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  • 8/11/2019 ProgramaDefinitivo Ingls




    Comisin de Ingls

    Coordinadores y Moderadores:- Roberto Gramajo

    - Gustavo ZaplanaPROGRAMA:

    Primera Parte

    14.00 a 14:30 Acreditaciones

    14:30 a 14:45 Palabras Inaugurales de la Jornada

    Palabras Inaugurales de la Sra. Coordinadora a C argo del IFD N 6007 Profesorado Superior de LenguasVivas, Prof. Blanca Stjar de Porta.

    14:50 a 15:10 Development of cr i ter ion-referenced assessm ent of essay wri t ing in English Language IIIand IV at the Profesorado Superior d e Lenguas Viv as, Salta

    Expositora a cargo: Mara Jos Alemn

    15:15 a 15:40 La ens ean za de l in gl s c on pr op si to s es pec fi co s

    Expositoras: Ins Amaduro, Mnica Guerra

    15:45 a 16:10 The study of ident ity and migrat ion in Anglopho ne discourses: A research project thatcelebrates cultu ral diversit y

    Expositora: Susana Company

    Pausa Caf: 15 minutos

    Segunda Parte

    16:30 a 16:50 Comm unicat ive Competence in English o f Special is ts in Tourism in the ci ty of Sal ta

    Expositor: Roberto Gramajo

    16:55 a 17:20 - The Internet for ELT: Enhancing English grammar pract ice and learning through Web-

    based materialsExpositor: Gustavo Zaplana

    17:25 a 17:45 Discourse Analysis : The us e of Specif ic ICT tools in the teaching of the sub ject

    Expositora: Noelia Tintilay

    17:45 a 18:00 Closing Session Final Words and General Comments

  • 8/11/2019 ProgramaDefinitivo Ingls



    Developm ent of c r i ter ion-referenced assessment of essay wri t ing in English Language IIIand IV at the Profesorado Superior d e Lenguas Viv as, Salta

    Mara Jos Alemn

    Essay writing is an essential part of the language class and the ability to write good essays is abasic skill that every teacher of English as a foreign language should possess. However, manytimes the standards by which the students are assessed are not clear or made explicit to thestudents and there can be lack of agreement among the teachers as to what aspects should berelevant to assess. This paper aims to explain how the assessment criteria used in EnglishLanguage III and IV of the Teacher Training College were developed. It will illustrate the stepstaken to understand the needs of the trainees, the difficulties in reaching agreement among ratersand the procedures followed to obtain teachers and students views on essay writing and itsassessment. It will also briefly refer to the analysis of the data obtained and how it was used todesign the essay writing assessment criteria so as to reduce subjectivity and increase the validityand reliability in the judgment of students performances. The paper will finally explain thebenchmarking and social m oderation procedures used to ensure that the criteria were interpretedappropriately by other raters in the teacher training college and how it was also necessary todevise a similar set of criteria which did not include the specialised jargon and which could beeasily accessible to the students. These student -friendly criteria were devised in the form of achecklist which could guide the trainees to understand and check the aspects they should considerwhile writing and editing their drafts and when evaluating their final product.


    Mara Jos Alemn: Profesora de Ingls, Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas, Salta. Licenciada en Ingls, UCaSal. Masterof Arts in Professional Development for Language Education (with Distinction), Leeds Metropolitan University, Inglaterra.Premio NILE al Mejor Desempeo en Maestra, Leeds Metropolitan University. Capacitadora, Norwich Institute for LanguageEducation (NILE), Inglaterra, 2007, 2008, 2009. Distinguished Fulbright Award in Teaching, 2011, University of Maryland,EEUU. Capacitadora Validada, British Council, Connecting Classrooms, Professional Development for Teachers, Institute ofEducation, University of London, Inglaterra, febrero 2013. Profesora de Lengua Inglesa III y IV y Literatura Inglesa II delProfesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas, Salta, y de Evaluacin de los Aprendizajes, Composicin Escrita III y IV y LiteraturaInglesa V y VI en la UCaSal. Investigadora en el Proyecto: Identidad y Migracin en Discursos Anglfonos. (UCaSal).

    La ens eanza del in gl s co n pr op sit os esp ecfic osIns Amaduro, Mnica Guerra

    En esta ponencia procuramos demostrar de qu manera la enseanza de la historia de la cultura yla literatura contribuyen eficazmente en la formacin integral de los profesores y por qu es til a lahora de desempearse laboralmente.La historia de la cultura y la literatura fueron tradicionalmente importantes en las carreras deformacin de docentes de lengua extranjera. Formaban parte de la currcula con una carga horariaimportante a lo largo de toda la carrera. Los sucesivos cambios en los planes de estudio redujeronpaulatinamente el tiempo dedicado a estas materias para dar paso a otras, que segn losfundamentos esgrimidos, se adaptaban mejor a las necesidades del momento.Qu nos aportan estas asignaturas a nuestra formacin en lengua extranjera? Son tiles paranuestro desempeo laboral? Si debo ensear en primaria y secundaria tan solo los rudimentos dela lengua, qu sentido tiene estudiar la historia de Francia, conocer el arte en todas susmanifestaciones y analizar en profundidad los textos de grandes autores?En este trabajo nos proponemos responder a estos interrogantes que seguramente se planteanmuchos de nuestros alumnos. Demostraremos por un lado el aspecto formativo de estaenseanza y por otro su aspecto pragmtico que nos ayuda a insertarnos con herramientaseficaces en el mundo laboral.


