Download - Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?

Page 1: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de la Cruz

Nº10 Curso 2007/2008

Un libro abierto es un cerebro que habla, cerrado, un ami-go que espera, olvidado, un alma que perdona; destruido,

un corazón que llora. (Proverbio Hindú).

Page 2: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?

Editorial : Banzai!.........................……………………………….…….…... 1

Artículos: Restaurant reviews………………………... ……………….…... 2

Artículos: A meal to remember………... …………………………….……. 3

Artículos: Der computer, vorteile und nachteile ……………………. 4

Artículos: Abendessen in baum restaurant………………………………. 5

Alumnas viajeras: Three Canarian ladies visiting London…..………..… 6

Artículos: Der film “Keiner liebt mich” ……...………………………..…... 7

Artículos: My last trip to Asia ….…………………………………………. 8

Artículos: Love and marriage/ The place where I live …………………... 9

Posters: Ads 1 ………………….…………………………………………... 10

Posters: Ads 2 ………………………………….…………………………... 11

Recetas: Der kartofelsalat ………….……………………………………… 12

Arículos: Noticias del futuro 1 ………………... ………………………….. 13

Artículos: Noticias del futuro 2 ……………. ……………………………. 14

Recetas 2: Haselnussmakronen ………………...…………………….….. 15

Pasatiempos: Crucigramas 1 ……………………...……………………... 16

Pasatiempos: Crucigramas 2……………………………………………... 17

Visitas: Ein besuch im Ferienpark Eden …………………………………. 18

ONGs: Are you going to teach me how to fish? ..…………………………. 19

Más viajeros: My last holidays in NY …...…………………………………. 20

Artículos: Pros & Cons …. ………………………………………………… 21


· Profesores colaboradores: Bibiana Hernández Cabrera

Carmen Luisa Pérez Amaro

Gema de Miguel Medrano

Olivia Santana Sarmiento

Sabina Stieper

·Redacción y diseño: J. Alberto Hernández Pérez

Artículos: Adult children living at home …...……………………………… 22

Artículos: The Mobile phone………….. …...……………………………… 23

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El panorama de la enseñanza de idiomas en Canarias se expande. En los tres últimos cursos acadé-

micos hemos asistido a la irrupción de nuevos y tan exóticos idiomas como el Chino, Ruso o más

recientemente Japonés en la oferta educativa de las EE.OO.II. de Canarias. Nuestra comunidad rediri-

ge su proa hacia nuevos rumbos marcados por las tendencias en las mareas turísticas internacionales

y por los emergentes horizontes comerciales de la globalización.

Dentro de esta estrategia se han diseñado cuidadosamente los escenarios donde las nuevas ense-

ñanzas y sus nuevos niveles, más acordes con el MCER, van a desarrollarse, impartirse y ofertarse.

Estas apuestas, arriesgadas a priori, son hechas con la intención de ofertar a nuestro potencial alum-

nado todas las herramientas necesarias para desenvolverse comunicativamente en los cambiantes y

tecnológicamente avanzados tiempos que nos aguardan.

Resulta primordial, pues, medir las acciones para rentabilizar, no sólo la inversión económica a

poner en juego, sino los réditos sociales reales que de estas acciones de planificación educativa puedan

obtenerse. Esto obliga a estudiar cautelosamente la distribución geográfica de la oferta procurando racio-

nalizarla en base a criterios objetivos de cercanía, adecuación, preparación y equilibrio.

Cercanía a la población para no generar desplazamientos extra en zonas geográficamente ya con-

gestionadas de tráfico. Adecuación de las instalaciones, accesos y oferta en el entorno físico de la EOI.

Preparación del equipo claustral y directivo para afrontar con garantías la ampliación de la oferta educati-

va. Y, equilibrio político y social para evitar que dicha oferta genere malestar debido a las típicas odiosas

comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no

discriminatorios? Difícil pregunta si tenemos en cuenta los poderosos condicionantes imperantes en la

vida política de Canarias.

