3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen -...

3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen 3.1 Kompositionsprofile in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots M. Hanke, D. Grigoriev, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, R. L. Sellin, U. W. Pohl, D. Bimberg Vertical composition gradient in InGaAs/GaAs alloy quantum dots as revealed by high resolution x-ray diffraction Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3062 (2004). M. Hanke, D. Grigoriev, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, U. W. Pohl, R. L. Sellin, D. Bimberg, N. D. Zakharov, P. Werner Diffuse X-Ray Scattering of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Physica E 21, 684 (2004). Die beiden folgenden Artikel sind inhaltlich sehr verwandt und beschäftigen sich mit der Analyse vertikal gestapelter, in einer GaAs Matrix eingebetteter In 0.6 Ga 0.4 As quantum dots. Die Proben entstanden am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Bimberg am Institut für Festkörperphysik der Technischen Universität Berlin. Es wurde zunächst die diffuse Streuung sowohl in der Nähe asymmetrischer Reflexe als auch in GID Geometrie mittels hochbrillianter Synchrotronstrahlung (BW2, HASYLAB und ID10B, ESRF) hochaufgelöst vermessen. Allerdings verhindert die komplexe Form der diffusen Streuung (aufgrund der vertikalen Überstruktur) direkte Rückschlüsse auf die Form und chemische Komposition der quantum dots, so dass als Ausgangspunkt für numerische Streusimulationen Strukturinformationen aus transmissionselektronenmikroskopischen Abbildungen benutzt wurden. Diese zeigen keine ausgeprägte laterale Korrelation, jedoch eine deutliche vertikale Vererbung. 14 Das Streuverhalten verschiedener quantum dot Formen (linsenförmig, invertierte Pyramide) zeigt kaum Unterschiede, was vor dem Hintergrund der durch TEM gefundenen Formvarianz wenig überrascht. Allerdings deuten die Simulationen auf eine Indiumsegregation während des Wachstums hin, da im Fußder quantum dots der Indiumgehalt deutlich vom nominellen Wert abweicht. Die beste Übereinstimmung wurde für rotationssymmetrische, linsenförmige In 0.6 Ga 0.4 As quantum dots erreicht, die im unteren Bereich nur eine Indiumkonzentration von 45% aufweisen und auf einer dünnen (zwei Atomlagen dicken) In 0.37 Ga 0.63 As Benetzungsschicht positioniert sind. Es sei auf Parallelen im System SiGe/Si, Kap. 2, hingewiesen. Dort führte die elastische Relaxation der Stranski-Krastanow Inseln während des Wachstums zu einem vertikalen Kompositionsprofil mit größerem Germaniumgehalt im Inselapex. 14 Das Vorhandensein eines quantum dots in der ersten Lage verändert durch das von ihm verursachte Deformationsfeld die Nukleationswahrscheinlichkeit in darauf folgenden Lagen. Sofern die Zwischenschicht nicht zu dick gewählt wird (im vorliegenden Fall 20nm), läßt sich auf diese Weise eine nahezu vollständige vertikale Korrelation erzeugen.

Transcript of 3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen -...

Page 1: 3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen - uni-halle.desundoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/habil-online/08/08H123/t5.pdf · originate from the vertical periodicity of the sample struc-ture. Their

3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen

3.1 Kompositionsprofile in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

M. Hanke, D. Grigoriev, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, R. L. Sellin, U. W.Pohl, D. BimbergVertical composition gradient in InGaAs/GaAs alloy quantum dots as revealed by highresolution x-ray diffractionAppl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3062 (2004).

M. Hanke, D. Grigoriev, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, U. W. Pohl, R. L.Sellin, D. Bimberg, N. D. Zakharov, P. WernerDiffuse X-Ray Scattering of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum DotsPhysica E 21, 684 (2004).

Die beiden folgenden Artikel sind inhaltlich sehr verwandt und beschäftigen sichmit der Analyse vertikal gestapelter, in einer GaAs Matrix eingebetteter In0.6Ga0.4Asquantum dots. Die Proben entstanden am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Bimberg am Institut fürFestkörperphysik der Technischen Universität Berlin.

Es wurde zunächst die diffuse Streuung sowohl in der Nähe asymmetrischerReflexe als auch in GID Geometrie mittels hochbrillianter Synchrotronstrahlung(BW2, HASYLAB und ID10B, ESRF) hochaufgelöst vermessen. Allerdings verhindertdie komplexe Form der diffusen Streuung (aufgrund der vertikalen Überstruktur)direkte Rückschlüsse auf die Form und chemische Komposition der quantum dots,so dass als Ausgangspunkt für numerische Streusimulationen Strukturinformationenaus transmissionselektronenmikroskopischen Abbildungen benutzt wurden. Diese zeigenkeine ausgeprägte laterale Korrelation, jedoch eine deutliche vertikale Vererbung.14

Das Streuverhalten verschiedener quantum dot Formen (linsenförmig, invertiertePyramide) zeigt kaum Unterschiede, was vor dem Hintergrund der durch TEMgefundenen Formvarianz wenig überrascht. Allerdings deuten die Simulationen aufeine Indiumsegregation während des Wachstums hin, da im Fuß der quantum dotsder Indiumgehalt deutlich vom nominellen Wert abweicht. Die beste Übereinstimmungwurde für rotationssymmetrische, linsenförmige In0.6Ga0.4As quantum dots erreicht, dieim unteren Bereich nur eine Indiumkonzentration von 45% aufweisen und auf einerdünnen (zwei Atomlagen dicken) In0.37Ga0.63As Benetzungsschicht positioniert sind.

Es sei auf Parallelen im System SiGe/Si, Kap. 2, hingewiesen. Dort führte dieelastische Relaxation der Stranski-Krastanow Inseln während des Wachstums zu einemvertikalen Kompositionsprofil mit größerem Germaniumgehalt im Inselapex.

14Das Vorhandensein eines quantum dots in der ersten Lage verändert durch das von ihmverursachte Deformationsfeld die Nukleationswahrscheinlichkeit in darauf folgenden Lagen. Sofern dieZwischenschicht nicht zu dick gewählt wird (im vorliegenden Fall 20 nm), läßt sich auf diese Weise einenahezu vollständige vertikale Korrelation erzeugen.

Page 2: 3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen - uni-halle.desundoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/habil-online/08/08H123/t5.pdf · originate from the vertical periodicity of the sample struc-ture. Their

Vertical composition gradient in InGaAs/GaAs alloy quantum dotsas revealed by high-resolution x-ray diffraction

M. Hankea)

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Hoher Weg 8, D-06120 Halle(Saale), Germany

D. Grigoriev, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, and R. KöhlerInstitut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Newtonstraße 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany

R. L. Sellin,b) U. W. Pohl, and D. BimbergInstitut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 36, D-10623 Berlin,Germany

(Received 6 July 2004; accepted 9 August 2004)

Shape and composition profiles of self-organized In0.6Ga0.4As/GaAs quantum dots(QDs) wereinvestigated using diffuse x-ray scattering of a fivefold QD stack. To reveal the QD morphology,numerical scattering simulations of QDs with different morphologies were performed based onthree-dimensional strain fields calculated by the finite element methods. Comparing our simulationsto the data, we proved that the In concentration increases from the wetting layer to the top of thequantum dots. Moreover, we conclude that the In concentration of the wetting layers is significantlylower than the average value in the QDs. ©2004 American Institute of Physics.[DOI: 10.1063/1.1803938]

Self-organized InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots(QDs) asformed in the Stranski-Krastanow growth mode are zero-dimensional electronic systems,1,2 which are highly interest-ing for both the study of new physical phenomena and de-vice applications, such as lasers and semiconductor opticalamplifiers(SOAs).3 Recent studies on the electronic and op-tical properties of QDs have outlined the impact of QDshape, chemical composition and strain profile on the align-ment of confined electron and hole wave functions,4 as wellas the dependence of the polarization of emitted photons onthe QD aspect ratio.5 While the morphological properties ofQDs were thus shown to be decisive for the design of QDdevices, such as polarization-insensitive SOAs, the debate onthe In distribution within InGaAs alloy QDs, as well as theexact shape of such QDs, is still ongoing.

Various techniques have been applied to reveal both QDstrain and composition profiles. High-resolution transmissionelectron microscopy(HRTEM) is mostly applied to monitorchemical and strain contrast. The technique allows foratomic resolution, but a clear separation of strain and chemi-cal composition contrast is difficult. Moreover, only columnsof atoms are imaged, which average compositional variationsalong the direction of projection. Cross-sectional tunnelingmicroscopy (XSTM) enables to image strain contrast andcompositional profiles with atomic resolution on cleaved sur-faces across buried QDs. Using XSTM, different morpholo-gies of InGaAs/GaAs QDs have been identified, includingreverse-trapezoidal6 and reverse-pyramidal7,8 In-rich cores.

Direct imaging techniques, such as HRTEM or XSTM,require sample preparation which alters the shape and strainprofile of the investigated QDs. Furthermore, these tech-niques provide data on only a few selected objects which do

not necessarily represent the QD ensemble. In this letter weshow that diffuse x-ray scattering, accompanied by numeri-cal scattering simulations,9,10 can likewise be used to revealinhomogeneous composition profiles in InGaAs/GaAs QDs.The technique is nondestructive and leaves QDs in theiroriginal strain environment. Moreover, data are collected onentire QD ensembles, thereby avoiding characterization ofpotentially unrepresentative QDs.

