Porqué gusta la música

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Porqué gusta la música

  • 7/27/2019 Porqu gusta la msica


    PARSIMONIAPrincipio metodolgico que postula la eleccin de la hiptesis ms sencilla entre variahiptesis concurrentes. Aplicado a la Sistemtica Filogentica el criterio de parsimonia conduce a la eleccin del cladograma que explica la filogenia de un grupo conel menor nmero de cambios, es decir, con la menor homoplasia posible.


    I think it is that good music is tightly played. In any style of music, it is when that style is tightly played by skilled musicians so that it flows and has immaculate timing that the pleasure is greatest. This gives the clue as to the character of the desire that also appreciates music.

    What the phrase, good music is tightly played, is really describing in biologicalterms is a desire for parsimony. With parsimony, a simple backbone or foundationoccurs, to which all other aspects under consideration are linked, can grow, and return with ease. The music just flows but can return in delightful ways backto its central theme. In a biological sense, wouldnt it be great to have all of your abilities, mannerisms and instincts similarly organised, to the point wherethey could be organised and flow like music? It would be a sign of efficiency inorganisation. In fact for humans, with so much learning to organise, mimickingthe quality and parsimony demonstrated in music must be of prime biological importance. With anything less, the animal could become blundering, deluded, unfulfi

    lled, unsynchronized and incompetent.

    Music is easy to remember and use, and indeed was the main way to convey ideas and culture before recorded writing. A brain that has all of its other functionsand ideas organised according to parsimony would be easy to use. Such a strong desire for parsimony should not be a surprise to biologists and evolutionists. Parsimony is already recognised as probably the single most important measure of whether evolutionary trees and relationships have been properly determined and understood (more beetle). Similarly, a parsimonious adaptation should always survive over one that requires just one more step or consideration. Where could thisorgan be that directly produces the desire for parsimony? I have named it the interaction desire, and it arises (again, my speculation) when the pleasure centrein the hypothalamus judges the level of parsimony being laid down in the tracks

    of the cortex (more beetle). Something has to keep the cortex in check while itlearns its instincts, by encouraging the pursuit of parsimony while it sorts its experiences. Another expression or result of the interaction desire is that fundamentally, everyone tries to do the right thing (granted, as sometimes judgedby delusional and twisted little minds!).

    So why music? I think that music is a pleasure, because it so closely reflects what the interaction desire is trying to achieve in all aspects of life. Music mimics the fulfilment wanted by the core desire found inside all humans. It is like a symbol that the interaction desire holds up as something to strive for. Music of course can also be put to numerous secondary functions, such as an aid to remembering culture. It can also symbolise rebellion, glory, mourning, or as an aid for overcoming fear during battle. But these are secondary uses. The main use

    of music is as a by product of the most powerful desire in humans, the one thatseeks parsimony in the cerebral cortex. (Posted May 2006)



  • 7/27/2019 Porqu gusta la msica
