Ergón Magazine

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Revista Publicada por el Grupo Ergón de Comercializacion. Febrero 2011

Transcript of Ergón Magazine

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P á g i n a | 3

Contenido Editorial ........................................................ 4

¿El mercadeo es para todos, y la RSE solo

para los grandes? ......................................... 5

CSR just for…................................................. 6

COLOMBIAN TOURIST GROWTH .................. 8

Recurso Humano Clave en Sector Turístico . 9

Human Resources a Key in Tourism Sector 11

New horizons .............................................. 13


ivimos en un mundo

turístico por decirlo así.

Viajar es un placer. Y las

personas les encantan

sentir placer. En esta revista

estudiaremos el turismo desde areas

importantes de la administración

moderna. Para darnos una visión más

amplia del simple viaje de vacaciones.

Varios especialistas analizan

profundamente diferentes aspectos

desde las organizaciones hasta el sistema

financiero que este sector maneja.

Disfrútalo y dejate llevar en este viaje.

We live in a tourist world for saying it

this way. Travelling is a pleasure. And the

people love feeling pleasure. In this

magazine we will study the tourism from

important areas of the modern

administration. To give us a more wide

vision of the simple trip of vacations.

Several specialists analyze deeply

different aspects from the organizations

up to the financial system that this sector

handles. Enjoy it and let us to go in this



Editor en Jefe:

Jorge Jiménez

Editor Económico:

Gipsy de Moya

Editor RH y Organizaciones:

Mariela Lyons

Editor Emprendimiento y Nuevos Proyectos:

María Díaz

P á g i n a | 5

¿El mercadeo es para todos, y

la RSE solo para los grandes? Por Jorge Jiménez

l mercadeo es sin duda para todas las

empresas, pero la RSE es para…

En el mundo entero podemos ver como el

sector turístico mueve miles de dólares

anualmente. Es uno de los sectores de la

economía mundial que se ha sostenido a

pesar de la crisis. Por supuesto, algunas

empresas que laboran en este sector han

sido afectadas. Por ejemplo hay aerolíneas

grandes que han adquirido las más pequeñas

y además se han realizado grandes alianzas

entre aerolíneas a nivel mundial.

En medio de todo esto, queremos resaltar el

uso del mercadeo como herramienta

esencial en el éxito de las empresas del

sector turístico. Hay países, hoteles,

empresas, aerolíneas, agencias de viaje que

crean el deseo de las personas de viajar. Un

buen ejemplo local que podemos observar

es el de la marca “Colombia es Pasión” la

cual ha sido galardonada como una de las

mejores marca país del mundo. Cada ciudad

en el mundo quiere diferenciarse para así

poder posicionarse en la mente de los

turistas potenciales.

La principal víctima de esta herramienta

llamada mercadeo es el consumidor. Debido

a que los esfuerzos, estrategias y tácticas

están enfocados en ganar la lealtad de cada

uno para así poder ser una empresa

sostenible. Ahora, teniendo esto en mente

me gustaría preguntar. ¿Acaso todas las

empresas ligadas al sector turístico así como

invierten en mercadeo invierten en RSE?, ¿La

RSE empresarial está ligada solamente a

empresas grandes? Para responder estas

preguntas queremos enfocarnos solo en

nuestro país Colombia. Realmente no todas

las empresas están ligadas a desarrollar una

estrategia de RSE.

Recordemos que crear una estrategia de RSE

consta de 3 impactos fundamentales.

Impacto económico, social y ambiental.

Cumplirlos todos es RSE. Cumplir solo dos no

es RSE.

En el marco de Colombia, respecto a hoteles

es muy difícil o imposible encontrar

información en internet donde se encuentra

todo respecto a actividades de RSE de

hoteles en Colombia. De igual forma algunas

aerolíneas no muestran sus acciones

socialmente responsables en público en

internet. Y eso lo interpreto de dos formas.

Hacen tanto que no tienen tiempo de

mostrar o sencillamente no hacen nada.

Ahora la otra pregunta a desarrollar es que

efectivamente si hay empresas –unas

cuantas- grandes a nivel nacional que si se

muestran orgullosas de su política de RSE.