La fragmentación del territorio insular y la errática distribución de la población, tanto residente

como trabajadora, obliga a realizar concienzudos planteamientos a la hora de planificar la distribución de

la oferta. ¿Qué resulta más adecuado: aglutinar la oferta creando macro-centros o dispersarla en centros

medianos para llegar a más población? La saturación derivada de la ocupación total de las instalaciones en

las EE.OO.II. de mayor capacidad impide que éstas aumenten la variedad de los idiomas ofertados por ser

materialmente imposible su alojo. Por otra parte, algunas EE.OO.II. de menor tamaño ven cómo su oferta

se eterniza congelada en el tiempo o incluso se reduce lenta pero inexorablemente presagiando una no

muy lejana desaparición. ¿Son pues los criterios poblacionales los más adecuados para organizar las

EE.OO.II en base a un mayor y mejor acercamiento a la población? ¿Resulta práctico que algunas

EE.OO.II sólo puedan aceptar a uno de cada cuatro o cinco solicitantes de los idiomas más demandados

porque su completísima oferta les limita el número de estudiantes a matricular? ¿Cumple esta política de

oferta amalgamada con el carácter de servicio público que tenemos como centros educativos dependientes

de una administración autonómica? ¿Qué espíritu subyace bajo la creación de las Escuelas Oficiales de

Idiomas en Canarias, territorio ultra-periférico, fragmentado, insular y dependiente del turismo y el sector

servicios como únicas industrias sólidas en la región? ¿Son éstos sectores los que se tienen en mente al

diseñar nuevas ofertas o también influyen criterios tales como “originalidad”, clientelismo político o sno-

bismo pseudo-cultural? ¿Es aceptable ubicar la oferta de un nuevo idioma en base a una supuesta deman-

da social existente cuando no hay ningún dato objetivo que la sustente?

No nos plantearemos más preguntas para no perdernos en cábalas alejándonos del triste y real

hecho de que un año más esta EOI no puede ampliar su oferta de idiomas, y que además, ve como otras de

su entorno si lo hacen sin haber puesto toda la carne en el asador. Sin haber llevado cabo ni un solo pro-

yecto de mejora en centro durante los últimos siete cursos académicos, sin haber preparado y ofertado cur-

sos monográficos dirigidos a colectivos profesionales específicos, sin haber participado activamente en las

más novedosas experiencias educativas como el examen de Aclebi, o incluir el Portfolio Europeo de las

Lenguas dentro de su programación. Sin preocuparse, en definitiva, por el público al que estamos destina-

dos y conformándose con otear hacia lo alto y esperar a que caigan de maduras… Lo dicho, Banzai!

J. Alberto Hernández Pérez - Director de la E.O.I. del Puerto de la Cruz



Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008


Casa Tomás It’s in Tegueste. It’s on Socorro Street near the motorway and 5 minutes from the airport. It has a car park. It’s a bit noisy because there are a lot of people. It’s a good restaurant and it specialises in

boiled potatoes, corn and ribs: these are typical canarian products. It’s delicious. The service is excellent too and the waiters are very friendly. The price of the food is very cheap. Finally, Casa Tomás is very popular, so you need to take a number and wait for a table.

El Monasterio It’s in La Montaña (Los Realejos). It’s next to CajaCanarias. It’s an elegant restaurant and it has a bar. It specialises in international food. The service is excellent. The waiters are very efficient, but the prices are expensive. It opens daily from Monday until Saturday. It closes on Sundays (?). You don’t need to book a table in advance.



Don Pelayo It is in Puerto de la Cruz. It’s on Iriarte street. It is very lively. They have tapas, baguettes and canarian food. The waiters are very friendly and the prices are very reasonable. It opens daily from 9:00 until 00:00 and you don’t need to book a table in advance. Its telephone number is 922 370822. Alumnos NB1 D

El Limón If you don’t eat meat, you can go to El Limón restaurant. It’s in Puerto de la Cruz on Esquivel street, a small street near La plaza de la Iglesia. It’s quite quiet and it specialises in vegetarian food. The food is good-quality and delicious, but menus are a little expensive. The service is a little slow but the waiters are very efficient. It opens daily from Monday until Saturday and it closes on Sundays. It’s a little restaurant but you don’t need to book a table in advance. If you like vegetarian food, I’m sure you’ll love it very much.

