Integración de gasificación de biomasa en un proceso de...

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Proyecto fin de carrera

Ingeniero Químico

Integración de gasificación de

biomasa en un proceso de

oxicombustión: análisis del estado

del arte.

Author: Juan Manuel Míguez Zambrano Director: Manuel Campoy Naranjo


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.



Es posible que, en el año 2013, el dióxido de carbón antropogénico sea una de

las causas del calentamiento global y es por ello que la comunidad científica, hoy en

día, aun trabaja en la mitigación de las emisiones de este compuesto a la atmosfera.

Para la mitigación de estas emisiones, la Unión Europea creó en 2005 los European

Union Allowances (EUA), un impuesto o tasa aplicada a las plantas que generan

dióxido de carbono por los cuales se les permite generar cierta cantidad de este

compuesto. Estos créditos o cesiones son una cierta cantidad económica que una planta

otorga al gobierno europeo para obtener el derecho de emitir una tonelada de dióxido de

carbono dependiendo de cuanto capital es capaz de pagar una empresa para obtener el

derecho. Según su situación económica, las empresas son capaces de otorgar al gobierno

una cantidad u otra pues los derechos son cedidos al mejor postor, es por ello que la

situación económica actual se ve reflejada en unos precios bajos para estos EUA.

Aun así, estos créditos son un incentivo para crear sistemas que mitiguen las emisiones

de dióxido de carbono, tal es el caso de algunas compañías que deciden diseñar sistemas

donde el dióxido de carbono sea consumido, obteniendo ellas mismas un beneficio ya

sea dado por el gobierno europeo o entidades privadas que deseen disminuir sus

emisiones pagando los derechos de emisión a estas plantas de emisión negativa.

La emisión negativa puede definirse como un proceso de generación de energía en el

que existe un consumo de dióxido de carbono siendo la emisión de este menor que su


Para consumir dióxido de carbono de la atmosfera, una de las vías más interesantes es el

uso de la biomasa en diferentes procesos. Esta biomasa, al crecer, consume dióxido de

carbono de la atmosfera y, siempre que este dióxido no sea devuelto a la atmosfera,

cualquier proceso que use biomasa estará consumiendo dióxido de carbono de la


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


La biomasa puede definirse como material orgánico, tal como madera, desechos de

bosque, deshechos agrónomos, deshechos municipales o cualquier tipo de residuo o

deshecho orgánico usado como combustible o fuente de energía.

Esta biomasa incorpora dióxido de carbono de la atmosfera, generando compuestos

combustibles que generan energía que la propia biomasa ha obtenido de la luz solar.

Esta energía puede ser liberada mediante combustión, devolviendo a la atmosfera el

dióxido de carbono absorbido durante la vida de esta materia orgánica.

Tal y como se citó anteriormente, para generar un proceso de consumo de dióxido de

carbono es necesario que este no sea devuelto a la atmósfera, es por ello que es

necesario un sistema de captura y almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono para usar la

biomasa como clave para crear un sistema de emisiones negativas donde el dióxido de

carbono se consuma y no se emita.

Para que la biomasa genere energía ha de ser quemada, para ello se plantea en este

proyecto la posibilidad de usar biomasa sola o conjuntamente con otro combustible en

un proceso de oxicombustión donde la captura y el almacenamiento del dióxido de

carbono esta facilitada.

Debido al bajo poder calorífico de la biomasa y a que el combustible fósil más utilizado

a nivel industrial para la generación de potencia es el carbón, en este proyecto será

analizada la integración de la biomasa en un proceso con carbón.

Este proyecto analizara el estado del arte de una gasificación de biomasa integrada en

un proceso de oxicombustión en el que se pretende llegar a producir un sistema de

generación de potencia con emisión negativa.

Co-generación de biomasa y carbón:

La forma más efectiva de integrar el uso de biomasa y carbón en una misma

planta de generación de energía es la cogeneración. Esta cogeneración consiste en el uso

de un combustible alternativo en conjunto con un combustible principal con el objeto de

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


obtener ciertos beneficios que el uso de un único combustible no conlleva por su propia

cuenta. En este caso el objeto es generar un proceso de emisión negativa.

Sin embargo, la cogeneración tiene múltiples vías de aplicación y estas han de ser


Cogeneración directa, donde la biomasa es insertada directamente en un horno y

quemada en conjunto con el carbón, esta es la opción más simple pero solo puede

utilizarse con ciertas biomasas ya que los materiales alcalinos de la biomasa provocan

corrosión en el proceso y en muchos casos han de ser tratadas previamente. Esta opción

requiere pocas modificaciones en la planta de carbón pero implica cierta falta de control

del proceso.

Cogeneración paralela, donde la biomasa es quemada en una cámara distinta al

carbón y genera vapor con otro sistema de intercambiadores ajeno a la planta de carbón,

sin embargo usan el mismo ciclo de vapor. Esta configuración es la que menos impacto

tiene en la planta de carbón y es la más cómoda a la hora de desactivar el proceso de

biomasa, sin embargo, resulta mucho más cara que las demás y el vapor que genera no

es de la misma calidad que el generado por la planta de carbón.

Cogeneración indirecta, donde la biomasa es gasificada con el objeto de ser

limpiada y evitar problemas de corrosión en la plata siendo el gas generado en el

proceso de gasificación el combustible que es usado luego en la caldera de carbón. Este

proceso tiene un coste intermedio comparado con los anteriores sin embargo posee una

característica muy interesante, es mucho más versátil. La versatilidad de este proceso

reside en la posibilidad de tratamientos intermedios entre la gasificación y el quemado

de la biomasa, adaptando el gas generado a las condiciones requeridas en la caldera.

La cogeneración indirecta parece la configuración más razonable a la hora de insertar

biomasa en un sistema de oxicombustión debido a los requisitos que implica un proceso

de combustión de carbón con oxígeno puro y no con aire. La oxicombustión necesita

bajas concentraciones de partículas en la caldera además de un control muy exhaustivo

de la temperatura en el interior, debido a la gran presencia de oxigeno y la variabilidad

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


de la composición de los gases inertes en el interior. Estos gases provienen de un reciclo

de los propios gases de combustión de la caldera. Incluir un segundo combustible en el

proceso puede afectar considerablemente a este con lo que la existencia de la

posibilidad de adecuación intermedia entre gasificador y caldera es muy importante.

Siendo un sistema muy delicado, el objeto de este proyecto es producir un efecto

mínimo sobre el proceso de oxicombustión existente, es por ello que la versatilidad de

la cogeneración indirecta sea suficiente razón para elegirla como configuración óptima.

Gasificación de biomasa:

Debido a que la forma de integrar biomasa y oxicombustión elegida es la

cogeneración indirecta, es necesario para este proyecto realizar un análisis de

posibilidades a la hora de gasificar biomasa para esta planta de oxicombustión.

La gasificación esta definida como la conversión térmica de material orgánico a gases

combustibles bajo una atmósfera reductora con un agente o agentes gasificantes que

puede ser aire, oxigeno, vapor o dióxido de carbono.

El gas producido es una mezcla de monóxido de carbono, hidrogeno, dióxido de

carbono, vapor, nitrógeno, metano y otros hidrocarburos de bajo peso molecular, la

concentración de estos compuestos depende en los reductores usados, la biomasa

utilizada y las características del gasificador.

Debido a que el objeto de este proyecto es la integración de esa gasificación en un

proceso de oxycombustion, es interesante resaltar que todos los agentes reductores

posibles existen en este proceso de oxicombustión de antemano, tal como el oxigeno de

la unidad de separación de aire (ASU), el dióxido de carbono de los gases de

combustión del carbón, el vapor del sistema de turbinas y el aire del ambiente.

También es importante elegir sabiamente el gasificador a utilizar. El principal factor a la

hora de determinar el tipo de gasificador a utilizar es la potencia proporcionada, siendo

gasificadores de lecho fijo para unidades pequeñas (10 kWth-1 MWth), de lecho

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


fluidizado para unidades intermedias (1 MWth a 100 MWth) y gasificadores de lecho

arrastrado para unidades grandes (>50 MWth).

Siendo el gasificador ideado de una potencia de 3 MWth, el modelo elegido será el de

lecho fluidizado. Este lecho puede ser a su vez burbujeante, circulante o de lechos

gemelos. Siendo el lecho circulante y los lechos gemelos sistemas aptos para altos

tiempos de residencia, deben ser descartados para el sistema analizado en este proyecto.

La biomasa utilizada será la más simple para este básico análisis del estado del arte, la

viruta de madera, en ingles woodchips, un tipo de biomasa que no necesita de grandes

tiempos de residencia para generar un gas con un poder calorífico aceptable. El tipo de

gasificador será un lecho fluidizado burbujeante.

Debido a que existe oxigeno, dióxido de carbono y vapor disponibles en la planta, serán

utilizados como agentes reductores del proceso descartándose el aire cuyo nitrógeno gas

no es deseable en la planta de oxicombustión. La cinética de este proceso es compleja y

poco conocida con lo que cualquier modelo no será suficientemente acertado como para

utilizarse en los cálculos, es necesario por lo tanto información empírica.

El departamento de Bioenergía de la Universidad de Sevilla, ha provisto para la

elaboración de este proyecto datos interesantes sobre un gasificador de 3 MWth que se

ajusta perfectamente al objeto de este proyecto. A su vez, este gasificador usa dióxido

de carbono y vapor como agentes gasificadores además de oxigeno como comburente

que consume biomasa para aportar energía al proceso manteniéndolo a 900ºC. El

gasificador usa 500 kg/h de viruta de madera para generar un gas de bajo poder


Analizando los datos provistos por el departamento de Bioenergía y comparando los

resultados de los experimentos llevados a cabo en el gasificador, cabe destacar la

complejidad del proceso. Tres compuestos principales son puestos en contacto con la

biomasa; vapor y dióxido de carbono como agentes gasificantes y oxigeno como

comburente. El vapor, a la hora de actuar como reductor, es mucho más efectivo y posee

una cinética más rápida que el dióxido de carbono, el dióxido de carbono, estando

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


relacionado con reacciones más lentas, supone el paso controlador de la velocidad del

proceso. Ambos compuestos generan hidrógeno y monóxido de carbono, generando un

gas de síntesis diluido en dióxido y vapor el cual posteriormente se le llamara gas

producto o biomasa gasificada.

El vapor como agente gasificante genera más cantidad de hidrógeno mientras que el

dióxido de carbono genera más monóxido de carbono, siendo el primero un compuesto

con mayor poder calorífico que el segundo, la generación de hidrogeno prima sobre la

generación de monóxido de carbono.

El vapor y el dióxido de carbono en este proceso se insertan conjuntamente ya que

provienen de una desviación de los gases de salida de una supuesta planta de


Es también resaltable que la presencia de mayor cantidad de agentes gasificantes no

aumenta la eficiencia del proceso ya que el fenómeno de transporte controlador de la

reacción es la reacción de desorción y la reacción superficial. A mayor concentración de

agentes gasificantes se da una reducción de la eficiencia y la conversión de carbón en la

biomasa durante el proceso mientras que aumenta la relación hidrógeno/monóxido de

carbono debido a la mayor presencia de vapor en el proceso.

Es por ello que se plantea la posibilidad de la introducción al proceso de gasificación de

un aporte extra de vapor para aumentar la cantidad de hidrogeno generado sin reducir la

eficiencia del proceso ya que las cenizas generadas tendrían un contenido mayor en

carbón, contenido controlado por la legislación española y que requeriría nuevos

procesos de tratamiento de estas cenizas.

Este proceso genera un gas de síntesis disuelto con un poder calorífico inferior en el

rango de 7 a 10 MJ/Nm3.

Este gas de síntesis disuelto es introducido posteriormente en una caldera con lo que el

objetivo mayor de este gas es poseer el máximo poder calorífico posible pero también

ha de ser resaltado que las cenizas producidas pueden acarrear problemas por tener gran

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


contenido en carbono según la legislación vigente. Es por ello que también es un factor

a considerar una mayor conversión del carbón o un subproceso de tratamiento de las


Proceso de oxicombustión:

La oxicombustión puede definirse como un proceso de generación de energía

combinado con captura y almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono donde un combustible

es quemado en presencia de oxigeno puro en una cámara de combustión disuelto con un

gas compuesto principalmente por dióxido de carbono proveniente de la recirculación

del gas de salida de la caldera, generando energía y unos gases de combustión

compuestos casi en su totalidad por dióxido de carbono facilitando su posterior captura.

Este proceso se puede instalar en centrales de carbón ya construidas con un descenso del

rendimiento de un 9 % y una inversión mediana. Siendo un proceso de emisión cero

donde todo el dióxido de carbono generado se captura y almacena, es posible

convertirlo en un proceso de emisión negativa si se combina con la cogeneración con

biomasa anteriormente citada.

Las variables clave en este proceso son la pirolisis y la combustión del char de carbón,

en este proceso está probado que la generación de volátiles de carbón es mayor para

atmosferas ricas en dióxido de carbono que en atmosferas ricas en nitrógeno como

ocurre en las centrales de carbón que usan aire como comburente, además, el dióxido de

carbono mejora la especiación de estos volátiles. La caracterización de la llama es otro

de los factores clave, la oxicombustión acarrea problemas de retraso en la ignición de la

llama, problemas que han de ser resueltos con una optimización de la relación dióxido

de carbono/oxigeno hallada en la cámara de combustión, siendo esta optima con

concentraciones de oxigeno en torno al 30%.

Otro factor clave son las emisiones de compuestos contaminantes como los NOx y el

SO2. Al existir una recirculación de los gases de combustión en el proceso, estos

compuestos son descompuestos en la llama la cual alcanza temperaturas en torno a los

1300ºC, con lo que la generación de estos compuestos disminuye si se compara con una

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


planta que usa aire para la combustión de carbón. Sin embargo, la generación de

compuestos como HCN, NH3 y SO3 aumentan debido a la gran presencia de oxigeno en

la combustión, la escasez de nitrógeno gas y las altas temperaturas alcanzadas en la

llama. Estos compuestos generan problemas de corrosión en la cámara de combustión,

que se incrementan con la gran presencia de dióxido de carbono, y es por ello que los

materiales usados deben ser analizados con detenimiento.

Como último factor clave para el diseño de este tipo de plantas, han de ser citados los

problemas que acarrea la deposición de la ceniza en el interior de este proceso, esta

deposición provoca problemas de slagging y fouling, que han de ser solventados con

una meticulosa limpieza de las partículas presentes en los gases de combustión que son

recirculados a la cámara de combustión.

Para un mejor visionado de los efectos de esta integración, este proyecto ha elegido

como ejemplo la planta de Vattenfall llamada Schwarze Pumpe, una planta piloto erecta

en Alemania. Esta planta piloto es una planta de oxicombustión de 30 MWth, el objeto

de este proyecto es sustituir 3 de esos 30 MWth por potencia generada por la

combustión de una biomasa gasificada generada en gasificador diseñado por el

departamento de bioenergía de la universidad de Sevilla anteriormente citado.

Esta planta se compone de una unidad de separación de aire (ASU) que genera un

oxigeno de alta pureza (99.5%) que se inserta en una cámara de combustión junto con

carbón lignito y el reciclo de los gases de combustión.

Tras la combustión del carbón y el paso de los gases de combustión por los

intercambiadores pertenecientes al ciclo de vapor, que aun no está diseñado para

generar potencia en una turbina, existen varios procesos de limpieza de estos gases de

salida. El primer proceso debía ser un proceso De-NOx para eliminar los NOx generados

en la combustión, pero estos NOx tienen una concentración no muy elevada con lo que

aun esta unidad no ha sido diseñada por Vattenfall. Consecuentemente, el primer

proceso, ya construido, para la limpieza de estos gases es un precipitador electrostático,

con una eficiencia en torno al 99.93%. Posteriormente la planta recircula los gases de

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


salida siendo la recirculación en torno al 70%. Tras la recirculación los gases del reciclo

secundario se introducen en la cámara donde un quemador Hitachi DTS-Burner se

encarga de mezclar las corrientes de reciclo, oxigeno y carbón pulverizado, y también

de encender la llama que prende la mezcla.

Los gases que no son recirculados son desulfurados y el vapor presente es condensado

en sendas unidades de desulfuración y condensación. El gas restante es un dióxido de

carbono con una pureza del 95% que es redirigido al proceso de captura y

almacenamiento, aunque una parte de ese forma un reciclo primario que pone en

circulación el carbón pulverizado.

Integración de los procesos:

Como anteriormente ha sido expuesto, este proyecto analiza la posibilidad de

incluir un proceso de gasificación de biomasa en una planta de oxicombustión. Ha sido

también establecido que el proceso de gasificación aportaría un 10% de de la potencia

total de la planta la cual es 30 MWth. Esta sustitución se hace en conceptos energéticos

con lo que el carbón sustituido por biomasa será de un 7% del total de lignito (5t/h) que

la planta de Schwarze Pumpe usa. El sistema se organizaría de la manera indicada en la

figura 1.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figura 1: Esquema básico de la planta de cogeneración.

Esta relación del 10% ha sido decidida en un principio debido al poco efecto deseado en

la planta de oxicombustión. Un menor tamaño del gasificador afectaría muy poco al

proceso y no se alcanzaría un consumo de dióxido de carbono considerable, el cual es el

principal objetivo de este proyecto. Un mayor tamaño de este gasificador podría tener

efectos muy variables es por ello que se analiza este punto más adelante.

Para un iniciar esta integración es necesario conocer la configuración de la planta.

Debido a los problemas que las cenizas de la oxicombustión generan en el proceso de

combustión y los posibles problemas de corrosión que estas cenizas podrían ejercer en

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


el gasificador, ha sido decidido que la corriente de gases de combustión que alimentara

el gasificador de agentes gasificantes ha de extraerse tras el separador electrostático de

la planta de oxicombustión.

Puesto que los compuestos sulfurados tienen un efecto mínimo en el reciclo de la

oxicombustión y que la presencia de vapor no afecta en demasía el buen funcionamiento

de la caldera, la planta de oxicombustión recircula también en ese mismo punto un

reciclo secundario. El vapor que se halla en la recirculación debido a la ausencia de

condensación del vapor mejora el proceso de gasificación con lo que es deseable, sin

embargo, no es conocido el efecto de los compuestos sulfurados en el proceso de

gasificación con lo que un análisis más a fondo en este área podría cambiar la

colocación de la extracción de gases de combustión.

En la elección de la posición de la extracción de gases de combustión que alimenta el

gasificador ha primado la temperatura de la corriente, la cual mejora el poder calorífico

del gas generado en este gasificador gracias a un menor uso de oxigeno para mantener

la temperatura a 900ºC, es por ello que por defecto se plantea una extracción tras el

separador electrostático donde los gases poseen una temperatura de 180ºC.

La generación de compuestos sulfurados y nitrogenados en la gasificación es baja

comparada con la presencia de estos compuestos generados por el carbón con lo que

procesos de limpieza de estos entre la salida del gasificador y la entrada a la cámara de

combustión en este campo son eliminados. Sin embargo, la generación de partículas de

ceniza volátil en el gasificador es alta comparada con la presencia de estas en la cámara

(5mg/Nm3). Es por ello que se recomienda un método de limpieza en caliente previo a

la inserción de este gas en la cámara de combustión.

