
CATALOGO DE NOVEDADES NUM. 111 Martes 11 de enero de 2011 FANTASIA - Games Workshop - Warhammer - Skaven Skavens: Uniformes y Heráldica 19.50 18.52€ Los Skavens son una raza malvada, traicionera y muy astuta que vive bajo las ciudades de los Hombres, de los Orcos y de los Enanos y desde donde planean y traman cómo llegar a dominar el mundo de Warhammer. Este libro de 72 páginas de tapa dura detalla los colores, la iconografía y las unidades de combate de los Skavens, así como una emocionante historia, trasfondo e ilustraciones sobre todos los clanes principales. Skavens: Uniformes y Heráldica es un libro muy útil para todos los aficionados ya que está repleto de ideas y es una gran fuente de inspiración para pintores y coleccionistas por igual. Warhammer Magia de Batalla: Skavens 4.55€ La magia de los Skavens es retorcida, terrorífica y completamente destructiva. Un Rayo de Disformidad rápidamente invocado o una Plaga pestilente puede diezmar a las unidades enemigas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Este mazo de 13 cartas contiene todos los Hechizos ruinosos, Hechizos de Plaga y el Temido Decimotercer Hechizo de los Skavens. Simplemente, lo que un Vidente Gris necesita para llevar la cuenta de sus hechizos durante el combate. Cada carta incluye los detalles y los efectos de tus hechizos y una horrible descripción de los resultados. Producto disponible por tiempo limitado. Abominación del Pozo Infernal 39.00 37.05€ Los Skavens del Clan Moulder están continuamente creando nuevas y terroríficas criaturas que liberan al mundo, pero no hay ninguna tan depravada y horrible como la Abominación del Pozo Infernal. Se trata de una masa retorcida de músculo, hueso y componentes mecánicos que forman una enorme montaña viviente de carne deforme, lista para desgarrar y devorar a todo lo que encuentra a su paso. Esta caja contiene 78 componentes, perfectos para crear y personalizar tu propia Abominación del Pozo Infernal. En la caja se suministran varios tipos de extremidades, incluido un miembro mecánico del Clan Skryre, un incensario de plaga y una garra gigante. La caja también contiene un par de mandíbulas opciones con enormes colmillos o con un taladro de piedra bruja. Y, por supuesto, ninguna Abominación del Pozo Infernal estaría completa sin una selección de cabezas de Skavens y Ratas Ogro que se


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Transcript of CatalogoNovedades111(1)

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Martes 11 de enero de 2011

FANTASIA - Games Workshop - Warhammer - Skaven

Skavens: Uniformes y Heráldica 19.50€ 18.52€ Los Skavens son una raza malvada, traicionera y muy astuta que vive bajo las ciudades de los Hombres, de los Orcos y de los Enanos y desde donde planean y traman cómo llegar a dominar el mundo de Warhammer.

Este libro de 72 páginas de tapa dura detalla los colores, la iconografía y las unidades de combate de los Skavens, así como una emocionante historia, trasfondo e ilustraciones sobre todos los clanes principales. Skavens: Uniformes y Heráldica es un libro muy útil para todos los aficionados ya que está repleto de ideas y es una gran fuente de inspiración para pintores y coleccionistas por igual.

Warhammer Magia de Batalla: Skavens 4.55€ La magia de los Skavens es retorcida, terrorífica y completamente destructiva. Un Rayo de Disformidad rápidamente invocado o una Plaga pestilente puede diezmar a las unidades enemigas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Este mazo de 13 cartas contiene todos los Hechizos ruinosos, Hechizos de Plaga y el Temido Decimotercer Hechizo de los Skavens. Simplemente, lo que un Vidente Gris necesita para llevar la cuenta de sus hechizos durante el combate. Cada carta incluye los detalles y los efectos de tus hechizos y una horrible descripción de los resultados.

Producto disponible por tiempo limitado.

Abominación del Pozo Infernal 39.00€ 37.05€ Los Skavens del Clan Moulder están continuamente creando nuevas y terroríficas criaturas que liberan al mundo, pero no hay ninguna tan depravada y horrible como la Abominación del Pozo Infernal. Se trata de una masa retorcida de músculo, hueso y componentes mecánicos que forman una enorme montaña viviente de carne deforme, lista para desgarrar y devorar a todo lo que encuentra a su paso.

Esta caja contiene 78 componentes, perfectos para crear y personalizar tu propia Abominación del Pozo Infernal. En la caja se suministran varios tipos de extremidades, incluido un miembro mecánico del Clan Skryre, un incensario de plaga y una garra gigante. La caja también contiene un par de mandíbulas opciones con enormes colmillos o con un taladro de piedra bruja. Y, por supuesto, ninguna Abominación del Pozo Infernal estaría completa sin una selección de cabezas de Skavens y Ratas Ogro que se

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injertan en el cuerpo para hacerla aún más terrorífica. También se incluyen una decena de ratas para que las coloques alrededor de esta gigantesca miniatura, o en su interior, para acompañar a la Abominación del Pozo Infernal a la guerra. Ninguna Abominación será igual a otra con esta cantidad de componentes a tu disposición.

Esta caja contiene 1 Abominación del Pozo Infernal de plástico y una peana de monstruos de 60x100mm.

Cañón de Disformidad / Garrapulta de Plaga 26.00€ 24.70€ El Cañón de Disformidad es un arma de destrucción pura. Creada por los Ingenieros Brujos del Clan Skryre, tiene el poder de desgarrar unidades y monstruos por igual con gran facilidad. Mientras el Clan Skryre perfecciona el arte del disparo de bolas de disformidad incandescentes, los Monjes de Plaga del Clan Pestilens lanzan mugre tóxica desde sus Garrapultas de Plaga, que llevan la muerte a largo alcance. La armadura no ofrece ningún tipo de protección a aquellos que resultan impactados por la descarga letal de la Garrapulta de Plaga, ya que se come el metal, la piel y el hueso sin discriminación.

Esta caja con 51 componentes puede utilizarse para montar un Cañón de Disformidad o una Garrapulta de Plaga. Incluye un gran fragmento de piedra bruja, varias ruedas de diferente tamaño y estabilidad, vigas de madera destartaladas para la infraestructura, un gran cañón de disformidad, una pila de mugre tóxica y dos miembros de la tripulación que pueden representarse como Skavens del Clan Skryre o del Clan Pestilens.

Esta caja contiene 1 Cañón de Disformidad / Garrapulta de Plaga de plástico y una peana de monstruos de 50x100mm.

Ikit Claw 13.00€ 12.35€ Ikit Claw, puede que el mejor Ingeniero Brujo de todos los tiempos, marcha al combate cubierto por una Coraza férrea que le garantiza una fuerza y una durabilidad excepcional. Equipado con la feroz Diablo de la tormenta, Ikit Claw puede invocar rayos oscuros tan fácilmente que puede partir armaduras y, si esto no funciona, Ikit tiene un Lanzallamas de disformidad montado en su armadura en caso de emergencia. Ikit Claw es una opción de Comandante excepcional para un ejército Skaven.

Este blíster contiene 1 Ikit Claw de metal y 1 peana cuadrada de 20mm con ranura diagonal.

Tretch Colacobarde 12.50€ 11.88€ Tretch Colacobarde, el señor indiscutible del apuñalamiento, ha hecho una modalidad artística de escapar del peligro y es la personificación de la disciplina skaven del Valor Mezquino. Equipado con una gran colección de espadas y protegido por su Cascocráneo de la suerte, Tretch es una opción de Héroe peligroso y salvaje para un ejército Skaven.

Este blíster contiene 1 Tretch Colacobarde y 1 peana cuadrada de 20mm con ranura horizontal.

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Picadora de Condenación 15.50€ 14.73€ La Picadora de condenación es una bola de hierro motorizada y llena de filos giratorios alimentada por piedra bruja y dirigida por dos Skavens empeñados en la destrucción. Aunque le falta el alcance que tienen otros Grupos de apoyo Skavens, la Picadora de condenación sobresale en hacer trizas, desgarrar y cortar al enemigo en combate cuerpo a cuerpo antes de pasarles por encima para asegurarse de que están realmente muertos. La Picadora de condenación es una opción para una unidad de Guerreros de clan o de Alimañas.

Este blíster contiene 1 Picadora de condenación Skaven de metal y una peana de 25x50mm.

Tuneladora de Disformidad 12.50€ 11.88€ A los Skavens les gusta excavar (además de apuñalar), y suelen llevar Tuneladoras de Disformidad a la batalla para asegurarse de que los túneles se realizan de manera eficaz y a tiempo. Una Tuneladora de Disformidad puede utilizarse por los Corredores de sombras y los Acechadores Nocturnos para excavar un túnel hacia la retaguardia del enemigo y emerger tras suyo durante la batalla y crear pánico y confusión entre sus filas. La Tuneladora de Disformidad puede incluso utilizarse en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, donde la la cabeza de la tuneladora de piedra bruja puede atravesar la carne.

Este blíster contiene 1 Tuneladora de Disformidad de metal y una peana de 25x50mm.

FANTASIA - Games Workshop - White Dwarf

White Dwarf 189 (enero 2011) 7.00€

FANTASIA - Hordes - Circulo Orboros

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Cassius & Wurmwood (2) 25.00€ The enigmatic Circle warlock Cassius the Oathkeeper is bound to serve the ancient Wurmwood, Tree of Fate. Wurmwood passes harsh judgment on all who fall beneath its branches, harvesting their souls to fuel Cassius’ magic. Those who stand against the Circle Orboros face an unpredictable battlefield, as whole forests spring fully-grown from the earth, entrapping enemies within their deadly green depths.

Wold Guardian 48.00€ Wold guardians are constructed by the druids of the Circle Orboros to serve their warlocks as walking shields. With thick stone and wood bodies that can suffer tremendous damage, the guardians are perfect defenders. Enemies that venture too close find themselves smashed to a pulp beneath tree trunk fists that come crashing down with the force of a battering ram.

Warpborn Skinwalkers (3) 45.00€ Warpwolves bring an undeniable power to the battlefield, but the massive creatures are difficult to control. Warpborn Skinwalkers are Devourer worshippers who chose to undergo a partial transformation that leaves their minds more human while empowering them with a bestial strength. These monsters wade through opposing formations, ripping soldiers apart with their jaws or their hefty polearms.

Reeves Chieftain & Standard (2) 16.00€ The Reeves of Orboros are capable hunters in their own right, but a reeve chieftain brings deadly coordination to a hunting pack. Under the totem of the unit’s battle standard, a chieftain orchestrates destruction of foes as well as clever feints to keep danger at bay. Enemies of the Circle know well to beware the woods, for there is no telling when a pack of hidden crossbowmen lie in wait.

Nuala the Huntress 10.00€ Tharn bloodtrackers are savage killers who become even more bloodthirsty and formidable when led into battle by their legendary hero, Nuala the Huntress. Pushed into a veritable frenzy under Nuala’s command, each bloodtracker moves with increased speed and agility, gutting her prey with one hand while pitching sharpened javelins with the other.

Druid Wilder 8.00€ Deeply devoted to the beast path of druidic magic, druid wilders are a natural inclusion into any warlock’s battlegroup. Their close affinity to these wild beasts allows them to evoke the latent powers of a warbeast’s animus to lend strength to the pack. When not tapping into the innate arcane powers of the Circle’s warbeasts, wilders assist in directing the actions of the pack or in calming a beast that is consumed with battle lust.

Stone Keeper UA 9.00€

Reeve Hunter Solo 12.00€ Alone or leading a group of reeves, the reeve hunter is a stealthy predator who uses the forest and his own mastery of woodlore to remain unseen. When the

Warpborn Skinwalker (1) 16.00€

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reeve hunter chooses to attack, it is usually with a volley of well-placed bolts, unleashed in a split second from his double crossbow. However, the reeve hunter is also armed with a deadly cleft sword, which he uses simultaneously with his crossbow, cutting down one enemy in melee and feathering another before his initial target hits the ground.

FANTASIA - Hordes - Legion Vastador

Legion of Everblight Warspears 38.00€ The blight has twisted the minds as well as the flesh of these ogrun, addicting them to the joy of bloodlust. If their enemies are not killed outright from the impact of their spears, the tremendous lengths of wood dangling from the creatures' vitals can trip them up long enough for the blighted ogrun to close and finish the job.

Warspears come in a box (PIP 73041). A player may field two Warspear units for each warlock in his Legion of Everblight horde.

Plastic Kit.

Bethayne & Belphagor (2) 32.00€ Preorder - Expected approximately January 2011.

Scythean 39.00€ The vicious creations of Everblight are as varied as that dragon’s fevered thoughts. The scythean is the culmination of his experiments and dreams of slaughter. The hulking monstrosities are birthed in the bloody cauldrons of Everblight’s corrupted acolytes and sent forth to rend flesh from bone. When a scythean falls upon its prey with its terrible claws, its fury is so great even the most resilient of foes is torn asunder in a savage orgy of gore.

Ravagore 39.00€ Most races are forced to rely on the tools that nature provides, but dragonspawn allow for infinite variety limited only by the imagination of their creators. The Ravagore is a walking siege engine with a deadly payload. Its blighted explosions can rip through enemies and the walls they hide behind. Once they close with the Ravagore, its heavy talons finish the job begun by its blighted breath.

Light Warbeast Nephilim Bolt Thrower 18.00€ Nephilim stand apart from other Legion warbeasts due to their ability to wield weapons while maintaining all the advantages of beasts born of the dragon’s blood. Their draconic strength allows nephilim bolt throwers to use artillery-style ballistae as hand-held weapons. Each bolt delivers tremendous stopping power against approaching foes before the bolt throwers carve up survivors with their heavy bow blades.

Blighted Nyss Grotesques (10) 49.00€ Wretched and degenerate, blighted Nyss grotesques are winged horrors so twisted by Everblight’s power they hardly resemble the coldly beautiful Nyss from which they are descended. Driven by only the basest instincts of hunger and a desire to spill blood, these fearless marauders strike swiftly from the sky, converging on their prey in a cloud of leathery wings and slashing talons. The skies darken with nightmare shapes as the Legion of Everblight spreads terror and pain across western Immoren.

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Nyss Hex Hunters (10) 45.00€ Nyss hex hunters are blighted sorcerers who have forsaken the greater arcane mysteries to focus purely on the destructive aspects of magic. A unit of Nyss hex hunters can unleash hellish bolts of concentrated energy, reducing enemies to blight-scarred ruin in a matter of seconds, or slash them to ribbons with wickedly sharp enchanted blades called hex razors.

