Download - INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA LA PRESENTACIÓN … que por ser pregunta, ésta va con el verbo en infinitivo y al momento de responder (usted) deberá poner el verbo en su forma de pasado.











Comprendo y produzco textos orales y escritos apropiándome de las competencias y habilidades propias del área y el grado.

1. FIRST PERIOD. PRESENTACIÓN. GENTE Y COSTUMBRES. DÍAS DE FIESTA Y CELEBRACIONES POR TODO EL MUNDO. PRESENTE Y PASADO SIMPLES. PREGUNTAS WH. ANSWER WITH COMPLETE SENTENCES (SUBJECT+VERB+COMPLEMENT): Resolver la Evaluación Programada del Primer período. En el Plan de Apoyo se harán 15 preguntas para responder en inglés con los temas vistos de éste período. Se preguntará mucho con verbos irregulares. Recuerde que por ser pregunta, ésta va con el verbo en infinitivo y al momento de responder (usted) deberá poner el verbo en su forma de pasado. Estudiar muy bien la lista de verbos irregulares ya que ésta NO se puede utilizar en el Plan de Apoyo. No caen lo de las oraciones de las fiestas. 2. SECOND PERIOD. GRAMÁTICA: PASADO SIMPLE Y PASADO CONTINUO. DESASTRES. EL HUNDIMIENTO DEL TITANIC. THERE WAS Y THERE WERE. FALSE OR TRUE. MARK WITH AN (X) Resolver la Evaluación Programada del Segundo período. En el Plan de Apoyo se harán 15 afirmaciones para responder si es falsa o verdadera. Sí es falsa marque la (x) en la F y sí es verdadera marque la (x) en la T. Se trata sí la oración está gramaticalmente bien o mal escrita con los temas vistos de éste período. 3. THIRD PERIOD. VERBOS MODALES. DEPORTES Y EJERCICIOS. GRUPOS DE COMIDAS. SHOULD / WOULD / CAN / CAN’T / MAY / MUST / HAVE TO / HAS TO / MIGHT. IMPERATIVOS. EXPRESIONES DE CONCORDANCIA Y DESACUERDO. COMPLETE AND MATCH. WRITE THE LETTER IN THE BLANK SPACE Resolver la Evaluación Programada del Tercer período. En el Plan de Apoyo se darán 10 oraciones incompletas y una lista de 10 palabras. Sólo una palabra es la que cuadra exactamente en el espacio para que la oración tenga sentido en inglés con los temas vistos de éste período. Las palabras faltantes pueden ser verbos modales, sujetos, adjetivos, etcétera. 4. FORTH PERIOD. ANIMAL KINGDOM. ENDANGERED SPECIES. ADJECTIVES, ADJECTIVES IN COMPARATIVE FORM AND SUPERLATIVE FORM. Resolver la Evaluación Programada del Cuarto período. En el Plan de Apoyo se darán 10 oraciones desordenadas para organizarlas en orden según las instrucciones vistas en el período. Grapar los cuatro exámenes junto con las soluciones y presentarlo al profesor; sí lo hizo a conciencia entonces se augura que le irá muy bien en el Plan de Apoyo. El taller no tiene nota, pero si NO lo presenta NO hace el Plan de Apoyo En el Plan de Apoyo, en total suman 50 preguntas, la nota será igual al número de respuestas acertadas

“The more I accomplish,

the more I know I'm capable of accomplishing.”

― Tawny Lara








1 8 1 MARZO 02 2017 45 MINUTOS

LOGRO Comprende las ideas generales, cuando le hablan de forma clara,

sobre lo que hace en la institución o en su tiempo libre.

1. Answer 1. What’s your father´s occupation? . 2. What’s your full name? . 3. How old is your mother? . 4. What’s your address? . 5. What’s your cellphone number? . 2. ANSWER 6. What did the teacher do in the office yesterday? . 7. Who did drink alcohol in the class? . 8. What did you play last weekend? . 9. Where did your father drive last weekend? . 10. When did you celebrate your last birthday? . 3. COMPLETE IN SIMPLE PAST SELECTING THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB 11. They in the river. 1. Swam 2. Swimmed 12. The frog spiders and butterflies yesterday in the garden. 1. Ate 2. Eating 13. You The Smurfs. 1. Washed 2. Watched 14. She in the disco. 1. Danced 2. Dancid 15. He beautiful songs. 1. Sang 2. Song 4. UNSCRAMBLE. 16. the / taught / the / Simple Past Tense / teacher . 17. I / love / wrote / day / poems / last / Saint Valentine’s . 18. he / the / his / in / visited / hospital / grandfather . 19. Bogotá / My / flew / to / father . 20. my / my / baked / mother / birthday / cake .

