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PartennElPartennes uno de los principales templosdricosque se conservan, construido entre los aos447y432a.C.en laAcrpolis de Atenas. Est dedicado a la diosa griegaAtenea, a la que los atenienses consideraban su protectora.ArquitectosIctino,CalcratesyFidias

El monumento es de mrmol blanco.Pericles inici la construccin en agradecimiento a los dioses por su victoria contra los persasThe ParthenonThe Parthenon is one of the main preserved Doric temples , built between 447 and 432 a. C. at the Acropolis of Athens.It is dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena , whom the Athenians considered their protector.Architects : Ictino,CalcratesandFidias

The monument is made of white marble.Pericles began construction in thanks to the gods for their victory against the Persians.