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A meal to remember

I It happened in my first travel abroad. My dear friend Susie had invited me to visit her and her family in Italy, where they had moved two years before. During the travel I was planning the way to thank their kindness and I decided to prepare an Argentine typical meal that, as everybody knows, must include meat, of course. Since I had bought a lot of presents for them, including a big box of traditional sweets from Argentina, I thought that everything was solved, even the dessert. After a few and charming days, taking advantage of one day that they weren’t at home, I managed to buy the meat and the condiments, to cook them appropriately and to set the table before they came. I was very young and I felt so proud, not only because I had cooked and prepared everything by myself but also because I’d chosen to serve a meal I thought was so special and delicious for everybody: an enormous meat pie! Or I believed that. But when they arrived, I realized that something went badly. They seemed to be smelling something they didn’t like. I got nervous, but I went on with the dinner. When everybody was seated, I put the pie on the table; I cut it and tried to serve a slice to Susie’s father. And then it happened. Visibly bothered, he said to me: “Don’t you know? We’ve all been vegetarian for ever.” Quickly I tried to remember any time I had eaten meat with Susie, but I couldn’t. Evidently we had never talked about it although we had been friends since childhood. I thought, what a disaster! But this was not all. I saved the situation preparing some salads and vegetarian sandwiches for them and everything seemed to improve. But then I served the dessert. Alice, Susie’s sister, took one of the little sweets, bit it and shouted: “It has a worm!” No words. You can be sure I will never forget that meal as long as I live. Ana María Narvaja NI1 A

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008


Heutzutage haben fast alle einen Computer, aber nur auf der Ersten Welt. Wir benutzen den Computer um viele Sachen in dem täglichen Leben zu machen. Zum Beispiel benutzen wir den Computer zu arbeiten, spielen, lernen, lesen... Ich glaube, dass das Leben heute leichter mit dem Computer ist. Bei einer Arbeit, musste man Auskunft über einen Kunde in vielen Papieren, Mappen und Dokumenten suchen. Heute drückt man eine Taste und man hat die ganze Information

des Kundes. In der Schule gibt es auch Vorteile mit dem Computer. Wir finden Onlinekurse, wichtige Information wie Wissenschaftsbeiträge und andere Internetauftritte zu lernen. Auch können wir von zu Hause verkaufen oder Geschenke kaufen, die Zeitungen lesen, Musik und Filme herunterladen oder Leute kennen lernen und chatten. Aber gibt es nur Vorteile mit dem Computer? Nein, natürlich nicht. Heute lesen die Kinder und die Leute weniger. Leute vertreiben mehr Zeit alleine ohne Komunikation mit ihrer Familie und Freunden. Leute mögen lieber in einem Zimmer bleiben anstatt spazieren gehen. Ich habe früher gesagt, dass der Computer ein gutes Werkzeug zu arbeiten ist, aber nur wenn sie gut funktioneren. Wenn das System

kaputt ist, ist es alles ein Chaos. Auch ist die Information im Internet nicht immer richtig. Wir müssen auf Computerviren und Hacker achten. Ausserdem müssen wir die neuen Krankenheiten, die mit dem Computer zusammenhängen, berücksichtigen, zum Beispiel, Computersucht, Rückenschmerzen, Augenprobleme... Ich glaube, dass der Computer nebst das Handy die Droge des 21. Jahrhunderts ist. Die Leute können nicht ohne Computer oder Handys leben. Sie essen, während sie mit dem Computer arbeiten oder sie schlafen mit dem Handy auf dem Nachttisch.