Este proceso de limpieza ha de ser un proceso en caliente para no condensar los

alquitranes presentes en la biomasa gasificada los cuales tienen poder calorífico y son

interesantes para aumentar el calor generado en la caldera. Es por ello que inicialmente

se recomienda el uso de un ciclón intermedio entre la gasificación y la combustión.

Otros tipos de biomasa o una mayor relación biomasa/carbón en la planta generaría altas

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


concentraciones de partículas indeseables en la cámara de combustión con lo que se

recomienda un filtro cerámico para la limpieza de estas.

En caso de usar un aporte extra de vapor al gasificador, ha sido calculado el efecto de

una extracción de vapor en el ciclo de potencia de la planta (aun inexistente en

Schwarze Pumpe). Este ciclo fue ideado básicamente y ha sido planteada una

extracción entre los sangrados de la turbina o en la salida de vapor de esta. No se

considera la opción de extraer vapor directamente de la salida de los intercambiadores

pues reduciría la eficiencia del proceso y puesto que esta extracción se realizaría para

aumentar esta eficiencia se trata de una opción descartable. El efecto de esta extracción

sobre los economizadores de la planta fue calculado y se trata de un efecto despreciable

si se compara el calor que este vapor puede aportar a la integración energética de la

planta con la capacidad que este aporte extra de vapor tiene para generar gas de síntesis

en el gasificador. El total de energía perdido es mucho menor que la energía potencial

generada al generar más hidrogeno en la gasificación. Sin embargo, debido a la

complejidad de este proceso ha sido supuesto que esta extracción de vapor no se realiza

para los cálculos posteriores.

También fue calculado el efecto de esta integración del 10% en potencia en el balance

de masa de las corrientes. Puede ser establecido que el efecto es ínfimo en la planta y no

es necesario un rediseño o reajuste del tamaño de la planta de oxicombustión,

abaratando en gran medida la integración de la gasificación en la oxicombustión.

Sin embargo, aun siendo los efectos en balances de masa poco significativos y siendo

solo necesario un ciclón para adecuar el gas generado en la gasificación a la caldera, el

propio comportamiento de la combustión dentro de esta caldera puede variar pues está

siendo introducido en ella un combustible distinto al carbón.

Debido a la gran diferencia entre los dos combustibles es necesario el diseño de otro

quemador para esta biomasa gasificada. Aun siendo un gas de síntesis diluido en

dióxido de carbono y vapor es necesario un aporte extra de gases inertes para mantener

la llama de este gas a 1350ºC, siendo esta la temperatura de combustión del carbón en la

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


caldera. El gas de síntesis al quemarse puede alcanzar temperaturas de 2000ºC y mayor

aun en condiciones de oxicombustión con lo que el diseño de este quemador es clave a

la hora de maximizar la eficiencia del proceso.

El comportamiento de la llama de la combustión de la biomasa gasificada depende de su

relación hidrogeno/monóxido de carbono, también la cantidad de dióxido con la que es

mezclada en el quemador define la velocidad de la llama y su temperatura,

empeorándolas, y, por supuesto, la temperatura a la que es insertada esta biomasa

gasificada aumenta la velocidad de llama y la eficiencia del proceso con lo que la

temperatura a la que se inserta, que depende de la temperatura del reciclo especifico

para la biomasa y la temperatura de salida del gasificador, debe ser tomada en cuenta a

la hora de maximizar la eficiencia del proceso.

La cantidad de alquitrán en esta biomasa gasificada afecta mínimamente al

comportamiento de la llama pero aun así su presencia es deseable pues aumenta la

energía generada. Sin embargo, una gran presencia de vapor desciende la velocidad de

esta llama afectando negativamente a su combustión, por el contrario, una gran

presencia de hidrogeno aumenta esta velocidad. Es necesaria una investigación más a

fondo sobre el comportamiento de una llama de biomasa gasificada en estas condiciones

para diseñar el proceso.

Tras un primer análisis de los efectos de una integración al 10% en potencia, fue

analizado el efecto de escalado de la unidad de gasificación en esta supuesta planta. Los

resultados indican que para una mayor relación biomasa/carbón en esta cogeneración, la

cantidad de dióxido consumido aumenta, lógicamente pues es usada más biomasa,

mientras que la cantidad total de dióxido de carbono para una misma potencia generada

se mantiene estable cuando aumenta la relación biomasa/carbón.

Al aumentar el tamaño del gasificador, la cantidad de SO2 total generada disminuye

causando un menor trabajo de la unidad de desulfuración mientras que aumenta la

cantidad total de vapor generado y que ha de ser eliminado previa captura del dióxido

de carbono, aumentando el trabajo del condensador.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Sin embargo una alta relación de biomasa/carbón provoca la necesidad de una unidad

De-NOx y que la cantidad de compuestos nitrogenados aumenta considerablemente,

además, la cantidad de partículas introducidas en la caldera aumenta hasta el punto que

es necesario un filtro cerámico para poder introducir la biomasa gasificada en la caldera.

Los valores de reciclo de gases de combustión y el oxigeno requerido para el

funcionamiento de la planta aumentan con la relación biomasa/carbón.

Los cálculos realizados en el escalado del gasificador son poco fiables para altas

relaciones biomasa/carbón, esta poca fiabilidad proviene de los grandes cambios que

una alta relación de estos dos combustibles provoca en el gas de combustión de la

caldera. Al existir una mayor cantidad de vapor y menor proporción de dióxido de

carbono es posible que la propia combustión en el oxicombustor varie gravemente

debido al elevado calor especifico del vapor que lentificara la llama y, probablemente,

la eficiencia de la combustión. Ademas, este mismo gas de combustión es el gas usado

para gasificar la biomasa, la gran cantidad de vapor y la menor cantidad de dióxido de

carbono, mejoraría la eficiencia de la gasificación pero el incremento del calor total

aportado pro la biomasa está limitado al 2% del calor total aportado con una relación

biomasa/carbón del 10%. Esto se debe a la alta conversión que el gasificador diseñado

por el departamento de bioenergía de la universidad de Sevilla posee.

Se puede concluir que existe un punto optimo en la relación biomasa/carbón mayor al

10% en potencia con lo que un análisis de proporcionalidad idónea ha de ser realizado si

un experimento empírico es llevado a cabo.

Finalmente se realizo un balance del dióxido de carbono en la planta. El objeto de este

proyecto era crear un sistema de emisión negativa de dióxido de carbono y, aun siendo

viable y posible con la tecnología actual y con experimentos de no demasiada

complejidad, no parece beneficioso a día de hoy realizar esta integración. La causa

principal es la generación de dióxido de carbono de la biomasa. Ignorando que en

relación al carbón, la emisión de dióxido de carbono es cero, en relación a la biomasa el

objeto principal de este proyecto era encontrar una opción donde el coste de la captura

de dióxido de carbono generado por la gasificación y combustión de la biomasa (20-

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


25€/ton) sea menor que el potencial beneficio de la venta de derechos de emisión por el

consumo de dióxido de carbono de la atmosfera. Estando los EUA hoy en día a un

precio en torno a los 10 €/ton de dióxido de carbono y considerando que la venta de

derechos ha de tener un precio menor a este para que otras empresas compren ese

derecho a esta planta se puede asumir que esta integración no aporta beneficios

indiferentemente de la relación biomasa/carbón que exista en esta cogeneración. Sin

embargo un aumento en el precio de los EUA hasta una cifra mayor que el coste de la

propia captura generaría beneficios con lo cual, hoy en día no es aplicable, sin embargo

en un futuro es más que probable que esta integración sea beneficiosa.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.



Biomass and oxycombustion of coal are combined in the analysis given in this

project. The way of combine these processes is the indirect co-firing, using a bubbling

fluidized bed to generate a gasified biomass that is later on inserted in a boiler. This

boiler will use the gasified biomass and coal under oxyfuel combustion in order to

generate power. The flue gas produced by the combustion of these two fuels is

composed mainly in carbon dioxide and captured and storage.

This project is a state of the art analysis and it explains the way to follow at the time of

researching most of the investigations required previous to the creation of an actual

plant using this technology. All variables and possibilities regarding this technology are

investigated and the most important recommendations are given in the following pages.

Possible configurations, kinetics of the process, contaminant component control,

limitations, advantages of the implementation and effect of biomass/coal rate are


The main porpoise of this project is to generate a system that consumes carbon dioxide

from environment, generates power and is economically viable. The two firsts porpoises

are achieved but it is not still economically viable the construction of an indirect co-

firing plant using biomass and coal under oxyfuel conditions. The reason is the low

prices of European Union Allowances which values today are marked by economical

crisis. It is necessary a better economical conditions, a higher price on coal and a lower

price on biomass to have a viable environment for this technology without considering

other kind of incentives.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.



Resumen 1

Abstract 16

Chapter 1: Introduction 18

1.1 Introduction and scope 18

1.2 Motivation and objective 21

1.3 Structure of the project 22

Chapter 2: State of art 24

2.1 Co-firing status 28

2.2 Biomass gasification status 29

2.3 Carbon capture and storage status 32

Chapter 3: technology analysis 35

3.1 Gasifier technology 35

3.2 Bubbling fluidized bed gasifier: Mechanics and kinetics 40

3.3 Oxyfuel combustion 51

3.4 Vattenfall Schwarze Pumpe plant 57

Chapter 4: Integration of a biomass gasification process in an oxyfuel pilot plant 63

4.1 General aspects of the integration 63

4.2 Flue gas stream situation 65

4.3 Steam stream situation 73

4.4 Effect of using product gas in the furnace 76

4.5 Gasifier scale up 89

CHAPTER 5: Summary and conclusions 95

Illustrative tables 100

References 102

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


CHAPTER 1 Introduction.

1.1 Introduction and scope.

In 2013 it is still possible that anthropogenic CO2 could be one of the causes of

climate change and scientific community is still investigating the mitigation of the

emissions of this compound to atmosphere.

In 2009, European commission settled the basis of the European Union (EU) climate

package of the called “20/20/20” with the EU Directive 2009/28/CE. To reduce

emissions of greenhouse gases a total of 20 %, increasing by 20% energy generation

from renewable sources and reduce energy consumption by 20%, was the main idea of

this project, all of this with 2020 as deadline and comparing the values with the

situation in 1990. Reducing the global temperature growth to a maximum of 2ºC is not

an easy task, this task was assumed by this EU directive and every new line of

investigations is always interesting.

But the price of reaching this objective is considerably high, EU commission has

estimated costs around €70 billion per year in order to reach this 20% target and it has

stated that the objective in 2010 had fell but still new objectives will appear and

investigation must not stop. [1]

Since 2005, when European Union emission trading scheme was created, carbon credits

have become an interesting commodity and also resource usable in European market.

These also called EUA (European Union Allowances), referred to the surrendered

capital to this scheme for each ton of CO2 or ton of gas equivalent emitted between each

April month of each year. The cost of each emitted ton varies depending on the market

and the economical status of the European Union, also counting that the effect of the

world economics is not despicable.

The creation of CER’s (Certified Emission Reduction) by the Clean Development

Mechanism (CDM) with the Kyoto protocol meant a way to help new technologies that

still could not receive revenue from EUA credits. These credits are economical helps

carried out by states or private enterprises for new technologies that can reduce CO2

emissions and have large relation with creating a market willing on reduce them.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


But the price of EUA and CER does not have a fixed value. Depending on the world

economics this value may change, and the size of its market also depends on it. Today’s

financial crisis is affecting the price of these allowances, and it is marking the direction

of renewable energy sources investigation. [2]

Prices of EUAs are determined using the ratio between the costs of CO2 emissions

saving (supply) and the costs of the emission level (demand) in the various industry

sectors. The objective of emissions trading is to realize emissions reductions where they

are most cost-effective. [3]

These credits are influenced by many factors as political decisions, economic growth,

fuel prices, banking, trading strategies, new technologies, state-supported purchase

schemes, new industry sectors or new type of gases. All these factors make really

difficult the prediction of the EUA price or CER helps. Figure 1 shows nevertheless that

prices of EUA, CER, oil, coal and electricity are well related [4].

Figure 1: Correlation between EUA, CER, Oil, Gas, Coal and Elecrtricity prices [4]

This proves that, in case of fossil fuel price increases, new technologies related with

emission reduction will be much more interesting in today’s context.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 2: Today's prices of EUA and CER [4]

At ninth of April of 2013 the price of EUA is exactly 8.53 €, but this price depends on

the world economics and it is difficult to predict. With an improvement on world

economics and the end of financial crisis, this value will probably grow and, at the same

time, it will encourage, step by step, investigations more related with renewable and

sustainable meanings of energy generation.

This market is the reason why some companies are not only investigating carbon

emission reduction but also carbon dioxide consumption. The meaning of being “carbon

negative” is just to generate energy consuming CO2 from atmosphere. Biomass can

achieve this objective considering that is a raw material that consumes CO2 during its


Biomass refers to biological organic materials, such as wood and forestry waste, crops,

agricultural waste, livestock waste, municipal solid waste (MSW), sewage or

wastewater sludge and industrial organic waste, etc, used as fuel or energy source. [5]

This biomass consumes CO2 directly in case of vegetable origin or indirectly in case of

animal origin; this biomass can release energy using different methods as combustion,

partial combustion, gasification, etc, using biomass or its derived compounds as a fuel

in different processes.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Biomass generally provides four routes for carbon mitigation: in situ sequestration by

reforestation and conservation; remote sequestration by harvest and burial; substitution

for fossil fuels; and substitution for fossil fuels with remote sequestration [6].

But biomass combustion generates CO2 also while being burn, a way to consume this

CO2 and not to emit it is the Carbon Capture and Storage technology (CCS).

Carbon Capture and Storage is a technology developed in the latest years where the

carbon dioxide produced in combustion of a fuel is collected and storage underground,

this results in zero emission of carbon dioxide and is a safe method that can be applied

directly in the meanings of energy generation existent today.

Summarizing, using biomass combined with CCS it is possible to reach two of the three

points on the 20/20/20 targets, reducing emissions and generating energy from a

renewable resource.

The most viable idea is to use biomass in an existing boiler, but this boiler, in order to

facilitate the CCS should be an oxyfuel plant, a fossil fuel combustion process using as

comburant pure oxygen. The way to implement biomass in an oxyfuel plant is co-firing,

one of the most studied technologies in order to avoid carbon dioxide emissions.

1.2 Motivation and objective.

Two new technologies are being studied all around the world, oxyfuel

combustion and biomass gasification. This project tries to introduce the reader into

these two technologies and creates a possible environment where those technologies can

be integrated one on the other.

There exists a special motivation on this project due to its limitations, it has to be noted

that most of the studies and investigations quoted in the following pages are not

developed in an industrial environment making the elaboration of this project a

challenge itself being useful for me due to the experience that I will receive in order to

face new challenges like this in the future.

The aim of this project is to facilitate future investigations in the area of co-firing

gasified biomass in an oxyfuel plant. This project is willing to find the different areas

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


where investigation is required in order to create a viable system for this technology.

Previous investigations will be analyzed, status of the technology will be investigated,

all possible configurations will be examined and all variables will be studied. The final

objective of this project is to create a basic configuration of an integration of a biomass

gasifier into an oxyfuel plant and preliminary results will be shown.

1.3 Structure of the project.

This project will be divided in five chapters. Chapter one, in previous pages,

exhibited the different reasons leading to the process that later on will be analyzed. This

chapter describes basic definitions of EUA and CER and the situation that those credits

are suffering today; defines biomass and its characteristics and also states the

gasification of that biomass; defines co-firing of different fuels; and clarify the

definition of oxycombustion and carbon capture and storage. This point also declares

the motivation and objective of the project concluding that this project will analyze the

co-firing of a gasified biomass in an oxyboiler.

Chapter two is a state-of-art analysis, this analysis will involve the three stages of the

process that this project treats about, co-firing, biomass gasification and carbon capture

and storage. This chapter encompasses the definition of co-firing, states the different

existing types of co-firing, its application worldwide and investigates which co-firing is

the most applicable for this project. In this chapter is concluded that indirect co-firing,

where gasification of biomass and combustion are integrated, arouses enough interest to

dedicate this project to it. In order to understand indirect co-firing, biomass gasification

is defined and characterized in this chapter in order to provide a general idea of the

process. Finishing the chapter a general analysis of carbon capture and storage is given.

This analysis concludes that oxycombustion is the most viable option at the time of

integrating carbon capture into a biomass/coal co-firing process.

Chapter three analyzes in dept the technology involved in the process treated in this

project. Biomass gasification technology is analyzed, different gasifier options are

shown, mechanics and kinetics of the gasifier chosen are explained and variables

involved are investigated. A theoretical gasifier already analyzed in [22] is explained.

Oxyfuel technology is also analyzed in this chapter, due to the fact that that oxyfuel

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


process involves combustion and CCS, this technology is defined and explained in this

chapter, mechanics and characteristics of this technology are shown and different key

properties of the process useful for its design are stated. An example of this kind of

technology is described because it will be used later on for further calculations.

Chapter four describes a possible integration of a biomass gasification process into an

oxyfuel pilot plant, these two processes were explained in chapter three, and the effect

in both processes of this integration is analyzed in this chapter. Configuration of the

integration is analyzed and first conclusions are shown, analysis of different compounds

with remarkable importance is done, possible mass and energy balances are provided

and all variables are studied. Concluding the chapter, an analysis of a possible scale up

of the gasification process is studied.

Chapter five gather all the conclusions that the investigation made in this project lead to.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


CHAPTER 2: State of art.

2.1 Co-firing status.

The way to combine biomass and CCS from a coal power generation system is

the called co-firing. Co-firing is a technology that correlates use of two different fuels in

order to generate power. Two interesting fuels to combine, as it was explained before,

are biomass and fossil fuels. The energy produced in a co-firing process is dedicated to

heat up water to produced overheated steam. This overheated steam could generate

power using a turbine.

This technology is mainly applied in coal power plants but it has to be considered that

natural gas and oil are also a way to combine this biomass. Due to the high number of

coal power plants in the world and the applicability of this technology, the most viable

idea is to analyze biomass and coal co-firing.

Considering coal as the most used fossil fuel in commercial energy generation being

close to the 70% of total energy produced in Europe [7], co-firing is an option

nowadays very interesting.

Co-firing, the practice of supplementing a base fuel with a dissimilar fuel, is an

extension of fuel blending practices common to the solid fuels community. Today, co-

firing is viewed as the most cost-effective approach to biomass utilization by the electric

utility system [8]. Originally, co-firing was started to be used in the decade of 1980,

used by coal power plants that decided to introduce other fuels, like biomass or waste

solid residues, in boilers that were originally dedicated for burning only coal.