Solo imaginen las agencias de viajes. Cada

día son más y más pero estoy seguro que

ninguna tiene una política de RSE. Las

políticas socialmente responsables están de

moda en el mundo. Para ser competitivos a

nivel local y aun más en el mundo entero es

necesario crear conciencia de nuestro

entorno y desarrollar políticas de RSE que

nos harán desarrollar una ventaja

competitiva frente a este mundo cambiante.

No se puede esperar. El turismo mundial

gasta en Mercadeo y es hora de invertir en

Responsabilidad Social.


CSR just for… By Jorge Jiménez

arketing is definitely for all

companies, but the CSR is just for…

In the world, we can see how the

tourism sector moves thousands of

dollars annually. It is one of the sectors of

the global economy that have been

sustained despite the crisis. Of Course some

companies working in this sector have been

affected. For example, there are huge

airlines that have acquired smaller ones and

also have made major alliances airlines


In the middle of all that, we want to highlight

the use of the marketing as essential tool in

the success of the companies of the tourist

sector. There are countries, hotels,

companies, airlines, agencies of trip that

create the desire of people to travel. A good

local example that we can observe is that

the brand “Colombia is Passion" who has

been rewarded as one of the best brand of

country in the world. Every city in the world

wants to differ this way to reach a position in

the mind of the potential tourists.

The principal victim of this tool called

marketing is the consumer. Due to the fact

that the efforts, strategies and tactics are

focused in gaining the loyalty of people and

allow be a sustainable company. Now,

having this in mind I would like to ask.

Perhaps all the companies connected to the

tourist sector as well as they invest in

marketing invest in CSR? Is managerial CSR

linked only to big companies? To answer

these questions we want to focus only in our

country Colombia.

Really not all the companies are linked to

developing CSR's strategy.

Let's remember that to create CSR's strategy

consists of 3 fundamental impacts.

Economic, social and environmental impact.

To fulfill all is CSR. To fulfill only two is CSR.

In the frame of Colombia, with respect to

hotels it is very difficult or impossible to find

information in Internet where one finds

everything, with respect to CSR's activities of

hotels in Colombia. Of equal form some

airlines do not show his socially responsible

actions publicly in Internet. And I interpret it

of two forms. They do so much that do not

have time to show or simply not to do


Now, another question to developing is that

really if there are companies - a few all those

- big national that show to be proud of his

CSR's politics. Only imagine the travel

agencies. Every day they are more and more

but I am sure that none has CSR's politics.

The socially responsible policies are

fashionable in the world. To be competitive

to local level and furthermore all over the

world it is necessary to create conscience of

our environment and to develop CSR's

policies that will make us develop a

competitive advantage opposite to this

changeable world. It is not possible to wait.

The world tourism spends in Marketing and

it is time.


P á g i n a | 7

Crecimiento Turístico

Colombiano Por Gipsy De Moya

urante la década de los noventa en

América latina el sector del turismo

presentó un crecimiento

generalizado, a excepción de

Colombia, ya que durante esta época el país

se vio afectado por la mala imagen que

obtuvo gracias a los problemas relacionados

con la guerrilla y cuestiones de seguridad. La

mayor parte de los países latinoamericanos

presentaron un fuerte crecimiento en este

sector pero ese no fue el caso de nuestro


El crecimiento en este sector inició con la

implementación del programa “vive

Colombia viaja por ella”, con el cual se

incentivaba el turismo interno, a través de

este plan estratégico los Colombianos fueron

motivados a viajar a través del país con

mayor seguridad en carreteras. Igualmente,

esto permitió un mayor crecimiento del

sector puesto que turistas del exterior

también fueron atraídos gracias al

mejoramiento en cuestiones de seguridad.

Para el año 2003, en Colombia el sector del

turismo realizaba aportes del 8.2 % al PIB en

comparación a países como Venezuela

donde el turismo solo aportaba el 1,4%.

Entre ese mismo año y el 2008 se duplicó el

número de visitantes al pasar de 1,053 a más

de 2,6 millones de visitantes extranjeros.

