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FLUORINEPhysical and chemical properties

density: 1700kg m/3molar volume: 11,20 cm/3atomic number: 9atomic mass: 18,998403 g.mol/-1boiling point: -188Cmeltig point: -219,6 Cdiscovered by: Henri Moissan Discovery date: 1886


Atomic fluorine and molecular fluorine are used for plasma etching in semiconductor manufacturing, flat panel display productions and MEMS fabrication. It is also used in the productions of low frictions plastics like teflon and halon, freon. Fluorohydrocarbons are used in air-conditioning and in refridgeration.

Interesting things to know about fluorine

Fluroides are often added to toothpaste and muncipal water supplies to prevent dental cavities.Annual world production of the mineral fluorine is 4 million tonenes.Fluorine occurs naturally in the earths crust where you can find it id rocks, coal and clay air.Small amounts of fluorine are naturally present in water, plants, and animals.