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Historia La Coca-Cola fue creada el 8 de mayo de 1886 por John Pemberton en la farmacia Jacobs de la ciudad de Atlanta, Georgia.

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Marketing de contenidos

El marketing de contenidos forma parte del inbound marketing y es el arte de entender exactamente que necesitan saber tus clientes y entregárselo de forma pertinente y convincente.

Se entiende por contenido cualquier tipo de publicación ya sea:• Social (posts, tuits, actualizaciones en redes sociales...),• Online (newsletter, ebooks...),• Papel (revista corporativa...)• Multimedia (vídeos, podcasts...).

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¿Coca Cola es igual a Felicidad?

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Famous Coca-Cola Advertising Slogans Over the Years

Coke has had around 50 advertising slogans over the years that have reflected not only the brand, but also the times. These catch phrases have included: Delicious and Refreshing (1904); The Pause That Refreshes (1929); It’s The Real Thing (1969) and Always Coca-Cola (1993).

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The History of Spectacular Outdoor Ads

From New York to Tokyo, the spectaculars reflect the century-old Coca-Cola tradition of signature outdoor signage.

The first big Coke sign appeared on the side of a building in Cartersville, Georgia in 1894.

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Osos Polares en Coca Cola

When asked to develop an innovative commercial for Coca-Cola, creator Ken Stewart thought about drinking Coke at the movies. As a puppy, Mr. Stewart's Labrador Retriever had resembled a polar bear. Mr. Stewart saw his dog, thought about polar bears and how they would go to the movies, and the idea for "Northern Lights" was born. In the commercial, the polar bears watch the aurora borealis (the "movie") and drink from bottles of Coca-Cola.

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100 años de Coca ColaWhen the new sign was inaugurated in 2004, the Company gave a special gift to New York called The Time Machine -- a three-minute audio and video tribute featuring the New York City landscape and Coca-Cola images over the past 80 years. The showing marked the first time the Times Square sign displayed content about New York.

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Santa Claus1. Santa Has Been Featured in Coke Ads Since the 1920s

The Coca-Cola Company began its Christmas advertising in the 1920s with shopping-related ads in magazines like The Saturday Evening Post.

2. Coca-Cola Helped Shape the Image of Santa

In 1931 the company began placing Coca-Cola ads in popular magazines. Archie Lee, the D'Arcy Advertising Agency executive working with The Coca-Cola Company, wanted the campaign to show a wholesome Santa who was both realistic and symbolic. So Coca-Cola commissioned Michigan-born illustrator Haddon Sundblom to develop advertising images using Santa Claus — showing Santa himself, not a man dressed as Santa.

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3. The "New Santa" Was Based on a SalesmanPeople loved the Coca-Cola Santa images and paid such close attention to them that when anything changed, they sent letters to The Coca-Cola Company. One year, Santa's large belt was backwards (perhaps because Sundblom was painting via a mirror). Another year, Santa Claus appeared without a wedding ring, causing fans to write asking what happened to Mrs. Claus.

4. Santa Claus Got a New Friend in 1942

In 1942, Coca-Cola introduced "Sprite Boy," a character who appeared with Santa Claus in Coca-Cola advertising throughout the 1940s and 1950s. Sprite Boy, who was also created by Sundblom, got his name due to the fact that he was a sprite, or an elf.

5. Santa Became Animated in 2001

In 2001, the artwork from Sundblom's 1962 painting was the basis for an animated TV commercial starring the Coca-Cola Santa. The ad was created by Academy Award-winning animator Alexandre Petrov.

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Slogans The 1906 slogan, "The Great National Temperance Beverage," reflects a time when the society in the United States was veering away from alcoholic beverages, and Coca-Cola provided a nice alternative.

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New vs ClassicOn that day, The Coca-Cola Company took arguably the biggest risk in consumer goods history, announcing that it was changing the formula for the world's most popular soft drink, and spawning consumer angst the likes of which no business has ever seen.

Calls flooded in not just to the 800-GET-COKE phone line, but to Coca-Cola offices across the United States. By June 1985, The Coca-Cola Company was getting 1,500 calls a day on its consumer hotline, compared with 400 a day before the taste change. People seemed to hold any Coca-Cola employee — from security officers at our headquarters building to their neighbors who worked for Coke — personally responsible for the change.

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El volumen de ventas de Coca-Cola en EU descendió el 1 % en el segundo trimestre del año y a nivel mundial aumentó el 1 %, al igual que en América Latina, que subió el 2 %, mientras que Europa descendió el 4 % y en Eurasia y África aumentó el 9 %.

La multinacional con sede en Atlanta (Georgia) ingresó 23 mil 784 millones de dólares en los primeros seis meses del año

Coca-Cola ha anunciado que ha ganado 3.418 millones de euros en el primer semestre del año,

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