Con esto se puede observar el rápido

crecimiento del turismo en los últimos años

en el país gracias a las estrategias

implementadas como el programa

“Colombia es pasión” y “Colombia: el riesgo

es que te quieras quedar” y también a los

beneficios tributarios otorgados que

motivaron a la construcción hotelera en el

país. Igualmente, otro aspecto que permite

destacar el crecimiento de este sector es que

este se ha convertido en el tercer sector de

exportación después del carbón y el

petróleo, con 2.263 millones de dólares en

2007 y un crecimiento del 12,7, con respecto

a 2006. Debido al crecimiento y el gran

cambio en el sector, para muchos otros

países con situaciones similares a los

enfrentados años atrás, Colombia ha

representado un modelo al aplicar

estrategias de diversificación dándole una

nueva imagen al territorio.

Durante el 2008, se presentó un

desaceleramiento en el flujo de viajeros en

el contexto mundial, por las variaciones en

los precios del petróleo y la inflación

mundial. Sin embargo, en Colombia esta

desaceleración no se percibió debido a la

política de seguridad democrática, con la

que se retomó la confianza internacional, las

labores de Proexport y las del Ministerio de

Comercio, Industria y Turismo. Para el año

2010, dicho Ministerio logró subir cinco

puestos obteniendo el primer lugar en índice

de transparencia nacional (ITN), en

comparación con los resultados presentados

en el 2008, esto ubica a este ministerio como

la cuarta cartera en transparencia entre

catorce ministerios evaluados. Durante ese

mismo año, el turismo aumentó 8,9% en

comparación con el crecimiento mundial de

6,7%. En la grafica podemos observar como

en los últimos seis años el número de

visitantes para Colombia se triplicó de los

cuales la mayor parte provienen

principalmente de países como Estados

Unidos y Venezuela. Con esto podemos

observar, que a pesar de haber sido afectado

por problemas de seguridad Colombia ha

desarrollado con éxito el sector del turismo

gracias a los diferentes es diferentes planes

estratégicos que han sido aplicados.


Colombian Tourist Growth By Gipsy De Moya

uring the nineties in Latin America,

tourism presented a broad-based

growth, with the exception of

Colombia, since during this period

the country was affected by the bad image

given by the problems associated with the

guerrillas and security issues. Most Latin

American countries showed strong growth in

this sector but it was not the case in our


Growth in this sector started with the

implementation of the program “Vive

Colombia, Viaja por Ella”, which encourage

domestic tourism, through this strategic plan

Colombians were encouraged to travel across

the country. Also this allowed further growth

of the sector because foreign tourists were also

attracted by the improvement in security.

For 2003, Colombia tourism make

contributions of 8.2% of GDP compared to

countries like Venezuela where tourism

contributes only 1.4% to the GDP. Between

that year and 2008 Colombia doubled the

number of visitors, going from 1.053 to over

2.6 million of foreign visitors. With this we can

see the rapid growth of tourism in recent years

in the country, thanks to the strategies

implemented as "Colombia es pasion" and

"Colombia: el riesgo es que te quieras quedar"

and also the strategy to give tax benefits in

order to led the construction of hotels in the


Similarly, another aspect that allows us to

highlight the growth of this sector is that this

has become the third largest export sector

after coal and oil, with 2,263 million in 2007

and a growth of 12.7, compared to 2006.

Due to growth and great change in the sector,

for many other countries facing similar

situations, Colombia has been a model of

diversification strategy applied by giving a new

look to the territory.

In 2008, in the global context was presented a

slowdown in the flow of passengers, due to the

changes in oil prices and global inflation.

However, in Colombia was not perceived this

slowdown thanks to the policy of democratic

security, the work of Proexport and the

Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

In 2010, this Ministry climb five places winning

first place in National Transparency Index (ITN),

compared with the results presented in 2008,

this places this ministry as the fourth portfolio

transparency of the fourteen ministries


In the other hand, in the graph we can see in

the last six years the number of visitors to

Colombia tripled from which most come mainly

from countries like the United States and

Venezuela. Tourism grew 8.9% compared with

global growth of 6.7%.

With this we can see, that despite having been

affected by security problems Colombia has

succeeded in developing the tourism sector

through the various strategic plans that have

been applied.


