Slide tpe barth_planificación 4_tercer período_secondary

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Transcript of Slide tpe barth_planificación 4_tercer período_secondary


ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Tercer período, nivel secundario.Institución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección: Brown 99, Bariloche.Grado sección: 4° y 5° añosCantidad de alumnos: 13Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Talented People”Clase Nº: 4Fecha: 16/10/15Hora: 7:45 a 9:05 amDuración de la clase: 80 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 12/ 10 /15

Teaching points:

Revision of “yes or no” questions. Revision of adjectives.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their speaking skills by playing a game and interacting with peers.

Develop their listening and speaking skills by listening to an audio about local business and charity.

Develop their writing skills by designing their own CV.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Asking and

answering questions

about famous people.

Jobs and occupations (Journalist,

actor, football player, singer,

cook )Adjectives


“Am I a football

player? Yes, you are/No, you aren’t”

Journalist/ d n l st/ˈ ʒɜː ə ɪ

(tall, slim, fat, short, old,


“Am I short? Yes, you

are/No, you aren’t”

New -Talk and discuss about

charity and campaigns.-Talk about

possible tips to take into

account for a possible future


Local business, charity,


Future continuous

“I’ll be waiting; I’ll be meeting them

next week”

Charity/ t ær t |i/ˈ ʃ ə

Business/ b z n s/ˈ ɪ əCampaign

/kæm pe n/ˈ ɪ

Teaching approach: “Communicative Approach” and PPP method.

Integration of skills: An audio about local business and charity will be used to expose students to the target language. Students will integrate their listening and speaking skills by discussing about the audio. Listening and writing will be integrated by completing some activities related to the same audio.

Materials and resources: pieces of paper with famous people names, masking tape, marker, board, music, candies, audio, article, dictionaries, photocopies, poster with tips, CV templates.

Pedagogical use of ICT in the class: An audio will be played on the CD player to expose students to the target language. Students will also use their online dictionaries to search the unknown vocabulary. However, I will have dictionaries in case that the Internet won’t work.

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting down at the tables situated in rows facing the board. At the same table three or four students may work together.

Cooperative work: There will be a game to exchange information and promote interaction among students.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

Some students may be a bit disruptive so I’ll write the word “homework” on the board; they know that if I have to clean the whole word they’ll have an extra homework.

Potential problems students may have with the language

Some students may find it difficult to understand certain words to complete the CV, I’ll monitor them to provide them with the possible explanations. I will also encourage them to use their online dictionaries.

Assessment: Understanding and identification of new vocabulary will be assessed by asking some individual questions. Echoing will be used to check their listening comprehension.

Procedure :

Routine (2’ minutes)

As this class starts very early in the morning I’ll wait for my students playing some music, I will give each of them a candy. Then, I will say “I need some help to write the date on the board, please Ivo, Can you help me?” I will encourage students to spell the date to help him to copy it.

Warm-up (12’ minutes) We will start our class playing a game called “Got it”. I will explain to students that I’ll stick a piece of paper with a famous person’s name on their foreheads, they won’t read it. They’ll have to ask questions to their friends to guess it. If they guess their name they’ll have to stand up on a chair and shout “Got it”. I’ll demonstrate the activity, for example I will ask them “Am I a boy? Am I a girl? Am I a singer? Am I an actor? Am I from Argentina? Am I

a football player? Am I a model? Am I a cook? Am I Shakira?” Students will start playing but they will ask ONLY 1 or 2 questions to each classmate.Names: MARU BOTANA- JUSTIN BIEBER- MESSI- TEVEZ- LALI ESPOSITO- JORGE RIAL- MARCELO POLINO- CRISTOPHE (MASTERCHEF)- MIRTA LEGRAND- NALBANDIAN- MARIANO MARTINEZ- MARLEY- LADY GAGA-

Presentation (8’ minutes) “Awesome! It was funny! Yesterday I was having a conversation with a friend that works as a journalist, and she told me about a boy called Johnny, he is a student at the Withfield School and he started with a campaign. Have you ever participated in a campaign or charity? Do you know the meaning of charity? It means to give money or things to people that need it, for example to give clothes to a poor boy. Would you like to know about his campaign? I brought you an article about him. Please Vivi, can you hand out the photocopies? Thanks… Where would you see this text? Let’s read it” I will ask students to answer “What’s the important news? And why did the Council change its mind?” Students will share their answers orally. “Delfi, what’s the important news? What will happen to the Youth Centre? Yes, it’s going to re-open. Great! And tell me, why did the Council change its mind? Yes, because local business and charity will help with the finances”.

