Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa - edu.xunta.gal · Complete los espacios en blanco con el...

Dirección Xeral de Educación, Formación Profesional e Innovación Educativa Educación secundaria para personas adultas Página 1 de 26 Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa Educación a distancia semipresencial Módulo 2 Anexo gramatical 6

Transcript of Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa - edu.xunta.gal · Complete los espacios en blanco con el...

Dirección Xeral de Educación, Formación

Profesional e Innovación Educativa

Educación secundaria para personas adultas

Página 1 de 26

Ámbito de comunicación Lengua inglesa Educación a distancia semipresencial

Módulo 2

Anexo gramatical 6

Página 2 de 26


1. Introducción....................................... ........................................................................3

1.1 Descripción del anexo gramatical ................................................................................. 3

2. Secuencia de contenidos y actividades.............. ....................................................4

2.1 La hora ......................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Preposiciones de lugar ................................................................................................ 7 2.3 Verbos modales can y could ......................................................................................... 9 2.4 Like y would like.......................................................................................................... 13 2.5 Comprensión escrita: An ordinary morning ................................................................. 17 2.6 Actividades de autoevaluación.................................................................................... 19

3. Vocabulario básico de la unidad.................... ........................................................20

4. Soluciones de las actividades..................... ..........................................................22

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1. Introducción

1.1 Descripción del anexo gramatical

En este sexto anexo gramatical vamos a abordar los siguientes contenidos:

� La hora.

� Las preposiciones de lugar.

� El empleo de los verbos modales can y could para hacer peticiones y pedir permiso.

� Like / love / hate seguido de -ing.

� Would like seguido de infinitivo con to.

� Los lugares de la ciudad y del campo.

� Los lugares de la casa.

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2. Secuencia de contenidos y activida-des

2.1 La hora

The time - La hora

Pregunta ���� What time is it? (¿Qué hora es?)

���� What’s the time? (¿Qué hora es?)

En punto Resto de horas

It’s + HORA + o’clock

It’s twelve o’clock

(Son las doce en punto)




It’s + MIN + past + HORA

It’s five / ten past...

Son las ... y cinco / y diez.

It’s + QUARTER + past + HORA

It’s quarter past...

Son las ... y cuarto.

It’s + MIN + past + HORA

It’s twenty / twenty-five past...

Son las ... y veinte / veinticinco.


It’s + HALF + past + HORA

It’s half past...

Son las ... y media.


It’s five / ten to...

Son las ... menos cinco / diez


It’s quarter to...

Son las ... menos cuarto.

Fíjese en que:

� Cuando empleamos to decimos los minutos que quedan para la siguiente hora.

– 9.35 � It’s twenty-five to ten. �

– 9.35 � It’s twenty-five to nine. �

� Tanto a “...y cuarto” como a “...menos cuarto” empleamos quarter, no fifteen.

– It’s quarter past three. �

– It’s fifteen past three. �

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Actividades propuestas

S1. Relacione las columnas. Recuerde que primero decimos los minutos.

� 1. It’s half past twelve.

� 2. It’s five past ten.

� 3. It’s ten past five.

� 4. It’s ten to five.

� 5. It’s five to ten.

� a. 4.50

� b. 12.30

� c. 09.55

� d. 5.10

� y. 10.05

S2. Complete los espacios en blanco con el nombre de la habitación y escoja la res-puesta correcta.



���� 1. The clock is in the [___________________] ���� 2. The clock is in the [___________________]

What time?

���� a) It’s ten to ten.

���� b) It’s ten past ten.

���� a) It’s five to twenty.

���� b) It’s twenty to five.



���� 3. The clock is in the [___________________] ���� 4. The clock is in the [___________________]

What time?

���� a) It’s ten past ten.

���� b) It’s ten to two.

���� a) It’s ten to seven.

���� b)It’s twenty-five to ten.

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S3. Escriba las horas.