The sample investigated here was grown on aGaAs(001) substrate by metalorganic chemical-vapor depo-sition using trimethylgallium, trimethylindium, and arsine asprecursors. Each QD layer was grown at 500 °C, whereasthe temperature was increased during GaAs overgrowth to600 °C. In order to stack subsequent layers closely with avertical period around 20 nm, we applied a surface-flatteningtechnique during growth of the respective GaAs spacerlayers.11

Transmission electron micrographs(not shown here) de-pict that the QDs reside on a very thin and continuous wet-ting layer (WL). Enforced by the long-range strain field ofthe QDs and the comparatively thin GaAs spacers betweenthe dot planes, the QDs are vertically arranged into columns,whereas they do not exhibit a significant lateral ordering.12

Highly brilliant x-ray radiation is mandatory to yield suffi-cient scattered intensity from the QDs, owing to their smallvolume. We therefore used monochromatic synchrotron ra-diation from the beamline BW2 at HASYLAB with an en-ergy of 8 keV and an energy resolution ofDE/E=10−4. Aposition-sensitive detector which simultaneously records theintensity along a curved line in reciprocal space was used forrecording two-dimensional intensity distributions. Our pro-cedure for the numerical simulations is based on an iterativetwo-step approach. First, the three-dimensional strain fieldis calculated applying the finite element method(FEM),which basically employs linear elasticity theory. Thus, thefull elastic anisotropy of the zincblende structure is consid-ered. Eventually, the derived deformation fields serve as data

a)Present address: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bu-reau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA; electronic address:[email protected]

b)Present address: Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge,Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom.


0003-6951/2004/85(15)/3062/3/$22.00 © 2004 American Institute of Physics3062


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input for numerical scattering simulations on the basis of thedistorted-wave Born approximation.9

Figure 1 shows a reciprocal space map around the GaAs224 reflection(d) and simulated intensity distributions(a–c)for different QD shapes and compositions as described later.The diffuse x-ray scattering in Fig. 1(d) exhibits a compli-cated pattern which results from the simultaneous action ofgeometry, strain, and chemical composition profile within theQDs. Moreover, the signal contains contributions from theInGaAs WLs and the GaAs matrix. The GaAs substrate re-flection sSd appears as a very strong signal atq001

=4.445 Å−1. It is vertically intersected atq110=3.143 Å−1 bythe crystal truncation rod(CTR), which appears as a brightline. The equally spaced numbered satellites on the CTRoriginate from the vertical periodicity of the sample struc-ture. Their vertical spacing of 0.0327 Å−1 reveals a QDlayer-to-layer period of 19.2 nm, in good agreement with thenominal value of 20 nm. The weaker ancillary maxima be-tween these satellites reflect the overall thickness of the five-fold QD stack.

The laterally extended and homogeneous sample regionsof the GaAs matrix and the WLs between the QD columnssolely contribute to the intensity on and close to the CTR,because the lateral lattice parameter here is very close to thatof the GaAs substrate, and thus only vertical strain exists inthat area. This is evidenced by a simulation of the lateralstrain tensor componentexx across one QD column as shownin Fig. 2(a) and the vertical strain tensor componentezz asshown in Fig. 2(b). Since the volume of the QDs is small ascompared to that of the remaining sample structure, the in-tensity distribution on and close to the CTR is strongly domi-nated by scattering from the extended regions between theQD columns. Consequently, the vertical position of the zero-order satellite on the CTR atq001=4.427 Å−1 enables a mea-sure of the mean In content of the WLs: it is assessed to be 2GaAs lattice constantsa=5.6532-Å thick and to contain 37%In. It must be noted that variations of the WL thickness in thesimulations essentially alter the intensities of higher-ordersatellites only, provided that the product of WL thickness andIn concentration is kept constant. The assumed thickness cor-responds to values previously reported for similarInGaAs/GaAs QD stacks12 as revealed by transmission elec-

tron microscopy. The In concentration of 37% is consider-ably smaller than the nominal value of 60%. This differencecan be explained by In migration from the WL towards theQDs during island formation13,14 as substantiated later.

Figure 2(a) shows that only the dot stack comprises re-gions of nonzero lateral strain. Therefore, only these regionsgive rise to the diffuse scattering on both sides of the CTR.This makes the diffuse signal an appropriate means to probethe In distribution within the QDs and the transition regionsto the adjacent GaAs matrix. The diffuse scattering shows arather complicated intensity pattern; note, e.g., shape andorientation of the featuresP1 and P2 in Fig. 1(d), whichshow the effect of locally compressed and dilatated regions,respectively. The complexity of the intensity distribution pre-vents straightforward conclusions on the QD morphology. Toextract quantitative information, we performed dynamicalscattering simulations probing different QD shapes, namelycuboids,12 pyramids, flat lenses, and inverted cones. In turn,different In concentration profiles were assumed for the re-spective shapes. Figure 3 shows cross-sectional schemes ofthree selected model QDs we simulated in this work. A lens-like QD with 60% In content on top of a WL is shown in Fig.3(a). The second model QD shown in Fig. 3(b) has the sameshape, size, and In concentration as the previous one, but

FIG. 1. Measured x-ray intensity distribution in the vicinity of the asym-metrical 224 reciprocal lattice point(d) compared to simulations of thescattered intensity calculated using different QD shapes and compositionprofiles (a–c) as described in Fig. 3. Feature(A) is caused by a detectorartefact.

FIG. 2. Maps of the total strain tensor componentsexx (a) andezz (b) for aQD as shown in Fig. 3(b), calculated using the finite element method. Rela-tive strain values as denoted in the scale refer to the GaAs latticeparameters.

FIG. 3. Model QD shapes and compositions used for scattering simulations.The wetting layer contains 37% In in all three structures.(a) Lens-shapedQD with homogeneous QD apex, containing 60% In.(b) Lens-like QD witha 23a GaAs thick transition layer containing 45% In.(c) Inverted-cone-shaped QD with a 23a GaAs transition layer containing 45% In. Dot di-mensions are given in units of the GaAs lattice parametera.

Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 15, 11 October 2004 Hanke et al. 3063

3.1 Kompositionsprofile in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots 85

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comprises a 23a thick In0.45Ga0.55As transition layer be-tween WL and the QD apex. The third model QD depicted inFig. 3(c) exhibits the same vertical chemical compositionprofile as that of Fig. 3(b), but has an inverted-cone shape.Previous investigations have shown that the in-plane symme-try of the QDs must be at least fourfold,12 so elongated ob-jects were not considered. Our assumption of the In contentincreasing from 45% to 60% in the QD apex approximates asteadily increasing In proportion as previously proposed fornonburied InGaAs QDs, based on the evaluation of grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction measurements.14

The calculated intensity distributions of the three QDs[Figs. 3(a)–3(c)] are shown in Figs. 1(a)–1(c), respectively.All simulations reproduce the periodicity of the fivefold QDstack. However, Fig. 1(a) referring to a lens-like QD withouttransition layer, does not describe any detail of the diffusescattering from the dots. This is particularly obvious if themeasured featuresP1 and P2 are compared to the simula-tion. In contrast to Fig. 1(a), Figs. 1(b) and 1(c) referring tothe lens-like and inverted-cone QD shape with transitionlayer, respectively, reflect the particular shapes ofP1 andP2and also other dot-related scattering intensity distributionsvery well. The rough approximation of a gradually increas-ing concentration profile by just a single step may be justi-fied by the fact that the exact characteristics of the verticalprofile essentially affects the intensities of high-order satel-lites only. Such high-order satellites are not shown here, be-cause variations of their intensities cannot be resolved ex-perimentally due to their low signal strengths. Theremarkable similarity of Figs. 1(b) and 1(c) shows that thediffusely scattered x-ray signal of the measured low-ordersatellites is largely insensitive to variations of the QD shape.Therefore, the QD shape could not be determined furtherusing the available data. In spite of such experimental limi-tations, our findings clearly indicate a nonhomogeneous ver-tical In concentration which increases towards the QD apex.During formation, the upper parts of uncovered QDs canelastically relax well, since no lateral constraints prevent thelattice to expand. Therefore, the QD strain decreases fromthe bottom to the top of the QD. As long as the QDs areuncovered, lateral In migration from the WL to the QDs, aswell as vertical In segregation from the QD bottom to theapex,15 are both favorable in terms of strain energy.

In summary, high-resolution diffuse x-ray scatteringfrom five closely stacked InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot layersshows a complex intensity pattern which can be well de-scribed by dynamical scattering simulations if a vertical Inconcentration is assumed, which increases from the wettinglayer towards the dot apex. A low In concentration in the WLas determined from the data indicates a migration of In fromthe WL to the QD apex during QD formation.

The authors gratefully appreciate the help of W. Drube(HASYLAB ) during experiments. This work was supportedby the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the frameworkof Sonderforschungsbereich 296 projects A3 and A7, and byProject No. KO1510/2. R.L.S. acknowledges funding byBookham Technologies.

1D. Bimberg, M. Grundmann, and N. N. Ledentsov,Quantum Dot Hetero-structures(Wiley, Chichester, NY, 1999).

2V. A. Shchukin, N. N. Ledentsov, and D. Bimberg,Epitaxy of Nanostruc-tures (Springer, New York, 2004).

3D. Bimberg and N. N. Ledentsov, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter15, R1(2003).

4P. W. Fry, I. E. Itskevich, D. J. Mowbray, M. S. Skolnick, J. J. Finley, J.A. Barker, E. P. OReilly, L. R. Wilson, I. A. Larkin, P. A. Maksym M.Hopkinson, M. Al-Khafaji, J. P. R. David, A. G. Cullis, G. Hill, and J. C.Clark, Phys. Rev. Lett.84, 733 (2000).

5P. Jayavel, H. Tanaka, T. Kita, O. Wada, H. Ebe, M. Sugawara, J. Tateba-yashi, Y. Arakawa, Y. Nakata, and T. Akiyama, Appl. Phys. Lett.84, 1820(2004).

6N. Liu, H. K. Lyeo, C. K. Shih, M. Oshima, T. Mano, and N. Koguchi,Appl. Phys. Lett.80, 4345(2002).

7N. Liu, J. Tersoff, O. Baklenov, J. A. L. Holmes, and C. K. Shih, Phys.Rev. Lett. 84, 334 (2000).

8A. Lenz, R. Timm, H. Eisele, C. Hennig, S. K. Becker, R. L. Sellin, U. W.Pohl, D. Bimberg, and M. Dähne, Appl. Phys. Lett.81, 5150(2002).

9D. Grigoriev, M. Hanke, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, O. Konovalov, andR. Köhler, J. Phys. D36, A225 (2003).

10M. Hanke, M. Schmidbauer, D. Grigoriev, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, A.-K.Gerlitzke, and H. Wawra, Phys. Rev. B69, 075317(2004).

