Download - 1978 phoenician

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Phoenix Country Day School

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Administration and Faculty 12

Seniors 24

Upper School 66

M idd le School 82

Lower School



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To the C lass of 1978:

Th is yearbook contains the o ff ic ia l history of your years at Phoenix Country Day School. Whether you have been here twelve years or one, the P .C .D .S . experience has touched you in some way. Yet it a ll looks so s im p le , so naked on paper. How can any book capture the blood, sweat, and tears which went into some course, performance, or team effort? What about the com p lex it ie s of human re lationships? Where are the joys, the fears and the sorrows?

Ten years from now you w il l pull this book from a dusty she lf of perhaps unpack it from a moving box. You w il l open it gently and a ll of a sudden the P .C .D .S . experience w il l come a liv e again. A concrete image; a face , a group p icture, w il l bring a flood of more e lusive memories. Th is yearbook w il l then be for you what tea and toast were for M arce l Proust-- a way of summoning the vanished world of your youth w ith c la r ity and vividness.

Good luck and come back to v is it us from t im e to tim e!

Joe l C. M one ll Headmaster

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"W e 're u g ly !""Take me to your leader."

Com e in Hong Kong, com e in.

"Hand me the syringe."

"You have the right to rem ain s ilen t . . ."

"Good, no­body's look ­ing."

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Miss November Before

What were you saying about Juniors, Farley?

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1/64 actual size

There 's a fu ll moon out ton ightSlow down, Bonnefoy!

Z z zzzzz

PCDS etiquette class

The Incredib le M e lting Man

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"Now that's u g ly !!" Farrah eat your heart out. I just washed my hair and I can 't do a thing w ith it.

You 've got to be kidding.

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There is a lady from the N ile ,Who, each week, does say w ith a sm ile ,

"Please take out a p iece of paper...........

Thanks, Ms. E., for a ll your support.


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TOP ROW, L E F T TO RIGHT: Mr. J o e l M one ll, Headmaster; K itch en Staff Mrs. Ruby Goetz> Mrs. H aze l Steward, Mrs. Pearl Modesitt, Mrs. Sue B irke tt, Mrs. Jean Sharp, Mrs. M a ria Moraga

B O T T O M ROW, L E F T TO RIGHT: Mrs. Peggy Jaeger,Mrs. Karan Wood


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M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Steve Gerber, Mrs. Doris Curtis, Mrs. Vera Morrison

B O T T O M ROW, LEFT T O R IG H T: Mr. Jesse H inton, M r. D ick Rutt, M r. Rudy Moraga, M r. C h a r lie T ip ton , M r. Luther Reynolds, M r. Ra lph Ph ilip s

TO P ROW; Mrs. Bettye M ob ley


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TOP ROW; M iss Georgia Buelow

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Kathy Jam es, Mrs. Lov ice Peterson

BO T T O M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Thomas Graham, Mrs. Ard is Deen

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TOP ROW; Mr. Joseph L ed lie

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Sue O 'D onne ll, M»s. L inda Bryant, Mrs. Ruth Grove

B O TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Jo yce van Loben Sets, Mr. Jo e Ph illip s

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TOP ROW: Mrs. Fran V ie rck

M IDD LE ROW, LE F T TO RIGHT: Mrs. Jo yce Jensen, Mrs. Susan Bookspan, Mr. Les Felten

BO TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Don Singer, Mrs. Sue Funkhouser

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TOP ROW, LE F T TO RIGHT: Mr. J im Bruning, Mrs. A rle tte Hagstrom

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Karen Benson, Mr. Paul Schweikher

B O TTO M ROW, LE FT TO RIGHT: Mr. Rod Dashnaw, Mrs. Cyn th ia Powers


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TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Mary Lu Sy llaba , Mr. Robert W ilson, Mrs. Judy Swenson

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT; Mr. David Raymond, Mrs. Ja n ic e Anderson

B O TTO M ROW: Mrs. A r le v ia Snyder

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TO P ROW: Mrs. B. J . Freeman

M ID D LE ROW, L E F f TO RIGHT: Mr. J im Roof, Ms. Chris English

B O T T O M ROW, LE FT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Luc inda Schreeder, Mrs. R am il Biggs, Mrs. Roberta Crane

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TO P ROW , LEFT TO R IG H T: Mrs. Mary DeMarzo, Mrs. Pat Sm ith , M iss Mary Swiess

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Chet Seroka, Dr. Kath leen Q u illen

B O T T O M ROW: Mr. Mark Lacy

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TOP ROW; Mr. Harry Houle

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Donald Hack ling , Mr. R ichard Che lpka

BO TTO M ROW, LE FT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Caro l Sm ith Mr. Bob Thompson

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I never make the m istake of arguing w ith people whose opin ion I don 't respect.

No one re a lly listens to anyone else, and If a man does not keep pace w ith his companions,if you try it fo r a w h ile y o u 'll see why. perhaps it is because he hears a different

drum mer.Le t h im step to the music which he hears, how­ever measured or fa r away.

-Henry David Thoreau

Hatred is the coward 's revenge for being in t im id a te d .-M .B .

K i v e < i . l- m -u T J t* * * * * k k k k k k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ★ * * ★ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i

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Mrs. Van, A rt is not a th ing, it is a way.

* imported

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W henever there is any troub le,I shall not d ie but get through.Though arrows are many, I shall a rrive . M y heart is m an ly.


Goodbye U nc le Chet and thank you D .O .R .


Love is not measured by how many tim es you touch each other but by how many tim es you reach each other.

-C a th y Morancy

Thank you, everyone!

L it t le friends may prove great friends.


10-8 , 10-94

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"M ost people go to very great length in order to conv ince them ­selves o f the ir se lf-respect.""Ye s.""And, o f course, a quest fo r se lf-respect is proof of its la ck ." "Ye s.""Do you see the meaning of a quest fo r se lf-con tem p t?""That I la ck it? " "And that y o u 'll never ach ieve it ."

-A yn Rand

John Bert Crockett

Tha t I 've never practiced any sort of in teg rity is not so im ­portant. What's im portant is that I 'v e never fe lt any need fo r it.I hate the conception o f it. I hate the presumptuousness of the idea.

-A yn Rand

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If you love som ething very, very much le t it go fre e -

If it does not return It was never meant to be yours

If it does- Love it forever

You don 't have to be a bug on a w indsh ie ld to prove you have guts.

Jenifer Croiius

A true friend w alks in when the world walks out.

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Leslie A. Davison

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Try ing to learn to use words, and every attem pt Is a w ho lly new start, and a d iffe ren t k ind of fa ilu re Because one has on ly learnt to get the better o f words For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way

in whichOne is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture Is a new beginning, a ra id on the ina rt icu la te W ith shabby equ ipm ent a lways deteriorating In the general mess o f im prec is ion o f fe e lin g , U nd isc ip lin ed squads of em otion . And what there is to

conquerB y strength and subm ission, has a lready been discovered O nce 'o r tw ice , or several tim es, by men whom one cannot hope

T o em u la te— but there is no com pe tit io n—There is on ly the figh t to recover what has been lost And found and lost aga in and aga in: and now, under

cond itionsTha t seem unpropitious. But perhaps ne ither gain nor

loss.For us, there is on ly the try ing . The rest is not our business.

-T . S. E lio t


I would be ab le to say that it was fo r me the most perfect day in the world and that is why I reta in its merpory, sa fe ly severed from t im e and re a lity . Every man must treasure such a day into w hich he can retreat when the years grow desperate. It is never the same fo r each. . . A lso the perfect day is apt to be so sub jective that no one else who was w ith you w il l rem em ber it in the same fash ion, i f he remembers it at a l l . I t w il l be day to ta lly yours. That is the way I sha ll th ink o f my own day.

-Lo ren E is ley

Jacques deLisle

What i f our wars were spectra l? We knew for what we fought. L ife , l ife fo r the purposes of l ife , and is that then so sm a ll?

-Lo ren E is ley

SCR EW TAPE . H e ll on Earth, boy! Have you fo r­gotten the whereabouts of The Enemy? W O RM W O OD. Oh, Church? Not to worry, Nunc. It 's that p-seudo St. Judes. You Know! Saint Jude the S up e rfic ia l. Where the Rev. Sp ike tries hard to boost his b o x -o ff ice receipts w ith a Pop group, a Ja zz Mass, and a Christian Se lf-Defense Judo Class, taught by a Japanese M u slim . SCREW TAPE: Nephew, you unnerve me. W O RM W O OD. Yeh, I know, I surprise m yse lf som etim es too. I suppose it 's just genius.

-Jam es Forsyth

The p lace to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.

Robert Persig

The past exists on ly in our memories, the future on ly in our plans.

Robert Persig

F - I - L - t r lp le L -I-doub le P-E

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"Happiness consists not in a m ultitude of friends but in their worth and cho ice ."

"Before you meet Prince Charm ­ing, you have to kiss a lot of toads."



I 34

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The g lory of friendsh ip is not the outstretched hand, nor the k ind ly sm ile nor the jo y o f companionship; it is the sp iritua l insp iration that comes to one when he learns that someone else be lieves in h im and is w illin g to trust h im .

-R a lph Waldo Emerson

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one reached in life

as by the obstacles w h ich he has overcom e w h ile try ing to succeed.

-Booker T . Washington

It is d if f ic u lt to say what is im possib le, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the re a lity of tomorrow.

-Robert H. Goddard

Margie Dodell

Something to do, someone to love , and something to hope fo r, are the true essentials o f a happy and m eaningfu l l ife .

-D av id Goodman

The Journey of a thousand m ile s begins w ith a s ing le step. -L a o -T se

Write on your heart that everyday is the best day

of the year.-R a lph Waldo Emerson



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W ysteriaW ysteria, d id you change your face again

Those of us who loved you when C a n 't even find you.W ysteria, d id you lose another man Did you make h im understand Tha t he can 't touch you.W ysteria, d id he take you to the fa ir? Were the fo lks that you met there The same that we met?W ysteria d id he teach you how to dance

D id he bring you paper fans to h ide your secret?Was he just lik e a l l the rest When he got to the sad part Did he stay a b it too long To save his heartW ysteria, are your lips s t il l l i l y white Do they s t il l b loom just A t n ight and d ie at sunrise?

-Dan Fogelberg

(X ■ Q u iA ia D

When a l l is lost the future s t il l remains. -C .N . Bovee

G em in i-G em in iI 'm sorry I kept you waitingLook, don 't cryit was on ly an hour or twocou ldn 't you find something to do?I would haveif I had been you

-L in d a Goodman

Good-bye, PCDS

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Marianne Anora Hagstrom

Farewell I love you my friend You 're qu ite dear to me,A true friend you are And always w il l be.But you're leav ing me soon And going on your own way, Perhaps we w il l meet In the future someday.You 've le ft me w ith memories Of good tim es w e 've had.T o treasure forever And make me fee l g lad .I wish you good luck In a l l that you do M ay a l l of l ife 's pleasures Com e your own way, too. Farew ell now, my friend And please may you find Some thoughts of me A lw ays in your m ind.

I would e spe c ia lly lik e to thank my fa m ily for help ing me through a ll the hard tim es. Despite the occasiona l con flic ts , you 've been a l l I 'v e ever needed.

-L o v e a lw ays-

So long Country Day!- i t hasn't re a lly been a l l that bad-


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There w il l com e soft rains and the sm e ll o f the ground, And swallows c ir c lin g w ith the ir sh im m ering sound;

And frogs in the pools sing ing at n ight,And w ild plum trees in trem ulous white;

Robins w il l wear th e ir feathery f ire ,W histling the ir whim s on a low fence w ire;

And not one w il l know of the war, not one W ill care at last when it is done

IMot one would m ind, ne ither bird nor tree,I f m ankind perished utterly;

And spring herself, when she woke a t dawn,W ould sca rce ly know that we were gone.

Jane Hall

"You can go to any p lace and to anytim e that you wish to go," the E lder sa id , "I 've gone everywhere and every when I can th ink o f." He looked across the sea." It's strange. The gu lls who score perfection for the sake o f trave l go nowhere, s low ly . Those who put aside trave l for the sake o f perfection go anywhere, instantly . Remember, Jonathan, heaven isn 't a p lace or a t im e , because p lace and t im e are so very meaningless. Heaven is. . . "

Jonathan L iv ingston Seagull

Day is ended, d im m y eyes, but journey long before me lies. Farew e ll, friends! I hear the c a ll. The sh ip 's beside the stoney w a ll. Foam is white and waves are gray; beyond the sunset leads the way. Foam is a lt , the w ind is free;I hear the ris ing o f the sea.

Farew e ll, friends! The sa ils are set, the w ind is east, the m orning's fret. Shadows long before me lie , beneath the ever-bending sky, but islands l ie behind the sun that I sha ll raise ere a l l is done; lands there are west of west where n ight is qu iet and sleep is rest.

Guided by the Lone ly Star beyond the utmost harbour-bar I ' l l find the havens fa ir and free, and beaches o f the s ta r lit sea.Ship, my ship! I seek the west, and f ie ld s and mountains ever blest. Farew ell to M idd le Earth at last.I see the Star above your mast!

