Download - Empresarial 2015/03/01

  • mpresarialEL MAANA DOMINGO 1 de Marzo de 2015 Reynosa, Tamaulipas

    l a s f i n a n za s & n e go c i o s e n ex pa n s i n>Petroleras latinas en estado de alertaOpinin de experto catedrtico T eres una pieza elemen-tal en este Mxico de hoy, no te quedes callado, comen-cemos el da de hoy con algo sencillo, el emprender, seala el maestro Alberto Esteban Arellano.Y agrega: hoy es el da para que te integres a este Mxico que tanto te necesita y aportes algo positivo de lo que has aprendido en la vida, en la escuela, en los ambien-tes en que te desarrollas; de los pequeos detalles se construyen grandes proyec-tos. La etapa de la juventud es donde debe verse que desgastamos nuestras energas en algo productivo y benfico para nuestra sociedad, recordemos que nuestro deber con Mxico es dar lo mejor de nosotros. Para tener xito en la vida no se necesita ser brillante sino ser perseverante, todos podemos hacer algo en favor de los que menos tienen, la decisin es personal, pun-tualiz.

    Nadie nace sabiendo, por ello, es importante adquirir esos conocimientos

    que te abrirn las puertas del xito

    Los industriales del pas consideramos

    adecuado que el ajuste al gasto de las dependencias del Gobierno Federal se concentre en el gasto corriente que representa el 65% del total.

    Federico Alans Pea,presidente de Canacintra


  • EMPRESARIAL EMP2 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP3 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.Empresarial 3

    DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas 3EL MAANA mpresarialePescado alcanza precio promedio de 50 pesosProfeco trabaja para garantizar que no haya abusosMxico, D.F.Agencia NotimexDe acuerdo con el comisiona-do nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca, Mario Aguilar Snchez, el precio promedio de los pescados y mariscos de produccin nacional es de 50 pesos el kilogramo, duran-te la temporada de cuaresma.

    Expuso que la disponibili-dad de productos pesqueros

    y acucolas est garantizada para esta temporada en todo el pas, donde los consumi-dores tienen a su alcance especies tradicionales que van desde el huachinango hasta el pargo o mero, entre otras.

    Aguilar Snchez destac la existencia de un abasto de productos marinos y acuco-las que cuentan con alto valor nutricional y protenico y estn disponibles a precios accesibles, entre las que des-tacan especies como tilapia, jurel, sardina, atn y calamar,

    por citar algunas.Por ello, invit a la pobla-

    cin en general a consu-mir pescados y mariscos al menos dos o tres veces por semana durante todo el ao.

    Dijo que esa es una recomendacin de la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS), ante el alto valor nutricional y aporte a la salud de las especies marinas y acucolas.

    Refiere que se trabaja en conjunto con la Procuradura Federal del Consumidor (Profeco) para garantizar que

    no haya aumento sustantivo ni arbitrario en los productos pesqueros que se comercia-lizan en el pas durante esta poca.

    n BAJO LA LUPA. Se trabaja en conjunto con la Procuradura Federal del Consumidor para garanti-zar que no haya aumento sustantivo ni arbitrario en los productos pesqueros.

    Mxico, D.F.AgenciasSi en prximas fechas el gobierno mexicano no con-sigue que Brasil y Argentina acepten el libre comer-cio que dicta el Acuerdo de Complementacin Econmica 55 (ACE 55), para el prximo 19 de marzo, se debe mantener una negociacin cons-tante para retomarlo a la mayor brevedad afir-m el director de los programas acadmicos de Licenciado en Negocios Internacionales y Bachelor in International Bussiness (BIB) del Tecnolgico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe, Manuel Valencia.

    En entrevista con Exclsior, explic que la situa-cin econmica actual tanto de Brasil como de Argentina, hace pensar que es difcil que acepten la apertura para este 19 de marzo.

    Para Mxico, advirti, es fundamental contar con el libre comercio, porque si bien ms de 80% de la produccin se exporta hacia Estados Unidos, a las armadoras tambin les interesa tener insta-laciones estratgicas para surtir al mercado sud-americano.

    Alberto Torrijos, experto de la industria auto-motriz de la firma consultora Deloitte, conside-r que la posicin de Mxico debe ser firme y robusta.

    Para concretar el regreso al libre comercio, consider, que Mxico podra buscar aliados, lo que significa que la Organizacin Mundial de Comercio (OMC) respalden la iniciativa original del ACE, adems de mostrar una poltica slida en materia de comercio exterior.