� a. 2.45

� b. 8.30

� c. 12.00

� d. 3.35

� e. 1.05

� f. 6.20

� g. 10.10

� h. 9.15

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2.2 Preposiciones de lugar

Preposiciones de lugar

The ball is in the box.

(= dentro de, en)

The ball is on the box.

(= sobre, encima de)

The ball is under the box.

(= debajo de)

The ball is in front of the box.

(= delante de)

The ball is behind the box.

(= detrás de)

John’s house

Jane’s house

Bill’s house

John’s house is next to Jane’s house.

(= al lado de)

Jane’s house is between Bill’s and John’s house.

(= entre)

The football player is near the goal.

(= cerca de)

The football player is far from the goal.

(= lejos de)

The man is opposite the woman.

(= en frente de)

Fíjese en que:

� In front of no significa en frente de, significa delante de.

� Opposite significa en frente de.

Actividades propuestas

S4. Relacione cada expresión con su significado.

���� 1. The wardrobe is between the shelf and the picture. ���� a. El espejo está detrás de la cama.

���� 2. The mirror is behind the bed. ���� b. Hay una planta en frente del sofá.

���� 3. There’s a plant opposite the sofa. ���� c. La mesilla de noche está al lado de la cama.

���� 4. There are two cushions behind the armchair. ���� d. El armario está entre el estante y el cuadro.

���� 5. The bedside table is next to the bed. ���� e. Hay dos cojines detrás de la butaca.

���� 6. There’s a magazine in front of the dishwasher.

���� f. Hay una revista delante del lavavajillas.

S5. Observe la ilustración y diga si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas. Si son falsas, corríjalas.

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True False

���� 1. There are some toys in the bath.

���� 2. There’s a toilet between the toilet paper and the towel.

���� 3. There’s a carpet on the wall.

���� 4. There’s a washbasin under the mirror.

���� 5. There’s a picture next to the toilet.

S6. Observe el plano y complete con los nombres de los edificios.

� 1. The [_____________] is opposite the airport.

� 2. The school is next to the [_____________].

� 3. The [_____________] is between the library and the bank.

� 4. The [_____________] is in front of the mountains.

� 5. The [_____________] are behind the river.

S7. Observe la ilustración y complete con la prepo-sición adecuada.

� 1. There is a sofa [__________] the lamp and

the clock.

� 2. There is a TV set [__________] the books.

� 3. There is a coffee table [________] the sofa

� 4. There is a picture [_________] the wall.

� 5. There is a lamp [_________] the sofa.

� 6. The clock is [_________] the TV set.

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2.3 Verbos modales can y could

Verbo can para pedir permiso

Forma: CAN + infinitivo

Forma afirmativa (sujeto + can) Forma negativa (sujeto + can’t)




CAN use the computer in class.







CAN’T use mobile phones in class.




Forma Interrogativa (can + sujeto) Respuestas cortas




CAN go to the toilet?







Yes, CAN











recuerde que el verbo can también puede emplearse para expresar habilidad (unidad 5):

I can speak German.

Revise en la unidad 5 las características del verbo modal can.

Verbos can y could para hacer peticiones

Podemos hacer peticiones empleando los verbos can o could (fórmula más cortés).

� It’s very cold. Can you close the window, please? (Hace mucho frío. ¿Puedes cerrar la

ventana, por favor?)

� Could you call a taxi, please? (¿Podría / podía llamar a un taxi, por favor?) � más for-


Actividades propuestas

S8. Traduzca estas expresiones al castellano.

� 1. Prisoners can’t use the telephone in prison.

� 2. Can I use the toaster?

� 3. Can I open the cupboard?

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S9. Pida permiso como en el ejemplo. Después, escriba el nombre del lugar donde podría emplear esa pregunta.


You want the menu.

1. Students want to go to the toilet.

2. You want to pay by credit card.


(have the menu)

Can I have the menu?

(go to the toilet)


(pay by credit card)



In a restaurant.