    Ins Amaduro: Profesora en Ingls (Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta), Licenciada en Ingls (UCaSal), y Magsteren Ciencias del Lenguaje (UNSa); ex-becaria Fulbright. Se ha desempeado como capacitadora y expositora en diversos eventos

    nacionales e internacionales. Es Profesora Adjunta de la Ctedra de Ingls de la Facultad de Ingeniera y Directora de Proyectosde Investigacin en la Universidad Nacional de Salta. Es Profesora de Lengua Inglesa II, Lingstica, y Fontica Inglesa en elProfesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta.

  • 8/11/2019 ProgramaDefinitivo Ingls


    Mnica Guerra es Magister en Ciencias del Lenguaje, graduada en la Universidad Nacional de Salta y Licenciada y Profesora enIngls, en la Universidad Catlica de Salta. Se desempea como Profesora Adjunta de la Ctedra de Ingls en la Facultad deCiencias Naturales y a cargo de Ctedra en la Facultad de Humanidades, UNSa. Tambin es Profesora de Fontica Inglesa II yLengua Inglesa III en el Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta. Realiz estudios de perfeccionamiento en LondonGuildhall University, England, y en Santa Barbara University, California, USA. Ex becaria de Visiting International Faculty Program,2005-2006. Desde 2008, se desempea como investigadora en CIUNSa. y participa en proyectos acerca de la Lingstica Aplicada.

    The study of ident i ty and migrat ion in An glophone disco urses: A research project thatcelebrates cultu ral diversity

    Susana Company

    The purpose of this presentation is to share with the Lenguas Vivas community the main objectivesand contributions made by the first research group in the history of the English Department atUniversidad Catlica de Salta. The research project Identity and migration in Anglophonediscourses (Resolucin Rectoral N 560/11, 2011 -2014) explored a variety of texts that highlightnotions of interculturalism and cultural identity in order to reflect on their possible didactic approachin the English class. The rationale for this research endeavor was that working with multiculturalismin the ESP classroom encourages the development of intercultural competence and thestrengthening of ones own cultural ide ntity, thus fostering social integration and respect fordiversity.


    Susana Mara Company: Profesora en Ingls (Universidad Nacional de Tucumn) y Master of Arts in English Language andLiterature (University of Maryland, College Park, EEUU); ex-becaria Fulbright. Fue Profesora de Literatura Americana en laUNT. Es actualmente Profesora de literaturas anglfonas en la UCASal y el Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta, yes Jefe de Trabajos Prcticos de la Ctedra de Ingls en la Facultad de Ingeniera de la UNSa. Investigadora Categorizada deproyectos de investigacin en la UNT y UNSa en el mbito de la Literatura y la Lingstica Aplicada, y directora de un Proyectode Investigacin en la UCASal. Capacitadora y expositora eventos nacionales e internacionales

    Comm unicat ive Competence in English of Special is ts in Tourism in the ci ty o f Sal ta

    Roberto Gramajo

    In the field of tourism the use of English has become a question of prime importance, especially inreceptive tourist places like Salta. This importance is given by the fact that most of the inboundtourists resort to English when they want to get their messages across and their mother tongue isnot spoken in the place they visit. Due to the rapid growth of international receptive tourism in thenorthwest of Argentina in the last two decades, a number of tertiary institutions have designedcourses to train experts in tourism with a threshold level of proficiency in a foreign language,especially in English. I taught English for specialists in tourism for about seven years. During thisperiod, I witnessed the necessity to improve the students command of English when dealing withforeign tourists. This is the main reason that led me to do this qualitative and quantitative researchabout the relevance of the use of English in the field of tourism. The research was based on thehypothesis that the level of communicative competence in English attained by tourism graduatesduring the course of their studies does not fully allow them to achieve an effective interaction withforeign tourists. In order to verify this hypothesis, a number of objectives were set to identify thelevel of communicative competence of specialists in tourism considering the different types ofinteraction to which they are exposed in their daily professional activities, and their level ofaccuracy and appropriacy when they communicate in English.