Bayal Hound of Everblight 10.00€ Bayal, called the Hound of Everblight, is first among hex hunters. He is an incredibly potent battle wizard who can unleash withering bolts of blighted energy upon foes or freeze their bones with blasts of icy power. When leading his men in battle, Bayal becomes a whirling dervish of destruction, eviscerating his victims with twin hex blades or channeling his blighted magic through the weapons to bind a foe in shadow.

Stingers (2) 12.00€ Like nightmares given form, Stingers swarm among the greater dragonspawn of the Legion. These awful beasts lurk in shallow burrows waiting for hapless victims to approach so they can sink their barbed tails into living flesh. The stinger is then ripped from the creature's body as its poison gland continues to pump its victim full of venom. This versatile monster is also capable of spewing forth fiery ash, its preferred attack when battling machines or lightly armored foes.

The Stinger Lesser Warbeasts come in a blister.

A player may field any number of Stingers for each warlock in a Legion of Everblight army.

Spell Martyrs (3) 12.00€ The forces of Everblight do not thrive due to numerical superiority or fortified holdings but rather due to their adaptability. Everblight's spell martyrs are a gruesome example of this ruthless cunning. These blighted Nyss are imbued with the dragon's blighted energy, allowing warlocks to tap into their essence to unleash powerful spells. This overwhelming flow of arcane energy consumes the spell martyr just as it consumes the bodies of Everblight's enemies.

Annyssa Ryvaal Light Cavalry Solo 22.00€

FANTASIA - Hordes - Reglamentos

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HORDES: Primal MK II (softcover) 31.99€ In HORDES, even the earth trembles as towering warbeasts born to fight and trained to kill hurl themselves at their foes in a frenzy of claw and fang that churns the battlefield into a writhing sea of carnage. Within the bloody fog of war, their battle leaders seize this unbridled rage and from it forge momentous weapons to wield against their enemies, knowing only the strongest, fastest, and most cunning will survive.

Take control of a powerful warlock and his horde of fierce warriors and monstrous warbeasts in this fast-paced and aggressive 30 mm tabletop miniatures battle game set in the foreboding wilds of western Immoren, home of the Iron Kingdoms.

HORDES: Primal Mk II thrusts you into this savage world with:

� Complete core rules for the HORDES tabletop miniatures game

� In-depth histories of the non-human nations of western Immoren and the conflicts that have shaped them

� Detailed profiles and rules for the powerful warbeasts and soldiers of the Trollbloods, Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, and Skorne

� An instructional painting and hobby guide that will show you how to bring your tabletop battlefield to life

Seize the unstoppable power of HORDES Mk II and unleash the fury within!

HORDES: Primal MK II (hardcover) 44.99€ In HORDES, even the earth trembles as towering warbeasts born to fight and trained to kill hurl themselves at their foes in a frenzy of claw and fang that churns the battlefield into a writhing sea of carnage. Within the bloody fog of war, their battle leaders seize this unbridled rage and from it forge momentous weapons to wield against their enemies, knowing only the strongest, fastest, and most cunning will survive.

Take control of a powerful warlock and his horde of fierce warriors and monstrous warbeasts in this fast-paced and aggressive 30 mm tabletop miniatures battle game set in the foreboding wilds of western Immoren, home of the Iron Kingdoms.

HORDES: Primal Mk II thrusts you into this savage world with:

� Complete core rules for the HORDES tabletop miniatures game

� In-depth histories of the non-human nations of western Immoren and the conflicts that have shaped them

� Detailed profiles and rules for the powerful warbeasts and soldiers of the Trollbloods, Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, and Skorne

� An instructional painting and hobby guide that will show you how to bring your tabletop battlefield to life

Seize the unstoppable power of HORDES Mk II and unleash the fury within!

Forces of HORDES: Skorne (softcover) 31.99€ Enslave and Subjugate

From the blasted stormlands of Immoren march the vicious armies of the Skorne Empire set on the conquest of the Iron Kingdoms. Disciplined ranks of praetorians, elite cataphracts, and malicious paingivers fight alongside fearsome titans and other great warbeasts under the cruel watch of their mighty warlords. Warriors to the core, the skorne employ the dark art of mortitheurgy to push their bodies past normal limits and to fight on past death.

Lead the merciless skorne in their domination of the Iron Kingdoms with Forces of HORDES: Skorne, featuring:

� Complete faction rules and profiles for using all current Skorne models in HORDES Mk II.

� New troops to bring to the fight, plus the all-new warlock Dominar Rasheth.

� An in-depth look at the history and structure of the Skorne Empire’s military.

� A painting and modeling guide to help ready your forces for battle.

� Skorne Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Skorne Empire.

Go Forth and Bend All of Immoren to Your Will!

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Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods (softcover) 31.99€ For Kith and Kriel

Caught amid the destructive wars of man, the many tribes of the trollkin have united to save their kind and drive out those who despoil their lands. Led by mighty warlocks who can summon ferocious full-blood trolls to their side and backed by hearty trollkin warriors, pygmy sharpshooters, and powerful champions who have banded together to forge their own legends, the trollkin are prepared to stand their ground against any army that dares threaten them.

Unite the kriels under your banner with Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods, featuring:

� Complete faction rules and profiles for using all current Trollblood models in HORDES Mk II.

� New troops to bring to the fight, plus the all-new warlock Captain Gunnbjorn.

� An in-depth look at the history and structure of the trollkin kriels.

� A painting and modeling guide to help ready your forces for battle.

� Trollblood Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Trollbloods.

Sate the Hunger of Trolls upon the Carnage of War!

Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods (hardcover) 42.99€ For Kith and Kriel

Caught amid the destructive wars of man, the many tribes of the trollkin have united to save their kind and drive out those who despoil their lands. Led by mighty warlocks who can summon ferocious full-blood trolls to their side and backed by hearty trollkin warriors, pygmy sharpshooters, and powerful champions who have banded together to forge their own legends, the trollkin are prepared to stand their ground against any army that dares threaten them.

Unite the kriels under your banner with Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods, featuring:

� Complete faction rules and profiles for using all current Trollblood models in HORDES Mk II.

� New troops to bring to the fight, plus the all-new warlock Captain Gunnbjorn.

� An in-depth look at the history and structure of the trollkin kriels.

� A painting and modeling guide to help ready your forces for battle.

� Trollblood Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Trollbloods.

Sate the Hunger of Trolls upon the Carnage of War!

FANTASIA - Hordes - Sangre de Troll

Trollblood Fennblades 42.50€

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Trollkin called Fennblades calmly wait shoulder to shoulder wicked hooked greatswords raised at the ready listening to the approach of thundering hooves. Some duck lances to sweep blades through the legs of mounts while others swing their blades straight into the chests of the riders. The result is always the same, as Fennblades stand victorious over the bodies of the slain.

Fennblades come in a box (PIP 71042). A player may field two Fennblade units for each warlock in his Trollblood horde.

Captain Gunnbjorn 16.00€ Once a member of the Cygnaran military, Captain Gunnbjorn brings a unique perspective to the armies of the kriels. His formal military training and his keen mind give him a tactical approach to battle rather than the more primitive approach of overpowering brutality favored by less experienced trollkin warriors. Even the best laid plans have pitfalls, however, and when careful use of cover and terrain fail him, Gunnbjorn is quick to use his heavy bazooka to decimate enemy formations.

Dire Troll Bomber MK II 39.00€ The escalation of war has provided many windfalls for the kriels. Among these are certain dangerous and explosive chemicals, which though unsuitable for use as gunpowder have been put to other uses. The trollkin have begun arming some of the more cunning dire trolls with barrels of these chemicals to heave at the enemy. The explosions bother the resilient trolls little and wreak terrible damage upon their foes.

Dire Troll Bomber comes in a box (PIP 71046).

A player may field any number of Dire Troll Bombers in a Trollblood army.

Trollkin Scouts (6) 45.00€ Trollkin Scouts stand out as rugged and resourceful in a race known for their ability to endure. These nomadic Trollkin are skilled hunters who live off the land in tight-knit communities, on the outer edges of trollkin society. They are peerless woodsmen capable of stealthily burying an axe in an enemy within the densest of forests or charging forth with a battle cry and a barrage of thrown hunting axes. When the kriels can entice their isolated cousins to join them, they gain superb hunters who excel at irregular warfare.

Sluggers (5) 39.00€ Preorder - Expected approximately January 2011.

Trollkin Runebearer MK II 13.00€ Some of the most learned trollkin runescribes choose to accompany their leaders into battle. Carrying the sacred tablets of their kriel, runebearers are capable of amplifying the Dhunian gifts of trollkin warlocks. The glyphs glow as the runebearer speaks them aloud, easing their warlock's use of their fury-driven prayers and sorcery.

Trollkin Runebearer comes in a blister (PIP 71051).

A player may field one Trollkin Runebearer for each warlock in a Trollblood army.

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Fennblade Officer & Drummer (2) 18.00€ With the addition of the Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer, the Fennblades become fearless juggernauts who inspire terror in their opponents as they charge howling across the battlefield. The steady, relentless cadence of the Fennblade Drummer keeps the Fennblades moving as a single entity that can present an impenetrable wall of sharpened steel to approaching enemies or surge forward en masse to claim vengeance for a fallen brother.

Janissa Stonetide 12.00€ As implacable as the stone she commands, runeshaper Janissa Stonetide batters the enemies of the trollbloods by turning the very earth they tread upon against them. At her command, walls of stone spring up to block an enemy advance, the ground rumbles and shifts beneath a foe’s feet, and boulders crash down from the heavens to crush the life from those who stand against the United Kriels.

Trolkin Skinner 10.00€ The Trollkin race and their Troll warbeasts are known throughout the Iron Kingdoms for their voracious appetites. In such a culture, the hunters capable of bringing down big game are viewed with great respect. For the Skinners, wilderness Trollkin who dare to stand toe-to-toe with the biggest game of all, that respect borders on veneration. These cunning woodsmen hunt the mightiest of beasts with the same calm and determination as other Trollkin hunt boar or ulk.

The Trollkin Skinner solo comes in a blister (PIP 71054).

A player may field two Trollkin Skinners for each warlock in a Trollblood army.

FANTASIA - Hordes - Secuaces

Gatorman Warlock Bloody Barnabas 13.00€ Bloody Barnabas is an aged gatorman warlock and a veteran of countless battles. In the wilds of western Immoren, only a gator of surpassing strength and tenacity could hope to reach his level of combat expertise. Barnabas calls upon the great warbeasts of the swamps to combat his foes, and he directs their attacks with cunning precision. Before his hungry children swarm, Barnabas summons a magical black tide to choke the enemies of the congregation, leaving them vulnerable.

Gatorman Heavy Warbeast Blackhide Wrastler 37.00€ Gators of voracious appetites, the massive blackhide wrastlers can easily drag the mightiest foes down to be shredded in a flurry of teeth and claws. They are also highly territorial beasts that glide through the swamps and shallows to sink their teeth into anyone who wanders close to gator-held land.

Gatorman Ironback Spitter 35.00€ Preorder - Expected approximately January 2011.

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Bull Snapper Light Warbeast 16.00€ Powerful gators with an insatiable hunger for human flesh, bull snappers are terrifying monsters that lurk beneath the still surface of swamplands held by the Blindwater Congregation. Surging up from the water, a bull snapper seizes its victim in jaws that close with the force of a colossal bear trap, ensuring its target cannot escape a bloody and painful demise.

Croak Hunter 10.00€ Some few anuras, a frog-like race commonly called “croaks” for their distinctive throaty calls, have made their way from the Shattered Spine Islands to chase both prey and adventure. The scouts and explorers known as hunters have developed a strong relationship with the gatormen of the Blindwater Congregation and will not hesitate to take up arms alongside these newfound allies. Croak hunters stalk their enemies from hidden positions before attacking them with spears dipped in deadly mixtures of natural poisons, including the toxins secreted by their own skin.

Farrow Warlock Lord Carver 13.00€ Lord Carver arose from the squalid hordes of the farrow on a tide of determination and violence, leaving behind him a trail of enemies and rivals crushed beneath his sharpened hooves. Carrying powerful weapons wrested from his enemies, the farrow warlord leads his snorting, bloodthirsty army on a campaign to trod all who would oppose them into the muck.

Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III comes in a blister (PIP 75027).

A player may field one Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III in a Minion, Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Skorne, or Trollblood army.

Warlock Dr. Arkadius 10.00€ Dr. Arkadius is a skilled surgeon and scientist with an obsession for the manipulation and development of life. Constantly striving to create ever more terrible warbeasts, strengthening their bodies, making them more aggressive, and healing their wounds in battle. Dr. Arkadius can also turn his skills upon his enemies, using his combat syringe to inject potent serums designed to scramble a target’s higher brain functions or even usurp control of its body.

Farrow War Hog 39.00€ Each war hog is over a ton of muscled, bristling rage. Products of dark experiments, the huge beasts are goaded and augmented by the farrow. Strong enough to rend steel and chew fat from titan bones, war hogs are nightmares from a butcher's worst dream.

Gun Boar 15.00€ The lumbering Gun Boars are walking artillery platforms in the service of Lord Carver. These beasts turn their light cannons upon enemy formations to scatter them with explosive force. The product of mad experiments conducted by Dr. Arkadius, Gun Boars represent substantial fire support for the forces of Farrow and boast a toughened hide that can withstand small arms fire.

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Farrow Razorback Crew (2) 22.00€

Thrullg 15.00€

FANTASIA - Hordes - Skorne

Dominar Rasheth 36.00€ In an empire known for discipline and precision, it is a rare man who can excel in spite of his unsavory appetites and predilections. Rasheth leads a house well known for its ability to train mighty titan warbeasts, and profits from the recent push for western expansion has allowed him to delve ever deeper into decadence. Too slothful to walk on his own, the Dominar is carried into battle by a team of Agonizers

Razor Worm MK II 17.00€ Dragged from beneath the hardened ground of the Bloodstone Marches, razor worms are frightening and voracious monsters. The worms are difficult to track as they burrow through solid rock or the tangled roots of dense terrain. Under the direction of skorne warlocks, the razor worms bore through the surface earth of the battlefield, erupting from the ground as a nightmare of hungry teeth and piercing spines. Those they attack are dragged below the earth and consumed whole, their screams cut short by the choking earth.

Razor Worm comes in a blister (PIP 74047).

A player may field any number of Razor Worms in a Skorne army.