11R. L. Sellin, F. Heinrichsdorff, C. Ribbat, M. Grundmann, U. W. Pohl, andD. Bimberg, J. Cryst. Growth221, 581 (2000).

12M. Hanke, D. Grigoriev, M. Schmidbauer, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, U. W.Pohl, R. L. Sellin, D. Bimberg, N. D. Zakharov, and P. Werner, Physica E(Amsterdam) 21, 684 (2004).

13A. Krost, F. Heinrichsdorff, D. Bimberg, A. Darhuber, and G. Bauer,Appl. Phys. Lett.68, 785 (1996).

14I. Kegel, T. H. Metzger, A. Lorke, J. Peisl, J. Stangl, G. Bauer, K. Nord-lund, W. V. Schoenfeld, and P. M. Petroff, Phys. Rev. B63, 035318(2001).

15L. G. Wang, P. Kratzer, N. Moll, and M. Scheffler, Phys. Rev. B62, 1897(2000).

3064 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 15, 11 October 2004 Hanke et al.


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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com

Physica E 21 (2004) 684–688www.elsevier.com/locate/physe

Di�use X-ray scattering of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

M. Hankea ;∗, D. Grigorieva, M. Schmidbauera, P. Sch0afera, R. K0ohlera, U.W. Pohlb,R.L. Sellinb, D. Bimbergb, N.D. Zakharovc, P. Wernerc

aInstitut f�ur Physik, Humboldt-Universit�at zu Berlin, Newtonstrasse 15, D-12489 Berlin, GermanybInstitut f�ur Festk�orperphysik, Technische Universit�at Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36, D-10632 Berlin, Germany

cMax-Planck-Institut f�ur Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle, Germany


We report on structural investigations on multi-fold stacks of In0:6Ga0:4As quantum dots (QDs) embedded within a GaAsmatrix. The structures have been grown by means of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Cross-sectional transmissionelectron micrographs prove a pronounced vertical QD correlation, while plan-view images do not show any lateral ordering.Grazing incidence di�raction within various crystallographic zones clearly reveal a QD shape with a four-fold symmetry.Comparing dynamical scattering simulations, which base on >nite element calculations for the strain >eld show that the shapeof the QDs can be described by a prism with a ?at top on a thin wetting layer. The mean lateral dot distance evaluated fromdi�use X-ray scattering agrees well with the QD density estimated from TEM plan-view images.? 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 68.65.−k; 61.10.−i; 81.15.KkKeywords: Di�use X-ray scattering; InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots; MOCVD

Strained self-organized InGaAs/GaAs quantumdots (QDs) are presently a subject of intense re-search e�orts [1] due to their promising potentialfor optoelectronic device applications within the op-tical window of silica >ber at 1:3 �m [2] and evenat wavelengths beyond. X-ray scattering is a sensi-tive probe of the spatial strain distribution and canthus yield information on the spatial distributionof indium. This allows to draw conclusions on theshape and chemical composition of buried InGaAsQDs. The QD shape or, more general, the actualchemical composition pro>le within will decisivelya�ect optical and electronical device properties.

∗ Corresponding author.

Cross-sectional tunneling microscopy (XSTM) hasbeen widely applied to obtain structural and chemicalinformation on buried InGaAs QDs [3,4]. Thereby,a many-fold variety of di�erent indium pro>les hasbeen observed. Among them are QDs with a reversedtrapezoidal [5] or a reversed pyramidal [6] indiumcone—both of them without any wetting layer un-derneath, and, a reversed truncated In-enriched corewithin a comparatively thick wetting layer [7]. Weapplied transmission electron microscopy (TEM)and non-invasive di�use X-ray scattering techniquesalong with dynamical scattering simulations to revealthe structural information of the QDs.The sample investigated here consists of a >ve-fold

stack of self-organized In0:6Ga0:4As QDs, sepa-rated by nominally 20 nm GaAs spacer layers. Thestructure was grown on an undoped GaAs(0 0 1)

1386-9477/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.physe.2003.11.107

3.1 Kompositionsprofile in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots 87

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M. Hanke et al. / Physica E 21 (2004) 684–688 685

substrate using metalorganic chemical vapor deposi-tion (MOCVD). The precursors were trimethylgal-lium, trimethylindium and pure arsine. Hydrogen wasused as carrier gas. The QD layers were each grownat 500◦C, all other layers were deposited at highertemperatures. A cross-sectional TEM image of thestructure as shown in Fig. 1b indicates a strong ver-tical correlation of the QDs throughout the entirestack. This correlation results from the long-rangestrain >elds of the compressively strained QDs com-bined with a relatively small spacer layer thickness,determining the lateral nucleation site of the QDsfrom the second QD layer on. The QD sheets couldbe stacked so closely due to a surface ?attening tech-nique applied after the growth of each QD sheet [8].A plan-view image of the structure (Fig. 1a) indicatesthat the QDs are laterally not correlated.Complementary to direct imaging techniques we ap-

plied high resolution X-ray di�raction (HRXRD) andgrazing incidence di�raction (GID) using highly bril-liant X-rays with an energy of 8 keV. Since morpho-logical information on the QDs and the surroundingmatrix material are of three-dimensional (3D) naturein real space, a 3D record of di�use intensity in recip-rocal space becomes reasonable. Thus, we made par-ticular use of a linear position sensitive detector (PSD)aligned perpendicular to the sample surface in combi-nation with a Si(1 1 1) crystal collimator in front of it



40 nm

1000 nm

Fig. 1. Transmission electron micrograph in plan-view (a) andcross-section (b). A pronounced vertical ordering of QDs is visible(b), while no indication of a lateral ordering is found (a).

to ensure a suNciently high resolution. For a detaileddescription of the experimental setup see Refs. [9,10].The scattering simulations shown here are based on adynamical treatment within the framework of distortedwave born approximation (DWBA). The details of themethod have been published elsewhere [11].The actual shape of the QDs critically depends on

the applied growth conditions. On the other hand, itdistinctly in?uences optical and electronical proper-ties. Several papers report on a weak QD shape asym-metry [12–14]. However, also elongated QDs with alarger extension along [1 1 0] [15] as well as an in-verse lateral orientation have been observed in the In-GaAs/GaAs system [16,17].In order to determine morphological QD parame-

ters as well as strain status and chemical composition,pairs of reciprocal lattice points in GID geometry havebeen investigated. Fig. 2 shows the out-of-plane inten-sity distributions in vicinity of 200 and 020 recipro-cal lattice points, respectively. Re?ections of this typeare quasi-forbidden in a zincblende structure becauseonly the di�erence of atomic formamplitudes fi en-ters the scattering process. Hence the signal caused

2.20 2.25 2.20 2.25






200 020

q 001


qradial [A-1] qradial [A


Fig. 2. Di�usely scattered out-of-plane intensity near the 200 and020 reciprocal lattice points. The similarity of both hints to a QDshape symmetry regarding the di�erent 〈1 0 0〉 directions.


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686 M. Hanke et al. / Physica E 21 (2004) 684–688

(a) (b) (c) (d)P2

Fig. 3. GID out-of-plane in the vicinity of 220 reciprocal lattice point. (a) depicts the measured distribution, (b–d) show various dynamicalscattering simulations based on di�erent QD shapes and lateral QD spacing. For details see text. The gray scale changes from black(low intensity) via white to black (highest intensity) within the two pronounced peaks P1 and P2.

by the GaAs matrix can be suppressed to some ex-tent with respect to the QD signal itself. To ensurethat the wave>eld is probing the entire QD stack, anincidence angle of 0.5◦ has been chosen which isclearly above the critical angle of total external re-?ection �c. From the vertical superlattice period of3:239× 10−2 OA−1 we can conclude a mean period of19:4 OA in real space. The high similarity between the〈1 0 0〉-directions is caused by a strain isotropy withrespect to [1 0 0] and [0 1 0]-direction. This can be un-derstood in terms of a QD shape symmetry. Also the[1 1 0] and [1 P1 0]-direction are equivalent (not shownhere), >nally indicating an at least four-fold QD sym-metry with no preferential lateral alignment.To reveal the detailed lateral and vertical chemi-

cal pro>le we made use of highly strain-sensitive dif-fuse X-ray scattering along with dynamical scatteringsimulations. According to the iterative ‘brute-force’method described in Ref. [11] we have systematicallyexplored various QD shapes and composition pro>les.Vertical dimensions of the appropriate FEM modelhave been extracted from cross-sectional TEM im-ages and by the vertical superlattice structures appear-ing in respective GID measurements. Fig. 3a depictsthe measured di�use intensity distribution around the220 reciprocal lattice point and respective dynami-cal simulations (b–d). A 1 nm wetting layer with thesame composition as that of the QDs has been in-troduced in any case. Although the experimental fea-tures P1 and P2 appear qualitatively in all simula-tions, there are conspicuous di�erences left regardingradial position and intensity ratio, especially in (c)and (d). Model (c) is based on a particular prismaticdot shape—a cuboid 20 nm × 20 nm × 5 nm, whichapproximates the experimentally found ?at, truncatedpyramid shape [7], (d) on a pyramidal one of exactly

the same quadratic ground plan, height and composi-tion (xIn=45%). Within the FEM process a laterallyperiodic arrangement has been considered by applyingquasi-periodic boundary conditions at the outermostFEM-nodes. Since the actual shape apparently in?u-ences the intensity ratio IP1=IP2, there is no change inradial distance UqP1 − UqP2. A pyramidal QD willcause a pronounced peak P1 which can be attributedto dilatated sample regions, whereas P2—a >ngerprintof laterally compressed areas—appears weaker. Thisis in clear contradiction to the experimental observa-tion. However, a cuboid QD shape of model (c) causesan intensity ratio of nearly one. Thus, we have gotan indication to a prismatic QD with a ?at top. Insimulation (b) and (c) the QD shape has been >xed(cuboid), however, the lateral distance between thedots changes by a factor of two. llateral amounts to40 nm (c) and 80 nm in case (b), which is slightlyabove the distance visible in Fig. 1b. Since the ra-dial distance UqP1 −UqP2 shrinks to the same extentas llateral increases, we could deduce the mean lateraldistance between two QDs to about 80 nm. The cor-responding QD density of about 2 × 1010 cm−2 is ingood agreement with results from plan-view TEM im-ages, although the partial cross-section images a sam-ple region with slightly smaller lateral distances.Because the indium content does not signi>cantly

impact GID-related features, we additionally appliedconventional HRXRD. Fig. 4 shows the measured dis-tribution around the asymmetrical GaAs(2 2 4) sub-strate peak labeled S. The vertical periodicity of theQD stack leads to pronounced superlattice satellites(SL), whereas the di�use intensity appears within dis-tinct clouds nearby the crystal truncation rod (CTR),indicating a strong vertical QD correlation. Further-more, the lateral shift refers to locally dilatated (left of