In the last ten years, with the global warming issue and the willing of companies of

reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), this technology has been beneficiary of

multiple investments due to its capacity of reducing these emissions in an already

existing plant. When applying co-firing some advantages can be assumed:

Co-firing of biomass could reduce NOx, SOx and heavy metals production

depending on the biomass used and that could conduce to governmental


The neutral or negative CO2 process in co-firing could call for financial

incentives consequence of greenhouse gasses emission reduction.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Biomass co-firing is an on-demand power production, that means, that is

available continuously not intermittent as other renewable energy resources, as

wind energy or solar energy. That conducts to accelerate payoff of the initial

investment for a higher capacity factor.

Co-firing of biomass is applicable to any coal fired plant, that means that the

implementation of this technology has lower opportunity cost.

Earning of renewable energy tax credits is a possibility that could accelerate the

implementation of this technology in existing plants.

Biomass price does not depend, in a first view, on coal price. Co-firing is also a

way of energy independence.

But there exists three ways of implementing co-firing in an existent coal power plant,

depending on the requirements of the plant and the possibilities that the secondary fuel

can offer, different configurations can be found:

Direct co-firing:

Direct co-firing consists in the direct feeding of a prepared biomass into the coal

boiler of a coal power generation process. This process is nowadays the most common

process at the time of producing electricity using, partly, biomass as fuel [9]. This

option does not require direct injection of biomass into the boiler, biomass can be also

mixed with the coal previously and later be introduced into the burning process, but this

configuration is limited to a few kind of biomass due to effects of alkali agglomeration

and corrosion in the boiler. When biomass is not premixed with coal and is introduced

directly into the boiler, the re-configuration requires only a small modification of the

boiler case. Otherwise, this configuration requires extra equipment and its consequent

cost, that, combined with the lack of control that this process involves, it entails that this

option is not widely used within coal power plants. Some industries have applied a

separation in the furnace itself, creating a first stage of pulverization and burning of

biomass where afterwards coal is added [8]. This improves the burning process to high

efficiencies but the total investment that an already build boiler needs for applying this

option is really high. As a last option, biomass can be used as a re-burning fuel for NOx

control, but even with a low operational risk, the investment is still high [10].

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Parallel or external co-firing:

Parallel co-firing consists in the creation of a totally different boiler just for

burning the biomass. This boiler, as the coal boiler, will produce steam, but in this case

with lower grade, that is afterwards utilized in the steam cycle of the coal power plant

for power generation. The flue gas produced in this process does not make any contact

with heat exchangers in the coal boiler, so it avoids corrosion and fouling problems on

it, but still these problems appear in the heat exchangers existent in the biomass boiler.

This option is not accompanied with a high risk, because it consists in a totally

separated unit, also, it has to be mentioned, that it is very reliable but does not provide

the efficiency that other options could provide meaning that is really far away from

being a profitable option still. Being a not really promising option, many enterprises do

not invest in this technology. [10]

Gasification or indirect co-firing:

Indirect co-firing is a promising configuration consisting in a gasification

process that gasifies biomass and produces a diluted syngas or product gas (low heating

value gas) that is later fed into the coal boiler. This process is extremely flexible and

many different improvements can be made over it. In this process there is a cleaning

stage between the gasification unit and the boiler making the process flexible, also there

exists a minimal production of NOx and the by-products produced in the gasification

stage can also improve the combustion in the boiler. Indirect co-firing requires an

intermediate investment, but is still promising for a multifuel option, being possible to

use it in a variable biomass feeding environment [10].

As three examples the 137 MWe Zeltweg Power Plant in Styria in Austria, the

AMERGAS biomass gasification project at the Amer Power Plant in Geertruidenberg,

Holland, and the Kymiarvi power station at Lathi in Finland, have applied this

technology in their respective industries, in some cases successfully as in Lathi, in other

as a failure as in Geertruidenberg.

Co-firing of biomass is being investigated all around the world, as it is shown in figure

3, and the election of a co-firing dedicated in an existing boiler is complicated due to the

similarities on the effect of implementing each one, table 1 shows an interesting

comparison in similar environments where this statement can be checked out.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 3: Co-firing plants around the world [11]

Some authors [12][9][10] have

established that biomass-coal co-

firing means reducing CO2 and

SO2 emissions and it may also

reduce NOx emissions and

represents a near-term, low-risk,

low-cost and sustainable energy

development. Biomass-coal co-

firing is the most effective

measure to reduce CO2 emissions,

because it is the substitution of coal (which represents the most intensive CO2 emissions

per kWh of electricity production) by biomass with zero net emission of CO2 [12].

Table 1 Comparison of the three different co-firing options in a comparable environment with same input [11].

Even with all the different kinds of biomass and, as it has been explained, the three

different ways of producing energy from biomass gasification, still direct co-firing from

woodchips is the most common process.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


If biomass co-firing were installed in only 1% of the total coal fired power plants

worldwide, the electricity produced directly with biomass would be 8GWe saving up to

60MTon of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. At 2010 a total of 228 [13] different coal

fired power plants are using any kind biomass co-firing technology.

Specifically in Europe, many energy enterprises have successfully installed biomass co-

firing technology in existing coal fired power plants, with, in some cases, excellent


The technology of direct co-firing has been implement, for example, in St. Andrä in

Austria, indirect co-firing in Zeltweg (Austria) or in Lahti (Finland), and Parallel co-

firing, even not being so common, has been installed in Ensted power plant in Denmark.

Al-mansour et al. [12] made an evaluation, considering different points of view, of the

existing technologies regarding co-firing of biomass. Rating from 1 to 3 each of the

following points, they found out surprising results:

Environmental impact as an indicator of the pollutant emissions that the

implementation of the technology carries out. One point was given if emission

parameters deteriorated after the implementation of the technology; two points if

emissions did not change or only CO2 and SO2 were reduced due to biomass

combustion; three points were given for the reduction of NOx emission.

Applicability as an indicator that defines the ease of technology application to

newly built as well as existing installations (retrofit). One point was given to

relatively complex technical solutions that require modifications of the furnace;

two points to relatively complex solutions that do not require modifications of

the furnace.

Operational experience as an indicator that defines the level of operational

experience for every group of technologies. One point was given to technologies

that have been tested experimentally or have only few industrial applications;

three points were given to technologies that have been very widely used in


Efficiency as an indicator that defines the impact of co-firing on general process

efficiency. One point was given for negative impact on boiler efficiency; two

points were given if an installation was neutral as regards boiler efficiency; three

points were given if boiler efficiency was improved.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Economics as an indicator that defines the total of capital and operational costs.

One point was given to very expensive technologies (both as regards capital and

operational costs); two points were given to technologies characterized by high

capital cost and relatively low operational costs; three points were given to low

investment technologies also characterized by low operational costs.

Biomass share as an indicator that defines the total biomass share in the overall

quota of all fuels burnt in a given installation. One point was given for low

biomass share; three points for high biomass share.

Figure 4 Co-firing options evaluation made by Al-Mansour [12].

Al-Mansour et al. showed that the most interesting co-firing configuration nowadays is

indirect co-firing as it can be seen in figure 4. The main advantage of indirect co-firing

is the versatility of the process, being able to deal with many different kind biomasses,

that is the reason why this project is going to study this option at the time of integrating

biomass in a coal power plant. So that, gasification must be studied in order to get a

better understanding of the system that is going to be analyzed later on in this project.

2.2 Biomass gasification status.

Gasification is defined as thermal conversion of organic material into

combustible gases under reducing conditions with a gasifying agent that can be air,

oxygen, steam or carbon dioxide [14]. Through gasification of biomass, a

heterogeneous solid material is converted into a gaseous fuel of consistent quality that

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


can be used for heating systems, industrial process applications, electricity generation

and liquid fuels production. The produced gas is a mixture of carbon monoxide,

hydrogen, carbon dioxide, steam, nitrogen, methane and other low molecular weight

hydrocarbons, and the concentration of each of these components depends on the

reducers used, the biomass used and the gasifier characteristics.

Gasification of biomass is a technology that has been applied to human benefit since


century and all along the 20th

. Most of the greatest advances in biomass gasification

technology were developed during the Second World War and during the 70’s oil crisis.

Fischer Tropsch liquids, power generation and production of ammonia, ethanol or

hydrogen, has been technologies with large development in the last thirty years [15].

Power or heat generation from product gas (or syngas)

Low heating value (LHV) syngas from biomass gasification can be used in a

combustor [16]. This low heating value gas is actually a fuel that can be combusted. The

applications of this combustion are wide but one of the most common uses of this gas is

to co-fire it with coal due to the low heating value that this gas has, with such a low

heating value it cannot generate enough energy to heat up steam independently from

any other fuel. This technology will be widely investigated in this project.

Hydrogen production:

Steam reforming and water-gas shift reaction can allow the product gas from

biomass gasification to generate hydrogen. There is a growing interest in the concept of

H2 energy in which H2 along with electricity are the primary energy carriers. This

process reduces greenhouse gas emissions, reduces urban air pollutants, enhances

energy security and increase energy efficiency with fuel cells. Nowadays, H2 is mainly

produced from fossil fuels that generate high quantities of CO2, using biomass instead is

a reliable way to reduce these emissions. This kind of gasification using steam in order

to maximize hydrogen production is based in three steps, pyrolysis, cracking and

reforming of volatiles and tars and char gasification. Dominant parameters are steam-to-

biomass ratio and process temperature. This technology is not commercialized yet, due

to maximum concentrations of hydrogen does not reach 60% (molar). Some authors

have combined in situ CO2 capturing with CaO reaching higher concentrations being

this on one of the most promising developing paths [17].

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch fuels:

Fischer-Tropsch reaction allows the generated product gas in biomass

gasification to generate a variety of hydrocarbon chains due to it high concentration of

CO and H2.

CO + 2H2 → -CH2- + H2O -165 kJmol-1


FT reaction is an alternative option to generate different length chain hydrocarbons as

kerosene, diesel or gasoline. This process requires a catalyst of cobalt, low temperatures

(200ºC) and high relatively pressures (20-40 bar). The 2:1 rate between CO and H2 is

reached by steam reforming and water-shift reactions. The most remarkable

disadvantage of this process is its high process costs due to the inert gases as CO2 or

contaminants as H2S that poison the catalyst requiring frequent replacement of it [17].

Synthesis of methanol:

Methanol and dimetyl ether (DME) are growing up as interesting renewable

alternative fuels due of its easy storage.


CO + 2H2 → CH3OH

CO2 + 3H2 →CH3OH + H2O


2CH3OH → CH3OCH3 + H2O

Catalyst Cu/ZnO/Al2O3+γ-Al2O3 and Cu/ZnO/Al2O3/Cr2O3+ H-ZSM-5 are required and

also adjustment reactions. These compounds can replace gasoline and diesel fuel in a

not that far away future and methanol itself is used today as a biofuel in many countries

as Sweden.

South African apartheid made gasification and Fischer tropsch synthesis to grow in

South Africa due to the oil embargo. During 80’s, European countries dedicated great

investments in power generation using biomass because it is a less pollutant technology

if it is compared to coal combustion. China has affected greatly in ammonia production,

due to its high speed developing, China needs large amounts of fertilizers where

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


biomass produced ammonia is an interesting application. Ethanol produced from

biomass did not have the impact of the previous technologies, but its application as a

renewable fuel is succeeding in countries like Germany in the last years.

The evolution of these different technologies can be seen in figure 5.

Figure 5 Accumulated capacity of the main applications of

gasification [18]

It is shown in figure 5 that during 80’s

there was not that much investments on

improving applications of biomass

gasification as the previous years, the

cause was the decreasing prices of oil

during those years, and even

nowadays, oil price decides which part

of the budget biomass will have.

Nowadays, biomass gasification is applied in around 1.4 GWth of the total electricity

production around the world [19] which is not great, but a starting point. An interesting

idea is to decouple biomass gasification from oil market; a way to do so is co-firing and

the possibility of consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere creating sufficient

variables to decouple them.

2.3. Carbon Capture and Storage status

Carbon capture and storage is the process of capturing waste CO2 produced in a

power station with the objective of enclose it and not to emit it to the atmosphere. This

storage is made in deposits underground, mainly geological formations.

Nowadays CCS plants are storing 23 million tones of CO2 per year [20], this is

supposed to be increased until 36 million tons by 2015. As it was said, EU objective is

to reduce global warming by 2ºC; using CCS it is only possible reaching a capture per

year of 130 million tons in 2020.

But International Energy Agency (IEA) claims, for example, that there is not

commitment, effort, collaboration and knowledge shared enough today for

accomplishing that objective between countries worldwide.

Carbon capture can be applied in a power plant in three different ways:

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.





Post-combustion capture is the simplest way to remove CO2 from an air fed combustion

chamber. This process does not need to change in any case the existing boiler or even its

feeding, but the presence of nitrogen in high concentration in the flue gas stream makes

this option difficult to apply.

Pre-combustion is a totally different method, using gasifier technology it is possible to

partially oxidize coal and with it create syngas. This method produces a syngas with CO

and H2, shift conversion is able to convert this CO in more hydrogen generating fuel

composed by hydrogen and CO2 that can be cleanly fired creating a CO2 concentrated

flue gas that can be captured. But this process does not have the efficiency that other

processes have and also needs still much developing.

Oxyfuel combustion is the most promising option. Using only oxygen coming from an

Air Separation Unit (ASU), coal or other different fossil fuel can be burnt. The exhaust

gas is composed mainly by carbon dioxide, facilitating the afterwards capture and

storage of it. During this kind of combustion high temperatures are reached. These high

temperatures can damage the facility making necessary the usage of an inert, this inert is

commonly the exhaust gas produced after the combustion that is composed by carbon

dioxide. Once CO2 has been separated it has to be transported. Most plants transports

this CO2 compressed by pipelines, ship, or road tanker.

The final stage is the storage of this carbon dioxide. It is usually done in deep

underground rock formations, often over 1 km dept. At this dept, temperature and

pressure keep CO2 in a dense phase, as a fluid, that fills pores of the rock where it is


These storage sites are usually depleted oil or gas fields or natural saline formations.

These sites are covered by impermeable rocks named seals, or cap rock that avoid CO2

to come back to surface.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The global CCS institute identified already 75 large-scale integrated CCS projects

globally. This institute also reported in [20] that most of the projects were delayed and

the peak in this technology is going to occur from 2018 to 2020.

Most of these projects, as it can be seen in figure 6, are being developed in USA,

Europe and China. Oxyfuel combustion (or oxycombustion) is the most interesting CCS

technology today and, even more, is the most interesting at the time of being combined

with biomass gasification technology.

Figure 6 CCS Projects worldwide [20]

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


CHAPTER 3: Technology analysis.

3.1 Gasifier technology:

Previously it has been defined gasification as thermal conversion of organic

material to combustible gases under reducing conditions with a gasifying agent that can

be air, oxygen, steam or carbon dioxide, this process requires five different units to be

designed to achieve this conversion [21]:

Gasifier reactor

Biomass-handling system

Biomass-feeding system

Gas-cleanup system

Ash or solid residue-removal system

The most important unit is, with no doubt, the reactor. Choosing a reactor is not an easy

task, depending on the mission that this gasifier has, the gasification process will require

different models and designs. Considering the main objective of the process analyzed in

this project, this gasifier will need to generate syngas, using up to three different

gasifying agents, with the maximum LHV possible and capable to be used in an oxyfuel


Gasifiers are differenced depending on the basis of their gas-solid contact mode and

gasifying medium. There exist three main types:

Fixed or moving bed gasifiers.

Fluidized bed gasifiers.

Entrained flow gasifiers.

Commonly, the use of each of these three types of gasifiers depends on the capacity

required, being fixed or moving beds used in small units (10kWth-10MWth), fluidized

bed for intermediate units (10 MWth-100 MWth) and entrained flow gasifiers are

commonly used for large units (>50 MWth).

Each gasifier technology is also subdivided in several types, table 2 shows each

subdivision and it is possible to check some of the patented technologies.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Table 2 Gasification technologies [21]

Considering this project an analysis of the situation, moving or fixed bed gasifiers are

going to be discarded due that the aim of this study is not a bench scale analysis. The

data available and the predicted results are going to be referred to pilot plant studies

with the objective of being scaled up to an industrial process. Fluidized bed gasifier is

the most logical option at the time of deciding a research basis of this study. In case of

developing this technology into an industrial process, entrained flow gasifier technology

can be considered as an option but in this case the analysis is going to be limited to pilot

plant analysis. Even so, Gomez-Barea et al. [22] described that fluidized bed gasifiers

enable conversion of fuel having varying quality as well as scaling-up of the process,

being with no doubt fluidized bed gasifiers the best option for this study.











-Koopers-Totzek gasifier

-Seimens SFG gasifier

-E-gas gasifier

-MHI gasifier

-EAGLE gasifier


-Lurgi dry-bottom gasifier

-BGL slagging gasifier


-Winkler process

-KBR transport gasifier

-Twion-reactor gasifier

-EBARA gasifier

-GTI membrane gasifier

-Rotating fluidized-bed gasifiers

-Internal circulating gasifier

-Foster Wheeler CFB gasifier

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Bubbling, circulating and twin bed gasifiers are the three technologies that can be

applied in a pilot scale study of biomass gasification in fluidized bed studied in this

project. Fluidized bed gasifiers are noted by their excellent mixing and temperature

uniformity. A fluidized bed is made of granular solids, called bed materials that are kept

in a suspended condition by the passage of the gasifying medium through them at

appropriated velocities.

Bubbling fluidized bed gasifier:

The bubbling fluidized bed gasifier (BFB) was first developed by Fritz Winkler

in 1921 and is the oldest commercial application of fluidized beds. This kind of gasifier

is appropriated for medium-size units. This is the reason why they are common at the

time of researching biomass gasification [21]. A general sketch of this gasifier is shown

in figure 7.

Figure 7 A sketch of the original Winkler BFB gasifier. [21]

The most common process consists in crushing biomass to less than 10 mm and feed

them in a bed of hot materials. These materials are fluidized with steam, air, oxygen,

carbon dioxide or any of their combinations as gasification medium. Ash generated is

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


drained from the bottom of the bed and this one is usually kept in temperatures below

900ºC to avoid ash fusion and bed agglomeration. Fly ash and dragged bed material

escapes the bed through the gas outlet and depending on the use of the generated gas,

deposition of these particles can be carried out in a cyclone.

Commonly the gasifying medium is inserted in the bed through two different inlets, a

first-stage provides the adequate flow and velocity to maintain the bed fluidized, the

second-stage, usually added above the bed, converts un-reacted char particles and

hydrocarbons in useful gas.

Most fluidized bed gasifiers works with atmospheric pressure but in some cases High-

temperature Winkler (HTW) technology is used to provide high quality gas using

temperatures above 800ºC and pressures of 10 bars, but this technology is expensive,

risky and not really recommendable in case of designing a gasifier with the objective of

producing a gas that is later going to be combusted.

Circulating fluidized bed gasifier:

A circulating fluidized bed gasifier (CFB) makes its difference with BFB with

the residence time of particles. When CFB technology is applied a riser, a cyclone and a

solid recycle device becomes the most important units in the gasifier as it is shown in

figure 8. This technology is mainly applied for fuels with high volatiles.

Figure 8 Circulating fluidized bed gasifier [21].

