Georgetown MBA Guest Lecture 11-10-16

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Georgetown MBA Guest Lecture 11-10-16

Wayfinding Sarah Weise |

Moral: It stinks to be lost

Where are you now? Where is your customer, right now?

Where is your destination?

Wayfinding: knowing where you are in an environment, knowing

where your desired location is, and knowing how to get there from your present location.



What if an artist followed us around...

Visioning: Play Mad Libs

•  There’s no dial-in number Maximize human connection. 4 – 20 people.

•  No phones, tablets, laptops We have a short time with you. We need pure attention and focus!

•  Goal is to generate a lot of ideas quickly There are deadlines and timers for each activity.

•  Call ELMO Tell people up front that it’s not rude to call “ELMO”. Goal is to talk quickly and stay on topic. No history discussions here!

•  We are not in the idea or ego squashing business We succeed through a breadth of perspectives and concepts. Not just execs. Facilitator required to diffuse tensions.

Schedule a Hands-On Visioning Session

•  There’s no dial-in number Maximize human connection. 4 – 20 people.

•  No phones, tablets, laptops We have a short time with you. We need pure attention and focus!

•  Goal is to generate a lot of ideas quickly There are deadlines and timers for each activity.

•  Call ELMO Tell people up front that it’s not rude to call “ELMO”. Goal is to talk quickly and stay on topic. No history discussions here!

•  We are not in the idea or ego squashing business We succeed through a breadth of perspectives and concepts. Not just execs. Facilitator required to diffuse tensions.

Schedule a Hands-On Visioning Session

Visioning: Play Mad Libs

FOR: target customer WHO NEEDS: service/feature UNLIKE: competitor/alternative WE ARE A: business type WE PROVIDE: emotional benefit WE STAND OUT BY: key differentiator

Visioning: Play Mad Libs

FOR: target customer WHO NEEDS: service/feature UNLIKE: competitor/alternative WE ARE A: business type WE PROVIDE: emotional benefit WE STAND OUT BY: key differentiator

Visioning: Play Mad Libs

So what are we waiting for?

Kids Singles

FOR ____________ <target customer>

WHO NEED ______________ <service/feature>

E-books Meet-ups Child Care

Amazon Local Bookstore

WE ARE UNLIKE ______________ <alternative/competitor>

Gathering Place Happy Hour


WE ARE A ______________ <business type>

Belonging Nostalgia

WE PROVIDE ______________ <emotional benefit>

Free to join In your backyard

WE STAND OUT BY ______________ <key differentiator>

Group brainstorming methods: Use a different one for each stem

•  Scribble as many ideas as you can in

2 mins (individuals or pairs/groups)

•  Ever person/pair/group must fill 5 post-its

•  Build it and ideas will come. Put 50 stickies on the wall, and have people shout out ideas

•  Everyone stands, shouts out 1 idea then sits, selects someone else to go

Quickly visualize the most agreed-on concepts.

Wall Voting

Dual-colored dots save you time. Only talk about the ones with red and green.

Wall Voting

Move popular stickies to top. Read vision statement across.

Wall Voting

And when you write it out…

Hashtags are big. Let’s make sure there

are at least 4-5 on our homepage.

When I was 10 my father had a heart attack in front of me. From then I vowed to be prepared if that situation ever happened again. - Bill Winters


Hi! My name is…


Goals & Needs

Tech Usage (laptop, tablet, phone, wearables, favorite apps…)

Picture (yes, draw it!)

Age / Gender: Occupation: Key Emotional Driver:

Check out John Personas make a post-it come to life.


Instant empathy! It’s much easier for humans to relate to other humans.


1 page is more than enough Bullets are great. Quickly state what resonates (and what doesn’t) for a customer. Role play Stubborn exec or client? Have them role play. Ask them to take on a persona and then ask a bunch of questions. Only have 10 mins? Give a team a half-started persona and have them fill in the rest.


Can be visual Check out what’s on Amy’s

work station!


What is a journey map?

Journey Maps

Journey maps are different than a task analysis because they take into account before/after product use. This task analysis reveals 30+ screens to apply for a job! Using this, we were able to streamline the process on to 9 screens.

Journey Maps

Journey Maps

Journey Maps

When was the last time you were truly delighted?

Delight is happiness

Delight is happiness relief

Wayfinding: knowing where you are in an environment, knowing

where your desired location is, and knowing how to get there from your present location.

Wayfinding: knowing where you are in an environment, knowing

where your desired location is, and knowing how to get there from your present location.

the customer’s journey

Wayfinding: knowing where you are in an environment, knowing

where your desired location is, and knowing how to get there from your present location.

your vision

Wayfinding: knowing where you are in an environment, knowing

where your desired location is, and knowing how to get there from your present location.

points of delight

BIG EMOTION = BIG OPPORTUNITY pinpoint anxiety to find potential for delight

Today’s moral: Work to discover where you are, where your customers are, and where you want to be. Only then can you mindfully craft delight.

Sarah Weise