magazine - sido creado por P49, el...

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a selection of architectural projects from around the globe

Justus Van Effen complex in Rotterdam

Kempinski Hotel in Kitzbühl

Hotel Bohemia on Gran Canaria

Türkisch Botschaft in Berlin

Gruppo Unipol in Bologna

Cherfane Penthouse in Beirut

Bahia Urbana in Puerto Rico

Pacific Peninsula in California

In 1918 kreeg architect Michiel Brinkman opdracht om een complex van 264 volkswoningen in de nieuwe

wijk Spangen te ontwerpen. Zijn ontwerp was revotionair: een gesloten woonblok van vier verdiepingen

hoog. De bovenwoningen kregen galerijen, zo breed als openbare straten, waar de bakker en melkboer met

hun karren langs de deuren konden gaan. Er was een binnenpark met bankjes en en openbare verlichting.

Gemeenschappelijke voorzieningen zoals het badhuis en centrale verwarming maakten het leven van de

bewoners aangenaam.

Bijna een eeuw later werd gestart met de renovatie van het complex door het architectenburau Molenaar.

Hierbij werd resoluut gekozen voor energiezuinige maatregelen en technische innovatie. Het centraal gelegen

badhuis werd omgebouwd tot verwarmingsruimte waar binnenin warmtepompen geïnstalleerd zijn, en de

leidingen van zonne-enerige en aardwarmte samen komen. Voor het binnenhof koos landschapsarchitect Mi-

chael van Gessel voor een bestrating met rode bakstenen, gemeenschappelijke plantsoenen, een figuratieve

partij rotsen en voor elke woning op de begane grond één keramische pot, type RR80 in grijs-taupe klei.

Justus Van Effen complexRotterdam

In 1918, architect Michiel Brinkman was commissioned to design a middle class so-cial housing complex with 264 homes in the new Spangen Quarter. His design was revolutionary: an enclosed housing block with four storeys. The upper-level homes had gallery walkways that were as wide as public roads, on which the baker and milkman could roll their carts from door to door. There was an interior courtyard with benches and public lighting. Social amenities such as a bathing house and central heating made life pleasant for the residents.

Nearly a century later, renovations of the complex were started by the architecture firm Molenaar. They resolutely opted for low-energy measures and technologi-cal innovations. The centrally located bathing house was converted into a heating room, in which heat pumps are installed and where the piping for solar and geo-thermal energy converges. For the interior courtyard, landscape architect Michael van Gessel selected a red-brick hardscape, shared gardens and a figurative arrange-ment of boulders, with each home on the ground floor being set off by an RR80-type ceramic planter in grey-taupe clay.

Ende Oktober 2012 wird der neue Türkische Botschaft in Berlin geöffnet. Sie steht

am Südrand des Tiergartens, den einst die Nationalsozialisten zum Botschaftsvier-

tel von „Germania“ bestimmten und wo nach 1990 neben den pompösen Dreißiger-

Jahre-Palästen Japans und Italiens einige der spektakulärsten Botschaftsneubauten

Berlins wuchsen: Indiens glühend rote Sandsteinfassaden aus Rajastan beispiels-

weise oder Österreichs Konditorei-Architektur. Auch die Nordischen Länder, Saudi-

Arabien und zuletzt Slowenien haben hier architektonisch reüssiert. Das Anspruch-

sniveau also war hoch. Die Türkei reagierte darauf, und auch auf die immense

Bedeutung beider Länder füreinander, mit dem größten Botschaftsbau, der jemals in

der Geschichte des Landes gebaut wurde. Entworfen hat das Ensemble ein beschei-

dener, begabter und gewitzter Berliner Architekt: Volkmar Nickol ließ sich gemein-

sam mit Felipe Schmidt und Thomas Hillig von Symbolik und Vorbildern leiten. So

entstanden drei Teile - „Palast“, „City“ und „Bosporus“. Letzterer trennt gleich der

namensgebenden Meerenge als gläserne Passage die beiden anderen Bauteile. Der

kubische „Palast“ dient repräsentativen Zwecken und steht für Asien; der einhüft-

ige Büro- und Wohntrakt, dient - unverkennbar Europa - der täglichen Arbeit der

hundert Mitarbeiter.