The fluidization velocity in a CFB

is high compared with a BFB (3.5-

5.5 m/s in CFB; 0.5-1.0 m/s in

BFB), this let the particles inside to

be dispersed all over the tall riser

allowing high residence time for

the gas and fine particles.

The cyclone captures most of the

migrated particles and recycles

them through the riser’s base.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


One of the largest CFB gasifier created is placed in Lahti, Finland, plant where this

gasifier generates a gas from waste solids that is co-fired with coal.

Twin bed gasifier:

Another option for gasification of biomass are twin bed gasifiers [21], these kind

of gasifier separates combustion and gasification process in order to avoid the problem

of dilution of produced gas in nitrogen stemming from air. A sketch of this gasifier is

shown in figure 9. This kind of technology has been widely studied but still the

technology is not convenient for biomass processes while is useful for coal, that is due

to less char contained in biomass compared to coal. This char in biomass does not

provide the heat required for the whole process being the combustion stage not

sufficient for heating the gasification stage, also, in case of using steam, this steam

consumes high quantity of heat, that in case of being used in a separated case, big part

of the generated heat is consumed in the process just for heating up steam.

Figure 9 Sketch of a twin bed gasifier [21]

It has to be noted that, apart from

the previous problems stated, the

cost of construction and

maintenance of these kind of

gasifier is much higher than using

BFB gasifiers, being the carbon

credits one of the main financial

supplier of this process, the range of

actuation is not wide enough to use

this kind of technology, from the

first point of view it has to be


Comparing CFB and BFB gasifiers in the case treated in this project, is has to be

concluded that the most viable option is the BFB gasifier. CFB gasifiers are used for

fuels with high volatiles and mainly those that require high residence time to produce an

acceptable gas.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Biomass used in this project is going to be the most simple and common one that can be

commercially found; woodchips. This biomass has been selected because the most

important topic in this project is to discover how to implement biomass gasification

technology in an oxyfuel plant, not the biomass sample itself. Woodchips is a really

clean kind of biomass with little ash and relatively high LHV causing really little

problems in the gasifier.

Woodchips do not require high residence time to produce a high enough LHV gas for

being combusted in the oxyfuel plant; this is the reason why a BFB gasifier has been

chosen for this analysis.

3.2 Bubbling fluidized bed gasifier: Mechanics and kinetics

With the information gathered at this point, the selection of a model for the BFB

gasifier chosen for this project must be made. It has to be noted that the constraints

surrounding the design of this unit are quite specific. This gasifier will use woodchips in

order to generate a product gas that is going to be combusted in an oxyfuel pilot plant,

in this pilot plant are available all gasifying agents used in gasification technology; air

from the environment, oxygen from the air separation unit (ASU) used in the oxyfuel

plant for burning the coal, steam from the steam power cycle and carbon dioxide from

the flue gas stream of the boiler.

Bioenergy group of the University of Seville has provided information about a gasifier

that fits the requirements of this study [22]. This gasifier erected in Cubilos del Sil

(Leon, Spain), is a 3 MWth BFB gasifier that uses oxygen and a flue gas stream

(consisting mainly in carbon dioxide and steam) from an oxyfuel plant placed in the

same site.

3.2.1 Mechanics:

The working process of this demonstration plant can be summarized by figure

10. This gasifier, taken as example, works with atmospheric pressure and a range of

temperatures of 800ºC-900ºC. The amount of biomass fed to the gasifier is 500kg/h

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


considered having a higher heating value (HHV) of 20MJ/kg and a chemical formula of

CH1.5O0.7 for this case.

Figure 10 Basic sketch of the theoretical pilot plant.

As it is seen in figure 10, biomass is fed to the gasifier as woodchips without any

previous reconditioning. Inside the gasifier it is mixed with high purity O2 generated in

the ASU of the oxyfuel plant, avoiding the problems of product gas dilution with N2

that would cause the usage of air instead. This oxygen is later going to be considered the

combustor of the process that, burning the biomass char, will generate the energy that

the process requires.

The carbon dioxide stream of this process is a split of one of the flue gas stream stages

of the oxyfuel plant. Depending on the afterward processes involved, this stream could

have steam or can be dried before being introduced into the gasifier. Gomez-Barea

paper [22] analyzes them both; in this project only wet flue gas stream is going to be

considered due to the increment of hydrogen concentration in the produced gas, being

also possible the requirement of extra steam coming from the power cycle. High

hydrogen concentration improves the downstream process, the oxyfuel combustion; this

hydrogen concentration in the produced gas depends on the steam concentration in the

gasifier leading to further investigation about extra steam used in the facility.



fluidized bed

Gasifier Steam cycle

ASU Biomass





Flue gas Steam

Still a


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


3.2.2 Kinetics:

Gasification kinetics are complex, there exists many studies with many different

conclusions. In this stage of the project a qualitative analysis is going to be developed

and fundamentals are going to be shown with the aim of reaching a level of knowledge

that may create basis for further conclusions.

As it was defined as thermal conversion of organic material to combustible gases under

reducing conditions with a gasifying agent that can be air, oxygen, steam or carbon

dioxide [14], gasification kinetics can be summarized in figure 11.

Figure 41 Gasification process sketch [14]

It can be easily seen in figure 11 that gasification can be divided in the following

reaction and processes that will be produced in the gasifier at the same time:

Heating and drying: This is the first step of gasification, biomass contents a

variable concentration of water (in the example used this content is 6.28% p/p)

and it is desired to convert biomass into bone dry matter before next step is

achieved, this process requires temperatures from 100ºC to 200ºC generating

steam, that is also a reactant on several gasification reactions.

Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis is the rapid thermal decomposition of biomass in the

absence of oxygen. Some reactions in this process starts at 225ºC but pyrolysis

does not become rapid and complete until it reaches 400-500ºC. This process

generates volatiles including produced water, permanent gases, and tarry vapors,

forming pores in the remaining carbonaceous solid known as char. Permanent

gases include CO, CO2, H2 and light hydrocarbons, particularly methane. Tarry

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


vapors are mainly anhydrosugars and other highly oxygenated compounds from

the decomposition of cellulose and hemicelluloses in biomass and phenolic

monomers and oligomenrs from the depolymerization of lignin. These last ones,

exposed to high temperatures can be cracked to smaller compounds or

condensed into larger ones that later would be major constituents of tar.

Combustion: during the whole process, oxygen present in the gas will react with

biomass volatiles in a combustion reaction. This reaction is exothermic and it

warms up and maintains the temperature of the process around 900ºC. The heat

provided by reaction of oxygen with biomass volatiles converts this gasification

in a directly heated process. Fed oxygen is the main control variable of the

temperature of the process, high temperatures would lead to undesired reactions

and damage to the facility generating a lower LHV gas, a lower temperature

would not generate the compounds desired due to the endothermic characteristic

of gasification reactions that later on will be explained in dept.

Gasification itself: after drying and pyrolysis the remaining product is also

called char, carbonized material coming from the previous biomass. This

gasification consists in several reactions between remaining char and CO2, steam

or oxygen.

Also, this stage is one of the most complicated to predict, later on some

information will be shown in order to facilitate the understanding of this phase.

The transport phenomena that can be found in gasification are important in case of

analyzing the controlling steps on this process. First of all gasifying agent must enter in

the pores (adsorption step) to react with that fixed carbon (reaction step) and the

products of that reaction must be released from inside the pores (desorption step), also

showed in figure 12. These three steps creates different resistances that components

must get over, so it would be interesting to create a model that helps to understand how

the composition on the bulk gas, the size and shape of particles and the composition

inside particles affect this process, all apart from the logic constraints as temperature or


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 5 Char gasification transport phenomena model for a

generic gasifier using air.

In this project the gasifier designed

by the bioenergy group of

Universidad de Sevilla [22], is a

bubbling fluidized bed that uses

steam, CO2 and oxygen as gasifying


In order to understand the

performing of this gasifier, first of

all, a reaction analysis must be done.

Considering that three different

gasifying agents are reacting with

biomass, an analysis of their reaction independently is going to be done, even with the

fact that all reactions are active during the process at the same time.

There exists a wide variety of mathematical models for biomass gasification; each one

with a really different point of view, P. Kausal [23] made a really interesting kinetic

model for biomass gasification that is usable for any ratio of gasifying agents. This

project is not going to focus on kinetic laws, only a overview is going to be done, and

the results are going to be assumed as those received by [22]. The gasifier studied

considers the reactions shown in table 3 in order to simplify the process.

Table 3: Reactions produced in the analyzed gasifier [22].


Oxygen reaction with biomass is mainly going to generate heat, in order to do so

the reaction generated is combustion. This combustion could convert part of the

biomass in CO2 but in presence of low concentrations of oxygen this biomass could be

converted also in CO, but this project is an overview meaning that intermediate or less

common reactions will not be analyzed. This last reaction will not be considered and

only combustion to CO2 is going to be studied [22].

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The oxygen stream fed into the gasifier consists in high purity oxygen due that it was

separated from nitrogen in the oxyfuel plant ASU. This means, that reaction of nitrogen

and its presence effect is going to be ignored in this project.

Consequently, combustion with oxygen will generate heat, being the supposed gasifier a

direct heated process; this heat will feed the rest of the reactions involved in the process

maintaining it around 900ºC. Oxygen uses biomass volatiles to generate heat, as a fuel,

and the fuel used by oxygen will not be converted in product gas, reducing the LHV of

the produced gas. Oxygen analyzed in this project does not act as reducing agent in the

gasification process; it only acts as oxidant in the combustion reaction.

Combustion of volatiles is not the main task of the process; the less oxygen used in the

process maintaining the temperature at 900ºC the higher LHV of the gas due to the

generation of less CO2. This process is maintained at 900ºC, that means that a way to

heat up the process is required, direct or indirect heating. Indirect heating has to be

discarded in terms of generating heat outside the case of the gasifier, this requires heat

exchangers and involves a lesser thermodynamic efficiency. Other route of indirect

heating could be the maximization of the inlet temperature of the different streams,

causing a less requirement of oxygen in the gasifier, routes that will be analyzed in

chapter four.

Oxygen generated in the ASU has to be mixed with the other feeding streams except for

biomass feeding stream. This mixing will facilitate the design of the gasifier and carries

out no risk due to the non existence of combustible compounds in the steam stream or

the flue gas stream being the components of those streams CO2, N2, H2O and O2. This

mixture also prevents hot spots during the process ensuring a good dilution of O2 with

the reducing agents.

Steam and carbon dioxide.

Steam and carbon dioxide are considered as reducing agents in this process

being the generators of the reducing atmosphere. As it was mentioned by [22] carbon

dioxide generates CO, H2 and steam, while steam generates CO, H2 and CO2, meaning

that R2 to R5 are kinetically related. This generates complications at the time of predict

the behavior of this process while using different concentrations of both reducing

agents. Gomez-Barea et al. [22] obtained the results shown in table 4 at 900ºC with a

flue gas recycle stream temperature of 150ºC (Wet flue gas: CO2/H2O/O2/N2=67/25/3/5

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


(in mass %)) and oxygen stream temperature of 50ºC using 500kg/h of woodchips

gasified in a 1 m diameter BFB gasifier.




(Case A) 1.5


(Case B)

Oxygen stream

kgO2 stream/

kgdafb 0.33 0.34 0.36

Slipstream from oxyboiler


Kg flue gas/ kg

dafb 0.4 0.8 1.6



stoichiometric O2 0.25 0.27 0.29




H2O 0.36 0.72 1.43




CO2 0.4 0.79 1.57

Compostition (dry gas) % v/v


40.2 34.7 26.3


28.3 25.4 20.3


23.3 31.4 44.3


5.7 5.2 4.5


2.2 3 4.3

Lower heating value (Dry

gas) MJ/Nm3

10.5 9.3 7.4

Cold efficiency dry gas 0.83 0.79 0.72

Carbon conversion

0.99 0.98 0.95

Char conversión

0.97 0.94 0.87

H2/CO mol/mol 0.7 0.73 0.77 Table 4 Results of the theoretical gasifier from Gomez-Barea [22]

Being λm=λs+λcd the total reducing agents introduced.

The higher reducing agents concentration introduced, being both proportionally

increased, the higher yield H2/CO concentration produced due to the higher speed of

reactions produced by steam. But this higher reducing agent concentration require

higher oxygen feeding due to the requirement of heating up the reducing agents and

produces a lower LHV gas due to the dilution of H2 and CO in inert gases generated in

the combustion.

Increasing λm (reducing agents rate) does not improve the process, but increases the

H2/CO yield. Being H2 generated mainly by steam, an extra steam supply system could

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


be inserted, using the steam cycle of the oxyfuel process is an interesting option for this


Ahmed and Gupta [24] discovered in their experiments relevant issues about the effect

of using CO2 and steam for gasification of woodchip char (Figure 13 to 15). They

concluded that the reaction rate of the whole process is mainly governed by carbon

dioxide being the slower reaction of both gasifying agents.

They also concluded than for the three different particle resistances, only desorption

reaction and surface reaction can control the whole process being the desorption

reaction fast enough. This means that different partial pressures inside the gasifier does

not affect the effectiveness of the process corroborating the results of [22] that exposed

a decrement on efficiency with higher presence of reducing agents in the process.

This explains that a residence time for char inside the gasifier in a range of 20-60 min

will relate both reactions. It has to be noted that higher steam concentrations improves

the process but in order to use higher concentrations of steam, this steam need to be

generated producing a loss in global efficiency due that steam must be extracted from

the steam cycle. Flue gas stream from oxyfuel plant is going to be generated in any

case; this stream must be considered as free. That is the reason why only wet flue gas

stream possibilities are examined in this project due that in the document [22] another

flue gas stream extracted right after condensation in the oxyfuel process is analyzed.

Wet flue gas stream has steam and it does not affect the efficiency of the process, all the

way around, it improves it.

Many models from Wang and Kinoshita model [25] to Thilakavathi [26] could be used

for a better understanding of the behavior of the different components inside a bubbling

fluidized bed gasifier. Table 5 [27] shows a total of the possible reactions findable in a

gasification process, this is directly related with the difficulty of establishing a model

for this process. Gomez-Barea in the review [27] stated that devolatilization and

conversion of char and tar still requires further investigation because most of models are

still semi-empirical, even fluidization models for reactor design are mostly semi-


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Table 5 Main reactions in biomass gasification [27]

Figure 13 Evolution of reaction rate at gasifying agent

partial pressure of 1.5 Bars.

Figure 14 Evolution of reaction rate at gasifying agent

partial pressure of 1.2 Bars.

Figure 15 Evolution of reaction rate at gasifying agent partial pressure of 0.9 Bars.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Other authors, as Van der Steene et al. [28] investigated the effects of these three

different reducing agents at the time of gasifying woodchips. They stated strong

difficulties at the time of establish a concentration function depending on time for each

compound involved in the process. Actually, it depends on temperature, pressure of

reactants and inerts, adsorption stoichiometry or imperfect chemisorptions with risk of

reaction as main controllers.

Mathematical or empirical models do not provide perfect information about this topic so

it has to be noted that a different model may be used for each situation. But using both

techniques they concluded in the calculation of a surface function describing the change

of concentration in active sites of char particles during the process. They discovered that

steam creates more active sites that CO2 stating that a higher ratio steam/carbon dioxide

would lead into a higher efficiency of the process due to the higher concentration of

active sites, another reason about the possibility of a study of extra steam feed into the

gasifier process.

Physical factors affecting the process.

Woodchip shape:

Thickness and size are important factors at the time of designing the gasifier. Depending

on shape gasification time changes to longer or shorter. In case of woodchips

gasification in a BFB gasifier, Van de steene et al. [28] made a comparison, shown in

figure 16, between the effect of thickness and size in the carbon conversion of woodchip

gasification with steam, also same investigation with CO2 as reducing agent made by

[28] gave similar behavior with slower reactions.

Figure 16 Influence of particle size (a) and particle thickness (b) on the steam gasification conversion rate.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


It can be concluded that, in case of gasification of woodchips with steam, size of

particles does not affect the process. Thickness, in this case, affects effectiveness

increasing total conversion time up to twice the time for a six times thicker particle.

Being the process analyzed in this project gasification using steam and also CO2 as

reducing agents, it is possible that the conversion would be lower for same thickness as

the previous graphs. It has to be noted with this that possibly a pretreatment of the

woodchips could lead into a better efficiency in the process.


Temperature of the process affects directly the reactivity of the compounds related. A

higher temperature leads to a higher reactivity of each of the reducing agents with the

biomass. Considering residence times over 2000 s it has to be noted that conversion

generated by steam, being steam reactivity high, will have final values close to complete

conversion in temperatures up to 900ºC as experiments made by [27] proved using

woodchips gasified with steam and air. In case of using CO2, temperature required for a

considerable conversion will be higher but this temperature has to be limited due to the

melting points of some ash compounds that provoke slagging and fouling inside the

gasifier. This is the reason why the temperature inside the gasifier is set to 900ºC, this

leads into a lesser carbon conversion with lower ratio steam/CO2.

Temperature of the process is a function of the oxygen fed into the gasifier, this oxygen

will react with biomass in a combustion reaction generating heat. But this is not the only

factor affecting the process, inlet temperature of flue gas and oxygen and possible

preheat of biomass would affect the temperature of the gasifier, and it has to be noted

that a possible steam stream would affect the temperature of the process. A control

system is recommended in this case due to the many variables possibly uncontrolled in

the process as temperature of the flue gas or temperature of the steam.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


3.3 Oxy-fuel combustion:

Oxyfuel power generation can be defined as a post-combustion CCS technology

applied in fossil fuel power plants where high purity oxygen is used as oxidizer for the

fuel, producing a rich CO2 flue gas stream that facilitates afterwards capture.

Oxyfuel technology has been described as the most promising option at the time of

enabling CCS in a coal power generation plant. This technology was studied for first

time by Abraham et al. [29], as a mean of providing a CO2 rich flue gas stream for

enhanced oil recovery in 1982.

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF),

the Japanese New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

(NEDO), IHI, CANMET, Babcock &Wilcox and Air Liquide performed different pilot-

scale studies with regard to oxy-fuel combustion during the 1990s [30].

Today’s objectives regarding oxyfuel technology can be summarized in two; efficiency

improvement and separation of CO2 from fuel or flue gases.

Coal power plants are expected to be operating during the following years due to the

multiple coal reserves in the world, but coal power generation produces high CO2

emissions, this is the reason that makes oxyfuel technology to focus on this kind of fuel.

Figure 17 Historical progression of the scale of oxyfuel plants and demonstrations [30]

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


But the implementation of this technology decreases the global efficiency of the process

in a range of 9-13%; the process is more expensive than air-blown power plants without

including the costs of CCS technology. Implementing co-firing of biomass produced

gas could lead to new revenues from carbon credits increasing the benefits of the power

plant up to the level of a coal power plant with no oxyfuel technology implemented.

This problem is the main cause of the non existence of full power plants with this

technology. There exist many pilot plants, demonstration plants and semi-commercial

plants, but this technology has not been applied to commercial purposes yet as it can be

seen in figure 17.

