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DEFINICIN DE EXCUSASe conoce como excusa al acto y resultado de excusar (es decir, enumerar razones o causas para despojarse de eventuales culpas, no tener ganas de hacer algo, liberar a alguien de una obligacin o responsabilidad, impedir que algo perjudicial se concrete). La excusa, por lo tanto, constituye un pretexto que se aprovecha para evitar obligaciones o disculpar alguna omisin.Clasificacin General de Excusas: Excusas de Tiempo: En cuestiones horarias, la norma es la exactitud. Bsicamente damos explicaciones sobre tardanzas, pero hay mltiples casos en que uno se ve pidiendo disculpas por llegar temprano, perdname, pero pens que el colectivo tardara ms Excusas de Modo: Sera el caso de explicaciones que comienzan con frases del tipo: lo hice as porque O bien no pude hacerlo cmo queras porque, stas son las ms intiles de todas las excusas, ya que sea como sea, al otro le va a parecer que lo hicimos mal. Excusas de Cantidad: til para eventos y fiestas; Pero si yo invite solo a dos amigos!, te juro que al resto no lo conozco Excusas de duda: Dispersan la atencin, Vos ests segura que me lo pediste a m? Excusas de orden: establece prioridades. Antes tuve que Excusas de lugar: Te juro que nunca estuve all Excusas de negacin: La ms breve: yo no fui Excusas de afirmacin: Es el ltimo recurso de experto en excusas y explicaciones, hay que poner tono ofendido y decir: s, y qu?, y a continuacin con tono compungido, lo hice por vos. Redireccin la culpa y la traslada al otro.EXCUSAS PARA SER IMPUNTUAL1. Se me hizo muy tarde, no sabes la manifestacin que haba en el centro y estaba todo cortado es una excusa muy efectiva, pero solamente si ese da haba protesta de algo (En Crdoba se la puede usar siempre, pero en Boston no tanto), as que vamos a por algunas ms genricas.2. Me entr un virus en el GPS y la maquinita me haca doblar cada dos cuadras a la izquierda y estuve media hora dando vuelta en crculos.3. Mi cobayo me comi el reloj. (Eh, pero un cobayo es chiquito) El mo est genticamente mutado con genes de anaconda asesina.4. Empec clases de boxeo y me noquearon inconsciente por veinte minutos.5. Cmo a las ocho? Quedamos a las nueve vostasloco!6. Me lo cruc al profesor de filosofa del secundario y nos quedamos hablando de la inocuidad de los sofismas y se nos pas el rato.7. Estuve en un banco sentado al lado de una mujer hermosa y media hora me parecieron dos minutos no es mi culpa, es de Einstein.8. Para que no me pase lo del otro da que estuve sentado al lado de la mujer hermosa puse la mano en la estufa, y veinte segundos me parecieron media hora, con lo que vena sobrado de tiempo pero no me qued otra que pasar por el hospital a tratarme la quemadura de tercer grado en la mano no es mi culpa, es de Einstein.9. Llam para dar de baja Internet en casa estuve hasta recin con el telfono en la oreja y no pude darlo de baja.10. Debera haberme dado cuenta que guiso de porotos y garbanzos con chancho fro no eran una buena idea.11. Me colgu leyendo Atencin Viajero y perd nocin del tiempo.

DEFINITION OF EXCUSESIt is known as an excuse to act and result excuse (ie, list reasons or causes to shed any blame, not feel like doing something, releasing someone from an obligation or liability, prevent something bad is realized). The excuse, therefore, is an excuse, which is used to avoid obligations or excuse any omission.General classification Excuses: Excuses Time: In time issues, the standard is accuracy. We give explanations about delays, but there are many cases where one is apologizing for arriving early, "forgive me, but I thought the group would take more" Excuses Mode: This would apply to explanations that begin with phrases like "I did it because ..." or "I could not do what you wanted because ...", these are the most useless of all excuses, and it is as That is, the other is going to look like you did wrong. Excuses Quantity: useful for events and parties; "But I only invite two friends !, I swear I do not know the rest" Excuses doubt scatter the attention, "Vos you sure you asked me?" Excuses order: set priorities. "Before I had to ..." Excuses place: "I swear I've never been there" Excuses Denial: The shortest: "I did not go" Excuses statement: It is the last resort of expert excuses and explanations, we must put an offended tone and say "Yeah, so what?", And then with sorrowful tone, "I did it for you." Redirection guilt and moved to another.EXCUSES FOR BEING TARDY1. "I'm running late, do not know the event was in the middle and was all cut" is a very effective excuse, but only if that day had something protest (In Cordoba it can be used forever, but in Boston not), so we go for some more generic.2. I entered a virus in the GPS and the little machine had me doubling every two blocks to the left and half hour was turning in circles.3. My guinea pigs ate my watch. (Eh, but is tiny guinea pig) Mine is genetically mutated genes killer anaconda.4. I started boxing lessons and knocked me unconscious for twenty minutes.5. How to eight? We were at nine ... vostasloco!6. I I crossed professor of philosophy at secondary and we were talking about the safety of sophistry and we missed out.7. I was sitting on a bench next to a beautiful woman and half an hour I found two minutes ... it's not my fault, it is Einstein.8. To not miss me the other day I was sitting next to a beautiful woman ... I put my hand on the stove, and twenty seconds seemed like half an hour, with time left over coming ... but I had no other than stop by the hospital to treat third-degree burn on the hand ... not my fault, is Einstein.9. Called to terminate Internet at home ... I was recently with the phone to his ear and could not dismiss him.10. I should have realized that stew of beans and chickpeas with cold pork were not a good idea.11. I hung read traveler care and lost track of time.