- J . R. R. To lk ien

JO N A T H A N LIV IN G STO N S E A G U LL by R ichard Bach (Text: Copyright © 1970 by R ichard D. Bach)


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The world w il l step aside for a man if he knows where he is going.

If you do not th ink of the future you cannot have one.

-John Galsworthy


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Ana Maria Lopez

You have been to ld also that life is darkness and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.And I say that l ife is indeed darkness save when there

is urge,And a l l urge is b lind save when there is knowledge, And a l l knowledge is va in save when there is work, And a l l work is em pty save when there is love;And when you work w ith love you bind yourself to

yourself, and to one another, and to God.- K a h l i l G ibran

£ Ideal friends have the ir ups and downs, but the ir friendsh ip w il l not d im in ish , fo r ideal friends are forever.

-B .

Then my heart drew near to W isdom, the daughter of Love and Beauty, saying: "G ive me wisdom that I m ay carry it to hum ankind." She answered, "Say that happiness begins in the ho ly o f ho lies of the sp ir it and comes not from w ithout."

-K a h l i l G ibran

If I can stop one Heart from breaking I shall not liv e in va in If I can ease one L ife the Ach ing Or coo l one Pain

Or help one fa in ting Robin Unto his Nest again I shall not liv e in va in .

-E m ily D ickenson

One must make life a dream , and of that dream a re a lity .

-P ie rre Curie

We sha ll not cease from exp loration And the end of a l l our exp loring W ill be to arrive where we started And know the p lace for the firs t t im e . Through the unknown unremembered gate When the last o f earth le ft to d iscover Is that w hich was the beginning. . .

-T . S. E lio t

"Same here."


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One of the most beautifu l qu a lit ie s of true friendsh ip is to understand and to be understood.


. . . the w ise man looks into space, and does not regard the sm a ll as too l it t le , nor the great as too big; for he knows that there is no l im it to d im en ­sions.

-L a o -tse

Jason Bennett M itche ll

There are moments when th ings go w e ll, and one fee ls encouraged. There are d if f ic u lt moments when one fee ls over­whelm ed. But it is senseless to speak of optim ism or pessim ism . The on ly im ­portant th ing is to know that if one works w e ll in a potato f ie ld , the potatoes w il l grow. If one works w e ll among men, they w il l grow. That's re a lity . The rest is smoke.

Thanks W .S ./L .S ./J .D ./J .O ./L .F ./B .T ./G .W ./P .C ./S .M ./E .M ./R .W ./M .D ./D .R .

Eddie, are you k idd ing? -F .Z .

"Upward and Onward, for we are Outward Bound." -Anonymous


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L iv e fo r today, but rem em ber yesterday, and th ink of tomorrow.


Be ing a new Senior a P .C .D .S . some thought would not be an easy task. Converse ly, I found it to be one of the easiest and most enjoyab le transitions that I 'v e ever made. I thank a l l fa cu lty , as w e ll as students, who made th is year one that I w il l never forget.

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If you can keep your head when a l l about you A re losing theirs and b lam ing it on you;

If you can trust yourself when a l l men doubt you.But make a llow ance for the ir doubting too:

If you can w a it and not be t ired by w a iting ,Or being lied about, don 't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don 't g ive way to hating,And yet don 't look to good, nor ta lk too wise;

If You can dream -and not make dreams your master;If you can th ink and not make thoughts your a im ,

If you can meet w ith T rium ph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same:

If you can bear to hear the truths you 've spoken Tw isted by Knaves to make a trap for foo ls,

Or watch the things you gave your l ife to, broken And stoop and bu ild 'em up w ith worn-out tools;

If You can make one heap of a l l your w innings And risk it on one turn o f p itch -and-toss,

And lose, and start again a t your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss:

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in youExcept the W ill w h ich says to them : "Ho ld on!"

If You can ta lk w ith crowds and keep your v irtue,Or w a lk w ith K ings-no r lose the com m on touch,

If ne ither foes nor lov ing fr iend can hurt you If a l l men count w ith you, But none too much;

If you can f i l l the unforg iv ing m inuteW ith s ix ty seconds' worth o f distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everyth ing that's in it, A nd -w h ich is m o re -y o u 'll be a Man, my son!

-Rudyard K ip lin g

Lori Reynolds

"I swear-by my life and m y love of it- th a t I w il l never l iv e fo r the sake of another man, nor ask another man to liv e fo r m ine ."

-A yn Rand

We shall not cease from exp loration And the end of a l l our exp loring W ill be to arrive where we started And know the p lace for the firs t t im e . Through the unknown, remem bered gate When the last o f earth le ft to discover Is that which was the beginning;A t the source of the longest r iver The vo ice o f the hidden w aterfa ll And the ch ild ren in the app le -tree Not known, because not looked for But heard, ha lf-heard , in the stillness Between two waves of the sea.Q u ick now, here, now, a lw ays-

-T .S . E lio t

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We sha ll not cease from exp loration And at the end of our exp loring W ill be to arrive where we started And know the p lace fo r the first t im e .

-T .S . E lio t

Brian Thomas Rose

Love is most nearly itse lf When here and now cease to matter.

-T .S . E lio t

When love beckons you fo llow h im , Though his ways are hard and steep.Bu t if in your fear you would seek on ly Love 's peace and love 's pleasure.Then it is better fo r you that you cover your nakedness and pass out o f love 's threshing floo r,Into the season less world where you sha ll laugh, but not a ll of your laughter and weep, but not a l l o f your tears.

-K a h il G ib ran -





Would you lik e some A le , M r. C ider?

M om , my shoe cam e off again!

Two roads d iverged in a wood I took the one less trave lled by. I have been lost s ince.

-"Robert Frost did not say th is.

L it t le B ird ies go f l ip f lop On the G im b le D ing Ding F lapp ing m e rr ily th e ir w ing.

-not even a re la tion to anybody at a l l famous said th is

Thanks: M om , Dad, Mark, T im , L inda, M im i,Karyn , Jenn ife r S., J im , Nancy, Courtney, and Debbie.


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Martha Christina Smith

Je voudrais d ire "m erc i beaucoup" a mon am ie E lizabe th Ca rti pour son a m it ie et son a ide.

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Th is school has played a great ro le in my life . It has been a learn ing experience that I w il l never forget. I fee l that the most im portant qua lity of a school is the teachers, and th is school has the best, I thank Mr. Roof fo r be liev ing in me and getting me into the school, and I e spec ia lly thank Mr. W ilson for his constant encouragement.

Robert Snyder

Thank-you P .C .D .S.(What a strange name for a school!)

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Tony T ay lo r


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If our friendsh ip depends on things lik e space and t im e then when we f in a lly overcom e space and t im e w e 've destroyed our own brotherhood.Bu t overcom e space and a l l we have le ft is Here.Overcom e t im eand a l l we have le ft isNow.And in between Here and Now don 't you th ink that we m ight see each other once or tw ice?

-Jonathon L iv ingston Seagull

JO N A T H A N LIV IN G STO N S E A G U L L by R ichard Bach (Text: Copyright c 1970 by R ichard D. Bach)

Yesterday is but today 's memory and tomorrow is today 's dream and that w hich sings and contem plates in you is s t il l dw e lling w ith in the bounds of the first m om ent w hich scattered the stars into space.

-G i bran

blair anne torreyThere is something else

besides me here Something, keeps me ever

looking forward And it 's brighter than the sunlight And it 's purer than the m oonlight And it 's drawing me toward it L ik e a moth out of the night And I know I ' l l arrive Where there is no tim e Non-dim ensiona l plane of joy sub lim e

Keep on being free— it 's gotta be in f in ity

-Shawn Ph illip s

To Mr. Roof:The tr ic k is that weare try ing to overcom e ourlim ita tion s in order, patiently .We don 't ta ck le f ly in g through rock un til a l it t le la ter in the program.

- J L S

"What are you?

Many thanks to: Jason, L. Bryant, Ms. English and Mrs. DeMarzo

Jason,A l l the answers you seek can be found in the dreams you dream along the way.

-Dan Fogelberg


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56 Uhumit£l)

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T o W hitney A ., ten years; to L „L ., a so c ia l disease and a pitted cherry; to L .D ., memories, M .T .D eT ., and tw en ty- four carat shermans; to M a .H ., (B .F .A „), the 1980 O lym p ics, and a roach; to M R . M N L , a bigger issue; to Ms. Bry., the best m em ories and m y love; to M r. H L , the dewy de c im a l system; to Madam e, crepes and cheer!; to Ms. V .L .S . , a Rembrandt, courtesy o f the N .Y .M .A .M ., p iz za p ie, sen s itiv ity , and the best o f my love; to D .O .R ., 10th grade, plum pudding a la theorem , and some v inegar fo r my pot (which is f i l le d w ith Drosophilia); to Pearl, a posh bagel; Renta Yenta to L e v itz . T o D .V ., Norway and a turbo-charged corn iche convertib le . To BA R E (B .T .), I leave m yse lf, sugar and sp ice , (F.P.), 9 months, J .B . , B .J . , and Padre, a T 0 K R 2 , m y sk iis , a pound of w itchcra ft, S -C -R -E -A -M -T h e ra p y , a bg, and last but loudest, T e rm ina l-a rts ; to M ike H., Rapidas R .F .,700 do llars, and ten thousand hangovers; to L .F ., Rocks, Egg head lo o k -a lik e s , H aw a ii, Lebanon, fru it f lie s , and a groovy m ovie; toC .K . , D .S., and a cherry w ith botu lism ; to J ., a life f i l le d w ith love, hate, success, and destiny, 5000 pounds of Peruvian snowflakes, ten extra noses, T .F . , b igger and better holes. To soul travelers, I leave m anifest destiny and the sixth sense; to Ms. E., happy thoughts, a to ile t to flush W .C . w ith , a song from my heart, m y utmost thanks and respect, ten extra m inutes of c la ssand the Hebes; to L .D .R ., n ip s ,IL U V M , destiny, St. Joan and many thanks; toA .M .L . , my love , a m ezuzah, a rabb it's foo t, a kiss, and Bryn Mawr; to J .L .d . , a portable brain, lu ck , and happ i­ness; to Brother Beau, overindu lgence fo r nine more years, and M r. Raymond; also, M ic k Jager's lips fo r Les lie , and S tev ie N ic k 's karm a fo r Martha; to P.O ., maraschino cherries; to M .O ., R ad ica l R ight w ing wankers, boots w ith L .D . in the souls, and the last h it; fo r Ms. D ., a fine arts bu ild ing , horse shows, grade, grip ing , and the cu r io s ity of W illy Lom an. To M r. Roof, I leave the part o f ex is ten tia lism that rem ains w ith the leap (which I have a lready taken); to John C ., the w a lk of a penguin; to J .C . , Bon, S.S., and the second im m acu la te conception; to K .D ., cam e lback mountain and Haw aiian de lights. To T .T . and P .R ., I leave my d istin ct odor and a l l the dust; to B e ll , a mountain and the john; to M a rie , a new lost love, Indiana U ., and a bucketfu l of H.S.; to Rhonda, a lot of he lp and a baboon. To those of you who don 't rem em ber, I leave fo llow ing in the footsteps of those who have le ft a lready , excep t, I am f lo a t in g amongst the stars. I leave P .C .D .S . to those of you who rem a in to re fra in . M ay I fo rever have my p iece , yours s in ce re ly , Douglas Barton.

Robert B e ll leaves 52,532 m ile s of d riv ing to Mom and Dad; the property room to Phil and M itch ; moon dust to Bob M alone; Thursday nights to B .T . and L .D . courtesy the Longs; his book of Better Jokes to Mr. W ilson;Chinese food and high sa laried jobs to B .J . and K .D .; to John L e v itz , a Rocky Guadalupe Spec ia l; his apo logies to Ms. E.; many thanks to M r. Seroka; a year's supply of 7 to D .O .R .; the whips and chains to the slaves; a .44 magnum to Todd; a HOW TO CO O K TH E R IG HT W AY cookbook to D .O .R .; 100,000 F la landsto P.S.; V -72 's and V -77 's key and F ireb ird to Je f f a long w ith a Zod iac Bust; and the best of luck to the seniors.

