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  • N 717

    23 enero 2006

    Responsable de la Seccin: Carmen Alcrudo Dirige: Jos Miguel Alcrudo


    antiguo 54


    001 Beaujard, B., ed.: La naissance de la ville chrtienne. Mlanges en hom-mage Nancy Gauthier2002 173 pp., fig. 15,00INDICE: Travaux et publications de Nancy Gauthier N. Duval: Les descriptions darchitecture etde dcor chez Grgoire de Tours et les auteurs gaulois: le cas de Saint-Martin de Tours F. Prvot: Lammoire des pierres. Lapport de lpigraphie la topographie chrtienne de la Gaule J. Guyon: Lesinscriptions funraires du site de la probable basilique Saint-Flix Narbonne (fouille dO. Ginouvezet R. Sabrie, 1994) H. Galini: Lentre-deux: les terres noires des cits A. Ferdire: Les cits deChartres et dOrlans au bas-empire et les campagnes? J. Biarne: Linfluence des monastres sur lepaysage urbain en Occident (IVe-VIIe sicles) E. Marin: La naissance de la ville chrtienne - deuxexemples: Salona et Narona M. Sartre: Naissance du village chrtien en Syrie du sud G. CantinoWataghin: Immagini della citt tardoantica: riflessioni C. Bonnet: Percevoir la ville chrtienneaujourdhui.

    OBRAS GENERALES: 001 017HISTORIA: Oriente: 018 039

    Grecia: 040 064Roma: 065 105

    Espaa: 106 112LENGUA LITERATURA TEXTOS: 113 199

    FILOSOFA CIENCIA: 200 223RELIGIN: 224 238DERECHO: 239 253

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    002 Campbell, D. B.: Greek and Roman Siege Machinery 399 BC-AD 3632003 48 pp., 40 fig., 7 lm. col. 14,21

    003 Donati, A. / P. Pasini, eds.: Pesca e pescatori nellantichit1997 179 pp., lm. col. 54,00

    004 Flashar, M. / H.-J. Gehrke / E. Heinrich, eds.: Retrospektive. Konzepte vonVergangenheit in der griechisch-rmischen Antike1996 264 pp., 111 fig., 3 lm. 55,00

    005 Haywood, J.: The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Civilisations. Editedby S. Hall2005 144 pp., lm. col., map. 20,53

    006 Hugoniot, C. / F. Hurlet / S. Milanezi, eds.: Le statut de lacteur danslantiquit grecque et romaine. Actes du colloque qui sest tenu Tours les 3 et4 mai 20022004 368 pp. 45,76INDICE: M. Sartre: Avant-propos C. Hugoniot / F. Hurlet / S. Milanezi: Introduction 1. Nais-sance dun monde professionnel: D. Lanza: Lacteur comique face aux institutions P. Easterling: propos du statut symbolique de lacteur E. Csapo: Rise of acting. Some social and economic condi-tions behind the rise of the acting profession in the fifth and fourth centuries BC B. Le Guen: Lestatut professionnel des acteurs grecs lpoque hellnistique 2. Identifier lacteur: mthodologie,terminologie, typologie: P. Ceccarelli: Autour de Dionysos. Remarques sur la dnomination desartistes dionysiaques W. Slater: Where are the actors? K. Dunbabin: Problems in the iconographyof roman mime S. Milanezi: lombre des acteurs: les amuseurs lpoque classique 3. Lac-teur dans la cit: C. Hugoniot: De linfamie la contrainte. volution du statut de lacteur souslempire romain J. C. Dumont: Roscius et Laberius E. Soler: Les acteurs dAntioche et les excsde la cit au IVe sicle ap. J.-C. 4. Lacteur, le pouvoir imprial, laristocratie: P. Arnaud: Lempe-reur, lhistrion et la claque. Un jeu rgl et ses drglements C. Gourdet: Pantomimes et grandesfamilles sous le haut-empire A. Suspne: Les ordres suprieurs sur la scne et dans larne de la finde la rpublique aux Flaviens: le sens politique dune passion pour les spectacles M.-H. Garelli-Franois: Nron et la pantomime.

    007 Leclant, J., ed.: Dictionnaire de lantiquit2005 xlviii + 2.389 pp. 49,00

    008 Meiner, B. / O. Schmitt / M. Sommer, eds.: Krieg. Gesellschaft.Institutionen. Beitrge zu einer vergleichenden Kriegsgeschichte2005 448 pp., fig. 72,00INDICE: O. Schmitt / B. Meiner: Einleitung A. Mehl: Zur Tagung I. Geiss: Krieg und Machtals historische Universalien A. Fuchs: War das Neuassyrische Reich ein Militrstaat? D. Bonatz:

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    Ninurtas Gaben. Assyrische Kriegsideologie und ihre Bilder M. Mller: Die Auswirkungen desKrieges auf die altgyptische Gesellschaft T. Krger: Der Weg zu einer Konzeption von Friedenohne Kriegfhrung in der hebrischen Bibel M. Brosius: Pax persica: Knigliche Ideologie undKriegfhrung im Achmenidenreich S. R. Hauser: Die ewigen Nomaden? Bemerkungen zu Herkunft,Militr, Staatsaufbau und nomadischen Traditionen der Arsakiden V. Parker: Die Kriegskultur derArchaischen Epoche Griechenlands K. Raaflaub: Homerische Krieger, Protohopliten und die Po-lis: Schritte zur Lsung alter Probleme N. Birgalias: Guerre et identit politique Sparte B.Meiner: Politik, Strategie und Kriegfhrung. Anmerkungen zum klassischen und hellenistischenGriechenland Y. Le Bohec: Csar et lconomie pendant la guerre des Gaules M. Sommer: DerKaiser spricht. Die adlocutio als Motiv der Kommunikation zwischen Herrscher und Heer von Cali-gula bis Konstantin M. Whitby: War and state in late antiquity: some economic and political con-nections F. Trombley: The late roman practice of war on the syrian frontier (A.D. 502-641): lea-dership, infrastructure and operations O. Schmitt: Kriegfhrung und tribale Gesellschaft.

    009 Montero Montero, M. / J. L. Arcaz Pozo, eds.: Obras de arte de Grecia yRoma2001 201 pp., fig., fot. 15,03INDICE: Prefacio M. E. Rodrguez Blanco: Las esculturas del Partenn M. J. Muoz Jimnez:El Coliseo A. Alvar Ezquerra: El Panten en Roma R. Olmos: El vaso Franois: sugerencias delecturas varias J. de la Villa: La Columna trajana J. del Hoyo: El mosaico del mitreo de Mrida V. Cristbal: El Laocoonte.

    010 Nencini, R.: Corrotti e corruttori nel tempo antico1993 430 pp. 15,00

    011 Nicolet, C. / R. Ilbert / J.-C. Depaule, eds.: Mgapoles mditerranennes:gographie urbaine rtrospective. Actes du colloque de Rome, mai 19962000 832 pp. 38,00INDICE: 1. ESPACES ET TEMPS: Mgapoles: F. Prontera: Vision de la grande ville: da Erodoto aStrabone D. Behrens-Abouseif: La conception de la ville dans la pense arabe du moyen ge M.Roncayolo: Mythes et ralits urbaines travers le Grand Larousse Les rythmes: N. Grimal: Cits,villes et tat de lgypte pharaonique P. Gros: La construction dun espace mditerranen et lespremires mgapoles (VIIIe sicle av. J.-C. VIe sicle ap. J.-C.) J.-C. Garcin: Le moment islami-que (VIIe-XVIIIe sicle) M. Aymard: La Mditerrane chrtienne et lessor du monde moderne(XIIIe-XVIIIe sicles). Espace et conomie urbaine: mtropoles, mgapoles, mgalopolis R. Ilbert:De Nankin Marseille. La Mditerrane et lpreuve du monde Rfrences: J.-C. Garcin: Biblio-graphie sur le moment islamique E. Hubert: Sources et mthodes pour lvaluation de la popula-tion des villes au moyen ge: bibliographie dorientation J.-L. Arnaud: Bibliographie pour la p-riode moderne et contemporaine C. Nicolet: Orientations bibliographiques pour la priode antique 2. FIGURES ET PORTRAITS: Villes mondes: J.-Y. Empereur: Alexandrie: fondation royale etdsenclavement du monde C. Nicolet: Fragments pour une gographie urbaine compare: proposdAlexandrie F. Burckhalter / A. Martin: Microcosmes et macrocosmes: la segmentarisation despopulations. Le cas dAlexandrie C. Nicolet: Rome, ou la victoire du temps E. Coarelli: Roma,la citt come cosmo M. Boiteux: Lieux de fte et lieux de pouvoir dans lespace public romain. Lepalais, la ville, le peuple P. Boutry / C. Brice: Du spirituel au temporel, renaissance dune capitale:

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    Rome italienne C. Brice: Rome la fin du XIXe sicle: une mgapole patrimoniale E. Dagron:Constantinople S. Yerasimos: Istanbul, la naissance de la ville ottomane R. Mantran: Constanti-nople ottomane: structures de la population. Peuplement et socit (XVIe-XVIIIe sicles) A. Ray-mond: Le Caire mgapole: les intermittences de la croissance Destins intermittents: J.-C. Margueron:Babylone: la premire mgapole? E. Will: Antioche, la mtropole de lAsie M. Sartre: Antioche:capitale royale, ville impriale S. Lancel: Carthage: de la colonie tyrienne la mgapole hellnisti-que P. Gros: Carthage romaine. Rsurrection dune capitale Reflets et renaissances: E. Crouzet-Pavan: Venise entre Jrusalem, Rome et Byzance: stratgies dappropriation dimages G. Galasso:Aspetti della Megalopoli napoletana nei primi secoli dellet moderna G. Delille & al.: Naples:capitale et microcosme H. Ahrweiler: La mtamorphose du symbolique. Du monde civique lanation retrouve G. Burgel: Athnes contemporaine: force du politique, puissance du social 3.LMENTS DENQUTE: Les sources: Les sources: E. Lo Cascio: Registrazioni di tipo censuale e stimedella popolazione delle Mgapoles nellantichit: il caso di Roma imperiale E. Hubert: Sources etmthodes pour lvaluation de la population des villes au moyen ge F. Micheau / P. Guichard: Lessources pour les mgapoles orientales J.-L. Arnaud: Cartographie des mgapoles Territoires etservices: A. Fraschetti: La citt di Roma in epoca augustea. Amministare sorveglioando C. Nicolet:Subsistances et mgapoles mditerranennes A. Tchernia: Subsistances Rome: problmes dequantification A. Tchernia / D. Viviers: Athnes, Rome et leurs avant-ports: mgapoles antiqueset trafics mditerranens C. Saliou: Mesurer le paradis. Contribution au portrait dAntioche auxpoques romaine et protobyzantine R. P. Gayraud: Lespace des mgapoles du monde musulmanmdival B. Marin & al.: Infrastructures et services de la Naples moderne T. Bianquis: Mgapoleset rseaux dans le monde musulman mdival. Asie occidentale et Mditerrane runies sous un seulpouvoir Le pouvoir et ses signes: C. Nicolet: De la ville la mgapole, linversions des signes:le cas de Rome J. Balty: La culture dAntioche lpoque impriale: textes littraires et mosaques S. Denoix: Unique modle ou types divers? La structure des villes du monde arabo-musulman lpoque mdivale G. Labrot: Dmesure, fiction, intgration. Laristocratie dans les plans de Na-ples 1625-1775 C. Vallat: Quels signes pour dire quelle ville? Lecture et interprtation dessignes urbains Naples CONCLUSION GNRALE: C. Nicolet: Pour un bilan provisoire J.-C.Depaule / R. Ilbert: Un instrument danalyse.

