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Carlos Ray Norris(n.10 de marzode1940), conocido comoChuck Norris, es unactorestadounidense, campen mundial dekarate, exmilitar y fundador de una asociacin dekarate. BiografaChuck Norris en 1976.Sus comienzos en las artes marciales fueron enCorea del Sur, donde fue destinado en laFuerza Areaa finales de la dcada de los50. PracticTang Soo Do,Taekwondoy algo deHapkido. A su regreso a Estados Unidos comenz a practicar otros estilos y posteriormenteJiu-jitsu brasileo, sistema de lucha brasileo basado en enfrentamientos reales y que enfatiza tcnicas de suelo.Dentro del conjunto de pelculas en las que actu cabe recordar la protagonizada junto aBruce Lee,El Furor del Dragn, donde al final se enfrenta en un combate pico a Cheng (Bruce Lee) en el Coliseo de Roma, siendo derrotado. Este film dio a Norris notoriedad en el ambiente cinematogrfico, que supo explotar proyectndose en el celuloide.Despus de ese film Norris actu en diversas pelculas de accin, la mayora de ellas interpretando papeles dehroe, en donde ha mostrado sus habilidades marciales. En opinin de la revistaVariety, "action more than acting characterizes Norris performances" (la accin ms que la actuacin caracteriza las actuaciones de Norris).Es sobre todo famoso por protagonizar la serie de televisinWalker, Texas Rangerdesde 1993 hasta 2001. Norris interpretaba al Ranger de Texas Cordell Walker, un tipo duro que defenda a toda costa los buenos valores, as como tambin la ley y la justicia. En esta serie lo acompaaban Clarence Gilyard Jr. (James Trivette), Noble Willingham (C.D. Parker) y Sheree J. Wilson (Alex Cahill).EN INGLS:Carlos Ray Norris (b. March 10, 1940), known as Chuck Norris, is an American actor, world karate champion, former soldier and founder of an association of karate.BiographyChuck Norris in 1976.His beginnings in the martial arts were in South Korea, where he was assigned to the Air Force in the late '50s practiced Tang Soo Do, Taekwondo and Hapkido something. On his return to the United States he began to practice other styles and later BJJ, Brazilian fighting system based on real fighting techniques and emphasizes soil.Within the set of films in which he performed should be recalled starring opposite Bruce Lee, of the Dragon, where he faces the end in an epic battle to Cheng (Bruce Lee) at the Coliseum in Rome, being defeated. This film gave Norris notoriety in the film environment that would exploit projected on celluloid.After that film Norris starred in several action movies, most of them playing hero roles, where he has shown his martial skills. According to Variety, "action more than acting characterizes Norris performances" (the action that characterizes the performance Norris performances).It is especially famous for starring in the television series Walker, Texas Ranger from 1993 to 2001. Norris played the Texas Ranger Cordell Walker, a tough guy who defended at all costs the good values as well as law and justice. In this series they accompanied Clarence Gilyard Jr. (James Trivette), Noble Willingham (C. D. Parker) and Sheree J. Wilson (Alex Cahill).