Venatot Reiver Officer & Standard (2) 15.00€ Having risen to prominence in the lowest of warrior castes, the venator reiver officer yearns to prove his caste as fanatically devoted to the Skorne cause as any other. When leading units of their brethren into battle, the venator reiver officer and standard bearer keep their venators in tight formation, increasing the range and lethality of their gas-driven weapons. Such units can shred an enemy warbeast with as little as a single volley.

Hakaar the Destroyer 14.00€ In life, the name of Hakaar the Destroyer was synonymous with dealing death. Exalted for his countless mighty deeds, this bloody ancestor once more joins his

Aptimus Marketh 9.00€ Aptimus Marketh is one of the most accomplished extollers in the Skorne

Venator Flayer Cannon Crew (2) 22.00€ Preorder - Expected approximately January 2011.

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ruthless people on the battlefield. A terrifying construct fueled by spectral energy, Hakaar wields his twin great swords with terrible skill, drinking in the life energy of those that fall beneath their heavy onyx blades.

Empire. He is so focused on the arts of ancestral magic that he prefers the company of venerated ancestor spirits housed within sacral stones to that of his living peers. Though somewhat aloof, his magical prowess is unmistakable and Aptimus Marketh is frequently sought out to lend his skill to the most worthy of skorne warlocks.

Paingiver Task Master 9.00€ Slavery is one of the most deeply embedded elements of skorne culture. The Paingiver caste takes great pleasure in subjugating new beasts and races, and recent battles have only served to open their minds to new possibilities. Paingiver Task Masters are sent to oversee Skorne Minions in battle, and they are quick to apply the lash to any who grow lax in their service.

FANTASIA - Knight Models - Marvel

Daredevil 70 mm 50.80€

FANTASIA - Knight Models - Star Wars 30 mm

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Darth Maul 30 mm 15.25€

Darth Vader 30 mm 15.25€

FANTASIA - Knight Models - Star Wars 70 mm

Boba Fett 70 mm 50.80€

Mace Windu 70 mm 50.80€

Biker Scout 70 mm 69.90€

FANTASIA - Mantic Games - German Zombies

Special Edition German Zombies 20.00€

Special Edition German Zombies with Osprey Zombie Book

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In conjunction with our friends at Warlord Games, we have got together to produce a special set for Halloween - World War II Zombie Germans!

This set provides you with three Mantic Zombie Sprues, two Warlord German Infantry Sprues and a Warlord German Weapon Sprue. Coming from different manufacturers you will need to use your brains, braaaaiiiinnnss, delicious, juicy brains to make sure they go together. Though with just a little bit of work, as you can see from the pictures, the results are horrifying and well worth the effort!

This set contains enough models to at least make ten German Zombies - however if your really careful with your parts you could quite easily make up to twenty!

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Please Note: This item is a mix of sprues from two different box-sets, so some basic modelling will be required.

32.00€ In conjunction with our friends at Warlord Games, we have got together to produce a special set for Halloween - World War II Zombie Germans!

This set provides you with three Mantic Zombie Sprues, two Warlord German Infantry Sprues and a Warlord German Weapon Sprue. Coming from different manufacturers you will need to use your brains, braaaaiiiinnnss, delicious, juicy brains to make sure they go together. Though with just a little bit of work, as you can see from the pictures, the results are horrifying and well worth the effort!

This set contains enough models to at least make ten German Zombies - however if your really careful with your parts you could quite easily make up to twenty!

You also get a copy of Osprey Publishing's Hunters Guide to Zombies by Joe McCullough. This eighty page book is full of colour images and helpful hints on how to battle against the undead. Don't leave home this Halloween without it!

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Please Note: This item is a mix of sprues from two different box-sets, so some basic modelling will be required.

FANTASIA - Mantic Games - No Muertos

Undead Revenant Cavalry 30.00€ Revenants are ancient heroes infused with a Necromancer’s power that rise to become deadly undead warriors. The Revenants form the armoured elite of a Necromancer’s army and when mounted on the unholy remains of their once revered war-charges, there are few living warriors with the strength or nerve to stand against them.

Undead Skeleton Archers 20.00€ This box contains 10 finely detailed skeletons armed with bows, this set is a hybrid unit, combining plastic and metal components. There are skeletons climbing out of the ground, weapon choices, 20mm bases and shield stickers. The figures can be collected, modelled, painted and used for gaming.

This set includes:

Undead Liche King and Revenant Guard (1+10) 20.00€ The Liche King is a shadowy figure, not much is known about him, or his origins. A twisted and ancient being that was old even before the mountain folk sealed the gates of their subterranean cities to the world above. He is surely powerful, as the few scant tales of his existence all

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Containing ten finely detailed Resin/Plastic Revenant Knight figures, this special set includes what we believe are some of the very best Undead Cavalry on the market, and we are offering them at what we feel is a fantastic price!

Included in this set:

� 10 x Revenant Knight Figures, including Champion, Musician and Standard Bearer

� 10 x Horses � 10 x Cavalry bases (25mm x

50mm) � 1 x Mantic Case with protective

foam � 2 x Undead Sticker Sheetswith

Mantic Points � 1 x Undead Poster Guide

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Resin/Plastic requires superglue to be used.

� 1 x Undead Skeleton Troop Frame (10)

� 10 x Undead Skeleton Archer conversion parts

� 1 x Undead Poster Guide � 2 x Undead Stickers � 10 x 20mm bases � 1 x re usable carry case (25mm) � 2 x re usable protective foam

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

describe wherever the Liche King walks, the long dead claw their way through the earth in his wake.

Included in this set:

� 1 x Liche King � 10 x Revenant troops � 10 x 20mm Bases � 1 x Undead Sticker Sheet � 1 x Undead Poster � 1 x Mantic Carry Case with

Protective Foam

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Alternativ Warhost 40.00€ This box contains the complete set of horrifying Undead. The force consists of 60 Undead figures armed with various weapons and a warmachine. There are skeletons climbing from the ground, weapon options, 20mm bases and shield stickers. The set contains all the models you need to build a terrifying Undead force, ready to be painted, modelled and led into battle.

This set includes:

� 1 x Undead Skeleton Regiment (20 Figures with Command Group)

� 1 x Undead Revenant Regiment (20 Figures with Command Group)

� 1 x Ghoul Troop (20 Figures) � 6 x Undead Sticker Sheets � 2 x Undead Guide/Poster � 60 x 20mm square Bases � 2 x 48mm Mantic Case with

protective foam

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Undead Mhorgoth the Faceless 6.95€ Mhorgoth the Faceless is arguably the most powerful Necromancer ever to blight the world, a twisted and ancient being that was old even before the mountain folk sealed the gates of their subterranean cities to the world above. As mad as he is powerful, Mhorgoth has sworn a pact to see every living creature perish, and he will not rest until the world is populated only by the dead.

Included in this set:

� 1 x Mhorgoth the Faceless � 1 x Large Display Base

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Undead Skeleton Horde (40 figures) 30.00€ Raised from the grave by the darkest sorcery, Skeleton Warriors are utterly enslaved to the will of their Necromancer master, and will obey their every command without question.

Skeleton Warriors form the bulk of the Legions of Undeath and are now available as a horde giving you forty plastic multi-part figures with a choice of heads and weapons.

This offer includes:

� 1 Skeleton Regiment (20 plastic figures with a command group)

� 2 Skeleton Troops (20 plastic figures)

� 4 Undead Poster Guide and Sticker Sheets

� 4 Mantic Points � 40 20mm bases � 1 Medium Mantic Case with

protective foam � 2 Small Mantic Cases with

protective foam

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Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Cryx

Heavy Warjack Plastic Kit 34.95€ The fiendish inventiveness of Cryxian necrotechs has resulted in many machines perfected to employ the killing arts. The Slayer is a swift, hulking beast of bone and black iron that relishes murdering anything in its path. The Reaper can fire its harpoon to sink deep into flesh or steel before reeling in its victim with frightening speed to within range of its vicious helldriver spike. The Corruptor is the culmination of Cryx's pioneering work in caustic compounds and necrotic poisons, a helljack armed with venomous weapons designed to consume both body and soul. This box set contains three color stat cards and one multi-part heavy warjack plastic model. Included are all the components to assemble one of three heavy warjack variants: Corruptor, Reaper, or Slayer. A player may field any number of heavy warjacks in a Cryx army.

Cryx Battlegroup Box Set 50.00€ Let the Iron Kingdoms Fall By Your Hand

From their nightmarish isle the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms. Led by Warwitch Deneghra, skittering Deathrippers and Defilers race forth as conduits for their master's dark magic. These bonejacks rip apart flesh and steel with powerful mandibles and corrosive venom while the Slayer rends enemies asunder with its wicked claws.

Skarre Pirate Queen 10.00€ Called the Pirate Queen, Skarre Ravenmane is the bloodthirsty ruler of the Satyxis, the warrior women of the island of Satyx. Following the guidance of mystical omens revealed to her through rites of slaughter and bloodletting, she sails her ship the Widower through the fiercest storms to deliver panic and grief on shores near and far. Few know better than she the power of shed blood, for she is able to invoke acidic rains and project gouts of hellfire from her fingertips.

This all-new version of Pirate Queen Skarre presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warcaster. Pirate Queen Skarre 2009 comes in a blister. A player may field one Pirate Queen Skarre in a Cryx army.

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Lich Lord Venethrax 19.00€ Tasked with the researching of draconic lore, Lich Lord Venethrax is supremely well-suited to root out and destroy the Dragonfather's dark progeny. Venethrax has dedicated his immortal existence to Toruk's final war and is prepared to consume every blighted creature in charnel flames and blood. His mighty halberd, Wyrmbane, has dismembered countless draconic creations, and the lich lord's very presence corrodes the world around him. That he now steps forth from Cryx is a dire portent, for it heralds the coming of war between the dragons.

Lich Lord Venethrax comes in a blister.

A player may field one Lich Lord Venethrax in a Cryx army.

Ripjaw Bonejacks 19.90€ The Ripjaw's pincer-like jaws are used to hold its victims in place while its bone saw cuts them into mangled and unidentifiable bits. Necrotechs take particular delight in using the Ripsaw, as its victims are left in pieces easily utilized in their gory fabrications. In spite of its lethal armaments, the Ripjaw's most dangerous weapon is its arc node. Quick and agile like its brethren, the Ripjaw ultimately serves to carry its masters' dark will to the enemies of Cryx. This box contains parts necessary to assemble two Ripjaw bonejack plastic models. A player may field any number of Ripjaw bonejacks in a Cryx army.

Satyxis Blood Hag 9.00€ The blood hags lead their sisters in the most hallowed rites: sacrificing the males born to the Satyxis, initiating the girl children into the cruel ways of the Satyxis, and conducting the auguries that steer the fate of their people. Decades of practice in these corrupt traditions grant the hags unparalleled skill in their art. Leading blood witch covens, they bestow their dark favors upon their sisters. Their very presence leeches the vitality of their enemies, and the most potent of their invocations can temporarily make the bodies of the hag and her followers into blood-hued wraiths who laugh at the impotent weapons of their enemies.

Satyxis Blood Hag comes in a blister.

A player may field one Satyxis Blood Hag for each warcaster in a Cryx army.

Satyxis Raider Captain 9.00€ Raider captains are some of the most notorious pirates to sail the black waves of the Meredius. Each of them commands a crew of Satyxis and other inhuman monsters kept in line only by barbaric punishments and the promise of pillage and bloodshed. Guided by whim and murderous inclination, their vessels are the scourge of the Broken Coast. Once the current of violence has taken a raider captain, she becomes caught up in the slaughter, leaping from victim to victim as the deck runs slick with blood and the air grows heavy with the screams of the dying.

Satyxis Raider Captain comes in a blister (PIP 34074).

A player may field two Satyxis Raider Captains for each warcaster in a Cryx army.

Iron Lich Asphyxious 2010 17.00€ Asphyxious has become the Dragonfather's chosen instrument on the mainland and the unholy general of the rapacious unliving army of Cryx. Wherever he goes, he leaves behind him ashen fields of lifeless grasses and withered trees. Blackened corpses and bubbling pools of gore are all that remain of his victims. A prime source of the cancer feeding upon western Immoren, he gleefully spreads the shadow of the Dragonlord's wings. It is a shadow that will one day, by his efforts, extend across all Caen. This all-new version of Iron Lich Asphyxious presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warcaster.

Iron Lich Asphyxious 2010 comes in a blister (PIP 34076).

A player may field one Iron Lich Asphyxious in a Cryx army.

Malice UPGRADE KIT 9.00€ Shrouded in the ghostly remnants of its past victims, the helljack Malice rips the souls from those it slays to push itself to new heights of destruction. Few enemies can escape the reach of Malice’s heavy harpoon, which it uses to snare foes and drag them into range of its shredding claw. However, it is the helljack’s ability to take control of enemy warjacks, turning them against their own warcasters, that makes Malice a truly unique Cryxian horror.

Note: Players will need a Cryx Heavy Plastic Warjack kit (PIP 34066) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Malice.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Cygnar

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Heavy Warjack Plastic Kit 34.95€ The Cygnaran Armory takes pride in its innovation and technological superiority, traits seen in all the battle-tested warjacks built on the classic Ironclad chassis. Armed with a powerful quake hammer, the Ironclad effortlessly smashes lesser combatants to scrap. The Defender employs its long, heavy barrel cannon for unprecedented long-range and accurate firepower without sacrificing its effectiveness in melee. With its dual whirling chain guns, the Cyclone can support sweeping advances across the battlefield while suppressing the enemy under a hail of lead.

This box set contains three color stat cards and one multi-part heavy warjack plastic model. Included are all the components to assemble one of three heavy warjack variants: Cyclone, Defender, or Ironclad. A player may field any number of heavy warjacks in a Cygnar army.

Cygnar Battlegroup Box Set 49.99€ Unleash The Power Of The Storm!

Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the warjacks of Cygnar provide commanders with the perfect balance of mobility and stopping power. Led by Commander Coleman Stryker, the accurate battle cannon fire of the Charger, magical arc node of the Lancer, and the powerful quake hammer of the mighty Ironclad make short work of all who threaten the nation of Cygnar.

Trencher Master Gunner 9.00€ Master gunners are survivors of countless battles and have earned expertise that makes them some of the most valued artillerists in all Cygnar. Versed in all artillery skills, from barrage firing patterns to the use of defilades, they are experts in the complex commands used to coordinate a battery of field guns. Where other armies make use of artillery as support, the master gunners orchestrate their batteries into precision instruments of war.

Trencher Master Gunner comes in a blister. A player may field two Trencher Master Gunners for each warcaster in a Cygnar army.