Türkische Botschaft Berlin

Den Eingang zum alles entscheidenden Zwischenraum markiert ein riesiges Kup-

ferportal mit Sichelmondemblem. L-förmig führt er um eine Ecke herum in einen

abgesenkten Garten, das „kleine Paradies“. Um einen Brunnen herum recken

sich Korkenzieherhasel, Lavendel und Oliven nach der Berliner Sonne.Das lang-

gestreckte Foyer mit seinen bedruckten inneren Glasfassaden ist das verbindende

Element. In dem mäandrierenden Raum dominieren grüne Steinböden. Über eine

skulpturale Treppe erreicht man die mit Naturstein gedeckte Dachterrasse, von der

aus man sechzehn Meter über dem Tiergarten einen weiten Blick über Berlin ge-

nießen kann. Hier hat Nickol „von Günter Behnisch gelernt“, wie Leichtigkeit und

Schwung einem Raum Dynamik geben und Schwere nehmen können. Den „Palast“

mit zweigeschossigem Festsaal und den Empfangsräumen des Botschafters hat der

Architekt als Metapher für „kulturelle Werte, Stolz und Gastfreundschaft“ gestaltet,

den Bürotrakt zur Hildebrandstraße prägt hingegen die „Offenheit zum westlichen

Wertekanon und dem Kemalismus als Grundpfeiler der modernen Türkei“.

Das für die Öffentlichkeit wichtigste Element einer Botschaft sind ihre

Fassaden. Die der Türkei sind mit türkischem Kalkstein verkleidet,

der zum Teil als Rustika gestaltet wurde. Seine Farbe erinnert an das

Atatürk-Mausoleum in Ankara. Aber über die Brücke, die dessen Ar-

chitekt Bruno Taut, als er 1938 in Ankara und Istanbul lebte, zwischen

deutscher Moderne und türkischem Laizismus schlug, wollte Nickol

nicht gehen. Der Clou seines Entwurfs nämlich, eine mit Girih-Dekor

am Sockel und den Obergeschossen förmlich übersäte Lochfassade

längst der Tiergartenstraße, wäre bei dem dekorabstinenten Bau in An-

kara undenkbar gewesen. Die durchbrochenen Girih-Natursteinplatten

sind ein idealer Sichtschutz, vor allem aber verweisen sie als eindeutig

islamische Ornamentik auf den Orient. Exotisieren sie den Neubau?

Nicht, wenn man das architektonische Vorbild, den Dolmabahçe-Palast

des Sultans in Istanbul betrachtet, in dem Atatürk 1938 starb. Somit ver-

weist der Neubau auf den Gründer der modernen Türkei und deren Tra-

dition. Für die Innenbegrünung, hat das Landschaftsarchitekten Büro St

Raum a., zusammen mit Kathrin Wolf, für Atelier Vierkant UF120 Töpfe

gewählt in Hellgraue Ton, mit horizontalen Linienatrone, bepflanzt mit

Olivenbäume. In Aussenbereich hat das Team runde konische A-Serien

eingeplant mit starke Korkenzieherhasel.

© Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH,

Frankfurt. Zur Verfügung gestellt vom Frankfurter Allgemeine Archiv.

Away from the bustling crowds of Playa del Inglés, one of Gran Canaria’s most

well-known beach resorts, the new land-mark hotel rises above the rippling sand

dunes. Created by Pia Schmid, known in design circles as Switzerland’s most suc-

cessful hospitality architect, Hotel Bohemia is a quiet oasis surrounded by tower-

ing volcanic peaks. And unlike some of the other hotels you’ll find on the island,

which put all of their emphasis on physical forms, here it’s the guest that comes

first. “The basic idea for Hotel Bohemia Suites & Spa was to create a clear struc-

ture for the individual guest,” said Schmid. “From the beginning I had to think

of the guests who stay, eat and relax at Bohemia – not only of the design. That

means that I created Bohemia for the guests, and not for the design.” It hasn’t

always been this way. The original building that stood here was constructed in

the 1970s, and at that time it consisted of 115 rooms. By reducing this number to

