Download - نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

Page 1: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

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اعذاد الوعلن

سائذ دهيوش

Page 2: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

academy (n) academic (adj) academically (adv)

agreement (n) اكاديمًagree (v)


agriculture (n) agricultural (adj)

be able to answer زراعًdetailed questions

قدرة الاجابٌ علٍ الازئلٌ التفشجلجٌ

astrophysics (n) ٌفجزياء فلكج blame (v+n) يلكـ

manage (v) business management (n) managerial (adj)

corporate (adj) ادارة اعماؿcorporation (n)

مؤززً سركٌ

advise (v) career advisor/ advice (n)

نشجخٌ مزتسار كظجفً

cryptophasia (n) ٌمخاكاة ذاش بالتكائـ

circulate (v) circulation (n)

دكرة دمكيٌ دكراف الوكاء

dialect (n) dialectal (adj)


colloquial (adj) ٌعامج do a deal (v) ٌيعقد شفق

compulsory (adj) الزامً( اجبارم( domestic (adj) domesticate (v) domesticity (n)


concentrate (v) concentration (n)

dominate (v) تركجزdominance (n) dominant (adj)

يزجطر )هجمنٌ(

contradict (v) contradiction (n) contradictory (adj)

evolve (v) تناقضevolution (n) evolutionary (adj)

يتطكر تدريججا

degree (n) سوادة درجٌ علمجٌ

export (n) export (v) exportation (n)


dehydrate (v) dehydration (n) dehydrated (adj)

extensively (adv) جفاؼextensive(adj) extend (v)

بشكرة كازعٌ ممتد

developed nation (n)

extraction (n) امٌ متقدمٌextract (v)


diet (n) +(v) dietary (adj)

خمجٌ )نظاـ غذائً(

fertiliser (n) fertilise (v) fertilisation (n) fertile (adj)


diploma (n) دبلكـ first language (n) mother tongue (n)

اللػٌ الاـ )الاكلٍ(

drop [a course] (v) ازقاط give a business card اعطاء بطاقٌ اعماؿ

economics (n) economical (adj) economically (adv)

بضائع goods (n) اقتشادم

engineering (n) engineer (v+n)

gross domestic هندزٌproduct (n)

الناتح المخلً الاجمالً

enrol (v) enrolment (n)

import (v+n) تزججؿimportation (n) imported (adj)

يزتكرد )الكاردات(

fluently (adv) fluency (n) fluent (adj)

intentional (adj) بطلاقٌintend (v) intention (n)

)بقشد( نجٌ

immerse (v) immersion (n)

ينومؾ بػ )يزتػرؽ فً(

knitwear (n) ٌملابس شكفج

lifelong (adj) مدل الخجاة machinery (n) الآلات

linguistics (n) linguist (n) linguistic (adj)

تموجد للكلاـ make small talk علـ اللػٌ

marketing (n) market (v+n)

mineral (n+ adj) تزكيؽ


master’s degree (n) درجٌ الماجزتجر negotiate (v) negotiation (n) negotiable (adj)


Page 3: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

memory (n) memorise (v) memorable (adj)

pharmaceuticals (n) ذاكرةpharmaceutical (adj)

سركات ادكيٌ

multilingual (adj) multilingualism (n)

يفرقع pop (v) تعدد اللػات

multitask (v) تعدد المواـ punish (v) يعاقب

nutrition (n) nutritious (adj)

يزتذكر recall (v) تػذيٌ

online distance learning (n) التعلـ عف بعد register (n) ٌالشجػٌ اللػكي

pharmacy (n) pharmaceutical (adj)

شجدلجٌ علـ الادكيٌ كالطب

replicate (v+n) يكرر / يزتنزر

PhD (n) سوادة الدكتكراة reserve (v+n) مذزكف

pioneering (adj) pioneer (v+n)

sales pitch (n) رائد

تركيح تقديـ عرض

postgraduate (n) درازات علجا shake hands (v) يشافد

private university (n) ٌجامعٌ ذاش spill (v + n) )يزكب )يريؽ

proficiency (n) proficient (adj)

يذبر نكتٌ tell a joke (v) ماهر )اتقاف(

psychology (n) psychological (adj)

زجؿ اداء track record (n) علـ النفس

public university (n)

adaptable (adj) جامعٌ خككمجٌadapt (v) adaptation (n)


qualifications (n) qualify (v) qualified (adj)

ambitious (adj) مؤهلات علمجٌambition (n)


simulate (v) simulator (n) simulation (n)

attribute (n) جواز مخاكاة attribute (v) attribution (n)


sociology (n) sociological (adj)

competent (adj) علـ الاجتماعcompetence (n)


tailor-made (adj) مجوزّ ذشجشا conscientious (adj) conscience (n)