3. You want to try the shirt on.

4. The chemist wants to help you.

5. The police officer wants to see your passport.

Question (try this shirt on)


(help you)


(have your passport)



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S10. Observe las señales y complete con can y can’t según tenga o no permiso para realizar esas acciones. Después, complete con el nombre del lugar donde podría encontrar esta señal.




You can’t smoke


1. [____________________]


2. [____________________]


In a pub / bar.



(wear long trousers)

3. [____________________]

(take photos)

4. [____________________]

(use mobile phones)

5. [____________________]


S11. Lea estas oraciones y diga si can expresa habilidad, permiso o petición.

� 1. I can’t play the flute.

� 2. Can you speak more slowly?

� 3. Pilots can fly planes.

� 4. Can I borrow your pen?

� 5. Can you help me?

� 6. You can’t go fishing in this lake.

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S12. Complete el cuadro con el nombre del mueble o aparato electrónico. Haga peti-ciones como en el ejemplo. Use can o could.


The window is closed.

You want it open.

1. The [_________] are down.

You want them up.

2. The [________] is off.

You want it on.

Request (open the window)

Can/Could you open the win-dow?

(pull up the ...)


(turn on the ...)



In a bedroom.


3. The dishes are in the sink.

You want them in the [_________]

4. The [_________] is open.

You want it closed.

5. The [_________] is broken.

You want a new one.

Request (put the dishes in the ...)


(close the...)


(buy a new...)



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2.4 Like y would like

Like / love / hate / enjoy + -ing

Verbos seguidos de -ing

Like, enjoy, love, hate Verbos + -ing

���� I like (me gusta)

���� She enjoys (ella disfruta) ���� Do you love (¿Te gusta mucho? ¿Te encanta..?)

���� I don’t like (no me gusta) ���� We hate (odiamos)


going to the cinema.

watching old films.

doing English homework.

working on Saturday mornings.

Fíjese en la ortografía de la forma -ing:

� Normalmente añadimos -ing. Ej.: study - studying.

� Si acaba en -y mudo, desaparece la -y y añadimos -ing. Ej.: drive - driving.

� Si acaba en sílaba tónica y en consonante - vocal - consonante, doblamos la última

consonante y añadimos -ing. Ej.: shop - shopping.

Would like + infinitivo con to

Would like to + infinitivo (me gustaría, querría...)




+ ���� would (o la forma contraída 'd) like to go to the cinema (me gustaría / te gustaría... ir al cine).








They - ���� wouldn't like to go to the cinema (no me gustaría / no te gustaría... ir al cine).

Yes, – I//you/he/she/we/they would.










���� like to go to the cinema?

No, – I//you/he/she/we/they wouldn't

Fíjese en que:

� No empleamos la contracción 'd de would en preguntas ni en respuestas cortas. – Would you like to make a reservation? Yes, I would. � – Would you like to make a reservation? Yes, I'd. �

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Distinción entre like y would like


Presente simple:

���� Afirmativa: I like reading / She likes reading (añade -s na 3ª persona de singular).

���� Negativa: I don't like... / She doesn't like... (necesitamos el auxiliar don't/doesn't).

���� Interrogativa: Do you like...? / Does she like...? (necesitamos el auxiliar do/does).

���� Respuesta corta: Do you like reading? Yes, I do / No, I don't.

¿Te gusta leer? Sí / No.

Significado like + -ing = gustar en general.

���� I like going to the cinema (me gusta ir al cine).


Seguido de

Forma -ing.


Condicional del verbo like: Es invariable para todos los sujetos.

���� Afirmativa: I would ('d) like to read a book. / She would ('d) like to read a book (no añadimos -s).

���� Negativa: I wouldn't like to... (no precisamos don't/doesn't, solo añadimos not a would).

���� Interrogativa: Would you like to...? (no tenemos que usar do/does, solo invertimos el orden de would y el sujeto).

���� Respuesta corta: Would you like to have a drink? Yes, I would / No, I wouldn't.

¿Te apetece / te gustaría tomar algo? Sí / No.


do would like to + infinitivo = gustaríame... (quiero hacerlo ahora o en el futuro).