3.3.1 Oxyfuel mechanics:

Oxyfuel plant mechanics does not involve extremely complicated terms to be

understood. Figure 18 shows a basic sketch of the process. As it is seen in the figure 18,

fuel is fed in the boiler and combusted in a CO2 rich atmosphere. This atmosphere is

generated with the recycle of the flue gas stream situated right after the ash removal

stage, in order to avoid ash accumulation in the boiler. As it was explained, the

objective of this technology is to capture and storage the CO2 produced, that is the

reason why fuel is combusted with oxygen of high purity from the ASU unit. The flue

gas stream, being mainly composed by CO2 is cleaned and compressed at the end of the

process with the aim of a later storage of it.

It has to be noted that this technology is commonly compared with standard air firing

coal power plants. The differences are notables, nitrogen, main inert gas in standard coal

boilers, has different properties than CO2 at the time of act as a dissipater of heat inside

the furnace. CO2 gas is denser than N2 and the CO2–H2O mixture has a higher specific

heat capacity and different radiation and absorption characteristics. Therefore, the flue

gas recycle ratio and thereby the oxygen concentration during oxy-fuel combustion is

the main parameter that determines the optimum firing conditions.

The resulting adiabatic temperature in O2/Flue gas mixtures is much lower than the one

reached in air firing conditions at comparable O2 concentrations, recycle ratio is design

in the way that it provides a combustion and heat transfer characteristics similar to the

air firing mode, this leads to a higher recycle ratio if it is compared with air firing mode.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 18 Flow sheet of oxyfuel technology for power generation with CO2 capture and storage, showing the

additional unit in bold compared to air fuelled operation. [31]

In a more specific point of view there are a few characteristic points that create the

difference between air firing and oxyfuel mode in a coal power plant.

Pyrolysis and char combustion:

Devolatilisation and char combustion process is quite interesting at the time of

analyzing the oxyfuel process. It has been proven [32] that volatile release is higher in a

CO2-rich environment than in the case with N2. This is important in case of introducing

extra volatiles as H2, CO and tar using gasification co-firing. Also CO2 has a significant

effect in pyrolysis gas speciation. In figure 19, the effects of using each atmosphere are

shown, experiments carried out in a drop tube furnace with lignite.

Figure 19 Gas concentrations at the end of the reactor for Lausitz coal pyrolysis in 100% N2 and 100% CO2

environments [32].

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


It has to be noted that in case of using CO2 as inert gas in the furnace, the main non-

condensable gas released during pyrolysis is CO in a really higher concentration than

H2. This is due to the boudouard and water gas shift reaction: [31]


Water gas shift:

Char burnout time is essential for mass flow and residence time designing. In this topic

there is not still enough information provided because the time required for complete

combustion of char depends on many factors. As it is shown in figure 20, in case of

using CO2 environment, O2 diffusivity is lower than in the same situation with N2 and

also there exists a delay in char burnout. The presence of other reducing agents as steam

Figure 20 Char burnout of experimental coals in air and oxy-

fuel combustion atmospheres (obtained in drop tube

furnaces; 1 atm = 0.981 bar)

can also effect this situation. Some

authors [33] have discovered that

presence of steam improves the reaction

rate compared with CO2, being the rate

related to steam 2-3 times higher than

related to CO2 at temperatures over

1400K [34]. This is due to the

gasification reaction in the furnace

generated by steam as reducing agent

generating H2 that rapidly reacts with

oxygen if it is compared with the

reaction of CO with surface oxides in the char particles.

Flame characterization:

The main problem related with flame characterization in oxyfuel process is the

ignition delay that coal particles has in CO2 atmospheres. In order to avoid this problem

optimization of CO2/O2 rate and burner aerodynamics must be done. An interesting

point about this is that, at high temperature, the higher concentration of oxygen affects

strongly flame stability, but it has been proven [35] that a relation of 30% O2 in a CO2

atmosphere is the optimum to achieve good results in flame stability, being also

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


devolatilisation and particle ignition similar to the ones in air for temperatures above


Choosing oxygen concentration is not an easy task, as it was explained before, the

higher concentration the higher conversion and efficiency of the process but lesser

flame stability that could cause problems.

In case of requiring different conditions, it can be stated that oxyfuel combustion needs

new designs on burners. University of Stuttgart [30] designed burners with O2 direct

injection that provided conversion and stability acceptable for a wide variety of coals

with high or low volatiles. This is interesting in case of using different fuels at a time in

case of mixing both fuels in the burner.

NOx and sulfur emissions:

NOx emissions are one of the main advantages at the time of using oxyfuel mode

in a coal power plant. Using oxygen and CO2 atmospheres generates less NO2 than air

firing mode [36]. The reason is simple, there is only a small concentration of N2 during

the process, even more, while recycling flue gas, NOx compounds are decomposed with

in-flame hydrocarbons and reducing atmosphere near the flame.

Nevertheless, HCN and NH3 concentrations are higher in the exhaust gas of an oxyfuel

process compared to air processes, coming from those NOx that are being decomposed

in the flame, but not in high concentrations. These gases can provoke corrosion

problems inside the boiler.

In general terms, NOx formation is reduced in a 60 -80 % compared with air combustion

but with the drawback of generating little corrosion problems.

The case of SO2 is similar, using oxyfuel combustion reduces SO2 emissions compared

to air combustion, in an order of 2/3 [30]. This reduction appears due to the retention of

sulfur in the ash via sulphation and the high concentration of SO2 inside the furnace due

to the flue gas recycle.

As it happens with NOx compounds there exists other compounds generated in the

oxyfuel process, it is SO3. The concentration of SO3 can be up to three and a half times

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


higher using oxyfuel than using air. So that, sulfur concentration in ash is higher

because all sulfur introduced comes from the coal used.

It has to be noted that, even when emissions of SOx is not as high as in the air case,

there exists high concentration of it inside the boiler. This leads to corrosion problems

in the boiler involving a careful material selection, operation of the boiler at higher

temperature and removal of steam and part of the SO2 present in the flue gas recycle.

Slagging and fouling:

Slagging is the formation of molten or partially fused deposits on furnace walls

or convection surfaces exposed to radiant heat. Fouling is defined as the formation of

deposit on convection heat surfaces such as superheater and reheaters. Those both are

the most important problems at the time of talking about ash deposition in coal power


Ash deposition is an important issue to examine when analyzing any kind of coal power

generation process, even when this topic has not been analyzed widely in oxyfuel

studies. The main variables that affect it are particle trajectory and ash viscosity, these

variables depend also on the aerodynamics at the burner exit and inside the boiler; and

the size, composition and temperature of the burning coal particles and also the gas

composition. SO2 being much more concentrated in oxyfuel processes affects

considerably ash slagging and fouling but the lesser flame temperature reduces slagging

propensity. Elevated levels of alkali metals cause accumulation of sintered ash in the

convection pass of the boiler, also known as fouling.

Slagging and fouling are the cause of the implementation of cleaning systems in the

recycle stream to avoid ash accumulation that leads on propensity of causing these



Oxyfuel processes produce high concentration of corrosive gases (SO2, H2S,

HCl) that produce considerable problems of corrosion of water-wall and super-heater

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


tubes. CO2 concentration also collaborates in this corrosion due to the carbon

enrichment of the metal surfaces causing locally incomplete oxide scale.

Most steels alloys use chromium to defend the metal surface against corrosion and

oxidation, in case of using CO2, many authors [37] have discovered permeability of

these alloys to CO2 molecules, generating carburization of the surface.

Some investigations about corrosion problems have been analyzed by Vattenfall in

Schwarze Pumpe Pilot plant [46] but these effects are still on investigation and it is not

possible to state any relevant information about this topic.

Having a general idea of how oxyfuel process works it is necessary to use a reference

for this investigation, that model will be the Vattenfall Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant in

Germany. This pilot plant is the most appropriate plant to analyze the integration of a

gasification process on it, because of the variety of information provided by the

company. The size of the plant is also interesting because of the other reference used in

this project, the gasifier designed by Gomez-Barea et al. [22]. This pilot plant is a 30

MWth oxyfuel plant where an integration of a gasifier of 3 MWth is enough to achieve

interesting results.

3.4 Vattenfall Schwarze Pumpe plant

As example the Vattenfall’s 30 MWth Oxyfuel Pilot Plant in Schwarze Pumpe is

going to be analyzed. The oxyfuel pilot plant was built in 2008 next to the lignite fired

power station built south to Berlin; it consists of a single top-mounted, pulverized fuel

burner and the subsequent flue gas cleaning equipment; electrostatic precipitator, wet

flue gas desulphurization and the flue gas condenser. In addition to these components, a

CO2 separation plant is placed downstream of the flue gas condenser to produce liquid

CO2. A cryogenic air separation unit located at the site will supply gaseous oxygen with

a minimum purity of 99.5% required for the combustion. The burner is designed for

both pre-dried lignite and bituminous coal for future testing.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 21 Basic sketch of the Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant [39].

This pilot plant had an investment of 60 million € and a research budget of 40 million €.

First results indicate that 95% of the produced CO2 is captured with a 98% of purity.

Compared with a standard coal boiler, at equivalent installed power in both plants the

total loss of efficiency implementing oxyfuel technology is around 9%, not high if

governmental incentives are achieved.

Being a not so developed technology, this kind of plants are subjected to new

investigations making possible an improvement in efficiency and also reaching 100%

carbon capture. Vattenfall has settled as objective a cost of 20€ per ton of CO2 avoided

in 2030, considering that before nowadays economical crisis 20€ per ton of CO2 was the

EUA price, it is not negligible the potential benefit that this technology carries. This

oxyfuel technology is applicable to air fuelled coal boilers already constructed, creating

a double interest in this pilot plant, retrofit and new development. [39]

This pilot plant uses the same lignite as the industrial plant already working in the same

place, this fine lignite powder is fed to the boiler with a maximum feeding of 6 t/h.

Being this pilot plant not big enough to create by itself power with enough efficiency,

the produced steam is utilized in an auxiliary turbine in the industrial plant with 6-8

MWel at full load. [40]

Comparing the results achieved by Vattenfall [41], it is proven that the most promising

option is oxyfuel mode compared to pre-combustion or post combustion due to higher

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


efficiency of the process as it is shown in figure 22. It has to be noted that the other two

options are most effective at the time of carbon capturing, but considering CCS a

technology that still need to be improved, the one that have plenty of new options is

with no doubt oxyfuel technology.

Figure 22 Efficiency comparative of different test at Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant [40].

After testing this pilot plant, Vattenfall released first results of the plant. As it was

primary objective, the plant was tested using air operation and oxyfuel operation. The

switch time was only of 20 minutes creating a more versatile working process.

Measurements were done in order to understand the composition of the flue gas released

during the process (table 6), important information due to the fact that that flue gas is

interesting in order to feed the previous explained gasifier with a CO2 stream. The boiler

working in this pilot plant uses pulverized coal taken from a silo and delivered via a

rotary feeder to the down-shot burner. The carrier gas used could be air or flue gas

depending on the working process (oxyfuel or air fuelled) using no oxygen for safety

reasons in case of oxyfuel. This flue gas comes from a condenser, meaning that it

carries saturated vapor with it that corresponds to 30% v/v of the total flue gas. This

steam concentration is settled as maximum due to the low efficiency of oxycombustion

with high concentration of steam because of its high heat capacity. This flue gas

recirculation is made downstream the electrostatic precipitator, both flue gas and

oxygen stream are preheated before they are fed into the boiler in order to maximize

heat integration. This mixture of oxygen and flue gas is inserted into the furnace in

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


different positions to ensure maximum efficiency; primary air, secondary air, tertiary air

and over fire air. These positions are named in that way because of the classic

nomination of the process working with air; these inlet positions allow the design to

maximize the efficiency, feeding with oxidizer the process in the spot where it is


Table 6 Stream composition at different points on the Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant.

In this pilot plant were analyzed many different burners, one of the most interesting

seems to be the Hitachi DST-burner for indirect firing [39] which sketch is shown in

figure 22. The flexibility of this burner makes it even more interesting due to the

possibility of using other fuels in the oxyboiler, making possible the idea of using the

same model for burning the gasified biomass.

Figure 23 Basic sketch of the Hitachi DST-Burner [39]

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Investigations have discovered that high concentrations of oxygen are dangerous so the

concentration limit of oxygen has been set on 36% v/v in order to preserve flame

control. The lower concentration of oxygen has led into a higher concentration of CO in

the flue gas, something that is an important problem if CCS is planned to be carried out.

The upper emission limit for CO is 0.2kg/MWth, meaning that the minimum oxygen

concentration between the feeding streams has to be set in 23% v/v. In case of

integrating a gasification process in this plant many of these variables would change and

in every case a modification of the working process might be applied.

This furnace is considered as the first draft of the process, the second and third draft are

the heat exchanging surfaces containing two superheaters and five economizers. There

exists a fourth draft in the process that is also being called the De-NOx process that has

not been implemented yet. These different stages are shown in figure 21.

Right after the De-NOx process, a three field electrostatic precipitator removes fly ash

from the gas (“filter” in figure 20). Just after this process the recirculation is done,

reheating the flue gas up to 250ºC. This flue gas as it was explained is mixed with

99.5% pure oxygen from a standard cryogenic air separation unit with a two-stage

separation process is used in the pilot plant. This ASU is a generic unit GOX6600. Flue

gas desulphurization (FGD) is done just after the main flue gas splitting (secondary

recycle), by a wet-scrubber using limestone as a sorbent. This FGD cannot work under

air firing conditions.

Finally, condensation process is made with a two stage flue gas condenser; this

condensation cools down gases down to 30ºC before CO2 compression and also

eliminate water soluble acidic compounds. Just after this a primary recycle is done used

as transport gas for the coal feeder.

CO2 compression is designed to create truck transportable CO2 with 99% of purity. The

main steps in the liquefaction process are:

Removal of any remaining water droplets.

Compression of the raw gas to about 1.25 Bar.

Adsorption of heavy metals, SOx, HCl and HF in an activated carbon bed.

Compression of raw gas in two stages with intercooling to about 22 bar.

Removal of remaining water in a bed with molecular sieves.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Liquefaction of the CO2 and separation of the remaining gaseous phase

containing mainly N2, O2 and Ar together with gaseous CO2 in a stripper.

An external ammonia cooling system provides the required cooling. The liquefied CO2

is stored on-site in two 180 m3 tanks with the corresponding loading stations for trucks.


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


CHAPTER 4: Integration of a biomass gasification process in an oxyfuel pilot plant.

As it has been explained before in chapter two and three of this project,

gasification of woodchips using a flue gas stream from an oxyfuel process, process

defined by Gomez-Barea [22], is analyzed in order to co-fire the generated product gas

in the already explained oxyfuel process in Schwarze Pumpe, the main objective of the

whole system is to create a carbon negative process that generates power and is

economically viable.

This process has not ever been designed, also both technologies involved, gasification

using CO2, O2 and steam mixtures and oxyfuel combustion of lignite coal, have not

been used industrially.

Many variables are going to be analyzed in this point in order to understand the

feasibility of this process and the areas of investigation that this technology has a lack

knowledge and need to be improved.

Different situations are going to be analyzed and results provided will be considered as

indications. Calculations made in here are handwritten calculations, many constraints

are not going to be considered, and these calculations have the objective of indicate

probable results.

A hypothetical environment is going to be created in the following lines, this situation

will be the insertion of the gasifying process from Bioenergy group of Universidad de

Sevilla [22] into the Vattenfall Schwarze Pumpe oxyfuel pilot plant mentioned before.

This will help into the discovering of the remaining questions still to be analyzed in this

area of investigation.

4.1 General aspects of the integration

This project analyzes basically the partial replacement of coal in an

oxycombustor by another fuel, in this case the produced gas in a biomass gasification

process. The gasification process, as it was explained, is a 3 MWth gasifier, the oxyfuel

process analyzed is a 30 MWth process. The general idea is to replace 3 MWth of the

oxyfuel process by the 3 MWth gasification process.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The main objective is not to affect the efficiency of the process, generating a final

scheme where the whole produced power remains equal. Considering this, the total

replaced power in the oxyfuel is 3MWth, the 10% of the total output.

Characteristics of Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant are shown in table 7.

It is going to be considered that the oxyfuel process will generate same amount of steam

with same temperature and pressure in order not to vary the power capacity of the plant.

That means that the total potential heat inserted must equal to the heat produced by the

replaced coal.

In a general environment, the oxyfuel process will use the gas generated in the gasifier

to replace coal. This replacement must be done in energetic terms, providing the oxyfuel

process with enough energy to maintain the amount of steam produced.


Pulverised coal combustión

Thermal output 30 MWth

Steam production 40 t/h

Steam parameter 25 bar / 350ºC


Pulverised lignite

(Lusatia región)

LHV 21000 kj/kg

Moisture 10.5 %

Coal required 5 t/h


Oxygen (purity 95 % –

99.5 %) 10 t/h

Auxiliary use 6.5 MWth

CO2 (liquid) 11 t/h

Table 7 General characteristics of Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant [43].

The gasifier process used [22] is going to be analyzed in this project focusing in the

results using a wet flue gas from the oxyboiler because of the better LHV and carbon

conversion that the presence of steam in the gasification process generates. Case A and

Case B from table 4 in chapter 3 are going to be analyzed in the following lines

providing two opposite cases, case A with lesser flue gas feeding and case B with

higher flue gas feeding. Depending on the LHV of the gas produced in the gasifier, a

different amount of coal would be replaced. Due to the low LHV provided by this

produced gas, the quantity of coal replaced cannot reach the expected 10% of the total

coal inserted but the value found of 6.95% for case A and 6.12% for case B is still

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


satisfactory. A deeper analysis of the mass flow variations and coal replacement is done

at the end of this chapter.

4.2 Flue gas stream situation:

The gasification process analyzed in this project [22] uses a split on the flue gas

stream of an oxyfuel process with a composition of O2/H2O/CO2 /N2=3 / 25 / 67 / 5, this

composition does not exist in the Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant, what it is interesting is to

analyze where this split can be made and the advantages and disadvantages of using

each possible split. During the process there were discovered four potential spots where

this split can be done (Figure 23).

Figure 24 Possible flue gas slipstream situation from oxyboiler pilot plant.

There exists four potential points of flue gas extraction, right after the furnace (1);

downstream the De-NOx stage (2); after the electrostatic precipitator process (3) and

right after the desulphurization of the flue gas (4). It has been ignored the possibility of

extracting this flue gas stream downstream the condensation process due to the low

efficiency of the gasification process using dry flue gas, as it was explained before.


De-NOx stage

Electrostatic precipitator

Flue gas desulphurization

Flue gas condenser

Gasifier 1

2 3


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Those three points have similar composition in terms of oxygen, steam, carbon dioxide

and nitrogen, being around 3 / 30 / 64 / 3 respectively[41], not far away from 3 / 25 / 67

/ 5 assumed in the analyzed gasifier (O2/H2O/CO2 /N2).

Even so, the integration of the product gas stream must be analyzed, depending on the

requirements of the oxyfuel process, a different cleaning system must be integrated

between the gasifier and the oxyboiler.