    MotivosValencia refiri que la poltica de Brasil es de

    cuidar mucho su industria, de ser muy proteccio-nista; sin embargo, nosotros como pas creamos que poda haber ms apertura de parte de ellos y no sucede as. No sorprende, porque es el discurso brasileo, que tiene mucha presin de parte de los sindicatos automotrices, los de Mxico son muy abiertos a la competencia y nobles, en cambio, all hay muchos intereses.

    Torrijos coincidi en que Brasil ha sido muy renuente y tiene culturalmente un tema de com-petencia en la industria y el destino los alcanz. Mxico no se debe detener en buscar el libre comercio.

    Mxico busca volver a tratado automotriz

    n Alberto Torrijos experto automotriz de Deloitte.

    Facilitan el envo de dinero

    Tan sencillo como recargar tiempo aire a tu celular, ahora es enviar dinero a cualquier regin de la Repblica Mexicana.Slo tienes que comprar un PIN, es decir, un nmero de 12 dgitos, y envirselo a quien desees que reciba el dinero, ya que con l y una tarjeta de Poni podr tenerlo disponible en cualquiera de los 42 millones de cajeros.Gricha Raether, director general de la firma Poni, explica que para realizar esta opera-cin slo es necesario el nmero de celular y el monto a enviar, as que puedes decir adis a las identificaciones, ni de quien enva ni de quien recibir el dinero.


  • EMPRESARIAL EMP4 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP5 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.Empresarial 4

    4 DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas EL MAANAmpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP4 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP5 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.

    VALUE ENGINEER Leads projects with limited work direction. Applies professional engineering techniques to identify, de ne, plan, schedule, coordinate and implement:-New product designs and/or product improvements to ensure the highest level of pro tability and customer satisfaction. -Assists with ef ciency improvements in labor, space and equipment to ensure the highest level of company pro tability and customer satisfaction-Supports and may lead Value Engineering-Performs investigation and calculations to obtain missing information and to insure all speci cations are correctly documented.Bachelors degree or equivalent in EngineeringExperience: 3-5 yearsWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, JDE, SAP, Engineering CAD software, Solid works or ProEBecome pro cient at Design for ManufacturabilityProject management experience .Leadership & Communication skillsKnowledge of Lean Manufacturing tools Knowledge of DMAIC Six Sigma Process a plusFact-based problem solving


    Preparatoria o carrera truncaExperiencia 3-5 aos en maquinados CNC/reparador de moldesProgramacin de fresado CNC (G-Codes/master CAM)Programacin CNC EDM, torno CNCManejo de SoldadoraConocimiento de Trigonometra/ Geometra Recti cacin manual de torno y fresadoraConocimiento de principios de diseos de moldesReparacin de sistema de expulsin y enfriamiento Conocimiento de Hidrulica y Electrnica Seguridad en el Taller


    Carrera de Ingeniera Mecnica, Electromecnico o afn Experiencia mnima de 3 aos en puesto similarExperiencia en la transferencia de nuevos productos Conocimiento en los procesos de automatizacin Conocimiento de ElectromecanicaConocimiento de Neumtica e HidrulicaCoordinacin de cambios de ingenieraMejora en los procesos Uso de metodologas para la solucin de problemas tales como Six Sigma, 8Ds y PDCAElaboracin de xturesConocimiento de 5S, TPM y Cambios rpidos de modeloElaboracin de PFMEAs, PPAPsTrabajo en equipo, dinmico, proactivo y alto sentido de responsabilidad.Disponibilidad para viajarBilinge Espaol / ingls


    Carrera de Ingeniera o afn Mnimo 5 aos de experiencia en puesto similarConocimiento de Moldeo cient co Experiencia en transferencia de moldes nuevosConocimiento de Moldes para Colada Fra o CalienteExperiencia en procesos de ensamble y moldeo por inyeccinConocimiento de Manufactura EsbeltaHabilidad de comunicacin a todos los nivelesDinmico, proactivo, trabajo en equipo y alto sentido de responsabilidadBilinge (Espaol-Ingls).

    En Pentair Water manufacturamos productos para la industria del agua. Somos lideres en proveer productos innovadores y sistemas usados mundialmente, para el movimiento, tratamiento, almacenamiento y disfrute de agua.

    OPERADORES Secundaria terminada Mayores de 18 aos Disponibilidad de horario Disponibilidad para trabajar tiempo extra

    MONTACARGUISTA Manejo de montacargas Disponibilidad para trabajar tiempo extra Dinmico, proactivo y alto sentido de responsabilidad Disponibilidad de turnos

    Prestaciones superiores a las de la ley, interesados presentarse a las 6:30 a.m. en las instalaciones de la planta

    PRACTICANTESPara las reas de: Ingeniera, Planeacin, Materiales, Manufactura Esbelta, Calidad

    Requisitos: Estar Inscrito en institucin acadmica local Contar con seguro facultativo Manejo de Excel Buena comunicacin Ingls bsico (deseable) Dinmico, proactivo, trabajo en equipo y con alto sentido de responsabilidad

    Personas interesadas favor de enviar su currculum vtae a la direccin: [email protected] especifi cando en el asunto (subject) la posicin para la que aplica y su expectativa salarial (indispensable) para ser tomado en cuenta.