P á g i n a | 9

Recurso Humano Clave en Sector

Turístico Por Mariela Lyons

ctualmente el sector turístico está

inmerso en un mundo más

competitivo, en donde las empresas

están obligadas a realizar continúas mejoras

a sus productos, servicios y a la gestión de

las personas que forman parte de ésta. Con

la globalización, se han creado nuevos

consumidores más exigentes con muchas

más alternativas para escoger en el

mercado, de ahí nace la necesidad de

superar las expectativas de estos clientes.

Uno de los factores que determina el éxito

de las empresas turísticas es su capacidad de

manejar el capital humano y realizar

estrategias enfocadas a la gestión de

Recursos Humanos que permitan alcanzar

objetivos, maximizar rentabilidad y

garantizar la supervivencia. Este capital

humano son de gran importancia dentro de

las organizaciones, debido a que son estos

quienes brindan a los clientes exigentes una

experiencia turística memorable y que le

permiten a la compañía diferenciarse de la

competencia. Sin embargo ¿qué tan atractivo

es para un empleado trabajar en este

sector? Por lo general se piensa que el

sector turístico representa largas jornadas

laborales, baja remuneración y una posición

inestable, razones suficientes para hacer este

trabajo una opción poco atractiva. A pesar

de esto, con el crecimiento de este sector, la

gestión de Recursos Humanos se ha

convertido en una política clave en las

organizaciones; hoy se busca fomentar un

entorno laboral donde los empleados estén

dispuestos a poner lo mejor de su capital

profesional, es decir, su talento, sus

conocimientos, y su compromiso.

Con el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y el

incremento de consumidores más

informados sobre las distintas opciones que

existen en el mercado, las empresas

pertenecientes a este sector se ven con la

necesidad de ampliar su portafolio más allá

de los la oferta tradicional, la cual se limitaba

a la prestación de alojamiento mas comida;

esto con el fin de satisfacer totalmente las

necesidades de los clientes y brindarles una

experiencia más que solo un hospedaje. De

este modo, las empresas turísticas también

ofrecen servicios de agencias de viaje,

alquiler de vehículos y han creado alianzas

con otros sectores como el de Salud y

Belleza, entre otras estrategias. Estos

nuevos servicios requieren de una mejora en

la competencia del personal, ya que estos

son los encargados de administrar tales

servicios. Los avances tecnológicos han

provocado que los directivos de

organizaciones sean más proactivos, que

analicen las situaciones y tomen las mejores

decisiones. Lo anterior nos muestra que no

importa el rango que se tenga, todos hacen

parte de la estrategia de crecimiento de la


Actualmente quien desea ser parte de este

creciente sector debe tener compromiso por

lo que hace, porque son ellos quienes

representan el nombre de la compañía y de

ellos depende que un cliente este satisfecho

y se vuelva fiel a la organización.


P á g i n a | 11

Human Resources a Key in

Tourism Sector By Mariela Lyons

urrently, the tourism sector is

undergoing in a more competitive

world, where companies are

required to make continuous

improvements to its products, services and

people management. The globalization

has created news and more demanding

consumers with many alternatives to

choose in the market, hence arises the

need to exceed the expectations of these


One factor that determines the success of

tourism enterprises is their ability to

manage human capital and implement

strategies focused on Human Resource

management to achieve objectives,

maximize profitability and ensure survival.

This human capital is of great importance

within organizations, because they are

those who offer to customers a memorable

travel experience and allow the company

to differentiate itself from the competition.

However, is it attractive for an employee to

work in this sector? It is generally believed

that the tourist sector is long hours of

work, low pay and unstable job, these are

sufficient reasons to make this work a less

attractive option. Despite this, with the

growth of this sector, Human Resource

management has become a key policy in

organizations, today sought to foster a

work environment where employees are

willing to put the best of their professional

capital, which means talent, knowledge,

and commitment.

With the development of new technologies

and increasing consumers that are more

informed about the options that exist in

the marketplace, companies from this

sector have the need to expand its

portfolio beyond the traditional supply,

which was limited the provision of

accommodation plus food, now companies

want to fully satisfy customer needs and

provide an experience more than just a

hostel. Thus, tourism companies also offer

services of travel agencies, car rental and

have created alliances with other sectors

such as Health and Beauty, among other

strategies. These new services require

improved staff skills, as these are

responsible for administering such services.

