The role of leaf litter quality and streambed hydro...

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The role of leaf litter quality and streambed hydro-morphology on in-stream

leaf litter dynamics

El rol de la qualitat de la fullaraca i de la hidro-morfologia del tram fluvial en les dinàmiques de la fullaraca als rierols

Elliot Bastias Álamo

Aquesta tesi doctoral està subjecta a la llicència Reconeixement- NoComercial – SenseObraDerivada 3.0. Espanya de Creative Commons. Esta tesis doctoral está sujeta a la licencia Reconocimiento - NoComercial – SinObraDerivada 3.0. España de Creative Commons. This doctoral thesis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0. Spain License.

Tesis doctoral

Universitat de Barcelona

Facultat de Biologia

Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències ambientals

Programa de doctorat en Ecologia, Ciències Ambientals i Fisiologia Vegetal

The role of leaf litter quality and streambed hydro-

morphology on in-stream leaf litter dynamics

El rol de la qualitat de la fullaraca i de la hidro-morfologia del tram fluvial en les

dinàmiques de la fullaraca als rierols

Memòria presentada per el Sr. Elliot Bastias Álamo per optar al grau de doctor per la

Universitat de Barcelona

Vist i plau de la directora i el tutor de la tesi

La directora de la tesi

Dra. Eugènia Martí i Roca

Científica titular del CSIC

Ecologia integrativa d’aigües continentals

Centre d´Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB)

El tutor de la tesis

Dr. Fransesc Sabater i Comas

Professor al Departament de Biologia

Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències ambientals

(Universitat de Barcelona)

A mi abuelo,

y a toda la familia


Recuerdo el primer día que estuve en un río. Aquellas piedras mojadas y yo

jugando en ellas desconociendo toda la dimensión que supondría en mi

vida, mucho tiempo después.

Agradezco a toda persona que haya colaborado conmigo por su tiempo y su

paciencia en hacer realidad la presente tesis y lo que conlleva.

Gracias a todo el equipo de los del río: Sandra, Clara, Edu, Steffi, Susana,

Lorenzo, Dani… por dejarme formar parte de esta familia tan maravillosa.

Y gracias también al equipo UB, Sílvia y Anna por compartir experiencias

conmigo en la parcela de Font del Regàs. También, gracias al Equipo

EMG-UMEA por acogerme tan bien en la universidad y por ayudarme

tanto en los experimentos: Ryan, Daniela, Marcus… Gracias Dominique

por tus ánimos y tiempo para escucharme y creer en mí.

A mis directores de tesis por su paciencia y respeto a todos mis

pensamientos e inquietudes. Su siempre dispuesta fe en todas mis ideas y el

“chute de energías” que aparecen cuando hablas con ellos. Ambos han sido

un buen motor a mis inquietudes, que es la base de todo científico, y

persona, para seguir adelante.

Gracias Micael Jonsson por compartir tantos buenos momentos contigo en

tu país (Suecia) y por mostrarme todos sus encantos. Siempre recordaré con

alegría como buscábamos hojas de Swedish-oak en los tramos de río.

Gracias por muchos momentos de charlas sobre la ciencia y por tus

palabras de ánimo que siempre fueron muy necesarias para mí. Espero

poder disfrutarlas de nuevo pronto.

Mirco Carella, que cosa puedo decir. Los experimentos pasarán, los

artículos más o menos relevantes se olvidarán o vendrán otros que los

refuten o avalen. La amistades que te da la vida pueden ser eternas. Gracias

por ser un bonito regalo de mi etapa del CEAB y por siempre una palabra

amable y sincera.

Muchas gracias Celia por todas las horas que has pasado escuchándome.

Creo que una de las personas que más me ha escuchado has sido tú. Por los

ratos de risas siempre garantizadas y por venir a verme a Suecia cuando me

fui de estancia.

Que grande eres Dani Casals. Así se resume la imagen que tengo de ti. Tan

diferente a lo que hay hoy día por el mundo. Gracias por tus siempre

palabras positivas y por tus atenciones siempre exquisitas, siempre

acordándote de los días de entregas de cosas de mi tesis para enviarme un

mensaje de ánimo. Por venirme a buscarme al CEAB para ir a los entrenos

y por las infinitas risas que hemos compartido siempre. La verdad es que

esas dosis de positividad son tan necesarias para un estudiante de doctorado

como las ganas de estudiar. Ojalá el futuro nos vuelva a juntar en el verde

césped sea para disfrutar de las victorias o para compartir las ganas de

seguir de las derrotas. Eres un grande.

Dr. Miquel Ribot, que voy a decir de ti que no te haya dicho ya verdad? No

me habría imaginado mejor compañero para empezar en esto que tú. Tan

meticuloso y perfeccionista en todo. Ir al campo contigo ha sido siempre un

placer. Gracias por animarme, pero también por enseñarme que debajo de

los pies siempre está el suelo y que no hace falta volar cuando puedes

andar. Ser humilde no está de moda en estos tiempos que corren pero es la

mayor muestra de humanidad que tenemos. Tú eres muy bueno en esto de

la ciencia y muy humilde, y esta combinación es tan rara como fantástica.

Gracias sheriff.

Muchas gracias Manel Bolívar por conducirme. Por conducirme hacia un

trabajo de campo mejor, y a compartir muchas alegrías conmigo. La verdad

es que trabajar contigo ha sido un placer muy grande y ojala pudiera

llevarte allá donde fuera.

Eugènia, que miedo nos hiciste pasar. Recuerdo cuando Miquel me explicó

todo como se me descompuso la cara. Supongo que tener una jefa tan

humana como tú provoca esto en la gente que te rodea. Gracias por tu

paciencia, por tu fe en mí y por tus palabras siempre amables, pero sobre

todo gracias por seguir aquí por superar el bache. Cuídate mucho que

queremos y te queremos, Eugènia para rato.

A mi madre y a mi padre por escucharme siempre absolutamente todo y a

apoyarme en mis proyectos, a llevarme al campo y a permitirme usar la

casa de Tomón (Teruel) como laboratorio improvisado. Andrea, la vida es

como una tesis. Empiezas fuerte, has de seguir fuerte y más fuerte has de

ser al final. Los momentos de satisfacción son el mejor regalo del camino.

Disfruta del camino sin mirar el final, que el final llega siempre pero no lo

has de ver llegar.

Yaya Mía, que suerte tenerte por aquí y cuantas veces te habré contado que

la velocidad de la corriente influye a como se pudren las hojas en el río.

Que alegría poder compartir esto contigo. Gracias por siempre tener un

momento para mí y por cuidar siempre a mi niño pequeño. El entusiasmo

para trabajar sea cual sea el resultado ha venido siempre determinado por

ese niño pequeño que no ha visto más allá del patio de recreo que ha sido el

rio, el laboratorio y el CEAB. Gracias por ayudarme a desvelar que yo no

voy a trabajar sino a jugar.

Esta tesis la quiero dedicar en especial a mi abuelo Dionisio Bastias. Mi

abuelo fue un hombre humilde, forestal resinero de Tormón, Teruel. A ti

abuelo te quiero agradecer tu paciencia inmensa y tu sabiduría para

enseñarme todo lo que hoy soy. Tú que fuiste mi primer profesor del río y

de la vida misma enseñándome con la herramienta más importante de

todas: el ejemplo. No podré encontrar nunca a una persona más positiva,

serena y atenta como tú. Siempre recuerdo el sonido del agua rozando las

piedras y las ramas del río como algo familiar gracias a ti. Si dios quiere

esta tesis se defenderá en abril, te mando una invitación por si quieres

pasarte a verla: tienes primera fila reservada.

TABLE OF CONTENTS________________________________________________________________________
















5.1. ABSTRACT 33


5.3. METHODS 37

5.4. RESULTS 46




6.1. ABSTRACT 65


6.3. METHODS 69

6.4. RESULTS 74




7.1. ABSTRACT 89


7. 3. METHODS 93

7.4. RESULTS 102




8.1. ABSTRACT 117


8.3. METHODS 121

8.4. RESULTS 127












1.1. Leaf litter dynamics in stream ecosystems

Leaf litter inputs supply to streams organic carbon (C) and nutrients and thus, these

inputs constitute relevant organic matter subsidies to the recipient streams (Likens and

Bormann 1974; Wallace et al. 1999; Larsen et al. 2016). Once leaf litter enters the

streams it can be retained and spatially distributed within the stream channel or be

transported downstream. Once retained, leaf litter inputs can be processed by the

recipient streams through the release of soluble compounds from the leaf litter (i.e.,

leaching process), the microbial decomposition of leaf litter constituents (i.e., leaf litter

mineralization) and the physical fragmentation of leaf litter mediated by water abrasion

and macroinvertebrate activity. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of leaf litter

inputs in streams involves assessment of retention, spatial distribution and processing of

leaf litter inputs (Figure 1.1.). Furthermore, leaf litter processing in streams is not an

isolated process because it can be linked with the dynamics of solutes of these streams.

In fact, leachates from leaf litter provide to the streams dissolved organic matter

(DOM), as well as, dissolved nutrients (i.e., nitrogen [N] and phosphorous [P]). Also,

the mineralization of leaf litter inputs implies the releasing of dissolved forms of C and

nutrients to the stream water column (Webster et al. 2000; Webster et al. 2009). In

addition, microbial communities inhabiting leaf litter uptake dissolved forms from water

column during leaf litter decomposition (Kaushik and Hynes 1971).

Leaf litter dynamics in streams has been mostly studied by determining the controlling

factors of leaf litter processing, ignoring if leaf litter inputs are retained within the

streams, and how these inputs are spatially distributed within the streambed (Woodward

et al. 2012). In addition, despite the obvious linkage between leaf litter processing and

in-stream solute dynamics, few studies provided information about the main drivers


controlling this connection. Therefore, in order to understand how leaf litter dynamics

operates in stream ecosystems (Figure 1.1.), the present thesis aims to examine (a) how

the hydro-morphological characteristics of the recipient stream can influence the

retention, spatial distribution, physical fragmentation and decomposition of leaf litter

inputs. Moreover, we also examine the interaction between leaf litter processing and in-

stream dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved inorganic nitrogen and how

it varies depending on the leaf litter species considered.

Figure 1.1. The figure describes the leaf litter dynamics in streams which includes: leaf litter

inputs, the retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter within the stream and the leaf litter

processing, which can be constituted by the leaching process, the microbial consumption of

leaf litter constituents and the leaf litter fragmentation. We show how the riparian

composition (green) and the hydro-morphological characteristics of the recipient stream

(red) can influence the dynamics of leaf litter inputs in streams.


1.2. The influence of the composition of riparian vegetation on leaf litter inputs

to streams

The composition of the riparian forest has important implications for the dynamics of

inputs of leaf litter to streams because the riparian forest may ultimately dictate the

quality of leaf litter inputs to streams. Quality of leaf litter is commonly assessed by its

elemental composition (i.e., the content of C, N and P), and the relative proportion

among these elements (Melillo et al. 2001). In general, leaf litter with high N and P

content relative to C content is more easily processed by microbial decomposers (i.e.,

fast decomposition) than leaf litter with low relative content of N and P (Webster and

Benfield 1986; Enriquez et al. 1993). For example, decomposition of alder (Alnus

glutinosa) species is usually faster than that for other leaf litter species such as black

poplar (Populus nigra) or sycamore (Platanus X hispanica) (Webster and Benfield

1986) because, the elemental C:N ratio of alder is lower relative to these species.

Regardless of the C:N ratio, other leaf litter species such as black locust (Robinia

pseudoacacia) and sycamore contain a high proportion of C-recalcitrant compounds

such as lignin or tannins; and thus, these species constitute a source of low-quality

substrate for stream microbial decomposers (Webster and Benfield 1986). In fact, litter

quality is also related to the complexity of organic C molecules that constitute leaf litter

(Webster and Benfield 1986). Simple organic compounds in leaf litter, such as soluble

polysaccharides, are labile C sources; and thus, are easily degraded and consumed by

microbes. In contrast, more complex C compounds in leaf litter are recalcitrant C

resources; and thus, are more costly to be used by microbes (Sinsabaugh et al. 1993).

Relatively higher proportions of recalcitrant C compounds in leaf litter have been

negatively related to the leaf litter decomposition (Gessner and Chauvet 1994; Schindler

and Gessner 2009). Overall this information indicates that the species composition of


the riparian forest, which can be influenced by the climatic setting of the region, can

dictate the quality of leaf litter inputs to streams; and thus, ultimately influence how

these inputs can be used by stream microbial assemblages.

In Mediterranean regions, vegetation is adapted to water stress; and thus, it is typically

sclerophyllous and ever-green (Bunn 1986; King et al. 1987; Britton 1990). In the

riparian zones of these regions, deciduous woody species can usually develop because

adjacent streams provide optimal hydrologic conditions to riparian species that relay on

water availability from phreatic level in the forest soil (Shmida 1981; Holstein 1984).

In sub-humid Mediterranean areas, riparian forest is usually dominated by alders. Other

riparian tree species such as black poplar, ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and sycamore can be

present. In addition, currently black locust, an invasive tree species, is also common in

riparian forests of these regions. The relative dominance of these species in the riparian

forest depends on the degree of aridity of the forest soils (Maanri et al. 1994; Fisher SG

1995). Under increasing degree of aridity, deciduous tree species such as alder and

black poplar are more restricted to grow near the stream channel. In contrast, species

such as black locust are more adapted to grow under dry conditions (Maamri et al.

1994) and thus, can develop further away from stream channel. Thus, composition of

the tree species in riparian forest of Mediterranean regions is subjected to the

hydrological linkage between the stream and the riparian zone (Maanri et al. 1994).

Species composition of riparian forest can also influence the temporal pattern of leaf

litter inputs to streams. The inputs of leaf litter from riparian zones to streams mostly

occur during autumn. However, some studies have found that the temporal pattern of

leaf litter inputs can vary among years due to the high inter-annual variation of weather


conditions. In wet years, leaf litter inputs are concentrated in short-term pulses during

autumn; while in dry years, leaf litter inputs can occur over extended periods from mid-

summer to end of autumn (Molinero and Pozo 2004; Acuña et al. 2007). However, in

Mediterranean regions, leaf litter inputs can also be significant during summer due to

hydric stress conditions on riparian tree species (Acuña et al. 2007). Although the leaf

litter inputs to streams have been well described, previous studies considered leaf litter

inputs as a bulk of species, ignoring the relative importance of different riparian tree

species providing leaf litter into the streams.

1.3. Retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter inputs in streams

The amount of leaf litter inputs available to stream communities (i.e., leaf litter standing

stocks) is not only influenced by the leaf litter inputs from riparian forest, but also by

the probability of these inputs to be retained within the stream (i.e., retentiveness). In

fact, once leaf litter enters the streams it can either be retained within the stream channel

or be transported downstream depending on the hydrological conditions and the

morphology of the stream channels (Fisher and Likens 1973, Larrañaga et al. 2003,

Cordova et al. 2008). Previous studies have shown that the stream retentiveness for leaf

litter decreases as discharge increases (Snaddon et al. 1992, Raikow et al. 1995, Dewson

et al. 2007). Under high discharge the accumulation of particulate organic matter in the

stream channel is dislodged, kept in suspension by turbulence, and transported to longer

distances (Fisher and Likens 1973, Larrañaga et al. 2003, Cordova et al. 2008). In

contrast, under low discharge, stream retentiveness tends to be high due to the high

interaction between the particles and the streambed substrata (Speaker et al. 1984;

Lamberti et al. 1989; Mathooko et al. 2001). Under these conditions, leaf litter tends to


buildup in the streambed at locations where shear stress is sub-critical (e.g. pools) or

where leaves become trapped by obstacles such as wood, cobbles or boulders

(Larrañaga et al. 2003, Cordova et al. 2008). Once retained, leaf litter inputs can be re-

suspended whenever discharge conditions increase (Webster et al. 1994; Wallace et al.

1995). Thus, leaf litter retention is not a static, but a dynamics process following the

hydrologic regimes of the recipient streams. Nevertheless, under baseflow conditions

leaf litter retention has been assumed as static process, because soon after leaf litter

enters into the stream its spatial distribution becomes stable. However, there is no

empirical evidence of this fact and thus, information of how leaf litter retention in

streams operates under baseflow conditions is still lacking.

1.4. Processing of leaf litter inputs in streams

Once leaf litter falls into the stream, it becomes processed through different in-stream

mechanisms, assuming that it gets retained in the stream channel. In-stream leaf litter

processing usually comprises 3 phases: (a) an initial rapid loss of matter due to leaching

of dissolved constituents, (b) a successive microbial development on leaf litter surface

which drives decomposition of leaf litter, and (c) the fragmentation of leaf litter due to

physical factors and the activity of macroinvertebrate using leaf litter as a food source

(Webster and Benfield 1986).

During a short period after its input into the stream (i.e., ~24h), leaf litter loses soluble

organic and inorganic compounds (i.e., leachates) to the water column (Webster and

Benfield 1986; Wymore et al. 2015). Leaf litter retained in the stream channel is also

rapidly colonized by microbes (fungi and bacteria), which are the main biotic agents


involved in leaf litter decomposition (Kaushik and Hynes 1971). The main mechanism

of fungi and bacteria to decompose leaf litter tissues is the production of extracellular

enzymes, which can degrade high-molecular-weight compounds from leaf litter into

low-molecular-weight compounds (Romaní et al. 2012, 2016). These low-molecular-

weight compounds can then be assimilated by microbial communities (Rogers 1961).

Therefore, the use of leaf litter as energy and matter resources to microbial assemblages

(i.e., leaf litter decomposition) depends on the specific exoenzymatic activity associated

to these microbial organisms (Slater and Lovatt 1984). In-streams, leaf litter

decomposition is influenced by both internal factors of the leaf litter (i.e. chemical and

physical characteristics of the leaves) and external environmental factors (i.e., stream

characteristics). On the one hand, the internal factors of the leaf litter, which potentially

influence its decomposition in streams can be divided into three categories: (a) content

of essential elements in the leaf tissue; (b) fiber content; and (c) presence of chemical

inhibitors (Webster and Benfield 1986). On the other hand, environmental factors such

as water temperature (Ferreira and Chauvet 2011), dissolved nutrient concentrations

(Ferreira and Chauvet 2011; Woodward et al. 2012), dissolved oxygen and water pH,

among others, can influence leaf litter decomposition among streams (Webster and

Benfield 1986). Leaf litter inputs are also subjected to mechanical fragmentation during

their decomposition. In this regard, there are some evidences that water velocity of the

stream habitats where leaf litter retains is one of the main factors explaining the physical

fragmentation of leaf litter inputs in streams (Witkamp and Frank 1969, Hodkinsonm

1975; Ferreira and Graça 2006). Water velocity can be patchily distributed within a

stream as a result of the interaction between stream flow and streambed morphology.

However, despite the high variability of water velocity within the stream channel, the

role of water velocity on in-stream leaf litter processing has not been addressed yet.


Furthermore, the physical fragmentation of leaf litter inputs is also mediated by the

activity of invertebrates shredders (e.g., McDiffett 1970 Cummins 1974; Anderson and

Sedell 1979), which increases the rate at which leaf litter is converted to fine particles

(Wallace et al. 1982; Cuffney et al. 1990) and dissolved organic matter (DOM; Meyer

and O'Hop 1983).

1.5. The influence of leaf litter inputs on in-stream dynamics of dissolved C and


After seasonal pulses of leaf litter inputs, a substantial quantity of dissolved organic

matter (DOM), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and soluble reactive phosphorous

(SRP) is rapidly released into the streams due to the leaching process (Mcdowell and

Fisher 1976; Wymore et al. 2015). Dissolved inorganic compounds from leachates are

readily available for plant and microbial uptake in the stream without requiring

mineralization and the metabolic costs of enzyme production (Sinsabaugh et al. 2002).

Therefore, leaching from leaf litter inputs can substantially provide a suit of DOC, DIN

and SRP to stream communities contributing to in-stream cycling of these elements.

Despite the potential effect of leachates on the cycling of C, N and P in the recipient

streams, the influence of leachates to streams has been a topic scarcely assessed in the

literature and studies mainly focused on determining the loss of leaf litter mass

associated to the leaching process (Brock T. 1984). The examination of how leachates

influence on C, N and P in-stream pools and how these leachates react with microbial

communities of the streams is still lacking (but see Wymore et al. 2015).

Microbial assemblages developed on leaf litter obtain C and N from leaf litter tissues

and release part of these elements to the water column as leaf litter mineralization


proceeds. Webster and colleges (2009) suggested that microbial decomposers have a

fixed C:N:P requirements with no stoichiometry plasticity. Therefore, the mineralization

of leaf litter constituents can be direct, when the N and P supplied from leaf litter are

greater than the needs of the microbes. Furthermore, litter mineralization can be

indirect, which occurs when microbial assemblages metabolize the C from leaf litter and

nutrients from leaf litter are released as inorganic nutrients to water column. Therefore,

leaf litter decomposition implies the release of nutrients from leaf litter to the water

column (Pastor et al. 2014). In addition, the linkage between leaf litter decomposition

and nutrient stocks in water column is often associated to the microbial uptake of

solutes from water column. In this regard, Kaushik and Hynes (1971) indicated that

mineralization of leaf litter inputs is sustained by the uptake (or immobilization) of

dissolved nutrients such as nitrogen. This process can be explained because microbial

assemblages colonizing leaf litter are usually not completely satisfied only by

compounds from leaf litter. Since Kaushik and Hynes (1971), other studies examined

the use of dissolved nutrients by microbial assemblages colonizing leaf litter inputs.

Most of these studies focused on determine N uptake from water column when adding

N isotopically labelled ammonium (NH4) or nitrate (NO3) (i.e., 15

NH4 and 15


which barely modifies ambient nutrient concentrations (Dodds et al. 2000; Mulholland

et al. 2000; Tank et al. 2000; Sobota et al. 2012; Ribot et al. 2017). These studies

suggest that microbial decomposers take up inorganic N from the water column

(Mulholland et al. 2000; Sobota et al. 2012; Ribot et al. 2017). However, these studies

typically consider leaf litter as a bulk, despite the fact that leaf litter inputs are usually

constituted by a set of leaf litter species with different quality, which is a factor that

controls the microbial nutrient demands from water column (Webster et al. 2009). In

parallel, some studies used stable isotopes of 13

C suggesting the assimilation of DOC


during leaf litter decomposition (Hall and Meyer 1998; Abril et al. unpublished data).

Thus, leaf litter decomposition may be also related to the dissolved C dynamics in

streams through the uptake of DOC by microbial decomposers.

The effect of dissolved nutrients on leaf litter decomposition has been also examined by

modifying the background nutrient concentrations (Rosemond et al. 2015) or by

considering streams covering a gradient of nutrient concentrations (Woodward et al.

2012). In a recent paper, Rosemond et al. (2015) used whole-stream nitrogen N and P

additions to stream to test how nutrient enrichment can modulate leaf litter

decomposition. They found that average decomposition of leaf litter was enhanced by

~50% as compared to reference conditions as a result of nutrient enrichment.

Woodward et al. (2012) suggested that leaf litter decomposition can be influenced by

dissolved nutrients across streams covering a gradient of nutrient concentrations. More

specifically, they found that Gaussian-shape models best explained the relationship

between litter decomposition and nutrient gradient. However, Woodward and colleges

found this pattern only for total decomposition by analyzing both together, microbial

and macroinvertebrate decomposition. Dramatically slowed breakdown at both

extremes of the nutrient gradient indicated strong nutrient limitation in unaffected

systems, potential for strong stimulation in moderately altered systems, and inhibition in

highly polluted streams. Furthermore, Woodward et al. (2012) found that the effect of

dissolved nutrient concentrations on leaf litter breakdown may be higher for high-

quality litter such as alder than for low-quality litter such as oak. Yet, the interplay

between dissolved nutrient concentrations and leaf litter quality and the main

mechanisms explaining this interaction are still scarce for microbially-driven






The present thesis aims to provide knowledge about the main drivers that influence the

dynamics of leaf litter inputs in stream ecosystems. On the one hand, we assume that the

importance of leaf litter inputs to streams can be subjected to the retention of this

subsidy within the recipient streams. Thus, as a specific objective, we assessed how the

heterogeneity of water velocity within a stream reach can influence the retention, spatial

distribution, fragmentation and decomposition of leaf litter inputs. In addition, this

thesis aims to understand how the composition of the riparian forest, which determines

the quality of leaf litter inputs, can ultimately influence the in-stream dissolved C and N

dynamics. To approach this aim, we specifically examine how the leaf litter quality of

different riparian tree species can influence: (I) the chemical-composition and microbial

bioavailability of leaf litter leachates to streams (II) the uptake of DIN and DOC from

water column by microbial decomposers during decomposition process and how it is

related to the activity of microbial decomposers and, (III) how microbially-driven leaf

litter decomposition vary among streams which covered a wide gradient of inorganic

nutrient concentrations. The thesis is divided in the following 4 chapters which

correspond to specific questions mentioned above. The chapters are organized following

the order of leaf litter dynamics exposed in the introduction section (Figure 1.1.).

Chapter 5. Spatial heterogeneity of water velocity drives the transport, spatial

distribution, and processing of leaf litter in streams.

This chapter examines how water velocity influences in-stream leaf litter dynamics at

reach scale, including leaf litter retention, spatial distribution of leaf litter within the

reach, and leaf litter decomposition and physical fragmentation.


Chapter 6. Chemical and optical properties of different litter leachates influence in-

stream nutrient pool and microbial activity.

This chapter focuses on characterizing the leaf litter leachates from different riparian

tree species. The main objectives are to explore how chemical and optical properties of

the leachates vary among different litter sources, and how such potential variation can

influence the activity of microbial assemblages in streams.

Chapter 7. When leaf litter species matter, microbial uptake of ammonium and acetate

from stream water during decomposition

The present study aims to understand how the uptake of DIN (i.e., N-NH4) and DOC

(i.e., acetate) from water column vary among riparian leaf litter species which differ in

the initial quality (i.e., C:N ratio) and among different stages of leaf litter

decomposition. Moreover, we explore whether differences in N-NH4 and acetate uptake

among leaf litter species are related to the production of microbial activity of


Chapter 8. Responses of microbially-driven leaf litter decomposition to stream

nutrients depend on litter quality.