    POR EXPANSIN!!!! Ven y sumrgete en un mar de oportunidades

    Carreras / Especialidades:Ing. IndustrialIng. Procesos de ProduccinIng. Electrnica, ElectromecnicaIng. Mecnica, Mecatrnica

    The success of Corning depends upon the contributions made by qualified people regardless of race, color, gender, age, religion, na-tional origin, sexual orientation or disability status. Corning treats all employees and applicants equally and fairly. We are committed to hire and develop the best talent we can find. We must assure equality of opportunity because common sense dictates it, our conscience demands it and our values require it. More information visit our website:

    Corning offers experience within a global organization in which employees are prepared to succeed around the world and maximize their potential. Our Job Opportunities are the following:


    Bachelor of Science degree or equivalent engineeringMinimum 4 years direct experience as quality or manufacturing engineerManagement of quality or manufacturing areas is preferredExperience in project management (both short and long term projects)Fully bilingual excellent verbal and written communications skills requiredEffective leadership, organizational and planning skillsEffective communication interpersonal and influencing skills with the ability to handle prioritiesPluses: MBA, 6 Sigma, Lean manufacturing.



    Technical degree in the electronics, electromechanical or mechatronic field.Minimum of 5 years of experience operating and maintaining automated equipment in a manufacturing environment Mechanical aptitudeAbility to read and follow electrical schematics and diagramsExperience with measuring equipment such as multi-meter, oscilloscope, thermometer, etc.Attention to detailStrong organizational skillsStrong math skillsLogical thinkingEffective communication skillsBilingual in English and Spanish


    (Facilities)Job ID 176818

    Bachelor of EngineeringMinimum of 4 years of industrial maintenance experienceFully Bilingual (Spanish/English)Three or more years of experience in leading and/or supervising personnel.Understanding and experience of Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream mappingDMAIC Green Belt Certified (Black Belt certification is a plus)Data driven decision makingProject Management experience (experience leading at least one major project)Quality Systems and TPM knowledgeExcellent written and oral communication skillsProven strong work ethic and attention to detailDynamic and able to manage multiple activities and prioritizeStrong leadership skills to effectively manage cross functional teamsTeam oriented


    SUPERVISORJob ID 176603

    Bachelor of EngineeringExperience in leading and/or supervising personnel.Understanding and experience of Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream mappingDMAIC Green Belt Certified (Black Belt certification is a plus)Data driven decision makingProject Management experience (experience leading at least one major project)Quality Systems and TPM knowledgeTechnical knowledge of product line is a plusExperience in FMEA and control plansExcellent written and oral communication skillsProven strong work ethic and attention to detailDynamic and able to manage multiple activities and prioritizeStrong leadership skills to effectively manage cross functional teams Team orientedEffective use of MRP systemsFully bilingual (English/Spanish)



    Carrera Tcnica Mecatrnica, Electromecnica, Electrnica o afnMnimo 2 aos de experiencia realizando mantenimientos preventivos, diagnstico de equipo y reparacionesConocimiento de los procedimientos de LOTO (Aislamiento de energas)Conocimientos de neumtica, mecnica, hidrulica y electrnicaCapacidad de interpretacin de manuales tcnicos en el idioma ingls, diagramas elctricos, hidrulicos, neumticos y mecnicosParticipacin en proyectos para reduccin de costo, tiempo inactivo, defectos e incrementar eficiencia del equipoParticipacin proactiva para cumplir con la seguridad, higiene, procedimientos estndar de operacin y regulaciones ambientalesDisponibilidad de horario

    BLACK BELTJob ID 177247

    BS - EngineeringMin. 5 years of experience in fields such as: Quality, Engineering, Project Management, 6 Sigma, and Lean ManufacturingBlack Belt Certification with minimum 2 completed projectsIdentify, develop, and coordinate Six Sigma deployment and sustainability opportunitiesLead and execute cross-functional improvement teams to drive significant savings/improvementsMentor and coach other belts in the DMAIC/DESGN/Lean methodologies and tools to ensure successful project completionWorks closely with other belts to apply formal data analysis approaches to projects.Determine the financial savings, scope, and priority of projects to decide which ones to support Change agentLeadership skills Professional attitudeExcellent presentationBilingual (English/Spanish)


