his Sonnets

4) 17th century: John Milton and his revolutionary poetry


5) 18th century: Thomas Gray and his Elegy Written in a Country


William Wordsworth and Lake Poets

6) 19th century: Byron, Shelly and Keats

Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning

7) 20th century: W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot

4. Drama

1) 16th &17th century: William Shakespeare and his works

Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson

2) 18th century: T. B. Sheridan and his The School for Scandal

3) 19th century: Oscar Wilde and “art for art’s sake”

G. B. Shaw and his achievements

Part IV Social Life(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)Chapter I and III ( Learned by Ss themselves)

Chapter II Characters and manners

1. Exclusiveness

2. Conservativeness

3. Politeness

4. Love of privacy

5. Stiff upper lip

6. Sense of humor

Chapter IV Holidays and Festivals

1. Tell Ss some important holidays and festival in Britain. And how these

holidays come into being? What are the corresponding customs?

2. Ask Ss to make comparison between Chinese traditional holidays and western


Part V Political System(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) Chapter I The Monarchy


1. The features of British Monarchy

1) Hereditary

2) the constitutional monarchy

3) undertaking various official, ceremonial and representational


4) The Monarch takes no part in Government.

5) the ultimate executive authority in practice is only used

according to laws enacted in Parliament or within the

constraints of convention and precedent.

2. The formation of the Constitutional Monarchy

1) The establishment of Parliament’s power

2) A two-party system

3. The role and function of Monarchy in Britain

Chapter II Parliament

1. General introduction to the history of British Parliament

1) Before the Norman Conquest in 1066, the Anglo-Saxon Kings consulted the

Great Council befor making important decisions

2) The Magna Carta and Limitation on King’s powers

3) In 1264, the first parliament of nobles got together

4) The 1688 Glorious Revolution established its status as part of the English

Parliament through compromise with the House of Commons

2. Basic elements of British Parliament and its working procedures

1)The supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom

2)Having ultimate power over all other political bodies

3)with an upper house, the House of Lords; and a lower house, the House

of Commons.

3. The House of Lords

1) its formation

2) its status in Parliaments


3) its power and duty

3. The House of Commons

4. The function and role of Parliament in Britain

Chapter III The Government

1. The function and formation of British government

1) the supreme administrative institution

2) the Cabinet is the core of leadership of the British government

3) Central government and local government

2. Central Government

1) The Privy Council: established in the 15th century; used to be central

executive institution but now gradually lost its importance

2) The Cabinet: a decision-making organ, determining government policies;

where the real powers lies;

3) The Prime Minister: the leader of the party; the one who organizes the

Cabinet and presides over its meetings; the head of the


4) The Departmental Working Personnel: professional civil servants; doing

most of the work of running the department on the

minister’s behalf; a wide variety of professional and

technical qualifications

3. Local Government

1) four big regions and its corresponding governing systems

2) England and Wales are basically the same; Scotland and Northern Ireland

have their own systems

3) formation and working of present system of local government

4) the power and income of local government

5) two issues connected with local government


第二部分 美国概况Part I Geography(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)

Chapter I A general introduction to physical geography

1. Three geographical divisions

1) The eastern part and the typical features of the region

2) The western part and the important mountain system

3) The great central plain in between

2. The three major river systems

1) The system of the Gulf

a) The Mississippi River

b) The Missouri and the Ohio

2) The system of the Atlantic

The Hudson River

3) The system of the Pacific

a) The Columbia River and the Colorado River

b) The five Great Lakes: Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Erie,

Lake Huron and Lake Ontario

( The features of each Lake)

c) Niagara Falls

d) Great Salt Lake

3. Climate

1) variable from coast to coast

2) cold in winter and hot in summer

3) continental climate with only small part being tropical

4. Natural resources

rich in natural resources in deposits, forestry, water, power

5. Territory

1) Fourth largest country in size

2) developing through expansion and aggression


Chapter II Population

1. The composition of the population

1) very complex composition

2) over eighty percent of the total are of European origin

3) “Melting Pot”

2. The distribution of population

1) uneven distribution

2) four densely-populated areas in the country: along the Atlantic seaboard,

around the five Great Lakes, along the Pacific coast, along the Gulf of


Chapter III and IV ( Learned by Ss themselves)

Chapter V The Main Cities

1. Washington D.C.: the capital of the U.S.A.

1) its location and area

2) some famous buildings and places

3) the function and typical feature of this city

4) some famous scenic spots

2. New York City : the largest city and the chief prot of the U.S.A.

1) its location and area

2) some famous buildings and places

3) the function and typical feature of this city

3. Chicago: the second largest city in population and largest industrial city

in the country

1) its location and area

2) the history and typical feature of the city

4. Los Angeles: an important center of shipping , industry and communication

1) its history and foundation

2) Hollywood

5. Philadelphia: the birthplace of the nation


1) its history and meaning

2) its function and typical features

3) major historical spots

6. San Francisco: one of the principal gateways to the East and birthplace of the


1) its history and features

7. Boston: a fine natural harbor and seaport

1) its history and function in revolution

2) its features

Part II History (面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)

Chapter I Colonization of North America ( Learned by Ss themselves )

Chapter II The American War of Independence

1. The situation before the war

1) Britain began to speed up its economic exploitation and plunder after the

founding of the 13 colonies in North America

2) Not only the interest of working people but also the colonial merchants

and landowners are greatly affected

3) the formation of two classes

2. The sharpening contradictions between Britain and the colonies

1) a common struggle against the British rulers

2) The Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts

3) The Boston Massacre and Committees of Correspondence

4) The Boston “ Tea Party” and the “ Intolerable Acts”

3. The unity of the Colonies

1) the First Continental Congress in 1774

2) preparations for the war with England and the “minute men”

4. The fire of Lexington and the Declaration of Independence

1) The fire of Lexington on April 19th ,1775: the prelude of the great War of



2) The Second Continental Congress in 1775, Philadelphia

3) The Declaration of Independence

5. Progress of the war

1) The War in the North

2) The Turning Point of the War

3) Help from France: a great diplomatic and military victory 4) The War in

the West

5) The War in the South: the end of the war

a) the surrender of Cornwallis

b) a peace negotiation and the treaty of Paris

6. The significance of the war

1) of great historical importance and influence

2) a new republic emerged and a new beginning of American history

3) promoting the national liberation struggle of other colonies in the world

7. The Confederation and the Constitution

1) the Articles of the Confederation

2) the Constitutional Convention in 1787

a) the Articles were revised

b) the American Constitution of 1787 was made

3) the Constitution of 1787

a) established the dictatorship of the American bourgeoisie

b) a constitution with many anti-democratic elements

4) the Bill of Rights in 1791: the first ten amendments to Constitution

Chapter III The Growth of the Nation ( Learned by Ss themselves)

Chapter IV The American Civil War

1. The situation before the civil war

1) Three Great Tides: from 1840 to 1860

2) The Slavery Problem

3) The Political Conflicts


2. The beginning and progress of the Civil War

1) Breakout of the War

2) The Contrast between the North and the South

3) The Progress of the War

4) The Homestead Bill and the Emancipation Proclamation

3. Significance and Effects of the war

1) a bourgeois revolution in nature, a continuation and expansion of the War

of Independence

2) a struggle of life and death between two social systems, between the

progressive and the backward

3) the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the Negroes

4) Fast development of capitalist economy

5) far-reaching influence to the European revolutions

Part III Culture(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) Chapter I Education

1. A brief introduction to American education

2. Elementary education

1) the distinctive feature of the American educational system: its emphasis on

education of the masses rather than on education of the intellectuals

2) the courses and requirements of elementary schools

3) the administration of teaching profession in elementary school

3. Secondary education

1) no entrance exam for high school

2) general education and vocational training in high schools

3) demands for the high school teachers

4. Higher education—College and University

1) General Introduction

2) Types of Institutions


3) Faculty Members: full professors; associate professors;

4) Part-time Working and Student’s Organization

5. Admission and Academic levels

1) Admission and tuition

2) Academic Levels and Academic Calendar

3) Credits

6. Graduate study

7. Well-known Universities in America

1) Ivy League

2) Harvard University

3) Yale University

4) Stanford University

5) Massachusetts Institute of Technology

6) Clatech

8. Libraries

1) private libraries and their features

2) public libraries and their working systems

Chapter II-VI ( Learned by Ss themselves)

Chapter VII A Brief Introduction to American Literature

1. Fiction

1) Washington Irving: the father of American Literature

2) N. Hawthorne

3) Mark Twain : the true father of American national literature

4) Theodore Dreiser: one of the great American realists or


5) Jack London

6) Sinclair Lewis

7) Ernest Hemingway:

8) Saul Bellow


9) Toni Morrison

2. Poetry

1) H.W. Longfellow

2) Walt Whitman

3) Robert Frost: a national poet in 20th century’s America

3. Drama

Eugene O’ Neill

Part IV Social Life (面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) Chapter I-III (Learned by Ss themselves)

Chapter IV Attitudes and views

1. American social relations

1) American is characterized by much more informality and less

social distinction than many other countries

2) The frankness of admitting certain weaknesses is another

characteristic of the American people

2. The American spirit of “ Do it Yourself”

1) The man who works by his own efforts and achieves success is

highly respected

2) Manual labor is highly valued in the United States

3) America is a society striving for “equality”

3. A popular American belief

1) “Every cowboy can dream of becoming a great man ,even the

president of the country”

2) The self-made man is highly valued in the United States

Chapter V Social problems

1. Environmental racism : refers to the enactment or enforcement of any

policy, practice, or regulation that negatively affects the environment of


low-income and/or racially-homogeneous communities at a disparate

rate than affluent communities.

2. Pollution

3. Ghetto : a ghetto is now described as a "portion of a city in which

members of a minority group live; especially because of social, legal, or

economic pressure."

4. Homelessness

5. Shanty towns : is a settlement (sometimes illegal or unauthorized) of

impoverished people who live in improvised dwellings made from scrap


6. Urban decay : is the process whereby a city, or part of a city, falls into

disrepair and decrepitude

Part V Political System(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) Chapter I The state system and the constitution

1. a state of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

2. three main principles as the basis of political system

1) federalism

2) the separation of powers

3) respect for the constitution and the rule of law

4. the Federal Constitution of the United States regulated America’s

performance of the system of federalism

1) the supreme law of the United States.

2) the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the

existence of the United States

3) It provides the framework for the organization of the United

States government and for the relationship of the federal

government to the states, to citizens, and to all people within the

United States.


4) The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17,

1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in each U.S. state in

the name of "The People". The Constitution has been amended

twenty-seven times; the first ten amendments are known as the

Bill of Rights.

Chapter II The federal government

The seat of the federal government is in the federal district

of Washington, D.C.

1. System of Checks and Balances

The political doctrine which the , legislative and judicial branches of

government are kept distinct, to prevent abuse of power. This U.S.

form of separation of powers is associated with a system of checks

and balances.

2. The executive branch and the president

1) both the head of state and government, as well as the military

commander-in-chief and chief diplomat.

2) The President, according to the Constitution, must

"take care that the laws be faithfully executed," and

"preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.“

3) The President may be impeached by a majority in the House and

removed from office by a two-thirds majority in the Senate for

"treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

4) The forty-fourth and current president is Barack Obama .

3. The legislative branch and Congress

Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government. It is

bicameral, comprising the House of Representatives and the Senate. The

House of Representatives consists of 435 voting members, each of

whom represents a congressional district and serves for a two-year term.


In addition to the 435 voting members, there are five non-voting

members, consisting of four delegates and one resident commissioner.

4. The judiciary and legal system

1) The federal judiciary consists of the U.S. Supreme Court, whose

justices are appointed for life by the President and confirmed by the

Senate, and various "lower" or "inferior courts," among which are the

courts of appeals and district courts.

2) The supreme court of each state is the final authority on the

interpretation of that state's laws and constitution

3) individual court systems of each state, each dealing with its

own laws and having its own court rules and procedures.

Chapter III-IV ( Learned by Ss themselves)


教材名称:张奎武: Survey to Britain and America, 吉林科学技术出版社,2000 年 3

月。主要参考书:1、 何田: Cultural Background for English Study: Britain and Australia ,

北京大学出版社,2001年 6月。2、 来 安 方 : An Introduction to Britain and America, 河南教育出版社,

2005年 3月。3、 罗选民:《英美文化与社会》,华中理工大学出版社,1997年 8月。4、 余志远: English-speaking Countries: A Survey, 外语教学与研究出版


社,1996年 12月。5、 朱永涛: Essentials of British and American Cultures, 外语教学与研究

出版社,1995年 8月。6 、 朱永涛,王立礼 The Society and Culture of Major English-speaking

Countries—An Introduction,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年7月。


【课程编号】0811215【课程名称】《英美文学史及选读(I)》【总学时数】面授 32 学时,自学 70 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本

9) 教学目的和基本要求








9) 教学原则和教学方法了解英国文学的发展概况,熟悉发展过程中出现的历史事件,文学思潮,





10) 成绩考核方法 考核方法为开卷考试,卷面分占 70%,平时分占 30%,包括考勤、课堂表现和作业,两项综合为总评。


第二章 莎士比亚 7-15页(面授 6 学时,自学 12 学时)第一节 莎士比亚一、文艺复兴的特点

  二、人文主义的定义三、莎士比亚的写作特点及在文学史中的地位第二节 选读作品一、选读《哈姆雷特》,分析其主题及哈姆雷特的个性

  二、莎士比亚十四行诗的定义,选读第 18首

Unit 2


The Elizabethan Age: Renaissance and the Elizabethan Age1 The Pre-Elizabethan period 1.1 Renaissance 1.1.1 Definition of Renaissance1.1.2 Humanism1.1.3 Main traits of the Renaissance literature2 The Elizabethan Age

Shakespeare1 William Shakespeare 1.1 Shakespeare’s life1.2 Shakespeare’s literary career1.2.1 Shakespeare as a playwright● Three periods of Shakespeare’s creation of plays● Chief achievements and characteristics of Shakespeare’s drama

◆ Shakespeare’s themes◆ Shakespeare’s character portrayal ◆ Shakespeare’s play construction◆ Shakespeare’s Poetry◆ Shakespeare’s Language

● Major comments on some of Shakespeare’s works ◆ Hamlet

1.2.2 Shakespeare as a poet

第四章 十七世纪英国诗人 22-32 (面授 4 学时,自学 10 学时)第一节 十七世纪英国文学的特点 一、邓恩写作特点简介 二、玄学派诗歌特点第二节 弥尔顿 一、弥尔顿的文学地位 二、主要作品简介

Unit 4 The 17th Century Poets1 A brief introduction of the 17th century2 Metaphysical Poets and Metaphysical Poetry


2.1 Metaphysical Poets ● John Donne (1573–1631)

◆ As a poet, Donne was original and great. ◆ His poetry possessed a highly idiosyncratic quality revealing a peculiar, brilliant

imagination at work, with a unconventional mode of perception and thinking, and the power of a mind.