The key at this point is to understand the effect of NOx compounds, particles and

sulphur compounds inside the gasifier, depending on the effect the final design could


Nitrogen compounds in the process:

Nitrogen derived compounds in a gasification process is an area not extensively

investigated. The most interesting document about this topic was made by Zhou et Al.

in 2000 [44]. Considering the information provided by Bioenergy Group of

Univerisidad de Sevilla, the woodchips samples used in the gasifier provided contained

a total of 2.16% of nitrogen in ultimate analysis.

This nitrogen, during gasification is converted in NH3, HCN, NO, char-N, tar-N, and N2

[45]. There is no information about releasing these compounds gasifying woodchips

with O2, CO2 and steam. But some authors have described briefly the behavior of these

compounds in O2/steam gasification as [45].

It is known that during gasification at temperatures over 700ºC, N2 is the main nitrogen

derived compound formed in the process, followed by NH3. NH3 is mainly formed by

the N-volatiles released during pyrolysis stage. Some percent is released by tar (0.37-

1.3%) and char (0.7-9.4%) being quite complex to predict its behavior [44].

It has also being proven that steam collaborates in the NH3 production, generating

hydrogen radicals that can react with char forming that compound. Also nitrogen

collaborates on this, making N-volatile to form more NH3 with the higher presence of

N2 [44].

NOx formation depends highly in the presence of oxygen. The case studied here has a

considerable presence of O2 but being only the oxidizer of the process, not a reducing

agent, this compound exists in quite a lower concentration compared to other

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


experiments with O2/Steam, this means that in every case, NOx formation using CO2 as

a reducing agent means lesser formation of NOx in the process. Even so, the presence of

high NH3 concentration provokes the following reaction:

4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O

That is an exothermic oxidation of NH3 but it does not occur that often in order to

consider NOx a problem.

Regarding HCN, it is a precursor of NOx generated from N-volatiles. This HCN in

environments with high O2 concentration generates NOx but not in high concentrations,

as it is shown in figure 25.

Figure 25 HCN and NOx generation for Leucaena gasification with O2 [44].

The previous experiment is an O2 gasification of Leucaena, biomass with similar

concentration in nitrogen as the analyzed woodchips. On it, it is described that HCN

concentration (35 ppm) is higher than NOx concentration, close to 7 ppm at 900ºC.

Nevertheless NH3 concentration is much higher, order of 5000ppm. That, in case of

using CO2 as an oxidant and high steam concentrations, can be even higher, that is the

case analyzed in this project.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


NOx, HCN and other nitrogen compounds with the exception of NH3 could be ignored

in the integration analysis. After the combustion stage at the oxyfuel process, NOx reach

concentrations of 600 ppm, much higher than the 7 ppm produced by the gasifier.

Considering that there is not any DeNOx still installed in the Schwarze Pumpe process,

it has to be considered that the difference between extraction before or after De-NOx

stage does not exist.

The case of NH3 insertion in the process could cause problems, 5000 ppm in the

produced gas means a concentration inside the burner of 350 ppm, this NH3 will be

converted in NOx, being the concentration 600 ppm as minimum, same value as it was

before integrating the process.

In general terms the insertion of the produced gas in the oxyboiler does not affect

extensively the process in terms of NOx, considering that NOx and HCN concentrations

are low, only NH3 can create a problem in the furnace but this NH3 is being oxidized

into NOx the concentration in the flue gas stream of the oxyboiler does not change

using biomass, still a De-NOx unit is required and Vattenfall is studying this topic at

this moment, in a near future this enterprise will release information about the topic.

Still the effect of the insertion in the gasifier of a concentration of 600 ppm of NOx in

the gasification process is not analyzed. Due to the reaction mentioned above, NOx

could engage the formation of NH3 but the concentration in the oxyboiler would remain

as the same.

Particles in the process:

In order to situate the slipstream of the flue gas that will feed the gasifier, the

effect of the electrostatic separator on the flue gas composition must be analyzed (points

2 or 3 in figure 24). This dust separator exists for two reasons; avoiding problems at the

carbon dioxide compression and purification unit and also, limiting the dust

accumulation in the furnace due to the flue gas recirculation. [46]

The efficiency of this precipitator has been proven to excess the 99.9%, flue gas with

dust has a concentration of this one around 6,8g/Nm3 (size 0.015-10 μm) with the

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


composition shown in table 8. After the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) the

concentration of dust does not exceed 5mg/Nm3.

This limits the possibilities of extracting the flue gas directly after the boiler in order to

feed the gasifier. Introducing this dusty gas into the gasifier can cause problems that

will be analyzed later on and there is also a limit for dust concentration entering the

oxyfuel boiler.

Total moisture 9.5 %

Sulphur 0.82 %

Ash 5.7 %

SiO2 in coal ash 16 %

Al2O3 in coal ash 4.1 %

Fe2O3 in coal ash 20 %

CaO in coal ash 17 %

MgO in coal ash 9 %

SO3 in coal ash 22 %

Table 8 Composition (p/p) of Schwarze Pumpe precipitator

ash [46].

There is little information about fly ash

deposition generating fouling and slagging

in an oxyfuel process. This problem is

mainly caused by the melting point of the

fly ash, and this melting point is

characterized by the composition of this

ashes. It also depends on the movement of

fly ash inside the boiler, impacts in the

walls make particles to stack in sticky

wall provoking slagging problems. The

high sulfur content of these ashes collaborates on corrosion inside the furnace.

After the investigation in Schwarze Pumpe [46], they discovered many problems of

corrosion due to slagging and fouling in the walls of the furnace and the heat

exchangers, it may be recommended that the concentration of ash inserted in the boiler

does not exceed 5mg/Nm3.

Considering this information and also having in knowledge that there is no temperature

difference between positioning slipstream before or after the electrostatic precipitator

(point 2 and point 3 in figure 24), in order to split flue gas for feeding the gasifier with a

slipstream of the flue gas it may be concluded that there is no reason for using flue gas

slipstream before electrostatic precipitator.

This conclusion comes from the slagging and fouling problems, those problems are

going to appear also in the gasification process if dusty gas is used for feeding

gasification, no advantage have been found on using gas from point 2 that is the reason

of why it is being discarded.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Regarding the gasifier, there is also generation of fly ash during the process. This fly

ash is going to be inserted in the oxyboiler, in case of not using any gas cleaning


The total ash in the woodchips samples taken as example in this project is 0.67% (wet

basis). From this amount of ash, some part is going to be deposited in the gasification

process and extracted from the bottom part of the process (bottom ashes), but another

part, light enough to be carried by the gas extracted at the top of the process, is going to

be extracted with the product gas, it is called the fly ash.

Investigation made by Eberhadrt et Al. and other authors [47][48][49], discovered that

most of ashes produced are fly ash, considering the 0,7% of the total material inserted in

the gasifier to be fly ash with the composition close to the one shown in table 9.

Detection limit


Conc. Mass (g/kg) Error (g/kg)

Mg 217 7.07 0.17

Al 124 5.20 0.10

Si 56.5 16.8 0.17

P 63.2 1.76 0.05

S 41.9 1.76 0.04

K 56.3 10.1 0.10

Ca 105 50.8 0.51

Fe 65.8 9.92 0.10

Table 9 Composition of fly ash in a gasifier using oxygen.

The previous composition will be far away from the composition of fly ash generated in

the gasifier studied here but the most concentrated elements Ca, Si and K for woodchips

would remain as the most concentrated components. This area have not been widely

investigated, the effect of these ashes inside de oxyfuel process must be investigated.

Still this composition depends highly in the kind of biomass used, the safest option is to

analyze directly the amount of fly ash that this gasifier is going to introduce into the

furnace. Considering two cases in the Bioenergy Group study; case A with small flow

of reducing agents (lesser flue gas) producing 814.9 Nm3/h of gas, and case B with high

flow of reducing agents producing 1183.61 Nm3/h of gas. Considering the total ash

introduced the 0.7% w/w of the 500 kg/h of woodchips inserted the total of ash

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


produced would be 3.5 kg/h. In case of using case A, the concentration of ash in the gas

produced would be 51.6 mg/Nm3, in case of using case B, the concentration drops to

50.9 mg/Nm3.

A cleaning system is required in case of introducing this gas into the furnace. Later on

will be explained the high advantages that a temperature around 900ºC in the gasifier

outlet carries out, that is the reason why a hot gas cleaning is required.

In order to analyze more in deep this topic it has to be considered that not only fly ash is

going to appear in this outlet, also the gasifier bed particles are conveyed upwards and

appear in the outlet. These particles are much larger than char particles and any

mechanical hot gas cleaning as a cyclone would have a high efficiency with them.

In case of using a cyclone, efficiency from 80 to 95 % can be expected. Using a cyclone

will reduce particle concentration to 3.5 ppm (mg/Nm3) for both cases A and B.

Considering the requirement of the oxyboiler of having a concentration of 5 mg/Nm3;

there exists no problem with these particles after the integration.

In case of using other kind of biomasses different to woodchips with higher ash

concentration, a hot cleaning system could be required, cold cleaning system will

decrease the temperature of the stream affecting deeply the flame stability and

condensing tar, being this last immediately discarded.

Using wet cleaning systems will cause a mixture between some tar compounds and

condensed water; this water would require really complicated water treatment.

Cold gas cleaning and wet gas cleaning are going to be discarded because of this.

It can be assumed that, right after a cyclone, another cleaning system could be applied

and this one must be a dry hot process in case of being required. Depending on the

requirements, [50] made an investigation about the different options available at the

time of cleaning this syngas. Solid contaminants removal by ceramic candle filters or

metallic filters, fluid contaminants removal by sorbents and trace removal by a

safeguard filter/catalyst, or a sorption bed.

This process required a solid removal with efficiency close to 99% treating a gas with

temperatures around 900ºC. A deep analysis on the advantages and drawbacks on using

ceramic candle filters was done in [51], whose investigations resulted on concentrations

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


lower than 0.1 ppm in outlet streams for ceramic candle and metallic filters,

accomplishing the requirement of concentration lower than 5 mg/Nm3.

Sulphur in the process:

The Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant uses a flue gas desulphurization process using a

wet-scrubber with limestone as sorbent to avoid high sulfur emissions before the carbon

capture process. This unit is placed after the main flue gas recirculation, this means that

the high SO2 concentration (8000 mg/m3) does not affect the combustion inside the

boiler, also it has to be quoted that inside the furnace there exists a dry desulphurization

that help this process with its objective.

Also considering that the mass concentration of sulfur in the woodchips used is 0,064%

(wet basis), that means that the maximum SO2 that the gasifier is able to produce is 380


in case of total conversion of the present sulfur into SO2, that is a really low

concentration and it is not going to be considered in this project being too low compared

to the 8000 mg/Nm3 that the oxyboiler emits.

Table 10 Composition of flue gas decided to be used in the


In every case, it has to be noted that

the SO2 production will be reduced

to an order of 7500 mg/Nm3 in case

of integrating the a biomass gasifier

into an oxyfuel process, making

more feasible the flue gas


With this knowledge the most

recommendable design at the time of

choosing the split of the flue gas

stream coming from the oxyboiler

can be ensure. The most convenient

point for this extraction is

downstream ESP (Point 3) with the

composition shown in table 10.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


4.3 Steam stream situation:

It has been mentioned before that steam improves efficiency and conversion of

biomass inside the gasifier generating more H2. The viability of this option has never

been analyzed, it has to be noted that before any investigation about the topic, this

option has some thermodynamic limitations. In case of increasing the steam

concentration in the oxidant gas inserted in the gasifier, this steam must be extracted

from the turbine system of the oxyboiler process. But Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant has

no turbine system design and possibly this system will never exist due to the little

capacity of the generated steam.

Another important point is that any steam extracted from the turbine system needs to

affect as little as possible the effectiveness of a theoretical system, that is the reason that

makes obvious discarding the steam stream produced right after the furnace, losing

steam at that point would reduce the power generated making this option not viable.

If extra steam must be inserted in the gasifier, this steam must be coming from the

bleedings of the turbine or the cold steam that remains after the turbine.

As an example, a predesigned steam turbine Siemens SST-100 [52] is going to be

analyzed. This really small turbine would use the produced steam in the boiler to

produce as much energy as it is possible.

This turbine SST-100 is a simple case turbine that could generate up to 8.5 MW and

able to deal with steam at temperatures up to 480ºC and 65 bar. This turbine could

generate an outlet steam at 10 bar of pressure. During the process, generated steam in

the boiler is fed to the turbine, in the turbine, steam generates mechanical movement of

the turbine decreasing its pressure and temperature due to the loss in enthalpy that steam

suffers in the process. During this energy exchange, in some points of the turbine, steam

is bled, decreasing the pressure inside the turbine and expanding the gas. This decreases

the condensation of steam inside the turbine and increment the efficiency of this one.

This extracted steam is used to reheat the steam outlet of the turbine using different heat

exchangers as it is shown in figure 26. The calculation of these points is complicated

and is not going to be done in this project. For the studied example, only assumptions of

possible results are going to be analyzed.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 26 Example of steam cycle suitable for this plant.

The provided information made by Vattenfall for the Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant

indicates that 40T/h of steam at 25 Bar and 350ºC is generated in the boiler. That steam

used in the SST-100 turbine could generate around 1.8 MW of power. The remaining

exhaust of steam, as the calculations made indicates, would be a 10 bar steam at 261.8

ºC. This can be considered the lower limit for the usable steam. It is going to be

considered that this turbine is a regenerative process, with no reheating and subcritical

cycle, some part of the steam would be extracted as bleedings from middle points in the

turbine. These bleeding points have to be chosen depending on the efficiency of the


Considered only one extraction, and that no steam will be used from the feeding

stream, there would be two kind of steam with possibility of being used in the gasifier:

Turbine inlet stream, 25 bar, 350ºC, 3127.0 kJ/kg.

Imaginary middle extraction, 16 bar, 300ºC, 3035.4 kJ/kg.

Turbine exhaust stream, 10 bar, 261.88 ºC, 2968.9 kJ/kg.

Being the second one an imaginary extraction point with extrapolated entropy between

inlet and exhaust for 16 Bar.

For example, if the steam coming from exhaust of this turbine is used in the gasifier, an

expansion valve will be required. This is an adiabatic process, so enthalpy would be

preserved. The produced steam after this valve would be a 1 bar steam at 247ºC and

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


2968.891 kJ/kg of enthalpy. Steam at 100ºC and 1 bar has an enthalpy of 2592 kJ/kg

being this the lower limit of available energy for any steam in any process. There is a

loss of 376.9 kJ/kg of energy that is lost if steam is used in the gasifier instead of the

feed water heaters, relatively low loss considering the increment on LHV in the

produced gas of the gasifier that this steam could carry out. It can be considered that

extracting steam from the turbine system will have little effect on the process and this

loss can be ignored.

Steam inserted in the gasifier will generate syngas. In an ideal environment, using only

steam and biomass in the gasifier and assuming external heating of the process, each

kilogram of steam would create enough CO and H2 to produce 107.61 MJ of heat, this

means that if more than 0.35% of the extra steam inserted in the gasifier reacts with

biomass, the process will not lose energy with this option. But not only have those

variables to be analyzed.

Each kilogram of steam used will require oxygen to be heated up to 900ºC. In that case:

Considering extra oxygen will have to heat itself (being injected at 25ºC):

( )

The heat provided by combustion of biomass with oxygen would be 20000 kJ/kg:

And the energy required to heat up steam up to 900ºC is:

These results indicate that if more of the 1.75% of the steam inserted reacts with

biomass the process would improve the heat production.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Finally considering the heat of reaction of shift conversion of steam to CO and H2, there

is a total demand of 0.266kg of oxygen and 0.412 kg of biomass per kg of steam


Comparing steam and CO2 as reducing agents, for a same LHV generated in the gas

2.41 kg of CO2 would generate same LHV as one kilogram of steam. Considering

reaction of steam up to ten times faster that reaction of biomass with CO2 this

equivalence would be even higher.

The way that steam improves the reaction cannot be analyzed in this project due to the

multiple variables and the low accuracy of kinetic models. It is recommended a deeper

analysis comparing the advantages of using CO2 or steam for this process.

Considering the highest quality product gas as one using lower amount of flue gas from

the paper [22] (Case A on table 4 in chapter 3) there is a total carbon conversion of 0.99,

being the carbon content of the biomass 53.18% p/p (wet basis), a total of 5 kg/h of

biomass is still available that, for the quoted case, does not react during the process.

That biomass can feed 12,135 kg of steam with fuel and unconverted char, but

considering the efficiency of its reaction unknown for this project, it cannot be

evaluated the quantity of steam required for generating a higher LHV gas in the process.

After the previous calculations it can be stated that the idea of using a slipstream from

the turbine system and introduce extra steam looks interesting and is little limited, there

is other options to improve carbon conversion and avoid high carbon content is fly ash

from the gasifier as it can be the pulverization of the woodchips, also it has to be stated

that steam has a great effect on flame stability as it is going to be explained in the next


4.4 Effect of using product gas in the furnace:

Mass flow variations

Considering as it was explained before, a gas is being inserted in the oxyboiler,

the effect that this can carry out is going to be defined in this point. Considering that a

gas with little ashes composed mainly by CO, H2, CO2 and Steam is going to be burnt in

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


the furnace the first point to analyze are the variations of the bulk gas composition

inside this furnace.

The chosen composition is case A from the paper made by Bioenergy group of

Universidad de Sevilla [22] is the shown in table 11. This composition was generated

using 742.4 kg/h of a flue gas with an ideal composition of O2/H2O/CO2 /N2=3 / 25 / 67

/ 5 when the real composition is shown in table 12, where NOx, CO and SO2

concentrations despicable for this point.

%v/v Mass flow %p/p

CO 19.32 284.92 20.53

CO2 32.58 754.76 54.40

H2 14.92 15.71 1.13

H2O 26.54 251.57 18.13

CH4 3.33 28.06 2.02

N2 3.15 46.45 3.34

Tar 0.19 5.78 0.41



1178.56 Total mass

(kg/h) 1387.28



7.4 Temperature 900ºC

Total heat

(MJ/h) 8721.344 Pressure 1 Bar

Table 11 Mass flow composition for case A in table 4 Chapter 3

%v/v (N) %p/p

CO2 0.64 0.796

N2 0.03 0.023

H2O 0.29 0.148

O2 0.035 0.316

Temperature 170ºC

Pressure 1 bar Table 12 Mass flow composition of flue gas

in Schwarze Pumpe.

At this point it must be explained that this product gas is replacing exactly 8721.344

MJ/h of the inserted coal, this in coal terms is 415.3 kg/h of coal. The total inserted coal

in the furnace is 5000kg/h that requires the use of 10000 kg/h of oxygen. Considering

the reflux being the 70% of the total flue gas produced, 50000kg/h of flue gas is being

recycled. This recycled flue gas maintain the temperature inside the furnace, this

temperature must not be changed when integrating the problem.