Stormblade Storm Gunner 12.00€ The signature weapon of Cygnar's Stormblades, the storm glaive is one of the best-known mechanikal weapons in all the Iron Kingdoms. Despite the short-ranged electrical discharges that the weapon is capable of firing, it is primarily a close combat weapon. This naturally leaves the Stormblades vulnerable to enemy gunfire as they advance to meet their foes in melee. Cygnar's arcane mechaniks devised the storm thrower both to provide storm knights with covering fire and to enhance the accuracy of blasts

Firefly Light Warjack 19.00€ Crackling with galvanic energy and unleashing blasts of lethal bolts of electricity to arc through the enemy, the Firefly is among the most advanced warjacks stalking the battlefields of western Immoren today. Its devastating electrical weaponry can fry its enemies to a crisp, leaving the air heavy with the scent of ozone. In addition to its actual weaponry, the Firefly incorporates an advanced mechanikally augmented conducting element into that allows stormsmiths to integrate the 'jack in their stormcalling.

Stormsmith Storm Tower (2) 15.00€ The storm tower is one of the most potent applications of storm technology. When activated, the tower mechanikally aggravates the atmosphere above. Storm clouds coalesce instantly as lightning arcs downward, creating a circuit between the tower and the sky. With a blinding flash, the generator disgorges bolts of power that arc through the enemy ranks.

Stormsmith Storm Tower comes in a blister (PIP 31072).

A player may field two Stormsmith Storm Towers for each warcaster in a Cygnar

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produced by storm glaives.

Stormblade Storm Gunner comes in a blister.

A player may field up to three Stormblade Storm Gunners for each Stormblade unit in a Cygnar army (up to six total for each warcaster in a Cygnar army).

A player may field any number of Firefly light warjacks in a Cygnar army.


Triumph UPGRADE KIT 9.00€ Triumph is the culmination of centuries of Cygnaran technological development. Made to the specifications of Major Markus “Siege” Brisbane, Triumph is armed with a massive cannon that can strike enemy warcasters with a sniper’s precision or rain explosive-tipped death down on the heads of opposing infantry and warjacks. Triumph is an artillerist’s dream and a nightmare to Cygnar’s foes.

Note: Players will need a Cygnar Heavy Warjack plastic kit (PIP 31062) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Triumph.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Khador

Heavy Warjack Plastic Kit 34.95€ Khador's mechaniks build their warjacks to last. The Juggernaut is a hulking mass of plated armor wielding an ice axe that can encase its target in a layer of crippling ice. This sturdy chassis has given rise to other staples like the Destroyer, whose whistling shells arcing overhead portend explosive obliteration. Another is the Decimator, engineered to annihilate well-armored targets with powerful direct fire. This

Khador Battlegroup Box Set 50.00€ Crush All Beneath Your Iron Might!

Khador's powerful warjacks epitomize the national ideals of strength and resilience and are as relentless in battle as the frigid winters of their homeland. Under the icy gaze of Kommander Sorscha, the magical ice axe of the Juggernaut chews through iron plating like kindling while the powerful bombard cannon of the Destroyer obliterates all before their unstoppable might.

Assault Commando Flame Thrower 10.00€ The never-ending arms race between nations has led the Khadoran High Kommand to embrace any weapon that may give them an advantage, no matter how inhumane. The flamethrower issued to kommando squads is the current production model of several generations of prototypes. A huge canister is strapped to the kommando's back and feeds the propellant gun he carries in place of his

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'jack's wide-bored cannon smashes its victims to the ground before it closes to tear them apart with its whirling rip saw.

This box set contains four color stat cards and one multi-part heavy warjack plastic model. Included are all the components to assemble one of four heavy warjack variants: Decimator, Destroyer, Juggernaut, or Marauder. A player may field any number of heavy warjacks in a Khador army.

Contents: This starter box (PIP 33064) contains quick start rules and a complete battlegroup of three plastic models, each model featuring a completely new sculpt for Mark II, and corresponding stat cards for WARMACHINE including:

� Warcaster Kommander Sorscha � Destroyer Heavy Warjack � Juggernaut Heavy Warjack

standard carbine. Trenchers have come to fear the Khadoran flamethrowers, concentrating their fire upon those who carry them. The life of an assault kommando who takes up the flamethrower may be short, but he can be sure that many of the Motherland's enemies will die before him.

Assault Kommando Flame Thrower comes in a blister (PIP 33069).

A player may field up to three Assault Kommando Flame Throwers for each Assault Kommando unit (PIP 33046) in a Khador army (up to six total for each warcaster in a Khador army).

Torch UPGRADE KIT 9.00€ The favored warjack of Kommander Strakhov is a relentless engine of destruction. Virtually nothing can prevent Torch from reaching its target; it burns and batters enemy troops from its path, while its whirling saw and pounding fist reduce warjacks to scrap. The massive ’jack can charge through forests, thick undergrowth, or the corpses of its felled enemies as easily as it moves across an open field.

Note:Players will need a Khador Heavy Plastic Warjack kit (PIP 33063) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Torch.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Menoth

Exemplar Bastion (5) (Plastic) 34.00€ These exemplars learn to fight within the impossibly heavy bastion armor. The bond each Exemplar Bastion shares with his brothers in arms grants him their strength even as injuries wear them down. Their enduring resilience causes enemies of Menoth to despair as the bastions take up their glaives, their eyes lit with inner flame, and march forward

Exemplar Cinerators 44.99€ Emboldened from the wounds inflicted by the impure, Exemplar Cinerators move ahead of their brothers in arms, the Bastions, to breach enemy ranks with flame and steel. Cinerators channel

Heavy Warjack Plastic Kit 29.95€ One of the first warjacks developed by the

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imperturbable.p>This box contains all the models necessary to field a unit of Exemplar Bastions. A player may include one unit of Exemplar Bastions for each warcaster in his Protectorate of Menoth army.

the agony of their wounds into holy rage and are armed with ancient blades and shields passed down from fallen knights through the centuries. An unquenchable flame flickers across the blades, which blaze white-hot when wielded in battle.

Exemplar Cinerators come in a box. A player may field two Exemplar Cinerator units for each warcaster in a Protectorate army.

Protectorate after the Cygnaran Civil War was the Crusader, a massive warjack boasting heavy armor and capable of crushing attacks. It has served as the foundation for several masterpieces of war. The Templar, for one, smashes enemies with overwhelming force from an unassailable position behind its thick shield. Of more recent production, the Vanquisher wields a great "blazing star" spiked ball in one hand and a flame belcher in the other. This weapon sends an oil-filled cannonball that bursts and ignites on impact.

This box set contains three color stat cards and one multi-part heavy warjack plastic model. Included are all the components to assemble one of three heavy warjack variants: Crusader, Templar, or Vanquisher. A player may field any number of heavy warjacks in a Protectorate army.

Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup Box Set 50.00€ Let Your Righteous Wrath Cleanse the Unbelievers!

Filled with the divine power of Menoth, the forces of the Protectorate march forth in the name of the Creator of Man. High Exemplar Kreoss leads his powerful warjacks into battle directing the cleansing fire of the Repenter, the arcane weapons of the Revenger, and the holy flames of the mighty Crusader's inferno mace to cleanse the stain of heresey where ever it is found.

Vassal Mechanik 8.00€ Prayer alone does not maintain the warjacks of the Protectorate of Menoth. The mechaniks who learn their trade from the Vassals of Menoth view their duties as a holy necessity. They follow the Protectorate's warjacks into the thick of battle, using the 'jacks themselves as moving fortresses. Armed only with his tools, the mechanik's greatest weapon is his mechanikal aptitude to keep the 'jacks running no matter how severe their damage.

Vassal Mechanik comes in a blister (PIP 32064).

A player may field three Vassal Mechaniks for each warcaster in a Protectorate army.

Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard (2) 24.00€ Ranking errants, veterans of countless crusades and incursions are chosen to lead their brother-knights in battles abroad. Pure in heart and thought, they are trusted to carry out their holy mission no matter the bloody price. Their dedication and inspiring example is so great the knights they lead will make any sacrifice to ensure the success of their sacred missions. Accompanied by the battle standard of the Order of Exemplar, the errants are inspired to the greatest valor, letting no obstacle come between them and the heathen enemy.

Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard comes in a blister (PIP 32066).

A player may field one Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard for each warcaster in a Protectorate army.

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Exemplar Errant Seneschal 15.00€ Elevation to the rank of seneschal among the Exemplar Errants is no simple promotion. One of the superlative few chosen to command his brother knights must be a veteran of numerous missions on foreign soil. His most formidable asset may be his understanding of Menoth's purpose for him on Caen. His brother Errants know he has a special duty, and so great is their belief in the Creator and their Seneschal that if the enemies of the Temple strike him down they will volunteer their own souls to take his place in Urcaen.

Exemplar Errant Seneschal comes in a blister (PIP 32067).

A player may field two Exemplar Errant Seneschals for each warcaster in a Protectorate army.

Vigilant Light Warjack 18.90€ The Vigilant's twin fist-mounted shields make it an incredibly durable light warjack. The tremendous area covered by its towering shields provides nearly unassailable shelter from even the most devastating of enemy artillery fire. Warcasters favor the Vigilant for its great utility, not only is it like a small, mobile battlement but since it carries no weapons its hands are free to hurl enemy combatants about like ragdolls. The jack's unsophisticated weaponry and cortex make it easy and inexpensive to manufacture, ensuring its place among the Menite crusaders for years to come.

This box contains parts necessary to assemble one Vigilant light warjack plastic model (PIP 32068), plus a color unit stat card (not shown). A player may field any number of Vigilant light warjacks in a Protectorate of Menoth army.

Scourge of Heresy UPGRADE KIT 9.00€ Like its master, High Executioner Servath Reznik, Scourge of Heresy is well equipped to destroy the infidels who stand against the Protectorate of Menoth. With a fiery blade and a blazing flail, Scourge of Heresy brings searing pain and retribution to the enemies of the Protectorate, especially those who dare to unleash profane magic upon Menoth’s chosen.

Note: Players will need a Protectorate Heavy Warjack plastic kit (PIP 32061) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Scourge of Heresy.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Mercenarios

Drake Macbain 12.00€ Some mercenaries fight for a lost home, for revenge, or for adventure. Drake MacBain fights for coin, pure and simple. No mission is too dangerous, no battlefield too bloody; he'll work for any of the warring nations of the Iron Kingdoms without moral qualm. MacBain fights with the gritty determination of the hired professional and will let nothing stop him from the completion of his contracts. He is the consummate mercenary and has the

Steelhead Riflemen (10) 45.00€ A doctrine of combined arms lies at the heart of the Steelhead Company, and their riflemen are one of the most important elements of these combined forces. Working in concert with other Steelheads or the regular forces of a client army, the riflemen are skilled shooters capable of decimating enemy lines or providing covering fire to ensure their allies reach the enemy in one piece. Each rifleman is a sure shot; when ordered to concentrate their fire at a single target, a group of these riflemen become truly deadly.

Steelhead Riflemen come in a box (PIP 41074).

High Shield Gun Corps Officer & Standard (2) 17.00€ The fortress of Hammerfall produces some of the most outstanding riflemen in all of Rhul, and the captains who graduate from that training are superb leaders. A client army lucky enough to hire a Gun Corps company led by one of these officers is assured of a mercenary troop that will perform flawlessly no matter the battlefield or enemy. In battle, the captain is accompanied by a standard bearer charged with carrying the company's standard, a device with inscriptions

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tools to finish any job.

Drake MacBain comes in a blister (PIP 41073).

A player may field one Drake MacBain in his Mercenary, Cygnar, Protectorate, Khador, or Cryx army.

A player may field two Steelhead Rifleman units for each warcaster in a Mercenary, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, or Protectorate of Menoth army.

detailing the legal status of the company as well as its valorous deeds.

High Shield Gun Corps Officer & Standard come in a blister (PIP 41078).

A player may field one High Shield Gun Corps Officer & Standard for each warcaster in a Mercenary, Cygnar, or Khador army.

Horgenhold Artillery Corps (4) 24.00€ The clan lords of Rhul viewed the advent of artillery among the human nations of the Iron Kingdoms with amusement. The Rhulic Moot has traditionally taken a dim view of mercenary operations, but in recent years the profits certain clan lords have gained is difficult to dismiss. Certain provisions were made to allow Rhulic mercenaries abroad to equip themselves with siege cannons and other weapons of war. Their powerful mortars are extremely destructive.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Reglamentos

No Quarter Magazine #32 7.50€ Your guide for how to Play Like You’ve Got A Pair. No Quarter brings you the latest news for HORDES, WARMACHINE, Formula P3, the Iron Kingdoms, and every Privateer Press game. Never miss an issue!

No Quarter Magazine #33 7.50€ No Quarter 33 represents and showcases the final stretch on a number of projects for Privateer Press. Firstly, it is the final issue of 2010, marking the end of another great year of No Quarter material. The magazine saw a number of big changes in both design and content this year and is looking great. In addition, some guy from California took over the position of editor-in-chief.

Battle Report: Swamp Stomp—The final book of 2010 is Forces of HORDES: Minions, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, we present a Minions-themed battle report. Soon

No Quarter Magazine #34 7.50€ No Quarter Magazine #34 brings you the first look at exciting new models from WARMACHINE: Wrath! You’ll also get an in-depth look at the Dawnguard in Guts & Gears, discover the secrets of the Cygnaran traitor Saxon Orrik in the Gavyn Kyle Files, and learn how to build thematic Retribution of Scyrah terrain in Terrain Building. Plus battle wounds for warbeasts in Modeling & Painting, IK fiction in Tales of the Iron Kingdoms, and much more! Never miss an issue!

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enough, you'll be able to add new Minion warlocks, warbeasts, and troops to your HORDES armies or simply play a Minion-only army via the new Minion Pacts. The goal of this Battle Report is to showcase some of the awesome potential a Minion army can bring to the table.

Hardcore 2010—The Hardcore tournament format is a long-standing tradition for Privateer Press at Gen Con. This year, players participated in the first Mk II Gen Con Hardcore, so there were a few changes along the way. As always, though, Hardcore featured fast and furious action with strict time limits as well as a strict painting requirement.

2010 Masters Tournament—This August at Gen Con, the finest WARMACHINE and HORDES players from across the land assembled to take part in the very first Mk II Masters Tournament. In addition to being the first Mk II Masters, this year's format featured one other change. Each player needed to demonstrate an absolute mastery of their chosen faction by fielding four distinct lists each led by a different warcaster or warlock. The competition was fierce, the battles grueling and carnage-filled, but in the end, one player stood above the rest and was crowned champion.