    LEADERJob ID 177297

    Bachelor of Science degreeMore than 4 years of experience working in a Manufacturing Environment, preferably in a Supervisory roleParticipate in customer audits to ensure compliance with policies, proce-dures, and written specificationsProvide advice and assistance to the senior management at all divisions for the maintenance of an effective and efficient quality management systemWork with Quality and Process Engineers to conduct qualification testing of raw materials and finished goods that will provide data for effective decision makingAdvanced Quality and Statistical Tools including SPC/SQC and Minitab Statistical Software Leadership skills Professional attitudeExcellent presentationBilingual (English/Spanish)



    Profile:Being creative and innovative is a must. Passionate about technology. Committed and high sense of responsibility.Team player Good attitude.Good school grades.

    Responsibilities:Follow up projects, using Technology methodology and or Performance ExcellenceAcquire Product knowledge.Support the Global Project Priority List by providing timely and accurate inputs to the Reynosa Local Technology department.Pursue the development methodology, strengthening and sustainability of core capabilities that are product team critical. Actively support weekly tactical product team meetings with Technology and Manufacturing.Support the development of 1 and 5 year product team and associated capabilities.

    Languages:English proficient (Fully Bilingual - English/Spanish)

    Careers:Mechanical EngElectrical/Electronics EngMechatronics EngIndustrial EngChemical EngAny other related


    Expertise in Process qualification for new molds since the mold arrival until it is fully released as regular productionExpertise in molds with hot manifold, multi cavities, auxiliary equipment as thermolators, robots, Sprue Pickers, Vision SystemUse of statistical and analysis tools (Gate Seal study, Decouple process, Viscosity study, DOE, process capability study, process control charts) to set and improve and establish process parameters controls to meet customers product quality requirementsParticipation in teams to address customers non-conformances and provide the corrective and preventive actions


    Bachelor of EngineeringMinimum of 5 years of experience in sheet metal manufacturing, includingNew product introduction experienceCost reduction projectsProcess improvementShop floor, hands-on experience with manufacturing equipmentProject management experienceUnderstanding of plant-level manufacturing systems such as change mana-gement, quality assurance and process controlAbility to work individually or collaboratively in cross-functional, cross-cultu-ral teams or to lead such teamsStrong organizational skills, communication skills (written and verbal) and interpersonal skillsBilingual


    Bachelor of EngineeringExperience in leading and/or supervising personnel.5 to 7 years manufacturing experience in a medium to high volume plastic injection molding environment is preferredUnderstanding and experience of Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream mappingDMAIC Green Belt Certified (Black Belt certification is a plus)Data driven decision makingProject Management experience (experience leading at least one major project)Quality Systems and TPM knowledgeTechnical knowledge of product line is a plusExperience in FMEA and control plansExcellent written and oral communication skillsProven strong work ethic and attention to detailDynamic and able to manage multiple activities and prioritizeStrong leadership skills to effectively manage cross functional teams Team orientedEffective use of MRP systemsFully bilingual (English/Spanish)

    LEAN ENGINEERJob ID 176229

    Engineering BS Degree 2 years of experience working in manufacturing processes. Experience working with Lean Manufacturing Tools specially on VSM deve-lopment.Self-motivated individual with a history of delivering positive results through continuous improvement. Excellent abilities to work in team environment. Strong Change Agent with demonstrated leadership skills. Problem solving skills.Able to communicate verbal and written in both languages English and Spanish


    Bachelor of Science degree in an engineering field Minimum 2 years of experience in Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing training (Green Belt as a plus)Statistical toolsExperience with SAP, Windchill.Experience with computer Software (Excel, Word, Power Point) BilingualAbility to work independently in a dynamic business/manufacturing environ-mentAbility to interact with all business levels


    [email protected] degree in Business Administration or related field preferredMinimum of 3 years of experience in Human Resources Employee Relations or similar role required Employee relations background including disciplinary and grievance proce-dures, investigating employee misconduct, investigations and motivational experience preferred Experienced in Union relations Strong knowledge of human resources policies/procedures and knowledge of local, state and federal employment/labor laws. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Suited to handle sensitive and confidential matters tactfully and professio-nally Excellent verbal and written communication skills at all levelsStrong interpersonal and organizational skills. Professional attitudeExcellent presentationBilingual: English and Spanish


    Carrera Tcnica terminada (Electricista, Mecnico o Mecatronico). Experiencia en el rea de Facilidades o mantenimiento de equipo de al menos 3 aosConocimiento de equipos de aire comprimido, y/o sistema de Osmosis InversaConocimiento de candadeo y etiquetado (LOTO)Habilidad para realizar anlisis de fallasPueda leer un diagrama esquemticoDisponibilidad para trabajar en turnos

