


    Amaxac, Nauatl word what it means Atl water and Maxactli bifurcation. So Amaxac

    translates as "where the water divides."

    Located in central Mexico to 2,300 meters above sea level, the municipality of Guerrero

    Amaxac is located in a geographic coordinate axis between 19 degrees 21 minutes north

    latitude and 98 degrees 10 minutes west longitude. Located in the center of the state, the

    municipality of Guerrero Amaxac bordered on the north by the municipalities of

    Xaltocan Apizaco Yauhquemecan and the south by the municipalities of Apetatitlan of

    Antonio Carvajal, and Contla Totolac John Cuamatzi, down the east boundary with the

    municipality of Santa Cruz Tlaxcala, also the west borders the municipality of Xaltocan.

    Amaxac is made up of plains and plateaus. The main highlight specific characteristics of

    soil are hilly areas, covering approximately 60.0 percent in the northern municipality.


    The first remains were discovered by archaeologists and these date back to 1800 BC.

    The first settlers were farmers and gatherers.

    In this period the ancestors of Amaxac of Guerrero, as well as other groups in what is

    now the territory of Tlaxcala, was first cultivated some wild plants such as beans, corn,

    pumpkin, avocado, amaranth y chili. It was a historic moment, during which 10 percent

    of the power of human groups dependent on agricultural crops, while the other 90

    percent remains dependent on the gathering and hunting.

    The first villages were set on terraces, leaving room between the intermediate areas of

    culture, in addition to plant other land near their settlements. They began to build barnsof logs, which were deposited agricultural products to protect them from predators.

    The colony. From the documents preserved in the parish of Amaxac shows that this

    town was founded on March 8, 1521.

    Already in the XVII century Amaxac erected its church dedicated to St. Barnabe . The

    building has a gabled roof, but its facade and interior belong to the baroque Tlaxcala.

    This parish is preserved in its walls to be religious oil paintings by artists such as

    Joaqun brush Magon and Manuel Caro.



    Independence. During the war of independence, the people of Amaxac joined the

    guerrilla insurgents top Tlascalans Miguel Serrano, Juan Cortes and Maximum

    Machorro who fought the Llano realistic and Concha.

    In 1911, there were clashes between revolutionaries and federal regulations. These

    looted and burned several textile factories, so the only and small hydroelectric plant isleft standing, and its owners moved to Santa Ana Chiautempan. That same year,

    Colonel Prospero Cahuantzi resigned the governorship of Tlaxcala, thus disappearing

    Club Amaxac Benito Juarez, who had supported the reelection of the governor and

    dictator Porfirio Diaz. In 1920 Marcos Hernandez Xolocotzi becomes one of the most

    prominent leaders of the labor movement, respected for his affiliation Madero.


    Amaxac de Guerrero is made up of plains and plateaus. The main highlight specific

    characteristics of soil are: hilly areas, covering approximately 60.0 percent in the

    northern municipality. Semi-flat areas, accounting for 20.0 percent of the surface of theMunicipal head. Flat areas, which comprise the remaining 20.0 percent in central

    Guerrero Amaxac.


    In most of the municipality prevails temperate subhumid with summer rains. Similarly,

    the average annual maximum temperature recorded is 25.4 degrees Celsius. During the

    year there have been variations in temperature ranging from 1.1 degrees Celsius as

    minimum, up to 27.6 degrees Celsius as a maximum.

    Major ecosystems

    Much of the territory of Amaxac is seated at the foot of the volcano La Malinche, where

    the woods are oak, which are often associated with Chinese pine and white pine.


    Despite the rapid growth and expansion of the urban area in the municipality, there are

    some kinds of wildlife including: rabbit, hare, gopher and opossum, reptiles as

    rattlesnake .


    Parish of St. Bernabe the building was built in the seventeenth century, the architectural

    plan is a Latin cross. Its yellow facade provides a framework for the image of St.

    Bernabe, placed on the arch in stone, supported by two Doric pilasters. At the top is a

    rectangular choir window in a watch-coat finish that was placed in 1956.

    Ex-Yarn Factory St. Helena. - The spinning and weaving factory was founded by St.

    Helena Quentin society Conde Hermanos Gomez, in the year 1888, in 1913 the

    company was transferred to Miranda Brothers and Company. To this date had 415



    looms, 7.972 spindles and gave employment to 340 workers. Moved by water power

    Tequixquiatl River.

    In the state of Tlaxcala dances and traditional folk music, relate primarily to the paganreligious holidays and festivities of the carnival. Both are part of community identity

    and history of Tlaxcala people.

    Holidays and traditions

    Carnival celebrations. - The Carnival symbolizes the departure of the profane world,

    before entering Lent which begins with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. Carnival

    usually starts 4 days before the celebration of Ash Wednesday. During these days

    organizing dances integrated layers 25 to 30 couples, people dress up as "Catrines" with

    black-colored umbrella. The next Sunday they again dance, eight days after the start the

    carnival, when known as the "eighth".