The aim of this chapter is to understand how microbially-driven decomposition of leaf

litter from two riparian tree species differing in elemental composition (i.e., C:N ratio)

varies among streams which cover a gradient of nutrient concentrations. More

specifically, we evaluate: (i) leaf litter decomposition rates, (ii) leaf litter C and N

content throughout the decomposition period, and (iii) microbial extracellular enzyme

activities. These parameters are examined for alder (i.e., high-quality litter, low C:N)

and sycamore (i.e., low-quality litter, high C:N) across streams.





3.1. La Tordera Catchment

This thesis was conducted in the catchment of the river La Tordera (Catalonia, NE

Spain; Figure 3.1.), with an area of 868.5 km2 and dominated by siliceous geology.

Climate in this region is typically Mediterranean, with warm, dry summers and mild,

humid winters. At the highest elevations in the northern side of the catchment, local

climate is very humid (>900 mm of annual precipitation) in the context of the area,

whereas in the southern side local climate is relatively dry (<500 mm of average annual

precipitation). Within this catchment, we selected different study sites in order to

conduct the experiments mentioned in the previous section, but most of the research

was conducted in a sub-basin of La Tordera, which is Font del Regàs. More specifically,

chapter 5 was partially conducted in a reach of Font del Regàs. The litter material used

in the laboratory experiment (chapter 6) was collected in the same reach. Chapter 7 was

completely conducted in a canal adjacent to a stream reach within this sub-basin.

Additionally, one of the streams used in the chapter 8 was placed in Font del Regàs and

the other 4 streams were placed in other sub-catchments within La Tordera catchment

(Figure 3.2.).


Figure 3.1. Location of La Tordera catchment (Catalonia, NE Spain).


3.2. Font del Regàs sub-catchment

Font del Regàs lies within the boundaries of the Montseny Natural Park (N of

Barcelona; 41º50’N, 2º30’E, altitudinal range 300-1200 m a.s.l.), in the wettest part of

La Tordera (Figure 3.2). Font del Regàs (12.5 Km2) is highly forested, mostly

dominated by sclerophyllous forest of evergreen oak (Quercus ilex), except in its

hillslope northern part, which is dominated by a deciduous forest of beech (Fagus

sylvatica). Riparian zones in Font del Regàs are constituted by a well-developed

riparian forest, consisting mainly of alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior),

black poplar (Populus nigra) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). The study

streams within this sub-catchment showed well-preserved channel morphology, with a

riffle-run structure and low slopes (<5 %) along the reaches. The streambed is mainly

composed by rock, cobbles, and gravels. The stream channel is, on average, 3-4 m wide.

Study reaches are influenced by low human pressure and thus, are characterized by

relatively low nutrient concentrations (von Schiller et al. 2008). However, two streams

considered in the chapter 8 (Gualba and Coloma; Figure 3.2.) receive the inputs from

wastewater treatment plants, and thus, these streams have higher nutrient concentrations

and pollution.


Figure 3.2. Location of the 5 streams study during the present thesis (chapter 8). We marked in bold

Font del Regàs sub-catchment.





4.1 Experimental tracers used in the present thesis

The present thesis involved a set of field and laboratory methods to approach the

objectives mentioned above. On the one hand, we used the leaf bag approach to

calculate leaf litter decomposition rates (k) when needed. This technique is one of the

most commonly used in leaf litter decomposition experiments in aquatic and terrestrial

ecosystems (Webster and Benfield 1896). On the other hand, the present thesis entails

the use of 4 different tracers in order to address the objectives mentioned above (Table

4.1.). More specifically we used: (a) tracer-leaves of Ginkgo biloba which was used to

determine the retention and spatial distribution of leaves within a stream-reach. (b)

Determination of dissolved organic matter quality by optical properties. (c) Microbial

exozymatic activities, with are used to determine the degradation of specific organic

compounds during leaf litter decomposition. (d) Resazurin (Raz)-resorufin (Rru)

system, which allowed the estimation of microbial activity associated with each leaf

litter leachate examined. (e) Stable isotopes of N (15

N-NH4) and C (13

C-acetate) which

allow determining the fluxes of these solutes from water column to the microbial

decomposers (Table 4.1.).


Experimental tracer Uses Study area Chapters


Determination of retention and

spatial distribution of leaf litter

inputs at reach scale

We quantified leaf litter retention and spatial

distribution of leaves along a stream reach using

leaves of Ginkgo biloba as tracer-leaves and

adding them in a pulse into the reach. Ginkgo

biloba leaves were used as a tracer of leaf

transport and retention, because they can clearly

be distinguished from the autochthonous leaves

present in the stream channel

Field. Reach

and within the

reach scales


Determination of dissolved organic

matter quality by optical properties

In the present thesis we used the specific

ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (i.e., SUVA254),

which is being widely used as a proxy of the

degree of humification, aromaticity, and

molecular weight of DOM. Other recently

indexes associated with DOM aromaticity that

we used are the ratios E2/E3 and E4/E6




Quantification of the activity of

microbial decomposers developed

on leaf litter: exoenzyme activities

The expression of exoenzymes represents a

useful tool to determine the microbial activity

associated to the degradation of specific

compounds. We measured two microbial enzyme

activities mostly used in microbial-mediated leaf

litter decomposition studies. The

cellobiohydrolase activity as an indicator of leaf

litter microbial degradation activity and

especially for a recalcitrant compound such as

cellulose and the phosphatase activity to assess

how changes in the inorganic nutrient availability

(i.e., SRP) may affect the potential microbial use

of organic phosphorus compounds


assay 5,7 and 8

Quantification of the activity of

microbial decomposers developed

on leaf litter: Raz-Rru system

The activity of microbial decomposers has been

also analyzed by the Raz-Rru system. This

system is a weakly fluorescent redox-sensitive

dye that undergoes an irreversible reduction from

Raz to strongly fluorescent Rru under mildly

reducing conditions, most commonly in the

presence of living microorganisms


assay 6

Quantification of the leaf litter

microbial uptake of dissolved

inorganic nitrogen and dissolved

organic carbon from water column

To measure demands of dissolved inorganic

nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved organic carbon

(DOC) from the water column by microbial

assemblages on leaf litter we used stable isotopes

of 15

N-NH4 and 13

C-acetate as tracers

Field. Reach

and habitat



Table 4.1. Different tracers used in the present thesis. We show a brief explanation of each tracer, the study area and scale

at which they are used and the chapters where we used each tracer.


Figure 4.1. Addition of Ginkgo biloba leaves into a ~80m long reach (chapter 5). We recover the

fraction of added leaves which reaches the net-trap placed at the end of the study reach (i.e., exported



4.2 Characterization of leaf litter inputs in Font del Regàs

We quantified the inputs of leaf litter to streams because senescent leaves were the main

material used in the present thesis and thus, the dynamics of these inputs are important

to understand the relevance of our conclusions. The quantification of leaf litter inputs

was conducted during the period comprised from 2011 to 2014 (~80 sampling dates),

which covered a remarkable range of hydric conditions. Leaf litter inputs were collected

in a 100-m reach of Font del Regàs sub-basin with aerial traps (1 m2, n = 5) placed over

the stream-channel. The leaf litter samples were sorted into the dominant tree species

(i.e., alder, ash, black locust and black poplar). After all leaf litter samples were

classified, they were oven-dried (60 ºC during ~48 hours) and weighed (Sartorius, AX)

to obtain the dry mass for each leaf litter type. These values were plotted against the

Julian days to characterize the temporal patterns of each leaf litter species for each study

year. Dry mass of each leaf litter type on each sampling date was divided by the number

of days from the last collection and by the total area of the 5 aerial traps (5 m2) to obtain

daily rates of leaf litter inputs per stream reach area (mg DM m-2


) for each leaf litter

type. We characterize the annual regime of leaf litter inputs for each dominant leaf litter

type by fitting the daily rates of leaf litter inputs (I) to a Gaussian model:

I = A ∗ e(−0.5) . (

x− x0b


Where x is day of the year expressed in Julian days (where 1 is the 25th

of January and

365 is the 24th

of January of the following year); A is the maximum daily rate of inputs

of leaf litter (in mg DM m-2


), which corresponds to the peak of inputs in the

Gaussian model; x0 is the day of the year when rates are maximum (day), and b is the

amplitude of the curve when I is at half of the maximum value (in days).


Our results revealed that the day of the peak of leaf litter inputs (i.e., x0) ranged from


October to 26th

November among species and years (data not shown). However,

observed variability of x0 was not significantly influenced neither by tree species nor

years (ANOVA; p > 0.05). Thus, the composition of riparian forest and the particular

weather conditions may scarcely influence when the peak of leaf litter inputs occurs. By

the contrary, results indicated that composition of tree species in riparian zones can

influence the length of period during which leaf litter inputs occurs. This fact was

r2= 0.59

p < 0.001

b = 23.67±6 days


y r


s o

f le






mg D

M m

-2 d





























r2= 0.45

p < 0.001

b = 10.91±11.5 days

r2= 0.67

p < 0.001

b = 14.66 ±18 days

r2= 0.61

p < 0.001

b = 11.43±15 days



Feb May Aug Nov Feb Feb May Aug Nov Feb

Figure 4.2. Temporal patterns of leaf litter inputs to streams for alder (AL), ash (AS), black locust (BL)

and black poplar (BP). Data obtained from 2011 to 2014 was pooled together for every leaf litter species.

Where b is the amplitude of the curve when the daily rates of leaf litter inputs is at half of the maximum

value (in days).


supported by the observed variability of b among species (Figure 4.2.). In this regard,

higher values of b were observed by alder species, indicating that alder had a wider

period of leaf litter inputs than other riparian tree species studied, although significant

differences were not achieve at 0.05 level (ANOVA, p = 0.07; Figure 4.2.). The

variability of b among years was not significant (data not shown; ANOVA, p = 0.14).

Therefore, the most relevant fact influencing the temporal pattern of leaf litter inputs to

streams seems to be the presence of alder in the riparian zone, although significant

differences were not achieved. Therefore, alder species not only provides high-quality

substrate for in-stream microbial assemblages, but also could provide leaf litter into the

stream during a wider time frame. This particular behavior of alder can have important

implications for dynamics of organic matter of the recipient streams. In fact, in streams

of the Mediterranean regions the timing of leaf litter inputs can coincide with floods

events, which export most of the inputs to downstream ecosystems. Therefore, the

presence of alder could mitigate the loss of leaf litter on recipient reaches, because part

of the alder inputs can be provided long before or after the flood events.







5.1. Abstract

We conducted a holistic analysis of how water velocity influences in-stream leaf litter

dynamics, including retention of leaf litter inputs, spatial distribution of retained leaf

litter and decomposition within a reach. To tackle this objective, we combined a series

of leaf tracer (i.e., Ginkgo biloba) additions with measurements of leaf decomposition

(i.e., Alnus glutinosa) in different locations within a reach. In addition we characterized

the microbial activity associated with decomposing leaves, using exoenzymatic

techniques (i.e., Cellobiohydrolase activity), as a potential mechanism explaining

potential spatial variation in decomposition rates. Our results demonstrate that the

spatial variability of water velocity within a reach can influence the capacity of the

reach to retain the inputs of leaf litter as well as the spatial distribution of these inputs in

the reach. Our results also revealed that leaf litter decomposition can remarkably vary

within a stream reach, and that this variability can be driven by the spatial heterogeneity

of water velocity in the reach. In this regard we propose a novel method to standardize

decomposition rates by the water velocity influences among different locations within

the reach. The present study suggests that water velocity is a factor controlling different

aspects of leaf litter dynamics in streams because not only influences the fraction of leaf

litter retained but also how these inputs are spatially distributed and further processed

within the streams. Therefore, this factor should be considered in future studies to

increase our understanding of how leaf litter inputs can effectively fuel the metabolism

of stream ecosystems.


5.2. The influence of water velocity on in-stream leaf litter dynamics

Riparian forests provide substantial allochthonous subsidies of organic matter to

headwater streams (Cummins 1974, Webster and Benfield 1986; Lamberti and Gregory,

1996). One of the most important components of this subsidy is leaf litter, which

provides substrata, organic carbon and nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) to in-

stream microbial communities. Thus, leaf litter inputs contribute to stream metabolism

(Fisher and Likens 1973; Vannote et al. 1980), nutrient cycling (Mulholland et al. 1985;

Hall and Meyer 1998; Valett et al. 2008), and influence food web composition (Webster

et al. 2000).

Early recognition of the importance of leaves to stream ecosystems has led to a rich

literature addressing the factors that control the rate of leaf breakdown and

decomposition (k). Intrinsic factors of the leaves, such as leaf fiber content, chemical

inhibitors of microbial decomposers, and the absolute and relative abundance of

nutrients in leaf tissue, are shown to influence k (Webster and Benfield, 1986). In

addition, several extrinsic factors have also been identified as important drivers of leaf

litter decomposition, including temperature (Ferreira and Chauvet 2011), water column

nutrient availability (Woodward et al. 2012), oxygen concentration (Webster and

Benfield, 1986), and water velocity (Witkamp and Frank 1969; Hodkinson 1975).

However, most of these studies estimate k based on measurements done at a specific

stream location (i.e., plot-scale perspective), ignoring the likelihood that leaves can be

distributed at several locations within the stream channel (i.e., reach-scale perspective).

Therefore, these studies implicitly assume that plot-scale measurements of leaf litter

decomposition can be up-scaled at ecosystem level, without considering that leaf litter

decomposition can spatially vary due to the spatial heterogeneity within the ecosystem.


As an example, for a given stream reach the interaction between flow and streambed

morphology generates a wide mosaic of water velocities. This factor has been shown to

influence leaf litter decomposition. In this sense, Ferreira et al. (2006) already

recognized that water velocity can influence k through physical abrasion. Moreover,

water velocity has been often related with increases in the activity, reproduction and

colonization of fungi inhabiting on leaf litter because water velocity enhances water

turbulence; and thus, the oxygen available for microbial decomposers (Canhoto et al

2013). However, Ferreira and Graça (2006) reported more diverse fungal communities

under low flow conditions, suggesting a negative effect of water velocity on the

community composition of microbial decomposers. Therefore, since water velocity can

be an important driver of leaf litter decomposition in streams, examining how the

heterogeneity of water velocity in the stream channel could influence the spatial

variability of leaf litter decomposition at reach scale can help understanding and up-

scaling this process at ecosystem level.

Water velocity is also an important factor controlling the capacity of streams to retain

leaf litter inputs (i.e., retentiveness). In this regard, several studies observed that

retentiveness is inversely related to the average stream velocity and discharge (Snaddon

et al.1992, Raikow et al. 1995, Dewson et al. 2007). This fact was explained because

high stream velocities create bed shear stresses and water column turbulence that re-

suspend benthic organic matter and reduce particle deposition. Therefore, high stream

velocity conditions result in longer transport distances of leaf litter inputs (Fisher and

Likens 1973, Larrañaga et al. 2003, Cordova et al. 2008). At low to moderate velocities,

leaf litter strongly interacts with streambed substrate. Thus, leaf litter tends to buildup

on the streambed where shear stresses are sub-critical (e.g. pools) or where leaves


become trapped by streambed obstacles such as wood, cobbles or boulders (Larrañaga

et al. 2003, Cordova et al. 2008). Furthermore, leaf litter distribution within a reach is

not a static phenomena because leaves often experience successive deposition-

resuspension cycles whenever stream velocity conditions shift, which generates a

shifting mosaic (Fisher and Likens, 1973). Considering these observations, we argue

that the spatial heterogeneity of water velocity within a reach would influence the

retention and the spatial distribution of retained leaf litter, because leaves can either be

retained or transported depending on the shear stress conditions of the streambed

locations where they interact (Nakajima et al. 2006).

Since water velocity can influence the balance between transport and retention, the

spatial distribution of retained leaf litter and their decomposition rates, research that

simultaneously considers the effect of this factor on these processes is required to better

understand leaf litter dynamics at reach scale. To this aim, we conducted a holistic

analysis of how water velocity influences in-stream leaf litter dynamics, including

retention of leaf litter inputs, spatial distribution of retained leaf litter and

decomposition within a reach. To tackle this objective, we combined a series of leaf

tracer additions with measurements of leaf decomposition in different locations within a

reach. In addition we characterized the microbial activity associated with decomposing

leaves, using exoenzymatic techniques, as a potential mechanism explaining potential

spatial variation in k. We hypothesized that spatial heterogeneity of water velocity

within a reach will explain the distribution of retained leaf litter because velocity

controls the local dynamics of leaf litter re-suspension and deposition from sites of high

velocity to those of low velocity. In addition, we hypothesized leaf litter k will vary

within the reach in relation to water velocity because this factor influences both the


physical fragmentation of leaves and the composition and activity of microbial

decomposers. We considered that environmental factors influencing the activity of

microbial decomposers such as temperature and water chemistry would be similar

among sampling locations within the reach; whereas other factors such as oxygen

concentration could spatially vary with water velocity because it can be depleted under

null velocities due to the lack of water turbulence. Therefore, we expect that the activity

of aerobic microbial decomposers colonizing leaf litter would be equal among sampling

locations, if all locations are well oxygenated. If not, aerobic microbial activity

associated to low-velocity habitats will be lower because of the reduction of the oxygen

concentration; which may lead to low leaf litter k in these zones.

5.3. Methods

Field methods

Leaf litter additions to estimate retention and spatial distribution in the study


The influence of water velocity on retention of leaf litter inputs and their spatial

distribution within the recipient reach was evaluated in a 70 m long and 3.5 m wide

reach of the Ebron headwater stream located near Tormón village (Teruel, E of Spain;

40º 20' N, -1.35W; 1051 m a.s.l.). We quantified leaf litter retention in the study reach

by adding 200 leaves of Ginkgo biloba at the top of the reach and consecutively follow

the transport of these leaves along the reach. A plastic net (1 cm of mesh size) was

placed at the end of the reach to trap leaves being exported from the reach. Ginkgo


biloba leaves were used as a tracer of leaf litter inputs, to distinguish the added leaves

from the autochthonous leaves that were already present in the stream channel and be

able to empirically estimate leaf litter retention (Pozo et al. 2009). During this study,

we performed 4 leaf litter additions, each one differing in the elapsed time between leaf

addition and collection of leaf litter along the stream (i.e., at 1, 20, 70, and 490 hours

after the leaves were added) to examine both retention and distribution of leaves within

the stream reach. Differences in collection times among leaf litter additions aimed to

estimate potential effects of spatial re-distribution of leaves within the reach over time.

On each leaf litter addition, and for each leave of Gingko added to the stream reach we

measured the distance travelled along the reach and the water velocity at the location

where the leave was retained (5 measurements of water velocity at mid-depth per

sampling site) using a velocity meter (Miniair20/Schiltknecht). In addition, to

characterize the study reach in terms of spatial heterogeneity of hydro-morphological

characteristics, we measured wetted channel width at 3 m intervals along the reach (23

transects) and velocity at every 20 cm across each transect (342 point measurements).

Effect of velocity on leaf litter decomposition rate within the reach

The influence of water velocity on rates of leaf litter decomposition at reach scale was

evaluated in a 100 m long and 4 m wide reach in Font del Regàs, a 3rd

order stream

within La Tordera catchment (N of Barcelona, Spain; 41º50´ N, 2

º30´ E; 300 m a.s.l.).

For this study, we used leaf litter from alder (Alnus glutinosa), the most common

riparian tree species at the study reach. Alder leaves were collected during the peak fall

(i.e., mid-November 2013) using traps placed over the stream channel. To measure rates

of leaf litter decomposition (k), 3 g of air-dried leaves were placed in 250-μm mesh-size


bags, which mostly excluded macroinvertebrates; and thus basically allowed

measurement of decomposition rates associated with microbial activity. Leaf litter bags

were deployed at 8 locations within the reach, which covered a range of water velocities

from ~0 to 92 cm s-1

. Leaf bags were incubated in the stream from the 1st February to

the 28th

March 2014. During this period, leaf bags were collected on 5 sampling dates,

i.e. 2, 7, 14, 40 and 57 days after deployment in the stream (4 replicates per sampling

location and sampling date). An additional set of leaf bags (4 replicates per sampling

location) was collected after 55 days of incubation to quantify the extracellular enzyme

activity of cellobiohydrolase (CBH; EC following the procedure by Romaní et

al. (2006). During this decomposition time, it was expected that leaf litter packs had

roughly loosed 40–60% of their initial mass. The CBH activity was measured as an

indicator of the microbial activity specially associated with the leaf litter degradation of

recalcitrant compounds such as cellulose. We expected that microbial assemblages were

well developed after 55 days of incubation and that the CBH enzyme activity was

representative of leaf litter decomposition (Romaní et al.2006). Once collected, leaf

bags were kept cold (~4ºC) to be transported to laboratory.

During the incubation period, water temperature and stream water level were recorded

every 20 minutes using 5 waterproof temperature data loggers evenly distributed along

the reach (HOBO Pendant®

UA-002-64) and a pressure data logger placed at the bottom

of the reach (Solinst Levelogger Junior Edge). Every 5 days and on each date of leaf

bag collection, water velocity, water depth, and dissolved oxygen concentration were

measured at each leaf bag sampling location (5 measurements per location). Reach-scale

measurements of stream discharge on each sampling date were done using a mass

balance approach by adding 1 L of NaCl-enriched solution to the channel (Gordon et al.

2004). We used the relationship between discrete measurements of discharge and daily


values of stream water level to infer daily values of stream discharge for the entire study

period. Then, we also used this relationship to infer daily values of water velocity at

each leaf bag location during the entire study period. Finally, on each date of leaf bag

collection, we collected water samples at 3 sites along the reach (top, middle and bottom

of the reach) for analyses of the concentration of ammonium (N-NH4+), nitrate (N-NO3


), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). Analysis of nutrient concentrations was

determined following standard colorimetric methods (Apha 1995) on an Automatic

Continuous Flow Futura-Alliance Analyzer at the Nutrient Analysis Service of the

Centre d´Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB), Barcelona, Spain.

Laboratory analyses and data calculation

Retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter within the reach.

Measured distances travelled by added leaves that were retained along the study reach

were grouped into 35 categories (i.e., at 2 m intervals along the 70 m reach) to cover the

total length of the reach. The leaf retention coefficient per unit distance along the reach

(kx, in m-1

) was estimated based on the amount of leaves retained along the streambed of

the study reach by fitting empirical data to the exponential model:

Lx = Lx0 e−kx x (1)

Where Lx is the number of retained leaves found at each x (m) distance from addition

point and Lx0 is the estimated number of leaves retained at 0 m from addition point. The

inverse of kx (i.e., SW in m) is the average distance travelled by leaves along the reach

before being retained in the streambed. In all additions, some added leaves could not be

visually found either within the reach or at the end of it in the net. This caused that the

number of retained leaves found within the reach plus the number of leaves trapped in


the net (Fleaves) was less than the total number of leaves added (Aleaves). Therefore, we

calculated a percentage of leaf recovery (PR), estimated following equation 2, as an

indicator of the reliability of the data derived from the leaf additions.

PR = (Fleaves/ Aleaves) 100 (2)

In addition, we examined the relationship between the number of retained leaves and the

particular velocity at each retention site to examine how water velocity influences leaf

distribution within the reach. To approach this relationship, the range of water velocities

measured at all retention sites (i.e., from ~0 to 90 cm s-1

) was grouped within velocity

intervals of 5 cm s-1

, resulting in a total of 18 categories. We found that the best fit

describing this specific relationship was the following exponential decay model

Lv = Lv0 e –kv v


where Lv is the number of leaves retained at each water velocity category v (cm s-1

), Lv0

is the estimated number of leaves retained under the water velocity category of 0 cm s-1


and kv is the leaf retention coefficient per unit of water velocity along the reach (s cm-1


kv represents the fractional change in the number of leaves found at habitat scale in a

given reach with increasing water velocity. The inverse of kv (cm s-1

) is an indicator of

the average water velocity at which leaves are retained in the reach. This exponential

model was also used to estimate the predicted number of leaves retained at each velocity

category within the reach. To do that, the total number of leaves retained within the

reach was multiplied by the relative proportion of stream-locations of each water

velocity category. Then, for each addition of leaves, we calculated observed/predicted

ratios in every water velocity category in order to explore whether the number of

retained leaves followed the spatial patterns predicted from the water velocity mosaic

measured into the reach. If leaves re-distributed within the reach over time randomly


with respect to the water velocity mosaic then we would expect that, after longer times

since the addition, the observed/predicted ratios would become closer to 1 at each water

velocity category.

Additionally, using data from the 4 leaf additions, we examined the degree of

heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of the retained leaves in the reach and how it

was related with water velocity distribution. To do that, we calculated the Euclidean

distances in the number of retained leaves among the different category distances (n =

35). A total of 595 paired combinations among all category distances were calculated.

The matrix of the standard deviation (SD) of the Euclidean distances was used as a

measure of heterogeneity in the distribution of retained leaves for each addition; with

higher SD values representing a higher heterogeneity. For each addition, we also

examined the degree of heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of the retained leaves

across the velocity range by calculating the Euclidean distances in the number of

retained leaves among water velocity categories (n = 18). A total of 153 paired

combinations among all categories of velocities were calculated. In this case, the SD of

the Euclidean distances matrix was used as a measure of the influence of water velocity

on the spatial distribution of retained leaves, with lower SD indicating lower influence

of velocity. Differences in SD for distance travelled and retention velocity among the 4

additions provided information on the dynamics of spatial re-distribution of leaves

within the reach and how velocity affected them.

Leaf litter decomposition rates within the reach.

Collected leaf bags from each sampling location were first rinsed with stream water to

remove inorganic sediments attached to the bag. Then, leaf litter samples were carefully


removed from the bags and rinsed with stream water to remove inorganic sediments

attached to the leaf litter surfaces. Leaf litter samples were oven dried (60 ºC during 48

hours) and weighted (Sartorius, AX) to obtain the remaining dry mass, which was

expressed as percentage from the initial dry mass.

To estimate rates of leaf litter decomposition (k in d-1

) at each location, which denotes

the velocity at which leaf litter mass decreases over time, the remaining dry mass on

each sampling date was plotted against time following the model described by Petersen

and Cummins (1974)

Wt = W0 ∗ e−𝑘 t (4)

where W0 and Wt are leaf litter dry mass (g) at the beginning and at sampling dates,

respectively, t (days) is the incubation time.