    BLACK BELTJob ID 177247

    BS - EngineeringMin. 5 years of experience in fields such as: Quality, Engineering, Project Management, 6 Sigma, and Lean ManufacturingBlack Belt Certification with minimum 2 completed projectsIdentify, develop, and coordinate Six Sigma deployment and sustainability opportunitiesLead and execute cross-functional improvement teams to drive significant savings/improvementsMentor and coach other belts in the DMAIC/DESGN/Lean methodologies and tools to ensure successful project completionWorks closely with other belts to apply formal data analysis approaches to projects.Determine the financial savings, scope, and priority of projects to decide which ones to support Change agentLeadership skills Professional attitudeExcellent presentationBilingual (English/Spanish)

    QUALITY [email protected]

    Bachelor of Science degreeMore than 2 years of experience in Quality DepartmentKnowledge and application of Quality and Statistical Tools including SPCContribute and participate in Internal and External Audits in department, as well as being responsible for the good results of such, some examples of Audits are: ISO, TL, 5s, Safety, among others Use and application of Statistical Software Use of Minitab or SPC ExcelProvide Quality Engineering expertise to establish processes and procedures to foster the continuous improvement of Quality Systems and Meet the Quality Objectives for the PlantLead and participate on different projects related to process performance improvementExperience on different problem solving methodologies Green Belt certified as a plusExcellent presentation80% of English requiredExperience on process controls identification and /or implementationKnowledge and application of Error proofing technique Customer focusedSelf motivatedLeadership skills

    Candidatos a las vacantes sin Job ID. y Estudiantes interesados en realizar sus Prcticas favor de enviar

    su currculum a la direccin de:

    [email protected] [email protected]

    In order to apply for those vacancies with a Job ID, please follow these steps: 1.- Go to 2.- Click on Careers. 3.- Click on Current Opportunities 4.- Click on North America 5.- Click on Mexico 6.- Click on Search for Opportunities in Mexico. Select English or Spanish.

    Empresarial 5

    DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas 5EL MAANA mpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP6 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP7 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.Empresarial 6


    Anuncia tu productoo servicio!

    Lnea directa


    Anuncia tu




    6 DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas EL MAANAmpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP6 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP7 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.




    Llevar solicitud elaborada a:Blvd. Hidalgo N 215

    Col. Jardines Coloniales

    Tel. 925-93-14Cd. Reynosa, Tam.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    C&D Technologies Reynosa, S. de R.L. de C.V.a technology company that produces and markets systems for the power conversion and storage of electrical power, including industrial batteries and electronics is looking for:


    Experiencia en control de equipos mecnicos, hidrulicos y electrnicos controlados por PLCs y PC. Diagnosticar, reparar y mejorar problemas recurrentes en equipos de produccin. Documentar soluciones y crear gua de solucin de problemas as como de entrenar tcnicos. Actualizar paneles de control. 5 aos de experiencia en operacin y solucin de problemas en equipos electromecnicos/ hidrulicos. Crear planes de mantenimiento, veri cacin y monitoreo. Conocimientos electrnicos e interpretaciones de: diagramas elctricos, programacin de PLCs avanzada. Six Sigmagreen belt (mnimo) Black belt (preferible) Lean Manufacturing Lenguajes de programacin PLC base Programacin avanzada PLCs

    REQUISITOS DESEABLES: ESCOLARIDAD: Ingeniero Electromecnico o Mecatrnico EXPERIENCIA: 3-5 aos IDIOMAS: Ingls 90% deseable OTROS: Experiencia en maquiladora.

    ESPECIALISTA DE NMINAS Experiencia en elaboracin y clculo de prenmina y nmina Clculo y revisin de impuestos / 2% Nmina Conocimiento y amplia experiencia en sistema Tress Elaboracin de SUA Clculo de variables Reportes, declaraciones y conciliaciones para Infonavit / Fonacot / IMSS / INEGI Timbrado de nminaREQUISITOS DESEABLES: ESCOLARIDAD: Contador Pblico, Licenciado en Administracin EXPERIENCIA: 3-5 aos OTROS: Experiencia en maquiladora, disponibilidad de horario, trabajo bajo presin.

    Please submit your resume to the following address: [email protected] Along with your resume please indicate the position you wish to apply and your salary expectation.

    C&D Technologies Reynosa, S. de R.L. de C.V. Respect the working conditions based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination, social welfare, proper working environment, labor freedom and

    accessibility for women and men.

    Manufacturing Plant is looking for:





    [email protected]

    Empresarial 7

    DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas 7EL MAANA mpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP8 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP9 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.