◆ His type of poetry has been known as Metaphysical Poetry. 2.2 Metaphysical poetry3 John Milton and his Paradise Lost3.1 John Milton (1608-1674) 3.2 Paradise Lost● The theme: ● The Image of Satan:

第五章 探险小说作家 33-47

(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时) 第一节 启蒙主义时期的特点 第二节 迪福的文学地位其及作品 1 Daniel Defoe (1661-1731) 1.1 Defoe’s life and works

1.2 Robinson Crusoe● Theme of this story: ● Writing style:

Simple, straightforward. The plot is very simple and the characterization is not totally satisfactory.

● Significance of Robinson Crusoe

第六章 浪漫主义时期 (面授 6 学时,自学 12 学时) 第一节 浪漫主义时期 一、浪漫主义时期的特点 二、浪漫主义时期定义 三、浪漫主义时期代表人物


第二节 布莱克 一、布莱克作品特点 二、选读《老虎》 第三节 华兹华斯 一、华兹华斯的写作特点 二、作品主题及其代表作 三、作品选读《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》

1 Romanticism in England (1798-1832)1.1 Background of romanticism1.2 Features of romanticism2 William Blake (1757-1827)3. William Wordsworth (1770-1850)3.1 Introduction 3.2 Wordsworth’s principles of poetry2.5 Discussion and analysis of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

第七章 奥斯丁 64-73

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) 第一节 奥斯丁的生平及写作特点 第二节 选读《傲慢与偏见》

Unit 7 Austen1 Jane Austen (1775-1817)1.2 Comments on Austen● Jane Austen is a writer of the eighteenth century, though she lives in the

nineteenth century England. She holds the ideal of the landlord class in politics, religion and moral principles; and her works show clearly her firm belief in the predominance of reason over passion, the sense of responsibility, good manners


and clear-sighted judgment. And in style, she is a neoclassicism advocator, upholding those traditional ideas of order, reason, proportion and gracefulness in novel writing.

● Austen’s work has a very narrow literary field. 3.3 Selected Reading: Pride and Prejudice● There is little action in this novel. It is famous for its detailed study of everyday life and its

wonderful characterization.● The portrayal of the characters is amazingly varied and colourful.

◆ The gallery of women here is simply glittering. Mrs. Bennet is beautiful, ignorant, and snobbish. Her only business is to marry her daughters to wealthy young men. Jane Bennet is a serene, reticent beauty, Elizabeth the spirited, vocal beauty, Lydia a spoiled brat, innocent and hopeless silly and romantic, Charlotte Lucas, plain, practical, and mistress of her own life.

◆ In addition, the portraits of the men are no less noteworthy. Mr. Bennet is kind-hearted, humorous, eccentric, but a bit pedantic; Darcy’s personality is complex. Mr. Bingley is good-natured, impressionable; Mr. Collins is mediocre, a mixture of pomposity and humility; Mr. Wickham is the rake and villain of the novel.

第八章 浪漫主义诗人 74-86

(面授 2 学时,自学 6 学时) 第一节 雪莱 一、雪莱的写作特点 二、作品主题及其代表作 三、《西风颂》赏析第二节 济慈 一、济慈的写作特点 二、作品主题及其代表作

Unit 8 Romantic Poets1 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)1.1 Life and achievements1.2 Shelley’s Works


● Prometheus Unbound: a lyrical drama, Shelley’s masterpiece, most famous (See Chang Yaoxin, 206-207)

1.3 Comments on Shelley1.4 Discussion of Ode to the west Wind● Motif of the poem: his desire for freedom and his resolution to sacrifice for the

struggle for freedom. To the poet, the west wind, powerful as it is, is not merely a natural phenomenon. It is a “spirit”, the “breath of Autumn’s being” that can spread messages of freedom far and wide that both destroys and preserves the revival in the spring. The west wind symbolizes rebirth and creative power. To some extent, the west wind is the symbol of revolutionary spirit.

● Images◆ Life images: seeds, spring, clarion, buds; ◆ Death images: dead leaves, ghosts, hectic, pestilence, dark wintry bed, corps,

grave. These life and death images on the one hand are associated with the two functions of the West Wind: destroyer and preserver, on the other hand, remind us of resurrection and a cycle of life and death

2 John Keats (1795-1821)2.1 Life and achievements● Keats has written many short lyrical poems, of which the odes and the sonnets are best known.

The odes are generally regarded as Keats’s most important and mature works. His odes include: Ode to Autumn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on Melancholy, and Ode on a Grecian Urn. His best known sonnets include: Bright Star, When I Have Fear, and The Grasshopper and the Cricket.

第九章 夏洛特·布朗蒂 87-98

(面授 2 学时,自学 6 学时)第一节 维多利亚时期 一、维多利亚时期的特点及其年代划分 二、批判现实主义作品的特点、代表作家2.夏洛特·布朗蒂 一、夏洛特·布朗蒂的写作特点 、作品主题 二、选读《简·爱》

Unit 9 Charlotte Bronte1 The Victorian Age2.1 Charlotte Bronte

2.2 Comments on Jane Eyre


第十章 狄更斯 99-111

(面授 2 学时,自学 6 学时)第一节 狄更斯的写作特点第二节 作品主题及其代表作

Unit 10 Charles Dickens

2 Charles Dickens (1812-1870)2.1. Life of Charles Dickens2.2 Major works2.3 Some comments on him2.4 Features of Charles Dickens’ novels

7) 维多利亚诗人 112-121

(面授 2 学时,自学 2 学时)第一节 丁尼生写作特点第二节 选读《鹰》

Unit 11 The Victorian PoetA. TennysonFeaturesThe Eagle

第十二章 托马斯·哈代 122-131

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) 第一节 二十世纪文学简介 一、现代主义的特点 二、主要代表作家第二节 哈代 一、哈代的写作特点 二、哈代作品主题及其代表作



Unit 12 Thomas Hardy1 Life and achievements 2 Comments on Hardy3 Tess of the D’Urbervilles3.1 The story3.2 Major characters3.3 Themes3.4 Symbolism 3.5 Some comments on Tess of the D’Urbervilles

第十六章 现代主义小说家(I)170-179 (面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)第一节 乔伊斯 一、乔伊斯简介 二、乔伊斯主要作品及特点第二节 沃尔夫 一、沃尔夫简介

二、沃尔夫主要作品及特点Unit 16 Modernist Novelists (I)

1 Modernism Features

More personally conceived notions of value, dependent on the novelists’ own intuitions and sensibilities rather than on public agreement A new view of time, a continuous flow in the consciousness of the individual, with retrospect merging into anticipation New notions of the nature of consciousness, derived from the pioneer exploration of the subconscious “Stream-of-consciousness” became an important new technique

2 The Stream of consciousness 3.James Joyce Life and achievements 1. Dubliners:


2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man:3. Ulysses(modern epic): 4. Finnegans Wake:

4.Virginia Woolf4.1 Life and achievements

第十七章 现代主义小说家(II)180-193 (面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)第一节 劳伦斯的写作特点,作品主题第二节 简介代表作及其作品人物分析

Unit 17 Modernist Novelists (II)1 D. H. Lawrence 1.2 Sons and Lovers1.2.1 The story 1.2.2 Themes● Free Will● Sons, mothers, and the Oedipus complex● Man/woman love



王守仁.《英国文学选读》. 北京:高等教育出版社,2005年主要参考书:

张定铨. 《新编简明英国文学史》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.

王守仁. 《英国文学选读》. 北京:高等教育出版社,2005.



张伯香.《英国文学教程》. 武汉:武汉大学出版社,2005.

王佐良. 《英国文学名篇选注》. 北京:商务印书馆,1983.

刘炳善. 《英国文学简史》. 郑州:河南人民出版社,1993.

张鑫友.《英国文学史及选读学习指南》. 武汉:湖北科学技术出版社,2005.





【总学时数】面授 24 学时,实验 0 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专升本










二、教学原则和教学方法1. 教学原则:理论联系实际原则、教学互动、启发教学与促进学生理解原则。2. 教学方法:课堂讲授、专题讨论等。

三、成绩考核方法 1. 课堂教学参与情况的考核: 20%,考核出勤情况和课堂参与教学活动情况。 2. 自学情况考核: 10%,考核自学任务完成情况。 3. 课后作业情况考核:10%,考核课后作业的完成情况。


4. 期末考试: 60%,书面闭卷考试对总体学习情况进行考核。

四、教学内容、要点和课时安排第一章 绪论 (面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)

Unit 1 An Introduction to the History of the American Literature


文学流派、主要作家及其代表作。教学时数:(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)教学内容:

I. The Colonial Period

1. American Puritanism

2. Benjamin Franklin and his Autobiography

3. Anne Bradstreet and her Poetry

II. The Romantic Period

1. Romanticism

2. Washington Irving and his The Sketch Book

3. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his The Scarlet Letter

4. Walt Whitman and his Leaves of Grass

III. The Age of Realism


2. Mark Twain and his The Adventures of Huccleberry Finn

3. Naturalism

4. Stephen Crane and his Maggie: A Girl of the Street

5. Theodore Dreiser and his Sister Carrie

Ⅳ The Age of Modernism

1. Modernism

2. The Lost Generation


3. F. Scott Fitzgerald and his The Great Gatsby

4. Earnest Hemmingway and his A Farewell to Arms

5. William Faulkner and The Sound and the Fury

6. The Imagism Movement in 1920s

7. Ezra Pound

Ⅰ.The Colonial Period

Ⅱ. The Revolutionary Period

Ⅲ. The Romantic Period

Ⅳ. The Age of Realism

Ⅴ.The Age of Modernism

第二章 殖民时期(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)Unit 2 The Colonial Period

Anne Bradstreet: “To My Dear and Loving Husband”



讨论诗歌《致我充满柔情的亲爱丈夫》。教学时数:(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)教学内容:

I. Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Colonial Period

2. An introduction to Anne Bradstreet

II. An Analysis of the Poem“To My Dear and Loving Husband”

III. Discussion

Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Colonial Period

2. An introduction to Anne Bradstreet


第三章 浪漫主义时期 (Ⅰ) (面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)Unit 3 The Age of Romanticism (Ⅰ)

Washington Irving: "Rip Van Winkle"

教学要点:了解浪漫主义时期美国文学的状况;介绍这段时期的主要代表作家及其文学主张以及代表作品;着重了解华盛顿·欧文的 生平、作品、写作风格及其对美国文学的突出贡献;阅读、分析和讨论华盛顿·欧文的短篇小说《瑞普·凡·温克尔》。

教学时数:(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)教学内容:

Washington Irving: "Rip Van Winkle"

I. Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Age of Romanticism

2. An Introduction to Washington Irving

II. An analysis of the Short Story "Rip Van Winkle"

. Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Age of Romanticism

2. An Introduction to Washington Irving

第四章 浪漫主义时期 (Ⅱ) (面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)Unit 4 The Age of Romanticism (Ⅱ)

Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter


教学时数:(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)教学内容:


Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter

I. Background Information:

1. An Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne

2. An Introduction to The Scarlet Letter

II. An Analysis of Chapter 14 in The Scarlet Letter

III. Discussion

第五章 浪漫主义时期 (Ⅲ) (面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)Unit 5 The Age of Romanticism (Ⅲ)

Walt Whitman: "I Hear America Singing"


教学时数:(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)教学内容:

I. Background Information:

1. An Introduction to Walt Whitman

2. An Introduction to Leaves of Grass

II. An Analysis of the Poem "I Hear America Singing"

III. Discussion

第六章 现实主义时期(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)Unit 6 The Age of Realism

Mark Twain: "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"



法,了解其文学作品的社会意义, 探讨马克·吐温将美国地方语言引


进文学作品及其对现、当代美国文学作品的影响。教学时数:(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)教学内容:

Mark Twain: "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"

I .Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Age of Realism

2. An Introduction to Mark Twain

II. An Analysis of the Short Story "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras


III. Discussion

Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Age of Realism

2. An Introduction to Mark Twain

第七章 现代主义时期(面授 6 学时,自学 12 学时)Unit 7 The Age of Modernism

William Faulkner: "A Rose for Emily"





艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》。教学时数:(面授 6 学时,自学 12 学时)教学内容:


William Faulkner: "A Rose for Emily"

I. Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Age of Modernism

2. An Introduction to William Faulkner

II. An Analysis of the Short Story "A Rose for Emily"

III. Discussion

Background Information:

1. American Literature in the Age of Modernism

2. An Introduction to William Faulkner



主要参考书: Blair, Walter. American Literature: A Brief History. Glenview: Scott, Foresman

and Co., 1974.

Cunliffe, Marcus. The Literature of the United States. Baltimore, Maryland:

Penguin Books, 1967.

Gottensman, Ronald et al. (ed.). The Norton Anthology of American Literature.

New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979.

Hart, James D. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to American Literature. New York:

Oxford University Press, 2000.