مكاظب )منجز(

tuition (n) تدريس بػ مجمكعات شػجرة

curriculum vitae (n) cv

زجرة ذاتجٌ

tutorial (n) tutor (v+n)

enclosed (adj) مدرس ذاصenclose (v)


undergraduate (n) جامعً )غجر متذرج(

enthusiastic (adj) enthusiasm (n)


undertake (v) undertaking (n)

مػرـ بػ fond of (adj) القجاـ بػ

utterance (n) utter (verb)

full-time (adj) كلاـ )ينطؽ(

دكاـ كامؿ

vocational (adj) vocation (n)

headphones (n) مونٌ

زماعات رأس

secure (adj) +(v) security (n)

intern (n) +(v) امفinternship (n)


seminar (n) ندكة interpreter (n) interpret (v) interpretation (n)

مترجـ فكرم

surveyor (n) survey (v + n)

متخمس keen (adj) مزّاح اراضً

voluntary (adj) volunteer (n + v)

reference (n) تطكعًrefer (v)

سذص معّرؼ )كمرجع(

work experience (n) ذبرة عمؿ regional (adj) region (n)


rewarding (adj) reward (v + n)


Page 4: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

:(Body Idioms) ( الجزد )مشطلخات

get cold feet

to lose your confidence in something at the last minute . فقداف الثقٌ بالنفس فً اللخظٌ الخازمٌ

get it off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you )فضفضٌ(تسكً همؾ لسذص اذر

have a head for figures to have a natural mental ability for maths/numbers. تمتلؾ عقؿ رياضجات )خزابً(

keep your chin up

to remain cheerful in difficult situations; an expression of encouragement. )للتسججع)تعبجر اف تبقٍ مبتوجا كقت السدة

put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. جتودت

stand out [from the crowd]

to be much better than other similar people or things. )بارز(اف تككف الافضؿ بجف الأسذاص اك الاسجاء المماثلٌ

play it by ear to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops. اف تقرر كجؼ تتعامؿ مع كضع متطكرا

WORD Meaning

halls of residence .accommodation زكف جامعً

motive .reason for doing sth خافز

minority هامسً # majority not many.

fees رزكـ costs/ charges

debt money you owe ديف

financial relating to money مالً

definition collocating phrases

write a schedule draw up a timetable

keep fit do exercise

begin make a start

relax take a break

study do a subject

change something make a difference

Collocations متلازمات

blame/punish a person for doing sth.

spill a drink

pop a balloon

recall an event

work as

decide on

translate into

talk / asked about

good at

make a mistake

ask questions

shake hands

earn respect

join a company

cause offence

make small talk

taking a course

get a feeling of satisfaction

make sure your password is secure

to get a job at after a long meeting

come about happen / take place یخدث

come up with think of بفكرة یذرج

carry out do / complete بػ یقكـ

eat out eat away from home يأكؿ ذارجا

get away with not be blamed for يفلت مف العقاب

leave out not include يترؾ

point out show لػ یسیر

speed up hurry يزرع

find out discover يكتسؼ

grow up spend my childhood يكبر

look into to investigate یبخث

موـ لزؤاؿ املأ الفراغ بالكلمٌ المنازبٌ مف الشندكؽ

look up a word in a dictionary ٌيزتذرج كلم

look for something you’ve lost یبخث

look forward to something exciting لِػ یتلوؼ

get over an illness, and feel better ٍيتعاف

get up in the morning یزتیقظ

get on with your work and complete it یكاشؿ

take up a new hobby هكایٌ یتذذ

take away some fast food طعاـ زفرم

take off your shoes when you get home )يذلع )خذاءق

go away from home for a holiday ابتعد

go back to where you started يعكد

go ahead with a plan, and do it بػ یباسر

Page 5: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

Functions ٌالكظائؼ اللػكي

Showing cause Showing result To link ideas Giving Advice

because because of

as since due to

therefore so

as a result because of that consequently

he them This

It that

Why don’t you…? You could…………….

Have you thought about …? You should …, no doubt about it.

If I were……., I would … My main recommendation is that you …

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة

experience experience experienced

dominate dominance dominant

depend dependence dependent

repeat repetition repeated

correct correction correct

youth young

awareness aware

circulate circulation

dehydrate dehydration

advise advice

revise revision

concentrate concentration

succeed success successful

educate education educational

organise organisation organised

develop development developed

achieve achievement achievable

هلخص بسيط لقواعذ الاشتقاق

Noun Adjective Verb Adverb

adj.+ ------------------- the+ ----------------- of+ ------ ----------------v.---------- in/on /from +--------- because/cause ----------------- his/her/my+ --------------- one/two/three+ ----------------- some/any/many +-------------

---------------- + n. Be*+ --------------- a/an/the +------------ n. adv. + -------------+ n. enough +-------------- look/become/more+ --- the most+ ----------- as-----------as very/so/really+ ---------

to ------------------ will/can/may+ ----- S. + V. + O. does/ do/did(not)+………

……………………………. , s. + v ………….. adj. v1 ………………………v2 S. + V. + O. +……….