    012 Snchez Fernndez, C.: Arte y erotismo en el mundo clsico2005 136 pp., 65 fig. 12,90

    013 Sergent, B.: Les indo-europens. Histoire, langues, mythes2005 606 pp. 40,00

    014 Sestili, A.: Cavalli e cavalieri nel mondo antico. Il cavallo e luomo: dallapreistoria al medioevo2004 118 pp. 12,50

    015 Thalassa. Genti e culture del Mediterraneo antico, 2 20052005 224 pp., fig. 124,00INDICE: L. Braccesi: LUlisse occidentale A. Buttitta: Giocare il cosmo o dellimpossibile giocodei Proci P. Scarpi: Acqua divinazione e terapia tra Grecia e Roma C. Caserta: Il cristallo, leperle e i coralli. Storia e storiografia greca in Hannah Arendt M. Ferrara: Modelli sociali di

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    eguaglianza e diseguaglianza in Grecia e in India I. E. Buttitta: Tophet o dellambiguo statutomortale degli infanti M. Giuffrida: Eracle ai misteri eleusini R. M. Carra Bonacasa:I mosaici della casa di Esichio Libiarca a Cirene D. Sinatra: Le accuse allo stratega siracusanoDiocle e la politica di Ermocrate C. Gebbia: Il 192 d.C. e lepilogo della parabola commodiana C. Vacanti: Guerra preventiva, equilibrio di potenza e imperialismo romano E. A. Havelock: Thecosmic myths of Homer and Esiod N. Bonacasa: Studi e studiosi di archeologia a Palermo.

    016 Veleia, 21 20042004 357 pp., fig. 40,00INDICE: A. Senz de Buruaga / D. Ebrard: El musteriense de la cuenca de Harregi en Aussurucq,Soule (Excavaciones: Pierre Boucher, 1954-1960) A. Senz de Buruaga: Similitudes y diferenciasen el proceso de evolucin tipolgica del musteriense al auriaciense en la cueva de Gatzarria (PasVasco) L. Sancho Rocher: Los moderados atenienses y la implantacin de la oligarqua. Corrien-tes polticas en Atenas entre 411 y 403 a.C. E. Rodrguez Cidre: Animalizar a la vctima: Polxenaen la Hcuba de Eurpides J. J. Palao Vicente / D. M. Torrero Ortiz. Estela hallada en el parajeCerro del Capataz, Alarcn (Cuenca) J. M. Vallejo Ruiz: El cirre -e- > -ei- en la antroponimiahispana y su delimitacin geogrfica J. A. Alonso de la Fuente: Sobre la *s mvil y los gruposconsonnticos *sC- proto-indoeuropeos desde una perspectiva nostrtica H. White: Further noteson the Idylls of Theocritus M. Encinas Martnez: Una potica bquica en Horacio A. Sideri-Tolia: Senecas Thyestes: myth and perspective I. Conde: Pautas para enfocar didcticamente laenseanza de las declinaciones en griego O. Lapea Marchena: La imagen del mundo antiguo en lapera y el cine. Continuidad y divergencia G. Giangrande: Sobre el sufijo griego -ivdh> X.Delamarre: Index de J. Whatmough, The dialects of ancient Gaul J. Mangas / S. Martnez Cabal-lero: Nuevas inscripciones romanas de Termes (Tiermes, Soria) Recensiones.

    017 Zielinski, T.: Lantico e noi. Otto lezioni in difesa degli studi classici. Acura di N. Capone2004 xxxvii + 146 pp. 23,00INDICE: G. Pugliese Carratelli: Studia humanitatis S. Valitutti: Lantico come germe e non comenorma N. Capone: La difesa degli studi classici e la polemica contro il positivismo Lantico enoi: In difesa degli studi classici Il valore educativo dellantico: letimologia Il valore educativodellantico: semantica, sintassi e stilistica Sulla traduzione Lazione morale dellantico Lereditfilosofica: la persuasione Leredit artistica: la sincerit architettonica e lidealismo nellarte antica Malintesi intorno allantico.


    018 Allen, L.: The Persian Empire. A History2005 208 pp., fig., lm. col. 39,52INDICE: The roots of persian rule Conquest and politics Royal capitals The rivals: regionalrulers and reflections of power Peoples, communication and religion Alexander and the end ofempire Legends, language and archaeological discovery.

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    019 Arnold, B. T.: Who Were the Babylonians?2004 148 pp., fot., map. 71,76INDICE: The Land and its people Babylonia before the babylonians: the third millennium B.C.E. The old babylonian period - A new world power The middle babylonian period The early neo-babylonian period The neo-babylonian period.

    020 Barcel, P. A.: Karthago und die iberische Halbinsel vor den Barkiden.Studien zur karthagischen Prsenz im Westlichen Mittelmeerraum von derGrndung von Ebusus (VII. Jh. v. vhr.) bis zum bergang Hamilkars NachHispanien (237 v. Chr.)1988 ix + 202 pp., 1 map. 44,00

    021 Bryce, T.: The Kingdom of the Hittites2005, rev. 573 pp., 8 fig., 5 map. 47,40INDICE: The origins of the hittites Anatolia in the assyrian colony period Territories and earlyrivals of Hatti The foundations of the kingdom: the reigns of Labarna and Hattusili I (-c. 1620) Thestruggles for the royal succession: from Mursili I to Muwattalli I (c. 1620-1400) A new era begins:from Tudhaliya I/II to Tudhaliya III (c. 1400-1350) The supremacy of Hatti: the reign of SuppiluliumaI (c. 1350-1322) A young king proves his worth: the reign of Mursili II (c. 1321-1295) Theshowdown with Egypt: the reign of Muwattalli II (c. 1295-1272) The ill-fated reign of the second-rank son: the reign of Urhi-Teshub (c. 1272-1267) Hatti and the world of international diplomacy: thereign of Hattusili III (c. 1267-1237) New enterprises, new threats: the reign of Tudhaliya IV (c. 1237-1209) The fall of the kingdom and its aftermath The trojan war: myth or reality?

    022 Cluzan, S.: De Sumer Canaan. LOrient ancien et la Bible2005 312 pp., 85 lm. col. 45,00INDICE: Des terres et des hommes Les sources La bible et larchologie Origines et gense Le dluge La tour de Babel Lhistoire des patriarches Les rcits de Mose et de lxode La royaut Guerres, lamentations et prophties Dieux nationaux, dieu universel et image divine.

    023 Gordon, C. H.: Ugaritic Textbook. Grammar, Texts in Transliteration.Cuneiform Selections, Glossary, Indices, 3 vol.1998 lii + 554 pp. 76,00

    024 Goyon, J.-C.: De lAfrique lOrient. LEgypte des pharaons et son rlehistorique 1800-330 avant notre re2005 398 pp., 169 fig., 72 lm. col. 34,76

    025 Hofmann, T.: Zur sozialen Bedeutung zweir Begriffe fr Diener: B3kund Hm. Untersucht an Quellen vom Alten Reich bis zur Ramessidenzeit2005 352 pp., 19 fig. 45,00

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    026 Jasnow, R. / K.-T. Zauzich: The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth. A DemoticDiscourse on Knowledge and Pendant to the Classical Hermetica, 2 vols. (1:Text; 2: Plates)2005 xxx + 648 pp., 67 lm. 148,00

    027 Les lettres dEl Amarna. Correspondance diplomatique du pharaon. Tra-duction de W. L. Moran avec la collaboration de V. Haas et G. Wilhelm. Traduc-tion franaise de D. Collon et H. Cazelles2004 627 pp. 60,90

    028 Levine, L. I.: The Ancient Synagogue. The First Thousand Years20052 xvi + 796 pp., 99 fig. 43,47

    029 Lohwasser, A., ed.: Geschlechterforschung in der gyptologie und Sudanar-chologie2004 118 pp., 14 fig. 38,00

    030 Malamoud, C.: La danse des pierres. tudes sur la scne sacrificielle danslInde ancienne2005 224 pp. 21,00

    031 Michel, C.: Correspondance des marchands de Kanish au dbut du IIemillnaire avant J.-C.2001 601 pp. 38,50

    032 Mojsov, B.: Osiris. Death and Afterlife of a God2005 178 pp., fig., 8 lm. col. 25,27

    033 Noy, D.: Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, 1: Italy (Excluding theCity of Rome), Spain and Gaul2005 xxi + 417 pp. 56,75

    034 Pea, V. / C. G. Wagner / A. Mederos, eds.: La navegacin fenicia:tecnologa naval y derroteros. Encuentro entre marinos, arquelogos ehistoriadores2005 280 pp., fig., 35 lm. col. 52,00INDICE: F. Lpez Pardo: Crono y Briareo en el umbral del ocano. Un recorrido por la historia mtica

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    de los viajes al confn del occidente hasta los albores de la colonizacin S. Medas: Lorientamentoastronomico: aspetti tecnici della navigazione fenicio-punica tra retorica e realt E. Des Cus: Loscondicionantes tcnicos de la navegacin fenicia en el Mediterrneo oriental V. M. Guerrero Ayuso:Las Islas Baleares en los derroteros del Mediterrneo central y occidental A. Mederos / G. Escribano:El periplo africano del faran Neco II J. Daz del Ro Recache: El periplo de Hannn L. E.Stager: Dos pecios fenicios en alta mar de la costa norte del Sina X. Nieto / M. Santos / F. Tarong:Un barco griego del siglo VI a.C. en Cala Sant Vicen (Polena, Mallorca) I. Negueruela: Hacia lacomprensin de la construccin naval fenicia segn el barco Mazarrn 2 del siglo VII a.C.

    035 Roth, M. T., ed.: Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Uni-versity of Chicago, 12: P2005 xxx + 559 pp. 101,40

    036 Shaked, S., ed.: Officina Magica. Essays on the Practice of Magic inAntiquity2005 x + 320 pp., 21 fig. 154,96INDICE: S. Shaked: Form and purpose in aramaic spells: some jewish themes (the poetics of magictexts) J. Oelsner: Incantations in southern Mesopotamia - from clay tablets to magical bowls (thoughtson the decline of the babylonian culture) M. J. Geller: Tablets and magic bowls A. Panaino: Lunasand snake omens among the zoroastrians Y. Harari: What is a magical text? Methodological reflectionsaimed at redefining early jewish magic H. Amirav: Drawing and writing: a fourth-century magicalspell from Oxyrhynchus S. Michel: (Re)interpreting magical gems, ancient and modern K. Herrmann:Jewish mysticism in the geonic period: the prayer of Rav Hamnuna Sava R. Leicht: Some observa-tions on the diffusion of jewish magical texts from late antiquity and the early middle ages in manuscriptsfrom the Cairo Genizah and Ashkenaz M. D. Swartz: Understanding ritual in jewish magic: perspec-tives from the Genizah and related sources G. Veltri: Watermarks in the ms Munich, Hebr. 95:magical recipes in historical context S. Wasserstrom: The unwritten chapter: notes towards a socialand religious history of Geniza magic M. Sigrist: Magic and human reason.

    037 Strudwick, N. C.: Texts from the Pyramid Age. Edited by R. J. Leprohon2005 xxxvii + 522 pp. 165,36

    038 Verhoogt, A.: Regaling Officials in Ptolemaic Egypt. A Dramatic Readingof Official Accounts from the Menches Papers (P.L. Bat. 32)2005 xiii + 245 pp., 5 lm. 114,40

    039 Wallinga, H. T.: Xerxes Greek Adventure. The Naval Perspective2005 xiii + 174 pp., 1 despl. 100,88INDICE: The persian wars in a naval perspective The numbers of Xerxes fleet The text ofAischylos Persians 366-368 and the persian battle-order The battlefield of Salamis and its tacticalpossibilities Themistokles message and the persian war aims The seizure of Psyttaleia and thepersian plan of attack The quality of the ships Tactical capabilities The battle of Salamis.

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    040 Balot, R. K.: Greek Political Thought2006 xiii + 353 pp. 30,01INDICE: Introduction: How to do greek political thought Archaic Greece and the centrality ofjustice Democratic political thinking at Athens Criticizing democracy in late fifth-century Athens Imperialism Fourth-century revisions Aristotles political thought Hellenistic politicalthought Epilogue: The question of politics.

    041 Bommas, M.: Heiligtum und Mysterium. Griechenland und seinegyptischen Gottheiten2005 143 pp., fig., 121 lm. col. 47,00

    042 Bowden, H.: Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle. Divination andDemocracy2005 206 pp., 12 fig., 2 map. 25,95INDICE: How did the delphic oracle work? What did the athenians think of the delphic oracle? What did historians and philosophers say about the delphic oracle? How and why did the atheniansconsult the delphic oracle? What did the athenians ask the delphic oracle? Why did the athenians(and other greek cities) go to war? Conclusion: divination and democracy.