【课程名称】《英语词汇学》【总学时数】面授 20 学时,自学 40 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本


部关于培养合格的 21世纪外语复合型人才的有机组成部分。该课程以现代语言学理论为指导,以英语词汇为研究对象,主要内容包括词汇基本知识、词汇的形态结构、 词汇的构成方式、词汇的意义及语义关系、 英语词汇的来源及发展、词义的变化、习语及词典知识等。该课程教学旨在使学生对英语词汇具有比较系统和完整的知识,深入地了解英语词汇的现状及其历史演变过程,并能对现代英语词汇发展所出现的现象作出分析和解释,提高词语的理解、释义和综合运用的能力。

二、教学原则和教学方法教学原则:1. 教学大纲是课程教学的基本依据,在教学过程中应遵循教学大纲所规定

的教学内容和要求进行教学。2. 正确处理掌握知识与培养能力之间的关系。理论知识的掌握要服从词汇实

际应用能力的培养。3. 正确处理学生自学与老师定期面授辅导之间的关系。在教学中要以自学为




2.认真做好学习笔记也是重要学习方法之一。要求学员在认真理解教材内容的基础上,对词的定义、词的语音意义、语法意义、词的六种构成方式,词义的七种变化方式等词汇学的主要内容进行整理归纳,简明扼要地写出笔记,便于今后记忆复习。在做出学习笔记的同时,要对理解有困难的地方作出记号,在笔记本上写出问题,随后通过面授或其他方法请教老师解答, 最终完全理解和掌握教材内容。




三、成绩考核方法课程考试 70%,出勤 10%,作业 20%。



Introduction(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)0.1 The Nature and Domain of English Lexicology

0.2 Its Relation to Other Disciplines

0.3 Methods of Study

0.4 Aims and Significance of the Course

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary (面授 4 学时,自学 8

学时)1.1 What is a Word

(1) a minimal free form of a language;

(2) a sound unity;

(3) a unit of meaning;

(4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.

1.2 Sound and Meaning

1.3 Sound and Form

1.4 Vocabulary

1.5 Classification of Words

1.5.1 Content Words and Functional Words

1.5.2 Native Words and Borrowed Words

Chapter 2 The Development of English Vocabulary(面授 5 学时,自学 10

学时)This chapter explains the relationship between English vocabulary and other

languages of the Indo-European language family, the origin and growth of the English

vocabulary. It gives a general survey of the three phases of the English vocabulary:

Old English vocabulary, Middle English vocabulary and Modern English vocabulary,

and then focuses the discussion on the general characteristics of modern English

vocabulary, its main reasons and modes of its growth.


2.1 The Indo-European Language Family

2.2 A Historical Overview of the English Vocabulary

2.2.1 Old English (450-1150)

2.2.2 Middle English (1150-1500)

2.2.3 Modern English (1500- up to now)

2.3 Growth of Present-day English Vocabulary

2.4 Modes of Vocabulary Development

Chapter 3 Word FormationⅠ(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)Chapter 3 aims to analyze the morphological structures of words and gain a

working knowledge of the different word-forming elements. It also expounds the

basic conceptions of morpheme, allomorph, classify morphemes and differentiate root

and stem.

3.1 Morphemes

3.2 Allomorphs

3.3 Types of Morphemes

3.3.1 Free Morphemes

3.3.2 Bound Morphemes

1. Bound root

2. Affixes

(1) Inflectional affixes (or inflectional morphemes)

(2) Derivational affixes (or derivational morphemes)

3.4 Root and Stem

Chapter 4 Word FormationⅡ(面授 5 学时,自学 10 学时)This chapter discusses in detail the various means of word formation: three major

means of word formation, namely affixation, compounding, conversion and five

minor ones, namely blending, clipping, acronymy, back-formation, words from proper


names. It defines the names of the processes of word-formation, describes the

characteristics of the words created and explains their actual use.

4.1 Affixation

4.1.1 Prefixation

4.1.2 Suffixation

4.2 Compounding

4.2.1 Characteristics of Compounds

1. Phonetic features

2. Semantic features

3. Grammatical features

4.2.2 Formation of Compounds

Compounds can be divided into three categories according to their parts of


1. Noun compounds

2. Adjective compounds

3. Verb compounds

4.3 Conversion

1. Conversion to noun

(1) Verb to noun.

(2) Adjective to noun

2. Conversion to verb

(1) Noun to verb

(2) Adjective to verb

(3) Miscellaneous conversion

4.4 Blending

4.5 Clipping


The process of clipping involves the deletion of one or more syllables from a

word (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form. Examples are plane

from airplane, phone from telephone, gym from gymnastics and taxi from taxicab.

Clippings may be divided into four main types:

1. Back clippings:

2. Front clippings:

3. Front and back clippings (not a common type of clipping):

4. Phrase clippings:

4.6 Acronymy

4.6.1 Initialisms

4.6.2 Acronyms

4.7 Back-formation

4.8 Words form Proper Names

Another minor type of word-formation is the coinage of common words from

proper names. The transition from proper names to common words is a gradual one.

They come from all sources, from names of scientists, politicians and statesmen to

trademarks, and place names. Some have originated from characters in literature, TV

films and movies, but some also come from book titles.

1. Names of people

2. Names of places

3. Names of books

4. Tradenames






【课程名称】《英语学科教学论》【总学时数】面授 24 学时,自学 48 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本


本课程的根本目的有两个:一是让学习者比较系统地了解国内外英语教学的理论和方法;二是培养学习者根据实际情况选择恰当的教学方法,有效从事英语教学的实践能力。本课程先适当介绍英语教学理论的不同流派,如:语法翻译法(The Grammar-translation Method)、直接法(The Direct Method)、听说法(The Audio-lingual Method)、交际法(The Communicative Approach)和自然


法(Natural Approach)、认知法(The Cognitive-code Method)、全身反应法(Total Physical Response)、沉默法(The Silent Way)、社团交际法(The

Community Language Learning)和暗示法(Suggestopedia)等,然后将侧重点放在语言技能和语言知识的实际课堂教学方面,结合我国基础教育课程改革的最新发展,注重学习者英语教学实践能力的培养和提升。该课程围绕英语教学的原理、原则、方法、方式和手段,探索中学英语教学






预习教材,完成所有的 tasks;

阅读相关的辅助材料,如上海外语教育出版社和外研社都出版了成套的英语教学和研究类图书,另外很多国内的刊物,如“外语教学与研究”,“外语界”, “国外外语 教 学”, “ 中小学外语 教 学”等 ,国外的 如 TESOL

Quarterly, ELT Journal, Forum 等上面都有很多理论与理论应用性的研究,阅读







“教学行为研究”(Action Research)一般是安排在教学法课程完成之后,但是,在学习教学法的过程中就应该将教学行为研究纳入自己的学习日程。在自己的教学过程中努力去注意发现学生在学习中存在的问题,分析问题的原因,然后根据所学教学理论设计解决方式,在课堂上与其他同学交流,同时征求辅导教师的意见。



作为专业知识的一部分,教学理论知识是教师专业素质发展的基础。”英语教学法”分 18个单元分别介绍了有关语言学习的理论、教学法简史、教学法的发展课程和大纲理论;教学的基本原则以及各类教学的操作。语言学习理论包括Krashen 的 5个假说和第二语言习得理论;教学基本原则包括教案的设计原则、课堂组织原则、课堂评估原则、动机激发原则等;在听力、口语、阅读、写作、语法和词汇教学中介绍了教学应遵循的原则、可采用的教学模式和策略。通过该课程的学习,学习者应该能够了解最基本的教学理论,为其自身的发展打下应有的理论基础。



该课程的另一特点就是很强的自主性,教材设计了大量的“tasks”,学生可以通过参与这些 tasks 的完成,加深对理论的理解,从而更加灵活地运用教学理论从事课堂教学。教材不仅包括“理论理解”类的“tasks”,还包括“理论运用”类的“tasks”,如教案的设计,微型课堂的开展等等。

本课程采用面授与自学相结合的方式进行,具体情况如下:(1) 采用互动式教学。课程理论部分以教师讲解为主,鼓励学生参与讨论、分析,

培养学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。(2) 以主题教学模式贯穿于整个教学活动中,培养学生系统掌握和自我反思的能

力。(3) 学生通过观看网络课件和自学的方式巩固知识,以达到高效的学习目的。


卷测试方式,主要考查学生对教学基本理论知识的掌握程度、运用所学知识分析问题和解决问题的能力,占 70%;学生的作业(完成一节课的教案设计)、出勤、课堂表现占 30%。由教师作平时记录。


全书共有十八章。第一章重点讨论语言观和语言学习观、国际英语教学流派优秀英语教师的基本素质以及如何成为一名优秀的英语教师。其中的重点为 H.

Douglas Brown 对语言(language)的描述,当代著名语言学家 N. Chomsky 对语言能力(Linguistic Competence)、语言运用(Linguistic Performance)、语言习


得机制(Linguistic Acquisition Device)、深层结构(Deep Structure)和表层结构( Surface Structure ) 的 论述, F. de Saussure 对 语 言( langue ) 和 言 语( parol ) 的 论 述 , 当 代 著 名 社 会 语 言 学 家 D. Hymes 对 交 际 能 力(Communicative Competence)的论述,D.Krashen 的“第二语言发展模式”(Monitor Model of Second Language Development)理论等。第二章着重讨论交际教学的思想并介绍一些教学的基本概念和交际教学活动,如使用教具、图片、游戏等。第三章介绍了新课标的相关情况。第四章的重点是备课和写教案,旨在为下面的学习和分阶段备课及写教案打基础。第五章讨论课堂管理的方法。第六、七、八章是语音、语法和词汇的教学,属于语言知识的教学方法与技巧。第九、十、十一、十二章介绍听、说、读、写四项技能的教学。第十三章是综合语言技能的教学。第十四章是关于道德学习的重要性。第十五章是对教学评价的讨论。第十六章介绍了学习者的个体差异。第十七章是教学资源的使用。最后一章,即第十八章是关于教材的评价与使用的指导。

章节 学 习 内 容 面授学时



Unit 1 Language and Learning 2 学时 4 学时 提前预习


Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching 2 学时 4 学时

Unit 3 The National English Curriculum 2 学时 4 学时Unit 4 Lesson Planning 2 学时 4 学时Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation 1 学时 2 学时Unit 7 Teaching Grammar 2 学时 4 学时Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary 2 学时 4 学时



Unit 9 Teaching Listening 3 学时 6 学时Unit 10 Teaching Speaking 2 学时 4 学时Unit 11 Teaching Reading 4 学时 8 学时Unit 12 Teaching Writing 2 学时 4 学时

Unit 1 Language and Learning

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)1.1 How do we learn language?1.2 Views on language1.3 Views on language learning and learning in general 1.4 What makes a good language teacher?1.5 How can one become a good language teacher?1.6 An overview of the book

重点:通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 结构主义、功能主义

和互动交互语言理论,以及行为主义、认知主义、建构主义和社会建构主义语言学习理论。了解影响中国英语教学的主要教学方法 —— 翻译法;直接法;听说法;功能法;交际法;任务型教学途径;认知法等产生的历史背景,以及主要主张和特点。注重这些理论和教学特点对我国现行英语教学模式的影响。


本章节阅读书目:1. David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching, 高等教育出版社,2004

2. Zoltan Dornyei, Teaching and Researching Motivation, 外语教学与研究出版社,2005


3. Alice Omaggio Hadley, Teaching Language in Context, 外语教学与研究出版社,2004

4. 盛得仁等,英语教与学新模式,外语教学与研究出版社,2002

5. 黄燕,新课程热中教师角色的冷思考,浙江大学出版社,2004

6. 中小学外语教学(全年期刊)北京师范大学主办7. 中小学英语教学与研究(全年期刊)华东师范大学主办

Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时) 2.1 Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogy

2.2 What is communicative competence2.3 Implications for teaching and learning2.4 Principles of CLT2.5 CLT and the teaching of language skills2.6 Main features of communicative activities2.7 TBLT2.8 PPP and TBLT2.9 How to design tasks?2.10 Appropriatesness of CLT and TBLT in the Chinese context2.11 Conclusion

重点:通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 交际语言教学途径、

任务型语言教学途径和 PPP 语言教学模式的教学特点。通过课堂小组讨论的方法让学生自行发现和总结设计任务型活动的形式和方法。对语言交际能力有一个全面正确的理解。




本章节阅读书目:1. 鲁子问,中小学英语真实任务教学实践论,外语教学与研究出版社,2003

2. 王牧群,交际英语课内外活动设计,上海外语教育出版社, 2002

3. 朱萍等,英语教学活动设计与应用(中学卷),华东师范大学出版社2007

4. Penny Ur Andrew Wnght, Five-Minute Activities, 南开大学出版社,2003

5. Michael Canale & Merrill Swain , “ Theoretical Bases of Communicative

Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing” , Applied


6. Littlewood , Communicative Language Teaching: An

Introduction,Cambridge,Cambridge University Press,1981

Unit 3 The National English Curriculum

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)3.1 A brief history of foreign language teaching in China3.2 Designing principles for the National English Curriculum3.3 Goals and objectives of English language teaching3.4 Design of the National English Curriculum3.5 Performance standards for different levels of competence3.6 Challenges facing English languge teachers3.7 Conclusion

重点: 通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 英语新课程标准和设计理念、新的英语教学目标和要求等。了解英语新课程标准与过去的教学大纲的区别。



课程改革的历史和发展;英语教学的目标和要求;英语教师所面临的挑战。本章节阅读书目:1. 教育部,《初中英语课程标准》,北京:人民教育出版社,2003

2. 教育部,《普通高中英语课程标准》,北京:人民教育出版社,2003

3. Fred Genesee 等,第二语言课堂评估,外语教学与研究出版社,2001

4. 罗少茜,英语课堂教学形成性评价研究,外语教学与研究出版社,2003

Unit 4 Lesson Planning

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)4.1 Why is lesson planning important?4.2 Principles for good lesson planning4.3 Macro planning vs. micro planning4.4 Components of a lesson plan4.5 Sample lesson plans4.6 Conclusion

重点: 通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 备课应遵循的原则和标准,以及备课方法和主要内容。要求学生在小组共同讨论的基础上,认真分析中学教材,确定教学环节和方法,选择相关教材中的内容进行备课撰写教案。


的基本原则;教案制作的基本要素;教案的设计与制作。本章节阅读书目:1. Alice Omaggio Hadley, Teaching Language in Context, 外语教学与研究出版社,



