ingls preact

Post on 15-Sep-2015

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Transcript of ingls preact

IEP:BLAS PASCAL PRACTICA CALIFICADA DE INGLESTraducir las siguientes oraciones1-Mi padre est mirando la televisin en casa2- La maestra desfilara en el mes de mayo3-Participara en el concurso juvenil de Matemtica4-La estrella brillo en el cielo azul5-Jugaran un partido difcil en el estadio pequeo6-El mdico cura al paciente enfermo de cncer7-Las luces pequeas del saln de clases se encendern8-Nuestros amigos viajan a Estados Unidos en avin privado9-Juan y su compaero venden caramelos en la calle10-guardara los libros en la canasta roja

Introducing YourselfPresentndose

Hello! My name is Ana. I am twenty-five years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and two children. I have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first grade. They both attend public school. My husband is a mechanic. On weekends, he works at a restaurant as a dishwasher. The restaurant usually gets more customers on weekends, so they need extra people to wash dishes.