Uruguay - Tarea Grupo 4

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Uruguay - Tarea Grupo 4

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URUGUAYnatural, natural...

URUGUAY, PAS NATURALMUY NATURAL!!Uruguay, a natural country . a really natural one!1


DONDE? En un lugar privilegiado de Amrica del SurWhere? In an outstanding place in South America2


Multitud de paisajes diferentes...y disfrutables!Great variety of enjoyable different landscapes!3


TANGO Y CANDOMBE: Msica fusin de ritmos sudamericanos, africanos y europeosTango and Candombe: a mixture of rhythms from South America, Africa and Europe.4

Cabo Polonio! Lugar mgico y nico. Conozcamos un poco ms del Corazn de AmricaPolonio Cape! A unique magical place. Lets know a bit more about Americas Heart



No lo dudes! Contina con un viaje inolvidable!Visita Uruguay! Jams olvidars esta experiencia!Do not hesitate! Go on an unforgettable journey!Come to Uruguay. You will never forget such an experience!6