To explore the influence of water velocity on leaf litter k, we summed the daily water

velocity values measured over the decomposition period at every sampling location

where leaf bags were deployed. The percentage of remaining dry mass of alder leaf

litter was then plotted against cumulative water velocity on each sampling date at each

location using the exponential decay model from equation 4 in a similar manner as that

used to correct for the temperature effect in degree day (dd-1

) (Minshall et al. 1983).

Therefore, for each stream location, we obtained a leaf litter decomposition rate

standardized by local water velocity, which was expressed by velocity day (i.e., velocity

standardized-k, in velocity-days-1



Exoenzymatic activity of decomposing leaf litter

We measured the CBH activity of leaf litter incubated over 55 days at different water

velocity locations in the study reach using methylumbefelliferone (MUF) fluorescent-

linked substrates, following the method described in Romaní et al. (2006). This assay

was conducted at saturation substrate conditions of 1 mM. Leaf litter discs (14 mm

diameter) from each velocity location (n = 4 per location) and water controls were

incubated with the MUF-linked substrates for 1 h in the dark in a shaker (50 rpm).

Blanks and standards of MUF (0-100 µmol L-1

) were also incubated. At the end of the

incubation, Glycine buffer (pH 10.4) was added (1/1 vol/vol), and the fluorescence was

measured at 365/455 nm excitation/emission (Spectrofluorophotometer Shimadzu/ RF-

5000). Results of extracellular enzyme activities of CBH were expressed as the amount

of MUF substrate produced per incubation time (h) and dry mass of leaf litter (g).

Statistical analysis

Retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter within the reach

We used analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to explore differences in the leaf retention

coefficients per unit distance (kx) among the 4 leaf litter additions. The number of

leaves retained in the reach was log-transformed prior the analysis to meet normality

and homogeneity of variance assumptions. The ANCOVA model includes number of

leaves retained as a dependent variable, the distance from addition point as the

covariate, and each addition (n = 4) as a fixed factor. Tukey’s Honestly Significant

Difference pairwise comparisons were then used to determine specific differences in kx

among additions. We also used ANCOVA models to explore differences in leaf

retention coefficient per unit of water velocity (kv) among the 4 leaf litter additions. The


number of leaves retained in the reach was log-transformed prior the analysis to meet

normality and homogeneity of variance assumptions. The ANCOVA model includes

number of leaves retained as a dependent variable, water velocity at the location of the

leaf litter retained as the covariate, and each addition (n=4) as a fixed factor. Tukey’s

Honestly Significant Difference pairwise comparisons were then used to determine

specific differences in kv among additions.

Leaf litter decomposition rates within the reach

We used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures (RM) to

determine differences in water velocity, depth, dissolved oxygen concentration and

temperature among sampling locations during the study period. The ANOVA model

includes these parameters as dependent variables and stream locations (n = 8) as fixed

factor. Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference pairwise comparisons were then used to

determine specific differences in these parameters among sampling locations. We used

ANOVA models to explore differences on CBH microbial activity among sampling

locations. The ANOVA model includes CBH as dependent variable and stream

locations (n = 8) as fixed factor. Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference pairwise

comparisons were then used to determine specific differences in CBH among sampling


To explore differences in k (day-1

) among sampling locations, we used ANCOVA

analysis with log-transformed values of leaf litter remaining mass as a dependent

variable, the incubation time (expressed in days) as the covariate, and sampling location

as a fixed factor. Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference pairwise comparisons were

then used to determine differences in k among locations. We also used ANCOVA


model to explore differences in k (expressed per velocity days) among locations. In this

case, we used the accumulated water velocity values over the study period as the


To examine the effects of water velocity on leaf litter k (expressed both per days and

velocity days) and on the CBH activity, we used linear and exponential regression


Statistical analyses were done with PASW Statistics 18 (v18.0.0/SPSS Inc).

5.4. Results

Retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter within the reach

During the addition of leaves, stream discharge was relatively low and constant (20 ± 2

L s-1

). The proportion of streambed locations influenced by low water velocities (< 10

cm s-1

) accounted for 70% of the total number of locations where water velocity was

measured within the reach (Table S5.1.; see annexes section). The proportion of

locations influenced by water velocities ranging from 11 to 90 cm s-1

accounted for 30%

of total number of locations (Table S5.1.; see annexes section). Moreover, we observed

that the percentage of stream locations associated with each water velocity category

declined exponentially with water velocity, based on our intensive survey of water

velocity within the reach (Table S5.1.; see annexes section). The percentage of leaves

recovered (PR) from the additions ranged from 86% to 99%, making more reliable the

spatial parameters calculated from retained leaves. In this regard, all additions of leaves

resulted in significant exponential declines of retained leaves with distance (kx) (Figure


5.1.). Moreover, the average distance travelled by leaves (SW = 1/kx) increased

significantly with increasing the elapsed time between leaf addition and collection

(ANCOVA, p < 0.001; Figure 5.1.), indicating that retained leaves re-distribute

themselves over time and travel longer distances.






es r


ned 0










Distance from addition point (m)

0 20 40 60 80






0 20 40 60 80





Sw = 9.43m

r2= 0.79

p-value < 0.001a

Sw = 16.18m

r2= 0.24

p-value < 0.01b

Sw = 18.51m

r2= 0.40

p-value < 0.001c

Sw = 34.45m

r2= 0.23

p-value < 0.001d

Figure 5.1. Relationship between the number of leaves retained within the stream channel and the distance

from addition point for the 4 additions of leaves, which varied in the elapsed time between the addition and

collection of leaves within the reach (from 1 to 490 h after leaf addition). Average travel distance (Sw=1/kx)

was calculated by fitting these relationships to negative exponential models. Letters next to the p-value of the

regression indicate statistical differences in kx based on ANCOVA analysis followed by post-Hoc Tukey´s t-



In agreement, the SD of retained leaves among distance categories was smaller as the

elapsed time increased (Figure 5.2. A), indicating that leaves were more homogenously

distributed within the reach over time.

Distance from addition point



an d








Water velocity

Elapsed time (hours)

1 20 70 490














(15.2) (19)

Figure 5.2. Results of standard deviation (SD, in parenthesis) of Euclidean distances representing the

variability of retained leaves along the study reach (A) and across the velocity range (B). Note that low SD

indicates more similar number of retained leaves among distance categories (A) or velocity categories (B),

respectively. High SD values indicate greater heterogeneity in the amount of leaves retained along the reach (A)

and across velocity range (B).


The spatial distribution of leaves within the reach was also significantly associated with

overlying water velocity. In particular, all additions of leaves resulted in significant

exponential declines of retained leaves with water velocity (kv) (Figure 5.3., left panels).

Moreover, the average retention velocity (1/kv) decreased significantly with increasing

the elapsed time (ANCOVA, p < 0.001; Figure 5.3., left panels), indicating that during

the spatial re-distribution of leaves they were predominantly retained at locations with

low water velocity. In agreement, results from the SD of retained leaves among velocity

categories was higher as the elapsed time increased (Figure 5.2.B), indicating that

leaves were more heterogeneously distributed across the velocity categories over time.

In addition, if retained leaves were distributed randomly with respect to the water

velocity mosaic observed within the reach, then the expected number of leaves retained

in each velocity category would be proportional to the relative abundance of locations

within each velocity category (i.e., observed/predicted ratios ~1; Figure 5.3., right

panels). In this regard, the number of leaves retained in the slowest and highest velocity

categories was generally similar or lower than expected by the velocity mosaic within

the reach. In contrast, observed abundance of retained leaves was generally higher than

expected at intermediate water categories (20 to 50 cm s-1

) (Figure 5.3., right panels).

Even after more than three weeks of the elapsed time, leaf distribution in the study reach

was still right-skewed toward mid-velocity zones relative to expectations based on the

velocity distribution found within the reach. We used a power function relating kv and

the elapsed time in hours (kv = 0.026 time0.181

, r2 = 0.97) to estimate that it would

require approximately 15 years for the observed leaf distribution to match with the

expected leaf distribution based on the relative abundance of locations within each

water velocity category.






es r










-1 obs.= 38.46 cm/s

r2= 0.46

p-value < 0.01a









-1 obs.= 23.64 cm/s

r2= 0.70

p-value < 0.001a









-1 obs.= 15.75 cm/s

r2= 0.91

p-value < 0.001a

0 20 40 60 80 100








-1 obs.= 13.14 cm/s

r2= 0.81

p-value < 0.001b

1 h0.1




20 h0.1




70 h0.1




490 h

0 20 40 60 80 100





Water velocity (cm/s)





ted l





pred.= 4.54 cm/s

r2= 0.97

p-value < 0.001

Figure 5.3. Distribution of leaves retained in the reach in relation to the different water velocity for the 4 additions

which varied the time between leave addition and collection (from 1 to 490 h after leave addition). The coefficient

kv represents the leaf retention coefficient per unit of velocity. Dashed line shows the expected leave retention

regression based on the proportion of water velocity locations within the reach (kv)-1

predicted. Filled and open

points represent the observed and expected number of retained leaves found in every water velocity category,

respectively (see text for further explanation). Letters next to the p-value of the regression indicate statistical

differences on kv among the 4 additions respectively, based on ANCOVA analysis followed by post-Hoc Tukey´s

t-test (Left panel). Ratios between the observed number of leaves retained in each water velocity category and

those expected by the relative proportion of water velocity measured within the reach were calculated (Right

panels). Note that horizontal line (1) indicates the number of leaves observed was similar than those expected from

within reach water velocity mosaic (Right panels).


Decomposition rates and microbial activity of leaf litter

During the period of leaf litter incubation, water discharge decreased from 60 to 50 L s-

1. However, water velocity and depth measured in each specific sampling location

remained quite stable throughout the incubation time (ANOVA-RM, p > 0.05, data not

shown). Nutrient concentrations were relatively stable during leaf litter incubation

(ANOVA-RM, p > 0.05 (average ± SEM; n = 18): N-NO3- + N-NO2

- (µgN L

-1) = 226 ±

22; N-NH4+

(µgN L-1

) = 12 ± 5 and SRP (µgP L-1

) = 11 ± 2). Furthermore, among

sampling locations, water temperature and oxygen concentration were relatively similar

(ANOVA-RM, p > 0.05) (Table 5.1.). We found significant differences in water

velocity and water depth among locations (ANOVA-RM, p < 0.001), ranging from 0 to

92 cm s-1

and from 12.2 to 20.2 cm, respectively (Table 5.1.).





Dissolved O2


(mg L-1






(cm s-1



water velocity

(cm s-1


1 8.6a (0.37) 9.5ª (0.74) 12.2

a (0.52) 0

a (0) 0

2 8.0a (0.28) 10.6ª (0.99) 22.0

d (0.19) 7

b (3) 420

3 8.5a (0.51) 10.7ª (0.14) 12.4

a (0.64) 15

c (3) 900

4 8.2a (0.34) 10.7ª (0.14) 15.4

b (0.32) 29

d (2) 1660

5 8.6a (0.53) 10.6ª (0.12) 14.8

b (0.31) 50

e (2) 2900

6 8.6a (0.56) 10.7a (0.20) 12.2

b (0.39) 53

e (4) 3050

7 8.4a (0.35) 10.8ª (0.17) 20.2

b (0.43) 78

f (3) 4510

8 8.1a (0.37) 10.8

a (0.14) 19.4

c (0.52) 92

f (5) 5470

Table 5.1. Characteristics of the different sampling locations within the study reach where leaf bags were

incubated during 57 days. Values are means of measurements done during the study period (n=12 sampling

dates). Values in brackets represent the standard error of the mean associated with the spatial variation within

the reach. Cumulative water velocity is the sum of daily water velocity during the entire study period on each

location. Different letters indicate significant differences among locations for a given variable based on the

results from one-way ANOVA analysis with repeated measures (i.e., different dates) followed by post-Hoc

Tukey´s t-test.


Mass loss of leaf litter during the initial days of decomposition (i.e., 2, 7 and 14 days)

was similar across the range of water velocities examined (Figure 5.4.). In contrast, after

day 40, mass loss of leaf litter differed among sampling locations, being higher at

locations with higher water velocity. Mass loss differences among locations were

largest on day 57, when mass loss was ~62% at locations with low velocity (close to 0

cm s-1

) and 75% at locations with high velocity (92 cm s-1

; Figure 5.4.).

Water velocity (cm/s)

Incubation time (days)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



g d

ry m


(% o

f in


l dry









~ 0








Figure 5.4. Temporal variation in the remaining dry mass (expressed as % of initial dry mass) of alder

leaf litter during 57 days of incubation. Each line shows the temporal variation of leaves incubated under

different water velocity conditions (n = 8; 0 - 92 cm s-1



Remaining mass of leaf litter over the incubation period was significantly fitted to the

exponential decay model at all sampling locations (0.77 < r2 < 0.96, p < 0.0001, Table

S5.2. see annexes section). Values of leaf litter k significantly differed among sampling

locations (ANCOVA, p < 0.001) and were positively related to water velocity at each

location (r2

= 0.96; p < 0.001; Figure 5.5. A).

Water velocity (cm/s)

0 20 40 60 80 100





se a




g D


. h-1







ln y = ln 39.1 (-0.91 x)

r2 = 0.27

p- value < 0.01




on r









y = 0.07 + 0.016 x

r2 = 0.92

p-value < 0.0001









a a-b


b bb


Figure 5.5. Relationships between (A) leaf litter decomposition rates and (B) microbial enzyme activity

of cellobiohydrolase and water velocity. Cellobiohydrolase activity was analyzed in leaves incubated

during 55 days. Note that in panel A points indicate decomposition rates and vertical bars indicate the

standard error of the regression. Different letters indicate significant differences on dependent variables

in each panel based on ANCOVA (A) and ANOVA (B) analysis followed by Tukey-t test, respectively.

Dotted lines indicated the interval confidence of the regression (95%).


Leaf litter k expressed in terms of daily sum of water velocity (i.e., velocity

standardized-k, in velocity-days-1

) significantly fitted to the exponential decay model

(0.82 < r2

> 0.96, p < 0.0001) at all sampling locations (Table S5.2.; see annexes

section). Velocity standardized-k also differed among sampling locations (ANCOVA, p

< 0.01), and values were negative related with water velocity at each location (Figure


Water velocity (cm/s)

0 20 40 60 80 100




tion r




ty d











ln y = ln 0.0011 (-0.0269 x)

r2 = 0.80

p-value < 0.01




bb b b

Figure 5.6. Exponential relationship between velocity standardized-k and water velocity. Vertical bars

indicate the standard error of the regression. Different letters indicate significant differences on

decomposition rates on ANCOVA analysis followed by Tukey-t test. Dotted lines indicated the interval

confidence of the regression (95%).


Extracellular enzyme activity of CBH in leaf litter measured after 55 days of incubation

ranged from 8.1 – 61.6 µmol MUF g DM-1


. The CBH activity significantly differed

among sampling locations (ANOVA, p < 0.01), and decreased with increased water

velocity (r2 = 0.27, p < 0.01; Figure 5.5. B).

5.5. Discussion

The capacity of stream ecosystems to decompose leaf litter inputs has been traditionally

addressed by quantifying leaf litter decomposition rates (k) in several habitats within the

stream, and up-scaling the average of the obtained k values at ecosystem level (Webster

and Benfield, 1986; Woodward et al. 2012). Therefore, the examination of leaf litter

decomposition is beset with uncertainty because these studies provided little or no

information regardless of how k can vary within a reach. Our results revealed that leaf

litter decomposition can remarkably vary within a stream reach, and that this variability

can be driven by the spatial heterogeneity of water velocity in the reach. Our results also

demonstrate that the spatial variability of water velocity within a reach can influence the

capacity of the reach to retain the inputs of leaf litter as well as the spatial distribution of

these inputs in the reach. Therefore, our results eventually extent the influence of sub-

reach scale variability of water velocity on in-stream processes (Peipoch et al. 2016) by

further suggesting a relevant effect on leaf litter dynamics.

Influence of water velocity on retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter inputs

At base flow, the retention of leaf litter inputs has commonly been assumed as a static

process; and thus, the spatial re-distribution of retained leaves within a reach has been


associated with events of increasing discharge (i.e., floods; Webster et al. 1994; Wallace

et al. 1995). However, our results show that retained leaves in a reach can be spatially

re-distributed over time and travel longer distances even under stable discharge

conditions. Therefore, we suggest that leaf litter retention, distribution, and transport in

streams are dynamic processes even under base flow conditions. This behavior has been

usually not considered in previous studies using a single period of time between leave

addition and collection (Larrañaga et al. 2003; Cordova et al. 2008). Therefore, some

assumptions provided by these studies should be reconsidered. For instance, most

previous studies indicated that the average distance travelled by leaves might be a good

predictor of their final spatial distribution within the stream. These studies also suggest

that leaves become retained close to the input site; and thus, generally travel short

distances (Snaddon et al. 1992, Raikow et al. 1995, Dewson et al. 2007). Our results

support this idea, but only when we focus on short-time periods (i.e., few hours) after

leaf litter inputs. As time since leaf litter inputs increases, the spatial heterogeneity of

water velocity within the reach becomes a more important factor describing the spatial

distribution of leaf litter. In fact, leaves re-distribute themselves along the reach, with a

transition from high to low velocity zones. This suggests that low velocity zones favors

leaf litter retention (Hoover et al. 2006). Alternatively, the accumulation of leaves at

low velocity zones could be explained by the higher dominance of low velocity zones

within the reach (~70%, Table S1). Nevertheless, we found that under mid-velocity

conditions leaves were more effectively retained than expected from the relative

abundance of locations within the reach. Therefore, at mid-velocity conditions leaves

can also be effectively retained and exposed to decomposition by microbial

assemblages. We do not know the underlying mechanism responsible for this

unexpected result, but it could be that under this velocity range the forces retaining


leaves to streambed obstacles could be higher than those promoting leaf litter re-

suspension. Previous studies conducted in headwaters streams observed that leaves can

be trapped in riffles due to the presence of streambed obstacles (i.e., cobbles, rocks,

wood) where leaves can be easily attached (Speaker et al. 1984, Hoover et al. 2010).

This fact might be especially relevant in headwater streams due to the dominance of

large alluvial substrata.

Influence of water velocity on decomposition rates and microbial activity of leaf


The values of k measured in this study for alder leaf litter varied ~3 fold within the

study reach and this spatial variation was explained by variation in water velocity.

These results indicate that water velocity is an important factor influencing leaf litter

decomposition within the reach. The range of k values for alder (i.e., 0.0076 d-1


0.0222 d-1

) is comparable with the range of k values reported for several streams

(Webster and Benfield 1986; Woodward et al. 2012; Bastias et al.2017) and among

different leaf litter species (Webster and Benfield, 1986). Therefore, the variability of

leaf litter k provided in the literature could have been maximized or even

counterbalanced depending of the particular velocity conditions during the

decomposition process (Woodward et al. 2012; Bastias et al. 2017). Hence, the

interaction of water velocity with factors controlling leaf litter decomposition such as

water temperature and water column nutrient concentrations should be considered if we

aim to understand how leaf litter decomposition occurs under different environmental

conditions. In this regard, we expected that differences in k values should be mainly

explained by physical processes, therefore if all sampling locations within the reach had

similar environmental conditions we expected that the influence of the activity of


microbial decomposers to be similar. In fact, during the experiment, temperature,

nutrient concentrations, and oxygen concentration were relatively similar within the

reach. Therefore, the positive relationship between water velocity and k observed in this

study could be explained by leaf litter fragmentation, supporting results from previous

studies (Ferreira et al. 2006). However, our results revealed that the effect of water

velocity on leaf litter decomposition increases as incubation time proceeds. This may be

likely explained by the fact that the toughness of the leaves may buffer the effect of

water velocity during the early stages of decomposition. The reduction of leave

toughness throughout decomposition has been previously observed and has been mainly

attributed to the conditioning and development of microbial assemblages on leaf litter

(Quinn et al. 2000; Artigas et al. 2011). Therefore, the effect of physical abrasion by

water velocity could be subjected to the stage at which microbial assemblages are

developed on the leaf litter surfaces, which may explain the observed increase of

physical fragmentation during decomposition process (Carton and Martinson 1990).

This is in agreement with previous studies, which suggest that leaf litter decomposition

is initially driven by leaf litter leaching and microbial colonization, and then, by the

mechanical effect of physical abrasion and macroinvertebrate activity (Webster and

Benfield 1986).

To further explore how water velocity influences leaf litter decomposition, we

standardized decomposition rates by water velocity using a similar approach as that

used to standardize k values among sites by water temperature (i.e., k values per unit of

degree days). We expected that k standardized by water velocity should remain constant

among sampling locations if physical abrasion was the main driver explaining the

observed spatial variability of k within the reach. However, standardized-k by water

velocity still differed among sampling locations, but, unexpectedly, higher values


coincided with low velocity conditions. These results suggest that the influence of water

velocity on leaf litter decomposition can go beyond physical fragmentation and can also

be explained by biological degradation. In fact, results from the CBH activity support

this suggestion since the capacity of microbial decomposers to degrade cellulose

polymeric compounds (i.e., CBH activity) was higher under low water velocity

conditions, and it sharply decreased with increasing water velocity. Nevertheless, our

study does not allow explaining the causes of the negative influence of water velocity

on microbial enzymatic activity, but suggest that higher water velocity did not enhance

the capacity of microbes to degrade the leaf litter matter. In this regard, previous studies

contrast with our findings, showing a positive influence of water velocity on several

parameters associated with microbial decomposers, such as fungal sporulation rates and

cumulative conidial production (Ferreira et al. 2006), but not in the microbial capacity

to produce enzymatic activities. Probably, the amount of energy invested to degrade leaf

litter polymeric compounds is higher under low velocity environments due to the

reduction of water turbulence and physical abrasion over leaf litter surfaces. In this

sense, the influence of water velocity on microbial development and activity should be

examined in detail to better understand the biological role on in-stream leaf litter


Influence of water velocity on leaf litter dynamics at reach scale

Stream discharge is a pivotal driver of leaf litter retention in streams, which can further

dictates whether leaf litter inputs can act as an effective source of energy and matter for

microbial communities of receiving stream reaches. At low stream discharge inputs of

leaf litter are barely transported downstream, whereas at high stream discharge leaf litter


inputs are basically exported (Larrañaga et al. 2003; Cordova et al. 2008). However, at

intermediated discharge, stream flow strongly interacts with streambed structure

generating a complex physical template that drives spatial variation in water velocity,

which can influence leaf litter retention (Richarson et al. 2009). Thus, the complexity of

streambed has been documented as a relevant factor determining the standing stocks of

leaf litter within the reach. To date, it has been difficult to determine a reliable

parameter to quantify the complexity of streambed structure and how it may influence

leaf litter retention within the stream. In this sense, this study sheds some light on the

mechanisms driving this uncertainty and suggests that the heterogeneity of water

velocity at reach scale is a relevant factor to understand the retention and spatial

distribution of leaf litter inputs, especially under intermediate flow conditions. High

variability of water velocity within the reach may increase the probability that leaf

inputs will be retained and decomposed by generating a complex set of suitable habitats.

In addition, our results suggest that the spatial distribution of water velocities within the

reach may also dictate the rates of leaf litter decomposition as well as the main process

involved in leaf litter mass loss. On one hand, our results increase the certainty that

leaves retained under high-velocity habitats (i.e., > 50 cm s-1

) may be more easily re-

suspended and further exported downstream. Moreover, physical fragmentation in these

environments may increase k ~270-to-292% in comparison to that found in low-velocity

locations. Thus, an increase of the relative proportion of sites covering this velocity

range within the reach could increase the export of leaves both, as coarse particles and

as fine particles after leaves are physically fragmented. On the other hand, in stream

reaches with a high proportion of sites with relatively fast velocities (i.e., ranging from

20 to 50 cm s-1

) leaf inputs will be effectively retained, but will undergo physical

fragmentation. In fact, under these conditions leaf litter decomposition may even


increase by 39-to-49% in comparison to that measured at low-velocity sites. Therefore,

in this case, leaf litter inputs will be partially fragmented and exported to downstream

sites, without major contribution to the metabolism of recipient reach. Finally, in stream

reaches dominated by sites with low velocity, leaves will be easily retained and

biologically metabolized. Considering all results together, this study indicates that the

relevance of leaf litter inputs as organic matter source to in-stream communities can be

subjected to the hydro-morphological characteristics of the receiving stream reaches,

since they determine the spatial heterogeneity of water velocity within the reach. In

addition we found that water velocity is a factor controlling different aspects of leaf

litter dynamics in streams because not only influences the fraction of leaf litter retained

but also how these inputs are spatially distributed and further processed within the

streams. Therefore, this factor should be considered in future studies to increase our

understanding of how leaf litter inputs can effectively fuel the metabolism of stream








Bastias E., M. Ribot, M. Jonsson, F. Sabater, E. Martí. Freswater Science (in revision)



6.1. Abstract

We studied how chemical and optical properties of the leachates vary among different

coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) sources, and how such potential variation can

influence the activity of microbial assemblages in streams. We produced leachates from

6 leaf litter riparian tree species, and from a mixture of fruits and of twigs from these

species. For each type of CPOM leachate, we analyzed the concentration of dissolved

organic carbon (DOC) and organic and inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)

forms. We also analyzed optical indexes associated with the degree of aromaticity of the

dissolved organic matter (DOM) of leachates, such as SUVA254, E2/E3 and E4/E6.

Additionally, we estimated rates of microbial metabolic activity associated with each

leachate type using the Resazurin (Raz) - Resorufin (Rru) system under laboratory

conditions. Results show that leachates from riparian CPOM are sources of high-quality

DOC, dissolved organic N and dissolved inorganic P. In addition, Rru production rates

were positively related to the degree of aromaticity and the NO3- concentrations of

leachates. Together these results suggest that the management of riparian vegetation

could have significant implications for the DOC and nutrient dynamics as well as for

the heterotrophic activity of stream ecosystems.