2010 Formula P3 Grandmaster—This year at Gen Con, miniature painters from across the world assembled for a chance at fortune and fame in the annual P3 Grandmaster Painting Competition. The level of artistry in the entries was phenomenal, and it was quite clear each contestant spent months (maybe years) crafting and painting a model worthy of consideration by our judges.

Guts & Gears: Nephilim—Lord Kutzov, I submit to you the following report, which provides new intelligence on the growing presence of draconic abominations within the confines of the Motherland. Although our understanding of these creatures is still rudimentary, I have lately discovered something profoundly interesting with regards to how these beasts may have spread across our lands so quickly...

Strategic Academy: Khador—This installment of the Strategic Academy delves into the forces that comprise the Khadoran Empire's military. The cold motherland ruled by Empress Vanar has produced soldiers hardened by both

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weather and grueling combat. Each frost-wreathed breath drives them onward to conquer new territory in the name of the Hammer, Anvil, and Forge. The warcasters who usher these forces into war combine unstoppable warjacks with cunning strategy to pierce even the most tempered enemy defenses.

Power Progression: Trollbloods—The mighty Trollbloods of the kriels have been some of my favorite models since the faction was first released. They were my first HORDES army, having drawn me in with their large, detailed models and Celtic aesthetic with an Iron Kingdoms slant. What I found when learning to play Trollbloods is that it's a very forgiving army.

FANTASIA - Warmachine - Retribution of Scyrah

Heavy Myrmidon Plastic Kit 28.00€ House Shyeel has brought the power of its formidable myrmidons to the Retribution, fighting machines enhanced by sophisticated arcanika systems. The Hydra stores energy in its arcane batteries to unleash a torrent of crushing blows or a singularly powerful blast. The Manticore is equally as formidable in melee or at range, thanks to kinetically augmented attacks and its Cyclone Cannon. The Phoenix enters battle in a blaze of blue-white flames as liquid fire ignites along its massive thermal blade.

This box set contains three color stat cards and one multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model. Included are all the components to assemble one of three heavy myrmidon variants: Hydra, Manticore, or Phoenix. A player may field any number of heavy myrmidons in his Retribution army.

Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard (2) 15.00€ The officers who lead halberdier companies see themselves as consummate warriors and living examples for their subordinates. These officers must forge their men into disciplined groups acting as a single concerted body. In time some few will be remembered as lasting heroes, while others will die on first clash with the enemy and have their banner picked up and carried on.

Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard Bearer come in a blister.

A player may field one Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard Bearer unit attachment for each warcaster in a Retribution army.

Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard (2) 13.00€ After decades of directing fire, these committed houseguard officers know better than anyone the pressure they can bring to bear with a few dozen rifles placed in the right place at the right time. Under such a commander, riflemen stay steady in the face of incoming enemies and hold fire until the last moment, increasing the deadly impact of every shot.

Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard Bearer come in a blister. A player may field one Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard Bearer unit attachment for each warcaster in a Retribution army.

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Mage Hunter Assassin (Alt) 8.00€ Mage hunter assassins are practiced killers and mage hunters with refined skills. Recruitment for this cabal is slow, for their chain blades are tricky to use and require exceptional reflexes. A skilled assassin can send the blade flying tremendous distances before whipping the chain to bring the weapon to hand for close-quarter fighting. The alternate sculpt Mage Hunter Assassin provides a dynamic new pose that allows players to differentiate their models on the tabletop.

Mage Hunter Assassin (variant pose) comes in a blister (PIP 35033).

A player may field two Mage Hunter Assassins for each warcaster in a Retribution army.

Discordia UPGRADE KIT 9.00€ Discordia, the favored myrmidon of Adeptis Rahn, is arguably the pinnacle of Iosan warjack technology. Capable of projecting a wall of force energy around friendly forces or focusing that energy into a concentrated wave to shatter all opposition in its path, Discordia is a singular symbol of House Shyeel’s—if not the Retribution’s—might.

Note: Players will need a Retribution of Scyrah Heavy Plastic Warjack kit (PIP 35007) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Discordia.

FANTASIA - Andrea - Pin Up Series

Hit the Leather 43.95€ 80 mm 1/16

17 piezas en metal blanco y 1 en resina, para montar y pintar.

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FANTASIA - Anima: Tactics - Facción de las Tinieblas

Kagemaru 12.95€ Kagemaru, la sombra inmortal, es el legendario maestro ninja del Clan Asakura.

Ahora, este indomable guerrero ha viajado por primera vez en su vida hasta el nuevo continente para establecer un vínculo entre su clan y las organizaciones en la sombra que luchan por la supremacía.

FANTASIA - Anima: Tactics - Facción Neutral

Covel 12.95€ Covel Dhanyata no es solo uno de los mayors invocadores de todo Gaïa; es también un vínculo con el espíritu del Ángel Caído Jigoku no Kami.

A veces mortal, a veces avatar divino, esta criatura camina por el mundo imponiendo su voluntad superior sobre cada criatura sobrenatural con la que se cruza.

FANTASIA - Zenit - Nemesis - Mil Rostros


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11.00€ Contiene dos miniaturas de Resina de 33mm, dos peana y una carta de atributos.

HISTORICO - Andrea - Piratas del Caribe

Riding the Storm, 1665 34.95€ 54 mm 1/32

11 piezas en metal blanco para montar y pintar

HISTORICO - Flames of War - Americanos

Seated Americans 4.50€ 4.27€

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HISTORICO - Flames of War - Británicos

CSM Stan Hollis (50th Div) 1.35€ 1.28€

British Snipers 3.60€ 3.42€

Lieutenant-Colonel Pine-Coffin (Brit Para) 1.35€ 1.28€

HISTORICO - Flames of War - Franceses

H-35/39 Hotchkiss x 3 22.00€ 20.90€ Two of the French light mechanised divisions were equiped with the Hotchkiss H-35 light tank, whilst a third used the re-engined and updated H-39. Contains three vehicles

Most Battalions de Chars de Combat (BCC) were equipped with Renault R-35 tanks, although two had Hotchkiss H-35 tanks. Likewise, the Divisions Cuirassée (DC) had Hotchkiss H-39 tanks. The French initially equipped their light tanks with the old 37mm SA-18 gun used in the First World War.

This short gun has poor anti-tank capability. Aware that they would face large numbers of German tanks, a longer 37mm SA-38 gun was developed, and by May 1940 they had enough long guns to rearm the platoon commander’s tank in units equipped with Hotchkiss tanks.

Right: The Hotchkiss H-35 with Short Gun.

As new tanks replaced casualties, the numbers available rose considerably in June for the battles on the Somme.

The Hotchkiss H-35 in Flames Of War Mobility: Fully-tracked; Front 3; Side 3; Top 1

Short Gun Range: 16"/40cm; ROF 2; AT 4; Firepower 4+

Long Gun

French Divisional AT Platoon with 2x47mm SA-37 16.00€ 15.20€ Front line AT Batteries are equipped with the new 47mm SA-37 anti-tank gun, capable of defeating any known German armour at the time this gun was to be feared.

47mm SA-37 with one Command Rifle Team & two 47mm SA-37 gun with crew.

Like the British, the French share the task of anti-tank defence between the infantry and the artillery. While the infantry have their CDAC, the artillery has a Batterie Divisionnaire Anti-Chars (BDAC), or Divisional Anti-tank Battery, as the 10th Battery of the artillery regiment. This battery has four platoons, each with two new 47mm SA-37 anti-tank guns. Some reserve units still have old 75mm field guns instead.

The 47mm SA-37 Anti-tank gun in Flames Of War

Mobility: Medium; Range: 24"/60cm ROF: 3; Anti-tank: 9; Firepower 4+

Notes Gun shield, No HE.

French Company HQ with 2x81mm + 60mm mortars 9.00€ 8.55€ A French Compagnie de Fusiliers-Voltigeurs relies on the leadership of its officers. Have faith in your company commander and everything will be all right.

with two Command Rifle Teams, one 60mm mortar team & two 81mm mortar teams.

On 5 May 1940, France fielded 71 infantry divisions. Of these 20 were active divisions—seven motorised Divisions d’Infanterie Motorisée (DIM), ten Divisions d’Infanterie (DI) marching on foot with horse-drawn supporting weapons, three were mountain Divisions d’Infanterie Alpine (DIA), and eight were colonial—four Divisions d’Infanterie Coloniale (DIC) and four North African Divisions d’Infanterie Nord-Africaine (DINA). The remaining 43 divisions were all reservists.

24 divisions were Type A, having most of their equipment, and 19 were Type B, with older men, and lacking in equipment and officers. The reserve divisions were placed in quiet sectors of the front.

Unfortunately for France, Sedan, where the Germans made one of their breakthroughs, was deemed a quiet sector.

The French infantry divisions were easily the best equipped in the world for First World War-style trench warfare. Every battalion had a resupply section with Renault UE carrier. These could be used to carry or tow the battalion’s weapons into position across shell-torn ground under

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Range: 24"/60cm; ROF 2; AT 5; Firepower 4+

Equipment and Notes Co-ax MG, One-man turret.

The Hotchkiss H-39 in Flames Of War

Mobility: Fully-tracked; Front 3; Side 3; Top 1

Short Gun Range: 16"/40cm; ROF 2; AT 4; Firepower 4+

Long Gun Range: 24"/60cm; ROF 2; AT 5; Firepower 4+

Equipment and Notes Co-ax MG, One-man turret.

Designed by Evan Allen Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter

fire, but more importantly, they could resupply the battalion under fire.

An infantry battalion consumes immense amounts of food and ammunition, so every night in the First World War long columns of soldiers make their way up to the front-line trenches, laden down with supplies. Every night the battalion lost soldiers from these supply parties to artillery fire. Now, with the Renault UE carrier available, supplies can be delivered quickly and safely by an armoured vehicle.

Designed by Evan Allen & Anton Ducrot Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter

French Infantry Platoon with 3 squads 17.00€ 16.15€ with one Command Rifle Team, one VB team & six Rifle/MG teams.

The section de fusiliers-voltigeurs (fusiliers-voltigeurs platoon) is another example of the French infantry’s perfect organisation for trench warfare.

The platoon has a small group of rifle grenadiers with the Tromblon VB grenade launcher in the platoon headquarters to knock out machine-gun nests, and three groupes (sections) of fusiliers-voltigeurs.

The demi groupe de fusiliers (shooters half-section) is the base of fire, delivering a fusillade of shots from their MAS modèle 1936 bolt-action rifles and the squad’s Châtellarault FM modèle 1924/29 light machine-gun. Under the cover of this fire, the demi groupe de voltigeurs (manoeuvre half-section) vaults out of the trenches and sprints across No Man’s Land to assault the enemy trenches.

Most reserve divisions retained the old Berthier modèle 1916 rifle and some even had the old Chauchat FM modèle 1915 light machine-gun, but all had the excellent Tromblon VB grenade launcher.

Designed by Evan Allen & Anton Ducrot

Charles deGaulle & Somua Objective 11.00€ 10.45€ with Somua Objective.

When the German tanks crossed the Polish frontier, Colonel Charles de Gaulle, commander of the tanks of the Fifth Army, saw the German success in this campaign as vindicating the theories outlined in his book, The Army of the Future, published five years earlier. The forceful expression of his opinions on the failings of the French hierarchy and the need for more French armoured divisions antagonised the upper echelons of the French military.

Despite this, on 15 May 1940, five days after the German Army swept through the Ardennes, de Gaulle, now at 49 the youngest General in the French Army, was appointed to command the 4ème Division Cuirassée, an armoured division still in the process of forming. On 18 May de Gaulle took the initiative, ordering an attack with just a battalion of Char B-1 bis heavy tanks, and two battalions of Renault R-35 light tanks. He hoped an attack using his doctrine of surprise and rapid movement would throw the Germans off their stride and slow the German advance.

His bold attack captured Montcornet after an advance of 15 miles (25km).

Polish Battalion HQ w/ mortars 9.00€ 8.55€ with two Command Rifle teams & two 81mm mortar teams.

The Polish Army began the war on 1 September 1939 with thirty regular infantry divisions, just over half the number they faced in the German Army. Despite being outnumbered and largely lacking tank support, the Polish Army fought hard throughout the campaign.

Numbering over 200, men the Polish Rifle Company is a force to be reckoned with. Armed with the Mauser Karabin rifle and supported by heavy machine guns they can create a formidable defensive line. Through careful deployment of artillery the Polish Rifle Company can call down a torrent of destruction upon the German troops as they struggle to pierce the co-ordinated volleys of rifle fire.

Blister contains: 2x Command Rifle teams. 2x 81mm mortar teams.

Designed by Evan Allen & Anton Ducrot Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter

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Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter However, German artillery took its toll and his force retired to its start line near Laon with around 100 German prisoners. Although his attack had little overall effect, the encounter with French heavy tanks did scare the German High Command, leading to an order to halt the German spearhead until the infantry could catch up and protect their flanks.

The 4ème Division Cuirassée were then ordered to Abbeville to reduce the German bridgehead across the Somme. Once again, de Gaulle saw the opportunity to take the enemy by surprise. His tired troops and other hastily assembled formations attacked once again. The French took the Germans by surprise and gained their initial objectives but lost tanks at a rate they could not sustain, being forced to halt.

There was no doubting the valour of the French, but when the Germans organised a strong counterattack, the fighting became desperate. The division held on to the ground it gained until relieved on May 30 by the British 51st (Highland) Division that had been rushed over from the Maginot Line.

When France fell de Gaulle decided to carry on the fight from outside territorial France, becoming the leader of the Free French forces fighting in Africa.

Charles de Gaulle in Flames Of War


Général de Gaulle is a Warrior and a Higher Command Transport team rated as Fearless Veteran. De Gaulle is mounted motorcycle.

You may field de Gaulle in any Compagnie de Combat for +45 points. Light Tank Platoons in a force joined by de Gaulle must have R-35 tanks.

Special Rules

For France Any platoon joined by De Gaulle always passes all Motivation Tests on a roll of 3+.

Attack De Gaulle’s response to the crisis of 1940 was to attack the Germans wherever and whenever he found them. You may deploy de Gaulle anywhere in your deployment area before deploying

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any other troops. If you do this, you may attempt to advance each Light and Battle Tank Platoon that is deployed entirely within 12”/30cm of de Gaulle as you deploy it.