María Jesús García Molina




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Letzten Mittwoch am 16. April haben die Schüler von der Sprachschule

eine interessante Besichtigung gemacht.

Wir waren in “Baum Restaurant”, das sich in der Generalísimo Strasse

(neben dem Banesto Bank ) befindet.

Es ist eine kleine Bar, in der Sie als zu Hause finden können. Obwohl

es ein kleines Restaurant ist, hat es eine schöne Dekoration. Die

meinsten Möbeln sind aus Holz und es ist sehr leuchtend.

Ich empfele Ihnen zu essen: die Brastwurst, der Sauerkohl und das

Kartoffelpüree und zu trinken: der Weisswein von Österreich und

der deutche rote Wein. Alles ist sehr gut.

Das Abendessen war unterhaltsam. Wir müssten nur auf Deutsch

sprechen und die Lehrerin hat uns kontrolliert.

Diese Aktivität war von der Schule organisiert worden und der Mann

einer engländerinen Lehrerin der Schule hat mit uns auf deutsch

gesprochen. Die Aktivität hatte viel Erfolg.

Ich hoffe, dass in der Zukunft die Schule so originelle Aktivitäten als

diese organisieren wird.

Schreiben bei: Cande R. Jorge (Dritte Kurse von Deutsch) (am 24.

April 2008)

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008


Flying to London it’s always an exciting idea. There are so many activities to do:

the funny Camden Town Market, the Changing of the Guard, the crowded Picadilly

Circus, walking the underground tubes and so many fascinating places to visit: The

Natural History museum, British museum, The Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, that for

people who are not used to living in big cities. It’s an amazing opportunity to be

surrounded by one of the most cosmopolitan atmospheres in the world.

But spending an incredible week in London supposes to some people a fortune.

Choices for all pockets are also available. You have to look for vacancies at the B&B

( Bed and Breakfast ) and taste the delicious English breakfast with tomatoes beans,

fried eggs and bacon, marmalade toasts and tea ( forget the idea of drinking a good

coffee ) .

And if you decide to go with some English students, friends and classmates, the

trip will be more interesting. Fun it’s granted. There will be tiring moments after a long

journey walking around the huge city but above all, there will be a lot of laugh.

From time to time every one disconnects from the daily routine that catches you and

doesn’t let you enjoy the simple things because we are always in a hurry. So we decided to

do something about it and take advantage of it. What could be better than taking a flight

to London without children and husbands for a few days?

Then we got there with the fixed idea of non stop sigh-seeing the city till we fell down,

laughing at every funny thing we had done, speaking English without any worries, to do

some shopping, to drink some beer, to listen to good musicals, to mix up with

cosmopolitan people in the markets, and flying back to Tenerife afterwards, back to our

warm home. It was a good experience for us but also for our relatives .We strongly

recommend it to every one. (Rosa González, Consuelo Cabrera and Nieves Espinosa 4º A)




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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008


Dieses Kunstwerkt erzählt ein Stück der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Man Kan die aktuelle Zeit mit wenigen Wörtern definieren, zum Beispiel das Geld, die Freiheit, die Arbeit, di Geschwindigkeit und vor allem die Liebe, die ein magisches Wort ist. Ich meine, dass diese vereinten Wörter widersprüchlich sind, aber alle fassen unser Leben zusammen. I m m e r h a b e n d i e L e u t e unverträgliche Facetten, weil sie menschlich sind.