Gender-specific Gender-neutral

businessman / businesswoman business person

salesman / saleslady sales person / assistant

headmaster/ headmistress head teacher

he / she they

mankind humans

postman / postwoman postal worker

Stewards and stewardesses flight attendants

his / her their

police man / police woman police officer

Page 6: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

بسن الله الرحون الرحين المملكة الأردنية الهبشمية


GENERAL ENGLISH الكتاب الجذيذ/المستىي الزابع /الدورة الصيفية

هحذود(/)وثيقة هحوية DATE: Sunday 26th of June, 2016 TIME: 1 HOUR AND A HALF

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- للمتقدمين في الفزوع الأكبديمية. -2اجب عن اسئلة هذه الىرقة جميعهب. - 1 : ملحىظــبت (4(, وعدد الصفحبت: )5عدد الاسئلة: ) -3

Read the following study carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the questions that follow. Your answers should be based on the text. A few years ago, as many as 1,000 schools across the USA started making school years longer by adding up to ten extra days to the school year or by making each school day longer by half an hour. This was because it was found that secondary school students in the USA and the UK were spending the least time at school, with an average school year of 187 days. The typical Jordanian school year is longer than this. However, none of these are nearly as long as the school year in countries like Japan and South Korea. South Koreans attend school for 220 days per year, and in Japan, the school year numbers 243 days. According to a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), students in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea spend the most time studying in the world. They want to learn as much as they can to ensure excellent exam grades. They go to school for about nine hours, although this includes optional after-school tuition and activities. They also spend about three hours on homework every day, which is three times as much as many other countries. Their high academic achievements do suggest that the longer you study, the better you do in final exams. In Finland, however, students are usually given less than half an hour of homework per night, and they attend school for fewer and shorter days than 85% of other developed nations. Despite this, they achieve top marks in subjects like Maths and Science. In addition, most students also speak at least two, and often three, languages fluently. The contradictory views of the study suggest that the number and length of school days is not the only factor in determining whether students will succeed at school or not. Question Number one: (20 points) A. 1. The study states many things behind high academic achievements to students in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea. Write down two of these things. (4 points) 2. The writer mentions two subjects in the text, write down these two subjects. (2 points) 3. What does the underlined word “fluently” mean? (2 points) 4. Quote the sentence which shows that Jordanian students attend school for more than 187 days per year. (3 points) 5. What does the underlined pronoun ‘they’ refer to? (2 points) 6. Think of the underlined statement in the second paragraph and, in two sentences, write down your point of view. (2 points) 7. According to the Finland’s views of study, the number and the length of school days is not the only factor in determining whether students will succeed at school or not. Suggest three factors would result in better grades for most students. (3 points)


Page 7: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

PAGE TWO B. Literature Spot: (2 points) Read the following extract from Around the world in eighty days carefully, then answer the question that follows: ‘The Parsee perched himself on the elephant’s neck, and at nine o’clock they set out from the village, the animal marching off through the dense forest of palms by the shortest cut.’ Find two examples of literary devices. Question Number Two: (15 points) A. Choose the suitable item from those given in the box to complete each of the following sentences. There are more words than you need. Write the answers down in

your ANSWER BOOKLET. (8 points)

a sales pitch humans have as well as memorable picked up

1. He ……………………………..…..sign language while he was working with deaf people in Paris in the eighteenth century. 2. Don’t come away from………………………………………………wishing you had been better prepared. 3. Jordan also exported a lot of metals (16.8%) ………………….……….manufactured goods (11.2%). 4. For centuries,………………………………………………….preserved culture through storytelling. B. Study the following sentence and answer the question that follows. Write the answer in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (3 points) My friend has just got a work at our local bank. The underlined word in the above sentence isn’t used correctly. Replace it with the

correct one.

C. Complete the following sentences with the suitable words derived from the words in the brackets and write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (4 points)

1. The business meeting was long, but we finally reached an……………………………………. (agree)

2. My father often talks about what he did in his ………………………….......... (young)

3. The organisation is seeking to hire an ……………………………………… accountant. (experience)

4. Nobody likes Miss Linda for his …………………………………………….. personality. (dominate)


Page 8: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

PAGE THREE Question Number Three: (13 points) A. Correct the verbs between brackets then write your answers down in your ANSWER

BOOKLET. (4 points) 1. When you lack exercise, you………………………………..weak. (get) 2. At 11:30 PM, the examinations will be ……………………….…………….. by The students. (finish) B. Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it, and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (9 points)

1. My aunt regrets she didn’t go to school when she was young. She wishes…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. They claim that a difficult experience makes you stronger. It’s claimed………………………………………………………………………………..………………….. 3. Do I have to add some herbs to the soup? Would you mind telling me………………………………………………………………..……………. 4. Some authors think that reading books is more interesting than watching TV. Some authors think that watching TV isn't ……………………………………………………….