67, owner Rembert Euling has been able to create wide open living spaces that

stretch effortlessly from inside to out. Complemented by lavish mahogany floors

and rich, olive-wood furnishings, they give guests the sensation of being com-

pletely enveloped by nature. The angular vertical shutters, mirroring the rise and

fall of the famous Maspalomas dunes, allow warm light into each room, casting

impressions of the ocean and mountains across the walls and illuminating the

fiery colors that decorate each room. Tantalizing sea views provide the setting

for aperitifs in the ground-floor bar, while soft flowing drapes and smooth grey

stones help to soothe guests in the custom-built Siam Spa. This design highlight

Hotel BohemiaGran Canaria

of Gran Canaria has been developed by P49, Asia s most sophisticated architec-

ture team for luxurious spa and wellness worlds. Here, in a world of black bam-

boo and shining oriental artifacts, it takes only a split second to unwind. The en-

trances to the two heated swimming pools, one indoor and one outdoor, are also

found here. In the hotel garden’s treatment pavilions, guests can leave the wider

world behind and embrace the emancipating ancient techniques of the past, in-

cluding cleansing steam baths and tension-relieving traditional massages. The

basement leads to a colorful high-tech gym with windows that open onto the

pool area for optimal swimwear-watching, a private wellness area and tranquil

bamboo garden. Only a couple of steps away from this private world is the hotel s

lavish sunny garden with two heated outdoor swimming pools and terraces on

which to try one of the famous fruit cocktails. The tempting fragrance of freshly

cut lemongrass sizzling in Hotel Bohemia’s open kitchen lures guests up to the

rooftop restaurant and lounge, where breathtaking views of volcanic Gran Ca-

naria and the ocean are the ideal accompaniment to cocktails. Attentive service

is guaranteed, leaving you free to mingle on the beach with a drink in Bohemia’s

cool blend of harmonious styles. For the outdoor and swimming pool area, Span-

ish landscape architect Luis Vallejo selected UB, SR and A vases in different sizes

and textures, planted with palm trees, mosses, and succulents. For the lobby and

dining area at the entrance of the hotel, the architect selected vases of the AH and

AB series with styled palms.

El nuevo y relevante hotel se eleva por encima de las ondulantes dunas de

arena, lejos de la bulliciosa multitud de la Playa del Inglés, uno de los centros

turísticos más famosos de Gran Canaria. Creado por Pia Schmid, conocida

en los círculos del diseño como la mejor arquitecta hotelera de Suiza, el Hotel

Bohemia es un silencioso oasis rodeado por altos picos volcánicos. A difer-

encia de otros hoteles que se encuentran en la isla que ponen todo su énfasis

en las formas físicas, aquí lo primero es el huésped. “La idea básica para el

Hotel Bohemia Suites & Spa fue crear una estructura clara para cada uno de

los huéspedes”, dijo Schmid. “Desde el principio tenía que pensar en los hués-

pedes que residen, comen y se relajan en el Bohemia – no sólo en el diseño.

Esto significa que yo creé el Bohemia para los huéspedes y no para el diseño”.

Pero, no siempre ha sido así. El edificio original que había aquí fue construido

en los años setenta, y entonces constaba de 115 habitaciones. Reduciendo este

número a 67, el propietario Rembert Euling ha podido crear espacios vitales

muy abiertos que se extienden fácilmente de dentro a fuera. Complementados

con espléndidos suelos de caoba y un rico mobiliario de madera de olivo, estos

espacios ofrecen a los huéspedes la sensación de estar totalmente envueltos

por la naturaleza. Las ventanas verticales angulares, que reflejan la subida

y bajada de las famosas dunas de Maspalomas, permiten la entrada de una

luz cálida en cada habitación, creando impresiones del océano y las montañas

a través de las paredes e iluminando los intensos colores que decoran cada

habitación. Las seductoras vistas al mar proporcionan un magnífico ambiente

para el aperitivo en el bar de la planta baja, mientras que las cortinas sueltas y