Roll a die immediately after deploying each platoon:

On a score of 4+, the platoon moves up to 8”/20cm towards to the enemy coming no closer than 12”/30cm to any enemy team.

On any other roll, the platoon remains where it was deployed, and no further platoons may attempt to advance in this way.

Once you deploy any other type of platoon, you may no longer attempt to advance your Light and Battle Tank Platoons.

The blister also comes with an optional small base so that you can choose to use this very characterful figure to represent your Company Commander.

Designed by Evan Allen & Anton Ducrot Painted by James Brown

HISTORICO - Flames of War - Hungría

Turan I/II 11.00€ 10.45€ with turrets for both the Turán I and Turán II tanks.

In 1939 Hungary was searching for a medium tank which they could manufacture under licence. Škoda offered the Hungarians the S-IIc, a design they had been working on and with further refinements the design become to be known as the T-22.

Shown to the Hungarians in May 1940, an agreement was reach between the two parties in August 1940, but before going into production the Czech design went through a series of modifications. These modifications included the alteration of the original two-man turret into a three-man

Ervin Tarczay with Tiger 1 (Warrior) 11.00€ 10.45€ with Tiger I E tank.

Ervin Tarczay (pronounced ehir-vin tarts-zay) was born in Pécs in 1919. Initially he served with the Border Guards before retraining in 1942 and joining the 3rd Armoured Regiment in January 1943 as a Föhadnagy (Lieutenant).

From April 1944, Tarczay served with the 2nd Company, 1st Battalion of the 3rd Armoured Regiment in Galicia as part of the 2nd Armoured Division. Tarczay earned much experience fighting in a Turán II tank and then, after the division was partially re-equipped with German tanks in May, commanded a company of Tiger I E

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turret and the installation of a Hungarian built engine.

Learn how to build a Hungarian Tank Company...

Armed with the 40mm 41M gun which fired the same ammunition as the 40mm 37M Bofors Anti-aircraft gun and two 8mm 34/40M machine-guns, the first prototype of the Turán I was completed in August 1941 and went into production in October that same year.

Delivering to the troops begun in the beginning of 1942 and they were used to equip the 1. and 2. Armored divisions and the 1. Cavalry division in 1942-43. However, the Turán I was hopelessly outclasses by the Soviet T-34 and it was concluded that a minimum main armament of at least 75mm in caliber was needed.

Such a version of the Turán was on the drawing board as early as 1941 and was originally intended as a support vehicle to the Turán I. Armed with the short-barreled 75mm 41M gun, the new design become known as the Turán II.

The Turán I and II continued to see heavy fighting during 1944 despite their inferiority to Soviet armour of the time. Regardless of this fact, the chassis of the Turán was used in the design of the Zrínyi II Assault gun and was the basis of a design intended to mount the 75mm gun of the German Panther.

The Turán in Flames Of War

Turán I Mobility: Fully-tracked; Range: 24”/60cm ROF: 3; Anti-tank: 7; Firepower: 4+ Front: 5; Side: 3; Top: 1

Equipment and Notes Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo.

Turán II Mobility: Fully-tracked; Range: 24”/60cm ROF: 2; Anti-tank: 9; Firepower: 3+ Front: 5; Side: 3; Top: 1

Equipment and Notes Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo.

Designed by Evan Allen Painted by Wayne Turner

heavy tanks.

The Soviets launched an offensive in July that pushed back the Hungarians to the frontier in the Carpathian Mountains. The 2nd Armoured Division withdrew and received another batch of German tanks, including five Panther A tanks for Tarczay’s company.

In September 1944, Tarczay and the 2nd Armoured Division were moved to the Romanian border with the aim of securing Transylvania from the Romanians.

On 5 September, Tarczay’s company quickly overcame token Romanian resistance on their way towards Torda. Ten days later Tarczay’s Panthers led the assault east of Torda. Despite becoming separated from the rest of the battalion they fought on through artillery fire without infantry support and destroyed two enemy infantry companies and three anti-tank guns.

The next day the company was back in action outflanking advancing Soviet tanks. The Soviets were forced to withdraw. In the afternoon Tarczay took his own Panther forward to secure the left flank of the battalion’s position. He knocked out two tanks and an anti-tank gun.

Tarczay continued to hold off Soviet probes, taking a toll on the enemy until 6 October. During the fighting around Torda, Tarczay and his Panthers knocked out 11 tanks, 17 anti-tank guns, 20 machine-gun positions, and a Katyusha.

Despite this, the Allied offensive could not be held and the 2nd Armoured Division was withdrawn back to the Tisza River on the Hungarian Plain. On 25 October, during an action near Polgár, Tarczay’s company overran a Soviet anti-tank battery, destroying three guns and capturing another three. During the action, two T-34 tanks approached from the flank. Tarczay let them come within short range before knocking them out.

The Panthers destroyed 16 enemy tanks and assault guns during the fighting between 6 and 25 October. Tarczay directed his tanks from the open hatch of his Panther, with little regard for his own safety.

On 30 October, Tarczay’s company was surrounded. He led the breakout,

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smashing his way through a Soviet rifle battalion. His Panther took a hit, but the thick armour deflected the round. Tarczay crushed the offending anti-tank gun under his Panther’s tracks. They next ran over an artillery battery, quickly destroying it.

By late November Tarczay and his company were withdrawn north of Budapest to halt the Soviet advance. The division fought a withdrawal back to lines northwest of Budapest.

In January 1945 Tarczay was promoted to Százados (Captain). He took delivery of 27 Panzer IV and two Panther tanks on 8 January 1945. Until the end of February they fought around Székefehérvár between lakes Balaton and Velence.

Tarczay was Knighted (and gained the title ‘vitéz’ meaning valiant) on 15 March and he went on leave to marry. He rejoined the remnants of the 2nd Armoured Division on 17 March and was engaged in the battles against the Soviet drive on Vienna until his death, around 19 March, from wounds.

Ervin Tarczay in Flames Of War

Characteristics Föhadnagy Ervin Tarczay is a Warrior and is rated Fearless Veteran.

Tarczay may join any Harckocsizó Század and replaces the Company Command Turán II or Panzer IV H tank for +40 points, or Tiger I E or Panther A tank for +75 points.

Special Rules Around the Flanks Tarczay likes to get around the flanks of his enemy to catch them off guard. Movement is the key to this and Tarczay always keeps his platoons moving.

Tarczay and any platoon he has joined may choose to make a Stormtrooper move (page 166 of the rulebook) instead of a normal Huszár move (page 69).

This means you can shoot in the Shooting Step as normal and choose to make a Stormtrooper move instead of assaulting in the Assault Step.

As Straight as an Arrow

Tarczay always fought from his open turret hatch and was able to direct the

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fire of his gunners with skill and precision because of the excellent visibility this provided.

Tarczay re-rolls misses with his tank’s main gun.

Destroy those Anti-tank guns!

Tarczay seemed to be particularly good at taking out guns with his tank tracks. Often an attack on a gun positions would end with Tarczay’s tank nested in the middle of the twisted wreckage of a Soviet gun line.

Tarczay may re-roll any failed saves when hit by a Gun team in Defensive Fire during an Assault.

Tiger designed by Evan Allen Tarczay figure designed by Anton Ducrot Painted by Wayne Turner

HISTORICO - Flames of War - Manuales/Libros de Inteligencia

Earth and Steel 40.00€

Turning Tide 40.00€

HISTORICO - Flames of War - Polacos

Polish Infantry Platoon 26.00€ 24.70€ Polish Rifle Platoon

The Polish infantry divisions substituted modern technology for raw guts and men.

Polish AT Platoon w/ 3 37mm wz 36 19.00€ 18.05€ with three 37mm wz. 36 guns with crew & one Command Rifle team.

The Bofors 37mm wz.36 anti-tank gun provides Polish infantry units with some punch. This small gun is capable of penetrating any German armour but is best used to protect your infantry rather than entering into a head to head gun

Polish HMG Platoon 9.00€ 8.55€ with three HMG teams & one Command Rifle team.

Piechoty Companies rely on a platoon of wz.30 machine-guns to provide supporting fire, both when on attack or defence.

At the end of the Polish-Soviet war, the Polish army had in its possession numerous models of machine-guns in all makes and calibres. To avoid any logistical

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A Batailon Piechoty puts you in command of an infantry force determined to protect its country at all costs.

The Polish rifle company is an unusually strong formation with 232 officers and men, nearly 50% larger than its German counterpart. Each of its three rifle platoons has three 19-man sections. With just a single wz. 28 automatic rifle (a licensed copy of the American Browning Automatic Rifle) in each 19 man squad, the main firepower of a platoon comes from its riflemen. These are armed with the Mauser Karabin wz. 98a, the same weapon as their German counterparts.

The company’s three 7.92mm wz. 35 anti-tank rifles are capable of penetrating the armour of most German tanks. These weapons were top secret until the start of the war as they use tungsten-cored ammunition to obtain an outstanding penetration for such a small-calibre weapon. The company also has a squad of three 46mm wz. 36 light mortars, usually assigned one to each platoon. In addition, the battalion usually supports each company with a platoon of wz. 30 machine-guns from the heavy machine-gun company.

Box contains:

� 1x Command Rifle team. � 1x Anti-tank Rifle team. � 1x Light Mortar team. � 12 x Rifle teams.

Designed by Evan Allen & Anton Ducrot Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter


Each Dywizja Piechoty, or infantry division, has 27 anti-tank guns with a company of nine guns in each regiment. The anti-tank companies are equipped with the excellent little Bofors 37mm wz. 36 anti-tank gun. The first 300 of these highly-capable guns were imported from Sweden, while the remaining 900 on hand were built under licence in Poland.

A platoon or two of these guns attached to your battalion are your main anti-tank asset. Do not waste them in head-to-head battles against the German Panzers. The tanks have the mobility to mass all of their firepower against a single platoon of guns, wiping them out before they can destroy more than one or two tanks.

Instead, position your guns to protect your infantry where they cannot be engaged until the enemy attempts to assault your infantry. The combined fighting power of the infantry and guns together will cause far more casualties.

Designed by Karl Cederman & Anton Ducrot Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter

nightmares in any future conflicts, the Polish army decide to standardise the machine-gun it used and begun searching for potential contenders.

Among the contenders to be trialled was the Browning M1917 and after a vigorous regime of testing it proved to be the most suitable candidate, mainly due to its simple design and high tolerance to fouling while in the field.

Therefore, the Poles decide to purchase a licence from Colt to manufacture the weapon. However, due to an oversight by both Colt and its European representative; Fabrique Nationale, the design patent was not valid in Poland.

The Polish engineers therefore went to work creating their own clone of the Browning M1917 from the weapons used during the initial trials. The end design incorporated some modifications from the original Browning M1917 and was continually refined in the years leading up to the war.

With the German invasion of Poland, the Ckm wz. 30 could be found in units across the entire Polish army. A version was also adapted for use in armoured vehicles such as the 7TP series.

Designed by Evan Allen & Anton Durcot Painted by James Brown & Jeremy Painter

HISTORICO - Flames of War - URSS

Guards Tank Killer Company 45.00€ 42.75€ The SU-100 self-propelled gun was the successor to the SU-85. It was based on a similar, but not identical, chassis mounting a 100mm D-10S gun. This excellent gun could penetrate 162mm of armour at 500 meters and 150mm at 1000 meters range.

The hull was improved from the SU-85

Dmitriy Lozawith M4 76mm Sherman (Warrior) 9.00€ 8.55€ with M4 76mm Sherman.

Dmitriy Fedorovich Loza was born near Kharkov on 14 April 1922. He joined the Red Army in 1940 and graduated from the Saratov Armour School in 1942.

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assault gun with the addition of a commander’s cupola, the same as that found on the T-34/85 tank. It was housed in a cylindrical casemate to the right of the gun.

In 1944 the first 500 SU-100 assault guns rolled off the production line at the Uralmarch factory in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).Another 1175 were built in 1945. They began replacing SU-85 assault guns in the medium assault gun regiments and brigades in late 1944.


The SU-85M assault gun was a stop-gap measure utilising the new improved hull built for the SU-100. Not enough 100mm D-10S gun were initially available, so 85mm D-5 S-85 guns were mounted some early production hulls. The major advantage of the new hull was that is could carry up to 60 rounds instead of 48 of the SU-85 hull.

Designed by Evan Allen Painted & Stowage by James Brown

In October 1944 Loza’ company fought around Debrecen before his brigade was finally rested and re-equipped during November. They had their 75mm gun armed ‘Emcha’ tanks replaced with new 76mm ‘Emcha’ (M4A2 Sherman) tanks.

During January 1945 Loza’s battalion was involved in fierce battles 45km north of Budapest. The corps was holding off attempts by German armoured forces to relieve the besieged city. As deputy commander of the 1st Tank Battalion Loza was made commander of a forward detachment. It consisted of his tank company, two platoons of tank-riders and the ZSU M17 MGMC self-propelled anti-aircraft guns of the battalion.

In a howling snowstorm in the small hours of 7 January Loza and his detachment slammed into the axis lines through a path cleared by sappers of mines. Loza and his men quickly crushed the first line of defence and the rest of the brigade was able to punch through the gash ripped in the German lines. Working in close conjunction the Tankodesantniki infantry and Emcha tanks quickly overcame the German defenders and pushed deep in to the rear of the defences. The lightning breakthrough was completed when Loza’s detachment over ran an artillery battery located in an old brickworks after a short, but vicious, fire fight.

The corps struck west on the northern bank of the Danube, a move that ultimately would bring German Operation Konrad I to an end. The fighting continued into western Hungary. In March Loza was promoted to Guards Captain and took command of the 1st Battalion. He was later made a Hero of the Soviet Union for his exploits during the battle for Vienna. He completed the war in the far east crushing the Japanese army in Manchuria. After the war he had a distinguished career as an instructor, researcher and author.

Dmitriy Loza in Flames Of War

Characteristics Gvardeyskiy Kapitan Dmitriy Loza is a Warrior and a Platoon Command Tank team rated as Fearless Veteran.

Loza may join any Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Batalon and replaces the Command M4 76mm tank in an Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company for an

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additional +80 points.

Special Rules

Second in Command Loza was often left in charge of the battalion during the fighting in Hungary.

Gvardeyskiy Kapitan Dmitriy Loza may take Company Morale Checks as if he were the Company Command team if the Company Command team is Destroyed.

Battle Tested Loza’s experience and high initiative gave him a good feel for the battlefield, the enemy’s plans and how to deploy against them. It also gave him the confidence to act decisively.