6.2. The role of leaf litter leachates in stream ecosystems

In forested headwater streams, inputs of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) from

riparian zones (i.e., leaf litter, fruits and twigs) undergo an initial loss of mass due to the

leaching of elemental constituents. CPOM inputs are used as colonizing substrate as

well as source of carbon (C) and nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorous) for in-stream

microbial communities. CPOM is also mechanically fragmented by macroinvertebrates

and physical abrasion (Webster and Benfield, 1986). Therefore, CPOM inputs can act as

the primary energy source for the metabolism of these ecosystems (Fisher and Likens

1973, Vannote et al. 1980) as well as, can influence in-stream nutrient cycling (Hall and

Meyer 1998, Valett et al. 2008) and food web composition and function (Webster et al.


During the initial phase (i.e., ~24 h), leaching of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from

CPOM can constitute an important energy source to in-stream microbial activity

(Webster and Benfield, 1986). Some studies have shown that leachates from CPOM can

contribute approximately up to 30-42% of the total dissolved organic carbon (DOC)

pool in streams during autumn (McDowell and Fisher 1976, Meyer et al. 1998). In

addition, leachates from CPOM also contain dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) forms,

such as nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4

+), and soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP)

(Wymore et al. 2015). Thus, leachates from direct inputs of riparian CPOM have the

potential to influence the in-stream dynamics of the dissolved organic and inorganic

elemental pool, which may further affect the activity of microbial assemblages of these

ecosystems and overall temporal dynamics of ecosystem metabolism.

The bioavailability of leachates from riparian CPOM inputs to in-stream microbial

assemblages is related to the amount of elements released. As an example, Wymore et


al. (2015) suggested that variation in dissolved N concentrations of leachates among

types of CPOM could result in differences in in-stream microbial activity. Furthermore,

the bioavailability of leachates is related to the quality of the DOM. In fact, low-

molecular weight amino acids and carbohydrates (i.e., compounds with low degree of

aromaticity) are rapidly mineralized (Amon et al. 2001, Balcarczyk et al. 2009),

whereas humic-like compounds with higher molecular weights (i.e., higher aromaticity)

tend to be less bioavailable and, thus, have longer residence times in the water column

(Fellman et al. 2009). Despite differences in DOM quality among CPOM inputs, the

bioavailability of DOC in streams is also influenced by the origins of its inputs (Meyer

et al. 1987, Fellman et al. 2009). DOC entering into streams via terrestrial runoff (from

plants and soils) is previously processed by soil microbial communities. Thus, this DOC

is usually considered more recalcitrant for in-stream heterotrophic communities than

other sources of DOC that mediate the microbial activity in streams (Tranvik 1988,

McKnight et al. 2001). In contrast, leachates from plant litter input may provide streams

with fresh DOC and nutrient resources, which could strongly influence in-stream

microbial heterotrophic activity. However, despite this potential influence of CPOM

leachates on in-stream microbial activity, information on how leachate characteristics

vary among different sources of riparian species, and how such potential variation can

influence their effect on the in-stream microbial activity, is scarce (but see Wymore et

al. 2015). Assessment of DOM quality of the leachates has been difficult, but several

proxies and indexes based on fluorescence spectroscopy have recently been developed

and used to infer the potential bioavailability of DOM from freshwaters (Murphy et al.

2010, Cory et al. 2011). For instance, the specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (i.e.,

SUVA254) is being widely used as a proxy of the degree of humification, aromaticity,

and molecular weight of DOM (McKnight et al. 2001, Weishaar et al. 2003). In fact,


Weishaar et al. (2003) reported a positive correlation between SUVA254 and aromaticity

of DOM from leachates determined by 13

C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Other

recently used indexes associated with DOM aromaticity are the ratios E2/E3 (Wang et al.

2009, Leeben et al. 2010) and E4/E6 (Peuravuori and Pihlaja 1997, Fuentes et al. 2006).

The E2/E3 is the ratio between the specific absorbance at 250 nm and that at 365 nm,

and it is inversely correlated with DOM aromaticity (Peuravuori and Pihlaja 1997,

McDonald 2004). The E4/E6 is the ratio between the absorbance at 465 and that at 665

nm, and it is positively correlated with DOM aromaticity. This ratio has been

predominantly used in soils.

In this study, we explore (i) how chemical and optical properties of the leachates vary

among different CPOM sources, and (ii) how such potential variation can influence the

activity of microbial assemblages in streams. We expected that leachates from different

CPOM sources will have different chemical and optical properties. We hypothesized

that a high degree of aromaticity among CPOM leachates (i.e., higher values of

SUVA254 and E4/E6 ratios and lower values of E2/E3 ratios) would be negatively related

to microbial activity (expressed as Rru production), because highly aromatic

compounds are more difficult to degrade. We also hypothesized that CPOM leachates

with higher concentrations of dissolved nutrients (i.e., N and P forms) would result in

higher microbial activity if the activity of microbial assemblages is nutrient limited

(Kroer 1993, Zweifel et al. 1993).


6.3. Methods

Production of leachates from different riparian CPOM sources

We collected leaf litter from 6 tree species that are broadly distributed in riparian zones

of the Mediterranean region, i.e. alder (Alnus glutinosa), black poplar (Populous nigra),

black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), ash (Fraxinus excelsior), sycamore (Platanus x

hispanica), and holm oak (Quercus Ilex). We also collected fruits and twigs from these

tree species. Samples of these different CPOM sources were collected in Font del Regàs

stream, a 3rd

order Mediterranean stream draining La Tordera catchment (NE Spain;

41º50´N, 2º30´E, 300 m a.s.l). Samples of riparian CPOM sources were collected with

aerial traps (n = 5) made by a polyvinyl chloride frame (PCV, 1 m2) and a plastic mesh

(5 mm mesh size). Traps were fastened to the riparian trees adjacent to the stream and

hung over the stream channel along a 100-m reach. We collected all the CPOM material

accumulated in the traps during peak senescence (from mid-October to early November,

2013). The samples were transported to the laboratory in paper envelopes, and were air

dried at room temperature (20 ºC, 30% moisture) for 24 h. Approximately 1 g of each

CPOM type (5 replicates) was placed in a 120-ml plastic tubes with 100 ml of deionized

water. Then, samples were placed in a shaker during 24 h (20 ºC at 75 rpm) to facilitate

the extraction of the leachates. After the 24 h extraction, we filtered the leachates

through ashed (500 ºC for 5 h) FVF glass filters (0.7 µm pore size) to exclude small

particles. The leachates were analyzed for chemistry (10 ml) and optical properties of

DOM (10 ml). Simultaneously, 50 ml of leachates were used for the incubations with

Raz-Rru metabolic system (see below).


Measurements of chemical and optical properties of leachates

For each leachate sample, we analyzed the concentration of DOC and total dissolved N

(TDN) by high-temperature catalytic oxidation on a Shimadzu TOC-VCSH + TNM-1 +

ASI-V analyser. Leachate concentration of total phosphorus (TP) was analysed by acid-

hydrolysis and measured with colorimetric methods. We measured the concentrations of

NO3- + NO2

- (NO3

-; Cd-Cu reduction), NH4

+ (phenate method), and SRP (molybdate

blue) of leachates by Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) with a Bran+Luebbe auto-

analyser. We calculated dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) as TDN minus the sum of

NO3-, NO2

-, and NH4

+ and dissolved organic phosphorous (DOP) as TP minus SRP. All

chemical analyses were conducted at the Nutrient Analysis Service of the ICM-CSIC

(Barcelona). Concentration of different solutes was multiplied by the water volume used

in the leachate production and divided by the dry mass (DM) of the CPOM used to

obtain the leachates. Therefore, chemical characterization of solute concentration of

different CPOM leachates is expressed in µg or mg of solute per g DM-1


The leachates were also characterized for optical indexes associated with their degree of

aromaticity. In this sense, we divided the specific absorbance at 254 nm by the DOC

concentration (mg L-1

) to estimate SUVA254 (in units of L mg–1

C m–1

) (McKnight et al.

2001), the ratio of the specific absorbance at 250 nm and that at 365 nm to estimate the

E2/E3 (McDonald, 2004), and the ratio of the specific absorbance at 465 nm and that at

665 nm to estimate the E4/E6.

Estimation of microbial activity associated with CPOM leachates

The effect of leachates from different leaf litter sources on in-stream heterotrophic

activity has been assessed in laboratory incubations by quantifying the rates of


dissolved oxygen (DO) consumption (Wymore et al. 2015). In the present study, we

used a novel approach to measure responses of microbial metabolic activity to leachates

of different riparian CPOM types: the Resazurin (Raz) - Resorufin (Rru) chemical

system. The reduction of Raz to Rru has been used in previous studies as a good tracer

to infer microbial metabolic activity of specific in-stream biotic components (O’Brien et

al. 2000, Guerin et al. 2001, McNicholl et al. 2007) and metabolism at whole-reach

scale (Haggerty et al. 2009). Microbial activity based on these measurements is not

subjected to limitations of dissolved oxygen gas exchange and it is a good tool to

compare microbial activity among different CPOM treatments. In Font del Regàs

stream, we collected fine benthic organic matter (FBOM) as the source of microbial

assemblages to estimate microbial activity associated with the different types of CPOM

leachates. The upper layer (~first 2 cm) of the streambed sediment was gently stirred to

re-suspend the FBOM, which was then collected with a syringe (100 ml) following the

procedure described by von Schiller et al. (2009). In the laboratory, we incubated 50 ml

of the leachates from each CPOM type with 100 µL of homogenized slurry of FBOM (5

replicates per CPOM leachate type). We then added 10 ml of Raz standing stock

solution, which resulted in a target initial Raz concentration of 200 µg L-1

in the

incubations. We collected 5 mL samples from each incubation vial (8 CPOM leachate

types and 5 replicates per leachate type) every 30 minutes during 4 hours. Fluorescence

of collected samples was measured at 571 and 585 nm of excitation and emission

wavelengths, respectively, to estimate Rru concentration using a

spectrofluorophotometer (Shimadzu/ RF-5000) (Haggerty et al. 2008). We calculated

Rru production rates as the difference in Rru concentration between samples at time 0

minutes and at ~1.2 h of incubation, because this incubation timeframe showed a linear

increase of Rru concentration consistently among all the incubations. Results of the Rru


production rates were expressed as mmol of Rru produced per incubation time (h) and

CPOM dry mass (g) used to generate each leachate.

Statistical analysis

To examine differences in the chemical and optical parameters of the leachates among

the different CPOM types, we used a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with

CPOM type as fixed factor followed by Tukey´s post hoc-test for each variable

examined. We also calculated the coefficient of variation (CV) for each chemical and

optical variable considering data from all CPOM types together, to assess the degree of

variability for each variable associated with the different CPOM types. Additionally, we

conducted a PCA analysis considering all chemical and optical variables of the

leachates to evaluate relationships among them, and to assess which variables mostly

contributed to the observed variability among leachates of the different CPOM types.

We also used one-way ANOVA to determine differences in Rru production rates

associated with leachates from the different CPOM types, with CPOM type as fixed

factor, followed by Tukey´s post hoc-test. We used partial least square (PLS)

regressions to explore how Rru production rates from different leachates were related to

the chemical and optical properties of the leachates. PLS regression is a linear

multivariate model, which produces latent variables (PLS components) extracted from

predictor variables that maximize the explained variance of the dependent variable. PLS

regression is especially useful when predictor variables are correlated (Carrascal et al.

2009). The evaluation of the PLS regression models was based on the level of variance

explained (r2), loadings of the independent variables, and the variable influence on

projection (i.e., VIP). The independent variable loading describes the relative strength

and direction of the relationship between independent (i.e., chemical and optical


characteristics) and response variable (i.e., Rru production rates). The VIP value

summarizes the importance of each predictor variable. The limit for a variable to be

included in the final model was a VIP value of 1. Finally, we examined pairwise linear

regression analyses between Rru production rates and those variables that were found to

be significant predictors in the PLS analysis. If necessary, variables were log-

transformed to meet the requirements of parametric tests (ANOVA and linear

regression), but PLS regression does not assume normally distributed data. PLS

regression analyses were performed in R version 3.2.4 (R Core Team 2012) using the

PLS package version 2.5-0 for the PLS models (Mevik et al. 2011).


6.4. Results

Chemical and optical properties of the leachates

DOC concentration in the leachates differed among CPOM types (ANOVA, p < 0.001)

with the lowest values in leachates from fruits and twigs and the highest in those from

leaf litter of holm oak (Table 6.1.). NO3- concentration also differed among CPOM

types (ANOVA, p < 0.001), and was highest in leachates from leaf litter of alder (Table

6.1.). Contrastingly, NH4 concentration was highest in leachates from fruits and black

locust leaf litter (ANOVA, p < 0.001). DON concentration also differed among CPOM

types and was the highest in leachates from black locust leaf litter (ANOVA, p < 0.001;

Table 6.1.). Concentration of SRP in leachates was quite similar among leaf litter types,

but showed significantly lower values in leachates from fruits and twigs (ANOVA, p <

0.001). Likewise, DOP concentration was similar among CPOM types (ANOVA, p >

0.05) (Table 6.1.). For the measures of aromaticity, values of SUVA254 differed among

CPOM types (ANOVA, p < 0.001) with leachates from alder leaf litter showing the

highest values (Table 6.1.). The E2/E3 differed among CPOM types (ANOVA, p < 0.01)

and was the lowest in leachates from alder. E4/E6 index also varied among CPOM types

(ANOVA , p < 0.001) showing the highest values in leachates from alder, black poplar,

black locust, and ash leaf litter.


Liter material types DOC

(mg C g-1



(µg N g-1



(µg N g-1



(µg N g-1



(µg P g-1



(µg P g-1

) SUVA254 E2/E3 E4/E6

Alder (AL) 41.1 (1)b 20.5 (3)

a 8.4 (3)

c 583 (47)

b 276.0 (22)

a 62.9 (4)

a 0.15 (0.02)

a 0.16 (0.01)

a 13.7 (2)


Black Poplar (PO) 48.4 ( 3)b 4.6 (1)

b 1.6 (1)

c 223 (49)

d 191.0 (31)

ab 53.3 (11)

a 0.08 (0.01)

bc 0.43 (0.02)

b 9.5 (2)


Black Locust (LO) 45.6 (2)b 5.4 (0.4)

b 114.0 (16)

b 1031 (43)

a 253.0 (19)

a 82.6 (6)

a 0.08 (0.01)

b 0.33 (0.03)

ab 12.5 (2)


Ash (AS) 57.1 (7 )ab

4.4 (0.4)b 2.7 (0.2)

c 420 (63)

c 298.0 (38)

a 84.2 (21)

a 0.07 (0.01)

bc 0.40 (0.02)

b 10.7 (0.5)


Sycamore (SY) 47.9 ( 3)b 1.3 (0.2)

b 2.4 ( 1)

c 116 (9)

d 271.0 (53)

a 103 (36)

a 0.02 (0.005)

d 0.52 (0.02)

b 4.8 (1)


Holm Oak (OA) 64.2 (5)a 1.7 (0.6)

b 3.7 (3)

c 106 (17)

d 199.0 (8)

ab 43.9 (5)

a 0.03 (0.005)

cd 0.49 (0.02)

b 4.9 (0.7)


Fruits (FR) 21.7 (4)c 2.7 (0.3)

b 180.0 (36)

a 132 (18)

d 95.3 (26)

bc 64.2 (41)

a 0.04 (0.01)

bcd 0.42 (0.09)

b 6.6 (0.3)


Twigs (TW) 25.7 (1)c 2.5 (0.4)

b 9.4 (8 )

c 136 (24)

d 64.7 (24)

c 18.4 (5)

a 0.02 (0.005)

d 0.39 (0.1)

b 6.0 (1)


CV (%) 34.5 139.1 175.6 92.6 49.8 77.6 72.4 37.6 47.0

Table 6.1. Mean (± 1 SE) values of chemical and optical variables from leachates produced by leaf litter, fruits and twigs from different riparian tree species types of

allochthonous coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) after 24-h incubation in distilled water. Data are presented as mass of C, N, and P per g of CPOM dry mass

except SUVA254 (L mg C -1


). Different letters indicate significant differences at p = 0.05. DOC: dissolved organic carbon; DON: dissolved organic nitrogen; DOP:

dissolved organic phosphorous and SRP: soluble reactive phosphorous.


Considering data from all CPOM types, the highest range of variability based on the

coefficient of variation was observed for NH4, NO3 and DON concentrations, and the

lowest was observed for concentrations of DOC and SRP and the optical indexes E2/E3

and E4/E6 (Table 6.1.).

Results from the PCA revealed that 40% of the variability among study cases (i.e.,

CPOM leachate types) was explained by component 1, which was mostly loaded by

NO3- and DON concentrations, and the optical indexes. Component 2 explained 22% of

the variability among study cases and concentrations of SRP, DOP, DOC, and NH4+ had

a major load on this component. Results from the PCA also revealed that SUVA254 was

positively correlated with NO3 and the E4/E6 index and negatively correlated with the

E2/E3 index (Figure 6.1.). Hence, a higher degree of DOM aromaticity in the leachates

of the different study CPOM types is accompanied by a higher concentration of NO3.

Lastly, concentrations of SRP in leachates was positively correlated with concentrations

of DOP and DOC and negatively correlated with concentrations of NH4 (Figure 6.1.).


-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3








PC1 - 40%


2 -

22% SY





































-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6












Figure 6.1. Principal component analysis (PCA) considering data from chemical and optical variables

associated with leachates. PC1 and PC2 explain 40% and 22%, respectively, of the variability among

variables. AL (alder), PO (black poplar), LO (black locust), SY (sycamore), OA (holm oak), FR

(fruits), and TW (twigs). DOC: dissolved organic carbon; DON: dissolved organic nitrogen; DOP:

dissolved organic phosphorous, and SRP: soluble reactive phosphorous.


Estimation of metabolic activity associated with leachates

Rru production rates associated with the leachates differed among CPOM types

(ANOVA, p < 0.001) and ranged from 0.65 to 5.20 mmol Rru g DM-1


. Higher Rru

production rates were observed in leachates from alder leaf litter, and lower values were

observed in leachates from sycamore leaf litter, fruits, and twigs (Figure 6.2.).



ru p


on r






g D


















Figure 6.2. Rru production rates used as a proxy of microbial activity respiration measured from different

leachates among CPOM materials analyzed. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) in Rru

production rates among CPOM materials. AL (alder), PO (black poplar), LO (black locust), SY (sycamore),

OA (holm oak), FR (fruits), and TW (twigs).


The PLS regression analysis showed that variation in Rru production rates was best

explained by the combination of NO3 concentration and the optical variables of

leachates (Figure 6.3.).


-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8













Figure 6.3. Results from partial least square (PLS) regressions on Rru production rates and both

chemical and optical variables associated with leachates. Variance explained was 80.9 % (two

components). Only variables with a VIP ≥ 1 are considered as predictor variables.


Rru production rates were positively related to NO3 concentration, SUVA254 and E4/E6

index, and negatively related to E2/E3 index (Figure 6.4.).

SUVA254 (L mg C-1 m


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

NO3 (µg N g DM-1


0 10 20 30






r2= 0.81

p < 0.001


5 10 15 20


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8










ion r





g D






r2= 0.72

p < 0.001

r2= 0.43

p < 0.001r

2= 0.24

p < 0.01

Figure 6.4. Linear regressions between Rru production rates and the significant predictor variables

obtained from PLS regression analysis. Coefficients of the linear regressions (r2) and p-values (p) are

shown for each variable.


6.5. Discussion

The importance of leachates from riparian CPOM inputs to in-stream DOM, and

N and P pools

Our study shows that leachates directly released from riparian CPOM inputs may

constitute a relevant DOM source to streams (Meyer and Wallace, 1998). In fact, DOM

from leachates has lower SUVA254 values (0.02-0.15 L mg C -1


) compared to values

reported for other allocthonous DOM sources from riparian soils (1.5–4.7 L mg C -1


1; Wickland et al. 2007, Balcarczyk et al. 2009). This finding is in agreement with

previous results suggesting that leachates from riparian CPOM inputs constitute a

higher quality DOM source to streams (i.e., less aromatic and recalcitrant) than other

DOM sources from terrestrial origins such as groundwater, terrestrial runoff, and

snowmelt (Allan and Castillo, 2008; Wymore et al. 2015). One reason why leachates

contain high-quality DOM may be that the CPOM that they originate from enters into

streams directly (McDowell and Fisher, 1976), without being processed by microbial

soil communities. Our results additionally indicate that leachates from riparian CPOM

inputs can act as relevant sources of dissolved organic and inorganic N and P to

streams, supporting previous results (e.g., Webster and Benfield 1986, Wymore et al.

2015); and thus, they can influence the in-stream dynamics of dissolved N and P,

especially during the leaf fall period. However, we also found that the influence of

leachates on the relative proportion of dissolved inorganic and organic stream pools

varies depending on the element considered (i.e., N and P). In particular, DON was the

dominant form of dissolved N in leachates regardless of the CPOM type (~94% from

the total dissolved N). This is in agreement with results from previous studies (Wymore

et al. 2005) and indicates that, in terms of dissolved N, inputs of riparian CPOM mostly


provide streams with DON. In contrast, the inorganic form of P accounted for ~78% of

the total dissolved P in leachates, suggesting that CPOM inputs can be important

sources of dissolved inorganic P to streams.

Overall, these results suggest that CPOM inputs are not only relevant sources of

particulate C and nutrients to microbial and macroinvertebrate decomposers in streams,

but they can also contribute to the dissolved C, N, and P pools via leaching of the

CPOM inputs. The relevance of CPOM leachates to streams may be maximized in

forested headwater streams, since they are usually nutrient limited systems (Burrows et

al. 2015). Also, CPOM leachates could be relevant in streams with low capacity to

decompose particulate OM inputs, since dissolved C, N, and P from leachates could

easily be assimilated by microbial communities (Meyer et al. 1987, Fellman et al.


Differences of leachates among riparian CPOM types

Our results revealed that the type of CPOM entering into streams was not an important

factor influencing the DOC concentrations and quality of the leachates. Similarly, we

found that variability in the concentrations of dissolved forms of P among CPOM types

was relatively small. In contrast, we found more remarkable differences among CPOM

types for dissolved N forms, with higher N concentrations in leachates from alder and

black locust leaf litter. This difference could be explained because alder and black

locust have the capacity to fix N2 through their root system (Webster et al. 2009). In this

sense, litter inputs from these tree species may alleviate N limitation of heterotrophic

microbial assemblages, at least during leaf litter senescence. Overall, these results

suggest that the type of riparian CPOM inputs may have stronger relevance for


dissolved N forms than for dissolved C and P forms. Furthermore, we found that

leachates from alder had the highest concentrations of NO3, while NH4 and DON

concentrations were the highest in leachates from black locust. This fact could have an

important influence on the balance between NO3 and NH4 forms of the recipient

streams. In fact, previous studies indicate that NO3 and NH4 are cycled differently by

streams, because streams have a high capacity to process NH4 whereas NO3 tend to be

mostly transported to downstream ecosystems (Tank et al. 2008, Ribot et al. 2017).

Therefore, the composition and relative abundance of riparian tree species and its

associated CPOM inputs may influence not only the DIN pool but also the NO3:NH4

ratio, which may have further consequences for in-stream DIN cycling and transport.

Response of microbial activity to different CPOM leachates

In contrast to our expectation, we found a positive relationship between the degree of

aromaticity in the CPOM leachates and the microbial activity. This result is also in

contrast with studies showing that values of SUVA254 are negatively related to the

bioavailability of DOM in bulk water samples (Saadi et al. 2006, Fellman et al. 2008),

which primarily stems from groundwater and terrestrial runoff. Nevertheless, our results

are in agreement with other previous studies assessing the bioavailability of leachates

from CPOM (Wymore et al. 2015). This suggests that the relationship between

chemical and optical properties of leachates and its bioavailability can vary among

DOM sources, which in turn rely on their origin (i.e., as soils or CPOM) (Wymore et al.

2015). We do not have an explicit explanation to this observation, but our results

suggest that the variability in heterotrophic microbial activity (inferred from Rru tracer

production) measured among CPOM types could be explained by other factors rather

than solely DOM aromacity properties. For example, we observed that CPOM leachates


with higher degree of aromacity also contain higher dissolved N concentrations (both as

NO3- and DON), which explained a remarkable proportion of the variability of Rru

production rates among CPOM types. Accordingly, previous studies have shown that

respiration rates of stream microbial assemblages are related to N concentrations of

CPOM leachates, especially under N-limiting conditions (Kroer 1993, Zweifel et al.

1993). Our results therefore indicate that differences in N concentrations of leachates

among CPOM types, especially those related to NO3-, could be a relevant factor

controlling the bioavailability of these leachate sources to streams, and ultimately, the

activity of microbial assemblages of recipient streams. These results complement

existing knowledge about the influence of riparian forest composition on the dynamics

of stream ecosystems. Previous studies have shown that decomposition of the CPOM in

streams vary with the type of CPOM inputs (Webster and Benfield 1986; Cornwell et al.

2008). Here we show that dissolved sources from leachates of different riparian CPOM

types can also exert a strong influence on the in-stream microbial activity, especially

during periods of leaf litter senescence.

In conclusion, results from this study indicated that riparian input of CPOM to streams

is not only a source of particulate matter for in-stream microbial communities, but it can

also constitute a relevant source of dissolved solutes such as those from C, N, and P

elements. Furthermore, our results suggest that CPOM inputs from riparian vegetation

produce leachates of different chemical and structural properties that may influence in-

stream microbial activity. Differences in the effect of CPOM inputs among CPOM

types are mostly associated to the supply of dissolved forms of N. Due to the rapid

nature of the leaching process, the influence of high-quality leachates on microbial

communities may be acute but sustained over the leaf senescence period, which can last


over several weeks or months. This reflects the influence of seasonally-driven inputs of

CPOM to annual variation of stream dynamics not only related to solutes, but also to

microbial activity. Within this context, our results provide support to the relevance of

riparian tree composition on the dynamics of stream ecosystems already shown by

previous studies. This influence may be especially relevant if the riparian vegetation is

dominated by a single species with a narrow phenology in leaf senescence. On the other

hand, if the riparian vegetation is composed by a wide range of species with little

overlap in leaf senescence, CPOM leachates and their variation in quality and elemental

concentrations can be highly important for overall stream microbial activity, especially

if several species produce leachates of high quality.