2. Penny Ur Andrew Wnght, Five-Minute Activities, 南开大学出版社,2003

3. 朱萍等,英语教学活动设计与应用(中学卷),华东师范大学出版社2007

4. 北师大外语系课题组,全国第二届中学英语优质课竞赛课堂教学观摩分析报告(下),《中小学外语教学》第 9 期,1-4页,1999

5.  胡鉴明,启示与思考全国第二届中学英语优质课竞赛追记,《中小学外语教学》第 8 期,9-12页,1999

Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation

(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)6.1 The role of pronunciation6.2 The goal of teaching pronunciation6.3 Aspects of pronunciation6.4 Practising sounds6.5 Practising stress and intonation6.6 Conclusion






本章节阅读书目:1. 王桂珍,英语语音语调教程,北京:高等教育出版社,1996

2. 梁 仪,初中英语教学论,北京:教育科学出版社,1997

3. 束定芳、庄智象,现代外语教学——理论、实践与方法,上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1996

4. 张风桐,现代英语标准发音,成都:四川大学出版社, 2000

5. 扬忠等,国外英语教学流派及我国英语教学改革,长春:东北师范大学出版社,2000

6. Paul Davies,SUCCESS IN ENGLISH TEACHING,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002

Unit 7 Teaching Grammar

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)7.1 The role of grammar in language learning7.2 Grammar presentation 7.3 Grammar practice7.4 Conclusion






本章节阅读书目:1. Littlewood,Foreign and Second Language Learning,Cambridge,Cambridge

University Press,1984

2. Heikki Nyyssonen , “ Grammar and Lexis in Communicative

Competence",Guy Cook and Barbara Seidlhofer(eds.):Principles and Practice

in Applied Linguistics,Oxford,Oxford University Press,1995

3. 贾冠杰,《外语教育心理学》,广西教育出版社,1999年4. 黄和斌等,《外语教学理论与实践》,译林出版社,2001年5. 佟文柱:“中学英语语法教学刍议”,《中小学英语教学与研究》,2000年第 1 期

Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)8.1 Understanding vocabulary and vocabulary building 8.2 What does knowing a word involve?8.3 Ways of presenting vocabulary8.4 Ways of consolidating vocabulary8.5 Developing vocabulary learning strategies8.6 Conclusion






本章节阅读书目:1. 陈士法,“词汇选择标准浅析”,《国外外语教学》,1999年第 2 期2. 陆国强,《现代英语词汇学》,上海外语教育出版社,1996年版3. 赵 蔚,“阅读词汇教学:从理论到实践”,《国外外语教学》,1996年第

4 期4. 杭宝桐,《中学英语教学法》,华东师范大学出版社,1998

5. 王 萍,《英语词汇教学不应忽视》,基础教育外语教学研究, 2002,2

Unit 9 Teaching Listening

(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)9.1 Why does listening seem so difficult?9.2 What do we listen to in everyday life?9.3 Characteristics of the listening process9.4 Principles and models for teaching listening9.5 Pre-listening activities9.6 While-listening activities9.7 Post-listening activities9.8 Conclusion






本章节阅读书目:1. 刘毅,“我谈中学英语听力教学”,《中小学教学与研究》,1999,(12).

2. 刘克兰,《外语立体化教学法的原理与模式》,科学出版社,1999.

3. 黄源深,“英语教学听力策略”, 《外语电化教学》,1998,(3).Unit 10 Teaching Speaking

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)10.1 Differences between spoken and written language10.2 Principles for teaching speaking10.3 Designing speaking tasks10.4 Types of speaking tasks10.5 Organising speaking tasks10.6 Conclusion

重点:通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 正确认识“说”的能



难点 :如何设计课堂“说”的活动。

本章节阅读书目:1. Nunan, D. The questions teachers ask. JALT,1990,12(2).

2. Scollon,R.et al. Communication Between Cultures Second edition. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000

3. Ellis R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

4. 索绪尔,《普通语言学教程》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002,1

Unit 11 Teaching Reading

(面授 4 学时,自学 8 学时)11.1 Reflecting on your own reading experiences11.2 How do we read?11.3 What do we read?11.4 Strategies involved in reading comprehension11.5 The role of vocabulary in reading11.6 Principles and models for teaching reading11.7 Pre-reading activities11.8 While-reading activities11.9 Post-reading activities11.10 Conclusion



通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 正确认识“阅读”在日常生活和英语学习中的重要作用。让学生了解“阅读”过程的特点。 掌握阅读理解过程中策略和阅读教学中应遵循的原则和模式。大量阅读是提高英语整体水平的重要途径。



本章节阅读书目:1. William Grabe 等,Teaching and Researching Reading, 外语教学与研究出版社,2005

2. Sandra Silberstein,《阅读教学中的技巧与资源》,上海外语教育出版社,2002

3. Christine Nuttal, 《外语阅读技巧教学》,上海外语教育出版社,2002

4. Neil J. Anderson, 《第二语言阅读探索问题与对策》,外语教学与研究出版社,2004

Unit 12 Teaching Writing

(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)12.1 What, why and how do we write?12.2 A communicative approach to writing12.3 Problems in writing tasks12.4 A process approach to writing12.5 Motivating students to write12.6 Desiging writing tasks12.7 Using the Internet to promote process writing12.8 Conclusion


重点:通过对本单元的学习,掌握本单元的重点和难点 —— 正确认识“写”在日



本章节阅读书目:1. Badger , R. ,&White , G. A process genre approach to teaching writing.

ELT Journal,54(2),153-160. 2000

2. Graves,D.H. Balance the Basics:Let Them Write. Ford Foundation:New

York. 1978.

3. Teo , Peter. Process writing : peer evaluation revisited. REACT(Review of

Educational Research and Advances for Classroom Teachers). 1999.

4. Picas,A. Teaching English Writing. London:Macmillan. 1982.

5. Tribble,C. Writing. Oxford:Oxford University Press. 1996.

6. 胡春洞,王才仁主编,《英语写作论》, 1995年


教材名称:《英语教学法教程(第二版)》,王蔷主编,高等教育出版社,2006年 5月



1. 《英语教学法(上、下)》,顾曰国主编,外语教育与研究出版社2. 《语言课堂中的教与学》,Tricia Hedge著,上海外语教育出版社3. 《英语作为第二语言的课堂教学》,Helene Becker著,外语教育与研究出版社

4. 《外语教育学》,章兼中主编,浙江教育出版社5. 《怎样教英语》,Harmer.J 主编,外语教学与研究出版社6. Brown, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey:

Prentice Hal Regents. 1994

7. Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1986

8. Rod Ellis. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 2001



【课程编号】0811218【课程名称】《英语语言学概论》【总学时数】面授 20 学时,自学 40 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本



二、 教学原则和教学方法 课堂教学采取讲授、举例、讨论相结合,重在了解和掌握学科基本问题;锻炼辨证思维能力,努力开拓视野,为今后进行毕业论文撰写和从事研究性学习及教学打下一定的基础。此外,为确保教学质量,除课堂讨论外、还需安排一定量的课后练习和案例分析,以供自学。



本课程考试采取“闭卷”考试(占 70%),主要考查学生语言学的基本知识,测评学生的理解、判断、分析、综合等能力。平时成绩占 30% (出勤、课堂讨论及作业等)。四、教学内容、要点和课时安排第一章 什么语言学 What is Linguistics(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)

第一节、语言的定义 Definition of Language: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal

symbols used for human communication.

一、语言的社会属性 social aspect of language

二、语言的心理属性 psychological aspect of language

第二节、语言的本质属性 Design Features of Language

一、任意性 arbitrariness; This means that there is no logical connection between

meanings and sounds. A good example is the fact that different sounds are used for referring to the same object in different languages.

二、二重性 duality; Language is a system consisting of two sets of structures or

two levels. At the lower or the basic level there is a structure of sounds. At the higher level there are a number of units of meaning formed by combining the sounds. Either of the two levels exhibits its own principles and rules of organization and operation.

三、创造性 creativity; This means that we can create sentences we have never

heard before.

四、移位姓 displacement; Language can be used to refer to things which are

present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places.

五、文化传承性 cultural transmission; The details of any language system are

not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned.

第三节、语言的功能 Functions of Language

一、表信功能 informative function of language; language is primarily used to

convey information.


二、询问功能 interrogative; language can be used to get information from other


三、表情功能 expressive; language is used to express one’s feelings or attitudes.

四 、煽情功 能 evocative; language is used to cause some changes in the

sentiment of the hearer.

五、酬应 /寒暄功 能 phatic; language is used for the sake of interpersonal

relationships or for the establishment of good social atmosphere in which people can approach one another easily.

六、指示功能 directive; language is used to give directions or to cause some

changes in other people’s action.

七、施为功能 performative; language is finally used to perform acts in social


第四节、语言的起源 Origin of Language

一 、 关于语 言起源的传说和故事 legends and stories about the origin of

language: 1. 神 造 说 the Divine Theory based on the Bible;

2. 人造说 the Invention Theory

二、基于达尔文主义和马克思主义的演进论 theories of evolution based on

Darwinism and Marxism; one of the theories of evolution is yo-he-yo theory, which emphasizes the fact that language is evolved from the process of labour.

三、 语 言起源的 生 理 、心里与社会属性 biological,

psychological, social aspects of the origin of language

第五节 语言学的定义 Definition of Linguistics

一、科学定义 scientific definition: linguistics is the scientific study of language.

二、语言研究的原则 four principles guiding linguistic studies

1. 穷尽性原则 exhaustiveness; there should be no facts left undiscussed.

2. 一致性原则 consistency; there should be no contradiction.


3. 经济性原则 economy; ideas in linguistic research should be expressed by the

shortest statements with the fullest meaning.

4. 客观性 原 则 objectivity; In doing research on language, one should be

objective or let fact be themselves.

三、语言研究的过程 the process of linguistic study

1.搜集数据 collecting data

2.整理数据 arranging and classifying data

3.提出假设 making a hypothesis

4.验证假设 checking the hypothesis

5.得到结论 constructing a theory

第六节 语言学的范围 The Scope of Linguistics

一、语言结构 language structures

二、语言功能 language functions

三、语言变体 varieties of language

四、语言变化 language variation

五、语言之其它方面 other aspects of language

第七节 基本的概念区 Basic Distinctions in Linguistics



10) 语音学 Phonetics(面授 1 学时,自学 2 学时)第一节 什么是语音学?What is Phonetics?


第二节 发音器官 Organs of Speech

一、咽腔与声带二、口腔 oral cavity

1.双唇 lips

2.牙齿 teeth

3.齿龈 teeth ridge (alveolus)

4.硬腭Hard palate

5.软腭 soft palate(velum)

6.小舌 uvula

7.舌尖 tip of tongue

8.舌面 blade of tongue

9.舌后 back of tongue

三、鼻腔第三节 辅音与辅音描写 Consonants and the Description of Consonants

一、发音方式 manners of articulation


1.爆破2.摩擦3.塞擦4.流音5.音渡 glide: glides are sometimes called semivowels.

二、发音部位 places of articulation

1.双唇 bilabial

2.唇齿 labiodental

3.齿音 dental

4.齿龈 alveolar

5.硬腭 palatal

6.软腭 velar

7.声门 glottal

三、英语辅音描写 description of English consonants

第四节 元音 Vowels

一、舌位 the position of the highest part of the tongue in the oral cavity

1.前元音 front vowels

2.中元音 central vowels

3.后元音 back vowels

二、舌高 the height of the tongue

1.高元音 high vowels

2.央元音mid vowels


3.低元音 low vowels

三、唇形 the shape of the lips

1.圆唇 rounded vowels

2.展唇 unrounded/spread vowels

四、音长 the length of the vowel

1.长元音 long/tense vowels

2.短元音 short/lax vowels

五、英语元音描写 description of English vowels


2.双元音 diphthongs

第五节 国际音标字母表 International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)

一、国际音标字母表的形成 the formation of IPA

一、宽式标音 broad transcription;

二、严式标音 narrow transcription;

第三章 音位学 Phonology(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)第一节 音位学 Phonology

一、音位 学的 定义 definition of phonology: the study of speech sounds in a

specific or particular language.

二、音位学与语音学的关系 the relationship between phonology and phonetics

1.关联 interrelationship

2.普遍性与特定性(描写性)general & specific(descriptive)

第二节 音素、音位和音位变体 Phone, Phoneme and Allophones


一、音素 phone; it is an actual sound spoken in linguistic communication;

二、音位 phoneme: it is an abstract unit that is of distinctive value; it’s not a

sound that is produced, but a collection of distinctive features.

三、音位变体 allophones; they are the actual sounds of the same phoneme in

different phonetic contexts.

四、音位体系的怨言特定性 phonemes as a language-specific system

第三节 音位对立、互补分布和最小对立体 Phonemic Contrast, Complementary

Distribution, and Minimal Pair

一、音位对立 phonemic contrast

二、互补分布 complementary distribution

三、最小对立体 minimal pair

第四节 音位规则 Phonological Rules

一、序列规则 sequential rules

二、同化规则 assimilation rules

三、异化规则 dissimilation rules

四、删除规则 deletion rules

第五节 超音段特征 Suprasegmental Features

一、定义 definition of a suprasegmental feature; the phonemic features that occur

above the level of the segments are called suprasegmental features.

二、音重 stress

1.词重音word stress; a certain syllable is pronounced with greater force than the

other or others.

2.句重音 sentence stress; it refers to the relative force that is given to the words

in a sentence.

三、声调 tone


四、语调 intonation: when pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence

rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively called intonation.

1.语调概念的混合性 intonation as a collective notion

2.语调的区别价值 distinctive value of intonation

3.不同语言中的语调型 intonation types in different languages

4.英语语调的学习 the learning of English intonation

第四章 形态学 Morphology(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)第一节 概述General Description of Morphology

一、形态学的定义 definition of morphology: the study of the internal structure

of the word and the rules governing word formation.

