Santiago Calatrava

Post on 19-Oct-2015

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Santiago Calatrava

Transcript of Santiago Calatrava

  • Santiago CalatravaVoici quelques une de ses uvres.est n en 1951 Valence.Il tudie l'art et l'architecture la Escuela Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valence de 1969 1974 et paralllement l'ingnierie l'ETH de Zurich et devient docteur s sciences et techniques en 1981.Il cre son agence d'architecture en 1981.

  • Santiago Calatrava estun architecte, un ingnieur,un peintre etun sculpteur.Santiago Calatrava est le gagnant 2005 de la mdaille d'or dCaia l'honneur le plus lev donn par l'institut amricain des architectes.

  • Jerusalem Chords Bridge

  • A new suspension bridge is built at the main entrance to Jerusalem, at the meeting point of Jaffa Road, Yermiyahu Street and Hertzel Boulevard. Its not planned to be just a bridge it will be a monument. Internationally acclaimed Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava was commissioned to design an artistic and practical solution for the new urban train scheduled to run above this busy intersection. The bridge is designed to be supported by an inclined central column, 130 meters high, with 150 meter long, white, suspension cables supporting a 380 meter long semi-circle on which the train will travel. Jerusalem will join Valencia, Seville, Lisbon, Lyon and other cities in the world proudly displaying Calatravas monumental designs.

  • View of the bridge in 2008The Jerusalem Chords Bridge or Jerusalem Bridge of Strings (Hebrew: , Gesher HaMeitarim), also called the Jerusalem Light Rail Bridge is a cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge at the entrance to the city of Jerusalem, Israel, designed by the Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava. The bridge is used by Jerusalem Light Rail's Red Line, which began service on August 19, 2011. Incorporated in the structure is a glass-sided pedestrian bridge enabling pedestrians to cross from Kiryat Moshe to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. The bridge, which cost about $70 million (NIS 246 million), was inaugurated on June 25, 2008.

  • Light Rail on Chords Bridge - Jerusalem

    The Jerusalem Light Rail (Hebrew: , HaRakevet HaKala Birushalayim) is a light rail line, the first of several rapid transit lines planned in Jerusalem. Construction began in 2002 and ended in 2010, when the testing phase began. It was built by the CityPass consortium, which has a 30-year concession to operate it. Construction also involved building the Jerusalem Chords Bridge and various renovation projects around the city.

  • 2008-2009, Technion Obelisk, monument on the Technion campus in Haifa, Israel

    The renowned architect, Dr. Santiago Calatrava, has designed a giant kinetic obelisk that was erected in the center of the Technion campus and marking the estabilishment of the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute on Technion.

    Dr. Calatrava contributed the detailed designs of the impressive kinetic sculpture, and the Russell Berrie Foundation covered the cost of creating and erecting the obelisk.The obelisk, which rises to a height of 28 meters (100 feet), was erected on the main boulevard in the heart of the campus - near Ullman building. The kinetic sculpture, which is composed of 224 steel ribs (28 ribs on each one of its eight levels), rotates on its axis and is illuminated at night. A motor is installed on the top level, which rotates the main axis of the sculpture in an elliptical orbit. The movement creates a feeling of a synodic wave and the obelisk appears to breathe. Each rib completes a full rotation in about 20 seconds.Technion City in Haifa looks like a large park, stated Dr. Calatrava. The center of the campus - near Ullman building - is an important place. I designed this vertical kinetic sculpture, which integrates beauty with technique and mechanics, such that it can be seen from every place.

  • 2005, Chords Pedestrian Bridge in Petach Tikva Israel

    The bridge connecting the Avnat shopping mall and the Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson) in Petah Tikva.Santiago Calatrava's bridge, is a Y-shaped cable, stayed pedestrian bridge, connecting Rabin Hospital to a shopping mall, a residential development and a public park. The structure is supported from a 95-foot (29 m) high inclined steel pylon, which is situated where the three spans intersect. Light in construction, the bridge is built principally of steel with a glass-paved deck. Length / Main span: 120m / 75m

  • Pont Alamillo Sville, Espagne, 1987 1992



  • 1989 1994 Aroport de Lyon-Satolas (rebaptis Saint-Exupry). Une architecture qui magnifie la structure et sublime le mouvement: le hall de la gare semble un gigantesque oiseau prt prendre son envol et les quais de la gare sont comme une haie dhonneur dhommes saluant le passage des TGV qui traversent la gare 300km/h en lespace de quelques secondes.



  • Pont Zubi-Zuri - BILBAO

  • Gare Orient Lisbonne, Portugal, 1993 1998


  • La Rioja, Bodegas Ysios Laguardia, lava, Espagne, Santiago Calatrava a voulu un bodegas btiment qui serait une icne pour le nouveau vin et adapte en mme temps au programme prcis et rigoureux des espaces requis pour faire, stocker et vendre le vin. 1998 2000

  • Aroport de Sondica Bilbao, Espagne, 1990 2000

  • Le Muse d'Art de Milwaukee Wisconsin, 1994 2001



  • Maison de l'orchestre symphonique de Tenerife Santa Cruz, Espagne, 1991 2003

  • Une merveille de technologie en bton et de pierresMaison de lorchestre symphonique de Tenerife


  • Athnes place des nations - 2004

  • Toit Olympique Athnes, Grce, 2004

  • ToitOlympiqueAthnes,Grce, 2004

  • Muse des arts et des sciencesValence, Espagne, 1995 2005

  • Turning Torso : Malm Sude, 2001 2005 Turning Torso a remport Cannes en 2005 le prix MIPIM du meilleur btiment rsidentiel.Inspire du corps humain, Tuning Torso, se prsente sous la forme dune empilement de neuf cubes dcals les uns par rapport aux autres et crant ainsi une impression de dynamisme et de tension. Cet difice comprend 54 tages partags entre des bureaux, des logements, et des espaces de runions.

  • Centre de symphonie d'Atlanta Georgie (2006 )

  • New York Trade Center (2006 )Janvier 22, 2004, Santiago Calatrava a dvoil sa conception pour

  • New York Rue 80 Du sud Condos (2006 )



  • Future projects...

  • Cest la ville des Arts et des sciences Valence ,Ma ville adoptive , ceci est mon petit hommage .

  • Nous commenons par lumbracle

  • Es un jardn cubierto por una estructura abierta de arcos metlicos

  • Plus haut que le btiment

  • Depuis lUmbracle, on apperoit le reste des Batiments depuis une hauteur suprieure .

  • Et il fait de beaux reflets dans leau

  • On voit le gigantisme du muse des sciences .

  • Presque un fossile prhistorique

  • A lintrieur un cinma imax avec cran dans la coupole de 180 ...

  • Quand on ouvre les semi-coupoles, cest trs spectaculaire

  • Et finalement le Palais des Arts est un btiment pour les concerts et opras .

  • Vu de ct , il parat tre un casque de gladiateur

  • Mais l , cest plutt une geule de requin!

  • See also:People under the Bridge

    Jerusalem Chords Bridge

    The Jerusalem Light Rail

    YouTube: Technion Obelisk and Dr. Santiago Calatrava speech

    Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute