Download - Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Page 1: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

ECONOMETRIX | Leaders in Economic Insight

Assessment of the economic &

financial outlook

Dr. Azar Jammine

Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix

Afrifocus26 June 2019

Page 2: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 3: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 4: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 5: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 6: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

IMF Forecasts for Growth of Sub-Saharan Countries


Senegal 8.7

Rwanda 7.9

Ethiopia 7.2

Côte d'Ivoire 7.0

Mauritania 6.7

Uganda 6.2

Kenya 6.1

Burkina Faso 6.0

Egypt 5.9

Ghana 5.7

Guinea 5.7

Malawi 5.4

Sierra Leone 5.2

Mozambique 5.1

Cameroon 4.9

Mali 4.9

Democratic Republic of the Congo 4.5

Tanzania 4.5

Botswana 4.3

Mauritius 4.0

Morocco 4.0

Zambia 2.8

Namibia 2.6

Nigeria 2.5

Angola 2.5

Lesotho 2.4

Zimbabwe 2.1

Libya 2.0

South Africa 1.6

Algeria 1.4

Liberia 0.3

Source: IMF WEO, Apr19

Page 7: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Trade Figures (including BLNS)

World Zones Exports Imports

% of Total % of Total

2000 2018 2000 2018

Africa 13.0 26.7 3.0 12.6

America 11.0 8.6 15.0 9.6

Asia 18.0 31.5 18.0 45.2

Europe 30.0 25.5 43.0 30.5

Oceania 2.0 1.1 2.0 1.6

Total 100 100 100 100

Source: SARS

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Gross Domestic Product

y/y % q/q - official

Sector 2018 Q1 '19

Total 0.8 -3.2

Agriculture -4.8 -13.2

Mining -1.7 -10.8

Manufacturing 1.0 -8.8

Electricity 0.9 -6.9

Construction -1.2 -2.2

Trade 0.6 -3.6

Transport 1.6 -4.4

Finance 1.8 1.1

General Government 1.2 1.2

Personal Services 1.0 1.1Source: StatsSA

Page 10: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Employment growth remains below GDP growth

Unemployment Q1 2019: 27.6% vs 26.7% in Q1 2018

Expanded definition of unemployment Q1 2019: 38.0% vs Q1 2018: 36.7%

Employment declined by -86,000 or -0.5% y-o-y cf forecast +0.6% y-o-y growth

for Q1

Formal sector employment declined by -135,000 y-o-y or -1.2%

Construction loses jobs because of no work & poor payment

One of the key objectives in SONA was the attainment of growth in excess of

population growth (1.55% currently). It is also intended to create 2m jobs over the

next decade for young people. This is equivalent to 200,000 jobs per annum or

1.2% of total employment. Even if this is attained, it will be insufficient to dent

unemployment. Growth in excess of 4% per annum is needed to bring down

unemployment given that around 400,000 people enter the job market each year.

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Quarterly Employment Survey vs Quarterly Labour Force Survey (formal sector)

Gain/Loss of Jobs


Y/y change Q/q change

Mar18-Mar19 Dec18-Mar19

TOTAL 76 -135 22 -126

Mining 5 18 6 -20

Manufacturing 9 -72 5 16

Electricity, Gas & Water -2 4 -1 8

Construction -23 -53 -1 -51

Trade, Hotels & Non-Financial Services 67 -16 -8 39

Transport & Communications 3 29 -3 14

Financial & Business Services 57 124 5 -96

Community Services -40 -164 19 -35

Source: Statistics South Africa

Page 12: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

How did we get here? Increased corruption & state capture saw hundreds of billions of Rands being

diverted away from developmental requirements

Government has increasingly viewed the private sector as “the enemy” instead of

partnering with it

Policy uncertainty has grown in areas such as land reform, mining, BBBEE, Reserve

Bank independence, visa restrictions, cost of broadband & regulation more generally

Lip service paid to the need to improve education & skills

Yet undue obsession with transformation has resulted in managers being ill prepared

to cope with responsibilities

Shortage of skills exacerbated by large scale emigration

Shortage of skills & associated increase in income inequality has increased worker


All these problems manifested in collapse of SOE’s & associated increase in

government's labilities

Leading to credit rating downgrades

Economic failures resulting from the above has led to increased calls for more

government intervention & regulation leading to vicious cycle of decline

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Page 14: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

No of South Africans abroad

UK 210,000

Australia 190,000

US 100,000

New Zealand 60,000

Botswana 40,000

Germany 20,000

Zimbabwe 20,000

Chile 20,000

Other 240,000

Source: Pew Research

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Page 16: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Breakdown of voting patterns

2019 2014 Change

No. eligible to vote (millions) 35.9 31.4 4.5

Registered Voters (millions) 26.78 25.39 1.39

No. who voted 17.67 18.65 -0.98

Voters as % of those eligible to vote 49.2 59.4 -10.2

Voter turnout (% of registered voters) 65.99 73.48 -7.49

Spoilt ballots (thousands) 235.5 252.3 -16.8

% of voters 1.33 1.35 -0.02

Source: IEC

Page 17: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Breakdown by party 2019 vs 2014

2019 2014 Change


ANC 10.03 11.44 -1.41

DA 3.62 4.09 -0.47

EFF 1.88 1.17 0.71

IFP 0.59 0.45 0.14

FFplus 0.41 0.17 0.25

Only 2.1% of tax payers account for 69% of personal tax paid and most from DA?

Page 18: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

What do we mean by restructuring?