二、形态学研究的历史 history of morphological studies

三、词的直觉知识 intuitive knowledge about words

1.发音 pronunciation

2.拼写 spelling

3.形义关系 the pairing of a form and its meaning(s)

4.词性 word class

5.词的语义属性 semantic properties of a word

第二 节 语 素 作 为 形态学 分 析 的 基 本单位 Morpheme as the Basic Unit of

Morphological Analysis

一、语素的定义 definition of morpheme: the smallest unit of meaning;

1.语素的不可再分性 morpheme as a unit which cannot be further divided

2.语素的意义性 morpheme as a meaningful unit

3.语素的直觉性 morpheme as an intuitive unit


二、语素的类型 types of morphemes

1.自由语素与粘着语素 free morphemes & bound morphemes;

2.词根与词缀 root & affix; a root is a part of a word;

3.派生词缀与屈折词缀 derivational affix & inflectional affix;

4.前缀、后缀与中缀 prefix, suffix and infix

三、形态规则 morphological rules

1.形态规则的定义 definition of morphological rules

2.形态规则的特定性 morphological rules as language-specific rules

3.形态规则习得的泛化 overgeneralization of morphological rules in language


第三节 构词方式 Ways of Word Formation

一、派生 derivation:

二、复合 compounding: the process:

第四节 英语复合词 English Compounds

一、英语复合词的类型 types of English compounds

1.n. + n. handbook, sunshine, bellyboy, ice-cream 2.adj. + n. highway, deadline, sweet heart3.v. + n. driveway, pickpocket4.n. + adj. world-famous, lifelong

5.v. + adv. follow-up, kick-off6.other forms: go-between, father-in-law, thank-you note

二、英语复合词的特点 features of English compounds

1.写法特点 orthographical features

2.语音特点 phonetic features

3.句法特点 syntactic features


4.语义特点 semantic features

第五章 句法学 Syntax(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)第一节 句法学的基本方面 Basic Aspects of Syntax

一、句法(学)的定义 definition of syntax

1.作为规则体系的句法 syntax as a system of rules

2.作为句法规则研究的句法学 syntax as the study of syntactic rules

二、句法研究的历史 history of syntactic studies

1.传统语法中的句法研究 syntax in traditional grammar

2.结构主义中的句法研究 syntax in structuralism

3.功能主义中的句法研究 syntax in functionalism

三、句法研究的基本方法 basic methods of syntactic analysis

1.内省 introspection

2.演绎 deduction

四、句法知识 syntactic knowledge

1.语法性 grammaticality

2.词序word order

第二节 句子结构 Syntactic Structures

一、句子的基本结构成分 basic elements of a sentence

1.主语 subject

2.谓语 predicate

3.结构主语与结构宾语 structural subject & structural object


二、直接成分 immediate constituents

三、线性结构 linear structure:

四、层级结构 hierarchical structure:

1.线性结构与层 级结构的差异 difference between linear structure and

hierarchical structure

2.层级结构存在的依据 evidence for the existence of the hierarchical structure

of the sentence

第三节 句子结构的描写 Description of Syntactic Structures

一、句子成分结构的树形图表示 tree diagram of constituent structure

二、句法范畴 syntactic categories

1.词汇范畴 lexical categories:

2.短语范畴 phrasal categories: NP, VP, AP, PP, IP, CP etc.

三、树形图与直接成分分析法之比较 comparison between the tree diagram and

IC analysis

第四节 生成句法 Generative Grammar

一、短语结构规则 phrase structure rules

1.生成句子的基本规则 the basic rule for the generation of a sentence: S→NP


2.生成名词短语的规则 the rule for generating NP: NP→…N…

3.生成动词短语的规则 the rule for generating VP: VP→…V…

4.生成形容词短语的规则 AP→the rule for generating AP: …A…

5.生成介词短语的规则 the rule for generating PP: PP→…P…

6.短语结构规则的优势与局限 strengths and weaknesses of phrase structure



二、转换规则 transformational rules

1.转换部分的必要性 necessity for the invention of the transformation part in the

Standard Theory

2.标准理论中的转换规则 specific rules in the Standard Theory

3.转换的优势与缺陷 strengths and weaknesses in transformation

三、词库 lexicon

1.定义 definition of lexicon; the lexicon is a full list of vocabulary items;

2.内容 contents in lexicon;

四、X阶标论 X-bar theory

1.定义 definition of the X-bar theory

2.目的 the aim of the X-bar theory

3.X阶标论的语言普遍性 linguistic universality of the X-bar theory

四、普遍语法概述 general description of an universal grammar

1.管辖与约束理论 Government and Binding Theory

2.最简方案Minimalist Program

第六章 语义学 Semantics(面授 3 学时,自学 6 学时)第一节 什么是语义学?What is Semantics?

一、语义学的概念 notion of semantics

1.定义 definition of semantics: the study of meaning;

2.范围 scope: lexical meaning, sentence meaning

二、历史上的意义理论 theories of meaning in history

1.命名论 the naming theory; it was proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato;


2.概念论 the conceptualist view:

3.情境论 the contextualist view:

4.行为主义的“意义”the behaviorist view on meaning:

第二节 意义的意义 Meanings of Meaning

一、概念意义 conceptual meaning:

二、内涵意义 connotative meaning:

三、社会意义 social meaning:

四 、情感意 义 affective meaning: what is communicated of the feelings or

attitudes of the speaker/writer;

五、反映意义 reflected meaning:

六、搭配意义 collocative meaning:

七、主题意义 thematic meaning:

第三节 词义和所指 Sense and Reference

一、词义 sense; sense is the inherent meaning of the linguistic form; it relates to

the complex system of relationships that hold between the linguistic elements themselves; it is concerned only with intra-linguistic relations.

二、所指 reference; reference is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world;

it relates a linguistic form/symbol to the outside world;

三、二者关系 interrelationship between sense and reference

1.词义的内在性与稳固性 the inherent and stable property of sense

2.所指的动态性 the dynamic property of reference

3.词义与所指的认知阐释 cognitive interpretation of sense and reference

第四节 意义关系 Sense Relations

一、同义关系 synonymy: sameness in meaning;


1.方言差别性同义词 dialectal synonyms

2.语体差别性同义词 stylistic synonyms

3.表情差别性同义词 emotive synonyms

4.搭配差别性同义词 collocative synonyms

5.语义差别性同义词 semantic synonyms

6.同义关系中的情境因素 context in determining synonymy

7.英语中的同义词 synonyms in English:

二、反义关系 antonymy: oppositeness in meaning;

1.互补反义 complementary antonomy; the denial of one member of the pair

implies the assertion of the other;

2.程度反义 gradable antonomy;

3.关系反义 relational antonomy;

三、上下义关系 hyponymy: inclusiveness in meaning;

1.上义词 superordinate: the word that is more general in meaning;

2.下义词 hyponym: the word that is more specific in meaning;

四、多义 polysemy

1.定义 definition: the same one word may have more than one meaning;

2.多义中的情境因素 context in polysemy

3.多义形成的认知阐释 cognitive interpretation of the formation of polysemy

五、同音/形异义 homonymy

1.同音异义 homophones: words identical in sound;

2.同形异义 homographs: words identical in spelling;


3.同音且同形异义 homonyms: words identical in both sound and spelling;

六、句际意义关系 sense relations between sentences

1.同义 X is synonymous with Y.

2.不一致X is inconsistent with Y.

3.蕴涵X entails Y. / Y is the entailment of X.

4.先设 X presupposes Y. / Y is the presupposition of X.

5.语义异常 X is semantically anomalous.

6.矛盾X itself is a contradiction.

第五节 语义分析 Semantic Analysis

一、成分分析法 componential analysis

1.对象 object:

2.操作 operation

3.优势和局限 strengths and weaknesses

二、述谓分析法 predication analysis

1.对象 object: for the analysis of sentence meaning;

2.操作 operation: predicate, arguments

3.优势和局限 strengths and weaknesses

第七章 语用学 Pragmatics(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)第一节 综述 A General Survey

一、什么是语用学?What is pragmatics?

1.定义 definition of pragmatics;


2.范围 scope;

二、语境 context

1.语言语境 linguistic context: the knowledge about the language;

2.情景语境 situational context: the knowledge about the world;

三、语用学、语义学和语法学 pragmatics, semantics and grammar

1.语用学与语义学 pragmatics & semantics;

2.语用学与语法学 pragmatics and grammar;

第二节 情境与指称 Context and Deixis

一、指称 deixis;

二、人的指称 person deixis

三、时间指称 time deixis

四、地点指称 place deixis

五、话语指称 discourse deixis

六、社会指称 social deixis

第三节 言语行为理论 Speech Act Theory

一、言语行为论的背景 background of speech act theory

1.言语行为论的产生 the invention of speech act theory;

2.言语行为论的发展 the development of speech act theory;

3.目标与基本理念 the aim and the basic notions of speech act theory;

二、言语行为论的内容 contents of speech act theory

1.言内行为 locutionary act;


2.言外行为 illocutionary act;

3.言后行为 perlocutionary act;

三、言外行为的类型1.阐述类 representatives;

2.指令类 directives;

3.承诺类 commissives;

4.表达类 expressives;

5.宣告类 declaration;

第四节 会话原则 Principle of Conversation

一、会话原则的背景 background of principle of conversation;

二、合作原则的细则 maxims of cooperative principle

1.质的准则 maxim of quality;

2.量的准则 maxim of quantity;

3.关系准则 maxim of relation;

4.方式准则 maxim of manner

三、会话涵义 conversational implicature

1.会话涵义的定义 definition of conversational implicature;

2.违反质的准则 violating the maxim of quality

3.违反量的准则 violating the maxim of quantity

4.违反关系准则 violating the maxim of relation

5.违反方式准则 violating the maxim of manner

第五节 礼貌原则 Politeness Principle


一、礼貌原则的基本理念 basic notion of politeness principle;

二、礼貌原则的分类 classification of politeness principle1.Tact Maxim

2.Generosity Maxim

3.Approbation Maxim

4.Modesty Maxim

5.Agreement Maxim

6.Sympathy Maxim

三、礼貌原则的特点 features of politeness principle1.Gradations



第八章 社会语言学 Sociolinguistics(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)第一节 绪论 Introduction to Sociolinguistics

一、什么是社会语言学?What is sociolinguistics?

二、社会语言学的范围及历史 the scope of sociolinguistics

1.研究范围 scope of sociolinguistics;

2.社会语言学研究的历史 history of sociolinguistics;

第二节 社会因素 Social Variables

第三节 社会语言学中的基本概念 Fundamental notions in sociolinguistics

一、高权威与低权威变体 high prestige and low prestige varieties;

二、社会网络 social network;

三、内部语言与外部语言 internal & external language;

四、阶级差异 differences according to class


1.社会方言 sociolect

2.语言使用的社会阶级差异 differences in language use in terms of social class

第四节 语言变体 Varieties of Language

一、语言变体简述 brief introduction to varieties of language

二、方言 dialects;

1.地域变体 regional dialects;

2.时间变体 temporal dialects;

3.社会变体 social dialects;

三、语体 styles

1.语体的含义 definition of style: degree of formality

2.语体的分类 classification of styles

3.篇章语体分析 stylistic analysis of the text;

四、语域 register

1.概念 definition of register

2.语言变体选择的决定因素 factors determining the variety of speech one uses

第九章 心理语言学 Psycholinguistics(面授 2 学时,自学 4 学时)

第一节 绪言 Introduction to Psycholinguistics

一、心理语言学的定义 definition of psycholinguistics;

二、心理语言学的边缘性 inter-disciplinary nature of psycholinguistics;

第二节 研究范围 Area of Study

一、语言学的相关领域 linguistics-related area


1.心理 语 言 学 中 的 语音学与音位 学 phonetics and phonology within


2.心理语言学中的形态学 morphology within psycholinguistics;

3.心理语言学中的句法学 syntax within psycholinguistics;

4.心理语言学中的语义学 semantics within psycholinguistics;

5.心理语言学中的语用学 pragmatics within psycholinguistics;

二、心理学的相关领域 psychology-related area

1. 关于词的辨认与阅读的研究 the study of word recognition and reading;

2.发展心理语言学 developmental psycholinguistics;

第三节 主要心理语言学理论 Major Theories

1.皮亚杰的相关理论 the theory of Jean Piaget

2.乔姆斯基的相关理论 the theory of Noam Chomsky

3.乔姆斯基理论的反叛 reactions to Chomsky’s theory

第四节 心理语言学的方法 Methodologies in Psycholinguistics

1.behavioral experiments2.brain surgery & non-invasive techniques3.computer modeling4.eye-tracking

第五节 中心问题 Central Issues in Psycholinguistics

一、语言习得 language acquisition

1.语言习得的临界期假说 the hypothesis of critical period;

2.天赋假说 the hypothesis of innateness;

3.语言习得的相关因素 factors relevant to language acquisition

4.语言习得的阶段 stages of language acquisition


二、语言感知 language perception;

三、语言产出 language production

第六节 神经语言学 Neurolinguistics

一、语言和大脑 language and brain

二、大脑侧向性与语言侧向性 brain lateralization & linguistic lateralization

三、语言中心 language centers

1.布罗卡区 Broca’s area

2.韦尼克区 Wernicke’s area

3.角形脑回 angular gyrus

第七节 第二语言习得 Second Language Acquisition

一、第二语言习得的发展 second language acquisition development

1.基本理论 foundational theories

2.创造性构建 creative construction

3.错误分析 error analysis

4.过渡语/语际语 interlanguage

5.语言迁移 language transfer

二、二语习得的理论模式 theoretical models of L2 acquisition

1.Krashen’s model

2.Cummin’s model3. The Prism model: language acquisition model for school

三、二语习得的学习者因素 learner characteristics influencing L2 acquisition

1.年龄 age

2.第一语言发展的程度 degree of first language development

3.课堂教学 formal instruction

4.态度与动机 attitude and motivation

5.性格 personality

6.学习方式 learning styles



教材名称:《新编简明英语语言学教程》 戴炜栋 上海外语教育出版社 2002

主要参考书:1.胡壮麟. Linguistics: A Course Book. 北京:北京大学出版社, 2001.

2. Raford, Andrew. Linguistics: An introduction. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 ,


3. 叶蜚声等. 《语言学纲要》. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 1997.


