Prepador Ingles Octavo

INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA LAS PAVAS PREPARADOR DE CLASE GRAD0: OCTAVO AREA:INGLES PERIODO:I ESTANDAR: LITERATURA Logro: Entiende y produce información usando modales INDICADOR DE LOGRO: Lee, escribe y entiende información acerca de modales RECURSOS: Imágenes, marcadores, textos, internet METODOLOGIA: EVALUACIÓN Complete this dialogue with do or does to make present simple questions. Example: Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school. Ann: (he - get up early?) Does he get up early? Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school. Ann: (he - get up early?) .............................................................. ............................................................. Sue: Yes, very early. His friends Jim and Kevin travel with him every day. Ann: (they - travel by bus?) ................................................................ ....................................................... Sue: Sometimes. On Mondays and Fridays Jim's father takes them by car. He is a teacher. Ann: (he - teach at the same school?) ............................................................. ........................................... Sue: Yes. he does. He teaches English and history. Ann: (your brother - like



Transcript of Prepador Ingles Octavo



Logro: Entiende y produce informacin usando modales

INDICADOR DE LOGRO: Lee, escribe y entiende informacin acerca de modales

RECURSOS: Imgenes, marcadores, textos, internet


EVALUACINComplete this dialogue with do or does to make present simple questions. Example: Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school. Ann: (he - get up early?) Does he get up early? Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school. Ann: (he - get up early?) ........................................................................................................................... Sue: Yes, very early. His friends Jim and Kevin travel with him every day. Ann: (they - travel by bus?) ....................................................................................................................... Sue: Sometimes. On Mondays and Fridays Jim's father takes them by car. He is a teacher. Ann: (he - teach at the same school?) ........................................................................................................ Sue: Yes. he does. He teaches English and history. Ann: (your brother - like English?) ............................................................................................................ Sue: English is his favourite subject. Ann: (you - help him with his homework?) ............................................................................................... Sue: Never. My brother is the best student in his class. Ann: (Jim and Kevin - go to the same class?) ........................................................................................... Sue: No, they don't. They are two years older. But they meet for lunch. Ann: (Mark - eat at a school canteen?) ...................................................................................................... Sue: Yes, because our mum and dad don't have the time to prepare his lunch. Ann: (your parents - go to work?) ............................................................................................................. Sue: Yes, they do. My mum is a nurse and my dad is a doctor. Ann: (they - work at a hospital?) ............................................................................................................... Sue: Only my mum. Ann: (your brother - want to be a doctor?) ................................................................................................ Sue: I don't know. But I want to be a nurse.



Logro: Entiende y produce informacin usando presente simple, continuo y voz pasiva

INDICADOR DE LOGRO: Lee, escribe y entiende informacin acerca de presente y presente continuo

RECURSOS: Imgenes, marcadores, textos, internet


Explicacin del uso del tiempo presente;A diferencia del espaol, el presente simple en ingls no se puede usar para hablar de acciones que se estn haciendo en el momento. Por ejemplo, considera este dilogo entre dos personas que se encuentran por la calle:Dnde vas?Voy al aeropuerto.Al traducirlo al ingls, no podemos usar el presente simple porque no se trata de un viaje al aeropuerto que se repite cada tanto tiempo, sino de algo puntual que est pasando en el momento. Por lo tanto, usamos el presente continuo:Where are you going? (Where do you go?)Im going to the airport. (I go to the airport.)O considera este dilogo:La pelcula est empezando! >The movies/films starting!Voy! > Coming!Adems de usar el verbo to come y no el verbo to go en esta situacin notars que, como se trata de algo que est pasando en el momento, usamos el presente continuo. En cambio, el presente simple I come se usara para algo que se hiciera de forma rutinaria, por ejemplo, I usually come home at 6:00.En espaol el presente simple se usa mucho para planes en el futuro. Por ejemplo,Este fin de semana vamos a Barcelona.En ingls usamos el presente continuo (y no el present simple) para planes en el futuro que ya han sido concretados. Por ejemplo,This weekend were going to Barcelona. (This weekend we go to Barcelona.)Sin embargo, para hablar de horarios de trenes, espectculos, etc., usamos el presente simple, igual que en espaol. Por ejemplo,What time does your plane leave? (A qu hora sale tu avin?)The concert starts at 8:00. (El concierto empieza a las 8:00.)En otras situaciones, traduciramos el presente simple en espaol al futuro en ingls. Por ejemplo,Pago yo.> Ill pay. (Porque I pay significara algo as como siempre pago, normalmente pago o suelo pagar.)