���� I would like to go to the cinema tomorrow evening (me gustaría ir al cine mañana por la tarde).

���� I would like to make a reservation, please (querría hacer una reserva, por favor).

Would like

Seguido de To + infinitivo.

Actividades propuestas

S13. Escriba la forma -ing de los siguientes verbos.

� 1. Dance

� 2. Sit

� 3. Listen

� 4. Play

� 5. Run

� 6. Speak

� 7. Write

� 8. Stop

� 9. Eat

� 10. Ride

S14. Observe las ilustraciones y diga las actividades que le gusta hacer o no en cada habitación. Emplee like, love, hate o enjoy.


look at myself - watch TV clean - empty - do

cook -sleep - tidy up

the washing up - the toilet - dinner

on the sofa - in the mirror - in bed

- the dishwasher - - my bedroom

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Likes and dislikes

I like sleeping on the sofa.

1. [____________________________]

2. [____________________________]

3. [____________________________]

4. [____________________________]

5. [____________________________]

6. [____________________________]

7. [____________________________]

S15. Varios turistas visitan su ciudad y desean realizar distintas actividades. Dígales dónde pueden ir. Complete los diálogos como en el ejemplo.


send - buy - drink - borrow talk - take a plane ticket - a train - a beer

a postcard - a book - to the mayor


Tourist: I'd like to drink a beer.

You: Go to the pub.

1. Tourist:

You: [______________]

2. Tourist:

You: [______________]

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3. Tourist:

You: [______________]

4. Tourist:

You: [______________]

5. Tourist:

You: [______________]

S16. Complete con la forma adecuada de would like to o like. � 1. He [_____________] (negative) watching TV.

� 2. [____________] you [____________] to sleep in my house next Saturday?

� 3. [_____________] you [_____________] watching horror films? I hate them.

� 4. They [_____________] to buy a house with a garden.

� 5. My sister [_____________] listening to pop music.

� 6. [_____________] she [_____________] dancing salsa?

� 7. [_____________] you [_____________] to go dancing on Saturday?

� 8. I [_____________] to go out with you tonight.

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2.5 Comprensión escrita: An ordinary morning

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Actividades propuestas

S17. Escriba las horas:

� a. 8.00

� b. 8.10

� c. 8.30

S18. Lea la página de cómic y diga si can expresa permiso o petición.

� Petición (request):

� Permiso (permission):

S19. Traduzca al castellano. ¿Cuál de estas oraciones expresa un gusto en general? ¿Cuál expresa un deseo, algo que se quiere hacer ahora o en el futuro?

� 1. I would like to stay in bed all day.

� 2. Would you like to drink a glass of juice?

� 3. I don't like being late.

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2.6 Actividades de autoevaluación

S20. Escriba las horas.

� a. 9.05

� b. 11.30

� c. 4.45

� d. 6.35

S21. Diga las preposiciones contrarias.

� 1. The cushions are on the bed.

� 2. The sports centre is near the square.

� 3. There's a church in front of the police station.

� 4. There's a plant behind the armchair.

S22. Escriba las oraciones . Emplee can y could.

� 1. Pida permiso para ir al baño.

� 2. Pida permiso para pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

� 3. Exprese su habilidad para hablar japonés.

� 4. Dele permiso a otra persoa para emplear el móvil.

� 5. Pida a otra persona que suba la persiana.

� 6. Pida a otra persona que cierre la nevera.

S23. Complete las oraciones con la forma correspondiente de would like to o like.

� 1. He [____________] skiing in the winter.

� 2. [____________] you [____________] to watch that film?

� 3. It's very hot. I [____________] to have a shower.

� 4. Mike [____________] to go to London next summer.

� 5. [____________] she [____________] eating Indian food?

S24. Corrija los errores.

� 1. It's fifteen to twelve.

� 2. It's three past twenty-five.

� 3. What's time?

� 4. There's a castle near of the lake.