Hen and Chicks special rule does not apply to Loza. The rest of his Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company still obey the Hen and Chicks special rule, but ignore all movement by Loza.

Spetsnaz Loza When Loza’s battalion called for a Forward Detachment to be formed for a special mission Loza was always selected.

Loza and his Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company may use the Infiltration special rules on page 182 of the rule book to infiltrate. Where the rule reads Scout Platoon read it as Loza and his Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company.

Loza and his Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company may infiltrate with a Tank Rider Company, Motostrelkovy Company or Razvedki Platoon.

Emcha Gunner Loza had nothing but praise for the Sherman’s M1 76mm gun and believed in getting as many shots off as he and his gunner could.

The M1 76mm gun of Loza’s M4 76mm tank has ROF 3 when stationary and ROF 2 when moving.

Designed by Evan Allen Painted by James Brown

Page 40: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

HOBBY - Andrea - Revista de Modelismo

Figure International Magazine 36 (español) 7.50€ 60 páginas a color con numerosos artículos de modelismo y pintura.


Bang!: Dodge City 15.50€ ¡Una expansión a prueba de balas!

Dodge City: Una bulliciosa, caótica y vibrante ciudad... ¡y hogar de los peores maleantes de las llanuras del Oeste! Los tiroteos son el pan de cada día, y la plancha metálica que llevas puede que no baste para salvarte la vida...

Proteger la Ley y el Orden es una tarea únicamente para los Sheriffs más valientes. ¿Estarás a la altura del desafío o acabarás muriendo con las botas puestas?

BANG! Dodge City es una expansión que hará tus partidas de BANG! aún más divertidas y emocionantes. La caja incluye la expansión Dodge City, que incluye: nuevos personajes, nuevas cartas y roles para dar cabida hasta a 8 jugadores.

Para poder jugar necesitas el juego básico.

Page 41: CatalogoNovedades111(1)


Bote Salvavidas 22.95€ Los jugadores son supervivientes de un naufragio a principios de siglo, a bordo de un frágil bote salvavidas. Los jugadores deben llegar con la máxima puntuación a tierra firme pero cada uno de ellos tiene un amor y un enemigo secreto, y nadie sabe cuando alcanzarán la orilla. ¿Ayudarás a remar y sobrevivir? ¿Iniciaras una lucha por los escasos alimentos que os quedan? ¿lanzarás a tu enemigo a los tiburones por sorpresa?

Bote Salvavidas es un juego de intriga, humor, traición y diplomacia diseñado por Jeff Siadek.

JUEGOS DE CARTAS - La Llamada de Cthulhu

La Orden del Crepusculo de Plata 29.95€ “He enjaezado a las sombras que cabalgan de mundo en mundo sembrando la muerte y la

locura...” & nbsp; – H. P. Lovecraft

La Orden del Crepúsculo de Plata es una organización oculta tras la fachada de un club de la alta sociedad para políticos y hombres de negocios.

Pero bajo esta falsa apariencia se esconden las verdaderas intenciones de la Orden y su obsesión por acumular poder, dominar las artes mágicas de lo arcano y hacerse con el

dominio del mundo.

Basada en la siniestra mitología creada por el maestro del terror H. P. Lovecraft, la expansión La Orden del Crepúsculo de Plata introduce esta organización como octava facción para La llamada de Cthulhu: El Juego de Cartas. Contiene 55 cartas nuevas, 40 de las cuales pertenecen a esta nueva facción. También se incluyen 2 cartas para cada una de las facciones del Juego Básico (la Agencia, Cthulhu, Hastur, la Universidad de Miskatonic, Shub-Niggurath, el Sindicato y Yog-Sothoth), así como 1 carta neutral. Hay 3 copias de cada carta en el interior de esta caja.

Esta expansión no es un producto completo; para poder jugar se necesita la caja básica de La llamada de Cthulhu: El Juego de Cartas.

Page 42: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

LIBROS - Alberto Santos

Alien. La Saga Cinematografica Edicion Especial 14.90€ AUTORES: LORENZO F. DÍAZ,CARLOS DIAZ MAROTO


En el espacio… nadie puede oír tus gritos

Un detallado análisis de las cuatro películas de Alien.

Todos los efectos especiales, los guiones, los intérpretes y los directores. Las escenas que fueron filmadas y eliminadas de los montajes finales. En definitiva, la historia completa de la creación de la saga cinematográfica más impactante de las últimas décadas.

Más de 600 fotografías.

LIBROS - Almena - Almena

Aquilifer nº 1. La Dinastia de los Severos 14.00€

Los Grandes Asedios de la Epoca Moderna. Siglox XVI y XVII 24.00€

LIBROS - Almena - Guerreros y batallas

Bagration y las ofensivas sovieticas de 1944

La Coruña 1809

Page 43: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

14.00€ 14.00€

Galland Books es una editorial de reciente creación cuyo principal objetivo es poner al alcance de lectores y aficionados todo tipo de libros de temática histórico-militar, tanto españoles

como extranjeros.

LIBROS - Galland Books - Galland Books

Los Caballeros de la Legion 18.00€ Autor: Carlos Micó España Páginas: 208

El 11 de mayo de 1921, la revista la Esfera publicaría: Carlos Micó, legionario. El conocido sportman y escritor, que tantas simpatías cuenta en la sociedad madrileña, salió anoche para Ceuta con objeto de incorporarse al Tercio de Extranjeros, donde se ha enganchado como voluntario. Micó se propone estudiar allí los dramas íntimos que han llevado a ese brillante Cuerpo militar a hombres de tan diversas edades, de tan distintas condiciones sociales y de diferentes países, conviviendo con ellos durante cuatro años. A consecuencia de ese estudio, escribirá un libro que ha de resultar

interesantísimo... Mucha suerte le deseamos, y que tenga allí ocasión de demostrar sus energías, su fuerza de atleta y su destreza en el manejo de las armas». De su experiencia nacerá “Los Caballeros de la Legión, cuya acogida de la crítica será extraordinaria. Uno de los primeros libros que habla sobre el Tercio.

En resumen es una crónica indispensable para saber qué era La Legión en sus orígenes, escrita de forma romántica y poética por un periodista de la época que se embarcó en el Tercio de Extranjeros para saber, de primera mano, qué era y por qué se hablaba así de esos hombres que crearon un hito en el terreno de las armas.

Resulta crucial los datos que aporta en vivo sobre la actuación de La Legión en el llamado Desastre de Annual, el rescate de Melilla, la vida en los blocaos, la toma de Nador. Como describe la personalidades de Millan Astray y sus comandantes, capitanes… el sentimiento en la batalla, el ambiente en Ceuta o en Melilla.

Carlos Micó, hizo intencionadamente uno de los primeros trabajos de periodismo de investigación de la historia de la información en España enrolándose en La Legión.

LIBROS - Galland Books - Stug 3

Con Africa en el corazon 15.00€ Autores: Rafael A. Permuy - Lluc Sala

La Segunda Guerra Mundial en el Cine 12.00€ La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha sido, y

La Legion y la Guerra Relampago vol. 2 12.00€ Autores: J.M. Manrique y L. Molina

Page 44: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Páginas: 64 Totalmente ilustrado

Resulta irrefutable que España, desde tiempos muy lejanos, ha sentado sus derechos indiscutibles, históricos y legales, en el Norte de África.

Entre los años 1415 y 1497, las tropas castellano-aragonesas ya habían conseguido ocupar Ceuta, Melilla, Alcazarquivir, Arcila y Tánger. Entre 1505 y 1555, los españoles extendieron el radio de su acción militar norteafricana, logrando conquistar el Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, Mozalquivir, Peñón de Argel, Orán, Trípoli, Santa Cruz del Mar Pequeña, Bizerta y Bona, en el territorio actualmente argelino.

Aunque Ceuta había pasado a manos de los portugueses, en el año 1581, con la independencia del reino de Portugal, esta ciudad pasó definitivamente a ser de España. En 1636 se ocupó Larache, en la costa atlántica, ciudad que se perdió en 1689, aunque, posteriormente, volvería a se de dominio español.

En este libro, eminentemente gráfico, Ferrer-Dalmau nos deleita con su pintura dedicada a rememorar las tres campañas africanas llevadas a cabo por España, una a mediados del siglo XIX y otras dos en el primer tercio del XX. Completan el libro, imágenes de uniformes, armas y militaria relacionadas con las campañas africanas, pertenecientes a las colecciones de Lluc Sala y Vicente Navarro, así como un atractivo proyecto –ya en marcha– dedicado a reproducir a escala parte de la obra pictórica de Ferrer-Dalmau.

es, continua fuente de inspiración para emprender ambiciosos proyectos cinematográficos, proporcionando al género bélico algunas de sus más brillantes realizaciones.

La magnitud del conflicto, la extensa área geográfica donde se produjeron los combates, así como la intensidad de éstos, parecieron confluir para edificar el guión perfecto con el que muchos directores llegaron a moldear auténticas obras maestras.

Tanto el cine producido con fines marcadamente propagandísticos para mantener alta la moral durante los críticos años presididos por la guerra, como las grandes superproducciones filmadas a lo largo de las décadas posteriores, han proporcionado al llamado Séptimo Arte una serie de títulos actualmente ya antológicos como: «Sangre, sudor y lágrimas», «El día más largo», «La batalla de Inglaterra», «Los cañones de Navarone», «La gran evasión», «Patton», «El tren», «¿Arde París?», «Un puente lejano», o las demoledoras «El submarino», «Enemigo a las puertas» y «Salvar al soldado Ryan».

Todas ellas, junto a otras más, no cabe duda que dejaron una huella indeleble en el imaginario colectivo de varias generaciones.

Páginas: 88 Muy ilustrado

Pocos conocen que el nacimiento de la "Guerra Relámpago" –la llamada Blitzkrieg–, tuvo lugar en España, y muchos menos, que la Legión –El Tercio de Extranjeros– contribuyó a ello de forma muy señalada.

En esencia, éste es le resumen del presente libro, pues el Cuerpo de Ejército Marroquí, mandado por el jefe de la Legión, el general de Infantería Juan Yagüe Blanco, fue la gran unidad que realizó los avances más vertiginosos y de resultados más definitivos, a la vez que sirvió de asiento a la plana mayor del Tercio.

El hombre que hizo posible aquella titánica hazaña, el vencedor de Asturias y el más precupado por la justicia social de los generales de Franco, Juan Yagüe entro en la historia por méritos propios al frente de su Cuerpo de Ejército Marroquí.

Esta es su crónica.

Lincolns. Voluntarios norteamericanos en la Guerra Civil Español 12.00€ Entre el mito y el olvido, entre la leyenda y la indiferencia, la participación de los voluntarios norteamericanos en la Guerra Civil Española ha sido tratada de forma muy irregular por la copiosa bibliografía de la contienda. Y aunque si bien es cierto que últimamente el asunto ha gozado de

Militaria de la Division Azul 12.00€ Páginas: 80 Muy ilustrado

Uniformes, emblemas, documentos, condecoraciones y otros objetos de los voluntarios españoles en Rusia.

La División Azul (en alemán Blau

Page 45: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

una mayor preferencia en el interés de los investigadores, la realidad es que la actuación de los «yanquis» en la guerra todavía no ha sido estudiada exhaustivamente, unas veces por falta de documentación y otras por culpa de la más execrable de las propagandas, ora denigratoria, ora laudatoria.

¿Batallón o brigada?, ¿comunistas o idealistas?, ¿aventureros o soldados?... Todo en torno a su participación sigue resultando controvertido, en especial en EE.UU., donde el estigma de haber sido declarada su hermandad de excombatientes organización antiamericana durante la «Caza de Brujas» de la década de los 50 del pasado siglo, sigue pesando mucho en el imaginario colectivo de ese país.

El hecho es que centenares de jóvenes norteamericanos cruzaron el Atlántico para combatir en el Jarama, en Brunete, en Blechite y en el Bajo Aragón, en la diabólica cota 666 de Pandols o entre la ruinas de Corbera, Muchos de ellos cayeron en España y otros fueron puestos en entredicho en su propia casa, encontrando consuelo en los monumentos y homenajes que, pasado el tiempo, se les empezó a brindar. Este es un resumen de su peculiar historia...

Division), creada durante el verano de 1941 como un contingente de voluntarios españoles enviados al frente ruso para combatir al comunismo soviético junto a los ejércitos de Hitler, es la unidad militar del siglo XX sobre la que más bibliografía existe en nuestro país.

En los últimos años han abundado las obras eminentemente gráficas, basadas tanto en las imágenes de piezas originales utilizadas por miembros de la Blau como en la recuperación y publicación de fotografías originales, tomadas por los propios divisionarios o pertenecientes a archivos públicos.

Lejos de ser un catálogo exhaustivo, con este libro, pretendemos mostrar al lector de forma sistemática y agrupados según su temática, una serie de ejemplos muy variados de artículos originales que están íntimamente relacionados con los veteranos de la Blau, citando, siempre que es posible, a su propietario original.

LIBROS - Varios

Hombres de Hollywood 19.95€ AUTOR: NACHO CASTRO


Libro de ilustraciones y citas de películas, que hace un recorrido por los grandes iconos masculinos del cine de Hollywood, desde Rodolfo Valentino a Hugh Jackman.

Nacho Castro ("Tolkien. Seres mágicos de la Tierra Media") nos deslumbra con su estilo realista en este apasionante viaje por

Page 46: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

actores y películas del cine norteamericano.


Fiambrera snacks Bob Esponja 3.95€ Tamaño: 6x10x10cm

Sudadera Bob Esponja Manga Larga Azul 2 años 21.95€

Sudadera Bob Esponja Manga Larga Azul 4 años 21.95€

Sudadera Bob Esponja Manga Larga Azul 6 años 21.95€

Sudadera Bob Esponja Manga Larga Azul 8 años 21.95€


Page 47: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Figura Jason Voorhees 180 cm Cinema of Fear 24.95€ Figura de la serie Cinema of Fear de Jason Friday The 13th 2009. Incluye hacha, machete y pico. Presentación: en blister. Fabricante: Mezco Toys.

Peluche Gizmo sonriente - Gremlins 15cm 14.95€


Peluche Enjuto Mojamuto con ventosa - Muchachada Nui 17cm 3.95€

Peluche Enjuto Mojamuto - Muchachada Nui 22cm 5.95€

Peluche Enjuto Mojamuto - Muchachada Nui 45cm 17.95€


Cabezon Stewie Darth Vader Family Guy 15.95€

Page 48: CatalogoNovedades111(1)


Conjunto beige gorro y guantes Hello Kitty 11.95€ Producto licenciado por Sanrio. Gorro y guantes bordados.