To date, the management of riparian areas has been addressed to provide high-quality

litter to streams (i.e., litter with high N content relative to C content and/or low lignin

concentrations). Usually, high-quality litter such as alder tends to decompose faster than

low-quality litter such as oak or wood (Webster and Benfield 1986; Webster et al.

2009). Thus, the use of certain riparian species can exert strong influences on particulate

organic matter dynamics in streams as well as on the composition of microbial and

macroinvertebrate decomposers (Webster and Benfield 1986; Webster et al. 2009). Our

study also indicates that strategies to manage species composition of vegetation in

riparian zones could also have implications for the heterotrophic activity in stream

ecosystems associated with dissolved sources of C and nutrients, since changes in

riparian vegetation community composition will also likely determine the quantity,

quality, and bioavailability of leachates associated with CPOM inputs. Therefore, we

recommend considering the composition and relative abundance of riparian tree species

since this can have an effect on the properties of the leachates from riparian CPOM

inputs, which can affect the heterotrophic activity of recipient streams. Finally, we


suggest that these effects can be especially relevant in streams where the nutrient pool

and/or the decomposition of litter inputs are low.







7.1. Abstract

The use of isotopically-labeled dissolved forms of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) has

revealed that microbial assemblages developed on decomposing leaf litter in streams

can assimilate these elements from the water column. However, most previous studies

consider leaf litter as a “black-box” encompassing a mixture of different leaf litter

species exposed to different decomposition stages. The present study aims to open this

“black-box” to disentangle how the uptake of N-NH4 and acetate from water column

vary among riparian leaf litter species differing in the initial quality (i.e., C:N ratio) and

under different stages of decomposition. We exposed leaf litter of 5 riparian tree species

to different times of incubation in a stream and conducted a 24h addition of 15


and 13

C-acetate at constant rate to estimate the uptake of these solutes. In addition, we

measured the microbial exoenzymatic activity of cellobiohydrolase (CBH) of microbial

assemblages on leaf litter to examine its influence on the uptake of 15

N-NH4 and 13


acetate. We found that N uptake was relatively similar over leaf litter decomposition

period, whereas C uptake increased. These patterns were similar among leaf litter

species, but rates significantly differed among them. In addition, the average uptake of

NH4 for each leaf litter species was negatively related with the decomposition rate and

the accumulated CBH activity, whereas the uptake of acetate was positively related to

these variables. This suggests that the type of leaf litter inputs can be important to

determine the interaction between microbial assemblages on leaf litter and water

column chemistry, and that this influence may depend on the element considered.

Ultimately, our results show that the leaf litter inputs from the riparian forest are not

only relevant as a source of particulate organic matter to streams contributing to stream

metabolism, but that the species composition of riparian forest can also influence the


cycling and downstream export of dissolved inorganic N and organic C of recipient

stream ecosystems.

7.2. Microbial uptake of N and C from the water column

Microbial assemblages in streams can use leaf litter as a substratum for colonization as

well as a source of carbon (C) and nutrients for metabolic activity and growth; and thus,

they can contribute to the decomposition of leaf litter inputs from riparian zones. In this

sense, riparian leaf litter inputs have been shown to fuel the ecosystem metabolism

especially of headwater-forested streams (Fisher and Likens 1973, Vannote et al. 1980).

Microbial assemblages developed on leaf litter (mainly fungi and bacteria) produce

specific extracellular enzymes that breakdown C-polymeric compounds form leaf litter

into smaller molecules that can be more easily assimilated (Chróst 1991; Romaní et al.

2006; Romaní et al. 2012). Bacteria developed on leaf litter can also take up dissolved

organic carbon (DOC) from the water column during the decomposition process (Hall

and Meyer 1998; Pastor et al. 2014). In addition, nutrients (mainly nitrogen [N] and

phosphorous [P]) provided by leaf litter may not fulfill microbial demands; and thus,

microbial decomposers often need to acquire nutrients from the water column (Kaushik

and Hynes 1971; Webster and Benfield 1986; Sampaio et al. 2001; Gulis and

Suberkropp 2003). Therefore, during the leaf litter decomposition process, microbial

demand of C and nutrients can be supplied from either leaf litter or from the water

column and this supply may change over time depending on the characteristics of the

leaf litter substrate (Webster et al. 2009).


The uptake of C and nutrients from water column by in-stream biotic primary uptake

compartments has been mostly examined by using additions of isotopically labelled C

and N dissolved forms (Hall and Meyer 1998, Tank et al. 2018), which allow tracing the

transfer of elements from water column into uptake compartments without modifying

ambient concentrations. Most of these studies have focused on N uptake, and have

showed that the relative contribution of leaf litter compartment to the total in-stream N

uptake is highly variable among streams (i.e., from 0 to 60%). This suggests that

particular environmental conditions of streams and/or the intrinsic properties of leaf

litter may influence N demands of microbial assemblages on leaf litter from the water

column. These studies usually consider in-stream leaf litter as a “black-box” primary

uptake compartment, although this compartment is often constitute by a mixture of

different leaf litter species which can also be exposed to different stages of

decomposition. In this regard, Webster et al. (2009) suggested that the relative

dependence of dissolved nutrients from either leaf litter and water column by microbial

decomposers can be determined, at least in part, by the leaf litter quality. In addition,

results on how the dependence of microbial decomposers on N and C from water

column varies over the decomposition period are controversial. Some studies indicate

that N uptake is high during the initial stages of decomposition (Tank et al. 2000; Valett

et al. 2008) and that it decreases over leaf litter decomposition as microbes can access

nutrients from leaf litter (Webster et al. 2009). In contrast, Cheever et al. (2013) showed

that microbial assemblages on decomposing leaves acquired more N from water column

as decomposition stages advance. In this study we examine how that variation in the

quality of leaf litter either associated with different tree species or with different

decomposition stages can explain contrasted results on the interaction between leaf litter

decomposition and C and nutrient uptake from water column.


Quality of leaf litter can be determined by its elemental composition (i.e., the content of

C, N and P) and the relative proportion among these elements (Melillo et al. 2001). Leaf

litter with high N and P content relative to C content commonly decomposes faster than

leaf litter with low relative content of N and P (Webster and Benfield 1986; Enriquez et

al. 1993). Other indicators of leaf litter quality are related to the complexity of leaf litter

organic C molecules (Webster and Benfield 1986). In this sense, soluble

polysaccharides are simple organic compounds, which are easily degraded and

consumed by microbes; and thus, they are considered as labile C sources. In contrast,

lignin or tannins are metabolically more costly to be used by microbes; and thus,

considered as recalcitrant C resources (Sinsabaugh et al. 1993). In this regard, leaf litter

quality has been shown as a relevant factor controlling the dynamics of microbial

colonization and metabolic activity associated with decomposing leaf litter. Previous

studies indicated different microbial colonization patterns between leaf litter species

differing in their nutrient content (Webster et al. 2009) or in their content of recalcitrant

compounds (Gessner and Chauvet 1994) because these factors can limit growth and

activity of fungi on leaf litter (Canhoto and Graça 1999) and microbes.

The main mechanisms by which microbial decomposers degrade leaf litter polymeric

compounds is the production of exoenzymes (Rogers 1961; Artigas et al. 2008). The

amount of exoenzymatic activity produced by microbial decomposers can widely vary

among leaf litter species, which suggests that leaf litter quality can be a primary

mechanism by which microbial decomposers degrades leaf litter polymeric compounds

(Sinsabaugh et al. 1994; Romaní et al. 2004). Additionally, it has been observed that

microbial benthic communities colonizing organic substrates are partially reliant on

organic material and inorganic nutrients supplied by the surrounding water (Sala et al.;


Romaní et al. 2004, 2012). Therefore, the production of microbial enzymatic activities

can be modulated by both C and nutrients from leaf litter and from water column

(Romaní et al. 2014).

The present study aims to understand how the uptake of DIN (i.e., N-NH4) and DOC

(i.e., acetate) from water column vary among riparian leaf litter species, which differ in

the initial quality (i.e., C:N ratio), and among different stages of leaf litter

decomposition. Additionally, we explored whether variation in the uptake of N-NH4 and

acetate among leaf litter species are related to the activity of the microbial decomposers

developed on leaf litter as expressed by the exoenzymatic activity of cellobiohydrolase

(CBH). We expected that: (i) microbial decomposers developing on low-quality leaf

litter (i.e., high C:N ratio) would have higher N-NH4 and C-acetate uptake rates than

those developing on a high-quality leaf litter and that (ii) microbial decomposers on leaf

litter would increase their demand of N-NH4 and C-acetate from the water column at

later stages of the decomposition process because C and N contained in leaf litter are

used over the decomposition process.

7. 3. Methods

Description of the experimental design

The study was conducted in an irrigation channel (200 m long and 2 m wide), which

receives water from the Font del Regàs stream, a 3rd

order tributary of La Tordera river

(NE Spain; 41º50´N, 2º30´E, 300 m a.s.l.). The water input to the channel was regulated

by a floodgate, which allowed keeping the water discharge in the channel constant (~25

L s-1

) during the entire study period (from 28th

Nov 2013 to 25th

Jan 2014). The channel


morphology is characterized by small riffles and pools and a bed substratum composed

by sand and cobbles.

We used stable isotopes of nitrogen (15

N) and carbon (13

C) as tracers to quantify the

uptake of N and C from water column into the microbial assemblages developed on leaf

litter during the decomposition period. In particular, we measured microbial uptake of

15N-NH4 and

13C-acetate using a constant rate addition of N and C stable isotopes

following methods by Tank et al (2017) and Hall and Meyer (1998). Microbial uptake

of 15

N-NH4 and 13

C-acetate was measured in leaf litter from 5 different species of

riparian trees and at several stages of the leaf litter decomposition. Riparian tree species

considered in this study were: alder (AL, Alnus glutinosa); ash (AS, Fraxinus

excelsior); black poplar (BP, Populus nigra); black locust (BL, Robinia pseudoacacia);

and sycamore (SY, Platanus x hispanica). These species are representative of riparian

zones from headwater streams of the Mediterranean temperate region, where the study

was conducted.

For this study, leaf litter from the different riparian tree species was collected during the

leaf fall period (i.e., November 2013) using traps placed over the Font del Regàs stream.

Leaves were transported to the lab, air dried at lab conditions (25 ºC and 30%

humidity), and stored. To expose leaf litter to in-stream microbial decomposition, we

placed ~4.5 g of air-dried leaves in 250 µm mesh-size bags to ensure minimal influence

of macroinvertebrates during decomposition process. Leaf bags (n=20, 5 species x 4

replicates per incubation time) were placed along the study channel at 75, 45, 30, 10 and

2 days prior the addition of N and C stable isotopes. Therefore, by the time of the stable

isotope addition in the stream there were samples of decomposing leaf litter at 5

different decomposition stages for the 5 different species. To avoid the influence of

physical abrasion during leaf litter decomposition, leaf bags were placed in sampling


sites of relatively slow water velocity (from 5 to 10 cm s-1

). During the study period,

water temperature and water depth were recorded every 20 minutes using waterproof

temperature data loggers (HOBO Pendant®

UA-002-64) and a pressure data logger

(Solinst Levelogger Junior Edge), respectively. We also measured water velocity and

dissolved oxygen concentration every 10 days at the location of each leaf bag using a

velocity-meter (Miniair20/Schiltknecht) and WTW (Weilheim, Germany) 340i portable

sensor, respectively. On each date when leaf bags were placed in the channel, we

estimated discharge using a mass balance approach by adding 1 L of a NaCl-enriched

solution to the channel (Gordon et al. 2004). On these dates, we also collected water

samples at 3 equidistant points along the 200-m channel to analyze concentrations of

dissolved organic C (DOC), nitrate (NO2 + NO3), ammonium (NH4), and phosphorous

(as soluble reactive phosphorous; SRP). All water samples were immediately filtered

through ashed (500 ºC during 5 hours) FVF glass filters (0.7 µm pore size) and kept on

ice until arrival to the lab, and then stored at -20ºC until analysis (see below).

In-stream addition of 15

N-NH4 and 13


Two days after the last placement of leaf bags into the channel, we conducted a ~24h

constant rate addition of 15

N-NH4 and 13

C-acetate (as 99% enriched 15

NH4Cl and

13CH3COONa, respectively). On the addition date, the study reach contained leaf bags

of the 5 different leaf litter species exposed to 5 different dates over the decomposition

process. The 15

N-NH4 and 13

C-acetate addition was designed to increase the isotopic

signatures of 15

N and 13

C by 1000 fold and 100 fold, respectively, while keeping

ambient N-NH4 and DOC concentrations in the water. We assumed uptake of 13


acetate was mostly associated with bacteria because the concentration of acetate during

the addition (~0.09 µmol L-1

) was higher than that needed to be assimilated by bacteria


(0.001 µmol L-1

; Newell 1984), but lower than that needed to be assimilated by fungi

(0.1-1 mmol L-1

; Wright and Hobbie 1966; Hall and Meyer 1998). Water was collected

prior to the stable isotope addition (i.e., background sampling) and ~24h after the

beginning of the addition (i.e., plateau sampling) at 6 different stations along the

channel to determine the signature of 15

N-NH4 and 13

C-acetate under background and

plateau conditions, respectively. We collected 4L and 1L of water per station for

analysis of 15

N and 13

C, respectively (only one replicate per station). At each station, we

also collected water (15ml, two replicates per sampling station) to determine nutrient

and DOC concentrations. All water samples were immediately filtered through ashed

(500 ºC during 5 hours) FVF glass filters (0.7 µm pore size). Samples for 13

C were

acidified with 10% HCl to remove dissolved inorganic C. Filtered samples for nutrient

chemistry and 13

C were kept on ice until arrival to the lab, and then stored at -20ºC until

analysis. Samples for 15

N-NH4 were immediately processed (see procedure below).

On the background and plateau samplings we also collected leaf bags (1 replicate per

leaf litter species and incubation time at background and 3 replicates at plateau) to

estimate the signatures of 15

N and 13

C and CBH enzyme activity in leaf litter. Leaf bags

were carefully rinsed with water from the channel (upstream of the addition point) to

remove sediment attached to the bag surface. Then, leaf litter was removed from the

bags and a sub-sample was collected for the analysis of isotopic N and C signatures. In

addition, a 14 mm diameter disc of leaf litter for all the species and incubation times

was sampled for posterior analysis of CBH enzyme activity. All leaf litter samples were

stored at ~4ºC until further analysis.


Laboratory analyses

Water samples were analyzed for NO3, NH4, and SRP following standard colorimetric

methods (APHA 1995) on an Automatic Continuous Flow FUTURA–ALLIANCE

Analyzer at the CEAB-CSIC (Blanes, Spain). Concentration of DOC was determined by

Shimadzu TOC-V CSH analyzer (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) at the Serveis

Cientificotècnics of the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain). The 15


signature of water samples was determined following the ammonia diffusing procedure

adapted from Holmes et al (1998). Briefly, we added 3 g L-1

of MgO and 50 g L-1


NaCl to water samples and a Teflon filter packet containing a 1-cm-diameter combusted

Whatman GF/D fiber glass filter acidified with 25 µL of 2.5 M KHSO4 (to trap the

volatilized NH3). Water samples were incubated on a shaker at 40ºC for 4 wk. After the

incubation, we removed the filter packets and placed them in a desiccator for 5 d. We

encapsulated filters in tins and analyzed the 15


N ratio by Elemental Analysis -

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) at the Serveis Cientificotècnics of the

University of Barcelona. For 13

C water analysis, water samples were bubbled for 6

minutes with compressed nitrogen gas (N2) to remove gaseous inorganic C retained

after acidification. Then, the 13


C ratio was analyzed by Flow Injection Analysis–


Leaf litter samples were oven dried at 60 ºC until constant weight and weighted to

estimate remaining dry mass (DM). After weighted, leaf litter was crushed into a fine

powder using a grinder mill (Biometa MM 200). Subsamples of ~1.5 mg were weighted

to the nearest 0.001 mg with MX5 microbalance (Mettler-Toledo, Greinfense,

Switzerland), encapsulated into tin capsules, and sent to the Serveis Cientificotècnics of

the University of Barcelona to determine both, N and C content (mg N g DM-1

and mg

C g DM-1

, respectively), and 15

N and 13

C stable isotope signatures (same techniques as


for filter packets). Stable isotope signatures of 15

N and 13

C are expressed as δ values in

per mil units (‰) using international reference stable isotope standards of air for N and

Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite for C.

The CBH extracellular enzyme activity was quantified using the methylumbelliferyl

(MUF) fluorescent-linked substrate method (Romaní et al. 2006). The assays were

conducted at MUF saturation conditions of 0.5 mM. Briefly, leaf litter discs and water

controls were incubated with MUF-linked substrate for 1 hour in a dark in a shaker.

Blanks and standards of MUF (0–100 μmol L−1

) were also incubated. At the end of the

incubation, Glycine buffer (pH 10.4) was added (1/1 vol glycine/vol sample), and the

fluorescence was measured at 365/455 nm excitation/emission (Kontron SFM25

fluorimeter). The CBH extracellular enzyme activity was expressed as the amount of

MUF substrate produced per incubation time and leaf litter dry mass (DM) (in µmols

MUF h-1

g DM-1

). Higher values of MUF produced indicate higher production of CBH

by microbes; and thus, higher extracellular activity.

Data analysis

For each leaf litter species, the decomposition rate (k; in d−1

) was estimated by fitting

the remaining DM at each incubation time to a negative exponential model (1) as

described in Petersen and Cummins (1974):

Wt = W0 ∗ e−𝑘 t (1)

where W0 and Wt are leaf litter DM (in g) at the beginning and at each incubation time,

respectively, and t is the incubation time (in d). Values of k denote the velocity at which

leaf litter mass decreases over time.


We estimated the accumulated enzyme activity of CBH (AEA, in mmol of MUF g DM-

1) over the leaf litter decomposition period by linearly integrating the instantaneous

CBH enzyme activity between consecutive incubation time intervals (Simon and

Benfield 2009). We also calculated the CBH use efficiency as the turnover activity (TA,

in mmol MUF g DM-1

), which is the amount of CBH produced to decompose 1 g of leaf

litter (Simon and Benfield 2009). TA was calculated as the inverse of the slope of the

regression between the amount of remaining leaf litter (y) and the accumulated enzyme

activity (AEA) for each incubation time (x). High values of TA denote that the enzyme

produced is not efficient to decompose leaf litter, while low values indicate the


The uptake rates for a given isotopically labelled element (i.e., 15

N, 13

C) are usually

reported as a nutrient mass per unit of area and time (Mullholand et al. 2000; Peipoch et

al. 2016). However, during our 15

N and 13

C addition, leaf litter samples contained

different DM and N and C content depending of both, leaf litter species and incubation

times. Therefore, we expressed the uptake of 15

N and 13

C of each leaf litter sample in

terms of biomass-specific uptake (i.e., U-NH4 and U-acetate, respectively) so results

could be compared among leaf litter species and decomposition stages. We calculated

the biomass-specific N uptake (in µg N mg N-1


) of leaf litter at each incubation time

for each species following the equation:

𝐵𝑖𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 − 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑁 𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 =

[(((δ N/1000) × 0.003663 × Nbiomass)d15 /(((δ N − NH4/1000) × 0.003663) × T)]d

15 / Nbiomass (3)

where δ15

N is the 15

N enrichment of leaf litter at the plateau conditions (in ‰), Nbiomass

is the standing stock of N in leaf litter (in µg N), δ15

N-NH4 is the background-corrected



N of water at plateau conditions, and T is the elapsed time from the start of the

addition to the leaf litter collection (~24 hours).

Similarly, we calculated biomass-specific C uptake (in mg C g C-1


) for each leaf

litter species at each incubation time following the equation:

𝐵𝑖𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 − 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝐶 𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 =

[(((δ C/1000) × 0.011237 × Cbiomass)d13 /(((δ acetate/1000) × 0.011237 × T)] /Cbiomassd

13 (2)

where δ13

C is the 13

C enrichment of leaf litter at the plateau conditions (in ‰), Cbiomass is

the C standing stock in leaf litter (in mg C), δ13

C-acetate is the background-corrected


C of water at plateau conditions and, T is the elapsed time from the start of the

addition to the leaf litter collection (~24 hours).

For each leaf litter species, we calculated the integrated values of biomass-specific N

uptake of 15

N-NH4 (µg N mg N-1

) and of 13

C-acetate (mg C g C-1

) for the entire study

period by linearly integrating the instantaneous U-NH4 and U-acetate over the

incubation period.

Statistical analysis

One-way ANOVA was used to test differences in initial leaf litter C and N content and

C:N ratio among the 5 leaf litter species studied. The ANOVA model includes these

parameters as dependent variables and leaf litter species (n=5) as fixed factor. Tukey’s

Honestly Significant Difference pairwise comparisons were then used to determine

specific differences in these parameters among leaf litter species.


We used a one-way ANCOVA analysis to explore differences in k between the 5 leaf

litter species. Remaining mass of each leaf litter species was log-transformed prior to

the analysis. The one-way ANCOVA included remaining mass as dependent variable

and incubation time (expressed in days) as the covariate variable. Leaf species (n=5)

was the fixed factor. The interaction term (leaf litter species x incubation time) was used

to explore whether the loss of leaf litter mass over incubation time was similar among

leaf litter species (Zar 1999). We used Tukey´s post hoc-test to determine specific

statistical differences in k among leaf litter species.

We used two-way ANOVA analyses to explore differences in leaf litter C and N

content, CBH exoenzymatic activity, biomass-specific N-NH4 and C-acetate uptake

among species and over the incubation time. These variables were included in the model

as dependent variables while leaf litter species and incubation times were included as

fixed factors. For each variable, the interaction term (incubation time x leaf litter

species) was used to determine whether differences among incubation times were

consistent among leaf litter species.

We used linear models to explore whether variation in the integrated values of biomass-

specific N and C uptake over the decomposition period were related to quality and

functional characteristics of leaf litter such as initial C:N ratio of leaf litter, leaf litter k,

accumulation of CBH exoezymatic activity (AEA) and turnover enzyme activity, as a

surrogate of CBH use efficiency.


7.4. Results

Environmental characterization during leaf litter decomposition period

During this study, leaf litter in the stream was exposed to a relatively low discharge and

water temperature (Table 7.1.). Concentrations of NO3, NH4 and SRP in stream water

were low and remained relatively constant over the decomposition period (Table 7.1.).

The concentration of NO3 accounted for the largest fraction of the dissolved inorganic N

concentration (i.e., NO3 + NH4; Table 7.1.). All in-stream sites where leaf bags were

deployed were well oxygenated and exposed to relatively low water velocity (Table


Parameter Mean (SE)

Discharge (L s-1

) 25 (2.2) *Water velocity (cm s

-1) 2.8 (0.22)

Temperature (ºC) 5.4 (1.3)

N-NH4 +(µg N L

-1) 2.6 (1.8)

N-NO3- (µg N L

-1) 194.2 (87)

SRP (µg P L-1

) 212.6 (15) *DO (mg L

-1) 11 (0.1)

*DO (%) 93.5 (1.7)

Table 7.1. Mean values for physical and chemical

parameters of stream during the leaf litter incubation period.

The SE of the mean is shown in parenthesis. * indicates

measurements done at each leaf litter deploying sites.


Characterization of leaf litter species

The initial leaf litter C and N content differed among the leaf litter species (one-way

ANOVA, p = 0.008 for C and p < 0.001 for N). Dry leaves from AS, AL and BL

showed the highest content of N and the lowest C:N ratio (Table 7.2.). In contrast,

leaves from SY showed the highest C content and C:N ratio (Table 7.2.). During

decomposition process, the C content of leaf litter was similar among leaf litter species

(two-way ANOVA, p > 0.05) and remained relatively constant over incubation time

(two-way ANOVA, p > 0.05). In contrast, the N content increased over the incubation

time (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). This trend was common among leaf litter species,

except for BL for which N content remained relatively constant over time. In addition,

N content varied among leaf litter species (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001) with leaves

from AL showing the highest values over the entire study period followed by leaves

from AS, BL and BP. Leaves from SY had the lowest N content during the study


The CBH enzyme activity increased over the leaf litter decomposition period regardless

of the leaf litter species considered (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). In addition, CBH

enzyme activity differed among leaf litter species (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001), being

lower for SY and higher for BL (Table 7.2.). In this sense, the AEA of CBH over the

incubation period ranged from 5.5 to 1.3 mmols MUF g DM-1

for the species considered

(Table 7.2.). The highest and lowest values of TA of CBH were observed in BL and AS,

respectively (Table 7.2.).


Species C:N ratio CBH activity

(µmols MUF g DM-1 h



(mmols MUF g DM-1)


(mmols MUF g DM-1)




Ash (AS) 17.3 (0.3)a 1.3 (0.3)

bc 3.6 2 0.0163 (0.0021)


Alder (AL) 16.8 (1.1)a 1.4 (0.2)

bc 2.8 2.3 0.0103 (0.0014)


Black poplar (BP) 26.5 (1.5)b 1.6 (.0.4)

ab 2.9 4 0.0080 (0.0006)


Black Locust (BL) 17.4 (0.9)a 2.4 (0.4)

a 5.5 12.3 0.0054 (0.0007)


Sycamore (SY) 46.8 (0.3)c 0.8 (0.1 )

c 1.3 7.9 0.0019 (0.0002)


Table 7.2. Mean values of the initial C:N molar ratio, cellobiohydrolase (CBH) enzyme activity, accumulated enzyme activity for CBH, CBH enzyme use efficiency

calculated as turnover activities (TA) and leaf litter decomposition rates (k) for the 5 leaf litter species considered in the study. The SE of the regression (for k) and of the

mean (for the rest of variables) are shown in parenthesis. For each variable, different letters indicate statistical significant differences among tree species based on Tukey´s

post hoc-tests after applying one-way ANCOVA test (for k) and one-way ANOVA test (for the rest of variables).