Die Handlung von diesem Film ist einfach. Fanny, eine junge Frau, sucht einen Freund, aber sie wählt ihn irrtümlicherweise. Sie blamiert sich, da sie auf den Körper acht. Die anderen Personen drehen sich um Fanny. Alle versuchen, glücklich zu sein. Leider scheitern alle. Man sieht die Lehre für die Menschen offenbar: das physische Aussehen von einer Person lügt. Der Schein trügt. Fanny Fink, die impulsive Haupdarstellerin, verliebt sich in ein vulgären und verführerischen Man, Lothar Sticker. Die Folgen werden bald kommen. Die Frau erleidet viel, denn Lothar ist untreu. Auch erleidet eine andere Person, ein Transvestit, der in einem homosexuellen Club singt. Man sieht eine mutige Regisseurin, Doris Dörrie, weil sie uns die verschiedenen Gefühle klipp und klar beschreibt. Sie zeigt die Gefühle mit Zartheit und gleichzeitig mit Intensität, wie unsere Welt geht. Eine andere Lehre: wir können die Monstren besiegen, um glücklich zu sein. Diese Ungeheuer sind die Lieblosigkeit, der Egotismus und die Unempfindlichkeit. Juan J. del Rey Poveda 4º de Alemán.




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My last trip to Asia

Last February I traveled to Asia. I´ve been there 40 days, visiting Thailand and Indonesia. This is not the first time I visit these countries, but every time is different. Different things happen, different feelings with their people, and different experiences. I prefer to avoid tourist resorts, I prefer to mix up with local people. Even if they have similar worries, problems and wishes, you can learn from their culture, but more than that, you can understand our occidental way of life. September 11, and the overstate wester reply, have contributed to separate occident and orient. Mass media and politicians have created strong prejudgments in both sides, and it is hard to break these wrong ideas. On other way, the environment reflect s the brittleness of the world. Usually In February and March whether is fine. You don´t need to take an umbrella with you. But in this trip every day was cloudy and with heavy rain for hours . The problem was the amount of water falling. The drainpipes couldn´t absorb all this water quickly. So for a few hours many streets were flooded. These kind of trips can show you how the world is connected and how fragile it is. Travelling to the Antipodes you can come back with the luggage plenty of presents and your memory card filled with exotic pictures. But if you have an open mind, you can also acquire an experience to remember all your life long.

Augusto Bisio, 4ºA Inglés




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Die Kartoffelsalat

Die Vorbereitung und die Bestandsteile des Kartoffelsalates unterscheiden sich genug vom Ort zu Ort. Man kann sagen, dass es zwei Optionen in der Vorbereitung gibt: ohne oder mit der Mayonnaise. Wir bereiten die mit der Mayonnaise vor. Die Zutaten 1 Büchse von Essiggurken 1 Kilogramm von Kartoffeln-Schalen 4 gebratene Bratwürste und in kleinen Stücken schneiden 1 groβer und wenig gekochter Apfel und im kleinen Stücken schneiden 3 hartgekochte Eier in kleinen Stücken schneiden 3 Eβlöffelvoll von Mayonnaise 1 Eβlöffelvoll von Senf 1 kleine Eβlöffelvoll von Salz 1 biβchen SchwarzPfeffer Man kocht die Kartoffeln-Schalen mit Salz 15 Minuten. Unterdessen bereitet man ein Tofp mit den gesalzten Gurken, der Mayonnaise und dem Senf vor. Man muss alles gut vermischen. Wenn die Kartoffeln gekocht sind, werden aus dem warmen Wasser zurückgezogen. Man schneidet die Kartoffeln und die Essiggurken im kleinen Stücken. Man mischt diese (die Kartoffeln und die Essiggurken) mit den anderen Bestandsteilen (die gebratene Bratwurste, der wenig gekochte Apfel und die Eier ). Es wird mit Salz und SchwarzPfeffer gewürtz und warm serviert. Guten Appetit!!! Candelaria Hernández Alonso NI1 Alemán



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THE OZONE LAYER AS GOOD AS NEW It has been recently discovered that thanks to this millennium of hard work an chemical and technological advances, the average levels of ozone in our atmosphere have finally reached the same percentage the Earth seemed to have had 1.000 years ago. It is widely known that the 23rd century flying cars were based on the consumption of carbon dioxide (CO2) to get oxygen O and ozone O with UVA rays and the artificial and powered plants genetically got in 2.748 have been cleaning our atmosphere with their contribution with O2 and the elimination of the CO2 with which we had polluted the air. Due to this increase in O2 levels and having avoided the use of CFC,s and the CO2 production in industries ,old vehicles , etc… which started in 2.110 because of the 19th Kyoto agreement , the ozone layer has been completely restored . As far as today´s Humanity is concerned, the planet life is expected to be longer than ever… Sergio Marrero 5th year B



re new



The prestigious Spanish biologist Ricardo Galvan has finally found the solution for drought in

Africa . After many years of research he and his colleagues have sowed a big extension of pine-

trees in the Sahara Desert and the panoramic view has eventually turned into a paradise .