EVALUACINA partir de las reglas estudiadas se realizarn 10 oraciones



Logro: Entiende y produce informacin usando presente simple, continuo y voz pasiva

INDICADOR DE LOGRO: Lee, escribe y entiende informacin acerca de presente y presente continuo

RECURSOS: Imgenes, marcadores, textos, internet


1. Complete the sentences with do, does, dont, doesnt. a) ______ like Science?- yes, I ______. b) ______ she play tennis? - No, she ______. c) ______ they have good marks? - Yes, they ______. d) ______ your father travel a lot? - Yes, he ______. e) ______ the cat like fish? - Yes, it ______. f) ______ the children speak French? - No, they ____

2. Complete the sentences with the present simple. a) I ___________ (usually/go) for a walk after school. b) Tina ___________ (enjoy) dancing. c) School ___________(finish) at 6.15 p.m. d) mark ___________ (not/like) dancing. e) This actor ___________(make) very good movies. f) Where ___________ she ___________(keep) the keys?

3. Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form. a) He eats too many hamburgers. ____________________________________ b) The children go to bed early. ____________________________________ c) Mark likes ice-cream. ____________________________________ d) We read the newspaper every day. _________________________________

4. Rewrite the following sentences in the interrogative form. a) She likes coke. ____________________________________ b) the children play in the park ____________________________________ c) Mr. Smith drives a bus. ____________________________________ d) Mary usually does her homework after dinner.

5. Make sentences. Put the verbs in the present simple and the frequency adverbs in the right place. a) for / Tim / is / late / often / school? ___________________________________________ b) No, / rarely/ late is / he. ___________________________________________ c) often / he/ in / not behave / class / badly. ___________________________________________ d) argue/ never / about / politics / they ___________________________________________ e) family/ she / for / cook/ usually / the / whole _______________________________________

EVALUACINA partir de las reglas estudiadas se realizarn 10 oraciones



Logro: Entiende y produce informacin usando presente simple, continuo y voz pasiva

INDICADOR DE LOGRO: Lee, escribe y entiende informacin acerca de presente y presente continuo

RECURSOS: Imgenes, marcadores, textos, internet

METODOLOGIA: Lectura: I dont Like French

Hello. My name is Mary and I am a student at a secondary school in Lisbon.Ive got several subjects at school like you. I have got Maths, English, Music, History, and Science.Physical Education and English are very easy but French isnt. I dont like French! My mother is a French teacher and helps me when Ive got tests. Even so I dont get good marks. It`s really difficult..Ive got French on Mondays and Fridays at a quarter past eight. Today is Wednesday and Ive got English at half past three. This is my favourite school subject.Its a quarter past six and I have to go to the bus stop. The bus arrives at half past six. So I must hurry up.

1. Say if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). a) Mary is a student in a secondary school. ___b) Her school is in London.___c) Mary likes French.___d) Her favourite School subject is History. ___e ) She has English on Wednesdays at half past one._____

2. Correct the false sentences.

EVALUACIONAnswer the questions.a) Is Mary a student? _______________________________________________________________b) Where is her school? ______________________________________________________________c) Does Mary like French? ____________________________________________________________d) Whats her mothers job? __________________________________________________________e) When does she have French? ________________________________________________________f) What is her favourite school subject? _________________________________________________



Logro: Entiende y produce informacin usando presente simple, continuo y voz pasiva

INDICADOR DE LOGRO: Lee, escribe y entiende informacin acerca de presente y presente continuo

RECURSOS: Imgenes, marcadores, textos, internet

METODOLOGIA: 1. They _______________ dinner. ( to have)2. He _______________ there. ( to stand)3. She _______________ ( not / to sing)4. They _______________ ( not / to eat)5. Alice _______________ TV. ( to watch)6. What _______________ now? (to do / you)7. Why _______________ water? ( they / not/ to drink)8. _______________ the bed? (he / to make)9. _______________ your homework? ( you / to finish)10. Jean _______________ to them? ( not / to speak)11. _______________ to the radio? ( the Milers / to listen)12. We _______________. ( not / to swim)13. Where_______________? (the old man / to sit)14. She _______________ a record. (to buy)15. It _______________ again. ( to rain)16. They _______________the other cars. ( not / to follow)17. _______________ at the fair girl? ( he / not / to look)18. _______________ to Italy. ( not/ to travel)19. _______________ the room? ( she / not/ to clean)20. _______________ computer games? ( you / not / to play)21. _______________ a letter? ( you / to write)22. They _______________ in the rain. ( to stand)23. _______________ with them. (she/ to talk)24. We _______________ English now. ( not/ to learn)25. He _______________ on a chair. ( to sit)26. I _______________ this weekend at the seaside. (to spend)27. Where _______________ now? ( you / to go)28. She _______________ her hair . ( to wash)29. Why _______________ their clothes this morning? ( they / to wash)30. I _______________ a long rain coat because it _______________. ( to wear) - ( to rain)