The leaf litter mass of the 5 studied species placed in the stream decreased over

incubation time following an exponential decay model (in the 5 cases 0.76 < r2

< 0.82; p

< 0.001). Values of k differed among leaf litter species, ranging from 0.0163 day-1


to 0.0019 day-1

(SY) (Table 7.2.). Leaf litter k was positively related with AEA (r2 =

0.85, p < 0.05; data not shown), though the relationship was not significant when

including data from BL leaf litter in the analysis. In addition, there was a negative,

though no statistically significant, relationship between k and TA (p = 0.08). Values of k

for the different leaf litter species were not statistically related with their initial N

content nor with the C:N ratio.

Uptake of NH4 and acetate from water column during leaf litter decomposition

The biomass-specific uptake of NH4 (U-NH4) was relatively stable during the leaf litter

decomposition period (Figure 7.1.; left panels). Values of U-NH4 were remarkable even

at early decomposition stages, and differed among incubation times (two-way ANOVA,

p < 0.001) but did not show any clear trend. The highest and lowest values were

measured at day 45 and 30/75, respectively (Figure 7.2. A). In addition, U-NH4 was

highest for leaf litter from SY and lowest for leaf litter from AS, AL and BP (two-way

ANOVA, p < 0.001; Figure 7.2. C). The interaction term (incubation time x leaf litter

species) was not significant, indicating that temporal variability of U-NH4 during

decomposition was similar among leaf litter species (Figure 7.1., left panels).




s S







g N

mg N

-1 d






















Incubation time (days)

0 20 40 60 80









30 AS



















s S








g C

g C

-1 d



0 20 40 60 80





Figure 7.1. Temporal variation of biomass specific NH4 uptake rates (left panels) and biomass specific acetate

uptake rates (right panels) during decomposition for 5 leaf litter species (n=3 for each incubation time). AS

(ash), AL (alder), BP (black poplar), BL (black locust) and SY (sycamore). Data points are means and vertical

bars represent SEs.


In contrast, biomass-specific uptake of acetate (U-acetate) increased during leaf litter

decomposition (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.05) being highest after 75 days of incubation

(Figure 7.2. B panels) regardless of leaf litter species considered. Values of U-acetate

also differed among leaf litter species, being highest for leaf litter from AS and the

lowest for leaf litter from BL and SY (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.05; Figure 7.2. D). The

interaction term (incubation time x leaf litter species) was not significant, indicating

consistent temporal patterns over decomposition process of U-acetate among different

leaf litter species (Figure 7.1., right panels).

Incubation time (days)

2 10 30 45 75



s S





e ra

te (


N m

g N

-1 d-1








Incubation times (days)

2 10 30 45 75



s S





e ra

te (


C g





















a-b a-b











a-b a-b








Figure 7.2. Mean and SE of biomass specific NH4 uptake rates (A) and biomass specific acetate uptake rates (B)

for each incubation time and of biomass specific NH4 uptake rates (C) and biomass specific acetate uptake rates

(D) for each leaf litter species. Lowercase letters indicate statistical differences on the uptake rates among

incubation times and leaf litter species base on two-way ANOVA models followed by Tukey´s post hoc-test.

Incubation time and leaf litter species were considered as factors in the model. AS (ash), AL (alder), BP (black

poplar), BL (black locust) and SY (sycamore).


We found that integrated values of U-NH4 and U-acetate over the decomposition period

for each leaf litter species were negatively related (Pearson correlation, r = 0.79, p =

0.02). In addition, integrated U-NH4 and U-acetate were not related to the initial leaf

litter C:N ratio (Figure 7.3. A-B). However, integrated U-NH4 was negatively related to

k (r2 = 0.8, p = 0.03; Figure 7.3. C) and AEA (r

2 = 0.98, p = 0.006; Figure 7.3. E), and

positively related to TA (r2 = 0.87, p = 0.04; Figure 7.3. G), only when values from BL

were excluded. In contrast, integrated U-acetate was positively related to k (r2 = 0.91, p

= 0.008; Figure 7.3. D) and AEA (r2 = 0.96, p = 0.02; Figure 7.3. F), only when values

from BL were excluded.


C:N ratio

0 10 20 30 40 50 60








C:N ratio

0 10 20 30 40 50 60








Decomposition rate (k, day-1


0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020








Decomposition rate (k, day-1


0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020








AEA (mmols MUF g DM-1)

0 2 4 6








AEA (mmols MUF g DM-1)

0 2 4 6








TA (mmols MUF g DM-1)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14








TA (mmols MUF g DM-1)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14










+ U




g N

mg N








g C

g C



= 0.8p = 0.03


= 0.91p = 0.008

p > 0.05


= 0.96p = 0.02

r 2

= 98p = 0.006

p > 0.05

p > 0.05r2

= 87p = 0.04
















































ted B










g C

g C




ted B









g N

mg N


Figure 7.3. Linear relationships between the integrated values of both biomass specific NH4 uptake

rates and biomass specific acetate uptake rates during the incubation time (i.e., Integrated Biomass

Specific N Uptake rates and Integrated Biomass Specific C Uptake rates, respectively) with initial

values of the C:N ratio of leaf litter (A-B), leaf litter decomposition rates (k) (C-D), accumulated

enzyme activity (AEA) of cellobiohydrolase (CBH) (E-F) and CBH enzyme use efficiency calculated

as turnover activity (TA) (H-I). The coefficient of determination of the regressions (r2) and the p-value

(p) are shown. Values of Black locust (BL) leaf litter species were indicated in bold when linear

significance between variables was achieved excluding BL species. AS (ash), AL (alder), BP (black

poplar) and SY (sycamore).


7.5. Discussion

The influence of dissolved nutrients and carbon from water column on leaf litter

decomposition is a relevant topic that has been widely assessed in stream ecosystems

(Suberkroop and Chauvet, 1995; Woodward et al. 2012; Ferreira et al. 2014; Bastias et

al. 2017). Yet, studies particularly quantifying solute fluxes from the water column to

microbial decomposers are less common, despite these studies suggest that microbes on

leaf litter can contribute to DIN retention from the water column (Dodds et al. 2000;

Tank et al. 2000). In fact, a recent study considering a wide variety of headwater

streams shows that decomposing leaf litter can account on average for ca. 15% of the

total 15

N added that is stored in a stream reach (Tank et al. 2017). These studies have

commonly considered the leaf litter compartment as a “black box”, which includes a

mixture of different leaf litter species exposed to different decomposition stages.

Results of our study open this “black box” and provide information on how different

leaf litter species contribute to the uptake of NH4 and acetate from the water column,

and how this contribution can vary over different decomposition stages. The use of 15


and 13

C stable isotopes revealed that NH4 and acetate uptake associated with

decomposing leaf litter differed among species. In addition, species with higher uptake

of NH4 showed lower uptake of acetate and viceversa. Uptake of NH4 and acetate also

varied during the leaf litter decomposition process, especially for acetate, which tends to

increase under advanced stages of decomposition.

A fraction of the 15

N-NH4 added to the water during 24 h was detected in the leaf litter

of the 5 studied species even at the very early stages of leaf litter decomposition (i.e.,

two days of incubation). These results reinforce the notion that microbial assemblages


developed on leaf litter can rely on DIN from the water column to satisfy their N

demand (Mulholand et al. 1985; Webster et al. 2001; Mulholand 2004). These results

also indicated that microbial decomposers use N from water column even at early

colonization stages regardless of leaf litter species, as suggested in previous studies

(Tank et al. 2000; Webster et al. 2009). In addition, the uptake of NH4 showed small

variation over the decomposition period indicating that N demands from the water

column are also needed as leaf litter decomposition proceeds. This result contrasts with

the assumption that assimilation of NH4 is mostly associated with fungi colonizing leaf

litter during initial decomposition stages (Suberkrop and Klug 1976; Webster et al.

2009), and suggests that bacteria, which colonize leaf litter at later stages, can also

uptake DIN from the water column. The increase in acetate uptake during the

decomposition process additionally suggests that bacteria on leaf litter also rely on C

from the water column. In addition, the concentration of acetate used was too low to be

assimilated by fungi; and thus, bacterial uptake should be the major contributor of C

uptake from stream water measured over the decomposition process, as suggested by

previous studies (Wright and Hobbie 1966; Hall and Meyer 1998). A higher demand of

C-labile compounds, such as acetate, from water column could also be explained by the

decrease in C-labile resources from leaf litter tissues as decomposition advances.

As expected, our results indicated that C and nutrient uptake associated with leaf litter

not only depend on the decomposition stage, but also on the quality of the leaf litter

where they develop. However, NH4 and acetate uptake were oppositely related among

leaf litter species, which contrast with our expectations. In addition, the initial C:N ratio

of leaf litter was not a significant predictor of the C and N demands from water column

of the different species. This may be explained because the quality of leaf litter can be

determined by other factors beyond the C:N ratio such as the type of C molecules


constituting the leaf litter or by a combination of these factors. For instance, leaves of

sycamore contain a high proportion of C-recalcitrant compounds (Gessner and Chauvet

1994), which could explain the high dependence of N from water column as well as the

low leaf litter k. In fact, the uptake of NH4 was negatively related to leaf litter k

indicating that microbes colonizing poor-quality leaf litter depend in a greater extent on

DIN from water column than microbes colonizing high-quality leaf litter. The low NH4

uptake associated with high-quality leaf litter, such as that from alder, agrees with

previous findings from Webster et al. (2009). These authors suggested that nutrients are

initially taken from the leaf litter and nutrient uptake from the water column only occurs

if needed. This is further supported by the positive relationship between NH4 uptake and

the CBH use efficiency (i.e., TA) we found, which suggests that when microbial

decomposers can efficiently use nutrients from leaf litter tissues they rely less on the

NH4 from the water column. In contrast, we found that uptake of acetate was positively

related to leaf litter k and to the integrated enzyme activity of CBH over the

decomposition period (i.e., AEA), which indicates that microbial decomposers acquire

more acetate from the water column when they efficiently consume the leaf litter

substratum. This finding could be explained by the rapid consumption of C-labile

resources on these species, which leads to high k. Thus, since acetate is a labile C

resource in the water column its uptake by microbial decomposers on leaf litter can

contribute to their activity over the leaf litter decomposition process. A remarkable

exception of general observed trends by different leaf litter species is results associated

with leaf litter from black locust. Decomposition of this leaf litter species showed high

values of cumulative exoenzyme production of CBH and NH4 uptake, which coincide

with low acetate uptake and k. This suggests that the enzymatic activity in black locust

may be sustained by organic compounds other than those from leaf litter (i.e., from


water column), but not by acetate. Moreover, the N demand associated with this activity

could be partially linked to NH4 uptake from water column. A possible explanation to

this result could be that black locust can inhibit microbial activity due to the presence of

polyphenols (Alonso et al., 2010), which forms complexes with proteins that are highly

resistant to microbial activity and decomposition (Taylor et al. 1989; Hattenschwiler

and Vitousek 2000). In this sense, microbial decomposers could use black locust mostly

as a substrate, but supporting their metabolic activity by solutes from the water column.

In conclusion, our results remark the relevance of leaf litter quality, regardless of the

stage of decomposition, on demand of C and N from the water column by microbial leaf

litter decomposers. Therefore, in forested headwater streams the composition of the

riparian forest can exert strong influences on in-stream DIN and DOC cycling, because

it determines the quality of leaf litter inputs not only based on C:N ratios, but also on

the C molecular composition of leaf litter tissues. Furthermore, we found that leaf litter

quality may influence C and N cycling in streams in opposite ways, because uptake of

NH4 and acetate of different leaf litter species is negatively related. Riparian forest

dominated by high quality litter such as alder and ash may provide a high-available

substrate to streams, which in its turn can be less dependent on dissolved N from water

column, but at the same time, more dependent on DOC from water column. In contrast,

riparian forests dominated by species with leaves with low litter quality, such as

sycamore, may provide streams with a poorly-available substrate, which results in a

high dependence on N from water column but not for DOC. Exceptionally, riparian

forests dominated by black locust could influence the strategy of microbial decomposers

to obtain matter and nutrient resources (i.e., trophic strategy). Black locust could act as


colonizing substrate holding the activity of microbial decomposers which strongly rely

from in-stream solute dynamics.





Bastias E., M. Ribot, A.M. Romaní, J. Mora, F. Sabater, P. López and E. Martí. 2017. Responses of

microbially driven leaf litter decomposition to stream nutrients depend on litter quality. Hydrobiologia.

DOI 10.1007/S10750-017-3372-3




8.1. Abstract

The present study aims to understand how microbial decomposition of leaf litter from

two riparian tree species differing in their quality varies among streams covering a

gradient of nutrient concentrations. We incubated leaf litter from alder (Alnus glutinosa)

and sycamore (Platanus x hispanica) in 3 streams with low human pressure and 2

streams influenced by wastewater treatment plant effluents. We quantified leaf litter

decomposition rates (k) and examined the temporal changes in the leaf litter

concentrations of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) throughout the incubation period. We

measured the extracellular enzyme activities involved in degradation of C (i.e.,

cellobiohydrolase) and organic phosphorus (i.e., phosphatase). Results showed that

alder k decreased with increasing nutrient concentrations, while sycamore decomposed

similarly among streams. For both species, leaf litter N concentrations were positively

related to in-stream dissolved N concentrations. However, we found different temporal

patterns of leaf litter N concentrations between species. Finally, we found relevant

differences in the enzymatic activities associated to each leaf litter species across the

nutrient gradient. These results suggest that the intrinsic characteristics of the leaf litter

resources may play a relevant role on the microbially-driven leaf litter decomposition

and mediate its response to dissolved nutrient concentrations across streams.


8.2. The influence of leaf litter quality and stream nutrients of leaf litter


Decomposition of leaf litter is a fundamental process in streams since it contributes to

the metabolism (Webster and Benfield, 1986; Tank and Webster, 1998; Wallace et al.

1999), nutrient cycling (Tank et al. 2000), and food webs (Fisher and Likens 1973;

Vannote et al. 1980) of these ecosystems. Microbial assemblages (mainly fungi and

bacteria) in streams can use leaf litter as a colonizing substrate as well as a source of

carbon (C) and nutrients for their development and metabolic activity. In addition,

microbial assemblages on leaf litter can also meet their nutrient demand from dissolved

compounds in the stream water column (Suberkroop and Chauvet 1995; Gulis and

Suberkroop 2003). Therefore, both leaf litter quality and nutrient concentrations in

streams are expected to influence microbial growth and activity on decomposing leaf

litter, which ultimately can dictate their decomposition rates (Webster and Benfield

1986; Gulis and Superkropp 2003).

Quality of leaf litter is commonly assessed by its elemental composition (i.e., the

concentration of C, nitrogen [N] and phosphorus [P]), and the relative proportions

among these elements (Melillo et al. 2001). In general, leaf litter with high N and P

concentration relative to C concentration decomposes faster than leaf litter with low

relative concentration of N and P (Webster and Benfield 1986; Enriquez et al. 1993).

Other indicators of leaf litter quality are related to the toughness of the leaves, the

presence of wax products, and the complexity of organic C molecules that constitute the

leaves (Webster and Benfield 1986). Simple organic compounds in leaf litter, such as

soluble polysaccharides, are labile C sources; and thus, are easily degraded and

consumed by microbes. In contrast, more complex C compounds in leaf litter, such as


lignin or tannins, are recalcitrant C resources; and thus, metabolically more costly to be

used by microbes (Sinsabaugh et al. 1993). Therefore, relatively higher proportions of

recalcitrant C sources in leaf litter have been negatively related to leaf litter

decomposition rates (Schindler and Gessner 2009).

Extracellular enzyme production is the primary mechanism by which fungi and bacteria

degrade polymeric and macromolecular compounds from organic matter into low-

molecular-weight (LMW) molecules. LMW molecules can then be assimilated by

microbial communities (Rogers 1961). In this sense, microbial activity associated with

decomposing leaf litter is commonly assessed by extracellular enzyme activities

(Sinsabaugh et al. 1994; Romaní et al. 2006). The most relevant extracellular enzyme

activities involved in leaf litter decomposition are those related to the degradation of

cellulose (such as β-glucosidase and cellobiohydrolase), hemicellulose (such as β-

xylosidase), and lignin (such as phenol oxidases). In addition, N-and P-containing

organic compounds are degraded by the activities of peptidases and phosphatases,

respectively (Sinsabaugh et al. 1993; Romaní et al. 2006). The activity of these

extracellular enzymes can be also influenced by the nutrient availability and the relative

proportions between nutrients in the stream, since these enzymes can also degrade

compounds from the water column (Sala et al. 2001; Romaní et al. 2004, 2012; Sabater

et al. 2005; Romaní et al. 2012).

Inorganic nutrients from the water column can be additional sources of energy and

matter to microbial assemblages on leaf litter (Suberkroop and Chauvet, 1995; Hall and

Meyer, 1998; Ferreira et al.2015). Therefore, differences in dissolved nutrient

concentrations could explain part of the observed variability in decomposition rates for


a given leaf litter type across streams (Webster and Benfield, 1986; Woodward et al.

2012). The stimulation of leaf litter decomposition by nutrient concentrations has been

observed in response to increasing concentrations of dissolved inorganic N (DIN)

(Richarson et al. 2004), P (Rosemond et al. 2002), and combined enrichment of N and P

(Gulis and Superkropp 2003; Rosemond et al. 2015). In contrast, other studies reported

that decomposition rates were not stimulated by nutrient enrichment, especially when

background nutrient concentrations (i.e., before the nutrient enrichment) were not

limiting (Royer and Minshall 2001; Chadwick and Huryn, 2003; Albelho and Graça,

2006; Baldy et al. 2007). Furthermore, leaf litter decomposition rates can be lowered in

polluted streams, probably because other factors may counteract the stimulating effects

of nutrient enrichment on leaf litter decomposition (Webster and Benfield 1986; Pascoal

and Cássio 2004; Woodward et al. 2012). The relationship between microbially-driven

leaf litter decomposition rates and nutrient concentrations has been also described by

Michaelis-Menten models (Gulis et al. 2006; Pereira et al. 2016) suggesting that other

factors beyond the nutrient concentrations may limit leaf litter decomposition rates in

streams. Moreover, contrasting results among studies examining the effect of nutrient

concentrations on leaf litter decomposition could be also explained by leaf litter quality,

which may dictate the strength of interactions between microbial assemblages and

dissolved nutrients. In this sense, a recent meta-analysis showed that the magnitude of

the nutrient enrichment effect on leaf litter decomposition was usually higher for leaf

litter with low and intermediated N concentrations such as Quercus than for high-N

litter such as Alnus (Ferreira et al. 2015). However, in other cases the decomposition of

nutrient-poor Fagus or Eucalyptus leaf litter was not affected by nutrient enrichment,

suggesting that other factors beyond the litter N concentration may influence the effect

of nutrient enrichment on leaf litter processing in streams (Ferreira et al. 2015).


The present study aims to understand how microbially-driven decomposition of leaf

litter from two riparian tree species differing in elemental composition (i.e., C:N ratio),

varies among streams which cover a gradient of nutrient concentrations. To approach

this question, we incubated leaf litter from alder (Alnus glutinosa, low C:N ratio) and

sycamore (Platanus x hispanica, high C:N ratio) in 5 different streams. In each stream,

we assessed leaf litter decomposition rates, leaf litter C and N concentrations throughout

the decomposition period, and microbial extracellular enzyme activities of

cellobiohydrolase (cbh) and phosphatase (phos) after 85 d of leaf litter incubation. We

expected a) that leaf litter decomposition rates would increase with nutrient

concentrations, and b) to find a larger effect of nutrient concentrations on

decomposition for the low-quality leaf litter species (i.e., sycamore) if nutrients in the

water column act as an important additional energy and matter sources to microbial

assemblages developing on leaf litter.

8.3. Methods

Study Sites

This study was performed in 5 streams located in different tributaries of La Tordera

catchment (Catalonia, NE Spain, Table 8.1.). Three of them are streams with low human

influence (Llavina-LLAV, Santa Fe-SF, and Font del Regàs-FR; Table 8.1.); and thus,

are characterized by relatively low nutrient concentrations (von Schiller et al.2008). The

other 2 streams (Gualba-GUAL and Santa Coloma-COL; Table 8.1.), receive the inputs

from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP); and thus, these streams have higher nutrient

concentrations. In these streams, nutrient enrichment could potentially enhance leaf

litter decomposition rates. However, in many cases WWTP effluents also contain other


pollutants such as barium or aluminum, that may have the opposite effect on leaf litter

decomposition (Pascoal and Cássio 2004; Woodward et al. 2012). All the study sites are



order streams, with relatively well-preserved stream channel morphology

characterized by riffles and pools. All the streams are flanked by riparian forest

dominated by alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), black poplar (Populus nigra L.) and

sycamore (Platanus x hispanica (Mill.) Münchh), except the SF stream where European

beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) dominates the catchment as well as the stream banks.

Field experiments

For this study, we used leaves of alder and sycamore as species with high and low

quality in terms of C:N ratio, respectively. Leaves from alder and sycamore were

collected in November 2010 at GUAL site. To measure litter decomposition rates (k,

degree days-1

) we followed procedures by Webster and Benfield (1986). For each leaf

litter species, 5 g of air dried leaves were placed in 250 µm mesh-size bags, which

mostly excluded macroinvertebrates and thus basically allowed measurement of

microbial leaf litter decomposition. Leaf bags were deployed in the selected streams,

anchored on the streambed with metal bars, and incubated in the streams from the 11th

November 2010 to the 10th

March 2011. At each stream, three leaf bags for each leaf

litter species were collected on days 8, 15, 29, 47, 85, and 119 after deployment.

Collected leaf bags were kept cold (~4ºC) in the field and in the laboratory until later

measurements of dry weight and C and N leaf litter concentrations. On each sampling

date, stream water samples were collected to analyze the concentrations of ammonium

(N-NH4+), nitrite (N-NO2

-), nitrate (N-NO3

-), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP).

We also measured stream discharge based on cross-section measurements of width,

water depth and water velocity (Gordon et al. 2004). At each stream, we continuously


recorded water temperature every 20 minutes during the entire incubation period using

temperature data-loggers (HOBO Pendant®

UA-002-64) placed on the streambed. After

85 d of leaf litter incubation in the streams, we collected additional leaf bags to quantify

the extracellular enzyme activities of cellobiohydrolase (cbh; EC and

phosphatase (phos; EC as outlined in Romaní et al. (2006). We measured cbh

activity as an indicator of leaf litter microbial degradation activity and especially for a

recalcitrant compound such as cellulose. We measured phos activity to assess how

changes in the inorganic nutrient availability (i.e., SRP) may affect the potential

microbial use of organic phosphorus compounds. We quantified the enzyme activity

after 85 d of incubation when the leaf litter packs roughly loosed 40–60% of initial

mass. At this point, we expected that microbial assemblages were well developed and

extracellular enzyme activities were high (Romaní et al. 2006).

Laboratory methods and data analysis

Stream water samples were analyzed at the Nutrient Analysis Service of the Centre

d´Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB) for nutrient concentrations using an Automatic

Continuous Flow Futura-Alliance Analyzer and following standard colorimetric

methods (APHA, 1995).

In the laboratory, leaf litter samples collected on each sampling date and at each stream

were carefully rinsed with stream water to remove inorganic sediment attached to the

leaf surface. Then, leaf litter samples were oven-dried until constant weight (60 ºC for

48 hours) and weighed to obtain the remaining dry mass. Sub-samples of leaf litter were

ignited (500 ºC, 4 hours) to calculate ash-free dry mass (AFDM), which was expressed

as percentage of the initial AFDM. The remaining AFDM on each sampling date for

each leaf litter types and for each stream was plotted against degree-days (i.e. summing


the daily mean temperature registered along the study period). The relationship fitted a

negative exponential model described by Petersen and Cummins (1974)

𝑊𝑡 = 𝑊0 ∗ 𝑒−𝑘 𝑑𝑑 (1)

where W0 and Wt are AFDM (g) at the beginning and at sampling dates, respectively;

dd (degree-days) is the incubation time expressed in terms of summed mean daily water

temperature (ºC) up to the sampling dates and k is the decomposition rate (expressed in

terms of dd-1

). Values of k denote the velocity at which mass of leaf litter decreases over

time corrected for the potential temperature differences among streams, so that k values

can be compared among sites with different water temperatures.

Concentration of C (g C/g DM) and N (g N/g DM) in leaf litter before and over the

incubation period for the 2 leaf litter species and among the 5 study streams were

measured for the collected samples. Dried sub-samples were ground to a fine powder,

and a sub-sample of 1.5 mg was weighed and encapsulated in tin vials. Samples were

sent to the Unidade de Técnicas Instrumentais de Análise (Universidade da Coruña,

Spain) for the analysis of elemental C and N concentrations, which was done by sample

combustion using an elemental autoanalyzer EA1108 (Carlo Erba Instruments). Data of

N concentrations at d 85 was used to explore how the effect of dissolved nutrient

concentrations influences on leaf litter N concentrations.

Extracellular enzyme activities of cbh and phos on leaf litter samples incubated for 85 d

were measured using methylumbelliferyl (MUF) fluorescent-linked substrates,

following the method described in Romaní et al. (2006). These assays were conducted

at saturation substrate conditions of 0.3 mM. Leaf litter discs (14 mm diameter, 3

replicates per experimental condition) and water controls were incubated for 1 h in the


dark in a shaker. Blanks and standards of MUF (0–100 µmol L-1

) were also incubated.

At the end of the incubation, Glycine buffer (pH 10.4) was added (1/1 vol/vol), and the

fluorescence was measured at 365/455 nm excitation/emission (Kontron SFM25

fluorimeter). Results of extracellular enzyme activities were expressed as the amount of

MUF substrate produced per incubation time (h) and leaf litter ash free dry mass

(AFDM; g).

Statistical analysis

To determine differences in the physical and chemical variables among study streams,

we used a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) model with stream (n=5) as fixed

factor followed by Post-hoc Tukey-t test. We also used a one-way ANOVA model to

determine initial differences in the leaf litter C and N concentrations and the C:N ratio

among the 2 leaf litter species.