B r ic k lin 's W ill . . . Just some stuff to boggle your m inds— I hope some of the fo llow ing l it t le blurbs w il l stir a lot o f good thoughts: to C .L . , M erlyn , "b la ck " moods, an apology, tuti t r iv ia and M r. A .S .U .; to M .T .S ., the presidency of the European headquarters; to C .L . and M .T .S .-" th e M an"; to J .C . , a l l the good gossip, le roi Mark, m y superiority , mem ories o f M .A ., and a penny fo r your thoughts; to G .I.-bon , bon, ok, pet, pet, pet, and Monsieur PI aissance; to T .T .-su ch a wooms and sssssssssss; to R .F .-a J im m y Connors Jr. tennis racquet from Skaggs; toD .O .R .-N o rw h ich Un ive rs ity and ha lf a beard; to M r. S .-adv ice ; don 't ever bet on the Pittsburgh Pirates or A .S .U .; to Mrs. E .-a #1 ranking for P.S .U ., Ph ils, Eagles, Flyers, Sixers and mem ories of Hum II (BBQ); to Z JE L -4 BBQ 's, b z z z z z z z , and your im ita t io n of J .d .L . and A .M .L .; to M .O .-a higher leve l o f conciousness (you wish), geekness, "I 'v e got the same sh irt" , and the how many foot catfish?; to J .H .-a t ic k e r tape m ach ine, wooms of the year award, my high honors, and the ca lcu la to r in the drawer, to G .H .-a ll my insults, w ip it out, and y o u 'll always be ug ly; to Madam e A .-m y f lip p an t a ttitude, a ll of m y French knowledge, C he z-Lo u is , and Ca f' Casino; to M .D .- how to pronounce your R 's and perfume on the neck; to F.W .-hope that one day you can beat me in tennis; toB .H .- I can 't th ink o f what to leave you— but I know there 's something; to R .S .-R a lph ; to P .B .-keep your hands o ff me; to P .W .S .R .-you have too many in it ia ls ; to S .G .-convert, qu ick !! and R.E.; to R .S .-"hey , wow m an-get off my case", the Ph ila . P h illie s and your true love for R .E .'s d riv ing a b ility ; to R .E .-a n ice d irty car; to L .R . -P h illy and a l l of its great sport team s, someone's Jewishness, my p lay razor, and Woody Hayes's lacks; to R .D .-o rk , ork, ork; to L .D .-yo u 're so strange!; to H .L .- "d o n 't rem ove that damn patch"; to C .O .B -W estw orld , Westwood, advice; take up go lf or shuffleboard; to C .J .-S am bo , what a lousy nam e-M a tild a ; to M .F .- " y o u 'l l never get me to do it" ; to A .M .L .-y o u 're w e lcom e fo r the en lightenm ent the four of us gave you in Hum. II; to L .G .-m ove to N .Y ., I hate Ch icagy; to K .B .-a confident man doesn't need cologne as a crutch to be manly; to J.W .-W hen I get to the W im beldon fina ls , y o u 'll say -H ey , I knew that great guy, Oh, so many a jeh chun, your lousy doubles partner (A.P.), don 't grow a mustache; to M .G .-you m ight flunk Adv. Math, matt face; to B .R .-an un lim ited supply of racquets, m em ories of our firs t ten tennis encounters, and the when and how of w riting Issues reports; to J .d .L .-m y beautifu l fa c ia l phenomenon (i.e . M t. Everest), 24 hour s ilence , Hum. II, BBQ , not to mention D .Z.— tr iv ia , t r iv ia , and a Princeton preppie; to J .M .-a fantastic foot rub, your bad temper, how to ride a m otorcyc le , St. M ary 's food boxes, ra ffle t icke ts , your stench, the Dartmouth connection, and your macho, muscular arm p it breath, peace bro., it's coo l, can you re la te , check it out; to D .K .-U n c le Iz , M .R . Bones and preheated ovens; to L .D . (tubs)-I clobbered you in pool, whenever I confide in you, you te ll the whole world, uh, watch the weight (only jok ing), to N .P .-

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I 'm sorry but there 's so much to leave, y o u 'll have to suck off! (pantera, Uncle B i l l , fa u ltz , C a lif . The kid w ith theba lls , keep your hands on the steering w heel, M arie , e tc ..................... ); to J .C .- th e monza that y o u 'll never get,the stuff about you know who (p lural), your em pire to be, and a lot o f luck w ith a l l o f your plans; to L .S .-m y negative (insu lting attitude), a Porsche Turbo, b icusp id , someone's m istaken love a ffa ir, the secret o f you know whose you know what test (hmmmmm) and happy Bar M itzvah . If I 've le ft anyone out, it 's not my fau lt; I don 't make m istakes. I 'm sorry, but you must be m istaken. Besides the fa c t that I 'm sorry that I ever met any of you listed above, I 'd Just lik e to say T H A N X — you've made the last couple o f years fun, interesting and something re a lly spec ia l.

I, David Chu, from Hong Kong, leave to Mr. Fe lten, a m ag ic flu te , and an unheard symphony; to Mr. Roof, a s ilen t night; to Madame Hagstrom, a perfect d ie t and two ticke ts to C la ir de Lune; to Ms. English, more cheese and sausages; to M r. W ilson, a neo-m usica l sc ience lab! and last, but not least, I leave Jacques de L is le to fin ish my senior w il l!

I, John C rockett, being of to ta lly sound m ind and body leave; to N ick , a big 10:20, a re a lly coo l 917, the 1977H.P.S. Championships, a day at f ie ld day, a v is ib le p lace to put a l l that weight, a slow trip to Tucson, a job that has nothing to do w ith food, a B lue Th ing , a Pantera " L " , a l l o f the N ick-nam es I can th ink of, a way to check the to lerance on that 100K (One hundred "K "); To Lynn ie , % o f my cool (to spread at PCDS), 29 ch ild ren , Fore Skreen Cordoroys, flu te fries, an accessory, a years supply of liv e r , w icked p ills , nasty lessons #1, 2, and 3;T o Larry, a Turbo, a Greenwood Ve tte , a Z, and numberous other fast things, a 917/30K, ye llow , a karate be lt, and M arg ie 's concoctions: to K e li, my re lig ious philosophy, many thanks fo r having shoulders (to cry on), a frost blue Cam aro, a l l o f my insults (I f lin g my d inner upon your face), my driv ing a b ility , Peter, w ithout whose help we may have had o ff-cam pus revoked, and lots o f Chanel for Men; To Jacques, fu ll co lo r, respect from subordinates, many thanks fo r putting up w ith my Procrastination; To M ark, a trip to C a l. , four wheeling down L in co ln , M um m y M t., N BC Saturday N ight L iv e at 10-20, a tux (in order to be fo rm a l), the ba lls to app ly on ly to Princeton; to T im , an enlarger, a set of PC F ilte rs, a ce rt if ic a te o f m erit on the subject of tires, enough class to be ab le to cover farting in Skomers, a life t im e supply of J .D . and Coke; to Phil Bonnefoy, T ac t, and the a b il it y to take a hint; to Tony, a Trophy.

I, Jen ife r, leave the fo llow ing : to Jason, a paper on the Importance o f Being Earnest, a Ragsy stain, foot deodorant, the c lean ing lady, a super taco (with no sauce), a beef and cheese sandw ich, a parking p lace fo r Gram , a Permanent ride home, a certa in cha ir, and the chance to w in an argum ent w ith me; to G inger, "ok, ok ", I leave you une "bon" substitute, a lesson on how to Sit down (with your legs crossed), a certa in chauvanist bavardage, and a weekend report; to Les lie , a few thousand plays, a Tab , C h a r lie 's Angels in the B la ze , a key to Caro l's , and a few long ta lks; to Mark, a tab le at the lib ra ry , a date w ith the substitute, the Sclum ph brothers, congrats from the ed ifie r, a "penny for your thoughts", and une liv re de bavardage com p le t-"th e ta re l;" to J im , L in co ln and Tatum at 5:00, a famous De Soto, PV C C , a mountain v iew , Brady Bunch, "so what e lse ? ", c lassics (Johnnie 's and Dede w ith the human skeleton), fa t dog, "excuse me, are you having a party?", the front w a lk , skate board h ill a t 11:00 p.m .,a vo lum e contro l for the Jetsens and Grandpa's berf, a '65 rom pin ' C a d illa c , "Crosby, S t ills , Nash, and Young," the famous conversations on the way to school, our giant party, and a date w ith Pat C a rro ll; to Dede M ac, 10 lit t le Indians, a bathroom to h ide in, " te ll her to take them off, m an," Guggy's (with a disguise), K the R a bow ling picture, Safari Hotel, a C .B . connected to Cha r lie (for God's sake, K e lly " ) , p lastic pants to craw l through, friends at C irc le K , Cam e lback mountain, (Mom m ), Gunther, W ill ia m Butch B i l l , a "jog" to B a ltim o re , M ich igan guy, a glued dress, tra ile r face , a concerto, our cats, Wonderwoman, the famous tr ip to C a l. (need I say more?), a room at my house and the FAM O US CO N VERSATIO N !; to K a tie (K. D.), "Oh, my God," 56th, 54th, 52nd, (and Lafayette), "m ing le , m ing le " , Peter, a pair of shoulders, Jackson 5 tape (cranked), a station wagon f i l le d with cameras, a bank te lle r (geez), "I say no," a few d irt roads, a chase on C am e lback , Basha's, we're not going to d rink ," a Nasty Habit, Sh iprock, a p ic on your license, a super-deluxe cu rling iron, "do I know you from som ewhere?", Trader V ic 's , strappy shoes, a s im p le t, and a c lu tch (with in it ia ls ) , El Chorro, a V illa g e , Dave's cousin, Jon i M itc h e ll, "M athew 's m ean", Cosmo, a few units and B inger's (i.e . a l l " lig h t-pa rty ing parafana lia"), "do they need bus g ir ls ? " , gray eye shadow, a job at an insurance com pany to make "some bucks," the hundreds of mem ories from Hawaii (need I say more), the B iltm o re , a "SPEC IA L " tr ip to C a l., (What are you doing to my foot?), a Starsky and Hutch Manual (or do we need one), and lastly , bud, a w o rld fu ll of H O TEL M AN AG ERS!; to Scott, a f iz z le d rock; and to Beeg, a hug.

I, Les lie , leave to Schweikher, m y attempts at organ ization; Mrs. Van L .S ., my #502 ideas; for Mrs. Bryant, the a b il it y to create as we wish our own lives; to Sue and Brad, an entire c iv i l iz a t io n of Remulacs; to Jacques, a future in v ita tion to a New Year's Eve party w ithout any trace of that f iz z y stuff; to Laura, Les lie L ., M itch , our attempts at f ilm in g ; to Doug, an understanding between that has never been spoken of.

I, Jacques d e L is le , being of questionable san ity, leave: to Ms. E., thanks, a mood ring, -I 's fo r spe lling , Knossos,Abu S im be l, star dates, A lc ib iade s, M r. M c lv e r-S ir , lots of stickers, even more qu izzes, the h isto rica l s ign ificance o f ; to John C ., thanks fo r help ing my cars survive, sp ike -o -pen , Bob's, the Prom Com m ., indignation atthe breakdown of P .V .'s car, a B ritish transm ission and c lu tch that work norm ally ; to Lo ri, C L C , a nerf car, a diseased wombat, an earring, c law , phase eight, "he r", "she", a horse laugh, 1000 quatlews, Nooki Nooki, a mayonnaise jar, snarl, se llin g oranges, goldfish, the T im bers; to Rhonda, IC K , and the job of c lean ing my locker; to Dr., in te llig en ce , extra help; to Don Bonn if in i, the return of the French n o b ility , K a m il, terrorism , a chauffeur, Ham let, a grave stone, an interpreter, Bonza i!, a 65 mph turn, the great costume r ip -o ff, a bumpy road; to Z .J .E .L ., m um ble, his L .L . fantasies, my shoe, yawn; to M itch , A le x and Hephastion, but yet. . . ; to Bart, crud ity; to A M L , a Denver Om elette, Lon Cheney, Burt, bent cards, fr ied zu cch in i, a French word starting w ith "s", a monkey act, award dinners, w alk ing on my heels; to Mr. Roof, a 1921 pancake, a maple syrup co lle c tio n , the end of telephones, a drunk act, Zen, Greek class; to Herman, a de fin ition o f t im e , an open shirt; to Brian,


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Econom ics, C IV ICS , dust from m y car, the guru, "He 's tak ing in to le rab ly long!"; to Je ff B ., Marengo, the in te llig e n ce to avo id erasers; to John G .,countless m ovies, subtitles, d riv ing on go lf courses; to N ick , su ic ide on the way to the outing , the g ir l a t Gingess; to F i l l Pans, his name spe lled correctly ; to J .C . and K .D ., Samantha, new stationery; to L e s lie , Vacc ina tion the Doberman, red battery a c id , strange f iz z y stuff (cough!); to Mrs. Hagstrom, sen io ritis; to Serok, Paison, Na in the r ive r in a rainstorm; to M r. W lison, a fa m ily reunion in F la ., a job in Baghdad, the bet d is tr ic t, a manual on d iffusing bombs; to M r. Schweikher, b.s., the G .L .A . , CPS (yawn),San Anton io , A jo St., the key basic points o f the f iv e step dec is ion -m ak ing process, and M itz i C ra ig go home; to M .B ., a nose job, M . C lif fo rd Note, Rocky, a life t im e supply of BBQ and New T im es, the Q u iz W a ll, S ILEN CE , "Y ou 're so u g ly " , fungus k il le r , d riv ing lessons; to Doug, the Hebrews, the Cum Lauds; to DOR, a concise, leg ib le , o n -t im e b io -test, and donuts; to Robert B ., co ffee , s lim e m old, the root t ip , attendance slips; to Chonny, g lop and s lim e ; to the adventurous, V i's b lueberry pancakes w ith boisenberry syrup; to Nunc, horns, Swats, speed, a memory; to M r. H ack ling , a met dead line , to M ike F., "C ro ck !" and "W here's the r ing?"; to Ch ip , his own parking space at the lib ra ry; to Larry , an un lim ited account at Bob 's, the end of twins; to Jason, my a b il it y to avo id acc iden ts, a more cooperative Adv iso ry Board; to Robert D., "I don 't know these peop le", lessons on how to pronounce the English language, com petence, a 65 mph turn, a m uzzle ; to Greg H., w a iting fo r a ride to stage crew , f in a liz in g sheets; to Lynn ie , th is rotten job, 4 strips of cardboard bacon, cropping sessions; to C leo , ce ram ic mushrooms, Arthur, being repressed, a banana, a button, burned pan bread, "no th ing", 51585, s im ila r f i ll in g s , tarantu las, green two story bu ild ings, L i l le , prompting, "Boxes and Urns", s illiness, thanx, 91215225251521.

