¿Hace cuánto tiempo que vives en West Valley? Hace _______ años que vivo en West Valley. New...

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Transcript of ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que vives en West Valley? Hace _______ años que vivo en West Valley. New...

¿Hace cuánto tiempo que vives en West Valley?

• Hace _______ años que vivo en West Valley.

• New flash card

¿Qué te gusta hacer?

• Me gusta_____ porque...

ALC 28 Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• Unscramble the following words before the song is over.

ALC 28 unscramble. Use partner clock. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

1. rujag2. rnoacci3. Elre4. ruússhemcciaa5. rbtarjaa6. asumget7. atrcna

Las respuestas para la ALC 28 Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

1. Jugar2. Cocinar 3. Leer4. Escuchar musica5. Trabajar 6. Me gusta7. Cantar

Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

Content objective What I will do.

• I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish.

• El objetivo del contenido.• Yo puedo identificar tres tipos de verbos que

el español tiene.

Lee el objetivo del lenguaje.

Language objectiveHow I will do it.

Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing 30 verbs on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.

Dile al compañero cuatro de codo cuator actividades que vamos a hacer hoy.

Suma los puntos de la a la campana.

• Each completed square = 10 points• Stamps = 1 point extra credit. • Total points possible = 160 points.

• Turn in the scored ALC to the table and go to your ponerse partner and get to know them by doing the bienvenida flash cards.

La bienvenida Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• Pasen con su compañero de pasar tiempo con amigos.

• Usen las tarjetas de memoria para la bienvenida.

• ¿Cómo se dice pasar tiempo con amigos en inglés?

• Escribe el tiempo en el cuadro pasar tiempo con amigos y márcalo con un marcador.

Presentación de la Bienvenida Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• Audience expectations: Watch presenters. Do not talk. Do not fidget. Applaud after presentation to show appreciation and a job well done.

• Presenter expectations. Speak loudly. Answer the questions in a full sentence. Speak clearly.

• ¿Cómo se dice pasar tiempo con amigos en inglés?

You need your paper from last time.

What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing 30 verbs on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.

Please pick up a short story from off the table.

• Read it out loud in a soft voice to yourself.

Subtítulo – el examen

• You may write the question out and answer with a short answer or you may write the response in a complete sentence.

Esquiar – to ski

Responde a las preguntas de abajo en español en el papel de la asignación.

1. ¿Qué le pregunta Juan a la mamá?2. ¿Qué hora es en el reloj de Juan?3. ¿Qué hora es en la radio?4. ¿Por qué necesita Juan un reloj nuevo?5. ¿En qué clase hay un examen?6. ¿Por qué no hay clases hoy?

Esquiar – to ski

What I did and how I did it. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing them on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.

What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing 30 verbs on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.

Please 30 make flash cards

1. If you do not have your own 3x5 cards you will need to make flash cards with your own paper.

2. You will need 4 sheets of paper.3. Fold your papers into 8 squares like the ALC

and partner clock. 4. Cut the squares out. 5. Scissors are in the box on the back counter.

Clean, Caring and Cooperative

• If you use the scissors in the classroom please make sure you return them in their plastic covering to the box

• Pick up any paper off the floor.

What to do on the flash card?

• Write the verb shown on the screen and then below it draw a picture of the word.

• At this point write and draw lightly, if not you will be able to see through for the game and it won’t be as fun.

Work ethic

• Work first talk after the work is done.• If you would like to listen to music, write the

song title or artist on the playlist on the teacher’s desk.

• You will have 3 minutes per slide to write the verbs on the card and then draw the word.

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Dibujar – to draw• Escribir cuentos – to write stories• Escuchar música – to listen to music

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Esquiar – to ski• Hablar por teléfono – to talk on the phone• Ir a la escuela – to go to school

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Ir al cine - to go to the movies• Ir al centro comercial to go to the mall• Jugar videojuegos – to play video games.

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Leer revistas – to read magazines• Montar en bicicleta – to ride a bike• Montar en monopatín – to skateboard

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Nadar – to swim• Pasar tiempo con amigos – to spend time with

friends• Patinar – to skate

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Practicar deportes – to play/practice sports• Tocar la guitarra – to play the guitar• Usar la computadora – to use the computer

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Ver la tele – to watch TV• Comer – to eat• Jugar al golf – to play golf

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Jugar al básquetbol – to play basketball• Jugar al fútbol – to play soccer• Jugar al fútbol americano – to play football.

Write the Spanish word draw the English word

• Jugar al tenis – to play tennis• Jugar al béisbol -to play baseball• Textear - to text

What I did and how I did it. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing 30 verbs on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.

What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing 30 verbs on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.


• Place the cards face down on the desks• Turn two cards over. • If they match you go again. • If they don’t match it is your partner’s turn.

What I did and how I did it. Hoy es martes el 12 de noviembre.

• I will complete my assignment from the last period and then today I can identify three types of verbs in Spanish by writing 30 verbs on flash cards, playing a game and writing what I like to do.

Clean, Caring and Cooperative

• Please take a minute and straighten the desks. (one square away from each other. 2 from the walls)

• No writing on desks (get spray bottle and rag off table.)

• No paper around your desk.

You are to sit in your assigned seats please.