    Roberto Gramajo es Profesor de Ingls (Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta), Licenciado en ingls (UCaSal), yEspecialista en el Uso Pedaggico de las Tecnologas de la Informacin y Comunicacin (Centro de Estudios a Distancia deSalta). Es adems Tcnico Superior en Periodismo Deportivo (Escuela del Crculo de Periodistas Deportivos de Bs As). Ex-becario Fullbright y la Embajada de Estados Unidos en dos oportunidades (Universidad de Texas en Austin y Encuentro

    Internacional de Becarios en Seattle, Washington). Maestreando de la Maestra en la Enseanza del Ingls como LenguaExtranjera (FUNIBER). Es tambin Rector del nivel secundario del Instituto Jean Piaget 8048. Es profesor de Lengua Inglesa Iy II, Taller de Produccin de Textos, Historia de la Civilizacin y Cultura 2 y Seminario Literario, y coordinador del rea deIngls en el Profesorado de Ingls en el Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta.

  • 8/11/2019 ProgramaDefinitivo Ingls


    The Internet for ELT: Enhancing English grammar pract ice and learning through Web- based materials

    Gustavo Zaplana

    The integration of language instruction and technology has been the focus of study of manylanguage pedagogues and researchers whose concern has turned to the use of the computer tofacilitate language teaching and learning. Consequently, the tenets of Computer-AssistedLanguage Learning (CALL) have come along with common issues in English Language Teaching(ELT) and Second-Language Acquisition (SLA). The emergence and development of the Internethave brought about a realm of possibilities for language educators and thus, the focus of researchin CALL has centered in the study of web resources and their possible exploitation for ELT andlearning. Due to increasing opportunities for interaction on the Internet, the Web represents avaluable resource which has undoubtedly made the English teaching-learning process easier inmany aspects. Accordingly, this discussion paper aims to introduce an overlook of the theoriesconcerning Web-Enhanced Language Learning (WELL). This presentation also shows how specificon-line tasks and authentic materials were selected and adjusted to design student worksheets asweb-based grammar exercises for the practice of a specific topic in an advanced grammar coursefor prospective English teachers.


    Gustavo Zaplana: Profesor en Ingls (Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta), Licenciado en Ingles (UCaSal),Diploma in English Language and Literature (Dillard University, New Orleans, USA), Master in Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage (Magna Cum Laude Universidad de Jan, Espaa). Doctorando del Doctorado en Humanidades con mencin enLenguas Extranjeras (UNT, Tucumn). Ex-becario Fulbright, FL Teaching Assistant Program. Director del Dpto. de Idiomas, yProfesor Adjunto a cargo de la Ctedra de Ingls de la Facultad de Ciencias Econmicas, UNSa. Jefe de Trabajo Prcticos enla Facultad de Ingeniera, UNSa. Investigador Categorizado del Consejo de Investigaciones de la UNSa en el mbito de laLingstica Aplicada. Capacitador y expositor eventos nacionales e internacionales. Profesor de Gramtica Inglesa II, LiteraturaInglesa I, TIC y Oratoria en el Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta.

    Discourse An alysis : The use of Specif ic ICT tools in the teaching of the subject Noelia Tintilay

    Anlisis del Discurso Cientfico y Tcnico is a subject in the curriculum of the English TeacherTraining Program at Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta that allows for differentteaching approaches. Since this course is taught in English, it could be associated to EAP (Englishfor Academic Purposes). One of its main goals is training students in the use of academic languageand abilities to study, carry out research and communicate their findings in written and oral forms.That means, this class allows prospective English teachers to practice and develop specificacademic writing competences, with a strong emphasis on research and oral presentation skills.Since 4th-year students in this Institution now have their own netbooks which were provided by thegovernment under the Program Conectar Igualdad , these learners have a great advantage overthose who took the subject in previous years and who did not have the chance to work with theirown computers in class lessons and/or at home. Moreover, students nowadays can access up-to-date information on the Internet and can use email, social networking sites, word processors,

    online dictionaries, vocabulary profilers and other web tools that are very useful for this subject.These ICT tools will be dealt with in this presentation in order to evaluate how they contribute to theimprovement of students writing skills , and whether they help trainees to be better prepared to facethe challenges of their professional careers in the 21st century.


    Noelia Tintilay: Profesora de Ingls (Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas de Salta) y tesista de la Licenciatura en Ingls(UCaSal) con amplia experiencia enseando en Institutos de Formacin Docente en la provincia de Salta (IFD N 6016Conscripto Ricardo Armando Paz Mosconi; Liceo Cultural Docente Salta, e IFD 6007 Prof. Superior de Lenguas Vivas). Ex-becaria Fulbright: Foreing Language Teaching Assistant Program. Distinguida con membresa especial en Phi Sigma IotaInternational Foreign Language Honor Society, Alfred University, New York. Sus reas de inters incluyen el diseo demateriales y el uso de las TICs para la enseanza del ingls. Actualmente se desempea como docente en el ProfesoradoSuperior de Lenguas Vivas N 6007 dictando Lengua Inglesa I, Gramtica Inglesa I, TIC y Anlisis del Discurso Cientfico yTcnico.