Question Number Four: (7 points) A. Read the following situations and complete the sentences with the first and third conditional, using the word in brackets. Write the answer down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (4 points)

1. I won’t enjoy the film if you aren’t with me. (Unless you)


2. We got lost last night because we forgot the GPS. (Wouldn’t)


B. Complete each of the following sentences by adding the correct question tag to the end of each of them. Write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET (3 points) 1- Everybody is ready to help the government, ……………………………………..?

2- He has made no mistake so far, ………………………………………………….?

3- The earth is bigger than the sun, …………………………………….? No, it isn't!

4- This pizza's delicious, ………………………………………………?

5- Do listen, ……………………………………………..?

6- She’s called many times, ………………………………………..?


Page 9: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت


Question Number Five: (15 points)

A. EDITING (4 points)

Imagine you are an editor in the Jordan Times. You are asked to edit the following lines that have four mistakes (one grammar mistake, two spelling mistakes and one punctuation mistake. Find out these four mistakes and correct them. Write the correct answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

It was a company that provides financial products – savings and pensions, mostly. At first, I just ‘shadowed’ different people, watching what they were doing. Then I did quite a lot of checking for them – you know, checking their calculations. When I went back in the summer, I was in the selas department. My job was to follow up web enquiries, and send out further information to possible clients. I enjoyed it, and I wouldn’t have had that opportunity, if I didn’t’ do the work expreience


B. GUIDED WRITING (4 points)

Read the information below, and write two sentences using the quantifiers that needed to compare with such as; more/less than, as…,etc.

face-to-face classes activities online classes activities

Open discussions Small group work Speeches Service learning projects— hands-on . . . Go into community

Discussion boards Group projects Essays uploaded to site Service learning projects— virtual . . . All individual

C. FREE WRITING: (7 points)

In your ANSWER BOOKLET, write a composition of about 120 words on ONE of the


1. Write a blog post for your friend’s website about his/her study at Jordanian universities. 2. You receive the news that your town council is cancelling a bus route that you, your family and friends use regularly. Write a letter to the town council to persuade them not to cancel it. Explain why this will have negative effects on the whole town. Think about business opportunities and local economies.


Page 10: نلعولا اعا شويه ئاس…لخص المادة م4... · ambition (n) حكمط simulate (v) ... put (my) back into it to put a lot of effort into something. دوتجت

م4/هلخص القواعذ

الىظيفة الشكل القبعدةQuantifiers to make comparisons.

(-er+…) more / less………. (-est…) the most / the least……. be*+as…………… v. +as…………………… as much معدود غير as / as many معدود as As much as / as often as

To compare adjectives. To compare adverbs. To compare quantity and number. Adverbially.

Indirect questions? Could you tell me ….…? Do you know….? Do you mind telling me ….? Could you explain….? Wh/if + S. + V. …?

To ask politely.

Impersonal passive S.+ say/think/prove………..+ that + o. + v. ( الطبيعية حالتها في الجملة) O. + Be*+ said/ thought/ claimed / believed + to + v1مجرد have+v3 أو It + Be* + V3 + that + o. + v.

A formal way of reporting thoughts, sayings, beliefs and opinions.

Question tags S. + ضمير الفاعل +فعل مساعد ,.……………………………فعل مساعد? + - مثبت منفيS. + v1(s)………………………………………, doesn’t/ don’t..? S. + v2)ed(………………………………….., didn’t..?

To check information. Shall I? more emphatic

حفظها يجب اسثنائية حالاتهنالك

Passive Voice (Active) .S. + V. + O معلوم (Passive) مجهول O. + Be* + V3…………… by+ s.

The subject of the sentence has something done to it, or is affected by the action of the verb.

Wishes (If only) - مثبت+ منفي


(V1) : I wish + S. + (didn’t+مجرد) / v2 أو was, were ماض (V2) : I wish + S. + )had+v3( / )hadn’t+v3( أو had been

Wishes about the present that are Impossible or unlikely to happen.

Regrets about the past. Zero Conditional First Conditional Third Conditional

If + s. + V1------, s. + V1-----. If + s. + V1----, s. + will+مجرد ---. If + s. + had+v3----, s. + would/could/might+have+v3 --. + , - - , + + , + - , - - , - + , +

Something always happens.

Future outcomes.

Imagine past situations.

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