3.1 Kompositionsprofile in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots 89

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M. Hanke et al. / Physica E 21 (2004) 684–688 687

4.454.45 S


(a) (b) (c) (d)


3.10 3.15



3.12 3.14 3.143.12 3.12 3.14

q 001


qradial [A-1] qradial [A

-1] qradial [A

-1] qradial [A


Fig. 4. Measured di�use intensity in the vicinity of the asymmetrical 224 reciprocal lattice point (a). The pronounced intensity cloudsnear the CTR indicate a strong vertical dot–dot correlation. (b–d) show respective scattering simulations assuming a cuboid QD shape andindium contents of 30%, 40% and 45%, respectively.

the CTR) and compressed (right of the CTR) regionsin the QD stack, which can be attributed to QDs andsurrounding matrix material. The vertical distance be-tween the substrate re?ection and the 0th order super-lattice peak signi>cantly changes with the averagedstrain which is related to the indium content. Thus,in case of models considering a cuboid QD shape wegradually modi>ed the indium content between 30%and 45%within a set of simulations. Fig. 4(b–d) showsthe respective calculations, whereby the best agree-ment could be achieved assuming an indium contentof 40%. Such a large deviation from the nominal valueof 60% is not expected according to TEM studies.Thus, to improve data evaluation further, free parame-ters in the simulation, e.g. wetting layer thickness andchemical composition have to be considered.In conclusion we have investigated >ve-fold stacks

of nominally In0:6Ga0:4As QDs within a GaAs ma-trix grown by MOCVD. TEM of the sample reveal apronounced vertical QD correlation. Measurements ofdi�use X-ray scattering in comparison with dynami-cal scattering simulations indicate a ?at, prismatic dotshape. Furthermore, we could prove a signi>cant in-?uence of the mean lateral dot distance to the di�usescattering, though no lateral ordering of the QDs ex-ists in the sample. The corresponding QD density iswell con>rmed by TEM images.

We would like to thank B. Struth and O. Konovalovat beamline ID10B (ESRF) and W. Drube at BW2

station (HASYLAB) for their experimental assistance.This project was sponsored by DFG in the frameworkof the Sonderforschungsbereich 296.


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3.2 Deformationsfreie GaAs quantum dot molecules

M. Hanke, M. Schmidbauer, D. Grigoriev, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler, T. H. Metzger, Zh.M. Wang, Yu. I. Mazur, G. J. SalamoZero-strain GaAs quantum dot molecules as investigated by x-ray diffuse scatteringAppl. Phys. Lett. 89, 053116 (2006).

Im Stranski-Krastanow Prozess treibt im Wesentlichen der Gitterparameterunter-schied die Heteroepitaxie und damit die Entstehung niedrigdimensionaler Strukturen.Absolut verspannungsfreie, technologisch nicht weniger relevante quantum dots lassensich auf diese Weise prinzipiell nicht erzeugen. Einen sehr eleganten Weg geht man dafürmit der sogenannten droplet epitaxy (Tröpfchenepitaxie). Im hier untersuchten SystemGaAs(001)/AlGaAs15 scheidet man während der MBE zunächst metallisches Galliumab, das auf der Oberfläche kleine Flüssigkeitstropfen bildet. In einem zweiten Schrittsetzt man die so prozessierte Oberfläche einem hohen Arsenfluss aus, durch welchendie Tröpfchen in einkristalline und mit dem Substrat heteroepitaktisch verbundeneNanokristalle umgewandelt werden. Durch geschickte Wahl der Wachstumsbedingungenlassen sich eine ganze Reihe bemerkenswerter Formen herstellen, u.a. quantum ringsund sogenannte quantum dot molecules (QDMs) - eine lokale Anordnung einigerweniger quantum dots.16 Da zu Beginn der Kristallisation die Oberflächenspannng des(noch) metallischen Galliums rasch sinkt, kollabieren die Tröpfchen und verdrängenzunächst Material aus dem Inneren. Unterschiedliche Diffusionsgeschwindigkeiten führenschließlich zu Paaren einzelner quantum dots.

Mittels diffuser Röntgenstreuung läßt sich die mechanische Deformation in denGaAs QDMs sehr genau vermessen. Als Mittel der Wahl kam eine symmetrische GIDGeometrie zum Einsatz, wobei die diffuse Intensität in-plane in der Nähe des 220Reflexes untersucht wurde. Diese erscheint aufgrund des fehlenden Gittermisfits zentralum die nominelle Si(220) Substratposition, zeigt mithin allein die Fouriertransformierteder Formfunktion der QDMs. Da es sich bei diesen in erster Näherung um zweirotationssymmetrische Objekte mit einem nahezu konstanten Abstand handelt, läßt sichdie fouriertransformierte Formfunktion durch eine Überlagerung zweier Besselfunktionenbeschreiben. Eine systematische Veränderung der Simulationsparameter erlaubt zudemdie Abschätzung von Größe und mittlerem Abstand der individuellen quantum dots.

15Die Proben wurden am Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr.G. Salamo der University of Arkansas, Fayetteville(USA) hergestellt. Da der relative Gitterparameterunterschied zwischen GaAs und Al0.3Ga0.7As nur0.046% beträgt, erfolgt das Wachstum der AlGaAs Schicht pseudomorph. Der laterale Gitterparametersetzt sich also in der Schicht fort, so dass die darauf entstehenden GaAs quantum dot molecules völligverspannungsfrei aufwachsen.

16Hier sei auf Kap. 2.2.3 verwiesen, in dem die Entstehung vergleichbarer Strukturen imheteroepitaktischen System SiGe/Si detailliert untersucht wurde.

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Zero-strain GaAs quantum dot molecules as investigated by x-ray diffusescattering

M. Hankea�

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Fachbereich Physik, Hoher Weg 8, D-06120 Halle/Saale,Germany

M. SchmidbauerInstitut für Kristallzüchtung, Max-Born-Straße 2, D-12489 Berlin, Germany

D. Grigoriev, P. Schäfer, and R. KöhlerHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Newtonstraße 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany

T. H. MetzgerEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France

Zh. M. Wang,b� Yu. I. Mazur, and G. J. SalamoDepartment of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

�Received 16 March 2006; accepted 9 June 2006; published online 2 August 2006�

The authors report on x-ray diffuse scattering at nominally strain-free GaAs�001� quantum dotmolecules �QDMs�. Al0.3Ga0.7As deposited by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs�001� acts as barrierlayer between the GaAs�001� substrate and subsequently grown QDMs; the adjusted thickness of50 nm preserves the in-plane lattice parameter. Pairs of lenselike quantum dots are created with

preferential orientation along �110� placed on shallow hills. Grazing incidence diffraction alongwith kinematical scattering simulations indicate completely strain-free QDs which prove a stronglysuppressed intermixing between QDMs and the underlying AlGaAs barrier layer. © 2006 AmericanInstitute of Physics. �DOI: 10.1063/1.2240114�

Semiconductor quantum dots �QDs� have pushed anoverwhelming interdisciplinary research effort, which com-prises a large variety of fabrication techniques1,2 and analyti-cal tools. Possible technological applications exploit the im-proved electrical and optical properties compared with bulkmaterial.3,4 Self-formation of QDs via the Stranski-Krastanov process5 provides an elegant and simple alterna-tive to expensive and time-consuming template basedapproaches.6 Often the QD formation is accompanied by pro-nounced lateral,7 vertical,8 or three-dimensional9 assemblingon an extended length scale. Quantum dot molecules�QDMs�, on the other hand, are individual groups of QDswith a particular local arrangement.10–12 They are frequentlydiscussed as storage device for quantum bits �qubits�.13 Thesimplest QDM �just a pair of QDs� seems a rather promisingcandidate to locally implement two qubits. However, elec-tronic properties are related to the QD/QDM morphology,which can be investigated by x-ray diffuse scattering.3,14

Namely, the isostrain method15,16 and scattering simulationsbased on numerical calculations using linear elasticitytheory17 are well-established approaches towards three-dimensionally resolved strain and composition profiles ofQDs and QDMs.

Here we present a structural investigation of nominallyzero-strain QDM in the system GaAs/AlGaAs. The sampleswere grown on epiready GaAs�100� substrates by molecularbeam epitaxy applying a droplet epitaxy. After the growth ofa 500 nm GaAs buffer layer, 50 nm of Al0.3Ga0.7As weredeposited at 600 °C. After a cooling to 550 °C, Ga atomswere supplied to form small liquid droplets on the

Al0.3Ga0.7As surface, corresponding to the amount necessaryfor the growth of 10.0 ML GaAs. Afterwards, the sample wasannealed under arsenic flux to form GaAs QDMs. A detaileddescription and explanation of the growth scenario is givenin Ref. 18. Briefly, the Ga droplets act as Ga nanosource forfurther growth of GaAs. However, owing to the high tem-perature involved, the crystallization process is accompaniedby strong material redistribution. The crystallization of Gadroplets proceeds at a much faster rate at high temperature sothat surface processes on the GaAs surface can play a moreimportant role in the shape evolution of the GaAs nanostruc-ture. At the beginning of the crystallization process the sur-face tension of the Ga droplet quickly decreases, inducing anabrupt collapse down the center of the droplet, pushing thematerial away from the center. Eventually, this leads to theformation of square holed round coins. With further anneal-ing and crystallization the material from the edges of thesquare holed object tends to fill the center hole but at differ-ent rates depending on direction. After 45 s annealing GaAsquantum dot pairs are formed �Fig. 1�. Since the lattice mis-match between the GaAs substrate and the AlGaAs layer isvery small ��a /a=4.6�10−3�, the thin Al0.3Ga0.7As layer isgrown coherently onto the GaAs substrate, thus ensuringnominally strain-free growth of the QDMs on top of the Al-GaAs layer.

