Y. Quijano-González funcional del A. Melendez-Calderón ... TIEs para la Salud... · Cerebral...

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Transcript of Y. Quijano-González funcional del A. Melendez-Calderón ... TIEs para la Salud... · Cerebral...

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en


Sorting Block Box: Dispositivo para la

valoración funcional del

miembro superior de niños con

parálisis cerebral

Y. Quijano-González1

A. Melendez-Calderón2

E. Burdet3

D. Villanueva-Ayala4

J. C. Pérez-Moreno4

J. E. Chong-Quero1

1ITESM CEM, Department of Mechatronics2Northwestern University, USA3Imperial College London, UK4CRIT, México

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


• Background

• State of the Art

• Development

• Preliminary Results

• Future Work

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Cerebral Palsy

• Permanent progressive disorder

• Central Nervous System injuries

• Multiple causes

• Affects psychomotor skills and quality of life

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Cerebral Palsy

• World incidence2 to 2.5 cases per 1000 children born

• UNICEF80% of the population with some form of physical disability, live in developing countries

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Cerebral Palsy in Mexico…• 3 cases per 10,000 infants with spastic hemiparesis

• Ministry of Health estimates that the ninth cause of visits to the National System for Integral Family Development is CP

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Cerebral Palsy

Affects psychomotor skills and quality of life

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Clinical Assessment Scales

Scores based on observed parameters from the subject of study, in addition to observations taken with physical examination

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Instrumented Sorting Block Box for Children

• Imperial College London




Aim improve the assessment of the motor impairment degree in the upper limb

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

State of the Art

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Clinical Assessment Scales

25 clinical evaluation assessments for the upper limb according to WHO

• Action Research Arm Test (ARAT)

• Box and Block Test

• Fugl-Meyer Test

• Nine Hole Peg Test

• Sequential Occupational Dexterity Assessment (SODA)

• Smith Hand Function Evaluation

• Upper Extremity Function Test

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Assessment Devices

Motion Capture (1990 to present)

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Assessment Devices

IMU’s (2001 to present)

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Published papers of quantitative assessments for the

upper limb with children with CP:

• 17 articles, only 8 include clinical assessments

• 100% use MOCAP systems

• Sample sizes: 5 - 34

• Ages: 2-29 years old

E. Jaspers, K. Desloovere, H. Bruyninckx, G. Molenaers, K. Klingels, and H. Feys, “Review of

quantitative measurements of upper limb movements in hemiplegic cerebral palsy.,” Gait & posture,

vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 395–404, Nov. 2009.

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Metrics: CP Subjects

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Metrics: CP Subjects

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Smoothness Metrics

• Spectral Arc-length Metric(SALM)

• Logarithmic DimensionlessJerk Metric (LDJM)

• Peaks metric (PM)

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Experimental Protocol

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Experimental Protocol

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Preliminary Results

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Assessment of Upper Limb Using the Sorting Block Box

• 2 phase movement:oReaching - Filling

oReaching - Unfilling

• 11 subjectso9 healthy

o3 with CP

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Speed profiles

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Metrics Comparison

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


• Smoothness metrics differentiate between:• Healthy and CP children

• Impaired and less-impaired sides

• Correlation between metrics shows that:• PM and Time are almost the same

• SALM is the most independent smoothness metric

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Future Work

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

Comparison of 4 Different Smoothness Metrics for the Quantitative Assessment of Movement’s Quality in the Upper Limb of Subjects with Cerebral Palsy

19 subjects:

• 9 healthy

• 10 with CP

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

ResultsTime domain analysis

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

WeeFIM Scores

Subject Alias PathologyPersonal Care (max

score: 56)

Mobility (max

score: 35)Cognition (max

score: 35)Total

Subject 1 Left Sided Hemiparesis 46 30 35 111

Subject 2 Right Sided Hemiparesis 21 26 11 58

Subject 3 Left Sided Hemiparesis 8 5 5 18

Subject 4Double Sided Hemiparesis,

Predominant Left12 5 8 25

Subject 5 Double Sided Hemiparesis 14 10 14 38

Subject 6 Right Sided Hemiparesis 8 5 5 18

Subject 7 Left Sided Hemiparesis 26 21 14 61

Subject 8 Right Sided Hemiparesis 17 29 17 63

Subject 9 Right Sided Hemiparesis 24 28 28 80

Subject 10 Left Sided Hemiparesis 17 20 12 49

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”

ResultsSmoothness Metrics

WeeFIMMobility: 5Total: 18

WeeFIMMobility: 5Total: 25

WeeFIMMobility: 10

Total: 38

WeeFIMMobility: 10

Total: 38

WeeFIMMobility: 5Total: 18

WeeFIMMobility: 30Total: 111

WeeFIMMobility: 21

Total: 61

WeeFIMMobility: 26

Total: 58

WeeFIMMobility: 29

Total: 63

WeeFIMMobility: 28

Total: 80

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


Smoothness Metrics

WeeFIMMobility: 30Total: 111

WeeFIMMobility: 5Total: 18

WeeFIMMobility: 5Total: 25

WeeFIMMobility: 10

Total: 38

WeeFIMMobility: 21

Total: 61

WeeFIMMobility: 26

Total: 58

WeeFIMMobility: 5Total: 18

WeeFIMMobility: 29

Total: 63

WeeFIMMobility: 28

Total: 80

Congreso e-Salud: “Las TIEs y la Salud en México”


• Time domain analysiso Differences between control and testing groupso Can’t differentiate between affected sides (testing group)

• Smoothness metricso MAPR fluctuates(below/above the control group average)

Lack of consistencyo PM presents abrupt hops

When computed for the affected side of an hemiparetic subjecto LDJM, SALM

• Coherent quantification of the movement• Higher magnitude for affected-sides• Magnitude differences smaller with LDJM than SALM• Coherent relation with WeeFIM scores