Ingles (1) nuevoo (1)


Transcript of Ingles (1) nuevoo (1)



WHO ARE THEY Are Young who see life in a very interesting way, they do not want to be like other people

they are young rude that are characterized to wear black clothes.

What do they look like? they wear black clothes and accessories. (necklaces and big belts) they wear dark make up with black circles around their eyes and black lipstick. their hair is black or multi-coloured.

What music do they listen to? They listen to rock

music generally. bands they like

"Anarchy in the Uk'' and

'' Green Day''

What do they do in their free time?They love to be in group, speaking(many of them consume drugs and cigarettes).

They love music and playing guitar , drums and bass.They meet with their instrument and creat a soundscape.

What do they believe in?

They think that with their style are different and they believe that making rock music will make them happy.