The x-ray scattering experiments were performed usinghighly brilliant synchrotron radiation provided by the ID01undulator station of the European Synchrotron Radiation Fa-cility �ESRF� in Grenoble, France. An x-ray energy of 8 keVwas selected by a Si�111� double crystal monochromatorwith a relative bandwidth of better than �E /E=10−4. In or-der to be particularly sensitive to the QDMs located at thesurface and to suppress scattering from the underlying mate-

a�Electronic mail: [email protected]�Electronic mail: [email protected]


0003-6951/2006/89�5�/053116/3/$23.00 © 2006 American Institute of Physics89, 053116-1

3.2 Deformationsfreie GaAs quantum dot molecules 93

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rial, a grazing incidence scattering geometry was employed;thereby, the glancing angle of incidence �i=0.25° with re-spect to the surface was chosen below the critical angle oftotal external reflection ��c=0.31° �. In order to improve thein-plane angular resolution and to suppress the overall back-ground a Si�111� crystal analyzer was employed behind thesample. Vertically, a position sensitive detector was used toprobe the intensity distribution as a function of the glancingexit angle � f. With this arrangement, the entire three-dimensional intensity distribution around an in-plane recip-rocal lattice point can be recorded with extremely highresolution. Typical values for the in-plane/out-of-planeresolution are �q� =1�10−3 nm−1 and �q�=5�10−3 nm−1,respectively.

The scattering geometry has been chosen such that the

�110� axis of the QDM is collinear with the strain-insensitiveangular direction qang�q110. This enables accurate determi-nation of the QDM size and interdot distance, independent ofthe strain state of the QDMs. On the other hand, the scatter-ing geometry enables us to probe strain perpendicular to theaxis of the QDM, i.e., along the �110� direction. Strain wouldlead to a small shift of the overall diffuse intensity distribu-tion with respect to the strong substrate reflection which islocated at qrad=31.436 nm−1. However, no such shift could

be observed neither around the 220 nor the 220 reciprocallattice point, proving that the QDMs are completely free ofstrain.

Figure 2�a� shows the experimental x-ray diffuse scatter-ing from the ensemble of QDMs in the vicinity of the 220reciprocal lattice point. Distinct intensity oscillations are ob-served in the q110 direction. However, the in-plane envelopfunction of the experimental data indicates rotational sym-metry, suggesting that the shape of the individual QDs within

the QDM exhibits rotational symmetry with the symmetryaxis oriented along the vertical �001� direction.

The observed intensity distribution can be qualitativelyexplained within the kinematical scattering approach wherethe scattered amplitude of a nonstrained homogeneous objectis given by the Fourier transform of its shape function, whichis defined to be unity inside the object and, accordingly, zerooutside. Consequently, the amplitude of the scattered wavefrom a single rotational-symmetric QD can be described by acorresponding rotationally shaped distribution in the Fourierspace, with a central maximum at q� =0 and a correspondingwidth of �q� =2� /R, with R being the characteristic radius ofthe QD. The scattered amplitude of the entire QDM is thengiven by coherent superposition of the two scattered wavesfrom the two individual QDs. Since all QDMs are oriented

along the �110� direction, the corresponding interferencephenomena lead to pronounced maxima in the diffuse inten-sity for q110=2� ·n /d, where d is the distance between thecenters of the two QDs within the QDM and n= ±1, ±2, . . ..Thus, the size of the individual QDs and their spacing withinthe QDM can be unambiguously distinguished and evaluatedindependently. Using the given formulas, we can extract d�140 nm and R�35 nm from the experimental intensitydistribution shown in Fig. 2�a�.

A more detailed quantitative evaluation can be per-formed by comparing the experimental intensity distributionwith corresponding simulations of diffuse scattering �Fig.2�b�� using kinematical scattering theory.19 Respective sec-tions of experiment �open circles� and simulation �solid line�through the central peak in Fig. 2 are displayed in Fig. 3. It isinteresting to note that—in accordance with the atomic forcemicrograph displayed in Fig. 1—a satisfactory simulationcan only be achieved by taking into account that the QDMsare grown on an elongated flat hill of about 5 nm height andW110=400 nm and W110=700 nm base widths. These hillsare due to the high As flux and corresponding limited Gatransport. This is confirmed since by lowering the arsenicflux, two-dimensional growth of GaAs is enhanced and thehills are observed to disappear. In the x-ray scattering theylead to a prominent peak �feature P marked in Figs. 3�a� and3�b�� in the immediate vicinity of the 220 reciprocal latticepoint at q110=31.436 nm−1 and q110=0.

The diffuse intensity apart from feature P is solely re-lated to the QDMs. In particular, the foot slope of the curve�feature F marked in Fig. 3�a�� is sensitive to the base widthsand shape of the individual dots. On the other hand, thebehavior �position and intensity decay� of the side maxima at

FIG. 1. �Color online� The atomic force micrograph of the sample surface

�a� depicts quantum dot molecules oriented along the �110� direction. �b�gives the height profile through a QDM �inset�.

FIG. 2. �Color online� X-ray diffuse intensity distribution in the vicinity ofthe 220 in-plane reciprocal lattice point. The experimental data �a� shows thesubstrate reflection �P� which is superimposed by various intensity oscilla-tions �O�. �b� depicts a corresponding simulation.

053116-2 Hanke et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 053116 �2006�


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features O, marked in Fig. 3�b�, of the intensity distributionon the curve foot allows for evaluating the spatial dot-dotcorrelation parameters within the QDM. Excellent agreementbetween experiment and simulation is achieved when theQDMs are assumed as two flat domes exhibiting a base ra-dius of R=40 nm and a height of h=5 nm, separated by d=135 nm. These parameters are in correspondence with thesurface morphology as revealed by atomic force microscopy�AFM� �Fig. 1�.

Additionally, we would like to note that in the simula-tions a small fluctuation ��=8 nm� of the QDM extension

along �110� is assumed, while the shape and size of thesingle dots of the QDMs are kept fixed. The resulting goodagreement between simulation and experiment is a strongindication that the QDMs are highly monodisperse in sizeand shape. On the other hand, the experimental data showthat the positions of the QDMs are—despite their uniquesize, shape, and orientation—not correlated but are randomlydistributed across the surface.

In conclusion we have applied grazing incidence diffrac-tion and corresponding scattering simulation to reveal mor-phological parameters of nominally strain-free GaAs QDMs.The revealed QD shape, size, and their particular assemblywithin the QDMs are in excellent agreement with corre-sponding AFM images. Moreover, we could prove the ab-sence of any strain within the QDMs which indicates astrongly suppressed intermixing during the QDM growth.

One of the authors �M.H.� acknowledges financial sup-port by the Federal State of Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany withinthe Cluster of Excellence �CoE� Nanostructured Materials,Project NW3. Fundings by the German Research FoundationGrant No. HA3495/3 for one author �M.H.� and within theSFB 296 Project A3 for another author �D.G.� are highlyappreciated. The authors thank the ESRF, Grenoble for pro-viding synchrotron beam time during experiment HS2479.

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FIG. 3. �Color online� Sections through the intensity distributions shown inFig. 2, simulations �solid lines�, and experimental data �open circles�. �a�Perpendicular to the QDM axis �q110 direction� extended diffuse scatteringshows up �F�, which is caused by the shape function of an individual QD.The shape of the prominent central peak �P� is due to scattering from anelongated flat hill �W110=400 nm, W110=700 nm, and H=5 nm� located be-low the QDM. �b� Along the QDM axis �q110 direction� intensity oscillations�O� are observed, which are caused by interference between the scatteredwaves from each individual dot.

053116-3 Hanke et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 053116 �2006�

3.2 Deformationsfreie GaAs quantum dot molecules 95

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3.3 Vertikal gestapelte InGaAs/GaAs quantum rings

M. Hanke, Yu.I. Mazur, E. Marega Jr., Z.Y. AbuWaar, G.J. Salamo, P. Schäfer, M.SchmidbauerShape transformation during overgrowth of InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum ringsAppl. Phys. Lett. 91, 043103 (2007).

In der Literatur finden sich eine ganze Reihe von Arbeiten, die die Herstellungund Untersuchung sogenannter quantum rings (QRs) diskutieren. Im SystemInAs/GaAs lassen sich solche Ringe beispielsweise durch das Überwachsen von InAsQuantenpunkten mittels GaAs herstellen. Die entstehenden Strukturen sind dannoft sehr flache, nur einige Atomlagen dicke, kreisrunde Scheiben mit einer zentralenÖffnung. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser drastischen Formänderung von Dots hin zuRingen erscheint es naheliegend, dass ein zusätzliches Überwachsen die Ausgangsformder QRs weiter verändert. Ein Blick in die aktuelle Literatur zu diesem Themazeigt jedoch, dass sich kaum Arbeiten dieser strukturellen Änderung während deserneuten Überwachsens widmen. Das erscheint umso überraschender, als dass sich eineelektrische Kontaktierung (mithin ein Überwachsen) der QRs im Rahmen möglicheropto-elektronischer Applikationen kaum umgehen läßt.

Um mögliche, durch das Überwachsen bedingte strukturelle Änderungen der QRszu untersuchen, wurden neben einer Referenzprobe (die eine Einfachlage InGaAs QRsenthält) mehrere Zweifachstapel übereinander angeordneter QRs Schichten gezüchtet,wobei die Dicke der GaAs Zwischenschicht zwischen 2 und 10 nm variiert.17 Dabeizeigen die an der Oberfläche befindlichen QRs sowohl der Referenzprobe als auchdes Zweifachstapels mit 10 nm Zwischenschicht nahezu kreisrunde Objekte. Im Falleeiner sehr dünnen Zwischenschicht von nur 2 nm bilden sich jedoch an der Oberflächeentlang der [110] Richtung elongierte Ringe mit einem Aspektverhältnis D[110]/D[110]

von etwa 3:2. Tendenziell gewährleistet eine dünnere Zwischenschicht eine stärkereWechselwirkung der übereinander angeordneten QR Lagen, was auf eine ebenfallselongierte Form der vergrabenen QR hinweist.