    Si eres una persona dinmica, responsable, comprometida, tienes disponibilidad para la-borar en cualquier turno, sin problemas para laborar tiempo extra, con experiencia mnima de 1 ao en la industria manufacturera y ests buscando una empresa con prestaciones supe-riores a la Ley NO ESPERES MS!!! nete a nuestro gran equipo de trabajo Ofrece-mos salario diario de $109.39 + prestaciones y Contrato de planta a los 90 das, Solo necesi-tas cumplir con los siguientes Requisitos: Sexo indistinto Edad de 18 aos hasta 99 Acta de Nacimiento Numero de IMSS Comprobante de estudios ( Primaria como mnimo, secundaria o preparatoria preferible ) Credencial de Elector Aviso de Retencin INFONAVIT Correo Electrnico Documentacin en original para presentar y copia para entregar


    Requisitos: De 3 a 5 aos o ms de experiencia en rea de Mantenimiento Experiencia en maquinaria de produccin: Neumtica, hidrulica, mecnica elctrica Experiencia en manejo y conocimiento en Electricidad en baja / alta tensin y aire acondicionado Equipo Elctrico, P.L.C.s Conocimiento en Soldadura Habilidades interpersonales de comunicacin, as como capacidad para programar actividades de trabajo. Capacidad para comprender las instrucciones de trabajo verbales y Escritas.


    Requirements: B. S. Degree in Engineering Proactive, availability.

    Bilingual ( English-Spanish, 80% as minimum) Solve Process related issues in molding Work in production problems Create APQP and PPAPs Engineering samples molding Knowledge in rubber molding - desirable Knowledge in BPCS - desirable


    Requirements: Coordinates WIP MRB Meeting with Engineering, Production and Maintenance departments. Provides direct support to the Engineering Team in the areas of interpreting customer quality and submission requirements, sets up inspection activities on new items, investigates methods and techniques to drive the company to the Lean philosophy. Trains and supervise in process QA Inspectors Coordinates Internal NCMRs Coordinates SPC Software and Quality audits Issues Quality Bulletins Support engineering on ECR and ECO status on internal changes (temperature, pressure and cure time). Standardizes workmanship standard criteria within the different shifts in the plant (Manufacturing, Engineering, and Inspection QA) and on customer requirements as required (CARs, internal quality issues, print changes) Coordinates Customer complaints from receiving to closure Support Dock Audits, analyze preferable by month failed items for determining trends and appropriate courses of actions & takes these actions to the early stages of the process. Performs other duties and assumes accountabilities as apparent or as delegated, including mutually agreed upon objectives Experience required as Quality Engineer Able to communicate via email and phone with US plants and customers Able to rotate shifts Bilingual (English-Spanish)

    Empresa lder dedicada al moldeo de hule y plsticoubicada en Av. Industrial Falcn s/n del Parque Industrial del Norte en Reynosa, Tamaulipas.


    Interesados, favor de enviar currculum con expectativa salarial a la direccin de correo electrnico [email protected]. Operadores de Moldeo presentarse en las instalaciones de la empresa a partir del Lunes 2 de Marzo 2015 a las 7:00 am en caseta de Guardia.

    Empresarial 8

    8 DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas EL MAANAmpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP8 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP9 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.

    Visteon Electronics Reynosa PlantVisteon Electronics, a top global cockpit electronics supplier of connectivity, infotainment, driver information and controls products.

    We are looking for:

    Financial AnalystQualifications: BS/BA Degree in Accounting or Finance Relevant experience in General Accounting, AR, AP, Payroll, Fixed Assets, Financial Analysis, Sarbanes Oxley, USGAAP, Mexican GAAP. Minimum of 5 years progressive experience in General Accounting. Experience in Hyperion Enterprise, QAD, SAP, ERP System, MFGPRO, Excel. Bilingual Exceptional communication skills essential with interaction with multiple facets of organization. Must have excellent troubleshooting skills and possess good analytical, verbal and written communication skills and be proficient on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

    Warranty Technician Experience in electronic products for an Automotive Assembly plant. Experience in diagnostic products at final assembly and PCBa level. Experience in customer rejects and procedures Experience in diagnostic of Warranty rejects Knowledge of use the measurement tools like Multimeter, Oscilloscope, etc. Knowledge in CAN communication for automotive products. Analysis skill to determine root cause Technical degree in Electronic with 3 yrs. of experience Must have excellent troubleshooting skills and possess good analytical, verbal and written communication skills and be proficient on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Availability to shift rotation teamwork. Strong communications skills.

    Please, specify the position to which applying. Send your resume including your salary expectative to [email protected] Office phone: 90 9 37 00 Ext. 3781

    Empresarial 9


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    DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas 9EL MAANA mpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP10 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP11 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.Empresarial 10

    Anuncia tu productoo servicio!