    043 Brun, P.: Imprialisme et dmocratie Athnes. Inscriptions de lpoqueclassique (c. 500-317 av. J.-C.)2005 343 pp., fig. 30,00

    044 Burkert, W.: Homo necans. Rites sacrificiels et mythes de la Grce an-cienne2005 431 pp. 29,00

    045 Cleland, L.: The Brauron Clothing Catalogues. Text, Analysis, Glossaryand Translation2005 xx + 173 pp. 61,65

    046 Detienne, M.: Les grecs et nous. Une anthropologie compare de la Grceancienne2005 223 pp., 8 lm. col. 19,00INDICE: Faire de lanthropologie avec les grecs Du mythe la mythologie. Entre amriquains etgrecs Transcrire les mythologies. Entre le Japon, la Nouvelle-Caldonie et les pontifes de Rome La bouche de la Vrit, largement ouverte Faire son trou, entre ldipe de Thbes et nos identitsnationales Des comparables sur les balcons du politique.

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    047 Dubois, P.: Slaves and Other Objects2003 xvii + 290 pp., 24 fig. 45,05INDICE: 1. Objects: Communications with the dead Greeks in the Museum Dildos Theslave body 2. Texts: Slavery as metaphor, slavery and freedom The woman enslaved Theslave Plato Aesop the fabulist On Aristotle Irate greek masters and their slaves.

    048 Erskine, A., ed.: A Companion to the Hellenistic World2005 xxviii + 595 pp., fig. 31,60INDICE: 1. Narratives: D. Braund: After Alexander: the emergence of the hellenistic world, 323-281 S. L. Ager: An uneasy balance: from the death of Seleukos to the battle of Raphia P.Derow: The arrival of Rome: from the illyrian wars to the fall of Macedon B. McGing: Subjectionand resistance: to the death of Mithradates C. Eilers: A roman east: Pompeys settlement to thedeath of Augustus 2. Protagonists: D. J. Thompson: The Ptolemies and Egypt M. Austin: Theseleukids and Asia J. B. Scholten: Macedon and the mainland, 280-221 E. Kosmetatou: Theattalids of Pergamon 3. Change and Continuity: J. Ma: Kings R. Billows: Cities T. S.Scheer: The past in a hellenistic present: myth and local tradition K. Geus: Space and geography 4. Greeks and Others: J. Rowlandson: Town and country in ptolemaic Egypt E. S. Gruen:Jews and greeks S. Mitchell: The galatians: representation and reality E. Dench: Beyondgreeks and barbarians: Italy and Sicily in the hellenistic age 5. Society and Economy: R. vanBremen: Family structures G. Reger: The economy S. E. Alcock & al.: Reading the landscape:survey archaeology and the hellenistic Oikoumene P. Baker: Warfare V. Gabrielsen: Piracy andthe slave-trade 6. Gods and Men: D. Potter: Hellenistic religion A. Chaniotis: The divinity ofhellenistic rulers 7. Arts and Sciences: R. Flemming: Empires of knowledge: medicine and healthin the hellenistic world P. Mitsis: The institutions of hellenistic philosophy R. Hunter: Literatureand its contexts A. Stewart: Hellenistic art, AD. 1500-2000.

    049 Everson, T.: Warfare in Ancient Greece. Arms and Armour from the Heroesof Homer to Alexander the Great2004 xvi + 231 pp., 72 fig. 31,62

    050 Ferguson, W. S.: Hellenistic Athens. An Historical Essay1911, facsm xviii + 487 pp. 38,75

    051 Fornis, C.: Estabilidad y conflicto civil en la guerra del Peloponeso. Lassociedades corintia y argiva1999 134 pp., 4 map. 31,85

    052 Forsdyke, S.: Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy. The Politics of Expulsionin Ancient Greece2005 xiv + 344 pp. 47,34INDICE: Introduction: Problems, methods, concepts Setting the stage The politics of exile andthe crisis of the archaic polis From exile to ostrarcism Ostracism and exile in democratic Athens Exile and empire Exile in the greek mythical and historical imagination.

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    053 Franco, C.: Elio Aristide e Smirne2005 242 pp. 26,00

    054 Fraser, P. / E. Matthews / R. W. V. Catling, eds.: A Lexicon of Greek PersonalNames, 4: Macedonia, Thrace, and the Northern Regions of the Black Sea2005 xxix + 387 pp. 180,00

    055 Pausanias: Description de la Grce, 4: Livre IV: La Messnie. Texte tablipar M. Casevitz. Traduit et comment par J. Auberger2005 lxxv + 384 pp. 65,00

    056 Riao Alonso, J. J.: Poetas, filsofos, gramticos y bibliotecarios. Origeny naturaleza de la antigua Biblioteca de Alejandra2005 182 pp. 21,00INDICE: La polmica sobre el origen y el carcter de la Biblioteca de Alejandra Los antecedentesgriegos de las bibliotecas en poca helenstica La fundacin de la Biblioteca de Alejandra y lasactividades en la librera de los Ptolomeos Calmaco de Cirene o la consagracin de la filosofagriega en la Biblioteca de Alejandra y el nacimiento del oficio de bibliotecario.

    057 Scott, L.: Historical Commentary on Herodotus Book 62005 xiii + 716 pp., 10 map. 144,56

    058 Strabon: Strabons Geographika, 1. Prolegomena. Buch IIV: Einleitung,iberische Halbinsel, Gallien, Britannien. Mit bersetzung und Kommentarherausgegeben von S. Radt2003 xxvi + 563 pp. 141,00

    059 Strabon: Strabons Geographika, 2: Buch VI-VIII: Italien, Nordeuropa,Griechenland. Mit bersetzung und Kommentar hrsg. von S. Radt2003 iv + 560 pp. 146,00

    060 Strabon: Strabons Geographika, 3: Buch IX-XIII: Text und bersetzung.Mit bersetzung und Kommentar hrsg. von S. Radt2004 680 pp. 192,00

    061 Strabon: Strabons Geographika, 4: Buch XIV-XVII: Text und bersetzung.Mit bersetzung und Kommentar hrsg. von S. Radt2005 iv + 574 pp. 169,00

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    062 Thiry, S.: Les les Ioniennes de 480 167 avant J.-C. tude de gopoliti-que1998 231 pp. 20,58

    063 Zelnick-Abramovitz, R.: Not Wholly Free. The Concept of Manumissionand the Status of Manumitted Slaves in the Ancient Greek World2005 vii + 385 pp. 116,48INDICE: Slavery and freedom: definitions and approaches Manumission: diversity and similarity Manumittors and manumitted slaves The act of manumission Laws and legal actions Thereality of freedom.

    064 Zoumbaki, S. B.: Prosopographie der Eleer bis zum 1. Jh. v. Chr.2005 498 pp. 101,92


    065 Alessandri, S.: Le vendite fiscali nell Egitto romano, 1: Da Augusto aDomiziano2005 262 pp. 20,80

    066 Arce, J.: Estudios sobre el emperador Fl. Cl. Juliano (Fuentes literarias.Epigrafa. Numismtica)1984 258 pp. 15,63

    067 Les arpenteurs romains 1: Hygin le gromatique; Frontin. Texte tabli ettraduit par J.-Y. Guillaumin2005 328 pp., fig. 48,00

    068 Augustus. Studi in occasione del bimillenario augusteo1938 v + 444 pp., lm. 33,00INDICE: A. Ferrabino: Limperatore Cesare Augusto P. De Francisci: La costituzione augustea V. Arangio-Ruiz: La legislazione S. Riccobono: La giurisprudenza dellimpero G. Cardinali:Amministrazione territoriale e finanziaria A. Momigliano: I problemi delle istituzioni militari diAugusto R. Pettazzoni: La religione N. Festa: La letteratura nellet di Augusto D. Mustilli:Larte augustea E. Gbrici: La monetazione di Augusto R. Paribeni: Le opere pubbliche A.Monteverdi: Augusto nella tradizione medievale.

    069 Bakhouche, B.: Lastrologie Rome2002 vii + 241 pp., fig. 57,20

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    070 Bakhouche, B.: Les textes latins dastronomie. Un maillon dans la chanedu savoir1996 xv + 347 pp., fig. 39,52

    071 Barnes, C. L. H.: Images and Insults. Ancient Historiography and theOutbreak of the Tarentine War2005 170 pp. 38,00INDICE: Bellum tarentinum or Bellum phyrrhicum: Polybius, Ennius, and the search for kernels oftruth Outrage and inventio: Dionysius of Halicarnassus Plutarch: the consequences ofpyrrhocentricity The Livian tradition I: the Periochae, Valerius Maximus, and Florus The Liviantradition?: Appian Cassius Dio: new exempla and Metons final appearance The Livian traditionII: Eutropius and Orosius Zonaras: Inventio and epitome Historiography and the causes of thejust war.

    072 Beck, H.: Karriere und Hierarchie. Die rmische Aristokratie und dieAnfnge des Cursus Honorum in der Mittleren Republik2005 452 pp. 72,00INDICE: 1. Einleitung: Karriere und Hierarchie: Vorbedingungen und Verfahrensregeln eineraristokratischen Republik Der aristokratische Wettbewerb um die honores und die Rolle des Volkesin der mittleren Republik 2. mter und Karrieremuster: Die Magistratur. Struktur und Prozessualitteiner Institution Regelkarrieren und Spielregeln. Die einzelnen honores Karriere und symbolischesKapital: Wie bertragbar war politischer Erfolg? 3. Musterkarrieren: Zwischen Regel und Ausnahme.Vorbemerkungen zu den Karrieren groer Mnner A. Claudius Caecus M. Curius Dentatus C. Fabricius Luscinus C. Duilius M. Atilius Regulus, A. Atilius Caiatinus C. Flaminius Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus M. Claudius Marcellus P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus T.Quinctius Flamininus 4. Schlubetrachtung: Honos - honores cursus honorum. Die Hierar-chisierung der rmischen Aristokratie.

    073 Becker, E.-M., ed.: Die Antike Historiographie und die Anfnge derchristlichen Geschichtsschreibung2005 xiii + 308 pp. 88,00INDICE: E.-M. Becker: Zur Einfhrung M. Mulsow: Zur Geschichte der Anfangsgeschichten H.-J. Gehrke: Die Bedeutung der (antiken) Historiographie fr die Entwicklung desGeschichtsbewutseins M. Witte: Von den Anfngen der Geschichtswerke im Alten Testament -Eine forschungsgeschichtliche Diskussion neuerer Gesamtentwrfe B. Meissner. Anfnge und frheEntwicklungen der griechischen Historiographie A. Mehl: Geschichtsschrreibung in und ber Rom F. Rmer: Biographisches in der Geschichtsschreibung der frhen rmischen Kaiserzeit O.Wischmeyer: Orte der Geschichte und der Geschichtsschreibung in der frhjdischen Literatur B.Eco: Vergangenheit im Horizont eschatologischer Hoffnung H. Lichtenberger: Geschichtsschreibungund Geschichtserzhlung im 1. und 2. Makkaberbuch E.-M. Becker: Der jdisch-rmische Krieg(66-70 n. Chr.) und das Markus-Evangelium J. Schrter: Lukas als Historiograph W. Wischmeyer:Wahrnehmungen von Geschichte in der christlichen Literatur zwischen Lukas und Eusebius J.Ulrich: Eusebius als Kirchengeschichtsschreiber.

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    074 Benoist, S.: Rome, le prince et la cit. Pouvoir imprial et crmoniespubliques (Ier sicle av.-dbut du IVe sicle apr. J.-C.)2005 xi + 397 pp., 7 lm., 1 map. 32,00INDICE: 1. Reconnatre le prince: adventus - funus: La premire poque de ladventus (Ier sicleavant notre re-ier sicle aprs) La seconde poque de ladventus (de Trajan Constantin) Lesfunrailles des empereurws (Ier sicle avant notre re-Ier sicle aprs) La crmonie de consecratio(IIe-IIIe sicles aprs n. .) 2. Identifier le prince: triumphus - ternitas: La crmonie tromphale,monopole imprial La clbration de la victoire perptuelle du prince Jeux sculaires et jubilsde la Rome ternelle Roma terna, ternus Augustus pilogue. Identit(s) et sacralit, entrerpublique et monarchie.