Diffuse Röntgenstreuung unter streifendem Einfall (GID) zusammen mit kine-matischen Streusimulationen auf Basis von Finite-Elemente-Rechnungen bestätigenunabhängig von der Dicke der Zwischenschicht eine elongierte Form der vergrabenenQRs. Allerdings nimmt mit zunehmender Schichtdicke der deformationsgetriebeneEinfluss auf die in der Deckschicht sich ausbildenden QRs ab, so dass diese (ähnlichwie die QRs der Einzellage) keine Richtungsanisotropie aufweisen.

17Die Proben wurden speziell für diese Aufgabenstellung in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr.G. Salamoder University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, (USA) hergestellt.

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23 JULY 2007Volume 91 Number 4


3.3 Vertikal gestapelte InGaAs/GaAs quantum rings 97

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Shape transformation during overgrowth of InGaAs/GaAs„001…quantum rings

M. Hankea�

Institut für Physik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Hoher Weg 8,D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany

Yu. I. Mazur, E. Marega, Jr.,b� Z. Y. AbuWaar, and G. J. SalamoDepartment of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

P. SchäferHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Newtonstraße 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany

M. SchmidbauerInstitut für Kristallzüchtung, Max-Born-Straße 2, D-12489 Berlin, Germany

�Received 12 April 2007; accepted 18 May 2007; published online 24 July 2007�

The authors have investigated a shape transformation during the vertical stacking of InGaAsquantum rings �QRs� on GaAs�001�. Samples have been grown by means of molecular beamepitaxy. The initial QR layer exhibits nearly round-shaped, flat disks. Especially for a very thinspacer layer of 2 nm, the topmost QRs in a twofold stack tend to be of ellipsoidal shape with

preferential elongation along the �110� direction. Grazing incidence diffraction and correspondingx-ray scattering simulations prove an asymmetry in the shape of the buried QRs with respect todifferent �110� directions. This clearly indicates a significant shape transformation during theovergrowth process from circular toward ellipsoidal QRs. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.�DOI: 10.1063/1.2760191�

Overgrowth phenomena of low-dimensional semicon-ductor structures are essential in the course of any opticaldevice application.1 Interestingly, it was recently found thatthe case of partial capping of InAs quantum dots �QDs� withGaAs may result in circular or ellipsoidal rings.2,3 Of course,the ring geometry is especially attractive for magneto-opticaldevice applications.4 Since the shape of the quantum ring�QR� is significant, it is important to understand the effectsthat can affect the formation of self-organized QRs, such asdiffusion, strain, surface and interface energies, and capping.We can try to control all of these effects by developing agood understanding of their role and by a proper choice ofgrowth parameters.

Generally the observed shape transition from QDs toQRs takes place between two limiting scenarios. On the onehand, there is a kinetically limited process consideringdiffusion.5,6 However, from a thermodynamics model7,8 onemust consider the balance of surface free-energy along thethree-phase contact line substrate-QD vacuum. Although itseems more than obvious that an additional overgrowth stepmay also significantly alter the initial QRs as well, there isless knowledge about related structural changes. In this workwe focus directly on how capping of QRs alters the morphol-ogy of the buried ring structures and the subsequently grownlayers of InAs QRs.

The InGaAs QR samples were grown using a Riber 32Psolid-source molecular beam epitaxy system. A 0.5 �mGaAs buffer layer was deposited on semi-insulatingGaAs�001� substrates at 580 °C after oxide desorption. Thiswas then followed by 2.2 ML of InAs and the formation of

QDs at 520 °C obtained using the standard Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. Cycles of 0.14 ML of InAs plus 2 sinterruption under As2 flux9 were repeated until the total 2.2ML of InAs were deposited. The QDs were next annealed for30 s to further improve the size distribution. We applied insitu reflection high-energy electron diffraction to monitor theQD evolution. The QDs were then buried with 4 nm of GaAscap layer at 520 °C, followed by 40 s of growth interruptionto produce the QRs. InAs and GaAs growth rates were set to0.065 and 1 ML/s, respectively. Three samples were grown:a reference sample which consists of only one layer of QRsand two samples that are obtained by stacking two layers ofQRs with a GaAs spacer thicknesses of 2 and 10 nm, respec-tively. The second layer was left uncapped to investigate themorphology of the grown nanostructures.

Figure 1�a� depicts the single QR layer and the twofoldstacks of QRs with different spacer layers ��b� and �c��. Thesingle layer sample contains rather round-shaped, very flatQRs. The inner and outer diameters Din and Dout are nearlyequivalent with respect to the different �110� directions �seeTable I�. However, statistic evaluation proves that even forthe single layer, the QRs tend to be slightly elongated along

�110�. Both twofold QR stacks confirm this tendency in theirtopmost layer �Figs. 1�b� and 1�c��. In the case of the verythin 2 nm spacer �Fig. 1�b��, the topmost QRs appear elon-

gated along the �110� direction, while the QRs on the thicker10 nm spacer are round shaped again �c�. This is expectedsince we know that the thinner the spacer layer, the strongerthe impact of buried layers and the better the replica of theunderlying QR pattern, which indicates an elongation of theburied QRs as well.10

The instability of three-dimensional �3D� islands duringGaAs overgrowth is due to the preferential nucleation of the

a�Electronic mail: [email protected]�On leave from Departamento de Física e Ciência dos Materiais, Instituto

de Física de São Carlos-USP São Carlos SP 13560-970, Brazil.


0003-6951/2007/91�4�/043103/3/$23.00 © 2007 American Institute of Physics91, 043103-1


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capping layer in the two-dimensional region as well as ex-tensive In–Ga intermixing. The lower strain due to intermix-ing and consequent InGaAs volume redistribution of the 3Dislands is expected to be anisotropic, with the island base

enlarging dominately in the �110� direction. The specificmechanism by which In leaves the islands is therefore attrib-uted to surface diffusion because cation surface diffusion onthe 2�4 surface reconstruction is known to exhibit the sameanisotropy. Quantitative high resolution transmission elec-tron microscopy combined with analytical transmission elec-tron microscopy can serve as an appropriate tool to study thiseffect.

The particular QR shape �e.g., elongated versus circular�will decisively influence the impressed elastic strain, whichwe utilized as a sensitive measure of the buried QR morphol-ogy. In order to probe the three-dimensional elastic strainfield, we have applied grazing incidence diffraction �GID�.The chosen angle of incidence of 0.3° is close to the criticalangle for total external reflection. Respective measurementswere performed at beamline ID10B at the European Syn-chrotron Radiation Facility �ESRF�, Grenoble using an x-rayenergy of 8 keV. A positional sensitive detector has beenplaced 500 mm behind the sample enabling an angular reso-lution along different exit angles � f. Further on an additionalcrystal analyzer Ge�220� was used to enhance the angularresolution parallel the sample surface to about 0.03 nm−1.

Figure 2�a� shows the in-plane intensity distribution near

the symmetric �220� reflection for the sample with the 10 nmGaAs spacer. The sample’s corresponding real space atomic

force microscopy �AFM� micrograph in Fig. 1�c� exhibitscircular QRs in the topmost surface, which are very similarin size and in shape to those of a single layer �Fig. 1�a��.Comparatively, the characteristic GID fringe pattern �de-

noted F� surrounding the intense GaAs�220� substrate reflec-tion at qradial=31.44 nm−1 and qangular=0 can potentiallyserve us as fingerprint of the shape of the buried QRs. How-ever, due to the loss of phase information, it is generally notpossible to directly extract quantitative information out ofreciprocal space maps. Hence one always relies on x-rayscattering simulations which have been performed via a two-fold numeric approach.11 In order to calculate the actual scat-tering pattern, we use the three-dimensional strain field u�which is initially derived from numerical finite elementmethod �FEM�. Within the so-called kinematic scattering re-gime, the diffusely scattered amplitude Ad can be calculatedas

Ad � �i,k

��r�ik��exp�iq��r�ik + u��r�ik��� − exp�iq�r�ik�� ,

where r�ik=R� i+r�k, � the electron density of the crystal lattice,

R� i gives the position of the ith supercell, r�k denotes the po-

FIG. 1. �Color online� Atomic force microscopy micrographs of the singleQR layer �a� and the QR stacks containing two InGaAs QR layers separatedby 2 nm �b� and 10 nm �c� GaAs spacers, respectively. �d� gives a QRschema with the abbreviations used in Table I to characterize the QRmorphology.

TABLE I. Summary of the QR morphology as averaged over an ensemble of about 100 QRs. It gives the innerDin and outer Dout diameters with respect to the different �110� directions. H and D refer to the height and thedensity of QRs within the topmost layer.

Spacer �nm� Din�110� Din

�110� Dout�110� Dout

�110� H �nm� D �cm−2�

¯ 13 17 57 61 0.8 2.4�1010

2.0 11 24 49 75 1.3 2.6�1010

10.0 18 23 71 74 1.8 1.5�1010

FIG. 2. Schematic drawing on the right side shows a simple view on therelation between real and reciprocal spaces as probed in a grazing incidencediffraction setup. �a� depicts the diffusely scattered intensity around the

�220� lattice point as measured. �b�–�d� show respective scattering simula-tions considering different lateral aspect ratios for the buried quantum dotrings, starting from round-shaped QRs �b� to elongated ellipsoidal QRs �d�.The best agreement could be achieved if an aspect ratio A of 3:2 �c� isassumed.

043103-2 Hanke et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 043103 �2007�

3.3 Vertikal gestapelte InGaAs/GaAs quantum rings 99

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sitions of the kth atom within the unit cell, and u� denotes thedisplacement vector.

