WEB: State of the art

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Revisión de lo que ha estado de moda en cuando a diseño web en este 2012.

Transcript of WEB: State of the art

Mi sitio web Jon E. Eguiluz

Objetivos de la web

● Conseguir una comunidad● Dar a conocer un producto

● Ampliar cartera de clientes● Vender


¿Qué contenido queremos mostrar?

Ordenar el contenido por importancia

Webs clásicas“Los gigantes”

Me aburroooo!!!!

Consejos del los gurus

Los sabios dicen:

“Good design means never having to say 'Click Here' “

Shawn Leslie

“ Designers are no longer designing for the device, they are designing for the experience. “

COURTNEY BOYD MYERS, Features Editor of the next web

“you can’t just be geeky anymore, you have to be beautiful too. “

BRAD MCCARTY, Managing Editor the next web

“Emotion is at the heart ofevery decision we make. …We do what feels right,we go with our gut. “

AARON WALTER, lead designer Mail Chimp

“It’s art if can’t be explained.It’s fashion if no one asks for an explanation.

It’s design if it doesn’t need explanation “

Wouter Stokkel

“we will no longer continue to develop Flash Player in the browserto work with new mobile deviceconfigurations

(…) for Android andBlackBerry PlayBook.”

ADOBE press release

“We aren’t designing photocopies of web pages, we’re designing web pages “

Andy Clarke

“Marketing without design is lifeless, and design without marketing is mute“

Von R. Glitschka

“Art is like masturbation. It is selfish and introverted and done for you and you alone. Design is like sex.

There is someone else involved, their needs are just as important as your own, and if everything goes

Right both parties are happy in the end“

Colin Wright

¿Qué queremos?Que sea impactante, novedosa, diferente...

State of the art

¿Qué está a la última?


Piensa para muchos dispositivos


No todo el monte es arial

¿Es lobster la nueva comic sans?


Efecto de profundidad

One page Web

Scroll is your friend


Menos es el nuevo MÁS


¿Y si nos ponemos serios?

State of the art

¿Que está de moda?

A P I s

APIs everywhere

State of the art

¿Que está de moda?