5. MATCH 21. The is celebrated on the first Sunday in the Venice’s Carnival. 22. Most people don’t disguise in the Venice’s Carnival, just wear a . 23. Nice’s people use to eat in their festivity. 24. The Lamb Festival represents Abraham willingness to his son 25. Roberto Gómez died on November twenty-eighth, two thousand and fourteen in , Mexico 26. The Women’s is celebrated on March 8th. 27. are the Easter’s flowers. 28. The character of the Easter is the . 29. It is also known the night of the witches ( .) 30. A New Year is often symbolized with a baby in with a festive hat and a band printed with the number of the year 31. People think and believe that the dead people come back to in these two days (day of the death.) 32 Orange, black and are the main colors of this celebration (Halloween.) 33 Every year a large Easter party is held in the with hundreds of eggs bearing the official emblem 34 It is commemorated the women’s for equality in the Women’s Day 35 People eat the traditional little rice balls for good and family unity A ( ) Cancun B ( ) Angel’s flight C ( ) rabbit D ( ) mask E ( ) ratatouille F ( ) White House G ( ) live H ( ) Day

I ( ) sacrifice J ( ) White lilies K ( ) struggle L ( ) purple M ( ) diapers N ( ) fortune O ( ) Halloween

6. FALSE OR TRUE 36. My uncle bet a lot of money in the casino last month F( ) T( ) 37. I broken the window yesterday F( ) T( ) 38. My family built the house tomorrow F( ) T( ) 39. My mother didn’t buy in Homecenter F( ) T( ) 40. How much did your new computer cost? F( ) T( ) 41. I swimmimg too bad F( ) T( ) 42. I saw a student dranking in a bar F( ) T( ) 43. I fought with my sister when I was a child F( ) T( ) 44. I went to Disney World when I was fifteen years old F( ) T( ) 45. I learnt many things with Diego this period F( ) T( ) 46. I met J. Balvin in his last concert F( ) T( ) 47. I read all The Bible F( ) T( ) 48. I didn’t like to ride with my boyfriend F( ) T( ) 49. I didn’t like to send pics through WhatsApp F( ) T( ) 50. I didn’t like to slept in another house in another bed F( ) T( )

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil,

but because of the people who don't do anything about it” Albert Einstein








2 8 2 45 MINUTOS

LOGRO Utiliza el vocabulario y la gramática que conoce, a través de redacciones con cierta precisión y entusiasmo por los logros adquiridos

MATCH 1. I was reading a good book last period 2. I was running in the marathon last year 3. They were betting in the casino last vacation 4. We were swimming in the ocean last vacation 5. He was walking in the park 6. I was practicing volleyball for 7 months 7. I was writing love poems 8. We were winning the last soccer championship 9. She was insulting at the teacher last class 10. I was doing the homework

A. ( ) when a robber stole him B. ( ) when we lose the last game C. ( ) when I broke the relation with my boyfriend D. ( ) when the teacher replaced it with another one E. ( ) when my father told me that everything were wrong F. ( ) when a shark appeared on the beach G. ( ) when I broke all my fingers H. ( ) when I broke a leg I. ( ) when they lose all the money J. ( ) when the coordinator appears and discovered the student

Titanic - A Luxury Liner The Titanic was the grandest ship of its time. It was majestic, lavishly decorated and considered unsinkable because four of its 16 watertight compartments could be flooded without endangering the ship. The Titanic was divided into social classes according to background, wealth and education. The bottom two layers were for manual workers and third-class passengers who were hoping to start a new life in America. The second-class layer included teachers, merchants and professionals. The top layer was reserved for the rich and aristocratic.