    075 Berchem, D. van: Les distributions de bl et dargent la plebe romainesous lempire1939, facsm. 185 pp. 29,00

    076 Bertrand-Dagenbach, C. /A. Chauvot /M. Matter / J.-M. Salamito, eds:Carcer. Prison et privation de libert dans lantiquit classique. Actes du collo-que de Strasbourg, 5 et 6 dcembre 19971999 250 pp. 35,36

    077 Brandt, H. / F. Kolb: Lycia et Pamphylia. Eine rmische Provinz imSdwesten Kleinasiens [Orbis provinciarum]2005 151 pp., 32 fig., 155 lm. col. 47,00

    078 Buono-Core V., R.: Roma republicana: estrategias, expansin y dominios(525-31 a.C.)20032 x + 368 pp., 24 lm. col. 22,00

    079 Burnand, Y.: Primores galliarum. Snateurs et chevaliers romains origi-naires de Gaule de la fin de la Rpublique au IIIe sicle, I: Mthodologie2005 450 pp., 30 map., 11 tabl. 66,00

    080 Capponi, L.: Augustan Egypt. The Creation of a Roman Province2005 xiv + 308 pp. 90,11INDICE: Introduction The roman conquest of Egypt: the precedents and the aftermath Ptolemaicand roman soldiers in Egypt before and after 30 BC The institutions of Egypt: the impact of Rome The roman conquest, law, and the administration of justice The administration of the community:municipalisation and liturgies The beginning of the census The reorganisation of landholding Milking the cow: taxes and tax collection in augustan Egypt The coinage and the monetary circula-tion from Cleopatra to Tiberius Conclusion Appendix: The fasti of the prefects of Egypt underAugustus and Tiberius.

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    081 Cavaggioni, F.: Mulier rea. Dinamiche politico sociali nei processi a donnenella Roma repubblicana2004 xii + 336 pp. 46,80

    082 Cebeillac-Gervasoni, M. / L. Lamoine / F. Trement, eds.: Autoclbrationdes lites locales dans le monde romain. Contextes, images, textes (IIe s. av. J.-C. / IIIe s. ap. J.-C.)2004 570 pp. 49,00INDICE: Introduction The roman conquest of Egypt: the precedents and the aftermath Ptolemaicand roman soldiers in Egypt before and after 30 BC The institutions of Egypt: the impact of Rome The roman conquest, law, and the administration of justice The administration of the community:municipalisation and liturgies The beginning of the census The reorganisation of landholding Milking the cow: taxes and tax collection in augustan Egypt The coinage and the monetary circula-tion from Cleopatra to Tiberius Conclusion Appendix: The fasti of the prefects of Egypt underAugustus and Tiberius.

    083 Christensen, A. S.: Cassiodorus, Jordanes, and the History of the Goths.Studies in a Migration Myth2002 xi + 391 pp. 43,00INDICE: The problem The goths in graeco-roman and judaeo-christian literature before Cassiodorus Cassiodorus Jordanes The Amal genealogy The gothic kingdom of Ermanaric Goths,visigoths, ostrogoths Goths Getae Scythians Scandza The origins of the goths, Berig, andIsidore The historical tradition of the goths Conclusion.

    084 Clarke, J. R.: Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans. Visual Representationand Non-Elite Viewers in Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 3152003 394 pp., 156 fig., 24 lm. col. 66,56INDICE: 1. Imperial Representation of Non-Elites: Augustuss and Trajans messages to commoners The all-seeing emperor and ordinary viewers: Marcus Aurelius and Constantine 2. Non-Elites inthe Public Sphere: Everyman, everywoman, and the gods Everyman and everywoman at work Spectacle: entertainment, social control, self-advertising, and transgression Laughter and subver-sion in the tavern: image, text, and context Commemoration of life in the domain of the dead: non-elite tombs and sarcophagi 3. Non-Elites in the Domestic Sphere: Minding your manners: banquets,behavior, and class Putting your best face forward: self-representation at home.

    085 Clavel-Lvque, M. / E. Hermon, eds.: Espaces intgres et ressources na-turelles dans lempire romain. Actes du colloque de lUniversit de Laval, Qu-bec, 5-8 mars 20032004 263 pp., fig. 50,00INDICE: E. Hermon: Avant-propos: Pour une histoire compare de lenvironnement: espaces int-grs et gestion des ressources naturelles 1. Perceptions de lenvironnement: P. Arnaud: La gestiondes ressources naturelles et lintgration conomique des provinces dOccident dans le processus de

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    dveloppement et de romanisation daprs Strabon: topique littraire ou document historique J.-Y.Guillaumin: Lorigine du terme occupatorius daprs Hygin A. Orejas. La perception des minesanciennes hier et aujourdhui R. Bedon: Un des aspects des Collectanea rerum memorabilium deSolin: linventaire des ressources de loikoumne en productions remarquables 2. Pratiques degestion: M. Clavel-Lvque: Pontentialits naturelles et viticulture: le cas du Languedoc mditerra-nen central F. Favory: Lvaluation des comptences agrologiques des sols dans lagronomielatine au Ier s. ap. J.-C.: Columelle, Pline lAncien et le cadastre B dOrange G. Kron: Romanlivestock farming in southern Italy: the case against environmental determinism E. Lo Cascio:Peuplement et surpeuplement: le rapport avec les ressources naturelles P. Leveau: Rome et la mon-tagne: les Alpes occidentales, une tude de cas M. Pasquinucci: Montagna e pianura: transumanzae allevamento 3. Politiques globales et rgionales: A. Gonzals: Borner et limitar: pr-droit etsacralisation de la proprit aux origines de Rome L. Di Lella: La tutela interdittale dei luoghipubblici S. Di Salvo: Aqua perennis et servitudes romaines C. Masi Doria: Droit et nature:inundatio, mutatio alvei et interitus rei. Un cas entre ius romanorum et tradition du droit romain J.-J. Aubert: Aux origines du canal de Suez? Le canal du Nil la mer Rouge revisit E. Hermon:Conclusion R. J. A. Talbert: Annexe: Exploiting the Barrington atlas as foundation for studies ofenvironment and natural rresources in the greek and roman world.

    086 Conti, S.: Die Inschriften Kaiser Julians2004 237 pp., 13 lm. 45,00

    087 Davies, P. J. E.: Death and the Emperor. Roman Imperial Funerary Monu-ments from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius2004 xv + 265 pp., 117 fig. 29,56

    088 Demougin, S.: Lordre questre sous les Julio-Claudiens1988 923 pp., cuadr. 105,00

    089 Dupont, F.: Lacteur roi. Le thtre dans la Rome antique2003 475 pp. 25,00INDICE: 1. Le thtre dans la socit romaine: Une civilisation du spectacle Le thatre et lesautres spectacles de lotium Les techniques scniques Lacteur dans la socit romaine Lepublic romain 2. Les formes du thtre romain: Le faux problme des origines Livius Androni-cus, le traducteur La tragdie La prtexte La comdie Exodium 3. Les temps et leshommes: De Livius Andronicus Varius Plaute: mimicus risus Trence: la comdie romanesque Le nouveau thtre Les jeux et la politique Snque le mconnu.

    090 Enenkel, K. A. E. / I. L. Pfeijffer, eds.: The Manipulative Mode. PoliticalPropaganda in Antiquity: A Collection of Case Studies2005 230 pp., fig. 98,80INDICE: I. L. Pfeijffer: Propaganda in Pindars first pythian ode S. R. Slings: Choral agons indemocratic Athens, 510-400 BC C. Carey: Propaganda and competition in athenian oratory R.

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    Strootman: Kings against celts. Deliverance from barbarians as a theme in hellenistic royal propaganda S. Busch: Who are we? Towards propagandistic mechanism and purpose of Caesars Bellumgallicum K. A. E. Enenkel: Epic prophecy as imperial propaganda? Jupiters first speech in VirgilsAeneid P. G. P. Meyboom: The creation of an imiperial tradition. Ideological aspects of the House ofAugustus K. A. E. Enenkel: The propagation of fortitudo. Gladiatorial combats from ca. 85 BC tothe times of Trajan and their reflection in roman literature S. de Beer: The panegyrical inventio. Arhetorical analysis of Panegyricus latinus V.

    091 Ferrer Maestro, J. J.: La repblica participada. Intereses privados y negociospblicos en Roma2005 248 pp., tabl. 15,00INDICE: 1. El entramado financiero y social: El ordo publicanorum La societas, soporte financierode la expansin territorial Los abusos y el fin de las societates publicanorum Las actividades delos publicanos El procedimiento de contratacin pblica La locatio conductio, su origen ynaturaleza jurdica Los arrendamientos imperiales y la descentralizacin de las contrataciones El arrendamiento del ager publicus 2. Las cuentas del estado: El presupuesto pblico. Descripcin Los resultados contables de la segunda guerra pnica Los rendimientos provinciales hastamediados del siglo II a. C. Balance final Conclusiones.

    092 Fishwick, D.: The Imperial Cult in the Latin West. Studies in the RulerCult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire, III: Provincial Cult. Part 4:Bibliography, Indices, Addenda2005 vii + 256 pp., fig. 98,80

    093 Fontanille, M. T.: Vieillir Rome. Approche dmographique2004 102 pp., 2 map., 6 lm. 18,00INDICE: 1. Les centenaires chez Pline lAncien et chez Phlgon de Tralles: Les textes de Pline et dePhlgon et leur traduction Le fonctionnement des deux textes 2. Ralit du grand ge danslantiquit: Les limites de la fiabilit des documents dtat civil. Lappareil juridico-administratif Le grand ge dans la socit antique: accident heureux ou chance redoutable? 3. Mdecine antiqueet vieillissement: La griatrie manque dans la mdecine antique Quelle thrapeutique pour lespersonnes ges?

    094 Garrido Gonzlez, P.: Desmitificacin. El alto imperio romano (30 a.C. a250 d.C.)2005 111 pp. 11,00

    095 George, M., ed.: The Roman Family in the Empire. Rome, Italy, and Beyond2005 xx + 358 pp., 36 fig. 109,20INDICE: M. George. Introduction S. Treggiari: Putting the family across: Cicero on n atural affec-tion M. George. Family imagery and family values in roman Italy K. Bradley: The roman childin sickness and in health J. E. Grubbs. Parent-child conflict in the roman family: the evidence of the

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    code of Justinian R. Alston: Searching for the romano-egyptian family M. Williams: The jewishfamily in Judaea from Pompey to Hadrian - the limits of romanization J. Edmondson: Familyrelations in roman Lusitania: social change in a roman province? G. Woolf: Family history in theroman north-west M. Corbier. Family and kinship in roman Africa M. T. Boatwright: Childrenand parents on the tombstones of Pannonia.

    096 Giorcelli Bersani, S., ed.: Romani e barbari. Incontro e scontro di culture.Atti del convegno, BRA, 11-13 aprile 20032004 288 pp., fig. 22,50INDICE: S. Roda: . Limmagine del barbaro tra mondoantico e mondo contemporaneo J.-P. Callu: Triumfator gent barb: la monnaie de la dfaire dAlaric A. Marcone: La battaglia di Pollenzo nella panegiristica contemporanea A. Chauvot: AmmienMarcellin et les goths R. Teja: Victores victi sumus: fe y religin en la polmica sobre la batallade Pollenzo A. Baldini: Una versione pagana del sacco di Roma del 410 e una smentita cristiana:considerazioni storiografiche S. Giorcelli Bersani: Tracce di tardoantico nellItalia nordoccidentale:lidentit di un territorio tra universalit e particolarismo E. Migliario: Mobilit militare einsediamenti sulle strade dellItalia annonaria P. Heather: Roman diplomacy and the gothic problem:376-418 A.D. L. Cracco Ruggini: Generali barbari ed lites palatine, municipali e senatorie nelnord-ovest dItalia (IV-V seoclo) M. Palazzi: Alarico e i foedera fra IV e V secolo. Aspetti dellerelazioni internazionali fra impero romano e barbari in epoca tardoantica M. C. Preacco Ancona:Aggiornamenti archeologici alla forma urbis di Pollentia E. Micheletto: Pollenzo e il Piemontemeridionale in et gota R. Bordone: Il castello di Pollenzo. Il sogno del medioevo per un re romantico M. G. Biga: Barbari nella storia del Vicino Oriente antico H. Sivan: Alarico tra Pollenzo elAfrica A. Pellizzari: Presenze barbariche nella letteratura scoliastica tardoantica F. Cssola:Conclusioni.

    097 Gonzalez Fernndez, J., ed.: Trajano, ptimo prncipe. De Itlica a la cortede los Csares. Centro cultural El Monte, Sevilla, 14 al 16 de octubre de 20032004 231 pp., fig. 9,00INDICE: J. Gonzlez Fernndez: Trajano: datos biogrficos J. M. lvarez Martnez: Trajano y lasobras pblicas en Hispania T. Nogales Basarrate: Foro de Trajano, smbolo de poder P. PavnTorrejn: La propaganda poltica de Trajano a travs de sus emisiones monetarias J. C. SaqueteChamizo: La imagen de Trajano en las fuentes literarias J. Mangas Manjarrs: Trajano y las fronterasdel imperio C. Gonzlez Romn: Trajano, optimus princeps: a propsito de los alimenta.