I, K a tie DeLongy, leave in m em ories, to Robert B e ll- th e three of us at lunch, your under-cover friend around the corner, and 3 hours and 45 m inutes of slavery; to Mark, the VW , diversions, waving instructions, and driv ing lessons; to Greg, tenn is-ea rly , rides home cause of a bum knee, endless guessing about everyth ing, and always be ing n ice ; to L e s lie , a n ight at your house, Saguaro Lake , and the monkey c lim bers, the Tucson Marauders, drives in the B la ze r, the lunch after 11th grade, and the h itchh iker; to Dede, e thn ic bags, J im and Dave, our fr iends from C a lifo rn ia , s leep ing in the car, co ffee at the Safari w h ile someone was w a iting fo r us and our bowl from Wing Wo He Man; to N ick , M arriage counseling or me and C h ico , and you and Doody, notes in English. . . and Genetics. . . and Physics, and thanks m ostly fo r m aking me cry; to Jen ife r, Haw aii, thoughts o f T ik o Gedman, his sm e ll, B iru ta , bopping around in the Subaru, on the piano, Punahoe disease, m y bed on the floo r, K leenexes, G ram her cabbage, and love fo r d irty dishes, Nancy 's party w ith C l if f , Henry, Lew is, the punchbowl, and o f course, Nancy 's brother, and a b igg ie !, W h itey, and his fr iend , Pop, a house on the beach, Los Gatos boys, sleep ing on the f lo o r, "I 've got everyth ing under con tro l" , "Eugene, put down that axe !", "So, g ir ls how's the n igh tlife around here?", suitcases in bathrooms, d riv ing the Datsun truck , losing ticke ts , being tan. . . our C a l. boys, and constant problem s, and 4 o 'c lo c k a .m ., Saguaro p icn ics , R .I.D ., showers w ith shoes, Japs w ith Nikons, forever driv ing , d r iv ing , and ta lk in g , and ta lk in g , our future business, the thourough job we always do, big party sessions everyday, some Polyester, some strappy sandals, and a c lu tch ; fo r fun tim es and good mem ories throughout our friendsh ip— Thanks , and much more; to J im , cough, cough, forever and ever.

I, M arg ie , leave the fo llow ing to: P .C .D .S ., fond m em ories and a short stay in the v a lle y of the sun; Phoenix parties, much to be desired; M r. Roof, thanks for your extra t im e on Fridays; M r. W ilson, sorry, I can 't leave you anyth ing; Dayna, money fo r her tax i se rv ice , Bob Seger, thanks fo r liv in g so c lose, good tim es; Rhonda, "a great gu idance counse lo r", sleep ing at a fr iend 's house w ith an early checkout t im e ; Rob, you can have my lunch fo rseconds; L inda, "B lo o m ie s" , our so ca lle d tennis m atch, too young fo r fun; M itch , a slap in the face; Jenn ifer,v itam in s A ,B ,C ,D , . . . and a l ife t im e supply of soy-joys; Bart, Steve M artin; Lynn ie , "L e t 's go shopping", O .K.. . . ; Mark, a thousand shares of stock in the G ille t te Corporation; Lo ri, a bank vau lt to lock up her notebooks, and C la rk Gable; Greg Haus, a PhD degree in La tin ; and last of a l l to my brother, Robert, wheels to transport h im se lf to schoo l, and much success in his senior year at P .C .D .S .

I, Rhonda E iche r, leave to. . . Rob, a ha ir dryer, a la rm c lo ck , an au tom atic window closer; B la ir , Thursdays,carrots in your ears, frozen yogurt, C h ip and Dale, and straws in Rum bottles; L inda R., a Phx. map, Macyos, coughdrops, hot choco la te , K leenex , and a new T -sh irt; Jen ife r, blueberry muffins, doughnuts, Dan Fogelberg,44th and M cK in le y , a leve l house; Cyn th ia T ., a tootsie ro ll wrapper, St. Joseph's Hospital, and one candystripers un iform ; K ing Doug, Ceram ics III, Dan Fogelberg concerts, a hug and a kiss, and a ll those damn foo ls, and peasants; Jon H., a ski trip; Tony T . , my hat; G. Hunter, a fork l i f t fo r a certa in typewriter; M arg ie, orange ju ice , 9:00, New York, and B i l ly Joe l; Steve L ., a new nam e-Rob in , free periods, and the a b il it y to spe ll his own m idd le name; Jacques, g ra ff it i on your locker and the name IC K ; Lori R ., Greek class and the Prom; S. Gates, the prom,B .B . Singers; M itch , Shiprock and our b io -eco log y plots; N ick the Greek, one on one basketball match; Randy, a sm a ll car; Laura F., Pina Co lada and Macyos and a night on the town expenses on the house; Phil R ., Scene West and 44th and M cK in le y ; Jen ife r C ., Eagles Concert; Herman, U .S .C ., the Trojans; Evan, a new pair of jeans;Dayna, the saying "I'd lik e you to meet my ca ts .". Scene West, and L inda 's house; Leah, C learwater H ills and biscuits; G inger, Shakespeare class; Betsy, One L ife to L ive ; Donny Singer, a sister named Marie; Matt, a house next door to his idea l Robin Lensman; B r ic k lin , An ita Bryant and my perfume; B ritt, a Betsy of his own.

I, Marianne Hagstrom, leave to Jane, a d ie t consisting of sk im m ilk and choco late cake, Ca f' Casino, the combo of w ine and coke, your jum ping a b ility , a l l the memories from Greer, (water study, patro lling sticks, dorm duty. . . ), C innam on ro lls , donuts (just one!), and many more m emories that we have shared during our fr iend ­ship; to Betsy, N e il D iamond, ten easy steps to perfecting the d irty look, C .D . Sessions at lunch, the shadow, Roast Beef on a kaiser ro ll, Hey Guys!, S .B ., One L ife to L iv e , and a far out cosm ic life ; to F e lic ia , a vast assortment of chem ica ls and a l l our good tim es from A lg . and Chem . labs; to Ana M aria , a lis t consisting of the true meanings of love; to Lo r i, General Hospital; to M r. Houle, multae gratiae (V ivan t professores!), to E ric , a ll my chores, 40 lbs. o f fa t and muscles, a big ju ic y kiss, and success fo r the future; to Mr. W ilson, many thanks and my te rr if ic driv ing sk ills ; a ma mere, je laisse la voiture, ma pronunciation francaise, beaucoup d'am our, et un nez bien repare; to my father, I leave better health, great love, respect, and my SAT scores.

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I, Jane H a ll, leave to M arianne, some w il l power, a stop sign, a l it t le w. and c. to help quench your th irst, U ltra - b rite , a qt. o f sherbet and 32 oz. of cake, easy hem pants, a job at W in che ll's Donuts w ith fringe benifits, a b i l l - stuffing m ach ine, a ha ir cut, a locker, a junk food junky, the p it, soup and salad w ith extras inc luded, Cat' Casino, the right m ovie , a long term d ie t, ro lle rska ting , a big s t ick , a curta in rod, and everything I know about water study; to Betsy, I leave: a square dance, a padded sound proof c e ll w ith stra ight ja cke t inc luded, a w e ll- t im ed se izure, a red 450 S L , Duck and Decanter, a back seat driver, a t ic k e t to a Ne il D iamond concert, a date w ith RR , a l it t le more se le c tion , and a great senior year; to Ana M aria , I leave: "an insu lt for every occassion", Am y Vanderb ilt's book for reference, boogiem an jun ior, and front row seats at the motor-cross track; to Lori, I leave: Lunt Avenue M arb le C lub , The Enterprise, and thanks for putting up w ith me!; to Herman, I leave: a few v o lle y ­ba ll lessons, my s k ill to jum p, and a picture of T .A . to remem ber me by; to F e lic ia , I leave: a few spare inches and extendo arms to get those rebounds; to Je ff, I leave, Harrod's food ha lls , and a few Scottish bogs; to Jenny,I leave: some nut b r itt le , short bread, a grass tennis court, a short cut down, and a f ly hunt; to Mr. W illsun, I leave my own revised d ic tiona ry , a good quote, yo very own Suthern akcent, and a l it t le respect; to Mrs. DeMarzo, I leave: a ping-pong bat and The Sting; to M r. Houle, I leave: "Sa lue, v ia to r." , and 100 elephants.

Je ff Haus leaves to Robert B e ll his very own patrol car, an a irp lane wash, Beth, and a night out w ith L.F.; to Jenn ie M ., good luck at Colorado Co llege ; to Mr. W ilson, your desk is your bedroom; to F e lic ia Weiss, the honor of taking over lead trum pet; to Mark B r ic k lin , "wooms" of the year award and help w ith his geometry; to Mr. Raymond, a week of hom ecooked m eals in Greer and a n ight out w ith Mr. W., R .B ., and myself; to Jacques, Hudson Brothers at the A rizona State Fair; to Jason, acc id en t insurance; to Mr. Houle, Va le Magister et am icus; to Mr. Roof, thanks fo r a ll that I have learned from you; to David Chu, a concert at the Phoenix Symphony; to Mr. Seroka, "go Boston".

I, Ana M aria Lopez, leave to LD R , many memories and laughs, a ch im ichanga at M a x im ilia n 's , a melted Woody A lle n crepe, T .J . 's , R .D .L . , Navarre's and prom n ight, plans, strange dreams, "H e llo , B e tty !" , c innam on ro lls, the T im bers, Texas, the proverbia l question, the M idn igh t Marauders; to J Ld, "B -p o lite " , West Point, ch lo re lla and s lim e m old, V .I.'s blueberry pancakes and boisenberry syrup, an H-bush, "You are your enzym es", d ip lom acy, a matching earring, M .'s Tu cson -tie com m ent, Barry M an ilow , sighs and the ir respective songs, p izza and Coke; to B ., the tree, "If lost please m a il to. . . ", home, "Star Wars", soup and water, ha lf of " it " , a ha ircut, 45C, Brandeis, long ta lks, s ilen ce , lunch se rv ice , 37, 5378, a meteor shower, optim ism ; to Ms. E., my sincere thanks and respect, h istory students, f in a l exams, qu izzes and more qu izzes, an eternal rainbow, and much happiness; to Jane, a phone c a ll from the boogie man, "Hooray, no more braces!!", m otorcyc le races, the Dan Fogelberg concert that never qu ite was; to M AH , my cook ie , scented fo il , sw im team memories, "what's his nam e"; to Lynn ie , a ride to World Records, Peanut Butter Crunch Bars, cropping sessions, K 's senior page; to D i, A v iance , sad m ovies, a toast, the M ag ic Pan, blue moods, b-problem s, thanx; to L isa, buses that leave on t im e , " A ir - o - p lanes", a banana sp lit , "Pardon me, your lights are on ."; to R .W ., a theo log ica l discussion and "A rtichokes 3 for a $1.00 at Safeway"; to M r. W ilson, thanks, physics and the ca lcu lus, and Happy 12/26!; to M r. S., computer programs that work and Basic; to Mary G ., m id -day muchies, a com puter tape, and lotsa luck; to DOR, AP B io exam s from 1965, a f ly swatter, and students whose labs work; to Doug B ., a w a ltz , soul trave lle rs, Ha'vard, and the Hebes; to Mr. Schweikher, M odel U .N . and thanx fo r a ll the co llege help; to Herman, "What is t im e ? " , a book of t r iv ia , and an e xce lle n t senior year; to Mr. Roof, a 1918 pancake, thoughts and works of great writers and v is ionaries, the leap, and thanks for a l l that you 've taught me; to M ing , M ing, cheese and sausage, Chopin 's b irthday, and a M ozart concerto; to Sam M ., a tr ip to K itch ie 's , L .L . , a m uzzle ; to Madam e, French literature,6 page papers, photos for m id -te rm exams, sen ioritis; to Je ff H., "H i, Haus!", W illiam s, p rin c ip le - in te rest computer problems; to Je ff J . , enjoy 4/23, "I remembered your nam e!"; to Je ff B ., the name of Napoleon's horse; to M itch , A lexander the Great and Hum II; to Dr., b la ckm a il, com m on sense, love; to Mark, a mustache to match that fu zzy stuff, Van Buren, d ifferent types o f J .'s; to Bonnefoy, a meeting w ith M ario Puzo and A .M .U .N . resolutions; To D iane L ., ch icken and cranberry sauce, "an easy-go ing kinda guy", and Rumor Control; to Deb, Burt, T .G .I . Friday, surprise b irthday parties, and best wishes; to Tuna, a "w ave", a longer ta il, and ta lk ing s leep ily ; to T .B .R ., m idn ight phone ca lls , a l l the a liases. . . ; to my parents, much love and gratitude; to Ca ro lina , cooking lessons, next year y o u 'll be washing dishes, have patience, and th ink; to M aria Ange la , my love, M cD ona ld 's , "m eow"; Good Luck, everyone!!!

