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  • Natural de Granada, sus estudios musicales en el Real Conservatorio Superior de Msica Victoria Eugenia de Granada, la Fundacin Barenboim Said y en la Guildhall School of Music & Drama de Londres donde se grada con honores.

    Ignacio ha formado parte del Programa andaluz para jvenes intrpretes (OJA), la Joven Orquesta Nacional de Espaa (JONDE) y el Britten- Pears Young Artist Programme en Inglaterra, siendo becado por organismos como la Consejera de Cultura de la Junta de Andaluca, la City of London y el Aldeburgh Music Bursary Fund (Reino Unido) y el Bowdoin Interna-tional Music Festival en Maine.

    En su trayectoria artstica ha ofrecido conciertos en Espaa, Reino Unido, Suiza, Italia, Holanda, Portugal, Marruecos, Lituania, Polonia y Alemania bajo la batu-ta de maestros como Pedro Halffter, Pablo Gonzlez, Jean Jacques Kantorow, Enrique Mazzola, Vassily Petrenko, Paolo Olmi, Arturo Tamayo, Michael Tho-mas, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Juan de Udaeta, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Sir Colin Davis, y Daniel Barenboim.

    Estudia direccin de orquesta con Sian Edwards y Algis Zaboras. Asimismo recibe consejos de maestros como Vassily Petrenko, Paolo Olmi y Sir Colin Davis en diversos cursos y masterclasses.

    Particularmente interesado en la pera, estudia el repertorio melodramtico italiano con Emmanuele Moris. Como asistente de los maestros Paolo Olmi y Pedro Halffter ha trabajado en el Barbican Hall de Londres (Reino Unido), la pera Nacional de Burdeos (Francia), el Teatro Bonci de Cesena (Italia), Savonlinna Opera Festival (Finlandia) y el Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla en producciones de Madama Butterfly de Puccini, Cavalleria Rusticana de Mas-cagni, Il Barbiere di Siviglia de Rossini, La Traviata de Verdi y Thas de Massenet junto a cantantes de primer nivel como Jennifer Rowley, Nino Machaidze y Plcido Domingo.

    Nacida en San Sebastin, realiza sus estudios musicales en la Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid y en la Guildhall School of Music & Drama de Londres. Ha recibido clases magistrales de Janice Chapman, Sir Thomas Allen, Kiri Te Kanawa, Lynne Dawson y Alberto Zedda en la Academia Rossiniana de Psaro. Ganadora de mutitiud de premios en los ms reco-nocidos concursos internacionales, caben destacar el 1 Premio en el Concurso Ciudad de Logroo, 2 Premio en el Concurso Julin Gayarre de Pamplona, 1 Premio Absoluto en el concurso Anselmo Colzani de Bolonia (Italia), Premio del Pblico en el concurso Montserrat Caball de Zaragoza, as como el Premio Plcido Domingo al mejor cantante espaol en el Concurso Frances Vias del Gran Teatro del Liceu de Barcelona. Elena aparece habitualmente en los ms prestigiosos escenarios internacionales, habiendo actuado en Teatro Galds (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Teatro Gayarre (Pamplona), Auditorio Nacional de Msica y Teatro Real (Madrid), Deutsche Oper (Berln), Barbican Center y Sadlers Wells Theatre (Londres), Philarmonie Kln (Colonia), Staatsoper Hamburg (Hamburgo), Theatre du Chatelet (Pars) Ha interpretado, entre otros roles Blonde en El rapto en el Serrallo y Despina en Cosi fan tutte de Mozart, Fanny en La cambiale di matrimonio y Sofia en Il Signor Bruschino de Rossini, Musetta en La Bohme de Puccini, Maria en West Side Story de Bernstein, LEn-soleillade en Cherubin de Massenet, Louise en La Vie Parisienne de Offenbach, Euridice LOrfeo de Montever-di, Adina en Lelisir damore y Norina en Don Pasquale de Donizetti, Gilda en Rigoletto de Verdi, etc.

    Nace en Mlaga, donde comienza sus estudios de la mano de Francisco Heredia y completa estudios de canto en Crdoba y Viena. Ha interpretado numerosas peras en ciudades como Madrid, Mlaga, Crdoba, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Tegucigalpa, Roma, Ulm Entre sus principales papeles interpretados se encuentran Duque de Mantua (Rigoletto), Alfredo (La Traviata), Nemorino (LElisir dAmore), Conde de Almaviva (El Barbero de Sevilla), Tamino (La Flauta Mgica), Arlecchin (I Pagliacci), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni) En el campo de la zarzuela ha interpretado en cuan-tiosas ocasiones los papeles protagonistas de obras como Doa Francisquita, La Tabernera del Puerto, Los Gavilanes, Katiuska, La del Manojo de Rosas, El Do de la Africana, La Dolorosa, Los Claveles, La Corte de Faran

