IDlrr ijtst.ortrul §.ortrty uf IDrappr...

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Transcript of IDlrr ijtst.ortrul §.ortrty uf IDrappr...

THE TRAP S I NCE 1 7 1 7

IDlrr ijtst.ortrul §.ortrty uf IDrappr Jrunayluanta

For the preserrntion of the h i�to 1y , ancien t buildings and land marks

of the Trappe a rea.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -THE TRAP CHRONICLE Octobe r, 1979

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Dear Members and Friends :

Our eemi-annual dinna r mee ting is being held on Sunday, Novembe r 111 1979 at t.h � Kr:-y�t.!l!IA r..r,,.n � H.-;;1 1. , Nai.n Stri3e t in Trappe .,

Nrs . Louis K :r."J.g, p ro gram chairman, has pla.-meci. a ve ry intere s ting prograrr10 Hr. Harry L. Rink:3r, exe cn secretary for County Fe deration of Hi storical Societie s , will speak and give a slide p re sentati on on the pe eple who work the old canals in Pennsylvania,,, 'l.his will be an informative and entertaining p rogram . Mr. Rinker re side s in the historic town of A llentcNn.

'llle nC' c Qn.mittee with Norman Holcombe as Chainnan, will pre sent a slate of candidate s to fill the office s of the Historical Socie t-1 for the next two yaars. This will be a v� ry impo rta.l'lt e le ction. ·

All thi s and a Roast Beef dinner too, all f or $5. 75 at 6:45 p.m . on Sunday�

November 11th, at the Keystone Grange Hall, Hain S trset in Trappe. Make yO'J.r re se rvations NOW. Call 48 9-7266 o r wri ts to Nonnan Holcombe, 21 Main

Stree t, Trappe, 19426 .. Deadline for re se rvations is November B th.

Since rely,

. Charle s E . Wi sme r1

Jr •


The Hi storical S ocie ty of 'rrappe is looking for veey si:e cial people to live in the De wee s Tavern in Trappa . The hoo se which contains the Historical Socie ty hend ..

quarters is in need of residents who \.rl.ll ti-eat it wit.11 the love and respect su ch a h cu se needs$ Do you know of such pe ople as might live here, or a re Y';m, su ch a person yourself?

The house i s a four b•)droom hruse, v.i. th dini."'lg room, livin g rocrn,, modern kitc..11.en and bath, and graci ou s cen tral hallway. Built from abcu t 17?0 to 1810, i t i s remin­i s cent of t.11.e sir.:plici ty of colonial days and s Q!e of the :increa sing we al th of the e arly days of .A.-neric a o 'L"rree working firaplace s increase the wanntb of the building, both literally and fit;J.ra·t;ively.

A large backyard. wi t..'1. ro om for garden c crnple ta s the ple a rure s of thi s historic :re sidence , whi ch wa s us�d for 11wny y•..:iars as a tavern, stc>.�ecoach s top and polling place run by the D�wee s Family of Trap pe . If yOJ. know of s Qne ono who may be in te re s ted, contact �harfo s Wismer at 489-7601 or Bob U lle at �8 9-707 1. '.foe rent for the hou se wiil be adjusted downward in :return f or y·ard care and a few hours of light h ouseke ep:ing in the museum.


The following rep ort i s submitted by the N Q!lina.ting C ommittee : President - ( vacant) ; 1 s t Vice Pre sident - Dr. Ivan He ss; 2nd Vice i::>re sident .. H.ichard Holc o.nbe ,; Recording Secretary - June Marshall; Corre sp onding Se cre tary ... Ann Schrack; 'l're �.su re r - Rev. L. £u.gene Moye r; His t,orian - E sthe r Ke ller; Ch�plain - C"J orga Pooman. Othe r noraina t,ions for

officers will re ceiv-ed on N ovembe r 11th at the Banque t. Norm an Holccmbe , Chainnan, Charole ti.13 Witmer, sue Elle n Palrnen.

'.I.he Trap Chronicle 2

LIBRARY Mr. & Nrs . Henry L . Haa.s recantly made a c on tribution to the H is tori cal Society

L ib rarr.;• 1'und in r110 mOi:"Y of cur departed membe r: Mr . Se Lou:i.s Corni sh. '£his is a me aningful w ay to renombe r cu r departed friends and membe rs, and we appre ciate the Haas ' gene ro s i ty and th ou g.h t1u lne s s .

Betsy Ross


F oller.Ung i s the be ginning entry in a diary kept by Rev. J ohn Richards du rin g h i s stay in 'l'rappa a s pastor o f tho Au gu s tus ill theran Church., The ori ginal diary i s in the Ar chive s of the Luthe ran S•2minary Lib raY'y at Ht. Airy.

Trappe, Non tgome ry C o.lnty A . D. 183h Penna .