    098 Gonzlez Tascn, I. / I. Velzquez: Ingeniera romana en Hispania. Histo-ria y tcnicas constructivas2005 543 pp., lm. col. 50,00INDICE: Introduccin La Hispania romana El hormign. Aparejos de muros y suelos Explotacin de canteras. La labra de la piedra El laddrillo. Opus testaceum Solados y pavimentos.Cerramientos transparentes: lapis specularis y vitrum El arco. Dovelas y cimbras Obrashidrulicas. Azudes y presas Pozos y cisternas Los acueductos y sus tcnicas constructivas Ladistribucin del agua. Erogatio aquarum. Obras de drenaje y avenamiento Agua para regados,industria y minera La navegacin fluvial Las calzadas La construccin de puentes. Pontem

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    facere Los puertos martimos Grandes cubiertas. Cerchas, bvedas y cpulas Glosario detrminos de ingeniera civil romana Bibliografa.

    099 Kakoschke, A.: Germanen in der Fremde. Ein Untersuchung zur Mobilittaus der rmischen Provinzen Germania Inferior und Germania superior anhandder Inschriften des 1. bis 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.2004 x + 340 pp., 30 lm. 50,00

    100 Peche, V. / C. Vendries: Musique et spectacles dans la Rome antique etdans loccident romain sous la Rpublique et le haut-empire2001 120 pp., fig., fot. 20,00

    101 Pina Polo, F.: Contra arma verbis. El orador ante el pueblo en la Romatardorrepublicana1997 290 pp., cuadr. 9,02

    102 Rizzo, F. P.: Sicilia cristiana dal I al V secolo, 12005 xii + 265 pp. 96,00

    103 Rosenfeld, B. Z. / J. Menirav: Markets and Marketing in Roman Palestine2005 xii + 281 pp. 99,84

    104 Theodor Mommsen e lItalia. Convegno sul tema (Roma, 3-4 novembre2003)2004 459 pp., fig. 19,00INDICE: M. Buonocore: Theodor Mommsen e la costruzione del volume IX del CIL L. CapogrossiColognesi: De Ruggiero e lItalia romana F. P. Casavola: Mommsen nella romanistica italiana O. Diliberto: Mommsen dito in Italia G. Giarizzo: Theodor Mommsen, Ernest Renan: lItalia elEuropa degli anni 70 A. Giuliano: Mommsen, gli archeologi e lantiquaria italiana A. Marcone:Collaboratori italiani di Mommsen A. Mastino / R. Mara / E. Pittau: Il viaggio di Theodor Momm-sen e dei suoi collaboratori in Sardegna per il Corpus inscriptionum latinarum A. Mattone: TheodorMommsen e le carte dArborea. Falsi, passioni, filologia vecchia e nuova tra lAccademia delle scienzedi Torino e quella di Berlino M. Mazza: Ludo Moritz Hartmann: un allievo di Mommsen neirapporti con lItalia S. Panciera: Quo tempore tituli imprimebantur. Mommsen revisore dei voluminon suoi del CIL.

    105 Uzzi, J. D.: Children in the Visual Arts of Ancient Rome2005 xiv + 252 pp., 74 fig. 81,10

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    106 Arce, J.: Brbaros y romanos en Hispania (400-507 a.D.)2005 318 pp., 28 fig., map. 22,00INDICE: Introduccin. El caos Brbaros y romanos Inseguridad y resistencia Continuidad ytransformacin Ciudades y villae La transformacin de las creencias Economa y relacionescon el exterior Eplogo. A las puertas del regnum gothorum: el siglo V, un siglo de transicin.

    107 Blzquez Cerrato, M. C.: Circulacin monetaria en el rea occidental dela Pennsula Ibrica. La moneda en torno al Camino de la plata2002 358 pp., tabl., fig. 42,00

    108 Castellanos, S.: Calagurris tardoantigua. Poder e ideologa en las ciudadeshispanovisigodas1999 101 pp. 6,00

    109 Guitart Durn, J., ed.: Historia agrria dels Pasos Catalans, 1: Antiguitat2005 585 pp., fig., fot. 59,00INDICE: E. Giralt: Prleg El marc geogrfic: J. M. Panareda: Factors naturals condicionants delactivitat agrria M. T. Bols: El paisatge rural dels Pasos Catalans i la seva evoluci Lesprimeres societats pageses: M. Molist: Lorigen de lagricultura i la ramaderia M. Molist: El marchistric del desenvolupament de les primeres societats agrcoles M. Molist: Les activitats produc-tives (I): Les prctiques agrcoles (II): Les prctiques ramaderes M. Molist: Emmagatzematge iconsum dels aliments Les activitats agrcoles i el seu desenvolupament al llarg del primer millennia.n.e.: E. Grau / E. Pons: Paleopaisatge i restituci medioambiental E. Grau / E. Pons: La consolidacidel primer milleni E. Grau / E. Pons: Lactivitat agrcola E. Grau / E. Pons: Lactivitat ramadera E. Grau / E. Pons: La conservaci dels aliments E. Grau / E. Pons: Transformaci i consum delsaliments E. Grau / E. Pons: El culte agrari Lpoca romana: M. Prevosti: Lagricultura al monrom M. Prevosti: Letapa republicana M. Prevosti: Larqueologia del vi M. Prevosti: Augusti la dinastia juliocludia M. Prevosti: Lpoca flvia i antonina M. Prevosti: De la dinastia severaa linici del baix imperi Lantiguitat tardana: P. de Palol: Economia i societat del baix imperi ilpoca visigoda R. Navarro: La documentaci arqueolgica.

    110 Melchor Gil, E. / J. Mellado / J. F. Rodrguez-Neila, eds.: Julio Csar yCorduba: tiempo y espacio en la campaa de Mvnda (49-45 a.C.). Actas delsimposio, Crdoba, 21-25 de abril de 20032005 500 pp., fig. 20,00INDICE: A. Lpez Ontiveros: Rasgos geogrficos de la campia de Crdoba F. J. Navarro San-tana: Julio Csar y la crisis de la repblica romana J. L. Gmez-Pantoja: Buscando Mundadesesperadamente P. J. Quetglas Nicolau: Csar y el Corpus caesarianum D. Vaquerizo Gil:Arqueologa de la Corduba republicana F. Chaves Tristn: Guerra y moneda en la Hispania delBellum civile A. U. Stylow: Fuentes epigrficas para la historia de la Hispania Ulterior en poca

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    republicana J. m. Roldn Hervs: El ejrcito de Csar C. Gonzlez Romn: Prosopografa delBellum hispaniense J. F. Rodrguez-Neila: Corduba entre cesarianos y pompeyanos durante laguerra civil E. M. Gil: Entre Corduba y Munda: la campaa militar del 45 a.C. y su desarrollo en lacampia de Crdoba M. Ferreiro Lpez: Munda J. Gonzlez Fernndez: Colonizacin y munici-palizacin cesariana en la Ulterior A. Caballos Rufino: La actividad colonizacora en la ProvinciaHispania Ulterior a fines de la repblica: la nueva tabla inidita de la Ley de Osuna y el deductorcoloniae C. Mrquez / A. Ventura: Corduba tras las guerras civiles J. Remesal Gonzlez: Lapoltica de Csar y sus repercusiones en la Btica J. M. Blzquez Martnez: La mina de La Loba(Fuenteovejuna, Crdoba). Las minas hispanas y del Mediterrneo a finales de la repblica.

    111 Saavedra y Prez de Meca, E.: Mastia y Tarteso y los pueblos litorales delsud-este de Espaa en la antigedad20042 205 pp., 1 map. 6,24

    112 Sotomayor, M. / J. Fernndez Ubia, eds.: El concilio de Elvira y su tiempo2005 330 pp. 12,00INDICE: 1. El concilio y sus actas: M. Sotomayor Muro / T. Berdugo Villena: El concilio de Elvira enla Hispana. Texto latino de la edicin crtica de F. Rodrguez. Texto castellano: traduccin de M.Sotomayor Muro y T. Berdugo Villena El concilio de Elvira en el Eptome: Texto latino de laedicin crtica de G. Martnez Dez. Texto castellano: traduccin de M. Sotomayor Muro y T. BerdugoVillena D. Ramos-Lisson: El concilio de Elvira en la historiografa moderna M. SotomayorMuro / T. Berdugo Villena: Valoracinde las actas 2. El lugar, la fecha y el ambiente: M. OrfilaPons: Iliberri-Elvira (Granada), ciudad romana y cristiana M. Sotomayor Muro: Sobre la fecha delconcilio L. A. Garca Moreno: El cristianismo en las Espaas: los orgenes 3. El concilio deElvira como fuente histrica: R. Teja Casuso: Exterae gentes: relaciones con paganos, judos yherejes en los cnones de Elvira A. Gonzlez Blanco: Clero y espiritualidad. Transformaciones ynovedades en el concilio de Elvira J. Fernndez Ubia: Mujer y matrimonio en el concilio de Elvira Comunidades cristianas representadas en el concilio de Elvira.


    113 Alcidamante de Elea: Testimonios y fragmentos. Anaximenes de Lampsaco:Retrica a Alejandro. Itroduciones, traduccin y notas de J. L. Lpez Cruces, J.Campos Daroca y M. A. Mrquez Guerrero2005 306 pp. 22,76

    114 Andrade, N., ed.: Discurso y poder en la tragedia y la historiografa griegas2003 166 pp. 9,50INDICE: N. Andrade: Discurso poltico en el yax de Sfocles S. De Alejandro: El conflictognos / plis en Siete contra Tebas J. Dib: Conflictos entre la decisin colectiva y el sentimiento

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    privado. Su configuracin discursiva en Hcuba de Eurpides C. Guelerman: Enunciacin ypolaridades argumentativas (lgos-rgon, individuo-plis y pblico-privado) en la oracin fnebrede Pericles (Tucdides II.34-46) M. Seoane: El poder de la palabra en los albores de la historia: unanlisis del discurso directo en las Historias de Herdoto.

    115 Apollonio Rodio: Argonautiche. Testo greco a fronte. A cura di A. Borgogno2003 lxxxix + 499 pp., 5 map. 11,44

    116 Barbieri, A.: Ricerche sul Phasma di Menandro2001 iv + 161 pp. 12,20

    117 Batstone, W. W. / G. Tissol, eds.: Defining Genre and Gender in LatinLiterature. Essays Presented to W. S. Anderson on his Seventy-Fifth Brithday2005 xii + 364 pp. 77,50INDICE: W. W. Batstone: Plautine farce and plautine freedom: an essay on the value of metatheatre A. Zeitlin: Plutarchs Moralia 712C, Menanders love plots, and Terences Eunuchus R. Freis:Amor and pietas: the catullan revolution and the horatian counter-revolution A. Corbeill: Thetopography of fides in Propertius 1.16 G. Tissol: Maimed books and maimed authors: Tristia 1.7and the fate of the Metamorphoses B. Branham: The poetics of genre: Bakhtin, Menippus, Petronius W. R. Johnson: Small wonders: the poetics of Martial, book fourteen C. Newlands: Animalclaquers: Statius Silv. 2.4 and 2.5 G. Davis: From lyric to elegy: the inscription of the elegiac subjectin Heroides 15 (Sappho to Phaon) E. Sutherland: Literary women in Horaces Odes 2.11 and 2.12 E. Greene: Gender and genre in Propertius 2.8 and 2.9 L. Cahoon: Haunted husbands: Orpheusssong (Ovid, Metamorphoses 10-11) in light of Ted Hughess Birthday letters S. James: A courtesanschoreography: female liberty and male anxiety at the roman dinner party J.-A. Shelton: puttingwomen in their place: gender, species, and hierarchy in Apuleius Metamorphoses.