suaves y las piedras grises y lisas ayudan a relajar a los huéspedes en el Siam

Spa hecho a medida del cliente. Este excelente hotel de diseño de Gran Canaria

ha sido creado por P49, el equipo de arquitectura más sofisticado de Asia para

el lujoso mundo del Spa y Wellness. Aquí, en un mundo de brillantes objetos

orientales y bambú negro, el relax se consigue en pocos segundos. También

encontramos aquí las entradas a las dos piscinas climatizadas, una interior y

otra exterior. En los pabellones de tratamiento del jardín del hotel, los hués-

pedes pueden olvidarse del mundo y abrazar las antiguas y liberadoras técnicas del pasado, incluidos los higié-

nicos baños de vapor y los tradicionales masajes que alivian la tensión. El sótano conduce a un vistoso gimnasio

de alta tecnología con ventanas que se abren al área de la piscina, un área privada de Wellness y un tranquilo

jardín de bambú. A muy pocos pasos de este mundo privado se encuentra el espléndido y soleado jardín del

hotel con dos piscinas al aire libre climatizadas y terrazas en las que se puede probar una de las macedonias de

frutas más famosas. La tentadora fragancia de la recién cortada citronela que chisporrotea en la cocina abierta

del Hotel Bohemia atrae a los huéspedes al restaurante y salón de la terraza de arriba, donde las impresionantes

vistas de la volcánica Gran Canaria y el océano son el acompañamiento ideal para los cócteles. Con la garantía

de un atento servicio, podrá ir a la playa con una fresca bebida mezcla de armoniosos estilos del Bohemia. Para

el área de la piscina al aire libre, el arquitecto paisajista español Luis Vallejo seleccionó jarrones UB, SR y A

en tamaños y texturas diferentes, plantados con palmeras, musgos y suculentas. Para el vestíbulo y área del

comedor en la entrada al hotel, el arquitecto seleccionó jarrones de la serie AH y AB con decorativas palmeras.

Atelier Vierkant workplace, January 2013

Recently, the Kempinski Hotel in Jochberg reopened its doors to the public.

It offers 148 spacious rooms and suites with panoramic views of the sur-

rounding mountain scenery. A particular advantage is the location of the

new Kempinski hotel with its immediate proximity to the ski slopes in the

middle of the extensive ski area in the Kitzbühel Alps. With its concrete fa-

cade covered with wooden shingles and its many glass facades, its designs

is different from the classical architecture. Straight lines, corners, edges – its

look is as distinctive as the views of the rugged rocks of the surrounding

Kitzbühel Alps. The 3,600 m2 spa area of the hotel offers exclusive products

and a wide range of spa treatments, movement therapy, relaxation and rec-

Kempinski Hotel Kitzbühl

reation. With a total of 300 m2, the indoor and outdoor, fresh and salt water

pools give plenty of space to enjoy the bathing experience. The Steinberg res-

taurant with up to 200 seats for the breakfast buffet and dinner and the Pan-

Asian lifestyle restaurant “Sra Bua by Wini Brugger” with around 40 seats

provide guests with deliciousness’s. The culinary offer is complemented by

a bar and a lobby with a fireplace on the first floor, the Mountain Health

Bar and a café offering delicious pastries close to the entrance of the hotel.

In the outdoor area Herbert Günther opted for repetition of UF – Series in

grey taupe finish. For the lobby , the architect chose a configuration of BTV

columns with U-vases, which are used on the front desk as well.

Letztes Jahr, das Kempinski Hotel in Jochberg war wieder geöffnet für die Gäste. Es biedet„ verfügt über 148 großzügige Zimmer

und Suiten mit Panoramablick auf die umliegende Bergwelt. Ein besonderer Vorteil ist die Lage des neuen Kempinski-Hotels

direkt an der Piste, in der Mitte des weitläufigen Skigebietes der Kitzbüheler Alpen. Der 3.600 Quadratmeter große Wellness-Be-

reich des Hotels lädt mit einem umfangreichen Angebot und exklusiven Produkten zu Wellness-Behandlungen, Bewegungsther-

apie, Entspannung und Erholung ein. Eine 300 Quadratmeter umfassende Indoor- und Outdoor-Poollandschaft mit Süß- und

Salzwasserbecken bietet darüber hinaus ausreichend Platz für das Badevergnügen der Gäste. Für das leibliche Wohl sorgen das

Steinberg, mit bis zu 200 Plätzen, in dem das Frühstücksbuffet und das Abendessen angeboten werden, sowie das panasiatische

Lifestyle-Restaurant „Sra Bua by Wini Brugger“ mit etwa 40 Plätzen. Ergänzt wird das kulinarische Angebot durch eine Bar mit

Kaminlobby in der ersten Etage sowie einer Mountain Health Bar und einem Café mit feinster Patisserie im Eingangsbereich. Für

die Aussengestaltung, plante Herbert Günther eine Serie UF80 Tongefässe in Grau Taupe Farbe. Für die Lobby und umgehend

die Zentralkamin, wahl der Architekt verschiedene BTV – Saüle aus, mit U- Gefässe, so wie bei der Rezeption.