Development Activity 1 (8’ minutes)

In order to help students to understand the new vocabulary I will say “There are some words from the next whose meaning I don’t know. Can you help me to match the words to its meanings? I wrote the words and their meaning but they are mixed up” I will prepare the words and meanings in different slips of paper; I’ll encourage students to stand up in turns and help me to match them. We will check all together. Some meanings were taken form

“At the last minute” At the end of a period of time.“Funding” Money for an event or place. “Fight tooth and nail” Fight as hard as you can. “To persuade” To help someone decide to do something. “Achievement” A difficult thing that you do successfully. “Reaction” Your thoughts about an event. “Survive” To continue to exist. “Think twice” Work out your opinion again..

Activity 2 ( 12’ minutes)

“Way to go! While I was reading this article for the first time I wrote some sentences about it. But I think that I was not paying attention and I wrote them wrong. So, can you help me to correct them? Let’s work in pairs and correct them”. I will hand out the copies and I will play some music. After some minutes, we will check the answers orally. Article adapted from the book “Energy 4 by Pearson”

POSSIBLE ANSWERS: 1) The council will share the cost with local business and charities. 2) In December. 3) They don’t have to pay anything. 4) He collected 5,000 signatures. 5) He wasn’t alone.

Activity 3 ( 8’ minutes) “I met Johnny and when I saw him he was talking to a friend called Macy. They were talking about their future. I recorded the conversation and I wrote the conversation, but when I was coming to school there was a strong wind, and now all the conversation is mixed. Can you help me to put the dialogue in order?” I will hand out the dialogue and I encourage them to put the dialogue in order. Students will listen to the dialogue to put it in order, and we will check orally. I will play the audio twice if it’s necessary.

Read the article and correct the sentences.1- The Council is going to pay all the money for The Grove.

____________________________________________________2- They decided to close it in January.

____________________________________________________3- People have to pay to use the centre.

____________________________________________________4- Johnny collected 4,000 signatures.

____________________________________________________5- Johnny ran the campaign alone.


Dialogue taken from the book Energy 4.


Macy Wow! That was hard work!

Johnny Yeah, but it was worth it.

Macy Yes, it’s great! Oh, I forgot- congratulations on the campaign!

Johnny Thanks. It went well.

Macy What’ll happen next?

Johnny We’ll be having a meeting with the Council next week. I’ll find out then.

Macy Oh, er, I’ll be having a meeting next week too.

Johnny Really? Who with??

Macy The BBC. I’ve applied for a job in the radio.

Johnny Oh! Which programme? Wales Tonight?

Macy Er, no. I won’t be working in Wales.

Johnny I don’t understand. Where will you working, then?

Macy The job’s in London.

Johnny Wow! You mean we’ll be in the same town when I go to college?

Macy If you get into college in London, yes.

Johnny Well, good look. I’ve got an interview soon.

Macy What for?

Johnny Oh, just a holiday job as a tour guide. Cerys did it last year.

Macy Well, good luck to you, too!

Activity 4 (17 ’ minutes)“Cool… Did you notice that Johnny will have a job interview? As I imagine that he could be afraid about it I searched for some tips to take into account

for an interview. Would you like to have a look at it? Please, Meli can you start reading the poster? Thanks! What do you think about the tips? Are they helpful for you too? Well, now I would like you to start designing your own CV because it will be very helpful to have it ready for future job interviews. I brought you a CV but it’s incomplete, so you’ll have to complete it with your own information” I’ll ask students to have a look at the poster with the tips to get a job, and then I’ll encourage them to complete their own CV.

Resume / C.V.Personal InformationLast name

First name(s)


Phone number

Cell phone number


Date of birth

Place of birth

Country of citizenship

Marital Status

Drivers License

EducationSchool systemYear attended School name Did you Graduate?



LanguagesLanguage Fluency

Work ExperiencePeriod Company Last position held / duties

Hobbies / Interests

ReferencesName Address & Phone

numberBusiness Relation

SS will hand in their work.

Homework and closure ( 3’ minutes)

“Time’s up kids! We must finish the class! I hope you enjoyed it. As homework you will have to imagine that you will have a job interview soon. Write some possible questions and answers that the interviewer may ask you. For example: what’s your name? Where do you live? What are you good at?”