Nowadays not only has the laurisilva grown, but these days it frequently rains . No more

poverty and drought in Africa and the south of Europe.

Maria Hernández Páez 5th YearB

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re new


MATHS EASIER THAN EVER Cleaning your car could be an enormous problem, but solving a maths exercise is the easiest thing you can do. Scientists of La Laguna University have invented a “micro-chip” which, used in the right way, could give you the possibility to improve your maths skills. Located in your neck, this “chip” activates your brain activity and gets a great improvement doing figure exercises. Maths’ teachers from different countries refuse the idea of using this “chip”. As the principal of Oxford University said: “our job is going to be extincted if our pupils pass the exams without studying”. The scientist Roberto Guzmán answered to this opinion saying: “never have I heard a weaker excuse”. ”We need to develop our brain activity in order to reach our goals”. Juan Josué Padrón Yanes 5th Year B

DWELLING SITE ON MOON The new houses built on the Moon are now available, thanks to the successful result of the O2 bubble , which allows people breath normally. These new dwelling sites have been built in two years and have got the last technological devices and also swimming pool, tennis court, public gym …. The offer includes a tricket to go to the Earth any time on the new rocket-bus . The price of these amazing mansions is only 50.000.000$, but be careful , most of them already reserved and the total amount of houses is 250. So if you want to acquire one of these fantastic houses contact Zenit State Agency right now. Jorge Rodríguez Melián 5th Year B

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008



100 gr. gemahlene Haselnüsse

250 gr. Mehl

200 gr. Butter

125 gr. Zucker

40 Haselnüsse

Etwas Zimt


1. Gemahlene Haselnüsse mit dem Mehl vermischen.

2. Butter und Zucker schaumig rühren, Haselnuss-Mehl zugeben und zu einem Teig kneten.

3. Auf ein gefettetes Backblech mit 2 Teelöffeln kleine Makronene setzen. In der Mitte jeder Makrone einen

Haselnusskern drücken.

Die Makronen im vorgeheheitzten Backofen ca. 8 Minuten bei 175 Grad hellbraun backen.

Yolanda García Estrada, 5º Curso



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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008

Ein Besuch im Ferienpark Eden.

Letzten Dienstag, am 15. April, besuchten einige Schüler von dem 1. bis 5. Deutschen Kurs und von dem touristischen Deutschskurs und die Deutschlehrerin Gema den Ferienpark Eden (Parque Vacacional Eden Esplanade und Eden Luz). Dieses ökologisches Hotel mit 73 Appartements und 151 Studios liegt in einer ruhigen Residenzzone von Puerto de la Cruz, genannt San Fernando, in Richtung zum alten Casino. Dort, in der Eingangshalle der Eden Esplanade, wurden wir von Lucia Misteli, die Vizedirektorin des Ferienparkseden, empfangen. Frau Misteli zeigte uns , für eine Stunde, die ganzen 12.000 m

2 mit

vielen Gartenanlagen mit Laurisilva oder Kanarischen Pflanzen, mit einem Barranco in der Mitte des Hofes und viele Pflänzen wie Leseecke, T.V. Zimmer, Sauna, Minigolf, Boccia, Tennis, Tischtennis, Billiard, 3 Schwimmbäder u.s.w., mit denen sich gut amusieren können. Und weiterhin Bars, Cafeterias, Restaurants mit einen reichhaltigen Frühstücksbuffet und abends Buffet oder Menüauswahl mit Tischservice. Auβerdem sagte sie uns, dass es einen besonderen Platz für F.K.K.- Gäste und ein Gratisbus zum Zentrum und züruck gibt.