Composición: 100% acrílico.

Tallas 52 y 54.

Conjunto negro gorro y guantes Hello Kitty 11.95€ Producto licenciado por Sanrio. Gorro y guantes bordados.

Composición: 100% acrílico.

Tallas 52 y 54.

Guantes negros mitones Hello Kitty 11.95€ Producto licenciado por Sanrio. Guantes mitones bordados con funda de quita y pon para los dedos.

Composición: 95% acrílico, 5% elastán.

Peluche black Hello Kitty Sanrio 20cm 13.95€

Camiseta Negra Chica Hello Kitty Manzana L 16.95€

Camiseta Negra Chica Hello Kitty Manzana M 16.95€

Camiseta Negra Chica Hello Kitty Manzana S 16.95€

Camiseta Negra Chica Hello Kitty Camuflaje L 16.95€

Camiseta Negra Chica Hello Kitty Camuflaje M 16.95€

Page 49: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Camiseta Negra Chica Hello Kitty Camuflaje S 16.95€


Peluche Comic Guy 30cm Los Simpsons 24.95€

Peluche Los Simpsons Bart 26 cm 11.95€


Bolso fucsia Dora y Botas 21x15x6cm

Peluche Dora la Exploradora Botas 20

Page 50: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

13.95€ cm 6.95€


Camiseta Stark Gris L 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Stark Gris M 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Stark Gris S 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Page 51: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Camiseta Stark Gris XL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Stark Gris XXL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Greyjoy Negra L 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Greyjoy Negra M 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Camiseta Greyjoy Negra S 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Camiseta Greyjoy Negra XL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Page 52: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Greyjoy Negra XXL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Baratheon Naranja L 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Baratheon Naranja M 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Page 53: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Camiseta Baratheon Naranja S 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Baratheon Naranja XL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Baratheon Naranja XXL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Targaryen Negra L 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Camiseta Targaryen Negra M 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Camiseta Targaryen Negra S 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Page 54: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Targaryen Negra XL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Targaryen Negra XXL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Lannister Burdeos L 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Page 55: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Camiseta Lannister Burdeos M 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Lannister Burdeos S 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Lannister Burdeos XL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.

Camiseta Lannister Burdeos XXL 19.95€ Por fin podrás vestir los colores de tu casa y portar el blasón oficial de las principales casas de Westeros.

Diseñadas bajo la supervisión del propio autor, las camisetas oficiales representan los emblemas tal y como fueron creados, para los fans de la saga de fantasía más influyente de los últimos tiempos.

Page 56: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Convertida por la prestigiosa cadena de televisión HBO en serie de televisión la saga promete crecer exponencialmente en 2011 con su estreno y la aparición del esperado quinto libro: Danza de Dragones.

Todas las camisetas están disponibles en las talla S,M,L,XL y XXL y vienen presentadas en un blister transparente que facilita su exposición y preserva la calidad de las mismas. Las camisetas pertenecen a la marca Fruit of the loom y han sido elaboradas con un certificado de comercio justo.


Figuras Brian Johnson y Angus Young AC/DC 41.95€ Caja deluxe que contiene las figuras de 17,5 cms de Angus Young y Brian Johnson del grupo AC/DC.

Fabricante: NECA

Figura John Lennon The New York Years 45 cm con sonido 59.95€

Figura Elvis Aloha Blue Hawaii 18cm 21.95€ Fabricante: McFarlane Toys.

Page 57: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

The Beatles. Su historia en anecdotas 19.90€ AUTOR: XAVIER PEREZ



Una historia de los Beatles a través de sus anécdotas

Un documento único

Todo lo que te gustaría saber sobre THE BEATLES ahora reunido en una historia del grupo pero a través de las curiosidades y anécdotas que presentan mayor interés para el aficionado a la música pop y en particular del celebre grupo de Liverpool que revolucionó los años sesenta y la cultura popular de la época con su imagen desenfadada y sus letras tan cercanas a los jóvenes de entonces.


Figura Shock Trooper cabezón bobble head - Star Wars 15cm 16.95€ Figura Funko Force bobble head ultra stylized. Tiene los brazos articulados. Presentación en blister con forma de tubo.

Ajedrez lenticular animation Star Wars 29.95€ Ajedrez que incluye 32 figuras 3D con imágenes lenticulares de los personajes de Star Wars. Presentación: en caja blister de 39x29x5cm. Altura piezas: de 5 a 7,5cm.

Page 58: CatalogoNovedades111(1)


Peluche Toad alta calidad - Super Mario Bros 20cm 12.95€

Peluche Mario alta calidad - Super Mario Bros 20cm 12.95€ Peluche Mario alta calidad

Peluche Yoshi alta calidad Super Mario Bros 20cm 12.95€ Peluche Yoshi alta calidad

Peluche mochila Yoshi Super Mario Bros 45cm 39.95€ Peluche de alta calidad en forma de mochila con compartimento.

Seta Mushroom caramelos Nintendo 3.50€ Cajita surtida de caramelos con sabor a fresa y manzana ácidas, en forma de las setas mushroom de Nintendo.

Caja sorpresa caramelos Nintendo 3.50€ Cajita surtida de caramelos con sabor a fresa, con forma de caja sorpresa con monedas de Nintendo.

Peluche Peach Nintendo - Super Mario 25cm 12.95€

Peluche Toad Nintendo - Super Mario 25cm 12.95€ Producto oficial Nintendo.

Page 59: CatalogoNovedades111(1)


Axis & Allies Spring 1942 36.95€ ¡Primavera de 1942, el mundo está en guerra! Cinco potencias del mundo luchan por la supremacía: Alemania y Japón están alineados contra Inglaterra, la Unión Soviética y EE.UU. Tu controlas el destino militar y económico de uno de estos países en la lucha titánica que decidirá el destino del mundo. Necesitarás la perseverancia de Montgomery, la audacia de Rommel, el coraje de Patton, el momento de Yamamoto, y la firmeza de Zhukov para ganar.

Axis & Allies celebra su 25 aniversario en agosto de 2009 con una edición nueva y actualizada del clásico juego original, Axis & Allies 1942.

Axis & Allies 1942, diseñado y desarrollado por Larry Harris, utiliza las normas de actualizadas establecidas en A & A Anniversary Edition. Buques de la clase crucero hará su debut en A & A 1942, cambiando para siempre la línea de guerra naval. Nuevas minaturas de juego esculpidas en exclusiva posicionan este juego como la piedra angular de la línea de juego Axis & Allies para los próximos años.

Axis & Allies 1942 contiene:

� Libro de Reglas actualizado por Larry Harris, creador del sistema de juego "Axis & Allies

� 370 minaturas de juego más nuevos modelos de cruceros con

Fleet Command Booster Pack 15.95€ All hands on deck! The fourth expansion to the War at Sea naval miniatures game, Fleet Commander features 40 authentically detailed miniatures that war gamers, WWII enthusiasts, and collectors can use to assemble fleets with which to do battle on the seas of World War II. Two nations debut in this set – Poland with the destroyer ORP Blyskawica and Sweden with the coastal defense ship HMS Gustav V – while unique ships, such as the USS Nevada, HMS Glorius, and the Japanese Aircraft Carrier Kaga, showcase their distinctive markings and camouflage.

Includes 5 random miniatures, stat cards, and a set checklist.

Page 60: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

reglas actualizadas para la unidad naval que debutó en Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition

Nº de jugadores: 2-5 jugadores Duración: 2-3 horas Idioma: Inglés


Lords of Madness Huge Pack 21.95€ A randomized set of 60 monsters and characters for your Dungeons & Dragons game.

Lords of Madness is a fully randomized set of 60 pre-painted plastic D&D miniatures, including several Huge figures. The set features iconic D&D monsters and characters—perfect additions to any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Collect them all!

Each booster pack contains: 6 randomized, pre-painted plastic miniatures, including 1 Huge figure 6 stat cards, one for each figure in the booster pack Lords of Madness set checklist

Dragoneye Booster Pack 13.95€ Are you ready for a random encounter dominated by dragons and dragonkind, along with a horde of other heroes, villains, and monsters. Taken straight from D&D rulebooks and the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, these characters are ready for battle -- right out of the box.

Each randomized Dragoneye expansion pack contains 8 random figures with double-sided statistic cards for use with D&D roleplaying game or for fast-paced head-to-head combat.

Page 61: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Italeri - Escala 1/35

Lancha Torpedera M.A.S. 568 4ª Serie 84.95€ Esc. 1/35

Tripulacion de Lancha M.A.S 568 y Accesorios 19.95€ Esc. 1/35

Vehiculo Blindado Italiano L40 DA 47/32 25.95€ Esc. 1/35

Tanque Pz.kpfw 38(T) Ausf. F 27.95€ Esc. 1/35

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Italeri - Escala 1/48

Helicoptero Ruso KA-50 Hokum'90 21.95€ Esc. 1/48

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Italeri - Escala 1/72

Planeador AS-51 Horsa, II Guera Mundial 17.95€ Esc. 1/72

Obstaculos Antitanques 8.95€ Esc. 1/72

Tanque Sherman M4 A3, Montaje Rapido 11.95€ Esc. 1/72

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Italeri - Leonardo da Vinci

Embarcacion Multicañon,col. Leonardo Da Vinci 27.95€

Page 62: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Revell - Easy Kit

Concorde Easy Kit 21.95€ Esc. 1/288

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Revell - Escala 1/144

Boeing 737-800 Tuifly Haribair 22.95€ Esc. 1/144

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Revell - Escala 1/32

Hidroavion Arado AR 196 A-3 37.95€ Esc. 1/32

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Revell - Escala 1/35

Vehiculo Blindado Wiesel 2 Leflasys Ozelot 26.95€ Esc. 1/35

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Revell - Escala 1/48

Page 63: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

Eurofighter Typhoon Biplaza 32.95€ Esc. 1/48

Caza Northrop F-5 F Aggressor 22.95€ Esc. 1/48

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Revell - Escala 1/72

Biplano de Havilland D.H.2 1916 5.95€ Esc. 1/72

Bombardero FW 200 C-4 Condor 42 32.95€ Esc. 1/72

MODELISMO ¡Nuevo! - Tamiya - Escala 1/35

Sturmgeschutz III Ausf.G, Ejercito Finlandes 33.95€ Esc. 1/35

Infanteria de Asalto Rusa 41-42, II Guerra Mundial 16.95€ Esc. 1/35

Page 64: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

PINTURA - Andrea - Pintura - Equipo de pintura Andrea Color

Green Paint Set 19.00€

PINTURA - Andrea - Publicaciones

G.A. Custer To the Little Big Horn 36.95€ A4

REVISTAS y REGLAMENTOS - Wargames Illustrated

Wargames Illustrated Enero 2011 (Special: D-Day) 6.95€ D-DAY: THE ALLIED INVASION OF FRANCE Setting the scene for this month’s theme we present a brief guide the the largest amphibious landing in history, and its aim to bring victory to the Allies.

EIGHT ARMIES IN NORMANDY It is June, 1944, and the Allies are landing on the Normandy beaches - directly into the teeth of the German fortifications. The paratroopers have dropped inland and are making their way to the coast, engaging German units as they encounter them. ‘Eight Armies in Normandy’ is a large scale Flames of War game played by Battlefront Miniatures staff to celebrate the launch of the newest Normandy


Page 65: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

LEPKOWSKI’S PRISON BREAK The Brasprats Raid, 16 August 1944; a daring World War II German mission to rescue 130 Fallschirmjäger prisoners. All the background and gaming details you need for refighting the raid.

NO MEAN STREETS Pete Brown introduces us to some of the innovative ways his local club tackles wargaming in an urban environment.

THE FALL OF THE FOURTEENTH The “typical” image of a wargame might be a group of friends gathered around a table, beers in hand. Sometimes all you have are the figures, table, and beers. Chris Hahn provides us with a “solo wargamer” take on the loss of a Roman legion.

HAVANA 1762 Author David Greentree gives us the wargaming angle on his new Osprey book - A Far Flung Gamble.

GREAT WARRIORS: POLISH HUSSARS We take a look at the famous Polish Winged Hussars.

THE SECOND BATTLE OF KOSOVO, 1448 With Steward Hunyadi Janos at the reins in 1448, the mighty Hungarian army attempted to stop the spread of the Ottomans in the Balkan Peninsula. John Bianchi explains how all did not go as he had planned.

HOW TO BUILD WAGONS Paul Davies brings us another great modeling article that will help you bring your baggage trains to life.

AN ARMY IN SPRAYS Three hundred English Civil War figures from bare plastic to painted in ten evenings! Is it possible? Find out here....

LITTLE MEN, BIG GAMES Running a big game at a wargames show or event can be incredibly daunting the first time around. Chris Pramas give us a few ideas on how to avoid the classic pitfalls.

CONVERTING A LATE ROMAN CAVALRYMAN Model making and figure painting guru Kevin Dallimore has provided us with this great extract from his new book Advanced Modelling and Painting.

PLUS we take a look at the Old Glory Show (UK), the Military History Weekend (USA), and our Reviews return to the web.

COMICS - Panini

Principe Valiente. Lejos de Camelot 19.95€ AUTORES: MARK SCHULTZ,GARY GIANNI


¡El renacimiento de una obra maestra! Schultz y Gianni devuelven su gloria pasada a la mítica creación de Harold Foster. Este volumen único sigue el rastro del Príncipe Valiente y su hijo Nathan mientras se

preparan para la batalla tras la abdicación del Rey Arturo. Cada paso del viaje está lleno de peligros y de oportunidades para

Page 66: CatalogoNovedades111(1)

corregir viejos errores. Mientras tanto, Aleta, el verdadero amor de nuestro protagonista, se enfrenta en Camelot a sus propios desafíos.

En base a la Ley 34/2002 de Servicio de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), y de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 del 12/12/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, te comunicamos que tu dirección de correo electrónico forma parte de nuestro fichero automatizado, con el objeto de informarte sobre las novedades, propuestas y ofertas que ofrecemos en Podrás ejercer en todo momento los derechos de acceso, rectificación y cancelación, comunicándolo por correo electrónico a la dirección [email protected], o por teléfono al número 647 158110. Te recordamos que tus datos nunca son suministrados a terceros bajo ningún concepto, siendo únicamente utilizados para el envío de información de Recibes este correo porque pensamos que puede ser de tu interés. Si no es así, por favor, indícanoslo y no te lo enviaremos de nuevo.