Presentazione 3 2


Transcript of Presentazione 3 2



Some is usually used in positive statements-Mummy,i'm hungry- Here is some milk, dear.- But I’m very hungry. I want some biscuits, too! - Of course, dear- Here you are.

Some it's used to state the quantity, amount of something.

When using some, the exact number is not stated. Some is quantifiers.

SOME CAN BE USED WHEN:• The exact number is not known.

• The exact number is not important or relevant.

• Some and any are used with countable and uncountable nouns.

ANY• use any before nouns to refer to indefinite or

unknown quantities or an unlimited entity• any as a determiner has two forms: a strong form and a weak form,the forms have different

meanings• we use any for indefinite quantities in

questions and negative sentences.

NO1. NO and NOT are the two most common words we use to

indicate negation

2.We use no before a noun phrase

3. We often use no to respond to a yes-no question, or to agree with a negative statement.


1. Ho dei gelati a casa. 1. I've got ______ice cream at home.

2. Non c'è latte in frigo.2. There isn't______milk in the fridge.

3. Hai dei bicchieri? 3. Do you have______glasses?

4. Non c'è nessun gatto in giardino. 4. There aren't_______cats in the garden.

5. Mi servono delle uova per fare questa torta! 5. I need______eggs to make this cake!

6. Hai qualche buona idea? 6 Do you have______good idea?

7. Ho bisogno di qualche tuo consiglio.8. I need ______ of your advices.

8. Dammi dei libri, non so cosa fare! 8. Give me_______books, I don't know what to do!

9. Dei ladri mi hanno derubato la scorsa notte. 9.______ thieves stole me last night.

10. Ci sono degli studenti in classe? 10. Are there_______students in the classroom?

11. Non ci sono mele. 11. There aren't______apples.

12. Non ci sono bici in garage. 12. There aren't______bikes in the garage.

13. Non ci sono mobili a casa di John. 13. There is______furniture in John's house.