    Tambin desarrolla una amplia actividad en la inter-pretacin de repertorio sinfnico y oratorio con obras como Rquiem, Misa Credo y Misa de la Coronacin de Mozart, El Mesas de Haendel, Misa en Si menor, Magnficat Oratorio de Navidad y Pasin Segn San Mateo de Bach, Serenata para tenor, trompa y cuerdas de Britten, Misa Nelson y Harmoniemesse de Haydn, Te Deum y Misa de Medianoche de Charpen-tier, Misa Op. 86 de Dvork

    Tiene en su haber 5 grabaciones discogrficas: Recital y Passione con Jos M. Padilla al piano; Msica en honor de los Santos Patronos San Ciriaco y Santa Paula y Msica en honor de la Inmaculada Concepcin con el Grupo Maestro Iribarren de M-laga; y Libro-disco Y habr vivido con la Orquesta Sinfnica Provincial de Mlaga.

    Es profesor de canto por oposicin de la Escuela Superior de Arte Dramtico de Mlaga.

    Luis Pacetti was born in Malaga, where he began stu-dies under the tutelage of Francisco Heredia and com-pleted his courses in voice in Cordoba and Vienna. He has interpreted roles in operas in cities like Madrid, Malaga, Cordoba, Seville, Zaragoza, Tegucigalpa, Rome, and Ulm In his various roles can be found Duke of Mantua (Rigoletto), Alfredo (La Traviata), Nemorino (L Elisir d Amore), Count Almaviva (The Barber of Seville), Tamino (The Magic Flute), Arlecchin (I Pagliacci), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni) Standing out in his interpretations in the field of zarzuela were his roles in Doa Francisquita, La Tabernera del Puerto, Los Gavilanes, Katiuska, La del Manojo de Rosas, El Do de la Africana, La Dolorosa, Los Claveles, La Corte de Faran

    Also, he built a widely successful career in the field of oratorio and symphonic production, highlighted by interpretations in works like the Requiem, Credo Mass and Coronation Mass of Mozart, the Messiah by Handel, Mass in B Minor, Magnificat, the Christmas Oratorio and the St. Matthews Passion by Bach, Serenata for tenor, horn and strings by Britten, Nelson Mass and Misa Harmona by Haydn, Te Deum and Midnight Mass by Charpentier, Mass Op. 86 by Dvork In the field of discography, he has released to his credit 5 records, bearing the title Recital and Passione with Jos Manuel Padilla at the piano; Msica en honor de los Santos Patronos San Ciriaco y Santa Paula and Msica en honor de la Inmaculada Concepcin, with the Maestro Iribarren group of Ma-laga, and the Disc-Book recording Y habr vivido with the Provincial Symphonic Orchestra of Malaga.

    He is a professor of voice with specific orientation to public exams at the Superior School of Dramatic Art in Malaga.

    Born in Granada in 1987, he completed his musical studies at the Victoria Eugenia Royal Superior Conservatory of Music in Granada, at the Barenboim Said Foundation and at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London where he graduated with honors.

    Ignacio has participated in the Andalucian Programme for Young Artists (OJA), in the National Youth Orchestra of Spain (JONDE) and in the Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in England, having been granted a scholarship by such entities as the Cultural Council of the Junta de Andalucia, by the City of London, by the Aldeburgh Music Bursary Fund (United Kingdom) and by the Bowdoin Inter-national Music Festival in the state of Maine (U.S.A.)

    During his artistic career, he has given concerts in Spain, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Morocco, Lithuania, Poland and Germany under the baton of masters like Pedro Halffter, Pablo Gonzlez, Jean Jacques Kantorow, Enrique Mazzola, Vassily Petrenko, Paolo Olmi, Arturo Tamayo, Michael Thomas, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Juan de Udaeta, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Sir Colin Davis, and Daniel Barenboim.

    He has studied orchestra conducting under Sian Edwards and Algis Zaboras. He has likewise received guidance from leading conductors like Vassily Petrenko, Paolo Olmi and Sir Colin Davis in courses and master classes directed by them.

    He has developed special interest in opera and has studied the melodramatic Italian repertoire under Emmanuele Moris. As an Assistant to such conductors as Paolo Olmi and Pedro Halfter he has performed in the Barbican Hall in London (United Kingdom)), the National Opera of Burdeos (France), the Concert Houses of Bonci de Cesaria (Italy), the Savonlinna Opera Festival (Finland) and the Maes-tranza de Sevilla when they produced Madame Butterfly of Puccini, Cavallera Rustican of Macagni, the Barber of Sevi-lle of Rossini, La Traviata by Verdi and Thais of Massenet, featuring such singers with the stature of Jennifer Rowley, Nino Machaidze and Placido Domingo.Traviata de Verdi y Thas de Massenet junto a cantantes de primer nivel como Jennifer Rowley, Nino Machaidze y Plcido Domingo.