【课程名称】《综合英语(I)》【总学时数】面授 32 学时,自学 64 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本









2、课程教学的基本要求本课程以李观仪主编的《新编英语教程 III》为教材,通过课堂教学和大量的








态和构词法。掌握主语从句、同位语从句、倒装句和各种条件句。3.词汇通过综合英语课和其它途径,认知词汇达 4000-5500个(含二级要求的

词汇),正确而熟练地运用其中的 2500-3500个及其最基本的搭配。4.听力听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话;听懂中等难度的听力


15 分钟内听写根据已学知识编写而成或选用的录音材料(词数 180个左右,

念四遍,语速为每分钟 110个单词),错误率不超过 9%





正确观点评价思想内容。阅读速度为每分钟 110-130个单词,理解准确率不低

于 70%,能在 5 分钟内速读 800 词左右、中等难度的文章,理解中心大意,并

能讨论文章中出现的事实和细节。7.写作能根据作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等,在 30 分钟以内写出长度为 120-


书写出长度为 50-60个单词的便条和通知等应用文。8.翻译能独立完成课程中以及 workbook 中的各种翻译练习(主要为句子翻译),







三、成绩考核方法平时成绩:30%; 期末成绩:70%

平时考核:1. 出勤2. 课堂表现3. 作业

期末考核:120 分钟闭卷考试。



第一单元 Unit One

【课时安排】面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】

Background Knowledge --Teenagers and Part-time Jobs

1. Skimming Guidelines for skimming: Run the eyes over the text rapidly, read only the familiar words and phrases and

ignore the unfamiliar ones. Try to piece together the bits of information gathered

from the rapid reading sensibly so that the main idea is grasped.

Try to recognize the key words and phrases, i. e., words and phrases that are

closely related to the title of the text; and ignore the supporting details, i. e.,

anything that describes, explains, or develops the main idea.

Read only the first and the last sentence of each paragraph, for, as a rule, the gist

of a paragraph is found there. But, of course, there are always exceptions.

Read the first paragraph and the last paragraph of a text for the same reason as 3.

2. Pre-reading Discussion: Job Interview

What to wear for a job interview?

How to answer the questions?

What qualities are employers looking for?

3. Reading Activity:


New words and expressions

Sentence Structure: –ing participial phrases

The Development of Narration

Writing devices: simile, repetition, emphasis

4. Discussion: Do you think the boy accepted or refused the job finally? Justify your


5. Text analysis:

1. Writing skills: précis writing and description

A descriptive essay can be objective or subjective, giving the author a wide

choice of tone, diction and attitude. For instance, an objective description of

one's dog would mention such facts as height, weight, coloring and so forth. A

subjective description would include the above details, but would also stress

the author's feeling toward the dog, as well as its personality and habits.

The purpose of a purely descriptive essay is to involve the reader enough so he

or she can actually visualize the things being described. Therefore, it is

important to use specific and concrete details.

【要点】 Text I My First Job

1. The –ing participle phrase is used as an adverbial to denote cause or reason.

2. Description of a person

3. language points: land the job; slim chance; attach importance to; a crocodile

of; the last straw; etc.

Text II The Interview

Role Play

Sentences frames that might be used by an interview:

Can I have…?

Could you tell us …?


Have you any experience in …?

Do you know how to …?

How long …?

Interaction Activities

Making preparations for an Interview

Guided Writing

Narration and Description

Letter Writing—Heading and Salutation

第二单元 Unit Four

【课时安排】面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】Background Knowledge

1. Pre-reading Discussion:

How much do you know about William Shakespeare?

How is Shakespeare related to Stratford the place where he wrote most of

his plays?

Is the text about Shakespeare’s life and career? If so, what do you expect to

be told?

Is the text about Shakespeare’s personality? If so, what kind of person do

you expect Shakespeare to be?

Is the text about Shakespeare’s works? If so, which of Shakespeare’s plays

do you like to see commented on and analyzed?


2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

3. Discussion: What is the tone of this text, emotional, or emotionless? Justify

your answer.

4. Text analysis:

5. Writing skills: Narration in Chronological Order

【要点】 Text I A Man from Stratford—William Shakespeare

1. Narration in Chronological Order

2. Sentence structure: such…that; clause in apposition to a noun

3. language points: comfortably off; amount to; rather than; talk…into…; ever

since; etc.

Text II William Shakespeare

1. What was known about Shakespeare’s early schooling?

2. Why is the world grateful that Shakespeare left the town of his birth?

3. What are some of the best-known plays Shakespeare wrote in the early part of

the seventeenth century?

4. What curse was engraved on Shakespeare’s gravestone? Who was it that

wanted to have it engraved? Why did he want to have this done? What is the

writer’s comment on this curse?

Role Play

Theatre and Cinema

How to persuade?

Interaction Activities

The Best Play/Film I’ve seen

Guided Writing


Narration in Chronological Order

Letter Writing—Conclusion and Ending

第三单元 Unit Seven

【课时安排】面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】1. Pre-reading Discussion: Think about the following questions before you read the

text and make predictions about it.

Does the title of the text strike you as unusual? Would you be inclined not

to answer a telephone call at any time?

Does the title tell you what kind of writing the passage is, a narrative or an


What do you think is the writer’s intention in writing this article? Is he

commenting on some people’s unwillingness to answer the telephone or is

he himself giving some reasons for not answering the telephone?

Can you imagine some of the things the writer might mention in his article?

2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

3. Discussion: Have you been convinced by the author’s argument?

4. Text analysis:


1. Writing skills:

précis writing and argument

Arguing Can Be Fun

【要点】 Text I On Not Answering the Telephone

1. The use of infinitive in the past form; the use of have (something) + -ed


2. Argument

3. Sentence structure: so…as to + infinitive—so…that + clause

4. Language points: pose as; be engaged; draw conclusion from; show aptitude

for; etc.

Text II How to Cope with Your Telephone

1. When will one feel that one’s telephone is not a nice number?

2. Why do some people make early calls?

3. Who are most disturbed by persistent callers?

4. What information can a phone directory provide?

5. How does the Post Office monitor a person’s call? What must the telephone

subscriber do to get this service?

6. Is it convenient for a telephone subscriber to go ex-directory? Would you

like to go ex-directory if you had a phone at home?

Role Play

A Wrong-numbered Call

How to make a telephone call?

Interaction Activities

Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Phone at Home

Guided Writing


Letter Writing—Making an Offer


第四单元 Unit Nine

【课时安排】 面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】Background Knowledge

1. Pre-reading Discussion:

Have you ever seen a boxing match in a film or on TV? If so, what do you

think of this form of sports?

What do you think the boxing fans like to see?

What are the possible causes of the death of a prizefighter during a boxing

match? His own health? His opponent? His assistant? His lack of skill? The


To write an argument is to make a point accepted, willingly without

enforcement. Try to find different argumentative methods employed in this

article, which you think is special and effective.

2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

Writing device: journalistic style

3. Discussion:

Does the author make his argument clear in the concluding paragraph?

Who killed Benny Paret?


4. Text analysis:

5. Writing skills: argument

In this kind of essay, we not only give information but also present an

argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of an

argumentative issue. We should clearly take our stand and write as if we are

trying to persuade an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. The

primary objective is to persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do

not want to change.

【要点】 Text I Who Killed Benny Paret?

1. Sentence structure: the use of must/should(not)/could not+ have+-ed

participle; a normal clause introduced by when or where

2. Boxing terms: arena, bout, canvas, dance, dodge, etc

3. Language points: all the way from…to…; wind up; look into; poleaxe

impace; etc.

Text II A Piece of Steak

Background Knowledge: Introduction to Jack London

1. Where did the story take place? (in Australia)

2. What feature or features of Tom king tell people that he was a prizefighter?

3. Describe Tom King’s personality.

4. Why did tradesmen no longer agree to let Tom King buy anything on credit?

5. What did Tom King do to support his family between fights?

6. What do you think were the causes of Tom King’s defeat?

Role Play

What Do People Come Out to See in a Boxing Match?

How to clarify?

Interaction Activities

On Sports


Guided Writing


Letter Writing—Borrowing a Book

第五单元 Unit Eleven

【课时安排】面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】Background Knowledge

In 1786 Nandi gave birth to Shaka. His father was at that time Zulu king. At an

early age Shaka’s father drove him and his mother into exile. They took refuge with a

rival tribe and endured in the rival tribe. He was six feet three inches tall (228.6cm),

muscular. Apart from being very intelligent, he was an athletic man. He came first in

everything he did. He was a man of fixed principles, who never abandoned anything

until it was completed.

At the age of 26 Shaka’s father died and he became king of the Zulu. His main

objective on ascending the throne was to unite the people under one strong king.

1. Pre-reading Discussion:

Can you describe the appearance and qualities a chieftain, head of a tribe, could


Explain the following orally:

on a carpet of jungle thorns

Shaka was inhuman, perhaps, but he built up a formidable army in a very

short time.

Nandi was the one person for whom Shaka felt deep affection.


… and punish all those who had failed to be present at the funeral.

… all women who were found with child.

… all taste has gone out of my life.

After two months of intensive mourning over Nandi’s death, the country

was in a desperate state.

Total ruin now faced the Zulu nation…

What will you reign over?

“pull yourself together”

2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

Writing device: parallelism

3. Discussion: Can a political or military leader be sentimental?

4. Text analysis:

5. Writing skills: argument --Organization

All argumentative topics have PROs and CONs. Before starting writing, it is imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among them for supporting and refuting.There are three possible organization patterns:

Pattern 1: Thesis statement:

PRO idea 1PRO idea 2CON(s) + Refutation(s)


Pattern 2:Thesis statement:

CON(s) + Refutation(s)PRO idea 1PRO idea 2



Pattern 3:Thesis statement:

CON idea 1 -----> RefutationCON idea 2 -----> RefutationCON idea 3 -----> Refutation

【要点】 Text I Shaka—King of the Zulus

1. Sentence structure: Inversion in the clause of unreal conditions; an adverbial

in the front-position with only for emphasis; sentences in inverted order

2. The use of full negation and double negation

3. Language points: as it was; seize the throne; feel deep affection for; staple

diet; pull oneself together; take a grip on; etc.

Text II The Stamping of the Thorns

1. How do you understand the saying “It is the master’s eye which makes the

cow grow fat”?

2. What do you think are the virtues of the short, heavy stabbing spear

compared with the old light one?

3. Why did Shaka order his soldiers not to wear their sandals?

4. Do you think Shaka was cruel to his soldiers? Why or why not?

Role Play

The Courageous Gala

How to explain and justify?

Interaction Activities

What I Think of Shaka

Guided Writing

Parts of Composition

Letter Writing—Apologizing for Carelessness


第六单元 Unit Twelve

【课时安排】面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】

1. Pre-reading Discussion Topic: The Most Impressive Winter I Have Ever


2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

Writing device: metaphor, personification, irony

3. Discussion: What is the dominant impression the description in this story

leaves on you?

4. Writing skills: description; organizing the ideas

Strategies of Writing Descriptive essays

Be subtle. Try giving all the details first; the dominant impression then is built

from these details. (Think of a jig-saw puzzle here.)

Be consistent. Check your details to be sure that they are consistent with the

dominant impression.

Be systematic. Move your reader through space and time in an orderly

(chronological) fashion. Move spatially in a recognizable pattern, such as from

front to back, beginning to end, left to right, start to destination.

Be aware of change. Everything changes. That might be the only consistent

reality of life. Use change as the controlling idea in your selection of images

and details.

Be emotional. Remember that Aristotle, for good reason, taught us that there

are three avenues by which we can persuade the reader, including the heart.


Use your emotional response to your topic to guide your selection of details.

Choose an emotion to be a dominant theme in your description. Organize and

select details around that dominant emotion.

【要点】 Text I A Winter to Remember

1. Sentence structure: non-restrictive relative clause: which, of course, was a

great comfort

2. The use of dash: a sudden change of ideas; to give some explanation

3. Language points: in living memory; on and off; set in; go on strike; to make

matters worse; be sold out; all the way; set about; be devoted to; etc.

Text II January Wind

1. What is the most striking feature of this passage?

2. How do you like this short descriptive passage?

3. Cite the sentences that appeal to you most and give your reasons.

Role Play

My Favorite Season

How to express preferences?

Interaction Activities

Which Passage Appeals to Me More

Guided Writing

Composition Writing—Organizing the Ideas

Letter Writing— Making an Offer

第七单元 Unit Thirteen


【课时安排】 面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】Background Knowledge

1. This part establishes a cozy and favorable atmosphere in the classroom as well in

the students’ minds about this special western holiday. However, it contrasts clearly

with the little boy’s cold and hopeless Christmas Eve.

2. Brief introduction about the author

Floyd Dell was born on 28th June, 1887 in Pike County, Missouri. His father,

Anthony Dell, found it difficult to find regular work and the family experienced a

great deal of poverty.

Floyd Dell was born in Pike County, Missouri, in a poor family. He had to leave

school early and work in a factory. Influenced early by William Morris and Frank

Norris, Dell joined the Socialist Party at 16. He later worked as a newspaperman, first

as a reporter for the Davenport Times, then as Editor of the Friday Literary Review.

He firmly believed that literature could help bring about social reform. In 1914 he

moved to New York and worked with Max Eastman in editing the radical journal The


Homecoming, an autobiography taking him to his 35th year, was published in


1. Pre-reading Discussion:

How do you know about Christmas?

What do Christmas mean to you?

The writer skillfully selects a chain of events for the story to let the reader

gradually draw a conclusion that the boy is living in poverty. Each event

seems insignificant by itself, but taken together the events produce a strong

effect on the mind of the reader. Find such events while we are appreciating

the text.


Through the incidents narrated by the author, the characters of his father,

mother and himself are gradually made clear in front of us. Try to definite

them. (Three different reactions to poverty)

Father: optimistic caring

Mother: escapistChild: naïve—mature, considerate

2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

Writing device: metaphor, parallelism

3. Discussion: What is the dominant impression the description in this story

leaves on you?

4. Text analysis

This story is about how a little boy, who at first had no idea what poverty meant,

gradually begins to realize that his family is very poor, how he comes to

understand the social and psychological consequences of such a state, and how

he grows mature in mind, as it were. The scene of the story is set in the boy’s

home at Christmas during the hard times.