� 5. The beach is far the mountains.

� 6. You can turn off the TV?

� 7. I don't can speak Spanish in the English class.

� 8. She wouldn't like going to pubs.

� 9. Do you like to go to the cinema on Friday?

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3. Vocabulario básico de la unidad

Lugares en la ciudad y en el campo

Buildings (edificios) Basic needs (necesidades básicas)

English Castellano English Castellano

���� An art gallery galería de arte ���� A bank banco

���� A bed and breakfast pensión/hotel con desayuno ���� A bar bar

���� A castle castillo ���� A café cafetería

���� A church iglesia ���� A chemist’s / pharmacy farmacia

���� A cinema cine ���� A department store grandes almacenes

���� A hotel hotel ���� A market mercado

���� A house casa ���� A pub pub

���� A library biblioteca ���� A shop tienda

���� A mosque mezquita ���� A shopping centre centro comercial

���� A museum museo ���� A supermarket supermercado

���� A theatre teatro

Out on the town (paseo por la ciudad) Services (servicios)

English Castellano English Castellano

���� A bridge puente ���� A hospital hospital

���� A park parque ���� A police station comisaría de policía

���� A pedestrian crossing paso de peatones ���� A post office oficina de correos

���� A river río ���� A school escuela

���� A road carretera ���� A sports centre gimnasio

���� the sea mar ���� A town hall ayuntamiento

���� A square plaza ���� A university universidad

���� A street calle

Transport (transporte) In the countryside (en el campo)

English Castellano English Castellano

���� An airport aeropuerto ���� A beach playa

���� A bus station estación de autobuses ���� A lake lago

���� A railway / train station estación de ferrocarril ���� A mountain montaña

���� A travel agent’s agencia de viajes ���� A hiking route ruta de senderismo

���� A waterfall cascada, salto de agua

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A casa

In the kitchen (en la cocina) In the bedroom (en el dormitorio)

English Castellano English Castellano

���� A chair silla ���� An alarm clock reloj despertador

���� A cupboard armario de la cocina, alace-

na ���� A bed cama

���� A dishwasher lavavajillas ���� A bedside table mesilla de noche

���� A fridge nevera ���� blinds persiana

���� A microwave microondas ���� curtains cortinas

���� A sink fregadero ���� A cushion cojín

���� A table mesa ���� A picture cuadro, foto

���� A toaster tostadora ���� A wardrobe armario

���� A washing machine lavadora

In the bathroom (en el cuarto de baño) In the living room (en el salón)

English Castellano English Castellano

���� A bath bañera ���� An armchair sillón

���� A mirror espejo ���� A carpet alfombra

���� A shower ducha ���� A lamp lámpara

���� A toilet váter ���� A plant planta

���� A washbasin lavabo ���� A shelf estante

���� A sofa sofá

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4. Soluciones de las actividades


1b - 2e - 3d - 4a - 5c


� Picture 1

– Kitchen. – b)

� Picture 2

– Living room.

– b)

� Picture 3

– Bathroom.

– a)

� Picture 4

– Bedroom.

– a)


� a. It's quarter to three.

� b. It's half past eight.

� c. It's twelve o'clock.

� d. It's twenty-five to four.

� e. It's five past one.

� f. It's twenty past six.

� g. It's ten past ten.

� h. It's quarter past nine.


1d - 2a - 3b - 4e - 5c - 6f


� 1. True.

� 2. False. The toilet paper is between the toilet and the towel.

� 3. False. There's a carpet on the floor.

� 4. True.

� 5. True.


� 1. restaurant.

� 2. church.

� 3. bar / pub.

� 4. river.

� 5. mountains.


� 1. between.

� 2. under.

� 3. in front of.

� 4. next to.

� 5. far from.

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� 1. Los presos no pueden emplear el teléfono en la cárcel.

� 2. ¿Puedo usar la tostadora?

� 3. ¿Puedo abrir el armario?


� 1. Can I go to the toilet? In a school.