Titanic - Its Tragic Ending Although it took five years to build, the Titanic had a very short career. It set off on April 10th, 1912 from Southampton, England, but never made it to its destination of New York City – it struck an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland shortly before midnight on April 14th, 1912. As the ship began to fill with water, people scrambled to get in the lifeboats, but crew members decided that women and children would board first. Although each lifeboat could carry 65 passengers, some of them carried as little as 12. By the time the last lifeboat left, there were more than 1,500 passengers still on board the sinking ship. At 2:20AM on April 15th, people in the lifeboats watched in horror as the "unsinkable" Titanic went down, killing 1,523 passengers. The Carpathia, which had picked up the Titanic's distress signals, reached the site at 3:30a.m. to rescue 705 survivors.

Titanic - Did U Know? The Titanic was the largest ship afloat at the time of her maiden voyage. It stretched to 882 feet and weighed 21,831 tons. The Titanic cost a reported $7.5 million to build. Although the Titanic had a passenger capacity of 3,547, she was only carrying 1,343 passengers and 885 crew members. On September 1st, 1985, a joint French-American expedition led by Dr. Robert Ballard discovered the wreck of the Titanic. It was found lying upright in two pieces on the ocean floor at a depth of about 13,000 feet. ANSWER 11. How long did it take to be built? . 12. When did it set off? . 13. Where did it come from? . 14. What was it destination? . 15. Where did it strike an iceberg? .

16. When did it strike an iceberg? . 17. What did the people do when the Titanic began to fill with water? . 18. Who board first the lifeboats? . 19. How many passengers could carry each boat? . 20. How many passengers were in each boat at least? . FALSE OR TRUE 21. There were more than 1,500 passengers still on the lifeboats F ( ) T ( ) 22. The Titanic finally sank at 2:20AM on April 14

th F ( ) T ( )

23. The Captain was Carpathia. F ( ) T ( ) 24. 1,523 passengers were rescued F ( ) T ( ) 25. The titanic stretched more than 21,000 tons F ( ) T ( ) 26. The Titanic cost £7.5 million F ( ) T ( ) 27. The Titanic had all its capacity F ( ) T ( ) 28. Dr. Robert Ballard built the Titanic F ( ) T ( ) 29. The expedition that discovered the Titanic was only French F ( ) T ( ) 30. They discovered that the Titanic was broken into two pieces F ( ) T ( ) COMPLETE 31. We basketball when a storm . A. was playing / was occurring B. played / was occurring C. were playing / occurred D. played / occurred 32. My mother a pizza when the lights off A. was cooking / went B. cooked / were going C. was cooking / was going D. was cooking / were going 33. I in primary school when I the lottery A. taught / was winning B. was teaching / won C. was teaching / win D. taught / was won UNDERLINE THE CORRECT SENTENCE 34. A. What did you practiced in the academy? B. What did you practice in the academy? C. What did you practices in the academy? D. What you practiced in the academy?

35. A. She studyed French in the Institute B. She studiyed French in the Institute C. She studied French in the Institute D. She studyied French in the Institute

MATCH A. She was in the shopping center. B. I was the homework. C. My dog was with toys. D. An earthquake was in Medellin last weekend. E. I was the dinner table for two days. F. My cat was meat. G. The student was with the teacher at the lab.

36. Occurring ( ) 37. Doing ( ) 38. Painting ( ) 39. Studying ( ) 40. Eating ( ) 41. Buying ( ) 42. Playing ( )

ANSWER WITH COMPLETE SENTENCES 43. What were you reading at the library? 44. When was he studying English in the institute? 45. Who was working in the company? 46. Where were they living last time? UNDERLINE THE CORRECT SENTENCE 47. a. She hit the dog b. The dog hitting the girl c. She hitted the dog d. The dog hitted the girl 48. a. I flew to Bogotá b. I flown to Bogotá. c. I flyed to Bogotá d. I flied to Bogotá 49. a. I watchhed Fast and Furious 8 last weekend b. I watches Fast and Furious 8 last weekend c. I watched Fast and Furious 8 last weekend d. I watching Fast and Furious 8 last weekend 50. a. Did it worked in the company? b. Did he work in the company? c. Did she working in the company? d. Did he works in the company?



“Old times never come back and I suppose it’s just”












Utiliza el vocabulario y la gramática que conoce, a través de redacciones con cierta precisión y entusiasmo por los logros adquiridos.