I, Jason M itc h e ll, leave the Coke, Candy M ach ine, and Presidency to Jacques deL is le ; to m y father, I leave straight A 's on m y report card; to M r. Raymond, a student who was just lik e h im when he was our age; to Mr. W ilson, a quart o f Ch ivas Regal, a bag of rocks (smooth ones), fo r on the t ra il, and sincere thanks; to Mrs.DeM arzo, I leave the fa c t that she is a true friend. Thanks again! T o Ms. E., I leave my co llege app lica tions and the Parthanon; to B la ir , our bathtub experim ent, the dead ly wrestling match, m y dad's ren t-a -P in to w ith me he lp lessly at the driver's w heel, a lock for the door so we're never disturbed and the lessons I took on how to ride and fa ll on a m oto rcyc le . To Doug, I leave the lowlands in Haw aii, his own Le ir je t and my crown for being a hard core partier. To Laura, I leave our jun io r year, the hut w ith a n ice stereo and lounge chairs and the one n ight we w il l have when we're fr ied zoots. To Paralee, I leave the wonderful T -n ig h ts we had, sincere thanks for w aking me up, on o ff road territo ry, and spec ia l thanks for going out w ith me and going home w ith M ike . To M ike, I leave the g lo ry of being a heavyweight, the sunset on mushroom h il l , and a permanent spot on my bedroom floor. To Mark, I leave a rub on the foot and a clean razor. Y .S .U . To N ick and Larry, I leave two stereo receivers w ith 2000 watts per channel and two new cars. To Brian Amster, I leave a Budwoman. To J im Downs, I leave a l l my trust, because he's always there when I need, but then again, I support that boy's habit; to J im 0 ., "Where's the B each ", a case of S ch litz M a lt L iquor, and lessons on "how to h it the surf", four gargantuas fo r two days in the parks and on the side roads, rowdies in the Nomad and m unchin ' on cooked pig w ith fry goats, take it easy, and c lean that b lanket at cafe. To Scott S., I leave 2nd place in our contest and a soccerba ll. To Jen ife r and Katy, I


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leave each other and reserved t im e to them on the weekends. To Le s lie D., and Les lie L ., I leave the "Cosm ic Space Cow boy" Award; to M att, D .L ., J .S ., J .S ., the back seat of the Mercedes and his own ski slope. Thanks.T o L inda, I leave Randy. To B i l ly and Andy, I leave A rcad ia High School and the fa c t that they are true L.W .; to Dave, four wheel terra in so he can get his craz ies out. To my combo and ja z z band, I leave the u ltim a te jam session because w e're the best. Thanks, M r. Fe lten , To W in, I leave a broken arm , friends w ith problems sucking on lemons, Robert's tractor, la te nights in our rooms, and the "T em pe" era; to L ibby, m y keyboards, a ll m y friends, the ski tr ip , partying at L inda 's, p lay ing in the c loset, in Laguna and safety for her friends, from me, (T racey), the beginning in B re t's room and the end w ith B i l l y and me. I love you. Take care. To G a il, I leave a le tte r, hanging out at the Avenues, Going to the cou luasac, and a dear friendsh ip that w il l be everlasting . Stay c rocked . T o Mark and Todd, I leave our fan tastic sessions. We are true, la te n ight, heavy weights. Take it easy, friends.

I, M itch , leave: to M r. W ilson, "How 's the project com ing?"; to M r. Bruning, a thousand donde lobos to gnaw of h is f in i; to Ms. E., a thousand Fridays w ithout a qu iz; T o Mrs DeM arzo an e x it on ly door on the North side of Burch H a ll. T o L isa a thousand pictures o f the stud liest stud there is or ever w il l be; to M , F a pound of "goodies"; to J . R a face ; to L .G "b itch in hands"; to A + R a secluded p lace; to C .L a thousand years of goods moods; to Lynne the Astroturf (front and back), the drivew ay and dangerous places; to M ike H. a co ld brew; to Dave V a gas shortage; to Bob I leave a case of Lowenbrau, Cen tra l, Brent, the B ren tm ob ile , an early morning ride to the rive r w ith decayed looking companions, Pam per A rm a rd ille r Tow n, an e x ce lle n t 10 -7 , a coup le of n ice beavers, a "w ierd dude", a "h i y a 'II" , 2,000 case's of Damp Proof Red R rim er, a four-w heel Honda w ith rapped-out tappets and dual synchro-meshed camshafts. To a l l who w il l be here next year a p lace in the wash unknown to the Raymond.

I Ch ip O 'B rien being a rookie am idst the academ ic scholars in the senior class at Country Day do hereby decree:T o Mom and Dad my love and app rec ia tion for the ir support and gu idance, coord inate d riv ing lessons and con tro lling interest in Doctor D. Enterprises Incorporated. To M r. Raymond my incom esurable knowledge in the f ie ld of Geom etry to pass on to anyone he fee ls tru ly deserves the honor. M r. Roof: m y SA T and A C T scores and deepest thanks. M r. M one ll: m y app rec ia tion fo r your support and encouragem ent. Mrs. De M arzo: a c rea tive m ind. To Mark B r ic k lin , my forehand and serve, T im M a g il l: two cheeseburgers, fr ie s and a coke plus pictures of his most in tim a te moments w ith "B ig Be rtha". To Lori Reynolds, a l ife t im e supply o f go ldfish . T o Jacques de L is le I donate my personal seat in the pub lic lib ra ry . To M ark Three Stars and Bart Hechtman my seat in the same lib ra ry on the week-ends plus the lib ra r ian and fasc ina ting people who encompass that bu ild ing of knowledge. To Stephen Gates, I leave help! I leave to C indy Latish mem ories of past pleasurable experiences invo lv ing a te lephone. I leave the rest of my w o rld ly possessions to my fa m ily and close friends.

I N ick Paris o f sound m ind and body do leave the fo llow ing people the corresponding w o rld ly possessions, To Mark, suck o ff, Remember the k id w ith the ba lls? . Please, don 't forget h im . To John: a ride in my monza, seventeen BIG 1020's on a sca le of 10, 82%. Free pass to Behind the green door. Another 1020 and p izza at 2:00 a .m .. Book of tips on the Paris method of road driv ing (w ithout getting ticke ts), 18 zaps from m y 917, and your O lmo Frame. K a t ie : Three dead roses wrapped in a pink ribbon, one c rea tive m o lecu le , where's my other do lla r from search of C lio ? A Hawaian le i, and three do llars or Ch ico goodbye. T o Tony: B e lt. T o Jacques, Rubber baby buggy bumpers fo r your car (for your next "m is take"), stock in my J .A . com pany, and the number to the "G ir l a t G ingiss." T o M itch : Some water for your next cam ping trip . To Leah: Bye, I.O .U . one red convertib le Ferrari Daytona Spyder. To B rian : M y R igg 's pro signature racquet. M y personal gu ide, How to avo id C ac ti w h ile R id ing B icyc le s . T o Larry: when you're r ich le t me borrow your Turbo at least once. M y w iper de lay system; have fun, my bicuspid, a bottle of tequ ila , a roof to put frisbee on, and a goodbye kiss to B lue and Mrs. Schoeffle r remember


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"I 'm your boogie man"; to Mr. W ilson: a carton of razors, 14 cans of shaving creme, and a promise; I ' l l s t il l ta lk to you To Ms. E., a faster broom, a larger cauldron, two Hallow een he llo 's , and a p iece o f that p izza we never had. To Mr. Raymond: the address o f that blonde d riv ing down Seventh Street, and a new recipe for drosoph ilia m edium . To Jason: A fte r schoo l, at your house, sure; unless your parents are there. To B la ir , please don 't forget me, here's my address; at least w rite: K iahuna Beach & tennis resort. Rural Route 1, Box 73, Ko loa , Kauai; Hawaii 96756.

I, Lo r i Reynolds, leave the fo llow ing : to Mr. W ilson, his own planet where the acce le ra tion due to grav ity is 10; to Debra, the new le tte r of wombats, forty Daybreaks, and understanding; to Jane, Lunt Avenue Marble C lub and anuter pokit-s ized d ikshunairy; to D avid , experim ents where the percent of error is .5% or less; to Ana M aria , "Is it sa fe?", M a x im illia n 's ,"---------- , may I help you", 2 hours worth o f m elted bananas at L A M C (w oody-a lien sized), a decent room -m ate, love,freedom , and happiness; to Doug, a copy of I 'm OK, You r're OK, and Oscar, esoteric speeches, and stardust dreams; to Mark, my g u ll ib i l it y , a bunch of lite ra ry w riters, four buckets o f water w hich I s t il l owe you, Jane Burgy, walks along East Van Buren, a du ll blade, a sn icker, and Rona Barre tt's rejects; to Ms. E., another em pire, soon y o u 'll have the whole world , a Nationa l League pennant once in a w h ile , and your own "Dear Ms. E ." colum n; to Mrs. Hagstrom, some unsuspec­ting jun io r to do your w indows, an overabundance of sp ir it, and f iv e truckloads of thanks; to Jason, a promise that I won't break the C oke -m ach ine anym ore and jive ; to Lu is , cookies w ithout insects, French verbs, and one Oh Yeh!; to Jacques, one quart o f absuith, 2 yards red safron, Nooki N ooki, NTSF, one mayonnaise ja r, Star T rek, Jum bo Ja ck , A lia s Sm ith and Jones, claws, co ld feet, a snarl, C L C 's , 23 in an hour and a ha lf, rumors, my Star T rekk ie membership, "the Stuff", M R EM , b ird 's knees, "the two great m inds", one fu ll week and one ra iny day: to Martha, my a lto vo ice to reach for; to D ianna, L isa , Faith, and Joanne, love and my part of the qu iz w a ll; to Rhonda, and order of onion rings, another bottle o f b lack bee blood and my co lle c tio n o f A risto tle ; to Rob, the red, w h ite, and blue funeral N A S A L MAN!; to Mr. Roof, an ed it io n of Pancakes: Antique and Future; to L isa and J i l l , luck w ith lockers next year; and to Dr., hope and happiness.

B rian Rose; o f nearly sound body . . . leaves a p ile of one, two, an three word inside jokes to anyone who cares. To N ick Paris, I leave my gratitude for making me learn how to ride a u n icy c le . To Mr. and Mrs. Paris, the fact that they have a bunch o f w ierd kids and our house to leave them at. To Mark B r ic k lin , I leave the name of a good p lastic surgeon, a razor, some more w arm -up suits, and the 8 tennis matches I let you w in as w e ll as various papers and achievements. To Jason,I leave the fa c t that I le t you w in the Presidency because I knew you were a handicap. I leave to Evan Lou is my talent for and my position of goaltender on the soccer team . I leave some of my a b ility to p lay the tenor sax to Don Singer. To Mr. Schw eikher, I leave my thanks and my book, the C l i f f Notes on Procrastination; to Ms. E., I leave a p ile o f dry c lay named " T ik a l" . To Mme. A rle tte , I leave the fa c t that I do do homework, som etimes. To M itch , I leave the Naughty B its of an ant and a penguin for your T. V. To Mr. Roof, I leave the assurance that I w il l be the greatest philosopher of a ll t im e even though I can 't w rite . I leave the crack in the Basketba ll court to Mr. Thompson and various assorted broken tennis rackets to J im W alker. I leave a m uzz le to Farley Weiss and my love to Leah, Kate, Jen , Lynne, Lynn ie , Fe lic ia , and a lud icrous number of other fem a le types. I e spec ia lly leave Leah a spotted looney. I leave th is w il l and some im ag ina tion to Jacques, no tennis raquets. But most o f a l l I leave this school.