May 9 .,. 1.e ft Rea.din g this m ornin3 to ta1rn charge of my new congre gation viz. T.. 1� Tr:�p $ d:i-:n�� I uill liv:.J .11 ce:.lbd kJ. pic tu s Cir.n'ch, and ;�h0re I preach e vs ry t;10 i:·r3eks alte rna te ly in f!err:1eu1 and e ngli sh , cilu3.y s 1n t!le mornin g; Chris t ch'..lrch :in Toi·rn .. 11Gncd.n e ve ry f our u.:ieks, a l te rria.tely in ; Union Chu rch at Lirn.erick, e irc l''Y four weeks P . M.

in english.11 ·�he sa111e day I p reach E.nglish at ·rrep ; Pottsgrove eve ry f our weeks A .:M. , aluays e ng l�ah . Li.'Ue ri ck i s nearly fivo mile s fr om the Trap , we stward, Potts grove tan mile r.; frcm the Trap w?. stward,;: to b o th p lace s, and Christ church e i ;:;ht mile s nortir .. mrd, p r0 tty ge m road.P all in l !ontgQrle ry Cc" At the Trap my grandfathe r I·Ju.hlenberg 1 ii.'Jt p re n ch � d Gnd Hr o 11 ' ole las t. At Limerick Nr. Wa!11p ole preache d last i.n en glish, c.nd Chl'i st. ��.ls o . Ti1i�; chur ct1 wz.s b'.lilt last f al l o At Potts gr ove I am t.he firs t engl:i sh p re ache:;:• wi fa -- - - - !;re r.·�he 1· Ga n1an o L::-ifi.� Readin g ne ar sa ven o 1 cl0ck 9 1·1ea"the :r p lo o san t? TI'3.1-C Le d i-;it:i ot1 t s to9pin i; w ! !i ssimerz: ut P o ttsgrove whe re I dinnr;> I went to s -e e Ge org-s lEc:hardi:; bu t i� o had 1;::>no to l·:orri sto-,4n . I saw H.e "J• C . Hiller who had a l\me r3.J . \·;.mt to Hrs . Fri tz ' s and spcke to ltr. B oye r . Left Pottsgrov8 a.boti t 2 P . N . fee lir:g Q'..l i � urr;.Jel'l. . Af ter ridin ,g a L eu nile s j_ t, c omw:mced r aining a litt.le w"'1d � cn. tim1'�:d until ·r got to hrs . D::�:ee s : ; at the Trap whe ro I have a r oom and <.:ii to b �a rd., Rai!l,'!d vm:y f::: s t all e venin� ard n ight. Yent to bed e.arly, c.pi t'J um:::1ll., 'l'hu s I have n o•.! r,,:: ache d m y n2'·J he:- ,-.� to c orn.nence lil'G :o.r:e w, at i t wi:irn . Oi1 Lord b e 'l'n cu wi.t..'1 m0 and gran t I r-.ay be fnith.fuJ. to ThGe in my ne�-1 Giu1ation and le ·t me be an instrument of bringin g souls to Je sus and le t no sou.l e ve r ri se in judgement against me ., Help me through by spirit . Strengt.lien me . so be it. .Ame no

Esthe r K eller, Hi s torian

QiJ IL'i'ING A gr•J\•p of w'.".:.",nen haiie teen workin g ve rf d i ligently eve ry Monctay frcm 10 � 00 a o m a to

2 : 00 p ., ;n. c�o ili f� quilt:Lri. 3 :lt the Le:-;e e s Tave rn .. 'Ib;� .first one they did was the one belo11g­:�ng to th� F.i� t0:::-tc S ocie ty a Sin-.:-e tl1"3:1 , . the? h .:r..-e fi:n is:h.Gd three nor.:.i quilts; all look-1..:.1 6 VB l''Y .L070 Ly� Til� ro are ::evi? ral r. i oro J..n l::uB to be done .

I f ,Y(.U havf� a qJilt top y en w ould lik0 .firJ.:-:<Le d by them, call furn S chrack, 489-48 720 'th� r.�on:iy re c-:>.:i.ved l'ron qui'i tin� Hill g o t o .. 1ard thci re s +..orn.t.i on of the bu ilding.. Tbt1 !Jl!Jwee s Tave rn is O?en e v.-n -y Nonday, 10 a o m ., to 2 p . m � so s i:.op in and see what is new l

J � �d; a r.�minde r f or those who hRvc not p aid the� r d:.l s :; f or 1979 ... ple ase pay them . 1/e have l'i ve new ;i1enibGrs s ince Surw.e r: Hr s . Arma \.,save r, Hl' o & Mr s . Nevin Ga nsle r, 11rs. Be a trice D . D C'lahu e and i· rs ., S o.ra Dor.. ".11ue .

F�� as8 ;'l dv:.>cl:: :-: nav.' ble to Hibtoric .� l Socie tv of Trappe, and send to Hr s. Charlo tte rW::: r::e r� 3h7 � i ain' si�ruetJ 'rrappe .si P "- • 194Z6 .

Charlott .. g H.C'.n sc r, Chairparson