Total conversion of the coal and the product gas is going to be assumed; in fact the

combustion efficiency is extremely high for coal in the furnace so it can be extrapolated

to total conversion for syngas which has ease for being combusted.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


CO2, steam and N2 are the main inert used in this combustion process, the produced gas

is feeding by itself 754 kg/h of CO2, 252kg/h of steam and 46 kg/h of N2, being the total

inert introduced 1053 kg/h. This replaces the 2% of the recirculation stream if similar

thermodynamic characteristics are assumed, considering the heat dilution capacity of all

inert introduced as the same.

The flue gas required in the gasifier is 742.4 kg/h of a flue gas with different

composition of the oxyboiler on analyzed in this project, but that composition is that

similar to the flue gas composition in [22] that the resulting gas is going to be

considered unvaried.

With these modifications, FGD and FGC units will treat only 310.6 kg/h of extra flue

gas, meaning an extra treatment of 2.07%, impact that should be evaluated.

Oxygen requirement for coal decreases proportionally 830,6 kg/h but the requirement of

oxygen of the product gas inserted is 665,41kg/h, this means that the integration of this

process requires 9834,81 kg/h of oxygen instead of 10000kg/h required with no


While integrating the process, the product gas introduces in the furnace 284.92 kg/h of

CO, 251.5 kg/h of H2, 28.06 kg/h of CH4 and 5.78 kg/h of tar, assumed this one as

C6H6.2O0.2 [22]. After combustion these gases will be converted into CO2 and steam.

Complete combustion is going to be considered in this process, this combustion will

vary the composition of the flue gas as it is shown in table 13.











flue gas



flue gas


CO 284.92 0 0 0 0

CO2 754.76 1298.46 0.719 0.796 0.794

H2 15.71 0 0 0 0

H2O 251.57 460.07 0.255 0.148 0.1501

CH4 28.06 0 0 0 0

N2 46.45 46.45 0.0257 0.03 0.0299


(C6H6.2O0.2) 5.78 0 0 0 0

Table 13 Product gas composition and its effect on the flue gas composition generated after furnace.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The effect of the integration into the furnace flue gas composition is minimal; the most

notable effect is the decrease of CO2 concentration in a 0.16% and the increment of

steam concentration in a 0.21%. This variation is really small to be considered. .

4.4.1 Effects inside the furnace:

At the time of introducing different fuels in an existent boiler, it is important to

understand the way that this fuel is going to be introduced. The problem treated in this

project considers as an example the Schwarze Pumpe pilot plant, this plant, as it was

explained before, consists in a top-mounted pulverized fuel oxyboiler. The DTS-burner

used in this plant introduces oxygen mixed with the recirculated flue gas and the

pulverized coal using a patented technology that is saved by the company. But this

analysis can continue considering the burner technology as a black box producing a

scheme as it is shown in figure 27.

Pulverized lignite is being combusted at temperatures over 1350ºC, all across the height

of the boiler there exist heat exchangers that will heat up the steam of the power cycle.

It has to be mentioned that this burner must not be modified, or, in another case, the

heat provided to the steam cycle must remain unvaried.

Figure 27 Temperature distribution (ºC) for a 28% oxygen concentration test in Schwarze Pumpe [42]

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


It is assumed that a dusty gas with steam and tar, as the produced gas threaten in this

project, must not be introduced into the boiler using the same burner as coal, because

this will reduce efficiency and problems in the burner itself, the primary gas that carries

the coal is a really clean gas with no steam or particles in order not to block the burner,

requirements that the produced gas does not accomplish. But in the other hand still has

to be analyzed which kind of advantages could carry out the introduction at the same

time of both fuels in the process.

Another burner should be design for this biomass derived gas, and an analysis of the

environment must be made.

Many authors have investigated the combustion characteristics of biomass produced

syngas [53][54][55] but there is not any information about the combustion

characteristics of syngas with tar and steam diluted in CO2 in a oxycombustion

chamber, even more, co-fired with coal. Just some information of related experiments

could be gathered in order to create a basis for further investigations.

In order to understand the characteristics of this combustion it has to be analyzed from

the very basics. The gas analyzed here is syngas diluted in CO2 and Steam. Syngas

combustions can reach temperatures over 2000ºC when using air, this temperature will

be much higher using pure oxygen, this means that, as it happens with pulverized coal,

the dilutant concentration is key at the time of controlling the combustion and not to

reach really hot and quick flames that decreases the efficiency of the heat exchangers

and damages the facility.

There exist two key factors related with the design of this facility:

Composition of gases related:

It is important to note, high concentrations of oxygen in the burner will create

really quick and hot flames that cause problems, low concentrations may generate

unburned compounds that cause downstream problems.

Also composition of the gas has to be analyzed precisely. H2/CO yield, tar concentration

and CH4 concentration define the flame that is going to appear in the furnace giving

different characteristics to this one.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


N2, CO2 and steam concentrations are diluting already the fuel (syngas) and they must

be considered at the time of controlling the flue gas used from the oxyboiler recycle.

Also the oxyboiler recycle composition is key at the time of deciding the proportion of

the other streams.

Position of the burner and flame speed:

The gas composition and thermodynamic characteristics on the position where

the biomass derived gas is going to be combusted is critical in the design. Depending on

the temperature, the gas is combusted at different velocities and the flame temperature

and stability can be affected, also, some compounds can react with this flame, reason

why deeper investigation about this topic is required due to the non existence of

research in this area.

Furthermore, a really interesting variable that can predict the behavior of this

combustion is laminar flame speed that is directly related with flame stability. J.

Natarajan et al. [56] made an investigation about flame behavior of syngas with

different compositions diluted in CO2. These investigations were carried out with air as

comburent, that make the information provided by them to be far away from the results

expected in the situation treated in this project (figure 28). They investigated the laminar

flame speed of syngas in a Bunsen burner and results indicate that hydrogen

concentration speeds up the flame and consequently hydrogen improves flame stability.

Figure 28 Measured laminar flame speeds in Bunsen flame for H2:CO 50:50 and 5:95 compositions at p = 1 atm and

Tu ∼ 300 K [57,58 ,59].

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The equivalence ratio is the relationship between syngas and air, figure 28 shows the

high difference between H2 and CO concentrations, the higher H2 concentration, and the

higher speed. This information generates a new scheme at the time of designing the

gasifier itself, higher H2 concentrations in the produced gas leads to higher flame speed

and stability being much more interesting a higher presence of H2 in this gas. But

syngas generated in the gasifier is diluted with CO2, figure 29 shows the effect of this

inert in flame speed.

The case threaten in this project uses syngas with a minimum dilution of 20% and a

maximum dilution of 32%. This graph shows that flame speed decreases around 30%

when using a concentration of 20% of CO2 in syngas, this can be extrapolated to high

loss in flame speed and stability using high concentrations of CO2 in this gas.

This difference is smaller when higher concentration of CO appears in the syngas


Figure 29 Laminar flame speeds for fuels with 50:50 H2:CO composition and 0 and 20% CO2 dilution of the fuel at p

= 1 atm and Tu ∼ 300 K; Bunsen flame measurements (symbols) and PREMIX predictions (lines) [56].

Even so, Natarajan et al. [56] made a really interesting investigation about the effect of

preheating syngas before its combustion (figure 30).

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 30 Laminar flame speed for fuels with 50:50 H2:CO composition for various preheat temperatures at p = 1

atm; Bunsen flame measurements (symbols) and PREMIX predictions (lines) [56].

In figure 30, Tu is the preheating temperature, feeding temperature of syngas (50:50)

combusted. Considering that the gas generated in the gasifier flows into the furnace at

900ºC, flame speed will be improved due to this.

At this point, three key aspects will define the flame characteristics of this combusted

syngas, H2/CO yield, CO2 dilution and preheat temperature, apart from the equivalence

ratio and mass flow of oxidant and fuel.

But the gas analyzed in this project is not only diluted syngas; it is biomass produced

syngas that, as it has been already explained, contains high amount of steam and tar.

Considering steam (for wet flue gas gasification) being in a concentration from 13(with

small reducing agent concentration in the gasifier or case A from table 4 in chapter 3) to

20 % v/v (with high reducing agent concentration in the gasifier or case B from table 4

in chapter 3) in this gas, and a tar concentration of 0.13 (Case B) to 0.20 % v/v (Case

A), an analysis of these two components have to be made.

Mujanat et Al. [60] made an investigation about the effect of steam and tar in laminar

flame speed of biomass gas. They considered tar as benzene vapor in order to simplify

the average tar. The used gas was gasified woodchips with air, generating a

considerably low heating value gas with high concentrations of nitrogen and carbon


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


In terms of tar effect their results were not as interesting as it was expected (figure 31).

Figure 31 Variation of laminar flame speeds of GBG–air mixture with C6H6 vapor addition. [60].

Tar compounds, in high concentration, accelerates the laminar flame speed of the

combustion of syngas, while it slightly decreases speed in medium concentration. The

gas considered in this project does not reach the values analyzed by [60], meaning that

this effect can be ignored at this point in a first view, but it has to be reminded that tar is

a variety of different compounds, using benzene vapor is a really general assumption,

other compounds could affect in a different way the laminar flame speed meaning that a

deeper investigation in this area could be recommended.

But the effect of steam in flame speed was not despicable as it is shown in figure 32.

While equivalent ratio is close to 1, steam concentration over 4% v/v laminar flame

speed decreases due to the reduction on heat release and the increment of the gas heat


Figure 32 Influence of H2O vapor on the laminar flame speed of GBG–air mixture.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 33 Variation of thermal diffusivity and adiabatic flame temperature of GBG fuel mixture with addition of H2O

vapor [60].

The adiabatic temperature is reduced with the higher concentration of steam, decreasing

heat transfer efficiency, as it is shown in figure 33. This change in adiabatic temperature

is low, this effect can be neglected.

It can be concluded that the effect of steam in the process is governed by two facts, in

one hand, a higher concentration of steam in the gasification stage generates higher

concentration of hydrogen, this hydrogen increases flame speed and, consequently

flame stability; in the other hand, in order to generate higher concentration of hydrogen

in the produced gas, extra steam feeding will be required, an option that, added to the

advantages and disadvantages mentioned before, will reduce flame speed considerably

in the furnace due to the high heat capacity of steam.

In a more practical point of view, the previous information is just indicative of the

possible results of this combustion. In a more realistic environment, regime where

syngas is combusted is not laminar but turbulent. There is really little information about

combustion of biomass produced syngas in turbulent regime and little conclusions can

be made from here. Still laminar flame speed is a good indicator to predict turbulent

behavior much more difficult to investigate.

Kwiatkowski et Al. [61] made an investigation simulating the combustion of a gasified

woodchip syngas with air in turbulent regime. The cases studied in [61] differs

considerably from the case analyzed in this project but a study considering a turbulent

regime add some variables that worth to take into account at the time of designing the

combustion device of this installation.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


It has to be considered that the biomass syngas studied in here contains dilutants and

fuel at the same time and is produced at temperatures over 900ºC, this means that

premixing this gas with oxygen is highly risky. This mixture can burn spontaneously at

these conditions; that is the reason why non-premixed mode is mandatory for this case.

In non-premixed combustion modeling for turbulent regime, the way of controlling the

flame depends on the position of the stoichiometric line and the gradient of fuel and

oxidizer. These two variables are tracked at the same time by the scalar dissipation rate.

In their study they concluded that mixture fraction and scalar dissipation rate defines the

flame temperature and consequently the efficiency of the process. That is the reason

why a study on diffusion effects must be made in order to correlate the behavior of the

flame at turbulent conditions with the composition of the syngas introduced at the time

of considering a turbulent regime.

4.4.2 Energy and mass balance:

Calculation of mass and heat balances in this integration process provides quite

interesting information. It was considered two cases, Case A and Case B explained

before. Produced gas in the gasifier for Case A consists in a more fuel concentrated gas

that is the reason of the higher LHV showed in chapter 3. This gas will require higher

amount of inert gases in case of not willing to reach high temperatures in the furnaces.

Case B produces the whole opposite case, it produces a lesser concentrated gas from the

gasifier requiring less inert gases for producing a good working temperatures.

Also an analysis for the case of using steam as an inert in this process was analyzed, this

idea comes from the idea of using extra steam in the gasifier, steam that also can control

the temperature of the furnace.

Calculations were made considering that the reaction takes place in a perfect mixing

reactor in order to simplify them, this reactor would work at 1400ºC, the flue gas

considered would be the flue gas analyzed in Schwarze Pumpe (O2/H2O/CO2 /N2=3 / 25

/ 67 / 5 at 180ºC and 1 Bar), steam was considered at 900ºC considering that it reach

that temperature in the gasifier.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The required mass flow of gases dedicated to dissipate the temperature inside the

furnace (carbon dioxide and steam considered for this point as inerts) was calculated for

each case and each inert in order to achieve conclusions in the complicated topic of the

possibility of using extra steam as reducing agent in the gasifier. Results are shown in

table 14.

Massflow of inert. Case A Case B

Using flue gas as inert. 5048.80 kg/h

4171.11 kg/h

Using steam as inert. 6401.54 kg/h

5288.70 kg/h

Table 14 Inert requirement for maintaining the temperature of the process at 1400ºC inside the furnace considering

independent combustion of syngas inside it.

The results indicates that the range of inert required for reaching temperatures around

1400ºC is seven times larger than the mass flow of gas produced in the gasifier, that

indicates that flue gas will be used for controlling temperature in every case because it

is impossible to use a mass flow of more than 5000 kg/h of steam in the gasifier, it still

can be used as an improvement for the H2 yield but its effect on the temperature control

is small.

These results also indicates what it was already expected, Case A requires more inert

that Case B, and the higher Cp of steam (1.865 kJ/kgK) compared with the oxyboiler

flue gas (0.969 kJ/kgK) could make the reader think that less steam would be required

to maintain temperature in the boiler if it is compared with flue gas, but the difference

of the inlet temperature (900ºC for steam; 180ºC for flue gas) make necessary more

steam for the same case.

As conclusion, the only difference between Case A and Case B, in terms of energy

balance is the higher carbon conversion of Case A compared to Case B, because LHV

can be assumed as only energy density and the inert gases in the produced gas would act

also as inert in the furnace. This carbon conversion can avoid problems in ash

management but in case of requiring conversion over 99%, still extra steam option can

be considered as viable.

It is concluded that a flue gas must be mixed with the produced gas before combustion

in the furnace, this mixing would decrease flame speed and stability.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


4.4.3 CO2 balance:

The main objective of this project was, as it was said in the introduction, to

generate a process that consumes CO2. After this investigation a general mass balance

can be done in terms of CO2. Woodchips used have 52.78% p/p of carbon, meaning an

introduction of green carbon of 0.2449 t/h, translated into 0.898 t/h of CO2 captured

from environment due to the biomass used. Still the production of CO2 does not vary

largely, case A used 4.6538 t/h of coal and case B used 4.6535 t/h of coal. It can be

considered that both cases still use same coal being this one 4.654 t/h. Most of the

changes that can be applied to the process are internal, general mass balance does not

vary with different recirculation of flue gas or different slipstream for feeding the


This coal that is combusted in the oxyfuel process, generates a total of 10.238 t/h of

CO2 that summed to the CO2 generated by biomass creates a total of 11.1368 t/h of

CO2, 0.1368 t/h more that using the oxyfuel process without the integration of the

gasification stage.

The lower heating value of biomass compared to coal generate more CO2 for producing

the same power (30 MWth), this means that the revenue perceived for consuming 0.898

t/h of CO2 must be higher that the price of capturing 0.1368 t/h of CO2.

Vattenfall stated the cost of avoidance of one ton of CO2 by CCS on its plant in a

arrange of 20-25€ [40], the price of EUA can be considered around 10€ per ton, in

general terms, considering that this plant consumes 0.898 t/h of CO2, it can be assumed,

without considering CER, that close to 9 €/h are being received for CO2 consumption

while 3.25€/h are being invested on capturing extra CO2.

Integrating a gasifier in an oxyfuel process, in terms of CO2, generates a revenue of 5.75

€/h considering that 10€/h per ton of CO2 consumed are being received as emission

right sale and 25 €/h as the price of capturing one ton of CO2. This 5.75 €/h refers as a

total revenue using 0.5 t/h of woodchips, these woodchips would cost from 15 € to 30 €

depending on the quality of the woodchips (data from skytrading Spain). There exists

already economical loses implementing this technology in an industrial plant even with

no consideration of initial and working costs of the facility.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


In order to achieve zero economical loses with this integration, EUA prices would have

to rise faster than biomass prices, and also coal price would have to increase in a

considerable way to consider this option a reality for the incoming years.

4.5 Gasifier scale up

The whole analysis done in this project until this point has used as basis the idea

that only around the 10% of the total power generated in the plant derives from the

gasifier. A new analysis is going to be done at this part of the project, the effect of

scaling up the size of the gasifier integrated in the oxyfuel plant. This is a proximate

analysis and results still cannot be defined as trustable but they will prepare a basis for

further conclusions. Maintaining the total output of power at 30 MWth, the size of the

gasifier will be varied from 500 kg/h to 3000 kg/h of gasified woodchips, meaning a

power output of the gasifier from 2 MWth to 12 MWth, in this last case the 40% of the

total power.

For this analysis, it is assumed that there no existence of extra feeding of steam inside

the gasifier and the effect of this scale up will be considered regarding the changes

inside the oxyfuel process; the gasifier is assumed to have proportional characteristics at

the time of being scaled up, fluid dynamics inside the fluidized bed are considered

unvaried for this analysis. In all situations, variations regarding the gasifier produced

gas are being ignored due to the fact that only the proportional increment of the mass

flow of every component is the mayor change for these variables.

During this scaling up, both cases (A and B from table 4 in chapter 3) where analyzed,

and a total of 11 different values of woodchip feeding was also investigated. The scale

up is done calculating the total mass flow of each component of the gasified biomass for

ten different new biomass inlet (750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, 2500, 2750

and 3000 kg of woodchips per hour). Size of the gasifier is supposed to be increased for

maintaining gas speed and fluid dynamics of the process.

Each of these different feeding for the gasifiers would replace a different quantity of

coal at the oxyfuel plant, this would create a lesser requirement of coal for generating

same power output, this, would change the composition of the oxyboiler.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


The difficulty on this analysis remains in the change on the composition of some

components at the outlet of the oxyboiler due to this scale up, this composition varies

and it affects the consequent behavior of the gasifier.

The first change observed at the time of scaling up the gasifier, as it was said, are the

variations on the composition of the flue gas produced after the furnace of the plant

(Figure 34), changes that affect considerably the pretreatments done after the boiler.

Figure 34 Composition of the flue gas from the furnace for each gasifier size.

As it can be seen in figure 34, there is no remarkable variation on the composition of the

flue gas for every rate biomass/coal in the plant at the time of using more or less

reducing agents in the gasifier (Case A and B from table 4 chapter 3). Due to the higher

content in hydrogen of the biomass compared to coal, as higher is the rate biomass/coal

in the process higher will be the concentration of steam in the flue gas and lower the

concentration of CO2. This would lead into great advantages in the process, being lower

the carbon dioxide concentration; it would be cheaper the capture of this one and the

separation of steam from this carbon dioxide is cheap compared to the costs of

capturing carbon dioxide. This would increase the size of the condenser in the oxyfuel

plant and lower the CCS facility size. It has to be noted that a high concentration of

steam in the furnace decreases the efficiency of the process because of steam heat

capacity. Nitrogen and oxygen concentration vary in little proportion compared to steam

and carbon dioxide, but after the condenser the concentration of these two components









500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000


e g

as c





Biomass used in gasifier (Kg/h)

Oxyboiler flue gas composition



N2 A

O2 A



N2 B

O2 B

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


would be higher for high rates biomass/coal, generating possible problems at the time of

capturing carbon dioxide.