Figures 2�b�–2�d� depict x-ray scattering simulations onthe base of three different real space FEM models. All ofthem consider a stack of two vertically separated QRs withidentical morphology of the topmost QRs, which is sche-matically given in Fig. 3�d�: a circular QR with inner andouter diameters of about 10 and 60 nm, respectively. How-ever, different QR shapes �circular versus ellipsoidal� of theburied structure have been considered. Thus, along with theassumed height of only 1.0 nm, the structure well approachesthe direct AFM observations of the topmost layer. Structur-ally different �color-coded� areas in Fig. 3�d� result from theQR formation and hence may indicate various chemicalcompositions in the FEM model. Those are, namely, theGaAs�001� substrate, a subsequent 0.5 nm thin In0.4Ga0.6Aswetting layer �WL�, and the inner and outer QR regions alsocontaining 40% of indium. Finally the area further outward,which is not directly influenced by the QR formation, hasbeen modeled by pure GaAs covering the initial wettinglayer. Both vector fields of the normalized lateral and verticaldisplacements �x /aGaAs and �z /aGaAs are given in Figs. 3�a�and 3�b�. Naturally the QR elastically relaxes outward and inthe vertical direction in order to accommodate the latticemismatch. However, the total strain energy density in Fig.3�c� approaches zero toward the top, which indicates a per-fectly relaxed QR apex. This result is somewhat surprisingsince the considered QR height is rather small.

We emphasize that the indium distribution within theburied QRs does not significantly influence the scatteringpattern �not shown�. This effect can be related to the strongmatrix impact onto the QRs due to embedding. Thus, prima-

rily the QR shape �instead of its particular three-dimensionalcomposition profile� drives the overall shape of the incorpo-rated elastic strain. Consequently we have modified the bur-ied QR morphology within respective FEM models, whilethe surface QR has not been changed. Assuming a buriedcircular QR �duplicated 10 nm underneath the surface QR�yields the scattering pattern in Fig. 2�b�. Although this simu-lation already delivers the typical fringe pattern �F�, distinctdifferences to the experiment, as presented in Fig. 2�a�, re-main, e.g., the curvature of the fringes. In the course of fur-ther simulations �Figs. 2�c� and 2�d��, the outline of the bur-ied QR was compressed with respect to the �110� directioncorresponding to aspect ratios A=D�110� /D�110� different fromone, A=3:2 �c� and A=2:1 �d�. This dependence enables anestimate of the aspect ratio A for the buried QRs. The bestagreement could be achieved in case of 3:2, which well con-firms the directly observed aspect ratio in Fig. 1�b� for thethinnest 2 nm spacer layer �see also Table I�. On the otherhand, it proves that for even thicker spacers the QR shapehas been transformed during overgrowth from initiallyround-shaped QRs of a single layer �Fig. 1�a�� toward ellip-soidal QRs with an aspect ratio A=D�110� /D�110� of about 3:2.However, due to the comparatively thick spacer layer of,e.g., 10 nm, the influence of the buried QRs onto the subse-quent layer vanishes. Thus, the resulting topmost layer con-tains QRs which are rather round shaped and hence verysimilar to those of a single layer. This is further confirmed bythe rotational symmetry of strain energy �Fig. 3�c�� whichdoes not show any asymmetry due to the elongated buriedQR.

One of the authors �M.H.� acknowledges financial sup-port from the Federal State of Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany,within the Cluster of Excellence �CoE� NanostructuredMaterials �Project No. NW3�. The authors thank the ESRFfor providing beamline during experiment HS-3162.

1M. Sztucki, T. H. Metzger, V. Chamard, A. Hesse, and V. Holý, J. Appl.Phys. 99, 033519 �2006�.

2J. M. Garcia, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, K. Schmidt, T. Ngo, J. L. Feng, A.Lorke, J. P. Kotthaus, and P. M. Petroff, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 2014�1997�.

3I. Kegel, T. H. Metzger, A. Lorke, J. Peisl, J. Stangl, G. Bauer, J. M.Garcia, and P. M. Petroff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1694 �2000�.

4A. Lorke, R. J. Luyken, A. O. Govorov, J. P. Kotthaus, J. M. Garcia, andP. M. Petroff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2223 �2000�.

5A. Lorke, R. Blossey, J. M. Garcia, M. Bichler, and G. Abstreiter, Mater.Sci. Eng., B 88, 225 �2002�.

6A. Lorke, R. J. Luyken, J. M. Garcia, and P. M. Petroff, Jpn. J. Appl.Phys., Part 1 40, 1857 �2001�.

7R. Blossey and A. Lorke, Phys. Rev. E 65, 021603 �2002�.8A. Lorke, J. M. Garcia, R. Blossey, R. J. Luyken, and P. M. Petroff, Adv.Solid State Phys. 43, 125 �2003�.

9Diffusion can be influenced not only by changing the growth temperaturebut also by using cracked As2, which is more reactive than As4 and thusreduces the mobility of the group III elements. Changing the As back-ground from As4 to As2, structures ranging from elongated islands to ringscould be obtained �Ref. 6�.

10J. Tersoff, C. Teichert, and M. G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1675�1996�.

11M. Hanke, M. Schmidbauer, D. Grigoriev, H. Raidt, P. Schäfer, R. Köhler,A.-K. Gerlitzke, and H. Wawra, Phys. Rev. B 69, 075317 �2004�.

FIG. 3. �Color online� Normalized lateral �a� and vertical �b� displacementsand total strain energy density �c� around a surface In0.4Ga0.6As QR placedon a GaAs�001� substrate. The images ��a�–�c�� have been magnified invertical direction by a factor of 10 for a better view. �d� depicts a crosssection �magnification 1:1� through the finite element model. The QRs havebeen subdivided into regions as, e.g., WL, the quantum ring core �QRcore�which originates from the initial InAs quantum dot, the outer QR region�QRouter�, and, even further outward, material which was deposited duringthe QR formation �in the present case, pure GaAs�.

043103-3 Hanke et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 043103 �2007�


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3.4 Positionskorrelierte InGaAs/GaAs step bunches 101

3.4 Positionskorrelierte InGaAs/GaAs step bunches

M. Hanke, M. Schmidbauer, R. Köhler, H. Kirmse, M. PristovsekLateral short range ordering of step bunches in MOCVD grown InGaAs/GaAssuperlatticesJour. Appl. Phys. 95, 1736 (2004).

In vielen Materialsystemen neigen atomare Stufen an Oberflächen fehlgeschnittenerKristalle18 infolge langreichweitiger Wechselwirkung zu lokaler Bündelung. DieKristalloberfläche besteht in solchen Fällen dann nicht aus äquidistanten atomarenStufen, sondern vielmehr aus sogenannten Stufenbündeln (step bunches), die durchausgedehnte Terrassen voneinander getrennt sind.

Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Mechanismen der Selbstorganisationan Stufenbündeln im System InGaAs/GaAs sowie deren Charakterisierung mittelsdirektabbildender Rastersondenverfahren und diffuser Röntgenstreuung. Die Strukturenbestehen aus Fünffachstapeln In0.19Ga0.81As/GaAs(001) mit nominellen Dicken von2.5 nm bzw. 4.2 nm, wobei die Subtratorientung um 2° in Richtung [110] verkipptist.19 Atomkraftmikroskopie an der Oberfläche zeigt (001) orientierte Terrassen, die vonStufenbündeln (mittlere Höhe 2.7 nm) getrennt sind. Dabei weisen die Stufenbündel einlaterales Aspektverhältnis Länge zu Breite von etwa 10 auf.

Der Querschnitt in Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) zeigt am ersten In-terface (Substrat/InGaAs) noch keine Stufenbündel, diese bilden sich offenbar erst inspäteren Schichten heraus. Es fällt zudem auf, dass die Stufenbündel nicht exakt über-einander angeordnet sind. Vielmehr beobachtet man eine zur Probensenkrechten ge-neigte Vererbungsrichtung. Die diffuse Röntgenstreuung in der Nähe des symmetrischen(004) Reflexes zeigt aufgrund der vertikalen Überstruktur ein sehr komplexes Bild, wo-bei sich jedoch die verschiedenen Beiträge aus lateraler und vertikaler Korrelation derStufenbündel qualitativ gut separieren lassen. Darüber hinaus deutet die Form20 derÜberstruktursatelliten auf ein short range order Modell der Stufenbündel hin. In diesemGrenzfall besteht nur auf kleinen Längenskalen Positionskorrelation.

18Weicht die Oberflächenorientierung eines Kristalls von einer ausgezeichneten kristallographischenRichtung ab, so führt dies auf atomarer Skala im Allgemeinen zu Stufen.

19Die Proben entstanden am Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. W. Richter der Technischen Universität Berlin.20genauer gesagt der funktionale Zusammenhang von Halbwertsbreite und lateralem Impulsübertrag

in der diffusen Streuung

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Lateral short range ordering of step bunches in InGaAs ÕGaAs superlatticesM. Hankea) M. Schmidbauer, R. Kohler, and H. KirmseInstitut fur Physik, Humboldt-Universita¨t zu Berlin, Newtonstrasse 15, D-12489 Berlin

M. PristovsekInstitut fur Festkorperphysik, Technische Universita¨t Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36, D-10632 Berlin

~Received 3 October 2003; accepted 18 November 2003!

In the present paper we report on structural investigations of fivefold In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAssuperlattices which have been grown by means of metal organic chemical vapor deposition onvicinal GaAs~001! substrates. Cross-sectional transmission electron micrographs exhibit an initiallyflat and nonfaceted grooved surface, while step bunching occurs during subsequent growth stageswith an inclined vertical inheritance approximately 45° off the~001! direction. A reconstructedsample cross section on the base of high resolution x-ray diffraction data qualitatively confirms thelocal morphology proved by transmission electron microscopy. Moreover, a line shape analysis ofdiffusely scattered intensity using Gauss profiles indicates a lateral short range ordering of stepbunches. ©2004 American Institute of Physics.@DOI: 10.1063/1.1640786#


Steps on a surface can serve as a nonartifical templatefor the formation of anisotropic nanostructures, such as, e.g.,quantum wires1 and two-dimensional ordered quantum dots.2

Bunches of steps—separated by extended flat terraces—tendto be much straighter than individual ones because of higherstiffness. In order to utilize those templates in real devicestructures one needs to control the self-assembly process.Further on, it is highly desirable to tune morphological pa-rameters such as bunch height and separation width, whichin fact can be adjusted independently by a proper choice ofgrowth conditions.3 The strong interest in the presently in-vestigated material combination InGaAs/GaAs is driven bythe expection of building optoelectronic devices for the 1.3mm optical window in silica fiber, e.g., on a base of InAsquantum dots embedded within a strain-reduced InGaAsmatrix.4 In addition to this technological viewpoint, stepbunching has attracted fundamental interest as well. Differ-ent pathways toward step bunching have been discussed interms of either energetics5–7 or kinetics, e.g., Refs. 8 and 9.

