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Transcript of Module_7_OJ

  • 7/30/2019 Module_7_OJ


    Module 7 OJ


    Apellidos y nombre:..............................................................................................................................................

    D.N.I.: .........................Grupo:.............. Docente del programa:........................................................................


    1. El alumnado deber tener disponible en todo momento a requerimiento del personal docente del

    programa documento acreditativo de su identidad como D.N.I., pasaporte, permiso de conducir

    o, en el caso del alumnado extranjero, tarjeta de residencia en vigor o en trmite o tarjeta de

    estudiante emitida por la Subdelegacin de Gobierno.

    2. Para la realizacin de la prueba slo est permitido el uso de papel sellado proporcionado por el

    personal docente.

    3. Al finalizar la prueba, el alumnado deber entregar al personal docente tanto el cuadernillo deexamen completo como los folios en blanco sellados que pudieran haberle sido entregados.

    4. Este cuadernillo de examen contiene las siguientes secciones:

    Comprensin escrita o Reading Passage.

    Comprensin oral o Listening Comprehension

    Uso de la lengua o General Language:

    Parts A, B, C, and Pronunciation

    Expresin escrita o Writing Composition

    Hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet

    5. En las dos ltimas hojas, Writing CompositionyAnswer Sheet, el alumnado deber

    consignar su nombre y apellidos, as como el nmero de su D.N.I. Slo se

    considerarn para su evaluacin las respuestas anotadas por el alumnado en la hoja de

    respuestas o Answer Sheet, por lo que slo ser en esta hoja donde el alumnado deber escribir

    las respuestas de las preguntas de cada seccin a excepcin del ejercicio de expresin escrita

    que se redactar en su hoja especfica.

    6. Slo se admitirn para su correccin los exmenes escritos con tinta azul o negra.

  • 7/30/2019 Module_7_OJ


    Reading Passage Module 7 OJ


    Mum, I don't want to go to school!!

    For parents, the day when their child goes to school for the first time is one of those moments that they will never forget

    together with the first day their child called them "Mum or Dad" or that instant when the child took their first steps. For

    children, starting school for the first time is one of the biggest changes in their lives, especially if they have not spent a

    lot of time at a nursery school. Parents have to face possible problems during the early stages of a child's school life.

    Many children dont want to go to school because they would simply prefer to be at home in an environment that they

    are happy and comfortable with. In this case, parents should try to convince them that children still spend most of their

    life outside the classroom, so they will still see their parents a lot.

    When a child has a problem with another child, it is good to teach them strategies on how to get free from children they

    do not like. If they have other friends in the class it is advisable asking them to spend time with them. Teachers soon

    identify problem children, so if other children are causing any trouble, this is often soon controlled by teachers. If you

    think a teacher doesnt know about a problem child then discuss your worries with them as soon as possible. Early

    school experiences can stay with a child for a long time so it is important to try to rectify this type of difficult situations


    Sometimes it is difficult for children to make new friends. Then, it is very useful for parents to ask their child if there is

    one or two children that they would like to get to know. Then, they can invite these children to their house to play and

    have tea with their child. This will also help parents to get to know other parents.

    When achild appears reserved and quiet, you should talk to the childabout what is happening at school in order to

    identify a specific problem. Most times they seem quiet and reserved because they are feeling a little exhausted by the

    experience. Because of the extra concentration and excitement that the children find when starting school, it is very

    important to give them plenty of rest and relax.

    The best advice parents can be given is discuss their worries with the class teacher early. Although they will contact

    parents if they have any problems, they will also be more than happy to put parents' mind at rest over any issues that

    they may have.


    Say whether the following statements are true or falseAND give the evidence from the text.

    1. Many children feel better in some places other than the school.2. Children with problems are often detected many weeks after the school starts.

    Finish the following sentences according to the information given in the text.

    3. School problems can have long negative consequences if...

    4. If you want to know the family of your child's school friends...

    Answer the following questions.

    5. What is usually the main reason for a child's uncommunicative behaviour at home?

    6. What is the most effective action that parents should take when they think that their child is

    having a problem at school?

  • 7/30/2019 Module_7_OJ


    Listening comprehension Module 7 OJ


    Being a triplet

    Ron talks about his experience as a triplet, that is, one of three

    children born at the same birth.

    7. What type of relationship is there between Ron and his triplet brothers?

    8. What was the triplets' sport practice like?

    9. What dressing rule or norm do the triplets try to follow?

    10. Regarding behaviour, what is it the good consequence of being a triplet?

    11. Why is it easy to make friends at school for a triplet?

    12. What is the best or coolest thing about being a triplet?

  • 7/30/2019 Module_7_OJ


    General language Module 7 OJ


    Part A

    One of the oldest parts of London is the City. This area is very important because it is the financial heart of the

    country. There are two important buildings there: Londons 13) .... Exchange the place where people buy

    and sell shares in companies and the Bank of England, 14) .... is not an ordinary bank for ordinary people:

    you cant go there in order to ask for a 15) .... if you want to buy a house and you have 16) .... money for it.

    The Bank of England is responsible for establishing the price of money and controlling the inflation. This is

    very important because if the 17) .... of inflation 18) .... a lot, the cost of living19) .... be very high..

    Part B

    Mother: Jimmy, don't eat any more doughnuts!! You eat too 20) .... doughnutsa day! I have 21)

    22) .... stop 23) .... them many times. That is very bad for your health.

    Son: I love them, mum!

    Mother: Well, last year your sister 24) .... to eat two doughnuts a day, and she gained ten kilos!

    Son: OK, I promise I'll eat 25) .... doughnuts: just one or two a day...

    Mother: One or two! A day! Why dont you have an apple or drink some juice 26) .... 27) .... eating a


    Son: Apples are so boring, mum!

    Part C

    The American Civil War was one of the worst periods in American history. It was a cruel conflict between the

    industrial North and the agricultural South where land owners had slaves to do all the hard work in the fields.

    Northern States were against slavery, in fact they 28)..... already 29) .... it years before the conflict started. It

    lasted five years. At the end the South was 30) .... by the North.


    31) Which word hasnt got the stress on the first syllable?

    a native b enough

    c formal d language

    32) Which expression hasnt got the main stress in the final word?

    a bank account b building societyc financial adviser d water bill

  • 7/30/2019 Module_7_OJ


    Writing composition Module 7 OJ


    Full name:..............................................................................................................................................................

    I.D.:................................................................Writing Composition.- Interaction.

    Help your Spanish friend with her financial problems.

    (El/la alumno/a deber escribir unas 125 palabras en total)


    Contacts Back to Inbox Archive Report spam Delete More actions Compose mail RE: another salary cut

    Desi Moreno to Sally Peterson Show details 15:49 (2 hours ago)

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    Hi Sally!You know from my previous mails how bad things are for Spanishpeople because of the crisis. I must announce you that thegovernment is going to cut public salaries once more: that'll be thethird cut in less than two years.I'm really worried. You know I'm a lone mother, and my salary is theonly money we get at home. I don't know how I can reduce myexpenses in order not to fall in debt or how I can increase my incomesto make up for the salary cut.Well, you know I work for the local government and we publicemployees don't have to be afraid of losing our jobs (so far...). Butsalaries have gone down dramatically.I don't know what to do. Can you give me any advice?Regards

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  • 7/30/2019 Module_7_OJ


    Answert sheet Module 7 OJ


    Full name:..............................................................................................................................................................


    Reading passage







    Listening passage7.






    General language

    13. 20. 27.

    14. 21. 28.

    15. 22. 29.

    16. 23. 30.

    17. 24. Pronunciation

    18. 25. 31.

    19. 26. 32.