Lesson plan two

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Transcript of Lesson plan two

Lesson Plan TwoAlumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi

Período de Práctica: 2, nivel Primario

Institución Educativa: E.P N°8 Manuel Belgrano

Dirección: Ushuaia 348, Punta Alta, Buenos Aires.

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 6°B (segundo ciclo)

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Reciclaje

Clase Nº: 2

Fecha: 16 de Septiembre de 2015

Hora: 11:00hs

Duración de la clase: 60 minutos.

Fecha de primera entrega: Viernes 11 de Septiembre de 2015.

Teaching points: questions in the simple present

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Recognize the meaning and importance of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)

Develop listening and reading skills while watching a video about “recycling”

Become aware of the importance of recycling at home and school.

Get the meaning of new words from context.

Language focus:

Lexis Function Structure PronunciationRevision Good morning!

Hello! How are you?Colours: red, yellow, blue, green.Sad, happy.

Follow simple commands: sit down, listen to me, please. Identify simple questions students know such as “How are you?”

Wh questions in the simple present such as “How are you?” I’m fine. “What is it?” It’s a___“What colour is it?” It’s (red)

Production of the /h/ sound through repetition as in Hello/ how.

New Recycle, reduce, reuse, Plastic, metal, glass, paper. Dirty, clean, world, take care, turn off, pull out plugs,

Answer questions about habits such as “Do you usually recycle at home?” “Does your family recycle?” How? Talking about recycling

Wh and yes/no questions in the simple present: “Do your parents recycle at home?” “Do your teachers recycle at school?” “How can we help the planet?”

Production of the /æ/ as in “plastic”.

Teaching approach: CLIL.

Integration of skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will be integrated in the lesson as students listen to the teacher and also when they watch and listen to a video from which they’ll have to answer questions and give their opinions orally. Besides, the teacher will encourage students to participate using the foreign language to express their ideas.

Materials and resources: Pictures, a notebook, a screen, a video, chalk and duster.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will watch and listen to a video about different ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. The teacher will take her notebook and connect it to a big screen that the school has in the library.

In case we can’t go to the library, I’ll play the video on my notebook more times and go around the classroom, so all students can watch it.

Seating arrangement: students will be sitting in a semicircle so that all of them can watch the video, and also the teacher has a better perspective of them, and in groups of three depending on the activities.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may get distracted or bored or may talk more than they are supposed to, so if they do not listen to the teacher, she’ll ask them to be quiet. If anyone continues interrupting the lesson, the teacher will ask him/her to stand up, go next to the teacher and help her someway.

Classroom management strategies: The teacher will make students be active participants during most part of the lesson, and take them to the library “to do something different” and watch a video to promote enjoyment while learning. Furthermore, she will provide students with different type of activities to cater for different learning styles.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students may have problems in understanding what the teacher is saying so the teacher will paraphrase, exemplify, mime or use the technique sandwich (as a last resource) for students to understand. Besides, students may resort to their mother tongue when trying to participate orally during the lesson. If that happens, the teacher will encourage choral repetition. Since some students are shy, they may have problems in repeating alone, so with the class, they may feel more relaxed.

Instances of collaborative work in class: students will collaborate with the teacher and with each other when helping their partners understand a direction, or when working in groups as they may not know much vocabulary and they’ll have to infer its meaning from context.

Assessment: The teacher will assess students’ performance when participating orally, as well as when doing their written task and their collaboration in class, as well as the way they behave during the lesson.


Routine: 10 minutes (taking into account that today we’re going to work in the library, so we have to go there that is in the first floor and students will take some minutes to sit down and get ready)

Purpose: To greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.

I’ll say “Hello everybody” SS: “Hello teacher”,

How are you today? Are you fine?”

SS: Yes! Fine!

T: Very good!

Transition: I’ll say “Ok students, today we’re going to do a different type of activity, ok? So please stand up and let’s go quietly!”

Warm up: 5 minutes

Purpose: to contextualize the topics and get into the lesson.

The teacher will stick two pictures on the board one of a happy and clean world, and other of a sad and dirty world, and brainstorm some ideas by saying “look students! What can you see here? Is this a happy world? (pointing to the cleanest one) SS: yes! Why/why not? (the teacher will help them by telling some ideas to help and guide them, such as “Is it green?”) And this one? (pointing to the other picture) SS: no! Why? Is it clean? SS: No! Is it dirty? SS: Yes! Do you think that people in this world recycle? SS: No! And in this one? SS: yes!! People recycle! (Meanwhile she will write clean, recycle, happy, reduce, reuse on the board).

Transition: Very good students!! Let’s continue!

Presentation: 10 minutes

Purpose: to introduce new structures and vocabulary.

T: Students, do you recycle at home? (miming) How can we recycle different types of materials? Is it a good idea to separate the rubbish into different rubbish bins? (miming) SS: Yes! T: very good! Now, look here I have some pictures, but I’ve mixed them and I don’t remember to which of these two worlds they belong to (pointing to the pictures on the board), can you help me classify them? SS: Yes! The pictures have to do with what people should do or should not do,(miming) “Do we help our world if we cycle to school? (showing students a picture) SS: Yes! T: so, where should I stick it? Under which world? SS: the happy world! T: and if we have a shower instead of a bath? (pointing to another, and so on) “What can you see here?” SS: rubbish bins! T: yes! Why are there different rubbish bins? Do you have different rubbish bins at home? SS: yes/no! “and what is happening here?” (pointing to another picture) is it better to have a bath or to have a shower? SS: a shower! T: yes! We waste too much water if we take a bath, right? Do you usually take a bath or a shower? SS: a bath/shower! And do you take your own bags when going to the supermarket? (pointing to a picture) (and we continue like this talking about each picture, until we stick all of them on the board). (the pictures are from “The teacher’s magazine”, and I’ll cut them and stick individually)

The poster is from “The teacher’s Magazine”.