    118 Beltrametti, A.: La letteratura greca. Tempi e luoghi, occasioni e forme2005 278 pp. 25,90

    119 Benedetti, F.: La tecnica del vertere negli epigrammi di Ausonio1980 156 pp. 33,28

    120 Bibliographie annuelle du moyen ge tardif. Auteurs et textes latins, 14 20042004 x + 649 pp. 72,00

    121 Bittrich, U.: Aphrodite und Eros in der antiken Tragdie. Mit Ausblickenauf motivgeschichtlich verwandte Dichtungen2005 viii + 218 pp. 68,00INDICE: Vor der Tragdie. Aphrodite und Eros im Spannungsfeld zwischen kosmischem und

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    individuellem Wirken Die Macht der Aphrodite und die Unbezwinglichkeit des Eros DieDoppelgesichtigkeit der Aphrodite und ihrer Wirkkraft, des Eros Eros-Feidschaft - zrnende Gttinund deus ultor.

    122 Boedeker, D. / D. Sider, eds.: The New Simonides. Contexts of Praise andDesire2001 324 pp., 2 fig., 6 lm. 68,00

    123 Boeft, J. den / J. W. Drijvers / D. den Hengst / H. C. Teitler: Philologicaland Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXV2005 xxvi + 415 pp. 109,20

    124 Bollack, J.: Dionysos et la tragdie. Le dieu homme dans les BacchantesdEuripide2005 123 pp. 15,00

    125 Botley, P.: Latin Translation in the Renaissance. The Theory and Practiceof Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus2004 217 pp., fig., tabl., CD-ROM 81,10

    126 Boyle, A. J.: An Introduction to Roman Tragedy2006 xi + 303 pp. 20,53INDICE: 1. The Birth of Roman Drama: Staging Rome 2. The Evolution of Roman Tragedy:Founding fathers: the appropriation of Greece The second wave: generic confidence Tragicapex: poetic form and political crisis Canonisation and turmoil: the end of the republic Romatheatrum: the early empire Senecas tragic theatre 3. The Death of Tragedy at Rome: Tragedyand autocracy: the liberty of silence.

    127 Buijs, M.: Clause Combining in Ancient Greek Narrative Discourse. TheDistribution of Subclauses and Participial Clauses in Xenophons Hellenica andAnabasis2005 x + 277 pp. 88,40

    128 Bury, E., ed.: Tous vos gens a latin. Le latin, langue savante, languemodaine (XIVe-XVIIe sicles)2005 463 pp. 91,00INDICE: P. Bourgain: Rflexions mdivales sur les langues de savoir A. Grondeux: Le latin et lesautres langues au moyen ge: contacts avec des locuteurs trangers, bilinguisme, interprtation ettraduction (800-1200) P. Lardet: Langues de savoir et savoirs de la langue: la refondation du latindans le De causis linguae latinae de Jules-Csar Scaliger (1540) J.-M. Mandosio: Encyclopdies

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    en latin et encyclopdies en langue vulgaire (XIIIe-XVIIIe sicle) C. Lecointre: Lappropriation dulatin, langue du savoir et savoir sur la langue M. Furno: De lrudit au pdagogue: prosopographiedes auteurs de dictionnaires latins, XVIe-XVIIIe sicles B. Colombat: Changement dobjectif et/ouchangement de mthode dans lapprentisasge du latin au XVIIe sicle? La nouvelle mthode [...] latinede Port-Royal M. Bouquet: Le De viris illustribus de Lhomond: un monument de frantin J.Roy: La littrature comique et la critique du latin au XVIIe sicle M. Lemoine: Les nologismesdans le commentaire de Calcidius sur le Time J. Ducos: Passions de lair, impressions ou mtores:llaboration mdivale dun lexique scientifique de la mtorologie J. Paviot: Le latin commelangue technique: lexemple des termes concernant le navire M.-J. Louison-Lassablire: AntoniusArena ou le latin macaronique au service du savoir chorgraphique L. Boulgue: Le latin, langue dela philosophie dans les traits damour du XVIe sicle en Italie. Les enjeux du De pulchro et amoredAgostino Nifo G. Demerson: Langue ancienne et Nouveau monde A. Vanautgaerden: Luvrelatin de Jean Froben, imprimeur dErasme J.-F. Cottier: Les paraphrases sur les vangiles dErasme:le latin, instrument de vulgarisation des critures? D. de Courcelles: Juan Gins de Seplveda(1490-1573), traducteur du grec et historiographe en langue latine: sur le choix de lcriture en languelatine en Espagne vers 1540 H. Cazes: La dissection des parties du corps humain et son double: lesanatomies latine et franaise de Charles Estienne (Paris, 1545-1546) E. Wolff: Jrme Cardan(1501-1576) et le latin L. Goupillaud: Demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi: mathmatiques etmerveille dans luvre de Pierre de Fermat J. Schmutz: Le latin est-il philosophiquement malade?Le projet de rforme du Leptotatos de Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz (1681) Y. Haskell: Bad taste inbaroque latin? Father Strozzis poem on chocolate A. Michel: Le latin, les mots et les choses:Virgile, Eckhart, Edmond Jabs.

    129 Cairns, D. L. / R. A. Knox, eds.: Law, Rhetoric, and Comedy in ClassicalAthens. Essays in Honour of Douglas M. MacDowell2004 xxiii + 296 pp. 72,50INDICE: 1. Law: I. Arnaoutoglou: Aspects of oral law in archaic Greece M. Gagarin: Writingathenian law G. Thr: Law of procedure in attic inscriptions D. C. Mirhady: Contracts in Athens 2. Rhetoric and Politics: L. Prandi: Textual arguments for the date of the In Alcibiadem in theCorpus of Andokides M. J. Edwards: Antiphon the revolutionary S. C. Todd: Revisiting theherms and the mysteries E. Carawan: Andocides defence and MacDowells solution S. Usher:Lysias for pleasure? C. Carey: Antiphons daughter D. Whitehead: Isokrates for hire: somepreliminaries to a commentary on Isokrates 16-21 L. Rubinstein: Stirring up dicastic anger 3.Comedy: A. H. Sommerstein: Comedy adn the unspeakable P. J. Rhodes: Aristophanes and theathenian assembly K. Dover: The limits of allegory and allusion in Aristophanes P. Sfyroeras:From sacrifice to feast: a ritual pattern in aristophanic comedy W. G. Arnott: Menanders Epitrepontesin the light of the new papyri.

    130 Calder III, W. M.: Theatrokratia. Collected Papers on the Politics andStaging of Greco-Roman Tragedy. Edited by R. S. Smith2005 xiv + 434 pp., 4 fig. 81,12INDICE: 1. General: The single-performance fallacy What Werner Krenkel and the DDR taughtme about antiquity The size of Thespis chorus 2. Aeschylus: The anti-periklean intent of Aeschyluseumenides The riddle of Aeschylus, Persae Aeschylus, Prometheus: a DDR interpretation Aeschylus, Philoctetes Vita Aeschyli 9: miscarriages in the theatre of Dionysos 3. Sophocles:

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    The entrance of Athena in Ajax Sophokles political tragedy, Antigone The protagonist ofSophocles Antigone Was Antigone murdered? Sophocles, Antigone 687: an emendation Thestaging of the prologue of Oedipus tyrannus Oedipus tyrannus 1515-30 The end of Sophocles, Electra The political and literary sources of Sophocles Oedipuscoloneus Sophocles, Oinomaos and the east pediment at Olympia Sophoclean apologia: Philoctetes Die technik der sophokleischen Komposition im Philoctetes A reconstruction of Sophocles,Polyxena Sophocles, Tereus: a thracian tragedy 4. Euripices: The date of Euripides, Erectheus A note on the dating of euripides Phaethon A reconstruction of Euripides, Philoctetes 5.Seneca: Seneca: tragedian of imperial Rome The size of the chorus in Senecas Agamemnon Senecas Agamemnon Seneca, Agamemnon 766-68 (Leo) Secreti loquimur: an interpretation ofSenecas Thyestes Seneca, Thyestes 101-106 The authenticity of Seneca, Thyestes 336-338 Seneca, Thyestes 593: a defence of the elizabethan translation Originality in Seneca, Troades The rediscovery of Seneca tragicus at the end of the XXth century.

    131 Cantera Ortiz de Urbina, J.: Diccionario Akal del refranero latino2005 416 pp. 30,00

    132 Cavallini, E., ed.: Samo. Storia, letteratura, scienza. Atti delle giornate distudio, Ravenna, 14-16 novembre 20022004 398 pp. 93,00INDICE: A. Aloni: Lira di Era: tracce di committenza samia nellInno omerico a Apollo P. AngeliBernardini: Etnografia e storia nellepos di Cherilo di Samo P. Giannini: Ibico a Samo M. G.Bonanno: Come guarire dal complesso epico. LOde a Policrate di Ibico D. Musti: Policrate ePisistrato: un confronto C. Catenacci: Policrate di Samo e larchetipo tirannico G. Casadio: Heraa Samo A. Gostoli: Tradizione astronomica a Samo (Pitagora e Ibico) L. Russo: Aristarco diSamo: uno scienziato isolato? M. Mari: Il culto della personalit a Samo, tra Lisandro e DemetrioPoliorcete M. P. Funaioli: Linceo di Samo D. Restani: Tradizioni musicali in Duride di Samo A. Panaino: Silosonte benefattore del re e la conquista persiana di Samo T. Gnoli: Samo in etellenistica e romana: ricerche storiche ed epigrafiche A. Carile: Samo in et bizantina M. Centanni:Thuc. VIII 21 ss.: Atene-Samo-Atene, prove tecniche di rivoluzione S. Audano: Lexemplum diPolicrate in Valerio Massimo: una lettura romana tra retorica e ideologia E. Berardi: Triste fine diun tiranno. La morte di Policrate di Samo nella seconda sofistica E. Cavallini: LIsola delle vergini:tradizioni mitiche di Samo arcaica nei lirici (Ibico, Anacreonte) e nella poesia ellenistica W. Burkert:Policrate nelle testimonianze letterarie C. Boni: Radina e Leontico a Samo (Stesicoro, Strabone,Pausania) A. Iannucci: Asio parodico? Lettura di un frammento elegiaco A. T. Cozzoli: Alcuniaspetti della storiografia di Duride di Samo.

    133 Citti, F. / C. Neri: Seneca nel novecento. Sondaggi sulla fortuna di unclassico2001 280 pp., fig. 19,00

    134 Clua Serena, J. A.: Estudios sobre la poesa de Euforin de Calcis2005 222 pp. 10,00INDICE: 1. La poesa de Euforin: Introduccin: La potica de Euforin El hexmetro euforioneo

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    El trpos imprecatorio Los orculos milenarios La crtica - burla Ediciones y bibliografa:status quaestionis Bibliografa selecta (Euforin) y general (poesa helenstica) 2. Anlisis delos fragmentos poticos, histricos y epigramas: El Jacinto y el problema del legos Las Ara(Maldiciones o ladrn de la copa) El Tracio: mitemas, maldiciones, estructuras El Dioniso:estructura y hermenutica La Mopsopa: takta o Attik Fragmenta historica et erudita Euphorionis epigrammata 3. Euphorionis fragmenta et epigrammata y tabla de concordancias:Antologa de fragmentos y epigramas citados Tabla de concordancias Index nominum.

    135 Colombat, B.: La grammaire latine en France, la Renaissance et lgeclassique. Thories et pdagogie1999 728 pp., tabl. 59,46

    136 Currie, B.: Pindar and the Cult of Heroes2005 xv + 487 pp., 9 fig. 101,40INDICE: 1. Some Themes in Hero Cult: Homer and Pindar: Views of death Mortality andimmortality Hero cult Uses of the word heros Immortality in renown: kleos 2. Heroizationin the Fifth Century BC: Heroization of the war dead Heroization of athletes Theios aner:religious attitudes to the living in the fifth century 3. Five Odes of Pindar: Isthmian 7: Pankrationvictor and war dead Phythian 5: the king and his royal forebears Phythian 2: locrian saviour andcyprian hero Nemean 7: boy pentathlete and delphian hero Pythian 3: fire and immortality Epilogue.