La rry leaves - to N ick , 9 more blue things, a gasoline powered 917 and a p lace to put it, Em ily D ickinson, "H i Weah", id io t sticks, H ilton T .V . g irls , "expansion", m in i's , peanuts and taco soup, favorite bumps, car washes, the senior class outing , frisbees, fem a le snobs, pantera models, a 5 F.P.S. w inder and friendship; to John, m idn ight developing sessions, a deer, L .J .K . Setright, HRS's, re lie f for Duke, typing and ceram ics, PCS, Jen ife r, Monzas and Ramblers, 51.65, speaker w ire , "you guys just don 't know how to get a long !", the Prom Com m ittee , gerb ils, backfired rumors, exe sttr, Zeus, hign asp irations and good luck; to Mark a d iffe ren t re lig ion , French, nose shots and ce ram ic sculptures, "connoiseur", a nicer cat, X -m as (Hannukah?), caros, camp (g low -ba lls), B icusp id , and a tr ip to school, (1020!!?); to Mrs. Hagstrom, re lie f a fter 3 years (me too!); to Robert, a couple o f unsolved murders, coffee, 2 dozen h ipp ie rad ica ls and a free membership to the m ile high club; to Lynne, free munchies and a kiss from Santa; to Ms. E. the reclusiveness of Howard Hughes, honest discussions, some peace and qu iet, Halloween surprises, X -m as gifts, and much th an x ; to Jason, a class w ith enthusiasm, a good stereo, Advanced Math, m ers-parties, and an a n t i-B r ic k l in bomb; to Jenn ife r, a proper seat in the darkroom , a pointed hat and broom, soy-joy 's , and a normal outlook on life ; to M itch , Porsches, dark beer ( or any kind), "The M ax", some dobermans and m atch ing trees, Tony, a 4WD turbo, and a ton o f doo-dad's; to Matt, 300 Ibx., someone to drive h im around and a wang and a binach; to Jacques, cropping sessions, a ro ll-b a r , a master key, and a more coopera­t iv e photography editor; to Jen ife r, a good pro file , some dates w ith Je f f and John, and stupid Yearbook scribblings; to Mrs. Van, equa lity fo r women, the a b ility to take p ictures of a ceram ic sac r if ice , and my pessimism; to Phil, the Petit P rince, my photographic s k i l l , and some good photos o f h im self; to John (G .), a life t im e membership to Goony Golf, d riv ing s k ill, truth serum, and a l l the free m ilk he can handle.


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Martha Sm ith leaves to a l l her teachers, many thanks for the ir inexhau tib le patience and s k ill; to her parents, more of the same; to the bookstore, several dozen in c red ib ly decorated and m arked-up books; to E llen , the hope that she w il l a lways be ab le to w a lk through her room w ithout breaking e ither neck or something va luab le ; and to PCDS, many thanks for e leven years o f the best.

Robert Snyder leaves; to the school, a new name and my best wishes; to Mr. W ilson, I leave the Rocky mountains and a beautifu l genie; to Mr. Raym ond, I leave a path out to the wash; to M itch , I leave Haus and G re tz 's Head Shop, 25 acres o f grass! land, and an open road to wherever you go; to B la ir , I leave the biggest party ever; to M ike I leave a Turbo Carrera and a He in iken .

I, Lu is C . Tenorio , leave to Mrs. Roberta C rane, "m i gran am iga " , my a b il it y to repair the language master and my d is­a b il it y to make "pan de muertos". I leave to Mr. B run ing , "m i am igo ", the p ictu re o f the most beautifu l woman of C o ­lom b ia and "m uch is im as gracias por todo". I leave to D ianna and L isa my d isa b ility to speak Spanish; to m y teachers, a big thanks; to my beautifu l French teacher, a big kiss and a "m erc i beaucoup". A spec ia l thanks to "m y parents", Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grove, my brother Jam es, my sisters, Judy and Jane t. I leave my a b il it y to speak Russian to m y sisters; to my Mom , Mrs. Ruth Grove, a "tengo hom bre" and to everyone at P .C .D .S ., see you later.

I, B la ir Torrey, being o f fo rtunate ly unsound m ind leave the fo llow ing : to Beavo, a picture book of old M cD ona ld 's farm , Elsa, a better a im of apples at history teachers, ground up seeds, Kona and a date w ith the lifeguards, a p la id sk irt, your name in the Tro jan ha ll bathroom and further invo lvem en t w ith M ill ia rd Hopper; to Doug, a rock co lle c tio n , '78 Vette, the a b il it y to make High Honors, therapy, Renta Yen ta , and qu ick trips to Hawaii; to Jason, my thanks and love, the fa cu lty p lay, muscles and 11 years on Scot, and a big favor, plus a tr ip around the world (even i f it 's just in your mind); to Dave, a new bike the next-door lo t for Troy, and a high potency liq u id breakfast; to M ichae l, the space between my bed and the w a ll, the scen ic v iew of my front yard, red lip s t ic k , Russian sunsets and an iron stomach; to L e s lie D., a trip to the ranch, Goober, M ick , Tranchy babe, a couple bottles o f champagne, and Doug; to Laura, a new w indsh ie ld , fo lia ge o f Lebanon,5 doz. eggs, one whole pair o f shoes and a game of cha llenge; to L e s lie L ., a goat, o ff campus for you and L isa , 10" fingerna ils , and Bruning; to G a il, an in f in ite number o f Thursdays and green shampoos; to J .B . , Fr. M ike 's M ed ita tion Course, my parent's adoration, Tucson, " l iv in 1 the l ife " , and an a c tiv e u lcer; to S .P .D ., my d ip lom a ( if and when i get it) for she knows where she can s tick it; to Mark the a b il it y so do what you be lieve in, a motel room (w ith 15 people), Husky Startch, a moustache comb ( if & when you need it), the g e ria tr ic w ing of St. Joe 's , and best wishes for the future. To Joe , the a b il it y to have a sm a ll party 10-4?; to Doug, being ab le to adm it you 're wrong, the t im e , a pair of L e v i's and Chester the Molester; to Robert, our 8 year plan, the wash, my drink ing a b ility , a present, and a future date at P.C.; to Ms. E., my friendsh ip and a lunch date fo r Dec. 21, 1987; to Mrs. B ., my app rec ia tion for getting me through the rough tim es,Scot, and happy memories; to Vera, a book o f passes and the a b il it y to decipher rocks; to PCDS, I leave 8 unusual years.

I, Ja n Lorant, o f waterlogged m ind, leave to B i l l Nelson a rocky mountain oyster and a position as ski instructor at Snow B ird , Jackson Ho le , and Sun V a lle y (w h ichever you prefer); to Mark B r ic k lin , the t it le o f supreme gossip at PCDS and the knowledge of the greatest arch itectu re known to man; to Jacques d e L is le , a head-on co llis ion ; to K a t i, a com plete fine arts bu ild ing; to Mr. W ilson, a long tough, a new analogy for in te lle c tu a l in fe r io r ity , a fantastic insight on arch itectu re , and several more meetings at C a f Casino; to Ms. E., twenty more years o f useless hope fo r a th le tics in Ph ilade lph ia; to M r. Raym ond, a lover and long hm m m m m ; to Mr. Seroka, a $30,000 annual retirem ent fund and a private ski slope; to Mr. Roof, a new fo llow er o f Greek philosophy, an end to n ic - f its , and a donation to the party at his funeral; to Mr. Hack­ling , his own cho ice of the courses he teaches; to Joe Ph illip s , a 1:49.2 in the 200 yard r ly ; to Mark Lacy , s ix ty-tw o fish and many more lunches at C a f Casino; to UU , a monopoly; to the lunch ladies, an enormous decrease in the demand for the ir food; to PCDS, the meaning o f Z JEL; and f in a lly to m yse lf, an education.

Paul D iCergo, John Hoffman, Ph il Rosier, and Tony Tay lo r, being of uncooperative m ind, leave.


Page 67: 1978 phoenician

Here fishy . . !

I was trying th is physics experim ent and . . . .

another fine mess you've gotten me into

Who's the wise guy who put in the m ed ic ine ball?

There a in 't room enough in th is town I 'm gonna make you an offerfor the both of us. you can 't refuse


What's up doc?


Page 68: 1978 phoenician
Page 69: 1978 phoenician
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Page 71: 1978 phoenician


LEFT C O LU M N : George Koka lis

M ID D LE C O L U M N , TO P TO BO TTO M : T im O lin , Randy Friend

RIG HT C O LU M N , TOP TO BO TTO M : G inger Irw in, Stephen Gates, Bart Hechtm an


Page 72: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O L U M N , TOP TO BO TTO M : John Lev itz , Greg Hunter, B i l l Le iber

CENTER C O L U M N , TOP TO BO TTO M : Ph ilippe Bonnefoy, Dayna K ravetz, F e lic ia Weiss

R IG H T CO LU M N : M ike Forrest

Page 73: 1978 phoenician


Page 74: 1978 phoenician

TOP ROW, LE F T TO RIGHT: K e li B rock, Steve M ille r

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ph il W rig ley, Lynn ie Getz

B O T T O M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Cathy Tancer, C indy Latish

Page 75: 1978 phoenician

T O P ROW, LEFT TO RIGH T: J i l l Austin, Todd G ilm oreM ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Betsy Ryan, L isa Fa lcon ie riBO TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIG HT: M ichael Hagan, T im Wadsworth

Page 76: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO R IG H T: Robert Dodell, Greg HausCEN TER ROW, LEFT T O RIGHT: Susie C leek , B i l l NelsonBO T T O M ROW , LEFT TO R IG H T: Laura Foist, J im m y G arc ia , Mark Three Stars


Page 77: 1978 phoenician


LEFT C O LU M N : Je ff Johnston CEN TER C O L U M N , TO P T O B O TTO M : Brent V ie rck , Cynth ia Tancer, Steve Louis R IG HT C O L U M N , TO P TO BO TTO M : Martin De M arzo, K im er Wadsworth, Scott Heid


Page 78: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O L U M N , TO P TO B O TTO M : L inda Rosier, Joanne Tay lo r, Je ff Weiss, G len BeanCEN TER C O L U M N , TO P TO B O T ­T O M : L isa Jones, L isa Rhind, J u lia HausR IG HT C O LU M N : Susan L iv e ly

Page 79: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO R IG H T: M att Gregory, K im Fow ler, Les lie LokeyCEN TER ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Pat C e lis , Je ff B a ile y , Jenn ife r RandB O T T O M ROW, LEFT TO R IGHT: Faith W ulsin, Dianna Ziehm


Page 80: 1978 phoenician

TOP ROW, LEFT TO R IG H T: Stuart Frische, Doug D a lg le ish , Robert K ratze t M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Laragene O live r, Ph il Paris B O TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Randy S teck le r, Don Singer


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VER Y TO P ROW: Krista Magnusson TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Laura Sandler, L ina Weissman M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Gregg Hoffman, David Slusher, Susie Davison B O TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Jacques Barbey, Anne Pogue


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IfmTO P ROW, LEFT TO RIG HT: David Namesnik, Andy Norris, Je ff K ravetz M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Todd Kravetz, A l ic e Haberman, Laurie SchoefflerB O TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Theresa Bernard, Bobby Simonds


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VER Y TO P ROW: Jon M arshallTO P ROW, LEFT TO R IG H T: Gordon Sutton, K a ti Lorant, E llen Sm ithCEN TER ROW, LEFT TO R IGHT: Farley Weiss, Caro l C lenden in , L iz DashnawB O TTO M ROW: Stephanie Grady


Page 84: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Phil Ste iner, B i l l W rig ley, Crystal ScurrM ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIG HT: T roy Hvidsten, B i l l Kerrigan BO T T O M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Stan Casselman, Evan Lew is, John Fisher


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Page 86: 1978 phoenician

s ~ \

Page 87: 1978 phoenician


TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGH T: M ich e le Norinsky, J u lia Burgess, J u lie Brooks

CENTER ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: L ibby Bean, C a ro lina Lopez, Karen Ko lbe

BO T T O M ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: Roger Ripps, M a lco lm C lendenin

Page 88: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O L U M N , TO P TO B O T T O M : Sharon Wechsler, Eddie Shanken, Bro Hayden

M ID D LE C O L U M N , TOP TO BO T T O M : M ichae l DeMarzo, Gay Donahoe, Ann ie Re is

R IG H T C O LU M N : David Dawson


Page 89: 1978 phoenician

TOP ROW: Robert Bernard

CENTER ROW , LEFT TO RIGH T: E ric Fe lten, M ike Spangler, M itch Salam on

B O T T O M ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: J im Keefer, Laura Levy, Sara McEachern


Page 90: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O L U M N , TO P TO BO TTO M : Ruth Barbey, Jenny Potter, K ev in B r ic k lin

CENTER C O LU M N : Mark Adk ins

R IG HT C O LU M N , TO P TO BO TTO M : Robert W eige l, Rusty Jones


Page 91: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Robin Friedm an, J im m y Friend

CENTER ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: John Boccacc io , Ronda Moss

B O T T O M ROW , LEFT TO RIG HT: M indy Dozoretz, L inda Mason, C indy M ile s


Page 92: 1978 phoenician

TOP: Scott Shekels

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: K a rla Earnhardt, A lly son Ingram, Cathy Best

BO TTO M ROW: Wendy Horw itch, Monique DeSpain


Page 93: 1978 phoenician


LEFT C O LU M N : Scott M a ling

M ID D LE C O L U M N , TO P TO BO TTO M : B i l l B o llinge r, Wes Mason, Mark Weiss

R IG H T C O L U M N , TO P TO B O TTO M : Je ff Zuchowski, John Pritchard, Karen Bean, E lizabe th Dalg le ish

Page 94: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O L U M N , TO P TO B O TTO M : Bobby Pe irce , John T illo tson , Kent Stewart, Chris Gray

RIG HT C O L U M N , TO P TO B O TTO M : J im Anderson, Greg Nelson, Sharon Steckler,T ra cy M cC o llum


Page 95: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Jane Kerrigan, L iz z ie Reeves, Jane Gould

M ID D LE ROW , LEFT TO R IGHT: Bret Lanuti, Val B o lin , Greg Kretzer, Chris Cum m iskey