    Born in San Sebastian, she studied music at the Canto de Madrid College and at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London. She has received master classes from Janice Chapman, Sir Thomas Allen, Kiri Te Kanawa , Lynne Dawson and Alberto Zedda at the Rossiniana Academy in Pesaro .She won numerous awards in renowned international competitions, most especially the 1st Prize in the Ciu-dad de Logroo Competition , 2nd Prize in the Julian Gayarre Pamplona Competition, 1st Eminent Prize in the Anselmo Colzani Bologna (Italy ) Contest , Public Award at the Montserrat Caball Contest in Zaragoza and finally the Plcido Domingo Prize for the best Spanish singer in the Frances Vias Competition at the Gran Teatro del Liceu del Barcelona.Elena usually appears in the most prestigious interna-tional stage , having performed in the Teatro Galds (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) , Teatro Gayarre (Pam-plona ) , Auditorio Nacional de Musica y Teatro Real (Madrid ), Deutsche Oper ( Berlin ) , Barbican Center and Sadlers Wells Theatre ( London), Philharmonie Kln ( Cologne) , Staatsoper Hamburg ( Hamburg ) , Theatre du Chatelet ( Paris ) ...Among the roles she has played are the Blonde in The Abduction from the Seraglio and Despina in Cosi fan tutte by Mozart, Fanny in La cambiale di matrimonio and Sofia in Il Signor Bruschino by Rossini , Musetta in La Bohme by Puccini, Maria in West Side Story by Ber-nstein, L Ensoleillade in Massenets Cherubin , Louise in La Vie Parisienne by Offenbach, Euridice in L Orfeo by Monteverdi, Adina in L elisir d amore and Norina in Don Pasquale by Donizetti, Gilda in Verdis Rigoletto , etc .Plcido Domingo.













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  • Obertura Los esclavos felices

    Non mi dir, belldol mioRond de la pera Don Giovanni

    Elena Sancho, soprano

    Una furtiva lgrimaAria de la pera Llisir damore

    Luis Pacetti, tenor

    Coro a bocca chiusaDe la pera Madama Butterfly

    Un di, felice etreaDo de la pera La Traviata

    Elena Sancho, soprano Luis Pacetti, tenor

    Va pensiero sullali dorateCoro de hebreos de la pera Nabucco

    Suite de la pera Carmen

    I. Prelude AragonaiseII. Habanera

    III. Les dragons dAlcalIV. Les Toreadors

    Caro nomeAria de la pera Rigoletto

    Elena Sancho, soprano

    Coro de RomnticosDe la Zarzuela Doa Francisquita

    La dona mobileDe la pera Rigoletto

    Luis Pacetti, tenor

    Je veux vivreAria de la pera Romeo et Juliette

    Elena Sancho, soprano

    Libbiamo ne lieti caliciBrindis de la pera La Traviata

    Elena Sancho, soprano Luis Pacetti, tenor

    J. C. Arriaga (18061826)

    W. A. Mozart (17561791)

    G. Donizetti (17971848)

    G. Puccini (18581924)

    G. Verdi (18131901)

    G. Verdi (18131901)

    G. Bizet (18381875)

    G. Verdi (18131901)

    A. Vives (18761932)

    G. Verdi (18131901)

    C. Gounod (18181893)

    G. Verdi (18131901)


    06/01/2014 20:00 H/8:00 pm




    DirectorIgnacio balos Ruiz

    SopranoElena Sancho Pereg

    TenorLuis Mara Pacetti

    camerata desotogrande

    Entrada libre Se piden donaciones




    Bajo la tutela artstica de Mathew Coman, msico perteneciente al grupo The Soloists of London, nace la Orquesta Joven del Bicentenario.Cuenta con cuarenta jvenes de entre 13 y 21 aos seleccionados por su talento musical entre todas las escuelas y conservatorios de la provincia de Cdiz y se han convertido en embajadores del bicentenario constitucional La Pepa 2012 en Andaluca.La orquesta, que comenz siendo slo de cuerdas en Agosto de 2010, ya consta de una plantilla sinfnica completa.


    Under the artistic guidance of Mathew Coman, a musician belonging to the group The Soloists of London, the Bicentennial Youth Orchestra was born.It has forty young people between 13 and 21 years selected for their musical talent among all schools and conservatories in the province of Cdiz and have become ambassadors of the constitutional bicentennial La Pepa 2012 in Andaluca.The orchestra, which began with strings only in August 2010 now consists of a complete symphony ensemble.