    137 Devillers, O.: Tacite et les sources des Annales. Enqutes sur la mthodehistorique2003 vi + 339 pp. 88,85

    138 Di Lorenzo, E., ed.: Lesametro greco e latino: analisi, problemi eprospettive. Fisciano, 28-29 maggio 20022004 201 pp., 15 grf. 21,35INDICE: F. Boschetti: Procedure di individuazione automatica delle strutture dellesametro in funzionedellanalisi formulare computerizzata dei poemi omerici E. Magnelli: Monosillabo finale e parolametrica da Omero alletapa ellenistica D. Fusi: Fra metrica e lingusitica: per la contestualizzazione dialgune leggi esametriche E. Di Lorenzo: Osservazioni sulla versificazione verbale degli Annales diEnnio L. Ceccarelli: Note sullesametro di Ovidio: Metamorfosi e opere in distici J. Luque Mo-reno: De tome sive incisione versuum: Aftonio y las cesuras del hexmetro C. Formicola: Opacusumor dans la pierre. Claud. c.m. 33-39 tra filologia e metrica E. Di Lorenzo / B. Pellegrino: Lesametrobucolico latino D. Viscido: Ricerche sullesametro delle Bucoliche di Pomponio Gaurico.

    139 Doctor, R.: The Avesta: A Lexico-Statistical Analysis (Direct and ReverseIndexes, Hapax Legomenon and Frequency Counts)2004 vi + 666 pp. 109,20

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    140 Dosithee: Grammaire latine. Texte tabli, traduit et comment Par G. Bon-net2005 xxxviii + 301 pp. 48,00

    141 Dronke, P.: Imagination in the Late Pagan and Early Christian World. TheFirst Nine Centuries A.D.2003 xiii + 286 pp., 22 lm. 69,00INDICE: The First Nine Centuries A.D.: 1. Imagination and Images 2. Dance: Lme et la danse Idithun Dances of the stars 3. The Sea: Lo gran mar de lessere Thalassa 4. EarthlyParadises: Amor and Venus Est locus... Journeys to earthly paradises: Dantes precursors Excursus: Melchisedek 5. Creatures of Heaven and Earth: Flight The swan The dove Theeagle Sirens The hind Leopard and kid Animals immortal souls 6. Light and Fire: Sunand moon Creative fire Epilogue.

    142 Du Cange (C. du Fresne Sieur du Cange): Glossarium ad scriptores mediaeet infimae graecitatis, 2 vols.1688, facsm. 1.268 pp. 213,20

    143 Dupont, F. / E. Valette-Cagnac, eds.: Faons de parler grec Rome2005 288 pp. 24,00INDICE: E. Valette-Cagnac: Introduction. Vtraque lingua E. Valette-Cagnac: Plus attique que lalangue des athniens P. Cordier: Les habits grecs du baigneur romain C. Baroin: Les candla-bres corinthiens nexistent pas R. Boutin: Quand Dmosthne parle latin F. Dupont: Plautefils du bouffeur de bouillie C. Auvray-Assayas. Les installations grecques dans les dialoguesde Cicron M. Pierre: Rome dans la balance F. Dupont: Laltrit incluse Bibliographie.

    144 Favorinos dArles: uvres, 1: Introduction gnrale - Tmoignages - Dis-cours aux corinthiens - Sur la fortune. Texte tabli et comment par E. Amato.Traduit par Y. Julien2005 xiv + 643 pp. 83,00

    145 Fiaccadori, G., ed.: Autori classici in lingue del Vicino e Medio Oriente.Atti del III, IV e V seminario sul tema: Recupero di testi classici attraversorecezioni in lingue del Vicino e Medio Oriente. Brescia, novembre 1984; Roma,marzo 1985; Padova-Venezia, aprile 19861990 216 pp. 21,49

    146 Foegen, T., ed.: Antike Fachtexte / Ancient Technical Texts2005 viii + 378 pp. 88,00INDICE: Zur Einleitung: T. Fgen: Antike Fachtexte als Forschungsgegenstand Medizinische

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    Fachliteratur: M. Asper: Un personaggio in cerca di lettore: Galens Groer Puls und die Erfindungdes Lesers D. Nickel: Galen in der Kontroverse mit Asklepiades von Bithynien: Zur Funktionsweisedes Harnapparates S. Vogt: ... er schrieb in Versen, und er tat recht daran: Lehrdichtung im UrteilGalens J. Wilkins: Galen and Athenaeus on technical terms for foods S. Ihm: Zu den medizinischenSzenen in Menanders Aspis B. Zipser: Zu Aufbau und Quellen der des Leomedicus Grammatische Fachliteratur: W. Ax: Typen antiker grammatischer Fachliteratur am Beispielder rmischen Grammatik A. Schmidhauser: Selbstverweise bei Apollonios Dyskolos M. D.Hyman: Terms for word in roman grammar V. I. Mazhuga: Die Begriffe absolutus und absolutivusin der rmischen Grammatik (1. bis 5. Jh. n. Chr.) Kommentarliteratur: K. Belcher: Theocritusancient commentators R. Maltby: Donatus and Terence in Servius and Servius Danielis Fachliteratur verschiedener Gebiete: S. Fllinger: Dialogische Elemente in der antiken Fachliteratur J. Althoff: Form und Funktion der beiden hippologischen Schriften Xenophons Hipparchicus undDe re equestri (mit einem Blick auf Simon von Athen) M. J. Schiefsky: Technical terminology ingreco-roman treatises on artillery construction S. Diederich: Das rmische Agrarhandbuch alsMedium der Selbstdarstellung B. Rochette: Die bersetzung von Fachbegriffen bei Apuleius Ausblick auf die Neuzeit: H. Kalverkmper: Fachkommunkation zwischen Tradition und Innovation:Ein kulturhistorisches Phnomen der alten und modernen Gesellschaften.

    147 Fortenbaugh, W. W. / E. Schtrumpf, eds.: Demetrius of Phalerum. Text,Translation and Discussion2000 ix + 464 pp. 79,85

    148 Freeman, P.: The Galatian Language - A Comprehensive Survey of theLanguage of the Ancient Celts in Greco-Roman Asia Minor2001 124 pp. 106,00

    149 Fucecchi, M.: La teichoskopia e linnamoramento di Medea. Saggio dicommento a Valerio Flacco Argonautiche 6, 427-7601997 300 pp. 18,00

    150 Ganivet, A.: Importancia de la lengua snscrita y servicios que su estudioha prestado a la ciencia del lenguaje en general y a la gramtica comparada enparticular2005 137 pp. 9,00

    151 Garcea, A.: Cicerone in esilio. Lepistolario e le passioni2005 viii + 323 pp. 49,92

    152 Georgacopoulou, S.: Aux frontires du rcit epique: lemploi de lapostro-phe du narrateur dans la Thbade de Stace2005 296 pp. 48,00

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    153 George, C. H.: Expressions of Agency in Ancient Greek2005 x + 288 pp. 81,10

    154 Gigante, M.: Classico e mediazione. Contributi alla storia della filologiaantica1989 243 pp. 29,85

    155 Goullet, M. / M. Parisse: Apprendre le latin mdival. Manuel pour grandscommenants20053 216 pp., fig. 22,00

    156 Gregory, J., ed.: A Companion to Greek Tragedy2005 xviii + 552 pp., 15 fig. 132,60INDICE: 1. Contexts: P. Debnar: Fifth-century athenian history and tragedy S. Scullion: Tragedyand religion: the problem of origins B. Seidensticker: Dithyramb, comedy, and satyr-play N.Croally: Tragedys teaching W. Allan: Tragedy and the early greek philosophical tradition C.Pelling: Tragedy, rhetoric, and performance culture J. P. Small: Pictures of tragedy? 2. Elements:M. J. Anderson: Myth D. H. Roberts: Beginnings and endings L. Battezzato: Lyric M. R.Halleran: Episodes P. Wilson: Music J. Davidson: Theatrical production 3. Approaches: S.Sad: Aeschylean tragedy R. Scodel: Sophoclean tragedy J. Gregory: Euripidean tragedy M.Cropp: Lost tragedies: a survey C. Sourvinou-Inwood: Tragedy and anthropology D. Cairns:Values D. Mastronarde: The gods M. Griffith: Authority figures J. Mossman: Womensvoices M. Ebbott: Marginal figures 4. Reception: D. Kovacs: Text and transmission S. Halliwell:Learning from suffering: ancient responses to tragedy V. Panoussi: Polis and empire: greek tragedyin Rome S. Di Maria: Italian reception of greek tragedy A. Henrichs: Nietzsche on greek tragedyand the tragic I. Lada-Richards: Greek tragedy and western perceptions of actors and acting H.Altena: The theater of innumerable faces P. Woodruff: Justice in translation: rendering ancientgreek tragedy.

    157 Haye, T.: Lateinische Oralitt. Gelehrte Sprache in der mndlichenKommunikation des hohen und spten Mittelalters2005 vi + 176 pp. 88,00INDICE: 1. Einleitung: Die Fragestellung Das Schweigen der Quellen Das korrekte Latein Modi und Funktionen der bersetzung Limitierte und schriftgesttzte Mndlichkeit DasVerstndnis des Publikums 2. Normative Traktate und Modelle: Das Latein des Gerichtswesens:Boncompagno, Tankred und Guillaume Durant Das Latein des kurialen Zeremoniells: AgostinoPatrizi und die Tradition der Ordines romani Das Latein der Provinzialkonzilien: das Pontificaleromanum des 12. Jahrhunderts Das Latein der Diplomaten: die Gesandtschaftstraktate DasLatein des klsterlichen Alltags: Aelfric Bata und Paul Schneevogel Das Latein der akademischenRede: Boncompagno und Rudolf Losse 3. Historische Einzelstudien: Hariulf von Saint-Riquier inRom (1141) Das Konzil von Sens und der Becket-Streit (1164) Salimbene de Adam in Modena(1253) und in der Provence (1248) Francesco Petrarca in Paris (1361) Lapo da Castiglionchio inAvignon (1364) Die anglofranzsischen Verhandlungen von Alenon und Pont de lArche (1418)

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    Die Gesandtschaftsreden des John Gunthorpe (1466/1468) Der Regensburger Reichstag (1471) 4. Fazit 5. Literaturverzeichnis 6. Orts- und Personenregister.

    158 Hoffmann, M.: Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus, De spiritalis historiae gestis,Buch 3: Einleitung, bersetzung, Kommentar2005 lii + 336 pp. 118,00

    159 Holford-Strevens, L. / A. Vardi, eds.: The Worlds of Aulus Gellius2004 xvi + 392 pp. 115,45INDICE: 1. Contexts and Achievements: S. Swain: Bilingualism and biculturalism in antonine Rome:Apuleius, Fronto, and Gellius A. Garcea / V. Lomanto: Gellius and Fronto on loanwords and literarymodels: their evaluation of Laberius F. Cavazza: Gellius the etymologist: Gellius etymologies andmodern etymology G. Anderson: Aulus Gellius as a storyteller A. J. Stevenson: Gellius and theroman antiquarian tradition 2. Ideologies: A. Vardi: Genre, conventions, and cultural programme inGellius Noctes Atticae T. Morgan: Educational values S. M. Beall: Gellian humanism revisited W. Keulen: Gellius, Apuleius, and satire on the intellectual 3. Reception: L. Holford-Strevens.Recht as een Palmen-Bohm and other facets of Gellius medieval and humanistic reception M.heath: Gellius in the french Renaissance A. Grafton: Conflict and harmony in the Collegiumgellianum.

    160 Jakobi, R.: Grillius. berlieferung und Kommentar2005 x + 297 pp. 84,00

    161 Joosten, J. / P. Le Moigne, eds.: Lapport de la septante aux tudes surlantiquit. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg, 8-9 dcembre 20022005 314 pp. 35,00INDICE: 1. Aspects linguistiques: A. Voitila: La septante: un document linguistique de la koingrecque antique? J. Lust: La syntaxe et le grec de traduction T. Muraoka: Apports de la LXXdans notre comprhension de lhbreu et du grec et de leur vocabulaire 2. La technique detraduction et le style de la version grecque: P. Le Moigne: dans sae-LXX J. de Waard:Indices phontiques hbreux dans et derrire le grec de la septante de Proverbes N. FernndezMarcos: Hros et victime: Samson dans la LXX 3. La critique textuelle et lhistoire du textebiblique: P.-M. Bogaert: La datation par souscription dans les rdactions courte (LXX) et longue(TM) du livre de Jrmie O. Munnich: Le cadrage dynastique et lordre des chapitres dans lelivre de Daniel C. Dogniez: Agge et ses supplments (TM et LXX) ou le dveloppement litt-raire dun livre biblique 4. La rception de la bible grecque dans le judasme et dans le christia-nisme anciens: A. Passoni DellAcqua: La Prire de Manass: une fantaisie linguistique pour chan-ter la misricorde de Dieu R. Roukema: Linterprtation patristique de quelques mots hbra-ques de la septante R. Brucker: La Wirkungsgeschichte de la septante des Psaumes dans lejudasme ancien et dans le christianisme primitif.