5. Writing skills: description of psychological activities; narration

The descriptive essay relies on concrete, sensory detail to communicate its

point. Remember, we have five senses, not one or two.

The author of a descriptive essay must carefully select details to support the

dominant impression. In other words, the author has the license to omit

details which are incongruent with the dominant impression unless the

dominant impression is one which points out the discrepancies.


Description very often relies on emotion to convey its point. Because of

this, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives convey more to the reader than do


Unless the description is objective, you must be sure that the dominant

impression conveys an attitude.

【要点】 Text I Christmas

1. Sentence structure: The use of –ing participle as an adverbial of

accompanying circumstances; the use of –ed participle/ -ing participle /

adjective phrase as a nominative absolute.

2. Expressions and sayings related to poverty

3. Language points: hard times; press against; coop up; shrivel up; etc.

Text II Family Christmas

Background Knowledge: Introduction to Charles Dickens

1. Where had Bob and Tiny Tim gone?

2. Describe Bob Cratchit’s apprearance.

3. Does the fact that they were poor make the Cratchits unhappy? Give facts to

prove your point.

Role Play

Pre-party Nerves

How to express worries about something?

Interaction Activities

A Chain Story

Guided Writing


Letter Writing—Reporting Some News


第八单元 Unit Fourteen

【课时安排】面授 4 课时,自学 8 课时【教学内容】Background Knowledge

O. Henry was the pseudonym of the American writer William Sydney Porter

(September 11, 1862 – June 5, 1910). O. Henry's short stories are well known for their

wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings.

O. Henry's stories are famous for their surprise endings, to the point that such an

ending is often referred to as an "O. Henry ending." He was called the American

answer to Guy de Maupassant. Both authors wrote twist endings, but O. Henry stories

were much more playful and optimistic. His stories are also well known for witty

narration. Most of O. Henry's stories are set in his own time, the early years of the

20th century. Many take place in New York City and deal for the most part with

ordinary people: clerks, policemen, waitresses.

1. Pre-reading Discussion:

Suppose you are now given a bit of information—the text is a short story. What

can the story be about? “After Twenty Years” is a title that may suggest some

event that takes place twenty years after some other event. What could two such

events be? What do you anticipate? Write down two possibilities.

2. Reading Activity:

New words and expressions

Sentence Structure

Five sections of a short story


O. Henry’s Writing Style

3. Discussion:

If you were Jimmy, what would you do?

What have you learnt from the story?

4. Text analysis:

“After Twenty Years” is a short story written by O. Henry. First of all, a few

words about the literary form “the short story”: limited length, few characters

(generally one or two), one event focused, short-time period, suspense and

dramatic effect achieved.

Five sections:

1. The setting.

2. The generating circumstance

3. The rising action

4. The climax

5. The denouement

The plot is developed mainly through the dialogue.

The characters are characterized through dialogue, action and interaction.

4. Writing skills: précis writing and narration

【要点】 Text I After Twenty Years

1. Sentence structure: Change the relative clause into an –ing or an –ed

participle phrase; the use with + object + prepositional phrase; the use with +

object + -ed participle / -ing participle; the use of adjective / -ed participle /-

ing participle + with + abject.

2. Colloquial speech

3. Language points: make one’s fortune; bustle about; sure as fate; gaze upon;


Text II Detectives’ Lives—Fact and Fantasy


1. Before you read this passage, what is the image of a detective in your mind?

2. What kind of crimes do real policemen deal with daily?

3. When does a real policeman actually start to work? What is the difference

between a real policeman and one on TV on this point?

4. What makes the policemen cynical?

Role Play

A Mysterious Intruder

How to express upset and how to cheer?

Interaction Activities

Who is the man?

Guided Writing


Letter Writing—Making a Suggestion

五、课程使用教材和主要参考书【使用教材】李观仪:《新编英语教程 3》学生用书,练习册,教师用书,上海外语教育

出版社,2008年 8月,修订版【参考书目】1. Jonathan Crowther, Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English, 外语

教育与研究出版社, 2003 年 7 月,第一版


2. Summers, D. 朗文当代英语大辞典(英英 · 英汉双解), 商务印书馆, 2004

年 6 月,第一版3. 陈鑫源:《英语口语辞典》,上海外语教育出版社, 1997 年 5 月 ,第二版4. 李鑫华:《英语修辞格详论》,上海外语教育出版社, 2000 年 8 月,第一版5. 章振邦:《新编英语语法教程》,上海外语教育与研究出版社, 20 03年 12 月




【课程编号】0811204【课程名称】《综合英语(II)》【总学时数】面授 32 学时,自学 96 学时【适用范围】函授、专科或专升本




本课程的基本要求主要体现在以下几个方面:在语音方面要求掌握朗读和说话的节奏感,掌握语流中的语音变化规律、连读、辅音爆破和语音同化的技巧以及陈述句、疑问句和祈使句的语调。词汇方面要求词汇量达到 3000-4000 词并能正确而熟练地使用其中的 1500-2000 词及其最基本的搭配。在听力方面要求听懂英语国家人士所作的难度不超过所学语言知识的讲座,掌握中心大意,理解主要的内容,并能辨别说话人的态度和语气。在口语方面要求能就所听到的语段进行问答和复述;能就日常生活话题进行交谈。具备相应的阅读能力,阅读速度约每分钟 60-100 词。能在 30 分钟内写出长度为 100-120个单词的短文,内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。能独立完成课程中的各种翻译练习,要求理解准确、语言通顺。同时,增强学生的文化意识熟悉英语国家的一些基本的人文常识。






要手段,必须规范、严格。首先,考题的设计不能随意、草率。考题的设计要涵盖学员必须掌握的主要知识,突出重点。考题要有一定的难度,如果过易,会使学员产生随便学一学、看看书就能过关的偷懒心理,不利于调动他们的学习积极性其次,考风也是一个不容忽视的问题。监考人员必须严格考纪、尽职尽责,杜绝一切作弊行为。另外,为了保障学员的到堂听课率,加大了出勤作为平时成绩的一部分在总成绩中所占的比重,考核采用闭卷考试与平时成绩相结合的形式,具体考核办法为:学期总成绩 = 平时成绩 30% + 期末成绩 70%。


(《新编英语教程 4》Unit 1)

【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Word formation: Noun – Verb – Adjective – Adverb


2. Communicative function: a) at the bank; b) to ask for and give information / permission

3. Writing Skills: expansion of ideas; narration

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Expansion of ideas; Narration

【正文】Text I:This Year It’s Going to Be Different

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) Hippies:(2) Pop Music:二、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: resolution; spontaneous; affection; compliment; ease; zest; rapport; contribute; swear; snarl; deserve; accomplish

(2). Phrases: be blessed with; sneak up on; wander off; strike up; touch on; throw in the sponge; take over; have the nerve (to do sth.); in a … mood; let sth. / sb. Alone

(3). Structure: I can / could hardly / barely / scarcely do sth.

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

Role-play:Asking about Bank Accounts

第二单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 2)

【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Various responses to different sentences2. Communicative function: a) to make suggestions and indicate expectations;

b) to show appreciation; c) to show direction or position3. Writing Skills: expansion of ideas; exposition


【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Expansion of ideas; Exposition

【正文】Text I A:Englishes

一 A、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) Encyclopedia Britannica:The best encyclopedia ever written was published over 90 years ago! This 1911 encyclopedia is filled with historical information that is still relevant today. It fills 29 volumes and contains over 44 million words. The articles are written by more than 1500 authors within their various fields of expertise. As a research tool, this 1911 encyclopedia edition is unparallel even today.

二 A、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: suppler; consistently; haphazard; gracious; yardstick; condemn; flatly; apprehend

(2). Phrases: tire of; nothing but(3). Structure: sth. / sb. is no more … than …

三 A、课文分析(Text Analysis)

This is a very short piece of exposition. The writer tells us that we must know how to work not just with one English but with many Englishes. We must know various types of English to suit different purposes. The writer stresses that formal use is no more or less correct than informal use, only more or less appropriate. Each of the different levels of use can be considered good English if it is used appropriately. When deliberately used, language can have a humorous effect, as the text shows.

Text I B: Stop Being Coy

一 B、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) Euphemism:According to Henry Watson, well-known English lexicographer, a euphemism is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh or blunt one. The word is derived from a Greek word meaning “to speak favorably”. Euphemism is a phenomenon in sociolinguistics, which is widely used in English.

二 B、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: officialdom; immortal; squeamish; bloody-minded; rump; uncouth; gross; dole

(2). Phrases: turn out; pass away; in a … fashion; do away with; (3). Structure: These more robust euphemisms may, for all I care, stay.


三 B、课文分析(Text Analysis)

This is a short, forceful piece of argumentative writing to show that the writer is strongly against the use of euphemisms. The passage can be divided into three parts.

1) Introduction: The writer directly tells us what euphemisms are by making a comparison between phrases in ordinary usage and euphemisms.

2) Body: The writer sets forth his arguments:Euphemisms are overly squeamish and affected. This argument is supported by

the use of clichés.Some euphemisms are sufficiently offbeat to be funny.Understatement is another form of euphemism.Euphemisms must be got rid of, except some robust ones.3) ConclusionEuphemisms quickly acquire the “unpleasantness” associated with the words

they replace.

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

1. Role-play:Showing an American Tourist Round the City

2. Discussion: The Differences Between British English and American English

第三单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 4)

【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Phrases containing the verb make2. Communicative function: a) to express preference; b) to express persuasion;

c) to give advice3. Writing Skills: comparison, simile, and metaphor; argumentaion

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique--- Comparison, simile, and

metaphor; Argumentation

【正文】Text I:Writing between the Lines

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)


(1) Paradise Lost: (1667) is an epic poem by the 17th century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books and written in blank verse. A second edition followed in 1674, redivided into twelve books (mimicking the division of Vergil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification. The poem concerns the Christian story of the rise of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

(2) Rembrandt: Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (July 15, 1606 – October 4, 1669) is generally considered one of the greatest painters in European art history and the most important in Dutch history. Rembrandt was also a proficient printmaker and made many drawings. His contributions to art came in a period that historians call the Dutch Golden Age (roughly equivalent to the 17th century), in which Dutch culture, science, commerce, world power and political influence reached their pinnacles.

二、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: contend; blunt; mutilation; prelude; restrain; unblemished; indispensable; integral; resume; presumably

(2). Phrases: in the course of; be not likely to; mark up; in the most important sense; so to speak; confuse with; glide across; set down; pick up; leave off; on the receiving end; consist in

(3). Structure: I’d no more … than …; A book is more like … than …

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

This is a typical piece of argumentation. The writer makes his intention clear at the very beginning: to argue that writing between the lines is an efficient way of reading.

There are several methods that the writer uses to make his argument convincing:

1. His argument is effective because he makes clear from the very beginning what is to be proved and he handles the argument by trying to convince the reader why he should write between the lines. It attracts the reader’s attention and interest and draws him into the essay immediately.

2. The writer uses the inductive approach in his essay – that’s to say he argues from facts. He groups facts and examples together, along with personal opinions, specific illustrations, similes; and appeals to common knowledge. These groupings are, however, not forced, but sound natural enough to be readily accepted.

3. Internal linkage within a paragraph is made by connecting words, and some sentences are closely tied to what precedes them.

4. This essay is informal in tone. Generic you is used throughout and the connectives but and and are frequently used to begin sentences. The vocabulary is simple and the length and structure of sentences do not vary much. In this way, a sense of evenness is achieved.


5. The writer also makes full use of the rhetorical device of “question and answer” to begin a paragraph. The writer poses his paragraph subject by asking the reader a question and then develops the subject by answering the question himself.

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

Role-play:Buying a Dictionary

第四单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 6)

【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Phrases containing the verb take2. Communicative function: to show disagreement3. Writing Skills: expansion of words; exposition

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Expansion of words

【正文】Text I:Predators, Parasites and other Relationships

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) Dr. George Schaller: George Beals Schaller (born 1933 Berlin, Germany) is a mammologist, naturalist, conservationist and author, and is recognized by many as world's preeminent field biologist, studying wildlife throughout Africa, Asia and South America. Growing up in Germany, Schaller moved to Missouri as a teen. He is now the director for science for the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society.

(2) Jonathan Swift: Jonathan Swift (November 30, 1667 – October 19, 1745) was an Anglo-Irish writer who is famous for works like Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal, and A Tale of a Tub. Swift is probably the foremost prose satirist in the English language, although he is also well known for his poetry and essays.

(3) Central Park: Central Park is a large urban public park (843 acres or 3.41 km²; a rectangle 2.5 miles by one-half mile, or 4 km × 800 m) in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. An oasis for Manhattanites escaping from their skyscrapers, Central Park's appearance in many movies and television shows has made it one of the world's most famous city parks.

二、语言点(Language Points)


(1). Words: prey; array; acute; formidable; capture; reverse; passage; importation; eliminate; cling; colony; trap

(2). Phrases: bring sth. to one’s mind; wipe out; have an easy time of it; at will; make attempt to do sth.; be safe from; be free of; take to; crowd out; do with; warn sb. of sth.

(3). Structure: As is true with most predators …

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

A piece of expository writing on ecology in our world, explaining how living things, like predators and their prey, and parasites and their hosts, affect each other in many ways.

Exposition is one of the basic forms of communication. It means explanation or putting across some information or ideas. Its primary function is not to tell a story or relate a happening, although it often uses narration or description as one of its associated techniques. Nor is its primary function to create vivid pictures for the reader. Rather, it explains something logically, and show relationships.

The writer used the following approaches in this text:He supports a generalization with a specific case, an abstraction with a concrete

instance. He uses the common method of illustrating an idea by examples. He develops his material by offering real-life, well developed examples with full background information and descriptive details, all of which help to clarify his generalizations.

The text is a typical example of expository writing on a scientific subject. The language is formal, with comparatively long sentences and moderately complex sentence structures. The vocabulary includes several scientific terms and explanations of these. The writing is also characterized by objective treatment and logical reasoning.