� 2. Can I pay by credit card? In a hotel.

� 3. Can I try this shirt on? In a shop / a shopping centre / a department store.

� 4. Can I help you? In a chemist's.

� 5. Can I have your passport? In an airport.


� 1. You can't speak. In a library.

� 2. You can't fish. In a lake / a river / the sea.

� 3. You can wear long trousers. In a church.

� 4. You can't take photos. In an art gallery / a museum.

� 5. You can't use mobile phones. In a cinema.


� Habilidad: oraciones 1, 3.

� Permiso: oraciones 4, 6.

� Petición: oraciones 2, 5.


� Picture 1:

– Object: blinds.

– Request: Can / could you pull up the blinds, please?

– Room: in a living room.

� Picture 2:

– Object: microwave.

– Request: Can / could you turn on the microwave, pleas?

– Room: in a kitchen.

� Picture 3:

– Object: dishwasher.

– Request: Can / could you put the dishes in the dishwasher, please?

– Room: in a kitchen.

� Picture 4:

– Object: wardrobe.

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– Request: Can / could you close the wardrobe, please?

– Room: in a bedroom.

� Picture 5:

– Object: mirror.

– Request: Can / could you buy a new mirror, please?

– Room: in a bathroom.


� 1. dancing

� 2. sitting.

� 3. listening.

� 4. playing.

� 5. running.

� 6. speaking.

� 7. writing.

� 8. stopping.

� 9. eating.

� 10. riding.


Respuesta libre. Las oraciones deben comenzar por I love / like / hate / enjoy...

� 1. watching TV in bed.

� 2. emptying the dishwas-


� 3. cleaning the toilet.

� 4. looking at myself in the mirror.

� 5. cooking dinner.

� 6. tidying up my bedroom.

� 7. doing the washing up.


� 1. I'd like to take a train. Go to the train station.

� 2. I'd like to send a postcard. Go to the post office.

� 3. I'd like to buy a plane ticket. Go to a travel agent's.

� 4. I'd like to borrow a book. Go to a library.

� 5. I'd like to talk to the mayor. Go to the town hall.


� 1. doesn't like

� 2. would you like

� 3. do you like

� 4. would ('d) like


� 6. does she like

� 7. would you like

� 8. would ('d) like


� a. It's eight o'clock.

� b. It's ten past eight.

� c. It's half past eight.

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� Petición:

– Can you get up, honey?

– Can you open the window, please?

� Permiso:

– Can I have the juice instead?

– Yes, you can.


� 1. Querría / me gustaría quedarme en la cama todo el día (deseo).

� 2. ¿Te apetece / te gustaría tomar un vaso de zumo? (deseo).

� 3. No me gusta llegar tarde (gusto en general).


� a. It's five past nine.

� b. It's half past eleven.

� c. It's quarter to five.

� d. It's twenty five to seven.


� 1. under.

� 2. far from.

� 3. behind.

� 4. in front of.


� 1. Can I go to the toilet?

� 2. Can I pay by credit card?

� 3. I can speak Japanese.

� 4. You can use your mobile phone.

� 5. Can / could you pull up the blinds?

� 6. Can / could you close the fridge?



� 2. would you like

� 3. would ('d) like

� 4. would ('d) like

� 5. does she like

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� 1. It's quarter to twelve (en las horas no empleamos fifteen).

� 2. It's twenty-five past three (ponemos los minutos primero).

� 3. What's the time?

� 4. There's a castle near the lake (near significa cerca de, no usamos of).

� 5. The beach is far from the mountains.

� 6. Can you turn off the TV? (en la pregunta invertimos el orden del sujeto y


� 7. I can't speak Spanish in the English class (can no precisa don't / doesn't en

la forma interrogativa).

� 8. She doesn't like going to pubs (hablamos de un gusto en general; además, va

seguido de ing).

� 9. Would you like to go to the cinema on Friday? (hablamos de un deseo, no de

un gusto en general; además, va seguido de infinitivo con to).