We used a two-way ANCOVA to explore differences in leaf litter k between the 2 leaf

litter species and among the 5 study streams. Fraction of litter remaining AFDM of

alder and sycamore was natural log transformed prior to the analysis. The two-way

ANCOVA included fraction remaining AFDM as dependent variable, time (expressed

in degree-days) as the covariate and stream (n=5) and leaf litter species (n=2) as fixed

factors. We used the interaction term stream*species*degree-days to explore the null

hypothesis in which the variability in k among streams did not differ among leaf litter

species (Zar, 1999). Additionally, to explore the specific variability of k for each leaf

litter species among streams, we also used a one-way ANCOVA for each leaf litter

species, which included fraction remaining AFDM as dependent variable, time

(expressed in degree-days) as the covariate and stream (n=5) as a fixed factor. Tukey´s

test followed significant differences among streams.


To examine differences in the variation in the leaf litter C and N concentrations during

the leaf litter decomposition between leaf litter species and across streams, we used two-

way ANOVA with repeated measures (RM, i.e., sampling time) with both leaf litter C

and N concentrations as dependent variables, respectively; leaf litter species (n=2) and

streams (n=5) as fixed factors and time (expressed in days) as the covariate. In addition,

we used linear and asymptotic-type models to explore the best fit of the temporal

variation in the N concentrations throughout decomposition period of leaf litter for both

alder and sycamore (from 11th

November 2010 to the 10th

March 2011).

The asymptotic model followed the equation:

N =Nmax d

Kd + d (2)

Where Nmax is the maximum leaf litter N concentrations, Kd is the incubation day at

which N reach the half of Nmax concentrations and d is the incubation time (in days).

We examined differences in extracellular enzyme activities of both cbh and phos using

a two-way ANOVA model with stream (n=5) and leaf litter species (n=2) as fixed

factors. We used Pearson correlation coefficients (PCC) to explore relationships

between cbh and phos activities on each leaf litter species. In addition, we explored the

relationships between both, cbh and phos extracellular enzyme activities and the

percentage of leaf litter mass loss among streams using data from the d 85 of leaf litter

incubation. To do that, we used linear, exponential and asymptotic relationships in order

to find the best-fit model.

Finally, to assess differences between leaf litter species in terms of k, leaf litter N

concentrations, and cbh and phos activities across increasing nutrient gradient, we

explore linear relationships between these parameters and the concentrations of DIN

and SRP and the DIN:SRP molar ratio of the study streams for the 2 leaf litter species



Statistical analyses were done with PASW Statistics 18 (v18.0.0/SPSS Inc) and R

2.14.0 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, http://www.R- Statistical results were evaluated at the α = 0.05 significance level.

8.4. Results

Stream characteristics

Stream discharge varied among streams, and was lower in SF and FR than LLAV and

the two streams influenced by WWTP effluents (GUAL and COL) (Table 8.1.). Mean

water temperature varied 4 ºC among streams, and was higher in GUAL and COL

streams and lowest in SF, the stream located at the highest elevation (Table 8.1.). DIN

and SRP concentrations covered a wide range among streams, especially for the DIN

species, which spanned two orders of magnitude (Table 8.1.1). Concentrations of DIN

and SRP were strongly correlated among streams (PCC, r = 0.90, p <0.001) and both

were higher in the streams influenced by WWTP inputs (Table 8.1.). The concentration

of NO3 accounted for the largest fraction of the DIN concentration in all the streams;

however the percentage of DIN as NH4 was higher in the streams influenced by WWTP

inputs (Table 8.1.).







(L s-1

) Temp. (ºC)


(µg N L-1



(µg N L-1



(µg P L-1



(µg N L-1


k alder



k sycamore



k alder : k



27´52´´ 46´37´´ 67 (29)a 5.3 (0.1)

a 39 (13)

a 13 (3)

a 13 (2)

a 51 (13)

a 0.00132

A-a 0.00085

A-a 1.55

27´00´´ 49´32´´ 67 (14)a

6.5 (0.2)b 150 (26)

ab 19 (4)

a 5 (1)

a 169 (27)

ab 0.00131

A-a 0.00066

A-b 1.98

23´52´´ 45´09´´ 224 (113)b 6.7 (0.1)

ab 261 (47)

ab 27 (8)

a 9 (1)

a 288 (45)

b 0.00148

A-a 0.00067

A-b 2.21

30´17´´ 44´02´´ 155 (33)b 7.3 (0.2)

ab 307 (40)

b 471 (8)

b 75 (12)

ab 778 (100)

c 0.00093

A-a 0.00058

A-a 1.60

39´32´´ 51´48´´ 156 (37)b 9.4 (0.2)

b 1549 (127)

c 941 (288)

c 103 (47)

b 2490 (224)

d 0.00064

B-a 0.00053

A-a 1.21

Table 8.1. Longitudinal (Long.) and latitudinal (Lat.) location of the streams, average and SEM (in parenthesis, n=21) of physical and chemical variables for each stream during

the study period, decomposition rates (k) for alder and sycamore and the ratio between decomposition rates of both alder and sycamore leaf litter. Different letters indicate

significant differences on k based on one-way ANCOVA analysis and in the rest variables based on ANOVA analysis, followed by post-Hoc Tukey´s t-test. Note that for k capital

and lower case letters indicate statistical differences among streams and between leaf litter species, respectively. DIN= dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrite + nitrate + ammonia).

Streams influenced by wastewater treatment plant inputs are indicated with asterisks.


Initial leaf litter C and N concentrations and leaf litter decomposition rates

Alder and sycamore leaf litter presented similar C concentrations (44.65±0.56 and

44.60±0.45 % of dry mass, respectively) (one-way ANOVA, p > 0.05). However, alder

showed higher N concentrations than sycamore (2.03±0.09 and 1.32±0.12 % of dry

mass, respectively) (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). Therefore, the C:N ratio of alder

leaf litter was significantly lower than the C:N ratio of sycamore leaf litter (one-way

ANOVA, p < 0.001).

On average, k values of alder leaf litter were higher than k values of sycamore leaf litter

(two-way ANCOVA, Tukey-t test, p < 0.001, Table 8.1.). The variability in k values

among streams was higher for alder than for sycamore leaf litter (Table 8.1.). Among

streams, k values for both alder and sycamore leaf litter were lower in streams

influenced by inputs from WWTP effluents (two-way ANCOVA, Tukey-t test, p <

0.001, Table 8.1.). In addition, in COL (i.e., the stream with the highest nutrient

concentrations) we found a smaller difference in k between the two leaf litter species (k

alder : k sycamore = 1.21; Table 8.1.). Overall, k rate for alder leaf litter was negatively

related to stream DIN concentrations (r2=0.77, p < 0.001, Figure 8.1. A and Table S8.1.;

see annexes section) and SRP concentration (r2=0.93, p < 0.001, Table S8.1. see

annexes section). In contrast, no relationships were found between k values for

sycamore leaf litter and DIN and SRP concentrations (p > 0.05, Figure 8.1. B and Table

S8.1; see annexes section). Leaf litter k was not related with DIN:SRP molar ratio

among streams for neither leaf litter species (Table S8.1.; see annexes section).


r2= 0.77


DIN (µg L-1





tion r











0.0020 P-value>0.05

Alder Sycamore






se a





F g


-1 h










0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000











F g


-1 h








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000





r2 = 0.66



f li


N c






% d

ry m







r2 = 0.77



(C) (D)



Figure 8.1. Relationships between in-stream DIN concentrations and leaf litter decomposition rates (A-B),

the leaf litter N concentrations measured at exposure time of 85 d (C-D), and the extracellular enzyme

activities of both cellobiohydrolase and phosphatase measured at exposure time of 85 d (E-H). Filled

circles (left panels) and open circles (right panels) correspond to data of alder and sycamore leaf litter.

Level of significance based on one-way ANOVA analysis is indicated by: ***

P-value<0.001 **


value<0.01 and * P-value<0.05. DIN= dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrite + nitrate + ammonia).


Variation in leaf litter C and N concentrations during the decomposition period

The C concentrations did not significantly vary during decomposition period, and

values were similar among leaf litter species and among streams (ANOVA-RM, p >

0.05). In contrast, the N concentrations differed among leaf litter species (ANOVA-RM,

p < 0.01), with alder leaf litter showing higher N concentrations than sycamore leaf

litter. The N concentrations of leaf litter during the decomposition period varied among

streams (ANOVA-RM, p < 0.01), with highest values in COL and lowest values in

LLAV. The interaction term (i.e., leaf litter species*stream) of the ANOVA-RM was

not significant (p > 0.05) indicating that differences in N concentrations between alder

and sycamore leaf litter during the decomposition period were consistent among

streams. The leaf litter N concentrations at d 85 of incubation period was positively

related to stream DIN concentrations for both alder and sycamore leaf litter (r2=0.66, p

< 0.01, r2=0.77, p < 0.05, respectively, Figure 8.1.C and 8.1. D and Table S8.1; see

annexes section).

The temporal patterns of N concentrations during the decomposition period differed

between alder and sycamore leaf litter. The temporal variation of N concentrations in

alder leaf litter was best fitted with an asymptotic-type model in all streams (Figure 8.2.,

left panels), except in LLAV (Figure 8.2. E). N concentrations showed a rapid increase

during the early stages of the leaf litter decomposition but then reached a steady state

until the end of the incubation period. In contrast, the temporal variation of N

concentrations in sycamore leaf litter during the incubation period followed a linear

model in all streams (Figure 8.2., right panels), except in GUAL (Figure 8.2. H).



= 2.64

r2= 0.40















f li


N c





s (%










Incubation time (days)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140





































0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140












b= 0.0064

r2= 0.98




b= 0.0067

r2= 0.89


b= 0.0044

r2= 0.65


b= 0.0097

r2= 0.76



= 2.40

r2= 0.23



= 2.63

r2= 0.65



= 3.07

r2= 0.91


Alder Sycamore





(C) (D)



(I) (J)

Figure 8.2 Temporal variation in the leaf litter N concentrations (as percentage of dry mass) for alder

(left panels; asymptotic-type models) and sycamore (right panels; linear models) during the

decomposition period in the 5 studied streams. Filled circles (left panels) and open circles (right

panels) correspond to data of alder and sycamore leaf litter. Nmax is the maximum N concentrations on

leaf litter during decomposition period (left) and b is the slope of the linear model (right). Level of

significance of the models is indicated by: ***

P-value<0.001, **

P-value<0.01 and * P-value<0.05.


Extracellular enzyme activities

The extracellular enzyme activity of cbh was higher for alder than for sycamore leaf

litter (2.97 ± 1.6 and 0.57 ± 0.29 µmol MUF g DM-1


, respectively; ANOVA, p <

0.001; Figure 8.3. A). Values of cbh for both alder and sycamore leaf litter significantly

differed among streams (ANOVA, p < 0.001; Figure 8.3. A). Basically, the higher cbh

activities for the two leaf litter species were measured in streams with intermediate

nutrient concentrations (i.e., LLAV and GUAL). The interaction term of the ANOVA

(leaf litter species*stream) was not significant (p > 0.05), indicating that the variation in

cbh among streams was consistent among leaf litter species.

Extracellular enzyme activity of phos was higher for alder leaf litter than for sycamore

leaf litter (8.73 ± 4.33 and 2.30 ± 1.24 µmol MUF g DM-1


, respectively; ANOVA, p

< 0.001; Figure 8.3. B). Values of phos for both alder and sycamore leaf litter

significantly differed among streams (ANOVA, p 0.001; Figure 8.3. B), and the

interaction term (leaf litter species*stream) was not significant (ANOVA, p > 0.05).

Extracellular enzyme activities of cbh and phos were strongly correlated for both alder

leaf litter (PCC, r = 0.97, p < 0.01) and sycamore leaf litter (PCC, r = 0.95, p < 0.01).


Considering data from all streams together, leaf mass loss by d 85 was significantly

related to both cbh and phos activity for alder leaf litter (Figure 8.4. A and 8.4. C), but it

was not related to any extracellular activity for sycamore leaf litter (Figure 8.4. B and

8.4. D). Specifically, for the case of alder leaf litter, we found that the relationship

between alder leaf mass loss and enzyme activities of both cbh and phos was best fitted

with an asymptotic-type model (r2

= 0.57, p < 0.001 and r2

= 0.78, p < 0.001,

respectively, Figure 8.4. A and 8.4. C).

Activities of both cbh and phos did not correlated with concentrations of DIN, SRP nor

the DIN:SRP molar ratio among streams (p > 0.05, Figure 8.1. E-H and Table S8.1.; see

annexes section). Nevertheless data showed a hump-shape trend characterized by an

initial increase of enzyme activities up to 1 mg L-1

of DIN followed by a clear decrease

above this threshold (Figure 8.1. E-H).











F g


-1 h





















F g


-1 h













A-a A-aA-a


B-c(A) (B)

Figure 8.3. Extracellular enzyme activities of cellobiohydrolase (left) and phosphatase (right) (+SEM,

n=3 per experimental condition) measured on alder and sycamore leaf litter at incubation time of 85 d.

Significant differences among streams for alder and sycamore leaf litter species are shown as different

capital and lower case letters, respectively, based on two-way ANOVA analysis. Note that streams are

ordered following the increasing gradient of DIN concentration, being SF the stream with lowest

concentration and COL the stream with the highest concentration.


%MLmax= 67.01

r2= 0.57, P-value<0.001

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100


f m





m i













%MLmax= 66.54

r2= 0.78, P-value<0.001

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100









Cellobiohydrolase activity

(µmol MUF g DM-1



0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100







Phosphatase activity

(µmol MUF g DM-1



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100











Alder Sycamore

Cellobiohydrolase activity

(µmol MUF g DM-1



Phosphatase activity

(µmol MUF g DM-1



(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 8.4. Relationships between the percentage of leaf litter mass lost on 85 d of leaf litter incubation and

the microbial activities of both cellobiohydrolase (up panels) and phosphatase (down panels) for the two leaf

litter species, considering data from all streams together. Data from alder leaf litter (left panels) was best

fitted by an asymptotic-type model, where %MLmax is the maximum alder mass lost among streams from

the model.


8.5. Discussion

The influence of nutrient gradient on leaf litter decomposition rates

We found that the response of microbially-driven leaf litter decomposition rates to the

stream nutrient gradient differed between the two leaf litter species considered. This

agrees with previous finding (Ferreira et al. 2015) and reinforces the notion that leaf

litter quality mediates the responses of leaf litter decomposition to dissolved nutrient

concentration in streams. Nevertheless, results do not agreed with our expectations since

decomposition rates of alder decreased along the nutrient gradient, while no significant

changes were observed in decomposition rates of sycamore across the nutrient gradient.

These results suggested that decomposition of high-quality leaf litter (i.e., low C:N

ratio), such as alder, may be more sensitive to differences in nutrient concentrations

among streams than low-quality leaf litter, such as sycamore. In this sense, Woodward

et al. (2012) also found higher variability on decomposition rates for high-quality leaf

litter species such as alder than for low-quality litter such as oak across streams

covering a 1000-fold nutrient gradient. However, in contrast to our results, their

observed responses to increased nutrient concentrations exhibited a hump-shape pattern.

Nevertheless it is worth noting that in Woodward et al. (2012) the significant hump-

shape pattern was only observed on total decomposition which includes

macroinvertebrate leaf litter breakdown. Other studies focusing on microbial

decomposition also observed a lack of response of k across stream nutrient gradient

(Chauvet et al. 2016). Overall these results suggest that other factors beyond nutrient

concentrations may influence microbial-driven decomposition rates across streams. In

this sense, in a recent study conducted under laboratory conditions, Fernandes et al.

(2014) found that Michaelis-Menten kinetics best explained the relationship between

microbial-driven leaf litter decomposition rates and N availability, suggesting that the


activity of microbial assemblages colonizing leaf litter become limited by other factors

when N availability in streams increases as outlined in Bernot and Doods (2005).

We found that microbially-driven decomposition of alder was lower in highly polluted

streams although it has been reported that nutrient enrichment had a positive or

saturating effects on microbial biomass and activity associated with decomposing leaf

litter (Suberkropp and Chauvet, 1995; Fernandes et al. 2014), as well as, on leaf litter

decomposition rates (Fernandes et al. 2014; Ferreira et al. 2015; Rosemond et al. 2015).

Our results agree with previous studies showing that on highly polluted streams

decomposition is generally reduced regardless of the high stream nutrient concentrations

(Pascoal and Cássio 2004; Lecert et al. 2006; Woodward et al. 2012). A plausible

explanation of these results is that in polluted streams, such as those receiving the

effluents from WWTPs, confounding factors may influence the positive effect of

nutrient concentrations on leaf litter decomposition (Pascoal and Cássio 2004;

Woodward et al. 2012). In fact, in our WWTP-influenced streams the relatively

proportion of NH4 with respect to total DIN concentrations was higher with respect to

that in more pristine streams. A previous study found that NH4 may inhibit leaf litter

decomposition rates (Lecert et al. 2006). Furthermore, WWTP effluents are sources of

other compounds such as metals and emergent pollutants, which may have negative

effects on the microbial communities, as well as, on leaf litter decomposition rates

(Webster and Benfield, 1986; Pascoal and Cássio, 2004; Ferreira et al.2016). Thus, in

WWTP-influenced streams these factors could potentially counterbalance the positive

effects of nutrient enrichment on leaf litter decomposition leading to the decrease of

organic matter decomposition (Kaushik and Hynes 1971; Pascoal and Cássio 2004;

Woodward et al. 2012).


Differences between leaf litter species during the decomposition period

Decomposition rates of alder leaf litter were consistently higher than those of sycamore

leaf litter, regardless of the stream, suggesting that the intrinsic characteristics of the

leaf litter may also drive to some extend k. This pattern may be related to the higher N

concentration, as well as, low concentration of refractory compounds such as lignin on

alder leaves with respect to that of sycamore (Webster and Benfield 1986; Gessner and

Chauvet 1994; Cornwell et al. 2008). Nevertheless, in this study, the differences in

decomposition rates between alder and sycamore leaf litter were smaller than in other

studies (Webster and Benfield 1986), which could be in part attributed to the lower C:N

ratio of sycamore leaf litter (34±0.5) comparing to values reported previously (C:N =

73.6; Gessner and Chauvet 1994). Nevertheless, we found that the difference in

decomposition rates between the two leaf litter species decreased among streams as

nutrient concentrations and pollution conditions increased. This suggests that in polluted

streams, environmental conditions seem to be more relevant than specific characteristics

of the leaf litter on determining the rates of organic matter decomposition.

Alder and sycamore N concentrations at later stages of decomposition period increased

as DIN concentrations in streams increased, suggesting that the availability of DIN in

streams can influence the activity of microbial assemblages on leaf litter (Molinero et al.

1996, Pozo et al. 1998, Tank et al.2000; Gulis and Suberkropp 2003). This response

contrasted with that observed for leaf litter decomposition, pointing that mechanisms

controlling N concentrations of the microbial-leaf litter complex during the

decomposition could be independent of the efficiency at which leaf litter mass is lost.

However, differences between leaf litter species were highlighted by the different

models describing the temporal variation of leaf litter N concentrations between species.

These results suggest that, regardless of the stream conditions, leaf litter quality is a


relevant factor controlling the dynamics of microbial colonization on leaf litter.

Microbial colonization may be faster in high quality leaves, such as alder, than in low

quality leaves, such as sycamore. These results are in agreement with previous studies

about microbial colonization patterns of leaf litter differing in nutrient concentration

(Webster et al. 2009) or in the content of recalcitrant compounds (Gessner and Chauvet

1994), which are factors that can limit growth of fungi on leaf litter (Canhoto and Graça


The influence of nutrient gradient on enzyme activities

The variability of cbh and phos enzyme activities was remarkable among streams and

observed patterns were consistently similar for the two leaf litter species, suggesting

that water column characteristics can influence the enzymatic activity of microbial

assemblages coating leaf litter. We found that cbh and phos increased as DIN

concentration increased; however at DIN concentration >1mgN L-1

the two enzymatic

activities were significantly depressed. Cbh and phos are catabolic enzymes, and their

expression can be regulated by organic compounds from the leaf litter as well as by

chemical compounds from stream water column (Sala et al. 2001, Romaní et al. 2004,

2012). In fact, Sinsabaugh et al. (2005) found that increases in DIN availability lowered

cbh activity in leaf litter, which is to some extent, in agreement with our results. A

similar trend was also found for stream water SRP availability and phos activity

(Romaní et al. 2004, 2012; Allison and Vitousek 2005). Overall, these results suggest

that enzymatic responses depend on the nutrient availability. In addition, other

compounds such as pollutants coming from the WWTPs inputs could also affect

extracellular enzyme activities of microbial assemblages (Webster and Benfield 1986;

Freeman and Lock, 1992). In COL, the presence of these compounds could have


lowered the cbh and phos activities and by extension the decomposition rates (Pascoal

and Cássio 2004; Woodward et al. 2012).

The activity associated to cellulose and organic phosphorus decomposition was

consistently lower in microbial assemblages growing on sycamore leaf litter than in

those growing on alder leaf litter. This pattern also supports the clear effect of leaf litter

quality on the activity of the microbial assemblages decomposing organic matter. This

agrees with previous studies showing lower values of cbh activity in sycamore leaf litter

in comparison to alder leaf litter (Artigas et al.2004) or other nutrient rich leaf litter

species such as black poplar (Artigas et al.2011). Other studies have attributed the lower

values of enzyme activities in sycamore to the higher lignin and tannin concentration of

these leaves (Gessner and Chauvet, 1994).

We found that enzyme activities were related with leaf litter mass loss only for alder.

This result suggests that leaf litter quality could regulate the enzyme efficiency involved

in the leaf litter mass loss across streams. Nevertheless, the highest values of both

activities observed in GUAL stream were not related to higher mass loss on alder. In

this stream, microbial enzymatic activity could be fueled by a combination of leaf litter

resources and water column nutrients, which may explain why the increasing of

microbial activity did not result in a stimulation of leaf litter mass loss (Suberkroop and

Chauvet 1995). In contrast, the weak relationship between enzyme activities and mass

loss in sycamore leaf litter suggested that other enzymes, such as phenol oxidases, may

be a limiting step for the decomposition of the leaf tissues. Overall, these findings

suggest that enzymatic activity of cbh and phos of microbial assemblages developing on

sycamore leaf litter could be also fueled by dissolved organic sources from water

column. Additionally, results suggest that the decomposition of sycamore leaf litter is


more limited by the quality of this leaf litter than by the availability of external


Alder and sycamore leaf litter consistently showed different decomposition rates,

temporal dynamics of leaf litter N concentrations and enzyme efficiency of microbial

decomposers across the stream nutrient gradient. These results suggest that the

influence of stream environmental characteristics on particulate organic matter

decomposition may depend on the quality of leaf litter where microbial assemblages

develop. Nevertheless, our study suggests that stream characteristics can also negatively

influence organic matter decomposition, especially in those streams affected by

pollution from WWTP effluents. Overall, the present study suggests that the riparian

species composition may play a relevant role on leaf litter decomposition in streams.

However, this role could be less clear in polluted streams such us those receiving inputs

from WWTPs where leaf litter decomposition and associated microbial activity seems

to be inhibited. In conclusion, vegetation with high quality leaf litter (i.e., alders)

dominating riparian forest could provide a more bioavailable leaf litter substrate for in-

stream microbes. In contrast, vegetation with low quality leaf litter (i.e., sycamore) may

provide a less bioavailable decomposing substrate for microbial assemblages, which

could grow and develop their enzymatic activity uncoupled to leaf litter mass loss and

thus, to the dynamics of organic matter decomposition across streams.






Understanding the relevance of leaf litter to streams involves the assessment of leaf

litter dynamics (i.e., leaf litter inputs, export, and processing) (Wallace and Webster,

1995), as well as, how leaf litter interacts to stream water column (Webster and

Benfield, 1986; Tank et al. 2000; Sobota et al. 2012; Tank et al. 2017) (Figure 1.1.).

This thesis indicates that the heterogeneity of water velocity within a reach can

influence leaf litter dynamics across different scales of observation. In particular, we

found that water velocity influences the retention and spatial distribution of leaf litter at

reach scale, and also how these inputs are processed at habitat scale (microbial

consumption vs physical fragmentation) (chapter 5). The present thesis also shows that

leaf litter quality influences the chemical an optical characteristics of leaf litter

leachates, as well as, how these leachates are used by stream microbial assemblages

(chapter 6). Leaf litter quality also modulates the microbial uptake of DIN and DOC

from water column during leaf litter decomposition (chapter 7). Finally, our results

indicate that responses of microbially driven leaf litter decomposition to stream

nutrients depend on leaf litter quality (chapter 8). Considering all these results together,

we suggest that stream hydro-morphology is a controlling factor of leaf litter dynamics

in streams, as well as, leaf litter quality ultimately determine the interaction between

leaf litter and stream water column.


9.1. Influence of stream hydro-morphology on leaf litter dynamics in streams

The present thesis demonstrates that even in low-order streams leaf litter transport and

export occurs at stream baseflow. This observation contrasts with previous statements

which assumes that most of the leaf litter inputs from the riparian zone are retained in

receiving channels of low-order streams (Vannote et al. 1980; Snaddon et al. 1992,

Raikow et al. 1995, Dewson et al. 2007) and that leaf litter export in low-order streams

mainly occurs during flood events (Webster et al. 1994; Wallace et al. 1995). Therefore,

we may expect that even under baseflow conditions, only a fraction of the leaf litter

inputs will be effectively retained in the reach and available as a resource for stream

communities (chapter 5). The present thesis also provides that the heterogeneity of

water velocity within the reach may be a potential factor controlling leaf litter transport

and export under baseflow conditions. In fact, it has been traditionally assumed that the

export of leaf litter under baseflow conditions has been positively related to stream

discharge (Webster et al. 1999), and also it has been influenced by the complexity of

streambed morphology (Richardson et al. 2009). However, further studies considering

the complexity of streambed morphology into empirical models of leaf litter

retention/transport have been limited by the difficulty to find a good descriptor for this

complexity. One way to estimate the complexity of streambed morphology is by using

the Manning´s roughness coefficient (“n”), which determines the resistance of stream-

water to flow through the streambed. This parameter can be easily estimated by using

Manning’s equation whether the average water velocity at the stream reach is known.