    921-9990Lnea directa

    10 DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas EL MAANAmpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP10 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP11 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.Empresarial 11

    DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas 11EL MAANA mpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP12 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP13 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.Empresarial 12

    12 DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas EL MAANAmpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP12 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m. EMPRESARIAL EMP13 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.

    Company dedicated to the manufacture of molded products offers the following vacancies:

    If you meet all the requirement, Please send your resume adding your salary expectations to the next email: [email protected]

    APQP Quality Engineer


    Will be able to be an effective liason between supplier, customer or sister facilities during APQP process Will be able to ensures PPAP compliance as per customer requirements on new and existing products and processes Will be able to ensure appropriate implemented process and product within set targets such as scrap, run@rate, quality, and timely manner Interface with Engineering and Operations to ensure transfer to Production of new products are in accordance with approved data. Will be able to analyze failure, participate actively on determine corrective and preventive actions, using quality tools for problem solving, responding to internal and external complaints on timely manner. Will be able to creating, establishing, implementing and maintaining the quality management system in order to ensure compliance to the ISO 16949 standard Will have basic knowledge of reliability, maintainability, and risk management, including key terms and definitions, modeling, systems design, assessment tools and reporting on new products during APQP process Will be able to plan, control and assure new product and process, in accordance APQP principles, which include

    production planning processes, material control, quality acceptance and measurement systems. Will have a fundamental understanding of quality philosophies and communication, principles, systems, methods, measurement, tools, standards, organizational and team dynamics, customer expectations and satisfaction, supplier relations and performance,leadership, training, interpersonal relationships, improvement systems and professional ethics.

    Knowledge/Experience Required

    Scholarship: Chemical or Mechanical Engineering Certification: MBA preferred, Program Management Certification Experience: Five years mnimum (rubber molding preferred) Proven skills on Project management or new products introduction Proven skills on APQP management Wide experience on Automobile industry, over 8 years Full knowledge on Project Management Body of Knowledge Experience on quality systems internal audits ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 Proven experience on cost saving projects Proven experience on problem solving techniques Wide knowledge on Minitab statistical data analysis Wide knowledge on GDT and dimensining techniques Full bilingual English-spanish

    Company dedicated to the manufacture of molded products offers the following vacancies:

    If you meet all the requirement, Please send your resume adding your salary expectations to the next email: [email protected]

    Quality Engineer Requirements: Will be able to analyze failure, process or product defects, participate actively on determine corrective and preventive actions, using quality tools for problem solving, responding to internal and external complaints on timely manner. Will be able to creating, establishing, implementing and maintaining the quality management system in order to ensure compliance to the ISO 16949 standard. Will be able to ensures compliance as per customer requirements on new and existing products and processes. Will have basic knowledge of reliability, maintainability, and risk management, including key terms and definitions, modeling, systems design, assessment tools and reporting. Will be able to acquire and analyze data using appropriate standard quantitative methods across a spectrum of business environments to facilitate process analysis and improvements. Will be able to develop and implement quality programs, including tracking, analyzing, reporting and problem solving, including internal and external processes Will be able to plan, control and assure product and process quality in accordance with quality principles, which include planning processes, material control, acceptance sampling and measurement systems. Will have a basic understanding of the audit process including types of audits, planning, preparation, execution, reporting results and follow-up. Will have a fundamental understanding of quality philosophies and communication, principles, systems, methods,

    measurement, tools, standards, organizational and team dynamics, customer expectations and satisfaction, supplier relations and performance,leadership, training, interpersonal relationships, improvement systems and professional ethics. Will have a thorough understanding of problem-solving and quality improvement tools and techniques. This includes knowledge of management and planning tools, quality tools, preventive and corrective actions, and how to overcome barriers to quality improvements. Will be able to create, implement and execute training and development plans for quality system deployment in the organization. Knowledge/Experience Required Scholarship: Chemical or Mechanical Engineering Certification: MBA preferred, Program Management Certification Experience: Five years minimum on Automotive Industry (rubber molding preferred) High sense of urgency and ownership Proven skills on APQP management Experience on quality systems internal audits ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 Proven training on quality systems ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001 Proven experience on cost saving projects Proven experience on problem solving techniques Wide knowledge on Six Sigma Wide knowledge on GDT and dimensining techniques Bilingual English-spanish

    Empresarial 13

    DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas 13EL MAANA mpresariale

  • EMPRESARIAL EMP14 DE 14 27 febrero, 2015 8,18 p.m.

    Editora DeMar, S.A. de C.V.