BO TTO M ROW , LEFT TO R IGHT: B i l ly Carpenter, Dean Paris, Matt Lofdahl

Page 96: 1978 phoenician

VER Y TO P LEFT: Greig M cC u llo ch

TO P LEFT: Jenn ife r Beardsley

TOP R IGHT: Jenny H in ch c liffe

M ID D LE LEFT: A lla n Stearns

M ID D LE RIG HT: Sam M idd lem an

BO T T O M LEFT: David Shapiro

BO T T O M RIGHT: Bryant Stodola

Page 97: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Susan Pitre, Stacey R ich te r

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Tony G arc ia , Eric Hagstrom, Anna Keefer

BO T T O M ROW: Robert Englund, Worth L a f lin


Page 98: 1978 phoenician

FIRST C O LU M N TOP TO BO TTO M : Cynth ia Cohen, Dana Cheshire, W ill Ke llogg , Sean Stacy

SECOND C O LU M N TO P TO BO TTO M : Nancy R u tila , Wendy Scurr, B i l l Landis, Dyann Fisher

TH IRD C O LU M N : Steven Shapiro


Page 99: 1978 phoenician


VER Y TO P R IGHT: Eddie Foster

TO P LEFT: L ies l Veazey

TO P RIGHT: Adrianne Stephens


CENTER RIGHT: Geoffrey B leakm an

BO T T O M RIGHT: Bryan Sandler, Brandon Bennett

Page 100: 1978 phoenician

TOP ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Goele t Re id , T im Wray, Mark Urban

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO R IG H T: Adrianne Stephens, Tam m y Ziehm

B O TTO M ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: J u lie Jensen, K im Rossman, T racy Hoffman


Page 101: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Donald Munson, Simone Sutton

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO R IGHT: Katherine Chrisman, Steven Cohen, Chip Henward, Vanessa Joaqu im

B O TTO M : Sean L i l le

Page 102: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: B rian Moss, Jenny Shoecraft

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO R IGHT: M ichae l Myers, Carter Sweet, Les Hirsch

BO T T O M ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Brent Bartsch, Chris Biggs, N ick Firestone


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Page 104: 1978 phoenician
Page 105: 1978 phoenician


TOP ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: John M a rca re lli, Suzanne Pe irce

CENTER ROW , LEFT TO R IGHT: L isa Firestone, Karen Pitre, Scott Duff

B O T T O M ROW , LEFT TO RIG HT: Peter Nadler, Je ff M a ling


Page 106: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O L U M N , TOP TO BO TTO M : A m y L ieberm an, Rob Withers, Pam H in ch c lif fe

M ID D LE C O L U M N , TO P TO B O TTO M : Tay lo r Driggs, C l if f W e ige l, A llis o n Landis

R IG H T C O L U M N , TO P TO B O TTO M : Danny Lesser, Bert Getz


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TOP: Bobby R id ing

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Carey Sweet, Carol Brown, Shannon Gray

B O TTO M ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Tom Cohen, G ia Lanuti, John Dawson Mason

Page 108: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW LEFT TO R IG H T: Jenny Schoeffler, Joe Hirsch

SECOND ROW: Andrea Fa lcon ie ri

TH IRD ROW LEFT TO RIGH T: David Mason, Jam es Me Namara

FO URTH ROW LEFT TO R IG H T: Robert Kroger, Chris Me C o llum

Page 109: 1978 phoenician


TO P LEFT: T im Ph illip s

TOP RIGHT: Kristen Lundberg

CENTER LEFT: Charlene Hovatter

CENTER RIGHT: Andy Shanken

BO T T O M LEFT: Natasha Haase

B O T T O M M IDDLE: Audra V in c i

B O T T O M RIGHT: Lou is Comus


Page 110: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Kath leen Lyne, Chris W eige l, Beau Barton

CENTER ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Am y Biggs, Em ily Chrisman, Brenda L igorsky

B O T T O M ROW: Scott Tucker, G len Levy




Page 111: 1978 phoenician

V E R Y TOP LEFT: Stuart G ieg ling

TOP LEFT: M ichae l Goldm an

TOP RIGHT: B ret Hopper

CENTER LEFT: Jenn ife r Evarts

CENTER RIGHT: Bea tr ice Reid

B O T T O M LEFT: Stephen Scott

B O T T O M RIGHT: K im b e rly Kroger


Page 112: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ruth Rab inow itz, Beth Thomsen, Brooke Sterling

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Stacey Tarone, Karrie Kroger, Chuck Superfon

B O T T O M ROW: Cynth ia C lenden in


Page 113: 1978 phoenician


TOP ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Marcus Thomas, J im m y Jarko

M ID D LE ROW L E F T T O RIGHT: Lara Sue Bryant, Jason Koka lis

B O TTO M ROW: Jason Schoeffle r

Page 114: 1978 phoenician


Page 115: 1978 phoenician

LEFT C O LU M N : C a r la Hvidsten

M ID D LE C O LU M N , TOP TO BO TTO M : S tacey O 'D onne ll, Suzanne M ills

R IGHT C O LU M N , TO P TO BO TTO M : T ay lo r Shaughnessy, Mark Barnes, E ric Swenson


Page 116: 1978 phoenician

TOP LEFT: Catherine Baggott

TO P R IGHT: Dan ie l Donahoe

CENTER LEFT: C r ic k e t A lexander


BO T T O M LEFT: Debbie Arthur

B O TTO M RIGHT: Seth Leibsohn


Page 117: 1978 phoenician


V E R Y TOP ROW: Erik Howsam

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Matthew Nadler, E leanora V in c i, Robin Barnes

CENTER ROW, LE FT TO RIGHT: T in a R iz k a lla h , K e l ly Duff

B O T T O M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: K e ith Hurley, Lu cy Paris


Page 118: 1978 phoenician

TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Brian Sm ith, Sean A lexander

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Shauna Rab inow itz, Robin H in ch c lif fe , Sara M cNeff

B O T T O M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Eric Ellsworth, Lan ie Mason


Page 119: 1978 phoenician

V E R Y TO P RIGHT: D iana W itt

TO P LEFT: Judy W hitney

TO P M IDDLE: Christine S im okat

TO P RIGHT: Bennett Hopper


CENTER RIGHT: T roy Ph illip s

B O T T O M M IDDLE: Sean Whiskeman

B O T T O M RIGHT: Je f f Howard


Page 120: 1978 phoenician

LE F T C O LU M N , TOP TO BO TTO M : Drew S id e ll, Kath leen Dubiach, Francis Kendrick

M ID D LE C O LU M N , TO P TO BO TTO M :Heather S ie lic k i, Stephen Guardino, Mark Chernoff, Garrett Kent

R IGHT C O L U M N , TOP TO BO TTO M :C a the rine W ithers,Debra Munson

Page 121: 1978 phoenician


TO P ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Ch ip O 'D onne ll, Kerstan L in co ln

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Jenn ife r Durkin, Katherine Kroger

BO T T O M ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: T in a Urban, H illa ry Hanlon


Page 122: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO R IGHT: Lee Waskom, T ina C r itc h f ie ld , Sarah T im m ons

CEN TER ROW: Cornel Troup

B O T T O M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Whitney Anthony, L isa L in co ln


Page 123: 1978 phoenician

TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Scot Torrey, K im Jarko , Shane Gearty

M ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: M ichae l Moran, David Jarrat

B O TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: M ich e lle Rotman, Christopher Blumenstein



Page 124: 1978 phoenician

TO P LEFT: Jason L i l l y

M ID D LE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Danny Sy llaba , Marianne C ra cch io lo , Graham Shaughnessy

B O T T O M ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Matthew Houle, Jorge A lm ada


Page 125: 1978 phoenician


TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: N ico le Rossman,Kev in Ramsaur, M ich e lle TroupM ID D LE ROW, LEFT TO RIG HT: Andrew Houle,V incen t KnowlesB O TTO M ROW: Matthew Sosnow


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TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Je ffrey Stern, Robert R u tila , Andrew HonackerM ID D LE ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: John Jacobs, Eve Lipson B O TTO M ROW: Justin Kalish


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TO P ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: H o lly Hendin, M ichae l Sk lar, Chad Newman BO TTO M ROW, LEFT TO R IGHT: Jenn ife r Jug lo ff, Jason Harris

Page 128: 1978 phoenician


( lH>

TO P ROW: Shane Beus CEN TER ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Brooke Donahoe, Wendy Gaskin, Bard SterlingB O TTO M ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Peter Cronk, M elissa W hitcom b


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Page 130: 1978 phoenician
Page 131: 1978 phoenician

I l lI


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Hagstrom (Faculty Ad ■ aria Lopez, Lynnie |

: Philippe Bonnefoy (resIl§|||

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Page 132: 1978 phoenician
Page 133: 1978 phoenician


Front Row, L to R.: Ms. Chris English, fa cu lty representa­t iv e and secretary, L ina Weissman, freshman class rep­resentative, Gregg Hoffman, freshman class representa­t iv e , Jason M itc h e ll, president, Dana K ravetz, Jacques d e L is le , senior class representative and v ice-p res iden t.

Back Row, L to R.: K a tie De Longy, senior class rep­resentative, Matt Gregory, sophomore class representative, Mrs. Joyce Van Lobensels, fa cu lty representative, Mr.Paul Schweikher, Facu lty representative, Bart Hechtman, Jan Lorant, jun io r class representative and treasurer, Mr. Don Singer, fa cu lty representative.

Absent: M r. David Raymond, fa cu lty representative, Mr. Chet Seroka, fa cu lty representative, K e li B rock, jun io r class representative, Stuart Frische, sophomore class rep­resentative

The Advisory Board is a com bination of fifteen school partic ipants-n ine students and six fa cu lty members. Th is year, the m ain ob jective of the Board was to establish a so lid foundation fo r future Adv isory Board members. Our major obstacle was the apathy w ith in the student body. As the year advanced the Advisory Board and the student body made progress to a more enthusiastic, invo lved school com m unity . The key to obta in ing th is goal is for everyone to g ive e ither ph ys ica lly or m enta lly , to the school. People who are put in positions of responsib ility must assume the t im e and the effort that is required to produce a satisfactory result. If people contribute the ir ideas and t im e , as the members of the Advisory Board have done, the school w il l produce and accom plish w ith a much easier flow . I would lik e to thank the Advisory Board fo r the work and patience they have shown through the year. Good luck to a l l new members.

S incere ly ,Jason


Page 134: 1978 phoenician


Le ft to R ight: Ms. Chris English, Betsy Ryan, N ick Paris, M r. Robert W ilson, cha irm an, Mr. Harry Houle Absent: Mrs.A r le tte Hagstrom

p a s

The New Horizons Program th is year was devoted to encouraging o ff-cam pus expe ri­ences. These a c t iv it ie s included a tr ip to New Orleans, cross-country sk iing , a study of Southwest Natural Sc ience museums and parks, and the usual shadow programs. It was the continued philosophy o f th is program that the students who make use o f the varied o ffe r­ings can find a m eaningful add ition to the usual Upper School program.

-Robert W ilson

Page 135: 1978 phoenician

John Crockett Business Editor

Jacques De L is le , Editor

df T _

Ana M aria Lopez Copy Editor

Larry Schoeffler Photography Editor


S B H H H H B H H H H H i • •' "Ji M r. Don Hack ling , Facu lty Advisor

Lori Reynolds Lay-ou t Editor

1 I

Page 136: 1978 phoenician

We would lik e to thank the fo llow ing people w ithout whom th is yearbook w ou ld not have been possible:

Lynn ie Getz

L e s lie Davison

Ph ilip pe Bonnefoy

Greg Haus

Robert Dodell

Mrs. Vera Morrison

A lso:

Tom O lin

Steve Lou is

Ch ip O 'B r ie n

B rian Rose

the photographers

Page 137: 1978 phoenician


FR O N T ROW, LEFT T O R IGHT: Marianne Hagstrom, G inger Irw in, F e lic ia Weiss, C yn th ia Tancer, Cathy Tancer, Rhonda E icher.

B A C K ROW , LEFT TO R IG H T: Herman Lew kow itz, Jan Lorant, Jane H a ll, K im e r Wadsworth (Sec- retary-Treasurer), K rista Magnus- son, M ike Forrest, Randy S teck le r, Dave Hvidsten, Bart Hechtman (President), Greg Hunter, C indy Latish , Mark Three Stars, B rian Rose, Don Singer, B rent V ie rck , Greg Haus.

Not pictured: Lynne D ie th rich (V ice President), Leah Jacobson, Matt Gregory (Sergeant at Arms), B i l l Le iber, Ph il Bonnefoy, Steve Lou is, J e f f Weiss, Steve Gates, Stuart Frische, B i l l Nelson, Mark B r ic k lin , Evan Lew is,

Th is year the Le tte rc lub has reorganized. For the firs t t im e , the c lub has been opened to g ir ls , and the name was changed from the Letterm an 's C lub to its present name. A lso many of the rules were dropped, and the c lub became more outing- oriented and less concerned about fo llow ing a constitu tion. Trips to F lagstaff and a Sports Award Banquet were among th is year's A c t iv i­t ies . Our sponsors for the year were Coach Bob Thompson and Coach Georgia Buelow , both of whom played important roles in getting the c lub on its feet. In the future, I look to the Le t­te rc lub to regain the stature that the Letterm en 's C lub once had, and I th ink w e're o ff to a good start.