Technological advances have caused the

leaders of organizations to be more

proactive, to analyze situations and make

the best decisions. This situation shows us

that it doesn’t matter what your position

is, everybody is part of the growth

strategy of the company.

Currently those who want to be part of this

growing sector should be engaged due to

they are the ones who represent the name

of the company and they also have to

satisfy the customer needs and making

them to become loyal to the organization.


P á g i n a | 13

New horizons



María Alejandra Díaz

hen we refer to “TOURISM”,

we tend to think only on nice

hotels near exotic beaches,

but actually it contains many of other

different aspects.

When thinking about tourism it must be

taken into account that tourism is a key

sector in many economies of the world.

It involves a wide variety of products

and destinations and entails many

different stakeholders.

There are studies that reveal that the

world tourism industry is expected to

grow more than 5%, compared to the

growth of last year. This means that

every country is enhancing their tourism

destinations to become more

competitive compare to rest of the

world, by enhancing their tourism is

expected to produce an increase on the

employment rate of every country.

Some of these expectations are based

on long term statistics, the International

Labour Organization has estimated that

the increase of the world employment

rate on the tourism sector is going to

keep growing among the next 10 years,

which would generate 300 millions of

direct and indirect of jobs.

Different economic factors are involved

on this sector; tourism is an activity that

can have a truly major impact on

sustainable development.

One of the most relevant economic

factor that is involved on the tourism, is

the GDP (gross domestic product);

tourism contributes a high percentage

on the total GDP. This can be clearly

reflected on the European Union, where

the tourism industry generates more

than 5% of the EU GDP. This means that

since the percentage on the GDP is high

the EU tends to protect this sector.

On the other hand it must be consider

another important factor that increases

or decreases whether the sector is

promoted or not, and is the

employment rate. The tourism industry

contributes to employment on the EU

by having 1.8 millions of enterprises,

which is 5.2% of the total labor force

and generates approximately 9.7

millions of different types of jobs.

Because of the importance of the sector

the European Union has decided that

they shall promote the competitiveness

of Union undertakings in that sector.

There are many reasons why Europe is

Nº 1 tourist destination, since it has

diversity of places to visit, history to

study and there is a spirit of welcoming

foreign. But there are some places on

the world that are categorized as the

most visited places on the world. Every

continent has a popular attraction that

tourist are welling to visit.

Since there has always been an interest

to travel around the world, I have

selected the places that are generating

the growth of many economies since

they are the most visit places of the

world, not only because of their history

and the magic that surrounds them, is

also because the majesty of their

constructions and the exotic of what

they are composed:



It couldn’t be another than: Paris,


France, especially it capital Paris, are the

most popular place to visit in the world.

They receive approximately 74.2

millions of tourists per year, generating

USD 53.2 thousands of millions per year.

Eiffel tower


North America:

United States is the country that gets

the highest revenues from tourism of

the world.

It receives 54.9 millions of tourist from

whom they obtain USD 93.3 thousand

of millions per year. Their most popular

city is New York, where is located the

highest generator of the tourism

industry income, the statue of liberty.

Middle East:

In the heart of the Middle East are

located United Arab emirates, where

the city of the most impressive human

constructions is built, Dubai.

Dubai has become the luxurious

tourism destination. Since 2006 tourism

has increased in almost more than 25%.

Their magnificent buildings and their

human made islands are Nº 1 tourist

attractions, these increase on the

tourism not only have promote the

economy also the foreign direct

investment, even thought foreign

cannot be nationalized, they are able to

buy properties if a local partner

sponsor them.



It is expected that Dubai keeps growing

after the economic recession; there is a

plan to build the biggest airport of the

world, and the second human made


P á g i n a | 15

The tourism sector is a huge potential

that every country must be able to

develop, it generates big revenues and

a positive impact in the economy.

There are a lot of countries that their

economy is based strictly to tourism,

like the Maldives at the Indian Ocean,

and the Dominican Republic in Central

America, because thanks to the beauty

of their nature tourists are call to visit

these places.


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