As what is usual in an expository writing, to avoid confusion and boredom and to capture and retain the interest and attention of the reader, the writer uses the following techniques:

1. Supplying definitions for the technical terms2. Quoting directly from famous biologists to give authority to what he wants to

express3. Citing an example of poetic exaggeration by Jonathan Swift

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

Role-play:For or Against?

第五单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 9)


【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Rhetorical devices: metaphor Vs simile2.Communicative function: a) to ask a favor; b)to show one’s readiness to grant

a favor; c) to decline to do a favor; d) to express satisfaction; e)to express disappointment

3. Writing skills: expansion of verbs; narration and description

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Expansion of verbs; Narration and


【正文】Text I:The Pearl

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) John Steinbeck: John Ernst Steinbeck III (February 27, 1902 – December 20, 1968) was one of the most famous American writers of the 20th century. A winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, he is best known for his novella Of Mice and Men (1937) and his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939), both of which examine the lives of the working class during the Great Depression. He is known for his realistic studies of life among the exploited classes of the United States, especially the migrant farm laborers of California.

(2) The Grapes of Wrath: The Grapes of Wrath is a work of fiction written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. It is the saga of a farming family, refugees from Oklahoma “dust bowl” who struggle vainly against the inequitable conditions of California they once regarded as their “promised land”. The novel won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940 and it is frequently read in American high school and college literature classes. A celebrated Hollywood film version was made in 1940, starring Henry Fonda and directed by John Ford.

二、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: stern and judicious; semblance of competition; scheme; giggle; essence; swell and puff; residue; etc.

(2). Phrases: can (not) afford to; in despair; play with; take one’s place; all manner of; stir up; etc.

(3). Structure: a town is like… (Simile); the news swept on past the brush house…, the essence of pearl mixed with..., etc. (Metaphor)

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

This excerpt is a good example of creativity in writing. It describes the psychology of various kinds of people just before Kino, a poor fisherman, goes to the


town to sell the Pearl of the World, which he has found in the sea. The writer, through his excellent use of language, sets the scene for Kino’s arrival in town and the reader is likely to anticipate with interest the meeting between him and the pearl buyers.

Then, what are the factors that contribute to such vivid and immediate description, which leaves the reader with a profound impression of the town, its people and the forces at work in it?

1. His close contact with and awareness of different types of people. 2. His thorough and profound understanding of “human nature”.3. His keen power of observation and active imagination.4. His effective use of language.

1) He used similes and metaphors. Both of them are figures of speech. They are stylistic devices in writing which allow one thing to be described in terms of another. They can thus not only make writing more vivid, they may help the writer to achieve clarity of meaning as well. They can make the abstract concrete; the elusive comprehensible, and the unfamiliar familiar.

A simile makes a brief, explicit and direct comparison between two unlike things, usually brought together by the words like or as.

A metaphor is an implied, indirect comparison between two things again seemingly quite different; but the wording identifies the two items with each other.

2) The telling use of parallelism. By using parallel constructions, the writer achieves emphasis and economy of words.

3) The effective use of abstract and concrete words. The writer uses general and abstract words largely to convey thoughts and ideas, and concrete words largely to suggest sensations and emotions, and to evoke a sense of identification in the reader.

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

1. Role-play:Borrowing a Book

2. Discussion: Snobbishness in Human Relationships

第六单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 10)

【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Techniques in expository writing2. Communicative function: a) to apologize with explanation; b) to accept an



3. Writing skills: expansion of the sentence base; exposition

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Expansion of the sentence base

【正文】Text I:From Composer to Interpreter to Listener

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) Classical Music: Classical music is generally thought of as sophisticated and refined; it may stem from a regional tradition, but aspires to universal form of communication. Classical music is sometimes defined as music produced in, or rooted in the traditions of art, ecclesiastical, and concert music. Classical music is contrasted with popular or folk music.

(2) Aaron Copland: Aaron Copland (November 14 1900 – December 2 1990) was an American composer of concert and film music. Instrumental in forging a uniquely American style of composition, he was widely known as "the dean of American composers." Copland's music achieved a difficult balance between modern music and American folk styles, and the open, slowly changing harmonies of many of his works are said to evoke the vast American landscape. He incorporated percussive orchestration, changing meter, polyrhythms, polychords and tone rows. Outside of composing, Copland often served as a teacher and lecturer. During his career he also wrote books and articles, and served as a conductor, most frequently for his own works.

二、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: embody; framework; epoch; assimilate; derive; insufficient; conventional; conservative; professional;

(2). Phrases: refer to; correspond to; distinguish between; leave no room for; etc

(3). Structure: not so much…as…--not …but rather…

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

This is an expository piece of writing, dealing with the relationship between the composer, interpreter and listener, and the different role each plays in a musical experience.

Exposition is usually formal and academic; this essay is no exception. Its style is typical of formal English. It is directed at a fairly well-educated audience but one that is not as well-informed as the writer on the subject. The vocabulary the writer employs is wide-ranging and fairly demanding. The text as a whole is carefully organized with much attention given to clear and thorough development of ideas, which in this essay, results in very complex sentence structures.

The sentences are mostly long and complex. The paragraphs are also mostly long, and well-developed. The tone is not particularly entertaining, but rather


informative and authoritative. In order to avoid monotony, the author employs the following techniques:

1. He poses a challenging question a the beginning of the essay2. He uses a short but vivid contrast to emphasize his point3. He employs variety in the length and complexity of his sentences to help

sustain the reader’ interest. The relatively long and complex sentences are relieved by shorter and simpler sentences.

4. He uses semicolons in preference to and between independent clauses.5. He quotes from Virgil Thomson’s “bon mot” to support his own views6. Instead of writing in a quai-objective, third person voice, he uses we and

addresses the reader as you to help him or her feel involved in the text.7. He makes good use of parallelism structures in the text for emphasis.

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

1. Role-play:What a Pity!

2. Group work: Music I Like and Dislike

第七单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 11)

【课时安排】面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学

【教学目的】 1. Persuasive writing2. Communicative function: a) to show anger; b) to show despair3. Writing skills: normal and inverted order of sentences (1); story-telling

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Normal and inverted order of

sentences; Story-telling

【正文】Text I:A Friend in Need

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) Somerset Maugham: William Somerset Maugham (January 25 1874 Paris, France – December 16 1965 Nice, France) was an English playwright, novelist, and short story writer, reputedly the highest paid author of the 1930s.

He was born to English parents living in France, who arranged in advance for their child's birth to occur at the British embassy in Paris, so that it would be technically true - as a legal nicety, despite geography - that he was born in Britain.


Despite his origins, he spoke only French until he was orphaned at eleven and was sent to live with his surviving family in Whitstable, England - he became a pupil at the King's School, Canterbury. Maugham wrote comedies, psychological novels and spy stories (although the latter part of his work is hardly ever seen as belonging to crime fiction proper).

二、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: kindliness; benign; lounge; restful; remittance; chuckle; insane; beacon; etc.

(2). Phrases: in accordance with; tell with point; catch sight of; give sb. credit; drive at; etc. (3). Structure: Modal auxiliaries + have + -ed participle

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

This text is a piece of persuasive writing. Maugham uses narration –a story within a story – as his technique to convince the reader of his point of view, that first impression of a person are more often wrong than right.

In order to achieve his purpose, Maugham uses different methods:1. The narrative employed in this piece of writing is not in the usual

chronological order but flashback is used.2. The writer succeeds in choosing details that are relevant to his purpose and

the effect he wants to create.3. Maugham keeps the narrative moving forward through dialogue. The

conversation is natural-sounding yet always pertinent to the writer’s point.4. Maugham uses a narrator who speaks in the first person to tell the story –

and to express what may well also be Maugham’s own point of view. 5. The writer makes use of what turns out to be an ironic title. On reading the

title, the reader expects to find someone who remains true and faithful to a friend despite the friend’s difficulty – but the outcome turns out to be quite the contrary.

The writer’s use of narration is successful because he keeps his purpose and audience in mind and has a trick up his sleeve. The surprising memorable ending – a not untypical characteristic of a good short story – demonstrates the writer’s original point admirably and significantly.

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

Group Work:Comparing Jimmy Wells in “After Twenty Years” with Edward

Hyde Burton in “A Friend in Need”

第八单元 (《新编英语教程 4》Unit 15)


面授 4 学时,自学 12 学时,其中一、二、三、四部分面授,五、六部分自学【教学目的】

1. How to make an impact public speech2. Communicative function: a) to express personal preference; b) to inquire

about agreement or disagreement; c) to make comparison; d) to express appreciation or reservation

3. Writing skills: improving your sentences (3); persuasion and narration

【重点难点】 Communicative function; Writing technique---Improving your sentences (3);

Persuasion and narration

【正文】Text I:Gettysburg Address

一、文化背景 (Cultural Background)

(1) American Civil War: The American Civil War (1861–1865) was fought in North America within the United States of America, between twenty-three mostly northern states of the Union and the Confederate States of America, a coalition of eleven southern states that declared their independence and claimed the right of secession from the Union in 1860–1861. The war produced over 970,000 casualties (3.09% of population), including approximately 560,000 deaths (1.78%), a loss of more American lives than any other conflict in history. The causes of the war, and even the name of the war itself, are still debated

(2) Abraham Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865), sometimes called Abe Lincoln and nicknamed Honest Abe, the Rail Splitter, and the Great Emancipator, was the 16th President of the United States (1861 to 1865), and the first president from the Republican Party.

Lincoln staunchly opposed the expansion of slavery into federal territories, and his victory in the 1860 presidential election further polarized an already divided nation. Before his inauguration in March of 1861, seven southern slave states seceded1 from the United States, formed the Confederate States of America, and took control of U.S. forts and other properties within their boundaries. These events soon led to the American Civil War.

(3) The Battle of Gettysburg: The Battle of Gettysburg (July 1–3, 1863), fought in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as part of the Gettysburg Campaign, was the largest battle ever fought in North America, and is generally considered to be the turning point of the American Civil War.

二、语言点(Language Points)

(1). Words: address; consecrate; detract; wane; eloquent; indulgence; invoke; auspicious; etc.


(2). Phrases: bring forth; be engaged in; at bay; hold somebody at bay; do no injustice to; etc.

(3). Structure: shall not have done …

三、课文分析(Text Analysis)

Text I (A) Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address has become to be seen as one of the finest speeches ever made in the English language. At the time of delivery, the President’s address attracted little attention because it lasted less than three minutes. Even Lincoln himself thought his speech was a failure. When printed, however, his words received universal acclaim among his contemporaries, including Edward Everett. With the passage of time, the speech has come to be considered as one of the world’s great masterpieces, as literature and as a statement of equality. It is an invaluable piece of writing in literature for its depth of feeling, its concentration of ideas, its conciseness, the elegance of its sentences, its sincerity and the endurability of its impact.

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address can be seen as “literary English”. Literary English is taken to mean that form of speech or writing which in aim goes beyond mere utility to achieve beauty. It differs from formal standard English not so much in kind as in purpose and effect. In diction it seeks not only accuracy in meaning but also a subjective quality of suggestion aroused by the sound of the words or the associated ideas and feelings. In form, it goes beyond mere orderliness to achieve rhythm, symmetry and balance. In every respect it surpasses the ordinary prose of communication in the attainment of aesthetic values transcending the needs of everyday expression.

Lincoln also uses a mixture of short simple sentences and long complex sentences to achieve emphasis and variation. The speech consists of only ten sentences but each is different from the other in structure and length. The shortest simple sentence is only ten words but the longest is eight times as long as the shortest, and is composed of six clauses.

Further, Lincoln makes use of the common features of formal scholarly writing, which strives above all for clarity. He repeatedly inserts appositives and relative clauses in order to qualify his statements and to establish relationship among ideas.

Finally, he employs parallel words, phrases and clauses, and pairs of adjectives to achieve rhythm, symmetry and balance.

In every respect, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is literary prose of a high order, the product of both intellectual maturity and a highly developed rhetorical skill.

Text I (B) The beginning paragraph of this speech is devoted to orienting and interesting

the reader. It informed the reader of how he had come to fulfill the task – to make an address entrusted to him by the people and gains the reader’s attention and interest. The reader is thus immediately drawn to the fact that the author was chosen to deliver a speech at the site of the Gettysburg battle.


The second part of the text is the concluding part of his speech. The concluding paragraph is most important in a well-organized speech because it is most likely to make the longest-lasting impression.

The following are some features of Everett’s concluding paragraph:1. It is long enough to develop and convey his ideas fully but not long enough to

alienate the reader. Generally speaking, its length is appropriate for the complexity of the material. To avoid monotony within the paragraph, he varies the structure and length of the sentences.

2. His speech succeeds n arousing the reader’s emotion by using the following devices:

1) Frequent use of the second person singular you to make the reader directly involved in his words.

2) The repetition of parallel constructions for emphasis and rhythm, which gives it a near-poetic feel.

3) The appropriate use of a quotation of a famous figure in world history for authority and a suggestion of the universal nature of the situation.

4) By resorting to the use of juxtaposition of something pleasant and something terrible to provide contrast. 3. The sentences in the long concluding paragraph fit together into a connected

whole. He uses logic, the most important thing for clear, orderly progression in a text since it ensures that the reader can follow the line of thought and argument.All in all, Everett’s Gettysburg Address can be seen as the masterpiece of his whole life providing evidence in support of his reputation for eloquence and ability as an orator.

四、课堂活动(Classroom Activity)

Role-play:An Argument about the Two Addresses at Gettysburg

五、课程使用教材和主要参考书教材名称:《新编英语教程 4》,主编:李观仪,上海外语教育出版社,

2000年 6月,第二版主要参考书:

1、Jonathan Crowther, Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English,

外语教育与研究出版社,2003年 7月,第一版


2、Summers, D. 朗文当代英语大辞典(英英·英汉双解), 商务印书馆,2004年 6月,第一版

3、陈鑫源:《英语口语辞典》,上海外语教育出版社,1997年 5月,第二版

4、李鑫华:《英语修辞格详论》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年 8月,第一版


6、王兴扬:《新编英语教程课文辅导》,世界图书出版公司,2005年 3月,第一版