    Estamos buscando:

    Enva portafolio y CV a: [email protected]


    Enva portafolio y CV a: Enva portafolio y CV a: Enva portafolio y CV a: Enva portafolio y CV a: Enva portafolio y CV a: Enva portafolio y CV a:





    v r

    Emerpowsys, S. de R. L. de C.V., empresa dedicada al ensamble de productos elctricos y al servi-cio de las telecomunicaciones. Seleccionada como la Maquiladora del Ao 2012 por expansiones y empleos sostenidos, ganadora del Premio de Plata por cumplimiento ambiental y primera em-presa en Reynosa en obtener la certi cacin NEEC para la seguridad de la cadena de suministro.


    Bachelors degree. Associates degree in Logistics Management, Purchasing/ Operations Management, Business Administration or related eld.2 plus years experience in distribution in a global manufacturing environment.Experience with MRP/ERP systems or other manufacturing/purchasing systems and Windows-based PC programs. Knowledgeable of domestic logistics operations.Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing and interact effectively with personnel to accomplish tasks. Must be action-oriented with an eye for nding opportunity and solving problems.Must be able to operate in a dynamic, ever changing environment, thus being able to adapt to a fast paced workplace.Detail oriented with ability to complete tasks in timely manner. Working knowledge of MS Excel, Power Point and Word.Fluency in English and Spanish required (read, write and speak).Strong communication, presentation and interpersonal skills.POSICIONES TEMPORALES:Tcnico de NPITcnico de Calidad (turno Jueves a Domingo)Enfermera Industrial (indispensable rotar turno)Materialista (Turno Jueves a Domingo)


    Bachelors degree or equivalent in Manufacturing, Electrical or Industrial Engineering.At minimum of four (4) years of experience in manufacturing or engineering. Experience in Industrial, Telecommunications, Fabrication, or Electrical Power Generation a plus. Bilingual (English/Spanish) preferred.Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.Identifying the developmental needs of others and coaching, mentoring, or otherwise helping others to improve their knowledge or skills.


    Bachelor Degree in Accounting or related eld. Bilingual English & Spanish required. 1-2 years of experience.Knowledge of general accounting procedures.Excellent follow-up and sense of urgency skills.Must be Honest with high con dentiality level.Excellent organizational skills and have the ability to multi-task.Pro cient computer skills: MS of ce, e-mail, data base programs.

    BUYERBachelors degree in Business Administration or related eld.3 years of experience in same position in manufacturing industry.Bilingual (English/Spanish).Fluency in English and Spanish required (read, write and speak).Strong communication, presentation and interpersonal skills.Supply chain experience.ERP system knowledgeAPICS certi cation Able to understand supply chain of commodity assigned.Effective written and verbal communication.Analytical and OrganizedStrong skills for negotiation.Operate in a changing environment. Sense of urgency. ProactiveProblem Solver. Con ict resolution.

    AUDITORES DE CALIDADPreparatoria o Carrera tcnica requerido.1 a 3 aos de experiencia en reas de produccin, calidad o ingeniera.Habilidad para resolver problemas de calidad.Interpretacin de especi caciones tcnicas, dibujos, instrucciones de trabajo y documentos de ingeniera es requerido.Buenas habilidades de comunicacin oral y escrita.Habilidades de organizacin y trabajo en equipo.Capaz de interactuar e cazmente con los clientes internos.Buen manejo de MS Of ce.


    Experiencia a nivel tcnico (mquinas y herramientas) o preparatoria terminada.3 a 5 aos de experiencia en el rea o funciones requeridas.Habilidad para operar montacargas y gras.Habilidades de computacin.Capaz de trabajar en forma independiente y bajo presin.Conocimientos bsicos de equipo de medicin, recti cadoras de super cie, fresadora, torno, EDMS y prensa.Hbil para realizar dibujos de piezas por computadora e interpretarlos acorde con las especi caciones del cliente y de diseo, deseable. Habilidad en calculo de costos de labor y materia prima en herramientas fabricadas, deseable.Excelentes habilidades de organizacin manteniendo las 5s del taller de herramientas.

    RECEPTIONISTHigh school education or Human Resource related degree is desired.Bilingual English & Spanish required. Two years secretarial/administrative experience required.PC Literate with pro ciency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OutlookMust have strong customer service orientation & excellent communication skills both verbal and writtenMust be able to prioritize and complete multiple tasks and/or projects on timeMust be exible and team-oriented

    If you meet the pro le, send us your resume with salary expectation and position you are applying to fax (899) 921 86 55 or e-mail: [email protected] or visit:

    Empresarial 14

    16 DOMINGO 1 de marzo de 2015, Reynosa, Tamaulipas EL MAANAmpresariale