Il progetto per l’ingresso della sede Unipol a Bologna si sviluppa con

l’intento di inserire degli elementi naturali in contrasto con la forte arti-

ficiosità dell’atrio introducendoli tuttavia con grande armonia nel con-

testo e adattandoli ai volumi e agli spazi di questo ambiente. La forte

verticalità del volume architettonico si riflette nello sviluppo verticale

degli elementi verdi e dei loro contenitori, creando una situazione di

grande concordanza formale. I materiali invece si pongono in contrasto:

il verde e i vasi di terracotta naturale della serie M si immettono in uno

spazio caratterizzato da vetro, cemento e resina. Inoltre, una ripetizione

di vasi B snelli ed eleganti crea un’atmosfera di leggerezza tra strutture

e passaggi più larghi e pesanti.

Gruppo Unipol Bologna

Frassinago 18

Un nuovo modo di interpretare l’esterno, dove natura e design donano una qual-

ità non stimabile al normale stile di vita: Frassinagodiciotto. Dalla progettazione

all’arredamento, dalla realizzazione di spazi outdoor permanenti alla creazione

di eventi e allestimenti temporanei, un vero e proprio laboratorio di architettura

del paesaggio, che abbraccia diverse discipline, dalla botanica all’urbanistica,

dall’architettura al design per realizzare qualsiasi tipologia di progetto. Fondato e

guidato da Cesare Marzocchi, Frassinagodiciotto trasforma i pensieri del cliente in

realtà, ammirabili e vivibili, curando ogni dettaglio con materiali di qualità, in un

perfetto accordo tra estetica e funzionalità.

Photography © Frassinago18

Located on the outskirts of Beirut, on a hill overlooking the city, the penthouse occupies the last 2 floors of an existing build-

ing. The lower level serves as the living and sleeping quarters, while the upper level serves as the recreation area. All internal

perspectives have been conceived to maximize the view towards the sea. The roof is designed to allow for vertiginous views:

balustrades are located at a split level so that from the entrance, one has an unobstructed 180 degree visibility towards the city

beyond. Reclining loungers are tailor made to fit within the floor thickness. An infinity pool placed in front of the gym room

further enhances the idea. Thermo-treated wood decking lines the floors and some of the walls; basalt stone is used on the bar

and barbecue corner. Mariagroup chose a series of Bcubes to limit the wooden staircase that leads to the terrace ; the architect

selected a grey UE80 vase with white engobe, planted with a colorful Bougainville.

Cherfane PenthouseBeirut Lebanon

Photography © Mariagroup

MariaGroup is an architecture and interior design firm dedicated to providing sensible de-

sign solutions for all manner of projects covering a wide range of programs and sizes, with

the utmost attention to detail. This family run firm, located in Beirut Central District, oper-

ates with an efficient team of architects, interior designers and design technicians whose col-

laboration and interaction yield projects with a remarkable level of refinement and maturity.

At MariaGroup, the team is committed to providing a personalized and engaged service

to clients whether the program is large or small, private or public, from residential to com-

mercial or cultural. The team has managed to set-up an infrastructure to conceive, detail and

supervise the execution of high standard projects in several countries outside Lebanon, such

as Jordan, Damascus and KSA. Over the years, the firm’s dedication to smart design and

impeccable quality and finishing has lead it to establish an international and multicultural

network of handpicked artisans, manufacturers and suppliers of the highest standard. Fur-

thermore, MariaGroup aims to remain up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies of

the design and architecture world by regularly attending international trade fairs for con-

struction, furniture, textiles and others... As a finishing touch, MariaGroup makes good use

of its expertise in the field of rare objects, antiques and notable artwork to bring the project to

a well rounded level of completion. Clients of MariaGroup can expect the same dedication in

all services, from conception and design, to execution and supervision of turn-key projects.

