Aplicaciones en Consola

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  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    Gphabgbaekls pgrg Beksehg

    Rgoulh Mes Cutarrlz Gvahsslgrbj.sgoF

    Gphabgbaekls `l \tahlrag qul sl Lmlbutgk lk hg Beksehg

    Hgs gphabgbaekls `l utahlrag ogs usg`gs lklrgholktl lk oe`e rg!abe

    e " #ak`e$s beoe rlpre`ubterls `l gu`ae% & vaserls `l va`le plrepgrg hg beksehg & `ls`l hg beksehg `l haku' ls `lbar sak aktlr!gs rg!abg.

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    (lpre`ubterls `l Gu`ae

    L'astlk `avlrses rlpre`ubterls `l strlgoak lk ol`aes `aatghls pgrg hg beksehg `lhaku'% lktrl lhhes)

    *+hg&lr , op-/ , *6B


    *usab 6k Beksehl

    *usabg lk hg beksehg 7*6B per sus sahgs lk akhls4 ls uk rlpre`ubter `l gu`ae pgrgbeksehg 2gsg`e lk kbursls lsbrate per 0goagk +altrgs. Lste `asl% lsqulogs`l beherls plrsekghazg2hls% `asl

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    (lpre`ubterls `l =a`le

    Hes rlpre`ubterls `l va`le ke pgrlblk ou& 2ag2hls e saqualrg plksg2hls pgrg hgbeksehg `l haku' & gsa ls sak lo2ge l'astlk gpre'aogbaekls qul pul`lk slrprgbtabgs% `l gja surl)

    *+hg&lr*+hg&lr ls uk rlpre`ubter ouhtaol`ag ouhtaphgtg!erog ha2lrg`e 2gme hg hablkbag C+H.(lpre`ubl hg og&erag `l hes grbjaves *+LC% =6:% G=9% 6CC,6C*%*>=% =9=6%GR8,#*G,#*=% ?;,*6=,*+5% 8H9% (*% upplh=a`le% \=5*+LC% 89H*%

    (e?% +=G% sepertg`es per ghukes be`lbs kgtaves% "Gkao% & 0HHDs #ak/. G`logspul`l rlpre`ubar =a`leB0% R=B0% 0=0% /av' & 0av","va` /,5,.

    Rl lmlbutgr ophg&lr

    $ ophgylr 6#e bgbg 3grbja#e:

    :gsabe lk lh use `l ophg&lr16 62= G`lhgktgrTltrebl`lr 98 sl+uk`es

    GTT*!G G!G?E= G`lhgktgrTltrebl`lr 9 oakutesG#Vg+ TlVg+= G`lhgktgrTltrebl`lr 98 oakutes1 2= G`lhgktgrTltrebl`lr lk gh hastg `l rlpre`ubbaek

    p L'VGB*E= Vgusgr lh #a`le 7prlsaekgr bugh

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    gvlg`er #l2

    Ls tghvls hg gphabgba@k pgrg beksehg ogs usg`g & ogs valmg &g qul hgs rl`lsak!erogtabgs & hes pretebehes `l hg aktlrklt sek ogs valmes qul hes !erogtes `l gu`ae%

    jl gqu ghukes lmlophes) H&k' , HakNs , lHakNs , $/o

    HakNsHakNs ls uk kgvlg`er $l2 `l be`ae g2alrte lk oe`e tl'te & rg!abe g pgrtar `l suvlrsaek lk oe`e tlroakgh.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)

    5$ hakFs5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use lsL'B= Olku `lh kg#l+g`er*D).*LTG LTLB@G GTT*!G G!G?E= Kg#l+gr per hg pg+akg+= Lsplbaabgr `arlbbak .T/ g bgr+gr&

    N= Tltrebl`lr lk lh jasteragh ar g hg pC+akg gktlraer&BtrhJT= Tlbgr+gr hg pC+akg&s =G`oakastrgr ogrbg`erls&BtrhJ' =ltlklr te`gs hgs bekl>aekls&< ='ghar `lh pre+rgog&

    =!usbgr uk tl>te lk hg pC+akg g pgrtar `l hg pesabak gbtugh&A =!usbgr uk tl>te lk hg pC+akg `ls`l hg pesabak gbtugh&k =*r g hg beakba`lkbag `l (Ms

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    Bhalktl `l *lksgmlrag 9kstgktgklg

    Hes bhalktls `l olsgmlrag akstgktgklg gk sa`e gophagolktl usg`es lk hgs tlroakghls`l \ka' & 0es% lstes sek uk pgr `l lmlophes)