Transition: Excellent job!

Activity 1: 15 minutes

Purpose: for students to recognize the vocabulary and structures they’ve worked with during the lesson, and develop listening skills.

T: Ok kids! What do you think this mean? (the teacher will write “going green” on the board, that is the title of the video and ask questions to make students relate green with recycling and world) Do you remember the 3Rs? (they study this with their science teacher) Which are the 3Rs? (the teacher will stick another picture on the board)

(The poster is from “The Teacher’s Magazine)

SS: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! T: yes, very good! And what is the difference between them? (the teacher will encourage students to say the difference and in case they participate in Spanish, she’ll give the equivalent in English. Besides, in case they don’t know the difference, she’ll ask some questions or guide them to guess it) For instance the teacher will say “What is reuse? (and she’ll make body movements and miming for students to guess) SS: to use again! T: yes! Use it again! Very good! And what is reduce? (and so on). Ok, now we’re going to watch a video that shows us how we should use appropriately these 3 Rs, ok? It will show us what we should do and what we shouldn’t (miming).

The link of the video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DJ45Yc3urg

Students will watch it once and then, the teacher will give them the lyrics of the song but with some blanks for them to complete, so the teacher will make them listen again but

without watching it. When they finish, they’ll watch the video twice to check what they’ve done. After that, the teacher will encourage them to tell what the video is about and what they think about it, if they liked it or not, why and If they think that in their city people behave as in the video. This will be done as an open and general discussion.

Transition: Excellent ideas!

Activity 2: 10 minutes

Purpose: to practice the vocabulary and structures presented and check comprehension.

T: Ok students, so how should we recycle at home? Now you’ll work in pairs. Here, (showing a sheet of paper) I have some elements namely, plastic, metal, glass, and paper but they are mixed. I’ll give you each a photocopy in which you’ll have to paint each rubbish bin as it says here (pointing to the photocopy) and then, you’ll cut each picture and stick each element under the correct rubbish bin, ok? Can you explain please what you have to do? (pointing to a student)

Ok, have you finished? SS: yes! T: so, what have you stuck under this rubbish bin? (pointing to the first one, and so on until we check all the elements orally). The teacher will ask each time students chose an element “What is this element made of? Is it made of metal? SS: yes, it’s metal! T: very good!

Transition: Excellent job students!

Activity 3: 9 minutes

Purpose: to practice new structures and vocabulary, and develop reading, writing and speaking skills.

Students will work in groups of three as in the previous task. The teacher will ask them to write down the main important aspects and pieces of advice the song suggests to “go green”. So, she will say “Ok children, now you’re going to work in groups of three. You’re going to read the lyrics of the song and write down the most important aspects, the main pices of advice it provides for “going green”, ok? For example (pointing to a specific part of the lyrics of the song) here it says “be careful how long you take a shower” (and I’ll write it on the board like this:

1) be careful how long you take a shower). And the teacher will explain that “this refers to saving water! Yes? To Save is not to waste!” (miming) so please, write one by one the main suggestions or pieces of advice of the song, ok? (she will ask a student to explain what they have to do). Then, we discuss as a class what they’ve done.

Transition: Excellent job children! You did it really well! Now take the advices home and tell your family what they should or shouldn’t do to help our world, yes?

Closure: 1 minute

T: Ok, the lesson has finished!

Goodbye everyone! See you next class!


(Activity 2)

The worksheet is from “The teacher’s Magazine”

(Activity 1)

We’re going GREEN

We're going GREEN, We're going GREENWe're gonna' take care of the Earth, We're going ________You can go ______ at your home or ________REDUCEREUSE

RECYCLE__________Be careful how long you take a _______, You don't need to stand there for 70 hours!Turn off the water when you're brushin' your teeth...and only use the necessary _____Turn off the lights when they're not in useThink how much ELECTRICITY you ________!Take quick drinks, Walk to _________REDUCING energy is really cool!Pull out plugs when you're not using them, Turn off the computer every now and then, Throw away litter, Pick up trash..and you'll save the Earth in a _______!We're going GREENWe're going GREENWe're gonna' take care of the _____We're going GREENYou can go GREEN at your home or schoolREDUCEREUSERECYCLEREUSEReuse stuff when you're OUT and ABOUT, If you can use it again, don't throw it out!REUSE ________REUSE bagsREUSE containersREUSE ragsDONATE toys so someone else can use 'em!, DONATE clothes, Don't just lose 'em!We're going GREENWe're going GREENWe're gonna' take care of the EarthWe're going GREENYou can go GREEN at your home or ________REDUCEREUSE________RECYCLEJust throwing away is not enough, ______ some things to make new stuff!Paper, Cans, Plastic, Glass, Cardboard, Games, CDs, and ______Light bulbs, cartridges, and batteries, Laptops, cell phones, and the newsLots of _______ you can chooseWe're going GREEN