    162 Kakridi, C.: Cassiodors Variae. Literatur und Politik im ostgotischenItalien2005 viii + 419 pp. 94,00

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    163 Kalidasa: The Birth of Kumara [Kumarasambhava]. Translated by D. Smith2005 360 pp. 23,70Clay Sanskrit Library.

    164 Kantzios, I.: The Trajectory of Archaic Greek Trimeters2005 ix + 208 pp. 116,48

    165 Karavas, O.: Lucien et la tragdie2005 xiii + 374 pp. 98,00

    166 Krueger, D.: Writing and Holiness. The Practice of Authorship in the EarlyChristian East2004 ix + 298 pp., 11 fig. 61,65INDICE: Literary composition as a religious activity Typology and hagiography: Theodoret ofCyrrhuss Religious history Biblical authors: the evangelists as saints Hagiography as devotion:writing in the cult of the saints Hagiography as asceticism: humility as authorial practice Hagiography as liturgy: writing and memory in Gregory of Nyssas Life of Macrina Textual bodies:Plotinus, Syncletica, and the Teaching of Addai Textuality and redemption: the hymns of Romanosthe Melodist Hagiographical practice and the formation of identity: genre and discipline.

    167 Latacz, J.: Troy and Homer. Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery2004 362 pp., 24 fig. 49,95

    168 Leberl, J.: Domitian und die Dichter. Poesie als Medium derHerrschaftsdarstellung2004 394 pp. 74,00

    169 Leonas, A.: Recherches sur le langage de la septante2005 x + 340 pp. 76,00

    170 Macrobio: Comentarios al sueo de Escipin. Edicin y traduccin de J.Ravents2005 192 pp., fig. 18,00

    171 Mancini, L.: Il rovinoso incanto. Storie di sirene antiche2005 312 pp., 28 fig. 24,40

    172 Maurer, K.: Interpolation in Thucydides1995 xxiv + 242 pp. 122,72

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    173 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural index, 1: Fascicule 1: Beinga Comprehensive Subject-wise Index to the Cultural Information Available inthe Critically Costituted Text of the Mahabharata Published by the BhandarkarOriental Research Institute, Pune1993 viii + 164 pp. 15,00

    174 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural Index, 1: Fascicule 21995 iv + 120 pp. 15,00

    175 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural Index, 1: Fascicule 31996 119 pp. 15,00

    176 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural Index, 1: Fascicule 41997 102 pp. 15,00

    177 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural Index, 2: Fascicule 11999 iv + 100 pp. 15,00

    178 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural Index, 2: Fascicule 22002 128 pp. 16,50

    179 Mehendale, M. A., ed.: Mahabharata. Cultural Index, 2: Fascicule 32004 ix + 112 pp. 24,00

    180 Miller, D. G.: Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge1994 xvi + 135 pp. 109,20

    181 Montana, F., ed.: Interpretazioni antiche di Aristofane2005 x + 272 pp. 46,00INDICE: F. Montana: Premessa F. Montana: Lesegesi ad Aristofane su papiro M. L.Muzzolon: Aristarco negli scolii ad Aristofane S. Perrone: Aristofane e la religione negli scholiavetera alle Rane.

    182 Montuschi, C.: Il tempo in Ovidio. Funzioni, meccanismi, strutture2005 472 pp. 48,88

    183 Moussy, C., ed.: La composition et la preverbation en latin2005 362 pp. 22,00INDICE: 1. La composition en latin: F. Bader: Fondements syntaxiques de la composition nominale

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    M. Fruyt: Le statut des composs nominaux dans le lexique latin F. Biville: Aspects populairesde la composition nominale en latin G. Calboli: La composition avec le prfixe privatif in- chezHorace et les potes de son temps L. Nadjo: Les composs nominaux chez Lucrce E. Gavoille:Les rapports smantiques entre ars, artifex et artificium jusqu lpoque cicronienne D. Conso:tude smantique des composs premier terme semi- en latin J.-F. Thomas: Les composs nomi-naux latins premier terme exprimant lide de deux S. Roesch: Les emplois de deux prfixs deuerbum: prouerbium et praeuerbium J. Cassard: Les composs en -fer et en -ger dans les traits derhtorique de lpoque rpublicaine C. Brunet: Bene facere: une ou deux lexies? 2. La prverbationen latin: R. Oniga: Composition et prverbation en latin: problmes de typologie B. Garca-Her-nndez: Lantonymie aspectuelle des prverbes allatifs et ablatifs C. Moussy: La polysmie duprverbe com- F. Gaide: propos des prverbs en com-; couper et broyer dans le Demedicamentis de Marcellus B. Bortolussi: Le double accusatif avec les verbes prfixs en circum-et trans- D. Longre: Verbes prfixs et concurrences syntaxiques chez Tacite J.-P. Brachet:Prverbs en intro- en cours de constitution chez Plaute et Trence S. van Laer: Per- et les procsgradables D. Molinari: Les prverbs de facio.

    184 Oliver, J. H.: The Civilizing Power. A Study of the Panathenaic Discourseof Aelius Aristides Against the Background of Literature and Cultural Conflict,with Text, Translation and Commentary1968 223 pp., 2 lm. 46,00

    185 Plauto, Tito Maccio: Tutte le commedie. Testo latino a fronte. EdizioneIntegrale. A cura di E. Paratore, 5 vols.20043 2.381 pp. 31,20

    186 Probus, Marcus Valerius: M. Valeri Probi Beryti fragmenta. Edidit J. Velaza2005 xxviii + 152 pp. 11,00

    187 Properce: Elegies. Texte etabli, traduit et comment par S. Viarre2005 lxvii + 419 pp. 43,00

    188 Puliga, D.: Percorsi della cultura latina. Per una didattica sostenibile2003 283 pp., fig. 22,00

    189 Rademaker, A.: Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint. Polysemy& Persuasive Use of an Ancient Greek Value Term2005 xi + 375 pp. 88,40

    190 Roest, B. / H. Vanstiphout, eds.: Aspects of Genre and Type in Pre-ModernLiterary Cultures1999 viii + 139 pp. 60,32INDICE: D. Claes: Adam per Evam deceptus est, non Eva per Adam. Biblical repertoria in fourteenth-

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    century canon law G. J. van Gelder: Some brave attempts at generic classification in premodernarabic literature F. Kramer: Rigid readings of flexible texts. The case of sixteenth-century comicdrama B. Roest: Medieval historiography: about generic constraints and scholarly constructions M. van Rossum-Steenbeek: Boundless papyri A. Schippers: The fable is dead; long live the fable!Or, is there any life after genre? H. Vanstiphout: I can put anything in its right place. Generic andtypological studies as strategies for the analysis and evaluation of mankinds oldest literature N.Veldhuis: Continuity and change in mesopotamian lexical tradition. M. Zimmerman: When Phaedraleft the tragic stage: generic switches in Apuleius Metamorphoses B. Roest / J. Vanstiphout:Postscriptum.

    191 Saetta Cottone, R.: Aristofane e la poetica dellingiuria. Per unaintroduzione alla loidora comica2005 387 pp. 28,29INDICE: I problemi e la critica. Nuove prospettive Lingiuria comica e la tradizione poetica dellalode e del biasimo Le ingiurie di Aristofane: lantiretorica Per una poetica dellingiuria comica:gli Acarnesi e le Tesmoforiazuse.

    192 Salvadore, M., ed.: La poesia tardoantica e medievale. Atti del I convegnointernazionale di studi, Macerata, 4-5 maggio 19982001 272 pp. 19,00INDICE: K. Thraede: Anfnge frhchristlich-lateinischer Bibelepik: Buchgrenzen bei Iuvencus C.Crimi: Motivi e forme dellanacreontea tardoantica e bizantina. Una lettura delle due parti del Barberinianusgr. 310 G. Polara: Tra ars et ludus: tecnica e poetica del Technopaegnion di Ausonio E. V.Maltese: Una contemporanea di Fozio, Cassia. Osservazioni sui versi profani U. Pizzani: Le presenzeclassiche nel Carmen Licentii a Augustinum W. Hrandner: Epigrams on icons and sacred objects:the collection of Cod. Marc. gr. 524 K. Smolak: Die Psicomachie des Prudentius als historischesEpos K. Demoen: La posie iambique de Thodore le Stoudite: renouveau de lpigramme grecqueprofane? C. Micaelli: Carmen adversus Marcionitas: ispirazione biblica e sua ripresa nei centoniDe lege e De nativitate F. Fusco: Giuliano dEgitto: un epigrammista di et giustinianea M. G.Bianco: Poesia, teologia e vita in Gregorio Nazianzeno: carm. 2, 1, 1 C. Moreschini: Dottrineciniche ed etica cristiana nella poesia di Gregorio Nazianzeno R. Palla: Quello che avremmo dovutosapere sulledizione aldina dei Carmi di Gregorio Nazianzeno A. Isola: Conclusioni.

    193 Santini, C. / F. Stok, eds.: Hinc Italae gentes. Geopolitica ed etnografiadellItalia nel commento di Servio allEneide2004 310 pp. 19,00

    194 Schleusner, J. F., ed.: Novus thesaurus philologico-criticus sive Lexicon inLXX et reliquos interpretes graecos AC scriptores apocryphos VeterisTestamenti, 3 vols. (1: ; 2: ; 3: )1822, facsm. xxx + 2.705 pp. 858,00

    195 Sotera, F.: Percorsi epici. Agli inizi della letteratura greca2003 272 pp. 21,50

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    196 Ugolini, G.: Sofocle e Atene. Vita politica e attivit teatrale nella Greciaclassica2000 276 pp. 21,50

    197 Woodman, T. / D. Feeney, eds.: Traditions and Contexts in the Poetry ofHorace2002 x + 271 pp. 81,00INDICE: A. Bradshaw: Horaces birthday and deathday I. M. Le M. du Quesnay: Amicvs certvs inre incerta cernitvr: Epode I J. E. G. Zetzel: Dreaming about Quirinus: Horaces Satires and thedevelopment of augustan poetry T. Woodman: Biformis vates: the Odes, Catullus and greek lyric A. Griffiths: The Odes: just where do you draw the line? R. G. M. Nisbet: A wine-jar for Messalla:Carmina 3.21 E. Oliensis: Feminine endings, lyric seductions A. Barchiesi: The uniqueness ofthe Carmen saecvlare and its tradition K. Freudenburg: Solvs sapiens liber est: recommissioninglyric in Epistles I J. Moles: Poetry, philosophy, politics and play: Epistles I M. Lowrie: Horace,Cicero and Augustus, or the poet statesman at Epistles 2.I.256 D. Feeney: Vna cvm scriptore meo:poetry, principate and the traditions of literary history in the epistle to Augustus Epilogue.

    198 Young, F. / L. Ayres / A. Louth, eds.: The Cambridge History of EarlyChristian Literature2004 xxvii + 538 pp., map., tabl. 129,60INDICE: 1. The Beginnings: the New Testament to Irenaeus: A) Literary Guide: F. Young: Introduc-tion: the literary culture of the earliest christianity R. A. Norris, Jr.: The apostolic and sub-apostolicwritings: the New Testament and the apostolic fathers R. A. Norris, Jr.: Gnostic literature R. A.Norris, Jr.: Apocryphal writings and acts of the martyrs R. A. Norris, Jr.: The apologists R. A.Norris, Jr.: Irenaeus of Lyon B) Context and Interpretation: J. Behr: Social and historical setting R. A. Norris, Jr.: Articulating identity F. Young: Christian teaching F. Young: Conclusion: towardsa hermeneutic of second-century texts 2. The Third Century: A) Literary Guide: R. E. Heine: TheAlexandrians R. E. Heine: The beginnings of latin christian literature R. E. Heine: Hippolytus,Ps.-Hippolytus and the early canons R. E. Heine: Cyprian and Novatian S. P. Brock: The earliestsyriac literature F. Young: Concluding review: the literary culture of the third century B) Contextand Interpretation: K. J. Torjesen: Social and historical setting: christianity as culture critique R. E.Heine: Articulating identity J. D. Dawson: Christian teaching F. Young: The significance ofthird-century christian literature 3. Foundation of a New Culture: from Diocletian to Cyril: A)Literary Guide: F. Young: Classical genres in christian guide; christian genres in classical