    Blktlr9* , Blktlr9B? , ;t&ttlr , ;osk , *utt , 8rlltghN


    Blktlr9* ls uk bhalktl ouhtapretebehe `l olksgmlrag akstgktgklg lk oe`e beksehg.Repertg G9*7G6H 9kstgkt *lsslklr4% "*++7Mg22lr,Ceehl ;ghN4% 9(B79ktlrklt(lhg& Bjgt4% 9B?76RBG(4% *lltre% RN&pl% ;R7;lgoRplgN4% *R7#ak`e$s Havl*lsslklr4% 9*7gjeeJ *lsslklr4 & etres.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)

    5$ blktlrao5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use ls6G= .se `l bgrgbtlrls G'B** pgrg `a(u"gr haklgs y bg"gs6j= Gyu`g6(= arlbterae6e= Pe`es hes pretebehes lk bek"ukte lk haklg6s= Pape `l l#lkte6p= Pape `l pretebehe

    6t= KabFkgol e .*K6k= Kuolre `l tlhleke

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    Clster `l 0lsbgrgHes lsterls `l `lsbgrg ls ghe ou& beouk lktrl hes sastlogs eplrgtaves qulebupgk slrva`erls `l rlpesateras lk su beo!aurgbaek `l pgqultlrag)

    #lt , G'lh

    #ltC\ #lt ls ukg jlrrgoalktg ha2rl qul plroatl hg `lsbgrg `l bektlka`es `ls`lslrva`erls $l2 `l ukg !erog saophl. Ru keo2rl `lravg `l #erh` #a`l #l2 7$4% & `le2tlklr 7lk akhls lt4% lste qualrl `lbar) e2tlklr `ls`l hg $$$.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)5$+lt 3eptaek: 3.T/:5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use ls)6a= Lktrg`g `l uk grbja#e `l lkhgbls6b= Bektakugbaek `l ukg `lsbgr+g6e= Tlpertl `l hg `lsbgr+g6t= *ktlktes `l beklbbaek6jttp6uslr43uslr:= 'atae bek rl

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    +reblsg`er `l ;l'teL'astlk `avlrses preblsg`erls `l tl't phgke per klblsa`g`ls ogs qul e2vags pgrg hgbek!augrgbaek `l sastlog. Ghukes lhhes sek)

    ge , +abe , =a , #er` Crak`lr

    #er` Crak`lr#er`Crak`lr ls uk preblsg`er `l tl'tes `l blh`g `l bgrgbtlr ukabe`l qul sl lmlbutglk ukg tlroakgh 7e ukg vlktgkg `l beksehg4. Lstg `asltlkbaek:5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use lsL'B= Olku

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    Bhalktl 9(B

    Lh pretebehe 9(B 79ktlrklt (lhg& Bjgt4 per sus sahgs lk akhls ls `l hgs praolrgs!erogs `l olksgmlrag akstgktgklg & l'astlk vavlrsgs gphabgbaekls pgrg hg beksehg%

    ghukgs sek) 9(RR9 , o9(B , "Bjgt

    9(RR99rssa ls uk bhalktl `l 9(B eraakgholktl lsbrate per ;aoe Rargaklk lk B. Rl `lstgbgper slr ghtgolktl oe`a!abg2hl lk beopgrgbaek bek etres bhalktls% lsplbagholktl bekhes bhalktls C\9.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)5$arssa5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use ls)os+ 3usugrae: 3olksg"l:= Ogk`g uk olksg"l pra#g`e g uk usugrae `lslg`ekabF 3kul#ekabF:= Bgo(ags `l kabFbhesl 3usugrae:= Balrrg hg #lktgkg `l lsl usugrael>at= 'l `lsbeklbtg `lh slr#a`erbjgkklh= Oulstrg akerogbaek se(rl lh bgkgh y hes usugraes

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    Hlbter `l +08

    Hg a`lg `l hg pghg2rg +08 ls akbekslva2hl lk hg besehg% tgkte per su kevl`g` beoeper sl uk !erogte blrrg`e.

    8:909G , +08BrgbN

    8:909G8:CR ls uk bekmukte `l aktrubbaekls saophls qul teog uk grbjave +estRbrapt e +08beoe lktrg`g% ugr`g hgs pgakgs utahazgk`e Cjestsbrapt lk uk `arlbterae tlopergh &%!akgholktl% hhgog g 8:9 pgrg oestrgrhe.Rl lmlbutg bek)

    5$(+s 3epbaek: 3grbja(e:5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use lsPlbhgs `arlbbaekghls= lsphgsgoalkte lk hgs aog+lklsJ6= GblrbgrGhl"gr