1. I can’t buy a car, where should I go? . 2. I can’t drink milk, what should I do? . 3. I can’t solve these Math exercises, when should I do them? . 4. I can’t play with my sister, who should help me? . 5. I can’t sit in all the English classes, why should I do it? . 6. A. I can’t dance tango B. . 7. A. I can’t stop chatting until 2 a.m. everyday B. . 8. A. I can’t swim in the ocean B. . 9. A. I can’t stop smoking B. . 10. A. I can’t work with my father on vacation B. . II. MATCH:

A. She never stops chatting in class every day. B. She loses too much money when she bets in the casino. C. She didn’t have any sense of decoration, her house is terrible. D. She can’t dance techno. E. She can’t sing in public.

11. ( ) She must take classes to help her with her coordination. 12. ( ) She must contract a designer 13. ( ) She should exercise in front of a mirror 14. ( ) She has to give me her money because I need it to buy me a house 15. ( ) She must stop that habit


A. Homer, what’s the most important therapy to be calm? B. I don’t know, but you (16) drink Gatorade 16. a. must b. can’t A. The shirt that I like cost too much B. You (17) buy a pair of sandals because you don’t have enough money 17. a. must b. mustn’t A. I’m too fat; this leggins is too short B. You (18) stop eating like that! 18. a. should b. shouldn’t

A. Annie robbed money from Karla’s schoolbag. B. You (19) tell the coordinator. 19. a. must b. mustn’t A. I never check my WhatsApp. B. Oh, It doesn’t matter. You (20) lose any important information. 20. a. can b. can’t


21. You have to drink 8 glasses of water in a year to lose weight F ( ) T ( ) 22. Saliva in the mornings can help to reduce the cholesterol levels F ( ) T ( ) 23. Sandra cans increase her muscular mass increasing fat in her diet F ( ) T ( ) 24. Apples might protect us from development of type 2 diabetes and hearts disease. F ( ) T ( ) 25. Diego should does the pineapple and tuna diet to reduce fat F ( ) T ( )



5. UNSCRAMBLE: 26. bike / you / to / must / ride / helmet / use / a

A. ride bike must use you to a helmet B. use a bike must you ride to helmet C. you must use a helmet to ride bike D. use a bike must ride to helmet you 27. be / ping pong / indoors / must / practiced

A. Ping pong must be practiced outdoors B. Must be indoors practiced ping pong C. Indoors must practiced be ping pong D. Ping pong must be practiced indoors 28. a / eat / fruits / two / day / You / of / portions / should

A. Should You portions of fruits two a day eat B. You should eat two portions of fruits a day C. You should two portions of fruits a day eat D. You should fruits two portions eat of a day

29. play/trousers /to/ basketball players / mustn’t / need

A. To play trousers basketball players mustn’t need B. Basketball players mustn’t need trousers to play C. Basketball players mustn’t play trousers to need D. Basketball players mustn’t need to play trousers 30. have / jog / you / to / should / sneakers

A. You should have sneakers to jog B. You should to jog have sneakers C. You have to should sneakers jog D. You have to should jog sneakers


31. Usted tendría que estudiar para el examen de inglés. (100%) . 32. Ella debería comer frutas y vegetales. (50%) . 33. Él no puede comer confites (25%) . 34. Yo no sé bailar tango (50%) . 35. ¿Podrías tú ver 4 películas en una semana? (50%) . 7. UNDERLINE THE CORRECT SENTENCE. 36. The terrorist would like to detonate a bomb in the mall

a. The police have to capture him b. The police should capture him c. The police must capture him d. a and b are good 37. He wants to lose weight because his diabetes.

a. He mustn’t eat candies b. He has to eat candies c. He shouldn’t eat candies d. No one is correct 38. I want to drive a car

a. I should get a driver’s license b. I mustn’t get a driver’s license c. I have to get a driver’s license d. I haven’t to get a driver’s license

39. She wants to watch adult movies

a. She has to wait until she gets 18 b. No one is correct c. She should wait until she gets 18 d. She may wait until she gets 18 40. I saw that a student kissing a teacher in the bathroom.

a. I should go to the coordinator b. I mustn’t go to the coordinator c. I have to go to the coordinator d. I don’t do anything

8. DESCRIBE SPIDERMAN. What can he do?

41. . 42. . 43. . 44. . 45. . 9. COMPLETE:

A. In the case of a hurricane, I go down my bed B. I eat sugar free candies due to my diabetes C. I like to drink beers today because it is Friday D. I am very stressed so, I buy some vanilla scents to do my aroma therapy E. I don’t like to clean my room but I do it next weekend 46. would 47. should 48. can’t 49. can 50. have to














4 OCTAVO 4 24 de Octubre de 2017 45 MINUTOS

LOGRO Expresa temas cotidianos cuando participa en conversaciones, opiniones o intercambio de


ANSWER: 1. Why I was alone in my birthday this year? 2. What is the worst movie you ever watch in your life? 3. Where did you watch a beautiful flower last time? 4. When is the biggest concert next year? 5. Who is the blondest in my family? COMPLETE WITH THE ADJECTIVES IN NORMAL, COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE FORMS:

BORED / ADDICTIVE / ADEQUATE / ADMIRABLE / ADHESIVE 6. My father is person. He bet all the money for the rent in the lotto. 7. The colonel was one of persons in the who had won numerous medals of valor. 8. Is your salary to support your family? 9. When a “peace catedra” class starts I feel I am the student in the 10. There are sticky notes all over Diego’s computer because he is trying to show off to everyone how busy he is FALSE OR TRUE 11. Cheetah is the most agile animal in Africa. F ( ) T ( ) 12. My sister is the most amicable girl in the planet. F ( ) T ( ) 13. The laws of Colombia aren’t ansestral because they are updated. F ( ) T ( ) 14. Angela is the best artisticest girl in the school. F ( ) T ( ) 15. Andrew is intelligent, but he is also arrogant. F ( ) T ( ) 16. Hey Adrian! I want the door more closed because I don’t want children hear what I’m saying. F ( ) T ( ) 17. She is the more completedest girl I’ve never known in the world. F ( ) T ( ) 18. Gloria is the most crazy teacher in the school. F ( ) T ( ) 19. Sofia Vergara is more elegant than Shakira. F ( ) T ( ) 20. I’m the happiest in my entire family. F ( ) T ( ) UNSCRAMBLE 21. her / A mother / and / children. / beloved / . 22. the school. / respect / We / have to / the civic festivals / in / all . 23. blue-colored / cool. / Diego’s / beard / was . 24. My / comic / teacher / a / uses / hat. . 25. My uncle / he / classic car. / was stupid, / sold his . 26. Passing through / makes me / that street / nervous. . 27. TV show / Lazy Town / children. / most boring / is the / for . 28. Diego / teacher / is / the / the / world. / nicest / in . 29. silly. / be / don’t / shoes, / those / buy / don’t .



30. redder / My / are / pair of jeans / than / yours. . CHOOSE AND UNDERLINE THE CORRECT ANSWER 31. The Game of Thrones book is very A. comercial B. commercial C. comerciall D. coomercial 32. I am really , when I hear a whisper, I need to tell it to everyone! A. communicative B. comunicativo C. comunicative D. communnicative 33. I admire my father, when he solves the problems, he is very A. creativo B. creativy C. creativ D. creative 34. The mountains are today A. greenest B. greener C. grren D. greens 35. Medellín is than Bogotá A. smaller B. smaler C. smoler D. smoller 36. The Blue Whale is the mammal animal in the world. A. large B. larger C. largest D. largger 37. schools are better than private schools in Medellín. A. public B. publicer C. more public D. publicest 38. The entry of Colombia into the World Soccer Championship in Russia A. victorious B. more victorious C. victoriousest D. most victoriousest 39. I am so , I never lose a verbal confrontation. A. conbenient B. combenient C. convenient D. comvenient 40. The weather like is the in this year A. coolest B. most coolest C. more cooler D. more coolest MATCH 41. I can see! This pair of glasses are than the last ones 42. Ligia’s baby is the person in the school 43. Oriana is the swimmer of all the teachers 44. My father isn’t when he drives a car. 45. She is so . She critics everything. 46. I am ! Don’t bother those mosquitoes! 47. I read a book this period and I lost the Spanish exam. 48. My classroom is than the other. 49. That man is very and she is so ugly! 50. Caño Cristales is the most river in the planet A ( ) allergic B ( ) attractive C ( ) greatest D ( ) cutest E ( ) cautious F ( ) different G ( ) better H ( ) littler I ( ) cynic J ( ) colorful



Big flowers work extravagantly

Jealous students watch embarrassingly

Angry giants paint carefully

Beautiful teachers eat anxiously