Bart Hechtman

Page 138: 1978 phoenician


Th is year's Food C lub was probably the most successful c lub on campus. During our many gatherings, we made such dishes as plum pudding, carm el souffle, fried vegetables, choco la te mousse, and chafing dish pineapples. A great deaf of th is c lub 's success is due to our sponsors - M r. Ray­mond, M r. W ilson. Between them , an a t ­mosphere was found in which creating cu isine became a thoroughly enjoyab le art; we thank them for the ir efforts.

Executive com m ittee members were:Bart Hechtman, Randy S teck le r, Mark Three Stars, Stuart Frische. Regular m em ­bers were: Matt Gregory, Cathy Tancer, Cynth ia Tancer, Herman Lew kow itz, K im Fow ler, Greg Haus, Jacques d e L is le , Phil Bonnefoy, Jane H a ll, Rhonda E icher, K im e r Wadsworth, John L e v itz . Facu lty member - Mrs. Van Lobensels.

Page 139: 1978 phoenician


Th is year's Sixteenth Model Un ited Nations at the Un ive rs ity of A r izona was undoubtedly the most successful fo r PCDS partic ipants. PCDS de legations represented three countries- A fghanistan, the Central A fr ican Em pire, and Iraq. Several im portant issues debated in Tucson included in ternationa l terrorism , the rights of p o lit ic a l prisoners, and disarmam ent. Ana M aria Lopez and Jacques de L is le rece ived spec ia l recogn ition . Ana M aria and Jacques were e lected the b loc leaders in the ir respective com m ittees-D isarm am ent and the Econom ic and S oc ia l Com m ittee . Ana M aria won the singular honor-a firs t fo r PCD S-o f being se lected the out­standing delegate from those partic ipa ting in the D isarmament Conference. Other students p a r t ic i­pating th is year inc luded K a tie DeLongy, Jen ife r C ro lius, Paul D iCerbo, D ianna Z iehm , Robert Dodefl, M arg ie D ode ll, Greg Haus, Rhonda E icher, Ch ip O 'B r ie n , Mark Three Stars, C indy Latish, Ph ilippe Bonnefoy, B i l l Le iber, Bart Hechtman, Steve M ille r , John C rockett, Lynnie Getz, and Lo ri Reynolds. A spec ia l thanks to Bob W ilson fo r provid ing transportation.

Paul Schweikher


Page 140: 1978 phoenician


Page 141: 1978 phoenician


1 §1 IBS■■


Ram il Biggs Linda Brvint Georgia Buetow „Robf t i Crane I

S u e Funlchouser Steve Gerber Tom Graham Don Hackling Arlette Hagstrom Harry Houle Kathy James Joe Lediie Joy McKen2ie.Jo e l M onell Vara Morrison Sue O 'D onnell

?T_ovi ce Peterson K ilh le e n Q u illen David Raymond J im Roof Paul Schweikher Chet Seroka Don Singer Caro l Sm ith Pat Sm ith A rt Snyder Frna V ie rck Bob W ilson


D irector Mary DeMarzo

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M o llie Ralston G iles Ralston Christopher Wren Mrs. Boy le Major M e tca lf M iss Case we 11 Mr. Pa rav ic in iDetective Sergeant Trotter

Jenn ife r Rand/K im Fow ler Randy S teck le r

J e f f Johnston L isa Rh ind Je f f Weiss

Cynth ia Tance r/L isa Jones Doug D alg le ish

Je f f B a ile y


D irector Stage Manager Techn ica l Crew

Techn ica l Advisors

Mr. Don H ack ling Joanne Tay lo r

K im e r Wadsworth Matt Gregory

Stuart Frische Steve Lou is

D ianna Ziehm Laragene O live r

Mrs. Mary DeM arzo Mr. Tom Graham

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Penelope Sycam oreEssieRhebaPaul Sycamore M r. DePinna EdDonaldM artin Vanderhof A l ic e Henderson Tony K irb y Boris Ko lenkhov Gay W e lling ton M r. K irb y Mrs. K irby Th ree Men



D irectorAssistant D irecto r T e ch n ica l Crew

T e ch n ica l Advisors

Le s lie Davison Lynne D ie th rich C rysta l Scurr B rian RoseJon Marsha 11 /Rusty JonesJason M itc h e llB i l ly NelsonJacques de L is leL iz DashnawC h ip O 'B r ie nN ick ParisDoug BartonSusie C leekPh il BonnefoyAna M a ria LopezM ich ae l DeM arzoM artin DeMarzoGeorge Spe lv inMartha Sm ith

M ary DeMarzo C indy Latish B la ir Torrey K im e r Wadsworth The Sophomore Class M r. Tom Graham M r. Don Hack ling

Other dram atic events th is year included:.

Lady Precious Steam, a M idd le School production

Go Ask A lic e , an Upper School production which was part of the New Horizons program

An Upper School m usica l in the Spring

A lso, the members of the Drama and Happy Days classes performed o rig ina l m ateria l, and some members of the Shakespeare class performed scenes from Shakespeare.

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Page 154: 1978 phoenician



The students on the 1977-78 PCDS T rap Team partic ipa ted in the Spring Grand Am erican T rap - shoot and several of the W inter Cha in Tourna­ments in A rizona . Over the course of the season from September to A p r il they shot at more than ten thousand targets. A l l shooters became members o f the Am ateur Trapshooting Associa­tion and are now registered na tiona lly . In three years that PCDS shooters have been in com peti­t ion , they have won more than f if ty trophies. A rt ic le s and pictures of PCDS shooters have appeared in lo ca l, state and nationa l newspapers, magazines, and te lev is ion .

Back Row L to R .: M r. Jam es Bruning (Facu lty Advisor), Dave Hvidsten, John L e v itz , Brent V ie rck , T im O lin , B i l l L ieber, Scott He id

Front Row, L to R .: Anne Pogue, M ary G leason, Robby Simonds, David Nam esnick, David Slusher

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Scottsdale Christian


3lf 5031 44 1 T



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STAN D IN G , LEFT TO R IGHT: Herman Lew - kow itz, Manager; Bart Hechtman, Mark Three Stars, Stuart Frische, N ick Paris, Steve Gates, Don Singer, George Koka iis .

KN EELIN G , LEFT TO RIG H T : Greg Haus, Andrew Norris, Gregg Hoffman

Not pictured: Brian Rose, B i l l Le iber, Coach Bob Thompson


i iE ti-

The Phoenix Country Day School Eagles, th is season, were blue from in juries, s ickrf« s, ^coldness, and a contfDual se ries

if thunderstorms* jB p : . w ithou t , fthe cotivienienceTof;pra,c ti.ce, v

— "the team |8pl?^§pt»arcnriPie g a rr* s |r|hlandei|Jipp vicSffries againsttB*^ >

\^ pJ^ H Za fie^ f6 t.-48 and JWeakrj errf Christian, 45-33^ fiu tstarw -f.

‘ irw hustle has b e e rj^ ^ h ew If o faM son fjtat stSffiOWrt i ndt - f

jk u d iH B iU ro w a n ce s have-been I MS fc B i l l Le i M r , 29 points; ■■§ v

Haus, ^ points; and B f lL . Tschtm an, lV lio in ts . T lje g k 1

Steam 's leadiiifl^ebeunder, score*, anrhshot bldSTker wasT l f

Roflbrt T l

m f W

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The co-ed PCDS water polo team did excep­t io n a lly w e ll th is season even though many o f_ the team members were very inexperienced.A l l but three of the players had never p layed on the team before. Th is meant that we had to start v ir tu a lly from scratch, w ith a great deal o f hard work and ded ication , we managed to p lace second in the state championships. We played three games; the first we vypn 8 - 6 , the second we won 7 -6 and we lost the th ird in tjie IgSt seconds by a score o f 9 -8 . .This Ip as a lr^ -

Tnendous performance on the part o f the teefh.* B i l l W rig ley and Greg Hunter were two of tifar

m ajor o ffensive threats. George K o k a lis was a very versatile p layer and d ft^ n le rved as the backbone of the defeme. The supporflvb team ­work of Jenn ife r Rand contributed to-ibe team 's success. The rem ainder o f the hard* /. working team consisted of Bobby Simonds,Kati Lorant, Jon M arsha ll, Greg Haus, Dave Hvidsten, Gregg Hoffman, Phil Bonnefoy,K im e r Wadsworth, Marianne Hagstrom and Jan Lorant.

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:r\ >'

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The M id d g S c h o o l "A " Bjg ended itfjprtgfest season 9V p lace fin isners-tied w ith Cal Desert.

A fte r a sem ,- f in a l t ourna-w in the

- ended its s e ^ j H & ’ the tourh^^^Kdn second p la ce .^ M Se fb agk De^^rtwon a hard fought b a ^ ^ * ^ = 20 ) de sp ite^ H fe rowdy, c h e e r ij^ ^ H jP ’ partisan ca^ P^ S

Paradise Val


Scottsda le,Christian Academ y

Cam efback Desert


(forfeit) Paradise


Scottsdale Cb ristia ij Academ y

Cam e lback Desert

(forfeit)M S Judson


Cam e lback Desert

Page 169: 1978 phoenician


Back Row, L to R.: L iz Dalg le ish , C indy M ile s, Gay Donahoe, Caro lina Lopez, Jenn ife r Beardsley, Dana Chesire, Wendy Scurr Front Row, L to R.: Jenn ife r Potter, Ju lie Brooks, L iz z ie Reeves, Sue Pitre, Stacey R ich te r Absent: A llyson Ingram, L ibby Bean, Ann ie Keefer, Dyann Fisher, Wendy Horw itch, C indy Cohen, Nancy R u tila , Jane Gould.

16 6

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The 77-78 year proved to be a successful one fo r the g ir ls ' soccer team . They went undefeated much to the dism ay of the opponents. The g ir ls were v ictorious by a score of 3 -1 over Paracise V a lle y Christian, 7 -0 over Scottsdale Christian, 2-1 over Cam e lback Desert School and 3 -0 over Judson.

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K IN D ER G A R T EN L isa L e v itz Norman Todd Sharon Offutt

SECOND G RA D E J u lie Shephard Baha Bahad ir Sharon L igorsky

TH IR D G RAD E Evan G ittner

FO U R T H G RAD E B rian Adam s Aaron Shephard

FIFTH G RAD E Be cky Jones A ve ry Crossman Karen Zuchowski Wendy P itre

S IX TH G RA D E Peter Mahowald K if f ie Spangler

SEVEN TH G RAD E Je ff J o lie t Jenny Jensen

EIGHTH G RAD E Brad Davison

SOPHOM ORE Beth Me las

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Member New York Stock Exchange

Roland W. Baggott, V.P. & Manager 7000 East Camel back Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

(602) 945-4331

S c o t t s d a le 's O r ig in a l O ld - F a s h io n e d


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• S U P E R B LU N C H E O N S , SU PPER S Hot dishes, sandwiches, salads, home-made pies.

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Page 176: 1978 phoenician





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110 North Project Drive Between East Van Buren and Washington

P.O. Box 5277, Phoenix, Arizona 85010

Phone: 602 "ASK-FIRE"


Page 177: 1978 phoenician

An Evening of Shakespeare "Taming of the Shrew"

PCDS Country Store

C.P.R. Parent Seminar

PCDS Cookbook "They Dined on Mince & Slices of Quince"

Parent Study Groups

‘Happy Days’ Carnival ’77

0 'HAPPY DAYS! Class of '78

Phoenix Country Day School Parents’ Association

Page 178: 1978 phoenician

y a z is t t iU L , c r f c M & c /


7134 M a in Street, Scottsdale





Mr. And Mrs. Bert Crockett

STATIONERS & GIFTS. INC.toe 1 8 N . S c o t t s d a l e R o a d

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SEW-rr.YOURSELF KITSlO l iT D O O H I Q U I P M I N T S P | 1 I A l 1ST S1N C I l« 4 b I


Page 179: 1978 phoenician

14 DOWN,

11 TO GO

(Tha t's you Ch ip)

"T o laugh often and much; to w in the respect of in te llig e n t people and the a ffection o f ch ild ren; to earn the app rec ia tion o f honest c r it ic s and endure the betraya l o f fa lse friends; to appreciate beauty, to fin d the best in others; to leave the world a b it better, whether by a healthy ch ild , a garden patch, or a redeemed soc ia l condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived . Th is is to have succeeded."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Page 180: 1978 phoenician

Swimwear and Accessory Items for Aquatics


2015 East Cam elback Road Phoenix, A rizona 85016 Phone: (602) 264-7774

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Page 181: 1978 phoenician

THEELAINEHORWITCHGALLERIESthe finest contemporarypaintingssculpturegraphics

4200 N. M arsha ll Way Sco ttsda le , Az. 85251 60 2 /945 -0791 129 W. Pa lace Ave. Santa Fe, N.M . 87501 5 0 5 /9 88 -8 997

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