Regarding the gasifier, the increment on the steam/CO2 rate would increase the

efficiency of the process due to the better efficiency of gasification reactions related

with steam, this would change the LHV of the gas produced but the effect would not be

high for considering this and improvement due to the high conversion of the process

with 500 kg/h of biomass feeding. But this change on the steam/CO2 rate affects the

behavior of the oxyboiler due to the detriment on efficiency with high steam

concentrations, meaning that the process would not generate the same power for high

biomass/coal rates. Calculating the variations on the gasifier behavior due to this change

is impossible at the time with no empirical investigation, this investigation is


Figure 35 shows clearly the variations in the general mass balance of the process. It is

shown in this figure that there is no difference of using case A or case B in these results,

they do not affect the general mass balance. This figure also shows what also figure 34

showed before, more steam has to be condensed for higher rates biomass/coal.

Figure 35 CO2 balance, flue gas produced and steam to be condensed flow rates for each gasifier size.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


It is also remarkable that for higher rates biomass/coal, similar carbon has to be

captured in total mass flow, this is contrary to figure 34 but it is understandable that it is

required more mass of biomass than coal for generating same power, this is translated

into a higher mass flow of flue gas produced as it is also shown in figure 35. Even so,

the total CO2 generation in the process decreases with a higher rate biomass/coal in the


Another interesting point is shown in figure 36, recirculation done for maintaining the

temperature constant in the process does not increment considerably for high rates

biomass/coal, neither the requirement of oxygen, but still there is an increment on these

both requirements due to the high flame temperatures that produced gas in the gasifier

provokes and the higher oxygen required for gasification and combustion of the

biomass fed.

Figure 36 Recirculation mass flow and O2 required in the plant for each gasifier size.

In a last point, an analysis of the variations of NOx, SO2 and particles was done. It was

noticed again that there is no effect on the concentration of these components caused by

using case A or B. Figure 37 shows the variation in ppm of the concentration of these

compounds inside the furnace.









500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000


s fl




Biomass used in gasifier (kg/h)

Recirculation and oxygen requirement

O2 requirement (kg/h)

Flue gas recycle (kg/h)

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Figure 37 NOx, SO2 and particles concentration inside the furnace for each gasifier size.

At this point it can be concluded that SO2 concentration is reduced when biomass/coal

rate increases facilitating the work of the flue gas desulphurization, by contrast

concentration of NOx is increases with this rate. Being the De-NOx facility nonexistent

in the process it cannot be investigated the effect of this variation in the oxyfuel process.

Particles inside the furnace concentrate highly with high rates of biomass/coal, this

could cause problems, and it has to be noted that for higher concentrations of 5ppm of

particles inside the furnace there exists problems of fouling and slagging. As it was

explained in point 4.2 of this chapter, ceramic filters are the most recommendable

option for this porpoise.

The application area of this project is Spain, in this country, as it is said in BOE 69 of

march 4th

of 2004, the maximum emission of particles to atmosphere allowed by law is

5 ppm, same requirement as the oxyfuel plant of Schwarze Pumpe. This means that the

governamental requirement for particles emission in spain is going to be accomplished

because the same requirement exists in the oxyfuel plant, in every case, the minimum

efficiency that ceramic filters would require would be 80%, efficiency that is commonly

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


achieved by these filters, filters that are required in case of rates of biomass/coal higher

than 750/4700.

SO2 is also affected by governmental limitations, for this kind of plant (smaller than 50

MWth) it is required that the emissions are lesser than 200 ppm for a new plant using

solid fuels from biomass but 850 for the general case, with scaling up, this

concentration can be decreased from 7000 ppm to 3600 ppm in the outlet of the furnace

of the plant, considering that the flue gas desulphurization stage has a efficiency of

98.75%, in the worst case the concentration of SO2 would be 87.5 ppm accomplishing

both requirements.

NOx emissions should not emit more than 600 ppm for the Spanish case. This plant

requires a De-NOx stage in any case. It has to be noted that this De-NOx should have a

minimum efficiency of 40% being even not necessary for low biomass/coal rates. As it

was explained previously, Schwarze Pumpe does not have still a De-NOx stage, this

stage will be required only in the case that a gasifier is integrated. This is a remarkable

problem and it has to be taken into account when designing the plant. In any case, after

2016 it will be required a De.NOx plant for every configuration that exceed 500 MWth,

meaning that an industrial design will require this stage if it is erected in Spain.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


CHAPTER 5: Summary and conclusions:

The integration of a biomass gasifier into an oxyfuel process has been studied in this

project. In general terms, the possibility of creating a carbon negative process is

possible but still not profitable. Costs related with the implementation of the plant and

costs of capturing the CO2 generated differ considerably from the possible revenues

received by EUA and CER.

Still this technology could be implemented in the following years considering a higher

price on coal, an improvement on world economy and a low increment on biomass


The gasifier analyzed was designed in paper [22] this gasifier uses 500 kg/h of

woodchips as biomass. This biomass is gasified by three components; oxygen, carbon

dioxide and steam. These components are fed into the gasifier using a slipstream of the

flue gas from an oxyfuel plant with the composition shown in table 10 of chapter 4. This

oxyfuel pilot plant uses the gasified biomass as a secondary fuel for co-firing.

The gasifier temperature is maintained at 900ºC; this temperature is maintained by the

combustion of oxygen using the woodchips inside the gasifier. The oxygen provided by

the flue gas analyzed is not enough to maintain that temperature, a stream of pure

oxygen coming from the ASU of the oxyfuel plant is required. The oxygen stream

temperature and composition is known during all the process reason that makes that this

last stream should be the control stream for the working temperature of the gasifier. Due

to the deviations of the composition of the fuel used and the flue gas used, the other

streams are not useful for a PID control system. A control system using this stream is

recommended to maintain the temperature at 900ºC.

The slipstream of the oxyboiler contains other components apart from oxygen, steam

and carbon dioxide. The most remarkable components are NOx, SO2 and particles due

that the most logical slipstream position is place right after de electrostatic precipitator

that contains the oxyfuel plant. In chapter 4 the effect of these components was

analyzed and it was concluded that NOx compounds in the flue gas affect NH3

generation in the gasifier limiting it. Still there is no documents detailing the effect of

extra insertion of NOx in the gasifier but it can be assumed that this NOx would be

converted partly in NH3 that is later on oxidized in the oxyboiler maintaining the same

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


NOx concentration in the process. Effects of NOx in the oxyfuel process is still not

widely analyzed, it is possible that Vattenfall release documents about the topic in a

near future.

SO2 is another remarkable compound contained in the flue gas fed into the gasifier.

Chapter 4 analyzed this component and it was concluded that the low generation of this

compound in the gasifier reduces SO2 concentration at the flue gas after the integration.

But this flue gas is later on fed to the gasifier as gasifying agent, the effect of SO2 inside

the gasifier has not been studied in the bibliography.

Particles during the process were also analyzed, it was concluded that it is necessary the

usage of a flue gas slipstream clean of particles in the gasifier for avoiding fouling and

slagging problems that commonly appear in this kind of process. It was recommended

that the slipstream that would feed the gasifier should be placed right after the

electrostatic precipitator. It was also concluded that the gasified biomass contains high

concentration of particles compared with the concentration that the oxyfuel plant can

hold inside, that creates same problems of slagging and fouling and a cleaning system

for the flue gas was recommended. A cyclone is a good and simple option for this

porpoise. In case of being necessary lower particle concentration or in case of

introducing in the gasifier a biomass with higher ash content, a hot gas secondary

cleaning system is recommended to maintain the thermodynamic efficiency of the

process, the cleaning systems that accomplish these requirements are ceramic candles or

metallic filters.

The possibility of including an extra steam stream for feeding the gasifier was analyzed.

In the oxyfuel plant analyzed does not exists a steam cycle, this cycle was assumed for

the size of this pilot plant. Assuming this, it was examined the possibility of extracting

steam from a bleeding or the exhaust steam of the corresponding turbine. It was noted

that there is no remarkable effect on the thermodynamic efficiency of this cycle because

the heat that the chemical reaction of steam with woodchips release would be always

higher than the heat that feed water heaters of the steam cycle could recover. It was also

concluded that extra steam would improve carbon conversion in the gasifier and H2/CO2

yield would be higher, this would increase the heating value of the gas produced and the

speed and stability that this gas would form inside the furnace. It was also

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


recommended a deeper investigation about this topic due to the little information

existent on the area of biomass gasifiers using multiple gasifying agents.

An analysis of the mass flow variations during the process was analyzed and it was

concluded that there is no remarkable variation on the mass flow and composition of the

streams in the oxyfuel plant meaning that just a little readjustment on the apparatus

would be required in the oxyfuel plant in case of integrating the gasifier.

Combustion of the produced gas inside the furnace of the oxyfuel plant was studied. It

was concluded that, in a first view, it is not recommendable to use this produced gas as

a carrier for the pulverized coal in the furnace due to the high risk of spontaneous

combustion. Also due to the particles and tar that this produced gas could carry it is

recommendable to use a different burner for this gas, this burner should be a non-

premixed burner to avoid spontaneous ignition. It exists still the lack of knowledge in

the effect that this different burner would have inside the furnace, a better cleaning

system would lead into the usage of the same burner for both fuels but the little

information about the burner used in the exemplified pilot plant makes impossible to

analyze this area.

Flame characteristics of the produced gas were analyzed. Higher hydrogen

concentration; lesser carbon dioxide and steam concentration; and higher preheat

temperature improves flame speed and flame stability of the combustion. Tar

concentration is not high enough to consider its effect on flame speed and stability.

Considering that preheat temperature is set to 900ºC only composition of the produced

gas is a variable that could be controlled for favoring flame speed. An analysis of the

steam required in the gasifier for improving this speed is recommended, steam

concentration slows the flame while hydrogen speed it up, it has to be considered that

the gasifier requires more steam for generating more hydrogen, an optimum point must

be researched.

An energy balance for the combustion of the produced gas was made. It was concluded

that inert is required for heat dilution in the flame. There is not enough dilutants in the

produced gas and feeding these dilutants before the gasification stage would decrease

drastically the efficiency of the process. Dilutants feeding must be made right before the

combustion in the furnace but it has to be noted that this dilution decreases flame speed

and stability due to the decrease of the temperature of this stream lowering preheat

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


temperature. It is recommended an analysis of the optimum dilution rate for this

produced gas in order to maintain a relevant efficiency inside the furnace.

There is still lack on knowledge of the effect of preparation of the woodchips used in

the gasifier, it was concluded that thickness of the woodchips used improves

considerably the efficiency of the process.

After the gathering of this information it was excluded the possible idea of direct co-

firing due to the high requirements that an oxyfuel process has. The cleaning system

between gasification and combustion in the furnace provides a control that direct co-

firing does not provide.

Scaling up analysis for the gasifier was done, it was concluded that for power rates up to

12 MWth (40% of the total), and there was considerable variations in the process. It was

concluded that a higher rate of biomass/coal used in the plant increases recycle mass

flow at the plant, requiring a piping redesign; increases flue gas mass flow, requiring an

enlargement of the furnace; increases O2 requirement, provoking a higher oxygen

demand and consequent costs; increases steam concentration at the flue gas, increasing

size of the condenser; and increases particle concentration inserted in the furnace

requiring an extra cleaning system for the produced gas in the gasifier. By contrary, a

higher biomass/coal rate reduces considerably the carbon dioxide produced, reducing

CCS costs and generating higher revenues from EUA due to the higher carbon

consumption, as a secondary benefit, SO2 concentration in the boiler flue gas is reduced,

reducing size and costs of the FGD unit.

It has to be reminded that most of the calculations made in this project were not accurate

enough due to the high number of assumptions that this project has on it.

Recommendations for future investigations were made and the main objective of the

project was achieved. It is also recommended checking the quoted bibliography for

deeper information about each of the topics analyzed here and it is reminded that there

exists widespread investigations being made by scientific community related with this

topic, meaning a constant flow of new results that might be follow in case of being

interested on the creation of a real pilot plant using this technology.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Final Summary:

In order to get a better understanding of this project and having a general view of the

conclusions gathered here, the followings tables 15, 16 and 17 are summarizing all the

ideas generated during the creation of this project. After the first preview of the

possibility of the integration of a biomass gasification process into an oxyfuel pilot

plant, many factors are being affected and many recommendations are given for the

clarifying the path to follow at the time of an industrial design of this integration. Table

15 reflexes conclusions regarding the gasifier related to the most important variables,

table 16 reflexes the effect that biomass/coal rate has in this process and table 17

reflexes conclusssions regarding the oxyfuel plant related to the most important


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.



Unit Parameter Definition Effect Parameter Definition Effect



r Gasifying agent



biomass mass

flow rate

-Higher H2/CO rate.

-Lowers produced gas LHV

-Lowers char and carbon conversion.

Particles Fly ash

generated in the

gasifier and fly

ash introduced

by slipstream.

Bed particles


Bottom ash not


-Low insertion of particles from slipstream due to

electrostatic precipitator.

-Relatively low generation of fly ash in the gasifier

but still a problem in the furnace, requires a cyclone.

-Composition of fly ash determines slagging and

fouling, no data available for the case studied.

-Ca, Si and K main precursors of this problem.

Common compounds in biomass fly ash.

-Cyclone removes bed particles conveyed and fly

ash and the inserted particles after cyclone inside the

furnace does not vary particles concentration in the

furnace for a 10% co-firing.

Oxygen Mass flow of

oxygen used in

the gasifier

-Increase gasifier working temperature.

-Increases ASU working costs.

-Produces combustion for maintaining


-Control stream for working temperature.

-Higher gasifying agent feeding or steam

introduction requires relatively low oxygen


Temperature Working

temperature of

the gasifier.

-Temperature is limited by melting points

of ash and bed in the gasifier.

-Higher temperature entails higher


-Depends on oxygen flow rate and inlet

temperature of involved streams.



SO2 produced in

the gasifier and

inserted by


-Coal produces 8000 mg/m3 of SO2 while gasifier

produces 380 mg/m3. Gasifier production of SO2 is

low compared to coal. Overall generation is reduced

with integration.

-High introduction of SO2 effect in the gasifier has

not been investigated.



NOx, HCN and

NH3 generated

in the gasifier or

inserted by the


-Little existence of information about

releasing of these compounds during

gasification with different gasifying agents.

-NOx introduced by slipstream is three

times higher than the produced in the

gasifier, effect has not been studied, it could

engage NH3 formation.

-HCN and NH3 introduced by slipstream

despicable compared to the generated in the


Steam Steam bleeding

from turbine

system fed into

the gasifier

-Increases conversion and H2/CO rate.

-Requires more oxygen.

-Kinetics not trustable.

-Unknown effect on LHV.

-Not reacting steam in gasifier act as heat dissipater

in furnace, recycle adjustment is required.

-H2 increases flame speed but steam decreases it.



Size and

thickness of


introduced in

the gasifier

-Size does not affect the process considerably.

-Thickness decreases effectiveness.

Table 15: Summary of conclusions and recommendations regarding the gasifier.






Relationship between mass

of woodchips used in

gasifier compared to coal.

-Determined by gasifier size.

-Results analyzed with biomass feeding from 500 kg/h to 3000 kg/h

-Increasing biomass/coal ratio increases steam in the flue gas produced and reduces CO2 generation.

-High steam concentration in recycle decreases efficiency in the oxyboiler and the effects have to be analyzed.

-This ration does not affect the total carbon to be captured but increases carbon dioxide consumption.

-ASU and recycle systems not affected by this ration.

-SO2 generation is reduced and NOx is relatively maintained.

-Particles introduced in the furnace exceed the capability of the plant for high ratios. Secondary cleaning system after the cyclone before the

furnaces is required.

Table 16: Summary of conclusions and recommendations regarding the biomass/coal ratio.

Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Integration of a biomass gasifier in an oxyfuel pilot plant.


Table 17: Summary of conclusions and recommendations regarding the oxyfuel plant

Unit Parameter Definition Effect Parameter Definition Effect



el p


t Flue gas recycle Recycle rate of the

flue gas of the

plant inserted into

the furnace.

-Heat dissipater.

-Has to be clean of particles to avoid

slagging and fouling.

-Determines the optimum firing conditions.


and fouling.

Formation of

molten or partially

fused deposits on

furnace surfaces.

Ash deposition.

-Not widely analyzed for oxyfuel still.

-Depends on fluid dynamics inside the furnace,

temperature and ash viscosity.

-Affected by SO2 and alkali compounds.

Oxygen Pure oxygen

generated for coal


-Affects flame stability.

-A concentration of 30% establishes the

best flame stability results.

-Set in a range of 23-36% v/v for flame


-High concentration damages facility

because of high temperatures, low

concentration generates high CO

concentration causing problems in CCS.

Corrosion. Generation of SO2

H2S and HCl in the


-Determine materials used in the process.

-Water-wall and superheater tubes mainly affected.

-Not widely studied still for oxyfuel process.

Carbon dioxide Generated in the

furnace by

combustion of


-Affects char burnout time, volatile release

and residence time of the process.

-Affects flame stability as O2.




NOx HCN and

NH3 compounds

produced in the


-Less NOx generation than air firing mode.

-De-NOx not existent at the Schwarze

Pumpe plant.

-HCN and NH3 have high concentration

compared to air. Corrosion problems.

-High HCN and NH3 introduced by

produced gas, little NOx introduced by

produced gas. Considered HCN and NH3

oxidized in furnace. Concentration remains

equal after integration.

Particles Particles introduced

by gasified biomass

and generated by

combustion of coal.

-High slagging and fouling problems generated by

particles in the furnace, electrostatic precipitator requires

high efficiency (99.9%) after recycle.

-In case of using a cyclone, gasifier does not introduce

remarkable concentration of particles for a co-firing rate

of 10% of the total power.

Sulfur derived


SO2 and SO3

produced in the

oxyfuel process

and inserted by the

gasified biomass.

-Lower emissions of SO2 compared to air

firing mode.

-SO3 production higher that air firing mode.

-SO2 has to be separated before CCS, coal

is the main produced of sulfur compounds

after integration.

-High concentration produced by coal,

gasified biomass does not introduce

remarkable concentration of SO2.


speed and



Flame produced by

gasified biomass is

combusted in the

furnace using a

different burner

than coal.

-Defined by gas composition and temperature.

-Still to be designed burner and its position.

-Combustion maximum temperature set in 1400ºC.

-H2/CO rate increases flame stability.

-Preheat temperature increases stability, influencing

recycle and produced gas mixture before combustion.

-CO2 concentration lowers stability.

-Tar does not affect considerably flame speed.

-High concentration of steam could decrease flame speed.





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