Recent work on molecular beam epitaxial growth ofstrained InGaAs on vicinal GaAs~001! wafers shows consid-erable uniformity and lateral order of step bunches, but onlyfor a comparatively low highly regular step bunches indiumcontent of 9%.10 We have applied metal organic chemicalvapor deposition~MOCVD!, which can provide even athigher strain or larger indium content.

Since scattering techniques probe extended ensembles ofnanoscopic objects, they have become the method of choicefor nondestructive investigations of both~i! lateral orderingwithin a single layer and~ii ! vertically correlated interfaceroughness in superlattices, e.g., Refs. 11–14. Moreover, it isa sensitive technique, which can probe strain in lateral peri-

odic structures, like those caused by a dislocation network.15

Usually ordering phenomena are discussed in the frame-work of two limiting ideal cases: short range ordering~SRO!and long range ordering~LRO!, respectively. Whereas forLRO the correlation within domains is assumed to be per-fect, ordering disappears at larger distances in SRO.16,17The-oretical studies of the systems InAs/GaAs and Si/Geindicate18 the absence of a pronounced lateral LRO of quan-tum dots due to the comparatively weak elastic anisotropy.We could also prove SRO for one-dimensional objects likestep bunches in a vertical InGaAs/GaAs superlattice grownon a miscut surface.


All the investigated samples were grown by means ofMOCVD, which was performed in a double wall horizontalquartz reactor with a purged strain-reduced window for op-tical in situ characterization. The carrier gas was hydrogen~3l/min! at a total pressure of 10 kPa; the AsH3 ~arsine! partialpressure was 100 Pa. The metal organic sources were trim-ethyl gallium ~TMGa! and trimethyl indium ~TMIn!. ATMGa partial pressure of 0.5 Pa resulted in a growth rate at873 K of 900 nm/h, a typical parameter for buffer growth toachieve step bunching on vicinal substrates. In the reactorthere is no sample rotation implemented; thus, the thermo-couple temperature was always found to be very close to theactual surface temperature. The samples were grown on vici-nal 2° @110# ~A! and @110# ~B! oriented Te-dopedGaAs~001! wafers. Prior to epitaxy the substrates were wetetched. Before the actual growth could start, an approxi-mately 500 nm thick GaAs buffer layer was grown. At thisthickness the step bunching is saturated, as also observed inthe literature.19–21 On this buffer layer the vertical InGaAs/GaAs superlattices~SLs! were grown. They consist of fiveperiods InGaAs~2 nm! and GaAs~4 nm! with a nominalindium content of 20%.

a!Present address: Fachbereich Physik, Martin-Luther-Universita¨t Halle-Wittenberg, Hoher Weg 8, D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany; electronic mail:[email protected]


17360021-8979/2004/95(4)/1736/4/$22.00 © 2004 American Institute of Physics


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We could directly observe remarkable differences in thelateral bunch aspect ratio at the topmost surface by applyingatomic force microscopy. The lateral bunch aspect ratioRcan be defined by



where ^•& denotes theaveragedlength parallel and perpen-dicular to the structures, respectively. Whereas the topmostbunches on a@110# ~A! wafer exhibit an aspect ratioR ofnearly 3 ~not shown here!, we found a significantly higherratio of 10 in the case of the@110# ~B! wafer ~see Fig. 1!.Hence, we will focus on the structure grown on the@110#~B! substrate.


The x-ray scattering experiments have been prepared atbeamline BW2 at HASYLAB using monochromatic x rayswith an energy of 8 keV and an energy widthDl/l of ap-proximately 1024. We made particular use of a position sen-sitive detector~PSD!, which was placed 750 mm behind thesample. By using lateral slits of 1 mm directly behind thesample and additionally in front of the PSD we could estab-lish a sufficiently high resolution of 4.331023 Å21 perpen-dicular to the scattering plane, whereas the much better reso-lution in plane amounts to 2.931024 Å21 parallel to thesurface and 4.331024 Å21 perpendicular to it.


Figure 2 shows the diffusely scattered intensity aroundthe 004 lattice point for two different scattering planes. Theintense streaks crossing both patterns are artifacts caused bythe monochromator~markedM! and the position sensitivedetector ~P!, respectively. Figure 2~a! depicts the diffusescattering in a plane collinear with the bunches; thus it con-tains the @110# direction. In the limit of perfect one-dimensional steps and/or SBs there is no contribution to thecorresponding scattering plane. However, the intensity distri-bution contains information about the vertical sample struc-ture, which particular periodic arrangement causes intensityoscillations along the crystal truncation rod~CTR!.

In contrast, Fig. 2~b! shows the distribution within aplane perpendicular to the previous one, which is defined by

the @110# and @001# directions. Here, different vertical andlateral features are superimposed and merge into a very com-plicated pattern, which parts are better discussed by means ofthe schematic drawing in Fig. 2~c!. The monodispersely dis-tributed step bunches and in particular their lateral periodicseparation by extended~001! terraces give rise to character-istic grating truncation rods~GTRs! in the diffuse scatteringup to the fifth order. Those rods are perfectly oriented along@001#, indicating a lateral ordering which exactly follows the@110# direction. From the lateral distanceDqi of 3.7631023 Å21, we can estimate an averaged lateral bunchspacing^di& of 1671 Å. This is in good agreement with theatomic force micrograph of the topmost surface in Fig. 1.Moreover, the cross-sectional transmission electron micro-graph, Fig. 3, depicts nearly the same bunch separation for

FIG. 1. The atomic force micrograph~a! shows well pronounced stepbunches with an aspect ratio of approximately 10.

FIG. 2. Diffusely scattered intensity around the 004 reflection, where theincoming beam runsalong the bunches~along the@110# direction! in ~a! andperpendicular to it in~b!. ~c! depicts a schema of the measured distribution~b!.

FIG. 3. A schematic cross section of the sample as derived from the lateraland vertical periodicity and location in high resolution x-ray diffraction data,which is in excellent agreement with the cross-sectional transmission elec-tron micrograph~b!. It is worth noting that step bunching subsequentlydevelops during growth since there is no substrate prepattern visible.

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3.4 Positionskorrelierte InGaAs/GaAs step bunches 103

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the underlying interfaces. A very intense crystal truncationrod crosses the whole diffuse intensity pattern, at an angle of2.3° which confirms the initial substrate miscut.

Moreover, the vertical superstructure~five periods ofInGaAs/GaAs! causes equidistantly spaced vertical superlat-tice peaks (S22,...,12), whose separationDq' is closely re-lated to the SL perioddInGaAs1dGaAs, where the distancebetween the zeroth order SL peak reflects the strain averagedalong the entire stack. Dynamical scattering simulations~notshown here! reveal layer thicknesses ofdGaAs54.2 nm anddInGaAs52.5 nm and an averaged indium concentration ofxIn519%. Since the lateral maxima at various SL peaks areinclined with respect to the@001# direction, the vertical in-heritance is supposed to be inclined.

A detailed inspection of Fig. 2~b! indicates that the SBheight has to be identical to the vertical SL perioddInGaAs

1dGaAs itself, since the CTR obviously crosses the lateralGTRs exactly at the maxima of subsequent SL peaks, whichyields the relation

sina5Dqi /Dq'5^d'&/^di&, ~2!

wherea denotes the miscut angle.Taking this morphological particularity into account, a

cross section through the discussed structure has been recon-structed. Figure 3~a! depicts a possible configuration consid-ering the results by high resolution x-ray diffraction~HRXRD!. The cross-sectional transmission electron micro-graph in Fig. 3~b! qualitatively confirms the proposed model.

All the micrographs give clear evidence that stepbunches do not immediately emerge at the initial interface,which is free of any undulation. Therefore step bunching andits vertical inheritance are rather phenomena driven by strainrelief during subsequent growth than a simple replication ofa prepattern.

The existence of correlation peaks up to high orders en-ables one to distinguish between SRO and LRO models.Therefore we have extracted a horizontal one-dimensionalintensity cut alongq@110# at qz54.316 Å21 @Fig. 4~a!#. Thecorrelation peaks are equidistantly spaced, yielding the meanlateral distance di&. On the other hand, the experimentalpeak widthsdq @shown as dots in Fig. 4~b!# increase withpeak order. Since the connecting parabolic fit~line! does notexactly match the experimental data, the ‘‘random walk’’SRO model cannot perfectly describe the morphology. How-ever, applying this model we estimate a rms standard devia-tion s5166 Å of the mean lateral distance^di&.


In conclusion, we have investigated MOCVD grownInGaAs/GaAs fivefold stacks on 2°@110# ~A! and@110# ~B!GaAs ~001! wafers by HRXRD and direct imaging tech-niques like transmission electron and atomic force micros-copy. The observed step bunches at the topmost surface witha mean lateral distance between 150 and 200 nm have to beformed during subsequent growth, since the initial GaAsmiscut surface does not show a faceted grooved morphology.The particular shape of diffuse x-ray scattering in the vicinityof the 004 reciprocal lattice point indicates a step bunch

height that is nearly equal to the vertical superlattice period.Taking the experimentally estimated layer thicknesses andthe actual miscut angle into account, a typical sample crosssection has been reconstructed. Line shape analysis of one-dimensional cuts through the first order vertical superlatticepeak of the 004 reciprocal space map proves lateral shortrange ordering.


We would like to thank W. Drube for the experimentalsetup at beamline BW2 at Hasylab. This project was spon-sored by the German Research Society in the framework ofthe Sonderforschungsbereich 296.

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3.4 Positionskorrelierte InGaAs/GaAs step bunches 105

Page 24: 3 GaAs-basierte Heterostrukturen - uni-halle.desundoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/habil-online/08/08H123/t5.pdf · originate from the vertical periodicity of the sample struc-ture. Their