    L') e )= 'gharV+.p= Vg+akg gktlraerV+k e 'pgbl= 'a+ualktl pg+akgV= Vgusg `lh pgse `l `agpesata#gs3kuolre:+= 'ghte g hg pg+akg 3kuolre:

    3kuolre:s= G"ustg lh Neeo lk 3kuolre:%

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    *gklmg`er `l (l`

    Hes ogklmg`erls `l rl` lk beksehg sek ou& beoukls lk te`es hes tapes `l sastlogseplrgtaves per su slkbahhls & !gbaha`g` `l beoukabgba@k bek lh jgr`$grl. Gqua

    ghukes `l lhhes) 9p;rs! , 9!Bek!a , GarBrgbN

    9!Bek!a9!Bek!a ls uk prergog `aspeka2hl lk vgrags vlrsaekls `lh sastlog eplrgtave \9"%qul plroatl bek!aurgr e `lsphlgr kuolreses pgrgoltres `l hgs aktlr!gbls `l rl`ls%beoe hg `arlbbaek 9+ 7`akgoabg e lstgtabg4% e hg ogsbgrg `l rl`. Ra sl hhgog sakgruolktes sulhl oestrgr hg bek!aurgbaek valktl `l hgs aktlr!gbls `l rl` gbtavgs%

    bek `ltghhls beoe hg `arlbbaek *GB e lh trg!abe qul jg barbuhg`e per hgs oasogsjgstg lh oeolkte.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)5$abeka+ 3aktlrgN: 3`arlbbaek: 3pgrgoltres:5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use lsup= Ogrbg hg aktlrgN beoe `aspeka(hl pgrg

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    gvlg`er l GrbjavesHes kgvlg`erls sl grbjave sek ukg klblsa`g` tgkte lk beksehg beoe lk aktlr!gzrg!abg% gqu uke `l hes olmerls)

    *a`kajt Beoogk`lr*a`kajt Beoogk`lr 7ob4 ls uk lster `l !abjlres erte`e'e pgrg sastlogs tape \ka'7tgo2alk l'astl pgrg hg phgtg!erog #ak`e$s4.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)5$ob5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use ls

    9= Gyu`g= Olku `l usugraeW= ,astg= L`atgr= BepagrR= Tlkeo(rgr e bepagr= Kul#g bgrpltg\= !errgr^= Olku

    98= 'ghar

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola


    Beoprlserls;e`g gphabgba@k talkl su rlprlslktgbaek lk hg tlroakgh e beksehg & hes beoprlserl%lspgbagholktl lk haku' bek tgktes !erogtes `aspeka2hls ke sek hg l'blpbaek% gquukes lmlophes)

    ;gr , (gr , Aap , :zap , Czap

    G;66HGteeh ls uk sbrapt pgrg hg lstaek `l grbjaves beopraoa`es `l `avlrses tapes 7 tgr%zap% 2zap% zap% ltb.4.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)5$gpgbF 3keo(rl:&3l>tlkbaek:&3l>tlkbaek: 3`arlbterae:5= Beopraoar

    5$gukpgbF 3keo(rl:&3l>tlkbaek:&3l>tlkbaek:5= lsbeopraoar5$ghs 3abjlreSbeopraoa`e:&3l>tlkbaek:&3l>tlkbaek:5= /astgr bektlka`e

  • 8/3/2019 Aplicaciones en Consola



    Lstl tape `l gphabgba@k beoe hgs gphabgbaels pgrg rlpre`ubbaek `l va`le sekaoplksg2hls pgrg slr lmlbutg`gs lk hg beksehg sak lo2gre sek hgs qul !ukbaekgkolmer pgrg lstes trg2gmes% tlkloes)

    *+C-/ , *Lkbe`lr , 88*pl

    *Lkbe`lr*Lkbe`lr ls uk be`a!abg`er `l va`le ha2rl ha2lrg`e 2gme hablkbag C+H qul sl akbhu&llk lh rlpre`ubter ouhtaol`ag *+hg&lr.

    Rl lmlbutg bek)5$olkbe`lr Z#a`les `l lktrg`gQ 3epbaekls: 36e grbja#e `l sgha`g:5

    He 2gsabe pgrg su use lsegb 7eutput gu`ae be`lb0 ZbepypboopWhgolhg#bQ= ha(g#b utahaNg uk be`lb `l

    hg ha(rlrag ha(g#be`lbe#b 7eutput #a`le be`lb0 Zbepy`a#>rgha(g#bQ= ha(g#b utahaNg uk be`lb `l hg

    ha(rlrag ha(g#be`lb# 7#a`le ahtlr0=

    hap 7,ehtlgr grra(g6g(g"e0oarrer 7,ehtlgr `lrlbjg6aN