Bahía UrbanaSan Juan Puerto Rico

Last October, Pier 6, part of the exciting first stage of Puerto Rico’s fabu-

lous 87 acre Bahía Urbana bayside project, was inaugurated as the islet’s

newest attraction. A bright waterfront pedestrian park with lush land-

scaping and outdoor seating leads to a new dock area for seaplanes and

water taxis and has moorings for all ships and mega yachts. A pedestri-

an bridge continues access to Piers 7 and 8 where a waterfront walkway,

an urban beach, a restaurant, a dock for sailboats, a stage for concerts

an other events, and a trapeze school are currently being inaugurated.

Once completed , the huge Bahía Urbana urban redevelopment project

will occupy the bayfront from Pier 6 all the way to Club Nautico de

San Juan on the extreme east end of the islet and will include housing,

markets for local products and artisans, more than 290.000 square feet

of commercial space, hotels and additional open spaces for recreation.

505Design is a privately owned multi-disciplinary design firm with offices lo-

cated in Boulder, Charlotte, and San Francisco. As a young company, 505De-

sign specializes in project visioning, building design, environmental signage,

graphics, planning, interiors and urban interiors/streetscapes. With a full-time

staff of over twenty professionals, it employs architects, interior designers, en-

vironmental graphic designers, as well as seasoned project managers. Focus-

ing largely on creating the vision of project story (brand development), it offers

comprehensive creative services to a wide variety of public and private clients.

Driven by a goal of creating unique, culturally and regionally connected pro-

jects that relate directly to the aspirations of their clients, 505Design identifies

the core values and goals to create a targeted message and design focused on

differentiating and distinguishing projects in the marketplace.

Photography © José Gutierrez

En Octubre 2012, el Muelle 6, parte de la primera etapa del fabuloso proyecto portuario de

87 acres de extensión conocido como Bahía Urbana, fue inaugurado y se ha convertido en el

mas reciente atractivo de la isleta capitalina. Un bien iluminado parque peatonal frente al

mar con hermosos jardines y bancos al aire libre conduce a un nuevo muelle para hidroavi-

ones y taxis acuáticos que tambien tiene atracadero para grandes navios y megayates. Un

puente peatonal provee acceso a los Muelles 7 y 8., donde se estarán inaugurando un paseo

frente al mar, una playa urbana, un restaurante, un muelle para veleros, una tarima para

conciertos y otros eventos y una escuela de trapecistas. Una vez completado, el enorme

proyecto de redesarrollo urbano conocido como Bahía Urbana ocupará el frente portuario

desde el Muelle 6 hasta el Club Naútico de San Juan en el extremo este de la isleta e incluirá

viviendas, mercados para artesanos y venta de productos locales, mas de 29.000 pies cuad-

rados de espacio comercial, hoteles y espacios adicionales de recreación.

Pacific Peninsula California

Known for the integration of contemporary light- filled spaces withtin the

framework of timeless architectural styles, Pacific Peninsula Architecture has

designed custom residential projects ranging from remodels and additions up

to the largest estate properties throughout Northern California. With over

twenty years of experience and three hundred residential and commercial pro-

jects to date, Pacific Peninsula Architecture maintains a vision for exceptional

design coupled with a goal of complete client satisfaction. Working in conjunc-

tion within the umbrella of of Pacific Peninsula companies as well as outside

with third party vendors and consultatnts, Pacific Peninsula Architecture has

earned a reputation for excellence in architectural design on par with the best

designers in the region.

Current page, Cypress Residence, Monterey, where white/beige MU vases have

been placed at both sides of the entrance.

Photography © Marion Brenner

Next page, Walsh Residence, San Francisco, where a series of MU100 in black

athracite clay is put in place next de steps towards the entrance of the house.

Photography © Bernard André

address: SINT-JORISSTRAAT 88A | B-8730 BEERNEM | BELGIUMT +32 50370056 (EUROPE & ASIA), +1 877 796 0647 (AMERICA) | photography: Bart Van Leuven (unless other specified)