Reducing corruption & state capture

Impatience is developing regarding bringing perpetrators to book

Restructuring & improving competence & finances of SOEs

Need to reduce financial liability on government

Convince investor community that lights will stay on

Trim wasteful public expenditure including cost of public service remuneration

Implementing infrastructural investment projects speedily & successfully

Reforming education & skills development to prepare for the 4IR

To help address youth unemployment & inextricable move to capital intensity

Improving industrial relations

Reducing concentration of power in big business & organised labour

Deregulation of economy

Promotion of small business & entrepreneurship

Conclusion: all this is set to take time & is unlikely to lift growth materially for at least a

couple of years

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Major risks to global outlook

Positive impact of US tax cuts to fade

Higher interest rates globally

Massive global additions to liquidity being reversed

High levels of public debt in advanced economies

Increased protectionism


Imbalance of current account deficits

Aging populations

Climate change

Threat to cyber security

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Forecast by FOMC members: Federal funds rate

Median Range

Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Mar 19 Jun 19 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Mar 19 Jun 19

End 2019

3.1 3.1 2.9 2.4 2.4 1.9-3.6 2.1-3.6 2.4-3.1 2.4-2.9 1.9-2.6

End 2020

3.4 3.4 3.1 2.6 2.1 1.9-4.1 2.1-3.9 2.4-3.6 2.4-3.4 1.9-3.1

End 2021

3.4 3.1 2.6 2.4 2.1-4.1 2.4-3.6 2.4-3.6 1.9-3.1

Longer Run

2.9 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.3-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.4-3.3

Source: US Federal Reserve Bank

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Page 28: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
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Market Exchange Rates

Change % vs Dollar

1 Jan - 26 Jun 2019

Russia 10.8

Thailand 5.5

Japan 2.7

Mexico 2.2

Indonesia 2.1

Chile 1.9

Brazil 1.2

Singapore 0.7

Poland 0.4

South Africa 0.4

Czech Republic 0.3

India 0.2

China 0.0

Britain -0.1

Euro -0.5

Australia -1.3

Hungary -1.3

Taiwan -1.5

South Korea -3.6

Turkey -8.8

Argentina -11.1

*R 14.32Source: Econometrix & Bloomberg

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Page 39: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
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Exchange Rate Forecast

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

R / $ 13.23 14.50 15.28 15.95 16.70

Year End (Q4) 14.25 14.87 15.50 16.19 16.90

R / € 15.60 16.52 18.00 18.66 19.16

Year End (Q4) 16.27 17.10 18.44 18.78 19.26

R / £ 17.64 18.71 20.00 21.20 22.29

Year End (Q4) 18.35 19.33 20.38 21.62 22.56

R/Yen 8.38 7.55 7.20 7.04 6.75

Year End (Q4) 7.91 7.35 7.12 6.96 6.67

$ / € 1.18 1.14 1.18 1.17 1.15

Year End (Q4) 1.14 1.15 1.19 1.16 1.14

Source: Omega; Econometrix

Page 44: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Decline in SARS’ ability to collect revenue

Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91

Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn or 3.5% more

tax revenue

No of taxpayers assessed has declined from 6.0m in 2014, to 4.9m in

2017 despite increase in registered taxpayers from 16.8m in 2014 to

20.0m in 2017

Proportion of taxpayers submitting returns has fallen from 87.0% in

2014, to 76.5% in 2017

No of companies assessed for tax has declined from 817,597 in 2015, to

483,473 in 2018 i.e. from 84.9% to 56.9% of companies

Laffer curve effect makes raising tax rates further counterproductive

Tobacco excise duties have fallen by R20bn over past two years despite

higher excise duties

Illicit cigarettes (40% of total) sold for R10 per packet cf R17.85 per

packet excise duty

Page 45: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn

Income Tax by Income Group 2019/20

Taxable BracketTaxable income

R billionNo. of Taxpayers

Proportion of Taxpayers

Proportion of Population

Proportion of Tax Paid

R70,000 - R250,000 641.3 4,334,196 56.7 7.8 8.4

R250,000 - R500,000 758.4 2,154,380 28.2 3.9 22.7

R500,000 - R1m 591.9 871,962 11.4 1.6 28.1

R1m - R1.5m 193.9 161,868 2.1 0.3 11.9

More than R1.5m 362.7 120,751 1.6 0.2 28.9

Total 2548.1 7,643,157 100.0 13.7 100.0

Source: National Treasury, Econometrix

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Page 47: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 48: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 49: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
Page 50: Dr. Azar Jammine Director & Chief Economist of Econometrix ......Decline in tax buoyancy over past 3 years from 1.37 to 0.91 Return to original tax buoyancy would yield extra R40bn
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SA Economic growth forecasts (%)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Gross Domestic Product 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.8 1.8

Year End (Q4) 0.2 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.0

Gross Domestic Expenditure 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.3

Year End (Q4) -1.3 2.4 1.5 2.1 2.2

Private Consumption 1.8 0.7 1.5 1.6 2.1

Year End (Q4) 1.2 0.8 1.4 1.7 2.1

Fixed Investment -1.4 -2.1 1.8 3.2 3.8

Year End (Q4) -4.1 -1.0 2.2 3.8 3.8

Government Consumption 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.6

Year End (Q4) 1.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6

Current A/C Balance As % of GDP -3.6 -3.2 -3.9 -3.9 -4.0

Source: SARB; Econometrix

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Takeout from presentation Hope lies in Ramaphosa addressing structural weaknesses now that election out of

the way

In particular, reduced corruption & improved governance at SARS could unleash

enormous resources for development

However, restructuring will take time so growth will remain pedestrian through 2020

Capital investment likely to be held back by low business confidence

Growth will struggle to exceed 1% in 2019 implying continuing negative per capita


Eskom represents a huge challenge

Inflation to remain close to inflation target 4.5% midpoint, paving the way for rate


Continued risks of further credit rating downgrades next year

Possibility of global economic slowdown dominating domestic economic backdrop

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ECONOMETRIX | Leaders in Economic Insight