However, this parameter calculates the average streambed roughness, overlooking the

heterogeneity of the streambed. We found that the heterogeneity of water velocity

within the reach could be a factor integrating the entire streambed complexity for a

given reach (chapter 5). Although our results come from a single reach, they suggest


that the heterogeneity of water velocity could be used as a surrogate of the complexity

of streambed morphology to predict variation of leaf litter retention among streams. For

instance, stream reaches characterized by a high streambed roughness (i.e., low leaf

litter export) would probably have a high heterogeneity of water velocities. In contrast,

streams with a few homogeneous substrates in the streambed (i.e., high leaf litter

export)we would expect a low heterogeneity of water velocities. In this context, here we

validate the combined effect of stream discharge and streambed complexity estimated

from an index of heterogeneity in water velocity. We use data from unpublished

additions of leaves of Ginkgo biloba we did in 6 stream reaches (~80m length) which

covered a wide gradient of stream discharge and streambed morphology (see annexes

section, assessment leaf litter export across streams, pp. 191-192). The results obtained

from these additions show a positive relationship between leaf litter export and stream

discharge, which followed a logarithm model (y = a ln [x-x0]; Figure 9.1. A). Leaf litter

export was negatively related to the heterogeneity of water velocity (Figure 9.1. B).

These results support our previous suggestions (chapter 5) because the heterogeneity of

water velocity could be an important factor explaining differences on leaf litter export

among streams of different hydro-morphology characteristics. Therefore, we suggest

that the combination of stream discharge and the heterogeneity of water velocity (as a

surrogate of streamed morphology) should be simultaneously assessed to describe leaf

litter retention/export in a global context.


Leaf litter export (%) = 14.85 ln (Stream discharge - 20.58)

p < 0.05

r2 = 0.75

Stream discharge (L s-1


0 200 400 600 800 1000


f li













Leaf litter export (%) = 125.79 - 46.75 Heterogeneity of Water Velocity

p < 0.001

r2 = 0.83

Heterogeneity of water velocity(CV among in-stream water velocity categories)

0 1 2 3


f li















Figure 9.1. Results from leaf litter tracer additions conducted in 6 stream reaches differing in hydro-

morphological characteristics (unpublished data), which show that the variation in the leaf litter export

among streams is as a function of: (A) stream discharge and (B) heterogeneity of water velocity within

the stream (see annex section for detailed information on how this parameter is estimated). Where: p and

r2 are the p-value and the coefficient of determination of the regression, respectively.


The present thesis also indicates that the heterogeneity of water velocity within a reach

may influence the spatial distribution of leaves within the reach. We observed that after

short-time periods of leaf litter inputs they retain near of its entry point (Snaddon et al.

1992, Raikow et al. 1995, Dewson et al. 2007) and covering a wide mosaic of water

velocities. As time since leaf litter inputs increases, leaves re-distribute themselves

along the reach, with a transition from high to low velocity zones. This may suggest that

low velocity zones favor leaf litter retention (Hoover et al. 2006). Alternatively, the

accumulation of leaves at low velocity zones could be explained by the high dominance

of these zones within the reach (~70%, chapter 5). Nevertheless, we found that under

mid-velocity conditions (~20 - 50 cm s-1

) leaves were more effectively retained than

expected from the relative abundance of locations within the reach. Our study does not

certainly explain the observed leaf litter distribution within the reach. However, we

suggest that a combination of relatively low velocity zones, where leaves are deposited

and mid-velocity areas, where leaves are effectively trapped, may explain how leaf litter

inputs distribute within the reach. Our results further suggest that leaves can be

effectively retained and exposed to decomposition by microbial assemblages under

different ranges of water velocity, which may ultimately dictate how leaf litter is

processed within the reach (microbial consumption vs physical fragmentation).

The present thesis shows that leaf litter decomposition rates (k) are widely variable

within the reach (CV~41%; from 0.008 to 0.022 d-1

), and that this variability can be

explained by water velocity differences among stream habitats (chapter 5). Our range of

k values within a 80-m long reach for a given leaf litter species is similar than that

described by Petersen and Cummins (1974) considering several leaf litter species.

Likewise, our range of variation of k is even wider than that found by Woodward et al.


(2012) when they assessed the influence of stream nutrient concentrations on leaf litter k

across streams covering a 1000-fold nutrient gradient. Therefore, the heterogeneity of

water velocity may be a pivotal factor controlling leaf litter decomposition. We suggest

that values of k provided by previous studies could have been under/overestimated

because they ignore the velocity conditions during leaf litter decomposition. Previous

studies up-scale at ecosystem level the average of k values obtained incubating leaf litter

in several habitats within the reach, but ignoring how decomposition varies within the

reach. We suggest that only considering the heterogeneity of water velocity, values of k

at habitat scale could be up-scaled at system level. Furthermore, we provide a novel

method to standardize litter decomposition k by the influences of water velocity during

decomposition process. In fact, we calculated k in velocity-days basis instead of day

basis (chapter 5). This method could be a useful tool especially when other controlling

factors of leaf litter decomposition are assessed.

Previous studies suggests that mineralization of leaf litter constituents by microbial

assemblages can be maximized at stream locations with low water velocities, whereas

physical fragmentation of leaf litter is higher at locations with fast water velocities

(Ferreira et al. 2006). We also suggest that the positive relationship between water

velocity and k observed in this thesis could be explained by leaf litter fragmentation.

However, our results also suggest that the influence of water velocity on leaf litter

decomposition can go beyond physical fragmentation and can also be explained by

biological degradation. In fact, results from enzyme activity support this suggestion

since the capacity of microbial decomposers to degrade cellulose polymeric compounds

(i.e., CBH activity) was higher under low water velocity conditions, and it sharply

decreased with increasing water velocity. Therefore, our results indicate that water


velocity not only influence on leaf litter export and the spatial distribution of leaf litter

within the reach, but also in the main process accounting for leaf litter processing. On

the one hand microbial mineralization, which can be maximized on leaf litter retained

under low-velocity conditions. On the other hand, physical fragmentation which

converts leaf litter into fine particles easily exported downstream. Therefore, we suggest

that only the fraction of leaf litter inputs which are retained in relatively low-velocity

locations can be entirely used by streambed communities. Therefore, even in low order

streams the use of leaf litter has an efficiency, which may be dictated by the water

velocity heterogeneity within the reach.

Considering all our results together, we found that water velocity is a factor controlling

different aspects of leaf litter dynamics in streams because not only influences the

fraction of leaf litter retained/exported but also how these inputs are spatially distributed

and further processed within the streams. Therefore, water velocity should be

considered in future studies to increase our understanding of how leaf litter inputs can

effectively fuel the metabolism of stream ecosystems.


9.2. Influence of the riparian composition on in-stream solute dynamics

Composition of riparian tree species ultimately determines the quality of the leaf litter

inputs and their further processing in streams (Webster and Benfield, 1986; Gasith and

Resh, 1999; Ferreira et al. 2016). Thus, riparian composition can significantly influence

on leaf litter dynamics, ecosystem metabolism and secondary production of receiving

streams (Petersen and Cummins 1974, Gasith and Resh, 1999; Wymore et al. 2015).

Inputs of high-quality litter such as alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and

black poplar (Populus nigra) are highly-bioavailable substrates for microbial and

macroinvertebrate communities in streams. Thus, these species have an important

ecological influence on the metabolism and the secondary production of forested

headwater streams (Webster and Benfield, 1986; Woodward et al. 2012; Ferreira et al.

2014). In contrast, low-quality species such as black locust (Robina pseudoacacia) and

sycamore (Platanus X hispanica) have been associated with low microbial activity, low

rates of breakdown and decomposition (Gesner and Chauvet, 1994); and thus, they can

have a low influence on the metabolism of recipient streams (Webster and Benfield,

1986). However, the present thesis suggest further influences of riparian composition on

ecological status of streams and indicates that leaf litter quality also determines the

interaction between leaf litter processing and the dynamics of solutes in the water

column (Webster et al. 2009). In fact, we provide empirical evidences about how

different leaf litter species (i.e., alder, ash, black poplar black locust and sycamore) may

determine the bioavailability of leachates from leaf litter to streams, the microbial

requirements of DIN and DOC from water column during decomposition process and

how these demands are related to the activity of microbial decomposers. We also

suggest that leaf litter quality can influence microbial-driven leaf litter decomposition

among streams, which covered a wide gradient of inorganic nutrient concentrations.


The present thesis found that alder´s leaves provide the most bioavailable leachates to

streams because these leaves release high amounts of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)

and NO3 to streams (chapter 6; Table 9.1.). The dominance of the other species in the

riparian zone may decrease ~3-4 times the microbial bioavailability of leachates in

comparison to alder. Therefore, the presence of alder in the riparian zone could enhance

the pool of dissolved organic matter and nutrients of the recipient streams. Nutrients

provided by leachates from alder can affect microbial heterotrophic functioning either

directly, by influencing nutrient uptake (Caron 1994), or indirectly, influencing the

activity of primary producers (Romaní and Sabater 2000). Therefore, large amount of

alder from riparian zones may stimulate overall stream activity during leaf litter

senescence, especially in nutrient limited systems. Likewise, the plantation of alder in

the riparian zones of nutrient poor systems may be an interesting tool to enhance and/or

recover the ecological status of the stream, at least, during fall. In addition, we indicate

that high-decomposing species such as alder and ash can strongly influence the

strategies of microbial assemblages inhabiting on leaf litter to obtain matter and energy

(i.e., trophic strategies). In fact, although microbial assemblages associated with alder

and ash showed similar or even lower production of exoenzymatic activity of

cellobiohydrolase (CBH) to that from the other species, they showed the lowest values

of CBH turnover activity (TA) (chapter 7; Table 9.1.). This suggest that microbial

assemblages associated to alder and ash efficiently rely on leaf litter tissues to sustain

their enzymatic activity, which is in agreement with high decomposition rates found for

these species (i.e., k ~ 0.00163 and 0.0103 d-1

, for ash and alder respectively; chapter 7,

Table 9.1.). In the other species, microbial activity may be partially fueled by leaf litter

tissues but also by external resources (i.e., from water column) (Romaní et al. 2006;

Artigas et al. 2007). In fact, it has been observed that the different microbial groups


forming the stream benthic community show a wide range of trophic strategies to obtain

energy. In general, algae and bacteria take nutrients from the water column by diffusion

mechanisms, whereas heterotrophic bacteria and fungi can breakdown polymeric

compounds and assimilate low-molecular weight compounds. Here, we suggest that

different trophic strategies could even be showed among different leaf litter species; and

that leaf litter quality may dictate the degree at which microbial assemblages rely from

leaf litter and by the contrary, use leaf litter as a substrate and rely on elements from the

water column. Our results of 15

N uptake during alder decomposition support this

hypothesis revealing that microorganisms inhabiting in high-decomposing species (i.e.,

high-k) resulted to be less efficient in assimilating DIN from water column in

comparison with the low-decomposing species (chapter 7). These results support the

predictions from a stoichiometrically explicit computer model developed by Webster et

al. (2009), which indicated that if nutrients are easily available from leaf litter they are

taken up from the substrate first. These authors also hypothesized that on high-quality

litter the uptake of nutrients from water column only occurs if needed. Interestingly, we

also observed that microbial uptake of DIN during leaf litter decomposition was

oppositely related to the uptake of DOC. Microbial assemblages inhabiting on high-

decomposing species may be less dependent from the water column-N; but depend on

DOC in a greater extent and viceversa. The high use of DOC in high-decomposing

species could be explained by the rapid consumption of C-labile molecules in litter (i.e.,

high k). DOC could be used as labile-C resource. N uptake from water column during

decomposition period varies ~ 43% (C.V.) among leaf litter species with the lowest and

highest values for ash and sycamore, respectively (Table 9.1.). C uptake from water

column varies ~64% among species which suggest that the quality of leaf litter species

influences in a greater extent the uptake of DOC than the uptake of DIN. DOC showed


opposite patterns among species than DIN with sycamore and ash as the lowest and

highest assimilating species, respectively. Sycamore can remain in the stream ~526 days

(1/k) whereas ash may be decomposed in 98 days. Thus, sycamore not only can be a

more efficient leaf litter assimilating DIN, but also can be a long-term colonizing

substrate operating within the reach. In contrast, ash decomposes rapidly with higher

demands of DOC, especially during later stages of decomposition process (chapter 7).

The present thesis suggests that black locust species is a remarkable exception

comparing to the other species. Black locust is an allothonous species with high

capacity to colonize riparian zones dominated by authocthonous riparian trees (…). The

dominance of black locust in riparian areas could strongly influence the ecological

status of the recipient streams. In fact, black locust is a N-fixing leaf litter species and

thus it contains high N content relative to that C content (i.e., C:N ratio) (Table 9.1.). In

concordance, we measured the highest values of the CBH accumulated enzyme activity

(AEA) in black locust. However, leaf litter decomposition of black locust is relatively

low suggesting that microbial enzyme activity is scarcely involved in leaf litter

degradation. In concordance with this, values of turnover activity were the highest

among species studied (Table 9.1.), showing that the microbial enzymatic activity on

black locust was very inefficient decomposing leaf litter tissues (chapter 7). Our results

corroborate previous studies which suggest that black locust should be considered as a

low-quality litter regardless of its low C:N ratio. The low microbial efficiency and low

decomposition found in black locust could be explained by the high proportion of

recalcitrant compounds constituting the chemical structure of black locust such as lignin

(Alonso et al., 2010) and the presence of polyphenols which forms complexes with

proteins that are highly resistant to microbial activity and decomposition (Taylor et al.


1989; Hattenschwiler and Vitousek 2000). This suggest that the enzymatic activity in

black locust may be sustained by organic compounds others than from leaf litter (i.e.,

from water column).

An essential prerequisite for the analysis of the ecosystem functioning is information on

the biomass and activity of the main organisms constituting the system (Webster et al.

1990; Jone and Smock 1991). In forested headwater streams leaf litter inputs are the

main energy source to streams and leaf litter decomposition has been stablished as the

main tool to assess the ecosystem functioning and “in-stream services” within the

systems (Cummins 1988; Woodward et al. 2012). To date, the protection and

management of riparian vegetation and landscape focus on preserve streamside riparian

vegetation (i.e., buffer zones) to prevent run-off and maintain a flux of leaf litter inputs

to streams and forest floor (Meyer and Wallace 2001, Lowe and Likens 2005).

However, this perspective overlook that leaf litter to streams is not only an organic

matter source that decompose, but also a microbial colonizing substrate that interacts

with the stream water column. The present thesis shed some light to the leaf-water

column interaction and indicates that leaf litter quality strongly influence on C and N

solute dynamics in streams. This interaction should be also considered to determine the

importance of leaf litter as “ecosystem-function tool”. Therefore, the managers of

riparian zones and hence to the stream biodiversity should consider that leaf litter

compartment (leaves + colonizing microbes) strongly interact with the stream-water

column and that leaf litter quality control this interaction (chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter





Leaf litter


Leaf litter


Bioavailability of

leachates Leaf litter Decomposition

Solute uptake associated to leaf

litter decomposition

Leaf litter

species Days of fall C:N ratio

Rru production

rates (mmol Rru g DM-

1 min


k (d-1)

AEA-CBH (mmols MUF

g DM-1)

TA (mmols MUF

g DM-1)


Uptake rates (µg NH4 mg N



Uptake rates (mg acetate g C


Alder 166a 16.83

a 5.19

a 0.0103

b 3.61 2 56.58 271.16

Ash 89a 17.32

a 1.65

bc 0.0163

a 2.80 2.32 37.24 481.48

Black Poplar 85.5a 26.52

b 2.25

b 0.0080

b 2.93 4 53.85 304.32

Black locust 80a 17.40

a 1.56

bc 0.0054

c 5.51 12.25 76.32 125.41

Sycamore ---- 46.77c 0.79

c 0.0019

d 1.33 7.9 111.69 76.09

Table 9.1. Comparison of the different parameters examined as a function of the 5 leaf litter species studied. Where Rru is the Resorufin production, AEA-CBH is the

accumulated enzymatic activity of CBH (cellobiohydrolase) and TA-CBH is the turnover activity of cellobiohydrolase.






Chapter 5: spatial heterogeneity of water velocity drives the transport, spatial

distribution and processing of leaf litter in streams

1. The retention of leaf litter in streams has commonly been assumed as a static

process at base flow conditions; and only, a spatial re-distribution of retained

leaves is associated with events of increasing discharge (i.e., floods). However,

our results show that retained leaves within a reach can be spatially re-

distributed over time and travel longer distances downstream even under stable

discharge conditions.

2. Analyzing the spatial re-distribution of leaf litter throughout time, we found that

leaves are effectively retained not only at sites with low water velocity

velocities, but also under mid-to-fast velocity conditions (i.e., ~20 to 50 cm s-1


Therefore, leaf litter inputs can be exposed to decomposition covering a wide

gradient of water velocities.

3. We found a positive relationship between water velocity and leaf litter

decomposition rates (k), which is mainly explained by leaf litter physical

fragmentation. Thus, water velocity becomes an important factor to be

considered in leaf litter decomposition studies.

4. Results from this chapter demonstrate that leaf litter dynamics in streams is

subjected to the hydro-morphological characteristics of the stream channels,

since they determine the spatial heterogeneity of water velocity within the reach.


Chapter 6: Chemical and optical properties of different litter leachates influence in-

stream nutrient pool and microbial activity

5. Leaf litter inputs from different riparian tree species produce leachates of

different chemical and optical properties. The type of litter material entering into

streams not only influences the quality of DOC but also the concentration of

dissolved nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) of the leachates.

6. Microbial activity associated to leachates (estimated as Rru production rates)

varies among leaf litter types. Dissolved organic N (DON) and NO3 were the

best predictors of differences on microbial activity among leaf litter types.

7. Leaf litter from Alder´s has the highest associated microbial activity comparing

to the other species considered and thus, leachates from alder are sources of

suitable dissolved organic matter and nutrients to streams.

Chapter 7: When leaf litter species matter, microbial uptake of ammonium and acetate

from stream water during decomposition

8. The use of 15

N and 13

C stable isotopes revealed that decomposition stage of leaf

litter and leaf litter species are important factors controlling the microbial

demands of NH4 and acetate from water column.

9. We found that microbial decomposers use N from water column since initial

stages of the decomposition process, and that this N demand was relatively

constant throughout the decomposition process. In contrast, microbial uptake of

C-acetate from water column increased over decomposition time.

10. Among leaf litter species, the microbial uptake of NH4 was negatively related to

leaf litter k and positively related with the cellobiohydrolase use efficiency (i.e.,


TA), indicating that microbial assemblages rely in a greater extent of N from

litter but also acquire N from water column.

11. Microbial uptake of acetate was positively related to leaf litter decomposition

and to the accumulated cellobiohydrolase activity (i.e., AEA). Thus, microbial

assemblages on high-decomposing leaf litter acquire C-acetate from the water

column in a greater extent than that colonizing low-decomposing litter.

Chapter 8: Responses of microbially driven leaf litter decomposition to stream

nutrients depend on litter quality

12. The response of microbially-driven leaf litter k to the stream nutrient gradient

differed between leaf litter species of different quality. In particular,

decomposition rates of high-quality litter such as alder decreased along the

nutrient gradient, while no significant changes were observed in decomposition

rates of low-quality litter such as sycamore species across the nutrient gradient.

13. Temporal variation of leaf litter N content across the nutrient gradient differed

between alder and sycamore. These results indicate that, regardless of the stream

conditions, leaf litter quality play a relevant factor controlling microbial

colonization dynamics on leaves.

14. We found that cellobiohydrolase and phosphatase exoenzyme activities

associated to alder and sycamore increased as DIN concentration in water

column increased. However at DIN concentration >1mgN L-1

the two

exoenzymatic activities are significantly depressed. These suggest that high DIN

concentrations and/or high degree of pollution, typically observed in streams

influenced by human activities, may deplete the production of enzymatic

activities of microbial decomposers, and hence, leaf litter decomposition.





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CHAPTER 5: Spatial heterogeneity of water velocity drives the transport, spatial

distribution, and processing of leaf litter in streams

Water velocity


Velocity range

(cm s-1


Number of locations Relative


1 0-5 196 57.31

2 6-10 46 13.45

3 11-15 47 13.74

4 16-20 5 1.46

5 21-25 12 3.51

6 26-30 3 0.88

7 31-35 6 1.75

8 36-40 4 1.17

9 41-45 1 0.29

10 46-50 4 1.17

11 51-55 4 1.17

12 56-60 2 0.58

13 61-65 2 0.58

14 66-70 2 0.58

15 71-75 2 0.58

16 76-80 2 0.58

17 81-85 2 0.58

18 85-90 2 0.58

Table S5.1. Measurements of the water velocity distribution within the study reach where additions

of leaves were conducted. Measurements were done at 23 transects along the 70 m-long reach. At

each transect velocity was measured at 20 cm intervals. The range of measured water velocities (i.e.,

from 0 to 92 cm s-1

) was grouped at velocity intervals of 5 cm s-1

, resulting in a total of 18

categories. The relative proportion of locations within each water velocity category was calculated

by dividing the number of locations for a given velocity category by the total number of locations

measured within the reach (i.e., a total of 342 measurements).


Sampling locations Water velocity

(cm s-1

) k (days

-1) r


Velocity standardized-k

(velocity day-1

, s cm-1

) r2 N

1 ~0.00a (0.00) 0.0076

a (0.0009) 0.77 ___ ___ 24

2 0.07b (0.03) 0.0081

a (0.0008) 0.79 0.00107 (0.000107)

a 0.82 24

3 0.15c (0.03) 0.0092

a-b (0.0008) 0.86 0.00058 (0.000045)

a-b 0.88 24

4 0.29d (0.02) 0.0124

a-b (0.0008) 0.92 0.00043 (0.000025)

b 0.93 23

5 0.50e (0.02) 0.0148

b (0.0008) 0.93 0.00029 (0.000017)

b 0.93 24

6 0.53e (0.04) 0.0121

a-b (0.0008) 0.89 0.00023 (0.000016)

b 0.90 24

7 0.78f (0.03) 0.0205

c (0.0012) 0.89 0.00026 (0.000011)

b 0.96 24

8 0.92f (0.05) 0.0222

c (0.0009) 0.96 0.00024 (0.000017)

b 0.90 23

Table S5.2. Decomposition rates (k, with standard error of the regression in parenthesis) in units of both days-1

and velocity days-1

, the coefficient of determination (r2) of

the regressions and the number of leaf bags used during the exposure time. All regressions to estimate k from mass loss over time significant (p < 0.001). Different letters

indicate significant differences in water velocities and leaf litter k among locations based on one-way ANOVA and one-way ANCOVA analysis, respectively, followed by

post-Hoc Tukey´s t-test.


CHAPTER 8: Responses of microbially driven leaf litter decomposition to stream nutrients depend on litter quality

Parameters DIN

(µg N L-1



(µg P L-1



(µg N µg P-1


Alder Equation r2 Equation r

2 Equation r


Decomposition rate 0.0014 - 3.09e-7 DIN 0.77***

0.0014 – 7.42e-6 SRP 0.93***


Leaf litter N concentration 2.62 + 0.0002 DIN 0.66**

2.61 + 0.004 SRP 0.34* ns

Cbh activity ns Ns ns

Phos activity ns Ns ns


Decomposition rate ns Ns ns

Leaf litter N concentration 1.85 + 0.0002 DIN 0.77* 1.79 + 0.005 SRP 0.79

*** ns

Cbh activity ns Ns ns

Phos activity ns Ns ns

Table S8.1. Longitudinal (Long.) and latitudinal (Lat.) location of the streams, average and SEM (in parenthesis, n=21) of physical and chemical variables for

each stream during the study period, decomposition rates (k) for alder and sycamore and the ratio between decomposition rates of both alder and sycamore leaf

litter. Different letters indicate significant differences on k based on one-way ANCOVA analysis and in the rest variables based on ANOVA analysis, followed by

post-Hoc Tukey´s t-test. Note that for k capital and lower case letters indicate statistical differences among streams and between leaf litter species, respectively.

DIN= dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrite + nitrate + ammonia). Streams influenced by wastewater treatment plant inputs are indicated with asterisks.


CHAPTER 9: General discussion

Assessment leaf litter export across streams

During 2017, we performed a pilot study to investigate how leaf litter transport operates

under baseflow conditions across streams of different hydro-morphology characteristics

and how the heterogeneity of water velocity would explain the leaf litter export among

streams. To tackle this objective, we conducted Ginkgo biloba additions on 6 stream

reaches (~80m length) which covered a wide gradient of stream discharge and

streambed morphology. To conduct the additions of leaves we followed the

methodological approach mentioned in the present thesis (chapter 5). The additions of

leaves were conducted in reaches of La Tordera catchment where most of our

experiments were conducted. The time frame between the addition and collection of the

Ginkgo leaves was ~3 days in order to account with the spatial re-suspension of the

leaves within the channel (chapter 5). We related the percentage of leaves exported

downstream with the stream discharge and also with the heterogeneity of water velocity

found within the reach. For this pilot study, the heterogeneity of water velocity of each

study reach was calculated based on cross section transects, where water velocity was

measured each 20 cm wide every 3 m long covering the total reach length. In each study

reach, the range of water velocities measured was grouped at velocity intervals of 5 cm


(i.e., velocity categories). The relative proportion of water velocity measurements of

each category was calculated by dividing the number of locations of each category by

the total number of locations measured within the reach (Table S9.1).We determined the

heterogeneity of water velocity by calculating the Coefficient of Variation (CV) among

the relative proportion of each velocity category (Table S9.1.).




Number of velocity

measurements (units)

Recovery factor

(% from added


Leave export

(% from added


Stream discharge

(L s-1)

Heterogeneity of water velocity

(CV among water velocity


1 342 100 0 20.58 2.44

2 279 97 54.5 82.96 1.62

3 398 96 88 951.71 0.65

1 313 88 49.5 28.97 1.57

2 575 90 73.5 126.32 1.58

2 348 94 83 86.70 0.83

Table S9.1. Data from the additions of Ginkgo biloba leaves conducted in 6 streams reaches within La Tordera catchment. We Show the number of measurements of water

velocity within the reach, the recovery factor for each leave addition, the percentage of leaves exported from the study reach, the stream discharge on each study reach and the

heterogeneity of water velocity expressed as CV values among each water velocity category (see more details in assessment leaf litter export across streams; Annexes; General

discussion section).