Nach diesen Spaziergang besuchten wir ein Appartment, gingen alle zusammen auf die Terrase und dort konnten wir ein kaltes Erfrischungsgetränk nehmen, während wir auf Deutsch sprachen und eine schöne Aussicht hatten.

Griselda Díaz NI1 A. Stufe Deutsch.

Page 20: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?


This is Luciano Eugenio Serrote, my godson from Africa. He is approximately nine years old and lives with his family in Mihecane, a village in The Republic of Mozambique . He has three sisters and his parents are very poor . Every day he walks to school for twenty minutes . His school is called Escuela Dignidade, the name of the NGO. At the moment he is in the second year of primary school. His official language is

macua , although he is learning Portuguese and he can speak it just a little. He usually helps with the housework : he brings home water from the well ,does the loundry , grinds the sweetcorn.

His house is made of mud and cane, it has got neither running water nor electricity . His life expentancy is forty years.

He likes dancing singing and the skipping rope. He is a very happy boy although his eyes will never see

justice. Fortunately many people are helping them from the bottom of their heart. You might be one of them because many drops make up an ocean. Eliana Lucumi NB1 A

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008



Page 21: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?

I went to New York in the United

Status. I went with my aunt, her

sister-in-law and one pair of friends of

theirs. I went there in March, in

Easter week. I travelled by plane from

Tenerife to Madrid and from Madrid to

New York for eight hours. I stayed for

seven nights and eight days and I

stayed in a big four-star-hotel, next to

the United Nations.

I got up at eight o’clock a.m. every

day and then we had breakfast in the

restaurants of the area. Later we

walked along the city and visited

museums (the MoMA – Museum of

Modern Art, the Guggenheim

MuseumGuggenheim Museum, another

Museum of Art) and emblematic

buildings (The Empire State, the

Rockefeller Center, the Chrysler

Building, the Statue of Liberty) and

arrived at ten o’clock p.m. at the

hotel to sleep very, very tired. At

night we went to the musicals in

Broadway theatres and to Times


I bought clothes (jeans, shoes,

sunglasses, a shirt …) and typical

souvenirs from New York (I – heart –

New York). New York is very nice but

it is expensive and very cold. I didn’t

have any problems speaking English

because a lot of people speak Spanish.

The weather was nice every day, but

the last day it rained.

Pablo Nicolás NB1 D


tros alumnos viajan

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008

Page 22: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?

Pros and cons of leaving home

One of the most important decisions in life is that of leaving home, that

is, moving away from your parents home and living alone. The main advantage of

living without parents is the freedom that means not having schedules or duties.

When you live alone you don’t have to tell anyone if you are not come back home

or give explanations about the reasons. Another important fact is you can feel

independent and able to fend for yourself which makes you grow up. In this way

you don’t have to worry about tiding your room or taking care of not leaving towels

or clothes on the floor when you’re in a hurry. If your parents have a strict discipline

you’ll feel free when you leave home. For example, you can invite who you want to

come to your own house to have dinner or watch a film without taking into account

your parents opinions. Besides being able to do what you want, you can decorate

your house to your liking.

However, living alone has some disadvantages. I think the most important

one is money. If you live with your family you can spend all your money on yourself

(journeys, hobbies, clothes, car, etc.) and still save some money. Otherwise you

would have to pay the flat rent, food as well as the electricity, water and phone bills.

Unless you earn a good salary, you won’t be able to afford to pay all these

expenses. Moreover, many people feel alone when they leave home and they

prefer to stay there in the company of their relatives. In addition to this, another

disadvantage is space, since you are not be able to afford to pay for a big house

with a nice garden and a garage because it would be very expensive, so you would

have to rent a flat or even only a room, depending on your income. Finally, when

you go your own way, you have new responsibilities to assume which could imply

more pressure.

Katiuska González Arzola 4ªB

My last night out I went out to La Laguna with my friends Sara, Emma and Mónica on a Saturday night. I wore a black sweater and trousers and make-up. We went to Kin Du, a Chinese restaurant. We had typical Chinese food. Then we had a refreshment but we didn’t drink any alcohol. After dinner we went to Limbo Pub to have a drink and to know people. We went home with Sarah’s car. We left at 1.00. I got home at about 1.30. We had a great time. Eva Liana Luis Hernández. NB1-D

Es una opin


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008

Page 23: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?

Adult children living at home. Patricio Martí 4ºB

Nowadays it is very usual to find families in which there are adult children living with their parents. I would like to talk about the pros and cons this can imply. On the positive side, one of the reasons why adult children stay at home is the company they give each other. It is not the same for parents to stay in a big house without their children, feeling alone, as it is not the same for young people, if they get back to an empty flat, saying “Hello” and not getting any answer. Another important reason is money. If the children help at home, they share all the expenses with their parents. It is not the same, if each of them has to pay the expenses of their own home. The same happens with housework. If they live together they can share all the housework, making it easier for each member of the family, giving them more time for other things.

Another point is the security. It is safer if three ore more people live together instead of living on their own. Even, if your elder parents live alone.

At last, thinking about the company they give each other, there is another aspect to bear in mind, I mean the activity in the house where parents and children live together. There is always something that children can help their parents with or vice versa. So there is no time to get bored. That is very important for parents when they are getting older, keeping them happy. On the negative side, first of all, I think one of the disadvantages of living altogether is the absence of privacy. It is the same for parents than for grown up children.

Secondly, it can be very difficult for adult children to follow house rules, so it might cause lots of arguments, what makes coexistence unbearable. Also the finances could be damaged. If your children are not participating with the house-keeping your money is going to be spent very fast, and you will probably lose part of your retirement savings.

Last but not least is the fact that you lose your independence. You would like to re-discover your privacy and it is not possible with your children going in and out of your house at any time, alone or with friends.

In short, as with all things, there are pros and cons in everything. My personal opinion, in this case, is that there are more positive reasons for staying together. If you once wanted to have a family, it sounds strange that you want them to go away years later.

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008 Es otra opinión...

Page 24: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?


The mobile phone is already installed in all our lives.

Several years ago, it was a device for minorities and only sale agents,

businessmen... etc, used it, however nowadays, almost everybody has a

mobile phone.

But, is it a great invention?

In my opinion, it has both advantages and disadvantages. The

main idea is simply that it is an easy way of communication.

This device has many uses: such as a radio for listening to music,

surf the net, sending e-mails, taking photos and videos..., and, of

course, you can make or receive calls wherever you are.

Mobile phones are, in fact, tiny magic devices.

You can be located by family and friends continuously, so if you

are in danger, you can call somebody, for example (this subject is very

important to me): if your car has broken down while you are driving.

Without a doubt, carrying a mobile phone makes you feel safer

when you are alone or far away from home.

My thirteen year old son always takes his mobile phone when he

goes out with his friends or when he goes on excursion with his

classmates. I feel safer this way.

On the other hand, if we don’t use it properly, it can become

dangerous. It is also risky because waves from mobiles can damage our

brain. The handset can produce waves fluctuations in the brain, so it

isn’t recommended you have it for a long time at your ear and it is

better to hold your mobile away from your head while dialling.

I think, to be able to contact and be contacted, is a good thing

but, at the same time, it could be a problem when you are controlled

too much, unless you turn off the phone...

In fact, you can be available whenever you want.

You choose!!!

Pepi Gallego 4º C

Es una opin


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº10- Curso 2007/2008

Page 25: Cruz Nº10 Curso 2007/2008 de la Revista de la Escuela ... · comparaciones que como humanos solemos hacer. ¿Cómo hacerlo dentro de unos parámetros lógicos y no discriminatorios?